#I am SO sorry I Drew Gangle like this
hiya-im-mary · 11 months
Gangle got a replacement for their comedy mask!!
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Vengeance Mask!!!!!!!! :D
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attleboy · 9 months
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i thought too hard about insect motifs got a little silly and made... a lot lmao these versions of the characters are from @sm-baby's amazing digital carnival au!! full images and rambling about insect choices are gonna get stuck under the cut... it'll be a bit long and i will be putting photos of real bugs down there so be mindful
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pomni: "butterfly"
inspirational species are black swallowtails mostly for the shape, and malay red harlequins mostly for the pattern
carnival pomni's actually the one that kickstarted this whole set... i drew her hat in a way that reminded me of butterflies, went "wait...", then i fully leaned into it :)
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jax: "centipede"
there was no specific species for jax. without being able to use color, they were too similar to pick any out... i have included a giant centipede just for reference though since it was mainly larger centipedes i used for inspiration
anddd there's a little bonus sketch for how pre-sentience jax might've looked with a centipede outfit... he gets a bug scarf and some goggles!
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ragatha: "ladybug"
inspirational species was the twice-stabbed ladybug chosen because the inverted color scheme looked the best out of all the ones i tried, and also because it's a metal name and we know ragatha's good with a knife... stabby stab... i did add more than two spots to the dress though, it just looks cooler lol
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gangle: "spider"
inspiration was the spinybacked orb weaver which i was absolutely ecstatic to find because come on that is the perfect spider for gangle like look at it!! it looks like her mask, it's got red, it's got gold on the limbs, literally twinning
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zooble: "mantis"
inspiration was the spiny flower mantis which, like with gangle, i feel is pretty much perfect for zooble... they come in many colors (including pink), have abstract patterns, and it gave me the excuse to cover zooble in spikes :D fun
and no kaufmo because i'm lazy and he's dead (sorry kaufmo fans but am i wrong), and the rest don't have bug names that i know of?
i still want to draw the carnival characters in their regular looks sometime, i just got really really inspired by the idea of secret skins and bug-themed outfits and went a liiittle haywire :P
anyways if you read all that you're a real one and you've got too much time on your hands... if you didn't, i understand, i get wordy, sorry :'D okay i think that's all byeee
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denny-artsss · 5 months
Could we perhaps see a Gangle jealous of Camilla and Jax having to reassure her that Gangle is the one he loves?
Oh Boy *rubs hands together*
Long ahh story
Jax: *drawing something on a piece of paper and showing Camilla, as she imidietly starts praising him*
Camilla: Wow, Jax! That is so beautiful you're quite good at drawing! *shows her drawing to him*
Jax: that is actually not bad. Tho mine is better.
Camilla: *giggles* obviously.
Gangle: *crumbles her piece of paper and throws it at Jax's head* Sorry, was trying to reach the trash can.
Jax: *rubs his head looking at her annoyed*
Camilla: *rubs his head* did it hurt?
Gangle: *sighs* it's a piece of paper, Camilla. He'll live. *grabs her hand and pushes it away from Jax, as she starts rubbing his head instead*
Camilla: *stares confused*
Jax: Geez Gangle, what's up with you, latley?
Camilla: Maybe she's insecure
Gangle: *glares at her* why would I be insecure?
Camilla: oh! *smiles, trying to provide her with helpful information* cause your friends were very openly accepting of your replacement!
Jax: *stares at her and gets in between them two* lets continue drawing-
Gangle: *grabs a pencil and sharpens it staring at Camilla*
Camilla: *smiles at her* what are you doing with that?
Gangle: *lifts it up in the air*
Jax: *tackles her and drags her away* OKAYYY- we'll be right back! *drags her into her room*
Gangle: *crosses her arms and sits on her bed*
Jax: Come on, Gangs. Stop acting like that. Stabbing people you don't like is my thing, you copycat.
Gangle: oh. You seem to like her a lot.
Jax: What? Dude, she's an AI. an NPC. You sound so ridiculous right now. *sits next to her in bed*
Gangle: Then why is everyone all over her?
Jax: pfft. Because she says everything the others want to hear. It's what she does.
Gangle: I don't recall wanting to hear how I am insecure about her replacing me.
Jax: she is not replacing you. She has been created for that, but she's still not doing it because no one can replace you.
Gangle: *sits in silence and begans to tear up*
Jax: aw Gangs- you know I'm not good at all that comforting cheesy stuff...
Gangle: *wipes her tears and sniffles* maybe it'll be better if I actually abstracted.
Jax: *pulls her into a tight hug* no- don't ever say that again. *sighs* I hate to admit it, but I missed you so much when you were gone. I cried every day, hugging, kissing your masks, and looking at your drawings, and I just missed you.
Gangle: *looks at him*
Jax: And when Camilla was supposed to replace you, I threw a huge tantrum because I didn't want that. I like her because she boosts my already over the top ego. But she isn't you. And I want Gangle, not Camilla. *looks away, feeling awkward that he opened up*
Gangle: I guess I overreacted...
Jax: *kisses her mouth and pulls her tighter into the hug* it's okay- I would've probably reacted 10 times worse in your place. *they both laugh*
Gangle: *stands up, feeling better, and smiles* wanna go get some ice cream?
Jax: sure, just don't go all Yandere on the icecream man too.
Gangle: *shoves him gently* Don't call me that!
Jax: *laughs and holds her hand*
Gangle: What were you two even drawing earlier?
Jax: i drew a picture of you throwing gang signs and wrote "ganglester" on top, and she drew a chicken nugget.
Gangle: what is wrong with you two?
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estro-gem · 10 months
Zooble x Gangle: Anywhere the wind blows
The Amazing Digital Circus AU: Oasis
Author's note: Welcome to this long-boi fic!
It's long and probably tedious to read, but overall, I'm actually pretty okay with how this turned out. Eh, kinda... I almost decided to scrap this entire thing and write something else, but I already got too far by that point and pushed through - trying to make the best of it.
It has a little bit of everything; some body dysphoria, action, violence, mutilation, stalking, maybe some bad-written tension and a nice section lil' of not-smut.
Good ol' not-smut!
Sorry to all the bunnydoll lovers, this is a zoogang story - and it's a pretty long one.
Bunnydoll is only briefly mentioned, but you also get some messed-up 'bromance' between Gangle and Jax, as well as Zooble losing their marbles while Jax is being Jax, doing Jax stuff...
Suggestive/vulgar language (Mostly censored, but worth mentioning)
Body dysphoria
Panic attacks
Questionable dancing (?)
Zooble was making their way to the lake to go dancing with Gangle. Upon arrival, the sight of Gangle caused Zooble to reminisce about their arrival in The Amazing Digital Circus and the chaos that followed.
“You off to harass your crybaby with your terrible dance-moves again?”
Zooble rolled their mismatched eyes to the sound of Jax’s annoying voice. They were in a good mood; and begged whatever higher power there was for the bunny to just leave them be tonight.
“Sure am!” they spoke with an obviously false, chipper tone, deciding to give the menace a taste of his own medicine, “Are you off to make out with your plushie again?”
Zooble peeked over their shoulder to see if he had the reaction they were hoping for. Unfortunately, Jax still wore his stupid, smug grin, causing them to pause, attempting to find the words that would force a crack into the rabbit’s shield.
It wasn’t long before they spoke again, “Or would you rather be our little peeping tom – again?”
Finally, the Cheshire grin fell and Zooble had the honor of basking in Jax’s unimpressed scowl.
“That was one time!” the rabbit cried, then relaxed his stance to recollect his composure, “Ya know why I was there – and it definitely wasn’t to get an eyeful. You two are disgusting, in case ya didn’t notice. Who could get off to that?”
“You, apparently.”
“Whatever… freak.” Zooble turned around and continued to make their way to the tent entrance, smiling to themself. They would never let him live that down – context be damned.
“Yeh, go drown yourself, will ya?” They vaguely heard Jax’s voice call after them.
They definately prefered the rabbit as carefree as he carried himself these days, compared to how intense he used to be when they first arrived...
They were on their way to the lake, where they knew Gangle would be.
The ribbinoid had many hidden talents; dancing happened to be one of them. She could move as if she was gliding, and she could leap like she was flying. Zooble already felt the girl entice them from a distance as they approached the bank of the lake.
Gangle was always a beauty unlike any other when she was dancing on her own. Clearly, in her own world, she practically floated with grace as her ribbons – usually coiled and shortened to form a make-shift body – stretched out and twirled, elongated, and reflecting the moonlight with every scarlet shape they drew in the air. The stars that were mirrored on the water surface made it look like the masked ribbon was dancing in the sky.
The sight gently guided Zooble’s mind back to the first time they lost their heart to their masked princess. Back then, they were so different to how they acted now. They were traumatized by the realization that they were trapped in an unknown Digital hellscape, only accompanied by a handful of other prisoners.
Stuck in an abomination of body that they never wanted.
Zooble didn’t always look the way they did before. Then again, Zooble never even looked the way they did the day before! They liked to swap, match and mix their parts, storing them safely in a box that they kept in their room.
Sometimes they could feel them clawing at the confines of said box to get to her, but it was best not to think about that.
When they first fell prey to the Digital Circus, they were what many would describe as a monster. A mess of arms, heads, eyes, and limbs; all with a mind of their own. They couldn’t find their feet – there were too many of them!
Upon arrival, Zooble stumbled around like someone who was possessed, moving more like a spider than a human. They were disoriented and desperate as they helplessly tugged and pulled on the strings of this puppet that was apparently their new body. They had no mouth and yet they heard someone screaming hysterically. It would only be in the far future, when Zooble thought back to their arrival, when they would realize that it was them who was screaming.
They just had no mouth to realize it at the time.
They screamed as they witnessed the excessive limbs and eyes that sprouted from differently-shaped structures that only vaguely felt like their torso – only that it also felt like nothing of the sort, because it wasn’t normal to have 3 torsos.
Or eyes on your knees and arms that gave you 5 different perspectives of the room all at once…
They moved like a sandstorm, forcing the circus inhabitants into a blind panic. Their monstrous form resembled an abstraction; so much so, that they heard one of them cry out in question to Caine.
“Can humans abstract upon arrival?!”
They didn’t know what it meant. They didn’t care.
All they cared about was ripping off the excessive limbs that they never knew they had. To the creature’s horror, the limbs popped off with unnatural ease and scrambled on the floor to maneuver its way back to them. It was something that would keep even the bravest of souls awake at night.
When the ragdoll of the bunch slowly approached Zooble, (as they were in the process of tearing their own limbs off) something else possessed them.
Dolls should move or talk like humans!
It didn’t help how much the doll tried to talk them down – one moment, they just stared at the doll in disbelief, and the next, they charged her like a steam train. They were so inhumanly fast, but that didn’t phase Zooble at the time. They were only focused on one thing.
The raggedy-monster in front of them.
In a flash, the doll was within reach for Zooble to tear her apart. They were beside themself as they threw themselves onto Ragatha, only to feel the wind being knocked out of them when something abruptly crashed into them from the side, causing them to stray off course and stumble to the floor.
Claws were digging into their brightly-coloured shell and flesh. Claws swiped burning trenches of pain in their wake. They caught the blurry image of yellow eyes and a feral grin that was pulled into a snarl before they felt one of their eyes pop between its jaws.
It was a pain worthy of unlocking the gateway of the fourth horseman.
Zooble fought and scrambled for grip on the gaint, rabid hare. They were terrified and acting in blind desperation as their many limbs with multiple claws, digits and shapes grabbed and thrashed at anything that could get the purple creature off them. They were going to fight until at least one of them was lying motionlessly on the floor.
Zooble wasn’t going to die to a bunny.
Neither were prepared to be yanked from each other and held apart. Two other creatures grabbed the purple rabbit by both arms in attempt to restrain him, but even with 2 against one, the rabbit put up one hell of a fight. While the bunny only had eyes for Zooble, desperate and mindless in his pursuit to rip into them, they took the moment to spot the scarlet ribbons that were rapped around their being. They followed the trail of ribbons that kept them immobilized, only to see it led to a mask with a painted face, scrunched up in effort, yet strangely smiling while keeping them restrained.
They tugged and twisted, but the ribbons seemed to have metal in them as they were unable to tear them up. It was but a few moments that Zooble struggled before they were overcome with a wave of dread that crashed over them, leaving the poor creature to sink down into a lowered stance.
They couldn’t escape.
They were a monster.
They were going to be eaten by other monstrous creatures and there was nothing else they could do about it.
When did they start trembling so violently?
Although they awaited the onslaught of the other inhabitants to tear into them, they were only met with the tight grip of the ribbons that held them down. The events that followed, all happened in a blur. They saw the rabbit slowly grow still and lose interest in them, only to fix his gaze on the ragdoll Zooble attempted to charge before. He seemed to be talked down by what looked like an oversized chess piece with a purple robe.
In the next moment, the rabbit was free. He rushed to the doll. He looked her over with a rough hand, only to grasp her forearm and drag her off to somewhere that was out of their line of sight. He didn’t react to anything or anyone else – clearly on a mission to get away.
There was a commotion…
And suddenly, Zooble was alone, while still being restrained by the ribbon-creature with a mask. They numbly wondered why the others would leave this one alone with them.
