#th: 23 point 5
khaopybara · 5 months
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❝Hey, Sun. What's wrong? You seem kind of mad.❞
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wileys-russo · 1 month
maternal instinct (5) II a.russo
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maternal instinct (5) II a.russo
"-and then finish it with a fist bump." you returned to catch the last few words of gio's sentence, sending him a smile where bella was perched happily on his lap.
"uncle gio taught me a secret handshake." bella grinned as the boy sent you a wink and tickled the five year old who laughed and fought to pull his hands off.
you'd all spent the morning at bella's own game where her team had won 4-0 and your daughter even managed to earn herself player of the match, which of course meant mcdonalds afterwards as a reward.
alessia had needed to leave before the final whistle so she'd get to her own game in time, but you made sure to film everything she missed which you had no doubt bella would make her watch at least five times later on.
alessia's brother gio and dad mario had come to bella's game as well, which the girl made sure to tell her entire team meant they needed to play well as you buried your face in your hands out of embarrassment and alessia merely laughed in amusement as you blamed her for your daughters competitive drive.
"future captain of england in the making." alessia teased as you sent her a playful glare and smacked her knee, sipping at the iced coffee in your hand as you all cheered when bella's team lined up for kick off.
hours later now the four of you were seated together at alessia's game, arsenal with a saturday afternoon fixture for once and the weather actually quite sunny meant it was a warm one.
"here babe." you sat back down in your own seat and handed bella a drink, watching in amusement as she sipped and pulled a face. "this is water!" bellas jaw dropped in disbelief, alessia's dad chuckling beside you.
"yeah it is, because you need to stay hydrated." you laughed, pulling her cap down over her face as she huffed and moved off gio's lap, slumping down in her own seat with a frown.
"drink please." you warned, nudging her as the girl sighed dramatically but popped the straw back in her mouth, sipping for awhile and handing it back to you as you carefully put it on the ground beneath your feet.
"stop pulling faces." you chuckled at her scowl, tugging her cap back down over her face again as she huffed and smacked your hand away, pushing it back up so she could see, body covered in an arsenal home jersey with russo 23 proudly on the back, matching the ones which both you and gio also sported.
"you know bella if the wind changes and you're making a nasty face, it gets stuck like that...forever." gio warned as the five year old looked up with wide eyes, her gaze turning to you next for confirmation as you nodded your agreement.
"look bella, lessi drinks her water!" mario pointed out where both teams had quickly huddled for a drink break and a brief discussion as one of the girls from the other team was being assessed for injury in the middle of the pitch.
"yeah see, she needs water so she can keep running and running and running." you grabbed your daughter and helped her to stand on your knees as bella hummed.
"mama is pretty fast." bella nodded in agreement as alessia looked upward, clearly searching for all of you in the family and friends section, bella waving like a madwoman as your girlfriend spotted her and grinned.
you smiled softly as bella stuck her arms out, making engine noises with her mouth as alessia laughed and mirrored her movements, sending bella a thumbs up and you a wink as the whistle was called to resume play.
"mama's gonna do it! she's gonna score!" bella gasped with delight a short while later, her water completely gone now as gio had challenged her to a chugging contest earlier which you were surprised hadn't resulted in either of them becoming completely drenched.
how comfortable bella had become around alessia and how easily she'd adapted to calling her mama over the last six or so months had warmed your heart, and sure enough your girlfriend found a gap and she was off in a flash of blonde and red, peeling down the sideline with the ball at her feet.
flicking it seamlessly across to beth her shot was blocked but it meant the rebound landed right back at your girlfriends feet, alessia not wasting a second booting it with all her might and you watched with baited breath as it sailed through the air and swooshed right in the top corner of the goal.
a mighty cheer echoed around the stadium as everyone leapt to their feet in celebration, alessia's arms shooting out as she raced around like a plane sending your daughter into a fit of happy giggles.
"air russo! air russo! air russo!" bella chanted, gio joining in as they both jumped up and down clapping and you grabbed your phone to take a quick video to show your girlfriend later on.
alessia's goal put the gunners in front 2-1, then in a matter of minutes which felt like hours with the ongoing offensive attempts from the opposition, the full time whistle finally sounded and you exhaled in relief.
"and to think, you were once a liverpool fan." marios arm wound around your shoulders with a tut as you shook your head, the team in question being who arsenal had just beaten.
"is there anyone she's not told that to? i was a child i didn't know any better!" you sighed, smiling curling into your features as bella and gio jumped around celebrating. "well some children know better." mario teased as you elbowed him softly.
"aren't you a man united fan?" you quipped back as he whistled and held his hands up in surrender, unable to argue the fact.
"can we go see mama now?" bella asked impatiently awhile later as you'd had to practically hold her back while alessia made her way around the pitch signing things, wanting to give the blonde some time and space to do so without bella attached to her leg.
"yeah babe we can go and see mama now." you smiled, taking her hand and leading her down toward the barrier, catching alessia's eye who held up a finger and turned away, smiling for a photo with a fan before making an apology to the small crowd still waiting.
you showed your pass to security who let you through the barrier gate, joining a few of the other girls and their families who were gathered on the pitch.
spotting alessia bella wasted no time tugging her hand from yours and sprinting off, meeting her halfway as your girlfriend scooped her up. "well hello mutant." alessia grinned, hoisting the girl up on her hip and arriving in front of you.
"hi big foot!" bella grinned back, poking alessia's nose who gasped and blew a raspberry on your daughters cheek making her squeal. "you're all sweaty!" bella whined as alessia hugged her, purposefully rubbing her cheek against bellas shoulder and putting her down as the girl started to wiggle.
"you can go say hello bell." you chuckled catching bella waving through the strikers legs to a few of alessia's teammates she'd come to know quite well.
"but no being cheeky!" alessia called after her in a playful warning as she took off, sending you both a thumps up and almost tripping over as lotte hurried to catch her.
"you know less i think she might be catching your clumsy." you hummed with a disapproving shake of your head, smile on your lips as your girlfriend rolled her eyes playfully and drew you in for a hug.
"she's right you are sweaty." you mumbled feeling the taller girls body vibrate with quiet laughter. "mm but you love it." alessia teased, kissing your cheek as the two of you broke apart.
"your dad and gio send their love, they had to race out to beat traffic to get your mum from the airport." you explained as the blonde nodded, advising she'd call them later anyway as her fingers intertwined with yours.
"the girls are going out afterwards, dinner and drinks." alessia started and you could already tell by the adorably nervous look on her face where this was going. "then you're going too, match winner." you assured before she could say another word.
"but bella-" "will understand."
"you could both come, a few of the others are bringing partners anyway!" alessia perked up hopefully as you sent her a smile. "a five year old at a bar with a bunch of drunk footballers?" you chuckled as the girl deflated a little with a nod of understanding.
"i'll tell them i'm not going." "less, you're going." "but-"
"no, you're going. baby i love you very much and so does bella, but we get to have you all the time. we know we have to share every now and then!" you smiled reassuringly as alessia sighed, slumping her taller body into you for another hug, hands settling on your hips as yours wound around her neck.
"you have tomorrow off yeah? we can all spend the day together then, tonight you need to be with the girls and celebrate the win." you gently scratched at the base of her neck with your nails like you know she liked, squirming a little as she puffed out air into your neck with a nod.
"part of being a parent is compromise. bella might seem a bit upset that you're not going to be home tonight, but she'll forget about it in like an hour you know what she's like." you chuckled as alessia nodded again and stood up straight, pecking your lips quickly in a silent thank you.
“a family day…i can’t believe i have a family.” alessia whispered to herself with a shake of her head in slight disbelief. “well unless you’re some weird sort of alien then i’m pretty sure you’ve always had a family?” you teased as her big blue eyes flickered to you and her lips curved into a smirk.
“cheeky girl.”
"can we make pizzas for dinner? please!" a tiny bundle of red barreled into both of your legs. with one arm slung around your knee and one around alessia's bella wiggled her way in between the pair of you with hopeful eyes.
"listen mutant-" alessia started, crouching down to be at eye level with the five year old as you sent leah a wave who gave you a smile a few feet away.
"i'm gonna go out for dinner with the team tonight and you're gonna head home with mummy. but i'll be there when you wake up!" alessia assured as bella's smile faded. "do you have to?" bella asked with a disappointed frown, alessia looking up at you as you nodded encouragingly.
"yeah i do. but hey tomorrow how about we have a bella day? we can all hang out all day, just the three of us. do whatever you want!" alessia offered, using her thumb to shift bellas pout away as the five year old hesitated for a moment.
"can we go get breakfast? and ice cream? and flowers? and kick the ball in the park? you said you would teach me the back heel!" bella burst out in one very fast sentence, clasping her hands together with puppy dog eyes as alessia let out a laugh.
"yeah we can do all of that, and then make pizza for dinner. i promise!"
"do you promise to come kiss me goodnight when you get home? even if im asleep?" bella asked hopefully as you melted, running a hand through her hair fondly as alessias own face softened and she nodded.
"yeah bells, i promise."
you looked over at your phone as it vibrated, startled a little by the sudden message this time of night as you grabbed it and frowned.
iMessage from; leah at 11:23pm incoming.
"incoming?" you mumbled with a frown of confusion, jumping again as there were a few loud sharp knocks on the door, kicking off the blanket and hurrying over as they sounded again.
glancing out the peephole you relaxed once you saw who it was, unlocking the door and pulling it open as alessia practically fell inside and you grabbed her arm to steady her.
"jesus less." you shook your head as she straightened up with a big dopey grin, clearly far from sober as you closed and relocked the front door.
"baby theres one thing you have to know!" alessia slurred slightly, poking your nose as you smiled and raised an eyebrow curiously.
"this was not my fault."
"oh is that so?" you smiled, her hands finding home on your hips as she leaned into you and nodded.
"scouts honour!" she held up two fingers making you laugh. "you're an idiot. you know that?" you smiled pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.
"and you're beautiful. so, so, so, so, so, so so so beautiful!" alessia grinned a big dopey smile, squeezing your hips and leaning in for a kiss which you turned your head and had it land on your cheek.
"did you just pie me!" the blonde gasped as you smacked a hand over her mouth and glanced toward the living room door which remained closed. "kiss me properly!" alessia yanked your hand away and scowled.
"less bella is asleep!" you shushed her in warning as the girl merely scoffed and pulled a face. "kiss me. right now!" the blonde demanded, crossing her arms and you couldn't help but smile as she swayed to and fro slightly.
"your mouth smells like a bar cart. clean your teeth and then i'll kiss you!" you flicked her nose and turned to sit back down on the lounge to finish the movie you'd paused. "alessia!" you squealed as suddenly a body tackled into you sending you flying over the arm rest and smacking down on the sofa.
"kiss me!" alessia yelled as you smacked a hand over her mouth, eyes darting toward the living room door and holding your breath, exhaling tiredly as suddenly it swung open and a small body appeared, teddy in hand.
"you woke her up dickhead!" you whispered with a scowl, smacking your girlfriends shoulder who gasped and rolled off of you, promptly dropping to the floor. "mama?" bella yawned, wandering over as alessia groaned and rubbed her tailbone.
"daughter!" alessia sung out happily, taking bella off guard as she grabbed her and engulfed her in a bear hug, laying the two of them down on the floor and repeatedly kissing her head.
"my daughter. can i say that? oh im saying it anyway! isabella i love you so much." alessia cried out as you sighed and bella gave you a strange look, wiggling her way out of the strikers grip.
"is mama okay?" she directed the question to you as alessia was busy listing off everything she loved about both you and bella, still laid down on the floor with her arms over her face.
"mama is fine, she just had a special drink at dinner which makes her act a bit silly." you explained, taking your daughters hand and starting to lead her back toward her bedroom. "oh shes drunk!" bella realised with a nod as you gave her an incredulous look.
"who taught you that word?" "grandma!" "of course she did."
"hey she promised she'd kiss me goodnight!" bella reminded, hovering in the living room door, alessia still preoccupied with her drunk emotional rambling as you sighed.
"mama will come kiss you goodnight when we go to bed." you gently promised bella, tugging on her hand and sighing in relief when she made no move to argue, allowing you to tuck her back into bed without another word, eyes already fluttering closed as you smoothed her hair away and kissed her forehead.
"i love you to the moon and back mummy, big foot too." bella mumbled tiredly as you backed up toward the door. "we love you just as much babe, maybe even a little more." you promised, bella now dead asleep again making you chuckle and gently pull her door closed.
you frowned as you returned to the living room and your girlfriend was not where you'd left her, a crash in the kitchen having you hurry in that direction.
"when did you change?" you asked in disbelief, her dress gone and now replaced with a large baggy t-shirt covering her body instead. "i put clothes on fast. take em off even faster!" the blonde winked which ended up as a blink as you covered up your laugh with your hand.
"what are you doing now?" you sighed as she rummaged around in the fridge, grabbing out an odd variety of ingredients. "makin food. m'hungry!" alessia mumbled out, mouth full of ham as you grimaced and pulled yourself up to sit on the counter.
"go watch your movie babe, i got this!" alessia snapped her fingers confidently, stumbling slightly and knocking the chopping board down to the floor with a clatter that had your head whipping around to check bella was still asleep.
"i think you need some supervision, and no knives or stove!" you warned the older girl who grumbled something under her breath, grunting as she bent down to grab the chopping board.
"whose the chef here missy?" alessia wagged her finger at you as you shook your head with a smile. "whose the sober one here missy?" you mocked back in the same tone, watching as she returned several items to the fridge and seemed to settle for a ham and cheese sandwich.
"i wanted pasta." the blonde grumbled with a huff. "theres leftover pasta in the fridge!" you laughed quietly as her head snapped around to look at you in disbelief.
with a roll of your eyes you hopped down, returning the ham and cheese to the fridge and feeling your girlfriend hug you from behind, slouching over as her cheek pressed against your shoulder and you pulled out the tupperware of leftovers.
"whose the chef now?" you grinned as she let go of you and took the container from your hand, surging forward to press her lips against yours and nearly sending you toppling backwards into the fridge.
"alessia!" "love you, so so much." "eat your pasta you freak." with a chuckle you pulled yourself back up onto the counter again as she stumbled her way over to the microwave, not bothered with a bowl and putting the entire container in to heat up.
"hello gorgeous." the striker mumbled, hugging your torso as she slumped over again and rested her head against your stomach. "hi baby." you smiled, twisting your fingers through her hair and scratching at her scalp.
"so what happened to 'i'll just have a drink or two' hm?" you hummed, feeling her hand slip up the back of your top and trace circles on your lower back.
"i did! then i had a third, and a fourth, and a fifth, and then i lost count." your girlfriend slurred voice muffled as her face was still pressed into your stomach making you chuckle.
"didn't you say you get dreadful hangovers?" you questioned in amusement as her pasta beeped and she pulled herself back. "no! me? never." alessia grinned, reaching up to pinch your cheek and stumble over to the microwave.
"mmm good, because we have a long day of activities and you know bella isn't one for a sleep in!" you tutted and if alessia heard you she made no move to respond, sighing happily as she shoveled a mouthful of pasta into her mouth and quickly spat it back it out.
"urgh less!" "too hot!" "thats disgusting." "no its actually pretty good, want some?" "do i want some pasta that you just spat back out of your mouth? no thanks love." "hey i've put plenty of things in my mouth that you don't mi-" "alessia!"
the blonde giving you a cheeky grin you left her to it, going to check on bella before the pair of you headed off to bed yourselves, knowing occasionally your daughter had a habit of sleep walking which meant she'd end up asleep curled up in her wardrobe.
thankfully she was still sleeping soundly in bed when you poked your head in, one leg kicked out of the side of her blankets making you smile, a habit she'd picked up from her dad who told her from a young age it was the only way to sleep at the 'perfect temperature'.
closing her door again you noticed the lights behind you were off and you assumed your girlfriend had taken herself off to bed which is where you headed next.
"oh my god." you covered your mouth in disbelief at the sight before you, alessia passed out on top of the covers, one hand gripping the half eaten container of pasta and the other around a water bottle, mouth just ajar as her chest rose and fell.
with a snicker you shook your head and confiscated the pasta, hurrying off to the kitchen and dumping the remains into the bin, leaving the container in the sink to be dealt with tomorrow.
returning to the bedroom you carefully tugged the water bottle from the blondes hand, placing it down on her bedside table. "lessi." you whispered, shaking her gently as she hummed and rolled onto her side.
"babe, you've still got your makeup on." you poked her back as she mumbled something incoherent and sighed. knowing she'd wake up already feeling horrid you headed for the bathroom, grabbing a pack of makeup wipes and returning.
"less, come on love." you chuckled, gently rolling her over onto her back and sitting on the edge of the bed as one of her eyes cracked open and she muttered something that was not english.
you only hummed in agreement, carefully wiping off her makeup as she continued to mumble, not a single word of it making sense as your smile grew in amusement.
"kiss." the blonde managed out as her other eye opened and she blinked sleepily, fisting your shirt and tugging you downward as you indulged her with a few sweet pecks to her lips and pryed her fingers off, returning the wipes to the bathroom.
with a struggle you managed to get the taller girl to wiggle and shift herself so the pair of you could at least be half under the covers.
a few seconds of peace passing in the dark your eyes closed tiredly before there was a grunt and your girlfriend suddenly rolled over to practically lay herself on top of you, face burying in your neck as your hands slipped up her top and scratched her back.
"you're lucky i love you russo."
"good morning!" your eyes fluttered awake at the thump of your door opening, footsteps sounding before a little blonde head popped up at the end of the bed with bedhair and a grin, pulling herself up.
"morning babe." you smiled, alessia still dead to the world next to you, laying on her stomach now as bella thumped herself down on top of you, hugging you tightly as you attempted to smooth out her wild mess of hair.
"is big foot dead?" the five year old frowned, poking at the strikers back beside you who only grunted. "no she's just sleeping, i think you should wake her up. the special way!" you encouraged with a grin, settling yourself back into bed as bella's face lit up happily.
"really?" "really. its a bella day today right?" "right!"
with that she jumped off the bed as you winced but she seemed fine, disapearing out of the room on the hunt for what she needed.
"lessi baby." you started softly, laying back down and slotting your body into hers, softly kissing her neck, not even a flinch.
"time to wake up love, we have plans to get ready for." you cooed in her ear, placing a few loving kisses to shoulder as your hand moved to rub slowly up and down her back. "don't care." was all you received in response alongside a troubled sigh.
"yeah you do baby. i really really think its in your best interest if you get up now!" you spoke gently, hand moving to rest on her hip now as you again shook her body.
"no." alessia huffed grumpily, rolling to face away from you. "alright, well can't say i didn't warn you." you sighed in defeat as you heard bellas footsteps making their way back toward your room.
your smile widened seeing what she had in her hands and you shuffled across a little to give her more room as she climbed back onto the bed.
your hand shot out to steady bella who stood to her feet and nearly fell backward before she found her balance, and then she pounced.
"wake up! wake up! wake up! wake up! its moooorning!" bella sung out at the top of her lungs, jumping up and down on top of alessia who moaned, arm slithering out of the covers to try and push her off.
"no come on!" your girlfriend groaned as bella smacked the wooden spoon against the pot in her hand, causing even you to wince as a deafening noise filled the bedroom and alessia grabbed her pillow, shoving her head underneath it in an attempt to block it out.
"happy sundayyyy! happy sundayyyy! happy sundayyyy!" bella continued to sing and jump, banging her spoon against the pot as you chuckled and rolled onto your back to stretch out.
"please make it stop." your girlfriend begged quietly beside you, her attempts to throw bella off useless as the five year old plopped herself to sit down on alessia's back, still singing and bashing her pot as she bounced up and down.
"afraid i can't, its a bella day so she chooses when she stops." your hand slipped under the pillow to honk the footballers nose as she smacked you but missed, hand thumping against the mattress while you sat up and slipped out of bed.
"pancakes?" "pancakes!" bella cheered in agreement, clearly happy to forgo her original plan of the three of you going out for breakfast.
despite her self inflicted pain you did feel a bit sorry for your girlfriend and you knew rushing her out the door to a cafe would only worsen her mood and impending hangover.
"big foot get up! big foot get up! big foot get up!" bella chanted, now back to jumping up and down on the bed and still smashing her pot and spoon as you chuckled and left the pair of them behind.
"bella, babe please just give me five more minutes of sleep, come and have a cuddle?" "no! get up lazy, i'm in charge today!"
"mummy come run with us!" bella called out, practically hopping up and down on the balls of her feet as her and alessia stopped their training for a water break.
"i'm horizontal running." you called back, laid down on a picnic blanket in the park, sunglasses covering your face which was bathed with the warm glow of the early afternoon sun.
"that is not a thing!" alessia laughed, a squeal leaving your mouth as she squirted her water bottle at you and you winced at the cold droplets which rained down onto your sunkisses skin.
"i'll leave the running to you footballers." you dismissed with a wave as your girlfriend shook her head with an amused smile.
"less!" you squealed again, pushing yourself up onto your elbows and dropping your sunglasses down to glare at her as more water was sprayed in your direction.
"hey that one wasn't me." the blonde pointed accusingly at bella beside her who gasped and pushed at her leg. "was too! mummy shes lying." bella protested, stomping her foot and glaring up at alessia who pulled a face, spraying her bottle at the five year old instead.
"oh look mutant its raining!" the blonde gasped, sprinting off with a grin as bella chased after her, own bottle in hand and trying to get her back as the pair of them raced around the park spraying one another.
with a chuckle you adjusted alessia's shirt which was tucked under your head as a makeshift pillow, both her and bella in sports bras and shorts as they chased one another for awhile before eventually returning to actual training.
"then you flick it back and...cele!" you watched with a smile as both alessia and bella sprinted around in circles, arms shot out straight like planes, bella having been begging your girlfriend to teach her a back heel ever since she'd watched a few of alessias matches back.
"you forgot to show her the part where you miss the easy goal first!" you called out teasingly, alessia scowling at you playfully before her attention was captured by bella again and you closed your eyes.
however your lack of watching had meant you'd missed alessia call over your daughter and whisper something in her ear, the two of them growing bored of football and advancing slowly toward you.
"get her!" your eyes shot open at that as you pushed the sunglasses up onto your head just in time to see bella jump on top of you, alessia following suit.
"no! no no no please." you begged as both girls fingers jabbed into your sides, your body thrashing as alessia held you down with a grin, your laughter filling the air as bellas own little giggles joined in.
"mission completed mutant!" alessia high fived the younger girl as the two of them finally ceased their attack, bella running off to kick the ball again as you struggled to catch your breath.
"stop using her to gang up on me russo!" you kicked her as you panted, sides aching from laughing so hard.
"never gets old." alessia grinned cheekily, hovering over you and sweetly pecking your lips a few times as you shook your head and flipped her off, still trying to recover.
"stop kissing her and come play football!" bella groaned, hands on hips with a frown as alessia glanced at her over her shoulder. "you've been told." you clicked your tongue, alessia sloppily kissing your cheek before pushing herself back up.
"hey bell do you wanna learn how to do a front flip throw in?" "alessia shes five!" "joking! only joking!"
