#Because a lot of the time their skin IS darker. Your perception of them is just warped.
hamartia-grander · 10 months
In all seriousness though. Luis Serra Navarro is not white. Your art of him should not be white. Your perception of him should not be white. You don't even have to know the history behind his last name to observe with your eyes that he is not white. He is noticeably darker than everyone else in the game, so colouring him lighter, or God forbid making him look as light as Leon and Ashley, is just an absolute lack of observational skills. Even if you are not willingly, actively choosing to whitewash him, your conditioning to whiten features or skin tones is absolutely at work here. Everyone is susceptible and subjected to it. You need to fix that.
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Was there any responses on the Theon survey that made you feel differently about a certain headcanon, fandom trend or ship?
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Thank you for your patience. It is uncommon for people to ask about my opinions but it brought a smile to my face, and your politeness only added to it.
To answer your question, sadly not, but there were still some developments on my perceptions.
Fandomwise I was mostly proven right over things I suspected in the past both in things I find uplifting and things that I find upsetting (TCKs and colonialism children in the Theon corner preferring Dany over Sansa and usually disliking the Theon/Stark ships, Robb Stark being a gift as the prevalent perception among throbb shippers, most people not caring about Jeyne Poole, thramsays being unhinged but very respectful and careful about people's boundaries) but there were a few things that had a positive reaction in me and maybe prepared me for changes.
I think I've made clear how I don't like engaging with Theon/Stark ships and sadly when it came to the squid prince and the steel skinned princess this didn't change at all, on the contrary, but when it came to the squid prince and the wolf-headed boy I was confronted with smaller subsets of the fandom that I felt could actually get me into it.
I used to be a lot more open about the later ship but as time passed it was ruined for me due to many personal vexations involving interpretation, (dismissal or vilification of) characters, themes and the constant use of show-scenes and quotes, but some of the responses from throbb people came very close to things I would theoretically enjoy in them as a ship (and as a closer characterisation of how I perceive Robb, clearly not a villain or an evil-doer but not someone I'd want to spend time with).
Nothing fully changed my mind, I didn't always agree with their reasoning and I am still sceptical because this was only a minority, but I think to some extent it made me more curious and, admittedly, less judgemental.
Here are some examples I am allowed to quote:
On Throbb as a ship, by throbb people
I only mildly dabble in shipping in asoiaf at all, however Throbb Is nice as when its done well It tends to have a lot of what I like (kidfic, canon divergences with some political element and happening around the early ACOK node, very specific hurt comfort dynamics, role reversals (enjoy Robb Is the one who had to experience Ramsay AUs even) exploration of the cultural/identity issues through conflicing loyalty etc . It rigorously has to be by people who love Theon better than Robb though
I'm someone where I will take whatever I can get tbh. All of the above. I do really enjoy stories where Robb is a darker character though, and relishes in the power he holds over Theon. Also just like playing with the theme of the Starks being wolves? And how the Ironborn were called like sea wolves by those in the riverlands and westerlands. It's very fun. I also do indulge in modern AUs where Theon is an unofficial member of the Starks. It's just very comfy. I like it less-so in canon fics because I think it very much writes off Ironborn culture in place of Northern culture. I am picky with them though because some of them are very much in the lane of "the Starks can do no wrong" and nope, the Starks can and have.
I am truly here for literally any Theon ship and they all appeal to me in different ways for different reasons. Robb and Theon - Personally I think it's really interesting how Robb is upheld as this very honourable gentleman-type but he never calls out Theon on his horrible treatment of women or other uncouth behaviour and it's suggested he actually kind of admires him for it? It gives me the impression that Robb lives vicariously through Theon a little bit and I'm fascinated by the idea of them being devoted to each other but also jealous of each other? We never see Robb's POV in the books but I think he's interesting to view through a lens of a young guy with an immense amount of pressure and responsibility on his shoulders (even before Ned dies he has the responsibility of being heir and the pressure to live up to the Stark name). I imagine that Theon is one of the few people Robb felt he could be himself around without any pressure to be respectable or honourable. He probably craves the relative freedom Theon has whole Theon longs for the status and respect that Robb has. It's an interesting dynamic! Also there's the fact that Robb is literally the only person who likes Theon and trusts him when no one else does which makes it even more heartbreaking when he betrays him.
On whether Robb Stark is a gift or not, by throbb people
No. Lol. I mean, the thing is, Robb isn’t really a terrible person or anything – book!Robb especially is young and inexperienced and genuinely seems to be trying his best in a situation that is understandably overwhelming. That said, he’s careless, self-righteous, over-privileged, emotionally manipulative, a bit vainglorious and sometimes extremely selfish, and has a tendency to do things like blame the easiest, most vulnerable (as well as the one most likely to forgive him) target for his own mistakes. He’s somewhat emotionally constipated and fairly low on empathy. He's very loyal to his family (but as we see with Sansa, it’s far from unconditional) and I think he does try to do right by people, especially those he cares about, overall. However, in the context of his relationship with Theon (where this seems to be most prominent as a Concept) he fails rather significantly and the relationship is not nonredeemable or anything, but definitely toxic.
I've only got the impression that he is a gift by reading bran's, Jon's and Arya's chapters not by theon's. In book 1 he is such an asshole to him in that bran chapter... It's more fanon I think to make Robb a gift specifically to Theon and I understand it, the show gave to us a closer relationship and many liked it and projected to Robb a caring attitude we wanted someone to have towards Theon, at least that's how it worked for me idk. Also the potential for romance, angst and tragedy by making them closer is just *chefs kiss is Robb a gift? yes is he one to Theon? they definitely have love between them but I don't think he is one to Theon.
Robb Stark as a character can really be anything you want him to be. I think only seeing him through other POV characters (especially his family) was a stroke of genius on George's part, just as we first meet Stannis in person through Maester Cressen, and later experience him through Davos' eyes (two people who love him deeply). Robb was a 16 year old dealing with some incredibly high stakes situations and a number of traumatic losses. He's mostly just tragic to me.
I still think Robb's relationships to the women in his life (Cat, Jeyne, Sansa, Arya and Dacey) are more interesting to me since they are usually explored by fandom in a more ambiguous and, in my opinion, more canon-compliant light, but yeah these made me reconsider my negative feelings about Throbb.
To some extent this also happened with Theyne, a ship I do ship but always felt weird about and sometimes had this stupid and prideful type of wish to differentiate myself from the shippers who engaged with it in a more "wholesome" manner. I came to see a lot more interest in dubious and less-positive takes on the dynamic in some of the responses and it was oddly relieving, it made me less conscious about my self-perceived discredit of the text when adding romantic connotations to Theon and Jeyne's canon dynamic (although they are somewhat present in the text too. ?????weird situationship of mutual victimhood and hellish non-consensual polycule with their torturer acting as matchmaker, third wheel and sicko lurking on the window)
[...] If it happens, it will be later down the line, probably during a potential recovery arc or even at the very end of the books. I would like to see how that plays out and I think Jeyne as his co-survivor of torture would probably be the most interesting person to play that out with because there is a common history that will remain a can of worms between them, but Jeyne seems to be (just like Kyra who came to Theon with the keys even though she didn't have to do that for her rapist!) a genuinely caring, empathetic and kind person who seems to have already bonded with Theon, seemingly knowing that he just like her did not participate willingly in her rape even though he had been compliant to his torturer's demands out of fear. And all that probably holds true even if he is still in survival mode of "I have saved Lady Arya (do not take on your actual name because that will get us both thrown back to the Boltons, this charade ain't over yet, please keep this charade up for your and my safety)". Jeyne has been badly maimed and (not only, but predominantly sexually) tortured herself, of course, so I suspect that the bond they both share will be fraught with fears and pain and ugly memories that migth feel more pressing than just memories (hello, PTSD), but i can see a way forward for both of them that I cannot see for either Jeyne and anyone else or Theon and anyone else (apart from familial bonds that Theon still has. Jeyne has no-one but Theon now, her parents are both dead and any other relatives haven't stepped up when Littlefinger sex trafficked her and Ramsay ended up repeatedly raping, maiming and psychologically torturing her). They will probably at first feel not great with each other, but I truly believe that they can help each other heal as far as possible or at least manage the aftermath of such severe torture of all kings. If he (Theon) does end up in some capacity in a romantic or sexual re-exploration of identity through a relationship of some sort, I suspect that Jeyne, who was co-tortured sexually alongside and through him (not that he was a willing participant, just someone trying to survive, doing the least harmful thing for both himself and Jeyne by partaking in being forced to rape her for Ramsay while thus becoming a victim of rape himself; apart from his former strongly insinuated sexual abuse and possible genital mutilation), might be the only person able and willing to even entertain the idea of a romantic and/or sexual connection to him, even though I think that her own state after all the sexual and other abuse means that that will be very, very far into the future. Both will probably feel safer not engaging in anything sexual for a long while, if ever, and as for romance, I think it'll probably take on a very fragile, small-gestures-of-care type of form that's more reminiscent of familial love and care rather than passionate. Both will have struggles expressing their minds, their wants and needs freely, both will be scared of physical touch probably, but then there's that image of Jeyne, half-dead herself, extending empathy to Theon and stroking his cheek telling him "you saved me", so there's that part of caring about someone already that seems like some glimmer of hope for both of them. If Theon makes it out alive through the books, I can see him ending up on the Iron Islands and her married to him for protection's sake (seeing as she's got no-one else in the world, and he has proven himself to care for her by saving her from Bolton Winterfell; while nobody else will care enough about her, or him or even be remotely positive towards him to facilitate some other marriage. She's only a steward's daugther, but a minor noble house is still a noble house, so I don't see why in-world class issues would make this impossible. It would grant both of them a safe space to recover from the abuse through each other's now safe company, and maybe find a way to love and be loved despite being more or less dead to the rest of society for various reasons. [...]
Jeyne and Theon - I think their relationship is really interesting to explore as a kind of co-dependant comforting thing where no one else quite understands their shared trauma and neither of them quite trust anyone else any more. But also they have this really soft affection for each other and see things in each other that no one else does. I think they're both seen as kind of irredeemably broken and pathetic post-Ramsay but they see the strength and kindness and value in each other that no one else can.
theon jeyne: i generally prefer nonsexual interactions, however there are ways of doing sexuality that i can like: when it is initiated by and demanded by jeyne who seeks some form of reenactment or redress or nonviolent experience or corrective with theon that she considers safe/available for this and with a theon who is reluctant at best. i like intense dangerous codependency. i don't think regular romance is available to them or rather what they have is already past that.
Asides from those, not so many changes. I think the bigger and better outcome was just learning to be less judgemental and more open. I am honestly happy of having done the survey even if sometimes I wanted to stick my head in the oven.
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alyjojo · 9 months
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Love Reading 🫡 - January 2024 - Capricorn
Overall energy: 3 Pentacles rev
How you will meet: The Lovers
How they will treat you: 7 Swords rev
Long-term Potential: 5 Cups
I assume you’re in the middle of a breakup with this person, I don’t see them wanting to reconcile. The initial energy is not cooperating because of failure, so either they’re fresh out of something that’s ended, or it’s ending with you, they’re committed to that decision. The subject of marriage could be a sore spot for the two of you, you could want to go all in and they don’t, it doesn’t say a particular reason, some people just don’t believe in it. Sometimes for financial reasons, marriage is essentially a contract, that they don’t want to sign, may have nothing to do with you. Whatever it is, they’re being completely honest, 7 Swords rev and feel like they have to let this go. Long term potential is sadness and regret over Justice…could be divorce, could be the separation itself, someone may later be proven “right” or walks a path to where they understand where the other person is coming from. It feels very karmic in nature. Someone could be legally married but hasn’t seen the guy in years or something like that too, or they’ve been married once and don’t want to do it again. It’s that vibe, feels karmic.
Messages -
Their side:
- Darker skin tone
- I’m not ready for marriage
Your side:
- Marriage Material 💍
- It’s destiny baby!
Oracles -
Their side: THE BUTTERFLY 🦋
- Evolving & Growth
- Next Phase
- Healing Inner Child
- Releasing the Past
Your side: CAMERA 📷
- Reminiscing
- Making Memories
- Learn from the Past
- Perception
Signs you may be dealing with:
Gemini & air heavy 🌬️ but could be any sign
Overall energy: The World
Current: 9 Cups
Challenge: The Tower
How they feel about you: 3 Wands
How you feel about them: 2 Cups
Outcome: Queen of Pentacles & The Empress
Something is going down with the family, a Tower moment, what that is specifically will be different for everyone, could be regarding someone’s parent or a family member. Could also be the relationship itself, but there’s clearly an ending here, and one that is likely to feel like betrayal to someone. You, your person, your mom, a close friend, a grown child, someone in your 10 Cups, that you deeply care about & love. You/someone could also be pregnant, and that’s The Tower, something unexpected that changes everything, probably the best case scenario for this one - if that’s what you want of course. There is no one particular vibe to whether this person is going to stick around or not, or if you even want them to. You do show up as a divine match, Wheel of Fortune is here, it’s meant to happen regardless of the outcome, which won’t even be decided or known through mid-Feb 🙏
There’s an ending that’s natural, a cycle is closing out, and either you’re sad about it or your person is. For some, you’re done being sad, or they are 💯 Either story. Pleasing oneself & a separation describe the “problems”, going from 10 Cups to 9 Cups, spending a lot of time alone, a family or relationship being challenged & collapsing in some form. They view the situation as expecting it to NOT end, to persevere through pain, difficulties, whatever has happened. You view it as having gained clarity, other people involved, sneaky manipulative bs with this Magician rev that’s caused a very painful ending with 10 Swords ⚔️ For many, you’re the ones that are done with this, sadness be damned. It’s just part of the process. You do love them but they may have betrayed you. It’s possible this is switched, and they found out, and expect *you* to want to work on it, give excuses, etc., because you have been or have before. Both stories apply, and both show major changes in store for you both, it’s a karmic connection, lessons will be learned, things will have changed you, it wasn’t a mistake.
Outcome for mid Feb, you could be pregnant, could be living with a parent, or if this is a marrriage or there are kids involved, then it’s a whole process that’s begun. You could be focused on yourself, your health, drinking your water and getting good sleep, putting love into yourself & you kids for the time being. One step at a time. If this is not you, it could be someone close that you’re supporting through a difficult time, and the love between you & your person is solid, but someone else has some relationship drama and you’re showing up as a supportive person for them.
Messages -
Their side:
- If I could I would 💯
- What other people say matters too much to me.
Your side:
- Obsessed with work
- New Perspective
Oracles -
Their side: COFFIN ⚰️
- New Beginnings
- Liberation
- Reborn & Transition
- Tragic Endings
Your side: ASCENDING 🎈
- Learning & Expansion
- Transcending
- Preparing for Union
- New Phase
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Gemini & Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo & Sagittarius
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thevagabondexpress · 1 year
if i had a heart to beat
So . . . I may or may not have written an original short story set in my as-yet-only-rambled-about Crater of Grace universe and I may or may not have decided to share it on a couple of different platforms, including here. I don't know how much y'all are interested in original fiction but this one is set on a space station, there are faeries, there is the faintest beginning of romance. An android contemplates what it's like to fall in love. Featuring the now-too-often-cited Leena May Loy.
Seated on the kitchen counter, Gadiel Mendoza traced the shape of one of the two hard, velvety-textured black plates on the inside of his left arm. He closed his eyes for a moment, lifted his fingertips from the implant, and looked toward the door of Leena May Loy's bathroom. He was waiting for her to get out of the shower.
He still wasn't sure what was going on. She'd sent him a stressed, cryptic dm—dia, i need to talk—and he'd come up to find her in the shower and now he had to wait.
The door clicked open, and Leena May emerged, dressed in plain black leggings and her favorite white turtleneck, swallowingly oversized and made of an impossibly soft, thick knit. Her glossy black hair was already in her signature double braids. Her hands and feet were bare, but he could see the black cuff on her ear that powered her personal deflector shield, that allowed a faerie to live on a starbase, iron and all.
Gadiel waited.
Leena sighed. "Oh, you thought I was stressed about the station or something, weren't you."
"Then what is?"
Leena's sky blue hands fluttered, black-painted nails tapping awkwardly against the kitchen counter. "In two days my sister is going to be on the station."
"I didn't know you still had a sister. I . . . thought she was dead."
"You of all people would know that death is not always literal." Leena looked out the window at the stars. "The fight that we had—" her words were interrupted by an awful, wracking cough. She staggered, clutching the counter, and Gadiel leaped to his feet, but she did not fall. "Damn." Leena steadied herself, hands shaking from the shock of it, and breathed. "—had when I left Belta, it ended us as family."
"She doesn't know I'm the station commander here." Leena looked back at him. "She knows my call signs, my code names. She doesn't know they're me."
Gadiel nodded.
"I want to meet you at the Yellow Dog for a drink. I don't want to talk about her. I don't want to talk about Belta and its rings, or the rice we made on the rooftop from the paddies outside the town. We'll find other conversation topics."
"When do we go?"
Leena looked down at herself. "I still need to put some actual clothes on. Ten minutes?"
"Ten minutes."
< & >
At the Yellow Dog the bartender's name was Ashanti and she'd come to them from Ben Il Braithe. She couldn't pass for anything else, the way that Leena with her sky blue skin and black hair fully black eyes (sclera and everything) could pass for Beltan, the way a lot of faeries could pass for humans with whom they shared a homeworld so long as you didn't look too closely at their fingers or their ears. The way humans and Xoni and Zheki could be indistinguishable, too, if you knew nothing of each people's cultures. Ashanti was black as onyx, a complexion darker than anyone from any other planet, her cloud of curls and pupil-less eyes a brilliant blue-white. The Il Braethi didn't see. They didn't need to. Their psychic perception told them everything they needed to know.
She watched Gadiel watch Leena, trapped across the pub by someone with a complaint about their small dog, and grinned broadly until he glared at her.
"You're in love with her," Asha said, "aren't you?"
"Because I'm her friend. Because you are. Because I can tell even if you don't notice it. The way your head turns to follow her . . . the way you run when she needs the slightest help with anything . . . I bet your heart beats faster every time someone mentions her name."
"It would," Gadiel admitted, "if I had a heart to beat."
"Don't start calling yourself heartless," Ashanti said, frowning. "That's Sasha's line when he's in here particularly drunk and talking about las adelitas."
"No, I don't have a heart. Literally. I mean technically I'm sure I have some circuits and a motherboard in there that do the same thing but they don't do anything when someone talks about Leena."
Ashanti's white eyes rounded. "You're Built?"
"Don't. I shouldn't have told you." Gadiel put his arms on the table, stared at the plates in his arm. "It stays between us."
"What happens in Vegas . . ." Ashanti made a face. "What is Vegas? Does it still exist?"
"It's an Old Earth city," said Leena, appearing out of nowhere at Gadiel's side. "And that's up for debate." She slid into the seat across from Gadiel and looked at him with those half-unnerving, half-alluring black eyes. "So. More things to not talk about."
If she had any thoughts about what she'd no doubt overheard, she didn't voice them. But she laid her hand out flat on the table. He couldn't reach her, not here, not when the table she laid her hand on was metal and who knew what kind and it might have been dangerous to find out—there was no need to add visible burns to the iron sickness that already plagued her. He pressed his fingertips to the force-field. It resisted, as it was supposed to, holding his fingers a few inches from her skin. When he pushed, it pushed back and yet it didn't feel like touching anything at all. He studied the shield until she pulled her hand away.
"Some other time," she said, "when we have a glass-topped table." She smiled, but it was sad and weak. "Sometime when I'm not panicking about Priya."
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tamaradoubraomonibeke · 11 months
RSA (Deconstruction of the brief)
Deconstruction: reduce (something) to its constituent parts in order to reinterpret it.
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After re-reading and re-reading the brief I finally sat down and took key-take-aways.
3 words
Skin condition empowerment
5 words
Empowering skin condition teens/youth.
10 words
How can we empower skin condition youth/teens and spread enlightenment?
20 words
How can the confidence of skin conditions youth/teens be improved alongside enlightening others about their daily predicament (getting people to care)?
Target audience
Skin condition youth (16 - 25) olds.
What I discovered
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat have more negative impact on 14-24 year olds in UK (Studies shows). YouTube was the best (Not surprising, no-one was seriously addicted but managed their time and learnt more things rather than getting insecure). YouTube is a video platform and didn't advertise filters which can garner insecurity.
Skin care is not about the skin care products but can be affected by your daily life decisions (drinking water, clothes, food, etc). However, people’s skin types are different.
Skin conditions are an unrepresented community. When we speak of marginalization in society, it's tied to these main groups in the following order; gender, race, sexuality. I say main, there’s discussion for disability but this has started due to mental disability. Not because people care, we only care when it affects us or to be trendy.
Perceptions of beauty vary from country. There are a lot of skin-brightening (carrot) products from my home country (Nigeria). The fairer skin, the prettier you are. I’m brown-skinned so I don't receive light or fair skin privilege, neither am I seen as too ‘dark’.
Due to different skin colors, it’s difficult to diagnose certain conditions in the medical field. Ahem, racism
Create accessible & inclusive outcome. This may come as a challenge. Most of my respondents were similar e.g females but understand it’s a result of the university’s magnificent population of women. (I’m very grateful people responded, they could’ve just ignored my email.)
Real life consideration (funding and effectiveness). I’m going all out for this brief. I’ll send another email and gather more individuals to help my idea come to fruition, I mean concept.
Consider the socio-economic backgrounds of the target audience (do not approach it as skin-condition individuals, they have more of an identity (gender, race, sexuality, ethnicity, etc) than that).
Creativity; how's my idea different? It's a plethora of ideas. I wanted to do a social media and portraits of my target audience. From the questionnaire, I realised the respondents want more connection, normalization of skin conditions and representation in art, design, movies, music, etc, etc. Okay let me explain.
Explanation (Why)
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It doesn't stop there
I’ve decided to combine a networking platform where;
Skin conditions are discussed in the general community (unfiltered and darker)
Posts can be made to express other things (their skin condition is not their whole identity, this can also humanize them and show others they are just like them inwardly (to reduce any form of marginalization you need to sit with the ‘other’ and realize they shouldn't be the ‘other’).
Instead of filters, a portrait can be made of the individual. With the portraits, not everyone felt confident but I’ll still commence with the idea to be different. Then, I’ll interview them and literally write a story based on them on the platform (depending on how comfortable they are, I’ll change their name.) Hopefully, this will inspire others to tell their stories.
Resources related to skin condition media is shared e.g movies, influencers
I know, it's a lot but I’ll pull it off.
LO1, AO1 (Research)
AO3 (Resarch Autonomy)
0 notes
kalorphic · 2 years
Reese vs an MC who easy to tease and a little too perceptive for their own good. Also yes, I have a fascination with my ROs smiles, they’re pretty okay?
Warnings: very brief non-con touch (of hand) which is apologised for, pet names (it’s Reese), hints of using humour/flirting as a coping method.
You’re holding Reese’s hand.
Why are you holding Reese’s hand?
You squeak and yank your hand away, “I’m so sorry.”
Reese blinks at you as though coming out of a daze. It doesn’t take long for the flirtatious smile to return, however.
“If you want to hold hands, sweet thing, then you only need to ask.”
“No. I– I don’t,” you stutter. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
${rthey} laugh, bright and joyful. It seems genuine, but if you’ve learnt anything about Reese in the short time that you’ve known them, it’s that there’s a lot more going on in ${rtheir} head than ${rthey} let on.
“You didn’t mean to,” Reese’s laughter has died down into a cheeky grin. “Besides, I didn’t mind it. At all.”
“Still.” You ignore ${rtheir} attempt to deflect. “Even if it wasn’t intentional, I touched you without your permission or without at least knowing that you’re comfortable with unannounced touch.” You rub your arm as you give ${rthem} a small smile. “So, yeah, I’m sorry.”
If you hadn’t been watching Reese closely for ${rtheir} reaction, you probably wouldn’t have noticed how ${rtheir} face freezes briefly at your words.
Oh crap. You start to panic, and prepare to spew apologies at ${rthem} for whatever you said that upset ${rthem}, when Reese’s smile completely takes the wind out of your sails.
It’s a fragile-looking thing, but it’s gentle and it’s real.
${rthey} have a dimple…it suits ${rthem}.
Reese’s eyes have gone soft and, however cliché it sounds, it really seems as though ${rthey} are finally seeing you for you rather than just as ${kname}’s handler.
“You’re too kind for the world of espionage, ${mcname},” you nearly jump at the sound of your name from ${rtheir} lips as so far you’d only been called by nicknames or pet names. “And far, far too kind to be spending time with someone like me.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s for me to decide.”
“If I want to spend time with you, Agent Eleven, then I damn well will.”
You aren’t sure where the sudden spike of confidence has come from, but it dies a pitiful death pretty quickly when you realise that you’ve just yelled at your boss about spending time with ${rthem}.
“Well then.” You wince at ${rtheir} tone. “You had best prepare yourself, Handler ${mccodename}, because I’m taking that as permission to stick to your side like a limpet from now on.”
“W–wait what?”
You stare at ${rthem} in shock, feeling yourself grow warm {although it wouldn’t show on your darker skin tone, it was still embarrassing | and it probably showed which only made you blush harder}.
