#I did my best to fix and readjust them
thelassoway · 1 year
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Jason Sudeikis as Ted Lasso Seasons 1-3 » T-shirts
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byllsbytch · 3 months
☆Bricked Up☆
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We sat backstage, awaiting yet another interview to begin. It was the second one of that day, one more to go. We'd just arrived back in Berlin. It was a new normal, not just the traveling, but every time you touched down you were being thrown into another interview. The boys were all pigging out on the big charcuterie board, while I sat still stuck in the chair getting my makeup fixed. 
"She still looks like a clown!" Bill critiqued gesturing his hands to my face. He always focused on the little things. At times like this he couldn't entice himself with food like the other boys. When he was nervous he refused to eat. He couldn't, no matter how many interviews he did he could never get over that same old, sick, overwhelming feeling. 
Bill crossed his arms, staring at me in deep in thought, his eyebrows furrowing together.
 "How can you get so light with a foundation?" Bill complained biting his nails, Georg turned his head, diverting his focus from the cheese and crackers to Bills stressed comments. He nodded in agreement - shoving another pickled onion in his mouth. 
"Scheiße!" He screeched at the stylist, swatting her brush from my face. He got fed up and pulled me from my chair taking me back into the fitting room. 
"Thank you" I whispered. 
"Oh not a problem, now lets see. They should have some thing better back here, something for like an interview with Christina Aguilera or something, I don't know."
Bill led me out of the fitting rooms, he'd wiped off the makeup and redid my eyeliner like his. We also managed to scavenge for a turquoise and brown halter top with low rise flare jeans. My hair sat wavy with random plaits in my skunk hair. The fit was kinda out of my usual style but it was better than what I looked like previously and to be honest, I was really feeling myself.
"Where have you two been?" Adela questioned holding her ear piece as to prevent herself from being heard by others, "You're on in three!"
The boys already sat in the couch waiting for the cameras to go on air. The room was already loud and giddy but as me and bill walked out into view the whole room erupted loudly in screams and praise.
Tom looked over in our direction and readjusted him self on the couch, getting Gustav to scoot along as he did so. I sat next to Tom seeing as though he made room on the couch. We looked at each other and smiled. 
"Bill did a great job, you look smoking." Tom winked. I felt my cheeks grow hot and forced myself to face the audience. I struggled containing myself but I had no choice but to do so, we were live now. 
"Tokio Hotel joins us tonight while on their Zimmer 483 Tour." the interviewer says with a smile, staring directly in the camera. "Guys, Germany wants to know, how's it been returning home to perform?" 
The interviewer turned to me, ready to shoot another question. “Y/N, me - along with many other audience members - have noticed you have something pretty eye catching on your belly button."
I looked down at my navel, forgetting the piercing that laid there.
"That is right." I replied looking up to see even the Tokio boys staring at my stomach. Tom smirked then bit his lip.
"It appears even your band members are surprised by your new bedazzlement." He noted.
The dread-head looked me up and down then altered the way he was sitting. Fixing the bag in his pants then pulling the oversized shirt to his knees. 
"When did that happen, why did you choose to get it done?"
"Well. it happened back in uhh, France so about 2 weeks ago and I got it done because, why not? They're pretty cute and right now I have a little playboy bunny dangling from my belly. Pretty neat isn't it?"
The audience and the boys laughed at my response, and I felt a rush of confidence knowing I could make them all smile. The interview continued with questions about our tour, our music, and our upcoming plans. We answered as best as we could, trying to keep it lighthearted and fun.
As the interview came to an end, the boys and I stood up to thank the host and the audience. Tom waited for me to rise first before he got up and stood behind me. His face was flushed as I felt a bulge poke me in the back. My eyes widened as I turned back slightly to look at Tom. He placed his hands on my shoulders and spun me back to face the front not giving me a chance to look away from the audience ahead of us. He tilted his head back slightly, squeezing his eyes tight and biting his lip trying to get his excitement to go away. I felt Tom's hand on my lower back as he used me as a shield, guiding me to the side as we prepared to leave the set. Doing everything in his power to cover this embarrassing moment from the live cameras.
Once we got behind the curtain, Tom grabbed the hat off his head and discreetly placed it over the tent in his jeans. It was the fastest I'd ever seen Tom dart to our dressing room.
"That was amazing, you did great," Bill whispered-yelled to me as soon as we exited the stage.
"Thanks, I couldn't have done it without your help," I replied, feeling grateful for his support.
"Hmm, wonder what happened with Tom" Georg smirked.
As we made our way back to our dressing room, the 3 boys teased me about my new belly button piercing, making jokes and laughing together. As Gustav went to open the dressing room door it was abruptly swung open from the other side to reveal a panting Tom with a smug look on his face.
"Oh hey guys." He breathed his voice was all over the place. "Just a bit puffed out"
”Oh my god!” Bill gagged.
Me and Gustav chuckled while Georg lent towards him and gave him a fist bump.
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stuck-writing-sickos · 2 months
In Poor Taste [P9]
(Yandere × Reader)
[Series link]
[Warning: obsessiveness, misogyny, sexism, harrassment, explicit language, violence, mentions of sex]
(Dead from work. Enjoy. Here is what u came for. Anyway, tell me what u think. Talk to me. Ik i havent been responsive (busy) but i wanna read ur comments 🫶 love u stay well and stay away from people like my OCs)
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He never knew how good it tastes to bite the hands that fed him.
Better some of you than none of you, Lukas thought when his eyes refused to leave your body as you sat by the pool with a beer in your hands. The humid air hung heavy beneath rumbling thunder, but no rain yet. The villa was quiet sans the sound of wind and waves. Lukas felt sticky under his shirt as he shifted, trying to see your face but couldn't. The bedside lamp casted light through the uncurtained glass wall against your back, soft and yellow like saw dust. You didn't talk. He didn't know what to say - you had Yuki on your mind and he had your brutal fist on his. This wouldn't go anywhere nice.
He clicked his tongue and took a sip from his can.
"Something on your mind?" - you asked, face turned away.
"Nothing at all."
"You seem pensive."
No, you do.
"Maybe just the stress of trying to readjust to a new way of life."
"You're doing well."
"Well... thank you."
Words failed him. His head raced to piece together something to say that wouldn't make the friction between you and him worse. He couldn't. Lukas no longer wanted to make small talks about bullshits like "how do you like Phuket so far" or "how many siblings do you have". He was tired of trying to get to know you politely. He wanted to rip through the layers and get messy - "we're small and scared. Please, let me into your arms", he wanted to say, the fire in his stomach sending heat through his whole body, his fingers itching to reach for your skin.
You were angry at Yuki, no? He probably fucked up - men always do. Yuki probably did what men do best - use and discard. After all, sex is the ultimate currency in their sphere. Lukas wondered if Yuki felt good after having had you. Did he brag? Did he laugh about the way he made you buck and squirm with his friends?
Lukas turned his gaze away, feeling guilt brewing in his stomach. You wouldn't know about all that. You probably woke up in Yuki's arms smiling, thinking that the intimacy meant something. But Yuki would turn cold. They all do. He had you, and he had the nods and murmurs from the douchebags he hung out with. And now there you were, sitting by the edge of the small pool, wondering what you did wrong, asking yourself questions like "was that all I am to him".
Lukas wanted to throw up thinking about it. He tried hard not to realize the reason he could imagine the intricacies of your situation so vividly, but the thought had taken roots. He knew because he had done it all. He wasn't any better.
But he could learn. That was the difference. And what more... he could atone. He would gladly take your punishment. Lukas felt his fingertips playing with the silver chain on his neck, pulling it around as if to scratch an itch he had yet felt. His eyes found their ways back to you who had not said a word, your arms pulling your knees to your chest. He swallowed dryly.
He could learn. He could be good for you. Yuki couldn't do that - the man left you sad and confused, likely unaware that under your calm surface you were a storm. He didn't stop to see the look in your eyes now when you fixed them upom the sky - resilient, yet filled with disappointment. You expected better from Yuki and he failed to deliver. That was on him - he was flawed and spineless, unable to let you in.
But Lukas could.
Before he could think of anything to say, a flash of light cut through the sky. You didn't flinch. "This one will be loud", you said. Lukas braced for the thunder, his body tensing up. "Yeah", he replied, his voice suddenly weak. He jumped at the cracking thunder, his head ringing.
"Are you okay?" - you asked, sounding cold as usual.
"No, yeah", he tried to match your tone but couldn't, heaving, "Just a little startled."
"A Texan who's scared of thunder... what do you know..."
He laughed, barely containing the high he felt seeing that you had engaged in some sort of personal conversation with him for once.
"You got me."
"The thunder did. I'm just sitting here."
He was aware that he was smiling big, but he didn't know how to stop that. Lukas wanted to say something else, but before he could, he felt water on his skin. The rain came down hard and quick. In the moment he took to react, it had already curtained the scene white.
"Ah...", he heard you said past the rainfall. You were sopping wet like him, your thin summer clothes clinging to your skin, showing him almost everything he wanted to see. The rain was cold, yet he could not beat the heat.
You stood up. He followed. You didn't seem to be in a hurry when you pried your glass door open and let him in with you, spashing the curtain and carpet. Something inside him clicked when the sound of rain sounded distant so suddenly, leaving the air filled with your breaths and the dripping of your clothes. Standing around awkwardly, he watched you who returned his gaze. Lukas felt the hair on his arms standing up when you asked:
"Are you cold?"
Yuki wanted to peel the skin off his body to see if the crawling discomfort would cease. He felt restless. Squirming in the uncomfortable arm chair, he watched the storm rage on, thrashing against the window. He couldn't even go for a smoke when he needed it most. Biting on his nails, Yuki felt the uncomfortable queasiness all over himself like a swarm of spiders.
He wanted to talk to you.
Yuki knew he handled the first night he spent with you poorly. He talked of family too soon. He still couldn't think of one good reasons why he did it. When you looked away and avoided his question about regrets, a switch flipped in his braim and made him stupid. Did you regret sleeping with him? He would hate that. Perhaps that was why his first reaction was to lock you down with hints of family and marriage. Juvenile and stupid, no different than Lukas. Fuck. He was just afraid to lose you.
Even now, he still felt the lump in his throat. It sucked that he wanted you so bad. For a long time, he thought he was dead inside when it came to intimacy - he only knew panic, only knew to look for the door when someone got too close. Yuki couldn't find it in himself to put his lips on another's, much less doing what he did to you when he was still in office clothes, smelling of sweat and cigarette. He didn't vomit after. When he finished and look at you still holding onto him in disarray, Yuki thought that he was at the right place. It was simple and natural - he wanted you and you wanted him.
It didn't take him long, though, to flip the script. Maybe he wanted you, and you wanted to escape your family that lurked at the other end of your calls, their shadow looming over you even when their bodies were plane flights away. He thought of that when you fell asleep by his side, the skin on your face no longer carved in by your exhaustion. In that moment, he felt like just another giant of your bad dreams, casting his own shadow on you. Were you running away and just happened to find yourself in his arms? He couldn't sleep well that night, not at that thought, but at another more sinister one he failed to deny.
He would gladly be your safe haven.
The moment that thought took form, Yuki felt a twist in his stomach. He didn't bother to deny the idea - no excuses of "that was just an intrusive thought" or "I only wanted to support her". When he slipped out of bed and into your bathroom, he knew what he saw in the mirror. He was no misunderstood artist, he was no kindhearted colleague, and he was definitely no reliable friend. He was a spider waiting for you to flail your way into his web, and once you did he had every intention to keep you there. He wouldn't mind you getting in more troubles, as long as you come running back to him. He would make it nice and cozy for you. With him, you could surrender your guards and let him take the lead. No more calls from your brother asking for money nor threats from your mother to fly you back. He could legitimize your citizenship with marriage... maybe even a beautiful child. His family may push back, but he doubted they could disown their only son.
Yuki didn't like the way his reflection look, so he put those thoughts away only for them to come spilling out when you were vague about "regret". He hated that he couldn't contain his perversion for long - the desire for you to suffer enough that you would fall into his arm was a poison he wanted to seal away, but alas he didn't have any self control after all. He was just like the new brat that fawned over you, eager to gnaw and rip at your edges.
You didn't care for Lukas' begging eyes when he sat at the corner of your room, far away from you. "Go back to your room", you said for the second time yet, "you must feel less cold by now". Around him wrapped the gigantic towel you found in your bathroom, the one he asked for when you made the dumb mistake of worrying enough to say "are you cold". He looked down shamefully when he whispered "can I be here? I'm afraid of thunders."
You didn't buy it. No way a man this grown would be so scared of thunder. Your face scrunched up as you leaned against the bedside drawer, your arms taking the warmth of the lamp. He wanted to be near you, that much was obvious, but you didn't quite expect this display of pathetic pleading. You wondered if he ever tried it before and if he did, if it worked. You didn't like it.
"Lukas... look, I think you're drunk. Go get changed and sleep it off. I won't tell anyone that you're scared of thunders, okay?"
You felt like you were talking patiently to a pet that would not quite get your idea but may get your tone.
"No, I'm not drunk."
At that, you rolled your eyes and chuckled wryly, finding a twinge of amusement in your annoyance.
"I don't want to make you uncomfortable", you tried to talk again, even slower this time, "but this isn't a good look, no? You and I in here... people will talk."
"Nobody is coming, you know?"
His voice was firm now, and much more sober than you expected. Your eyes snapped back at him who returned the favor, awfully calm now. At least you got your confirmation - he wasn't afraid. Never was.
"I'm sorry?"
"Nobody is coming. Not with this storm."
At that, he stood up, the towel slipping off him. Lukas did not stumble when he walked over to you, his footstep quiet and slow the same way a cat walked when it saw a bird perching somewhere in a backyard bush. You didn't find it threatening at all, though. Unlike a helpless starling, you knew what to do.
When he reached you and the modest distance forced you to push against the cold wall, you let out a tired scoff.
"I'm sorry if I ever gave you the wrong idea, Lukas, but I'm not interested in you that way. Please, just leave, and we can pretend that this never happened."
"I don't want to do that."
His voice was soft now, his warm breath brushing your cheek. He did not raise an arm. Neither did you. You didn't want it to come to violence.
"You're overstepping."
"What are you gonna do about it?"
