#BUT the job posting said there might be potential for a hybrid work arrangement. and THAT would be a dream; if i could mostly work from home
chrismcshell · 2 years
applying for an admin/clerical job with Transportation Services like god please please please hire my gay autistic ass to do public transit related data entry and records management please this would be a DREAM
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itsiotrecords-blog · 7 years
Area 51 is one of the most ironic places in the world – it’s the most well-known secret. The military base located near Groom Lake, Nevada originally got its famous name from a document during the Vietnam War. Aside from that, not much else is really known about it. There are so many rumours and conspiracies about what really happens within the base, but there hasn’t been a lot of concrete or solid proof. The government keeps tight-lipped about Area 51, people online claim it to be a place of evil-doings, and former employees and people who live near the area insist that there really is something unusual going on. Top secret experiments, deviant technology, and special arrangements between species are just a few of the unsolved cases of what may occur at Area 51. Even the site was meant to be a secret until in 1988 when a Russian satellite took a photo of the base and released it to different media publications, the reason for this being unknown. Later the CIA tried to cover it up, but documents were released of that, too. If that doesn’t awaken the Mulder in you, read the other 15 mysteries below and decide for yourself.
#1 Overhead Lights The majority of unsolved cases are simply because of mysterious lights. There are thousands upon thousands of sightings of strange lights the air above the base. According to officials, they’re merely planes or special secret military planes that haven’t been made official yet. However, according to people who’ve claimed to see these lights, there’s no way that’s possible. These lights travel in unusual patterns like zigzags, changing direction at 90-degree angles in no time, shooting off into the distance, or simply just too erratic to be planes. When something like this is said to be a weather balloon or a reflection of flashlights, not everyone’s going to buy it. This is where the rumours start. Of course, it’s understandable that some information is kept secret to keep the public from rioting out of fear, but sometimes honesty is just the best policy.
#2 The “Secret Plane” Crash In 1955, newspapers in the United States reported a “secret plane” that crashed in Area 51 during a “secret” flight. 14 people were on the plane when it hit the ground, many were believed to be scientists and military officials heading from California to Groom Lake. With very little information reported on the situation, it’s unclear exactly who was on that plane, and for what purpose. Of all places for a plane to crash, why would it happen so close to its destination? There isn’t information on why it went down, either, leaving many people with questions. Coincidentally, 1955 is the same year that the Vietnam War started. Whether there’s a connection between the two events is unknown. Since the Vietnam War started on the 1st of November and the plane crashed on the 18th, there’s a chance it could have been related, but at this point who’s to say?
#3 Another Plane Crash According to reports, Area 51 may also test aircraft from other countries. In 1984, the Vice Commander of the Air Force Systems Command, Lieutenant General Robert Bond died while flying a Soviet plane. The accident occurred in the mountains close to Groom Lake which was often used by ranchers, hunters, and miners. However, once the accident happened they were banned from the area on account of “National Security.” As usual, officials only gave brief comments such as describing the vehicle as a special aircraft. After the crash, guards were posted on the road leading to Area 51. They wouldn’t say much to reporters, but personnel with radios were ordered to lay low until further notice. It’s also unclear why yet another aircraft crashed in the area because there’s not a lot of information on it, nor why the Lieutenant was driving the craft in the first place. Besides, if it wasn’t such a huge deal, why would people who regularly use the area be banned from the area even after the clean up?
#4 Bob Lazar’s Testimony When you picture aliens, do they have a huge head, giant black eyes, and a severely thin body? That typical image of aliens is thanks to none other than Bob Lazar. Lazar claimed to be employed at Area 51 where he would work with “captured” alien spacecrafts as a physicist. He would sketch his sightings in the facility to prove to people that aliens existed. Many who spoke to him have said he told tales of experiments on aliens, blueprints of unusual technology, and that he even experienced a tour of the inside of a UFO. Sadly, there’s a catch to this story. After an investigation on Lazar, it was found that his background was a little peculiar and his memory was rather fuzzy. He claimed that the government wiped his memory, and he himself said he couldn’t prove everything that he said. On the bright side, he did bring a lot of attention to Area 51 and hopefully leads the way to figuring out what mysteries lie within.