“I’m just kidding.”
Reese grins as you shoot ${rthem} a half-hearted glare.
“Hopefully, we’ll get to partner up on some missions though.” ${rthey} throw over ${rtheir} shoulder as ${rthey} bounce off towards the door, any signs of ${rtheir} earlier vulnerability gone.
You huff and decide to put this strange conversation behind you for the sake of your sanity, however, Reese apparently has other plans, as before ${rthey} leave, ${rthey} hesitate.
“Thank you.”
And then Reese is gone.
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pervysenpaix · 3 years
Our Flower| BakuDeku X BlackFem!Reader - Chapter 1
Welcome to my first Tumblr Series! This post will serve as the "Masterlist" for this fic. Chapters can also be found through the tag "our flower 💕" I'll try to update at least once a week. Follow me and turn on your notifications, so that you won't miss any updates. Enjoy - Unique 💕
Synopsis: You, Izuku, and Katsuki have been bestfriends since UA. One thing leads to another and you find yourself waking up in bed between the two future pros. No big deal, right? Well, things start to get a bit awkward and you start to get really "sick". A major bombshell is dropped on you the day before graduation, and you decide that it's best for everyone if you just disappear. But, what happens when the pair walks into your café four years later?
Warning (18+) NSFW Content| Viewer Discretion is advised.
I do not own MHA, MHA Characters or anything associated with the brand. I do not own the art, all images were obtained through google. If you know the artist, please tag them. DO NOT STEAL MY SHIT.
©pervysenpaix 2022
Chapter 1
You are in literal shambles this morning. Nothing seems to be going right. First, you woke up late because you forgot to charge your phone when you came in last night. So, you were late out the door and had to skip breakfast, the most important meal of the day. Then, your car wouldn’t start so you were forced to order an uber, which was too fucking expensive during rush hour in Tokyo. THEN, you were written up at your first job for bring late for the fifth time this month. And to top it all off, your best friend Gabbie wouldn’t be able to babysit Blossom tonight.
“I’m so sorry, babe” Gabbie lamented, “I have this twenty-page paper due at 11:59, and I’ve only written three sentences. She pouted, looking up at you with puppy dog eyes that only a true bottom could muster, hoping that you weren’t upset. Which you weren’t. How could you be upset when you’ve been there before. Assignments piled up so high, it seemed like you’d never make it through; but you always found a way and pulled through. You had to. There wasn’t any other option; Blossom needed you. “Don’t worry about it, love” you smiled, petting the pouting bottom’s head, “I’ll figure it out.”
Work progressed slowly. Thankfully, there weren’t a lot of customers coming in today, so you were able to listen to a recorded lecture while folding denim. Every moment of your free time was dedicated to studying, you couldn’t afford to fall behind. Was it tiring? Sure, but sometimes the end justifies the means.
Take Blossom, your beautiful baby girl, for example. Being pregnant at 19, in Japan wasn’t easy. Especially, when you’re black and your parent’s disowned you. On top of that you lost your child’s father and best friends. It was hard being alone, but you got by. Moved to Tokyo, found a job, moved into a small apartment, and started taking online classes. Now, you’re two semesters away from your degree, and you’ve gained a new best friend to replace the two that you’d lost.
Blossom was an amazingly gifted three-year-old, no doubt like her father. Super intelligent, oddly perceptive, and incredibly understanding for a toddler. She understood mommy’s situation and she rarely put up a fuss when you couldn’t do something. Always, on her best behavior, well most of the time. She was a mischievous little thing, always finding herself in the middle of something but never backing down. Again, like her father.
You missed him, both of them actually. How could you not when their faces were plastered on billboards and tv screens as some of Japan’s hottest up and coming heroes? Honestly, you didn’t even need to see advertisements to be reminded of them. Blossom was literally his twin, just with curlier hair and darker skin. The resemblance was uncanny.
Sometimes you wonder how things would have gone if you’d handled it differently, but it was best for everyone involved for you to go off on your own. They had big dreams; been trying to accomplish this goal their entire lives. Plus, they had become a couple. Why cause a problem if you didn’t have to? You weren’t resentful, though. On the contrary, you were extremely proud of your former friends. Smiling proudly whenever you’d see their faces on hero news; you even had a scrapbook outlined of all their victories and interviews. You’d show it to Blossom when she got older.
The conversation hadn’t really come up yet. When she asked why her daddy never came to play, you told her that he was busy keeping all of Japan safe. She wanted to know who he was, but you told her that you needed to keep his identity a secret, so the villains wouldn’t find out. The child had been obsessed with heroes ever since, and oddly enough they were her favorites.
Time was passing quickly, and you still didn’t know what you were going to do about Blossom. Your friend, Nani, wasn’t available because she was “going out with her man”. She had started dating this retired pro hero and she was sprung. Sis was open like a can of pig’s feet. You were glad for her, get your bag sis. This is your life and your daughter, it wouldn’t be fair to burden other people with your issues.
With a sigh, you texted your manager and let him know that you’d be bringing Blossom in with you tonight. It was the closing shift, in a developing area downtown, so there wouldn’t be many customers. He was a sweet old man and didn’t mind at all, you’d done it a couple times before. Plus, Blossom was always on her best behavior and stayed hidden in the back. So, what could possibly go wrong?
“I’m fuckin’ exhausted” Katsuki sighed, plopping down on a leather couch in the waiting room of their new agency. Todoroki, Kirishima, and Izuku were all stretched out in similar positions. Muscles strained and bones aching from hero work and moving furniture. Katsuki insisted on doing everything themselves because, “you can’t trust no fuckin’ extras to do shit right!”. It was hard work, but it paid off. Now, they were all resting in the beautifully decorated lobby of their joined agency. They worked well together in high school and during their time as sidekicks at the Endeavor agency; so, it made sense for them to start their career off as a team.
Normally, it would’ve been hard for heroes as young as them to branch off on their own. But, with their awesome quirks, and Endeavor’s credit card, they’d been given a head start. It was really impressive; they were only 24 but they’d made it into the Top 20 hero chart. Katsuki was number 10, with Izuku, Todoroki, and Kirishima taking 11-13 respectively.
“Same, man. Today was brutal.” Kirishima added, “I can’t wait to get home.”
“We should all probably head out. I have a date” Shoto replied, never looking up from his phone. Katsuki scoffed, “Probably shouldn’t consider BJ’s from thirsty IG models in the backseat of your Jag a date.” The dual haired man glanced up with a frown, “I shouldn’t?” he looked confused, making the others chuckle. “Todoroki-kun, if that was the case then you’d be dating half of Japan.” Izuku says, and the others nod in agreement. “You’re a fucking slut, Icy-Thot”.
If Shoto was concerned about this new development it didn’t last long because when he answered a facetime call with three chocolate baddies, he was shrugging on his jacket and heading out the door. Kirishima followed closely behind, because if we’re being honest, he’s a bit of a whore too.
“Wow” Izuku deadpanned, shaking his head in disbelief. “I don’t know why you’re still shocked, hell if we weren’t dating, you’d probably be going with ‘em”, Katsuki smirked. They all had a reputation with the ladies back in the day. There were plenty of girls that they fucked back at UA, but they just got the dick. Only one girl had their heart. The same girl that disappeared without a trace. (Y/N)’s sudden departure was devastating.
She’d missed graduation and ceased all methods of communication. Even her social media profiles were taken down. They’d learn a few weeks later that she’d given up her dream of becoming a rescue hero to return to the states for college. Her parents sounded bitter and upset when they shared the news with the duo. The father eyed them suspiciously the whole time. They never paid attention to it, too distraught over their lost love. They’d had flings with different girls since then, but nothing seemed to stick. Just a fun way to blow off some steam. No one could compare to (Y/N) (L/N).
Izuku shrugged off the comment and yawned, “I’m tired but I want something to eat” “You can eat my di-“ “Kacchan, please !” Izuku groaned, shaking his head but not stopping the smile that was spreading on his face. He loved his flirty, aggressive, and wildly inappropriate boyfriend. “It’s a place that I went to around the corner for breakfast last week. They don’t close until late. Wanna go?” Katsuki nodded and followed his boyfriend out into the cold night air.
Hand in hand, the heroes walked along the sidewalk. Silently enjoying eachother’s company as the made their way to the café. Always the gentleman, Izuku held the door open for Katsuki who scoffed as he brushed past him. The pleasant warmth of the café tickled his cheeks, and the smell of food filled the air.
“Just a minute!”.
Katsuki froze, the voice sounded so familiar. He couldn’t place it, but he knew that he recognized it from somewhere. Izuku shuffled in behind him, huddling close to steal some warmth. “Smells good” Katsuki didn’t respond, eyes locked on the double door. He just couldn’t shake this feeling.
“Sorry about that!” You breathed, smoothing your apron down as you burst through the door. Blossom had made a mess with the cupcakes, and you were helping her clean up. You didn’t even look up, body so tired that you were on autopilot. “What can I ge-
“What the fuck?”
Your eyes widened and back straightened, it couldn’t be? Too afraid to look up, you stayed locked in place.
“(Y/N)?” It broke your heart. You’d never heard your name said with such emotion. The slight tremor in his voice made your chest tighten, and you found yourself on the verge of hyperventilating.
“(Y/N) (L/N)!” you flinched, finally looking up and wishing you’d braced yourself because the intensity of their gazes almost knocked you off your feet.
Why here? Why now? Oh my god, I look like shit you thought, fidgeting with the strings of your apron, and chewing your lip. “Yes?” your voice was soft, too soft. It pissed them off. “That’s all you’re gonna say?” Katsuki snapped, clenching his fists to contain the explosions that were threatening to pop off. Izuku wasn’t much better, left eye twitching and unreadable expression on his face. You couldn’t tell if he wanted to fight or cry. Knowing him it’s probably both. “Bakugo, please keep your voice down.” Your voice was a lot more confident than you felt.
“Bakugo?” he spat, deeply offended that you’d address him in that manner, “Since when am I Bakugo?”
“What happened (Y/N)?” Izuku interrupted, “Have you been in Japan this whole time?” Swallowing thickly, you nodded yes and both men groaned. “I don’t know whether to hug you or choke you.” The conflicting emotions were apparent in his stormy gaze. Both, men seemed upset, but they were also sad. Really sad. “Why did you leave us?” Katsuki says, it was almost a whimper. Tears stung his eyes, threatening to fall, but he blinked them back.
“i-I can explain”.
Suddenly, the double doors swung open and out ran Blossom holding a little pink cupcake.
“Mommy, Mommy! Look!” The two heroes whipped their heads around in the direction of the small voice. Katsuki looked as if he’d been punched in the gut and Izuku’s mouth kept opening and closing. “M-mommy?” His voice caught the little girl’s attention, and her eyes widened when she saw the two heroes.
“Mama! He’s from the tv! Look Mr. TV man, I’m just like you!” She held the cupcake up and it exploded splattering icing all over them. The two of them stared at you slack jawed and you laughed awkwardly.
“Heh, it’s a girl !”
@xogabbiexo, @xosuki, @plussizeficchick, @tenyaiidasslut, @dabilovesme, @thicksimpx, @indiecursor, @riozakii, @sizeklink, @sintiva, @simp4rengoku,@dejwrites,@presidentmonica, @angwritez, @gabzlovesu, @namjoonswifeyy, @nasty-quillz, @blkchxrryblyss, @bl--ankhaeji, @kaizokuluv@rinhoes
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beneathstarryskies · 3 years
Hatake Kakashi NSFW Alphabet
Once again, I was bored so this was not a request. However, gotta shout out @actuallysaiyan because so many of these headcanons came from conversations we've had about Kakashi.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Anything you might want or need right after, Kakashi is here for you. He’s already getting you a glass of water and a washcloth before you even think to ask, and don’t even bother trying to get it yourself.
The cuddling and pillow talk while bathing in the afterglow is so soothing to him. He’s happy to lay beside you for hours just talking nonsense and playing with your hair.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On himself, Kakashi doesn’t have much of a preference. He has noticed how much you like tugging on his hair when he’s got his face buried between your thighs and he likes that shit so much.
Kakashi can’t choose between your tits or your thighs. He loves laying his head on both while you play with his hair or rub his back. He also likes to have his face buried between both parts. Don’t make him choose.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Kakashi is really happy to cum wherever you would prefer him to do it. He doesn’t have a preference because as far as he’s concerned it’s a win no matter what. You look good with his cum painting your skin and it feels wonderful when you swallow. Cumming inside of you is very intimate, and he really likes that about it. However, for the same reason he likes it, he’d also probably be kind of shy about it at first. He would definitely ask about it and make sure you’re okay with it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Kakashi reads smut in public. He doesn’t really keep his dirty secrets very secret.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Kakashi is more sexually experienced than one would assume. It’s always been casual and usually, he’s never seen them again. He tried to use sex to mend himself but found he just felt lonelier than ever. The thing that’s new to him is actual intimacy.
Again, he reads smut in public. He knows what to do. Not to mention he’s very perceptive and he will pick up on how you react to certain things easily.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Kakashi has a lot of positions he likes, but he does like any position in which you’re riding him. He’ll grip onto your hips to guide your pace, digging his short fingernails into your skin as he gets closer to cumming.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Kakashi can sometimes get nervous and crack silly little jokes, but for the most part, he tries to be more focused and serious.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Kakashi is not super hairy naturally. He does have a little silver happy trail leading into a small patch of darker gray pubic hair that’s just barely noticeable. It doesn’t require much grooming.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
When Kakashi fucks you, he makes you feel as though you’re the only person in the whole world. He’ll whisper in your ear how much he loves you and how beautiful you are. Long, languid, open-mouthed kisses are frequent.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t really jack off very much. Even when he was single, it just never did it for him. Sometimes when he feels stressed he’ll do it as a way to relax. Other than that, it’s just not something he does a lot.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Kakashi loves it when you wear lingerie for him, especially anything that’s lace or silk.
He’d also really like playing around with blindfolds, bondage, and overstimulation. He’d like for you to do those things to him just as much as he’d like to do them to you.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His favorite place to do it is your apartment, but as for the specifics, he’s not picky. On the couch, kitchen table, bending you over the counter, in the shower, on the bed. He really doesn’t care.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Kakashi loves it when you whisper naughty things in his ear, especially out in public. He’ll think about it all day. Also, anytime you do something sweet/nurturing for him he would just want you immediately.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Kakashi isn’t huge on degradation. Also, he wouldn’t want to do anything to inflict pain on you and definitely wouldn’t want it done to him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves to give you oral. He would stay between your thighs until you’re so overstimulated that your thighs are basically squeezing his head. He loves it, and he’s very good at it.
As far as receiving, Kakashi is mess as soon as your mouth is around him. He’ll be moaning and lightly thrusting deeper down your throat. His hands would tangle in your hair and he’d whisper, “Feels so good. So fucking good.”
He’s almost embarrassed by how quickly you can get him to the brink. The man is just so damn touch-starved, and he never gets enough. He’s pretty good about warning you when he’s about to cum, but sometimes his mind just goes blank.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He tends to be more slow and sensual. Of course, he has his moments where he just wants to bend you over the nearest surface and pound into you. This just isn’t his typical mood.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Kakashi prefers longer sessions, but sometimes they can be fun. Remember when he gave Team 7 the bell test and then he disappeared during lunch? Yeah, you were definitely having a quickie in the woods.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Kakashi kind of just likes what he likes. He’d be game to experiment, but he has certain boundaries he won’t cross.
As far as risks, it would really depend on what the risk is. Getting caught? Nope, he would die from the embarrassment. There’s a difference between reading Icha Icha in public and actually getting caught fucking.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Kakashi is kind of embarrassed because at first, he cums kind of quickly. He gets better about lasting longer as time goes on, but if you do things just right he’ll still cum quickly. He makes up for it by being able to go multiple rounds.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
During your relationship, he’s accumulated blindfolds, rope, and a vibrator. He will happily use them on you, and let you use them on him as well.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He is the biggest fucking tease. Kakashi loves teasing you and will do so for as long as he wants. You’ll basically have tears in your eyes begging him to fuck you or let you cum before he gives in. He’s very smug about it too.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s not very loud. He’ll let out some moans and mutter some dirty talk. Other than that, he’s pretty tame with noises.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
If Kakashi has gotten a good night’s sleep (which is SUPER RARE) he will wake up feeling really horny. More than once you’ve woken up with him sleepily grinding against you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Kakashi is about 8 inches long with average girth. He’s got a nice curve that allows him to easily hit all the most sensitive spots inside you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Kakashi is depressed, so his sex drive isn’t always going to be the highest. More often than not, he’s yearning for touch and comfort more than he is sex. That being said, when he is horny he’s very horny.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Kakashi generally just doesn’t sleep well. So he’ll probably lay beside you for a couple of hours just listening to you breathe before he falls asleep.
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loyally-unfaithful · 4 years
domestic life hc—tartaglia | childe
word count: 2.8k
pairing: tartaglia | childe/gn!reader
genre: fluff
a/n:  idk man i got the childe brainrot,, fictional kgb member, i love you <3
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who kisses the other on the nose and the one receiving the kiss blushes?
childe would do it a lot to you, especially at the beginning of your relationship.
not that he doesn’t like giving you nose kisses—he still loves kissing you in general <3
it’s just that when you both just started out, your reaction would be more potent. you’d be more flustered, stammering as you stared him with wide eyes.
if you asked him why, he’d give a smile that’s so painfully honeyed, while his eyes twinkled with mischief.
« you’re just too cute when you act all shy. » his voice teasing.
but here’s the secret.
he is not immune to nose boops.
do not hesitate to do it to him!! give him a taste of his own medicine!!!
he will not expect your boldness and he will be caught very off guard.
his own reaction would be just or even more incredible than yours, actually sksksksk.
tease him and reap the rewards man.
he’d snap up and blink at you, surprised. not quite believing that yes, actually, two can play at this game. he’d try to stutter out a witty comeback, but it holds no bite due to the furious blush covering his face.
either way, the both of you would laugh it out.
nowadays tho, you mostly just playfully roll your eyes at him and smile lazily, waiting until he gives you a kiss on the lips too.
who sits on their partner’s lap as they wrap their arms around their partners neck?
this man is your throne and you will sit on your rightful place.
real talk tho, childe makes a p decent chair considering. and he actually likes having you on his lap—it gives him free and unrestricted access to everything.
his arms would snake around your waist, pulling you closer to him. he’s not letting his prey you go anytime soon, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
as you wrap your arms around his neck, his hands may even wander elsewhere.
maybe you’ll simply hold each other close, tenderly closing the distance between the two of you, happy to have his affection, and him yours.
or maybe he’ll take it as an opportunity to kiss you, roughly, with desire, with want, until you’re breathless and your lips are bruised. this position, you think, as you feel his hand sneak under your clothes and trace your bare skin (which now feels unbearably hot), may also lead to something else. something more.
who kisses the inside of their partner’s palm before reassuring them everything is going to be okay?
before setting off on his travels, childe would press a gentle kiss on the inside of your hand, reassuring. it’s a message, a reminder, a promise.
a promise that he’ll stay safe, that’ll he’ll return to you, unharmed.
he does it to soothe your worries and let you know that there was nothing to be worried about—he doesn’t want you to get all stressed on his behalf. as much as it pains him to part from you for too long, he needs to do what he must; but he’ll be thinking of you and your health every step of the way.
so like
to go on a bit of a tangent
we know that childe’s work, as a fatui—a harbinger no less—is of course very dangerous. and even though he’s more than capable of handling whatever his travels throw at him, you can’t help but be worried for him.
and i also feel like, if you didn’t know this [his true nature] from the get-go, he’d hide his actual line of work or obfuscate most of the details from you.
it’s because he doesn’t want to stress you with the more gruesome details.
if you were never aware of the darker side of his profession, then he’d rather not have your perception of him be tainted. in your eyes, he was just sweet, darling tartaglia—not the murderer or weapon of war that he really was—and he'd prefer to keep it that way.
he’s aware that fatuis get bad rap as is, and he doesn’t know how he’d feel if his status made you afraid of him, or even worse, detest him. you hating him was the last thing he wanted.
you generally respect his boundaries, and accept whatever vague descriptions he gives you about his current “commission” (location, length of time). you have your doubts about his work as a “merchant”, but you have faith that he’ll see his endeavours through, even if you yourself are unsure and concerned.
anyway i…
i’m getting horribly off topic 0A0
moving on—
who initiates the forehead touch™?
after a long day of gruelling work, he’d probably long for your touch and affection, without exactly having the energy left to really vocalise his feelings. 
or at least, eloquently.
that’s why on quiet evenings, he’d seek you out and gently press his forehead against yours, pleased; you happy enough to follow his lead.
maybe childe lays his head on your lap while you play with his hair, untangling knots that have somehow formed in his unruly hair. at some point, he may reach out and pull you closer, close enough that your foreheads are touching. close enough to feel his warm breath fan your face.
you have to bend down a bit, and truthfully the position’s awkward, but your back’s protests are the last thing in your mind as you stare back into his pearlescent blue eyes.
despite his weariness, your comfort brings a smile to his face.
sometimes, he may even murmur something about how happy he was to be back home.
no words are exchanged, but there doesn’t need to be.
the love is there, and the both of you are content enough to simply revel in it.
where do they first say “I love you”?
things such as “i love you” and “i need you” are hard to utter for childe.
it’s a sign of weakness for him, and it’s a sign of weakness he does not wish to reveal nor acknowledge. if he says it, if he says that he loves you, he’s admitting a defect.
he has very little allies, and his enemies would not hesitate to take advantage of any leverage they can get. he doesn’t want you to be in danger because of him, he doesn’t want you to be used against him.
so admitting such vulnerability is very difficult for him.
however, though childe may be cold and calculated, tartaglia, ajax, is a man of feelings.
despite his consternation, he puts great importance over his loyalties and whom he offers his love to.
the first time he admits that he loves you, it is with great difficulty, as if it was a sin he shan’t utter.
he loves you, he thinks, but he cannot vocalise.
the first time he admits it, it was an accident. an impulse, the words whispered out against his consent, escaping before he was able to hold them in.
he carelessly lets the phrase out, and a part of him regrets while the other rejoices.
you make him weak when no other stands a chance to subjugate him so.
he hates it and he loves it oh so much.
it’s so so dangerous, and yet he is addicted.
he loves you.
who wraps their arms around their partner who’s cooking?
ok so like, it’s canon:
his siblings acknowledge him as the “the bestest big brother ever!” because he can cook and do housework. we stan a househusband.
anyway, this means that he’s at least a decent chef.
but because of his busy schedule as a harbinger, he rarely ever finds the time to cook, or to even be home. when he does get home, he would greet you before promptly passing tf out.
so he’d usually buy food when he remembers to eat. besides, his salary pretty much allows him to savour whatever liyue delicacy he wants to. the price, whatever it may have been, was negligible.
but honestly, truly, regardless of how luxurious and mouth-watering such expensive dishes were, nothing could beat home cooking. it hit different.
knowing this, you tended to prepare enough for two during dinner and save his portion on the dining table for when he gets home while you retreated to bed.
but on the off chance that he does get a day off, you best bet he’ll spend all that time within your presence. he is not letting you out of his sight and his arm’s reach.
he’ll ask you what you wanted to do. what you wanted to eat; he would treat you to anything, to repay your kindness, your thoughtfulness, as a way to say thank you, to say he’s glad to have you here and that he honestly truly cares for you.
you didn’t have to make him food but u did 🥺
if you said you just wanted something homemade, or if you wanted to taste what traditional snezhnayan food, he’d be more than happy to make you some of his favourite comfort food.
honestly you’re just shook that the man knows how to cook, and is quite good at it. an unexpected talent that makes you go “damn he’s the one, lads.”
as he works his magic, you’d help him around here and there, bringing this and chopping that. but for the most part, you’d just be his distraction and annoy him.
he will also annoy you back tbh.
playful digs and shade will be thrown… among other things being thrown…
yeah… cleaning up the kitchen is going to be a pain after this…
but he wouldn’t have it any other way—neither would you, for that matter.
you’re either gonna make something very delicious or nothing’s getting done, there’s no in between. you set the tone for this day dkfjd
if you want a chance in hell to actually get to eat something at the end, your best plan is to just wrap your arms around him and rest your chin on his shoulder. you’d pepper his skin with kisses while he tries his best to not be distracted from the task at hand (and maybe not slice his hand open with a knife).
oh well, what’s a little collateral damage here and there?
he’s here.
he’s yours, at least for now.
and you will take advantage of this.
who breaks out the first aid kit when the other gets a paper cut?
paternal cell.
paternal cell.
paternal cell.
we know childe do be a family man tho.
like let’s be honest, this man is a family man.
he loves his siblings and he loves his family. he has a very honest protective streak over his family and proclaimed loved ones. he hates seeing them hurt or unhappy so he will do anything to avoid such a situation.
if it does happen, he will do his damndest to remedy it.
so if he sees you getting hurt, even if it was simply just a paper cut, you best believe it’s protective ajax time and he’s pulling out the first aid kit.
bandaids, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory lotion, you name it. you tell him you don’t actually need half of these items and he shushes you before fussing over you.
he is making sure whatever ailment you have will heal up nicely and quickly.
