#Eddie Munson camp au
eddiesxangel · 6 months
Take Me to the Lakes | E.M x Reader ~ 2/6
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Read part 1 here
Cw: angst, jealousy, pining, weed consumption, 18+ content MDNI
Wc: 4.4k
You didn’t see Eddie the rest of the day, but you did happen to run into Steve and yell at him for the most impromptu timing in the world. It has been a scorcher of a day, so you were elated that today was swim day.
The sun was sweltering; Robin and you had to triple-check that your campers had all the water-resistant sunscreen. You had worn your bathing suit under your jean shorts and Camp Murdock t-shirt, but you couldn’t take the sweaty cotton touching your skin any longer. You had to strip off the clothes that were sticking to your skin.
“I think I might die if I don’t get in the water now!” Robin complained. You could see her usually pin-straight bangs getting wavy from the sweat on her forehead.
“Same here, I can’t believe I didn’t think to put my hair up this morning." You could feel the sweat dripping down the base of your neck.
As soon as you reached the dock, you took charge and ensured that everyone in your group was fully aware of all the water safety rules. You then conducted a final head count of all the campers before jumping into the water yourselves.
Robin was the first to take the plunge, diving headfirst into the refreshing water. Despite the initial shock of the cold water, she resurfaced with a huge grin on her face, her teeth chattering with excitement.
“Holy shit, it’s freezing!” she squealed.
“Oh god, I don’t want to do it now,” you laughed as you stripped off your jean shorts.
Just as you were removing your clothes, Eddie, Steve, and Ashton came running around the corner, unable to stay in the heat themselves. Due to the hot weather, Eddie tied his long hair back, and his light grey shirt turned dark grey from sweat. They had just changed into their swimming trunks.
“Hey, look, the girls,” Ashton pointed to you and Robin.
Eddie had stopped dead in his tracks as he watched you. It was like you were moving in slow motion.
You still were taking your shorts off. Eddie watched as your peach of an ass bent over to step out of your shorts, your back arching as you peeled off the t-shirt. You wore your red bikini with little white hearts matched perfectly with the little heart inked into the skin on your right butt cheek.
Hold up, what? Eddie’s brain short-circuited. You not only have a tattoo, but an ass tattoo?
“Dude, hello, Earth to Eddie,” Steve was snapping his fingers in front of Eddie's face.
“ Huh, what?” Eddie reluctantly peeled his eyes away from you.
“You’d been staring at her for like five minutes, bro; just ask her out already.” Ashton laughed.
“Was not five minutes"
“So you admit you’re staring?” Steve smirks.
“How could I not? Don’t you have eyes?”
The guys laughed, and Eddie continued his gaze back to you when he saw Billy approaching you from the right. Eddie felt a sudden possessiveness over you when it came to that guy. He never liked Billy from the start. His off-putting comment and how he looked at you like he wanted to eat you were unsettling.
Eddie didn’t waste another second thinking about it; he started to run towards you, kicking off his slides and tossing his shirt before he grabbed you by the waist and flung you both into the water, laughing.
You weren’t paying attention to the boys behind you; honestly, you had no idea they were even there. You were too focused on working up the courage to finally jump in. Robin tried to convince you when you heard your name being called.
“Bambi, damn girl, you’re looking hotter than last year.” You turned and rolled your eyes immediately. Out of all people, Billy. You watched in disgust as he was ogling you while licking his lips.
Before you could even reply, a force pushed you into the freezing water.
When you breach the surface, you profusely try to catch your breath, looking around to see what the fuck just happened.
Your first instinct was to blame Billy for pushing you in.
“What the fuck Coyote?!” You were freezing, and the drastic temperature change had your teeth chattering.
“It wasn’t me!” his hands when up in defence.
You believe him, so you start looking around because he couldn't have, and you swore another person had jumped into the lake with you.
“Sorry, Princess. As your knight, I must fulfill my duty to you to save you.” A whisper echoed in your ear.
You let out a small scream, startled by his closeness, but when your heart settled, your flesh rose in goosebumps, not because of the cold of the lake water. Strong hands touch your waits turning you around to face your ‘saviour’
“Oh, my hero,” you fake swoon.
Eddie laughed, his head tipped all the way back so his hair was touching the water, his thick neck exposed, sending you into a daydream of leaving many a mark on that neck, but your thots were halted by Eddie pushing down on your head, dunking you back into the water.
“Edward Munson, I swear to God!” You screamed when you popped back up out of the water.
“Oh, my government name? You wound me, Princess.” He grabbed his chest like he had a knife in his heart.
You started to swim towards him, but the cold lake water was starting to numb your limbs. You couldn’t move fast enough; your teeth were still chattering, and Eddie could hear how cold you were.
“I'm sorry, Princess. I need to redeem myself.” He reached out and pulled you into his body, wrapping his arms around the small of your waist.
“You better be.” You shivered.
“Come, let's get you warmed up in the sun.”
He hopped out of the water, not even having to use the ladder. He reached down, holding out his hand to help you out, but you yanked him back down, and he fell head-first back into the water.
Eddie could only hear your laugh when he broke through the surface.
“I guess I deserved that.” He shook his head like a wet dog.
You were already halfway up the ladder when you felt his gaze on you. Eddie watched as you climbed up; he trialled right behind you, giving him a great view of the tattoo he wanted to know more about.
You quickly ran over to the towel that had been warmed by the sun. Shivering, you crouched down and sat in a ball to cover yourself with the whole towel.
“Come ‘er Princess, let's get you warmed up.” Eddie sat beside you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders with his own towel to cover you both before he started rubbing his hands up and down your arms to help you get warm.
You couldn’t help but lean into his touch, resting your head on his shoulder. Between the sun and Eddie, you warmed you up in no time.
You were at peace, the smell of coconut sunscreen, the sounds of splashing in the water, the warm feeling you were getting because Eddie was not only touching you, but hugging you.
“There you go, your majesty, all better,” Eddie smirked.
“You’re really not going to give up this joke, are you?” You laughed.
“Not in a million years, Princess.”
You and the girls were busily getting ready for a cozy after-the-bonfire hangout with the boys in the mess hall. You were there setting up some snacks and drinks on the table, and the soft glow of the fairy lights hanging on the walls added to the warm ambiance of the room.
Meanwhile, Eddie and his cabin were chatting and laughing, looking forward to the evening. As the night grew darker, they realized it was already 10:00 pm, and they needed to do one last check on the campers to make sure they were sound asleep. Once it was all calre the guys made their way to the mess hall.
“So you and Julie seem to be getting pretty close.” With his flashlight under his chin, Ashton wiggled his eyebrows at Eddie. Eddie shoves his shoulder lightly, laughing in response.
“I don’t know, man. I know her from home, is all.” Eddie shrugged.
“Come on, dude! You totally couldn’t keep your hands off her at the lake today; I saw you,” Ashton accused.
“Well, have you seen her? And I think she has been flirty with me? I don't know...she confuses me,” Eddie admitted, thinking back on earlier this morning when he thought you almost kissed him.
It's not like Eddie didn't want to believe it, it's that he can't believe it. Why do you, out of all people, want to be with him?
“I would go for it, dude, trust me. She is my best girl-friend, and I shouldn’t say anything, so I won’t, but if I were you, I would ask her out.” Steve joined in.
“You shouldn’t say anything? What’s that supposed to mean?” Eddie asked as they opened the doors to the hall.