You smiled bitterly, getting weary of his stupid games. Deciding not to escalate the situation, you looked away. He didn't let your lack of reaction stop him from adding to his stupidity:
"Really, what are you going to do? Do you realize what's happening right now?"
You couldn't help but laughed in his face. He didn't find it so funny. Perhaps you insulted his masculinity? They usually hated it when you did that. Curiously, the look he had on right now did not seem like one of anger or lust. He seemed eager... for what, you were not quite sure.
"I'm warning you", you bluntly said, dropping the smile completely, "you still have this chance."
"Seems like you gave me plenty of chances so far."
Your blood boiled. You didn't know from where he got the idea that this was endearing or sexy. This sucked, and you were getting impatient by the minutes. Your right eye twitched, and you could feel the corner of your mouth pulling into a nasty scowl. Getting hot from your anger, you let the way his eyes widen in expectation escape you.
"This isn't funny, Lukas."
"Isn't it?"
His hands reached to you. Instinctively dodging it, you found yourself trapped between him and the wall as he laid his palms to the side of your head, his heap of black hair tickling your forehead. He grinned smugly, baring his white teeth.
"I find it very funny...", he cooed, lifting his hand to try and touch your neck.
You decided that that was enought. Grabbing his wrist and pulling it, you forced his body down and landed your knee on his chest, hard. Lukas let out a pained groan and fell forward, collapsing to your feet. As you stepped over him to get away, you couldn't help but wonder if his body was limp from the alcohol, or if he never intended to fight back. You watched his back while he pitifully trembled, hand clutching where you hit him.
"Get the fuck out", you coldly demanded. He didn't say anything for a moment, still heaving from the shock.
You planned to grab him by the scuff of his stupid button down and drag him out. Before you could, you heard your doorbell ring.
Blood turning cold, you let your eyes dart between Lukas and the door, wondering how to deal with the situation. You didn't even stop to think who could be coming to you at this hour, in this weather. The silence hung in the air, heavy and thick. It seemed forever until you heard a voice trying to get to you past the storm.
"Please, if you don't mind... Would you let me in?"
If anyone would understand, it would be him. You felt a burst of relief exploding in your chest as you rushed to let him in. Your hands had reached the handle and cracked the door open when Lukas, still in pain, had managed to crawl on all four and throw himself at you, his wet arms clinging around your leg as Yuki stared in horror. "Help me", you choked out and swung the door open wide, letting Yuki in along with the rainfall. Under you, Lukas had broken down into sobs.
"Please... don't go. I will be good."
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seeingivy · 1 year
satoru gojo x f!reader 
megumi thanks you and satoru for everything you’ve done 
content: megumi + oc child, FLUFF, just sweet little wholesome family moment at graduation, lil family dynamics 
an: based on a very cute family I saw while working graduation a few weeks ago. realized ive been giving no attention to my man gojo while I draft the longer fic so I will revive an unfinished draft. not proofread. 
“Asami, stop ringing the cowbell. Your Megumi-nii is going to be here any second.” 
You feel her tug on the end of your skirt and you look down to meet her crystal blue eyes, no cowbell in sight. 
“That’s not me, Mama.” 
You turn your neck to find Satoru standing on the platform, shaking the cowbell over his head. Megumi’s going to kill him. If you don’t get to him first. You grab his arm and yank him down, pinching the end of his ears in your fingers. 
“Ow ow ow. Quit it.” 
“What are you doing?” 
“Trying to find Megumi, love! I would have used the air horn but Asami lost it.” 
He reaches down, tickling her by the sides as she laughs out in protest. You pull them both in front of you, scolding the two of them under their breaths as you fix their outfits. Satoru’s tie was off center, Asami’s skirt was riding up, their matching white hair unruly. Before you can fix it, Satoru grabs your hand in the air, locking his fingers with yours. 
“This is worse than when he was in the school play. You’d think he was getting married by the way you were acting.” 
“Shut up. This is a big deal for him, I don’t want him to think we’re not taking it seriously.” 
“You printed out minute by minute itineraries on how we were all going to get here. I think he knows you take this seriously, my sweet.” 
He leans forward, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as he fixes your hair, pushing it behind your ears. You give him one last eye roll, before standing on the tips of your toes to find Megumi in the crowd. The graduates had started coming out, other families wrapping their arms around each other. 
Asami spots him first, her tiny little legs running up to where Megumi was standing. She wraps her legs around his knees, catching him off guard as he breaks out of the conversation he was having. You watch him crouch down and pick up Asami, as you and Satoru excitedly walk up and crush him in a hug. 
“Alright, alright. Calm down.” 
Satoru reaches forward and ruffles his hair, the same way he had been doing since the two of you first got Megumi, all but knocking the cap off of his head. 
“Congratulations Doctor Megumi. Don’t kill anyone, okay? Y/N and I love you very much but we have no interest in helping you hide bodies anymore.” 
The couple standing to your side give you a weird look before walking across the courtyard. You reach forward, pushing Satoru out of the way as you readjust Megumi’s dark green hood, his cords, and his cap. He gives you a thankful smile - one that you’ve seen hundreds of times over the years, whenever you save him from Satoru’s pestering. Which was often. 
“This is a…big deal. Satoru’s just being silly.” 
You give him a smile before taking the flowery lei out of the plastic box and handing it to Satoru. You watch Satoru jokingly smack Megumi with the flowers, before placing them around his neck and ruffling his hair, nicely this time. 
“You guys didn’t have to.” 
You crush his hand in yours, squeezing twice as Asami runs in little circles around your legs. 
“Of course, we did. I know we joke about it, but you really are our first kid. We wouldn’t miss this for the world.” 
He gives the two of you a smile, reaching to pick up Asami, who had been pulling on the end of his gown for the past five minutes. Satoru wraps his arm around you, leaning his head against yours as the two of you try your best not to cry at the sight of your two kids, smiling at each other. 
“We’re really proud of you, Megumi.” 
Satoru’s words make the tears well in your eyes and you crush him into a hug again. Asami’s still crushed in between the two of you, her tiny voice muffled by your arms. He pulls back, putting Asami on the ground as he nervously runs his hand through his hair. 
“Ah, right. Um.” 
“Something wrong, Megs?” 
“No Y/N. It’s just- I wanted to thank you guys. I really couldn’t have done it without you.” 
Megumi pulls the graduation cap off of his head and secures it on top of Asami’s little ponytails, poking the side of her cheek before standing up to face the two of you. Your face hurts from smiling, seeing your two favorite people being sweet together. 
“You guys did so much for me when I was younger, and I never really made it easy for you. This is my achievement just as much as it is yours.” 
Megumi swipes the cords off his neck and swings them around your neck. He does the same with his gown, zipping it off and holding it out for Satoru to stick his arms in. By the way he’s looking at you, you know that you and Satoru are a mess. Cheeks pink, makeup smudged, tears running down your cheeks. 
“You guys are corny. Stop crying.” 
You take his face in his hands, squishing his cheeks. 
“When did you become so grown? You literally slept in my bed till you were fourteen and now you’re acting so mature and grown up and-” 
You feel Satoru’s hands curl around your wrist, pulling your hands off of his face. He lets go, lifting his hands to your face to swipe the tears off your cheeks. He gives Megumi a smile, beckoning for him to go talk to his friends who were waiting at the side. He takes Asami by the hand, introducing them to Nobara and Itadori as they all walk down the courtyard. He turns his head back to you, the tears still pouring out of your eyes. 
“Are you done yet crybaby?” 
“How are you not crying? Megumi grew up.” 
He wraps his arms around you, pressing soft kisses to your hair as you watch Itadori and Asami play a very intense game of rock paper scissors a few feet away from you. 
“Asami’s not going to stay a baby, you know. And when you’re the one crying about it, I’ll be the one laughing at you.” 
“That won’t be a problem. We can just make another one!” 
 You smack him as Asami runs back over, followed closely by Megumi. “Ready to go, Mama?” 
Satoru nods, picking her up and dragging her back to your car as you link your arms with Megumi and follow the two of them. 
“You know, Satoru’s just as sentimental about this as I am. He’s just trying to act cool.” 
“He’s worse than you. I asked him to fix my tie this morning and he had a whole meltdown.” 
“Are you serious?” 
“Yeah. Went on and on about how I made you two parents, about how I’m Asami’s big brother so I have to come back and take care of her, how I can’t forget you guys.” 
You look up to find Satoru hanging Asami in the air by her ankles, the two of them laughing as he swings her in the air. You shove your head against Megumi’s shoulder, linking your arm through his. 
“What a sap.”
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agent-barnes40 · 9 months
Teddy bears
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13th Doctor x GN!Reader (romantic)
The Doctor doesn’t realize the bear she bought you would have lasting consequences.
Fluff, pure fuckin fluff
The Doctor really really should’ve thought better when you came running up to her, practically death gripping her hands and dragging her back to the shop you had launched yourself into. Her brain was running a thousand miles a minute, trying to figure out what you had found, or if you had gotten into trouble. Instead, she saw the shop keep setting a brown stuffed bear on a shelf behind the counter, with two TARDIS blue hearts stitched over the chest.
"Please, Doctor. I would've given them earth currency but we don't have a universal currency and I don't know what currency this planet takes. I won't ask you to pay for anything ever again." You had practically begged, your voice coming out with words that even her brain had a hard time keeping track of.
The Doctor had to laugh, you looked adorable looking between her and the bear. Your feet were still tapping in excitement at finding the bear at all. "Yeah, we can get you the bear, if that is what your asking for."
"I forgot to even mention what I wanted! Oh thank you so much!" You didn't even think and pulled the woman in for a kiss.
The Doctor eagerly kissed back, her brain lighting up with ideas of what else she could do to have more kisses like this. Obviously more stuffed animals had made their way onto her list. She gently pulled away and rested her hands on your hips, laughing softly.
She really should've thought better when you started carrying the bear around everywhere, if she even mentioned there could've been a chance at sleeping outside The TARDIS. You had it stuffed in a bag you took everywhere. You and The Fam were curled up in a tiny tent, miles away from the TARDIS and you had pulled the bear out, setting it in your lap as she paced back and forth.
Yaz just smiled at the bear while Ryan snorted. "You still carry it around everywhere."
You smiled and nodded. "Gotta have a piece of my Time Lord with me everywhere I go. Plus, she's gonna be so busy tonight trying to figure out how to fix all this, she won't be open to cuddling. So next best thing."
The Doctor stilled at that, and then started pacing again. Graham was the one who picked up on The Doctor's stutter in her walk and the smile that had crossed the Time Lord's face.
Of course, you had been right and spent the night curled around the bear, and The Doctor had just stared at you. Your face had been burrowed into the bear's chest, barely enough room for you breath but it was how you slept with her.
The Doctor really should've checked the bear after that night, because when she heard you talking to someone in her room, her heart dropped and when she peeked her head in, and saw you curled up in her lilac and rainbow bedding, that damned bear sitting on your chest with her voice coming out of it.
She immediately pulled her sonic out and tried to discretely sonic it but your ears had caught the whirring and you sat up. "Hi Doc!"
Her eyes watched as the bear fell onto her side of the bed and she couldn't help but feel the spike of jealousy in her hearts as you readjusted the bear into a sitting position. She slowly moved the rest of the way into the room and sat next to the bear. "So when did you get it to speak to you?"
You tilted your head before looking at the bear. "I thought you did that. I had left her on the bed when we went out on Lavernus and when I came back she had started talking back to me."
"She?" The Doctor asked and you looked away from her, trying to not show how flustered you were.
"I mean, its kinda obvious who I'm projecting onto that bear, Doc."
"I just heard my own voice come out of that bear. I know the bear is representing me."
"Oh-Oh good, because its kinda embarrassing to project your girlfriend onto a stuffed bear."
The Doctor suddenly pulled you into a kiss, her hand wrapped the back of your head, gently keeping you in place. When she finally pulled away, she pressed her forehead to yours and a smile was on her face. "Do you know how jealous of that bear I have been since I bought it for you?"
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hypnoneghoul · 11 months
Ripple Down My Spine
WC: 2,3K
Relationship: Phantom/Dewdrop/Rain
Tags: degradation, praise, cock rings, anal, transmasc dew, vaginal sex, orgasm delay/denial, multiple orgasms, hand jobs, some piss too, creampie, temperature play, needy phantom
It's 02.15 a.m. and Phantom's cock is not letting him sleep. Being too lazy and too lonely to take care of it himself, he wanders into Rain and Dew's bedroom.
Notes: Written in collaboration with @mis4dv3nture
Read under the cut or on AO3.
He couldn’t sleep.
He kept tossing and turning in his nest for hours now, growling at offending bed sheets when they wrapped around his legs.
Phantom was unbelievably horny.
Swiss laughed at him once, comparing him to a human teenager, getting hot and bothered over everything and anything. He supposed the multi ghoul was right.
Phantom could go to someone, ask for help. He could also try to fix his problem himself, but he was met with a scary lack of motivation. His brain was too tired, even if his body wasn’t, what would he even fantasize about? Swiss, Aurora, Ra-
What if he went to Rain?
He remembered the water ghoul telling him it was okay for him to go into his and Dewdrop’s room, even without knocking, at any time. For any reason, too, no matter if he was horny, needed a hug, or was just bored.
Phantom doubted Rain had sporting a boner on the list of acceptable excuses to wake them up at - he glanced at his phone - 2.15 in the morning, though.
But he was so, so lonely and aching and annoyed at his goddamn cock’s moodiness.
So, Phantom tumbled out of his mess of a bed, and padded over to the door. He crossed the den’s main corridor with a sigh and was standing in front of wooden doors adorned with two triangles in no time. He grabbed the knob and quietly let himself in, giving his eyes a moment to adjust to the complete darkness that the bedroom was drowned in.
When Phantom could finally see enough for his gaze to focus on Rain and Dew, fast asleep, his chest warmed up.
He didn't want to wake them up. 
They looked so lovely like that, cuddled up together, sleeping so peacefully. 
But he felt so damn needy. 
Maybe he should just go back to his room, try to sleep and forget about it. Or maybe he could just jerk off by himself, all alone in his bed, with some toys to make it feel better, fantasizing about getting absolutely ruined by those two. 
But he was so lonely. 