The thoughts didn’t last too long, as they were suddenly weightless and free.
They stumbled back and curled into themself as they fixed their eyes on the mess of ribbons that shrunk and coiled into something that resembled a body while the owlish gaze of the painted mask danced over their unusual, messy form. She averted their eyes and tilted her chin down, almost in shame.
There was a beat of silence until she spoke in a pleasantly soft voice.
“Are you still hurt?”
Zooble refused to answer but enjoyed hearing the ribbonoid creature speak to them in the now quiet, empty space. Taking a moment to consider her question, they came to the sudden realization that they were mauled and bitten before. Unintentionally startling the ribbinoid, they grabbed at their body, feeling, and grasping at their form and eyes with their many limbs, only to find that the damage was suddenly gone.
As if it never happened.
The Zolo-being looked back to the masked ribbon, who was studying them closely.
“Yeah, that’s something we all were rattled by at first” She said carefully, trying to decide on what eyes she should be looking to, “We can get hurt here - and it wouldn't matter. We… we can’t die here... It’s hard to explain." the girl shook her head, then assumed a more confident tone, "But this Digital Circus is your home now, whether you like it or not. You need to understand this to survive.”
Even though the woman’s voice was working to a swell in intensity, Zooble didn’t understand anything that was said. Even though they didn’t have a face, it was evident. The girl, of course, noticed this and sighed.
“Look, if you are going to hurt my friends every time you become overwhelmed, you should just stay away.” she spoke firmly, “If you don’t, it’ll be me you’ll need to answer to.”
With that, she turned on her heels and walked without looking back.
For days - weeks, that was the last time Zooble interacted with anyone. They took Gangle’s advice, having learnt her name while creeping around the tent. They stayed away, hiding among the debris and structures that was scattered around the tent. The inhabitants were somehow assured by Gangle, who just shared that ‘the newcomer will remain out of their business.’
Zooble actually got to know bits of all of the inhabitants of the Circus, like, for example, that the doll who they launched themself at. She was called Ragatha and she was unfortunately a saint. They wanted the earth to swallow them whole with how ashamed they felt for ever thinking to harm her of all people. They also came to know that Jax was the animal that attacked them – and that he was the most unpleasant of the bunch, bullying everyone for his own personal enjoyment.
He especially mistreated Gangle… and for some reason, that just didn’t sit well with Zooble, but they were too busy staying out of sight to think about it too much or do anything about it. They couldn’t even move around properly, let alone stand up for someone they barely knew. To their surprise, it seemed like all of the inhabitants just swallowed Jax's bullying - no questions asked.
There was something seriously wrong with this place.
Other than unholy screeching when they first arrived, Zooble was stunned to silence. It felt too alien to speak with no mouth, let alone allow anyone to see what a horrifying monstrosity they’ve become. They settled on watching the cast interact and live their lives. It was slowly becoming Zooble’s new reality – living in the shadows and remaining unnoticed.
Well, almost unnoticed.
The abomination never comprehended it fully, but Gangle always knew exactly where they were. She could walk into the area and in a matter of seconds, their eyes would meet. It came to a point where Zooble didn’t care about Gangle exposing their place of hiding anymore, as there were countless times that she would spot Zooble and just nod in quiet acknowledgement. She even saved Zooble from being spotted or disturbed a handful of times.
It was like a special, unspoken agreement that only they shared.
An exchange.
Gangle intrigued Zooble to no end. She was so quiet, but always watching - always aware. Always thinking. Zooble would give anything to know what was going on in her head. She was also unique in the sense on having 2 faces! One bright and smiling, and the other muddled and tearful.
Zooble liked to see her smile, but that damn rabbit always had the nerve to break her mask...
They should've killed him when they had the chance.
It wasn’t until one fateful night when Zooble managed to evade Gangle’s eyes while exploring the grounds, only to mistakenly stumble onto the lake. Not only that, but they also unintentionally found Gangle on the bank of the lake.
Words couldn't describe the beauty that they saw.
She was dancing under the stars, while Zooble could only watch in awe. It was the most beautiful event they have ever witnessed, suffering at the rush of heat the overtook their form as the quietly looked on... trying to move closer for a better visual…
With the snap of a twig, Gangle’s dance was over.
She quickly retracted her ribbons to form her body once again, calling out to whomever crept up on her private moment. She called Jax's name first, much to Zooble's annoyance. Gangle was flustered; eyes darting around to find the intruder, only to miss Zooble’s form that was cramped and crushed behind a bush.
They were annoyed with themself for ruining such a beautiful scene. Zooble silently hoped for the girl to brush it off and continue, longing to see the blissful look on her face as she danced once again, but to their dismay, Gangle turned to walk towards the direction of the tent, not quite smiling as brightly as before.
That couldn’t be the end of it!
“Wait!” Zooble’s voice cried out before they could think to keep quiet.
Was that what they sounded like?
Gangle visibly jumped at the new voice, before darting their eyes to the source – the bush Zooble was hiding behind. Zooble would’ve commended the girl's auditory skills in any other situation, but there was only one thought that came to mind at the time. They huffed out a breath, before speaking again, trying to look past the dissociation they felt to their voice.
“Stay.” They pleaded, while awkwardly maneuvering into the moonlight, casting a long, spider-like shadow to trail behind them, “Dance.”
Gangle’s eyes were initially wide, but eventually fell into an unreadable expression once the shock of seeing Zooble – of hearing Zooble for the first time, faded. The ribbonoid was overcome with an unexplainable joy upon hearing them speak - but they could not make a fuss! She wouldn't want the poor creature to be scared away again. She already regretted to only official conversation the had...
The silence stretched for so long, that the multi-legged creature nearly jumped when Gangle lifted her arm to hold it out to Zooble, “Dance with me.”
That was not what they expected.
Dumbfounded, Zooble looked down at their mess of a body, using the highest arm to gesture to the excessive number of limbs they had, before hesitantly speaking up. “I can’t.”
“You can if I can.” Gangle stretched and twirled her body into a little sequence, before resuming her form and looking at Zooble in a challenge, “You and I are the same, aren’t we?”
How was it possible for a woman to be so timid, and yet so steady?
“What?” Zooble frowned in confusion, blurting out before they could think, “How? You’re a bunch of ribbons with a face!”
“You’re a bunch of parts.” Gangle countered, seemingly brimming with confidence, “We are not one body, we are more, aren’t we?”
“I’m a load of junk.” Zooble tore their gaze away to attempt at hiding the blush that crept up their form, ashamed of what they resembled, “Spare parts that don’t even fit together. I don’t even have a mouth.” There was a brief pause, before they quietly added, “You make it look so beautiful…”
They never thought that they would admit it, but they were at the mercy of the truth. Gangle officially became their muse and they didn’t have a say in the matter.
Gangle surprised Zooble with her giggle, only to sigh in retort, “You’re unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.”
The statement made the misshaped being scoff, “Geez, thank you for your oh so sweet compliment. Look at me, I’m practically swooning at your praise.”
Zooble was insulted, but the genuine laugh that Gangle let out was so lovely that it almost didn’t feel like they were being gutted by a ribbon.
“Well, I don’t see what could be beautiful about a freakshow like me.” Gangle chuckled gesturing to herself to emphasize her point. Zooble couldn’t believe what they were hearing.
“You kidding?” they huffed in expiration, “Did you not see yourself just then? It’s alien, sure, but you were great! You were-”
“-unlike anything you’ve ever seen before?” The girl cut them off with a cheeky grin.
“Fine, touché.” Zooble mumbled reluctantly.
The atmosphere was lighter than before, and Gangle took it as an invitation to take a tentative step closer to her new aquantance. She was itching to know more about them; desperate to close the gap in the odd relationship they managed to build over time. Despite not directly interacting with each other, Gangle had to admit to herself that she did feel a level of attachment to the creature that she once told off.
It was a shame that things turned out the way they did.
If Gangle had known that a conversation, like this one, could’ve had her laughing in enjoyment, she would’ve tried harder a long time ago. For now, she just focused on keeping the conversation going. Her mind was racing - deducing that this creature could become a part of their group if they managed to hold out on their own for this long.
It definitely wasn't because her stomach flipped every time she felt their eyes fixate on her from their hiding-spots.
“When you, um, walk…?” Gangles spoke, hoping to keep the conversation going, “Move around-?”
“Keep going, I get it-”
Gangle huffed a laugh, before hesitantly gushing what she intended as praise, “You look like… a force. You look powerful and strong – like you’ll pummel anything in your way.”
Zooble cringed slightly, not knowing how to feel, “Thanks?”
“I wish I could be that.” Gangle breathed, before sinking into herself slightly, “One mistake – one tug, one knock – and I’m broken.”
“What are you talking about?” Zooble spoke in disbelief, “You held me down while almost being torn apart by a savage animal! You ARE a force.  You are probably even stronger than I am!”
“You don’t understand.” Gangle’s smile was bitter, causing Zooble heart sink, “I wasn’t talking about my ribbons.”
Suddenly, it clicked.
“Oh yeah… You have two faces.”
Gangle placed a ribbon on her cheek, dragging it down along the side, “This one is fragile. It needs replacement almost every other day. Even then, I can’t wear it too much. I lose myself to insanity and sadism. I become – dependent on it… Do you understand what I’m saying?”
“No.” It didn’t benefit Zooble to lie.
“That’s ok.” Gangle laughed in thought, though it seemed darker than her previous giggles, “The others do.”
Zooble took a step closer to the ribbonoid, deciding that her previous statement was something akin to a personal confession. Other than that, they wanted to see Gangle really smile again.
“Should I be worried?” they asked with genuine concern. She only shook her head, before explaining things that Zooble didn’t really understand, but indulged the girl any way they could.
“If something happens to me, it’s best that you get Jax.”
If something happens?
“Jax, the bunny guy? Isn’t he an $&%#@$?” Zooble jolted at the harsh, sudden sound of a horn drowning their voice. “Wha-?”
“Live censors – You’ll get used to it.” Gangle dismissed too easily for Zooble’s liking, “Jax - he knows his place. He’s my best friend.”
Upon Gangle’s fond smile, Zooble felt their gut – where-ever it my be – twist. A thought ghosted over their mind that Gangle may have been delusional after all.
“I don’t think you understand how badly he’s been treating you.” They spoke curtly.
“You just don't understand what it takes to stay sane here. Don't worry, you’ll come to learn how we all work together.” Gangle dismissed once again, only frustrating Zooble more, “Jax has his place. I have mine – everyone here has theirs.” She smiled up to the amalgamation, “One day, you’ll find yours.”
“Ok. Whatever.” Zooble simply said, frustrated, “We don’t have to talk about this now."
Gangle just chuckled as if she knew something that they didn’t.
They decided that it was best just to give up trying to understand the Circus and everyone’s dynamics. Zooble was cut short by Gangle holding out her ribbon for Zooble to take. They almost did it out of sheer compulsion.
“Will you have this dance with me?” the ribbonoid invited once again.
Her smile was like a drug, inhibiting Zooble from opposing her. The Zolo-being rolled their eyes to themself and took a breath to muster the will to remind the Gangle that they couldn’t dance.
For all they knew, they could be dancing themself into selling their soul or something.
Damn it all...
What did any of this matter anyway?
“Shut up and come here.”
With Gangle’s melodic laugh echoing in their mind, they dragged the girl to the open clearing on the bank of the lake.
It started out as a messy, clumsy jumble of limbs and ribbons, but as they relaxed and laughed into the night, their movements gained purpose and sequence. Together, they found their rhythm in the presence of no music, and their forms moved in sync.
Before long, their bodies were no longer separated.
They were one.
One in touch, mind, soul, and breath. They’re hands became their news eyes. Their bodies bloomed into voices that spoke words of unfathomable desire and yearning. They melting to each other’s caress and motions.
Two people dancing under the moonlight, living in the moment, and lost in the little world of heated passion that they have created for themselves.
They were somewhere else.
Both hoped for the magic to last forever...
It ended all too soon.
Zooble opened their eyes again. They were met with the harsh reality of a milky, porcelain mask smiling at them. They already longed for the woman from before; the one who they allowed to soar with the stars. That woman was everything they ever wanted in this life; maybe even in the previous life. How they would crumble for that woman to smile at them… but seeing such a petite little being smile at her as she was currently doing…
Zooble decided that it would suffice to see this smile too.
What they would give to have lips…
As if reading their mind, Zooble suddenly became aware of the intimate embrace of ribbons wrapped around them. Gangle felt so sure and steady, while they felt like they would crumble into a pile of useless parts. They couldn’t tear their gaze away from the soft, owlish stare given by the ribbinoid, suffering under the sudden burst of butterflies when they felt her new dance partner squeeze.
Nothing could stop the sound that left them.
Nothing could stop Gangle's forehead from colliding with what she assumed to be Zooble's head with a soft ‘clink,’ sharing breaths they didn’t need. If they had a say in the matter, they wouldn't let her go, but that just wasn't how Zooble's mind worked. Unlike Gangle, they couldn't cling to a dream for long - they always found their feet planted on the ground of reality - this new reality.
Zooble knew this moment couldn’t last.
Based on what Gangle said before, they realized that staying sane was the key to survival in the digital world.