#5 Glenn Campbell’s Findings Today, Glenn Campbell may be laying low with an average, ordinary job, but at one point, he spent his days in Rachel, the closest a human settlement will ever get to Area 51. Campbell left his home and job behind in Boston for a trailer in Nevada to investigate as best as he could. Armed with a pair of binoculars, he would regularly get as close to the base as he could, pushing as many boundaries as he could before getting arrested. Over time, he formed his own small group of investigators including a skilled figurine maker. The more light Campbell shed, the more people he hosted, including UFO seekers, abductees, people looking for answers, the works. Campbell left that life behind him, but thanks to him, that area of Nevada’s now a popular tourist spot. So where’s the mystery in this? It’s asking what’s been left of that group in Nevada looking for the truth.
#6 Boyd Bushman’s Experience Former Area 51 engineer Boyd Bushman was known for making a deathbed confession about his time at the military base. He claimed seeing aliens working amongst them and developments with anti-gravity technology and faster than light travel methods. He claimed there are two groups of aliens: cattle, and those who steal the cattle. Both act differently, and Earth has different relations with them. Bushman appears on camera showcasing his photo of an alien and claiming it to be the ghost of a dead alien. He said the camera used to take the picture was given to an alien who took snapshots for him, returning it when they were done. These claims and photos have been said to be fake and were at one point proven to be a dummy. This particular mystery brings up some interesting questions. Sure, anyone can purchase a fake extraterrestrial toy, take blurry photos of it, and pass it off as real, but how could that be if the pictures were taken years prior? Also, why would Bushman wait until his deathbed to share all the information with the public? Obviously, there are reasons, like job security and the power given to deathbed confessions, but wouldn’t there be more effective ways of sharing this?
#7 Clean Canadians Just because Area 51 is located in the United States doesn’t mean that it doesn’t affect people outside the country. Canada’s Paul Hellyer, former Minister of National Defence, said he was present for a previous Canadian Chief of Emergency Measures’ deathbed confession. Hellyer was told that the confessor was allowed by the CIA to visit Area 51 to tour a UFO simply by asking. The man was flown in to make notes and potentially help Canada in the case of a UFO crashing in Canada. The only catch was that he had to sign a waiver to keep everything secret, even to his own wife. It isn’t the first time Hellyer spoke publicly of aliens. He has spoken about sighting reports, Earth receiving visits from four species of aliens, and the government trying to cover up any existence of aliens. Keep in mind Hellyer’s not a UFOlogist, but he has been through three different levels of government. If he’s publicly speaking about aliens and UFOs despite his stance in government and not being subject to severe consequences that others do, there must be some truth to what he’s saying.
#8 Special Engineering There are many claims that the CIA is testing human and alien DNA, and possibly working on a human hybrid. While that does sound completely absurd, there is something that may be a little less crazy. According to former whistleblowers, there are cases of reverse engineering being done. Simply, any wreckage from crashes are being kept to learn how these technologies are made and how they work. As well, any survivors are used to help humans better understand it and work with humans to accomplish that. Some, like Bill Uhouse, swear by it. Uhouse himself claims that he worked with a grey alien by the name of “J-Rod” during his time in the field. J-Rod would teach humans how to use the technology using a device that allowed for telepathic communication. There are also talks about the government allowing aliens to build their own research facilities underground on Earth. These were to be used to build bio-genetics and creating human-alien hybrids. This was made possible by allowing a certain amount of people to go “missing” and serve as test subjects.
#9 Weather Control Right on the official Area 51 page for the Las Vegas tourist website, it casually mentions weather related experiments “might” be under works. However, many are saying that weather control is, in fact, being developed at Area 51. Its intentions are all over the place; some say it’s to help keep the planet somewhat levelled, others say it’s the cause of global warming, and many even argue to use it as a weapon. Weather control has recently blown up as a hot topic, but it isn’t necessarily new in concept. In a National Science Foundation report, Project Cirrus was created in the 1940s as a means of researching methods of weather control. This was to determine if controlling the forces of nature – specifically clouds and rain – was possible, and if so, as a weapon. Later, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration carried out Project STORMFURY between 1962-1983. Scientists tried to once again control clouds to slow down hurricane winds. Adding Area 51 to this list wouldn’t be unusual because of how secretive and secluded this site is.
#10 Film Studio Alright, so it may be more of a conspiracy theory than a mystery, but many believe that the first moon landing was filmed – and of course, the stage would be at Area 51. Rumors of the staged historic moment are endless. They include faulty acting, the missing Apollo 11 flag, issues with shadows, and tonnes of other “facts” that disprove the Apollo 11 mission. Once again, because there isn’t any access to Area 51 and its link to aliens, it only makes sense people would try to connect the two. Details like directors, actors, and mishaps all differ person to person, but there are a few facts that the majority of disbelievers seem to agree on. One of these is that there’s a soundstage at Area 51 to complete the project, and the other being that if Area 51 really had aliens, then there wouldn’t be a need to fake a moon landing.