He quietly moved a step towards their bed as Dew pulled himself closer to Rain with a soft, high pitched snore. Phantom smiled, that scene was so adorable. 
And they looked so comfy. 
Maybe, if he just snuggled with them he would have just forgotten about how horny he was feeling. 
Maybe, hugging those two ghouls would have helped him to finally get some sleep. 
The quint ghoul slowly approached the bed, then hesitated for a second to give them a better look before he found a spot between them to position himself. He carefully slipped between them, trying his best to not wake them up. And damn, that felt so comfortable. 
Too comfortable. 
As he tried to readjust his position, Dewdrop woke up, “Bug, what's going on?”
“Dew, what's happening?” Rain woke up too, his deep sleepy voice just got Phantom's situation worse. 
“Oh, what do we have here?” Dewdrop said with a smirk as he gently caressed the quint ghoul's obvious boner with the back of his hand.
“Looks like someone’s feeling needy tonight, huh?” Rain teased him, sinking his claws into his hips. The quint ghoul squirmed. After all, maybe he didn't feel that guilty about waking them up.
“‘m sorry,” still, Phantom apologized. Slightly fake, but he did hope Rain and Dewdrop were still sleepy enough to not notice his lack of remorse.
“Such an insatiable little whore, hm?” the fire ghoul murmured into his ear, shifting to glue his warm chest to Phantom’s naked back. A shiver went through him at the overwhelming warmth, cock kicking in his flannel pants.
“Y- yeah, I- oh,” the quint ghoul whined, trailing off into a moan when Rain’s cold hands ended up on his thighs, kneading at what little fat he had there. It hasn’t been even two minutes and he was already out of his mind.
“Fucking slut,” Rain spat, letting his claws dig into flesh every few squeezes, most definitely leaving small, red indents. “Could’ve just taken care of yourself, but no, gotta come wake us up. Selfish bitch.”
Sound of ripping fabric, as the water ghoul deemed Phantom’s sleep pants no longer tolerable, was drowned out by his whorish moan.
“Do you have to be so fucking loud?” Dewdrop’s sharp teeth teased the skin of his neck. “Are we not enough for you, do you want to wake the whole goddamn Abbey up?”
“No, n- no, I… please, Rain-” all Phantom could do was whine and moan, already ruined. He needed more, he was painfully hard and leaking, he felt himself dripping into the hollow of Rain’s hip where the water ghoul’s cold body was pressed against him.
“Shut your filthy mouth before we kick you out,” he snarled, tears gathering in Phantom’s eyes. Everyone knew he loved some good degradation. Especially if the words spat with venom weren’t that far from reality. He really was a desperate whore.
The quint ghoul cried out when one of Dewdrop’s hot hands moved to toy with his pebbled nipples, the other one coming down to squeeze his ass, dip between his cheeks. Rain kept his possessive grip on Phantom’s hip, painfully close to where he needed him the most, his other hand wrapping loosely around his throat, fingers tapping against his pulse.
“Please… I need…” Phantom tried to beg for some action, Rain's grip on his throat got tighter. 
Without any warning, Dewdrop slipped a finger inside of him, the quint ghoul whining loudly at that sudden warm contact.
“So wet…” the fire ghoul teased him, “you really are a little whore, aren't you?” 
Rain finally wrapped his cold hand around his length, looking at him with a smirk.
“And so damn hard,” he followed Dewdrop, “it must be so painful.” 
Phantom frantically nodded, Rain's cold touch on his dick and Dewdrop’s warm finger sliding in and out of him were driving him insane. 
The fire ghoul added another finger, he got faster, rougher. Rain's talented hand started working him and Phantom couldn't help but cry and moan in pleasure, muttering curses and desperate please’s.
“You're pathetic,” Dewdrop spat out as he slipped in a third finger. The quint ghoul knew how pathetic he was tilting his hips to follow both Rain and Dew's moves, shivering at their temperature difference. 
But it felt so damn good. A hot sensation started building in his lower belly. 
“Think I'm close…” he whimpered grabbing Rain's waist, “fuck, fuck, I'm gonna-” 
He didn't notice the two ghouls winking at each other. 
“You're not doing anything, you fucking slut,” Rain squeezed at the base of his dick as Dewdrop slid his fingers out of him to turn around and start looking for something in his drawer. Phantom felt on the verge of tears.
Dewdrop rolled on his back and quickly tossed away his pants. He spread his legs open and teasingly looked at the quint ghoul.
“Come here, baby,” he called him, circling his own clit with his left middle finger, hiding something in his right hand, “be a good whore and make me feel good.” 
As Phantom positioned himself between his legs, Dewdrop put the cock ring he was holding on his dick. Without even giving the young ghoul the time to realize what was happening, Dew pushed Phantom’s length deep inside of his cunt. 
“Fuck… Dew,” he moaned as Dew's clenched around him, burning hot. 
“Shut up,” the water ghoul quickly positioned himself behind him, grabbing his ass with both his hands. “You're so fucking insatiable, you're embarrassing.”
Phantom felt the cold tip of his dick pressing against his entrance.
“Would you mind making both of us feel good?” Rain asked with a grin, wrapping his hand again around the quint ghoul's throat.
“Use… me…” he moaned louder than he expected, still trying his best to properly fuck Dewdrop, “p- please.”
Without hesitation Rain pushed himself all inside of him, whispering an almost unhearable good whore in Phantom's ear. Tears started rolling down his cheeks as the quint ghoul kept whimpering desperately at that double stimulation.
All he could do was whine and moan as he was being used like a toy. Rain’s hard thrusts and his hands gripping Phantom’s hips made him fuck into Dewdrop, completely lost in pleasure himself.
The pressure in his cock was painful, the ring squeezing him in all the wrong ways, contrasting to the heavenly warmth and wetness of the fire ghoul he was buried in. Phantom was sure he was going to explode soon.
“Rain, Rainy, I- I’m close, fuck,” Dewdrop moaned from under him. The quint ghoul’s stomach clenched at the way Dew didn’t even acknowledge him.
“Touch yourself, baby,” Rain cooed over Phantom’s shoulder. “Come on, you can do it. Cum for me.”
It took no more than three soft touches of his own fingers over his clit to get Dewdrop to moan, long and high pitched, and cum, clenching on Phantom’s cock nearly as tightly as the silicone ring. The quint ghoul cried out as Rain slowed his movements, causing Phantom, or rather his dick, to gently work Dew through his orgasm.
“You wanna move to the side and watch, baby?” Rain asked when the fire ghoul’s breath evened out. He nodded and Rain hauled Phantom’s entire body back, slipping his cock out of Dewdrop. He rolled over and settled on his side, head resting against his palm, arm bent. Ready for the show.
Phantom didn’t get even a moment to blink before Rain pushed him forward again, shoving his face into the pillows, ass high in the air. One of his cold hands slid under the quint ghoul as he shuddered, and finally took the ring off.
“Now, behave,” Rain growled and pulled back slowly, only to slam back into him with full force. Phantom choked on his own spit, drooling and crying into the pillows below him. He was on the brink of a climax from the very beginning, but now he was nearly insane with a need for release. He knew no matter how much Rain would be telling him to hold it, he just wouldn’t make it.
The quint ghoul tried to communicate as much, but all that came out was a muffled gurgle breaking into a whorish moan. As Rain was hitting his sweet spot over and over again with painful accuracy, Phantom felt another kind of pressure building in his gut. Something close to fear washed over him as he realized what it was.
“Rain- fuck, Rain, stop, please…” was all he could manage to say before the inevitable. 
The water ghoul enjoyed every second of it. Seeing Phantom so small and vulnerable, embarrassing himself like that, crying and moaning as he wet himself, completely losing control. 
“Oh, Bug… you're such a mess…” He lowered his gaze to look at him trying to hide what had just happened, but his legs, as well as the sheets underneath them, were completely soaked. 
“Fuck…” he cried one last time before reaching his climax. Rain’s eyes rolled back into his head and with one last thrust he came deep inside of the little ghoul, moaning louder than any of them expected. 
Phantom's grip on the sheets got tighter, feeling the water ghoul coming inside of him was enough to make his own orgasm explode too. For a minute, it made him forget about how incredibly embarrassed he was. Well, apparently Rain enjoyed it, though. 
The quint ghoul desperately moaned his name as he kept riding his orgasm, feeling a beautiful relief. 
The water ghoul slowly pulled out and Dewdrop helped Phantom lie down on the bed, whispering to him some sweet ‘good boy’ and ‘so nice’. Rain positioned himself on the other side of him and started gently caressing his chest. Dewdrop kissed him, the quint ghoul squirming as he felt those warm lips pressed against his. 
“Bug, that was so fucking hot,” Rain commented with a dreamy moan. “Fuck, you have to do it more often.”
“So fucking hot,” Dewdrop echoed, “you did so good for us.” 
They clearly knew Phantom had always had a thing for being praised. He whined, his dick quickly getting hard again. Rain carefully wrapped his hand around it and the quint ghoul answered with a pathetic moan. He started slowly stroking him, still letting some nice praises out. 
“Look at yourself, our pretty, good boy,” the fire ghoul spoke again as he started plucking at Phantom's nipples with his hot fingers. “So pretty when you cry our names.” 
The water ghoul gave him a kiss on the cheek, Phantom shivered at how cold his lips were. 
“I didn't know you could make such pretty noises,” he told him, nothing but teasing. “Fuck, Bug, you're so hot.” 
Against every expectation, Phantom came again, hard, crying out loud the two ghouls’ names as he shot hot, sweet pleasure all over his chest and Rain's hand. His vision got blurry, almost blacking out, Dewdrop and Rain barely managing to keep him with them. 
“We love you so much, Bug,” the fire ghoul whispered in his ear. Phantom answered with the cutest, soft smile.
Maybe he did pass out for a short moment, because next thing he knows he's sprawled out in an armchair, lights on, and being wiped down with a wet cloth by Rain. When his eyes focused, Phantom saw Dewdrop putting on fresh sheets on their bed. Oh… right.
“‘m sorry,” he whined, embarrassment washing over him again.
“Nuh-uh, don’t apologize,” Rain tutted, coming up to kiss Phantom’s forehead. “You were perfect.”
Soon enough, the fire ghoul called for them, “Done. It’s 3 a.m., let’s get some sleep.”
Rain threw one more soft smile in Phantom’s direction and picked him up. Dew turned the lights off as the young ghoul wiggled under the covers, cuddling up to Rain’s chest. Dewdrop crawled in behind him, wrapping his arms around Phantom’s middle and shoving his face into his shaggy hair. Before they all dozed off, one more shiver went through the quint ghoul’s body at the delicious temperature difference.
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blue-slxt · 1 year
Part of The Family
*Request: would u write for Tonowari? 😊*
So I’ve never written for Tonowari cuz it was super intimidating for me, but I tried my best with this one. Sorry if it’s a little short, but I tried😭 I hope you still like it. I legit pulled this premise out of my ass. All characters are of age.
🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
Smut under the cut.
Nothing about this situation made sense to you. It was not unusual for the Metkayina to take several different partners. That wasn’t the confusing part. The confusing part was why the olo’eyktan would choose you as one of his. Everyone had assumed that Ronal would be his only partner especially since she carried herself with such confidence, it seemed like she would surely intimidate anyone that dared to get close.
It was a great honor, but you still didn’t quite understand why you of all people had been chosen. You readjust your clothing standing outside the entrance of their marui feeling your nerves eat you alive. You got dressed in your favorite outfit hoping to make a good impression. One more breath to steady your heart and you step inside.
Inside, there is an assortment of different fruits spread out and Ronal is inside with Tonowari. You sign your greeting to them both, “oel ngati kameie olo’eyktan, tsahik.” They smile warmly at you while Ronal approaches you.
“No need to be so formal. You are a part of the family now. Come, sit.” She leads you to the food and has you take a seat. You fidget in your spot not really being used to this softer side of her. Tonowari takes a seat in front of you.
“I am glad you chose to accept my offer.”
“Well, it is such an honor.” You say. Your body language is still tense and they can sense it. Tonowari gives Ronal a look and she nods at him understanding without any words. She picks up a piece of fruit and holds it to your lips. “Here, eat.” “Oh, thank you.” You open up and she places the piece into your mouth and you try to not think about the sensual way she holds her finger in your mouth when you close your lips. She pulls her finger out and hums in response.
“I understand that you are nervous, but please believe that I will be as gentle as I can with you.” Tonowari speaks gently to you. His build is mighty even for Metkayina, but he has very kind eyes and he his tone is soft. He can be commanding and stern when he needs to be, but right now, he comes across very docile.
Your cheeks get hot thinking about what is going to happen. “It’s just a little bit of an adjustment. Is it okay if I ask a question?” your head reflexively lowers feeling shy. Ronal uses her finger to lift your chin to face him. “Head high.”
“You may ask whatever you like.” “Why did you choose me?” Your voice is small and timid fearing you may offend them, but they both just smile at you.
“Well, there are a number of reasons” he starts.
“You are beautiful” Ronal continues next to you turning your face to look at her.
“You have a kind heart” Tonowari carries on as he moves closer to you.
“You are good with the children of the clan” Ronal rseumes.
“You are perfect.” Tonowari was now in front of you holding his face just inches in front of yours.
Your breathing gets heavy and your chest feels hot. “I think that now is probably a good time to make it official.” You swallow hard and just nod your head looking up at his eyes even though his were fixed on your lips.
He looks at Ronal and gives her a nod. She rises from her spot and takes her leave. “I will return once it is finished.”
The gravity of the situation finally settles in your core being left alone with Tonowari.
“We will need to properly prepare you before we begin. Lay back.” His hand pushes you lightly to lay on your back. He hooks his finger in your waistband and shimmies your loincloth down your legs. He gently spreads your legs open and the air feels cool against your heat, but your face is on fire. No one has ever seen this part of you and now your clan leader was staring it down intently.
You’re so lost in your own thoughts that you don’t even notice when he sinks his head down between your legs and swipes at your core with his tongue. “Ah!” the sound jumps from your mouth without any thought.