It was only a matter of time before another day started at the Circus. Zooble didn’t know much, but they did know that Gangle and the others had grown used to sleep. As much as they just wanted to die in her arms that night, they didn’t want to break her routine – anyone’s routine for that matter. From what Zooble could tell, it was one of the things that the members had to do to stay sane. Now, grown fond of Gangle, they wanted to see her make it through this torment of a life they were trapped in.
So, they had to let the girl go for now.
“We need to go.” Zooble’s voice was so low and hushed, they almost didn’t recognize themself.
“No, wait! We can stay a bit longer.” Gangle sounded so pretty when she was desperate. Zooble clung to the pride of causing the girl to beg for them.
So soft. So delicate.
“I’ll still be here when you wake up. We can have this again, can’t we?”
“You don’t know that!”
“Gangle.” Zooble was stern, but still gentle, “We need to stay sane. We need routine. It’s so wonderful that I found you…” they trailed one of their many hands over the ribbons wrapped around their torse, reveling in their trembling as her touch glides by, “I want to keep you. I need you sane. We need to survive this together.”
It was a strenuous reality check, but it was necessary. They couldn’t dwell in their dreams forever.
“Ok, but we’ll meet each other here again! At least once a week! This was…” Gangle looked off to the side, seemingly bashful, “This was magical.”
“Call me a magician, then!” Zooble jested, earning a giggle from the girl as they did their best to nuzzle into Gangle's mask, “Go on to your room. I need to make sure I didn’t lose any arms while we were throwing our sick moves for the world to see.”
After a cackle, Gangle loosened her grip around Zooble to form the shape of her body once again, “I can help you look?”
“Don’t make it weird, Smiley. Go!”
Gangle seemed to like that one.
“I’m sorry! I’m going, I’m going!” Gangle almost sprinted off, only looking back to call back to Zooble, “I’ll see you tomorrow!”
"You always do!"
Zooble was smiling to themself, but got cut short when they heard Gangle let out an ‘oof,’ followed by the sound of a thud. Spinning around to see just how the ribbonoid embarrassed herself, Zooble’s body was jolted with the shock of seeing two sadistic, yellow eyes gleam down at Gangle, who had tripped over a deliberately extended foot. Due to the padding of the grass, Gangle’s mask didn’t break – thank goodness – but the abomination’s relief was short-lived as those golden orbs slowly focused on them.
The bunny was casually leaning against the trunk of the tree with his gaze fixed on them. This time, his ever-grinning expression was unreadable, forcing a shiver to crawl up their back.
That creep.
Gangle’s eyes shifted from Jax to Zooble, again and again, until she seemed to hiss something to Jax, soft enough for the Zolo-creature not to hear from the great distance. Jax didn’t pay her any mind, as his predatory gaze set straight onto them and them alone. Gangle gave Zooble one more worried glance, to which they just reluctantly nodded; the girl should leave them be.
It was high time for Jax to face the music, Zooble decided.
Gangle also seemed reluctant, but slowly stood up. It was then when Jax closely traced her movements with his eyes. All the while, Zooble was left with a lump in their throat as they waited for Jax to try his luck again. They were so far away, Zooble would only be able to watch him do whatever he wished before they could come to Gangle’s aid. He looked ready to rip her apart and there was nothing they could do but watch.
They watched – holding their breath, as Gangle stood up…
They watched – as Gangle turned and noticed Jax's eyes on her.
They expected the ribbonoid to fearfully back away, but Zooble's world was flipped onto it's head when they saw her stand her ground by giving Jax the most sinister smile they had ever witnessed.
Bone-chilling. Wicked.
Jax’s smile couldn’t ever match what was painted on that theatre mask. They were almost certain that Jax would retaliate any second…
But his assault never came.
 There was only a slight shift in his stance – enough to let their breathe hitch. The silence was a cacophony of chaos pounding into Zooble’s head.
For a moment there was nothing, until Gangle finally moved.
She slowly turned on her heels and walked off to the tent, as if nothing happened. It was so bizarre, they almost thought that she managed to cast a spell over Jax, who was frozen in place at the time. By the Lord, she already cast a spell over them with her charms.
Scary smile or not, that woman was irresistable!
It was only when Gangle disappeared into the tent, that Jax’s eyes were fixed onto them again.
“So, it can speak.” At least Jax’s voice rung as annoying as ever, “Nice moves you got there... What do you call the one where you two practically #@% each other in public? And by that, I mean ALL of it?”
“What do you want?” Zooble spat.
They didn’t want anything to do with him.
“I want us to come to an understanding.” Jax pushed off the tree trunk and strolled his way closer to the amalgamation, “I know you gave Raggs quite a scare before… now you’re throwing yourself at Ribbons, huh? Quite the womaniser, aren'cha?”
Zooble took note of the glimmering flash that came from Jax’s hand, letting their eyes drift to see what it could be. Dread had Zooble’s soul sink to their many feet.
He was holding a cleaver knife this entire time.
He was standing over Gangle – knife in hand - and one swipe away from tearing their muse apart.
All for a sick little laugh?!
At that moment, they were human again, forgetting about their digital immortality that they all were cursed with.
“Now you listen to me very carefully,” Zooble growled as Jax’s icy grin stalked closer, “I’ve been watching you for a long time now, and I still don’t know what your deal is. You are lower than dirt and you think you just own the tent, don’t you? Thinking no one would care about you making everyone’s lives difficult? I wasn’t even here for that long, but even I can see that Ragatha is an ANGEL, and you didn’t think twice about throwing an axe into her face the other day! It’s disgusting! You are scum! Filth! And I don’t care what your deal is with me, but if you ever hurt Gangle o-or Ragatha... or ANYONE else for that matter, I will make it my life mission to make you beg me to kill you instead of what I have planned.”
That brought Jax to a complete stop.
Not only did he stop, but his face fell to one of confusion, then dread, then confusion again. It was so uncanny, it was almost funny. Zooble found themself so dumbstruck by that reaction, that they forgot what their train of thought was leading to.
They never saw this side of the bunny before.
Moments crawled by in complete silence, with nothing but confused expressions meeting each other. It wasn’t until Zooble awkwardly cleared their throat before Jax seemed to snap out of whatever state he was in.
“Well, wouldn’t you know…” Jax mused almost to himself, casually shoving the knife into his front pocket, “You actually managed to fib me, huh? And here I thought that you’d be something I needed to take care of.”
He laughed. If Zooble didn’t know any better, she’d think that he was relieved.
“What’s happening?” Zooble asked dumbly.
“What’s happening is that you, my friend, are one of us now! Jax-approved! You killed me with your flattery - I knew I was good, but I didn't know I was that good.” Jax flashed them the smug, know-it-all smile that they still hated so much. He was probably planning to make a fool out of them, but still, they didn’t understand the sudden, genuine shift in Jax’s aura – it was suddenly almost… bearably benign.
It was whiplash!
“Again, what's happening…?”
“Sheesh, what does she see in you? You’re so slow!” Jax sighed, but continued to boredly explain, before they had the chance to retort, “I couldn’t get a read on ya before! Ya seemed mighty interested in Ribbons though – sneaking around, staring at her, and stalking her to the lake and all-”
“I wasn’t stalking her!”
“Yeh, yeh, whatever – so I just happened to swing by and… step in… if you ended up trying somethin’ with the crybaby. That’s all there is to it.”
Zooble blinked before glancing down to the cleaver knife in his pocket, slowly piecing it all together.
Did he have a heart after all?
“You were going to shank me if I messed with Gangle?” Zooble narrowed her eyes.
“Shank ya? Nah, not my style, toots.” Jax abruptly plucked the cleaver knife from his front pocket and threw it into a nearby tree without looking. If it wasn’t for the squawk, followed by the sounds of glitching, Zooble would’ve missed that Jax successfully hit a bird with a lethal blow – now pinned to the tree trunk with a knife through its chest. It disappeared soon after it started glitching, only leaving the blade in the trunk. It seemed to Zooble, now clear as ever.
Jax didn’t miss.
Feelings of intimidation aside, Zooble recalled Gangle’s words from before. She called Jax her best friend, not even hesitant to say it, despite how badly he was treating her – how badly he was treating everyone! And yet, he came out here, thinking that they were stalking Gangle… armed with a knife...
They leaned unto one hip to relax their stance, “You were looking out for her…”
“Bah! I’m just makin’ sure you don’t steal my schtick.” Jax rolled his eyes, “I do what I need to do.”
His words made Zooble’s thoughts flip back to what Gangle said before.
'You’ll come to learn how we all work together. He has his place. I have mine – everyone here has theirs. One day, you’ll find yours.'
“What exactly is it that you do?” They asked, hoping to get some answers for once. “Gangle said something about you all ‘playing your part’ or whatever…”
“Yeah, no, not having this discussion with ya, sorry bub.” Jax started walking off in the direction of the tent, seemingly done with the conversation. Zooble’s eye twitched.
“What do you mean?!”
“Not what I do, ugly. I just play my part.” Jax smile creeps up to a taunting grin, “Go talk to Raggs. Explainin’ these things to new suckers is her part.”
“But what’s your part?” Zooble raised their voice not only in frustration, but also because Jax was making greater distance between them as he continued walking.
“This is my part!”
“What do you mean ‘this is?’ What’s ‘this?’”
“Ask Raggs~!”
“And what do I do? What's my part!?”
Some fanart of this fic: (CLICK HERE TO SEE)
Oasis: TADC AU list
Additional Author's note: If you read the whole thing with all of the mistakes I didn't notice to fix, you are a legend!
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ner5y · 7 months
Alwsi sorry for screaming im yast so in nice mood after reading this ^^
Thank you!!
I put a decent amount of thought into the throne's designs!
In this essay I will-
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Hootbons was the most difficult to design. Good thing I started with her's first!
Since her OC maple is a rubberhose cartoon, I went with a 20s technology theme. The 20s were a time of great technological advancement. Radio, Television, even Vaccum cleaners!
Just cluttering a bunch of 20s technology together didn't look very good, though, so I added maple tree branches along with animation themed items like pencils and animation cels.
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Mushy's is just a slightly redesigned version of her throne from her execution. I added a few more mushroom types for variety.
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Dia's was easy. It's just his crown as a throne.
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Since I found 0104-vkta from her human Gangle art, That's what I based her throne on! You'll see a combination of the happy and sad masks in the middle.
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Loxely's was also simple, she's a flower. I made her throne a flower.
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Goose's is supposed to be a goose feather, but I looked up references for duck feathers instead for some reason. (also, I just drew generic bird feet instead of goose feet??)
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since Rabid is a jester with a clown nose (a mix of a medieval form of entertainment and the more modern concept of a circus clown), I decided to mix a medieval throne with props you'd find in a circus!
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Burrotello's throne was made reaalllly late in the game, when I had already finished most of the sketches for part one, but I felt bad not including her since she was the only new member of our discord at the time.
I went with a gothic theme for her's. I don't think her clothes can really be considered goth, but that's what I went for. Maybe it's the earrings.
You'll also notice that, unlike the others, she doesn't have anything on the backrest! I forgot it 😭 (this design element is an important theme.)
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Just realised I forgot to include Ark-fork!
Her's was pretty simple, it's just a throne made of bones. There wasn't really any planning for this one!
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Okay, so the backrests! Each of the thrones have a circular element in that area (except for Burrotello because I forgot, and Dia's and Mushy's aren't really circular, but you get it). They are meant to represent halos. If you look at the backgrounds, you'll see eyes on the balcony of the elite's seating section:
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And, it's not very visible since the large thrones are covering it up, but there are wings on the back wall behind the elites.
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Multiple eyes and wings are commonly attributed to biblically accurate angels
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The elites sit high above everyone else, surrounded by angelic imagery with "halos" behind their heads. It is a very clear show of their hubris, of their willigness to play god not only with their AUS, but with their own audience, deciding who lives or dies by the wave of a hand (i.e. executions).
When I describe "the elites" here, I am specifically referring to how they are portrayed as characters in my comic. This is not a comment on the real people behind these sonas.
If you read all of that, thanks! I put a lot of work into this comic, so i appreciate people taking interest in my process!
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digitaloffshoot · 9 months
Someone said you really like drawing. What was your ultimate fixation before when you first drew? (Horses? Dinosaurs? Dragons? Anime girls? Etc.)
(not ask: please ignore if you're not accepting asks as gangle!! You can answer this personally if you prefer. I do like your drawings!! They're all so good!)
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I’m not so good at drawing humans in an anime / manga style… but I think it’s fun..! Anime animals and magic creatures, robots… those are so fun too…! I especially like drawing cats, so I drew three I remember!
As for the second half of your ask…
I don’t know how to convey this through my art, but I really am Gangle… I’m a part of a sort of plural system inside one person… I mostly use this blog, since it’s specifically for me, but my system has a main blog, @inkpalace, where we can each post if we want… it’s a bit hard to explain, but the short of it is that this past October, a short time after watching the Amazing Digital Circus pilot, our host, Amy, took me into her mind, and soon after that, Zooble and Jax found their way in… she didn’t mean for any of this to happen, and it probably sounds silly or made up, but I promise it is true… we are trying to all live in here…! We are each a little different from our cartoon-counterparts, and I can talk more about it if anyone is curious, but really I fear this might be TMI… sorry….