he doesn’t want to see ur hurt :( and he rlly hopes u heal as fast as possible. you being hurt hurts him tenfold.
but not to worry, if he gets hurts? you’re also there very very quickly. you will rush to his side and you will fret over him, and his heart will fall all over for you once more, because you care about him and honestly it’s a nice feeling.
to be cared for.
maybe he doesn’t mind getting hurt if it means you would give him all of your attention and dote on him.
he just has to make sure you don’t find out he’s been getting injured intentionally because that’s instant banishment to the sofa for at least a few days.
who cuddles up to the other?
i like to imagine childe is a pretty affectionate dude, as in, he’s pretty touchy-feely. there’s also a little bit of possessiveness i think.
a lot of pda with this guy.
he wants to hold you close, he wants to be able to feel you near him.
so regardless of the time and place, he will make it known that you’re his, as he is yours.
it is no different as to when you’re in private. he’d snuggle up to you.
idk he just likes being near you? holding you, touching you, feeling you.
sometimes he can be a little restless in bed. if he doesn’t immediately conk out, he might build up some nighttime anxiety and paranoia. having you sleep soundly besides him makes it a little more bearable. it makes him feel safe and it certainly grounds him.
he finds that he sleeps a lot better and wakes up feeling a little more refreshed when you’re there with him.
of course, you were more than happy to reciprocate and curl up to him, his arms enveloping you.
though he might make a bit of a fuss and whinge, he lowkey highkey likes being in your arms. he won’t admit it, but being the little spoon is nice actually.
childe won’t ask for it or anything, he still wants to save face, but as you cuddle, the two of you would gradually shift until he has his head over your chest and he can hear the rhythmic beating of your heart. calming him.
who falls asleep on who? what is their reaction when the other falls asleep on them?
because of his job as a harbinger (not that you know that), he rarely ever comes home early or during normal human waking hours, so despite your determination you’re usually asleep by the time he slips inside your shared home.
that or by the time childe was comfortably sat next to you, more than happy to cuddle and listen to you ramble on about your day your excitement has already worn off, and in its place, drowsiness.
but it’s ok.
he would smile softly to himself, you asleep in his arms, small smile gracing your own lips, and gently lift up and carry you to your shared bedroom. slowly, carefully, he’d place himself near you without waking you up.
oh well, it can’t be helped. he’s happy enough to be around you, to have someone waiting for him.
but on the off chance you’re still awake while he was asleep, you would definitely take this chance to admire him, quietly watch the gentle rise and fall of his chest.
without that characteristic smug and self-satisfied grin, you’d wager he looked “innocent” you chuckle. but “innocent” and “childe” don’t belong in the same sentence.
stroking his hair, you’d notice how he looked so peaceful, carefree, even, when he’s asleep, and you long for the time when he’d look such a way when he was awake
you’d gently kiss his forehead, unable to bring yourself to break his peaceful repose to bring him to bed. instead, you wrapped a blanket you nabbed from childe’s bedroom around his shoulders and settle in his arms, happy to be near the man you love.
the next day, the both of you may wake up with terribly stiff necks rip
who likes to be held and who likes to hold?
i feel as if this is a shared sentiment. you both hold each one another an equal amount. ^u^
he’s used to being the older brother, the protector to his younger siblings, and he doesn’t oppose to having that role.
so in true childe fashion, he’d tease you for being all cuddly and insatiably hungry for his affection, but coddles you all the same (because he just loves the thought of, and being, held close).
you on the other hand love being adored by the object of your affection, paying no mind to his quips (ok maybe paying a little mind, as you huff and playfully hit him for being mean).
it’s ok though. he makes it up through his actions. and being paid attention to, cared for, adored and cherished by childe? you revel in it.
when you take him in your arms, he feels immensely happy and relieved.
to know that you care for him, that you’re looking out for him and that you love him—it brings forth a part of him he has long believed to have locked away and discarded.
a part of him that would’ve been considered weak, a part of him that wishes to be vulnerable, protected, and loved.
he figures that when it’s with you, it’s alright. he embraces it all the same because he trusts you.
you’re both smitten and you think to yourself that it’s alright his way.
because you have his heart, and he has yours.
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tamagochiie · 4 years
a line without a hook | part three.
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part three. “merely tolerable, really.”
chapter synopsis. Had you known freedom tasted like this, you wouldn’t have bothered to form an attachment with Mr. Ackerman. Was there really a point in what you were doing? 
word count. 7.5k
tags. swearing, angst, tones of misogyny
notes. This is a very late post, and I apologize for that, but I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. As for the upcoming chapter for this week, there may been another delay. I’ve been swamped with a lot of assignments and its my finals week, so I hope you all understand :/ 
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<< part two. | part four. >>
Your mother always told you gossip to women is like honey to a swarm of flies: you can catch more of them depending how sweet the scandal is. But she never thought to tell you what it'd be like if you were the honey, that the women would stick to you, drinking the life out of every little thing you do and unpack it together with their girl friends over afternoon tea and biscuits.
Your name, along with Mr. Ackerman's, had travelled from one tongue to the other in the last four days.
Each story are more intricately fabricated than the last. You heard all sorts of things, too many thing to keep track of — something about Mr. Ackerman's family background and more so yours, but you didn't want to pay heed over something that didn't come directly from the man himself.
And just the other day, while you commuted to town to deliver Reiner's forgotten lunch, you overhead a group of women whispering that you were already singing with the church bells.
You had shuddered at the thought and assumed it was something your mother must've cooked up given how she easily melted at Mr. Ackerman's feet when he came to visit a few days ago.
You and Mr. Ackerman were both aware that his visit, and all the kind and loving words he had said before you and your family, were merely for show. And that it was for purpose of sweeping your house clean of all trespassers and violators of your freedom.
But nonetheless, even with a letter that came to heed you of his visit, you were still left utterly speechless.
Mr. Ackerman had strolled into your cozy home, he hadn't been swathed in his usual drab choice of clothing, but settled with more pleasing fashion that didn't say,"I'm pessimistic and moody, and I've got a reputation for killing for sport".
He had been bathed in shades of blue, but still leaned on the darker side of the color spectrum. It had been a good change save for his signature cravat, and it led you to wonder just how many he owned.
You came to the conclusion he owned quite enough to be stitched together and make a thick and long blanket to last through the winter.
However, what had left you gobsmacked and rapidly blinking in succession was not Mr. Ackerman's slight change of style, but the little smirk across his lips while he spoke to your mother. His tone hadn't been clipped and did not drip in annoyance, but was a twinge softer — completely out of pocket for a man with a reputation for being dark and brooding.
Sasha, on the other hand, had been easily tickled in pure curiosity by Mr. Ackerman, poking and prodding him with peculiar and rather personal questions. You had expected he'd yell at her, seeing he'd be the kind of person to do that.
But he didn't snap. It was obvious his patience had been wearing thing, so he kept his replies quick and short just like his temper.
Pieck never spoke a word, but had instead observed the exchange as she sat on the couch, sandwiched between Connie and Jean while your mother had done her best to entertain Mr. Ackerman in small talk even though the man reeks of disdain for it.
Though Mr. Ackerman had successfully wooed your mother, and probably the rest of your sisters and Connie, Reiner was anything but.
Your brother protectively glued himself to your side, glaring down at Mr. Ackerman with a vexed look plastered across his scruffy face. Unfortunately, Reiner's attempt to be intimidating had fallen short and made you not only you, but Mr. Ackerman, suppress a stifling laugh.
Regardless of your brother's wishes, Mr. Ackerman's visit had been deemed fruitful. Your mother's eyes as well as her heart completely set on Mr. Ackerman and Mr. Ackerman alone.
To which both requests you firmly nodded and smiled at.
But your smile had been quick to fade.
You agreed to this little sham because you admired your freedom, but ever since Mr. Ackerman's visit, despite no men coming to bother you from the early hours of the morning till the late afternoon, you find yourself anything but free.
Your mother, the seventh circle of your personal hell, has taken it upon herself to berate you—tells you to make more of an effort on your appearance. She'll comment on how you sit, how you speak or how you eat, and every other thing you do.
You may have been liberated by the lusting grips of men, your mother's iron clad hold on even the thought of you being a few steps away from marriage is much tighter, and much more stubborn than you ever imagined.
So you spend your days hidden in your room, away from your mother and the rest of the world.
Sometimes you'll read or stare out the window, and when you do decide to step out of your little bubble, you'll be sure to check if the coast is clear from any possibly ambushes from your mother.
Though the only time you really do go out is to check the mail to see if Mr. Ackerman has written to you — he has not — or spend some time with your great love, your horse, Maria.
But for the most part, you plant yourself on the couch right up against window sill with your back slumped on the wall and legs sprawled out. You stare outside, not really looking at anything in particular.
Maybe the chickens.
You heavily sigh, fogging up the class as you gaze idly, twirling the ends of your hair. You grow jealous of the chickens and the roosters because at least they have their freedom. Their simple minds and their simple lives; the lay eggs and crow at dawn.
Damn chickens, you seethe in thought.
There's a faint knocking on your bedroom door that cease your internal tanget. You turn your head as the door creaks open, revealing your sister, Sasha, poking her head out between the gap. A friendly smile adorns her pink lips as she holds a plate of food in her hands.
"Can I come in?" She asks, already stepping inside. "I brought you food. You've been cooped up in here for too long, I thought you might be hungry."
You chuckle and motion her to come in.
Sasha moves briskly and steps inside before shutting the door behind her. She tiptoes across the room and over to you. She lightly taps your foot to make room and you swing it off the couch.
She places the tray between the two of you. A few loaves of bread, some grapes, and other fresh fruit that you assume she's stolen from the batch Reiner's supposed to sell.
She swipes the loaf of bread, breaking it in half and hands you the bigger piece before chewing her's down.
"You alright?" She asks, her words muffled by the bread. "Mamma's gotten under your skin, hasn't she?"
You bob your head, humming in response as you eat the bread bit by bit, taking your time.
Sasha follows your line of sight, checking to see what you've been so keenly staring at. Only to find that it's just a bunch of chickens running around.
"I'm overwhelmed," You confess breathily. You pull your legs up to your chest and rest your chin onto your knees. "I don't like the feeling one bit."
"Is it because of Mr. Ackerman?" Sasha looks at you with concern outlining the softness of her face. You don't really reply, just lulling your head in thought. "You surprise me, you know."
"I do?"
Sasha hums delightfully as she takes her last bite of her bread before moving onto the grapes.
"For someone who admires her freedom and never spared an interest in even the thought of forming an attachment, you latched onto Mr. Ackerman rather quickly." Sasha had always been mistaken for an idiot at a surface level, but she's a lot more perceptive than people give her credit for — than you give her credit for. And for once, you hated it. "One could even say that it's a bit...odd. But you've always been off, so maybe it isn't so out of the blue."
"Oh, how you read me so well," You say, sarcasm oozing from your words. You take a quick bite of bread.
"What's he like?"
You shrug your shoulders, pouting in thought. "I've only ever met him thrice," You point out, laughing at the curiosity avidly pooling from her eyes. "There's not much I can judge. If anything, I think you'd know more than me since you've pummeled the poor man with one too many questions."
Sasha takes the tray of food and scooches closer to you before putting it on her lap.
"But that's different! You've gotten first hand experience. Is he really like all the rumors?" She asks, a little too keenly. "Is he really as mean as they say? Because when he visited the house, he seemed too stiff for comfort."
You snort and are quick to cover your mouth to keep the bread from spilling from your lips.
"Mm, well, Mr. Ackerman is man of few words and very few expression, but he seems...genuine?" You don't mean for it to come out sounding like a question, but the more you speak, the more you're hit with the realization you know absolutely no idea who the man is.
All you're really left with is his hatred for attention, and your mutual need for peace. Everything else you try to think of comes up short.
Mr. Ackerman hasn't written a letter to you since his visit. It's not like he said he was going to, but a very small and naive part of you thought he would.
Sasha continues to rain down on you with more questions, but it isn't as persistent as you'd expect her to be. Its either her line of concentration snaps too quickly for you to formulate a response, or she's just too excited to hear more.
You answer what you can until you can no longer think. Eventually you're too tired to talk about you and the subject of the conversation shifts to Sasha.
"Hey, Sasha," You carefully speak between chews, minding the grape in your mouth. Sasha's eyes, still colored in hunger as she takes another loaf of bread, darts to look at you. "What about you, though?"
"You and..." You shift in your seat and lean in. "You and Nicolo - are you two really - Oh! My God, are you alright?"
Sasha nearly chokes on her bread. Clenching her fist, she beats her chest to help soothe the burn in her throat, coughing for air.
"I-I'm fine!" She finally says, swallowing thickly. "Sorry, yes, I'm fine."
"Do you need water?" Sasha shakes her head as she rests her hand on your shoulder to keep you still in case you choose to leave. You move even closer to rub her back to ease her, but once she does, a smirk plays across your lips and chuckle stumbles from your lips. "So, I guess it's true. You and Nicolo really are —"
"Shut up!" Sasha interjects, her head snapping up to look at you with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. "Please! I've had enough of mamma pestering me about this— ever since Pieck decided to tattle on me! If you're going to being just as annoying as her than—"
"I won't be!" You argue, your tone playful and lilting. "I'm only asking, and you're taking forever to say anything!"
"Well, fine! Alright." Sasha sharply huffs in defeat as she tosses her bread onto the tray and sets it back onto the couch. "Yes, okay, I suppose I might have feelings for Nicolo, but I don't know. I can't tell."
"You can't tell...?"
Sasha lets out another breath as she slumps against the wall. Her head tilts up to look at the cracked ceiling before looking back down to you, her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she picks the right words to convey how she feels. She nervously twiddles her thumbs while doing so.
"How do you even know when you like someone?"
You blink at Sasha, taken aback by her question while she looks at you eagerly.
You realize, after a few breaths, you don't have a definite answer because unlike Pieck, you've never really experienced the feeling yourself. You always lived vicariously through fictional characters you read in novels, and Mrs. Bloom's sweet story of how she met her husband.
But other than that, you come up short—you can't tell at all.
"I think I'm the wrong one to ask." You confess, causing Sasha to look at you quizzically as confusion stirs in her mind. "I haven't really found the answer myself, I'm sorry."
Sasha sighs dejectedly.
"It's best to ask Pieck, isn't it?"
"As me what?" Pieck's voice, delicate and laced in curiosity, has your heads turn to the bedroom door.
It seems you were both too deep into your conversation to hear her knocking.
Pieck stands by the door, her olive green dress flows in the gentle window coming from the opened window, her hair into the usual messy, low ponytail that falls down her shoulders; her eyes heavy-laden with sleepiness.
Your eyes trail down to her hand, finding a pile of letters tightly held in it.
"Pieck, what's that?" You ask, dismissing her question with a question.
"Now hold on," Pieck hides the letters behind her back, pressing herself against the door to create even more distance—as if the wide expanse of the room wasn't enough. "What's the question?"
Sasha rolls her eyes. "It's silly."
"Well, if it's from you, I'm sure it is."
Sasha grumbles at Pieck's sarcastic retort, and you watch as your two sisters begin to bicker.
"If you're going to be an ass, I won't tell you." Sasha crosses her arms and twists her body away from Pieck and towards the window, her eyes falling to the clucking hens.
Peick nimbly trots across the floor and over to Sasha's side, crashing into her and quickly wrapping her arms around her shoulders, nosing through Sasha's hair bunched up in a high pony as she rests her chin onto her shoulder.
"Go away!" Sasha growls, her face contorts a sour expression as her attempts to shove Pieck off fails.
"Oh, c'moooon," Pieck coos, peppering kisses over her little sister's cheek, "won't you tell me? I hate being left out, especially when it's the two of you."
Sasha grunts as she tries to pry away from Pieck, but only to be caught in sloppy kisses on the cheek and the temple of her forehead. Though Sasha visibly shows disgust, even you can see that she loves being showered in affection from Pieck.
Pieck, being the eldest and holding the most responsibility, had always held you both with great love and adoration.
"Alright!" Sasha yells in surrender, tangled in the arms of her sister and somehow in a headlock as Pieck sits behind her. "I'll tell you, I'll tell you! Let me go and give me room, please."
Sasha elbows Pieck away from her, giving her enough space to breathe, and you snatch the tray off the couch and onto your lap to keep it from falling.
And as Sasha begins to explain her little dilemma, Pieck comfortably sits herself behind her, propping her chin back onto her shoulder and winding her arm around her waist as she listens intently. Pieck's gentleness doesn't go unnoticed by Sasha, and you watch as she sinks in the hug.
Pieck clicks her tongue, her eyes look at you as she falls into a thought, not deep enough to overthink and get carried away as she finds the answer.
"Hmmm, love and likeness can be complicated, but only if you let it be." You tilt your head at Pieck as she continues on her train of thought. "But you can tell if you like someone if you enjoy being with them and find their company pleasant. Do you find Nicolo's company pleasant?"
Sasha mindlessly hums in thought as her head lulls back on Pieck's shoulder.
"I do, actually." Sasha admits without hesitation. "I think..." She takes a beat to suck her teeth as she continues to think about it a little more, "I like the food he makes and that he, well, never seems to be bothered by me..."
"He's always so kind—like his eyes. His smile's nice, too, I suppose. Whenever he speaks, whether it's about food or well, other things, I can't help but listen."
There it is, the shimmer of affection in her light brown eyes and the oh-so-subtle smile across her lips. You almost miss it, but the world stills around you as you're caught in her bubble.
Pieck gives you a knowing look, smiling playfully.
Without saying a word or even slipping a sound, you and Pieck come to the agreement that Sasha'll have to come to her own realization that he loves him. The question is when she'll arrive at it.
Sasha brushes it off, not wanting to muddle herself any longer. She plucks the letters from Pieck's grasp and eagerly swifts through the pile while humming thoughtfully, completely ignoring Pieck's groan of disdain.
It's the usual; a couple of people from your father's family, inquiring when you're to sell the estate, one from your distant aunt from your mother's side that never bothers to actually visit, but diligently sends letters whether it be rain or shine, and one for —
"You've got a letter!" Sasha chirps, snapping her head up to look at you before shoving it into your hands. "It's from Mr. Ackerman! He's finally written to you!"
You throw your legs over the edge of the couch, sitting upright and fixing your hair as if Mr. Ackerman's just right there, watching you as you open his letter with shaky breaths and nimble fingers.
You quickly but carefully open his letter, scanning through his words and your eyes bulge out of it's sockets.
"What's it say?" Pieck inquires, excitement dripping from her lips as she scooches closer to try and peak at the letter. "Will he be visiting again?"
You shake your head.
"Well, don't be shy!" Sasha whines, "What is it?"
You open and close your mouth, blinking frantically as your shock still rides through your body. "Mr. Ackerman would like me to visit him at his estate next Tuesday."
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When your mother heard news of your presence being requested by Mr. Ackerman, she took it upon herself to teach everything you needed to know about being "prim and proper". She stole your remaining days of peace and prepped you as best as she could.
When it came time for you to leave, she was adamant that you opt to take horseback instead of taking the carriage. All, especially your brother Reiner, were completely against it when they noticed the storm clouds reeling in. But your mother was deeply rooted in her stance, firm like a tree that not even the wind of your brother's disdain could change her mind.
So there you stand, having been caught in the rain, dripping from head to toe as the Smith estate towers over you, as if it's ready to swallow you whole in one go. You have to crane your neck back in a particularly painful angle to get a good look of the entire building, and you’re sure you’re only seeing the very tip of the iceberg.
Your mother warned you it would be much larger than you were used to - you just never imagined it to look like something out of a book.
Shivering and tightly wrapping your coat over you to trap any warmth you might have left with one hand, you swiftly knock on the door with the other. A shuddering breath escapes you when the door creaks open, revealing a servant to greet you in.
“Ah, Miss,” The servant’s eyes widen in fright, flinching back.  His gulp is audible even with the thundering behind you. He scans you from head to toe, and he doesn’t bother to mask his sneering at your drenched frame and all the mud collected at the hem of your skirt. “You must be Miss Blouse, yes?” You greeted him with a sneeze, and briefly apologized. “Come quickly before you catch a cold.”
But your second and most aggressive sneeze yet tells him you might already have one.
“He’s been expecting you,” Is all the servant says before guiding you down that hall.
You rub your eyes, wiping your hairs sticking to your face as you take in the sight before you. The air in the estate is chilly and deadly quiet - enough to hear the sound of your clothes dripping with water and to catch the servant clicking his tongue at you.
You hold your breath; you didn’t think the estate could get any bigger, but it does. The hallway is vast and seemingly endless; portraits of many different men and women - all who you assume were probably family members of Mr. Smith because of the signature blonde hair and blue eyes - canvas over the great walls.
Giddiness tickles down from your chest and into your stomach as you trail behind the servant, your arms swaying to the side with a little skip in your step. You try your best to catch a peak at every room and hall you pass by, but everything moves in blur.
You can’t tell if you’re tired from your travels or if it's the pace you’re walking in. You take deep breaths, trying to pull yourself together as the servant ushers you into the drawing room.
“Mr. Ackerman will be here shortly,” is all he leaves you with, not bothering to spare another breath.
You’re surrounded by more paintings and books, but a particular painting catches your eye. It’s a portrait of a woman relaxed on a chair; she looks nothing like the ones outside.  She has soft features and kind eyes, her lips supple and plump with an endearing smile. Her dark hair flows down to her shoulders, framing her face.
You squint your eyes, inching towards it with your hands clasped behind your back to avoid reaching out to touch it. The longer you stare, you find a weird sense of familiarity in her. But you just can’t -
“You’re wet.” You snap your head towards the gravelly voice to find Levi standing by the door with his brows pulled down in horror. “You’ve tracked in so much rain water, I thought a dog had stalked in.”
“Oh, I’m quite fine - achoo! Thank you for asking - achoo!” Your feeble attempt to shoot down his sarcastic remark is embarrassingly interrupted by your persistent sneezing. You wipe your nose with the back of your glove, earning a look of disgust from Mr. Ackerman. “Excuse me, I got caught in the rain.”
“I couldn’t tell,” He clips with a tight lip. “You could catch a cold -”
“It seems you already have…” Mr. Ackerman groans, and you find yourself picking at your fingers in embarrassment, your head lowered to the floor. “Follow me, I’ll give you something to change out of.”
Mr. Ackerman wastes a single breath, nor does he allow you to. But instead, with the utmost jaded expression on his face, he turns on his heels and leaves the room, expecting you to follow. You have to admit, with a fuzzy feeling buzzing in your head and the sudden sensitivity to the ache in your bones, it takes you a moment to pick up what he says and follow suit.
Has it always been this chilly?
A tremble in your damp coat, exhaling tremulously as you trot down the hall behind Mr. Ackerman. Your struggle for warmth doesn’t fall on dear ears, but it does motivate him to pick up the pace, up the winding steps and into another hallway.
Your shoes continue to click against the marble, passing by paintings and statues; for a moment you mistaken yourself to be wandering around a museum and not someone else’s home. But your head is spinning and you can’t appreciate the art even if you wanted you - you can’t even glance at a painting without wanting to vomit.
Mr. Ackerman comes to a jagged halt, causing you to nearly stumble against him. He glares at you over his shoulder.
“Sorry,” You mutter before stumbling a few steps back to give him space.
“Wait in there,” He instructs dryly, “and I’ll get someone to help you in a bit.”
“Oh, I - I don’t understand -”
“You have a cold,” He points out, “and I don’t think you’ll appreciate it if it were me helping you change out of your clothes.”
Your cheeks flush and your heart paces quickly in your chest; embarrassment overwhelms you and you wish the ground would swallow you up. He’s too direct and it makes your knees a little wobbly along with the rest of your body - you’ve turned into jello.
“Just wait in there and there’ll be a maid to bring you clothes. I’ll meet you again once you’re done.”
“Oh, uh, thank you.” You whisper, your eyes finally snap from the floor and meet Mr. Ackerman’s same old arid visage, but there’s a tenuous, unfamiliar gleam in his eyes you can’t seem to read.
He sternly nods, but just before trodding off you call after him, “Mr. Ackerman?” Your voice hushed and trembly.
“Yes, Miss Blouse?” He watches you expectantly, his head faintly tilting to the side. “Is there something else?”
Ironically, despite Mr. Ackerman coldness and indifference, you can feel that he cares - his warmth. And you can’t help but feel dangerously eager, a little selfish even, for wanting more. You can’t help but want to push further, but you’re reminded of the rumors and prefer not to push your luck.
“Thank you,” You say with a smile, a genuine one that catches him off guard, but not that you can tell with your glossy eyes.  “Thank you fo - achoo! I appreciate your kindness, Mr. Ackerman.”
There’s a very, very subtle blush that spreads across his cheeks that reaches the tips of his ears, and maybe if it wasn’t for the odd lightly in the hallway, you would’ve caught it. But once again, Mr. Ackerman thanks his lucky stars and gulps, “Don’t mind it too much,” and spins on his heels before striding down the hallway.
You watch till his footsteps fade and his slender frame disappears as he turns the corner before finally looking at the door beside you. You stare at the door knob, your hand fidgeting over it before finally taking it in your hand and opening the door.
You gasp in awe, your eyes going round - the room can eat your house in a single bite. Even the bed that sits at the center, headboard pushed up against the wall, is bigger than the one your share with Pieck. Maybe bigger than the bed your mother and father shared.