“Sorry, man, sworn to secrecy, but trust me, bro.”
“Don't ever trust Moose.” Robin giggled, not knowing the context of the conversation.
“Hey, boys,” you smiled.
Eddie’s eyes met yours, and he smiled back, but his smile dropped when he saw Billy sitting beside you. Billy was like a mosquito who wouldn't leave you alone; he gave you no personal space even though you were seated at a twenty-foot-long picnic table.
He tried his best to ignore Billy; you had already said you didn’t like him, so why did Eddie feel jealous?
Instead, Eddie tried to focus all his attention on you, so he sat directly across from you. Eddie thought you looked cute tonight. Your natural hair was wrapped up in a messy bun, but shorter pieces framing your face.
You wore a heather grey Camp Murdock oversized crewneck sweater, blue and green plaid flannel pyjama pants, and pink fuzzy socks. He liked that you felt comfortable enough to not try hard like you do back home. Back home, he never saw your hair out of place or your outfit not coordinated. Not that Eddie didn't like that version of you, but he likes this version a whole lot more. It made you feel more real and less of this superhuman that the town dubbed you as.
“What are we playing today?” Eddie asked.
“A good old game of truth or dare,” Robin smiled.
“Oh god,” Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Don’t get your panties in a twist. We have a little something extra to make it fun,” You smiled while showing the group the pre-rolled joint you pulled out of your pyjama pants pocket.
Eddie smirked at the thought of you, goodie two shoes, and buying weed. Then, his thought process changed… Who else would you get weed from if not him?
“The fuck you get that?” Eddie didn’t intend for it to be that harsh, but it slipped out like word vomit. Could this be trusted? How did he know it wasn’t laced or tainted.
“Oh, uh, I know a local guy.” Your smile dropped, and Eddie watched as you curled into yourself.
“Better be up to this guy’s standards,” Billy pointed to Eddie, only making it worse.
“You’re lucky I’m even sharing with you.”
“Let’s just start, guys, jeez.” Robin rolled her eyes.
You lit up first then passed it to Billy. Eddie seethed that he got it first. He almost grabbed it right from your hands but he knew he needed to control himself…
The game went on, and the typical stuff happened: streaking, truths about the first kiss, and chugging a combination of ketchup, mustard, and mayo. The joint was getting down to a nub, and it was really starting to take effect. The mood had been lifted, and Eddie noticed how you and the others were getting more giggly, whispering and plotting the next truths and dares.
Steve was up next, and he turned to you.
“Truth or dare?” Steve asks with a smirk.
“Truth,” you say confidently.
“Who was the last guy to give you an orgasm?” He gives you the biggest tooth smile.
Eddie’s ears perk up, his attention locked in. The bubbling feeling of jealousy almost formed again, but it disappeared as soon as you spoke your answer.
“No one.” You blushed.
“Come on, no one believes you, Bambi.” Steve retorts.
“I’m serious! Now shut up it's my turn.” You huffed.
Eddie was not surprised you’re a virgin; if you had slept with anyone, everyone in Hawkins would have known about it.
It sounds wrong, but Eddie was relieved when you said no one. Nobody would be able to please you like he could. The things Eddie wanted to do to you, worship you, take care of you…
“Eddie, hello! earth to Eddie!” Your voice snaps Eddie out of his daydreams.
“Huh? What?”
“Truth or dare,” you smile at him.
“Dare,” Eddie smirked.
“I dare you to kiss…Billy.” You, Robin, and Nancy burst into a fit of giggles like you’ve been plotting.
“I’ll kiss literaly any other guy. Try again, sweetheart.” Eddie sees you try to hide your smile at the pet name. Noted.
"Hey! What's wrong with me?"
"Everything..." Eddie rolls his eyes.
"Come here, big guy, let me plant one on ya." Billy began to chase Eddie around the room, and you, along with everyone else, couldn't hold in your giggles. It was really good weed.
The night rolled on, and everyone had to return to their cabins before you knew it.
“Well, boys, I am never skinny dipping at night again. I think my dick shrunk back into my body. Fuck, that lake is cold!” Ashton laughed.
“I never want to see those hairy cheeks again,” Eddie joined.
“I can’t believe what Bambi said, can you?” Steve piped up.
“About what?” Eddie asked.
“That no guy has ever gotten her off. You would think at least one would, you know” Steve exclaimed while brushing his teeth.
“Maybe that’s why she is acting like she has a stick up her ass; I can show her a good time, maybe replace that stick with mine, if you know what I mean.” Billy joked, cupping his crotch as he was getting his pyjamas on.
The joke wasn’t funny; the thought of any guy touching you made Eddie's knuckles go white. His face dropped into a sneer for a split second, but he caught himself. Fucking hell, Munson pulled it together.
“Shut up, dude. She wouldn’t touch you with a ten-foot pole.” Ashton laughed as he lay in his bunk.
“Oh yeah, we will see. She will come around.” He winked, and Eddie felt the s’mores in his stomach start to churn.
Eddie was about to let Steve know that there was no way on God's green earth that you had slept with someone, but his attention was shifted when Steve spoke again.
“Word is she likes someone,” Steve dropped casually as he climbed into his top bunk.
That caught the three men’s attention; they whipped around simultaneously, and all Steve could do was laugh.
“You guys are something else.” He chuckled and laid down to go to sleep.
Maybe Ashton was right; maybe his ever-growing crush on you was too obvious. Maybe he should dial it back more...
As the sun sets over Camp Murdock, the anticipation builds for the evening's main event - the camper's talent show. You, Eddie, and Steve have been chosen as the judges for the show, and it's an exciting responsibility. The venue for the show is the old barn on the property. You have carefully set up rows of chairs and cleared a decent patch of the floor to create a makeshift stage. The rustic and charming barn is adorned with twinkle lights that create a warm and cozy atmosphere. A folding table is placed before the judges, where they will take notes and make their final decisions.
As the kids prepare backstage, their nervous energy is palpable. The makeshift backstage area is just an old curtain hanging on a rod by the back right wall. You can hear the campers giggling and screaming in excitement and nervousness. Despite their jitters, they are ready to showcase their talents and make the night memorable for everyone.
You sat in the middle with Steve and Eddie on either other side of you.
“Are you going to strut your stuff up there later tonight?” you asked Eddie quietly, giggling.
To your surprise, he didn’t give you much of an answer, a grunt and a shrug of his shoulders.
That was weird; Eddie had been so warm yesterday. This was your first time seeing him today; maybe he’s tired?
You tried shaking it off, wanting to focus on the kids.
“They all did well. It was so cute to see them perform their dances and songs. One kid did a magic show, and another just showed off his rock collection. Ultimately, one of Eddie’s campers, who had a beautiful singing voice, won the talent show. As a consolation prize, everyone who participated got ice cream. After all the celebrations, everyone went to bed, and it was time for the counsellors to have their own talent show.
You're incredibly nervous this year because you have decided to do something bold. You haven’t told anyone about it, not even Nancy or Robin. It’s evident to anyone who knows you that you’ll be dancing tonight, but it’s usually a ballet number. However, tonight is different. You are determined to make your move and not waste more precious time.
You carefully rummaged through your bag, removing the skin-tight pleather black booty shorts and a shiny red, cropped tank top. You loved the way the two pieces hugged your curves, making you feel both sexy and confident.