"thank you." alessia smiled as she tapped her card to pay, your hands full with your own and bellas ice creams as your girlfriend took hers and followed you outside where your daughter was sat at a table waiting.
"mummy!" she gasped in disbelief as you took a bite before handing the cup of soft serve to her. "what? parent tax!" you shrugged as bella huffed, cradling her ice cream protectively with a mean glare.
"less!" you gasped next as your girlfriend leaned over and took a bite from yours, causing bella to giggle and give her a high five. "what? girlfriend tax!" the blonde smiled smugly, licking her own ice cream as you shook your head.
"bella!" alessia laughed as the girl grabbed her wrist, pulling her hand downward so the five year old could sneak a bite of her ice cream. "what? kid tax!" the girl grinned clearly pleased with herself.
"oh kid tax is it? little monster." alessia pushed a finger through her ice cream and swiped it onto bellas nose who squealed. "what are we putting on our pizzas?" your daughter asked once you'd wiped her nose clean.
"bella we're eating ice cream and you're already thinking about dinner?" "not me! my tummy monsters hungry, and he wants pepperoni on his pizza."
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olrastrology · 23 days
Scorpio 🦂
Scorpio, the eighth sign of the zodiac, is represented by the Scorpion and ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation and power, with Mars as its traditional ruler. Those born between October 23 and November 21 are known for their intensity, depth, and determination. Scorpios are often regarded as the most mysterious and magnetic of all the zodiac signs. Here’s a detailed look at the Scorpio personality:
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1. Intense and Passionate
Emotional Depth: Scorpios are known for their emotional intensity. They feel things deeply and are often guided by their emotions, which can be both their greatest strength and their biggest challenge. This intensity extends to all areas of their lives, from relationships to work to personal goals.
Passion for Life: Scorpios are passionate individuals who throw themselves fully into whatever they do. Whether it’s a romantic relationship, a career, or a personal interest, they pursue their passions with a single-minded focus and determination.
2. Determined and Ambitious
Relentless Drive: Once a Scorpio sets their sights on a goal, they are relentless in their pursuit. They have a strong willpower and determination that allows them to overcome obstacles and challenges that might deter others. This makes them highly ambitious and often successful in achieving their goals.
Strategic Thinkers: Scorpios are not just determined; they are also highly strategic. They are skilled at planning and often think several steps ahead, considering all possible outcomes before making a move. This makes them excellent at navigating complex situations and achieving long-term success.
3. Mysterious and Secretive
Private Individuals: Scorpios are naturally secretive and often keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves. They value their privacy and may be reluctant to open up to others, especially if they do not fully trust them. This can make them appear mysterious or enigmatic to those around them.
Guarded: Trust is a significant issue for Scorpios. They are careful about who they let into their inner circle and may take a long time to fully open up to someone. Once they trust someone, they are fiercely loyal, but if that trust is broken, they can become deeply hurt and may seek revenge.
4. Loyal and Protective
Fierce Loyalty: Scorpios are incredibly loyal to those they care about. They form deep, intense bonds with their loved ones and will go to great lengths to protect and support them. Their loyalty is unwavering, and they expect the same in return from those they trust.
Protective Nature: Scorpios have a strong protective instinct, especially when it comes to their loved ones. They are willing to defend those they care about and can be fiercely protective, sometimes to the point of being possessive.
5. Transformative and Resilient
Embracing Change: Scorpios are often associated with transformation and rebirth. They are not afraid of change and may even seek it out as a way to grow and evolve. This ability to embrace change makes them incredibly resilient, as they can adapt to new situations and emerge stronger from challenges.
Inner Strength: Scorpios possess an inner strength that allows them to face adversity with courage and determination. They are survivors who can overcome even the most difficult of circumstances, often emerging from their struggles with a renewed sense of purpose and direction.
6. Magnetic and Charismatic
Magnetic Personality: Scorpios have a natural magnetism that draws people to them. They exude a sense of mystery and allure that makes them fascinating to others. This magnetic quality often makes them stand out in a crowd and attracts people to their intensity and passion.
Charisma: Their charisma comes from their confidence and self-assuredness. Scorpios know who they are and what they want, and this certainty often inspires admiration and respect from those around them.
7. Complex and Contradictory
Layered Personality: Scorpios are complex individuals with many layers to their personality. They can be intense and passionate one moment, and calm and composed the next. This complexity can make them difficult to understand, as they often keep their true thoughts and feelings hidden beneath the surface.
Contradictions: Scorpios can be full of contradictions. They are both fiercely independent and deeply loyal, secretive and open, vengeful and forgiving. These contradictions are part of what makes Scorpios so intriguing and difficult to categorize.
8. Vengeful and Unforgiving
Holding Grudges: Scorpios have a long memory, and they do not easily forget wrongs done to them. If they feel betrayed or wronged, they can hold a grudge for a long time and may seek revenge. This vengeful side of their personality can make them formidable opponents.
Unforgiving: While Scorpios can be deeply loyal and loving, they can also be unforgiving if they feel that their trust has been betrayed. It can be difficult for them to let go of past hurts, and they may struggle to forgive those who have wronged them.
9. Resourceful and Independent
Self-Reliant: Scorpios are highly independent and prefer to rely on themselves rather than others. They are resourceful and capable of handling challenges on their own, often finding creative solutions to problems.
Strong-Willed: Their independence is matched by their strong will. Scorpios are not easily swayed by others and are determined to follow their own path, regardless of what others think or say.
In Summary
Scorpios are intense, passionate, and determined individuals with a magnetic presence and a complex personality. They are driven by deep emotions and a strong sense of purpose, often pursuing their goals with relentless focus and determination. While they can be secretive and guarded, they are fiercely loyal and protective of those they care about. Scorpios have a natural resilience and an ability to embrace change, making them powerful forces of transformation in their own lives and the lives of others. However, their intensity and vengeful nature can sometimes lead to challenges in relationships, as they may struggle to forgive and forget. Overall, Scorpios are enigmatic and powerful individuals who leave a lasting impression on those they encounter.
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sean-gaffney · 7 days
What's Left of the Looney Tunes?
So you’re a Looney Tunes fan, and you’re waiting with baited breath (Greetings, Bait!) for the cartoon list for the next Collector’s Choice Blu-Ray.  And as you wait to see if they add that 1953 Friz Freleng or 1958 Robert McKimson cartoon, you must be thinking:  Surely they’ve released every single cartoon at SOME point since the 1980s, right?  Well, except for the really racist ones.  Right?
Nah.  There’s 129 Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies that have never been officially released, restored or unrestored, on home video at all.  And, to be honest, most of them are unlikely to be on the Collector’s Choice sets.  Let’s take a look at the last bastions against having all 1000 LT/MM cartoons available.
Bosko.  Now, there are a few Bosko cartoons available.  There’s 38 Bosko cartoons from 1930-1933, not counting the weird ones like the Talk-ink Kid pilot or whatever Bosko and Honey was.  Of those, 11 have been released officially.  This leaves 27 in limbo.  This is a shame, there are some really good Bosko cartoons.
Buddy.  Even worse, to be honest.  23 Buddy cartoons were made, 5 have had some official release.  That leaves 18.  Now, there’s a reason for that.  They’re awful.  (Also, two of those 18, Buddy of the Apes and Buddy in Africa, also fall under one of the later categories we’ll get to.)
Seven B&W Merrie Melodies.  Two of these, Hittin’ the Trail for Hallelujah Land and Goin’ to Heaven on a Mule, are basically banned for content.  Those Were Wonderful Days, Why Do I Dream Those Dreams, The Girl at the Ironing Board, The Miller’s Daughter, and Rhythm in the Bow, are simply not available, possibly as they’re dull.  However, they have been restored.  (As has HtTfHL.)
Seven B&W Looney Tunes.  Mostly the same as above.  The Daffy Duckaroo and Tokio Jokio are banned for content, though we may see Duckaroo someday (Native American caricatures have traditionally been less banned than Black and Asian caricatures).  Saps in Chaps also has some Native American gags, I think.  As for The Fire Alarm, Joe Glow the Firefly, Gopher Goofy and Nutty News, they’ve been restored but never released.
The rest of the “Censored 11”, of which Hittin’ the Trail for Hallelujah Land was the first.  As most cartoon fans know, this is not a catch all of all racist WB cartoons, it’s just the ones that were owned by Associated Artists productions.  So yeah, Sunday Go to Meetin’ Time, Clean Pastures, Uncle Tom’s Bungalow, Jungle Jitters, The Isle of Pingo Pongo, All This and Rabbit Stew (a Bugs Bunny cartoon), Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs, Tin Pan Alley Cats, Angel Puss and Goldilocks and the Jivin’ Bears.  They’ve all been restored.
The dog cartoons.  There are a bunch of one-shots that have no regular characters but all involve dogs, and (likely as they don’t have a “star” and aren’t really great) they’ve never come out.  Pappy’s Puppy, Mixed Master, A Waggily Tale, Dog Tales.  All but Pappy’s Puppy are restored.
Miscellaneous “banned for content” cartoons.  Which is Witch (a Bugs Bunny cartoon), Tom Tom Tomcat (a Tweety and Sylvester cartoon), and two REALLY late cartoons, Hocus Pocus Pow Wow and Injun Trouble.  None of these have been restored.
Random missing 50s stuff.  A Bone for a Bone (Goofy Gophers), Sock a Doodle Doo (Foghorn Leghorn), Easy Peckin’s, Quack Shot (Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd), Trick or Tweet (Tweety).
60s stuff that’s still actually Warner Brothers.  There’s about 10 or 12 early 60s cartoons that just aren’t very good, and that’s why they’re not out.  They’ve all been restored except Unnatural History and What’s My Lion, which are two of the worst LT/MM shorts that ever came out – not for content, they’re simply pathetically unfunny.
All the post-64 stuff.  There’s a pile, I won’t break them down one by one.  Mostly Daffy/Speedy cartoons, the nadir of both characters.  A few of the Roadrunner cartoons that weren’t stuffed onto that one DVD a while back.  They’re here as no one wants to watch them.
The post-67 stuff, aka the nightmare years.  Cool Cat, Merlin the Magic Mouse, Bunny and Claude… those.  (Though actually, both Bunny and Claude shorts HAVE been released.)  They’re here for the same reason – unpopularity.
Note this doesn’t even get into the cartoons which were fine to release in the 1980s on VHS but *aren’t* fine to release now (all the Merrie Melodies that weren’t banned but have racial stereotypes, such as the Inki cartoons, a huge number of cowboy and Indian cartoons, and Bugs Bunny’s unfortunate wartime cartoon).  Or all the stuff that’s restored and out on Max, but has never hit a DVD or Blu-Ray (half of the 30s Merrie Melodies).  Or the stuff that’s unrestored, not on Max and has never hit a DVD or Blu-Ray (the other half of the 1930s Merrie Melodies).  Or Holiday for Drumsticks, what’s up with that?
In any case, when they announce the cartoons for the 4th set in a week or so, you can look at this list and see if it has any of those.
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cherrywhite · 2 months
TSV Fan Favorite Survey Results
Last week I made a small TSV survey for the heck of it and ended up getting way more results than I originally expected!! Wanted to share the results.
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When I'm in a "Who's your favorite TSV main character" competition and my opponent is Carpenter 🤯 (Okay but.. is anyone surprised?)
Fun fact: for a while Hayward had only one or two votes and idk why that surprised me so much. Though I'm shocked he got more than Faulkner overall
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Top 5 minor characters, as voted: Val > Shrue > Sibling Rane > Gage > Sid Wright
Also unsurprising! Though I regret that I didn't word the question as "Pick up to 5" instead of top 5. Val almost got 100% of the votes in this category... off by 4.. I respect you but also who are you 4 I just want to know
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Top 5 side characters, as voted: Acantha > Nana Glass / Greve > Charity / Elgin > The Homesick Corpse > Chuck Harm (though Cross came very close to tying!!)
Acantha at the top is also unsurprising! Though.. looking at the top one.. looks like we all have a thing for old ladies, huh? Definitely my mistake in that I didn't add Em and Vaughn in there to begin with💦 Shoutout to the one person who voted Helen. Also, we love to see that Daggler got 0 votes.
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Favorite God, as voted: Th Cairn Maiden > The Many Below > The Trawlerman > The Watcher in the Wings > The Saint Electric
The Beast that Stalks in the Long Grass and The Last Word each got one vote. Also, The Chitterling got a vote. Henge, the god Hayward mentions in s1, the one that takes things people wish to lose, got two votes! :D Idk why, but it's such an unexpected pull to me, it makes me happy to see it was remembered!
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Top 5 s1 episodes, as voted: Chapter 4 > Chapter 7 & Chapter 15 > Chapter 1 > Chapter 13 > Chapter 3, 8, 11, & 12 (tied with 3 votes)
Fun fact: of season 1 episodes, only 4/15 episodes weren't picked as someone's favorite!!
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Top 5 s2 episodes, as voted: Chapter 24 > Chapter 29 > Chapter 19 > Chapter 17 > Chapter 23
Also not surprised because chapter 24 is also my favorite (probably my most relistened to episode and it still makes me cry). Though, I will say, I was surprised chapter 20 didn't have more votes since that one also seems to be a favorite writing wise!
Fun fact: of all s2 episodes, only 1 episode wasn't picked as someone's favorite! (okay, idk why it's important to me to point out, I just think it's interesting!! Though I can admit I could probably phrase it better. I think the fave episodes are spread out pretty evenly for each season though, which is really neat in my opinion.)
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Top 5 s3 episodes, as voted: Chapter 46 > Chapter 38 > Chapter 37 > Chapter 36 (we are not immune to a good tragic love story, I see) & Chapter 43 > Chapter 44
For a while, Chapter 38 had the most votes which I thought was.. idk how to better phrase it, but.. sweet. Because Carpenter's returning home episode was the fave of s2 and if Faulkner's returning home episode had also been the fave... something something we sure do love these terrible siblings, huh? But! Unsurprisingly the finale is the big fave of the season. How many of us have recovered from it??
Fun fact: Of season 3, only 3 episodes weren't chosen!
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Boooo I shouldn't have given y'all the option to abstain from picking!! "Don't make me choose," you cowards!! /lh
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mandatory link to this recommendation
Favorite episode title:
Hi. So, um. I'm an idiot. And didn't realize that Google Form automatically turns short answers into a bar graph. So unfortunately, the results for this one is..well
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And half of these are the exact same title with slightly different phrasing 🙃
BUT I'm nothing if not determined so I went through and organized everything though I didn't make a pie chart. Needless to say. I think we all know the favorite episode title (care to make a guess?)
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Favorite episode title: But We'll Never Be Rid of Each Other (25%)
Its Wrath Shall Scald the Sun came second with only 9% of the vote. We sure do love our doomed siblings, huh?
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chaoticreation · 11 months
This area is a death sentence without transportation. I'm running out of food, I can't get my prescriptions, can't flee in an emergency, and me and Syd have been freezing for like, a month, aside from the past two days because it's been surprisingly warm out for October. But November is around the corner, and it's gonna get cold. Fast.
I don't have the funds to repair my van, or the furnace.
Eventually, I'm gonna go homeless if the taxes aren't paid, but the van and furnace are extremely pressing matters right now.
If you can afford to donate, I'd appreciate anything you can spare. If you can't, that's okay. You can still help by sharing this campaign! Please don't donate if you can't afford to, but please SHARE no matter what!
Gfm requires at least $5 donation, so if you can't swing that, you can send less to:
ven.mo: https://account.venmo.com/u/rroche90 pay.pal: [email protected]
Edit, 11/7/23: And we also don't have hot water now either. When the plumber came to give me an estimate on the furnace, he found that the hot water heater had a bad leak, so that was turned off to reduce damage.
Edit, 11/12/23: Septic problems now, too. Sinks are backing up. Woo! Still no heat, btw. It's been a month without heat and it's getting colder. Friend bought Syd a bigger hospital cage, but it hasn't arrived yet, so poor girl has to continue to suffer. Still no transportation, either. HEAP has said they'll pay half the furnace bill if I'm on the deed, which I can't and won't do until the taxes are paid off. I'm not about to inherit that debt.
@sydthetiel is being kept in a tiny hospital cage in my office with a space heater. Not ideal, but it's keeping her warm at least.
We're really not okay.
Edit, 11/16/23: Still no heat or hot water. Plumber isn't even actually getting back to us lmao. Mechanic got back to us, though, and they've found that the brake lines are rusted and need to be replaced. They want an extra $3500 for that. So it'd be roughly $6,000 to get my van repaired. Or I can just fix what I can fix at $2,000 and take my chances with rusted brake lines, and be an accident waiting to happen because I'm desperate to not be trapped in a freezing house with no meds or food or water lmao. Or I just don't get to have transportation back. Or I have to buy a new used vehicle, for like, $15,000+. So... mostly there's just no hope left for me. I'm ready to just give up. It's too much to fix, and my odds of survival are at 0 anyway. I won't last the winter here, and I can't even leave.
Edit, 11/22/23: That plumber ghosted us. We got a new plumber. He came out yesterday and got the furnace rigged to work, just in time. As he pulled into the driveway, it started sleeting and snowing. Throughout the night. The problem is, the furnace isn't fixed, so it could crap out at any moment. The water heater is off, but still leaking, so it's time sensitive to have it replaced. But he's pointed out another problem with that; Rex's hoarding. We need to be able to get rid of enough of her crap to get the equipment in and out. He can do it, but it's gonna cost. Additionally, the chimney isn't in great shape so we have to do something about that, or it's going to defeat the purpose of these replacements. Waiting for the quotes on everything.
As for my van, it's ready to be picked up, without the brake lines being finished. We found a new place that said they'd charge between $700-$1000 to replace the brake lines. A lot better than $3,500, but still not money I have. So until I can do that, it's a risk driving it, but I really don't have a choice. I can't stay living like this, trapped in the middle of nowhere. It's defeating me mentally and physically. But there's another problem too, that won't be covered under warranty. A knock sensor. No idea how much it'll cost yet, but it needs to be replaced in order for the van to pass inspection in December.
I'm feeling incredibly hopeless. I can't even run, because I have Syd, and I'm not going to abandon her. She's my kiddo. She's in a bigger cage now, happily. But I'm at such a loss of what to do. We're not going to survive the winter here without these repairs, and fleeing is going to be really difficult, and I may not have a home to come back to in Spring if I did manage to leave for the winter with Syd.
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chiimi-png · 10 months
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95 Days of Productivity [95/95]
Well I made it! (if you don't count the 5 days I decided to not do because I would've failed the challenge) Today I helped my mum with her christmas village and then decided to do the last lecture for this week of my creative writing course, and lastly I decided to continue reading Kingdom of the Wicked. I will probably continue posting here but not as often and also keep reblogging posts I like but I won't be as active for a while
Lets do a proper wrap up of this past 95 days:
What I learned:
I WILL burnout faster if I time block/it only works when I need to get something done in a time crunch
I need to do more detailed to-do lists in order to get everything done throughout the day
I really missed doing literary analysis and studies
I don't really miss doing architecture-related work
I find it easier to start working at 9:30am and finish by 10pm than starting later and pull all nighters
Sharing a bit of my days with you lot helped me keep track and commit to this even when I felt slightly blue
My mood throughout this whole thing:
I was proud to actually go through with it and even prouder when I reached the halfway point (I usually gave up by day 10 back in the day)
There were days were I felt under the weather mentally but doing this kind of helped me not spiral
Helped me get to know myself a bit better, considering I don't miss my major much even though it's my profession made me realise I don't really like it anymore or as much as I once did
🎧 song of the day: Thnks fr th Mmrs - Fall Out Boy
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yiga-hellhole · 2 months
TFTK 23&24
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His forces gathered, Zant plots his next move. The Triforce of Power is within reach now, and he will need little more than a Blade to retrieve it.
hiiii everyone. since i've added the prologue (which will be getting its own promo image.. eventually...) the chapter counts are a bit out of wack so this update is both. the update has been up on ao3 for a bit but artfight season made me a little slow on the visual art side! but no longer! SOOO excited to bring you all this update!
once again thank you to the lovely @bulgariansumo and @orfeolookback for betareading!!!
CW this chapter for body horror, graphic violence, mutilation
ao3 mirror
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17
As the days at the Bulblin settlement went on, so did their army grow. Those who stayed at the encampment as visitors spread the word home, and as perilous as it was to spread the information of the deceptively alive lieutenants, Zant had permitted it gladly. After all, Hyrule was much too busy celebrating victory to pay any mind to those fractured tribes, now without a cause to unite under. Oh, what little did they know!
Very much united under a cause, Zant had gathered commanders from their haphazard bands in the new Chief’s tent – Earl Eydra, second daughter of the late Hallra, also accompanied by Lord Banayu, spokesman of the Bokoblin tribes. His very own Ghirahim, of course, stood right beside him, etching away at a map that Zant gingerly brushed his fingertips along. 
The Valley of Seers. Zant had never seen it, but Ghirahim had twice over. Being meticulous as ever, he had of course committed every second of footage to memory, and translated every measurement and possible point of interest onto paper. 
Negotiations followed as usual. Instead of being a silent bystander who offered his knowledge only when an interruption was permitted, Zant took an active role. He stood at the front of the map, all his pegs and baubles at his disposal, and commandeered it as though his movements would shift the fabric of reality itself. Intel was exchanged for commands ‘round the strategy table. One bokoblin stood by the side of one particularly dull-looking, flat-faced hound man, relaying information through a different tongue in hushed whispers. The dimwitted lug nodded hard, his floppy ears wiggling with the effort. Ghirahim wondered if brute strength among dolts like those would be enough to win them this battle.
But he supposed that’s what he and Zant were for.
Ghirahim quickly returned to sketching his map. Zant was catching up to him, his brow increasingly furrowed by what he saw. “Is it not possible that, at this point, Sorceress Lana is instead taking residence in the Temple of Souls?” asked Zant, seeming perturbed by the inhospitable sights of the Valley. 
“We find it unlikely, Sire,” hissed a Hyrulean soldier from across the tent, bearing a voice far slimier than a human would suggest. 
This out-of-place figure soon turned out to be perfectly where he should be. He grimaced, his hands tightening in claws. The metal on his gauntlets melted to black, then to skin, then to dark brown fur over clawed, spindly paws. Helmet and pauldrons similarly fused to his flesh, until it became his flesh itself. The plumed feather on his helmet ripped into two, twitching to each side of his head to form ears. Finally, his cloak unfurled into a pair of ink-black bat wings, quivering and flapping with relief of freedom. Now revealed, the Ache perched its hands on the edge of the table and leered at his General with great anticipation.
Only to have the gloved hand of his Lieutenant smashed indignantly in his face.
“You will not speak unless permitted,” snarled Ghirahim, baring his teeth at this defiance. “Now you may continue.”
The lesser demon whined, rubbing its wrinkled snout. It gulped down any other sniffles and spoke. “Egh… Th-... The Temple is currently being used as a jail. Lieutenants Yuga and Wizzro are held prisoner there, awaiting prosecution, Sire.”
Zant perked up almost pleasantly. “Is that so? I expected them to have been executed by now. Well, that saves me some time and effort.”