You step inside, pushing the door shut behind you before twirling and taking in all the green and gold in the room. You’ve never seen so much gold - you’ve never seen gold in general, but here you are completely surrounded by it.
The strident knocking on the door causes you to still, staggering over your feet to find a familiar face greeting you with a cheerful smile, balancing a folded pile of clothes in their hand.
“Hange!” You squeak in shock, nearly losing your balance.
“Miss Blouse,” They playfully salute to you before entering in completely. “I saw you come in earlier and Levi said you’d be in here, so I thought to help. Though he did oppose, I'm not one to follow orders anyway.”
They cleverly wink at you, stretching their arm out to hand you the clothes and you meekly take it.
“How are you feeling?” They ask, taking a seat on the bed, “You can change over there, behind the partition,” They point to the other side of the room where it stands beside the window, and you quickly shuffling behind it.
You finally peel off your clothes, finally being freed by way your damp clothes and the way it clung to your body. You sigh heavily, tremulously.
“So, how are you feeling?” Hange’s voice echoes in the room from where they sit. They lean back on the heel of their palms, lulling their head bad carelessly as they wait for your response. “Levi said you might have a cold, and luckily for you, I’m a doctor.”
You hum in response, your focus directed on changing your clothes as quickly as possible.
“I’m, uh, I think I’m okay,” There’s a tingling in your skin and an unbearable ache in your bones. Your whole body feels sensitive; you’re not sure if you feel chilly or too warm. But you don’t want to be a burden, especially since you’re already borrowing someone else's clothes.
Whose are these anyway? You can’t imagine these are Hange’s, it’s way too small.
“He said you were sneezing!” They say, their voice slightly raising. “That you were sneezing a lot.”
“Probably just allergies!” You try and laugh it off, hoping Hange doesn’t press any further. But much to your displeasure, Hange isn’t one to simply let things go.
But the moment you step out from the partition, tying your hair up to keep from staining the dress, Hange strides over to you, placing her wrist onto your forehead and hums.
“You’re sick.”
“I’m fine.” You press.
“You’re a liar.”
“I'm not!” The whine that escapes your dried lips, takes enough energy from you to have your vision grow spotty and have your knees give in. Hange loops their arm around your waist and you slump onto their chest for support. “Right, maybe I am a liar,” You admit breathily, your eyes fluttering shut. “I’m really sorry, this is extremely impolite and my mother would kill me if she found me like this.”
“Never mind what your mother says,” They sigh before helping you over to the bed, “nothing good will come of thinking about what your mother says,”
You laugh softly, finding irony in their words.
The cushions are warm and comforting, pulling you into ease as you’re swayed by your need for rest. You try to combat it by blinking away, but drowsiness overtakes you like an unrelenting storm and you fall perilous to it the second your head sinks into the pillows.
You're greeted by a sharp, persistent ache in your head and a stubborn throb in your bones. You moan in discomfort and writhe beneath the cotton bed sheets.
You feel something cold dripping down your head, but before you can reach to check, you feel a wet cloth being placed on your forehead. You crack your eyes open and draw a bitter breath to find Mr. Ackerman towering over you. His brows pulled into a deep line of focus and his eyes colored in determination as if its taking all his verve to adjust the way the towel sits on your head.
He looks down at you and his expression softens.
It softens?
"You're awake," Mr. Ackerman notes. Maybe its the sickness, and that you're probably imagining it, but does Mr. Ackerman's tone sound a lot gentler? Its almost as if he's concerned for your well-being — almost as if he's worried and relieved you're finally awake. But his face remains unreadable, devoid of emotion. "You've been asleep for quite some time, but your temperature seemed persistent. Hange said as long as the rag is frequently changed then you should be better. How are you feeling?"
Does that mean he's been changing the rag? He said it should 'changed frequently' —
You arch your back when the ache in your bones come back stronger than ever. You whine in pain and drown back into the mattress.
"I don't feel too well," You croak, swallowing dryly.
"Do you need water?"
You can only nod.
Mr. Ackerman swiftly reaches for the glass of water that sits on the bedside table. You try and sit up , your bones feel like chalk as it grates against each other. You try to take it from him, but he raises his free hand to stop you. “Let me,” is all he says to you before bringing it up to your lips.
Baffled, you still drink it.
Your thoughts are still too foggy to draft a single thought. But all you is know your heart’s drumming in your chest and your breath is hitched in your throat for an entirely different reason that’s far from your cold.
You sigh in relief after a few gulps, muttering a ‘thank you’.
“Mr. Ackerman, you said that I’ve been asleep for quite some time,” You recount, looking at him puzzled, “How long have I been asleep?”
“Two days.” He replies flatly, as if he's not bothered by it at all.
“Excuse me?”
Mr. Ackerman hums as he falls back into his chair grabbing the book beside him before opening it up to the page he left off.
“You needn’t worry,” He eases without looking up to meet your eyes, as unbothered by the worry screaming in your eyes. “I’ve already written a letter to your mother the moment you fell asleep and informed her of your current state.”
“And what did she say of it?”
“She deeply apologizes for overstaying your welcome, but is pleased to know you’re in good hands.” Mr. Ackerman turns to the next page before he crosses his legs. His eyes flicker up to look at you to find irritation seeping out of your through eyes narrowed at an empty space on the floor, chewing on the inside of your cheek “I assured her that **you are in good hands, Miss Blouse.”
“I’m sorry,” You apologize again for the umpteenth time as you stressfully run your fingers through your hair. “My mother must’ve planned this in hopes that I may grow closer to you.”
Mr. Ackerman cocks his brow at you, “Are you blaming your mother for your cold? Shouldn’t you be blaming the weather, or that you rode on horseback on a rainy day?”
"I cannot blame my mother for my cold or the weather, but I can blame her for scheming along with it." You sigh, leaning your head back onto the pillow, "My mother is an opportunist, so she must've seen the rain clouds as her 'moment to grasp'. She was adamant that I take horseback and not that carriage. My mother is many things, but most importantly, she's a scheming woman."
Much to your surprise, Mr. Ackerman smirks at your words. He smirks.
He licks his thumb before turning the page of his book, his eyes ghosting over the words without much intention to actually read.
"What are you doing?" You ask, twisting to face him, your hand tucking beneath the side of your face.
"I'm reading." He isn't.
"Would you rather I not keep you company?" His grey eyes blink away from the page and up at you. "Isn't this the whole point of your visit, to get o know each other?"
"W—Well, yes, but I didn't think you'd take our proposition quite literally." You voice falls soft at the end of your sentence and you feel yourself shrink in embarrassment.
"How else are we to make them believe we've formed an attachment?"
"Oh, well—"
"Is my company a bother?"
You shake your head. "Is mine?"
Mr. Ackerman chuckles and if it weren't for the whirling of your brain, you would've caught it. "Merely tolerable, really. You best get some rest, Miss. Blouse."
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When you awaken again, it’s a little later in the afternoon and the sun is harshly bleeding through the glass window and casting over your face.
The first thing you notice is not the freshly changed rag resting over your forehead, but the empty chair that Mr. Ackerman sat himself earlier. You pout and you feel a little disappointed.
You prop yourself up on your elbows, drawing a sigh of relief. The smell of fresh sheets permeate your lungs and your tilt your head back before tilting it back up again.
Through your hooded gaze, your eyes scan through the room. You finally appreciate just how beautifully decorated it is. Shades of complimentary greens canvas the room and soft golds accent the room here and there. It’s ingrained in the walls and on the doors, and coloring the the bed posts, too.
With nimble fingers, you peel the covers off and a wave of cool air washes over your body.The floor is just as cold when your feet meet the carpet. You shuffle around the room, nosing through things but never really touching anything. You're too scared you might accidentally break something.
But the thirst of your curiosity has yet to be quenched, so you find yourself straying out the room, trotting down the hall and twirling around the space gleefully.
The estate is something written in the books. If it wasn't for the dreary, unsettling air hanging over you as thick as fog, the feeling would be magical.
Too busy to play make believe in your head, you find yourself too far off the path. Everything looks the same, and you eyes widen in panic.
Think, think, think, you chant inwardly, twisting your head around for something familiar.
Panic rises from your chest and lodges into your throat, and the last thing you need is to fall onto Mr. Ackerman's bad side.
But before your knees can shake in such unnerving trepidation, faint whispers echoing down the hall and towards you pull you from your thoughts. The voice are so faint and low, you nearly mistaken it to be elves.
You listen intently and follow the source, passing through a few more paintings and doors to lead you to a fragment of light bouncing off the wall and onto a door left ajar. You come to an immediate standstill when you recognize the voice — it's Mr. Ackerman.
Every inch of you tells you to turn around and walk away, but you aren't your mother's daughter for nothing. So the greater part of you belonging to her tugs you close, stealing a peak through the little gap as you hold your breath.
"When did you hear of this?" Mr. Ackerman's voice is gravelly, laced in annoyance. You hear him sharply huff followed by the sound of a hand slamming against the table, causing you to jolt in place. "How long have you known?"
"Not long," The unfamiliar, gruff voice says, and Levi grumbles. "Be thankful I'm telling you now and not waiting any longer. How could I with all your dallying? Since when have you taken any interest in marriage?"
"I haven't." He clips, tone dry. "The point is —"
"The point is, he's back and the last thing you need to do is wasting your time in courting a woman. Honestly, Levi, since when have you been so reckless?"
"Erwin," Mr. Ackerman grits, "my personal affairs have nothing to do with you. Who I choose to spend my time with has nothing to do with you."
"It has everything to do with me!" Mr. Smith seethes, yelling in a whispers. "If you cannot do your job, then how can I trust you? Do you not remember the reason why we're here?"
"I'm not an idiot."
"It seems that you are," Your eyes widen at Mr. Smith's counter, "she's slept here for two days, and you for two days, you've watched over her instead of doing what I've instructed you to do."
"She was sick." Mr. Ackerman argues flatly.
"Hange is a doctor for a reason."
"And I don't trust them for a reason."
You can only assume it's Mr. Smith who sighs dejectedly and clicking his tongue agitation. It only further piques your interest, and you wish it doesn't. But you can't help it, hearing that Mr. Ackerman stayed by your side while you rested made your cheeks burn and you can't help but grin to yourself, completely overjoyed.
You mentally kick yourself for being so much like your mother.
"You cannot hold that burden with you forever." Mr. Smith sighs.
"Whatever," Is the weak counter Mr. Ackerman spits back. "I'll take care of it tonight — the one of Governor Pixy's."
"Be sure to make yourself like an artificial night when you do." Mr. Smith commands, his voice smooth and stern. "You mustn't be caught."
"When have I ever been?"
You quickly leave, sprinting down the hall the moment you hear a chair grating against the floor.
Your heart drums in your chest and you breath tremulously. You heard something you shouldn't have even if it was only in incoherent pieces. Truly, it could be anything, but with the rumors circulating around him, it shouldn't be so surprising.
So why is it?
You find yourself in a more familiar part of the estate and you breathe out in relief.
You’re about to head back into your room when you stumble past a room, catching a glance of a grand piano standing tall from the corner of your eye. You retract your steps and turn your head to get a better look, your lips falling into an 'o' when you do.
She's beautiful, you think.
It’s an alluring, glossy ebony piano — one Sasha finds herself drooling over to play on whenever she sees one. She'll hate you so much when you tell her about it.
Against your better judgement, with all the bells warily ringing for you not to, you walk over to the piano, your hand shadowing over the wood. You take a seat before the keyboard just to take a good look at her. You have no intention to play her, really. Even if you wanted to, you couldn't for the life of you.
Your eyes flicker to the fall board of the piano and find a name engraved in gold.
"Petra," you whisper. "It's very nice to meet you. You're very beautiful, aren't you?"
"What the hell are you doing?" You shoot up from the chair and snap your head up to find Mr. Ackerman fuming at you. His eyes dark with rage and his jaw screwed shut, gritting at you. "I asked you a question."
"I— I didn't touch anything." You peep. You feel incredibly small underneath his scrutinizing gaze. You wish the ground would swallow you up right then and there. "I, I really didn't—"
"Get the fuck away from her." Mr. Ackerman speaks lowly, his voice quietly trembling, but you can't hear it. 
Even if you hadn’t done anything wrong, you feel as if you’ve been caught red handed. Fear buzzes in your head and fogs up any line of thought. 
"I'm sorry?"
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE PIANO!" He bellows, his eyes as fiery as his anger, causing you to stumble back and nearly trip up on your feet. "Who the fuck do you think you are, wandering into places you have no business? Is this what you shitty farm people are like? You get a chance to walk into a place thrice the size of your home and they think they could just parade around?!"
"I—I didn't mean to —"
"You and your family are fucking disgusting."
There are many things you're willing to put up with. You don't mind if someone were to come after you and call you out, but coming after your family is completely different. So your kindness and the very last bit of your patience snaps like a twig.
"I would imagine you're the disgusting one." Your voice is still small, but you’re building up to your confidence, peeling your eyes away from the patterned carpet to stare daggers right back at Mr. Ackerman who stills completely.
"Excuse me?"
"I'll admit I've overstepped and I deeply apologize for that," You begin, your voice no longer wavering in fear, "but how dare you? My family’s been nothing but kind to you."
"I think you've mistaken that I fucking care."
"I've heard many things about you, too many, for that matter. Yet I never labelled as anything as derogatory as what you've called me." You draw out a sharp breath, closing your eyes for a moment to steady you heart before continuing, "I think its disgusting, I think,  that such a man as yourself, who've I've heard has been through hell and back, would think so lowly of people that's no different than him."
You never dared to listen to the rumors or any of the gossip. Even when your mother would try to entertain any of it, you’d stop listening or leave the room if you could. But if Mr. Ackerman was willing to aim for such a low blow, you couldn't think of a reason why you shouldn't do the same.
"I think you’re 'fucking disgusting' for forgetting where you came from."
Mr. Ackerman clenches his jaw and balls his fits tight til his knuckles paint white. He's ready to fire bullets into your self-esteem, but before Mr. Ackerman can even utter a syllable, a servant appears behind him, clearing his throat to cut of the momentum.
"Apologies for the intrusion," The servant says, his tone monotonous and dry, "but it Miss Blouse's brother is here to collect her."
You widen your eyes at the servant, and your expression softens. 
“Reiner’s here?” You voice is small again. 
“Yes, Miss.”
"Perfect." Mr. Ackerman huffs, his whole body still tense. "Get the fuck out."
You snap your gaze back to Mr. Ackerman, sneering, "Gladly."
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138 notes · View notes
waatermelon-sugaar · 3 years
Under My Skin: Chapter 5
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Words = 9k
Summary = You’ve been kidnapped by the First Order and Poe wants needs you back
Warnings = No fun warnings I’m sorry! There is a happy ending, but before we get there it’s, kidnapping, forced drugging, aftermath of that, general pain, hurt/comfort, violence, hospital setting. I think that’s everything? Please, please, please let me know if I’ve missed anything - this got a lot darker than I intended (if you have any questions before you read, just shoot me a message and I’ll let you know!)
A/N = Sorry this chapter took so long - i think it might have actually killed me. But we’re at the end! Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who’s read this far, and stuck with the story, I love you all!  
Also special thanks to @michaelperry who beta’d this like a month ago and gave me some really good advice! 
Posted to AO3
Chapter 1   Chapter 4
Series Masterlist
When you wake, it’s cold. You're in a chair, hands strapped to the arms. It takes you a long time to open your eyes; your head is pounding and the bright lights shining on you are complicating matters.
The room swims slowly into focus as you blink, feeling like there’s glue on your lash line each time you try and open your eyes.
The room is a bright white, smelling faintly of chemicals and you keep blinking, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness. You move your head slightly, trying to think. There’s something just floating outside of your consciousness, something important you should be remembering, but every time you grab for it, it floats away.
You don’t know how long you sit like this, drifting in and out of consciousness, with little to no perception of what’s around you.
When there’s a loud slam, your whole body jerks forward in shock, but there’s nowhere to go. You’ve begun to lose most of the feeling in your arms, but your mind is beginning to feel clearer. Now you can hear a whirring beneath you, the slight vibration letting you know you’re on a ship, and it’s already in flight. How long have you been traveling for? You’re still cold, goosebumps up and down your arms as your teeth chatter slightly.
You focus on the person standing behind you, not bothering to turn your head. “It’ssnot polite … to … to slam t’door, y’know,”  You're shocked when your voice comes out more slurred than you meant it to.
The figure behind you just laughs, and it sends shivers down your spine. They walk forwards slowly, a cloak wrapped around their body, hood off. He seems a little familiar to you but you’re not sure why.
The room is coming more and more into focus, like someone’s turned up the intensity of your vision, and you can see that there are cupboards lining the wall in front of you, various tables and medical equipment visible.
The man had pale skin, ginger hair, although he was starting to lose it, his hairline creeping back in a subtle widow’s peak. He smiles, and it sends a shiver down your spine. “Oh dear. Struggling to talk?” His tone is mocking as he leans towards you.
Your mouth feels dry, like it’s been stuffed of cotton wool and you can’t think. You can’t remember … anything. How did you end up here? Who is this horrible man in front of you? Why does he look familiar?
You try to talk again. “Wha’ve’oou givenee?”
It’s a struggle to manipulate your mouth fast enough to separate your words, your tongue clumsy in your mouth, but you try. “Wha’ve you givenee? Given? Given. Me?”
“It’s wearing off, good good. Don’t worry sweetheart, you’ll be able to talk properly in around …” he looks at his wrist, considering. “Maybe 15 minutes?”
That feels familiar - why?
The man takes a seat, a much comfier looking one than the one you’re sat on, looking prepared to wait. He’s calm, shuffling through papers and clattering objects around. You try and pull it together, closing your eyes in an attempt to concentrate. You have 15 minutes before something’s going to happen. He wants you to be able to talk … so … so … so why can’t you think?
He wants you to tell him about the resistance.
Of course. The resistance. He needs information … and suddenly fear shoots down your spine.
Except obviously you won’t give him what he wants. So he’s waiting because…?
Why can’t you think?!
Someone else used to call you sweetheart.
And suddenly there’s a tan face in your memory, grinning at you and calling you sweetheart. And you can remember feeling frustration, but it’s different. This memory-frustration, it’s like a warm bubble inside you, rising and bursting as you call the man an idiot.
His hair is amazing.
You know his name. You know you do. It’s right there on the tip of your tongue - …
The man in the chair coughs, and the face flies out of your head, leaving a sharp pain in your chest instead. Why?
And gradually, you’re also becoming aware of a throbbing pain in your head. You don’t know what the cause is, whether you hit your head, or if it’s something as simple as dehydration.
There’s a high-pitched beep and the man sits up in his chair.
You nearly gasp his name out, stopping yourself at the last second. But why does thinking about him hurt?
The man doesn’t seem to realise your inner conflict, or if he does, he doesn’t care, instead scraping his chair across to sit in front of you. “So sweetheart, let’s run through some basics. I’ll ask you a couple of questions to test where you are, then we’ll see what you know.”
You can smell his breath. It’s minty, matching his too-white teeth, and you hate it. You hate him. You already know you won’t answer a single one of his questions.
You nearly laugh, they don’t know your name?
“Sweetheart tell me what your name is, so I know that the drug is out of your system.”
You just blink at him, in that split second deciding on your tactic. Absolute silence.
You don’t get a reaction from him, however, instead he moves onto the next question.
“Date of birth?”
It takes an effort to not automatically respond, but you don’t change your expression.
The man just sighs again.
“Do you know who I am?”
You don’t, but you don’t reply.
“My name is General Hux and I am to deliver you and Poe Dameron to Kylo Ren.”
General Hux. And suddenly you remember Poe telling you something.
You laugh, unable to stop yourself. “You mean General Hugs? Aww you’re my favourite, I’m flattered that you of all people in the First Order would come to find me.”
You get the first flicker of annoyance crossing the man’s face. Then it resolves itself, and he grins. “So you can talk clearly now,” he stands, scraping the chair over the floor. “Good, good.” Opening one of the cupboards he pulls out some clear liquid in a large jar and a couple of bags, placing them onto a small table with a clatter, which he pushes towards you.
And all at once, with a heavy thud in your chest as the memory flashes across your eyes, you remember what you said to Poe. And that after, you walked into the forest-
You love him.
Your line of thought is interrupted by the man saying your name. You clench your fists, suddenly aware of how cold your fingers are. You’re an idiot.
“You better start answering my questions now.” The man sits back in front of you, pulling the table next to him. And now you can see what’s in the bags. Absolutely enormous needles attached to syringes.
Your throat goes dry.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckfuck!
You try to squash the fear, instead baring your teeth in a grin. “Why? Will General Hugs be cross?”
For good measure, you add a pout in, and maker, you’ve never been so glad to be a piece of work.
“I will. And you won’t like me when I’m cross.”
You ignore the flash of fear you feel, instead concentrating on moving your feet inside your shoes in a futile attempt to warm them up. Your laugh is cold. “Oh I think I’ll be ok.”
He picks up a syringe, carefully unwrapping it, before drawing some clear liquid into it. You continue, ignoring his attempts to intimidate you. “After all, I don’t like you very much now, so I can’t even imagine what you could do to me to make me hate you more.”
He ignores you, tapping the syringe and watching a bubble float to the top. “Do you know what this is?”
Be annoying.
“Well if it’s the same thing as the first one you gave me, I wouldn’t recommend it because then I’ll just pass out again and you won’t get a coherent answer out of me, will you?”
He laughs, shaking his head. “Sweetheart, those people had nothing to do with the First Order. They just needed the money.”
“So the First Order don’t even have the manpower to come and get me yourself?” You tut. “Standards are slipping.”
“Mouthy bitch, aren’t you?” He’s still playing with the syringe, and you can’t help but eye the needle warily. “No, this is different. Lowers your inhibitions, your perceptions. You’ll tell me things you don’t even realise.”
“Ahhhh so you see, you’ve made a mistake there.” You’re talking rubbish, but you can’t seem to stop yourself, in full flow now. “I don’t have any inhibitions, anyone will tell you that I’m utterly shameless so I just, I really, really don’t think it’ll worth giving it to me, it just won’t work, and who knows how much the drug cost and what a waste, I really don’t think you, the great General Hugs would be hap-”
Your steady stream of consciousness is stopped when he slaps you with a resounding crack, your head flying to one side.
Pain immediately blooms on the side of your face, and you have to blink away a few tears from the impact.
“Don’t talk about what you don’t know, silly girl, I need to find out where Poe Dameron is and-”
You interrupt with another laugh, and maybe that first injection addled your brain more than you thought it did, because that truly was a stupid thing to do. You’ve never acted like this before, and yet there’s a small voice in the back of your head telling you that Poe would be proud, so you keep going.
“You don’t know? So it’s pure luck that you found me - no wait, that I was delivered to you! Maker I love being right, standards really are slippi-”
The second slap hurts more than the first.
You sit there for a second in dumb shock, blood pooling in your mouth from the blunt force.
When Hugs rips your sleeve up your left forearm, holding the needle against your skin, you start to twist your wrist in it’s cuff, desperate to get away. You can see your wrist turning red, and your hand is starting to hurt from the force you’re using.
Hugs doesn’t waste any time though, using one cold hand to hold your wrist above the cuff still, gripping it tightly, he plunges the needle in with the other. When the needle pierces your skin, it hurts, you can feel the liquid soaking into your muscles and traveling up your arm.
The effect of this drug isn’t immediate, and so you sit there for a moment, arm aching, determined not to show how much this hurts. You turn your head to the other side and spit out the blood in your mouth, the red a bright contrast on the sparkling floor.
A mix of saliva and blood trails from your lips, and you explore your mouth with your tongue, finding the area where your teeth cut the inside of your cheek. You remove your tongue immediately upon finding it, not needing to add further pain to another area of your body.
Stars but the needle hurts.
“Do you-?” You nod towards your arm, naively hoping that Hugs will remove the needle. “Do you mind removing the needle, I mean-”
You stop talking when you move your fingers by accident and a stab of pain shoots up your arm.
Fuck the needle is massive too.
Hugs just grins, and the movement looks unnatural as he stretches stiff facial muscles, leaning back into his chair, tidying up the instruments on the table. “Maybe you’ll learn some manners,” is all he says.
“I thought - … I thought you wanted me to talk?” Your body is starting to hurt now, and it’s starting to be a struggle to speak again.
Except now you can feel the drug’s effect. It’s hardly noticeable at first, but gradually, gradually, the pain is receding. And the effect of this drug is different to the last, it’s lifting you up, making everything dream-like and fuzzy.
Everything thankfully stays in your mind, although you can’t help but giggle. Something’s funny.
“Tell me about General Dameron.” Hug’s voice is stern as he leans towards you and all you can do is let out another giggle.
General. He’s just Poe. Your Poe.
“I don’t know anything about him.” You’re such a bad liar. You’re trying to keep your face innocent and blank, but giggles keep rising up, and you’re sure it’s ruining the effect.
“I think you do.”
You giggle again. Maker this is good fun. Dimly, you register that your arm doesn’t hurt anymore and you stare as you wiggle your fingers, only feeling a faint thrum through your arm.
“Well you think wrong.” Are you singing? Singing sounds like fun.