Thanks so much for asking about my art… I hope you have a great day…! ( ◠‿◠ )/
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percyramblesabouttadc · 10 months
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so i drew up some designs of what i think the cast would look like outside of the circus🥺
i wanted to make them look different while still keeping aspects of their circus designs
i saw like a post somewhere that gave humanized zooble prosthetics and i just loved that so you know i had to incorporate that somehow! i also wanted to try and get some of the colors from their circus design onto them too bc i felt like that would be nice. i'm not super happy with their design, like i feel like i could do better but like.... i'm lazy atm.... i'll do that later!
for kinger you know i had to keep his piercing blue eyes. you know i did. it's such a fun and silly aspect of his character how could i not.(his design is kinda basic so i don't know what else to say about it i'm very sorry kinger enjoyers)
when it comes to Jax's design! i still wanted him to have some pink and purple so you could recognize him but also have it be different from his circus design so i did the best i could. i also kept his teeth yellow because it's a thing you can translate to a human design and it doesn't need to be changed. i like that Jax has yellow teeth because so do i. HE KEEPS HIS YELLOW TEETH👹👹
GANGLE!!! omg i do rlly like how i designed her! i still wanted to incorporate ribbons some how so i gave her a braid with a ribbon at the end, however i do feel like she changes up her hair often in order to use more ribbon because it's something she enjoys!!! to me she gives off scared ex-theater kid. for obvious reasons. did i do that vibe justice? idk you tell me!
ohhh Ragatha..how i love you so.. Ragatha! her hair is infact dyed! bc you know her hair is so iconic to her character but i originally didn't want her to be ginger, why? felt too close to circus her! but i didn't want to rid her of her ginger entirely. so i toned it down, made it a bit more orange than red and made it dyed! i think it looks nice:) she's also a waitress! felt as it might fit sense she does give off people pleasing therapist friend vibes.
and for last but certainly not least POMNI!!!
she was the one i designed first! and obviously she doesn't have her normal colors from her circus design other than her hair!(did you know that pomnis circus design hair is supposed to be black but it just ended up looking brown? yeah. yeah.) it's mainly because she is infact wearing her work uniform and she doesn't really get to express herself through it but also i just wanted to change for her to be really present. because i can😁 but you know i had to keep her looking tired and depressed bc thats pomni for ya
see like the reason i wanted to make my own designs was because i didn't like the idea of them looking so similar to their tadc counterparts, it leaves more angst opportunities when they look so much different from their original bodies. right now this is kinda some concept work, i might change things(cough cough zooble) but right now i'm happy with them!
holy moly this post is so long i am soososo sorry
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cloudzzcore · 6 months
Howdy folks I’m Cloud and I’m just a simple writer who’s trying to find a new hobby!
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╰─ - ̗̀✎ About me:
୨୧┇Name: Cloud
୨୧┇Age: Not saying it, But I am a Minor
୨୧┇Pronouns: All (Preferably He/They)
୨୧┇Timezone: EST
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ‧₊˚✧
╰─ - ̗̀✎ My Boundaries...
୨୧┇DMs: ✅ (ask)
୨୧┇Pings: ✅
୨୧┇Friend: ✅
୨୧┇Nicknames: ✅
୨୧┇Tonetags: ✅
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ‧₊˚✧
╰─ - ̗̀✎ Interests & More!
୨୧┇Likes: The Little mermaid live action, ITSV, ATSV, Bad Guys, Law and order, Lackadaisy, TADC, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel.
୨୧┇Favorite Characters: Zooble, Kinger, Gangle, Jax, Caine (TADC). Mr. Wolf and Ms. Tarantula, Diane. (Bad Guys). Ariel, Sebastian (TLM). HOBIE, Miles, Pavitr, Gwen, Jessica Drew, Peni Parker, Spidernoir. (ITSV, ATSV). Freckle, Rocky, Nicodeme and Serafine (LACKADAISY), Fantoccio, BARNABY, Billie. (Billie Bust Up) Queen Bee, Fizzarolli, Millie, Loona, STOLAS. (Helluva Boss), Angel Dust, Alastor, Charlie, ADAM. (Hazbin hotel)
୨୧┇Dislikes: Pushing Boundaries, misuse of tonetags.
୨୧┇Extra: I'm a avid helluva boss and Hazbin Hotel editor.
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ‧₊˚
Fandoms I write for
Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
Characters that I write for:
Angel Dust
Possibly Sera
Sir Pentious
Helluva Boss Masterlist
Characters that I write for:
Queen Bee
Glitz and Glam
Barbie Wire
Possibly Andrealphus
Trolls (All three movies)
Characters that I write for:
All of the Royal Troll Leaders
All of BroZone
The Bad Guys
Characters that I write for:
Mr. Wolf
Mr. Snake
Mr. Pirahna
Mr. Shark
Ms. Tarantula
Diane Foxington
The Amazing Digital Circus
Characters that I write for:
Possibly more to come!!
Rules for requests
I can’t do smut to save my life and don’t want so no smut, Sorry!
No P*dophillia
No nasty stuff
No Oc x Canon characters
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ventus-the-story · 6 months
It was a trembling thing. Its burnt festering skin contrasted with the cool pure white of the temple floor.  It curled around itself in a fetal position, limbs unsure of their placement as a newborn foal. It was a gangling thing, all bony joints and delicate skin that seeped infection. It rolled its head in a jittering movement, something similar to a puppet, red eyes looked up to the figure above it. It hissed a rattled breath, trying to form some sounds but it was barely anything more than a whisper.
"How do you plead, imp?" Ashtad, the Pillar of Justice and Righteousness, stood before this thing... a small vessel, so delicate yet firing at all cylinders, even in this fragile state.
Their faces were stone cold. Ashtad had suspected they already knew the answer to their question… but they waited anyway, for even now they felt bad for it. Sorrowful. Regretful. "How do you plead?"
The creature planted its hands, and 5 fingers splayed across the marble. Red blood -mortal blood, dribbled down its arms and it traced its veins. Its head hung low, hunched over as it worked its jaw open. The joints popped and cracked, "`Hou- How do you Plead? Imp.`"  The creature mimicked, not perfectly but close enough to cause a flinch in the observers. "Nothing- I plead nothing, I am nothing, in—" It took a shuttered breath, catching in the hollow of its throat.  "In your eyes? nothing new, something blue, something old, took hold, what a—" It gasped," what a desolate end? Hm? *just some fun" the creature rambled, spitting the coagulated blood from its throat.
Ashtad stepped back, disgusted and displeased with the naked thing. They turned to Hayat-Bás, Pillar of Life and Death, who was standing to their right.
Ashtad watched intently as they folded fabrics of reality into a small, tight sphere. Sounds similar to whispers cried out every time a new fold fell over top of the last. The imp responded to each fold, growing more and more human-like. It was not a sight for the weak of heart. The crackling of joints, the grunts, it was grotesque, to say the least.
"I'm disappointed in you, Imp. You have failed us."
Bás spoke with two voices, "The end is the beginning, and so will you return to the cycle that encompasses." They raised their hands towards the imp. One hand was made from a human skeleton, and the other hand was light green with colorful feathers, scales, and moss decorating it. In unison, they layered their gift-curse, the one of soul and body. To chain the creature to walk upon the earth it so recklessly doomed and free it from the awful power of divinity. The two watched impassively as the youngest pillar curled into a human form.
It felt pain, pain, pain. Its form- it was too tight and too loose, it grated-burned-soothed. Oh, it was pain. It nearly wanted to laugh instead of cry, because how else could this scenario be, but a comedy? Unconsciously, the tips of its mouth spread into a demented smile. A light corrupted feeling bubbled inside its chest. It climbed through it and came out as a giggle. The sound drew itself like the wind, biting and chilling, a remnant from its position.
Ashtad stomped on foot on the ground three times in rhythm and after the third time, the temple floor started to crack under the imp. The walls crumbled, and the ceiling caved in.
Human. To Elders, a fate worse than death. Ashatd felt sorry for the imp. But there was nothing more left to say, they knew that this thing would have to learn. They turned away and headed towards the back wall, where a set of runes lit up and opened a stone doorway leading to a bright light. Opposite that doorway, another opening crackled wide, but this one was dark and pooling. It was similar to a Black hole, sucking in everything it could.
Ashtad could hear the cries. Their pleas. They shed a single tear and left through the lightened doorway.
The imp screamed and screeched with the emphasis of a roaring hurricane, and the shards of the temple fell and it fell with it. It tumbled down down down, twisting and turning, get picked up and pushed down. Broken marble and stone scratched against him, bruising the already hurt skin. It turned, staring up at the sky.
The beautiful sky, gentle in its baby blue and cotton clouds. It could taste freedom on its tongue, faint as a kiss.
0 notes
ethereal-not-occult · 5 years
in which aziraphale splits an apple in half with his bare hands
Not long after the unfortunate incident with the flaming sword, Aziraphale, on one of his final patrols in the Garden, came across an unusual scene.
He heard it first; something rustling and rolling about in the bushes, emitting a constant, high-pitched sound like steam escaping a leaky pipe. While alarming, it was also vaguely familiar. Almost like… hissing. Keeping an eye on the bushes, Aziraphale approached cautiously, though he suspected he already knew the source of the commotion.
His suspicions proved to be correct. Said source, awkward and gangling in his new human corporation, sat cross-legged in the grass behind the bushes, grappling with something in his lap while a steady stream of snarled blessings escaped through his clenched teeth. If Aziraphale didn’t know better, he would’ve thought the being before him was wrestling with a sort of diminutive, particularly vicious animal. As it was, he had once seen Crowley practically burst into tears at the sight of a duckling that was “just too damn small”, so that scenario seemed unlikely.
“My dear?”
Crowley jumped, swiveled around, and promptly fell over when he was forcibly reminded that he now had legs. The thing he’d been struggling with slipped from his hands, bounced once, and rolled to a stop at Aziraphale’s feet.
“Angel!” Crowley yelped. “What in Hell’s name are you doing here?”
“My job?” Aziraphale said tartly, raising an eyebrow. Crowley had the decency to look sheepish.
“Sorry. It’s just — I thought you’d been reassigned, given your, er, new position.”
“I’m still waiting for Head Office to process my papers before I leave. And you can call it a demotion, my dear. It is the truth, after all.” Aziraphale squinted at the round, red object sitting innocently before him in the grass. He really ought to have a word with management about this corporation’s short-sightedness. “What’s this?”
“Nothing,” Crowley said hastily, making a grab for it. Aziraphale easily blocked his flailing arm and stooped to pick the object up. With its firm, smooth surface and distinctive shape, it fit snugly in his palm in an all-too familiar way.
“An apple?”
“What about it?” Crowley’s voice took on a defensive edge. “Can’t a demon grab a bite to eat without being accosted by angels at every corner?”
“I saw what you were doing just now, and it was decidedly not eating,” Aziraphale pointed out, amused. “Not unless they’ve gone and changed up the terminology again without telling us.” [1]
[1: That had certainly been an eventful meeting. He’d half-expected to witness a second coming of the Fall, given how red Gabriel’s face had become.]
Crowley sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face. “I am eating it. Or trying to, at least. I just can’t split the blasted thing in half the way I want it.”
“Couldn’t you simply…” Aziraphale mimed taking a bite out of the apple, with a distinct sense of déjà vu. Crowley scowled at him and snatched the apple back, this time successfully.
“Of course I can. I just don’t want to,” he snapped. He braced the apple against his knee with both hands and recommenced his wrestling-with-a-small-animal-but-not-really routine, and finally Aziraphale understood — Crowley was trying to break the apple apart using only his bare hands.
“You know,” Aziraphale said mildly, “you might have better luck if you used a dagger.”
“And whose fault is it that we don’t have one anymore?” Crowley shot back, blessing again when he lost his grip on the fruit’s slippery surface.
Well, really. Aziraphale considered lecturing him upon the differences between daggers and flaming swords, but decided it wasn’t worth the effort. Crowley pried at the apple in vain. It didn’t so much as creak.
“I don’t see why you can’t just eat it normally.”
With a curse, Crowley cast the apple back into the grass and drew his knees up to his chest, like a man-shaped creature who desperately wanted to coil into a defensive huddle but was impeded by the presence of too many limbs. He muttered something under his breath. Aziraphale leaned forward.
“What was that, dear?”
“I said I don’t like it when the juices get all over me,” Crowley snapped, coiling up tighter. “It’s sticky and unpleasant and bits of apple get stuck in my teeth. This corporation is a damn sight better than crawling on my belly all the time, but at least as a serpent I didn’t have to deal with all those… liquids.” He shuddered and turned away. His shoulders drew up defensively, as though he was expecting ridicule.
Crowley only looked up again when Aziraphale stepped forward without further comment and plucked the apple up from the ground. “What are you doing?”
“Helping,” Aziraphale said simply, giving the fruit a scrutinizing look. Crowley uncoiled himself and raised an eyebrow. Yellow eyes flickered towards the noticeably empty sheath at Aziraphale’s belt, then at those warm brown angelic hands, plump and soft, with immaculately manicured nails.
“Thought you’d get in trouble for doing frivolous miracles,” Crowley said.