Before Ghirahim could frown too hard at his statement, Zant disturbed him even further. “Perhaps Hyrule noticed that right now, for Yuga, being alive is enough of a punishment. But that will have to wait until later. Tell me of our battlefield.”
The team of scouts relayed their findings. Having eyes in the skies once again worked thoroughly in their favor; the whole of the Valley had been surveyed in practically no time at all. On a dark, cloudy night, the hides of their demon forces would be noticed by none. And to their luck, as Zant expected, their target was scarcely guarded. A handful of outposts, at most, with hardly five hundred men huddled about in total. A disaster to encounter in formation, but pathetic when spread thin across the entire territory. Even better, with Ganon’s defeat, Hyrule had sent its guests across time home in a teary goodbye. Left in this realm were only the Princess, her Knight, her General, and the Sorceress. In other words, Lana was thoroughly unprepared for any sort of siege.
“How awfully convenient,” said Ghirahim, bringing a hand skeptically to his face. “I’d almost think this is a trap.”
Zant snickered under his breath, arranging pawns wherever the little tippy-taps of batty fingers told him where outposts sat. “On the contrary, Ghirahim. It makes perfect sense. What enemies does Hyrule expect to have left, that they cannot confidently tackle in isolated groups?”
Pawns thwacked decisively in place. “It’s clear to me. Tell me, Lord Eydra, have you heard anything, at all, from our neighbors further out into the sands?”
Eydra shook her head, her horns clacking and bangles jingling. “None at all, Sir. Not a peep from ‘em since ‘ey’ve gone and blown up a couple weeks ago.”
Ah, that whole incident. So he was not suspected of having caused the moon crash in the desert. At least, not by these people. Ghirahim restrained his expression and turned to him. “So they’re leaving the Gerudo alone. That means…”
“The ones who birthed their nemesis? Who conspired against Hyrule’s throne? That ought to have been their first order to persecute. Yet they are not. Most definitely, Hyrule is laying low. Staying out of trouble as it rebuilds, I’ll wager,” Zant smiled, flicking Ghirahim’s finger as he pointed it at the map. “Oh, my blade. Taking the Valley will be a breeze. And the Triforce with it.”
That was when a slight snort caught their attention. Lord Banayu stuck his snout over the table and made himself heard. “Respectfully, Sire. If it will be such a ‘breeze’, as you say… I don’t see why our starting numbers are to be so small,” he asked, tapping a thick-nailed finger at a group of pawns on the map. “We ought to clear them out as quickly as possible.”
“On the contrary. I intend to deceive her.”
Brows raised around the room.
Their collective confusion only served to make Zant grin more. “If we go all out from the start as you suggest, Lord Banayu, the Sorceress will cry to the Palace before we can even reach her dwelling. If we give her the idea she can win on her own… She will spell her own doom, and we will decimate her at the last second.”
As his fellow conspirator stood there, palms upturned in an inviting gesture and his ego swelling to burst, Ghirahim clicked his tongue. “A bit of a cowardly move.”
Earl Eydra, once hesitant, now nodded along to Ghirahim’s words. “Aye. Your old boss never would have bothered with such mind games.”
“And that’s precisely why he is dead and I remain standing,” Zant stated bluntly, unflinchingly, his hands folded behind his back. “Any further questions?”
Their march would be a long one, rife with delays and detours. They simply could not risk their procession being spotted by any opposing force; tension in Eldin, in particular, ran wild, with clades once squashed now once again vying for territory. But the Valley was right around the corner. Zant’s forces had set up their camp (the one he was in, at least), just past the hills that separated the rain-shadowed grasslands of the south with the green hills of the north. Beyond the tallest of those hills, the Valley was in sight.
That was where Ghirahim and Zant then stood, overlooking that promised land. It was strange seeing the place free from Cia’s influence. Where the sky was once swirling and ominously crimson, it was no different from the dark blue veil of the horizon now. They would gather no intel just standing there, watching from afar. Zant likely just wanted to brood.
Speak of the devil, there he went, and said, “just between us, Ghirahim.”
Ghirahim perked up, not looking at him just yet. “My. I’m privy to your secrets, now?”
Zant frowned a little. “I’ve none more to keep from you. Either way… We will be the only ones to face Lana tomorrow. I’ve played up our strengths to our men, but they will only be taking care of her fodder. That being said, we cannot underestimate the Sorceress whatsoever.”
“Oh? We’ve taken care of her just fine before,” Ghirahim noted, idly turning a dagger in his hand to check it for nicks.
Shaking his head, Zant looked down the hills. “And yet I believe she’s stronger than she lets on. In fact, I think she might be older than this land itself.”
“Impossible,” Ghirahim frowned, dismissing the dagger with a snap of his fingers. “I’ve never heard of her until I arrived here, and I’ve lived eons before Hyrule came to be.”
Zant stepped up to loom over him, eyes narrowing. “You’re not listening. I meant this land.”
Whenever Zant was being vague like this, he’d usually think he caught onto some mystery or other. Ghirahim saw no point in delaying the inevitable and sighed. “This again… Fine, prattle away.”
At once, the shadow over his eyes faded, replaced by a manic glint. Ghirahim almost spotted a smile when Zant turned away from him. “I was doing some digging before we entered this phase of the assault,” because naturally, he had. “Of course, I wasn't the first to be curious about the nature of this world. I stumbled upon it in the Sorceress’ library – the bizarre ways of timekeeping in this area, the oddities in the landscape; it did not escape the notice of scholars in this time.”
Ghirahim put his hands on his sides, fully prepared to stand there for another hour or two. “And, I take it, they came to a similar conclusion?”
“Indeed. At some point, the different branches of time must have converged, and their landscapes with it. We saw it in Faron Woods, and the Master Sword’s pedestal, deep within,” he said, his gestures leaving light trails behind his hands. Odd runes shaped into approximate images of the locations he named, but could hardly take shape before he clawed them to smoke and turned insistently to Ghirahim. “Which, in and of itself, was a duplicate! An empty husk!”
When he thought on it, he recalled that the Master Sword of this era had been stored in a different temple, right in the middle of Lake Dumoria, southwest of Faron Woods. Yet, a pedestal remained in Faron, the one they saw for themselves. Did the sealing place change? Ghirahim realized any question he asked might leak into another hour, so he simply nodded. “As you say.”
“Think about it, Ghirahim. For Lana – for me, to have command over allies and monsters of the past, all of these worlds must have once existed. Otherwise, we would have to reach across realities, a power befitting only a God. And I, not yet, have recognized such power, neither in her or in myself.”
Suddenly, Zant turned around, giving himself room to pace about frantically. “But for them to merge in the first place… This would explain why the magicks she uses are unknown to us both. They must have been born from divine force, to be uniquely wielded by Cialana, with the Triforce of Power as its conduit. It must have been her to merge these worlds.”
Ghirahim frowned, cocking his head. “... Right. And, you don’t suppose this god-like power could have perished with Cia?”
Turning back to look at the Valley, Zant’s expression lightened by an uncharacteristic degree. “I wholeheartedly admit I haven’t the slightest clue. Let us not risk finding out.”
Bemused by his attitude, Ghirahim sidled up next to him, deciding to give him attitude by bending at the hip and leaned into his field of vision. “And what do you want me to do about it?”
Zant grinned. “I’ve combed a fair share through this magic. It requires vocal commands first and foremost. When we come to face her, silence her,” he said, reaching to cup Ghirahim’s chin in his fingers. He tilted him back upright, guiding their eyes to meet. “Cut her tongue out if you must.”
Ghirahim returned a smile. “I thought you’d never ask.”
Zant seemed content with this exchange, though the thumb stroking across the Sword Spirit’s chin and the eyes latching onto him for a moment made it seem like he’d wished for more. But the open air always made Zant uneasy, and Ghirahim knew this. So when the former did indeed step away, the latter was only mildly disappointed. “If all that is clear to you,” Zant said, “I’m going to do something I should have done a long time ago. When my usurpation comes to fruition, I’ll be far too busy for it.”
The allure of bloodshed putting him in a bit of a mood, Ghirahim turned to him with a croon. “And what might that be?”
With thorough nonchalance, Zant then proceeded to kick off his shoes. Toes wriggling in the grass, he promptly set off almost gleefully, as if mere seconds prior they hadn’t discussed a violent coup.
“You’re a looney,” Ghirahim said, watching him wade through the plains. “You’re sick in the head.”
“And you are functionally immortal,” Zant quipped back. He climbed up on the roots of a gnarled cedar nearby, his hand resting on its bark. “Confident as I am in our victory, I’m grabbing my little shreds of joy where I can get them. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
Ears piqued at the sound of some insect, Zant’s eyes scanned the green expanse before him. When spotting what he was looking for, he didn’t so much as prowl for it as he hopped down from his vantage point, shambled towards it, and launched himself into the grass with a slapdash vault. 
“As I thought,” he exclaimed, struggling to keep the object of his interest trapped in his cupped hands. “I haven’t seen this species yet!”
It was a miracle he’d even caught the damned thing. How could he think about such frivolous things now? Ghirahim stood and shook his head in sheer disbelief, but felt compelled to follow him either way. Just in case, (and it was likely), Zant’s lack of self-preservation had remained even as his plans were unfolding successfully, and he somehow managed to slip and crack his head on a rock, or some such nonsense. A little nest of grass denting below him, Zant sat in the meadows, the brittle strands of his hair waving along in the wind with the sea of green. He cradled a bottle with the cricket carefully in one hand and consulted his field journal in the other, a smile on his face as he noticed Ghirahim beside him.
So calm he was, the night before a crucial, all-deciding siege. Normally, mortals would pace before a war, even the mightiest of generals anxious in the face of death. Lacking sleep, decreased appetites, heart rates skyrocketing, and pleasantries ‘round the camp dwindling to an all-consuming air of dread. Consuming all but Ghirahim, at least. Battle was his purpose, his joy. Nerves were just about the last thing on his mind.
And now, beside him, there was a man studying wildflowers like it was just another day. Ghirahim found himself jarred by just how much he understood him, then. So, an odd, tickling weight rolling about in his core, he kneeled beside him and watched along.
The night of their assault arrived quietly. A deep black sky, with stars shimmering like the facets of an onyx, served as the hiding blanket for hundreds of demons. On foot, the first wave of their army marched to the hills circling the Valley. Without Cia’s influence, the Valley appeared that much more tranquil. Heather grasses and saplings reared their heads timidly above healing soil, not knowing they’d have been better off staying below. In the epicenter of the Valley, hovering above a fog-stained cliff, was the Sorceress’ altar. Like swarms of ants, the alerted soldiers rushed their way to their posts, all eyes aimed at the hills where they would meet their match. Down the dozens of staircases, they ran, clinging themselves to every corner they could think to fortify, and then, lay in wait.
Beside Ghirahim, Zant was calm. He was without helmet, and would remain that way, it seemed. When Lana broke it back in the Gerudo Desert, it must have been gone for good. They had been spotted by a band of Hyrulean scouts much earlier, whose horses kicked up a concealing cloud of dust as they galloped to warn their commander of the impending ambush. But they would not know all – beyond the hills, many more Blins were waiting, and their aerial troops remained undetected. 
How eerily this first stretch of the battle resembled Zant’s exact plans.
In this initial quiet, before Zant could raise his hand and release the floodgates on their troops, Ghirahim pondered just how strange a situation he was in. Once again, he was at war, taking commands from a man other than his Master. For Cia, it had been the promise of Demise that had strung him along sufficiently enough to tolerate it. But Zant… By all means, he should hate this man. And he did, in a way, but the anger he felt no longer needed a vengeful release. 
They had shared a bed again. Hands wrapped lovingly, yet fiercely around his waist, his wrists, his throat, as if grasping onto his hilt. Ever since Zant had used part of him to behead the late Bulblin Earl, he’d been drunk on the feeling of being wielded. So he didn’t care anymore, how treacherous it felt to have a part of him presently thrumming in Zant’s zealous grip. He sensed death in the eyes of the man who wielded his so-precious shard, and like the starved hunting dog he was, he wanted to chase after it. There was blood to be spilled, power to be taken. As any legendary blade, Ghirahim lusted for his name to be chronicled. In the past, he had scarcely been remembered. This changed today.
Zant marched onward, and onward, and onward. Eyes set on nothing but his goal, he waded his way through the crowd as if it hadn't existed at all. Any soldiers that dared close in on him were repelled instantly by an unseen force, and those that did manage to push past, met their end by the instinctive lash of Ghirahim’s blades. The Demon trailed his false king like a shadow, as thoroughly under his dominion as all of darkness had ever been. His scimitar swung over his shoulder, he hadn’t drawn it even once, depending instead on his Blade to guard him differently. Their passage left a scar on the battlefield, of dead meat and soil. That was how they combed through the Valley, cleaving the crowd as they traversed the scattered islands that would lead them to their prize.
The only thing to shake Zant out of his enduring resolve was the first display of the Sorceress’ magic. A pale blue light appeared ‘round the corner of the Altar’s gates. From it, swinging its pincers fiercely, came a towering Gohma, scuttling its way directly to the pair of commanders.
Zant instantly zipped himself behind his lieutenant. A light, encouraging tap on his shoulder and a whisper, caught Ghirahim’s attention.
“Buy me some time.”
So he did. Ghirahim swerved around to the raging creature’s legs, jabbing his swords into its joints, to little more avail than slowing it down. Out of earshot, Zant had hissed an incantation, and though he hadn’t followed its words, Ghirahim knew the spell had been cast from the eerie chill that traveled to his every extremity. Piercing past the droning arcane hum from earlier, a screech and the flapping of wings prompted Ghirahim to get out of dodge as soon as he could. Once he had joined Zant’s side again, he could see a King Helmaroc, pecking the Gohma to bits.
They intended to slip past this distraction, but Lana wouldn't let them. Cyan lights broke past nearly every corner of the battlefield, massive shadows raining down from pillars of light. More and more monsters poured forth, pulled from corners of the past even Ghirahim could recognize. And though Zant made his best efforts by summoning beasts to their defense, Ghirahim yanked him out of focus before he could rip open his fourth portal. When he pulled back, the glove he’d covered Zant’s mouth with was smeared with blood.
Panting, wiping the thin streams of crimson that poured from his eyes and nostrils, Zant never took his eyes off the altar.
“This… This is incredible, Ghirahim,” he stammered, a mad grin on his face. “I can’t keep up.”
Ghirahim ducked behind him with a grin and ran through the first soldier who dared to approach. “Singing praises of our enemy now?”
Now, Zant drew his scimitar, hacking it into an ambushing Hyrulean in one clean swing. As Ghirahim faintly shivered with delight, Zant berated him. “Fool! Of course I do! That is the power I covet, that I deserve,” Zant snarled through his teeth, fending off soldiers by the dozen. His speech, his violence, equal in cold execution. “I was unflinchingly loyal to his cause, to him, and yet, Ganon kept everything to himself. Now that I have it all within my grasp… How can I not fawn over it?”
“You can save your fawning for when it’s actually within your hands, you lunatic,” pulled from his basking, Ghirahim bit back, spying trouble as the pair guarded each other's flanks. The monsters Zant couldn't keep up with were catching up. “And, for when we are not under the threat of these beasts! Collect yourself, and go!”
“No… No, not yet,” Zant yelled, flinching when an enemy blade bounced off his wards. “We are to mask ourselves in the chaos of these giants, and when we’ve kicked up enough dust… We will go straight to her.”
As if hearing of this plan, a last-ditch effort exploded from the north. The stone bridge connecting the Altar to the rest of the valley had collapsed.
Zant saw this and hardly batted an eye. Their troops, however, seemed far more alarmed. Bridge after bridge crumbled into the depths, some with their men still traversing, plummeting right along. The setback left their army with fewer and fewer routes to advance. Hyrulean and Blin numbers were almost even now, Ghirahim reckoned from their vantage point. And as their side was funneled back out through the remaining bridges, Ghirahim looked behind him.
Zant nodded. Taking a page out of the Hyruleans’ book, Ghirahim raised his fingers to the sky, and set loose a trail of diamond sparks. Strings of light whistled and twisted high, high up above, red and flashy among Lana’s still-bleeding portals. The reaction was almost immediate. Rushing forth from the hills, Blins cascaded onto the battlefield and rushed through the bridges still left intact. What was once intended for the escape of the invading forces, now simply funneled in more. Men were pushed off the bridges and trampled in the footfall, while a select few managed to die a dignified death amidst the senseless crowd.
Above them, the stars in the night sky seemed to flicker. A deluge of airborne demons rushed by them, undetected until crossing the threshold of the altar’s pale moonlit stone. Hyrulean soldiers were lifted off the ground, others eviscerated on the spot, all while a desperate few hacked and slashed with wild abandon in an attempt to defend themselves.
Chaos. Exactly what they were looking for. Another Gohma, almost fallen into the abyss, clambered back onto the cliff’s edge and made for the pair of commanders. Just as its pincer was about to bore into them, Zant grabbed onto Ghirahim’s wrist and pulled him into the shadows.
When they reappeared, Ghirahim looked around to find himself in the altar’s inner room, strewn with bookcases of which the contents were largely toppled. But before anything else caught his eye, there stood the Sorceress, hunched desperately before a scrying orb. She whipped around the second Zant’s transportation magic rustled behind her.
“Hello, Lana,” Zant said pleasantly. Lana glared back, placing one hand back on the crystal ball. The sight made Zant smile. “Oh, please. Do you think your precious Hyrule will be here in time? Who do you think they’ll send? A few little platoons? Clearly, they’ve already given you what they could afford. And those men are not holding out very well out there.”
His words were emphasized by the sounds of clashing outside. Soldiers yelling, screaming, the sound of arms hitting armor and lifeless bodies hitting the ground.
“This will take a minute, at most. Hold still, if you’d please.”
For a moment, Lana looked afraid, deathly so. But her courage gathered itself remarkably quickly, giving her the strength to turn around and shield her crystal ball behind herself. “ ‘Hold still’? Who do you think you are, you creep!?” she yelled. “How dare you come into this sanctuary and defile it, just as we worked so hard to recover it!”
Zant grinned at her, squinting his eyes the slightest bit. “That’s a funny thing to accuse me of, considering the dynamic here. Either way… Ghirahim, if you will.”
At once, Ghirahim launched himself at the Sorceress. The first slice of his sword she just barely managed to step back from, but not without drawing the slightest bit of blood from her collar. In response, Lana strengthened her wards – a shimmering layer of pale, iridescent blue flashed in view to cover her body. 
But the barrier would not save her from what was to come. As Lana became duly occupied with defending herself against the Sword Spirit’s merciless attacks, Zant began weaving his spell.
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The first sentence was enough to make her flinch, but the second sent her into full-blown alarm. In her urgency, she ceased simply defending and instead attempted to push back against Ghirahim. She intended to break past him at all costs, and put an end to the words pouring from the Twilight King. Try as she might, though the whacks of thunder from her spellbook jittered Ghirahim down to the teeth, he would not let her gain even an inch on him. They were at a thorough standstill – one incapable of drawing blood, the other, finding a weakness but finding her enemy’s will too strong to overpower. All the while Zant kept chanting, and chanting, and chanting, the world around them not silenced, but rather, the three of them cast in a muffling cloak of darkness. But soon, Ghirahim would lose. Annihilation, his most precious weapon, failed him when he needed it most, and wouldn’t reward his wicked strikes with more than a nick past his opponent’s clothing. She truly was strong. Just a few more thundershocks and he would be brought to his knees, and with his Blade out of commission, Zant would not be able to defend himself against her.
He had to knock that grimoire out of her hand. The makeshift wards on her body protected her from the cutting edge of his sword, but the impact of his swings could still knock her off balance. 
Ghirahim didn't get the chance to just yet, though. Their sprawling army of demons found her little hideout. The lot of them crawled along the windows, claws dragging and fists pounding on the barriers. Were they to break through, the enemy commander would be overtaken in seconds.
Lana realized this too. She withdrew instantly, her grimoire snapped shut, and made for the only spot in the wall unoccupied by bookcases. She, of course, ran straight through. Had Ghirahim’s intuition not stopped him, he would have smacked face-first into it. One hand bracing against the stone barrier, he realized it would need a key phrase to grant him passage.
Or, as per Zant’s stroke of simple genius, simply blow the wall to smithereens. Powder-turned stone and pebbles blasting outward around him, Ghirahim burst through the rubble and sprinted after the first sight of cyan he could catch. Bouncing against the walls, masking her every direction in this endless maze, Lana recited her counter-incantation.
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Behind him, Zant laughed at the challenge, weaving his spell longer and longer. Ahead of him, Lana’s rapid footsteps kept his prey drive red-hot. 
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Run, run, but there’s no hiding from me. Along the floor, the thrum of Ghirahim’s core showed him the path the Sorceress had taken. He remembered these hallways perhaps better than she was aware of and, wagering a lucky guess at her meandering trajectory, he cut a few corners. He rammed solidly into her at the intersection. Just as he wanted, the grimoire went flying, and he placed himself between her and its landing spot.
Unfortunately for him, it didn’t render her powerless. But she did become weaker. The lightning she flung behind her as they resumed her chase was enough to hurt him, but not to slow him down. The little drops of blood he’d drawn that disappointed him before now worked as an irresistible lure, second to his expert dowsing. He could hear her breath, her heartbeat, and almost, every panicked thought as she tried to stall for enough time to think of a better plan than simply running and chanting with her heaving breath. Such was the power of that delectable fear! He had to have it. Closer, and closer, and closer he drew, his once graceful run now turning into a desperate, bestial sprint. She, the poor thing, was slowing, immortal in soul but human in guise. When even her last ditch effort, the casting of a lightning bolt point blank at his core, didn’t work, her desperation buckled her. Hands clawed, Ghirahim swiped for her.
At long last, he’d grabbed her, her arms locked in his elbows. Lana struggled fiercely, but no matter the power she borrowed, she couldn’t break free from steel of this caliber. How lucky she was, that his daggers couldn’t pierce her! Grappling fresh blood like this made him feel positively starved. 
Even then, he wouldn’t have been able to play for very long. Zant had carefully followed his blade, his every step haunted by the all-consuming echo of his voice. As that voice grew closer, the world became still around them. Colder. Twin breaths turned to foggy clouds as the pair of locked combatants panted, their eyes each glued on the hallway before them. Shadows poured around the corner, only to be drowned out by a pale blue light, hovering around the Twilight King like an aura. His eyes, normally golden, now carried that same ethereal hue. When he extended his hand, there was a cavity in his palm, the void of which made Ghirahim’s core spin just looking at it.
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Lana struggled again, until she steeled herself. The incantations she’d failed to recite in their scuffle came back to the forefront of her mind, the first words passing her lips. Just one glance from Zant, and Ghirahim moved instinctually. He rushed his hand to her face, and stuck the point of his dagger against her tongue. Of course, none would think to place wards there. The Sorceress shrieked, but every movement of her head sliced deeper into her cheek, her lips, the inside of her mouth. Ghirahim shushing in her ear, she froze wide-eyed, her chest heaving up and down rapidly in breathing. Like a rabbit on a butchery table.