He keeps lapping at your clenching hole while it overflows with arousal. He looks up to watch your face and it feels so indecent, but it makes your body buzz with desire. His hands hold onto your thighs to keep them spread while he feasts on you. He gathers some of your slick on one of his fingers and traces it lightly around your entrance. He probes at your hole with the tip of his finger before pushing forward just to the first knuckle. The feeling is startling and your legs try to close, but he keeps them spread.
“Relax for me, tanhì.” His voice is soothing. You close your eyes and take deep breaths to hopefully calm your body. He pushes in as you breathe out. The feeling is unlike anything you’ve ever felt. You’re not even sure how to describe the feeling in your own mind. It’s uncomfortable at first, but then it feels like electricity. Before you know it, his finger is all the way inside of you. He slowly moves his hand in and out while he still sucks on your swollen clit.
Once your walls relax around his digit, he adds another. His fingers are so big, but the way they curl up inside of you has your head spinning and there’s a building tension in your core.
“Ah, Tonowari, s-something is happening!”
“Good. Let it happen. Just let go for me, little one. Let me take care of you.” Every word he breathes intensifies the tension in your core until it explodes with the force of a bomb. Your body trembles and he continues to finger fuck you through your release.
Finally, your body stops shaking and he sits up pulling his fingers out of you. He watches as your body shudders with the aftershock of your orgasm.
“I think you are ready for the real thing.”
Your breath gets caught in your throat when he lets his loincloth fall to the ground. He’s massive. You were almost positive that you weren’t going to be able to use your legs for quite some time.
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lingering-42-long · 1 year
Hiiii. I really wanted to ask for a fic about Captain Price. Something telling about him being in a relationship with someone who is younger (an appropriate age). Details: Can be an NSFW or SFW, either option is.
Thank you, I love your stories ^3^)
John price x f! reader
Hello everyone! Once again, I have failed to load on a daily basis lol. I blame my writers block.
The story you are about 12 year separate in age. You are 23 and he is 35.
Warnings: fluff, no mention of (y/n), John being slightly insecure about his age.
John felt old, like really old. When he got out of bed this morning, he could feel his bones crack and pop underneath the pressure, his back hurt slightly, and he was already in a grumpy mood, without his coffee or cigar for that matter, but deciding it was too early for the cigar, he settled with the coffee.
Looking over at you, he couldn’t help but feel old. Between you and him, It was an age gap of 12 years. It wasn’t a super big gap, but it definitely was off putting one too some. Some people called her a Golddigger and some people called him a creep. He didn’t care so much what they called him. As long as they kept you out of the picture he was fine he could deal with the torment.
Being a military wife wasn’t easy and he knew that. There have been multiple times where you had to make the tough decision of choosing between attending school or helping him on more than one occasion. He hated that. Being in the military meant that you moved a lot online school was an option, but you really wanted to attend inside a building with other people, your age, studying and learning together. John sometimes felt like he had ripped that away from you.
John rarely felt loathing for himself. He was very comfortable in his own skin and his own decisions. Sure, he had made decisions poorly in the past, and he does regret those, but he sees no reason onto why he should linger what he can’t fix. But it was days like these, where he got to really reflect on his life did he realize how much of an impact he had on other people… on you. If there was one thing, he hated the most it was the fact that he had to constantly be on the move leaving you to fend for yourself, in a new town that you had just moved in only to be picked up once again by the winds to move to another new town, again.
He knew that your education was so important. You’ve been working on your bachelors in your respected field and it had taken so long for you. With the constant moving and readjusting almost every two years or so, it was hard on you both.
John also regretted not having a proper honeymoon with you or a proper wedding for that matter. Yes you too did have a wedding with close friends and family members and it was really cute a little backyard wedding at one of his friends cottage farms, But he knew that you liked the city. He knew that you had a ton of other people that you wanted to invite, but due to him, leaving for departure soon, getting married, and at that time, not really having the greatest amount of money… it was rather hard for both of them who they wanted to invite.
The honeymoon was also postponed for a solid year as well, and when he was able to take you, it wasn’t nearly as long as he wanted. Once again, getting whisked away to serve his country. What was supposed to be a whole month was reduced down to only two weeks.
You were always OK with it. You always understood that this was just a part of being in the military. There was barely any time really for you two, as you both were competing for one another, as well as for the workplace calling out for him. Any time he had to tell you that he had to pick up and go again, you always gave him a smile and said where to and always try to make the best out of the situation…. He loved that about you. He loved how resilient you were. It took a lot to really irritate you and that’s what draw him to you. What had become a simple greeting at a local grocery store, had become their lives now.
Going back to reality he finally made his way to the kitchen to make coffee for both of them. He knew you would be up soon. You rarely slept in when he woke up. He was an old man with old habits. Waking up at three in the morning was some thing he was very accustomed to. You had adapted to that.
He made his coffee black while fixing yours the way you like it. Milk with a little bit of sugar to cut the bitterness out. His mind returning back to his wariness about his own issues. He didn’t understand why he was so reminiscent and methodical about the past.
He felt a hand, gently rest on his shoulder, followed by a head. It was you. You had just woken up and was still coming around.
“Morning love.” Price smiled softly as he turned around to hand you your coffee, and give your father had a gentle kiss. You had your hair in that cute little messy bun that he always enjoyed seeing you in, wearing an oversize shirt over his boxers that you had stolen. You had that tire drunken look that you always got in the morning when you were first waking up.
“Did I disturb you?” he asked, even though he knew the answer.
You shook your head and gently slept on your coffee while leaning on your husband.
He carefully ushered you into the living room with him so that he could enjoy his coffee sitting down with you versus standing up in the kitchen. You carefully curled yourself around him and wrapped a blanket over both of you. As the coffee was slowly kicking into your system, you asked,
“Did you sleep well?”
He had to think about this one actually. Did he sleep good? He felt like he did but at the same time he didn’t really feel all that restful, not like the other times he had.
“ It was all right. What about you love? This morning I caught you snoring.” he chuckled as he made light teasing with her. She made a pathetic, whining sound, and gave his shoulder, a gentle slap, which in return, made him chuckle and give her a tighter hug before placing a kiss on the top of her head. They sat in silence for a few more minutes. This was their ritual to slowly wake themselves up from their sleepy minds.
Once again, Price’s mind wandered. It was drifting all over the place. He felt like he was on a raft in a very rough sea. He felt a tap on his shoulder before he looked at you.
“Hmm? Yes love?” He asked.
“ What are you thinking about?” You ask as you gently set up a little bit more straighter, watching and reading his expression. He may be a soldier and a captain At that, but you had mastered the ability to read this light little details in his face. The way his eyes creased when he was smiling or the way his brow furrowed when he was in deep thought about something that he wasn’t too sure about. The way his left eye would twitch if something was irritating him. And the way he would pop his hands if he was bored.
“Am I too old for you?” John never beat around the bush. He was straight to the point all the time, but this wasn’t also the first time he had asked this question. He had asked it a few times prior before marrying you and during your marriage.
“ you know my answer, no of course not. Besides, I like older guys they have better understanding of how the world works and they have a better grip on their shoulders.”
You looked at him, letting him know that you approved at his age. He gave a slight home as he took more sips of his coffee.
“ I’ve just been thinking… I guess my mind is playing tricks on me… I’ve never been the type to be insecure about myself, but… I guess this morning when I got out of bed and felt pain, It made me feel really feel old, And I guess it’s borrowed from there.” He looked at her. “ if we have kids by the time they turned 10 I will be well into my 40s or 50s…. Are you sure you still want a life like that with me?” He looked at her with those soft, steel-blue eyes.
“Always. I would always want a life with you. I looked back at my friends who are marrying young guys, and their relationship isn’t doing as great as ours. Either both or one of them is more immature than the other, and it leaves the relationship feeling hollow or unstable…. I mean I hope you feel that we have a strong relationship, I feel like we do.” His wife fiddled with the blanket that was on top of them.
“Love you make me the happiest man, I love you never forget that, yeah?” He smiled and kissed her, this time on the lips.
“I love you too, my captain.” You chuckled and kissed back, feeling his bristly beard hairs, tickle your cheek as he deepened the kiss.
“So….” She looked at him once the kiss ended.
“So what my dear?” He asked.
“When can we try for a baby?” You asked looking innocently at him which was the worst timing for him, as he was just taking a sip of coffee before nearly spitting it out, which still resulted in him coughing a little bit.
“Are you serious love?” He frowned looking at her “ I don’t want you making any irrational decisions on my behalf.”
“Don’t be silly! I want a child too! I’ve just been waiting for you.”
“But what about your schooling? Would it be easier for you to finish that first before starting a family?” he was also worried about his career, not being able to spend time with his children, but that was for a different note.
“ I think I’ll be fine.” You smiled. “Schooling will always be there for me to go anytime, but the opportunity for a child may not always be there.” John sat down his mug on the little end table and hugged her close. “When should I start?”
“How about now captain?” You smirked, also setting your mug down.
“Oh my dove, you are one feisty woman arn’t ya” he chuckled and brought his wife’s wish to reality.
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sheawritesstuff · 3 months
[I don't even know how to tag this,, but it's decently fluffy David being a groomzilla with a bit of anxiety comfort from Asher and Angel - 1089 words]
[Also I wrote this all on my phone so sorry if the format is off]
David Shaw was strong, confident, courageous. A leader through and through. He trusted not only himself, but his pack with every fiber of his being. 
But today, the day of his wedding, he was anxious - almost nauseous.
The photographer was asked to confirm their plans no less than five times. The caterers were grilled on exactly what food was going where and when. He insisted on supervising the placement of the decorations he chose personally. David tried his best to stay calm and polite, but his nerves were shot days ago and everyone was half-consciously walking on eggshells around him.
Right before the ceremony, the alpha ran around his dressing room, closely inspecting every groomsman from head to toe. Ties were quickly straightened, stray hairs were brushed into place, and every shoe was shined.
Even he'd admit it was a little much, but in the moment it felt like his whole nervous system depended on everything being perfect. He was damn near running on auto-pilot, barely even registering who's flowers he was pinning in place.
Until he got to Asher.
He stopped the other groom in his tracks as his face twisted with a mix of offense and disgust. He grabbed Ash's shoulders hard and gawked at the mess of fabric he donned.
“This,” David motioned at Asher's full body with his hand. “Makes you look like a hungover mess. Did you wake up in this or something?” The beta tried to mumble out an excuse but was quickly silenced. “No, no. I'll fix it just-” He sighed heavily. “Just stand still.”
David tugged on both ends of his best friend's bowtie, evening out the soft blue fabric. He gently adjusted the lacy blue collar against Asher's neck and tugged his suit jacket into place. David's hands made quick work of the little details, expertly gliding across Ash's torso and smoothing any wrinkles they met on their way. He carefully retucked his shirt and adjusted the waistband against his hips.
"C'mon Davey, it's fine! We gotta go," Ash laughed. "Wouldn't wanna miss our own wedding." David snapped his head up to glare directly into his friend's soul. 
"Fine is not fine today." He went back to subtly readjusting the beta's suit. "You are going to look perfect. If not for your sake, then for mine." Once the suit met his standards, he turned his attention to the multicolored curls atop Asher's head. He carefully ran his fingers through it and fluffed the hair up in some places while tamping it down in others. 
As David's hands reached the base of Ash's skull, his second in command stopped him. With two hands wrapped around his best friend's wrists, Asher directed David's eyes to meet his own.
"Hey, buddy." He pushed his head forward slightly to bump his forehead against David's. "You've gotta breathe for a second, ok? Just take a breath and calm down." The immediate reaction was another glare accompanied by a twitch of the alpha's eyebrow. "Come on," he continued, squeezing David's wrists lightly. "In." He dramatically inhaled and waited for the other to follow suit. "And out." They exhaled together, the tension filling the groom-to-be's body eased just enough to get him back in working order.
“Thanks, Ash,” David sighed. “I'll take a second and just…” His voice trailed off as he shut his eyes, still holding his best friend close. They took a few more slow, deep breaths together before finally pulling away and continuing where they left off. 
David continued putting everyone where they needed to be, lining them up and making sure they knew their cues. The tiny details were less important this time around, though. He needed to trust his pack, not just his plan.
As their entry time grew nearer, the little ball of anxiety reared its head again. He took his phone from his pocket and absent-mindedly dialed his mate's number. By the time he remembered he was minutes away from seeing them, they had already answered.
“Davey? Is everything ok?” Angel sounded nervous and a little winded on the other end. “Why are you calling? Did something happen?”
“No, nothing happened. Everything is ok,” He paused for a second to smile. “The nerves were just getting to me a bit and I wanted to hear your voice.”
Angel sighed, half with relief and half with annoyance. “Well then, hello,” They giggled. “How are things over on that side of the aisle?”
“They're… fine. As long as everyone makes their entrance at the right time we'll be good. Is everything ok over there?”
“It's been a little chaotic, but I think we worked it out. We'll make it through one way or another.” The sound of fabric shuffling was clearly audible along with unintelligible chatter in the background. “Alright, baby, I'm gonna have to let you go so I can finish up, ok? I love you.”
David smiled at his phone and relaxed his shoulders. “I love you, Angel. I'll see you in a bit.” He ended the call and breathed the vague nervousness out of his system. He flexed his hands a few times, checked his pockets, and gave everyone one last look over before he officially lined them up outside the door.
“You ready to become a married man, buddy?” Asher asked, draping his arm across his best friend's shoulders. David nodded.
“Are you?”
“Absolutely. If it was up to me, I would've been locked down months ago. But somebody needed to be a total control freak.” He squeezed David's shoulder, earning him a solid groan and an eye roll. “But this wedding is definitely better than whatever I could've whipped up on my own. So I think it balances out.”
“Control freak, huh? I'll remember that.” 
The song starting up pulled them from their riveting conversation and led them to their places at the end of the line. There was no backing out now. Once he stepped foot in that room, he wasn't leaving without his spouse by his side. In less than an hour, he'd be a husband. How surreal. His mind raced as he walked down the aisle to where he'd finally marry the love of his life.
The sight of his mate walking through the door was enough to make it all worth it. He'd go through the planning, the nerves, the late nights all over again just to see them all done up and glowing like that on the other end of the room. Even if it wasn't perfect, they made it all worth it.