Next, you moved to the bathroom and began styling your hair. You wanted to create a voluminous look, so you used a curling iron to add bouncy curls that cascaded down your back. You then applied makeup, starting with a base of foundation and concealer. You added smoky black eyeliner to your upper and lower lids and finished the look with bold red lipstick that made your lips pop.
As soon as you feel prepared and all set, you slip into your cozy grey sweatpants over your shorts, taking care to secure yourself from the pesky bugs outside. You then slide your feet into your sleek black dancing heels and grab your cassette tape.
Robin was the first to see you when you returned to the barn.
“Shut the fuck up; what are you doing?” she asked most affectionately. A growing smirk spreads across her face as you turn.
“You’ll see.” Your confidence was helping a little, but deep down, you were terrified. You’ve been so nervous you think you might be sick.
As the talent show kicked off, you were excited to spend the evening with Eddie, but he seemed distant. Despite your best attempts at conversation, Eddie remained quiet and disinterested in engaging with you. Later, when you tried to talk to him again, he brushed you off, leaving you feeling hurt and confused. You hoped that his behaviour was just a temporary mood, but the fear of failure lingered in the back of your mind. If the plan you had been working on together didn't come to fruition, you knew you would be mortified.
As the show went on, you unfortunately had the pleasure of going dead last. Eddie wasn’t a judge this time, but he was still sitting in the front row. Perfect.
As the host, Mike, asked for your tape to be put into the casket player, he saw your hands visibly shaking.
“Bambi, relax. It's just for fun; you do this every year. We all love your little ballerina stuff,” he smiled.
“Do I look like I’m dressed to do ballet— know what, never mind?” You didn’t mean to be snappy; Mike had always been nice to you.
As he walked out on “stage” to announce the next performance, you stepped off your sweats, pulled the zipper up the side of the black high heels and prayed that you wouldn’t fall flat on your face in front of Eddie.
“Last but certainly not least, we have a crowd favourite!” The audience, your fellow colleagues, clapped as you walked out. You heard someone whistle, most likely Robin and your stomach flip-flopped.
You walk out and face the back wall, standing in a bevel, arms hanging by your side, waiting for the chords to start.
The first notes of Led Zeppelin’s Whole Lotta Love dripped from the speakers.
Your body moved seductively once the music hit like you were in a trace performance mode.
Were you worried some of the other girls would call you a slut? Absolutely, but once the music started, all that went away.
You began dancing like you had when Eddie caught you in the studio that first day, but this time, with the hair, makeup, and shoes, you were more confident than you'd ever been.
A-way, way down inside
A-honey you need-ah
I'm gonna give you my love, ah
I'm gonna give you my love, ah oh
The rush of being on stage made you lose yourself in the routine, however the part you had been most nervous about was coming up.
A-way, way down inside
You stood facing the crowd with your head thrown back, your right hand ran down your stomach, grazing past the waistband of your shorts that hardly covered anything, down cupping your core, then slinked it back up again.
I'm gonna give ya my love
Your head snaps back up, and you took a slow strut forward.
I'm gonna give ya every inch of my love
another slow step forward
I'm gonna give ya my love
You reached your target as you slowly sank to your knees right where Eddie was sitting. Giving him a small wink before you whipped your hair, you looked back up at him through your lashes, and you saw his jaw was clenched, and his hands were balled up white-knuckling.
You reached up with a single hand and grazed it over his left thigh before slinking back down to roll away and get back to the rest of the routine.
By the time you had finished, you were out of breath. Everyone cheered, and a few whistles were made as you walked off stage, but when you looked around, Eddie was gone.
Your heart sank. The overwhelming feeling of embarrassment washed over you, leaving you exposed and vulnerable.
Of course, he wouldn’t want you in that way.
You were a fool to think he ever would.
You were naive to think changing your appearance to be like the edgier sexy chicks he probably goes for. You literally pulled a Sandy for Grease. You tried putting yourself out there, doing this dance, but now you felt the tears welling up; the lump in your throat grew. You felt like an idiot.
You needed air. You took off your shoes, put your pants back on, and walked out the barn's back door.
“Bambi, wait up.”
You turn to see Billy.
“Uh, hey,” You try to keep your voice as neutral as possible, forcing yourself not to let it crack.
“You were amazing up there!” He smiled and gave an encouraging hug.
“Thanks, Coyote, that's really sweet for you to say.” You sniffled.
“Hey, are you okay?” he pulled away to see your tears threatening to leave the rims of your lash line. “No, no, it’s okay. Don’t cry; everyone thought you rocked it!” He pulled you into another comforting hug.
This was the most genuine Billy’s been with you all summer. This was the Billy you knew and loved last summer.
“You really think so?” you ask trying to pull yourself together.
“Yes! Of course; what’s gotten into you?” He looked concerned.
“Nerves, I guess.” You try to shrug it off, but you can’t shake the feeling.
“Well you did amazing, you won!” He gave me a congratulatory kiss on the cheek; it was soft and hardly grazed your skin.
“Thank you.” You pulled him in for another hug. You just needed a friend right now, and I missed this version of Billy.
“You know there is another way I can make you feel better.” He chuckled.
“And the moment ruined, ugh. Why do you do that?” he laughed as you stepped away.
You found Cassie and the other girls back at the cabin.
“Hey guys.” You sniffled as you walked to your bed.
“Babe, you were amazing up there! Who knew you could move like that!” Clover cheered.
“You are one hot Mamma!” Nancy giggled.
“Bam, what’s wrong?” Robin asked after you hadn’t really said anything back. She came to sit beside you and wrapped her arm around your shoulder.
“It’s silly…” tears threatening to run down your cheeks once again.
“Hey, it’s just us." Nancy reached over and touched your hand.
You let out a heavy sigh.
“I feel like such an idiot! I did that whole thing to get Eddie’s attention, but he was gone before I even finished dancing.” You hid your face in your hands, too embarrassed to look at your friends.
“If you ask me, he looked like he was trying to contain himself. Girl, you did that to him with no warning! Hell, even I wanted to jump your bones just watching you.” Robin giggled.
“Really? Do you think so? You don’t think he was mad or put off? I saw his face—he looked annoyed. Like he was uncomfortable. Even earlier, he was cold to me.” You grabbed a tissue and blotted away your blackened tears.
“Nah, Bams, he looked like a man trying not to pop a boner, especially when you touched his thighs! Holy shit, I thought he would blow his load right there.”
Nancy managed to pull a laugh off of you.
“Thanks, guys; I think I'll feel better in the morning.” you sighed and gave them each a hug, then got ready for bed.
Next chapter
Tags: @winchester-angel @josephquinnsfreckles @lemme-slytherin-that-dick @emma-munson @littlexdeaths @siriuslysmoking @peachysink @nailbatanddungeon @leelei1980 @daisy-munson @taintedcigs @take-everything-you-can @strangerstilinski @bl0ssomanddie @seb-buckybarnes @chickenandsheep-blog @lokis-army-77 @ali-r3n @erinekc @impmunson @snowflowersstars246 @micheledawn1975 @princesatracionera @bells-28 @kellsck @guineveresghost @ezzynf @oneforthemunny @paybacksawitch
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tragicallybeautiful97 · 3 months
Just For Summer - Steve Harrington x Reader
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Steve Harrington x reader. Camp Counsellors AU. `lovers x enemies x lovers again. Pining, so much pining. Sexual tension. Stranger Things AU. Multi-chapter story. Eventual smut.
word count: 2,055
Chapter One
Camp Lake Haven was one of my favourite places in the whole world. 