“Can you confirm he stole kyber crystals alongside you a cycle ago?”
Fuck and you remember that mission so well. It was such a disaster. But as funny as this situation is, it remains in your mind that the man in front of you is a very bad man, and you can’t tell him anything.
“Answer me.” The command is sharp and stern, and you don’t like it. Hugs is mean. With a name like Hugs, he should really be nicer. You’d think he would be cuddlier, like a teddy bear. Instead he’s all sharp angles and words.
You pout. “No.” He’s so rude. Why should you answer him anyway? “Don’t you know? Me and Dameron hate each other - I know nothing about him.”
The phrase feels so familiar on your tongue, yet something about it is clunky, old-fashioned. The denial is an old friend of yours, and maybe you should have pushed down your feelings for him in the same way, and maybe you would already be feeling better. This pain in your chest is too much.
I don’t love Poe Dameron.
Even in your head it sounds flat.
Another slap to your face twists your head the opposite way. This one doesn’t hurt, you only notice it from the movement of your head.
“Answer me.” The commanding tone breaks through your dreamy haze. You have no idea what the question was, but you can feel a liquid pooling at the corner of your mouth. You blow out slightly, feeling a bubble forming.
The safe option is a petulant “No.”
“You will.”
“I will not.”
This is actually quite a fun game - the more you refuse, the more visibly annoyed Hugs gets. He’s trying so hard to stay calm, to stay in control, but you can see it in the twitch of his fingers. It kind of reminds you how Poe used to fight his annoyance towards you, the only difference being that Poe never moved to hurt you.
The questions continue for what feels like hours and hours. You have no perception of time, or how long has passed, only that you’re hungry and thirsty, and Hugs keep giving you more of this drug. You can’t remember what you say in response to the questions, but the one thing you keep in mind is not to tell them anything.
And one by one, each of your friends appears tauntingly in front of you, Rey chasing her head around the room, Rose uncontrollably floating above you like a balloon, Poe looking suspiciously normal, although with heavier eyebrows than usual, causing him to frown more. He upsets you first, telling you he’s glad you’re not friends, before saying that he hates you, he always has, he was just taking pity on you, that sleeping together was just stress relief. And then he sprouts wings, turning into an eagle, flying around the ceiling, where Rose was minutes before, except now you’re sobbing.
You’re aware that you’re hallucinating, each of them have a suspiciously shiny quality to them, a shimmer at their edges. But the idea of Poe telling you he hates you, that you never meant anything to him … it hurts.
Gradually, gradually, you can feel a tug of darkness at the edges of your mind, and everything inexplicably hurts, so you let it take you, if only so you won’t hurt anymore.
Back at base, Poe had never felt so out of control before. He’d always struggled with impulse management, the answer usually so clear in his mind. Suit up, jump into his x-wing, blow the problem up.
He couldn’t blow this problem up.
Everyone was moving so fast around him, yet they didn’t seem to be doing anything. You weren’t back, so they couldn’t be. Poe felt almost detached, looking down on his body surrounded by everyone who was working hard to find you.
He made his way to his x-wing, though he didn’t remember getting there. He was holding his flight suit, and some part of him was aware that he had to put it on if he wanted to fly.
“Poe.” The voice was familiar behind him.
Turning, he saw Leia standing behind him, a look of pity on her face. “Droids have tracked the lieutenant through the forest where she was joined by two others, identity unknown as of yet.”
Poe nodded. Numbness was spreading through him, he could hardly move, the idea of speaking was laughable.
“There were signs of a struggle, but we’ll find her Poe.”
What if she doesn’t want to come back? She’s not my friend.
“Poe.” There was a hand on his shoulder. It takes a great deal of effort for him to focus on Leia in front of him. Her hand was touching him, and it felt so familiar to yours, and yet so different, in almost every way that felt like it mattered. “It’ll be ok.”  
“I’ve got to go.” He was going to get you back, hell or high water.
In fact, it didn't even matter if you didn’t want to come back with him.
Poe shakes his head, “We’re not friends!” still ringing in his mind.
You were going to come back to the base if Poe had to drag you, if only so he could have a proper conversation with you before you left for good.
He hadn’t even realised he’d been flirting with the recruit until you’d turned up, and then suddenly you’d commanded his whole world view. How competent and confident you’d looked, hitting the target with each of your shots, before he’d come to the conclusion that you were jealous.
By that point, you’d already stalked away, shoulders tight with a scowl on your face. He had been able to see your lie, that you really were jealous, as soon as the words had left your mouth, your denial too strong, too protective.  
But why? Why didn’t you want him to know you were jealous? As far as Poe was concerned, it was kind of hot.
You couldn’t run away, or die before Poe got the answers.
You couldn’t. He wouldn’t allow it.
He stooped to pull the flight suit on, shrugging off Leia’s hand.
“Poe I’m not letting you chase after her.”
Poe ignored her, instead bending slightly and concentrating on doing up the buttons and various zips.
“Poe listen!”
General Organa was speaking now, not Leia, and it made Poe stop, straightening automatically.
“I am not giving you permission to leave base. Rey and Finn have already left.”
Poe steps towards Leia, and stars he feels angry.
“I am the best flyer in the resistance and you’re grounding me?”
He ignores the way his head spins when he remembers the look on your face that night you’d told him he was the best flyer, how you’d said his mum would be proud of him, how-
He shakes his head, not wanting the memory right now, blinking hard as tears well in his eyes.
“Yes.” His fingers flex at his side at Leia’s calmness.
“Why not?” He doesn’t want to snap at Leia but he had to get you back. He was going to murder those bastards who took you … if they had hurt you … “I can’t lose her, Leia, I can’t.”
“You’re not in the right headspace right now, and I can’t risk-”
Poe laughs, cutting Leia off and it’s not nice. It’s a little loose and a little mad, louder than it needs to be. “You can’t risk what? Losing me?” He bends again, this time tightening the harness straps around his legs and they’re tight, too tight. “I can’t risk losing her, Leia.” He takes a deep breath, shaking fingers attempting to loosen the straps, attempting to take back control. “I c-an’t.”
Leia’s heart broke as Poe’s voice cracked. For the first time in a long time, she saw the young boy who had come to the Resistance as soon as he was able, desperate to prove himself and throw himself into the middle of the fight.
So she steps forwards and hugs him. “I know, I know.” Leia can feel Poe trembling.  “But you charging off with half a brain isn’t going to fix anything.”
Poe allows himself to be held, head empty for a moment. He feels exhausted, yet every nerve within him is wired up to go, although he doesn’t know where. An indeterminate amount of time passes before Poe realises that Leia is probably doing all she can to stall him.
When this thought trickles down into his mind, he steps back. Perhaps because Leia can read him like a book, or perhaps because she really does want to help, she offers a small smile. “Come with me.”
Poe doesn’t have much chance to reply before Leia’s steering him by his elbow, keeping a tight grip on him. He’s led to comms, a room he’s aware of, but has never been in before.
Rose is sitting, hovering over a comm worker who Poe’s unfamiliar with. They’re sitting at a messy workstation with a number of small screens, a mess of wires cascading out of the back. The comms worker has an earphone in one ear, while the big centre screen is turned on, showing what appears to be Rey and Finn’s position.
There’s a pain in Poe’s chest as he looks at the other, empty, workstations. This is what you're worth to the Resistance. One comms worker and a friend.
Rose stands, flinging her arms around him. She’s talking, but there's a buzzing in Poe’s ears and he’s missing some. “... she’ll be alright.”
Rose has drawn back, and it’s like the bubble has popped around Poe, bringing him back to the present. He nods, suddenly aware of how hard Leia is still holding onto his arm, and briefly wondering if he’ll have bruises.
Poe picks up his own set of earphones and moves to power up the next screen over, clicking through to Rey’s comms, mind clearing as he and the comms worker start to talk through it.
After all, Poe’s always been good under pressure, blocking out all distractions, including Leia’s instructions to the droid by the door not to let Commander Dameron leave until the Lieutenant was back.
When you wake, you’re alone. The drug, whatever they gave you has worn off, and your headache has returned. You’re shaking, covered in sweat. When you try and make a fist with your good arm, you can barely apply enough pressure to close your hand.
You’re still strapped to the chair and unable to move your arms. When you glance down at your left arm, the blood makes your stomach turn. Everything seems sharper than it did before, more pronounced edges, yet the surfaces have lost their colour, looking duller.
Your mouth is dry and you know that if you could have some more of the drug, just a little, you’d feel better. But there are more pressing concerns; you need to get out of here.
Your feet are on the floor, good. Your head itches, and your ribs ache like you’ve been hit around the stomach. There’s something dried on your chin, irritating your skin, tightening it.
It’s hard to think, it’s so cold in here, like the ice is numbing your brain. Your headache is pounding behind your eyes and doesn’t help. But you try to stand, thinking you’ll attempt a turtle-like shuffle to the door.
Except you can’t.
You try again, bracing your feet against the floor and trying to stand. It takes you longer than it should to realise that it’s not working because you’re pressing down with your arms too.
You slump back into the chair with enough force to cause it to move, trying to catch your strength, panting heavily and not sure what else to do.
It takes you longer than it should for you to realise what that means, the thought barely trickling down into your mind.
With a lot of careful angling and heavy slumps, you manage to twist the chair so it’s facing the door. It’s made of the same material as the walls, barely distinguishable apart from a keypad and metal grille.
Which Rey and Finn are looking at you through.
You sigh. Great. That’s what you need right now, more hallucinations. They look shocked, faces slack, until Rey disappears and Finn smiles reassuringly at you.
Briefly you wonder if Rey’s gone because her head fell off again. Then you consider if your hallucinations can get any weirder.
The next thing you know the door is swinging open, creaking slightly on its hinges and Finn’s rushing over to you, Rey poking around behind you.
“Can you stand?” Finn’s asking, looking down at you, brow furrowed. You can only nod in response, although you’re not confident in your answer. Your limbs are stiff, and even now you can move, it’s a struggle.
There’s a brief pain flickering in your left arm, and you focus on not looking at it, remembering the amount of blood. It takes Finn’s arm around you to help you stand, and you can’t help the gasp of pain that escapes you. Your vision goes dark for a second, before returning, duller than ever.
Finn knew what the First Order was capable of, especially when they wanted information from someone, but it was never any easier to see. Especially when it was someone he cared about.
He watched you struggle to coordinate your legs, having been kept in the same position for hours. Rey moves ahead, drawing her lightsaber in anticipation while Finn half carries you down the hallway.
He’s worried at the amount of blood you’ve lost from your arm, but your face is swollen and bruised, with dried blood at the corner of your mouth, and staining the collar of your shirt. You’re still conscious, just about, but your eyes don’t seem to be focusing.
The three of you pass the bodies of the two stormtroopers who were unlucky enough to be guarding your corridor, before sneaking out. Ducking into alcoves, they attempt not to be caught, although it’s hard to stop you from making noise.
If it’s not moans of pain, you’re commenting on something under your breath, and what little Finn can hear doesn’t seem to make sense. The look on Rey’s face tells him that she doesn’t get it either.  
And they’re so close, nearly back to the hangar, when a pair of troopers spot them. Rey is already swinging as Finn rushes to put you down before he can draw his lightsaber and help. The fight is desperate, but brief. Thankfully no alarms seem to be going off, although that thought flies from Finn’s head when he looks back at you.
You’ve slumped against the wall where Finn had placed you, and you’re shaking as you try and stay sat upright. You’re no longer looking at them, instead your brow is furrowed, concentrating on something only you can see in front of you.
Finn isn’t entirely sure how they managed to make it onboard, but he wasn’t about to complain, carefully strapping you to help keep you upright if you faint. He uses the small med-kit to wipe away the blood from your face and arm as best as he can, applying bacta patches where he can see injuries, the familiar sweet smell soon filling the small ship.
Rey is quickly in hyperspace, comming back to base with their status. “Blue-10 with the Lieutenant, medical attention will be needed on arrival.”
Both Rey and Finn jolt with surprise at the familiar voice crackling through the comms in response. “Received and understood Blue-10.”
“Poe?” Finn mouths, and Rey just shrugs. A second later, Poe’s switched to a private channel, his voice quiet.
“How is she?”
Rey and Finn look at each other, unsure how much Poe needs to know. They don’t want to lie, but how can they tell the truth? Rey clicks the private channel open, hesitating before she replies. “She’s stable Poe.”
Waking up hurts.
You’re lying down, and although your body hurts, you feel calmer. There’s a steady noise matching the beat of your heart, slow and steady, although the noise speeds up as you blink at the ceiling.  
You’re not sure if you’ve got a plan, but you know you need to get free. Something is holding you down, becoming more and more tangled around you, and your whole body hurts.
And then, suddenly the weight is pulled off you, and you feel like you can breathe again, big gasps failing to get more oxygen into your lungs. You struggle to control your breathing, not feeling ready to face whatever new terror the First Order have concocted for you.
It’s Rose. Holding a brown blanket.
You push yourself into a sitting position, ignoring the flare of pain in your arm, waiting for a second, hardly daring to breathe as you wait for her to change in front of your eyes.
When she doesn’t, you can feel some of the panic recede, although you can’t seem to force yourself to relax. Rose folds the blanket, placing it at the foot of your bed, and you watch her carefully, still wary.
When she meets your eyes, you attempt a smile, pain pulling at your mouth and cheek as you do so. You can tell it’s not convincing by the way she smiles back, tears flooding her eyes.
You look away, blinking heavily to stop your own tears.
Your head and shoulders are raised slightly, and when you look down, you’re wearing a paper-thin hospital gown. It’s scratchy against your skin, feeling like bugs burrowing into you. Rose is sitting next to you, tinkering with something she’s placed on your bedside table, hands hovering just above her lap, like she wants to help, but doesn’t want to overstep.
“Hey.” Her voice is soft. “How are you feeling?”
You nod, not sure what you’re feeling, exactly, just that your hands are shaking when you try and put them on top of the covers, that you’re shivering, and your stomach is rolling.
You open your mouth to tell Rose so, and you throw up.
It’s warm, and liquidy and the smell makes you throw up again, and again. Rose has jumped back, and you don’t blame her, rolling your body to your side so you can spit the rising bile out of your mouth onto the floor instead of onto the mess on your bed.
By the time you’ve stopped being sick, Rose is standing at the end of your bed with a pair of nurse-droids, who escort you to a bath, cleaning you up, and then to a different bed, this time with a bowl in reaching distance. You don’t say anything, hot shame creeping up your neck and face, and hoping, praying, that maybe you’ll pass out again, and you won’t remember this.
No such thing happens, and you’re left to be looked after by the droids. Rose never leaves you, although for the period of time you’re covered in sick, she does keep her distance, only returning when you’re clean in bed again, this time wearing a softer t-shirt and shorts.
It’s only when one of the nurse-droid’s returns, arms full that you notice it. It’s carrying a vase of flowers, which Rose later tells you is from your squadron, and, in it’s other hand, carries a familiar datapad, with a piece of paper on top and a chocolate pudding.
Poe’s been here?
You can’t stop the way your heart stutters in your chest at the thought, and although you want to smell the chocolate, you think that’s probably a good thing you can’t with the state of your stomach at the moment.
The nurse-droid hooks you up to various machines this time, inserting a drip into your non-injured arm, along with a heart monitor, and a couple of other machines you don’t know the purpose of.
Your head still hurts, and you’re shaking, but you try your best to listen to the doctor who checks your vitals are normal and tells you that you’re going to get worse before you get better. The drug they gave you is an addictive one, and the next 5 days are going to hurt.
She keeps telling you things, but you start to zone out as black spots appear in your vision. Rose is nodding in understanding at your side, so you don’t feel too bad, concentrating on just staying awake.
All you can think about is the drug and how light it made you feel, how quickly it made time pass. Every movement hurts, like you fell 50 foot out of an x-wing, but aside from your arm, you can’t see any physical damage.
You fall in and out of sleep, Rose a constant presence at your side. She’s tinkering with something the first few times you wake, and she explains what it is, and what’s wrong with it to distract you from the pain. You ask the occasional question, enjoying the steady sound of her voice, while yours is croaky and hoarse.
When you wake with a clearer head, the lights are dimmed to a soft yellow, and Poe is asleep, head resting on the foot of your bed. Rose is gone and you’re glad; you don’t know how long you’ve been in bed, and you hope she’s getting some rest or proper food.
His flight suit is wrapped around his waist, top half covered by a dark t-shirt. If you bend your head to a certain angle, the light catches on his necklace around his neck. Poe looks exhausted, his body twisted at a weird angle, thick stubble growing on his face, and eyes red-rimmed, even as he sleeps.
Trying not to jostle him, you reach out to the datapad and unfold the note Poe left on top, avoiding the chocolate pudding like the plague.
Enjoy the chocolate pudding, Finn is bullying me to get some rest.
I’ve downloaded a couple of holovids, see you soon Poe x
You’ve never seen his handwriting before, and it’s easier to read than you’d imagined, thinking he’d be the type to write in a messy scrawl, his hand unable to keep up with his thoughts.
It’s short, but something about it makes a warmth flare inside you. You read it until you know it off by heart, before folding it back up and placing it on the datapad.
You still feel tired, and you watch Poe sleep, the room silent except for the steady beeping of the machines at your side. You’re not sure how much time passes, the world around your bed feeling hazy as you half doze, not wanting to tear your eyes away from Poe, hardly daring to believe he’s real.
You jolt awake when he does, his arm reaching across your legs as he grasps your calves in a panic. One of the machines beeps increases with your heart rate, but you ignore it, you and Poe staring at each other, wide-eyed, as though a quick movement will make the other bolt.
His hands are still holding your legs, warm and grounding.
“How are you feeling?” His voice is hoarse as he slowly releases his hands.
You nod, and you hadn’t noticed it before, but your neck is stiff. “Good, I guess.”
Poe nods too, and where did this tension come from? He takes a breath as you look down at the hem of your blanket, idly wondering why the medbay would buy such a horrendous shade of brown.
Maybe it’s to hide stains.
You immediately wish you hadn’t thought that, the implications freaking you out a little, upsetting your sensitive stomach.
“I … I wanted to apologise.” Poe’s voice thankfully breaks through your increasingly worrying train of thought. His hand fly’s up to touch his ring. “I clearly crossed a boundary - I thought we were friends and -”
You interrupt him when you throw up, thankfully into the bowl the nurse-droid left this time, but it’s no less embarrassing as bile stings the back of your throat. Poe immediately moves up closer to you, hand reaching to rub your back as you try and hide in vain from him.
His hand is warm and comforting, moving slowly up and down your back as you continue to heave. When you finish retching, Poe silently hands you a glass of water, which you use to swill your mouth out, moving to place the now semi-full bowl to the other side of you when Poe takes it from you.
You can hardly bear to look at it, let alone smell it, and Poe is carrying it like it’s nothing, taking for the nurse-droids to dispose of. When he returns, he’s wiping his hands with a disinfectant and you wince.
“Poe I’m so sorry.” You decide to risk a sip of water, trying to get rid of the sick taste still in your mouth. “I’ve been sick all day and I’m sorry.” You’re ready to keep apologising but Poe just hands you a towel, which you use to wipe your mouth.
“It’s ok.” He reaches down for the blanket, and you let him tuck you in, suddenly aware that you’re shivering again. He reaches for his datapad, opening it and beginning to talk. He’s reading a children’s story, one you recognise as being from Yavin IV, a sweet story about a frog learning of the perils of the jungle.
Your eyes get heavier, and Poe’s voice fades into the background, the last you hear is the frog swimming in freshwater, unaware of the danger around the corner before you fall asleep.
When you wake, he’s gone, but you don’t get much chance to think about it before the nurse-droids are back, along with the doctor. She’s a nice woman, chattering away, telling you her name (Dr Alloso Karga), about her children (she’s got lots), and the trouble they get into (almost constant).
You don’t say much, still feeling the after-effects of the drug, but Dr Karga doesn't seem to need much additional input. You’re glad of her stories, they give you something else to think about while she hooks you up to an IV drip, and takes measurements from all the machines beeping at your side.
She unwraps the bandage around your left arm, revealing a thin scar running alongside one of your veins. “I’ll give you a cream to rub on every morning and night, and it’ll fade.” Her voice is kind as she watches your face, but you don’t react, numbness spreading through you like ice as you look at the scar.
All you can think is how small it is, when you remember the pain it caused, and the blood you lost from it … and now you’re left with this tiny, almost pathetic scratch. Dr Karga places the cream on your side table, next to Poe’s datapad and his note, and you already know you won’t use it.
Thankfully she doesn’t push the topic, leaving soon after.
With not a lot else to do, you fall back asleep, despite the bright light shining in through the window opposite you.
Days pass like this. Rose and Poe are frequent visitors, with Rey and Finn dropping in occasionally, as does Kare, and Jannah. No one seems to expect much of you, which is nice, allowing you to fall asleep at random intervals when the mood strikes you.
When you wake again you’re not sure how many days you’ve been in the medbay for. You don’t feel sick at all anymore, your stomach’s rumbling beneath the covers. Your head still hurts, and your body still feels bruised and achy, but your mind feels clearer than it has in days.
You’re still hooked up to a couple of machines, but only by a clip to your finger, wires extending down past the edge of your bed. It’s easy to take off, and you figure it’ll be easy to put back on again.
The chocolate pudding left by Poe has disappeared, and you suspect one of the nurses has binned it, which was probably a good idea. Swinging your legs over the side of the bed, you pause when a rush of cool air hits your bare legs.
You pad barefoot over the cold medbay floor, praying that it’s clean. There’s no one else in any of the other beds in your room, and when you look out, there doesn’t seem to be anyone next door either. A couple of hundred meters to your left, through the glass in a pair of double doors, you can see the busy reception. Meanwhile, to your right the corridor extends.
You shiver a little. You’re not wearing much, just shorts and a thin t-shirt. With no one around, you don’t feel too exposed, but you would quite like to get back to bed. You choose to go right, figuring you’d quite like to eat alone and save yourself any embarrassment if your stomach decides to reject food again and wander casually in quiet curiosity.
You peek through the windows of various spare rooms, some with people in bacta tubes, others with droids chittering away. And, it’s only when you turn the corner, that you see the food sign over the door to a small storeroom.
Letting out a happy little sigh at all the food lining the wall, you fumble for the light switch, the door closing and quickly engulfing you in the darkness.
Moving forwards you aim for the chocolate which has immediately caught your eye, letting out a shriek of panic when a hand lands on your shoulder.
Twisting around in panic, your bare foot catches on the corner of a shelf and you let out a howl of pain. You’re falling, and you’re gonna land on your injured arm when the stranger’s hands grab hold of your shoulders, righting you enough that you can catch yourself.
Muttering breathless ow’s of pain, you look up to see none other than Poe in front of you, his lips twisted in amusement.
“You alright?” He asks.
You can only nod, and before you feel any doubt about what you want to do, you fling your arms around his neck and hug him. He’s so sturdy, and here, and you finally feel semi-normal, and all you want is to be grounded.
Poe doesn’t say anything, just lets out a long-suffering sigh, wrapping his arms around you in response. It’s not until you feel his chest catch on a breath, that you unwind slightly, pulling back so you can see him.
He’s crying.
“Poe, Poe, it’s ok.” You wrap him back in your arms and let him cry. He just holds you tight, like he can’t believe you’re really here standing in front of him. Both too soon, and too late, he pulls back, wiping at his eyes.
“Why are you in here?”
It’s a genuine question, but you marvel at him for a second. “Why are you in here?”
Poe looks like he would quite like to say something he thinks is funny, but eventually lands on on a serious response. “I wanted to see what you were up to. You looked very shady.”
“Oh.” You shrug. “I woke up, and I was starving.”
Poe stands next to you as you grab whatever looks good off the shelves, mainly chocolate, but also juice, and some sandwiches. “You should look after yourself.” His voice is gentle.
“I am!” You protest. “I need to eat.”
“You couldn’t have asked for help?”
You raise an eyebrow at him as the two of you move to the door. Poe follows you as you try to explain yourself. “No, I-”
You stop talking as you open the door by a crack, your eyes widening. Rose is stood in the room opposite, slightly blurred from the glass door, running her hand up and down Jannah’s arm, while the other is in a sling.
You gasp as you watch Rose lean forwards, placing a kiss on her lips, hushing Poe behind you. “Poe, Poe, Poe, look at this, are you watching?”
Your whisper is loud and you grin, bouncing on the balls of your feet, momentarily forgetting your aches, before quickly closing the door as Rose and Jannah move closer to kiss. You don’t want to invade their privacy too much.
When you turn, Poe’s grin grows as he takes in your face. “I knew it!” You dump the contents of your arms onto the floor, settling in for a while. “I knew they liked each other!”
He’s managed to get his leather jacket back from Finn, and he takes it off, laying it on the floor for you to sit on. You tuck your feet under you, glad to get them off the cold floor.
The two of you eat together, and you gain confidence as more time passes and your stomach seems to have settled, branching out to more flavourful foods.
Afterwards, he walks you back to your bed, carrying some spare food for you, with his leather jacket hanging off your shoulders. Poe calls a nurse-droid over to hook you back up to your machines and you pout at him in complaint. You’re starting to shake and sweat again but Poe stays for as long as he can, until he has to go to a meeting, promising he’ll be back soon.