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aibloomie · 2 years
them as love interests (aot + jjk | modern au)
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✧ ft :: itadori yuuji, armin arlert, eren jaeger, jean kirstein x gn!reader
→ these were so fun to write omg </3 I can't help being a fluff enthusiast MY HEARTSTRINGS
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━ he's the sweetheart who's actually kind of popular but it isn't really known. people talk about him within their friend groups and he's constantly getting invited to events, but he'd rather hang out with his really close friends or people he notices are usually left out or alone.
━ he has his way of making people feel special, especially you. he'll notice any changes you make to your appearances or possessions, and every morning he goes over to your desk and points it out with a comforting smile or if you haven't changed anything then he still compliments you. it always makes your heart jump because it shows he's attentive and he always sounds so excited
↳ "hey! is that a new sweatshirt? it looks awesome!"   "I've never seen you wear this jewelry, it looks great! maybe I should go buy some and we can match." “the design on your keys is so cool! mine are just plain- ah! where did you get them done?”
━ the guy who sees you from afar and he always stops what he's doing to go talk to you and see what you're up too <33 the type of person who can easily slide into a casual conversation and before you know it, the two of you have spent the last three hours hanging out even if it wasn't intended
━ the gentleman who was raised with manners and will always leave you stunned because wow, the bars and standards are low these days. and whenever he sees you coming over to him he unknowingly starts readjusting himself and fixing his hair because he wants to look presentable just for you <3 because he adores you 
━ the guy who is oblivious to how much his physical affection flusters you. the two of you could be walking in a crowded area and he'll immediately wrap an arm around you and pull you close so you don't get lost or to comfort you if he knows you get anxious in crowded places. and he's so close that you can smell him <33 and it's intoxicating. and he won't notice the way you smile extra hard when he hugs you every morning and after school as he says goodbye
━ his friends will always encourage him to ask you out, but he ends up deep in thought because even though he does have a crush on you, he's oblivious and can't tell the difference between platonic and romantic feelings. LIKE PLEASE NO liking him is so infuriating because even when you flirt with him he just cannot take the hint. but oh boy, once he finally realizes he gets so nervous around you. he's suddenly aware of how hard his heart is pounding and the way he stays up at night thinking of you, he's down bad
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━ he’s your best friend !! who has no idea how to tell you how nervous you make him. because, it hasn’t always been like this. when the two of you were younger he had no problem composing himself when you would lean closer to him and whisper a secret into his ear. he didn’t get intimidated by the way you would look at him in the eye, and wouldn’t feel his heart pound when he saw you in the halls
━ it was different now. the two of you had always shared things, and now he’d find his jaw dropping, eyes widening, and cheeks flushing whenever you reached for his drink and drank from the same straw as him. you’d question him with a raised eyebrow and wave a hand near his face, “armin? you okay dude?” and he’d hesitantly nod, which of course gave you the answer, no, he wasn’t okay
━ he's constantly texting eren and calling him at night whenever he can't get you off his mind <3 eren will get very annoyed but who is he to deny one of his closest friends the ability to dreamily sigh and talk about the person he's utterly infatuated with?
━ the type to recommend romance themed books to you as a form of hoping you'd finally take the hint and notice that he likes you as more than a friend. and yes, whenever he himself reads them he always makes scenarios with you and he gets so lost in them
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━ he's that one guy in your class who has a pretty tight friend group consisting of only a few people, so it kind of makes him intimidating. he's sweet and considerate, but also has a short temper so he gets into trouble often– both with his peers and the school faculty. not a day goes by where you don't hear a teacher say "eren stop bickering with jean or I'll send you out again!", to which eren replies with "yeah? well I'd rather get detention than be stuck in this room with that guy for another thirty minutes"
━ the guy who's clumsy and it makes everyone in the room laugh, well kind of. eren searches the room with flushed cheeks out of the embarrassment, but he always notices that you smile fondly at him whenever he trips in front of the class or drops his papers while doing a presentation. it's the smile that makes him feel calm and regain his composure
━ teachers call him out for not paying attention in class, and that's because he's too busy staring at the back of your head. too busy planning out ways to impress you, whether it be by him excelling at a sport or academically. or maybe winning at a fight against jean, just a backup plan !!
━ honestly, eren gets embarrassed but he doesn't really have any shame. hey, you may have seen him literally faceplant into the grass, or fall back in his chair but at least he got your attention right? at least he made you smile and look at him with those beautiful eyes of yours, right?
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━ he'd be the guy who hangs out with the wrong crowd to gain popularity – and therefore, have it easier when it came to social interactions. the guy who would get easily influenced to do mean things to others by his friends. but he has morals, and in his head there's always a voice telling him it isn't right. he walks home alone everyday with a guilty conscious
━ as expected, once he takes notice of you and starts developing feelings, it'll spark him with the goal to change and improve himself. he'll be standing in the hallway during passing period with the douchebag guys he calls friends, and whenever you pass by, his eyes will immediately follow you until you leave his sight of vision. he'll come back to reality and hear his friends planning mean pranks and he'll feel a pit in his stomach, he'll walk away and hear some shouts of, "is it too much for you to handle jean?"
━ the guy that's so insecure due to his shitty decisions that whenever you initiate a conversation with him, he's in bliss because wow you're talking to him! but he also ends it as soon as possible because he doesn't think he's good enough to be with you
━ but once he grows more used to you always being the one striking up conversations, waving at him in the halls with that lovely smile of yours, and making plans to hang out – he'll eventually start doing the same. and before he knows it, he's hanging out with you everyday instead of his previous group of "friends"
━ and yes, he's that one annoying guy who will take your phone and hold it up above just to see you struggle. the one that will throw playful insults at you just to see you roll your eyes and think of a comeback. the guy who will come to class late just to get your attention and have you wondering where he's at. and of course, the guy that tries to make his voice deeper when talking to you but he fails and his voice rises higher because he gets embarrassed 
━ but of course, jean is also very sweet <33 he'll try extra hard to impress your parents when he comes over because he wants them to approve of him. he'll knock on the door holding a bouquet of flowers and with some fancy clothes. the guy who blushes so hard when you so much as hold eye contact with him and he has to look the other way and scratch his neck awkwardly. whenever you trip or are clumsy, he won't laugh but instead he'll be worried and scold you lightly because he's scared you'll get hurt. he takes all your advice because he wants to improve himself, all for you because he adores you.
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kiwiikato · 4 days
hi. this is my first time requesting anything but i have a request to make. it's an idea i thought about while trying to sleep. is it ok of you can do Ken Sato x Singer! Reader? if you don't want to that's okay.
this sounds like a wonderful idea! i would love to write this for you! :3 i hope you’re okay with the storyline! i’m not the very best at writing stories without long descriptions 0-0
propmt: mina sets up kenji with an interview. on the way there, he instead ends up running into up-and-coming new singer y/n.
kenji fumbled with the zipper of his jacket, the pulse of his heart increasing as he ran around his home. he had just got back home from a mission, having to deal with another hectic kaiju that destroyed the city, and with the even more bothersome KDF.
upon getting home, mina had informed him of a interview she had accepted on the behalf of gaining more publicity on kenji’s rise as a more cooperative member of the giants baseball team.
“fuck mina, how many minutes till the interview starts?” kenji basically barked out, grabbing his keys off the side table, along with his phone and motorcycle helmet. “you have about 15 minutes to get there, along with another 20 minutes on preparing yourself for the interview itself.” the robotic orb responded, hovering near the slightly tanned skin asian.
his hand raked along his hair, pushing any fly away strands back into place. “good, i should have a couple of minutes to spare then.” he said throwing on his helmet, all while making his way to his front door.
“mina, tell my dad to take care of emi, please. he should get here in a couple minutes. unlock the door for him when he arrives.” kenji says, giving mina a quick wave as he ran to his motorcycle.
he inserted his keys into the cars ignition, quickly turning the keys, making his bike roar slightly. his hands gripped the handles of his bike securely, with his foot landing in the gas pedal. it wasn’t long till he found himself driving, the cool air of the night hitting his body.
he couldn’t help but sigh from the freshness of the air, feeling a bit more relaxed about the interview. his bike drove through the city, the colorful lights of purple and blue flashing his helmets visor.
it wasn’t long till he found himself in front of the building where the interview would take place. kenji took his helmet off, fixing his hair quickly as he chain locked his motorcycle in place. he sped walked past the doors, pushing them open as his ears were filled with the sounds of people talking and rushing around.
he ran past the receptionist, too tired to deal with check ins. it’s fine it didn’t matter, they knew to expect him anyways. he’s finger pressed at the button of the elevator, his foot impatiently tapping as he waiting for the iron doors to slide open.
a ding sounded out as he quickly got on, not bothering to check if anyone was coming as his finger hastily pressed the ‘closes doors’ button. he sighed in relief seeing the doors slowly waiting, looking at his watch to see he had only about 25 minutes to prep and settle down.
his eyes flickered up at the doors in shock when a hand stuck itself into the elevator doors. the unknown had pried the doors open slightly till them automatically open. kenji couldn’t help his jaw being open from the shock of someone shoving their hand in right before it closed, almost risking an injury.
the person walked in, smacking their hands together to rid of any dust and gunk they might have picked up. you looked up, raising an eyebrow at his face. “you might want to keep that mouth shut pretty boy, a mosquito might fly in.” you say snickering slightly.
kenji closed his mouth, readjusting his posture to look a bit more carefree and relaxed. “yeah, i know that.” he remarked, kind of confused at the interaction at hand.
“did you really? it doesn’t look like you knew that sato.” you say moving to click the button for the floor you were going to, but he stood near it. you cleared your throat waiting for him to move out of the way, but he just stood there.
“you need to learn how to get out of the way.” you say as you lean over him, your body close to his, almost touching, as you tap the button to the sixth floor. “seventh floor, huh?” you ask him, seeing the lit up button as you pull away from his space.
he could help but to smell the scent of your cologne/perfume as he nodded. “yeah, seventh floor. i got an interview i have to be at in a bit.” he says, looking down at his watch to keep track of the time.
“oh really? i do too.” kenji raised his eyebrows in curiosity. he had yet to have heard of you, so his brain rummaged around for what you could be getting interviewed for.
giving up, he just decided to ask. “what are you getting interviewed for?” you turned to him, smiling at his question. “up and coming singer. the media is interested in my ‘sudden’ rise to fame, so i was offered an opportunity to be interviewed, as well as a short performance there as well.” you say, your eyes drifting up to see you were almost close to the sixth floor.
kenji wouldn’t deny his interest. it wasn’t a lie to he enjoyed music. he played it throughout his house every chance he could get. “how long have you been playing for then?”
it made you ecstatic to be asked about the journey to your current present. “i’ve been performing for a couple years now, started off by doing small gigs at a club around the corner from here and uploading videos, honestly just testing my luck.” you say fixing your shirt as you see the sixth floor coming up.
“well, isn’t that something. it’s a good thing you’re here now, practicing really does benefit people.” he said smiling. he was strange, but a good strange. the famous baseball player was undeniably attractive. you were sure you would’ve blushed if it wasn’t for your blood already pumping from stage freight.
“yeah it is. it’s good to be here, makes it fun to meet new people, just like right now actually.” you say as the elevator makes a ding sound. “well, this is my stop. i should get going. good luck on your interview!” you say smiling as you step out.
kenji watches you from inside the elevator as the doors begin to close. you wave at him smiling, to which he smiles back a bit. right as the doors are about to shut, he watches as you wink, your hand making a ‘call me’ motion as the doors close.
kenji can’t help but blush at your sudden confidence. he would have called you, but he didn’t even get your name, nor your number. he had gotten no information about you at all. he can’t help but chuckle at your attempt, finding it cute.
he watches as the elevator is almost to the seventh floor. he fixes his hair once again from nerves, walking out as the doors open. he confidently struts to the dressing room, having a couple minutes to spare. his hands find their way to his jacket pocket. his fingers hit something in them, it couldn’t have been his keys or his phone, it was too small and thin.
he raises an eyebrow as he pulls out a small card. he looks down, reading the information on it. he couldn’t help but to slightly blush as he read the writing on it.
“call me cutie - (xxx) xxx-xxxx y/n ♡”
he chuckled, smiling softly as he placed in back in his pocket. he opened the doors to his dressing room, taking a seat. a smile gracing his lips as he realized you had snuck the card in his pocket when you had leaned over him to press the button for the sixth floor.
he is definitely going to send you a text when he gets home.
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making-monsters-happy · 9 months
New Years Vampire Romance
Good evening! I have a new romance I wrote for New Year's. Hopefully, you guys like it. Let me know if you'd like to see more from them or another couple...yeah. I love reading yall's messages, and if you liked it. It's pretty hot, but I'm biased. It's a little under 2k words.
18+ only.
You leaned back in your seat slightly, trying to get a better glimpse of the creature standing before your oven. He looked human enough; a brown mess of loose curls sat on his head, pushed back from him, continually running his hands through it to push it out of the way of his face. He was at least 6’5; you remember how he leaned down to get in the door once he was invited in, almost like how he was hunched now over the stove. He turned it on and paused, facing you. His skin had no pores and was sun-kissed, and you found yourself compelled to reach out and touch his face. His warm red eyes caught yours, and you looked away without meaning to you. No matter how used to seeing them you thought you were, it was always jarring when he looked at you with such intensity. You couldn’t help but wonder what he saw in you. A meal? Something weak? Something titillating? There was some attraction; he hadn’t killed you, even when you’d done what no one in their right mind in your village would: you’d invited a vampire into your home. Maybe the attraction was just on your end; they could do that to humans, right?
            While you were insane for offering him refuge, it wasn’t his sharp features that caused you to invite him in. If you lived to tell the tale and someone asked you, you’d say you’d been tricked into letting him in. When you first saw him, he was in the form of a small brown bat. Bats carried all sorts of diseases, but when you saw the tiny creature on your doorstep, you felt compelled to help it or put it out of its misery. All you said to the beast as you returned with a towel to pick it up was, “Let’s get you inside and fixed up.” The next thing you knew, you felt a puff of air hit you so hard you shut your eyes and took a few steps back. When you opened them, he walked inside your home, thanking you for your hospitality and introducing himself as Alessandro.
            “You’re staring at me.” His voice is deep; it makes him seem louder than he is. You, on the other hand, find yourself almost whispering.
            “Should I not?”