#11 The Classic Roswell Crash There is one event that most people agree on, it’s that the 1947 Roswell UFO crash is the number one most important event in all of Area 51’s history. When a rancher and his son went to check on their sheep after a thunderstorm, they discovered unusual pieces of metal debris, leading up to a deep trench on their land. The rancher went to the authorities, and long story short, the government told the public it was merely a weather balloon. Along the way, the pieces were taken to Roswell to be tested. There were a number of leaked photos, sketches, and other eye-witness accounts of what can only be described as alien bodies. This was the turning point in Area 51 history because of how much of an impact it had on the public. It also affected the way people look at Area 51 and aliens because of all the content that was released from the incident, yet the government still denies everything. We still to this day don’t know the official story of what happened.
#12 Toxic Waste Dumping Sure, there can be UFOs and aliens deep within the walls of Area 51, but what about toxic waste? 60 Minutes correspondent Leslie Stahl suggested that may be the case, and there may be a few more people who can back that up. Last year a former security guard for Area 51 claimed for years that the toxic fumes at the facility was to blame for his respiratory problems. According to him, he needs a device to force air into his lungs in case he stops breathing in his sleep. His long battle would help other employees at the site be able to claim compensation for their health problems, too. What kind of toxic material would cause people to develop problems such as that? According to the former employee, it was the material used in coating the vehicles. Why would it be such a battle to help these employees pay their bills? If Area 51’s so secretive, shouldn’t they be able to cover their workers?
#13 NASA’s Coming Clean Since it took up until the 2000s for the government to admit that Area 51 was real, it should be expected that the government would keep all things related to aliens and UFOs pretty low-key. So when NASA confirmed that aliens were real but not located in Area 51, it did raise a few eyebrows. Administrator Major Charles Bolden mentioned that he thought humans would find extraterrestrial beings, but they wouldn’t be in Area 51, to children in Britain. He assured them that the site participates only in normal research activities and he never saw any aliens there. He attributed the belief of UFOs being hosted there because of all the work on aircrafts. Considering that schoolchildren are highly impressionable and will soak anything up, of course, Bolden would tell them that there isn’t anything out of this world there. The question is also why NASA would talk so openly about it compared to the rest of the US government?
#14 A Secondary Plot? It would make sense that because Area 51 was supposed to be a secret that there would be highly confidential information there. Thanks to the slip ups and the poor cover-up jobs, the alien was out of the bag, and it soon became a tourist attraction (as best as it can be). With all the attention from the public, it would only make sense that there would be another secret base where otherworldly organisms and technology would be kept. Many are saying that in Dulce, New Mexico, a new facility was built. It’s one of the most restricted places on Earth – more than Area 51. That’s where all the major work is said to take place, and considering what the public knows about it, that may be the case. After all, if Area 51 failed at serving its purpose, what would be the point of having it as the main facility at all?
#15 Area 51 Itself It’s cheesy, but it’s true. Since Area 51 isn’t open to the public and no one really has any solid proof that can be 100% confirmed, it’s still a mystery as to what really goes on behind the barbed wire. Television hosts and documentary makers have been trying to get in for years with no luck. There’s a slim chance of anyone who isn’t authorized personnel getting in, meaning we may never know what to believe. Blurry pictures of alien bodies, aerial shots of the property, and a handful of testimonies from previous employees isn’t solid enough evidence that there are aliens or space shuttles on the base. Rumours are always circulating about events the government and the military claim are “test runs” or “weather balloons.” At one point in the early 2000s, there were rumours that Area 51 wasn’t real and a woman was paid off to say she saw things at the military base. One thing is for sure: something unusual is happening, whether it’s extraterrestrial or not.
Source: TheRichest
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trepmoola-blog · 7 years
What Small Business Opportunities Does the Future Hold?
Written by: Candice - a freelance writer, jeweler, and digital marketing hybrid. You can learn more about her on her personal website or reach out to her on Twitter @candylandau.
The world is changing before our eyes
According to Pearson, in the 19th century, it took Britain 150 years to double its GDP per capita.
In the 20th century, it took the U.S. 50 years to do the same thing. And in the 21st century, it will take China and India just 15 years.
In a similar vein, where once it might have taken a few decades for a majority of the population to adopt something like the telephone or electricity, today adoption rates for consumer products like cellphones and the internet happen within five to 10 years.