He’s not gone for long, and you’re just starting to get bored, when Rose pokes her head around the door.
“Where have you been?”
You can’t help yourself; you grin like a cheshire cat.
“Where have I been? I think I should be asking you that!”
And there’s a definite blush rising on Rose’s neck, tinting her cheeks a faint pink. She still tries to deny though. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” you draw it out, “I just so happened to be walking around earlier and was surprised to see that Jannah had managed to injure herself.”
Rose sighs and it’s long-suffering. And then she slumps into her chair, opens her mouth and tells you everything.
How she and Jannah had started to spend more time together, but they’d been friends for so long. How hugs for comfort turned into something more. How they’d kissed for the first time when Jannah had asked her out. And now, how it was turning into something more and, Rose’s voice went quiet here, she thought she might be in love.
“Oh Rose,” you sigh, your heart filling for your friend. “Are you gonna tell her?”
When she nods, it takes all your self-control not to jump up and hug her, instead settling for clasping her hands in yours. “I’m sorry.” Rose whispers. “Will you forgive me?”
Your heart stops, brief panic flickering in you. “What for?”
“That I didn’t tell you sooner.” A heavy sense of guilt starts to weigh down your chest, especially as Rose looks so distraught.
“No! It’s fine,” you try and convince her. “You wanted to wait until you were sure.”
Rose nods, but still looks upset, and you know what will cheer her up. “Besides, I'm not going to be cross. I kissed Poe.”
You wince at Rose’s shout. “What!” She stands, bending to give you a hug, and you breathe in the familiar scent of her shampoo. You grin, much more naturally now, glad she’s happy. You tell her everything in much the same way she told you, the first time you’d slept together, and then the next time, how you’d argued, what had happened in the store cupboard.
“Is he coming back?” Rose asks.
You shrug. “I don’t know. He said he would, but I don’t know when.”
Rose settles properly into her chair, resting her feet on the edge of your bed frame, looking smug. You last all of two seconds. “What?”
Rose just closes her eyes, looking more and more pleased with herself by the second. “I just love being right.”
You attempt to kick her, but there’s no malice behind it. You spend the rest of the time discussing the latest topic of interest on base (Snap and Kare’s wedding), and what a recruit had apparently said to Leia, laughing the whole time.
When Poe returns, he’s carrying two plates. Rose had left a while ago, and you were idly poking through Poe’s datapad, seeing which holovids he’d downloaded.
The two of you eat your dinner quietly, Poe finishing before you. “Can I ask you something?” He looks nervous in a way that you’re not sure you’ve ever seen on him before, eyes shifting down, while his fingers dance nervously in his lap.
You nod, still chewing, not wanting to rush your dinner and unsure how to make Poe feel more at ease. You have a feeling you know what he’s going to ask, and -
“Can we be friends?”
You swallow faster than you should, letting out a small cough. You place what’s left of your dinner to one side, and put your hands over his. “I shouldn’t have said that.” You start.
Poe opens his mouth to respond, but you shake your head before he can. “No, don’t - don’t say anything, just listen.”
Deep breath, in and out.
“What I meant was … friends don’t sleep together, Poe. And I know we never talked about it, but I didn’t realise how much I liked you and,” You take another deep breath and when you speak again, your voice is smaller than normal. “I didn’t like the way you flirted with that recruit.”
Poe grins with his teeth. “So you were jealous?”
You look away, not quite ready for that conversation. “Poe.” His name is a warning, and you’re tired.
So Poe lifts your hands, enveloping them in his and gently kisses them. “Sorry.” It’s a murmur. “When we realised you were gone, I’ve … I’ve never been so frightened. I begged Leia to go and find you but she wouldn’t let me.”
You look back at his face. “Good.” His smile is gentle now, and at this moment, you prefer it. “And I’m fine now, Rey and Finn found me …”
Poe rolls his eyes. “You are not fine, you’re in the medbay.”
He doesn’t say anything for a beat, fiddling with the hem of your sheet, and just when you think he won’t say anything else, he speaks again, his voice quiet and sure.
“I like you too. A lot. And I would quite like it if we could go on a date?”
You don’t reply immediately, letting a slow smile open up your face, nodding, suddenly shy. You want Poe closer, moving to the far edge of the bed and opening the sheet in a clear invitation. “C’mon, get up here.”
It says a lot, you later think, how keen he was to climb in next to you. His body is so warm and reassuring next to yours, a solid presence of real proof, that someone cares about you so much that it doesn’t matter how gross you are when you’re ill, they’ll stay for as long as they can.
You wait until he’s tucked in next to you, desperately ignoring how the machine behind you starts beeping faster. “I would love to go on a date.”
And then you groan. “This is so embarrassing.”
Poe laughs, his body shaking next to you. “You have to finally admit you fancied me all along.”
“Well so do you.”
You’re looking at Poe as you say it, and you don’t miss how his breath hitches a little. His face moves closer to yours, and your tongue darts out to wet your lips as your mouth suddenly feels dry.
Your heart rate speeds up again behind you, but you’re ignoring it, wanting Poe to kiss you. You’re disappointed when he speaks instead. “I like this monitor.”
His eyes are smiling, and stars he’s cute, even if he is being annoying.  
“What?” You’re confused, your eyes had been half-closed in preparation, and it takes a lot of effort to open them again.
“It tells me what you think.” You don’t stop looking at Poe’s lips as he talks.
“Yeah?” You’re breathless. “And what am I thinking right now?”
“That you like me this close.”
You hum, half-amused, half-annoyed. “Anything else?”
“I think you want to kiss me.”
You pretend to think about it, smiling back at him. “Do you?”
“Yes.” He’s so keen. “Do you?”
“I thought you knew the answer to that.” You’re teasing him, and he knows it. Your faces are closer than ever, breath mingling.
And Poe’s just looking at you like he could eat you, and it takes mere seconds before you crack. “Poe will you kiss me?”
“I was going to.”
You huff. “When?”
His hand cradles your jaw, thumb on your chin, and you bend into it, kissing his palm without breaking eye contact. “It won’t hurt you?”
You smile at him, reassured. “No.”
You can tell he’s still hesitant, so you kiss his hand again. “I’ll tell you if it hurts Poe.”
He inches closer and closer, so slowly, until his lips are touching yours. It’s soft, and gentle, like he’s kissing you for the first time. His hand moves to the back of your head, pulling you closer to him, as you open your mouth, deepening the kiss.
The date is a success, with the worst part enduring Rose’s teasing, and your promise to never doubt her again.
Everything taglist:
@fantasticcopeaglepasta @sarahjkl82-blog
Series taglist
@lady-sigyn @foxilayde @afootnoteinyourhappiness @tellthemall-i-saidhi @wasicskosgirl @seninjakitey @zoriis @zazzysseoul @studentville-struggles
Thanks for reading! Reblog and comments mean the world to me 🥰🥰🥰
Aaaaah I’ve finally finished! This has been such a blast to write (but not chapter 5 lmao) and I’ve learned so much about my writing style and what i struggle with (plot I’m looking at you). This series started as a short one-shot which was going to be divided into 4 sections, detailing how reader and Poe’s relationship changed, and what I’ve ended up with is so so so different - my original outline had no kidnapping and was wildly different honestly, but I’m really proud of this - back in June/July i hardly had the patience/concentration to sit and finish a one-shot, let alone a whole series! Thank you to everyone who stuck with this story, I love you all!
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Repost: Ask on BTS and Racism
Anonymous: I clicked on your blog straight away when **xyz mentioned yours, and yes, I straight away (again) read your post regarding rumours. I'm interested to know what's your opinion on those antis who keeps on spreading the narrative that bts are racist and claiming that, only now they're acknowledging their mistakes and apologized. Yet, these antis won't acknowledge bts' apology by still claiming it is half-hearted realization.
Hi anon,
My post was not about rumors. It was about hate. Rumors can be either positive or negative, but hate is decidedly ill-willed and vicious, and rumors are one tool people in general (not just the k-pop community) use to create and spread hate.
As a very recent example, the rumor that Taehyung has a ‘sponsor’ reared up again last week after those illegally taken pictures leaked and they’re still spread in some circles though there is frankly no substance to them. But it doesn’t matter if there’s substance to it or not, that’s never the point. The point is to smear his character, to dismiss his own efforts and hard work to reach where he is, or at the very least to create the perception that he is simply not a good person.
Apply the same thinking to the rapline and racism allegations. The point isn’t actually about whether or not they are racist. The truth is if they are really racist, outside of a Da baby-esque screed on tape, we really won’t know. The point is to create the impression that they are racist.
Now I’ll give a short version of my personal opinion on Bangtan and racism below and why I’ve been reporting related posts on the matter since 2018.
As a general rule, ethnically homogenous societies that have suffered some degree of Western imperialism are colorist at best, and racist in the worst case. There are several studies on this subject but it’s one reason why a majority of people in Korea and Ghana think ‘whiter/lighter is better’. In Nigeria, it’s not uncommon to see darker-skinned women ‘bleach’ their skin at some point to be ‘funfun’ (Yoruba for lighter). Others try very hard to not tan ‘too much’. My point is that the underlying culture in these countries do value lighter skin, and this translates into the language. A second thing to note is the very cringe-worthy observation with non-American Asian/Hispanic people and Black or hiphop culture in general: these people have a very shallow understanding of the ‘aesthetics’ they admire and borrow. This isn’t surprising because why would American history (and the sort that critically examines America’s racial history) be taught in Asia/Spain/Korea when it’s not even taught in all America’s 50 states? There are a few other nuances too, like how many non-native English speakers often pick up the accent they learned English in and sometimes switch accents depending on who they’re speaking with. It’s why some Hispanic or Latin American people who learned English listening to a lot of rap music, pick up a Blaccent. A LOT of k-pop acts in the 90s and 2000s said the n-word in their music and it was standard practice in some weird attempt to seem ‘hip’. This really didn’t change in k-pop until the middle of the last decade (2010s) as the genre gained more attention in the West. With all this considered, let’s take a look at Bangtan.
There is racism borne out of spite and racism borne out of ignorance. Many times, these two racisms coincide, but sometimes they don’t. The second can be corrected with enough exposure and education, the first…, not so much. Many of the rapline’s gross racial offences happened between 2012 and 2017 (they’ve said the n-word once singing along to a song, and once covering a Shinhwa song which included the word). As the group gained more exposure in the West, they’ve proactively become more culturally sensitive, even changing out the Korean word for “I” (naega) in some performances so people don’t even mistakenly get the impression they said the n-word. Also, the rapline seem to have had a deep respect and admiration for Black hiphop culture since debut. You see this when they talk about their rap heroes and how they associate being a Black hiphop artist with being fierce and aggressively true to yourself. Many of their missteps have been out of a misguided attempt to imitate their rap idols, while operating in their larger culture that, until very recently, was woefully uninformed about racism and appropriation.
I report those post about the rapline because they are repetitive and transparently insincere. Many of those call-out posts are not content with actual events that happened, they resort to mistranslations or things taken out of context to create their narratives. It’s why some k-pop stans were attacking Wale, a Nigerian-American rap artist, for “being racist” for working with RM..… Imagine speaking over someone that way. For BTS, I’ve seen the same allegations repeated over and over for like 5 years now, and it only takes a few minutes to see how they are portrayed is inconsistent with the reality of their craft – like looking beyond Hoseok’s hair twists to see how careful he is making notes about Black dance styles or him reaching out to, building a relationship with, and paying full royalties to the maker of CNS - a courtesy that was never awarded her by even American (and Black) artists.
Originally posted: October 25th, 2021 2:13pm
**Edited to avoid unnecessary wahala.
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wallwriterstuff · 4 years
Found Family ||Demetri Volturi x Female!Reader||
Part 2 found here: Baby’s First Christmas 
Warnings: Anxiety and panic, mentions of child endangerment 
Words: 7565
Summary: A request for @kpopgirlbtssvt
There are things Demetri never thought he could have, things he had never dreamed would be within his grasp ever again. He has plenty of experience with newborns…just not your kind of newborn. 
He was absolutely perfect. You couldn’t imagine anyone better for you than Jeremy. He had always been the sweet kind, the kind that complimented you when he held doors open and gave you his jacket when you were cold, the kind that paid for one date if you got the next. He was a hit with your parents and your friends. You were just so sure about him, more sure than you’d ever been about any of the other idiots you dated throughout university. That was why you were confident it was going to be okay when you missed your period that month, because this baby was Jeremy’s and he was your perfect match, your partner for life, so wasn’t it time to start living it? You’d told him the same night your first pregnancy test came back positive.
You’d never seen a man pack so fast.
Everything that was his in your shared apartment was gone and with no one to fill the space you had been forced to move home. Moving home meant telling your parents you were pregnant and that your baby daddy had run off into the wind, and that had gone down about as well as sticking a fox in a henhouse would. For the past eleven months it had been constant snubs, snide little remarks and complete overreaction to everything you did from your parents. How were you supposed to learn how to be a mother if your own constantly hovered and took over at the slightest perception something was wrong? Your daughter had been in this world for two months and she had most likely been held by your parents more than she had you. The timing of your friend’s sudden job offer was perfect for you.
She had planned a holiday in one of the more scenic cities of Italy, shutterbug that she was, but the job required her to move across your home city post haste. With her holiday deposit on the line, everything had been transferred into your name and the ticket dropped off at your doorstep. Your parents had done their best to convince you to stay of course.
You’re not ready to go on a holiday alone with her.
What’ll happen when she gets fussy on the plane hmm? You think she won’t? How will you handle all the people looking at you then?
We still help you with night feeds, how are you going to do that on your own?
You ignored every single one of their pleas and got yourself and your daughter out of there. The moment the heat and the sunshine and invaded your senses you knew you had made the right decision. Lyra wasn’t sure what to make of the sunglasses you put on her little face, and more often than not she pulled off the wide brimmed hat on her head, which left you in a very cyclical routine of putting hats and glasses on whenever they came off. There was lots of green space in Volterra, and so many beautiful alleyways hiding quaint little shops to wonder about in. Your spending money was limited but it didn’t mean you didn’t splurge on a few treats. Your favourite place by far though had to be the fountain in the centre of the square.
Though it was often bustling in the daytime, come the evenings it was calmer and quieter, cooler to. Laying back in the crook of your arm, Lyra seemed to find the splashing sounds of water and the way the light reflected off of it absolutely fascinating. If you had had a full day she sometimes napped, but when she was awake her little eyes were wide with wonder and she looked between you and the water a lot, trying to communicate with you exactly what she thought about it. You pandered to her of course, rocking her gently as you had a one-sided conversation about how beautiful Volterra was. If you didn’t have responsibilities back at home you could happily see yourself adapting to this slower pace of life. As it was, this small dose of peace in your newfound haven was all you would get, so you decided to make the most of it.
It was one of your last days in the city when you were approached by her. She was Aphrodite incarnate you were sure, statuesque with flawless skin shrouded in shadow, yet her hair couldn’t hide from the sun. No, it caught the beams and threw them back at the world with a dazzling amount of shine that left you utterly awed as she approached you. She looked down at Lyra, plush lips pulling into a smile and revealing perfectly white, straight teeth.
“Buon pomeriggio, hai bisogno di assistenza?” she asked. Her voice was like honey, sweet and smooth, trickling through your consciousness until all other noise simply faded away. You blinked yourself out of your stupor, your brain scrambling to try and translate what little Italian you had picked up over the past week you had been staying here. You could hazard a guess at the last word, and you knew the greeting well enough, but you weren’t sure about the rest.
“I’m sorry, erm, I don’t know that much Italian, Er…erm… non capisco?” you tried. Her laughter was as sweet as angel song, as feather light on your ears as a lover’s whisper.
“I see. I asked if you need assistance. Are you perhaps waiting for someone?” she questioned. Her accent was thick but oddly out of place, seemingly a mix of many different accents mingled into one. It wasn’t unpleasant to listen to however.
“Oh, no we’re okay thank you.” You smiled up at her, squinting slightly in the harsh sunlight. Her head tilted, glossy waves of caramel falling like satin over her shoulder, one strand slipping over the next in a gorgeous waterfall that left you more mesmerised than even her voice could.
“Then perhaps I might interest you in a tour of Castello Volterra? It’s so hot out here, the ancient stone will keep you cool and give you chance to take many more marvellous pictures.” Her head turned, a silent indicator that your camera had taken her interest. Your cheeks flushed pink – how much more obviously a tourist could you be? Lyra had yet to stir in your arms and you glanced down towards her, biting your lip. She’d been asleep for quite a while now and had been safely in the shade of her hat, but a cooler indoor climate would probably do her some good.
“How much?” you asked, cautious of spending your remaining money. She trilled a laugh.
“I’m looking to make up numbers, some turiste dropped out and I have spaces spare.” She waved you off with ease and, well, who were you to look a gift horse in the mouth? It never occurred to you in that moment that you hadn’t even caught her name or asked for a badge; the woman was enigmatic and honestly you were more than a little enamoured so her name seemed quite irrelevant as you hurried to gather your things and walk after her. You left Lyra’s buggy at the front desk with the secretary, your daughter finally stirring some and grumpily making her displeasure known with quiet half-cries and a pouty lip. The rocking movement as you walked and the strange décor of the place was slowly drawing her attention, your hand patting her back while your free one held your camera aloft.
When you had been told you were going to tour a castle you had expected more opulent decoration, tapestries and chandeliers, maybe some plush carpets. At first you had seen what you expected, a grand library decorated in deep reds and blacks with a stain in varnished wooden flooring that came with a ghostly story of blood spilled within medieval walls. You were thrilled, your eyes magnetised to your tour guide as much as they were too any painting or gilded book cover. It wasn’t until Lyra began to fuss and take up more of your attention that you started to notice how…odd, the place felt. The stone walls did little to keep heat in and compared to the outside the castle itself was freezing. Lyra had nestled into her shawl, sharing body heat with you, but you were starting to feel goosebumps pebble your flesh now.
It was not just cold but dark too. Very little natural light entered the castle’s rooms, and on the odd occasion you found a square patch of sunlight streaming through admittedly pretty windows, your tour guide avoided it with effortless grace. The further into the castle you went, the colder, darker and less extravagant it got. Bare stone walls were embellished with little decoration and the warmth in your guide’s voice was now gone, her pace hurried and heels clacking off the stone as though she was impatient to get you to the end of this tour for some reason. You struggled to keep up and quickly fell behind, Lyra’s fussing growing worse as she too started to feel the chill in the air and odd atmosphere. Her wriggling grew more intense and you had to lower your camera to tighten your grip on your daughter, hushing her gently when she began to snuffle, huffing breaths through her nose.
They were signals you knew well. With the nappy bag over your shoulder, you slowed your pace and started to rummage through the contents of the large satchel, producing a cloth for Lyra and settling it beneath her chin as you pulled her upright somewhat, pausing in the corridor to readjust your grip on her lest you drop her. A soft cry escaped her, face scrunching in the build up to something louder when you felt the ominous presence behind you. Turning around you were face to face with a man at least a head taller than you were, dressed entirely in black with dark dreadlocks hanging over his shoulders. He radiated something dangerous, made every instinct in your body scream at you to turn and leave him be. Lyra seemingly sensed it to, letting out a wail on demand. In the brief moment where you turned your head to look at her you swore a flash of dark red, the same kind of colour as wine, caught your eye. It wouldn’t have been so strange to you if that flash of wine hadn’t appeared quite high up, at eye level, say.
Lyra was far more important though, her cries cutting off into a gurgle as she spit up just as you had expected her to. The warm vomit splashed onto the cloth, dribbling down as you scrambled to catch it and wipe her mouth. Her screaming grew louder at that, the horrible smell of bile and acid reaching your nose and making it scrunch.
“Keep moving.” The man’s voice was deep. It rumbled in his chest and shook you to your core.
“Is there a bathroom up ahead? Somewhere I can clean her up?” you asked.
“Keep moving.” He repeated, closing in on you with slow, deliberate steps that set your nerves jangling. Holding Lyra closer to your chest you clasped the back of her head tenderly, bouncing and rocking her to try get her to calm. Your daughter was here in your arms, unsettled and in need of your comfort. You had to be calm for her, even if your heart was racing in your chest.
“I need to see to my daughter.” Your voice was firm and left little room to argue, but he didn’t stop moving towards you. Heart leaping into your throat you took a step back, shaking your head and struggling to calm Lyra as you tried to remain firm and not give anymore ground. Your heart raced, a hot flush overcoming you as anxiety made itself present in a sudden, nauseous wave. Why wasn’t he stopping? Why wouldn’t he listen? Couldn’t he see your daughter needed your care? See he was scaring you?
“Keep moving and you can see to her then.” His voice wasn’t comforting in any way and it was difficult to believe a man so intense. He was twice your size and built well, very capable of man-handling you if he so chose to. You had tried to avoid looking, tried to play it off as a trick of the light, but when you looked into his eyes it was plain as day that you had been correct. His irises were the colour of rich red wine, and to your astonishment they only seemed to darken as they stared back into yours with such intensity your thundering heart was all you could hear for a moment. There was no ring around the colourful part of his eye. Nothing indicated that he was wearing contact lenses, but he couldn’t have had red eyes could he? It wasn’t possible…
“I think I better leave. Where’s the exit?” you asked shakily. Something was wrong here, wrong wrong wrong. The corridor was long, not a single door in sight. You could navigate the hallways again right? There had to be an exit somewhere close. Lyra was only growing more unsettled, screaming now at the top of her lungs. People were whispering behind you and the man was growing ever more annoyed, shooting your daughter a disgusted glare as if she had physically offended him with the noise. You instinctively held her as close to you as possible, turning slightly to shield her from him.
“Keep. Moving.” He ground out.
“My daughter isn’t well, we just need to leave! There has to be an exit near here!” you snapped. It was more fear than anything else that had made you snap, desperation more so than anger, but the man seemed to take it as such. He seemed to inflate somehow, shoulders squaring and lips pulling back over his teeth as he stalked ever closer when a pale hand intervened, gripping his arm. Given the way the man flinched, you guessed the newcomers grip was hard. Head snapping to the left, you turned to try and convince our saviour to help you, only to freeze at the sight of apple red eyes. They were the same red eyes, just different shades. He inhaled sharply as he locked eyes with you, his expression somewhat distant for a minute as you tried to make sense of the sudden and inexplicable relief. It was small, barely made a dent in your anxiety in the grand scheme of things, but it lessened some of your nauseous gut feeling to simply lay eyes on this man even if he was clearly a part of this strange tour company.  
“Is the little one alright?” he asked. His voice was smooth and rich, the deep bass reverberating through your head. He had the kind of voice you could listen to all day, the kind you could envision being good for audiobooks. Lyra was still screaming in your arms, her wailing echoing back to you off the walls. You bounced her again, rocking her side to side with a shake of your head.
“No, no I need to take her back to the hotel, please, tell me where I can find the exit?” you were almost pleading with him at this point. He nodded slowly, his gaze strangely intense, unwavering and unblinking. On one hand you didn’t mind it; you liked the way he looked at you actually, with a hint of wonder and trepidation, as if you were the thing in the room to marvel at and the expensive paintings on the wall weren’t worthy of a second glance. Given the general atmosphere of unease that you had picked up on now however, his stare also left you feeling minorly uncomfortable. He held a hand out towards you, his arm open and separating you from the man with the dreadlocks.
“Allow me to escort you to a quieter room so you might tend to her needs.” He said. You swallowed thickly, itching to agree despite barely knowing him or his intentions towards you and Lyra. It felt safe, like his waiting embrace was something you could depend on. Getting you away from the strange man had to be your new priority, but could you really trust a stranger?
“Demetri, what are you doing?” your tour guide was back, her musical voice distracting you somewhat from the beautiful man before you. He was made with the finest of nature’s ingredients you were sure, with high cheekbones and a jawline that could have cut steel. His hair was the most beautiful shade of chestnut brown, his stature tall and lean, posture exuding confidence and grace. His smile was dazzlingly white and so very comforting as he ever so gently guided you towards him.
“Escorting the young lady to a room where she might see to her daughter. I will join you momentarily for the…conclusion, of the tour.” He seemed to choose his words carefully and despite how much more on edge that made you, you still stepped into him with a nod. Your eyes were drawn back to your tour guide again, unable to stray too long as her gaze turned somewhat dangerous.
“The child will be cared for as always.” Her voice was like wind chimes and you unknowingly leaned closer to hear it. The man, Demetri, immediately pulled you back and began to lead you down the hall.
“Indeed, by her mother.” He spoke as though she was still stood right beside him, yet you were sure she shouldn’t have heard anything given she was already four steps behind you both. His pace was quick, only slowing when he realised you were struggling to keep up. You could see the way his jaw clenched as Lyra screamed and you tried to shush her again, swallowing past the lump in your throat as your clawed fingers held tight to your baby.
“Where are we going? Surely there’s a bathroom or something near-“
“Somewhere we will not be disturbed, can you soothe her?” he asked, looking at your daughter with a grimace. You stumbled over your own feet a little.