Aziraphale sniffed. “What, a miracle for such a small thing as this? Not at all necessary.” Giving the apple a final once-over, he positioned his hands just so, flexed his fingers experimentally, tightened his grip, and with a sudden sharp twist…
Crack. The apple snapped cleanly in two halves. Crowley’s jaw dropped, a little further than what was possible for human anatomy.
“There we go. And close your mouth, just a little.” Aziraphale dropped the two halves of the apple into Crowley’s hands, ensuring that none of the juices touched his skin. Crowley jumped a little, eyes wide. Aziraphale patted his shoulder. “My apologies, dear. You know I’m rather fond of your snakish form, but I don’t want you to get in trouble for alarming any humans on accident.”
“That’s not what I—how in the—you—grk?” was Crowley’s strangled response. Aziraphale tutted and miracled up a water skin to stop the demon’s sputtering. If his superiors asked, he would simply say he was lending a helping hand to a snake in the garden.
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commorsicoclub · 4 years
The Commorisco Club (6)
No actual Vore occurs in this chapter, but a lot mentioning of it, some light teasing, and a good amount of flushing out of characters’ personalities. 
Chapter Six: The Songbirds.
“I don’t understand why I can’t just walk...” Erin mumbled from Magnus’s arms. “Or are you gonna say food doesn’t walk itself back to the pantry?”  
There came a light chuckle from the demon who was carrying her. “I wasn’t going to say that, but you do make an astute observation,” Magnus replied in an easy going manner. “No, I was going to say that if I let you walk back yourself and one of the others were to happen upon you that...well. I don’t think that sentence needs expounding. That and do you even know they way?”
“No, but I mean...Well, walk me back, fine,” she retorted. “But let me do it under my own power. This is...kind of humiliating. On top of a lot of other humiliating junk I already have to deal with.”
She had not been looking at his face as she spoke, but rather she watched the giant hallway as they made their way back to the velvet room. Or rather the larder, as she had learned it was called. The scale of them made her acutely aware of just how small she was in this world. And the over the top ornate furnishings continued beyond Magnus’s office. Who they were trying to impress, she was not sure. Or perhaps they were just that wealthy. If Magnus’s word on the price he paid to have a “sample” of her were to believed, these Demons who kept her and her friends were, for a lack of a better term, loaded. Which would begin to explain the ostentatious wardrobe and jewelery. How did economics work in the Netherworld? Did they pay taxes? And they called themselves a club. So was their reservation at the Black Hole where they first met technically a business expense?
These were the thoughts that bounced around in her head, so that when Magnus arms pressed her upwards and she heard a suspiciously smug hum from him, she looked up.
“Oh,” he purred. Magnus’s face was very close to her and his eyes flashed violet as his tongue slipped out between his smirking lips to lick at her. “Are you referring to this?”
“DON’T!” She yelled, falling back to sink further into the crook of his arm and swinging out her leg as though to kick him and his tongue away. He tipped his head back with a highly amused chuckle just as her foot swung, missing him by only a foot or so. Erin was left red faced as she squawked indignantly at him. “You said you wouldn’t do that again!”
“Oh no, no, no,” Magnus replied matter-of-factually and held a finger up as he elaborated. “I think you’ll find I did not agree to that demand and informed you of such at the time. You can’t blame me if you only hearing what you want to hear, Erin.” She huffed through her nose, glowering at him all the while, to which he returned with a grin and a wink.
“You’re lucky they took my shoes,” she informed him as she righted herself. “If I had my cleats with me...”
Magnus made a face of disgust and shook his head. “Ugh, shoes. No thank you. They give me horrible indigestion.”
She furrowed her brows, confused. “But you said you’d never eaten a human before...well, before me.”
“What? You don’t think Demons wear shoes?” he asked bewildered and then for emphasis, jumped up with a quick motion with his feet and jostling Erin badly as she desperatlt clung to the fabric of his sleeve. There came a rhythmic clacking by the distinct tapping of his hard sole loafers onto the hard floor. “I realize your observational skills are wanting, but I am in fact wearing shoes. Very nice shoes, I might add.”
“Okay, fine,” she replied, trying to settle her racing heart. “Now how about the part where you let me walk?”
“While I do have much in the way of movement when it comes to my schedule,” Magnus replied. “I do have some business that need to be tended to and indulging your bruised pride would only delay that. I would take a mere two steps and have to wait for you to catch up.”
“I could run,” Erin offered. “I am a fast runner, you know. I was on the track team in high school.”
“Track team?” he asked, his interest clearly piqued. “What did you track?”
“Huh? No, not like that kind of tracking,” Erin laughed for what may have been the first time in several days. “We competed to see who could run the fastest or jump the highest.”
“You just ran?” Magnus asked. “Like in a circle?”
“No! We…well, the track was a big circle, but we did other stuff….”
She was interrupted but Magnus’s laughter and sheepishly, she began to try and think of a response when he shifted his grip on her from cradling her in the crook of his arm to holder her securely about the middle.
“Very well,” he said with a breathy chuckle as he bent down to place her feet first on the floor. “Let’s see these incredible speeds of yours.”
She looked down the hall; its long and seemingly endless length stretching out before her. She turned to look back at Magnus who just stared back with an open expression. Curious and expectant. Experimentally, she splayed her toes and felt them grip onto the hard surface. She was not sure if it was tile or stone or porcelain, but she could tell her shoe less feet would have excellent purchase. Almost giddy, she turned and within three steps, she was flying down the corridor. She felt the air trail over her shoulders and neck and brush her short hair back. The rush of wind in her ears was freeing and intoxicating…
“Erin!” Magnus’s call shook her from the grip of her momentary glee and she slowed and stopped, turning around to see the Demon standing only twenty or so feet from where she had first started running. He gestured to the very blank wall beside him. “You ran right past it, Pet.”
“What?” she asked, slightly winded. “But there’s no door.”
“Oh?” he asked in mocking bewilderment. With his pinky, he drew a circle onto the wall beside him and then a single line straight through it and the shape took form as a glowing rune. The wallpaper split and began to peel away in long gangling strips and as they fell to the floor, they evaporated like water droplets on a searing hot skillet until finally there was a door where one had not been before. A distinctive teal door. Finished with his machinations, Magnus turned a single eye to the human girl, the corners of his mouth curled in an indulgent smile. “Come now. In you go, Pet.”  
She made it two steps back towards him when she stopped, a sudden thought striking her like lightning. She could just turn and run. Run as fast as her feet had ever carried her.
He would probably catch her, but she would give him a run for it and the idea tickled her brain in a very pleasant, almost vindictive way. She could take back a small bit of freedom, even if only a moment, have command over herself for a while until they forced her to comply to the role they forced her into.
The idea of it had her heart ache with want.
She jumped as the shadow fell over her and looking into Magnus’s face, she found the confidant smirk gone and replaced with suspicion and accusations all in one. The dull color of his irises pulsed a bright violet and she instinctively took a step back as he issues a single command, “Enough.”
She nodded in hasty agreement and knew she had made a mistake.
“I won’t have you making a fool of me, child.” She shook her head and braced herself when his hands descended with alarming speed to pluck her up and the sensation caused her head to swim with virtigo. In a few short strides, he was at the teal door and with his free hand, he reached out to grab the door handle, but paused. He shifted her so he held her aloft and in front of his face and he eyed her. Erin squirmed with unease, worried that she had crossed some line and was genuinely sorry for it.
“I’m sorry...” her words were barely above a whisper.        
“Where would you have even gone?”
“Nowhere, I just…I just wanted to run for a little bit.”
“There isn’t anywhere for you to run,” he told her. “Except right into someone’s gullet.”
“Please, I’m sorry,” she said. “Don’t be angry, I’m sorry.”
A frustrated sigh.
“I understand that you deeply dislike this,” he said to her, his voice serious and stern, but the steel had softened into something more admonishing. “But this is the safest place for you when you are not with me. Do you understand, Erin?”
She nodded.
“I need to hear you say the words.”
His eyes continued to stare into her for several long moments before he closed them with a sigh. “You’re a terrible liar,” he told her. “But it will do for now.” And he placed her back down on her own feet. She looked to him for explanation, her brow furrowing in confusion as he turned the brass handle and pushed the door open. He regarded her expectantly and gestured to the open doorway. “Well? If being able to walk under your own power is what you wish for, go on. I can allow you this small measure of indulgence. It isn’t much, but for now it is what I can offer.”
The tight wad of worry that had twisted up inside her when she thought she had angered him eased and she gratefully took his offer and scurried through the entrance, under her own power, and into the familiar velvet walls of the larder. She heard the clacking of his shoes follow her inside and the sound of the door softly closing.
Suddenly, Danny was beside her, gripping her arms and looking into her face with anguish. “Oh my god, Erin! Are you alright? You were gone for so long we started to think maybe they’d...”
It was then that Danny noticed Magnus and his grip on her arms turned fervent as he began to hastily pull her away from the towering demon and closer to the cloister of cushions and humans. Erin did not resist, clear headed enough to understand that Danny was simply panicking. He did not know what kind of a demon Magnus was, only that bad things happened when one was inside the larder with them. In a strange way, she thought it was very sweet of him to try and protect her.  
Mangus observed the boy’s reaction with a sort of amused befuddlement. “Curious. Tell me, if I had wanted to take her back, what would you have done to stop me?”
Danny pushed Erin behind her and it was then she noticed the way his whole body was shaking, but not from fear. Not entirely anyway. He was drained and weak and yet was still trying to keep himself between her and Magnus. Misguided, but sweet.  
“Probably couldn’t do anything,” Danny admitted behind gritted teeth. “But I know you won’t hurt me, either.”
“Oh?” Magnus asked, the sound of his voice like velvet. His eyes pulsed and he let himself slip into the look of a true predator with a hungry gleam and licking lips. “You do, do you?”
“Yeah,” Danny almost laughed. He looked delirious with fatigue and fear. “Because I know Archeon would kick your ass for it.”
“Ah. So you’re Archeon’s little treat,” Magnus mused aloud. The teasing predator act dropped and he was once more easy going and curious. “That explains it then. Well, have no fear. Erin is free of my malicious clutches for this evening.”
“Danny,” she said, grabbing his shoulder. “It’s alright. He didn’t hurt me.”
“He ate you,” Danny snarled. “That’s more than enough...”
“Erin, my pet, it looks as though I owe you an apology for my earlier remarks,” Magnus said amused. “Perhaps you have the normal amount of feelings for a human after all. Especially in comparison to this one.” He pointed to Danny. “Sit yourself down, child. You’ve barely enough energy to stand let alone defend her from me. And as I have already said: she is free of me for this evening.”
Danny’s legs answered for him and he collapsed hard on the floor with a curse. Erin grabbed onto him to try and help him up and back onto his cushion, but Magnus’s shadow fell over them and his hands were suddenly there, scooping the drained boy into his clutches. Danny cursed and kicked weakly at the fingers.
“You human never turn off, do you?”
“Put me down goddammit!”
“I am,” Magnus snapped back. “So stop wiggling so much or I might actually drop you.”
He sat Danny down onto a vacant cushion and let the little human huff and glare at him, clearly expecting something more to happen. Erin went to his side to try and explain, but Magnus spoke before she could.
“Has Gobbler been here to refilled your food stores?” he asked, looking around the room and spotting the munitions crate abandoned off the far corner.
“No,” James said tiredly from his own cushion. “We still have some left over from yesterday.”
“But they’re all the weird ones nobody wants to eat.” Michael added.
“And we have no water.”
“And no where to piss.”
Magnus rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Archeon was supposed to have all this handled. I told Rolland he would forget the details, but no...” He sighed. “Fine. I’ll have Gobbler come and drop off your rations. As for water and somewhere to relieve yourselves, I can solve that just fine.”
He went to the back of the room and pushed his hands around the fabric, seeming to be searching for something on the other side and he made a sound of triumph and pulled the curtains back to reveal a wide round hole in the wall made of opalescent teal tiles and beyond it, Erin could hear running water.
“Will that suffice?” Magnus asked, clearly pleased with himself. But when none of the humans save for Erin expressed anything close to grateful, or even acknowledged him, he frowned pensively. “Hm. I will speak to the others in regards to their feeding habits. It’s been many hours since they fed on you all and you’re still weak as wet sand.”
“Why would you care?” James asked, not even looking at Magnus and just stared blankly up at the ceiling. “What does it matter?”
“It does matter, little humans. It matter a great deal,” Magnus told them, his face brooding. “The chief reason being how irate Rolland would be to find our investments being neglected right under his nose.”
At the mentioning of Rolland’s name, Erin suddenly remembered Valarie and she searched the room for her. Her cushion had been pushed under the gold metal awning and she lay there with her back to all of them, curled in on herself and unmoving. Erin frowned, her heart breaking for her.  
“Heh. Investments.” Danny was saying lethargically. “Oh no! Better not let the food get too sad, fellas. Might makes them taste bad.”
James answered Danny’s morbid statement with a dark laugh. “Don’t want the meat to spoil.”
Erin remained quiet as she watched the exchange and she was very surprised to see concern on Magnus’s face. She wondered if it he felt concern for them as pure ‘investments’ or as people.
“I have work that I need to see to, but I’ll send for Gobbler,” he said, tuning his gaze to her. “Erin.”