            “Most say it’s wise not to; they believe it’s easier for us to corrupt your mind if you do.”
            “Is that true?”
            Alessandro doesn’t answer your question; he smiles, flashing his sharp fangs, and sits up, looking down at you. You can feel a longing starting to ache from in between your legs. You straighten yourself in your seat, your nipples protruding from the thin silk night robe you wear during the winter to help keep you warm during the night. You wonder if he notices.
            “Why are you here?”
            “Because you invited me in, did you not?”
            “On false pretenses.”
            He walks past you and goes towards your curtains, looking out of them. You take a deep breath as he walks by; the husky scent of the outdoors and an unfamiliar cologne leaves you wanting to smell more.
            “I’ve been watching you. Your curtains are very thin; it’s not hard to look in, even for human eyesight. The men leaving the brothel may, at best, be able to see a silhouette when you’re changing into your nightgown, but you must remember my eyes are far better than that. I see everything.”
            You readjust in your seat; the silk of your nightgown is pressed up against your cunt, and you feel the fabric getting wet. The kettle starts to scream, and you cringe, jumping up and running over to take it from the heat. Alessandro steps behind you, his large hand engulfing yours, and leads it over a cup, helping you pour.
            “I can only watch someone I want sit alone in bed, touching themselves, moaning out to no one for so long, imagining it to be my name before I want to hear the real thing. Does that make sense?”
            You nod, your face starting to feel as warm as between your legs as he steps closer to you from behind. You can feel pressure against your lower back from the front of his pants as he drops petals from a flower you don’t recognize into the hot water. Without a second thought, you find yourself grinding back into whatever is nearest your ass to get some friction. It helps, but it is not enough, and you let out a noise of disappointment as he steps to the side and grabs the cup, blowing on it and taking a few sips.
            “I didn’t know vampires could…drink teas. Or wanted to frankly.”
            “There’s a lot you don’t know.”
            He holds the cup and tips it towards you, shaking it some. The green petals float around, and you look up at him.
            “What is it?”
            He doesn’t move, his hands still extended towards you. You blow at the steam and drink what’s left in the cup. You cough and frown at him, looking at the leftover greenery in the cup. It’s bitter, and as much as you want to gag, you keep it down. It tastes like something you’ve had, but you can’t put your finger on it.
            “I wouldn’t say we drink tea much, but we do like to dabble in recreational drug use.”
            “So, you drugged me?”
            Alessandro laughs and walks over towards your room with that knowing grin still on his face.
            “I wouldn’t say it like that, no. It’s just a plant we like to use to increase blood flow. I get a little nippy in the bedroom at times.”
            You walk behind him and put a hand to your cheeks. They are already starting to feel warmer than they had in the kitchen.
            “Well, that makes sense for your victim, but what does it do for you…”
            You trail off and feel your eyes start to shut. The graze of your silk robe touching any part of your body set off alarms; your nipples feel so sensitive that you reach up, pressing your palm to one and then the other. Whimpers kept escaping your lips without meaning to. When you open your eyes, Alessandro lay in the bed in his boxers, nuzzling into sheets, his fangs hanging over his bottom lip. You can’t help but follow the trail of hair from his chest down to his boxers with your eyes.
            Now, you could put your finger on it. Everyone you knew in your community had at least talked about this. Maybe couples needed the herbs to spice up their sex lives or to have more stamina for one another. That explains why any stimulation right now sends you over the edge and into flames.
            “It’s a very fast-acting aphrodisiac. Come here; I want to feel you.”
            Alessandro took your hand and led you to the bed, kissing up your shoulders and to your neck, starting to lick over your vein. You leaned your head to the side, moaning, your hand reaching into the front of his boxers. This time, he’s the one who jolts from your touch.
            Your hand grasps his member, and you rub your thumb over the cum that was already leaking from his tip. With every swipe of your thumb, he whines in your ear and starts to grip your breasts, kneading them roughly before leaning into one and suckling in, looking up at you with his warm eyes.
            You arch your back and started to pump his thick cock before his hand goes over yours again and gently grips you, making you stop.
            “If you keep going, I’m going to cum.”
            Alessandro’s grip loosens, but he continues to help you, watching as the two of you stroked his cock. Although it looked like it was hot to the touch, he was still a dead man walking and maintained a cool temperature even with the assisted stimulation.
            You lean down and lick the base, shaking your hips in the air to show off your body; before you can get it in your mouth, there is cum squirting over your closed eyes and down your nose. You laugh a bit but don’t feel him soften in your hand. He takes your robe off haphazardly and wipes your face with it, leaning down over you while you lay on your back.
            “I’m bewitched. You bewitch me.”
            Alessandro pushes your legs apart and starts to rub at your clit; you reach down and move his hand.
            “I need to feel you, all of you. I want you to drink from me.”
            Before you can say anything else, he’s sliding into you, his hands at your shoulders, holding you still as he plunges deep into you. He wasn’t the biggest you’d ever had, but he knew how to work with what he’d been given. It could’ve been a combination of his experience and the herbs, but you’d never had someone fill you up the way he was now.
            Alessandro holds up your hips for you, pulling you close so you meet his every thrust. All you have to do is sit there and take it; you grip at his hair, then stop self-consciously, your hands going to the sheets. You’d been told in the past that you pulled hair too hard, or when you gripped at your partner’s back, it would hurt them. Since then, you have always made sure to grasp the sheets instead.
            Alessandro lets your hips go and hoists one of your legs up, letting his weight rest on top of you, chest to chest, while his hips work. He takes your hands from the sheets and moves them back to his hair, looking back at you panting.
            “Pull it.”
            “Yeah? Is that okay?”
            You tangle your fingers into his curls and pull his hair, making his head snap back. He nods, moaning loudly in your ear and exposing his fangs before biting your neck. Your back arches and you begin to grind into him, your clit rubbing against his hairy pubic bone. You can’t quiet yourself if you want to. You grip his hair harder, and with a scream, you feel an orgasm come over you so hard your vision goes black.
            You wake up and roll over finding Alessandro on his back, his cock soft resting on his thigh, and eyes closed. You were in one of your nightshirts, both of your dirty clothes piled in the corner.
            “You’re finally awake. I cleaned you up while you were sleeping.” He opens one eye and turns toward you before rolling on his side to see you better.
            “I expected you to leave. Not that I wanted you to, I guess I just thought…”
            Alessandro smiles and you noticed his fangs stained red with blood, your blood. He licks his lips and presses a kiss to the top of your forehead.
            “I told you; you’ve bewitched me. Now you really can’t get rid of me.”
            “Well, as long as we can drink that tea every now and then…I think that’s okay with me.”
            You smile and bury your face in his chest.
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lillyfics · 10 months
Soaring through the Skies || Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Summary: The trials and tribulations in the journey of your love with Aemond.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Author's Note: Sorry for the delay! College's kicking my ass
TW: swearing, sexual violence, angst, heartbreak, violence, child death, infidelity, death, references to smut
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Chapter 4 (WC: 3,199)
You wake up, thinking you must have fallen asleep under your dragon because you don’t think you are physically capable of moving. Staring at the canopy hung over your bed, you wonder what went wrong. Was any of it even your fault? If not, why do you have to endure any of this? If yes, where did you go wrong, and can you even fix it? During your dwelling, you catch movement in the corner of your eyes. It’s not just you it seems, even your good mother seems like she is faring at her worst. Even though it seems impossible, you gain enough strength to evade her touch when she tries to pet your cheeks. She flinches, but you can also see the understanding in her eyes. You readjust your head and continue staring at the canopy. Tears (of sadness? Or dryness?) leak through the corner, sliding across your face and into your hair.
 As much as you want to, you know you can’t avoid this any longer, you need to know what’s happening, nothing but the whole truth, and Alicent Hightower is your best bet. You choose to sit up and lean against the headboard, again refusing her help and reach for the water pitcher yourself to quench your parched throat. You know drinking water straight from the pitcher is unlady like but you don’t have an ounce of care anymore. Seems like your good mother doesn’t care either, as she doesn’t reprimand you. She looks at you with pity and sadness, and you look back at her eyes with despair and anger. Knowing that she can’t avoid you anymore, she talks.
“I didn’t agree to it you know, my father’s ideas. I have accepted you as my good daughter at the sept, and it was a vow that I wasn’t willing to break.”
“Oh, so you are only willing to break the oaths made to the king then?” you scoffed. Even in your delicate condition, your impatience had to take the reins. She chooses to not respond to your attitude, and instead just continued. “Aemond didn’t want to either, he loves you, every lie out of his mouth was to protect you.” You can’t help but be impressed by the audacity of this woman.
“How can I even trust any of you after this?” you questioned. It is the truth. You have given them all your trust and they have done nothing but misuse it. “Even if everything else was a lie to protect me, what about the bastard at Harrenhal?” You know that you hit the mark, as she plainly refuses to meet your gaze now, confirming your suspicions.
You could feel your heartbreak. You didn’t think you could lose anymore hope, but you just did. Even if Aemond had lied to you about the other things, you think you could have recovered. Sure, it would take a lot of effort and it might not go back to what it was but now, the life you thought you had just ended.
Alicent Hightower knows that she comes off as an awful person, but in this moment she knows she will always be on your side, even though she knows she can never make you believe it. After all, just like you, she was once a young girl who dreamt of a hopeful future only for it be crushed like a flower in the hands of a toddler who doesn’t understand its beauty yet. She reaches forward and clasps your hand tightly not letting it go despite your struggle to do so.
“Look, I am not asking you for your trust or support, knowing that I have lost the rights to it a far long time ago. All you need to know is that I won’t let anything happen to you, I only have three grandchildren now when I should have four instead, Jaehaera, Maelor, and the babe in your belly. You might not trust me, you might think I am doing this just for your babe but that is not it. Even after the babe is born, you will have my protection to my utmost capability. I will find a way. I will.”
Her eyes shone with sincerity. You want to believe her and gods what would you do to have at least one person on your side you could be true with, but you restrain yourself. You trusted one person and look what happened.
Titles are long gone. You don’t see her as the dowager queen anymore. She is just Alicent Hightower, a flower who withered. You on the other hand, are a flower who is steadily withering.
In that moment, something shifts between the relationship between you and Alicent. She starts spending time with you every day, whether it be alone or sometimes with the children she bring along. It soothes a little bit of the pain, but you know it can’t completely be cured. Your babe grows, and that is all what you have been focusing on lately. One evening, you sit by the fireplace, doing some light reading while munching on some apple pies, something of which you have been craving lately. However, your moment of peace was interrupted when Alicent marched into your chambers, with a worried look in her eyes. Taking a seat next to you, she tries to gage your feelings so that she can cautiously deliver some terrible news it seems. While you are worried about harming the babe, you don’t think any news she brings could cause you more distress than the previous news you have received. She moves to hold your arm, and you let her. “I know you were close with Jace…” she hesitates when she sees your eyes widen. You think you know what follows, but still you don’t want to believe it. “Just tell”, you stammer. “Jacaerys Velaryon was killed by the triarchy. His dragon was shot down.” You are in agony, but you still see that she has more news to tell, and you nod for her to continue as tears drip from your eyes. “The triarchy attacked when Rhaenyra was trying to send her youngest two sons away to safety on a ship-“ You don’t let her finish, immediately enquiring her about your younger brothers. Her eyes drop even more, and along with it your stomach does too.
“From our sources, Aegon was able to escape on his dragon, but…but…”
“But what?” you raise your voice. “Nothing is known of Viserys.”
 Small, but noticeable sobs escape your lips. Alicent, in her motherly tone, tries to console you. “Nothing is set in stone about Viserys yet, he could still be alive, try to keep some hope up for your baby brother”, she says softly. How could you? How could you still hope for better things. Just when you try to accept that things can’t get more worse than this, it does. Viserys, oh Viserys, he was like you first child. You remember his small giggles. You try to remember how he tried to learn to walk for the first time. You try to remember how much he loved you, and how much you love him. And you can’t even grieve him properly now, could you? Some part of his grief is stolen by Jacaerys. Jacaerys, a sweet, honorable, noble, prince. Though he was young, he was one of the greatest people you have ever known, and the honor of being loved by him is something you will hold close to your heart forever. You can’t help but wonder if he hated you before he died. He gave you something dear to him, only for you not to accept it. Maybe that’s why you are suffering now, atoning for your sins.  
Days now are a blend of repetition. Nothing unique. You sob. You grieve. You suffer. You are painfully aware that you are in no position to make any moves. Just a pawn. Bent to everyone else’s wills. The only thing that is able to bring you out of your pit of despair is your growing babe, and its movements within. Gods, your babe is so active. Is it because he is excited, or is it because he is struggling to get out of this cage of misery? You could never know, yet you still try your best to protect him. Him? Your mind wants you to believe it will be a little boy, however you still aren’t sure. In the beginning, you wanted a little boy like Aemond. Intelligent, honorable, and so much more, your Aemond was. Now, you aren’t even sure if he is your Aemond anymore.
Slowly pacing across the chambers, the only company being your good mother and your niece and nephew, you try to calm yourself from the discomfort you are facing, but from the look on Alicent’s face it is obvious you are failing to do so. “What are you feeling? And do you need anything? Some cakes perhaps? Maybe pies? Something to drink mayhaps-“ You stop her rambling, noticing that it has increased in the past few months- only to clutch your belly as a sharp pain spreads throughout your core. Wetness slithers down your legs. NO, NO, no-your mind is racing, knowing it is not time yet, how could it be? Your belly might look big, but it is only a few months along right? Alicent rushes to your side, helping you to rest nearby while the maids come in to rush the children out. She tries to get help, but she is unable to so as you don’t leave your iron grip on her. You need her to be by your side. Please, please. She is the only one to have shown kindness to you, even though it might not entirely be truthful. You don’t have your father by your side, you don’t have your sister by your side either. Neither are your brothers. Most importantly your husband, which breaks your heart. So, of course, you need Alicent by your side. And she does. As the midwives fill the chambers, Alicent helps you out of your dress along with a few maids, with nothing but tenderness etched across her face. She also undoes your elaborate braiding, only to replace it with a simple braid that keeps hair out of your face and causes no trouble laying your head back if the need arises to.