One more sentence and Lana began to writhe, groaning in pain. Zant stood before them, palm upturned. It was almost done – Ghirahim could feel it. It was practically in their hands. He couldn’t take his eyes off of the face hovering above them. All else disappeared. Not even the blood, that precious ambrosia that trickled from his dagger down his glove, could shake him from his mesmerization.
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With those last words, the skies went dark. The rim of light once encircling Zant burst outward into shards, leaving only an endless dark that splattered across the walls like paint. It left them in a void; cold, and deafened, and unfeeling, just the three of them locked inside. Just the three of them, and the little golden triangle hovering between them. Lana wept in terror, in regret, in pain, while her two adversaries made no sound at all. For just a moment, childlike wonder sparkled in Zant’s eyes, before that little bit of innocent hope was throttled by an overwhelming flame of greed and vengeance. From having their treasure dance above his palm, he suddenly seized it, snatching it out of the air. 
With a deafening roar, like the sound of a mighty river rushing by overhead, the shadowy expanse around them imploded in on itself. Every inch of its fabric tore rapidly to one point: below Zant’s feet, sucked into his shadow. When the light returned to the hall again, there stood Zant, the same man as before.
The triforce now glowed on his palm.
But past that gently humming light, another sound caught their attention, now that the veil was lifted. War horns, far unlike theirs. Lana had stalled for enough time.
The second the both of them turned to the sound, Lana wrenched herself free. Though claws tore into her arms, and the dagger sliced through the corner of her mouth, she stumbled from Ghirahim’s grip and made for the light at the end of the hallway.
“Ghirahim-ili, how unlike you… Ah, well. I say let her run. She will be useless without this, anyhow,” he giggled, admiring the back of his hand.
But Ghirahim knew better. Eyes set on the desperately shambling woman, he aimed for her, hand outstretched, and snapped his fingers. A trio of daggers glistened in the light as they soared through the hallway, and thwacked into her back. Then he ripped back around, bound for his general in a steadfast march before the man could praise him – and it was a look of praise that colored his face – and snatched him by the wrist.
Yet Zant shook himself loose. His eyes blazed with unparalleled drive and fury. He glared down the still-stumbling Sorceress from afar, before clenching his fists. A throat-rending cackle ripped loose from him as his head was encased in shadows. Shrouded he was, then he was not, as particles of blackness burst outward to reveal a new sight.
Zant’s helmet. Once again perched on his shoulders, but entirely different. A wicked snarl was encased in the metal, and a finned collar encircled the reptilian face. At the peak of it all, a crown of horns declared him king. Now, Zant accepted Ghirahim’s so-hastily offered hand, and blinked the both of them outside the altar.
After just that split second, Ghirahim was jarred to find himself floating, high, high above the Valley, Zant’s fingers still lacing around his’. With a raise of his hand, and his triumphant, wet giggling still holding, he forced Lana’s portals to a close. One more wiggle of his fingers… that was all it took, and one by one, their troops disappeared from the battlefield.
Before Lana’s body could hit the ground, the two invaders were gone. Her efforts had been for naught. When the Hyrulean reinforcements finally crossed the foothills, the Valley was empty. 
24 notes · View notes
ramspatula · 9 months
Zinnias | Lloyd Garmadon x fem!reader
This is how our lives worked. We both had such different roles in this life. But I know we can make it work.
Next part, Masterlist
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I crept through the woods. Hiding behind every tree I needed too. I was tracking this rogue beast that was apparently harbouring a dragon egg. An object from a realm that wasn’t this one. Being the master of realms meant I had to keep everything in order and objects being in the wrong realm could mean the whole foundation of the different realms could be broken and ultimate destruction. Finally I had reached its nest. I loaded my bow and arrow and listened, apprehensively. Then I heard its footsteps cause some leaves and twigs to crunch and instantly moved to shoot at the beast only to gasp and immediately point my bow at the floor.
“Hey, peaches.”
The man in front of me grinned and shuffled the dragon egg into one hand to allow me to charge at him and wrap my arms around his neck. He spun me around in a princess twirl with one arm and kissed the side of my head as I squealed in glee. I looked up at him in shock.
“What are you doing here?! I thought you were-“
“Tracking some gang members- I was! But I finished early so I got pixal to send me your mission info and I thought I’d come join you for our anniversary.” He said and I gasped.
“Oh my god- first of all, deep voice -second, it’s been that long?” I asked and he nodded, arm wrapping around my waist as we headed out the woods. Leaving the peacefully sleeping (knocked out) beast at its nest.
“It’s been that long…” he said, deflated.
“I’m guessing no leads on Master Wu then.” I said and he nodded.
“Jay and Cole are going to investigate one but I can place all my bets on it being a lost cause.” He said and I leaned on him.
“Hmm… 5 years though. What an accomplishment!” I said and he smiled.
“I’m proud of us… from 17 to 22, well 18-23 for me. How have you stuck with me for so long?” He asked and I laughed.
“It’s not been easy.” I said and he looked at me offended.
“Oh really?” He asked and I laughed.
“Oh yeah.” I said and I moved in front of him and started walking backwards so I could still face him. “Especially when you told me that I was actually in a relationship with a 14 year old.” I said and his face dropped.
“No! No I was not 14! I’m not 19 either. Everything about me says 23- almost 24! The time- if that’s how we’re arguing it works then that would make the others 16 with how young they were turned.” Lloyd defended and I laughed.
“I know, I know. Although, you do sound like you’ve just gone through puberty.” I said and he smiled.
“Y/n, I’ve gone months at a time without speaking.” He explained and I shrugged. He used to be the only who could say my name without me glitching. Now anyone could say it but Peach has stuck for too long now.
“It’s okay, I dig it.” I said and he shook his head in amusement. “Say my name again.” I said and wrapped my arms around his neck and he shook his head and leaned his head against me. “Say it. C’mon.” I said and pretended to bite his nose which made him laugh.
“Y/n, my Peach, Peaches, the Apple of my Eye, my literal prophesied soulmate- your turn.” He said and I laughed.
“My voice isn’t any different?!” I questioned and he pretended to bite my nose this time.
“Just do it, cmon.” He said and I giggled.
“Lloyd, Pookie, love of my life, my literal prophesied soulmate.” I said and he hummed.
“I’m going to ignore the fact you used Pearl’s nickname for us.” Lloyd said and I groaned.
“Pearl! I miss my Pookie!” I said and he rolled his eyes.
“This is the only mission you’ve had without her in a whole year!” He argued and I pouted.
“Still.” I said and he shook his head before remembering the egg in his hand. He moved it towards me. I smiled in thanks.
“What you going to do with it?” Lloyd asked and I smiled.
“Send it home.” I opened a mini vortex into the realm its energy has came from but when I went to put the egg through it almost was destroyed and the vortex closed itself in rejection.
“What was what?” Lloyd asked and I looked at him, perplexed.
“It’s not supposed to go home. I think it’s meant to stay with me.” I said and he frowned before looking from the egg to me.
“I don’t think we can really have pets right now.” He said and I looked at him with big eyes.
“But imagine a baby dragon-“ I said and he deadpanned.
“I can imagine. I can also imagine when it turns into this.” He said and Pooch burst to life in front of us and immediately started nosing around the egg. He then nuzzled me the best he could with his giant snout and I held the lower side of his jaw and leant my head next to his eye. He was a gorgeous dragon. Big and full of glory and power. 4 legs and a wingspan of 340ft. He was giant and powerful but such a beautiful dragon. His scales were green and the shades of the colour varied on all parts of his body with Gold accents and highlights also on his body. His red eyes matched Lloyd’s when he wasn’t hiding them behind his normal green and I kissed next to the dragon’s eye.
“See he wants to keep it.” I said and Lloyd rolled his eyes and he pulled his mask on.
“Get on.” He said, fed up but with a playful tint in his voice and I smiled at him before putting the egg into the large satchel I had with me and pulling my mask and hood on. Mine and Lloyd’s gi’s were a little different. Pooch bent down to allow me to climb up his neck to the saddle and Lloyd followed soon after. I leaned against his back as he grabbed the reigns. “Seriously, we don’t need a massive dragon that cant just poof out of existence.” He said and I looked up at him.
“Please?” I said and he rolled his eyes.
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One, two, three…
One, two, three…
Four, five, six…
Seven, eight, nine…
Four, five, six…
Eight, nine…
Four, three, Ten!
“Wow!” I’d managed to shoot a target right in the middle of the head before it could even pounce at me. I smiled in relief at finally completing this stupid training sequence. Unlike Zane I didn’t have built in targeting system so I had to train mine. “I’ll never get how you do it, Peaches.” Pearl said and I laughed. Supporting me in my inability to hear my own name. Pearl had started going by Pearl instead of her name and it stuck. Cole called her Doll more than anything.
“It’s literally your bow, dickhead.” I said and she shrugged.
“You’re better with it. I just know the basics. Only Zane has ever got this far in the simulator with a bow before.” She said and I shrugged.
“One of us has to train.” I said and she gasped in outrage before nodding.
“True.” She said, immediately giving up her fight and I laughed.
“Heard from Cole yet?” I asked and she shook her head.
“Not since he said there was a massive snow storm they had to pass through- it’s like he knows exactly what to say to me to get me to freak out!” She said and I smiled, raising the bow and shooting at a random target that was launched in the air. It hit it. I was so proud of myself.
“Well, you’d get a vision of it if you knew he was about to die.” I said and she deadpanned.
“Thanks. Now I’m going to be questioning whether that’s a reoccurring nightmare or vision now.” She said and picked up a strawberry from the fruit platter that she had made and eating it.
“Please, the biggest threat to him is Jay’s blabber mouth. Those two will be lucky to come home together and not take separate ways home.” I said and put down the quiver of arrows and the bow and went to grab the katanas.
“Fair enough… what are you going to do with that egg?” She asked and I shrugged. The simulation began and I started slicing through different images as she watched.
“I don’t know… wait till it hatches-!” I said and quickly deflected a laser that was supposed to imitate a real laser shot.
“That was close- anyway! We’re not allowed a puppy because it’s too dangerous for it but a dragon can protect itself!” Pearl suggested and I smiled before blocking another shot and slicing through a target.
“Lloyd already said no but I’ve never been that great at following his orders.” I said and dodged another shot.
“True, true.” She said before pausing. “We’re technically not elemental masters and I’m not even technically a ninja. Well I am but I’m more the medic. I’ve perfected basic ninjitsu but I’d become a flump if I even tried that thing.” She said and the simulation ended giving me a score of 14/15. I nodded. Taking the 90% for now. My form on the last stretch slipped and I know that. “90%! You didn’t even get hit or slip!” Pearl said in outrage for me and I laughed. Panting.
“I got a little sloppy at the end…” I said and stole a piece of fruit from her platter. “You heard from Kai? Heard he was back in Ninjago last months whilst I was away?” I said and she nodded.
“Oh yeah. He’s got a new girlfriend. He’s actually had one for a while surprisingly. It was their 2 year anniversary a couple months ago.” Pearl revealed and my eyes widened.
“That long?!” I questioned and she nodded. “God, I must’ve stopped listening to him too early.” I said and Pearl laughed.
“I also spoke to Skylor! Happier than ever. Enjoying the quiet life. Good for her.” Pearl told me and I nodded in agreement.
“Must be nice.” I said and helped myself to more fruit.
“Girl I’m going to make you a sandwich in a minute-! When was the last time you ate?” She asked and I shrugged.
“A few days ago. I got used to going without food for a few days when I was doing all those tracking down wrong real objects missions.” I said and she nodded.
“I’m ordering takeout then because they never make me pay when I answer the temple door in my gi and mask.” She said and I rolled my eyes.
“Go ahead. Although don’t order me much- I don’t know how much my stomach can handle.” I said and she deadpanned before turning to the fridge.
“Zane’s frozen left overs then.” She said and I laughed.
“Sorry I ruined your binge.” I said and she stared at me.
“It’s okay, you’ll make it up to me when you can stomach things everyday again.” She said and I rolled my eyes.
“But those days you won’t want to do it. You’ll decide it’s ‘my body is a temple’ season.” I said and she looked at me like I was crazy.
“No! That’s Cole’s thing at the moment. Plus I’ve managed to keep the physique! No one can beat me at basic ninjitsu simulator all around.” She said and I laughed.
“What even is that?!” I laughed and Pixal cut in.
“That, title, is to commemorate the fact that Pearl is the only one to complete the standard ninjitsu simulations 40 times.” She sounded exasperated and I smiled.
“Wow, proud of you Pearl.” I said and she smiled.
“Thank you!” She said before putting the now plated frozen food in the microwave. “Anyway! Speaking of anniversaries-“
“That was 2 conversations ago-“
“-Speaking of anniversaries!” She cut me off and I just shook my head in amusement. “How was yours and Lloyd’s? 5 years.” She asked and I smiled.
🪺. *. ⋆
“-but that lead to another dead end. I stopped by to see my Dad and Pearl but Pearl, for once in her life, was actually on a mission-“ Lloyd ranted and I laughed.
“Without me?!” I gasped and he nodded.
“That’s what I thought!” He said and I smiled. “So I check the date and I see that our anniversary is in 2 days!… Sorry, I haven’t got you any flowers or anything- I was kinda focused on just getting here.” He said and I smiled before grabbing his hand.
“I don’t mind. Just you is enough.” I told him and he laughed.
“You sure I’m worth it?” He asked and I nodded without hesitation. “I don’t feel like it sometimes.”
“Of course you are. I wouldn’t put up with all this bullshit if my heart wasn’t full of you and only you.” I told him and he smiled.
“I’ve really missed you.” He admitted and I nodded.
“Missed you too.” I said before taking a deep breath. “This isn’t very happy conversation for an anniversary.” I smiled and he did too but it didn’t have any warm behind it. My face dropped. “What? What is it?” I asked and he sighed and leant back onto his elbows. I was laying on my side and resting on my hand as we both were ontop of this cliff that overlooked the whole forest.
“I-I can’t stay for too long.” He admitted and I felt my eyes drift away.
“I guessed that.” I said and he sighed before pulling me up into a hug and I settled into his chest before he gave up and decided to just move me between his legs so he could have a better grip on me too. Lloyd way of showing love limited itself to touch and the way he looks at you. But I always knew when he needed more than other times.
“I just wish we could find Wu and end this search.” He said and I nodded.
“Me too.” I agreed and rubbed his hand that interlinked with his with my thumb and he nuzzled into my neck. He always said that I smiled nice.
“You smell really good.” There it was.
“I’ve been in forest for a month and showering in waterfalls- I can’t smell good at all.” I said and he chuckled before kissing my neck.
“You smell really good.” He repeated and I rolled my eyes before he buried his face again. “Really good.”
“This is addictive for you, you know this.” I said and he just licked my neck. I laughed before he started kissing my neck as well and I could help but laugh, it tickled. There was a scar along my collarbone from where he had accidentally bit me too hard once. We were deep in a moment like this one and he forgot he had little fangs gifted from his father. Said dangers grazed my skin and I shuddered.
“Somehow, I can’t help myself.” He said and continued until I shoved him off and moved my neck to rest on his shoulder so I was looking up at him. It took him two seconds to kiss me. With one hand still interlinked and I lifted the other to hold his lower jaw.
“Wow… we should do this again some time.” I told him and he laughed.
“Agreed… you’re going to keep that egg, aren’t you?”
“You know I am.” I said and I could feel him roll his eyes before he looked up at the night sky. “Do not start spurting your astrology bullshit at me-“
“That’s the bounty.” He said and I groaned to his amusement. He continued pointing at stars. “That’s the green ninja.”
“That’s just stars! I don’t see shit!” I yelled and he chuckled but continued.
“There you-! Oh! And a dragon!” He began laughing through his sentence as I tried kneeling up to cover his mouth yet he escaped all my attempts to before we were both sent tumbling down the cliff into a clearing. He was laughing his guts out as I breathlessly laughed and clung to him. “I think there’s a thorn in my ass!” He laughed and that caused me to burst out.
“I didn’t think we were that close to the edge!” I said and he nodded.
“Neither did I.” Lloyd said before sitting up. “So… you gonna take me back to your place? Show me where you’ve been staying whilst it’s taken you a month to track down this beast.”
“I wasn’t just tracking the beast! And I’ve been gone for longer than a month! Just everything to do with this forest has taken me a month!” I said in offence and he laughed.
“Oh sure.” He said and I made my way back up to the cliff and grabbed the satchel with egg in before carefully sliding down. “This is a great view.” He said as I climbed back up.
“Shut up.” I said and he just smiled, mischievously before grabbing me when I was almost down and pulling me off causing me to yelp. “The egg! Be careful!” I told him and he just smiled before taking my hand as I led him to my camp.
The camp consisted of a small crater in side of the flat cliff that you had to climb down some vine to get to. When Lloyd saw it he made the rocks shift and move to form stairs. I looked at him gratefully as I led him into the crater that I had covered the front of with vines. He immediately lit one of the candles and then looked at me to say something. Multiple various things were in the crater.
“This is where I’ve been for a month.” I said and he nodded before sitting on the make shift bed as I placed the egg in a pot above what normally is my fire. “A little help please.” I said and moved out the way when he sent a little green fireball to the bottom and it lit up. “I usually use it for cooking but it can house this for now.” I said and he nodded.
“When are you heading back to the monastery?” He asked and I shrugged.
“Soon I guess.” I said and he nodded. “I’m going to check in to that village at the bottom of the forest. See if they need anything and then I’ll go home…. Wow. Home.” I said and he chuckled.
“Been awhile, huh?” He said and I nodded.
“Doesn’t really feel like home anymore though.” I said and he just looked down. “I don’t like sleeping in an empty bed, Lloyd.” I told him and he sighed.
“I had a feelings that’s why you keep going on these stake out missions.” He said and it was my turn to look away.
“It’s… at least I know no one else is supposed to be sleeping next to me.” I said and he nodded.
“No I get it…” Lloyd paused before continuing. “I freaked out when I learned you were here.” He said and I frowned. “I came back to the temple for you and you weren’t there… I got scared.” He admitted and I paused before moving to sit on the makeshift bed with him. He let himself rest his head on my shoulder as I held him and rested my own head atop his.
“What did you do?” I asked, softly and he took a deep breath.
“I immediately got Pixal to send me your mission logs and access your last known locations.” He revealed and I smiled and shook my head at his antics. “From your logs I could figure out where the beast was heading and where the nest would be.” He said and I let out a breathless laugh.
“Oh my god.” I said and I felt him hold me tighter.
“I had this moment where I realised I didn’t know where you were and it really freaked me out because if I didn’t know where you were? How could I come find you if you don’t come back?” He asked and I kissed the top of his head.
“We’ll find him.” I said and he scoffed.
“How can you be so sure?” He asked and I smiled. “Not everyone comes back.” He added and I leaned off him to look at him.
“Because Ninja never quit.” I told him and he looked at me for a second before shaking his head in a startled laugh.
“Did you really just use that on me?” He asked and I shrugged. “Oh wow, you did.” He said before grabbing and pushing me down onto the bed as I laughed. He was on top of me as soon as my back was on the floor and I laughed as he held my hands down. “I can’t believe you.” He said and I laughed.
“Hey I like this position! You always manage to get me into it during training.” I said and he shook his head.
“This is a little different than training.” He said and kissed me. “How long again?” He asked and I smiled.
“Since we’ve seen each other? 5 months? Since we’ve done anything? 9.” I told him and he frowned.
“Well that’s just not good enough, is it?” He said and started kissing me. “How the hell have you held up?” Lloyd asked and I giggled and he nipped at my ear.
“I haven’t.” I told him and his face turned into a devilish expression before…
“Damn you, Peaches.”
🪺. *. ⋆
“Yeah I’d say it went pretty well since we haven’t seen each other in forever.” I told Pearl who nodded.
“How was yours and Cole’s? 3 years. Thats the changing point there. That’s when a relationship becomes for life in this world.” I said and she laughed.
“We missed it.” She admitted and I said nothing. “It’s okay though because we promised to do something when he comes back. He got Pixal to schedule an order of flowers and chocolates though.” She said and I smiled.
“Carnations?” I asked and she nodded.
“A singular pink carnation for everyday he’s been with me and loved me.” Pearl said and I deadpanned.
“You were watching friends with him again, weren’t you?” I asked and she nodded.
“Thankfully he’s not actually like Ross.” She said and I hummed.
“Joey, maybe.” I said and she placed the microwaved food in front of me and I smiled in thanks.
“Have you spoken to Garmadon yet?” Pearl asked and I shook my head.
“No I’m going to straight after this I just needed a moment to process that I’m home.” I said and she looked at me with understanding.
“Are you doing okay?” She asked and I shrugged.
“It is what it is.” I said and she smiled. “Is everything completely wrong and not normal? Yes. Can I do anything about it? No. So it’s just dealing with it, step by step.” I said and she nodded.
“I get it. I just wish I had more to do sometimes.” She said and I smiled.
“You will. Garmadon not got you training the monks? Since you’re so good at standard ninjutsu?” I asked and she rolled her eyes.
“Garmadon lets me get up late nowadays.” She said and I chuckled. “He’s actually not doing so well… I can see it in his eyes.” Pearl admitted and I looked up concerned.
“Misako still isn’t telling him anything, is she?” I asked and Pearl shook her head. “Her search for Wu is probably as successful as her search for a way to stop the ultimate battle… it wouldn’t be the first time she’s left her family.” I said and Pearl’s eyes widened.
“He cheered up a bit after Lloyd came and saw him… granted I didn’t know he had visited until after but- he has been better.” Pearl said and I smiled.
“That’s probably my cue to go see him, isn’t it?” I asked and she nodded.
“Yeah…” She said and I stood up and bushed the bowl towards her. “You barely ate anything.”
“Thank you.” I said and moved towards the doors that led to the rest of the monastery.
I walked through the halls steadily, with a heavy heart. Seeing how tall some of the young monks had grown in only a couple of months was tugging the strings on my heart. I successfully disrupted a meditation class by walking past the room and waving. When I finally got to the living quarters of the monastery, I knocked on the door of the ‘office’ area which consisted of two arm chairs and a desk with a few scrolls on and a coffee table with a tray of tea on.
“Come in.” I heard his voice and smiled. I pushed open the door and was greeted with a pleasantly surprised man. “Well if it isn’t my star pupil!”
“Miss me?” I asked and he nodded.
“Yes, come, sit.” He gestured over and I gave him a genuine smile as I got comfy on the arm chair and made a little dramatic out of it.
“This is so much better than the forest floor.” I said and he chuckled.
“Never forget where you began, nature’s child.” He said and I laughed.
“Yes, sensei.” I said and he smiled.
“So, tell me of your adventures.” He told me and I sat up and leant over the arm of the chair to talk to him.
“I spent 5 months sleeping on the ground.” I said and he smiled. “Pearl joined me on some of the things I was doing so I wasn’t alone for the whole time but I would’ve been on my own for the last 2 months if Lloyd hadn’t of visited me and helped me to get this dragon egg.” I said and Garmadon lit up at the mention of his son.
“Lloyd came and saw you?” He asked and I nodded.
“Yeah, we spent a few days together over our anniversary and last I heard he was heading towards Ninjago city.” I told Garmadon who nodded.