“I – I’m trying.” Your stammered. He gave a terse little nod, eyes flitting about as he led you down a maze of corridors. By the time you emerged at the top of a flight of stairs you had no clue what way was up and what way was down. Perhaps that was what he had intended. Demetri quickly pushed his way past a heavy looking door made of dark, expensive looking wood; surprise flooded you, and it melted into horror as quickly as it came. A bed, you were looking at an extravagant, four poster bed, a room with a desk and a bookcase and a fireplace. This was a bedroom. Why would he bring you to a bedroom? Was it his? You shouldn’t have followed him. Tears welled in your eyes as you imagined all the horrible ways this once nice trip could turn out, and when Demetri caught sight of them he quickly shut the door with the most pained expression you’d ever seen on a man.
“I mean you no harm, truly, but there are things I am not at liberty to explain right now that you cannot conceive of. Use whatever you require from my bathroom to tend to your daughter but do not leave this room. I beg of you.” The urgency in his voice shook you to the core and your tears spiled over. His room? Why was it so imperative you not leave? What was wrong with this place that it was so dangerous to you you couldn’t leave this strange man’s room? His finger was as cold as marble and just as hard when he wiped the wetness from beneath your eye. You recoiled with a soft whimper.
“Please, just let me-“
“Stay, here. Please tesoro…Per il mio bene.” His finger delicately trailed your jawline before he was gone, the door closed behind him. It was like you had blinked and missed him. Lyra was quieting a little in your arms, though still crying she seemingly had run out of energy, not bawling anymore. You slowly sank to your knees, fresh tears springing to your eyes. You had doomed you both. What kind of irresponsible mother followed a strange man to his bedroom? Rocking back and forth, you shakily stroked the soft tufts of hair on her head, trembling and praying to a God you hadn’t really believed in before now that somehow, you would be okay.
With a quiet sniffle, you wiped your eyes hastily with your hand. Your daughter needed you to be strong right now, so even as you crumbled inside you pushed to your feet and paced towards the large bed, setting the pillows up in such a way Lyra would be securely confined away from the edges of the mattress. With quick, practiced movements, you cleaned her face with a baby wipe and changed her pretty little dress into a loose top and shorts combo, one you had packed for occasions just like this. Lyra wriggled, not enjoying the changing procedure and reaching for you. Maybe she was just as perturbed by the situation to, wanting your embrace, your comfort.
“It’s okay, we’re going to be okay, we’ll be alright baby.” You whispered shakily. You could make no such promise. Time seemed to drag by slowly, seconds feeling like eternity dripping by through the thin neck of an hourglass. Lyra had calmed after a few minutes of you rubbing her tummy, now enjoying the feel of the soft sheets maybe and being in fresh clothes, and her big eyes watched you as you paced beside the bed. It took a long time for you to pause, your mind coming to the shocking and horrific realisation that just because this Demetri fellow had told you not to leave, it didn’t mean you couldn’t.
Dashing to the door, you pushed down on the handle. Relief swept through you when it went all the way, the door clicking open, and with a soft gasp you raced back to the bed to collect your daughter. Her bag was of little consequence, though your purse and phone were so you pocketed these as you picked her up, cursing your old school phone and it’s poor battery life. With Lyra swaddled to your chest again in her shawl, lips smacking and a serious little frown on her face, you turned back towards the door only to find it closing behind the one man you didn’t want to see.
Your heart sank.
“You stayed.” He sounded surprised.
I didn’t mean to you thought hopelessly. Shaky hands came up to hold your baby girl again, Lyra sensing your obvious anxiety and beginning to shift again restlessly. She tried to turn her head, find the source of the noise, but you wouldn’t let her. Whatever he was about to do to her, you silently vowed your daughter wouldn’t see. You would suffer in silence, your lips pressed together in a firm line and your will caging your voice if only so Lyra wouldn’t suffer with you. Demetri held his hands up in front of him but the gesture was meaningless and empty – his eyes were now a vivid ruby red. The brightness of his irises frightened you. Deep down, you doubted he had simply gotten his irises retattooed in the time since he’d separated from you.
“I did, I did everything you asked, now please let us go.” You tried to keep your voice steady but the slightest warble gave away your fear. Demetri’s expression twisted into regret, an ugly expression his godly face somehow made it impossible to look away from, like you were the one who needed to comfort him, as though he was the one suffering and you weren’t.  
“Next time you ask me something please, try to make it something it is within my power to do.” He said softly. Tears welled in your eyes, one spilling down your cheek.
“Okay,” you swallowed, “Then whatever you can do, are going to do, please don’t make my daughter watch. She’s so young, please-“you choked, cutting yourself off with a sharp inhale as you tried desperately to hold in the sob building in your throat. Lyra let out a noise of discontent and you immediately loosened your grip. Demetri shook his head.
“Nothing is going to happen to you tesoro. My oath was true, I mean you no harm,” he promised, pausing slightly as his eyes flitted to Lyra, “Neither of you…how old is she?” his question caught you off-guard. It was such a mundane thing to ask, given he’d more or less kidnapped you from a tour group to steal you away to his bedroom it seemed out of place almost in the conversation. You swallowed.
“That’s of no concern to you!” you snapped, turning to shield Lyra from his view some. He winced slightly, stepping closer to you.
“Will you let me explain?” he questioned, “The things I wish to tell you, need you to know, are not easy to digest, but perhaps if you know them you might yet change your opinion of me.” He ventured. His voice was casual, as though he was discussing the weather with you and was not trying to beguile you into trusting him. In truth, part of you already did, and that part had made you lean towards him ever so slightly, your ears so focused on the sound of his voice your eyes hadn’t noticed how close he was until he was mere feet away. You backed up immediately, scolding yourself for being distracted by the honeyed words of a pretty man; last time that had happened you had ended up pregnant in your childhood bedroom while your parents lectured you about condoms for three hours.
“And why would my opinion matter to you?” you demanded, cringing when your back hit stone. A window to your right gave you a beautiful view of a garden, a garden with high walls and vibrant flowers and…a disco ball? No…no wait that was…a man? You were sure the outline of a man was quite literally glowing in the sunlight, his skin reflecting the warm rays and turning them into the most beautiful diamonds that scattered along the wall he stood by. As if he sensed your eyes the bulky figure turned his head, and though his features were too far away for you to make them out you were certain he was looking at you.
“There are things in this world you dismiss as fictious but should know are very much real, tesoro.” Demetri’s voice was soft by your ear and you jumped violently, whirling around to face him. His skin did the very same thing. He stood before you, an Adonis carved straight from marble that shone bright in pure light, his room lit up by rainbows that bounced off of the prism of his skin. You reached your hand out without thinking, pure instinct driving you to both fear and question this beautiful man. When your thumb came back glitter free, your stomach churned in silent horror. There was no make up, no illusion of any sort you could see or imagine, so how was it possible he could literally shine?
“What are you?” you whispered. Demetri’s eyes never left yours, his gaze soft and somewhat sad, as if he already knew you wouldn’t like the answer.
“Vampire.” His reply was simple, yet it set off a chain reaction in your head. Every instinct that had screamed at you to run before was now screaming that it had been right and you should run again, but your rational mind scoffed and forced those feelings down even as you tried to put more distance between you both. Vampires weren’t real, and so far he had kept true to his word. Demetri had yet to hurt you, though he seemed plenty ready to lie to your face.
“They aren’t real.” You denied.
“Because my coven made you believe so,” Demetri countered, following you with slow, cautious steps, “Look at me. What man do you know of that has skin like mine? What man has these eyes? Your body knows Tesoro, it’s been telling you all along that I am wrong, has tried warning you that there are differences between us your brain cannot put a name to.”
“Stay away from us!” you warned. He froze in place, letting you put as much distance as you could between you both. With your back to the wall you stared him down, afraid to move for fear he would to. Within a blink he was in front of you, and you were falling to your knees, like he had almost anticipated your obvious collapsed. With the way your knees were knocking together it shouldn’t have been surprising really. He had moved so fast and with such startling efficiency you were left completely in awe of the smooth series of actions that led him to catch not only you, but Lyra as well. She squealed in delight, the first time you’d ever heard her make such a noise, while you could only stare with wide eyes at the man who had yet to take his arm from around your waist. He was busy watching Lyra with his own wide eyes.
“Take her,” he whispered, giving you a little nudge to get you upright, “Take her now, please, before I drop her!” he insisted. You hurriedly made a cradle and accepted your daughter back into your embrace, somewhat spellbound. Demetri had moved faster than any human could, had horrifically red eyes and skin that literally glowed…yet a baby had undone him? There was literal panic written all over his face the minute his arm had curled around your daughter and he looked quite relieved you had her now. You could only stare at him as he carefully guided you back towards the bed. Once Lyra was settled back between the pillows again you sat and listened to every tale he wished to tell you, your mind spinning.
He spoke of where he had come from and how he came to be, your mind reeling as he told you of a far off, sunny land where the Gods had ruled his life before he was given life anew. He spoke of Aro and Marcus and Caius, and the war with Romanians that had ended the slavery of your kind and sparked the dawn of an era of secrecy. He chuckled as you tentatively listed off myth after myth, taking great delight in your obvious amusement that he had been the one to circulate the rumour vampires were weakened by garlic simply because he didn’t like the way it smelled. As impossible as it all seemed, you believed him. Demetri had maintained a respectable distance from you at all times, looking more relaxed and at ease the longer you spoke. Not a toe out of line.
The cadence of his voice had lulled Lyra to sleep, your own nerves soothed by the rhythmic rise and fall as he told his stories with the kind of expertise only extensive practice could bring. The wonder couldn’t last however, not when you remembered there were other people beyond the door to his room.
“Our tour guide…” you trailed off, shifting uncomfortably. Demetri looked regretful.
“Less a tour guide and more a fisherwoman. Heidi is like me, as is the man who dared try to confront you in the corridor.” His eyes narrowed a bit, the memory clearly unpleasant to him. You swallowed, your heart skittering in your chest.
“A fisherwoman?” you questioned, your voice weak. Demetri observed you carefully, looking reluctant to speak now. You were by no means stupid; you had a fairly good idea what he had meant but you wanted to hear him say it. He seemed impossibly perfect and as silly as it sounded, hearing him admitting to this one great flaw might actually soothe some of your own insecurities you were struggling with by just being near him. You were still losing a baby fat after all and the stretch marks…well your skin was not as unblemished as his.
“I think you know.” He said finally. You exhaled in a rush, fingers curling into the fabric of your skirt so tightly your knuckles turned white.
“She’s not even a year old,” you whispered, “My daughter isn’t even a year old, and you were going to…she brought us here to…” you couldn’t even finish your sentence, squeezing your eyes closed as you thought of the rest of the people in your tour group and the fate they must have endured. There was an elderly couple, Americans you thought, talking of how their history loving granddaughter would adore the pictures they were taking about the place. A young couple of Indian origin you guessed who were speaking their native tongue as they walked arm in arm, their gazes adoring as they stared at each other, a honeymoon couple perhaps whispering sweet nothings and fantasising about the life they were embarking on together.
“We would not have laid a hand on her,” Demetri swore, his voice somewhat cross, “We are not monsters, tesoro. Your child would have been taken to the authorities and given a good home.”
“Without me. You would have killed me and let my daughter grow up, without me.” Your voice was rising in pitch now and you pushed to your feet as the hysteria began to rise once more. Demetri shook his head.
“I would have done no such thing!” he snapped, losing his temper with you for the first time since you’d met. You took a hesitant step backward, afraid now you knew what he could really do but reluctant to leave him so near Lyra. Lyra…so small and vulnerable and still utterly asleep. He took a breath, running a hand through his hair.
“Why not? Why would you save us?” you couldn’t wrap your head around it. Your tour group had met a grisly end so why hadn’t you? Why had you been spared this fate? Why did he favour you? Demetri looked saddened again, his entire expression crestfallen, like a puppy who’d been scolded for being too close to the Christmas tree.
“I had hoped you would feel it, that you would know, at least on some superficial level.” He seemed to be speaking to himself, distracted by watching Lyra’s chest rise and fall as her mouth moved, eyelids fluttering. It was your favourite expression on her, the one she wore when she dreamed. For a moment Demetri looked wistful, as though he was watching something he desperately wanted but was out of his reach from a distance too great to cross.
“Feel what?” you groaned, your exasperation now obvious. It was difficult to be afraid now he’d told you everything. It didn’t make sense for him to spare you just to kill you now, especially not now he’d divulged what you guessed was a great secret to you. What exactly did he expect you to feel that you hadn’t already? The whole afternoon had been a roller coaster that left you thoroughly exhausted; fear, anxiety, awe, disbelief, scepticism and more had all been prevalent in your heart today and you weren’t sure how much more it could take.
“The mate pull,” Demetri said finally, tearing his eyes away from Lyra to look up at you, “My kind, we feel so much more deeply than humans do. Some people appeal to us so much it sets a bond. Fate has a hand to play in this to of course, making a pair so compatible that neither can deny the other was made for them.” You stomach dropped, mouth forming a perfect ‘O’. Without thinking your hand whipped up to slap him, your hand almost breaking on impact with his cheek. His head barely moved, though he did blink a bit in shock, something you had yet to see him do despite the time you spent together. The sharp sound woke Lyra up and she let out an abrupt, piercing cry, startled and upset while you hopped up to shake your hand out with a curse.
Demetri looked absolutely flabbergasted, his head turning between you and your daughter as if trying to figure out which one of you to approach first. His hand reached for Lyra, his lips protruding in the perfect pout as he tried to shush her.
“Keep your hands off of her you pervert!” you cried, hurrying forward to scoop her up and taking a few steps back from him. There was no fear anymore, just pure rage. It boiled in your veins and curdled in your stomach, the intense disgust you felt towards him unparalleled by anything else.
“I beg your pardon?”
“You heard me! I don’t care what you are or what your world’s rules are but in mine, you keep your ancient ass hands off of my infant daughter!” you warned. Demetri paused, his eyes widening slightly before he recoiled from you with an obvious shudder.
“You think I – no! Gods no tesoro! Your daughter is not – I do not – it was you! I meant you!” he hurried to amend himself as your glare grew more vicious, and the simple confession made your mind fritz. There was nothing for a moment, a blissful few seconds of pure silence in your head, no frantic thoughts or feelings, just pure nothingness as you tried to comprehend what this gorgeous stranger was telling you.
“I meant you, tesoro. The moment I laid eyes on you I was sure…do you truly not feel it?” Demetri asked, hesitantly stepping closer. You let him this time, swallowing thickly.
“What should I be feeling? Beyond confusion, there’s…there’s a lot of confusion.” You mumbled, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. His lips pulled into the slightest smile, but it quickly disappeared when Lyra let out another piercing cry. Neither of you had seen to her yet and you quickly set to work making sure she could see and hear you as you rocked her, patting her bottom as you swayed side to side. As she began to quieten down once more, looking confused and tired and grumpy with you for the long day you had turned out to be having, Demetri very hesitantly moved closer to you both again.
“Perhaps you feel curiosity, a desire to know me better. You may feel something when I am close to you, that tries to keep you near to me. There are many things you might feel, I could not possibly guess all of them as we all react differently to the mate pull, but I know I feel it quite acutely when I look at you.” He confessed freely, his eyes fixed on Lyra’s head. He lifted his hand, pausing to look at you for permission as his fingers neared her head. You glanced between them, finding Lyra looking at him with big eyes, no doubt confused as to why his eyes were a vivid shade of red while yours were a bright Y/E/C. If Demetri had proven anything to you so far it was that he really meant to uphold his oath, he wasn’t going to hurt either of you.
When you nodded, he ever so gently began to stroke her hair like he was touching the most precious and delicate of diamonds. Maybe it was this so-called mate pull, maybe it wasn’t, but your heart almost burst in that moment as you watched him share such a tender moment with Lyra, a moment her own father couldn’t even be bothered with. He looked absolutely enraptured with her, murmuring soft things in Italian you couldn’t hope to understand with the faintest wisp of a smile.
“Would you like to hold her?” you asked. The thought had escaped your mouth before you could fully process it and it made Demetri pause, his expression twisting quickly into concern.
“I better not, I fear I might hurt her.” he frowned. Lyra’s lips smacked, a slight huff escaping her – she clearly didn’t enjoy not holding his attention.
“I think she might hurt you if you don’t. It’s easy, I’ll show you.” You encouraged. Demetri was still shaking his head when you expertly jostled your daughter in one crooked arm and used the other to start moving his.
“Tesoro I think that I shouldn’t-“
“So long as you remember to support her head it’ll be okay, she’s only two months old, the support is key for her right now.” You explained, already handing him Lyra. There was no hesitation there, not anymore, you knew he wouldn’t hurt either of you. Demetri let out a small, panicked huff as he tried to settle his arms somewhat, relax into letting Lyra fit there. She looked thoroughly perplexed for a moment as he did his best to adjust his grip, head turning to you as if to say ‘what’s with this amateur Mom?’ before she lifted a tiny hand to place it against his chest, snuggling down into the cradle of his arm.
“Is this okay?” he asked. You nodded, unable to fight back your smile. He was adorably flustered, something you were surprised the suave vampire could be. All wide-eyed with awe you had to wonder if this was the first time he’d ever held a baby before. He stood still as stone, afraid to jostle her it seemed as they had an intense stare off. Lyra was the first to break it, a wide yawn splitting her face as her blinks grew longer. You watched her fall right asleep in his arms, slowly perching yourself on the edge of his bed to contemplate everything this meant. Demetri was a vampire, something out of your wildest imaginings, maybe a nightmare even. He had been going to feed on your tour group, on . He had been going to feed on your tour group, on you, but some supposed bond between you had made him save your life instead. Now, he held your daughter like she was precious gold in his hands, whispering sweet nothings to her in a language you couldn’t understand with eyes as doting as any father’s should be.
Did he already see himself that way? The thought made you mildly uncomfortable. He had a lot to prove to you before you’d even consider giving him the title of boyfriend, never mind father. It clicked suddenly, the realisation that your heart had already decided and was waiting for your brain too catch up. Demetri had captured your attention in more ways than one and his world sounded…fascinating.
“What if you stop feeling this pull? Are we in danger then?” you asked finally. Demetri seemed to struggle to tear his eyes from Lyra for a moment, but when his eyes met your’s they were flooded with sincerity.
“Vampires mate for life tesoro…even if I wished to fall for another in the midst of an argument perhaps, I physically no longer have the capacity to. It is you and only you who was made for me.” He vowed, moving at a snail’s pace to carefully sit himself beside you.
“We’re a bit of a package deal.” You pointed out. Demetri nodded.
“It was not expected, that I might find my mate with a child, but I confess I find myself in awe of her. Two months, did you say?” he questioned, glancing briefly at you. You nodded.
“Yeah, yeah two months old.”
“So she will not stay this small for much longer?” he sounded almost sad and you giggled slightly.
“Believe me, the sooner she sleeps through the better.” You lifted your hand to gently run a fingertip down her cheek.
“If you stayed I have no need for sleep, I could see to her in the night with some guidance, but I know I cannot ask that of you.” He sighed. You swallowed, the nerves fluttering in your gut. He was already asking you to move in with him? You wanted to see a red flag but you couldn’t. Demetri clearly wanted to look after you both. Why shouldn’t you let him?
“My parents would go mad.” You agreed hesitantly. Demetri chuckled.
“I shall have to win them over then. A child complicates matters, buys us more time to figure out exactly how we might proceed. She is a blessing, tesoro.” He promised you. Your brows pulled low together.
“What does Tesoro mean?” you asked.
“Ah, it means darling…I may have neglected to get your name.” he admitted bashfully. Your eyes widened, mind replaying all the time you’d spent with him that afternoon. He wasn’t wrong, you hadn’t introduced yourself once.  
“It’s Y/N. Y/N L/N. That there, is little miss Lyra.” You told him. Demetri sighed.
“A beautiful name for a beautiful pair…her father must be missing her, no?” he was clearly hesitant to ask and you didn’t blame him. You couldn’t imagine how difficult it would be to just…walk into someone’s life, knowing they were made for you and find they already had a child that wasn’t yours. Come to think of it could vampires even have children? You had so much to learn…
“He left the minute he found out I was pregnant…you’ve spent more time with her than he ever has.” You informed him, the bitterness in your voice obvious. Demetri looked upset by that but you didn’t question or comment on it. With slow, careful movements, he gently began to rock her. You doubted he would relinquish her to your grasp anytime soon.
“He is a fool…but I’m not.” He whispered. You smiled slightly, a strange warmth filling your gut. Who’d have thought you’d find your very own Prince Charming while touring a castle?
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s4ijoh · 4 years
the theory of love. matsukawa issei
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GENRE: soulmate au; (implicit) college au; fluff; crack-ish?
WARNINGS: (minor mention of) nudity
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in which you have a beauty mark in each eyelid…
what an odd place to kiss someone for the first time.
you wonder. all different types of sweet yet awkward scenarios on how this meeting with your soulmate would play out begin to surface — more precisely, on how this first kiss with them would play out. out of all places...
why would they kiss your eyelids?
these are certainly not the answers you should be looking to answer during class, you reckon, yet, betrayed by your own inner voice who, against your own will decides to take the reins of your mind, you find yourself drifting away from reality and diving deep into your own head, swimming in thoughts of soulbound lovers and silly first kisses.
a giggle threatens to slip past your lips yet it dies in your throat before it has the chance to escape. it is hard to know when to stop the train of thought before it derails and, as always, the same old question comes back to haunt you.
what is taking them so long?
the question could be worse, you reckon, much worse. when you were just a child, barely old enough to understand the theory regarding love and soulmates, you remember hearing these frightening stories about people who were deemed loveless. they were bound to spend their entire lifetime wandering the face of earth in an infinite yet fruitless quest to find their other half. how cruel, you mused, for the universe to deprive someone of love.
you also recall, at the age of twelve, now old enough to decipher those were not just some bedtime tales, feeling terrified upon the realization that you could be one of the so called loveless ones. were you? although it’s not exactly one of your most treasured memories, it is still fairly vivid in the back of your head — your eyes urgently roaming every inch of skin on your body in a desperate attempt to dismiss that possibility, only for the answer to be mockingly hidden out of your sight.
for the longest time, your pitiful self dwelled on the reality that you weren’t worthy of love only for your faith to be restored when recently, whilst doing your make up, you found the two tiniest, barely perceptible dots laying on each of your eyelids, the symbol of hope itself adorning your skin — the evidence that you were not alone in this world and that some deity from above had blessed you with someone to share your love with.
although in retrospect, the scenario turned out to be a lot more optimistic than what you had first expected and for that you should be thrilled, with each passing day, the hollow in your chest grows darker as you have spent the last six years yearning for the day you’ll cross paths with your soulmate.
your heart longs for its missing piece and unfortunately there is no map to lead you to it.
what if you only meet them by the time you’re too old, too tired to have any love left to give?
it certainly gets lonely when you’re left dealing with the hole on your heart meanwhile everyone around you seems to have found their other half by now. just today, yet another girl in your friend group found her perfect match — or so she thinks, its easy to mistake some random boy for your soulmate when your beauty mark is located on your cheek.
at least you can rely on the fact that the placement of your beauty marks doesn’t leave much room for mistake, thats a given. maybe you weren’t that unfortunate, after all.
“movie night at my place tonight?” you tilt your head up to be met with issei’s figure towering over you. as you slowly bounce back to reality, you shift your eyes to the clock ticking on the wall. you figure you were too lost in thought to hear the lecturer call it a wrap.
“makki’s out of town so you can crash in his bed”
you met issei and takahiro at the beginning of this semester and it turned out that there was more to the two quiet laid back dudes who always sat in the back of the class than what first meets the eye. the chronic bored expressions they wear on their faces at all times are quite deceptive for they are anything but tedious and just happen to be quite easygoing and match your level of sarcasm. the three of you clicked almost instantly. movie nights on friday were a regular but a sleepover? now, that's a first.
(mainly because, besides the two beds on their shared room who were almost a size too small to fit their gigantic limbs, the next best surface on their apartment to sleep on would be the floor itself.)
“just admit that you’re afraid to sleep alone in your room, issei” you begin to gather your things but not without taking a peek at him through the corner of your eye to check the look of amusement growing on his face.
issei keeps his collected demeanor, crossing his arms over his chest in defiance while smiling down at you in a relaxed manner “if you start snoring the same way you always do halfway into a movie, it might actually be scarier to sleep in the same room with you”
you scoff at his merciless comeback although unamused. you knew better than to expect him to give in to your teasing remarks without a fight
“it’s always the guys who can’t even afford a couch who think they’re funny, huh?”
to be fair, you were aware they had just moved in together at the beginning of this semester and the house decor was still a work in progress.
he lets out a lighthearted laugh at your comeback, accepting his defeat and you follow suit, smiling brightly and softening your features “you’re lucky we don’t have one or else you’d be sleeping there tonight”
issei pats your head softly before he adjusts the strap of the backpack hanging off his shoulder and begins to walk away, turning on his heel when he is a few steps away from you, remembering he has to let you know the details for tonight.
when he turns his back on you and disappears into the distance a smile creeps its way into your lips almost instinctively. (what a lost cause. look at you so oblivious to how your heartbeat seems to echo a little louder inside your ribcage or how your heart rate seems to increase it’s tempo whenever you are around issei. you're not a naive little child anymore; you should’ve understood the theory of how love works by now.)
some days on campus are busier than others and you have learned it's easier to daydream your way through boring lectures and classes for time seems to go by faster yet there is no better way to unwind than to spend a friday night on the comfort of issei’s and makki’s tiny cozy apartment watching lame cartoon movies in the tiny screen of a computer. it’s part of your routine now and you find it's also easier to go through an intense week of work when you have these weekly movie sessions with them (him) to look forward to.
issei walks through the door and into the room, grabbing a blanket out of makki’s bed before taking a seat next to you on his bed so you can share the bowl of sweet and salty popcorn he just popped in the microwave. you notice his feet peeking from under the blanket at the end of the bed whereas he's busy searching for a movie to watch on the computer that’s sitting on his lap — you make a mental note to gift him a bigger blanket on christmas since it is just around the corner.
you manage to convince issei to watch the grinch “to get into the christmas spirit” however, as soon as he presses play, your thoughts start drifting away. it has recently come to your knowledge that issei, just like you, still hasn’t found his soulmate — although he seems to be handling the situation a lot more smoothly than you. ever since the day you became aware of it, there’s this question that has been persistently lingering in the back of your head yet you have been hesitating to ask. you are unsure whether it is too early in your friendship to put your nose into more intimate affairs but then you remember it’s just issei, the worst he could do would be to mock you for your nosiness.