I first got sent to Camp Lake Haven when I fourteen years old - I remember feeling like I was in a vintage horror film; like Friday the Thirteenth, with the various wooden cabins, the thick canopy of trees swishing in the wind and the sound of childish screams and splashes from the lake.
It was the first time that summer that I had felt excited. I had been cooped up the first week of summer - all my friends had gone on holiday with their families and I was left at home, forced to hear my parents fighting until the early hours of the night. My baby brother Will had managed to sleep through it, he always had the gift of sleeping like a baby, even now at the age of fourteen when most teenage boys laid awake like bats. 
It had been the best summer of my life - afternoons spent swimming in the lake, evenings huddled around the campfire making s'mores and listening to the camp counsellors' scary stories. Camp Lake Haven really was a haven, a haven where I could forget everything and just spend time being a teenager. A teenager whose biggest worry was who to sit by in the Mess Hall, what swimming costume to wear to the lake - not about her parents impending divorce. 
I loved Camp Lake Haven. 
It was that love that ensured that I signed up to Camp Lake Haven even as an adult - as a counsellor rather than camper for the first time. More specifically this year I had gotten the job of camp nurse. I had just finished a gruelling degree in paediatric nursing and despite having a job offer in the city; I had decided to spend one last summer in Camp Lake Haven. 
A final goodbye. 
I walked through the crickerty wooden gate; the familiar sense of excitement running through me as I glanced at the faded Camp Lake Haven sign. Even at twenty four years old I still had the urge to run directly into the lake that was peeking through the trees towards the end of the camp. 
I clutched at my rucksack as I made my way towards Cabin 11. I had been assigned it through email when I had signed up as the camp nurse. It was further back than the other cabins, probably to give the counsellors some privacy away from the prying eyes of the children. 
“Is that Y/N I see? Back from the big city?” A voice squeals from behind me. 
I turned around with a smile pulling at my lips; I would recognise that voice anywhere. 
Robin comes hurtling towards me, various bags wrapped around her outstretched arms. She crashes into me, her arms wrapping tightly around my shoulders as I narrowly avoid a cool box to the face. I hug her back tightly, laughing as she spins us both around. 
I had met Robin in my second year of Camp Lake Haven. We had become fast friends in a game of capture the flag. Both of us had been on our periods and wildly fighting off cramps. We had been in opposing teams and had stumbled across each other as we stomped angrily around the woods looking for that godforsaken flag. 
“This is so stupid.” Robin had grumbled when she had seen you, wrenching her green team bib over her head. 
I had huffed in agreement, taking my red bib off and tossing it to the floor angrily. 
“Wanna raid the mess hall and see if we can find some ice cream?” I had suggested. 
The rest was history. 
“Please tell me you are staying in cabin eleven too? I emailed Hopper to request he put us together.” Robin pouted pleadingly when we finally detached. 
“Aw I emailed him too!” I confessed. “Looks like the grump listened because I’m in cabin eleven thank god.” 
Hopper was the head camp counsellor at Camp Lake Haven. He was a large burly man who was a man of few words, in fact the most you normally got out of him was grunt and grimaces. However his heart was in the right place, he loved the camp and the kids who came every year, and he was kind enough to give you the role of Camp Nurse despite applying a week late. 
Robin led the way into the cabin, easy chatter falling between us. We grabbed the bunk closest to the window and I grabbed the top bunk by swinging my bag onto the mattress with some effort. Robin quickly claimed the bottom bed - it was an arrangement that worked every summer, Robin claimed that her fear of heights even included the top bunk. 
“Did Nancy sign up this summer too?” I asked as I took a seat on Robin’s bed as she unpacked. She always unpacked while I was more of a ‘live out of your bag and hope for the best’ girl. 
Robin froze slightly, her fingers tightening on her white t-shirt that had ‘STAFF’ written in bold red letters. Robin looked at you over her shoulder, her shaggy long hair falling over her eyes slightly. 
“She did…” She trailed off uncomfortably, “But I wish she hadn’t.” 
My brow furrowed in confusion before I noticed Robin was blinking rapidly to keep her tears at bay. 
“Oh Robin, not again;” I sighed heavily, “What the hell happened, last time I facetimed you things were great between you both.” 
Robin started flinging her clothes aggressively into the shared dresser beside the bunk beds, “We were fighting all the time…and she started to hang out with her ex, and I know they are just friends but it made me jealous and I couldn’t take it anymore.” 
“I’m so sorry Robin.” I apologised softly. 
Robin sighed and stopped cramming her swimming costumes into the top drawer so she could fling herself onto the bed next to me, “Not as sorry as I was when I saw they had both signed up for camp this year.” 
“Wait…both of them?” 
“Yeah, her and fucking Steve the hair Harrington.” 
My heart dropped at her words. I groaned myself, dread running through my veins as I buried my head in my hands. 
“Please tell me you did not just say Steve fucking Harrington.” 
“Oh shit, sorry girl I completely forg-” 
Robin stopped talking as the door to cabin eleven swung open. 
Talk about cosmic timing… 
Steve Harrington was striding through the door, a duffel bag hanging from his shoulder and a worn copy of Bernard Cornwell’s novel Sharpe. I knew it was that book because he read it every summer, ever since he was twelve. He was mid-laughter, his head hanging back and a devastatingly boyish smile on his lips. 
My heart betrayed me by accelerating, my skin thrumming as I listened to the beautiful sound. Steve had always had a great laugh, it was one of the first things I had noticed about him all those years ago, seven years ago to be precise. He had filled out over the years, muscles straining under his weathered vintage t-shirt as he readjusted his bag further up his arms. 
Robin froze beside me and I reluctantly tore my eyes away from Steve Harrington to see what was causing his raucous laughter. Nancy was walking behind him, dressed in a soft pink cardigan and flared jeans. Her hair had been curled to perfection and her lips shined with what I assumed was cherry lipgloss. 
“I swear to god it happened.” Nancy giggled ruefully before she came steaming to a holt, her eyes wide and she realised Robin and I were in the cabin staring back at them. 
Steve followed Nancy’s gaze, his eyes taking in the scene before him. His eyes flickered to Robin before they made their way over to me. His eyes widened slightly, his lips parting as he seemed to take a sharp inhale of breath. I immediately looked elsewhere, choosing to focus on the battered spine of his book instead of the mole that nestled in the corner of his lip. 
That used to be my favourite place to kiss. 
“Hi Y/N,” Nancy greeted hesitantly, her body almost curling in on herself with how uncomfortable she apparently was,  “Hi Robin.” her voice cracked slightly at Robin’s name. 
“Hi Nancy.” I greeted quietly as Robin nodded mutely beside me. 
Steve opened his mouth, his dark eyes earnest. He went to take a step forward and then seemed to collect himself. He rolled back on his heels, clearing his throat before a smirk took over his face. 
“Robin.” He nodded his greeting before his eyes zeroed in on me, “and Y/N…” he sniggered, “Wow they must really be scraping the barrel for camp counsellors this year.” 
I narrowed my eyes at him, “Clearly, I wouldn’t let you or your stupid hair near my kids with a bargepole.”