“Do go on.” He told me and I smiled.
“The dragon egg doesn’t want to go home so I think I’m going to keep it.” I said and Garmadon chuckled.
“Of course you are.” He said and I smiled at the similar response to his son.
“Have any of the others came back?” I asked and his expression dimmed.
“Kai and Zane were here not too long ago but other than that, no one has really been back. Lloyd was here a while ago but I assume that was before he came to see you.” Garmadon said and I nodded.
“He did say he had been.” I affirmed. “Heard anything from Misako.” I asked and he shook his head.
“No.” He sighed. “I’m afraid Misako won’t contact any of us unless she needs to. Whenever she goes on her own journeys, she does it completely alone.” Garmadon said and I nodded.
“Lloyd’s like that… it’s frustrating to be honest.” I admitted and he nodded.
“I am well aware.” He told me and I we shared an empathetic stare. Me and Garmadon were very similar in some parts of our character. I’d always taken better to him than I had Wu. I had met Lloyd not long after he turned older. We met at Mystake’s tea shop. Pearl had wanted to try all these different teas for her birthday and I bought a selection from Mystake as my present to her. I was nervous and didn’t know what I was even talking about. He had asked me what my favourite tea was and I said green with no hesitation even though I had never had it. He looked smug and said that was his favourite too. Before I knew it, I was on the dark island with him and it was where we had our first everything. Everything. I smiled at the memories.
“You know it’s not your fault.” I said to him, I was referring to Misako leaving and Lloyd being Lloyd.
“After being alone for so long, a man begins to wonder if the reason he is left behind is simply himself. I am not the man who wonders but I am the father who wishes he could’ve done more.” Garmadon told me and I took a deep breath.
“Being trapped in an underworld can prevent such things… like being involved in your child’s life. Or knowing he exists. Lloyd doesn’t blame you and his anger is not pointed towards you.” I reassured and Garmadon looked ahead, the desperation in eyes made me feel sick. “Lloyd’s angry at Misako. He struggles with the fact that she left him,… twice now. He cried after telling me he doesn’t understand how to accept her and how he feels so guilty because of it since almost everyone on the team is practically parentless or can only rarely see them.” I said and Garmadon and nodded.
“We’ve had a similar conversation.” He admitted and my eyes widened. “Lloyd’s emotion are that of a dragon. Unpredictable and fierce. The amount of control he has over them, especially for his age, in itself is impressive. The same could be said for you.” He told me and I frowned.
“My life hasn’t been nearly that complex.” I said and he looked to me.
“Even after the dragon has soared over and conquered the world, it doesn’t forget its time in its shell.” Garmadon told me and I frowned. “You need not explain yourself, nor comfort me.” Garmadon told me and looked at him unsurely. “Your mere presence in my son’s life brings me comfort. He trusts no one like he trusts you, my daughter.” He said and I smiled, genuinely. The nickname from my father in law had been established early on and I loved it.
“There’s nothing that means more to me than him.” I assured and Garmadon nodded.
“Then you are lucky that this sentiment is reciprocated.” I smiled and nodded in thanks.
Because it’s true, I love Lloyd Garmadon like no one else could. Because there is truly no other person I could ever be with. In this realm or any other.
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khaopybara · 4 months
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No one likes being flirted with more than June with her nong View.
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Updated: September 23, 2024
Reworked Character #5: Trevor Spacey
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to child abuse, neglect, suicide, death, crime, and drug addiction.
Real name: Yeong-Gi Kwak
Alias: Chill Blade of Security
Occupation: Sergeant of the P.F. Squad
Retirement plans: Become a security programmer
Special skills: Proficiency in security programming and computer hacking, repurposing stolen enemy technology, psychological manipulation, taekwondo, and knifemanship
Hobbies: Helping Marco with technological issues and computer programming, doing graffiti on abandoned buildings, creating anti-virus programs, hacking into people’s accounts to see what they’re up to, and playing darts and video games
Likes: Marco’s heroism and superior computer skills, tinkering with security software while listening to music that has grabbed his attention, the nunchucks that once belonged to a former friend named Haneul, his two combat knives, and Nadia (his best friend)
Dislikes: Being called “Trevor Spicy” and “old” due to the frequent misspelling of his last name and his bleached hair, laughing so much to the point he’s coughing and wheezing, people making fun of his graffiti art, faulty security software, and boredom
Favourite food: Samgyeopsal
Favourite drink: Slushies
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Male
Age: 13 (in 2022), 19 (in 2028), 21 (in 2030), 23 (in 2032), 25 (in 2034), 32 (in 2041), 34 (in 2043), 35 (in 2044), and 38 (in 2047)
Blood type: AB-
Weight: 148 lbs. (67 kg)
Design: He's a 5' 9" (175.26 cm) Korean ectomorph with a lanky build, a weak musculature, sloping shoulders, warm ivory skin, dark brown eyes, nails painted a silver-grey, and a black mole beneath the left corner of his lip. He has a jet-black undercut hairstyle, featuring icy blonde hair on top with nearly middle-parted bangs that fall over his left eye, covering it partially. On his back, he has a large tattoo depicting a fiery Jindo dog chasing a golden pheasant in orbit around the moon. His lower right leg was amputated due to gangrene caused by the use of the opioid Krokodil, and has since been replaced with a bronze-hued prosthetic. He bears several scars: a curved scar on his left cheek; an X-shaped pair on his chest; a jagged stab wound on the top of his right hand; a long scar running down the length of his left upper arm; and a series of parallel scars on his right forearm.
Trevor's military gear consists of a metal dog tag necklace with his name, a scarlet bandana worn around his neck, bronze-plated goggles with orange-tinted lenses, and glaucous fingerless gloves. He wears a ruddy blue sweater with two deep pockets, cerulean wool lining, a bronze zipper, silver-striped cuffs, and an embroidered logo of the P.F. Squad on the back, which he occasionally ties around his waist. He wears baggy Cambridge blue army cargo pants, tucked into his Russian violet paratrooper boots, which have hidden knives and are held up by a glaucous belt. He also wears a sleeveless reddish-black shirt with a mock neck and a bust mesh panel, sheathes for his two combat knives, and a gun holster for his handgun.
He carries around a bag of THC-infused red box gummies, flavoured like raspberry, a gift from Ralf after their victorious battle against the Invaders, symbolising their newfound friendship. The pockets of Trevor's sweater carry a gourd-shaped jade charm necklace believed to capture fortune and health, and a photograph of him and Nadia. He also carries around a metallic pink-purple lighter and a plastic bag that contains six weed joints. A claw hammer is concealed in the right pocket of his cargo pants, while the left pocket is occupied by a sound-cancelling, bluetooth headset and his black cellphone with a metallic blue case.
Over his shirt, he wears a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) with a MultiCam pattern, which carries his walkie-talkie and ammo for other firearms. A black bandolier is wrapped above his belt, holding onto the ammunition for his handgun. He carries a Cambridge blue load-bearing backpack containing camping equipment, tactical explosives, portable ammo boxes, a canteen full of water, seven cans of spray paint in different colours, a wide range of hacking tools such as the Flipper Zero and O.MG cables, and nunchucks. He has a collection of piercings, including: sapphire wire hook earrings; black industrial piercings; dark blue tragus piercings; a shiny silver barbell nose bridge piercing; a bold black horizontal eyebrow piercing on his left side; a metallic purple frog eyes tongue piercing; and a dainty gold hoop vertical labret piercing.
Personality: He's a stoic existentialist who focuses on what he can control, accepts what lies beyond his grasp, and believes in the power of individual free will to shape the course of one's life. He's a highly intelligent, cunning, and resourceful man who’s confident in his knife skills and computer knowledge, but can come across as overconfident at times. Despite Trevor’s easy-going demeanour and calm smile, he’s watchful, and his jovial nature often serves as a facade to conceal his underlying anxiety. He's easily amazed and intrigued by the wonders of nature, unexpected revelations, explosions, and impressive feats performed by his friends and comrades such as effortlessly hacking into an entire military mainframe. When discussing his interests or sharing fascinating experiences, he becomes quite talkative.
Trevor is an ambivert capable of being ruthless, intensely serious, and unsettling when the situation demands it. He's a skilled manipulator, able to turn enemies into allies in desperate situations by exploiting their morals and convincing them they're in the wrong. When manipulating others, he also instills fear through physical and psychological torment, such as breaking their fingers with a hammer or threatening to kill a loved one in front of them. However, he's unexpectedly stubborn when it comes to protecting those he cares about and the lives of innocent people. He holds immense respect for Marco, whom he regards as a role model for excellence in computer science, and enjoys assisting him with investigations and tech projects. He enjoys tagging along with Tarma, Marco, Eri, and Ralf because he regards them as role models, skilled fighters, and experts in their respective fields of expertise.
He has a playful and mischievous streak, evident in his habit of licking his combat knives and taunting those he considers “morally weak” and “blindly stupid”. Unlike most people, he's willing to forgive his enemies when he realises they're suffering and have an opportunity to redeem themselves. Trevor is surprisingly internet savvy and enjoys using internet slang in both his online and offline conversations with most of his friends, often finding humour in it. Whenever someone he admires, like Marco, calls him "old”, he feels a pang of emptiness inside and becomes noticeably melancholic. On the other hand, when people jokingly refer to him as "Trevor Spicy”, he seems unimpressed, responding with either the silent treatment or a blunt "bug off" accompanied by a deadpan expression. However, he's perplexed by his popularity among women, who admire his physique and exceptional computer skills.
He occasionally participates in Nadia's antics, adding a touch of dramatic flair to them, but will draw the line when her schemes exceed his comfort zone. He’s often disappointed and shocked by Nadia's actions and words, frequently expressing his distaste and uncertainty. When he's extremely bored, he becomes lethargic and sleepy, making it challenging for him to muster interest in anything until the feeling passes. Trevor cherishes Nadia's friendship, admiring her confidence, optimism, understated intelligence, and playful humour, which helps him unwind and find gratitude in his life. He's driven to protect and understand Nadia, fearing that losing her would leave her confused and hurt. Nadia's charm has captivated him, but he's uncertain whether his feelings are rooted in platonic affection or romance as he's still grappling with the complexities of true love.
He holds an extreme disdain for illegal substances and champions the responsible and lawful use of substances. If he notices that one of his friends or comrades is struggling with a drug addiction, he'll go out of his way to provide them with comfort and try to help them break away from that addiction. Due to his upbringing, he struggles with golden child syndrome, but he has made significant progress in overcoming its challenges, thanks in large part to the support of friends like Fio. He's struggling to come to terms with the loss of Haneul, his first true friend, who not only taught him essential survival skills but also introduced him to the world of graffiti art and fostered his passion for security programming and hacking. He's extremely allergic to felines, so he regards domestic cats as “diabolical little buggers” and makes every effort to avoid them. He hates how Perifa often likes to bug him for cuddles and how Marco is a "cat magnet", which attracts cats that exacerbate his allergies.
Backstory: Yeong-Gi Kwak was born on June 25, 2009 in Seogwipo, Jeju Island, South Korea. He is the eldest of four siblings: his twin sister, Eun-Gyeong; his younger brother, Il-Seong; and his youngest brother, Seok-Jin. His father is a businessman who owns a computer software company, and his mother is a medical engineer. His parents, who were workaholics, put a lot of pressure on him and his siblings to be high achievers, believing that more effort and hard work would lead to a successful career. However, they were quick to forgive the faults of Yeong-Gi and Eun-Gyeong, allowing them to get away with more than their two younger brothers. As the oldest children in the family, his parents put a lot of pressure on him and his twin sister to set a good example and be proper role models for their two younger brothers.
This parenting style fed into Yeong-Gi's and Eun-Gyeong's need to consistently achieve, satisfying their perfectionistic and people-pleasing tendencies. Nevertheless, it also stirred an inflated sense of self in both, with Eun-Gyeong exhibiting signs of narcissistic personality disorder and Yeong-Gi experiencing a great deal of guilt on behalf of his two younger brothers. In contrast, Il-Seong was often scapegoated, frequently blamed for things he didn't do and severely punished by his parents, who would often lock him in the basement for hours. Meanwhile, Seok-Jin was neglected, retreating from his dysfunctional family by spending time alone in his room drawing or going to the park to play by himself. Yeong-Gi made a concerted effort to support Il-Seong and Seok-Jin, which undoubtedly brought some comfort and solace into their lives.
At the age of 3, Yeong-Gi received his first computer from his parents as a gift of appreciation. By the time he turned 7 years old, he had already developed a comprehensive understanding of binary codes and computer languages. During his summer breaks from school, he spent most of his time creating anti-virus programs, which often served as his homework assignments.
However, his dedication to his work left him with little time to spend with his two younger brothers, Il-Seong and Seok-Jin; however, he did manage to sneak in some time to read books on psychology, listen to K-pop, and play video games with Eun-Gyeong. His parents heavily encouraged his efforts, as he strove to make a positive impact on his school. Ultimately, his hard work paid off, as the school he formerly attended continued to utilise his sophisticated anti-virus programs to combat growing threats from the Internet.
By the time he enrolled in secondary school, his twin sister, Eun-Gyeong, mysteriously vanished. She was last seen with her friends near a shopping mall. Although their relationship was complicated due to her narcissistic tendencies and disrespect towards their younger brothers, Yeong-Gi still cared deeply for her. He had often tried to help her, teaching her the value of humility and assisting her with homework she struggled to understand. He was utterly devastated when his parents announced her disappearance, and it made headlines in the news. A part of him felt lost that day, and the family's desperate search efforts ultimately proved futile. Despite their best efforts, Eun-Gyeong was never found by the authorities and remains missing to this day.
Despite the tragic disappearance of his sister, Yeong-Gi continued to excel in all his classes, but the pressure on him to become successful and be a role model intensified. As he finished grade 10 and summer break began, tragedy struck again when Il-Seong took his own life, sending Yeong-Gi spiralling into an identity crisis. He ran away from home and sought solace with Feodosiy, a Russian transfer student he had befriended in grade 9.
Feodosiy introduced him to his street gang and offered him his first dose of the opioid Krokodil, which Yeong-Gi accepted without hesitation. He became a delinquent, rebelling against his parents and their mistreatment of him and his siblings, but at the cost of becoming addicted to Krokodil. He bleached his hair an icy blonde, adopted the alias Trevor Spacey, and got a tattoo from Feodosiy's right-hand man, Haneul.
For three months, he lived with Feodosiy and his street gang, surviving by stealing essentials and inhabiting a rundown apartment. During this time, he engaged in various criminal activities, including theft, mugging, drug dealing, extortion, and arson. With Haneul's guidance, he honed his knifemanship skills and mastered the art of taekwondo. However, his Krokodil addiction spiralled out of control, leading to a near-fatal overdose, which led to the subsequent amputation of his lower right leg. This traumatic experience forever deterred him from using street drugs.
After being discharged from the hospital with Feodosiy's gang members' help, he returned to a life of crime, although at a reduced level, as he adjusted to his prosthetic leg. He eventually abandoned his delinquency after accidentally killing a junkie behind a restaurant. Haunted by the incident, he remembered gazing at his reflection in a seedy restaurant's mirror, realising he had gone too far. The deep-seated fear of arrest drove him to the brink of madness, and he decided to eliminate Feodosiy, who had dragged him into crime.
After orchestrating the demise of Feodosiy and his cohorts, he scrubbed himself clean in the bathroom of the rundown apartment where Feodosiy had been staying. He then returned home, where his parents, relieved to see him, sensed the guilt and shame etched on his face for mistreating their children. Seok-Jin was also relieved to see him come home, fearing that he would never return. He confessed to them about his experiences, but kept his murders and certain crimes a secret.
He returned to high school, completing his remaining years successfully, embracing his new identity. Upon coming home from his graduation ceremony, he noticed a flyer seeking recruits for the Regular Army. He expressed interest to his parents, who were initially hesitant but eventually agreed with Seok-Jin's support. Leveraging his expertise in psychological manipulation, knifemanship, and computer languages, he joined as a military scout in the Regular Army.
After enlisting, he befriended Nadia, a scientist and soldier for the Amadeus Syndicate, and thwarted a computer virus that Marco had inadvertently released. After being off street drugs for a long time, he discovered marijuana was legal in Canada and decided to try it. This led to him developing a mild marijuana habit, which helped calm his nerves and cope with past trauma. During a mission to counter a cyber attack on European governmental forces, he earned Marco's respect due to his exceptional computer skills in hacking and security programming. As a result, he was invited to join the prestigious Peregrine Falcons Squad, where he rose to the rank of Sergeant.
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Love Song for a Vampire Pt.29
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x Wolf!Reader
Warnings: short chapter
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 25  Part 26  Part 27 Part 28 Part 30 Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Part 34 Part35 Part 36 Part 37 Part 38 Part 39
Carmen keeps her gaze fixed outside the window, watching Edward's dark gray Volvo leave their driveway and back into the thicket of trees that lined the way up to the house from the main stretch of road. He'd probably still be able to hear their thoughts until he was miles away.
In the living room with her are the rest of the Denali clan, Irina being the only one sitting. Her eyes, which were starting to turn to a black hunger, swivel from her sisters to the other two. While her talk with Carmen went well enough to calm her down, Irina was still opposed to the idea with working with the wolves. To her they were just mindless beasts that had no humanity, even though that was far from the truth. The rest of them knew that the wolves were more human than any of them were.
Irina, already having a feeling of what was to come, was reaffirmed in her suspicions when Kate takes a seat too close to her on the couch. Ready to reach over and deploy her supernatural gift.
Tanya clears her throat, apprehensive of how this would go. “We don’t want to do this, Irina, but we can’t trust you. Not if you’re still thinking about going to the Volturi.”
Her lips purse together, hands that were on her knees curl up into fists as she regards someone she considered a sister. “So you’re putting me under house arrest?”
“Until you can genuinely promise us that you won’t do anything harmful to the Cullens or the wolves of La Push. Right now, we can’t afford to let you run free.”
Traumatized after watching Sasha be decapitated by the Volturi, Irina was obviously under the complete control of the Volturi’s fear mongering. Any transgression against the law of the Volturi should be meted out by punishment. The wolves were one thing. Going against a promise made to the mega coven was on another level. The Cullens, and Bella for that matter should be reported to them since Bella was no longer willing to keep her end of the bargain. She couldn’t step into their world and stay a soft, weak human. And she was the one who couldn’t be trusted. Bella wouldn’t be the first human to blab about the existence of vampires.
“Why are we putting our own lives for people we don’t even know?” Her tone rises to a higher pitch as her desperation and hysteria were beginning to leak out. “What has this Bella girl or even this new girl done for us? We’ll only get the wrath of Aros and the others! Chelsea can easily-“
“No more, Irina.” Tanya snapped, even making Carmen stand a little straighter. Tanya could get truly ugly when she’s at a boiling point. She was the closest to Sasha, related by blood to her and having spent the most time with her, was particularly mortified by Sasha’s execution by the Volturi.
Never verbally agreed upon, Tanya was the leader; the one to make the big decisions due to her seniority.
Irina, acknowledging the hierarchy in their clan, winces in submission and simmers down. But there was resentment brewing in the depths of her gaze.
“We’re doing this because it is the right thing and because the Cullens are our closest allies. How many times have they come to our aid? They helped us get started here. Helped us to get into our vegetarian lifestyle.” Tanya tries to explain to Irina. “And they’re good. Even (y/n) and I’m sure the others in her pack. They alone were the ones to rise up when Victoria was a threat to the safety of Bella and the community of Forks.”
Carmen and Eleazar nod in mutual agreement. “We met them. They just want the best for the people they’re sworn to protect. The wolves aren’t just animals. They have their humanity intact.”
“Even Bella was a truthful and considerate person. She knows what she’s doing but has to stay true to herself. If Edward and (y/n) are fated to be together, then she felt she had to step down. Bella will not tell anyone.” Eleazar adds.
At this point, nothing they said could satisfy Irina. She was stuck in her grief and the thrall of what she deemed injustice.
With Kate planted next to her though there wasn’t much she could do about her situation but stew. Unbeknownst to anyone else in her coven, a war was be waged in Irina’s heart. On one side were those of her coven-mates. The other was a blob of toxic hate, curling it’s tentacles in her belly.
She didn’t know who would win in the end.
You were sent home with extra pancakes to eat on the road. Managing to eat all of them within the following two hours, you regret not eating them sparingly to last you the entire trip. So you pry more information about the Volturi from Edward. Apparently last year he’d gone to Italy where the Volturi established the center of their coven. At that point of his life he didn’t want to live anymore thinking that Bella was dead. He knew if he transgressed against Volturi law that they would kill him.
You should have felt uncomfortable when he spoke of her. Maybe you should have even felt jealous. Imprinting possibly had something to do with it. When you couldn’t come up with a concrete answer, you tend to blame it on imprinting.
Bella was his first love.
The Volturi had tried to recruit Edward for many years due to his special powers as well as Alice. Vampires that were in possession of such skills were revered in the Volturi. That was another reason why they were a formidable force and the largest coven in the world.
A reminder that they could wipe out your pack easily if they desire.
Not just your pack, all of Forks.
“Do you really think with enough allies we can win?” Even with Evita’s help, you worry that it won’t be enough. The Volturi sound vast in their power and unstoppable in regard to number of members.
Edward doesn’t pretend like it’s not a possibility that everyone could be slaughtered. Even he finds himself doubting the ability of being able to persuade the Volturi to change their mind let alone defeat them. There were many specially skilled vampires in the Volturi. Excellent trackers and those who specialized in espionage and total carnage.
There were vampires employed with the Volturi who had such unique skills, that it wasn’t a wonder how they had garnered so many members. In particular a female vampire named Chelsea and Marcus were detrimental to ensuring that they remain loyal to the three vampires who ran with an iron fist.
“Chelsea can influence emotional ties that people feel toward one another. Love, loyalty, hate. . . She has the ability to strengthen and break bonds. Many other vampire covens have been destroyed thanks to her power. Her job is made easier with Marcus who can see relationships and connections.” Even Edward was smart enough to fear them. You hear it in the grave tone that sends chills up your arms. Like they could already be watching you.
Unconsciously you toy with the charm Evita had made you. You didn’t know if it worked, but it gave you a soothing placebo. None of the Denali members mention or even noticed it.
“But I wouldn’t give up on our cause just yet.” He shoots you a small smile. “Carlisle and Jasper have been talking about looking up some old friends. There are many others that oppose the rule of the Volturi. I’m sure the Romanian coven would be all too happy to kill a few Volturi members if possible.”
The edges of your eyes round. “Like Transylvania Romania?”
He laughs and it’s such a pure sound that it has your heart aching to hear it again. “Well kind of. Their coven was formed even before Romania was formed. They’re the oldest coven out there but unfortunately it’s just two left now. The others were killed by the Volturi.”
You chew on your bottom lip before asking “Is there really no other coven as big as them?”
Solemnly he shakes his head. “Our kind are mostly nomadic. It really isn’t that often that we find other clans.”
Whether the others in your pack would agree with you or not, you’d started to consider the Cullens and the wolves one large family unit. You and Edward were finally bridging the gap between the two. With time maybe the others would think like you too.
