tamberella · 15 hours
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The Dragon Dance
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ursweetypie · 3 days
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1v31182m5 · 24 hours
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hellengomes · 3 days
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Homura and Azula
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josoarestravest · 3 days
Toph my beloved
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malinka624 · 2 days
Whole family✨
My AU 3 years later
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Look at kids’ jewelry👀
Ikrans: Spider’s (yellow), Leo’s, Jake’s, Quaritch’s (Cupcake), Quaritch’s toruk, Lo’ak’s, Kai’s
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juicygatorade · 8 hours
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Buy my snake model!!! it supports me and lets me make more stuff!!!!! Snake model here
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fanonical · 1 day
after learning she couldn't just bruteforce her way into being the avatar, toph decided to adapt earthbending so that she can do literally everything the other bendings styles can do
coals are rocks, set them on fire, boom! that's firebending baby
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beautyofattolia · 17 hours
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emeraldspiral · 2 days
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When the voice actors are more woke than the creators.
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wilcze-kudly · 2 days
Using the Avatar state scenes as an example and saying this is katara relationship with aang is so vile 🤦‍♂️
Ugh this take again. It honestly always exhausts me to see this because the thing about Aang going into the Avatar state is that it is, at it's core, a defence mechanism. Aang goes into it in life threatening situations, or otherwise, incredibly distressing situations. I've even pointed out its similarities to panic attacks:
Katara is an incredibly empathetic person, and she is able to emphasise with Aang's pain. Because a) she's just that type of person and b) her and Aang share the trauma of genocide and loss.
Katara's interactions with Aang when he is in the Avatar's state aren't based around tempering his anger, but providing comfort and reassurance. It almost seems that Katara just reminding Aang that she is there and that she cares is usually enough to calm him which makes sense. Because, at the core of it, Aang's greatest pain, likely the root of most of his nrgative emotions is that he is the last airbender. His people are dead, have been dead for ages. He is alone, the last of his kind, and it destroys him.
Aang: [To the winged-lemur.] You, me and Appa; we're all that's left of this place. [Looks at the lemur.] We have to stick together.
Enter Katara, who reassures Aang that she is with him, that she cares, that she won't leave him. Because she sees that he is hurting. She hugs him as normal people hug their friend when they are upset, and later, when their relationship is more established, it's just enough for her to make eye contact with him and remind him that she's there.
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Katara : Aang! I know you're upset and I know how hard it is to lose the people you love. I went through the same thing when I lost my mom. Monk Gyatso and the other airbenders may be gone, but you still have a family. Sokka and I! We're your family now!
And I truly don't think Katara does this out of a sense of obligation or fear. She does this because she sees her friend, and later, romantic partner, is hurting. And she knows that pain intimately. So she offers her comfort. Of her own free will, because she cares.
Katara : Do you remember when we were at the air temple and you found Monk Gyatso's skeleton? It must have been so horrible and traumatic for you. I saw you get so upset that you weren't even you anymore. I'm not saying the Avatar State doesn't have incredible and helpful power ... but you have to understand ... for the people who love you, watching you be in that much rage and pain is really scary.
I think the emphasis on "the people who love you" is important here. Katara isn't afraid of the Avatar state itself. She is saddened and scared for Aang, because she knows he is in pain. And he is someone she loves, be that platonically, or romantically.
Side note; I always found it so cool that when Aang went into the Avatar State in the Avatar State episode and wreaked havoc on general Fong's base, Katara, who was literally in the middle of it, remained completely unharmed.
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See, the theme with Avatar is that holding onto anger and pain can be incredibly self destructive. We see this, of course, with Zuko, but also with Aang and Katara.
Of course, we're shown how one's anger affects others, but we also see how painful it can be on oneself. Which is a very poignant theme that isn't often explored.
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This is what Aang was trying to communicate to Katara in The Southern Raiders. And this is what people like this, who commented under OP's post don't get.
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Oh, something crazy? Like for example going against her entire morality and do something she might regret for the rest of her life? That type of crazy? Hell, look at how strongly "The Southern Raiders" ties back to "The Puppetmaster", an episode about a victimised Southern Waterbender driven to near madness by her grief pain, and rage.
Aang isn't stopping Katara from feeling anger, he's trying to make sure she doesn't do something that will weigh on her and compromise her morals and ideals, because he knows how important they are to her.
Aang: The monks used to say that revenge is like a two-headed rat viper. While you watch your enemy go down, you're being poisoned yourself.
Hell, he even supports and believes in her, letting her take Appa and believing she would make the choice right for her. Which she did, in the end.
Aang: I wasn't planning to. This is a journey you need to take. You need to face this man. But when you do, please don't choose revenge. Let your anger out, and then let it go. Forgive him.
And no, I don't think he was trying to save face, since he has never had a problem disagreeing with Katara before, for example in the Avatar State episode, where he followed his sense of duty as the Avatar, despite acknowledging and valuing her criticisms of the matter.