And it begins, the labour. Your lower body convulses with pain. You feel nothing besides it. Blood, sweat, and water coat you. You only realize now much time has passed, as the chambers have started to darken as the maids began lighting candles around. Nonetheless, you are still pushing. You are crying, screaming, howling out of your chest, hoping that any of it could possibly stop the pain. You just want it to be over and done with it. In the delirium, you didn’t notice someone arriving your birthing chambers. “Aegon, this is no appropriate place for you”, Alicent reprimands. He still doesn’t leave, instead choosing to sit on the other side and hold your other hand that is not held by Alicent. He hasn’t uttered a single word, just taking a cloth nearby and wiping your sweaty forehead. More time passes by, and both Alicent and Aegon has yet to make a move to leave your side. You take notice of the maester talking to both of them, but you don’t have enough energy to acknowledge what he is actually saying. You only know that whatever he said must have offended Aegon as he sent the maester out of your chambers in disgrace. Aegon moves closer, helping you sit up, and then takes his place his behind you so you could lean against his back. And he helps you push. His hands are on your stomach, pushing it forward as you are slouched down and screaming. Few more pushes and then, your screams were interrupted by new cries filling the crowded chambers. You blink your tears away in a desperate attempt to catch a glimpse of your babe. “A girl! Princess, you have a baby girl!” exclaimed one handmaiden, whose name you can’t be bothered to remember. A baby girl. You have a baby girl. You reach your arms forward, trying to touch your child, afraid that she would disappear if you don’t. Understanding your emotions, Clara roughly wipes her and hands you her over to you. Placed upon your arms, she ceases crying, opting to stare at you instead. Her eyes, one purple, one brown, both so dark they are almost indistinguishable, glimmer with wonder. Her fat cheeks tinted red, thick silver strands curling upon her head. “She’s beautiful,” Aegon says behind you, reminding you of his presence. While a small part of you intrigued that he is here, taking part in a very intimate moment with you, you push it away as only the thoughts of your baby occupy your head now. Alicent, also next to you, asks what you want to name her.  Aelora. An old valyrian name meaning “unexpected.” While it may not mean something grand, you think it fits her, as she is an unexpected boon to you in these troubling times.
“Guess I will make the official announcement then,” Aegon exclaims before leaving, finally not being able to stand Alicent’s judgmental looks. Not just Alicent’s looks, but the maesters and the maids you notice. It was when he moves to leave you become aware that you were laying on his chest, and become aware of what it implies. You don’t know what to make of this new found predicament, but as you meet his eyes when he stands by the bed, you notice something familiar. A something familiar that you look at in the mirror every day these past several months. A feeling of loneliness. Guess he was trapped here too, and wanted to feel something. Anything. Even if it is a gruesome birth he had no purpose participating in. He nods at you, a flicker of understanding between the both of you.
You hold Aelora as she feeds from your breast. Even though she was scarcely a week at this point, she feeds from you like it her last meal. You could think that it was just yesterday Aemond held your hand and told you about how he killed Luke. Now, you are holding your babe in your arms. It has been nearly eight moons, not perfect but a near time for a babe to be born. Has it really been that long? You made a babe and the babe has taken its first breathe, yet still the war is going on, a war that was started on the night he she was made.
The birth of your babe has been a nice change, kept you lighter on your feet, and you took advantage of that. You stroll through the corridors, the courtyard, and the gardens more frequently now. Being trapped in your chambers with your babe is no good for either of you. The movement keeps you alive, and your babe is also looking at the world for the first time, with you to introduce it to her. One night, you were perched upon a balcony, showing the moon to Aelora. No, you were showing your Aelora to the moon. “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” you hear yourself saying. You cherished these solitary moments spent with your daughter. You are alone no more, as you have your Aelora with you. While everyone else who loved you had their conditions, you knew Aelora held none. You knew it from the toothless grins she gave you. And you do the same. You love her unconditionally too. But you are not alone all the time now, as everyone seems to be excited about the new babe. Jaehaera and Maelor join you frequently, along with their grandmother sometimes. Alicent looks a juxtaposition of youthful, maternal, and exhausted these days. The war is keeping her occupied, you guess.  But you don’t mind the solitude. You bravely march upon the court, with your concerns only existing regarding your daughter. Their looks and stares don’t bother you no more. It’s you and your Aelora against the world, not that any harm would befall you in court.  At first you were convinced that it was Aemond’s love that was protecting you from any harm. Instead, it was Otto Hightower, wanting you as his pretty little bird in a cage so that Runestone wouldn’t go against the greens’ factions. Before, you would have been devastated that your safety wasn’t out of Aemond’s love but now, it doesn’t bother you much. Sure, it still stings, but he is no longer the most important person in your life. You do feel guilty of how easily you were able to discard him, but he was the one to do to you first, even more insulting is that it is with a bastard witch. While these thoughts drowned your mind before, now they don’t. Aelora is there to keep you afloat now.
The stars glitter across the sky, and Aelora can’t fall asleep, hence, you are wide awake too. She necessarily isn’t fussy, just content to be in your arms, with reasons of her own. Nights like these are when you think of your escapes. Would anyone even notice you making your escape. You can easily tie Aelora to your chest, make way through the secret passages and onto your dragon. No, it is too much of a risk, not just to you, but to Aelora too. Surely, they might have gotten more aware of the passageways since your father’s stint. Thinking of your father, you aren’t even sure how welcomed you would be from the other side. Surely your father wouldn’t have sent those assassins if he had at least a slight regard for your position, neither do you want to be part of a side that would kill children. What do you even do now? All you could do is be still for now. However, just because you are sitting still doesn't mean you are idle. You are always thinking. Plotting. You might be a glorified prisoner, but you are still the Lady of Runestone and that means a lot, doesn’t it? You just have to be patient.
The night gets colder, and right when you think Aelora is about to rest her eyes, you hear muttering outside the doors. “Is it a good time…maybe tomorrow…might be asleep…” Tomorrow what? You can never sleep now can you? Not without know what they are talking about. “What?” you commanded sternly as you open the doors. Even while just dressed in robes, the domineering tone of your voice and the sharp gaze of your eyes made them cower. It’s Clara, one of your maids and Ser Luther, one of your knights. It seems that they are both ashamed to be discovered, but you need to know. “JUST TELL ME!” you scream-whispered, taking note to not disturb your Aelora. Unable to meet your eyes, Clara has her head down while the good Ser gives you the news. “There are rumors your highness, rumors that your husband killed you father on top of God’s Eye.”
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tabithatwo · 1 year
HONEST QUESTION by why do u think no one (until shauna did at their fight) ever called jackie out on being oblivious to other people’s feelings? Like we all know jackie is never mean on-purpose nor does she ever want to cause any harm but there are times where she has no idea that she is indeed doing so.. or is somehow influencing that.. And its like why has no one else ever tried voicing this out to her? BC we can clearly see she would’ve done something to change her behavior if it was pointed out. I just dont get why no one tried to other than the fact that it was probably just pretty privilege or people just being too scared to say so
WELL okay this question really got me thinking lmao my answer is sort of twofold so walk with me here…I don’t fully think jackie IS oblivious to other peoples feelings and I don’t think people have any issues calling her out when she misreads tone. The people who do tend to snap at the others when they say stuff that annoys them—off the top of my head shauna (obviously lol), tai, nat, mari, and van—all do at jackie at some point.
I think in canon, with the group as a whole, jackie is actually very in tune with their emotions. She corrals them at the kegger and they genuinely react positively. I think she’s honestly extra in tune with people’s emotions, perhaps partly because has to work a little harder at things. I think that’s why she’s captain.
When I say “off” in my original post, I mean that I think people can sense the way that someone picks up on and addresses behavior (aka loading time/processing/trying to problem solve when that isn’t what’s desired/etc) more than I mean that jackie is saying shit that upsets people regularly. I think that, other than shauna, jackie doesn’t upset them much more than anyone else until later in the season when things get bleaker.
Once they’re in the woods, jackie has lost her entire social script. It’s funny to me how people say she was the enforcer of society, because really I think society has kicked her ass and she’s simply learned how to exist within it and doesn’t know how to adapt to change. This isn’t the setting she’s used to, she doesn’t know how the people she’s learned and adapted to will react to these things, because who the fuck does?? It’s now unpredictable and she’s just really lost in a compounding way. We see her actually cheer people up again when things fall back into a script that she has access to—the seance, doing mistys makeup for her, etc.
As far as shauna goes, she has NO problem letting Jackie know when she’s upset with her lol. She just gives her no clue why. Shauna doesn’t communicate her feelings with anyone really and she certainly doesn’t delve into big picture things. (There’s a tai shauna tangent here that I’ll go on one day but besides that relationship, shauna is really just closed off and expects people, especially jackie, to read her mind.) Shauna snaps or gives the cold shoulder and Jackie adjusts and readjusts, until she’s fixed it the best she can.
I think that shauna’s reaction to being called out for cheating with jeff is something that greatly colors a lot of peoples’ views on jackie, when really it says a whole fucking lot more about shauna herself. Shauna is a horribly fucking unreliable narrator. We see her get confused and forget what her own lies are when she’s fessing up to callie about adam. She was writing her own narratives and letting resentment build even before the crash. So to me, taking what shauna says during that fight at face value, over what we actually see of jackie and their relationship, is a mistake. Shauna’s backed into a corner. She’s caught out. Little miss I’m with homeland security, first panic instinct is to lie is going to make shit up. She was trying to hurt jackie. That was the goal. For a myriad of reasons—I love shauna shipman don’t get it twisted lol. (And we see jackie realize shauna is tying to hurt her. Jackie tries to hurt back for a bit and she sucks at it lol and then she slips back into shocked hurt.)
So anyway, yeah. I think shauna clearly felt overshadowed, but she just does. In general. All the time. We got to see that in 2x09 when she spells it out for us in her journal lol. So using this scene to read jackie as someone who actually does the things shauna is accusing her of feels like a big jump to me.
Shaunas feelings were real. But I don’t fucking think shauna hated soccer. I don’t think jackie ever actually pushed her into her shadow, unintentionally or not. I think that jackie couldn’t navigate shauna’s emotions in any way other than placating when she could and trying to cling to her, because she was constantly terrified that shauna would leave her. Why did jackie expect shauna to go to rutgers? Probably because that’d been their entire fucking plan and jackie had no way of knowing that shauna didn’t want that anymore. I’m gonna talk more about their fight one day when it isn’t a tangent on a different topic lol, but basically I think reading what shauna says in the fight as truth is a common and inaccurate take.
To the last point, I think prettiness definitely impacts a person’s life on like every scale and makes people overlook things they might not normally, but I don’t necessarily feel like jackie got off with no feedback basically. And I don’t think she was actually that hurtful. I’ve talked about the nat situation here and how it’s unique, but that isn’t jackie being oblivious, that’s jackie trying to get an outcome. She is clearly oblivious sometimes (when she tries to give a pep talk post insane leg breaking lol, when she tells travis about who nat has hooked up with, when she is pragmatic about things like rationing food) but really she rarely says overtly hurtful shit, even on accident. She does less so than the other girls.
So I think it all comes back to that thing that a lot of viewers do—view jackie as fake. The fact that she doesn’t really give any evidence of meanness sort of was my point. Even when there is nothing bad said, general social awkwardness can be taken as an indication of insincerity. I think this is sometimes especially true when someone is overall decent at masking, at least enough that they’re superficially seen as well liked. Because then people see a hiccup (which is really an adjustment to new input) and take it as an intentional behavioral change.
(Grain of salt, I am someone who had a keen fucking interest in being as pretty as possible at her age lol, to the degree that when I was asked how I got so good at “beauty stuff” I said “well, you can be weird if you’re hot enough!” Until I learned that was actually NOT the answer people were looking for of course lmao so I am close to the subject of performative attractiveness to skate by and I also know that it only tends to cover more superficial likability—aka homecoming queen, but you’re only got like 1-2 close friends and your teammates have no issue giving you bizarre looks when you miss the mark lol)
Thanks for the ask, clearly it got me thinking. Like a lot. Many tangents and I’m not even sure how well I addressed the questions lol but I don’t feel like going back and making it more focused so this is the ramble we get!! <3
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kimistorm · 10 months
Chronosaurus [Stray Kids x Reader || Chapter 11]
Fly Away my Love: Chapter 11 Fandom: Stray Kids Pairing: OT8 x GN! reader (Please let me know if I accidentally slip up!) Genre: YA Dystopian Warnings: Violence in the form of being pinned down and captured. Nightmares.
Han stifled a laugh, "no, he doesn't read minds with his hands."
"So what does he do?" You pressed. You had to admit that Chan stating that it was time for everyone to start training together excited you. It meant that you’d probably get to see everyone’s abilities! And for having been together for what was probably months, and still not knowing most people’s abilities was frustrating. You wanted to know more about them all, you still only had seen half of their abilities in action, and you had no idea what IN, Chan, or Changbin could do.
“That’s probably something best heard from him.” Han interrupted before Felix could say anything.
“I feel like he’s been getting less friendly with me.” You couldn’t help but frown. He was the one who suggested for you to join the whole group but it felt like you were seeing him less and less. The few times you did see him were always barely frosty, as if he was growing more and more distrustful. Maybe he was having second thoughts about having you join the group.
“I think he’s just on edge.” Felix mentioned as he chewed on his necklace, “things have been weird since you showed up.”
“I swear it’s not me!” you hastily waved your hands around to try and dispel the suspicion. 
“Seungmin was never able to figure out your ability,” Han looked at you curiously, “your ability isn’t bad luck, is it?” there was a bit of a snicker, but he was looking at you with a serious gaze. It was a genuine question.
“If it is, I wouldn’t know it.” You grumbled as you thought back to the torture in District 9, “you know they like flashy abilities.”
Han and Felix just shrugged, “I guess.” Han agreed half-heartedly, “but you know Seungmin’s isn’t too crazy.”
“Dude looks like a demon whenever he activates his ability,” you scoffed as you thought to his unnatural red glow. Han whispered something under his breath to Felix who giggled at it. You raised an eyebrow at the two of them but neither said a thing. “Fine.” You shoved away from the table, “you two go have your secret conversation.”
“Wait (s/n) that’s not-” Felix tried to fix the situation but you were already on edge from the sticky notes, Chan, and everything that was going on so you ignored him and went back to your room. “Han!”