Steve had the nerve to look offended. His hair had always been long, however this year the soft brown strands coiled around his jaw in a fashionable mullet style. I knew his hair was soft, I had borrowed his shampoo the first year I had known him…and I’d made a habit of running my hands through it every chance I got. 
“If I recall correctly, you always liked it long Firecrack-.” He practically spat the nickname. 
“Don’t call me that.” I warned heatedly, taking a step forward. 
Steve cocked his head, his lips pouting mockingly, “Your fault for having red hair Firecracker.” 
My cheeks burned at the nickname. Steve and I knew exactly why he called me Firecracker, and it definitely wasn’t just because I had red hair. That nickname was once rewarded with a horde of butterflies in my stomach, now it only created roots of contemptment in my stomach.
Camp Lake Haven was one of my favourite places in the whole world. 
I first got sent to Camp Lake Haven when I fourteen years old - I remember feeling like I was in a vintage horror film; like Friday the Thirteenth, with the various wooden cabins, the thick canopy of trees swishing in the wind and the sound of childish screams and splashes from the lake. It was the first time that summer that I had felt excited. I had been cooped up the first week of summer - all my friends had gone on holiday with their families and I was left at home, forced to hear my parents fighting until the early hours of the night. My baby brother Max had managed to sleep through it, he always had the gift of sleeping like a baby, even now at the age of fourteen when most teenage boys laid awake like bats. 
It had been the best summer of my life - afternoons spent swimming in the lake, evenings huddled around the campfire making s'mores and listening to the camp counsellors' scary stories. Camp Lake Haven really was a haven, a haven where I could forget everything and just spend time being a teenager. A teenager whose biggest worry was who to sit by in the Mess Hall, what swimming costume to wear to the lake - not about her parents impending divorce. 
I loved Camp Lake Haven. 
It was that love that ensured that I signed up to Camp Lake Haven even as an adult - as a counsellor rather than camper for the first time. More specifically this year I had gotten the job of camp nurse. I had just finished a gruelling degree in paediatric nursing and despite having a job offer in the city; I had decided to spend one last summer in Camp Lake Haven. 
A final goodbye. 
I walked through the crickerty wooden gate; the familiar sense of excitement running through me as I glanced at the faded Camp Lake Haven sign. Even at twenty four years old I still had the urge to run directly into the lake that was peeking through the trees towards the end of the camp. 
I clutched at my rucksack as I made my way towards Cabin 11. I had been assigned it through email when I had signed up as the camp nurse. It was further back than the other cabins, probably to give the counsellors some privacy away from the prying eyes of the children. 
“Is that Y/N I see? Back from the big city?” A voice squeals from behind me. 
I turned around with a smile pulling at my lips; I would recognise that voice anywhere. 
Robin comes hurtling towards me, various bags wrapped around her outstretched arms. She crashes into me, her arms wrapping tightly around my shoulders as I narrowly avoid a cool box to the face. I hug her back tightly, laughing as she spins us both around. 
I had met Robin in my second year of Camp Lake Haven. We had become fast friends in a game of capture the flag. Both of us had been on our periods and wildly fighting off cramps. We had been in opposing teams and had stumbled across each other as we stomped angrily around the woods looking for that godforsaken flag. 
“This is so stupid.” Robin had grumbled when she had seen you, wrenching her green team bib over her head. 
I had huffed in agreement, taking my red bib off and tossing it to the floor angrily. 
“Wanna raid the mess hall and see if we can find some ice cream?” I had suggested. 
The rest was history. 
“Please tell me you are staying in cabin eleven too? I emailed Hopper to request he put us together.” Robin pouted pleadingly when we finally detached. 
“Aw I emailed him too!” I confessed. “Looks like the grump listened because I’m in cabin eleven thank god.” 
Hopper was the head camp counsellor at Camp Lake Haven. He was a large burly man who was a man of few words, in fact the most you normally got out of him was grunt and grimaces. However his heart was in the right place, he loved the camp and the kids who came every year, and he was kind enough to give you the role of Camp Nurse despite applying a week late. 
Robin led the way into the cabin, easy chatter falling between us. We grabbed the bunk closest to the window and I grabbed the top bunk by swinging my bag onto the mattress with some effort. Robin quickly claimed the bottom bed - it was an arrangement that worked every summer, Robin claimed that her fear of heights even included the top bunk. 
“Did Nancy sign up this summer too?” I asked as I took a seat on Robin’s bed as she unpacked. She always unpacked while I was more of a ‘live out of your bag and hope for the best’ girl. 
Robin froze slightly, her fingers tightening on her white t-shirt that had ‘STAFF’ written in bold red letters. Robin looked at you over her shoulder, her shaggy long hair falling over her eyes slightly. 
“She did…” She trailed off uncomfortably, “But I wish she hadn’t.” 
My brow furrowed in confusion before I noticed Robin was blinking rapidly to keep her tears at bay. 
“Oh Robin, not again;” I sighed heavily, “What the hell happened, last time I facetimed you things were great between you both.” 
Robin started flinging her clothes aggressively into the shared dresser beside the bunk beds, “We were fighting all the time…and she started to hang out with her ex, and I know they are just friends but it made me jealous and I couldn’t take it anymore.” 
“I’m so sorry Robin.” I apologised softly. 
Robin sighed and stopped cramming her swimming costumes into the top drawer so she could fling herself onto the bed next to me, “Not as sorry as I was when I saw they had both signed up for camp this year.” 
“Wait…both of them?” 
“Yeah, her and fucking Steve the hair Harrington.” 
My heart dropped at her words. I groaned myself, dread running through my veins as I buried my head in my hands. 
“Please tell me you did not just say Steve fucking Harrington.” 
“Oh shit, sorry girl I completely forg-” 
Robin stopped talking as the door to cabin eleven swung open. 
Talk about cosmic timing… 
Steve Harrington was striding through the door, a duffel bag hanging from his shoulder and a worn copy of Bernard Cornwell’s novel Sharpe. I knew it was that book because he read it every summer, ever since he was twelve. He was mid-laughter, his head hanging back and a devastatingly boyish smile on his lips. 
My heart betrayed me by accelerating, my skin thrumming as I listened to the beautiful sound. Steve had always had a great laugh, it was one of the first things I had noticed about him all those years ago, seven years ago to be precise. He had filled out over the years, muscles straining under his weathered vintage t-shirt as he readjusted his bag further up his arms. 
Robin froze beside me and I reluctantly tore my eyes away from Steve Harrington to see what was causing his raucous laughter. Nancy was walking behind him, dressed in a soft pink cardigan and flared jeans. Her hair had been curled to perfection and her lips shined with what I assumed was cherry lipgloss. 
“I swear to god it happened.” Nancy giggled ruefully before she came steaming to a holt, her eyes wide and she realised Robin and I were in the cabin staring back at them. 
Steve followed Nancy’s gaze, his eyes taking in the scene before him. His eyes flickered to Robin before they made their way over to me. His eyes widened slightly, his lips parting as he seemed to take a sharp inhale of breath. I immediately looked elsewhere, choosing to focus on the battered spine of his book instead of the mole that nestled in the corner of his lip. 
That used to be my favourite place to kiss. 
“Hi Y/N,” Nancy greeted hesitantly, her body almost curling in on herself with how uncomfortable she apparently was,  “Hi Robin.” her voice cracked slightly at Robin’s name. 
“Hi Nancy.” I greeted quietly as Robin nodded mutely beside me. 