“Uh, oh. Yeah?”
“Take care of them,” he said turning towards the door. “I’ll see what improvements I can make.”
“Magnus,” she called just as he would have slipped through the door. He paused to look at her. “Thank you.”
He smiled and inclined his head to her. “Until then.”
The last she saw of him was a pulse of his eyes, a teasing warning that he would be back. And probably very hungry.
It was less then five minutes later that Gobbler arrived, looking displeased as he waddled into the room and was mumbling to himself.
“Gobbler knows Gobbler’s works,” he grumbled. “Knows all ups and overs fer it. Gobbler ain’t be fergettin no meats needin’ feedin’. Too soon fer meat feedin’ anyhow. Meats just be sleep. Meats complain too much.”
The shorter demon hunkered down, opening his horrible mouth wide and another munitions box hurled out from somewhere deep inside the toad. It landed and rolled and stopped a few feet from Erin. Thick veins of mucus and drool pooling on the floor under it and she backed away from his in revulsion.
“Thanks, Gobbler,” Danny said in mock appreciation and gave a lazy salute. “You’re a gentlemen and a scholar.”
Gobbler paused when he would have turned and left. He stared at Danny, the folds of his face moving oddly and they pulled back into a...smile? It was a hideous and terrifying display of teeth, but he looked very much as though he were trying to smile.
“Meat say good ‘bout Gobbler,” he said in awe. “Gobbler bein’ happy meat say good about Gobbler. Master say to Gobbler that Gobbler take care of meat. So Gobbler take cares ‘a meat.”
“Oh...yeah. Cool. So, I don’t suppose you have anything else in there?” Danny asked idly, pointing to Gobbler’s rotund belly that made up most of his bulk.
“What meat be wishin’?”
Danny laughed sardonically. “ Oooh, so many thing. But...uh, how about a guitar?”
Erin could tell Danny was just messing around with Gobbler, but the odd expression on the little demon’s face gave her pause.
“Yeah, an instrument. It’s got strings and looks likes this,” Danny ran his fingers into the air in a vague shape of a guitar body.
“Meat wants a diddly-winkle?”
Danny suppressed a grin and nodded. “Sure, dude. I’d love one.”
Gobbler put his hands to his belly and began to poke and prod and his flesh as though searching through the contents of his guts to find a “diddly-winkle”. Then, he hunkered down just as before, opening his great maw and something that was decidedly not a munitions box flew from his throat. It sailed over their heads and Erin bristled as she saw it coming at her. She ran to meet it as it fell and reached out to catch it just before it smashed upon the floor.
It was a guitar.
She looked to Danny who sat there staring, wide eyed in disbelief. Erin winced when she felt the warm globules of Gobbler mucus slime up her hands and she shuddered. Oh this was a thousand times worse than Magnus’s drool. The guitar was intact and no worse for wear other than being completely drenched in the toad demon’s mouth excretions.
“Erin, let me see it!” Danny said, waving her over excitedly. She handed it over and grinned when the eager light in Danny’s eyes faded for a brief moment as his hands met the sticky drool. “Ugh.” He shirked off his hoodie and began to wipe away the wet from the instrument. Once he seemed happy with it, he sat it in his lap and his fingers went to the string, strumming. It made a clear and clean sound and Danny looked as though he were about to cry.
“Meat likes diddly-wickles?” Gobbler asked.
“Gobbler,” Danny said, looking to the toad, his eyes sparkling with pure joy. “You’re the best and anyone who says different is an idiot.”
  Gobbler’s yellow eyes opened a little wider in clear bliss. Erin supposed he had never received such a compliment before.
“Gobbler happy meats is happy,” he answered. “Gobbler come more to see meats is happy.”
“Oh, yeah. Meats is happy,” Danny said replied, his fingers incrementally making their way down the neck of the guitar as he listened and adjusted with each pluck of a note. “Meats is definitely happy.”
“Hey, Gobbler,” James called out, sitting up. “You wouldn’t happen to have like, I dunno. A portal back to the human world in there do you?”
Gobbler looked at James oddly and then grinned again in his odd and kind of terrifying way. “Ah. Meats got funny libbers. Meats is funny.”
“It was worth a shot...” James sighed as he eased himself to sit on the edge of the cushioned.
Gobbler left with a little more pep in his waddle and with a promise to come and see if they needed anything else later. Erin and James opened the munitions box using Danny’s hoodie to clean it up and they had expected for it to be filled with sandwiches again, but this time they were filled with boxes covered in delicate and beautiful paper like origami. Erin pulled a box out and unwrapped it. More asian characters she could not read stared up at her. Inside the plastic, she could see white rice, slices of some sort of vibrant neon yellow vegetable, and what looked like a small roasted fish.
“Oh shit,” James said, looking at the foods inside. “These are like those...those japanese lunch box things.”
“Bento?” Michael asked, sitting up abruptly from his bed like a daisy popping up from the weakened grasp of winter. His eyes were wide and hopeful. “Really?”
James looked over his shoulder at him. “How do you know what bento’s are, meat head?”
“My grandmother is half Japanese, fuck-wit,” he said, slowly making his way over to the food stuff. “She use to pack me a bento everyday for school till I was in 7th grade.”
“So can you tell us what theses are and which ones are gross?”
“They’re all fine! Most of it’s rice and meat or fish or...oh, wait. Not that one. That one’s nasty.”
James obediently slipped it into the reject pile. “What is it?”
“Stinky fermemnted soy beans.”
“Yeah, that’s a hard pass for me.”
“Save it,” Erin suggested, grabbing a bento and walking off to where Valarie was laying down. “Maybe Gobbler would like it.”
Valarie had yet to move or speak since Erin had returned and when she approached her, she could see that she was awake. Her eyes were listless and red. She looked utterly broken and she could hardly blame her. “Valarie? I have some food if you’re hungry.”
She didn’t acknowledge Erin at all and after several moments of silence, Erin placed the box near here Valarie could easily grab it. “It’s just here if you’re hungry.”
As they began sorting the boxes with Michael doing his best to tell them what everything was, Danny was happily plucking away at his new toy. He wasn’t playing much of anything close to a song, but contented himself with doodling about and warming up his fingers. Erin grabbed one of the bentos and walked over to him.
“Here,” she said. “It’s fried chicken.”
Danny blinked at her and then looked down. “Oh! Yeah, food. Cool.”
She sat next to him with her own box, rice with egg and some sort of seaweed salad that tasted mostly of sesame oil. They didn’t have any utensils so they ate with their hands.
“So,” Danny asked, mouth full of chicken. “Why were you gone so long? Did that guy like...keep you in his stomach longer than normal?”
“No actually,” she replied. “He barely drained me at all. I was in his office mostly.”
Danny stopped mid-chew to look at her. “Huh?”
“He said he wanted to find some kind of center to it. That he could drain me enough for him to be happy without leaving me sick for days after.”
“That doesn’t make any sense,” he said. “Doesn’t that mean he’ll just come back sooner to gobble you up?”
“I...I don’t know. He said he ate before he came to get me. So he could try it and see if it made any difference. I don’t feel very tired at all.”
“Luck you,” Danny replied, taking another bite. He grinned suddenly, and said, “Hey, I’ll trade you for Archeon.”
“No freaking way,” Erin said. “That guy is your problem.”
Danny nodded with a sigh of resignation. “Yeah. So why’s he doing it? Your demon dude. Why not just do what they’re all doing, drain you till their full, and leave you alone for a while? Why worry about how badly you feel?”
“He wanted to talk.”
“Yeah,” she replied. “He wants to know more about us. He’s curious.”
“So he’s a weirdo?” Erin snorted, covering her mouth and trying not to spit rice all over herself.
“Hey music man,” Michael called from his seat. “You gonna play us something or what?”
Danny stuffed the last piece of chicken into his mouth and chewed as he started playing some random bit of songs. Some she recognized, but mostly not, but it felt wonderful to hear the sound of the string. Once he has finished his food, Danny looked around to his audience and grinned. “Alright, do we have any requests?”
“Wonderwall,” James called.
“My Heart Will Go On!” Michael added.
“Okay, those are terrible ideas,” Danny replied and started into a rhythmic plucking in a very familiar way that then fell into a series of easy chords just as he opened his mouth and began to sing.
“Every time when I look in the mirror All these lines on my face getting clearer The past is gone It went by, like dusk to dawn Isn't that the way Everybody's got the dues in life to pay”
Danny closed his eyes as his hands began to strum harder at the strings, his knee jerking in time to the rhythm. He appeared as though he was gone from the world and the only thing to exist for him was the weight of the guitar in his hands and feel of the strings as his fingers slide down the frets.
“I know nobody knows Where it comes and where it goes I know it's everybody sin You got to lose to know how to win
Half my life
Is books, written pages
Lived and learned from fools and
From sages
You know its true
All these feelings come back to you...”
As the chorus came in, James started to sing along and Michael quickly joined in. Erin mouthed the words, but the sound of all their voices practically screaming the lyrics made her smile wide enough to make her face ache until she didn’t care anymore and started belting along with them.
“Sing with me, sing for the years Sing for the laughter, sing for the tears Sing with me, just for today Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away...”
There was a cathartic release as the song continued, each of them not caring how off key or pitchy they were and as the song fell into the last verse of repeated “dream on, dream on, dream on” their volume grew to a fever pitch that Danny matched with each hard thrum of the chords.
“Dream on Dream on Dream on Dream until your dreams come true!”
Erin started laughing as the echoes of the last note hung in the hair and she could hear Michael and James and Danny all doing the same.
“Woo!” Michael hooted. “Damn that was good.”
Erin opened her mouth to agree and then stopped. Valarie was sitting up and eating slowly and with not a lot of enthusiasm, but she was eating. Danny noticed as well and suddenly was on his feet walking over to her. As he eased down to sit on the edge of the cushion, he looked at Valarie.
“Hey,” he said gently. “How you feeling?” She didn’t answer him and just put another small bit of food into her mouth, chewing methodically. Danny looked crestfallen by her lack of acknowledgment. He glanced at her and then put his hands to the guitar again. “Got any requests? If I know it, I’ll play it. No matter how bad the song. Whatever you want.”
Valarie paused and carefully placed the bit of food back onto her plate. Her mouth moved, but it was too quiet for Erin to hear, but Danny was smiling and nodding.
“Alright. G major okay?”
She nodded, never averting her eyes from her lap. The sounds of the guitar filled the room again, but instead of the energetic thrumming of a rock ballad, the notes he played were slower. Sadder. He looked at Valarie as he opened his mouth and sang to her.  
“Tell me somethin', girl Are you happy in this modern world? Or do you need more? Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for? I'm falling In all the good times I find myself longin' for change And in the bad times I fear myself...”
Danny looked at Valarie expectantly and when she made no move or sound to pick up the next verse, he sighed. But as he took a breath to start it himself, Valarie began to sing in a small voice. Unsure and unused.
“Tell me something boy Aren't you tired tryin' to fill that void? Or do you need more? Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore? I'm falling In all the good times I find myself longin' for change And in the bad times I fear myself...”
Her voice grew stronger as she sung and Valarie stared of into space as though singing to someone far away. She took a deep breath and with a voice of a trained soprano sang out the next verses, heavy with emotion and power.
“I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in I'll never meet the ground Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us We're far from the shallow now...”
Erin’s jaw dropped and Danny was grinning madly. Valarie had an amazing voice and in the back of her mind she remembered Danny say something about her possibly being a vocal major, but he hadn’t been sure. She left no one in doubt as she and Danny’s mismatched voices found a kind of harmony as they finished the last portions of the song in duet.
“We’re far from the shallows now...” Valarie’s voice drifted away and the room was silent until Danny made a noise of delight.
“OOOOOOh!” he laid the guitar down and put his hand on her shoulder. “Valarie, you are so freaking GOOD!”
She gave him a small smile, her pale face a little flusher as she blushed. “Thank you.”
“Why are you slumming it out in our freaking school? Why aren’t you at Juliard or something?”
“I’m still doing my prerequisite work before I go to an audition,” she said and then paused. All the joy in her face drained away and she sank back into herself. “Or rather...I was.”
Danny’s face fell and he nodded in grim understanding.
“I wanted to be an opera singer,” she said. “Ever since my parents took me to see Carmen when I was little. I wanted to be able to sing like that.”
“Carmen?” Danny asked. “Isn’t that about a prostitute or something?”
“Something like that.”
“Well,” he said. “For what it’s worth, I think you would have nailed that audition.”
She turned to him and gave him a grateful, if not forced, smile. “Thank you.”
The rest of the day Danny fiddled on the guitar and spent hours trying to keep it in tune. “I mean, for being in Gobbler’s guts for as long as it must have, it still plays great!”
They were able to coax Valarie out of her hole and eat with them and they spent their dinner trying the bizarre and unfamiliar foods inside the bento boxes. James even tried the fermented soybeans, but regretted it immediately as he began to spit it out and gagging on the lingering taste, which Michael found to be highly hilarious.