Naturally, because the pace of technology adoption is speeding up, if you’re going to hold a competitive advantage in one of these areas, you’re going to need to be able to move fast and be able to meet demands as they increase.
Over the course of the next 20 years, the world’s middle class will increase from one billion to three billion, and become the most important economic and social sector in most countries. This means we should see a significantly higher demand for consumer goods and services. Small business opportunities, as well as bigger business opportunities, should abound. 
If you’re looking to be in business for the long haul, it can’t hurt to take these trends into account. How will they affect supply and demand? How will technology revolutionize our products and processes? What areas are ripe for disruption?
According to a report published by the World Economic Forum (WEF), some of the key demographic and socioeconomic drivers of change include:
Changing     work environments and flexible working arrangements
The rise of     the middle class in emerging markets
Climate     change, natural resource constraints, and the transition to a greener     economy
Rising     geopolitical volatility
New     consumer concerns about ethical and privacy issues
Longevity     and aging societies
Young     demographics in emerging markets
Women’s     rising aspirations and economic power
Rapid     urbanization
And, according to this same report, key technological drivers of change include:
Mobile     internet and cloud technology
Advances in     computing power and big data
New energy     supplies and technologies
The     “Internet of Things”
Crowdsourcing,     the sharing economy, and peer-to-peer platforms
Advanced     robotics and autonomous transport
Artificial     intelligence and machine learning
Advanced     manufacturing and 3D printing
Advanced     materials, biotechnology, and genomics
Consider how these changes will affect the industry you’re interested in, or what opportunities they might present.
For example, flexible working arrangements may well mean the rise of coworking spaces (either for individuals, or whole companies) and increased demand for space and power outlets in coffee shops. So, starting a cafe business or a coworking space might just be a great idea. Rapid urbanization also presents another good opportunity. With more people flocking to work in cities, the need for affordable housing will rise. This means real estate firms and construction companies are probably going to do well. It also means there are going to be big environmental risk factors. You could either specialize and become a “sustainable developer,” or become an environmental impact assessor. It might also be a great time to go into law, or to open a legal practice, perhaps specializing in compliance and commercial law.
The rise of and our dependence on smart objects, aka the “Internet of Things” (think smart thermostats, wearable fitness devices, and built-in sensors for just about everything) will not only unleash a huge amount of data about how we live, but will open up opportunities in semiconductor and software fields, as well as areas related to information privacy, security, and systems integration.
According to research by The McKinsey Institute, the “Internet of Things” has a potential economic impact of $4 trillion to $11 trillion come 2025. In this study, they map out some of the key areas where value may accrue. It’s worth looking into. 
Another great opportunity is represented by the rise of the sharing, or the collaborative economy business. Today, companies that operate within the collaborative economy model enjoy immense success and an ever-expanding user base. This has largely been enabled by the internet, which has in turn allowed for the creation of sites like AirBnB that allow anyone to list their apartment or home online and offer it up as a vacation rental, or of course that allow people to book a taxi from on app on their phone, wherever they are.
These companies and companies like them have already disrupted marketplaces (like the taxi industry, in the case of Uber and Lyft) and will continue to do so moving forward.
How business is conducted is changing, and if you’re not willing to adapt, you may be left behind.
Being future-oriented isn’t rocket science
Beyond hypothesizing about how the world will continue to change, there are many annually published reports you can turn to to find out what is actually changing now.
Each year, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes a list of declining industries, many of which fall within the manufacturing sector. When you think about it, this is hardly a surprise given the affordability of having products manufactured overseas instead of on U.S. soil.
It also can’t hurt to keep an eye on the Bureau’s fastest growing and fastest declining occupations. This will give you a close-up on the bird’s eye view.
For example, one occupation in high demand—wind turbine service technicians—perfectly illustrates the growth of the engineering and alternative, clean energy sector.
Cross reference these lists with the list of declining industries, and you’ll rapidly start picking out the patterns.
Skills for the future
The U.K. government published a paper in July 2014 that compiled research findings from a number of U.K.-based research institutions. The paper, entitled The Labour Market Story: Skills for the Future, addressed those skills that will be in demand in 2022, including emerging skills and how these relate to jobs.
Naturally, any studies predicting what the future holds should be taken with a grain of salt. They are still predictions, and unseen market forces and technologies might just as well disrupt an industry seemingly on the rise.
That said, the findings show that employment share in the primary and utilities, and manufacturing sectors is projected to fall, while employment in construction, trade, and accommodation and transportation will grow most between 2012 and 2022.