Aang and Katara's relationship is one of mutual support, particularly in helping alleviate each others pain, since they are both genocide survivours, both lost a parental figure to the fire nation, both value their cultures and desperately try to perserve them etc.
I think some excellent aymbolism of this can be in how Aang tries to help Katara with her dismay and discomfort around losing her mother's necklace, something she's expressed was very valuable to her due to her loss. First by making a symbollic replacement, and then risking himself by retrieving the necklace from Zuko.
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I also genuinely enjoy that in both of these instances, Katara put the necklace on herself? Like it would be so easy to just make a cliche meaningful scene where Aang puts it on her and "proposes" but theres almost something more appealing to me of Katara taking the necklace from Aang and putting it on completely on her own.
Katara does not need Aang to calm her down when she's angry, because, with the exception of the Southern Raiders, her anger is usually benign squabbling which is completely normal 14 year old behaviour. Wheras for Aang, his anger usually rears its head on rare occasions when he's in deep distress.
But Aang is there to comfort Katara, to bolster her confidence, to support her, make sure she's having fun almost whenever she needs it.
These are just a few examples of Aang providing comfort to Katara.
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These actions may not be as bombastic and awe worthy as Katara ripping Aang out of a state of deity like power, but they are nonetheless important to Katara and make a big difference.
Aang and Katara's live language with each other is providing comfort, in any way they can. Be it by alleviating anger and pain, making the other feel good about themself, or connecting over the horrific genocides that brutally deprived them of their loved ones. You know, just normal couple things 💗
And this is where I could slander Zutara, but I'll simply tactfully say that Zuko... prioritised things other than Katara's comfort and happiness.
Also, incredibly rich that one of OP's examples of Aang going into the Avatar state out of anger was in the comics. OP neglected, however, to include the scene leading up to this where Aang is extremely calm and nonconfrontational until Zuko grabs Katara and refuses to let go of her despite both Aang and Katara telling him he's hurting her and then attacking Aang after Aang knocks him away from Katara.
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Like hun this is not a good look.
And another point I'd like to raise is this persob in the comments who apparently watched the show blindfolded.
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why are we still here just to suffer etc etc. Like have you folks even watched the show why do you have beef with a twelve year old who commited the crime of loving a girl his age. If you're that fucking upset about it you can just not have him do that in your mind palace you don't have to pick violence.
Aang is a genuinely amazing character who deserves so much more than what his haters say. It's fine if he's not your fave character I just don't understand why people have to be dicks about it.
Genuinely the only good thing I get from examining this type of bullshit rethoric is that it lets me inspect Kataang more closely and find new things I genuinely love about it.
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kuruk-weekend · 2 days
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The stunning promo art is by @bellwethers. Make sure to check her blog and commission sheet!
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ursweetypie · 3 days
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phoenixnakama · 2 days
I am identified myself mostly with Katara and what about you guys? I am just curious.
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zutaranation · 3 days
Imagine ZK replacing The Gates of Azulon with two giant statues of Kya and Ursa? Representing a mother's protective nature.
I love this idea! I like the concept of giving credit and appreciation to maternal women, too. This feels like something ignored in canon and undervalued, as it is in real society.
I think it would be a sweet gesture for the both of them to do together for each other as well.
This is such a fun headcanon, thanks for sharing!
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villainsimpqueen · 2 days
My high thoughts-
Okay so yall know how Na'vi when becoming mates they preform Tsaheylu and that like forms a life time bond and to some stuff i read about it, you can only have that bond once.
So menaing your forever bonded to that person.
At what age is it deemed acceptable or normal for a soon to be mated pair to form that bond?
Because like thinking on the first movie when jake goes to pandora n all meets Neytiri, boy obviously being lured by the pretty scary lady and we know Neytiri was 18 years old amd deemed a woman by the clan.......
How come her and Tsu’tey wasnt already an established mated pair?
Because like they were in an arranged engagement shortly after Neytiris sister (Sylwanin) has killed which was 15 years prior to the current timeline of Avatar 1. (Grace explains this.)
Wouldn't Neyitiri & Tsu’tey be expected or pushed to be mated after they both were 18 and adults?
Or is there an age where such a bond is expected to happen and maybe this is to give both individuals to gain more life experiences and knowledge before making such a powerful and One time bond?
Could have when Neytiri & Jake mated and formed their life time bond through Tsaheylu, that the outrage from the clan members was more so with the fact of Neytiri being to socially accepting young to form such a bond?
Because at that point when they mated Jake was Part of the people. One of them and as one of them he would now be allowed to choose a woman. And Neytiri was naming a few women. Were they of that accepted age group to form such a bond and thats why she brought them up despite her and Jake having so much chemistry built through the span of three months?
Could that had been more reason why Tsu’tey was so outwardly outrage besides the fact that his fiancé had commited an affair and mated to another, was that because she was not deemed ready for such a bond especially with someone who was older than her and had more lively experiences than she had herself?
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