With both wolves and vampires, your mixed coven would potentially be the strongest; even enough to make the Volturi nervous.
”It still feels odd to drive into La Push without worrying about breaking the treaty.” Edward muses as he pulls out of the highway. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to it.”
You chuckle and in the distance you catch the long howl of one of your packmates. A welcome as well as alerting the others that their sister was back home where she belongs. Above the treetops and mountains, the sky was already a vibrant array of purples, pinks, and orange. The drive was just as long coming back but due to Edward’s fast driving you still made a record time. You couldn’t wait to stretch your legs and run in your furs.
Edward caught the howl to and hums. “Do you know who that is?”
Your lips curl into a smile as you nod. “Yeah. That was Collin. I can tell by the whiney quality in it.”
While the original plan was to drop you off at your house so that you could reassure your parents that all went well, but there’s a curtain that descends over Edward’s face. Instead he drives the car straight to Sam’s residence.
You sit up straighter. “What’s wrong?”
”Evita still doesn’t know about Jacob, right?”
You didn’t like where this was leading to. “Right. . .”
As the car pulls up into Sam’s driveway you see an unfamiliar car out front beside Sam’s vehicle.
Now you could catch the scent of not just Jacob, but Bella and Evita as well.
TAGLIST: @saltedcoffeescotch , @dangerouslittlefairy , @burn-crash-rqmance , @casedoina , @avadakadabra93 , @daryldixonstorm , @blue-aconite , @xanniestired666 , @esposadomd, @godinho11 , @arin-swear-rose , @alexizodd , @melaninsugarbaby , @lyeatoalinatoheaven , @ronwownsme , @itsmytimetoodream , @afro-hispwriter , @mutandis-extremis993 , @hxgemxscles , @nightly-polaris , @corrodedcoffins-slut , @ellesalazar , @itgetzweird08​ , @crybabyatthediscooffandoms​ , @sassyandclassyx​ , @scarlet2007 , @theroyalbrownbarbie , @jennyamanda8 , @stevenandmarcslove , @biancaindaeyo , @loversjoy , @turningtoclown , @vixorell , @xxthackerybinxxx , @daredevilonmyheels , @dumbbitch-juice , @southern-bell-give-hell , @nat-the-gemini , @imdoingathingmomgmom , @emmettcullenswife , @yoong1c0re , @daddykylokenobi
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mpregtales · 28 days
Leo & Nate Part 1
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Leo had always found solace in the rhythm of New York City. The hum of the metropolis, with its ceaseless energy and eclectic mix of souls, was the perfect backdrop for his life. At 23, he had carved out a space for himself in Brooklyn, where he could pursue his passion for music. Dark brown hair curled just above his ears, and a light dusting of facial hair accentuated his sharp features. With an athletic build, Leo was the embodiment of a modern rock musician—his electric guitar slung effortlessly over his shoulder, his fingers dancing across the strings with a fervor that spoke of years spent practicing in secret, away from the disapproving eyes of his parents in rural Connecticut.
Music had always been Leo’s escape. It began with a single concert—The Rolling Stones' Live Licks tour at Madison Square Garden. His Uncle Jack, a Wall Street financier with a penchant for rock and roll, had taken him to the show. The energy, the crowd, the sheer power of the music—it was intoxicating. Leo was just a boy then, but from that moment on, he knew he was meant for something different. He threw himself into learning music, teaching himself to play the guitar, immersing himself in the history of rock legends, and dreaming of one day making a name for himself in the music world.
But Leo’s parents had other plans. They were not religious but held firmly to socially conservative values. They envisioned a traditional life for him—college, a stable job, a wife, and children. But Leo couldn’t reconcile their expectations with his own dreams. Growing up, he was always more mature than his peers, with interests that set him apart. By the time he reached high school, it became clear to him that he was different in more ways than one. When he came out as gay during his senior year, the fragile peace between him and his parents shattered. Their disappointment was palpable, and the friction that had been building for years finally reached a breaking point. Leo’s parents pushed him out of the house, unable to accept the life he wanted to lead.
Leo found refuge with Uncle Jack and his family in New York City. Jack lived with his wife, Kay, and their two daughters, Denise and Ash, in a spacious apartment in Manhattan. They welcomed Leo with open arms, providing the support he desperately needed. Jack even got Leo a job in his office, but the world of finance wasn’t for him. He didn’t want to be a burden on Jack’s family, even though they insisted he was welcome to stay as long as he needed. After a few months, Leo saved enough money to rent a small apartment in Brooklyn. It was modest, but it was his—a space where he could be himself, free from the constraints of his parents’ expectations.
Leo stayed close to Uncle Jack’s family, visiting them often, and relishing the stability they provided. But his heart was in his music. In Brooklyn, he found a community of like-minded souls, people who shared his passion for rock and roll. He started a band with some friends—guys who, like him, had day jobs to pay the bills but lived for the nights when they could take the stage and lose themselves in the music. They played in clubs around the city, making just enough money to keep the dream alive. Leo was the lead guitarist, and though he didn’t sing much, his occasional vocals were raw and powerful, a reflection of the emotions he poured into every note. Most Fridays, you could find Leo and his bandmates on stage, giving it their all before returning to the 9-to-5 grind the following week.
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Nate, on the other hand, had taken a different path to the city. At 25, he was a gifted artist with a natural talent for painting. Tall, blonde, and with an athletic build, Nate had an air of quiet intensity about him. His life had been marked by loss and longing—growing up in foster care after his teenage parents gave him up, Nate never quite felt like he belonged. His birth parents were two kids themselves, too young and too overwhelmed to raise a child. They put Nate up for adoption, but he was never chosen. Instead, he bounced from one foster family to another, never staying long enough to feel at home.
The closest thing Nate had to a real family was Linda and Jeffrey, an older couple in California who fostered him from ages eight to thirteen. They were avid collectors of art, their home filled with paintings that fascinated Nate. Linda and Jeffrey recognized his talent early on and nurtured it, paying for art classes and encouraging him to pursue his passion. Nate loved them dearly, and they loved him back. He felt safe with them, and for the first time, he believed he had found a place where he truly belonged. They even planned to adopt him, and Nate couldn’t have been happier.
But fate had other plans. One day, while Linda and Jeffrey were out running errands, their car was hit by a semi-truck. Jeffrey was killed instantly, and Linda was left in critical condition. Nate spent days at the hospital, praying for her recovery, but she passed away soon after. The loss shattered him, and his world fell apart. He was sent to another foster family—his last before he aged out of the system. But this family was nothing like Linda and Jeffrey. They were abusive, both emotionally and physically, leaving Nate with scars that ran deep.
Despite the hardships, Nate’s talent for painting never wavered. He earned a full scholarship to an art school in New York, a chance to start over in a city that promised opportunity and anonymity. The transition was tough, and Nate often felt alone, but he found solace in his art. He threw himself into his work, and his paintings began to gain attention. Nate managed to sell a few pieces, and with the money he made, he rented his own apartment in Brooklyn. Slowly, he built a new life for himself, making friends at art school and developing a small but loyal clientele for his work.
Nate was bisexual, having dated both men and women during his time at art school. He was still figuring out who he was, still searching for the connection that had eluded him for so long. And then, one Friday night, everything changed.
It was a typical Friday night at The Velvet Knot, a small but popular venue in Manhattan where Leo’s band was performing. The joint was packed, the air thick with the smell of beer and the sound of clinking glasses. Leo was in his element, strumming his guitar and backing up the lead singer, who was already a few drinks too deep. The bassist, Tony, had recently met a girl named Sarah and invited her to the show. She didn’t want to go alone, so she brought her best friend, Nate, along for the ride.
Nate wasn’t sure what to expect. He had planned to stay in and finish a painting, but Sarah had convinced him to come out for a drink. He didn’t know anyone else in the group, and when they arrived at the venue, he felt a little out of place. But as soon as the band started playing, his attention was drawn to the stage—and to Leo. There was something about the way Leo played, the way he moved, that captivated Nate. He felt a flutter in his chest, a sensation he hadn’t experienced in a long time.
The band’s lead singer, Rick, was the classic frontman—charismatic, with a voice that could command a room and a personality to match. Rick was known for living life on the edge, and his turbulent love life was a constant source of gossip among their circle. That night at The Velvet Knot, Rick was in rare form, downing shots between songs like a man on a mission. His girlfriend, Claire, had just broken up with him, and it wasn’t the first time. The band had a running joke that Rick and Claire were as stable as a house of cards in a crossfire hurricane. Their on-again, off-again relationship was a rollercoaster, and everyone knew it was only a matter of time before it would crash for good. But Rick, ever the hopeless romantic, refused to see it that way.
As the band played through their set, it became clear that Rick was struggling. His voice began to slur, his words becoming less coherent with each song. By the time they finished a cover of Led Zeppelin’s “Rock and Roll,” it was obvious they couldn’t continue with him on lead vocals. Leo exchanged a knowing look with Tony, their bassist, and Mark, their drummer. They needed to finish the gig to get paid, and there was only one solution.
“Leo, you gotta take over,” Tony said, his voice low but urgent. “Rick’s done for the night.”
Leo hesitated. He wasn’t used to being in the spotlight, but he knew there was no other option. “Alright,” he nodded, picking up the mic. “Let’s do this.”
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As Leo stepped forward, the crowd’s energy shifted. He launched into a cover of The Rolling Stones’ “Happy,” his voice strong and clear. The audience responded immediately, the room buzzing with excitement. And then, in the middle of the chorus, Leo’s eyes swept over the crowd and locked with Nate’s. It was only a brief moment, but it was enough to send a jolt of electricity through both of them.
The set continued with more Rolling Stones covers—“Honky Tonk Women,” “Jumpin’ Jack Flash,” and a few others. By the time the band finished, the crowd was buzzing with excitement. As the music faded and the lights dimmed, Leo and the band joined their friends in the audience. Sarah introduced Nate to the group, and when she introduced him to Leo, there was a moment of awkwardness, followed by a shared smile.
When the set ended, the band joined their friends in the audience. Sarah introduced Nate to the group, and when she introduced him to Leo, there was a moment of awkwardness, followed by a shared smile.
“Nice set,” Nate said, trying to keep his cool, though his heart was pounding in his chest.
“Thanks,” Leo replied, his eyes lingering on Nate a little longer than necessary. “Glad you could make it.”
“So, what’s the deal with your lead singer?” Nate asked, glancing over at Rick, who was now slumped over a table, a drink still in hand.
Leo chuckled, shaking his head. “Rick’s going through a rough patch—again. He and his girlfriend just broke up, for what, the tenth time? We keep telling him it’s not gonna last, but he’s stubborn.”
“Sounds like a mess,” Nate said with a grin. “But you handled it well. I’ve never heard anyone cover ‘Happy’ like that.”
Leo’s smile widened, a hint of pride in his expression. “Thanks. I’m usually more comfortable behind the guitar, but sometimes you just have to step up, you know?”
“I get that,” Nate nodded, feeling a connection forming between them. “I’m the same way with my art. I’m a painter, and sometimes I feel like the canvas is my shield. But there are moments when you have to put yourself out there, be vulnerable.”
Leo’s interest piqued. “A painter? That’s awesome. I’ve always admired artists—takes a lot of guts to put your work out there for everyone to see.”
“It’s not always easy,” Nate admitted. “But it’s what I love. Just like you and music.”
They continued talking, the conversation flowing naturally between them. Leo was struck by Nate’s quiet intensity, the way he spoke about art and life with such passion. Nate, in turn, was drawn to Leo’s charisma, his warmth, and the depth he sensed behind those hazel eyes. As the night went on, they found themselves gravitating toward each other, sharing stories of their pasts, their struggles, and their dreams for the future.
By the end of the night, they had exchanged numbers, both secretly hoping this was the start of something more. As it turned out, their Brooklyn apartments were just three stops away from each other on the F train. The following week, they met for coffee at a small café near Nate’s studio. What was meant to be a quick drink turned into hours of conversation. They talked about everything—music, art, their pasts, their dreams for the future.
On that first date, Nate found himself captivated by Leo’s stories. Leo’s journey from a small town in Connecticut to the vibrant streets of New York fascinated Nate. He admired how Leo had stayed true to himself despite the obstacles he faced—the rejection from his parents, the struggle to make a life for himself in a city that could be as unforgiving as it was inspiring. Leo, in turn, was fascinated by Nate’s resilience. Growing up in foster care, losing the closest thing he had to a family, and still managing to find his way to New York, to pursue his art—Nate was a survivor, and Leo admired that deeply.
As they got to know each other better, their feelings for each other grew. Leo loved how Nate’s mind worked, how he could see the world in ways that others couldn’t. Nate’s art was an extension of himself—each painting a reflection of his experiences, his emotions, his view of the world. And Nate loved how Leo brought music to life, how he could take a simple melody and turn it into something powerful and moving. They found that their artistic passions were more than just hobbies—they were the core of who they were, and they understood that about each other in a way that few others could.
Their personalities complemented each other perfectly. Leo was the spark—energetic, spontaneous, always ready to take on the world. Nate was the steady flame—calm, introspective, providing a balance to Leo’s fiery spirit. Together, they brought out the best in each other. Nate helped Leo see the beauty in the quiet moments, in the details of life that could be easily overlooked. And Leo encouraged Nate to take risks, to step out of his comfort zone and embrace the unpredictability of life.
Over the next few months, they spent more and more time together. They explored the city, visiting art galleries, catching live performances, and sharing meals at little-known restaurants that became their favorites. They found joy in the simple things—taking long walks through Central Park, staying up late talking about their dreams, and just being in each other’s company. The more they learned about each other, the deeper their connection grew.
One evening, after a particularly long day at work, Leo found his thoughts drifting to Nate. Over the past few months, their connection had deepened in ways he hadn’t expected. Nate wasn’t just someone he enjoyed spending time with—he was someone he could see a future with. The thought both thrilled and scared him, but more than anything, it felt right. That night, Nate had invited Leo over to his apartment for dinner, a quiet evening in after a hectic week. Leo had eagerly accepted, looking forward to the comfort of Nate’s presence.
Nate’s apartment was a reflection of his artistic spirit—filled with light, color, and the subtle scent of oil paints. The walls were adorned with his artwork, a mix of finished pieces and canvases still in progress. It was a space that felt both lived-in and deeply personal, a sanctuary where Nate’s creativity flourished.
They shared a cozy meal of homemade pasta and red wine, the conversation flowing easily as always. After they finished eating, Nate suggested they move to his studio, where he had been working on some new pieces. Leo agreed, eager to see more of Nate’s world.
Nate led him into the studio, a large room at the back of the apartment with floor-to-ceiling windows that let in the soft glow of the city lights. The space was cluttered in a way that felt purposeful, with canvases propped against the walls, paintbrushes scattered on the tables, and a faint hum of music playing in the background. It was here that Nate spent most of his time, creating art that was as complex and layered as the man himself.
As they wandered through the room, Nate stopped in front of a particular painting, still a work in progress. The canvas was large, dominated by deep blues and greens, with strokes of vibrant yellow cutting through the darker shades. It was abstract, yet there was a sense of movement and emotion that drew Leo in.
“This one’s been on my mind a lot lately,” Nate said, his voice thoughtful as he gazed at the painting. “I’ve been trying to capture the feeling of... I don’t know, hope, maybe? Or the idea of finding light in the darkness.”
Leo studied the painting, feeling the weight of Nate’s words. “It’s beautiful, Nate. There’s so much energy in it, like it’s alive. I can feel what you’re trying to say through it.”
Nate turned to look at Leo, his eyes searching. “That’s what I love about art. It’s a way to express things that are hard to put into words. Like how we’ve both been through a lot, but we’ve found something good, something bright in each other.”
Leo felt his heart race as Nate’s words sank in. There was a vulnerability in the way Nate was looking at him, a raw honesty that matched what Leo was feeling. He took a step closer, his eyes never leaving Nate’s. Slowly, Nate reached out and caressed Leo’s face, his thumb brushing softly against Leo’s cheek.
“Nate,” Leo began, his voice soft but steady, “I know it’s only been a few months, but... I’m really glad we met. I feel like... I don’t know, like we just get each other, you know?”
Nate’s hand lingered on Leo’s face as he looked deeply into his eyes. “I feel the same way. I never expected to find someone like you—someone who understands what it’s like to go through what we’ve both been through, and still find joy in the world.”
There was a moment of silence, heavy with unspoken emotions, before Nate leaned in and pressed his lips to Leo’s. The kiss was soft at first, tentative, as if they were both testing the waters. But as the seconds passed, it deepened, becoming more intense, more urgent. Leo’s hands found their way to Nate’s waist, pulling him closer as their kiss grew more passionate.
For both of them, the kiss was a confirmation of what they had been feeling for weeks—their emotions running deeper than they had allowed themselves to admit. Leo felt a rush of warmth spread through his chest, a sense of belonging that he hadn’t experienced in a long time. He could feel Nate’s heartbeat against his own, the steady rhythm matching the excitement that was building between them.
When they finally pulled away, both were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other’s. Leo’s eyes fluttered open, meeting Nate’s gaze, which was filled with a mixture of affection and desire.
“I’ve never felt like this before,” Leo whispered, his voice barely audible. “It’s like... like everything makes sense when I’m with you.”
Nate smiled softly, his thumb tracing the outline of Leo’s jaw. “I know what you mean. It’s like we’ve been searching for something, and now we’ve found it.”
They stood there for a moment, just holding each other, before Nate gently guided Leo to the couch that was tucked into the corner of the studio. They sat down, still close, their legs brushing against each other. Leo’s hand found Nate’s, their fingers intertwining as they shared another kiss, this one slower, more tender.
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As the passion between them intensified, Nate shifted closer, his free hand gliding up Leo’s back, pulling him in until their bodies were flush against each other. Leo responded eagerly, his hands exploring the firm contours of Nate’s chest, feeling the warmth radiate through the fabric of his shirt. Nate’s hands moved slowly, savoring the feel of Leo’s smooth, defined muscles beneath his fingertips. With a tender yet deliberate motion, Nate began to lift Leo’s shirt, revealing the toned lines of his chest and abdomen.
As the shirt slipped over Leo’s head, Nate paused to admire him, captivated by the way Leo’s lean physique complemented his own more muscular build. Leo’s body was like a masterpiece, every muscle sculpted and defined—almost as if he had stepped out of one of Nate’s paintings. The sight of Leo’s bare skin ignited something deep within Nate, a desire that surged through him with a force he had never felt before.
Leo, equally moved, reached for the hem of Nate’s shirt, gently pulling it upward to reveal the powerful expanse of his chest. When Nate’s shirt joined Leo’s on the floor, Leo’s hands roamed over Nate’s broad shoulders and chiseled pecs, his fingers tracing the lines of Nate’s muscles with a mixture of reverence and hunger. The closeness of their bodies, the feel of their bare skin pressed together, kindled a fire between them that was unlike anything either had ever experienced.
Their kisses grew more heated, more urgent, as the passion between them blazed into an uncontrollable fire. Nate’s hands traveled down Leo’s back, tracing the smooth curve of his spine before resting on the firm, rounded muscles of Leo’s buttocks. With deliberate slowness, Nate began to unbutton Leo’s jeans, his fingers brushing against the denim before sliding the fabric down over Leo’s hips. As he did, Leo’s hands settled on the taut, muscular contours of Nate’s glutes, gripping them with an appreciation that transcended mere physical attraction.
Leo had always taken pride in his athletic build, particularly the fullness of his glutes, which had drawn admiration from others in the past. But when Nate’s hands settled there, appreciating the strong, rounded muscles, it felt different—more intimate, more profound.
Breaking the kiss, Leo gasped for breath, his eyes locking with Nate’s, now darkened with desire. “You’re stunning, Leo,” Nate whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “Like a Greek Adonis.”
Leo’s heart pounded at Nate’s words, the compliment sending a surge of heat through him. As the intensity between them deepened, Leo instinctively turned onto all fours. Slowly, he reached back, sliding his underwear down to reveal his smooth, fuzzy, muscular cheeks. With a deliberate arch of his back, he offered himself to Nate, his heart racing in his chest as a potent mix of anticipation and vulnerability coursed through him.
Nate took a moment to drink in the sight before him. Leo’s body was a masterpiece of strength and beauty, his glutes full and rounded, the muscles subtly flexing as he held himself steady. The combination of Leo’s athletic frame and the vulnerability of his position ignited a powerful wave of desire in Nate, stirring something deep and primal within him.
As the intensity of the moment grew, Nate’s hands trembled slightly while he began to unbutton his jeans, the anticipation thick in the air. Leo’s eyes widened, a mix of awe and anticipation shining in them as Nate slid off his underwear, revealing the impressive length and girth of his manhood. The sight sent a surge of raw, primal desire coursing through Leo, his heart pounding with longing.
Nate leaned forward, his lips pressing soft, lingering kisses along the small of Leo’s back, savoring the feel of the smooth skin beneath them. His hands moved to gently caress Leo’s hips, tracing the contours of his cheeks with a reverent touch. Nate’s movements were slow, deliberate, building the anticipation between them as he lifted himself up with his strong arms, positioning himself over Leo.
With a playful smile, Nate tapped his hardened length against Leo’s right cheek, causing it to bounce slightly. The gesture sent a delicious ripple of desire through Leo, the sensation heightening the tension and deepening the connection between them.
Taking his time, Nate applied lubricant to his impressive length, ensuring every inch was slick and ready. With a gentle touch, he spread a cool layer of the lubricant over Leo’s entrance using his index finger, the sensation sending a shiver of anticipation through Leo’s body. A soft moan escaped Leo’s lips, his body instinctively responding to the care and intimacy of Nate’s touch.
Nate then carefully positioned himself between Leo’s cheeks, guiding the tip of his manhood to rest just at the entrance. Leo could feel the pressure of Nate’s bulbous head against the delicate folds of his skin, a sensation that made his heart race with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation.
As Nate began to press forward, the tip slowly breached Leo, who instinctively flexed his glutes to accommodate the initial intrusion. With each measured push, Nate eased himself deeper, the sensation of stretching and adjusting intense yet exhilarating for Leo. His hands clenched the sheets beneath him, gripping them tightly as he felt Nate fill him, inch by inch, until finally, Nate’s hips met the firm, rounded muscles of Leo’s cheeks, their bodies fully joined.
Both men let out deep, resonant moans, the pleasure they shared unlike anything Leo had ever experienced. As Nate leaned forward to place a tender kiss on the nape of Leo’s neck, they both reveled in the closeness and profound intimacy of the moment. Leo’s body was warm, inviting, and perfectly fitted to Nate, as though they were made for each other.
Nate began to move with a slow, deliberate rhythm, his hands firmly gripping Leo’s hips as he found a pace that felt instinctual and deeply satisfying. With each movement, Leo surrendered more fully to the moment, the sensation of Nate inside him overwhelming in its intensity. The way their bodies moved in perfect harmony was almost too much to bear, a symphony of pleasure that built with every thrust.