If you’re keen on starting a construction business now, you may just reap the rewards later. However, if you’re thinking about setting up a manufacturing business, you might want to look into whether or not this is really a good small business opportunity for the long term.
Naturally, these statistics do not take into account those factors that could disrupt these predictions, so don’t be put off if you’ve got the drive and great ideas.
Findings from this same paper show occupations on the rise, including managers, professionals, associate professionals, caring, leisure, and other. Skills related to operating within these professions will also be on the rise.
In general, people with a broad range of “generic skills” will be highly prized. This includes skills related to problem solving, communication, teamwork, and information and communications technologies.
Even if you don’t plan to be working for someone else come 2022, it’s worth making sure you’ve got the skills to move your business into the future.
Many countries and independent institutions publish reports of a similar nature, either lists of skills that will become more important in the future, or the in-demand university degrees. Pay attention to these reports, as they are indicative of larger trends and needs in the marketplace.
At the end of 2014, The National Association of Colleges and Employers released data gathered from 260 companies and organizations. Based on the data, they were able to compile a comprehensive list of bachelors, masters and doctorate degrees in demand. The top three bachelors and masters degrees included finance, accounting, and computer science. The top doctorate degrees were all in the engineering and sciences fields.
  Posted by David Seagraves                                                            
Find “The Right Money” for Your Business
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Inn Financing Without Tears
New Post has been published on https://myupdatesystems.com/2017/04/10/inn-financing-without-tears/
Inn Financing Without Tears
Inn Financing
You have been dreaming for years. Those glossy magazines and snazzy websites with those wonderful, historic lodgings, glorious gardens, and inviting rooms are a regular mainstay. Your travels have taken you to places where you were greeted by strangers who treated you like old friends. You slept on feather quilts and abundant pillows, awakening to the aroma of fresh coffee and baked bread, then shared breakfast with others like yourselves: road warriors of the bed & breakfast circuit. You just love these quaint and ornate homes, the unfaltering hospitality, the sumptuous meals. After all, entertaining has always been a love of yours and you think, “We could do this!”
Cut to six months later: you’ve been talking to innkeepers about the Inn-keeping lifestyle, and they told you it wouldn’t be easy. You attended one of those seminars, and they told you it wouldn’t be easy. You’ve been taking stock of what it would really mean to quit that job or take early retirement and live on an innkeeper’s “salary,” and now you realize it won’t be easy. But this is Inn-keeping! You’ve always wanted to do this. It can’t be that bad, or why would so many take the plunge?
Good question. It’s a question that all prospective innkeepers must ask themselves. Just for a moment, let’s assume that you have satisfied yourself that you are, indeed, cut out for Inn-keeping. You would like to be your own boss, even if your life will be guided by your guests. You can still decide to close for a week (if you plan ahead) to take a vacation. You can always be closed on Mondays if you want. You are prepared for the cut in income, figuring you can get by fairly modestly, and besides, you have a little something extra from wise investments or pensions. You’ve been checking out ads on countless websites looking for the perfect bed & breakfast for sale, have actually received information and consider yourself to be actively “in the market.” Well, maybe a couple of years away. That’s OK. It’s better to plan ahead and know what you’re getting into.
You are really serious about buying an inn now, and you want to make an offer but need to figure out exactly how to finance the purchase. This is where the dream of owning a bed & breakfast can start to slip away unless you’ve done your homework and planned adequately. Because financing is where most contracts fall apart.
A bed & breakfast inn is a hybrid entity. Alas, it’s neither a “house” nor a “hotel.” If it were just a house you wanted to buy, a lender would look at your available cash for down payment and closing costs, would review your income and “other debt,” would work with certain ratios to determine how much of your income could be used to finance a home, and could tell you, within a very narrow range, how much you could afford to pay for a house. No furniture. No business. You keep your job. That assumes, of course, that the house appraises out for the purchase price and your credit is squeaky clean.
For a hotel or motel, or maybe a convenience store or other business, a lender will look at the business, will examine and analyze the cash flow, will determine the value based on actual and projected cash flows, will consider how much you can put down initially (they generally want 30% plus with reserves for operating capital, etc., though there are exceptions). If all of this pans out, and you can convince that lender that you know what you’re doing (past experience in the same business, hopefully) you might get the loan and be on your way.