“issei,” he hums in acknowledgment while munching on the small pile of popcorn on the palm of his hand with his eyes still glued to the screen. “where is your beauty mark?”
the inquisitive look on your face morphs into one of confusion when he takes a glance at you with mischief gleaming in his eyes. why is he smirking? he pauses the movie, tilting his head back to shove the handful of popcorn into his mouth and placing the computer on the mattress before he stands up, your frown only intensifying upon the sight of him undoing his belt.
“issei!” you exclaim through a fit of laughter at the realization that he just pulled his pants down to reveal his bare ass to your once expectant eyes, your expression contorting to one of terror as you screw your eyes wide shut at his inadequate (yet all too familiar) antics. and here you stood thinking you had predicted what the worst case scenario could possibly be.
the wicked chuckle that erupts from his chest echoes through the dark room and you can hear him fastening his belt back on signaling it is safe for you to stop hiding behind your hands (not before you sneak a peek through your fingers though, just to make sure.)
“my soulmate will have to kiss my ass so I know they’re the real deal” the bed dips as he slumps, in a slouchy manner, on the mattress next to you, taking a glance to notice your eyes widening when he hears the gasp of disbelief that escapes your lips following his words.
“its a joke. you would’ve known that if you had looked” he chuckles still talking in that nonchalant tone of his whilst putting the movie back on.
“yeah. i figured, asshole.” you try to play it cool, brushing off the sound of your heart palpitating furiously against your chest.
half way into the movie and a bowl of sweet and salty popcorn later, your head starts to feel heavy on issei’s shoulder. he glances down at you only for his suspicions to be proven right — you have fallen asleep; just like he knew you would. he takes notice of the way you scrunch up your face, wrinkles starting to form in the corner of your eyes as you force them shut. the brightness of the screen is probably bothering you.
whilst issei wouldn’t trade his sweet bed for the world, given your tired state (and clearly out of courtesy), he can’t find it in him to disturb you so he decides to let you crash in his bed, he will take makki’s for the night.
“‘m going to turn this off” he closes the computer shut while whispering the words in a weary voice as drowsiness has creeped it’s way into his system as well.
“mhm, night” you yawn weakly while lifting your head from his shoulder with your eyes still closed as you manage to give him a clumsy goodnight kiss that lands on his ear before you move to a lying position and pull the blankets over your body, falling into a quiet slumber almost instantly.
his eyes widen in surprise.
did you just kiss him?
during the span of your friendship, neither of you have been the affectionate type sticking to a few sporadic hugs, which were rare nonetheless, yet he is not opposed to this new display of affection. he figures you must get clingier when you’re tired and it might have slipped out of impulse. now that he notices, this is the first time he remembers you kissing him and there is this foreign feeling flaring in the pit of his stomach at the possibility you might kiss him again. he lifts his weight out of bed and suddenly he’s paralized staring at the empty wall ahead of him. wait...
did you just kiss him… on his ear?
the world stops. his feet, although hesitant, are moving on their own as he feels a sudden magnetic pull to you and finds himself gravitating towards your sleeping figure lying on his bed. he crouches down next to you, silently admiring your features with mellow eyes and although his heart is a bit unsteady in his chest, he is overtaken with an inexplicable sense of tranquility. his heart can rest now, you finally found him.
that night you could’ve sworn you felt his lips lingering on your eyelids.
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[a/n]: ayooo, just to let you all know that i finally made a google docs where you can sign up for my general taglist (even tho i post like once every two months but its wtvrrrrr, its wtvrr)
the amount of times i started writing this fic and deleted everything just to start all over again because i hated every single word of it… I WANTED TO WRITE SOMETHING NICE FOR MATTSUN !!1!!!😡 but ngl it was kinda worth the time because im sorta proud of it!
this is the v v v first time im writing for him, hopefully the characterization isnt off… n hopefully you enjoy!!!! ;)))
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mostly-mundane-atla · 3 years
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Well I got at least two people interested (@esmeralda-anistasia and @deathsmallcaps) so why not.
Quick disclaimer: I understand that some fans can be very sensitive to this topic and take general criticisms as personal attacks and jump to the defensive. Please don't justify your ships to me if you have that reaction to anything said in this post. It's not my business and if I'm honest I really don't care. Your experiences are not mine and will not change mine and nothing I'm about to say is meant to be read as an insult.
Okay onto the rarepairs in question!
I was ten years old when the episode Zuko Alone first aired and Ursa fascinated me. She was so elegant and sweet, and yet the implication was that she was also capable of assassination. Her disappearence and the fact everyone involved kept pretty hush-hush about her gave her character an air of mystery and Zuko's memories involving her made him a great deal more interesting and sympathetic (i still rolled my eyes every time he showed up and thought he didn't deserve all the cute moments with Mai until The Day of Black Sun, and even then still thought Jet was cooler in every way, but you can't please them all). She had quickly become a favorite character and I've held onto that adoration for about 15 years now.
I also really wanted her to kiss Hakoda.
They had compatible personalities and deserved some luck in love after all the heartbreak and trials, and they both loved their children despite having to leave. Ursa was never treated as dead, just gone. She could have been anywhere and there was nothing to say she couldn't have crossed paths with Hakoda and his men.
There was also something about it I didn't quite have the words or media exposure to explain. Often, in fandom or canon, if a relationship is biracial, the partner who is fairer-skinned and/or of the dominant or invading culture, who the audience sees themselves in, is the man and the one who is darker-skinned and/or marginalized or colonized is the woman (heteronormativity got a head start on this one). There's a lot of ugly "taming the savage" rhetoric in this, usually paired with blatant misogyny that's supposed to be in the woman's favor (like suggesting that a woman could only be complicit in this culture because it was what she was told and didn't know any better). The woman's family and friends who oppose this are depicted as unfairly prejudiced against this strange man as if their distaste for people who can be or have been responsible for things like genocide or subjugation is the same as the other side seeing these people as deserving of genocide or subjugation for the crime of not being like them. Sometimes it's the other way around, where the partner seen as "more civilized" is the woman and the one seen as "less civilized" is the man, in which case the woman is often abducted or otherwise the man's defining feature is his brutishness. This supposed brutishness is both intimidating and attractive to the oh so delicate if a bit repressed captive/wife (as well as the audience) and can manifest as being fiercely protective of her, which is how he shows his affection if there is a language barrier between them. And if you grow up Native, this is easy to pick up on and often in the back of your mind, because at least 90% of your media representation likely has some aspect mentioned above.
(Man that was a lot of academic style analysis)
But the dynamic between Hakoda and Ursa wouldn't leave room for any of that. Hakoda, as an absent parent backstory, is defined by having to leave despite how much he loved and would miss his children. Ursa, as an absent parent backstory, is defined by the crime she was willing to commit for her children (for Zuko specifically, but how long would it actually take for Azula to shoot her mouth off at the wrong place and time and also be targeted by Azulon?). Ursa was the one whose willingness to kill sent her fleeing into the night. The culture of her nation betrayed her and made her choose between her own safety and that of at least one of her children. Hakoda is charismatic and a good leader, but he is also soft spoken and understanding, and above all else, gentle. He isn't here to hurt innocents. He's here to see to it that the next generation of his people will not fear invaders or raids or even know that snow can be black from soot. And he's someone Ursa can finally feel safe around and confide in, and she could be the same for him. Someone he doesn't have to be the leader for, to whom he can admit that he just wants to be home and let the tears fall.
I'm honest enough to admit that one of the reasons I liked The Search was that Ikem wore his hair a lot like Hakoda did and that was close enough to it being canon for me.
Another one is Jin/Smellerbee. Something about their personalities strikes me as being so wonderfully harmonious and I like to imagine Jin, smooth-talking and streetwise but still the most genuine person, being the one to sit Smellerbee, who never really got a chance to think about these things, down and explain that anything she might be is okay. That it's okay to not be in love with a guy friend who gave her a purpose and loyal companionship. That it's okay to like girls. That she can have more than one partner. That it's okay to be different from what's considered normal and proper and not have an easy word to describe it. And eventually she'd realize it's true. And eventually she'd realize that she wasn't teasing when she called her beautiful in a wild sort of way.
I also like to think that Smellerbee clearly has more specialized fighting skills and is very good at what she does but Jin is strong enough to bench press her no problem. And Smellerbee acts all tough (because she is) but blushes whenever Jin calls her cute or pretty because she's not used to it.
Sometimes Longshot is involved too. Not as a third wheel or the exact same kind of partner, more like a ghibli style relationship with Smellerbee. Like is it a gentle romance? Is it an intimate friendship? It's love and they know that and don't have to define it by others' perception. And Jin gives Longshot kisses so he doesn't feel left out, which gets him a bit bashful because she really could have anyone, she already has Smellerbee of all people, and she still finds him deserving of a peck on the cheek. They probably all bunk together.
This actually started from a fic I wrote but don't intend on posting more than snippets of. Basically, i was tired of a lot of fanfic tropes, especially those having to do with friends to lovers and soulmates (this world is not kind to aromantics and the last thing I wanted in my escapism was romance being established as a level up for relationships), so I wrote something to actively subvert all of them. Jet and Smellerbee were each convinced they owed the other a romantic relationship after all they'd been through together, even though neither actually wanted it, because that's how all the stories go. So after he dies, she remembers all those times that would have been romantic if either was actually interested, but were instead just uncomfortable because it was entirely social convention and no feeling. But then she comes across Jin, who she's never met before, but who takes her in her arms and reassures her and sympathizes with her, and in this tiny apartment in this seedy side of town, she feels safe. She seeks permission for every touch and kiss and tells her this encounter doesn't have to be anything she isn't comfortable with. And when Smellerbee has to leave, Jin insists she take a candle to light her way, and winks when she says she can return it the day after. She gives her an excuse to visit again. And Smellerbee blushes and accepts it.
And then there's Teo/Haru and Teo/Ty Lee. No special reason I just think both would make a cute couple and want Teo to be happy. He's a good boy, more people should love him. Let him impress people with wheelchair tricks and get smooched.
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nomazee · 4 years
tendou satori x reader; side ushijima & reon & reader friendship
word count: 2900+
content: slowburn (as slow as it can get in <3000 words), developing friendships, platonic relationships (this is pretty much,,,not romantic at all???), brief mentions of past bullying/exclusion, mild trust issues, fluff
cross-posted on my ao3
(WOW OKAY so first off,,,not to flex but i’m kind of really proud of this?? i hope it’s as good as i think it is right now--i’m kind of hyped up on caffeine and a lack of sleep so my perception of things might be a little off, to say the least. 
i think tendou is an interesting character, and he has a personality that’s sort of,,,,malleable? in a sense? so this is my take on him! but i hope i still kept him accurate to how he’s portrayed in the show. 
also !! i’m probably going to be opening up requests soon!! this is still a small blog but once i post my request rules you can feel free to stop by and leave a suggestion in my inbox :) 
i really hope you guys enjoy this one!! happy reading!!)
Making friends was never an easy process for you. You could count on one hand the amount of friendships you’d initiated yourself, and most of those occurred between the ages of five and twelve. After that, it was not smooth sailing and you found yourself sinking deeper into a pit of self-doubt and self-loathing. 
Because, you figured that the only reason you couldn’t form connections deeper than surface-level was because you were… well, you. People never made the effort to approach you, so you didn’t put in the effort either. Though at first it was a tough pill to swallow, you’d convinced yourself that was just how life went as one of the unlucky ones. 
Maybe you’d be a bit more content if the lucky ones would retain their distance from you. 
In a way, they did. The kids with big friend groups--the typical loud, chatty ones that pushed tables together in the cafeteria to fit their whole squad--didn’t really interact with the likes of you. Not that you minded. You only started to mind when they did start to interact with you in a less-than-pleasant manner. 
It started with lingering glances that you felt burn into the back of your neck during lunch. That’s what initially drove you out of the main cafeteria and into the bathroom, where you’d neglect eating in exchange for a quiet, botherless place. Then it led to too-tight smiles being sent your way in the hallways, followed by silent laughter shared among their groups. By then you’d caught on, and tried to distance yourself from them. But things never went as planned for unlucky ones like you. 
They’d talk to you in class, eyes narrowed, brows raised, and smiles pulled taut against their conventional features as they chatted about their weekend with you as if you were all old friends. 
It hurt more than being alone had. After a while, you learned to be alone and not lonely. You liked it, even. Knowing that these people were feigning friendship for their own sick entertainment only served to hold you back in the grand scheme of school-life. 
You remembered all the jeering comments from junior high even when entering your first year of high school. You remembered the comments on your hair (“Yeah! That’s such a cute style! You should wear it more often”) that only led to you holding back tears in the girls’ bathroom during lunch and plucking out bobby pins from within your hair, reverting back to whatever style you typically wore. You remembered comments on your photos that you’d even dared to post online (“I liked your outfit that you wore on your trip last weekend. So cute”) that nearly made you delete your account after heavy consideration. 
You remembered a lot of things. Maybe too many for your own good. It’s what led to you lacking trust in everyone around you and analyzing things far too deeply to be healthy. 
When you entered high school, you expected things to be the same. Though the same group of people weren’t following you to your choice of school (Shiratoriawa, which you studied frantically for in what you were sure was a subconscious effort to distance yourself from whatever schools they would be attending), you figured that people didn’t change. People didn’t mature. It was still school, after all. No age or grade or whatever would change human nature. 
Maybe that’s why Tendou Satori had been such an enigma to you in your first year. 
You remembered entering homeroom--no daring makeup, no accessories to your uniform, and hair worn as always--and avoiding the gazes of all your classmates. You plopped yourself into whatever spare seats were in the back and waited for the day to start, quiet and mundane and tiring as always. 
What you hadn’t been expecting was someone to talk to you--already, on your first day. As if you were such a visible target for those around you that they could immediately sniff out your inferiority among them. 
Bright red hair that seemed to defy gravity was the first feature you noticed. His eyes were a similar color, though certainly darker, and his expression was far too similar to those you’d seen in the past for comfort. 
“Hiya! I’m Tendou. What’s your name?” 
The greeting went in one ear and out the other, though the general gist of it had stuck inside your head well enough to be able to process it. You averted your eyes from his. The best way to deal with someone like him was to respond, and not hope for, ask for, or do anymore than that. 
You gave him your name. His smile only widened. 
“Nice to meet you. I hope we can be good friends.”
You stayed silent. There wasn’t much point in saying anything. Your nails bit into the skin around your thumbs until it was red and aching. 
Weeks passed and Tendou has resigned himself to a strange sort of routine with you. He’d say good morning, ask you about the homework, and make small comments during lecture which you assumed were attempts to get something out of you. Before lunch, he’d ask you if you wanted to sit with him. You’d decline, spend your break in the bathroom, come back to class, and the events from the morning would only repeat themselves with the addition of a polite farewell at dismissal as you two parted to different dormitories. 
It was uncomfortable, but you put up with it because--well, what else were you supposed to do?
Tendou was a bit peculiar to you, though. He put up facades of false friendliness just like the old kids from junior high used to do. But whenever you’d catch him in the hallways, he never seemed to walk in groups like they used to. You couldn’t speak for how it was during lunch, considering that you were never really there--but when you occasionally spotted his bright red head of hair bounding through the halls, he was always alone. 
You shrugged it off. To be fair, you didn’t see him often outside of class, so the conclusions you’d drawn were bound to be at least a little off. 
A couple of months went by. The routine didn’t change, and neither did you and Tendou. You were both the same individuals, and just as always, you weren’t planning on twisting any of fate’s strings. 
Tendou seemed to be different, though. He seemed to grow more and more curious of you as time passed. His questions became less vague and more frequent. He started voluntarily walking with you in the hallways whenever lunchtime rolled around. Thankfully, he never questioned it when you parted ways with him and walked in a direction that certainly didn’t lead to a cafeteria. 
Until his curiosity peaked, early in the morning before homeroom started. 
He greeted you, as always, and let you simmer in comfortable silence for a minute before he decided to prod at you. 
“Hey, [Name]. I never see you in the lunchroom. What’s that about?” 
You paused. No one ever really asked you about that before. You blinked once, then twice, and cleared your throat. 
“I don’t like going there.” You didn’t know where your sudden streak of honesty came from. Even Tendou seemed a bit shocked at your suddenly-informative response, and seemed to make the most of this unusual occurrence. 
“So, where do you go instead? Library?” 
“...oh…? Why don’t you sit with me at lunch today?” 
Oh. The pattern came back. “No, thank you.” 
“C’mon! Just this once. I promise. And then you can come back if you want, but you don’t have to.” You retracted your previous statement. Usually Tendou would let you do your own thing after asking once, but this was different. Again. 
You took the time to consider his suggestion--again, something that was unfamiliar to you. Maybe just once. Just to analyze more of who he was and who his friends were--if he had any. You’d keep your expectations low, you promised yourself. (But a voice at the back of your head giggled in childish excitement at the prospect of maybe having an actual acquaintance.)
You agreed, and Tendou made an exclamation of victory that you couldn’t help but find a little endearing. 
When lunchtime rolled around, Tendou bounded to you and grabbed your wrist, pulling you along to the cafeteria (which you’d never seen before, so you couldn’t help but stare in mild awe at the grandeur of it). He’d asked you if you were buying lunch--you said no, as you never really had an appetite this time of day and he gave a playful frown, flicking you on the forehead and reminding you that you still had to eat and stay healthy. 
Since you hadn’t gone on line, he didn’t, either. You voiced your guilt and he shrugged, dragging you a long to a separate stand away from the main line and purchasing a few snacks for you to share. 
“I’ll pay you back tomorrow,” you told him. “You really don't have to get me anything, though.” 
“Nonsense!” Tendou exclaimed. “What kind of friend would I be if I didn't make sure you were well-fed?” 
Though the nature of his words were playful, you found a hint of something in his eyes and tone. Something that, despite your years of analyzing people’s body language and tone and words, you simply could not deduce that easily and put a label on. 
You paused. It was so foreign to you, but Tendou seemed almost… genuine. 
His smile became more soft rather than teasing, and he took the initiative to take hold of your wrist again and lead you to his table. Whereas you initially expected a large group of loud, coquettish boys you were met with a near-empty circular table occupied by two other boys. 
“Miracle Boy! Reon! This is the girl I told you about!” Your steps faltered for a minute--he’d told them about you? Maybe he was less genuine than you thought. 
‘Miracle Boy’ seemed like an amusing nickname, though, different from the ones you’d heard before. You couldn’t tell which boy had which name, though, leaving you in the dark as you and Tendou took a seat next to each other. 
One boy had dark brown hair while the other had a strange olive color. The former gave you a smile, like the one you’d seen Tendou give you just moments before. 
“I’m Reon. This is Ushijima.” He introduced him and his friend, and you found a wobbly, unfamiliar smile playing on your lips. “You’re [Name]? Tendou has told us abit about you.” 
You didn’t know how to take that, and your hesitation must’ve shown in your expression as Reon gave you a gentle chuckle and a dismissive wave of his hand. 
“All good things. Nothing to worry about.” 
With introductions and mild reassurance out of the way, casual conversation proceeded amongst the four of you--well, mainly among the three of them. You didn’t really find yourself inputting anything into the conversation too often, preferring to listen and nibble on the food Tendou had offered you, nodding along to whatever discussion they had. 
You realized that the way Tendou interacted with Reon and Ushijima, who you assumed were his close friends, was very similar to the way he interacted with you. It made you separate him from your initial interpretations of his character and hold him in a much better light, though still with a hesitation you simply couldn’t get rid of that easily. Reon was calm and very friendly, asking for your input at certain points in the conversation in what you saw as a genuine attempt to involve you in their group. He was observant, you thought, noticing his eyes glancing your way occasionally and taking in your body language before asking you certain questions and shooting kind smiles your way. Ushijima was quiet and seemed indifferent to your presence--which you appreciated. You’d rather have him indifferent than hateful or jeering, and you didn’t take it personally. He just seemed to have that sort of personality. 
By the end of lunch, you found yourself smiling and enjoying yourself. They didn’t seem like the same type of people you knew from junior high. It was a new experience, though not an unwelcome one, and you asked Tendou once you returned to class if you could join him again tomorrow. 
“Always, [Name]!” He shot you one of his blinding, playful grins and you couldn’t hold back the upwards drag of your lips. 
That day you found yourself reciprocating his farewell at dismissal, giving him a wave, a smile, and a nod before making your way back to the girl’s dorms. 
This was good, you thought. Very good. 
Another month passed by, and you developed a routine different than the previous. You’d say good morning, and ask how volleyball practice had been the day before (which you learned he attended early on in your newly-formed friendship). You and him would chat during lulls in class, passing notes occasionally if you felt the need to talk while the teacher was still droning on. When lunch came, he’d take gentle hold of your wrist and lead you to his table--or, on certain occasions, to his volleyball practice, where he made sure you were comfortable despite the intimidating-looking coach. At the end of the day, you’d say goodbye, with a promise to talk to him the next morning or after the weekend was over. 
It took you a while to get used to. But you certainly weren’t mad at it, and Tendou’s presence made it easier for you to adjust than you once thought it would be. You’d stuck to interacting with him only during school--which, in your defense, was what you thought most people did. The concept of meeting up with classmates off school grounds, actually leaving your dorms during the weekends rather than staying holed up in your room as your roommate went out and had her fun--it was even more alien than any other newly-adapted-to-concept had been for you. 
When he suggested exchanging phone numbers, you blinked owlishly at him before processing the fact that maybe that was something you should’ve done a long time ago and obliging to the task. When he asked you to go to the mall with him, Reon, and Ushijima, you repeated the dumbfounded gesture once again, before giving a halfhearted smile and nodding along. 
You were nervous, there was no doubt. But you sucked it up, put on a modest, but (somewhat) stylish outfit, and walked to the train station with your three friends. (It was almost amusing for you to see that number placed next to that word and used in a context referring to you--but you giggled in your room thinking about it and couldn’t find the strength to doubt yourself.) 
Tendou greeted you outside the girls’ dorms, and you felt nervous as he paused on his typical greeting to look you up and down. In the middle of wishing you’d grabbed an oversized sweater rather than the cropped jean jacket you chose, Tendou gave a bright, comforting smile, and laced his fingers with yours. 
“You’re pretty, [Name].” 
You couldn’t help but take apart that sentence as the two of you walked to the train station, Tendou’s endearing rambling becoming a consistent buzz at the back of your head. He stated it like it was fact. He was so sure in everything he said, and this time it was no different. There was no stopping the creeping grin appearing on your face, and Tendou seemed to take notice as his hand squeezed the slightest bit tighter around yours. 
To put it simply, the trip to the mall was fun. Reon gave you a gentle yet knowing look as you and Tendou approach with hands still interlocked, and you were sure you saw Ushijima crack a smile or two during the duration of your trip. Tendou didn’t leave your side--which you felt the slightest bit guilty about, but he managed to brush that internal guilt away wordlessly with simple smiles and his sheer presence. 
Though the four of you barely purchased anything other than food, Tendou made the effort to drag you into a children’s accessory shop while Reon and Ushijima went to order food for all of you. At your confused expression, he leaned down to your height, narrowed his eyes, and analyzed your face before bursting out into giddy giggles. 
“I think you should style your hair more often,” he’d told you. “I’ve been thinking about it, and I think these clips would look nice.” 
You left the store with a large, full bag in hand, filled with colorful, bright accessories that Tendou bought and made you promise to wear at least for the next week. It was a childish bargain, sure, but one you knew had deeper meaning than what was just spoken. There was something more in his eyes that you couldn’t hep but smile fondly at as you both left the store and faced Reon’s and Ushijima’s faintly amused expressions. 
Tendou had started off as an enigma to you. He was someone strange--someone you assumed to be the same type you seemed to constantly find yourself tied up in, only to flip that judgement on its head and become the exact opposite. 
The thing about enigmas is that they’re not good or bad--they’re just weird. They’re different, they’re confusing, they’re something new. It was the perfect way to describe Tendou, you thought. He took some getting used to. But he certainly wasn’t bad.
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