#23.5 series
moonkhao · 2 months
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But can I get more time to prepare? Prepare what? It’s just a meal. I need to dress up to see your parents.
23.5 DEGREES | EP9
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khaopybara · 2 months
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❝Hey, Sun. What's wrong? You seem kind of mad.❞
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srnileforme · 2 months
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23.5 (2024) | EPISODE 7
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iguessitsjustme · 24 days
One of the issues with 23.5 is that the message they wanted to convey was extremely different from the message they showed.
I don’t know if anyone that follows me would even fall in this boat but I need to say this. Especially if you’re younger but you don’t have to be young for this.
If you are queer and in the closet, you are not wrong for hiding yourself or keeping secrets. If anyone is angry at you because you are not out or not ready to be out, that is their issue that they need to work on. But you are okay to stay in the closet for as long as you need to or would like to. It is your choice for when you’re ready and there is no world in which you are in the wrong for not being ready.
And no matter what the hell the show was trying to say at the end, having confidence in yourself (while great) is not the same as being ready and willing to disclose your queerness. You do what’s best for you on your timeline and just know that there are so, so many people that support you and whatever decision you make.
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colombinna · 1 month
this scene with the 2 couples in the park is great because it's just the two cool girls comparing their girlfriends who pulled them by being autistic
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heretherebedork · 3 months
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You cannot choose not to orbit the sun and so you must risk being burned when you get too close.
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ONGSA - 23.5
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Does this character keep their glasses?
Ongsa stops wearing her glasses in part 4 of episode 12. She mentions she has gained confidence though it is unclear if that is why she stops wearing glasses.
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themundanedumpling · 2 months
oh to be kabedoned by your little gf
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bubbipond · 24 days
I am gonna be very real about my feelings for 23.5... Some of y'all "critiques" are harsher on this gl than y'all have been for mediocre bls produced by the same company.
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galaxygeeksunite · 2 months
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Ongsa giving Sun her jacket cause she was cold 23.5 episode 8
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livsoulsecrets · 2 months
I might just be in love - AylinLuna fic (23.5)
What happens after EP4 ends and Luna follows Aylin after they leave the Astronomy Club?
Aylin mostly ignored Luna as she walked to the school’s cafeteria, appearing to tune out as Luna talked about their club’s success. Luna didn’t mind it too much, as she had grown used to Aylin’s quietness over the last few days.
Luna actually appreciated how Aylin didn’t feel the urge to fill any silence with empty words. She spoke when she had something to say, not when you wanted her to. It was the type of resolve Luna couldn’t help but admire.
“And I can’t wait to shove this into Ton’s face tomorrow!” She bragged, speeding up her pace to catch up with Aylin. “He really thought I couldn’t compete with his-”
“Why are you here, human senior?” Aylin interrupted. She stopped walking so abruptly Luna barely avoided colliding into her.
“Because we are going to get water,” Luna replied, narrowing her eyes.
“I was going to get water,” Aylin corrected her, staring ahead instead of facing Luna. “You just started following me around. Why?”
“I wasn’t following you!” She protested, crossing her arms. Aylin turned to her and tilted her head in a silent protest. “Fine, I was following you, but not in a weird way. I just wanted to keep you company.”
“And who says I want any company?”
That stunned Luna into silence. As Aylin’s blank expression stared back at her, she tried to come up with an answer.
In the end, she settled for asking, “Well, what do you want to do, then?”
Aylin furrowed her brow in confusion, and Luna truly didn’t understand what was so surprising about her question.
“I don’t think anyone ever asked me that before,” Aylin mumbled, her hands twisting the ends of her hat.
Speechless, Luna observed the movements of her fingers against the fabric, unsure of what to say to that.
For some reason, she kept stumbling into Aylin’s moments of vulnerability. The rooftop where she finally got Aylin to hear her out, her breakdown in the school court when she accepted Luna as a friend, or even now, when she confessed something so heartbreaking with such nonchalance.
“They should have,” Luna managed to say.
Aylin was honest in the way only someone who was free could be. Luna had admired that about her since the day they met, but she only now realized freedom had made her lonely too.