But a bed & breakfast? What’s that? It’s a bit large as a home, a significant portion of which will be used for business. This, of course, creates some interesting tax considerations when applying your rollovers, but that’s another story. A bed & breakfast is typically very heavily weighted by the real estate component as opposed to the business component, where that convenience store is often just the opposite. Nevertheless, the dream B&B you’ve found may, in fact, have a fairly decent cash flow. If it does, there are a number of avenues you can pursue. The first, and by far the easiest (though hardly the most common) is an owner, or seller, financing.
If an innkeeper has owned the inn for a number of years, especially if they converted it into a B&B from a house, they may have experienced a substantial amount of appreciation and have little or no debt. Often these owners are interested in moving on and will consider owner financing as a good investment.
Like any lender, they will want to know your credit history, see a credit report, have a complete, certified financial statement from you, and will be confident that the cash flows from the business will cover debt service and living expenses on top of operations. However, don’t expect many sellers to finance 90% of the deal. Maybe you can buy a house with 5% or 10% down payment, but it’s unlikely that many innkeepers will finance that much. Keep in mind that, like a bank, security is paramount. You will be purchasing the real estate, the personal property (fixtures, furnishings, etc.) and probably will be paying for intangibles (goodwill) as well. Your initial investment will likely have to cover the intangibles, the personal property, and a substantial portion of the real estate. That can amount to a sizable outlay. You need to keep something in reserve for improvements you may want to make and to cover you in those slow early months.
Let’s say your seller doesn’t want to finance, and many don’t. They have other plans for their money. If the business is really solid and can be documented (current innkeepers take note!), the next best bet is often a local bank. Despite strict regulations about lending parameters, many bankers still take an interest in local ventures and, especially, real estate. If the loan is “non-conforming” but there is value in the property and a sufficiently large down payment to protect their investment, money may be forthcoming as a portfolio or “in-house” loan. An introduction to the local banker by the current innkeepers (if they’ve had a good relationship) can be a good way to get started, especially if there’s been any bank financing in the past.
If your intention is to acquire a full-service inn with a restaurant, then the Small Business Administration (SBA) may be the best way to go. There are a number of banks and non-bank lenders who process SBA loans, some better than others, so shop around. Doug Carleton, who is an approved SBA lender and the member of The B&B Team of Professionals, is one of the best. Remember two things above all else: restaurants have a very high failure rate, and most lenders are leery of making restaurant loans unless you have a track record to demonstrate your expertise. Also, SBA loans can be slow (depending on the bank) and expensive due to the SBA guarantee fees, so you need to be prepared for a process that may take six months and the expenditure of several thousand dollars in surveys, environmental studies, etc. Often times, however, the fees can be financed, and, if you are prepared and working with a good lender, the process can be expedited. Some SBA loans are assumable, so be sure to ask if the current owners have an SBA loan and look into its assumably.
As to bank financing, there are some lenders who will extend “no doc” (no documentation) loans. With 20%-40% down payment on the real estate, they will assume that you won’t walk away from the property, and if you do, their investment will be covered. How you pay for it, in their mind, is your problem. Please note that I said “real estate” not “bed & breakfast.” That down payment will apply to the appraised value of the real property, and you will have to pay for the personal property and intangibles separately. In the end, there’s still quite a lot of cash going out.
You’re starting to feel depressed. You’ve exhausted the banks, the SBA lenders have turned you down, the owner owes too much to finance you (or just wants cash), but you really want to buy and the seller really wants to sell. What to do now? One possibility and this is usually a last resort, is the use of an investment company that specializes in the purchase of mortgage notes. In reality what happens at closing is that the owner finances the sale. He simultaneously sells the note to an investor (for a discount), the original loan is paid off, the seller goes away with cash, and you own the property but will be making your payments to the new investor who holds the note. The best way to make this arrangement work is to plan ahead with a note investor so that the interest rates, the amounts paid, the size of the discounts, etc. can be juggled to reach a happy medium that works well enough for everyone. In these cases, most likely the buyer will have to pay a bit more, the seller will walk away with a bit less, and the investor will be very happy! But if it works, who’s to complain?
Needless to say, there are many ways to finance a bed & breakfast or country inn, but none of them is without problems. Almost all will require a sizeable capital investment up front. In every case, the entire financial picture of the purchaser must be taken into account. Are there other assets? Is there independent income, either from investments or retirement? Will one of the purchasers be working an outside job or telecommuting? If you are working with a knowledgeable inn broker, be prepared to provide enough information that he or she can find a property that has the potential of meeting your personal and financial objectives. In the end, the best advice is to plan ahead, become informed, and be realistic. If you do, you’ll be happily on your way to Innkeeping! Good luck!
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