Erin took a moment to explore the tiled hole in the wall that Magnus had shown them. It took them a while for her to find it again as she pushed and pulled against the fabric, but once the blue tiled room opened to her, she slipped inside. It was colder than the velvet room with teal tiles covering every surface. There was a fountain at it’s center, a round pool with a small obelisk at it’s center made of white marble. Water poured from slits at the top that flowed down the sides of the obelisk and filled the  pool beneath. She went to it and drank deeply. The water tasted fresher than the tap water at home and she had not realized just how parched she was. She cupped some water in her hands and splashed it against her face, relishing in the cool sensation of water droplets on her face and clinging to her hair.
At least three days, she mused. Perhaps even four. They must have been there at least three days. And she was aware of how the clothes on her back itched. She’d been wearing the same pair of jean shorts and t-shirt the entire time and after two trips to a demon’s belly, she was suddenly desperate for a wash. Further into the room she saw another water feature of a long cascading wall of water that flowed from the ceiling and into another pool, this one much deeper. She stuck her foot inside and shivered. It was ice cold. But she was desperate. So she quickly stripped and jumped into the pool.
Every muscle tensed and she gasped as the frigid waters sucked the heat from her. She began to furiously scrub at herself and her hair, trying to clean herself as fast as possible. When she could not stand the cold water anymore, she hobbled out and with some difficulty, put her clothes back on. She stayed there, shivering, for a while and letting her mind go numb along with her extremities.
When Magnus has come to eat her, she had been so terrified. And though the knowledge that he would come again to once more feed upon her did stills scare her...he no longer did. Not in the same way. He had wanted to talk to her. Ask her things. He was curious and for a man eating demon, he was awfully kind. Much kinder than any of his fellows were. She felt bad for Valarie who had to give herself over to the worse of them. Rolland. He had tortured her before eating her, dragging it out, and demeaning her once he had her in his belly. And Valarie was so sweet and nice. She had feared for Danny in the same way, but seeing his eyes light up as he played his guitar, she had less fear for him now.
But Valarie…
He lazily swirled his goblet, letting the last few sips spin around inside as he stared at his fellow Demon across the table, eyeing him with thinly veiled annoyance. “You want us to what?”
Magnus returned Rolland’s cool stare. “We should not be draining the humans to the degree that we have.”
Rolland scowled.
“We’ve already had this discussion,” Rolland informed him, his annoyance slipping into anger. “After the first feeding. And we have adjusted accordingly.”
“It’s not enough,” Magnus replied and Rolland balled his fist up. “They’re still far too ill and for too long after.”
“So tell me, Magnus,” Rolland said. “Why do I care how my food feels well after I have eaten it?”
The members of the Commorisco club were all seated in their places at the meeting table. The decanter of wine had made its rounds and was near empty next to Egan who was draining the last drops from his goblet and eyeing the remainder. Beside him Lyrna was nursing her own cup, eyes distant and unfocused.  
“That’s not the point I am trying to make,” Magnus replied, waving Rolland’s words off like a buzzing gnat. “We already knew these creatures were fragile. However, I am starting to sense something about our plans that may go awry. If we are not mindful of their delicate spirits, they may die. Far earlier than we could replace them.”
Rolland saw the looks on the others’ faces and saw concern. He growled, angry at their weakness, and drank heavily form his goblet till it was empty.
“What nonsense are you spouting?” Rolland demanded of Magnus. “Of course I mean to break their spirits. That is what I do. They will submit as it is their place. If I demand this from my subordinates, why would I not demand it of my food?”
Rolland did not know if it was Magnus’s insistence that irked him more or if it was simply his face. Magnus was intelligent and ruthless in his other dealings, so why show such unnecessary compassion to these small, insignificant creatures. Their worth was their taste and as far as Rolland was concerned, it stopped there.
“If you play too roughly with your toys, Rolland,” Magnus said to him in a firm warning. “You are going to break them. Your little human, Valarie. She’s cracking already after only having to endure two feedings from you. She doesn’t sleep. She’s not eating. Kept up for a little while longer and you’ll no long have a human at all to keep your belly company.”
Rolland glowered at his friend. “Do not presume to tell me how to arrange and manage my human, Magnus. I don’t care that you coddle and spoil your own as you do, but I hold no such desires for mine.”
“It’s poor investment, Rolland. You must take into consideration these mechanisms that we did not foresee when we set this plan into motion. If we do not adapt, all that work and waiting will be lost and this little experiment of ours will be in ruined. And Archeon,” he said, turning his attention to the taller Demon sitting near the window. “You’re little Danny is showing cracks as well.”
Archeon just grinned, unconcerned and smug. “Then you haven’t been paying attention, Magnus. That tasty little ball of spite’s too stubborn to break. Which is why I like him. That and he wiggles going down.”
“I don’t want to hurt my little Michael,” Lyra pouted, seeming genuinely distressed at the idea. “He’s just so adorable and delicious. I did drain him maybe a little too much. I’m sure I could have done with less. I’ll try you suggestion, Magnus.”
“Magnus may have a point, Rolland,” Egan said, surprising both Rolland and Magnus as Egan and Magnus rarely agreed on anything. “They’ve got a spirit to ‘em. But they’re still only human. They’re gonna break under the pressure if we’re not careful. We can’t be going on treatin’ ‘em like reusable ghouls.”
“I’m not suggesting anything drastic,” Magnus told them all. “For the next few times you feed, see how little you can take and if it wasn’t enough, substitute a ghoul or two until you know where the line is drawn.”
Rolland stood up, angry now. “The humans are here so we do not have to survive off such vermin. After all that time and money, you tell me you want us to go back to eating floor scum? There is a larder filled with humans just beyond that wall. A literal treasure trove of culinary delight. Do what you wish with your humans, my friends. But you’re all fools.”
As Rolland swept though the door, Archeon called after him. “Where are you going?”
“All of a sudden,” he said, eyes narrow and glowing. “I’m feeling awfully peckish.”
Author’s notes: Now, if you actually made it though this chapter, I bet you’re thinking “Why the hell did you do that cringy thing and put music into your story like that?” Well, because it was important to the story and to the character growth of both Danny and Valarie. I tried to make it feel organic and not feel like I just shoved it in. I’ll let you ll tell me if I succeeded or not.  
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willowfoot · 5 years
I had to dig around in my documents for one of my too-many WIPs, but I finally found this super weird Good Omens fic I wrote in October in the middle of the night. It features bookverse Aziraphale and Crowley in the Garden, and Aziraphale breaking an apple in half with his bare hands, because I’d tried to do the same thing earlier that day but failed utterly to do so. But if anyone could break an apple in half with only their hands, it would be Aziraphale.
Not long after the unfortunate incident with the flaming sword, Aziraphale, on one of his final patrols around the Garden, came across an unusual scene.
He heard it first; something rustling and rolling about in the bushes, emitting a constant, high-pitched sound like steam escaping a leaky pipe. While alarming, it was also vaguely familiar. Almost like… hissing. Keeping an eye on the bushes, Aziraphale approached the commotion cautiously, though he suspected he already knew the source of the sound.
His suspicions proved to be correct. Said source, awkward and gangling in his new human corporation, sat cross-legged in the grass behind the bushes, grappling with something in his lap while a steady stream of snarled blessings escaped through his clenched teeth. If Aziraphale didn’t know better, he would’ve thought the being before him was wrestling with some sort of small, particularly vicious animal. As it was, he had also once seen Crowley burst into tears at the sight of a duckling that was “just too blessedly small”, so that possibility seemed unlikely. 
“My dear?”
Crowley jumped, swiveled around, and promptly fell over when he was forcibly reminded that he now had legs. The thing he’d been struggling with slipped from his hands, bounced once, and rolled to a stop at Aziraphale’s feet.
“Angel!” Crowley yelped. “What in Hell’s name are you doing here?”
“My job?” Aziraphale said tartly, raising an eyebrow. Crowley had the decency to look sheepish.
“Sorry. It’s just -- I thought you’d been reassigned, given your, er, new position.”
“I’m still waiting for Head Office to process my papers before I leave. And you can call it a demotion, my dear. It is the truth, after all.” Aziraphale squinted at the round, red object sitting innocently in the grass. He really ought to have a word with management about this corporation’s short-sightedness. “What’s this?”
“Nothing,” Crowley said hastily, making a grab for it. Aziraphale absently blocked his flailing arm and knelt to pick the object up. With its firm, smooth surface and distinctive shape, it fit snugly in his palm in an all-too familiar way. 
“An apple?”
“What about it?” Crowley’s voice took on a defensive edge. “Can’t a demon grab a bite to eat without being accosted by angels at every corner?”
“I did see what you were doing just now, and it was decidedly not eating,” Aziraphale pointed out, amused. “Not unless they’ve gone and changed up the terminology again without telling us.” [1]
[1: That had certainly been an eventful meeting. He’d half-expected to witness a second coming of the Fall, given how red Gabriel’s face had become.]
Crowley sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face. “I am eating it. Or trying to, at least. I just can’t split the blasted thing in half the way I want it.”
“Couldn’t you simply…” Aziraphale mimed taking a bite out of the apple, with a distinct sense of déjà vu. Crowley scowled at him and snatched the apple back, this time successfully. 
“Of course I can. I just don’t want to,” he snapped. He braced the apple against his knee with both hands and recommenced his wrestling-with-a-small-animal-but-not-really routine, and finally Aziraphale understood his actions -- he was trying to break the apple apart using only his bare hands.
“You know,” the angel said mildly, “you might have better luck if you tried using a dagger.”
“And whose fault is it that we don’t have one anymore?” Crowley shot back, blessing again when he lost his grip on the fruit’s slippery surface. 
Well, really. Aziraphale considered lecturing him upon the differences between daggers and flaming swords, but decided it wasn’t worth the effort. Crowley pried at the apple in vain. It didn’t so much as creak.
“I don’t see why you can’t just eat it normally.”
With a curse, Crowley cast the apple back into the grass and drew his knees up to his chest, like a man-shaped creature who desperately wanted to coil into a defensive huddle but was impeded by the presence of too many limbs. He muttered something under his breath. Aziraphale leaned forward.
“What was that, dear?”
“I said I don’t like it when the juices get all over me,” Crowley snapped, coiling up tighter. “It’s sticky and unpleasant and the skin gets stuck in my teeth. This corporation is a damn sight better than crawling on my belly all the time, but at least I didn’t have to deal with all those... fluids.”
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jeontaeh · 3 years
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Burst of explosions, lava spewing out in every direction, nearby moons getting gangled and combusting into flames in space. The planet exploded.
And their spaceship just drew further and further away, almost in a frightened panic. Jungkook watched with widened eyes, and a skewed silence fell across the marbled control room.
"T-Taehyung-" Jungkook let out, voice weak, scratchy. His hands were still placed against the window, and he saw it all go up in flames. And just for a few seconds, he felt this gutted, aching, throbbing pain in his chest, abdomen, arms, neck, filling him up like an infestation, a virus.
For a few seconds, he felt this longing, a stretch of emptiness, hollow. So fucking hollow. Like he couldn't breathe, and if he did, the air would go in and get consumed in a void of nothing. He felt so empty.
"Jungkook," Jimin let out, eyes wide. "J-Jungkook, I'm-I'm so sorry-" Jimin started, but then Jungkook turned around, looking at the rest of them with watery eyes.
"T-T-Taehyung," Jungkook whispered, feeble, barely coherent. Jin walked up to him, wrapping his arms around him quickly, for Jungkook almost fell to the floor.
"I know- I-I know- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Jin whispered, but he also knew Jungkook's skin was turning a dark silver, and if he didn't treat it now, Jungkook might not make it either.
"He- h-he must've transported into the other thing!" Jungkook suddenly said, eyes going bright, tears reaching them as he tried so hard to push this whole thing away. "H-Hobi- go c-check. There was an extra transporter in t-the engine room, r-right? Y-you made two!"
Hoseok stood there for a few seconds, hands bundling up in fists beside him, looking down. "J-Jungkook, I'm sorry-" Hoseok let out in a whisper, and Jungkook shook his head, refusing to believe it.
"No- n-no-" Jungkook started, and Jin tried taking him into the medical room, but he pushed him away. "No!" Jungkook snapped, and then looked at Namjoon.
"You said it was safe!" Jungkook shouted, face red. "Y-you said I'd make it out alive- you- y-you promised!" Jungkook screamed, tears falling out of his eyes. Namjoon gulped, walking closer to it.
"I know," Namjoon said, and Jungkook pushed him away, vision going blurry, from the tears, and the exhaustion, the pain. "H-he w-wasn't supposed to die, I was!" Jungkook cried, and Namjoon grabbed him close.
"Kookie," Namjoon let out, voice strained, in a whisper. "I-I know t-this is really hard for you- a-and I'm so sorry, I-I really am-" Namjoon started, and Jungkook cried into his shoulder. "But- you- you need to get some rest, or you'll get really sick."
"I don't care! I-I don't care- he- has to be alive- he just- h-he can't just die like that! He c-came to save me, a-and-" Jungkook said, and then fell to the floor, not being able to hold himself up much longer, eyes sliding closed as his hands planted firmly to the ground to keep himself steady.
"T-Taehyungie," Jungkook squeaked out sadly, losing himself to his cried. His sobs only got louder, not trying to control it anymore. Jin walked up to him, lifting him up carefully and carrying him into the medicine room.