“I want to not talk to any other human being for the rest of the day,” Aylin replied. “I want to finish getting the club in order and stay in my room all night so I can finally rest.”
Luna nodded immediately, guilt overtaking her. She had imposed herself on Aylin because she had missed the girl after a day spent apart, focusing on tending to the other students, so much so that she hadn’t even bothered to think about what Aylin needed.
“Okay, we can do that. I’ll help clean up the club so you can be home soon. I’ll shut up and stop bothering you, I swear!”
Luna zipped her mouth, stepping back already to give Luna some room.
She was about to apologize when Aylin cut her off anxiously. “You don’t have to leave.”
Luna narrowed her eyes at her and echoed Aylin’s own words, “I thought you didn’t want to talk to any humans anymore.”
“I don’t.” Aylin nervously bounced on the balls of her feet, avoiding Luna’s eyes. “But I don’t mind you talking. You don’t expect me to answer, so it doesn’t bother me.”
Luna watched Aylin in awe. Her heart did something weird inside her chest, swirling around as if it were clearing space for this new feeling of joy she had never experienced before.
She grinned. “Alright, then. I guess I won’t shut up, after all.”
Aylin sighed, “You never do, human senior.”
She turned on her heels and continued walking, but not before Luna caught sight of the weirdest expression on her face.
Aylin was smiling.
Not the broad, shinny grin Luna flashed everyone when she announced the Astronomy Club’s return, or the charming smirk she threw around when she needed a favor.
No, Aylin’s smile was shy and discreet, almost imperceptible. A lot like her.
She knew people called her Alien because she was singular and easily spotted, but just as easily ignored.
Not to Luna, though. If Luna was the moon, then Aylin was a shooting star. Something you needed to watch closely, or you’d miss it. A passing chance at a wish that could turn things around.
Luna watched, and she wished.
Keep smiling at me like that, she hoped, and at no one else.
“Are you coming?” Aylin’s voice called out, surpassing the whirlwind of realizations inside Luna’s heart.
“Yes, I am!” She hurried to reply. What she didn’t say was that there weren’t a lot of places Aylin could go to that Luna wouldn’t follow — it was far too son for that.
Aylin waited for her to catch up before buying them both water, and she remained quiet as Luna chatted for the both of them all the way back to the Astronomy Club.
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moonkhao · 1 month
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When did you wake up? When you called my name. You poked my cheek. Then why did you pretend to be asleep when you’re already awake? I wanted to know what you were going to do. Do you know it now? Continue studying and stop being nonsense. I’m not being nonsense.
23.5 DEGREES | EP11
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khaopybara · 2 months
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Is there anything you want me to do?
or, three times Sun stopped Ongsa from doing what she wanted her to do.
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srnileforme · 2 months
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DANGEROUS ROMANCE (2023) | EPISODE 7 23.5 (2024) | EPISODE 7
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iguessitsjustme · 1 month
No because Sun does not understand what "no" means.
Ongsa said that she didn't want to do the scholarship program with her and Sun took it the worst possible way:
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Then Ongsa was upset that Sun just outed not just their relationship but also that she is not straight to her parents, Sun was immediately defensive and made it about her:
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But let's also look at not their literally just started relationship.
Sun decided that Aylin gets hugged because "that's what friends do" even though it's very clearly not what Aylin does.
When Ongsa was still "Earth" and Sun asked Earth to meet up she always said it was fine if he couldn't but would become bitter when Earth never showed up.
Sun is so lost in her own self that she should not be in any relationship. She needs to learn to be a partner and listen when her partner expresses a concern or a hurt. Sun doesn't get to decide that someone's reaction to her actions are more painful and worse. She doesn't get to unilaterally decide things about her relationships with people and be upset when people disagree. She loves Ongsa but she sure doesn't like her enough to actually learn anything about her. Like...oh I don't know...how comfortable Ongsa is with being out. Or anything about her relationship with her parents.
It is okay to be ready for different things at different times. It is not okay to decide someone else's readiness for them and be upset when they're not actually there yet.
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heretherebedork · 3 months
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Just for the record, Aylin is my favorite character ever and I adore her and would like to protect her forever. This is also how I would like to answer the phone.
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