#billy hargrove
s9fti3 · 3 days
‘I can fix him!!’
Him in question;
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lukkisketch · 2 days
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No sé dibujar el cabello de Billy.
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harringroveera · 2 days
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And that’s why Billy got Max noise canceling headphones for Christmas!
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glassofapplejuicee · 2 days
"Nice earring by the way."
Robin said, from behind the counter with, a knowing smile on her lips as she punched numbers into the register, slamming the door with a satisfying chime.
Billy's brows furrowed as he reached to get his change back. Robin outstretched her hand as well, deliberately showing off the silver ring on her thumb, it shone in the fluorescent light of the ice cream shop.
"Thanks Buckley." he huffed a laugh, face falling back to the usual smirk as he stuffed his change into the front pocket of his jeans.
She grinned cheerily back at him, he shot her a wink and sauntered out of the store, purposefully swaying his hips.
"The hell was that all about?" Steve spluttered, jaw agape at the scene he just witnessed.
"I think Hargrove and I just became best friends."
Steve only rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath, completely oblivious.
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weird-an · 1 day
"What do you wanna eat?" Steve asks, staring inside the fridge.
Billy's sprawled out on the couch like a giant cat, legs on the armrest. He looks so much less tense than when they moved in together. He still keeps an eye on the door, but it‘s like a weight has fallen off of him. Or a father, maybe.
"Whatever," Billy says, like he won't bitch about the lack of vitamins if Steve makes a choice for him. Also, Steve chose the last few nights.
"Then it's not you," Steve tells the broccoli in front of him. "C'mon, Billy, it's your choice tonight."
Billy stays silent. Steve turns around. Billy's still draped over the couch, but fidgeting with his earring.
"What is it?" Steve asks carefully. He always has to be careful when Billy's like this. He could snap any second.
"It's stupid." Billy stares at the ceiling.
"I don't think it is."
"I always hear him tellin' me off." Billy's voice is small and Steve can't help but to imagine Billy years younger, getting yelled at. "It's stupid. He isn't even here."
Steve grabs the door of the fridge tighter. He wants to hug Billy, to tell him it's okay. But Billy doesn't like to be touched when he thinks of Neil - and it isn't okay.
"He'll stay away," he growls. Hopper made sure of that - but Steve's got a bat, just in case of monsters. "It's not stupid, Billy."
Billy snorts, but seems to consider it. "Broccoli sounds good."
Steve makes a face. "You just wanna annoy me."
"Your bitchy face is kinda hot." Billy grins. "I choose that for dinner."
Steve rolls his eyes.
"Lots of vitamin D," Billy adds, leering at him.
Steve laughs. What an idiot - well, Steve's idiot.
It'll probably take a while for Billy to start choosing things. But Billy chose Steve and that's the most important thing.
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shieldofiron · 2 days
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lol jk jk.... right?
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safk-art · 3 days
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have some stupid doodles
[Patre0n] [instagram] [Twitter] [BluSky]
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genderflu1dwh0r · 2 days
Imagine Steve is at his locker, he watches Billy walk by and gets hard, so he presses his front to the lockers and talks with Tommy, but with his face an inch away from his locker. Tommy hyena laughs the whole time.
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mungroveistheship · 2 days
Eddie: You have great..Um... man tits. They're really beautiful. So firm. Billy: Thank you. I like having nice tits. Eddie: Mmmm. You like to show em off often? Billy: Only for you *winks* Eddie: *blushes like a sl*t*
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thedeepestwarmestblue · 21 hours
Please, please let it be me
Billy accidentally lets slip that he’s sweet on someone, that being Steve, in front of Steve. Of course, he won’t let it go. Billy all but begged. Weeks now he’s been hounding Billy, trying to figure him out, his eyes hyper aware, analyzing his every interaction with Hawkins’ female population. Billy’s skin crawls with anticipation. Every name guessed had Billy sweating, the lies stretching, building.
March passes into April, Billy’s birthday with it. Steve hasn’t figured it out yet. Billy’s not sure how much more he can take. When Steve asks for the answer for his birthday present, it’s almost a relief. The panic welling, suffocating when he tried to sleep. Billy found himself staying up later and later, grinding his teeth away on bullets. Exhausted, he snaps back into focus. Steve’s birthday is today. They’re in his backyard, now. He’s alone with Steve, now. The moment he’s been waiting for is happening, now.
You’ve kept me guessing for weeks, who you like? Steve says, a frustrated note coloring him magenta. They’ve had a few drinks now, looser, warmer, closer. Who is this girl? Whoever she is she doesn’t go to our school. I even made a list.
He digs it out of his pocket to show Billy. Two dozen names or more scratched out. Question marks. His doodles around curse words. Billy’s heart clenches.
Billy laughs so he doesn’t choke.
You’ve said one thing or another about every girl I’ve guessed, but it’s none of them. Steve laughs, the sound disbelieving. Not even Heather. So who is it, Billy? Who is it?
Billy is silent, for what could he possibly say? You’re right. Darling, I’ve been lying. He’s been waiting weeks for this moment and now his heart is too big, clogging his throat. Steve shakes his head, looking down at the list, thumbing at the creased edge. It looks soft from wear. His brow creases together.
You know … it’s funny, he says quietly.
Billy straightens, feeling dizzy, Steve’s summer scent thick in his nose.
What is?
I was talking to Robin about this the other day and she said something that — I can’t stop thinking about.
What did she say?
She said I’m missing a name.
Oh yeah?
Steve is looking at his mouth, his head tilting down. Billy wets his lips. Forces himself to move, to ask, although he knows the answer.
Steve looks at him, dark eyes on fire, taking the leap of faith.
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billyharringson · 1 day
Has anyone ever written a Harringrove fic based on that Reddit post where the guy was worried that he was homophobic because he hated when his roommate slept with me, only for it to turn out that he was jealous? Because that's giving me BIG Harringrove vibes.
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fizzigigsimmer · 3 days
that Frankenstein post made me think of Billy doing the first makeup test for the scars and it triggering an Emotional Reaction™️ for him, maybe even dissociating a bit, in any case something is clearly wrong when he just kind of leaves.
So when Steve follows to be like, "What the hell man."
Billy says, "I am having a Reaction."
And Steve’s asks, "... like you're allergic to the glue?" and it shocks Billy enough to make him laugh and disrupt the spiral he's in.
Anyway, I love your ballet au! 💜
YES. No notes. God I love so much about this. Billy discovering that he can still laugh, still feel good things, disrupting the spiral. Reminding him that no matter how it feels he’s not back there. He’s safe even if it’s still hard to believe.
And Steve clueing in for the first time that Billy is vulnerable. Because he’s not seen Billy as anything but 100% confident before. Cocky and annoying and brash. Sure Steve’s not been the nicest to him but Billy started it and gives as good as he gets. And then I think about how this show would literally force Billy to dance with his scars on display - the real ones - and how hard that would be for him mentally. He’s built up all of these walls and this whole persona to keep people from seeing how broken he really is and the last thing he wants or knows how to do is let people in. And Steve would see it for the first time and it would be this sort of “oh” moment for him. And he’d awkwardly try to make it better lol and Billy would brush it off, but it would sort of work.
It’s the turning of a page, and I just love it.
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harringroveera · 2 days
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They’re each other’s spoiled little thing <3
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rozetavivala · 22 hours
“I can fix him!”
The him;
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shieldofiron · 2 days
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Shout out to "they don't kiss" fics, literally so wild and so true.
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