Steve opened his mouth, his dark eyes earnest. He went to take a step forward and then seemed to collect himself. He rolled back on his heels, clearing his throat before a smirk took over his face. 
“Robin.” He nodded his greeting before his eyes zeroed in on me, “and Y/N…” he sniggered, “Wow they must really be scraping the barrel for camp counsellors this year.” 
I narrowed my eyes at him, “Clearly, I wouldn’t let you or your stupid hair near my kids with a bargepole.”
Steve had the nerve to look offended. His hair had always been long, however this year the soft brown strands coiled around his jaw in a fashionable mullet style.
I knew his hair was soft, I had borrowed his shampoo the first year I had known him…and I’d made a habit of running my hands through it every chance I got. 
“If I recall correctly, you always liked it long Firecrack-.” He practically spat the nickname. 
“Don’t call me that.” I warned heatedly, taking a step forward. 
Steve cocked his head, his lips pouting mockingly, “Your fault for having red hair Firecracker.” 
My cheeks burned at the nickname. Steve and I knew exactly why he called me Firecracker, and it definitely wasn’t just because I had red hair. That nickname was once rewarded with a horde of butterflies in my stomach, now it only created roots of contempt in my stomach. Contempt that Steve had now tainted another thing that had been ours that summer - another valuable thing that had obviously meant nothing to him. 
I turned away from Steve, no longer able to look at him. 
“I’m gonna check on Will, see what cabin he’s been assigned.” I said to Robin. I looked at her apologetically, the last thing I wanted to do was leave her in this uncomfortable situation with her ex-girlfriend, but Steve Harrington’s presence was suffocating and I needed to get far far away from him. 
“I’ll come with you.” Robin offered quickly; happy for a reason to escape. 
I nodded my goodbye at Nancy and walked past her to the front door, not before I shoved my shoulder into Steve’s ribs. It was juvenile but god, it felt good. 
Steve laughed, but it wasn’t the warm laughter that he had entered the cabin with, it was cold and condescending. 
“Bye Roomies!” He called cheerfully after us before I slammed the front door in his face. 
I stormed away from Cabin Eleven, Robin hot on my heels as my feet automatically led me towards the lake. It was still early and the kids wouldn’t arrive for another hour or two, including Will who had chosen to take the bus with his friends. However, Steve wouldn’t have known that so he had served as a perfect alibi to run away from the trainwreck that was happening in the cabin. 
“Wow,” Robin breathed out as we stood at the foot of the lake. “This is awful.” 
I nodded in agreement, “Does Hopper have a sick sense of humour or something putting us all under one roof.” 
I stared out at the large expanse of the lake, toeing a pebble in annoyance with my converse. It was a gorgeous day and the sun reflected on the lake, making the water almost appear like a mirror made of onyx.
The lake had always been my favourite place, my Mum would argue that it was because I was a Scorpio and it was in my blood being a water sign. Maybe she was right, but I could argue that it was because the air always felt hazy and warm surrounding the lake and after the long afternoons when it would finally glow pink with sunset, fireflies would run across the water like flecks of gold. 
I took a deep breath and turned to Robin, “Look,” I grabbed her hands in mine, my fingers tracing over her chipped black nail polish, “It’s just for the summer. We just have to get through the summer and then we never have to see them again.” 
Robin nodded in agreement, a sad smile on her lips, “We’ve got this. Just for the summer.” 
Part Two
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stranger-stardustt · 4 months
summer camp au in my head again oh no oh fuck.
Eddie, who’s been the kids favorite counselor since he came to camp, and Steve, who is always trying (and failing) to be seen as more fun. Eddie who shows Steve that not everything is competition, and that the kids would like him more if he was just…. himself. Steve, who’s never really been allowed to. Be himself.
And Robin, who is there to watch them fall in love. And maybe meddle, just a little bit.
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kitmon · 4 months
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“If I wanted to see a twig and some berries, I’d take a walk by the creek.”
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Some more OC and Eddie in their Summer Camp AU!!
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missjashin · 2 years
It’s been some time and Dustin and Steve go to see Wayne. Maybe he is moving out of Hawkins and they go to help with packing or maybe they just wanna check on him and he is reminiscing Eddie. Either way he has punch of old photos out. School photos, birthdays, first concerts, various different types from different ages.
One photo really catches Steve’s eye tho. It’s a group photo from the early 70s, taken in the summer. Steve asks Wayne “Why do you have this?”, seemingly little shocked and bewildered by the photo. Wayne looks at the photo and smiles telling it was taken in a summer camp Eddie once went. “That’s my boy” Wayne tells pointing one kid among the others. Dustin also looks at the photo and smiles. It seems like a good and happy memory.
So Wayne and Dustin get little puzzled when they hear choked sob coming from Steve. He is trying to hold it together but not really succeeding, his hands in his hair pulling so hard it can’t be comfortable. Just walking away from them now, fighting the tears. Rather weird and strong reaction for a mere summer camp photo, especially coming from Steve… Till you take a little closer look at the photo.
Because yes, with his buzz cut hair and thousand watt smile there’s little Eddie. Little Eddie who has his arm over another kid’s shoulder, pulling closer a little boy with a sweet smile, chestnut hair and tiny moles dotted on his face.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Dustin set up a continuous live-stream to his aquarium a while back because he likes to play it on his computer when he’s stressed out at work and doesn’t want an aquarium screensaver because he’ll catch where it loops. Once he does that, it’s all he’ll notice and it will drive him crazy.
Plus, he likes his fish. They’re curated.
For the most part, his aquarium is in his office and the microphone on it isn’t great so you don’t pick up a lot of sound. It’s a big hit with people. It’s a bigger hit if any of his fans know that he has quasi-famous friends over but very rarely do you end up seeing or hearing anything on the fish stream.
Unless you’re as close as Eddie currently is to the fish tank.
You can’t actually see Eddie, just his reflection in part of the glass from where he’s leaned in close to watch the fish. You can definitely hear him though.
Dustin must’ve said something that prompts him to reply with, “It’s actually kinda important that I have my phone so, I’m not doing that.”
There’s a short pause where Dustin must be talking because Eddie scoffs next, “I’m not always filming things for Tiktok.”
Another pause and then Eddie says more seriously, “Let’s be real, Henderson. Realistically, there very likely is going to be a day when Steve is not going to be able to remember anything and I know for a fact that the bad memories stick with you the longest. I don’t want all of his memories to be demogorgans, and bats, and Nancy Wheeler dumping him on Halloween. I want him to be able to see that we were happy and that he makes people happy.”
There’s a longer pause and then you hear a loud snort and Eddie says, “Dude, I’m not Fifty First Date-ing him!”