"I-I don't want him to die," Jungkook said softly, and Jin wiped Jungkook's tears away, ters in his own eyes.
"None of us do," Jin replied uietly, and Jungkook sniffled.
"I-It's all my fault. If I just- I-I don't know what happened. I froze. I couldn't move- I-I started seeing this black illusion like everything was in shapes and circles a-and-" Jungkook stammered, and Jin looked at him. "If I just.. did something properly for once he'd still be alive,"
"Jungkook, don't- don't blame yourself-"
"But it's my fault! It's all my fucking fault!" Jungkook cried, and Jin put a pill in a glass of water, handing it to Jungkook. "It's all my fault that he's dead."
"Drink this, please," Jin said, and Jungkook shook his head, but Jin tipped it down his throat and he downed it completely. In the span of a few seconds, Jungkook felt drowsy and fell onto the bed, falling asleep.
Jin turned around to walk out of the room and saw Jimin crying into Hoseok's shoulder, while the older consoled him while looking close to tears himself.
"Namjoon?" Jin whispered, and Namjoon, who was sitting on the captain's chair looking outside with a darkened expression, looking at Jin. "Is Taehyung r-really gone?"
Namjoon looked at him for a few seconds, and then looked back ahead. "Y-yeah," Namjoon breathed out, and Jin closed his eyes for a bit, trying to compose himself.
Yoongi looked at the monitor, which was static, earlier displaying the planet. He gulped dryly, neglecting the emptiness growing like roots inside of him. Everyone was.
"Guys," Yoongi let out, and everyone looked at him. "What- um- what happened to Jungkook? On the planet? He froze out of nowhere. And now he's saying he saw black swirls?"
Namjoon looked at him, a sudden stir. "Wait a minute-" Namjoon started, and then stood up from his chair. "The planet was going to explode. Jungkook... saw black swirls and felt like he was getting hypnotized. And- and he couldn't move-"
"Sel'uls." Hoseok cut him off with worried yet widened eyes, and Jimin looked at them, frowning.
"W-what's that?"
"Sel'uls are aliens from the planet Selour. They have a history for going to planets to steal its resources, so I'm guessing they wanted to get the lava from this one. They can hypnotize entities from a faraway distance through this enhanced technology they've acquired, which is probably what they used on Jungkook." Namjoon explained, and Jin frowned as well.
"How can you be sure? I mean.. maybe he just got scared or something. He has been ill lately," Jin said.
"No- no I think Namjoon's right. It makes sense. Before Taehyung left to go get Jungkook he... looked awfully frightened. He knew what it was. He knew it was those aliens trying to get Jungkook," Yoongi said, and Jimin's shoulders dropped at the mention of Taehyung.
"You're right," Jimin mumbled. "Maybe it's that. Or maybe it's the fact that there's a gigantic spaceship right in front of ours-" Jimin said, pointing outside the window.
Everyone looked outside, and Namjoon's eyes widened, seeing a gigantic black square shaped spaceship moving towards them slowly, four times the size of their ship.
"M-maybe it's friendly... we don't know if it's Sel'uls." Hoseok stammered.
Signal alert. Communicating... The computer voice spoke, and Yoongi turned towards the communications table. "They sent us a message. It says 'warning, we are Sel'uls'. Yup, it's them." Yoongi said, and Namjoon groaned.
"Dammit! Dammit- this isn't good. We need to get rid of that thing before they do something bad." Namjoon snapped.
"Maybe t-they just want to warn us... maybe they won't shoot-"
"'Warning, we will definitely shoot' I-I think they might." Yoongi stammered, and Hoseok groaned.
"What do we do??" Jin asked Namjoon, who looked ahead, and then took in a deep breath.
"I'll go in there talk to the leader," Namjoon said firmly, and Jimin frowned.
"Have you seen any movies?? This is the part where you go in there and get killed! Not it!" Jimin snapped, and Namjoon sighed.
"What do you suppose we do, Jimin?" Namjoon asked, and Jimin gulped.
"What're we doinggg," Jungkook mumbled, getting dragged out the control room and into the control room.
"You're changing. We're going on a mission." Yoongi said, and Jungkook felt his tight red clothes coming off and a shirt being pulled over his head.
"Mmmm.." Jungkook whined, rubbing his eyes with his fists. "Sleepy..... want Taehyungie..."
Yoongi's breath hitched, and he looked at Jin, who was rummaging through the storage. "The medicine I gave him made him loopy. He might act weird for a while." Jin said, and Jungkook poked Yoongi's forehead.
"Where's... TaeTae?" Jungkook asked grumpily, and Yoongi sighed. "Don't worry about it, Jungkook. We need to do this, and then maybe we can go home." Yoongi smiled.
"But-" Jungkook squeaked, and looked away and outside the window, and saw them right in front of a big ship. Jungkook's eyes widened. He then looked outside for a few seconds and looked back at Yoongi. "Big ship."
"Scary big ship."
"Is it gonna.." Jungkook leaned in to whisper. "Eat us?"
"Maybe. Go put a helmet on, and listen to Jimin's instructions." Yoongi said, and Jungkook nodded, putting a helmet on the wrong way and rushed over to Jimin, who was in the hallway.
"Jungkook! Great. We have no time to discuss the plan, so just follow along, okay?" Jimin said, and Jungkook nodded his head, helmet flopping.
Jimin put something in Jungkook's hand, and Jungkook looked at it for a few seconds, registering what it was in his brain. Jimin looked at him, and then patted his shoulder. "Don't worry. Taehyung will always be here with you, okay?"
Jungkook tilted his head. "Haha... silly Jiminie... of course he will be here with me... he's right here," Jungkook said, pointing to the side, and then realizing Taehyung wasn't there.
Jungkook then looked around and realized Taehyung was nowhere. Jungkook gulped, a rotting realization creeping into him. He dropped his head down. "T-Taehyungie..."
"I-I'm sorry, Jungkook. I didn't mean to make you upset! Please, j-just- don't think about this right now. We've landed the spaceship inside the other spaceship. Let's get off." Jimin said, and Jungkook nodded sadly and followed Jimin to the exit of the spaceship.
The other boys were there, and once Jungkook reached there, he realized what he had in his hands was a raygun. Great. Jungkook, in this state of mind, with a gun in his hand that could kill. Great.
Jungkook climbed down the steps of the spaceship and then tripped and fell to the ground, which was like a spaceship holding pad the gigantic spaceship had. Hoseok groaned and helped Jungkook up. Jungkook squeaked out a sorry, rubbing his eyes with fists.
"Don't rub your eyes," Namjoon said, grabbing Jungkook's hand and pulling it down. Jungkook whined softly, and then saw the other boys quiet, looking serious.
"Okay Jimin. We're following your plan. This could go terribly, but we'll do as you say." Namjoon said, and Jimin nodded, standing in front, holding a gun in his hands.
"Let's go," Jimin said, and then they all ran towards the entrance of the spaceship. They opened the door and walked in, and grinned when they saw no one there.
Suddenly, they heard some kind of a weird bubbling sound. "Everyone look down at the floor!" Namjoon pointed, and Jungkook didn't follow, so he continued looking up, but Jin grabbed his head and pointed it down.
They heard the alien language, so Jin turned around and shot his gun, and then looked up and saw a yellow and black colored alien on the floor, white blood pouring out of his chest where Jin shot him. The aliens had four eyes which sat tightly in their sockets and could often make them appear to be evil. Their eyesight is great at distances, which helps them with the hypnotizing.
"Oh no! I feel bad! What if he had a family?" Jin said, and Namjoon tsked, but then they kept rushing down the hallways of the spaceship. They reached a point where they were three hallways.
"Okay, so do as my plan says. Everyone, split!" Jimin snapped, and then Jimin and Hoseok ran one way. Namjoon and Jin the other. Yoongi grabbed Jungkook's hand and dragged him through another hallway.
"W-where's Taehyung?" Jungkook asked, and Yoongi looked at him sadly. Before he could respond, they heard some gunshot sounds (pew pew) and Jungkook widened his eyes.
Jungkook stopped in his steps and covered his eyes. "L-loud."
"Not now Cherry." Yoongi snapped, and grabbed Jungkook's hand and dragged him along. They suddenly saw two aliens in uniform.
"Hey! You two! How did you get on here-" One of them shouted, and Yoongi shot one of them in the stomach, making him fall to the ground. Yoongi pointed his gun at the other one, who was about to shoot, but then Jungkook shot him in the knee, so he fell.
"Good job," Yoongi said, and Jungkook nodded expressionlessly, and followed behind Yoongi.
Yoongi entered a room and saw it completely room. He grinned. "Great! Now we need to find the resources-" Yoongi said, and Jungkook followed him.
They walked to the front, seeing a bunch of shiny mechanical gizmos lying in a box. "Shiny... like my Taehyungie," Jungkook pouted sadly while looking down, and Yoongi patted his back, but then began looking through the box.
"Freeze!" A voice shouted, and Yoongi and Jungkook froze. Their eyes widened, and they turned around slowly and saw 5 guards standing there holding guns up.
"Weapons on the round!" Another guard shouted, and Yoongi groaned and dropped the gun, and Jungkook looked weary but dropped it as well.
Jin and Namjoon were caught as well. Jimin and Hoseok were as well. "This plan was fucking awful, who came up with it?!"
"You, Jimin! You came up with it! Because you thought it's a big ship and they couldn't possibly have that many people on it!" Jin snapped, and Jimin rolled his eyes.
They were dragged into a room which was full of guards. They were all standing holding guns, staring at the six boys who were pushed onto their knees on the floor silently. Jungkook ooked down at the floor, eyes watering.
"You shall meet our current leader." The guard said, and Jungkook sniffled. "W-what if he tried to impregnate me again?" Jungkook squeaked, and the boys looked at him sadly.
"Don't worry Jungkookie," Hoseok said, and then shut up when they all heard footsteps.
Someone walked into the room, and Jungkook continued looking down. He suddenly heard the footsteps stop, and heard a gasp. Jungkook looked up, and then his eyes widened.
"All hail kin Vrux!" One of the guards yelled.
Silver spiky hair, a sleeveless black shirt, black under eyeliner, black trousers, and a fucking cape.
"Taehyungie!" Jungkook suddenly let out and then started wriggling to get out of the tight restraints he was in, moving frantically. "T-Taehyungie!!" Jungkook cried, practically toppling over.
It was Taehyung. Standing there. In the flesh. Not dead.
"Who?" Taehyung let out, frowning. "I'm King Vrux of planet Selour."
"Taehyung what the fuck is going on? We thought you died!" Namjoon snapped, and 'King Vrux' rose his eyebrow.
"I don't know who this man is you are talking about. I know who I am. And I am... a king." Taehyung said, looking up. The guards clapped, and the six boys who were on their knees widened their eyes in confusion.
"Now now now. You entered our ship and tried to kill us all, huh? Who's dumbass idea was this?" King Vrux's voice boomed, and Jungkook's eyes were still gleaming, because fuck. He looked exactly like Taehyung. He was just dressed different and had his hair spiked up. His eyes were still that pretty silver that Jungkook adored.
"Fucking guess." Yoongi snapped.
"How would I guess I don't know any of you. Anyways- the punishment for this is hard and- and cruel. And my guards will beat you until you die!" King Vrux/Taehyung shouted, and Jungkook gulped.
"Taehyung cut it out," Jimin said, looking up at him angrily.
"Who the fuck is Taehyung- you cut it out! Jeez. Anyways... guards, leave. I'm going to kill them on my own because they're annoying me now." King Vrux growled, and the guards all nodded, and then turned around and left the room in a line.
They all waited until every single guard left and the door closed. "Okay, what's going on-" Hoseok started.
"Quiet! Will you shut up? This is my ship, so you adhere by MY rules!" King Vrux shouted, and Jungkook gulped, getting tears in his eyes.
"Y-you're scary..." Jungkook squeaked. "I-I miss Taehyungie... I-I want Taehyungie!!" Jungkook let out, and then began crying. Loud bawling, like a baby.
Everyone's eyes widened, and the boys looked at Jungkook, and then looked at King Vrux. The king walked up to Jungkook angrily, looked down at him for a few seconds, and then pushed him back so he was against the wall.
Jungkook whimpered and then continued to cry. King Vrux knelt down, looking at him with darkened eyes for a few seconds, and then-
"Baby, it's me," Taehyung whispered into his ear, and Jungkook's crying halted. "I-I can't be too loud, okay? There are cameras in here and stuff. Don't cry, baby." Taehyung said softly.
Jungkook's eyes widened. He looked at Taehyung with gleaming eyes, and Taehyung cleared his throat and took a step back. "Ahem. Anyways... I am a king and not anyone else, so follow me to the... place where I... erm... kill you."
Taehyung opened the door and then walked out. Once he was outside the room, he looked at the boys. "Guys! It's me! Kim Taehyung!"
"We know, dumbass! Why the fuck do you look like that? Who's King Vrux? We thought you died!!" Jin whispered-yelled.
"I know, I know! I'll explain everything, just- follow me." Taehyung said, and the boys nodded.
Jungkook got up and walked behind Jimin, who looked angry. Jungkook leaned in. "King Vrux is kinda hot."
"Shut the fuck up." Jimin whisper-snapped and Jungkook giggled, still a little loopy.
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