“I don’t understand you.” You crossed your arms as you glared at Ina. Or maybe it was your mind’s version of Ina. You still had no idea what these dreams were. It felt too real for it to be all made up in your mind and there was no break in the continuity, so it didn’t feel like a dream. However, the way Ina was acting was so weird. The real one you knew would be much more concerned. The way Chan was concerned, the way everybody else was concerned, the way you were concerned. This Ina was the only person who seemed to think this was all normal and it couldn’t be right.
“What am I doing that’s weird?” she asked as she picked at her fingernails and then held them out to examine.
Your jaw dropped before you grabbed a pillow and hurled it at her, “who are you?”
The pillow hit its mark and she nearly fell off the bed, “what are you talking about?” her dark eyes were wide in shock as she looked at you.
“I have never in my life seen Ina care about something as frivolous as her nails.”
She rolled her eyes, “seriously? That’s what’s got you all worked up?” she readjusted her position to lay down more comfortably on the bed, “this is just the only place where I feel safe enough to care.”
“But why does it matter? You’re dead! You’re not trying to impress anyone.” You huffed. It was all so confusing. The Ina you knew was pragmatic and serious. She’d take information from the world around her and form plans. She had drive and motivation. This version was a lazy, uninspired pain in the behind.
“Ouch.” She responded with little bite behind it.
“And other than that, why does this whole situation not seem weird to you?” you stared at her over crossed arms, “someone or something has clearly been sneaking into our space and leaving behind creepy notes.”
“Probably one of the guys playing pranks.” Her tone made it seem as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, “guys do that.” 
“But Chan already checked!”
“And people lie.” She rolled her eyes, “don’t worry about it, it’s not like anyone is hurt.”
She crossed her arms, “what do you want me to react with?” she put her hands up to her face in mockery, “oh no what a tragedy! You all need to run away and hide!”
You huffed, this was worse. “Nevermind. I thought you would be more empathetic but clearly you’re just some weird dream.”
"IN, could you do a probability check for me?" it was so sudden and nonchalant that Chan asked whilst you were all eating dinner.
IN cracked his neck a couple of times, “what am I checking for?”
“The probability of all of us surviving the next year.” His voice was stern and he had his hands clasped together in thought as he looked at something far in the distance. You heard Hyunjin gulp next to you.
IN closed his eyes and then his whole body took on a blue glow. He seemed to gain a sort of floatiness and you could see the strings of his hoodie start to float up and even his hair started to float around like he was sitting at the bottom of a pool. His hands started to move around in front of him, as if he was swiping through invisible options only visible from behind his eyelids. Everyone was waiting with bated breath and soon IN stopped moving. “7%.” There was a moment of silence, “should I try and change-?”
“No!” It was both Lee Know and Chan who yelled it out loud and IN’s eyes snapped open from being startled and immediately the blue glow and floatiness disappeared.
“Ah, right. Sorry.” He sheepishly rubbed at his neck, and it was clear there was a bigger story behind the last time he used his ability.
“We’re going to practice sparring.” Chan decided, “I know it’s been awhile since some of you have used your abilities, we need to use them. Get used to them. See how we can enhance them in battle.”
“You think we’re going to go into battle?” Felix’s eyes creased with worry.
“Given that probability,” he jerked his head to IN, “most definitely.”
“We could all just starve to death.” Han tried to joke but was met with several deadpanned stares. “Okeyyyy.”
“I guess it’s a good thing Changbin kept on working out,” Hyunjin nodded.
“You’re all scrawny,” Changbin teased in response, “it’s about time you all got into shape.”
Seungmin jokingly protested, “if I’m lighter I can run away faster.”
Minho sighed through his nose, “that’s not how it works.”
“Those of us on night shift will start tonight.” Chan looked at Felix and Seungmin. They nodded, Felix looking a little bit more determined than Seungmin. 
The panting of your chest was nearly painful you were breathing so hard. It was dark and you could barely see dark blue shapes in front of you that you dodged around. You felt your eyes were wide open in an attempt to get more light and to see better, but it did little to help. You were running. From what, you had no clue, but the terror sticking in your bones and the weighted feeling of dread was more than enough to keep you running. 
You could hear your own feet pounding on the cold, smooth floor and then you recognized the place. The realization caused a chill to pour over you and you almost tripped over your feet. The pounding of your heart almost drowned out the rapid footsteps behind you and you hastily restarted your run moments away from being capture.
Your feet felt like they were skidding out from underneath you and the sudden corner in front of you did nothing to help as you suddenly turned and practically gave your feet carpet burn. You didn’t know where you were running to, you had no plan. It was just to get away, but the maze of walls, corners, and low lighting did nothing to orient yourself. You could feel your strength draining and it was only so long that you could run through the abyss. It was fear and adrenaline that kept you going. Your lungs felt like they were on fire and your mouth and throat were painfully parched. Your legs were already sore and the harsh impact on your feet was starting to send sharp pain shooting up your legs.
And as soon as you realized just how much pain you were in from running, you tripped. You tripped over nothing like the fool in a movie. There was no time to react as you were immediately pounced on. A heavy weight threw itself onto you and crushed your body underneath. Now, you felt like you couldn’t breathe just because of the weight pushing down on your stomach and lungs. You thrashed around and tried to kick and punch at whatever you could but strong hands quickly grabbed ahold of your flailing legs as another set of hands came to your neck. You choked again and frantically tried to pull at the hands around your neck but they were simply to big and strong. Your already shoddy vision and burning lungs got worse as your body begged for oxygen and the blue light started to fade to black. You wanted to scream, you wanted to escape, you wanted to be away from it all.
And then you woke up. 
Your heart was pounding so loud you could practically feel it in your ears. You looked around and coughed at the dryness in your mouth. You were still in the same room that you fell asleep in. The bedsheets still had that gaudy colorful pattern on it, there was no moonlight filtering through the window but you could feel the crisp draft coming through the edges. The blankets on you felt stifling and you frantically kicked them off but got more and more panicked as you realized how tangled they were in your legs and kicking was doing nothing.
You tried to push yourself away from it, out of your blankets, but you ended up falling out of your bed with a loud “thud.” You tried pulling at it with your hands but it felt like nothing was working. Your breathing was increasing, you could feel yourself getting hot and sweaty, and you could still only hear your heart in your ears.
The door burst open and you let out a surprised scream. Chan was standing there with a knife in his hands poised to stab. He looked around, saw the window was still in-tact (other than the crack that’s been in there since you arrived), and saw you tangled up in your bed sheets on the floor.
The fear in his face melted into concern as he put the knife down and went over to help you out of your mess. You stopped thrashing around and allowed Chan to gently move your limbs around as he untangled the mess of blankets. “Bad nightmare?” he asked softly.
“Has this happened before?”
“Not like this.”
It wasn’t long until he successfully got you completely untangled and stood up to help lay the blankets properly on the bed. The entire time you sat on the ground. Still a little bit shell-shocked, still a little bit surprised at Chan to be honest, and just without energy to even doing anything. “Let’s go get some water.” He extended a hand out to you and you grabbed it so he could pull you to your feet.
“Does this happen often?” you couldn’t help but ask as you followed him through the halls to the kitchen. He was so nonchalant and calm about it and didn’t even question anything.
“More frequently than we’d like.” He confessed as he looked for a cup, “but understandable nonetheless.” He grabbed one and filled it up with water before sliding it across the counter to you. “Wouldn’t exactly call District 9 homey.” He grabbed another mug that was already sitting out and topped it off with water before sitting down with you. He didn’t say anything, didn’t try to force a conversation, but it wasn’t awkward. He was there to listen if you wanted to say anything, but if you didn’t, that was fine. He would just be another human to remind you that you’re not alone and to provide that sense of comfort.
As you looked at him through the dim lighting of the kitchen it seemed like the dark bags under his eyes got more pronounced. The hoodie he was wearing was showing obvious signs of wear and looked like hadn’t been replaced in years based on the fraying threads and holes of thin fabric. You thought back to the serious conversation that morning with the sticky notes and the conversation afterward with Han and Felix. Which speaking of… “I thought Felix and Seungmin were also on night watch.”
“They’re elsewhere,” he waved a hand and you noticed that there were 2 other cups out on the table, “they’re taking a walk to try and fight off the sleep.” 
You nodded and your mind wandered back to the group meeting. When he was talking to everyone he seemed like a fearless leader. He seemed like the harsh boss grilling everyone and commanding the next steps. But sitting next to him in the middle of the night made him feel more human. The slight hunch in his neck and the way his shoulders caved in on himself as if the weight of the world was being put on them. Looking at this version of Chan seemed so much more open and kind, closer to the one you first met rather than the one you got to know. You didn’t know if there was ever going to be another chance like this so you didn’t stop the words from spilling out of your mouth, “do you hate me?”
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moronic-validity · 10 months
The Prisoner
Suprised I remembered to post? Me fucking too, I completely forgot actually and am doing this from my phone so I will inevitably have to fix formatting from my laptop.
Part 10 (I think) of the DWU, 18+ bc the rest of the series is.
Also, big big thank you to @aalas-f-wings and @elaina-writes-things for beta reading my shit and helping me get this polished for y'all to enjoy!
Zima skated from the castle gates and into the throne room, kneeling before her king.
“Your Highness, Simon has left the kingdom."
“He what?” He raised an eyebrow and sat straighter, shocked at the scout’s report.
“He left the kingdom, Your Majesty,” She trailed off as she finished her sentence, “And I have reason to believe he’s headed to the Flame Kingdom.”
His expression changed from amused confusion to horrified knowing.
His mind began racing.
How dare he be so bold as to defy his orders.
How dare he do something so reckless.
How dare he put himself in harm's way.
How dare he leave me.
How dare he.
He tried to keep his temper level, but the sound of ice cracking betrayed his calm exterior. 
“The old fool went there, against my orders, with no way to protect himself? And you let him?” His tone rose with each word until he was yelling at his own creation. 
Zima involuntarily cringed. He hadn’t yelled at her since the early days of her creation and he stopped when he realized they could feel true human emotion. This wasn’t like him.
“He has a way to protect himself,” She offered the information quietly as she shifted her weight from foot to foot, “I gave him my sword.”
He stared at her, his entire face scrunched in frustration. He pinched the bridge of his nose and leaned back on his throne, slumping at the weight of all the information.
He dismissed the ice scout with a flippant wave, not wanting her to witness his rage.
As soon as the door shut, he screamed in anger and frustration. His hands found their way under his glasses, pressing hard enough on his eyes that he saw stars. His hands dragged downwards, digging his fingers into his cheeks and pulling his mouth into a borderline cartoonish frown.
He pulled his hands away from his face and he balled them into tight fists before relaxing them again. 
Then he took a breath.
The king stood from his throne and readjusted his scabbard. 
He hadn’t flown in nearly a century and it took him a minute to get more than a foot off the ground, but as soon as he was able, he was storming to the Flame Kingdom, a trail of frost-covered trees in his path. 
He had the kingdom in his sights and he did his best to land smoothly, but the heat had already dampened his powers enough that instead of landing, he just dropped from the sky, plummeting face-first into a nearby bush. 
He stood and straightened his suit, brushing the dirt off his jacket and pants. 
Winter walked into the castle with one hand on his sword, but no one stopped him. 
He found his way to her throne room and stood in front of the princess, glaring down at her.
“Where is he?” his voice was cold, making the question sound more like a threat.
“Oh, Winter! I’m so glad you’re finally here! I was beginning to doubt you’d come to get your pet,” She leaned back in her throne, at complete ease. 
“What did you do to him?”
“We’re talking about your diplomat, right? The dead one?” She laughed, “Because he’s dead, I handled him a while ago actually.” 
Winter’s grip tightened on the hilt at his waist.
“You know damn well I’m not talking about Oleander.”
The room seemed to grow colder, but it could have just been the Princess’ imagination
“You do know coming here unannounced with such an,” she waved her hand as she tried to come up with the word, “Aggressive approach is an act of war, right?”
“What did you do to Simon?” He hissed through clenched teeth.  At this point he didn't care about any war that could happen, he didn't even care if he caused another Mushroom War, if it meant saving his partner.
“Oh, Simon? He’s with your little diplomat.” 
Something snapped deep inside his brain.  
She killed his Simon. 
He pulled his sword and charged towards her. 
“Guards,” She sounded bored, “Please handle our unwelcome visitor. Take him down to the dungeon and do with him what you see fit.” 
He was caught by the jacket and yanked backward. 
He attempted to elbow the guard in the ribs but was met with solid armor. 
He scoffed, tossed his sword to his other hand, and pulled himself free from his beloved suit jacket. He faced the unarmed guard and stabbed him through the gut, his sword cutting through the armor like butter. 
The guard dropped to his knees, clutching at the flames pouring out of him.
He turned to the other guard. 
He was larger and had his sword already drawn, but that meant nothing to him.
Winter stalked towards him, sweat already plastering his hair to his forehead. 
The guard laughed and swung his sword down, attempting to end the battle quickly, but Winter blocked the swing easily and began forcing the man’s arm back. 
Winter watched with a sick sense of satisfaction as the man’s blade pierced his own neck. 
He turned his attention back to the princess. 
“You….you need to take me to Simon,” He gestured with his weapon, “And I swear to Glob, you better have been bluffing because I was not when I said I would end you and your people.”
She laughed, her flames growing brighter. 
“I never said he was dead, just that he was with your diplomat,” She rolled her eyes, “You need to listen better.” 
Winter stopped his approach and let her words sink in. He studied her face for any sign she was lying and found nothing.
 He resheathed his sword.
The guard he had stabbed stood and quietly approached him, his sword now drawn.
“He’s alive?” 
The guard raised his sword and the princess tilted her head with a smile, only needing to keep the man distracted a second longer.
“He would've been no used to me dead. You, however? That's your only use.”
The guard brought the hilt down hard, cracking Winter over the head. 
His eyes rolled back and his body went limp. The last thing he was aware of was the taste of copper filling his mouth.
She had won.
“Now, please take him to the dungeon, you’re both a disgrace for letting him beat you, but…points for theatrics. It was rather entertaining to see what he’s capable of.” she sounded almost bored. She had imagined how this scene would play out countless times, but Winter always put up a better fight in her head.
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