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milf-harrington · 1 year
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[image description: digital art of steve and eddie from stranger things, set out almost like a movie poster.
in the top left, eddie is shown playing air guitar with his tongue poking out. he's dressed in blue shorts and a black shirt with a short sleeve flannel + denim vest combination thrown over top. he's also wearing black converse. "the music guy" is written next to him in red ink with two arrows pointing towards him. his hair is down.
in the bottom right, steve is standing like he's leaning against a wall, one knee bent with his foot crossed in front of the other. he's dressed in short denim shorts and a green and white baseball shirt with the sleeves cut off. he's got white shoes and blue socks. he's saluting lazily. "the jock" is written next to him in blue ink with two arrows pointing towards him.
in the top right corner "steve + eddie" is written in orange capital letters, surrounded by dots and scribbles of various colours: blue, pink, orange and green. in the middle, placed behind the boys, is a pink rectangle splattered with blood. in the bottom left corner "slasher" is written in large yellow capital letters, with the same word written over it again in smaller red letters, designed to look like they're dripping blood. beneath it 'summer camp au' is written in the same red, this time without the drips. there are blood puddles pooled beneath, though. /end id.]
here's a little steddie piece inspired by this tiktok my best friend sent me, they literally said "possibly steddie outfit ideas" which i love bc i don't actually even think they ship steddie i just go on about them that often
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lamoabss · 3 months
“What’s got you so amused over there Stevie?”
In honor of my best friend’s ( @marvel-ous-m ) excellent fic, “When the Day Met the Night (In the Middle of Summer), I got inspired to draw the two silly idiots from a specific scene.
Please read my friend’s fic, it’s magnificent ☀️
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57186811
(Tap to view clearer version)
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ivyodessa · 3 months
It's the longest day of the year and Eddie & Chrissy are going camping
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stevesbipanic · 7 months
@steddielovemonth Day 26: Love is a fire that never goes out. @sidekick-hero
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"We need more logs! I want a big fire!"
"We haven't even gotten the fire started, Eddie, Mr Samson said we needed twigs first."
"Bet I can find more twigs than you!"
"You're on!"
It took the two young boys an hour to actually get their fire going, Eddie insisting on trying to start it with rocks for half of it. All the other camp kids were roasting their marshmallows by the time the first few sparks ignited in their little fire pit.
"We did it, Eds!"
"I told you, we're master survivalists, Stevie."
They stayed huddled around their fire for hours, curled up with one blanket and ate their way through a whole bag of marshmallows til their tummies ached and their eyelids drooped.
"C'mon boys, time for bed, you're going home tomorrow."
In their tent they pushed their sleeping bags closer together, still not wanting their last night to end.
"You'll write, won't you Stevie?"
"Of course, Eddie, you're my bestest friend in the whole wide world!"
Eddie giggled reaching out to take Steve's hand.
"I wish I lived in Hawkins with you, then we could play every day together."
Steve gripped his little hand tightly, "One day when we're big we'll have houses next door and a tunnel connecting them so we can hang out all day, no bedtimes!"
The next day, through hugs and sniffles they made sure the other had their address. The letters would stop a couple months later.
Steve often thought about what happened to his friend, why did he stop replying? Eventually, Steve stopped sending the letters, too.
That summer became a distant memory as Steve finished middle school then began high school, becoming King Steve. He thought briefly about his time at camp as he hugged Dustin goodbye the summer of '85.
It wouldn't be until the summer of '86 that two boys would find themselves around a campfire again.
"You ever go to summer camp?"
"Oh, once! It's a little hazy, that was the summer before dad went to jail and I was in foster til Wayne found me. But I remember loving it, there was a boy who I wrote too before everything happened. We used to wish that I lived in Hawkins with him, I have to admit I had a huge crush on him looking back."
The memory felt thrust back into Steve's mind, campfires and swimming and huddling in tents. He passed a marshmallow to Eddie, the fire crackling in front of them.
"Mmm I loved camp too, told this boy once when we were big we'd have tunnels under our houses, wonder what he'd think now knowing he's been staying across the hall from me?"
Steve turned towards Eddie, hoping Eddie remembered what a young Steve had wished, "I think I had a huge crush on him too."
"Stevie, you're that Stevie?"
"Would you forgive no tunnels if we shared a bed again?"
"I'd like that, sweetheart, although young us should know we're even more master survivalists now."
Steve laughed, "We would've been demogorgan dinner as kids!"
Eddie joined his laughter, "I still think if I got the right rock I could start a fire."
One day Steve would tell him that starting that campfire together lit a fire in his heart that burned for the rest of their lives.
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little-bumblebeeee · 6 months
Fruity four horror/slasher movie au where Steve is the himbo in the crop top and booty shorts and also has a weird amount of sexual tension between his "friend" Eddie who everyone may or may not suspect first and lock in a broom closet for half the movie despite people still dying while he's in there
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marvel-ous-m · 3 months
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AO3 Link | WC: 19,416 | Rating: Mature | Chapters: 5 | Featuring: Steddie, Ronance, Mentioned Jargyle, Platonic Stobin, Gareth & Steve as Cousins | Written for @biclarity | Divider Credit
It was SUCH a pleasure to take on this project as a pinch hitter with @steddiesummerexchange - I absolutely loved exploring this little camp-counselor AU, and I hope that y'all enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it!
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Summary: Faced with no work for the summer, Robin gets the brilliant idea to apply to work at a summer camp for six weeks, and drags Steve right along with her.
Steve... really isn't sure what to expect. He's never even gone to camp before, he doesn't know the first thing about how to be a counselor.
Still, he agrees- mostly because he needs a source of income, and he's not about to let Robin leave him behind in Hawkins for a month and a half.
A few coincidences (and a little bad luck) finds Steve stuffing his cabin meant for 14 campers full of extra mattresses, so that it can hold a total of 24 campers, himself, and his counselor counterpart, who just so happens to be someone that he's run into once before: Eddie Munson.
Surely things can only go up from here?
Or, a summer camp fic filled with humor, fluff, and a few camp counselors falling in love.
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Start of Chapter 1 below the cut!
“Oh my god, Robin, these shorts are worse than the ones we had at Scoops. I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.” 
“It’s not like we had anything else to do this summer. Besides, we only have to wear the uniform for the first week, so suck it up.” She turned towards him and gave him a blinding smile. “For what it’s worth, the green shirt really compliments your eyes. Do you think that the bandana in my hair is too much?” 
Steve pouted at himself through the floor-length mirror he and Robin were standing in front of. The shorts were fucking short. Indecent, in his opinion, especially for a camp full of middle and early-highschoolers. 
He sighed, then glanced at Robin via her reflection in the mirror. He couldn’t help the smile that appeared when he noticed the pink bandana holding her hair back, making her look all bright and summer-y. “It looks great, Robs.”  
“Really? I just don’t want my bangs to get all sweaty and matted against my forehead, but I wasn’t sure how else to tame them.” 
“Seriously, it looks really nice. It’s cute.” Steve took a final look at himself in the mirror, grimacing at the uniformed, freshly-twenty-year-old staring back at him. Robin was right, obviously, they didn’t have any summer plans, but the idea of summer camp still sorta rubbed him the wrong way. 
Robin had been a camp kid, apparently. She had gone every summer in elementary school once she was old enough, then attended theater and band camps over her middle and highschool summers. 
Steve, however, just got left alone at home over the summer, told to busy himself by completing the summer reading for when school started in the Fall. His reading was always done by the third week of summer vacation, and he spent the rest of the weeks swimming laps in his pool, alone, or doing chores around the house, alone, or watching old television reruns, alone. Tommy came over sometimes, even brought Carol with him once they started dating, and things weren’t so bad after that. Still, it always felt like they were using him for his money and his pool, not because they actually wanted to hang out with him. 
Suffice to say, Steve doesn’t know the first thing about a summer-long sleepaway camp. 