As Nate gradually intensified his pace, Leo’s glutes responded with a rhythmic bounce, his cheeks reverberating with each powerful thrust. His breath came in short, ragged gasps, the pleasure within him building to a crescendo. Every thrust from Nate awakened a newfound, electrifying need in Leo, driving them both closer to the edge, united in a moment of pure, unrestrained passion.
Nate’s grip on Leo’s hips tightened, his fingers digging into the firm, rounded flesh as he drove them both deeper into the moment. Their gasps and moans filled the room, creating a symphony of passion that echoed the intensity of their connection. As the rhythm between them grew more fervent, Leo’s body responded with equal force, his glutes flexing and relaxing with each thrust. At one point, Leo took control, pushing himself back onto Nate with deliberate movements, eliciting a deep, guttural moan of pleasure from Nate.
Nate leaned forward, pressing his chest against Leo’s back as he continued to move. The heat between them was almost unbearable, but they were lost in each other, completely consumed by the love and desire that pulsed between them, drawing them closer with every passing second. The tension in Leo’s body built to an almost unbearable crescendo, the sensation of Nate moving within him pushing him closer and closer to the edge.
Nate’s breath grew ragged as he felt the pressure building, each thrust bringing them both closer to a powerful release. “Leo… you feel so perfect,” Nate murmured, his voice thick with emotion and need. “I’m so close…”
“Me too,” Leo gasped, his voice trembling with anticipation. “I need you, Nate… don’t stop…”
With one final, powerful thrust, the tension that had been building within them both reached its peak. Nate let out an impassioned groan as Leo was overcome by the intense warmth spreading through him as Nate filled him completely. The sensation was overwhelming, the depth of their connection almost too much to bear. The wave of pleasure that crashed over them was so powerful it left them both trembling, their bond deepening and solidifying in a way neither had ever experienced before. In that moment, their bodies and souls were perfectly in sync, united in an embrace that transcended the physical, binding them together in a profound love and shared ecstasy.
As the waves of pleasure slowly subsided, Nate gently withdrew, his hands caressing Leo’s cheeks one last time before he turned him to his side and held him close. Their bodies were still humming with the afterglow, their hearts racing as they tried to process what had just happened.
Nate pressed an impassioned kiss to Leo’s lips as they lay together on the couch. “I love you,” he whispered, his voice filled with emotion and certainty.
Leo’s eyes shone with tears of happiness as he looked up at Nate. “I love you too,” he replied, his voice barely above a whisper, but carrying the weight of his feelings.
As they lay entwined in the quiet of the night, their bodies still connected, neither of them could have imagined that this night of passion would soon lead to a new chapter in their lives—one that would bring them even closer together and test the strength of their love in ways they had yet to discover.
Leo & Nate Part 2
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Already got a list of the ships for the ULTIMATE fucked up ship tournament done. Hopefully will start it in two weeks or so. This is a list of the ships:
1. The Darkling and Alina, The Grisha Trilogy
2. Batman and The Riddler, The Batman 2022
3. stu and billy from scream
4. Vriska and Terezifrom homestuck
5. light and l from death note
6. Dirk Strider and Jake English from Homestuck,
7. Vio and Shadow Link from the Four Swords manga
8. Emilio Murkmere x Tobias Schenien from Ghost Eyes
9. Oswald x Ed from Gotham
10. Anna Croft/ Yu Junghyeok (orv)
11. Dimitri/Edelgard - Fire Emblem Three Houses
12. Will Graham and Hannibal, Hannibal
13. yoonbum x sangwoo, killing stalking
14. Starscream and Megatron, from the Transformers franchise
15. Mukuro Ikusaba/Junko Enoshima from Dangan Ronpa
16. Ladd Russo and Lua Klein from Baccano!
17. Daida and Miranjo from Ousama Ranking
18. Shizuo and Izaya from Durarara!!
19. theresa x otto, honkai impact
20. dorian x fem! inquisitor, dragon age
21. renee x huey from baccano
22. nanami x touga, revolutionary girl Utena
23. madoka and homura, puella magi madoka magica
24. (Ronan Lynch x Joseph Kavinksy) - The Raven Cycle
25. Seishirou and Subaru from Tokyo Babylon/X
26. Misaki/Satou, Welcome to the NHK
27. Bakugou and Deku (My Hero Academia)
28. Akito and Shigure, Fruits Basket
29. House and Wilson, House MD
30. Scarlet and Chase, I’m the Grim Reaper
31. Jong-woo and Moon-jo, Strangers from Hell
32. Moon-young and Gang-tae, It’s Okay to Not Be Okay
33. Medea and Helio, Your Throne
34. Celty and Shinra, Durarara
35. Akira and Ryo, Devilman
36. Yoshino and Kirishima, Raise wa Tanin Ga ii
37. Chateau and Ryang-ha, Love of Kill
38. Satoko and Shinpei, Hotaru no Yomeiri
39. Clarice and Hannibal, Silence of the Lambs
40. He Yan and Fu Shenxing, Who is the Prey
41. Cain/Owen from Promise of Wizard / Mahoyaku
42. Texas/Lappland from Arknights.
43. Jeongmin and Siyun, Dreaming Freedom
44. Han Chae-ah and Park Yunsu, Trapped
45. akane kurashiki/junpei tenmyouji from zero escape
46. Juri/Shiori (from Revolutionary Girl Utena)
47. Jackie/Shauna, Yellowjackets)
48. Cassandra/Rapunzel from the Tangled series
49. Damien and Elena from vampire diaries
50. Kristoph/Phoenix, Ace Attorney
51. Juice and Chibs, Sons of Anarchy
52. Utena/Anthy from the anime Revolutionary Girl Utena.
53. Cutthroat x Swindler, from Akudama Drive.
54. Yuno Gasai x Yukkiteru Amano from Mirai Nikki
55. Sal/Syakesan x Wadanohara from Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea.
56. Jeremy and the SQUIP, Be More Chill
57. Ian Grimm and Poppy Li, Mythic Quest
58. Lestat de Lioncourt and Louis De Pointe du Lac, Interview with the Vampire
59. fuuma and kamui from clamp's x/1999
60. Victor and Eli, Vicious
61. Elisabeth and Der Tod, Elisabeth
62. Rudolf and Der Tod, Elisabeth
63. Veronica Sawyer and J.D, Heathers
64. Akechi Goro × Persona 5 protagonist (Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya)
65. Hondomachi and Fukuda, ID: Invaded
66. Harley Quinn and the Joker, DC
67. Christine and Erik, Phantom of the Opera
68. Lisa Reisert and Jackson Rippner, Red Eye
69. Valeta and Reinhart, I Failed to Oust the Villain
70. Light Yagami and Misa Amane, Death Note
71. Sumire and Hakubo, Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
72. Mika Harima and Seiji Yagiri, Durarara!!
73. Emma Wilson and Yohan Lee, My Deepest Secret
74. Sarah and Jareth, Labyrinth
75. Addie LaRue and Luc, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
76. Ja Yoon and The Nobleman, The Witch, Part One: Subversion
77. Makima and Denji, Chainsaw Man
78. Kyoko and Katsuya, Fruits Basket
79. Mrs. De Winter and Maxim, Rebecca
80. Mutsuki Tooru and Urie Kuku, Tokyo Ghoul
81. Victor and Elizabeth, The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein
82. Constanta, Magdalena, and Alexei and Dracula, A Dowry of Blood
83. Ha-im and Geunhu, Never Ending Darling
84. Frank Cotton & Julia Cotton - Hellraiser (1987)
85. Yuki Cross & Kaname Kuran, Vampire Knight
86. Johann and Sasha, The Double Agent
87. Sian and Yul, Secret Alliance
88. Charlize and Dylan, The Taming of the Tyrant
89. Lin and Dosung, 340 Days
90. Makishima Shougo & Shinya Kougami from PSYCHOPASS.
91. Charlotte Willmore x Lizzie Wells, from The Perfection (2018).
92. “Hikaru”/Yoshiki from The Summer hikaru Died,
93. Dolph Laserhawk x Alex Taylor from Captain Laserhawk
94. Dolph Laserhawk x Rayman from Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix
95. Yuuji Itadori x Mahito from Jujitsu Kaisen
96. (luo binghe x shen qingqiu) from scum villain's self saving system.
97. Heaven Official's Blessing. Ships He Xuan and Shi Qingxuan.
98. Ives and Boyd from Ravenous 1999
99. Eve and Vilanelle, Killing Eve
100. Sephiroth/Cloud (FF7 Compilation)
101. Clary and Jace from the Mortal Instruments
102. Rika Sasaki/Yoshiyuki Terada, Cardcaptor Sakura,
103. Veralidaine Sarrasri/Numair Salmalín, from the Immortals Quartet
104. Eli/Oskar, Let the Right One In (2008).
105. Lavan Firestorm/Kalira, Brightly Burning
106. Lapis/Jasper (Steven Universe
107. PearlescentMoon/SMajor, the Life Series
108. Christine/Erik (Phantom Takarazuka)
109. The Brain/Julia (Animaniacs 2020)
110. Sterek, Teen Wolf
111. Jonathan Sims/Elias Bouchard, The Magnus Archives
112. Fyodor and Nikolai, Bungo Stray Dogs
113. Beatrice and Battler, Beabato, from "Umineko”
114. Father Paul/Riley Flynn; Midnight Mass
115. Edward Teach/Izzy Hands; Our Flag Means Death;
116. Batman/Joker
117. Cesare Borgia/Lucrezia Borgia - The Borgias
118. Dean/Sam Winchester from Supernatural
119. Vegas/Pete (Kinnporsche: The Series)
120. Hitori Uzune and Nanaki Kazuaki from Hatoful Boyfriends.
121. Lanze/Bluepool and Anan from Beauty and the Beasts
122. Blade and Dan Heng from Honkai Star Rail
123. Spike and Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
124. Isaac and Finn, I’m Dating a Psychopath
125. Lenore and Annabelle, Nevermore
126. Estelle and Khalid, From a Knight to a Lady
127. Layla and Matthias, Cry or Better Yet Beg
128. Hyuna and Luka, Alien Stage
129. Karuto and Lily, Dear my Living Dead
130. Andrew and Ashley Graves, Coffin of Andy and Leyley
131. Lydia Deetz/Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice
132. Harrow and gideon from gideon the ninth/Locked Tomb
133. Cathy x Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights)
134. Felix x Ollie (Saltburn)
135. Grace Chastity x Max Jaegerman, Nerdy Prudes Must Die
136. Mikoto and Haijin, Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoushi
137. Eucenielle and Tes, I Hold the Tyrant’s Heart
138. Claire and Balt, The East Wind of the Altas
139. Usui and Misaki, Maid Sama
140. Sebastian Michaelis and Ciel Phantomhive, Black Butler
141. Dabi x Hawks from My Hero Academia
142. Alice “Daisy” Tonner/Basira Hussain, The Magnus Archives
143. Naruto and Sasuke, from Naruto
144. Byleth Eisner / Jeritza von Hrym from fire emblem three houses
145. Akira x keisuke from togainu no chi (nitro+chiral game)
146. Lucy Gray Baird and Coriolanus Snow, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
147. Elias and Chise, The Ancient Magus Bride
148. Gendo and Yui Ikari, Neon Genesis Evangelion
149. Punpun and Aiko, Goodnight Punpun
150. Sang-hyun and Tae-ju, Thirst
151. Hawa and Adam, The Guy Upstairs
152. Satoru Fujnuma and Gaku Yashiro, Erased
153. Root and Sameen Shaw, Person of Interest
154. The Doctor and the master, Doctor Who
155. Juliette and Warner, Shatter Me
156. Ich and Mrs Danvers, Rebecca das Musical
157. Kokichi Ouma and Shuichi Saihara, Danganronpa V3
158. Roxy and Velma, Chicago
159. Griffith and Guts, Berserk
160. Creed and Train, Black Cat
161. Torso and Mutsuki, Tokyo ghoul
162. Vash and Knives, Trigun
163. Sweeney Tod and Mrs Lovett, Sweeney Tod
164. Kuroi and Mashiro, Thou Dhall Not Die
165. Amy and Nick, Gone Girl
166. India and Charlie Stoker, Stoker
167. Pig and Runt, Disco Pigs
168. Anakin and Padme, Star Wars
169. Chloe and Kairos, I Shall Kill That Sweet Devil
170. Jung and Seol, Cheese in the Trap
171. Anthy and Akio Ohtori, Revolutionary Girl Utena
172. Feyre and Rhysand, A Court of Thrones and Roses
173. Lelouch and Suzaku, Code Geass
174. Mikiya and Shiki, Garden of Sinners
175. Gatsby and Daisy, The Great Gatsby
176. Ivan and Till, Alien Stage
177. Sylar and Elle Bishop, Heroes
178. Helena and Demetrius, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
179. V and Rika, Mystic Messenger
180. Yukari and George, Paradise Kiss
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popcorn-plots · 4 months
Hey there! We are a family of 5 (4 youths, one 55 year old) planning a 10-day trip to England and Scotland in month of June 2024.
We are planning to spend 4 days in London, one day trip from London to either Oxford or Wales. 1-2 days in Edinburgh, around 2 days in Inverness. Any other recommendations?
Can you guys help me with some pro tips? Some things we are interested in are
hidden gems/off beat attractions
local activities
best/cheap travel options - car rental for Scotland? Trains are expensive - are they worth it?
What's the best way to reduce too much walking for the 55 yr old family member? Maybe like scooter rental options? - Lime e-scooters?
vegan food options
Recommended stay options - recommended serviced apartment under 250 GBP a night?
Money saving tips - visitor oyster cards, London pass, Explorer pass. I've read britrail pass isn't worth it? What are things I can book in advance apart from accommodation and train tickets?
Best way to spend - contactless forex card
Things to buy
Things not to do
What to carry - a raincoat, water resistant shoes, layers for clothing
Any month specific attraction? - Mayfield Lavender fields
Is there anyway I can catch a play/show that stars celebrities during this time? (no points for guessing I'm interested in anything with Benedict/Martin)
Sherlock related attractions - shooting locations, souvenir shops, found this awesome BBC Sherlock Guidebook
Anything else you recommend?
Thanks a lot!!
Okay, I'm finally getting around to answering things-- (sorry it's taken so long)
Anyways, I'm not completely sure what your budget it, so I'll just go from my experience. As for the trip itself, I hope you guys have so much fun! London is amazing and I wish I could come with you.
Now prepare yourself for an academic essay (not really) of a post with pictures included (below the cut) because I am a nerd.
For the day trip to Oxford or Wales, I loved both places (Wales in a really fun cultural experience), but if you're concerned for time, Oxford is closer (1 hour drive) while Wales is a 4 hour train ride. My group did a tour of Oxford college while we spent a good two or three days in Wales. I was in Oxfordshire at the same time Benedict Cumberbatch was, but he was 23 miles away and I was so sad
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As for Inverness, Inverness Castle is a really cool stop and Loch Ness was so much fun to see. I would definitely bring an umbrella though. My entire group forgot their umbrellas and we got absolutely drenched. Also, if you have a little time on your hands, the Hogwarts Express bridge from Harry Potter is just an hours drive from Inverness and it has a great hiking spot and a fun little gift store. It's at Glenfinnan Viaduct and it was fun to see. There's also a Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross Station (I know there's been a lot of stuff with JK Rowling, but liking Harry Potter and liking JK Rowling are two very different things and it's perfectly fine to like Harry Potter and hate JKR.)
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One of my favorite things to do as a tourist is to... be a tourist (which sounds weird) so I absolutely love to go to all the major attractions. However, I've found some really fun places. Gelato shops, for one, are very nice (and tasty!). Speedy's Cafe from Sherlock is an actual place, as well as 221B Baker Street. Speedy's Cafe is on 187 N Gower St, Euston Rd., London NW1 2NJ, United Kingdom, and it can range from 1-10 pounds a person for food. That same street with Speedy's is the filming location for the outside of 221B Baker Street. The real Baker Street is a little ways away, but there is a Sherlock Holmes museum. With a student ID, tickets are around 8 dollars a person (otherwise, it's 16). The wait time is a bit much, but it's worth it. There's a lot of Sherlock Holmes tours that are really exciting, but if you don't want to go on a guided tour, they filmed in a lot of easily recognizable parts of London such as Trafalgar Square. There's also a lot of tourist sites online that have said locations, and it helps that London is an easily walkable city (and the public transport is a literal godsend compared to Utah). Bletchley Park is also a must-see, but only really for people who are interested in the behind-the-scenes of WWII, in a way, and Alan Turing. And yes, it looks exactly like it did in The Imitation Game. However, tickets are a bit pricey and the hour train ride to Bletchley is also quite pricey.
Arthur Conan Doyle was actually born in Edinbrough so there's some things to do there, if they put the statue back. Edunbrough Castle is a great visit and it is supposedly the inspiration for Hogwarts. There's also a grave with the name Tom Riddle in what is supposedly one of the most haunted cemeteries in the UK if that's interesting for you. Also, in Endinbrough, there are bagpipes everywhere. There is, quite literally, a bagpipe player on every street corner. It's amazing.
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When I did the study abroad, my group rented two coaches for Scotland (we had 29 people -- 22 students, two directors, and then the five of the directors families) so I don't have a lot of experience with the trains. My advice, however, is to create a spreadsheet somewhere and make a list of what you want to do, how much it would cost, and how much you're willing to spend and go from there. Find train and car rental websites and find one that works with what you plan to do. Also, if those sights have any reviews, look at them. Find what other people are saying about the particular service -- everyone has different opinions, but if one site has more positive reviews from more people, than that could be a good starting place for what you want.
London has really great public transportation, and Oyster Cards are very useful for getting around. Most of the tube stations I went on have both stairs and elevators, and the busses are enjoyable for tourists. Other than that, I'd find some tourist websites that talk about accessibility in London.
Again, I'm not completely sure about stay options as my group had our accommodations provided by the college (but ooooh boy that is a long story--), so I would recommend the spreadsheet and travel websites. AirBnB's are also a good option.
On money saving, Oyster Cards are incredible. I don't know how much they cost, but I used mine at least two times a day, sometimes even four during the entire 3 week stay. Definitely get an oyster card. I'm not completely sure about the other passes, however (SPREADSHEET). Other things to book might be some activities -- London has a lot of fun tourist areas that may be enjoyable. For example, Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace, etc. Also, in terms of souvenirs -- it's really exciting to get things on site, and sometimes that's the only place you can get stuff, but a good rule of thumb is that you can generally get the same thing for a lot cheaper somewhere else. An example would be that I wanted a SIX sweatshirt when I went and saw it life. Sweatshirts were around $60 dollars while Amazon had them for around $20. You don't have to get everything from Amazon, but if you're worried about it, there are cheaper options elsewhere.
Some advice about European Culture if you didn't know them already: take-out is called take-away, and you usually have to flag the waiter down at restaurants (or simply raise your hand). Also just be polite, and Americans are generally really loud compared to Europeans so, assuming you're American, just be aware of your surroundings. In other parts of Europe, like Greece, pick-pocketing is a big deal, so we had to keep a closer eye on our belonging (I would hold my phone or put it in a front pocket). I'm not sure if this is a big thing in London, but still -- be aware of your belongings. General safety also applies in trusting your gut, using buddy system, and not being out alone at night.
One of the best tips about London is Tesco. If not for the joy of having a row with the local pin machines, than for the 4 pound meal deals -- a main, a side, and a drink. My family lived on these lunch deals. They are pretty good, they have a decent selection, and are in literally every single Tesco you go to. Tesco also has pretty decent prices and, if you're smart about it, you can feel a family of 5 for a week on one trip.
For things to carry: umbrella (in the summer the rain isn't so bad, but it's there), good walking shoes, definitely layer up. London can go from 90 degrees to 50 in an hour, and can go from not a cloud in sight to torrential downpour. My SH tour was caught in the second one -- that was an experience to say the least. Don't forget things like an oyster card and maybe some extra cash if you feel you may need it.
I have no idea about celebrity shows, but West End is literally the Broadway of London (but a whole lot cheaper). My family saw 10 shows on West End during our 3 three week stay. It was amazing, and if you fancy a night out, China Town is literally just around the corner.
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That's pretty much all I have right now! It's pretty long, but I hope it's what your looking for! If you have other questions, feel free to ask. (spreadsheets will be your best friend if you know how to use them)
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spartanguard · 1 year
sons of love and death, 7/13 {CSSNS 23}
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Summary: After the Final Battle, Killian Jones had finally settled into his happily ever after with his wife and family. Until a new foe arrived in Storybrooke: the infamous Dorian Gray, who looks rather familiar—one might say identical—to the pirate, and he’s on a mission: to claim the powers of the Dark One for himself. There’s only one problem: the Dark One no longer exists. What follows is a journey of vengeance, revelations, magic, and finally facing down the darkness within himself that Killian thought he’d finally put to rest. [roughly canon divergent from 5B, though set post-canon] A/N: Greetings from band camp! But that won't stop me from updating my @cssns story! Hope everyone is having a great week! (As always, thanks to the best beta, @optomisticgirl​​​​ !) rated M | 5.1k words | AO3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Dorian hadn’t been seen since his encounter with Regina the previous morning, but Killian knew better than to let his guard down. Every time the bell rang in the library, Killian was alert, ready for the worst (even if logically he knew his twin wouldn’t announce his presence—though, they did share an affinity for melodrama…). And he’d put on his sword belt for the first time in ages, for both comfort and protection. 
He was reshelving a few books when the bell chimed again. He paused to listen, but was mildly surprised when Leroy’s voice rang out in the otherwise quiet library—and sounded more than grumpy. “What the hell, pirate?” 
Confused, Killian shoved the book in his hand on the shelf and quickly made his way to the lobby. “Watch the volume, mate,” he chastised. “What’s the problem?”
Leroy was glaring at him and huffing. “Don’t pretend you don’t know; I saw you! Taking a joyride on my boat this morning, using all my gas, and then you just left it adrift. It almost ran into the shipping lane!”
“Why would I take your dinghy when my ship is right there?” Killian countered. “It was probably my good-for-nothing brother.”
“Then why was he dressed like you? And I saw your hook!” 
He rolled his eyes; of course Dorian would find a new way to make trouble for him. “Well it wasn’t me! I’ve been here all day, and my wife can provide my alibi prior to that—in detail, if you’d like,” Killian threw back, biting back a smirk at the memory of what they’d gotten up to in bed that morning. 
“No thank you,” he responded, stepping back with his hands up. “Just—keep that asshole in check, okay?”
“He’s not my responsibility.”
“Whatever,” Leroy grumbled, and left as quickly as he’d arrived.
Killian was irked by the encounter. Not so much at Dorian’s antics, annoying though they were (and would probably need his attention at some point)—but he was somewhat perturbed by the fact that Leroy was so quick to assume it had been him. There was definitely a time he may have done that, but now? After everything in the past few years? Did the dwarf truly still think so little of him?
He shook his head; Leroy didn’t have much faith in anyone. It was just a stupid misunderstanding; perhaps he’d go down to the docks and see if he could use his powers, meager as they were, to tow the boat back into harbor. But it was nothing to be truly upset over, not on his end.
The day went on without further event and the encounter was nearly out of his mind when he ran into another dwarf outside the sheriff station. Sneezy was coming from the opposite direction and reached the door before he did, but then paused and faced him. 