There were a few things that were making the experience a bit less anxiety-inducing.  Robin would be there, obviously, and he was put in charge of supervising all water-related play, which was familiar territory. Robin was put in charge of crafts, which would certainly be interesting, given that she could barely even draw a recognizable stick figure. She insisted that camp crafts were just different, and Steve couldn’t exactly argue against that logic, seeing that he doesn’t even know what camp crafts were, so he just went along with her reasoning and hoped for the best. 
The gaggle of kids that he’d gotten to know over the past few years would also all be there as campers, which was odd, to say the least- especially considering how overprotective some of the kid’s parents were. 
(Joyce Byers came to mind as one such example, but in Steve’s opinion, her protectiveness was pretty justified. You don’t just get over your kid disappearing for a week, a child’s dead body being found in a river dressed in his clothing less than 48 hours later, then your actual son randomly being found at an abandoned cabin in the woods a week later with strange scars and no memory of what had happened.) 
It was shocking that the kids convinced their parents to let them go to camp, but Steve was pretty excited. There was even a chance he’d have some of them in his cabin, seeing as he was cabin lead for half of the 9th grade boys, but he also knew there was a greater-than-zero chance that they’d get split up between him and whoever his counterpart was for the other cabin of 9th grade boys. 
He didn’t have a list of the other counselors yet, so he wasn’t sure who this ‘counterpart’ would be. Robin said they would distribute packets with that information on arrival at camp. Robin had also said that it was common for past camp kids to become junior counselors when they aged out of the program, then go on to be senior counselors and stick around through college, and seeing as Steve didn’t exactly hang out with that kinda crowd in school, he doubted that he’d know anyone. 
Steve ran a hand through his hair, fluffing his bangs in the hopes of at least letting his best feature shine in this job, as opposed to the gig at Scoops with that stupid hat. “Do you remember what time we have to get there today?” 
“Uhhh, I think three? Then we’ll have an hour to set up our bed stuff, training and dinner ‘til nine, then training tomorrow and Friday, kids arrive Saturday.” Robin rambled out the information as she applied her mascara in the mirror, shooting a smile at Steve when she was done. 
“Three?! Robin, it’s already noon! How far away is this place?” 
“Oh, right. It’s uh… about three hours?” Robin’s timid response had Steve groaning and grabbing her arm so that he could pull her away from the mirror, tugging her towards his bed where their bags were lying.
“Alright, c’mon, we gotta go, like, now. I have to stop for gas on the way, so we’re already late, which really isn’t a good look, not for our first day.” 
Robin gave an exaggerated sigh, but still complied, opening her gray duffle bag that was lying next to Steve’s green one so that she could shove her makeup and other last-minute things inside. From the corner of his eye, Steve could see various colors of fabric peeking out from underneath her toiletries.
“Are you serious? How many bandanas did you pack?” 
“I need a different color for every day of the week, Steve! If this is gonna be my summer look, I’ve gotta commit, you know?” 
“Birdie, I love you, but that’s a little ridiculous.” Steve grabbed his duffle bag from the bed and began walking towards the stairs leading to the front door, smiling to himself as Robin’s indignant squawking began while she trailed behind him. 
This was sure to be an interesting summer. 
Continue Reading
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little-annie · 18 days
⛺️ for WIP Weekend please?
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Come make me write!
His car's packed to the brim with the likes of Robin, Nancy and the majority of the week's camping gear. Jon and Argyle have most of the kids with them, and according to a far too early phone call from Dustin this morning, Eddie has the rest.
Those of whom, they're still waiting for.
Steve drums his hands on the red steering wheel of the Beemer while Queen plays in the background and he watches in the reflection of the rear view mirror for Eddie's arrival.
Already twenty minutes late, which definitely isn't a great start.
But just as Robin has grown fidgety and restless next to him, Steve sees the white and red van come drifting around the corner. And there, driving like a bat out of hell and coming to a screeching halt just mere feet from Steve's own bumper, is Eddie Munson.
And Oh.
Well, Steve never thought a man could be pretty, but now…
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glassofapplejuicee · 3 months
ok ok so the idea of a camp au has been floating around in my head forever and at this point i just need to put pen to paper! now i’ve never been to camp so keep that in mind. and god only knows if this will become an actual fleshed out fic or a WIP that will collect dust in my drive forever-
anyways, it's called Camp Spruce Trails (get it, Spruce Trails, ST?) and I'm imagining this au is still set in the mid 80s, but none of the upside down stuff happens ya know? or maybe upside down stuff happens while they're at camp? but i'm kind of leaning towards letting these guys have a normal childhood-
the camp itself is your classic 6 week sleepaway camp, there’s canoeing, arts and crafts, knot tying, competitions, campfires, etc. going to camp is a borderline religious tradition for The Party and they will do everything in their power to make sure they attend. one of their favorite parts of camp, is the staff:
Argyle Franco: 17, Kitchen, he isn’t huge with the kids but Jonathan convinced him to apply for the job, fridays are always pizza nights, he keeps to himself usually but cheers on his favorite campers during their games
Robin Buckley: 18, Blue Cabin Counselor, frazzled 24/7 but trying her best, wears the handmade jewelry from her campers like it’s made of gold, knows all the camp songs by heart, cries when camp ends, no longer allowed in the kitchen after the incident of ‘84
Nancy Wheeler: 18, Yellow Cabin Counselor, by the books and her campers know that, but they still have fun, always excels in the art competitions (much to Billy’s dismay), she's the most strict counselor however she takes great pride in her ability to get all the campers in bed by lights out
Jonathan Byers: 18, Groundskeeper(?), no one really knows his exact job title, he just sort of shows up every summer and nobody says anything, he fixes leaky pipes, kitchen appliances, pulls weeds, whatever needs done, he helps out a lot in the art cabin though
Steve Harrington: 19, Green Cabin Counselor, mostly stable but the coffee rings stained into his clipboard are telling, tries to be the "cool counselor", and if you stay on his good side you’ll be fine, however he will not hesitate to drag your ass to the office and call your parents if you step out of line
Billy Hargrove: 19, Red Cabin Counselor, parents hate him, but his campers are loyal, they demolish every single athletic competition, stole Eddie’s whistle (now annoys everyone with it), also no longer allowed in the kitchen after the incident of '84
Eddie Munson: 20, Lifeguard, but he sort of pokes his head in wherever he pleases, was deemed unfit to be a camp counselor so they stuck him as lifeguard, plays guitar around the campfire at night, multiple writes up for smoking on the job
if i were to flesh this out more into a full au fic (or more realistically, a series of ficlets??) you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be a giant love hexagon thing that will be going on as a subplot to the camp activities. i'm not even a huge multi-shipper or anything but picture it: Nancy asks Robin to watch her campers for a minute so she can go flirt with Jonathan? yeah sure why not. Nancy gets back and finds Robin sulking cause she's jealous? i'm sure Nancy would be happy to cheer Robin up with a kiss! Eddie and Argyle bump into each other smoking behind the shed? oh whoops my finger slipped and now they're shot gunning a joint. Steve find's Billy and Eddie chilling at Skull Rock? well shit now all three of 'em are making out a la Challengers.
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kitmon · 4 months
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Eddie Munson and my self-insert OC in a Summer Camp AU, perhaps a few slasher elements to come 👀
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gotlostlosingsleep · 1 year
It had only been three days since the start of summer camp and Steve had already heard enough campfire stories to last him the rest of his life. The kids kept insisting on staying up late and talking about the supposed creature in the lake...
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