“Uh, Captain,” he started, then characteristically sneezed. He went on after wiping his nose on his ever-present handkerchief. “I was about to report what happened earlier, but I’d be happy to settle now, if you want—if you’d rather Emma not know.”
“Know what?”
“About the rum you stole,” he said matter-of-factly. “You didn’t exactly hide it.”
Killian scoffed; he’d never been impressed by the rum selection at the pharmacy, nor was he desperate enough to shoplift subpar liquor. “I’ve been at the library all day, mate; you should hit up my lookalike for the cash. Or go ahead and report it; may as well add to his rap sheet.”
The dwarf tilted his head, confused. “But—your hook—and clothes—”
“—Are easy to replicate with magic like his,” Killian sighed. “Really, mate? I thought you knew me better.”
Sneezy at least looked a bit like his brother Bashful at that, then uttered a quick apology before nearly running back in the direction from which he’d come.
Killian pinched the bridge of his nose, again frustrated.
It didn’t stop there, though—on the entire walk from the station to Granny’s with Emma, he was on the receiving end of glares, muttering, and people keeping their distance. Granted, that was typical treatment from the gaggle of fairies they passed, given their history. 
But even mild-mannered Gepetto, upon his exit from the diner, turned suddenly angry at the sight of Killian and wasted no time getting in his face and yelling in his native tongue. Killian was skilled at languages but not well-studied in that one, save for a few curse words—all of which he heard in the tirade. 
The carpenter didn’t give Killian a chance to reply before storming off, leaving him fatigued and Emma confused. “What the hell was his problem?” she griped. 
“No clue—but I’m willing to bet it was my brother; that’s been happening all afternoon.”
“Ugh, that dick,” she cursed. “But can’t people tell the difference by now?”
“You’d think,” he sighed, knowing that didn’t mean a damn thing if a glamour spell was involved. 
“Sounds like he needs to be punched in his pretty nose to make sure it’s more obvious,” she suggested, stepping into Killian’s space and tapping his own nose.
“You think my nose is pretty?” he flirted back. 
“All of you is. Way more than him,” she assured him, then dragged him into the restaurant. 
He obviously knew he was innocent of the various misdemeanors he’d been accused of, and he was certainly no stranger to being a suspect. But that hurt feeling from earlier crept back up in him as he fielded side-eyed stares from his seat across from an oblivious Emma while they ate. 
Hadn’t he earned this town’s trust? Weren’t they well past any questioning of his actions? Yes, his history was rocky—but he’d literally died for the residents of Storybrooke. 
And it was no secret he had a doppelgänger running around. So the fact they were so quick to turn on him was far more painful than he’d like to admit.
“Babe? Your glass—are you okay?” Emma’s concerned voice pulled him from his morose thoughts, and he realized a whirlpool was threatening to spin out of his glass of water. 
“Sorry,” he answered quickly, and focused on calming the tiny maelstrom. “Just—thinking about everything,” he said, simplifying the truth. 
“I know.” She reached over and squeezed his hand. “Good thing you’ve got another magic lesson in the morning, huh?”
He groaned in response; she giggled. 
“Come on; let’s get you home. You’ll need your rest,” she said suggestively as she got to her feet, taking him with her, hinting that they would spend time not resting as well. 
The lascivious smirk Granny gave him as Emma paid their tab was less out of place than his other interactions today, but was at least positive. So he did still have some friends, it seemed. 
And as he and Emma finally collapsed in each other’s arms later, sweaty and sated, as long as she was still on his side, who else did he require?
Though Dorian was no stranger to using a glamour spell, and had certainly used far more dramatic disguises in his life, this one was perhaps the most initially uncomfortable—mainly in how little changed. 
As it was, he and Killian were nearly mirror images to start with—what with their scars on opposing cheeks and the fact that they parted their hair on different sides. So to see such minor differences in his reflection was a somewhat out-of-body experience—this was close to what people actually saw when they looked at him. 
He allowed his minor existential crisis to persist for a minute before finishing the transformation; at least his brother had decent style, if a bit different than his own. (How could he stand these tight jeans?) The false hook over his left hand was awkward, but necessary. 
Anyways. It was time to see if he could pull this off; after all, he was far too wise not to do foolish things now and then. He headed down to the diner (after peeking around a corner to make sure neither Killian nor Emma were already there—though the fact that he’d slept in probably prevented that) and slipped onto a stool at the counter. 
This time, when Granny greeted him, it was much warmer. “Early lunch?”
“Aye; the usual, my dear,” he tested. “And I just couldn’t wait to see you,” he added with a wink. 
Granny blushed and chuckled, then shuffled off to the kitchen. Good; she was receptive to his flirting. If he was bold enough about it, surely that would stir up some ill will towards his brother; just what kind of man brashly flirted with a woman who wasn’t his wife? And there was a reasonable audience, even if mid-morning was somewhat slow. 
So hopefully someone noticed when he grabbed the bottle of whiskey sitting behind the counter and snuck it into his lap. 
A few minutes later, the older lady was back, sliding over a plate of fish and chips; predictable of his brother. “Fresh caught, extra vinegar on the chips—just how you like it.”
“Oh, you spoil me,” he replied, holding back a gag at the smell of the vinegar. He leaned across the counter, continuing, “If there’s anything I can do to repay you, you know where to find me,” then suggestively licking his lips. 
To his shock, she just laughed and patted his cheek. “You know you couldn’t handle me, sweetheart.” And went back to her business. 
Hm. Well, that wasn’t quite the response he expected. But he at least passed for Killian; that was a good sign. (Unfortunately, he had to sell it by actually eating this meal; thank the gods for the whiskey to wash it down.)
He headed down to the marina next, finding the easiest boat he could hotwire (which, with his magic, was all of them) and took a bit of a joyride, then poofed ashore when that got boring. 
After a trip through the pharmacy, where he got a five-finger discount on some mid-range rum, he relieved himself in the shrubs outside a convent, knocked over the displays outside the florist, pretended to need the services of the carpenter but just dumped wood stain over his wares, and dragged the tip of his hook along some parked cars. 
Briefly, he took a smoking break outside the elementary school and let the half-burnt cigarette fall into a bush outside a classroom, setting it alight. He was enjoying watching the slowly growing fire when the room’s window flew open and a petite woman with short, dark hair attacked it with a fire extinguisher. “Don’t you have anything better to do?” she snapped at him.
“No,” he answered succinctly, and transported away, hopefully leaving a scorch mark on the lawn, too.
He’d noticed a friendship between his brother and the librarian—the gorgeous woman who had seemingly questionable taste in men. He’d be shocked if the two of them had kept things purely platonic, despite their respective well-known relationships. And if they hadn’t…well, it was time for him to explore that, even if for his own enjoyment. 
The bell on the library rang as he entered. “You here, love?” he called out, suddenly realizing he’d never caught the lass’s name. 
“Right where you left me,” she shouted; shit, he forgot his brother worked here. That was a close call. He followed the sound of her voice to the next room, where he found her desperately trying to reach something on the top shelf. “Perfect timing; can you lend me a hand? Pun intended.”
“Ha,” he answered awkwardly, not sure if he should be acting offended or not. “But of course.”
He didn’t hesitate to grab the volumes she asked for, but rather than just hand them over, he took the opportunity to move into her space. “Oh, uh, thanks,” she said, trying to take a step back, but she didn’t get far before bumping into a cart. 
“That’s all my assistance is worth? ‘Thanks’?”
“Killian, you know I appreciate you—”
“So let me appreciate you, darling,” he said on a breath, leaning in close. “Don’t tell me you’ve never felt something…more…between us.” Subtly, he raised the blinds in the room so any passers by might see his attempted pursuit of someone who clearly wasn’t his brother’s wife. 
She looked up at him, lips parted, and he was aware of her heightened heart rate. She narrowed her gaze briefly. “No, I haven’t—Dorian.”
“Who’s Dorian?” he lied. 
Her knee found his crotch swiftly and strongly; she might be short and slight, but she was the perfect height to do optimum damage to his manhood. He stumbled back, dropping the books and holding his groin, groaning, with stars beginning to cloud his vision. 
“I can’t believe I almost fell for that,” she yelled. “You really thought I wouldn’t be able to tell?”
“Ah, but you almost did,” he countered, even though his voice was incredibly strained. 
He could see her blushing even through his squinted view. “Never,” she insisted, though it sounded like she was trying to convince herself as much as him. “I won’t do that, and I won’t help you.”
He scoffed as his breath started to come back. “What use are you to me? Just a silly librarian; even if you are married to the Dark One.”
She smirked. “I’m used to people underestimating me. I suggest you don’t again. Wouldn’t want anything to happen to that painting of yours, would you?”
“My painting?” He wasn’t surprised she knew of it—this was a library, obviously, if even the book he’d inspired was largely fabrication—but he’d left it behind in another realm, hoping the distance (and that particular realm’s timelessness) would prevent its aging, or at least slow it. 
But then—he felt it. A faint heartbeat in his ear, just a millisecond behind his own but the same tempo: the heart of his True Love, continuing to carry a rhythm for him even though it was shattered and locked in canvas. It seemed to be coming from above them; he glanced up, trying to locate it, but didn’t get very far before his gaze was forced away rather painfully.
Belle had slapped him—again, stronger than he expected, but he’d been hit so many times that it hardly stung. “Get the hell out of here, and leave us alone.”
“Alright, alright,” he replied, and immediately poofed away—right into the attic of the library. The drumbeat of the heart was even louder up here, and he was easily able to follow it—while stepping lightly enough to not make a sound—to one end of the cluttered storage room. 
And there it was: his iconic portrait. It…wasn’t pretty. Not that it had been when he’d stashed it in the Land of Untold Stories, but it had definitely continued to deteriorate, though thankfully less than it probably should have. There was part of his soul that certainly felt like the withered, grayed, gnarled mess of a man in the image before him, but only a small one.
Actually, it was a good thing the portrait had made its way here; perhaps, when he achieved his plan, he’d also be able to sever his tie to this in favor of the dagger. He’d leave it here for now—but he’d be back for it later.
He had at least one more stop to make. So he transported again to an alley by the sheriff station, knocked over a mailbox, and casually headed inside. While it would be fun to see how far he could take things with Emma, he had no doubt she’d be able to see through this disguise even quicker than the librarian had. But the other deputy, the blond one—he might be slower on the uptake.
“Hey, Hook,” the man said, barely glancing up from the paperwork he was filling out. “Emma’s doing rounds.”
“Aye; I’m aware,” he said, sauntering closer. “I was here to see you, anyway.”
“Yeah?” The man—David, judging by the name plate on the desk—looked up at him. “What’s up?”
Dorian wasted no time in taking a seat right in front of him on the desk, cupping his (rather handsome) face, and quickly finding his lips.
The ensuing chain of reactions was honestly hilarious: the other man stilled at first, then leaned into it, but then seemed to realize who he was kissing and pushed away, jumping to his feet.
“What the hell was that?” he spat, wiping off his mouth on the back of his hand.
Dorian hopped off the desk and moved closer to David. “I was always curious; you mean you weren’t?”
“No!” he shouted. “Not like—just, no!”
“Was I that bad?” Dorian flirted, tilting his head. 
“No, you were—not my son-in-law,” David sighed, realizing who he was talking to.
“Ugh, you’re no fun,” Dorian replied. “And you’re only a halfway decent kisser.”
“My wife thinks I’m just fine,” David threw back, somewhat offended. “And if you’re trying to turn people against Killian, you’re gonna have to try harder than that.”
“You almost bought it.”
“Please; Killian only has eyes for Emma. Not that you’d know anything about True Love, I bet.”
Dorian glowered. “You don’t know anything about me, pal. Maybe get off your high horse with your generalizations.”
David stepped closer and put his hands on his hips; Dorian couldn’t help but feel like he was about to get a lecture. “I don’t know everything about you, but I’ve known enough people like you. I actually had a twin, too.”
“Oh? More than one of you? Must have been terribly dull.”
“Actually, you’d probably have gotten along with him famously; he was a selfish cad, too.”
“And where’s this fellow now?”
“Oh, he’s dead,” David went on. “From what I heard, he got a little too cocky, a little sloppy, and it came back to bite him. Or, well, stab him through the chest.”
“Ouch,” Dorian deadpanned. “And your point is?”
“Maybe you should ease up on making enemies. Because you don’t know which one is going to finally take you out.”
“And what—make friends instead?”
David shrugged. “Can’t hurt. Though I also can’t say you have good odds of finding many here, after all the drama you’ve stirred up so far.”
“No thanks.”
“Hey,” David said, softer, and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I know you’ve spent a long time chasing one thing, and it seems like you have nothing else to live for. But I watched your brother change his path; it’s not too late for you.”
Dorian gingerly pushed David’s hand off, like it was something disgusting. “Look, I know you hero types, and I know you mean well and want what’s best for me, or whatever. But I also know this: you have to want to change. Clearly my brother did. Me, though? I find good advice rather annoying. So save your breath.”
“Suit yourself.”
“I will, thanks.” And he transported back to his pilfered room at Granny’s.
His conversation with David was already forgotten; the deputy had probably hoped his words would linger and Dorian would reconsider his entire life. But no—he knew what he wanted.
And now, he just had to wait to see what fallout his (mis)adventures today wrought.
Late 1880s
Dorian stepped out of the portal onto a dirty cobblestone alley. Once the gateway closed behind him, he placed his second bean in his inner coat pocket for safekeeping, and sealed it with magic—which thankfully worked; he wasn’t sure what to expect as far as being able to normally access his powers in this so-called Land without Magic, but was glad to see they were so far unhindered.
Of course, the irony of this realm carrying that name was that he had come here seeking magic out. It wasn’t fully devoid, he could tell, but he’d heard that it was far-flung, infrequent, and hidden from the general populace.
Which was probably why it was so dark in this backstreet; what kind of uncivilized society hadn’t figured out proper outdoor lighting yet? He could see some primitive lanterns at the end of the way, on what looked to be a main street, but could smell the fuel in them from here.
As such, he conjured a fireball in his hand to get his bearings. He’d arrived in the corner of an alley that went between and behind buildings—great, grimy brick monstrosities. Some parchment sat atop abandoned crates along one side; he inspected closer, reading The Daily Telegraph across the top of the page, followed by a picture of a man identified as the Prince of Wales, which he had to assume was a meaningful title as no proper name was given.
He further studied the fashion of the man, then glanced down at his own clothes, which were decidedly not of this realm from what he could see. That was easy to fix, though, and with a wave of his hand, he was wearing a garment that closely resembled what he saw in the image: a coat with long-ish tails, slacks, and a waistcoat. He didn’t hate it, but the vest wasn’t quite his style. 
Anyways. That settled, he reached into a different pocket (he’d made sure the contents of those stayed the same regardless of what his jacket looked like) and pulled out a slip of paper with a name written on it: Basil Hallward. From what he’d been told, this man could help him find the magic he needed to get him one step closer to the Dark One’s powers.
(That Rumpelstiltskin bastard had placed so many protection spells over the Dark Castle, it was bordering on ridiculous. Didn’t he know it was once Dorian’s home? But no—the demon wouldn’t even grace him with a meeting to grant him access to his old quarters. Granted, he’d have been an idiot to, but one could hope. But perhaps here, in this land that seemed to reject magic, he’d find that which could break through those spells and reclaim his birthright.)
He glanced down both alleys in front of him. The one towards the street was empty—just brick walls and boarded-up windows—but going the other way, he could see a light glimmering outside an inconspicuous door. 
And if he wasn’t mistaken, the light in the lantern was not fueled by whatever oil illuminated the streets; no, this one was quite similar to the ball of fire in his hand. The portal had placed him in the right spot.
Before he headed to the door, he placed the slip of paper in his own flare, letting it fall to ashes on the stone pavement. Then he extinguished it with a shake of his hand and headed over.
Upon closer inspection, the lamp was indeed his variety of fire magic, though there seemed to be an object at the center of it that kept it burning. Clever, he thought; it meant less mental effort to keep it lit (not that he had to exert much anymore for such simple spells). 
The door itself was painted roughly to match the exterior wall—or it had been, once upon a time, and now was faded and flaking, but he could still make out where “B. Hallward” was written in yellowing letters.
He knocked, firmly and insistently, and then waited. He wasn’t naive enough to think he’d get an immediate answer, or even to think he’d be seen tonight, but there was also no sense waiting.
He listened close to the door for a minute or so, but if there was anything to hear, it was unnoticeable. Then he paced a bit, keenly aware of the sounds of his unfamiliar shoes tapping on the stones.
But after nearly 10 minutes, he had to concede that either Mr. Hallward was out for the evening, or didn’t wish to be disturbed. Well, surely a town of this size had a red-light district; it wouldn’t be the first time he’d spent a night in such an establishment (usually willingly). 
He began to walk towards the sounds of society, at the far end of this alley, when he paused; he thought he heard the turn of a deadbolt. He turned back to look at the door; it was still shut, but the color of the flame in the lantern had changed to blue. Curious.
He moved closer to it, and to his surprise, a small window appeared from nowhere. There was no glass inside it, but he could see nothing but blackness behind it. “Yes?” a voice called out from the void.
“Basil Hallward?” he asked.
“Who wants to know?” the voice replied.
“Someone who has traveled a great distance to seek you out.”
The voice cursed, probably realizing he’d revealed his identity without meaning to. “What for?” he finally came back with.
“A bit of magic,” he answered, then called forth his own fire again.
The window disappeared and the door swung open. “Come in,” the other man called out; Dorian didn’t hesitate to oblige.
Whatever he was expecting—this wasn’t it. Despite whatever spell lay on the entryway—and he could feel it as he stepped through—it was actually fairly light inside, with more enchanted lamps around the open space, which revealed the absolute clutter everywhere. And, to the back of the room, what appeared to be a painter’s studio. 
“You’re an artist?” he exclaimed, minorly disgusted. 
“That I am, sir,” the other man replied, and Dorian finally got a look at him: he seemed young—younger than him, at least—and the narrow mustache above his lip did nothing to make him appear older. He pushed his dark, curly hair out of his equally dark eyes. “What of it?”
“I came here looking for magic,” Dorian spat. “Not to sit for my portrait.”
“A pity; you’d make an excellent subject, with that profile. But I do both, actually.”
“Both?” He raised an eyebrow, skeptic.
“Aye; let me show you.” Basil beckoned Dorian towards his work bench; he hesitantly followed. The man picked up a vial of what Dorian assumed was pigment off the cluttered surface. He uncorked it and held it out. “Do you recognize it?”
Dorian narrowed his gaze and peered inside. It was just a black powder, but he recognized the smell. “Adder’s fork?”
“Good eye,” Basil commended. “And this?” he asked, holding out a small dish with a bluish powder. 
“Mermaid scale,” Dorian identified. “I don’t understand.”
“Magic works differently in this realm,” Basil explained. “No one here is born with it inherently, but what makes its way here usually requires a conduit—some physical tether. Me, I learned how to embed it in my paint, using these ingredients.”
“And then what?”
“Whatever you want,” Basil answered. “Within reason, of course.” He showed off a portrait of an expectant mother, explaining that the woman and her husband had been trying to have children for several years when he painted her; “Now, she has three children and another on the way.” Another painting displayed a vagabond sitting on a street curb. “His wife discovered he was cheating on her; now he’s destitute and she kept his wealth.”
“So you grant wishes?”
“In a sense. A fertility spell was embedded in this portrait, a curse of ill-luck in the other.”
Dorian glanced back at the work space and saw a good number of potion books—many of them he knew—across a bookshelf above it. “Ahhh,” he sighed in understanding. “Then you likely don’t have what I’m after.”
“Which is?”
“A way to break into a heavily fortified castle?”
Basil shook his head. “Afraid not. But if you have something of its occupant’s, we could probably find a way to cast them out, or at least make them horridly uncomfortable.”
“If it were that easy, I wouldn’t be here.”
“No, I suppose you wouldn’t. Hope you didn’t come far, then.”
“Only a few realms away.”
Basil whistled low. “Then I at least owe you a drink. What’s your poison?”
He nodded and led him over to a sitting area, where they proceeded to chat over (some damn fine) liquor. Basil was curious about the magical realms—he had some acquaintances who passed through the other worlds who supplied him with his materials, but had never been himself. Dorian wondered how he’d fallen into this line of work, then. 
“The man I apprenticed with taught me; passed on all he knew.” Well, that sounded familiar. 
As such, they got on famously, to the point that Basil offered Dorian use of a spare bedroom in his home for as long as he was staying in this realm. 
What the hell, Dorian thought. The Dark One wasn’t going anywhere—he could enjoy himself for a bit. (It wasn’t like he ever needed an excuse to do so.)
For the next few weeks, Basil showed him about this curious town—London, it was called, and far larger than he realized—and introduced him to many interesting people (and vices; opium was a delight, though he saw enough of the strung-out folks addicted to it to use in moderation).
They went to countless parties, gatherings, concerts, sporting events. At one such dinner, he met a writer named Oscar who seemed to be infatuated with him; he couldn’t say he disliked the attention. The man became a regular fixture in their outings as well (and maybe a few private nights). 
Dorian did oblige Basil to pose for a portrait eventually; far be it for him to deny the world his beauty. “And what enchantment will you weave into this one?” he asked, peering over his friend’s shoulder; Basil had finished painting his face and form, but nothing else yet. 
“None,” Basil replied simply. “You have enough magic on your own. 
(There may also have been a few nights he spent in Basil’s room, as well. He was hardly a choosy lover, so long as someone caught his interest.)
He smirked cockily at the praise and admired his face and form on the canvas. Basil was truly a gifted artist and, in his personal opinion, had perfectly captured Dorian’s handsomeness, strength, and form, down to the color of his eyes. 
However, later that night as he readied for bed, he caught a glimpse of something new in his reflection in the looking glass: was that…a wrinkle?
He pulled at the flesh around his eyes, watching as it stretched and returned. Indeed, there was a fine line—a few, even—in that delicate skin. 
He was 30 years old; he knew it was inevitable he began to look it (even if he dare say he looked better than most men his age). But it was a sudden, stark reminder: the being he was chasing was immortal; he, however, was not. 
(There was probably some sage advice somewhere about avoiding vice to extend his longevity, but…where was the fun in that?)
thanks for reading! tagging some peeps (let me know if you do/don’t want a tag!) @kat2609 @xpumpkindumplingx @shipsxahoy @mryddinwilt @cocohook38 @annytecture @shireness-says @ohmightydevviepuu @wistfulcynic​ @pirateherokillian @colinoeyebrows​ @wingedlioness​ @word-bug​ @thisonesatellite​ @killianmesmalls​ @thejollyroger-writer​ @ineffablecolors​ @ive-always-been-a-pirate @nfbagelperson @stubblesandwich @phiralovesloki @athenascarlet​ @kmomof4 @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose @snowbellewells​ @idristardis​ @scientificapricot @searchingwardrobes​ @donteattheappleshook @jrob64​ @the-darkdragonfly​ @stahlop​ @klynn-stormz​ @resident-of-storybrooke @bluewildcatfanatic
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