#I guess sometimes we just have to let our demons talk for a while
ifortom · 7 months
Champagne Problems - T.H.
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Synopsis: Tom and y/n, a couple that used to be inseparable, now face a deep crisis in their marriage. Their daughter, Olivie, 4, is in the middle of this emotional turmoil. With busy lives, differences of opinion and fragmented communication, the love that brought them together is slowly fading. After the aftermath they must face their own demons, rediscover empathy, and find a way to rebuild the relationship they once shared. Not just for themselves, but also for the well-being of their daughter, who longs for a united family.
A/N: Well here it is, this is a rollercoaster of emotions and I hope you enjoy it. An important note: English is not my first language so I hope you understand if there are any errors, be kind and let me know if necessary and I can fix it.
W/A: +5k
‘’Where’s my sweet baby pie?’’ You heard Nikki’s voice before she even opened the front door.
‘’Grandma!’’ Olivie screamed loudly when she saw her grandmother and ran straight into her open arms.
‘’Hi sweetie! I missed you.” She said hugging the little girl tightly. ‘’Everyone was waiting for you.’’ Olivie smiled and made her way inside the house without looking back.
Nikki turned to you, as you walked in the living room and smiled opening her arms just like she did with Ollie, welcoming you into a warm hug.
‘’What about you, darling? It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.’’
‘’I know, and I’m sorry for that. Work’s been so hard lately, there’s a lot going on.’’ It wasn’t a lie, the last few weeks had been a pain in your ass with so much work since you got your promotion to chief editor at the publisher you worked.
‘’Yeah, Tom told me, that’s great news though!’’
‘’Its is, I’ve waited this for such a long time. But is complicated, Ollie is growing up and I feel like I’m missing out sometimes.’’ She smiled softly at you.
‘’I get it, just try not to stress yourself, that girl needs you... and you know, your promotion wasn’t the only thing Tom talked to me about the last time he was here... what’s going on with the both of you?’’
This was a question you really didn’t want to reply and this was a conversation you didn’t want to have, especially with your husband’s mother.
‘’I guess our relationship has seen better times but we’re trying. I’m just... I can’t have this conversation right now”
‘’I see... it’s alright sweetheart. I don’t want to intrude, just want to see you happy, the both of you. And that little girl.’’
‘’Me too.’’ You smiled at her, trying to hide the forming lump on your throat. ‘’I need to go, Tom is probably already home and we need to get ready.’’
‘’Of course. I’m going to find Ollie for you to say goodbye.’’ She walked out in the direction of the back garden.
While you waited, you took your time looking around the living room you’ve seen a thousand times already. Memories spread across the walls in the form of photos. Tom’s graduation day, Paddy’s first day of kindergarten, your wedding day, their family trip to Hawaii, Olivie as a new born. Memories you’re proud to be a part of.
The sound of small feet running to you woke you up from the small daydreaming.
‘’Mummy!’’ She hugged your legs and you bent down to her level to stare into her eyes.
‘’I’m going now, ok? Remember our deal?”
‘’Yeah, to be a good girl for grandma.’’ She said happily remembering your words from earlier.
‘’That’s right! Two nights, ok? And then we’re taking you home.’’
‘’You and daddy?’’ She asked playing with a string of your hair.
‘’Yeah, mummy and daddy.” She nodded. ‘’Alright, now give mumma a hug.’’ You tighly held her for a while, taking in her baby scent, the one you loved so much. ‘’Bye, babybug.’’ She let go of you and turned around finding her grandmother standing next to the couch. ‘’Bye Nikki, thank you for taking care of her. And please, say hi to everyone.’’
‘’Always. And please, have fun. You both need that”
Tonight was a special night. Tom’s company is hosting a party to celebrate a new partnership with a foreign company and, of course, as the wife of one of the partners, your presence is unquestionable. You need to be there to support your husband and keep the facade of the perfect couple with the perfect family. Because no one knows what goes on behind closed doors.
You stared at yourself in the mirror. The dark red dress you chose hugs your curves in all the right places, the small slit on the leg made it a little more daring but didn't lose the classic touch. It had been a while since you dressed up for a gala event, so you decided to take advantage of the opportunity and remember your features that have been hidden for a while.
Tom entered the room wearing his elegant suit. His hair was straightened and with every step he took he exuded class, and as you watched him in the mirror's reflection, you noticed his gaze fixed on your body.
 ''Woah, you look beautiful tonight'' Was the first thing he said. Tom hadn't had the opportunity to see the dress you had chosen before this moment, so it was definitely a surprise.
''Yeah, I wanted to try something today.'' You smiled, breaking eye contact in the mirror and going to the table next to the bed, picking up the necklace you had chosen. ''Can you put it on for me?'' You walked up to him and handed the necklace into his hands, turning your back.
Tom calmly analyzed the necklace and felt his breathing hitch. There was the necklace he had given you just before Olivie was born. Your pregnancy was not easy. There were many complications during the period and the risk of something happening to you or the baby was high. To this day, he is grateful that you two made it out of the operating room safe and sound.
The small, sparkling jewel dangled from the chain, reminding him of simpler times. He knew the moment he saw it for the first time that you would love it. It was simple, but it carried enormous emotion, love and hope.
He raised his hands towards your neck and noticed that they were sweating. And you felt his warm breath on your neck and his fingers delicately ran across it, making goosebumps run down your body. How long has it been since you felt each other's touch like this? It's impossible to believe that the two young people who couldn't live without having contact with each other for a long time became like two strangers afraid to touch.
Maybe a few years ago he would have come closer, placed his hands on your waist and left a kiss next to your ear. You would have thrown your head back leaning on his shoulder and the two of you would have stayed like that for a while.
But things changed and the two of you were no longer the same couple at the beginning of a relationship as you were before. Life happened and differences emerged, thoughts changed and opinions diverged. How could things be the same as before?
Instead, Tom put space between you and scratched his throat. His hand went to the back of his head. You looked in the mirror once again.
''I'm driving today, so if you're ready we can go''
You nodded and turned to him waiting for some reaction. Whatever it was. But what you got was him turning his back and walking towards the bedroom door. Holding back the cry that wanted to leave your throat, you lifted your head and followed him. Time to play the part.
The path to the venue's party room was silent. In the car, Tom let the music take over the space. As you mouthed the lyrics to a random song that was playing, Tom let furtive glances find you. But you would never know it.
When you arrived, a boy went towards the car while Tom opened his door. He quickly turned around and opened your door, extending his hand to help you out. Tom thanked the boy who entered the space he previously occupied and left with the car to park it.
You held onto Tom's arm as you walked together to the entrance of the already crowded room. Taking a deep breath, a smile appeared on your face as Harrison, Tom's best friend and one of his partners, walked towards you.
''You're finally here, what happened that took you so long?'' He said suggestively, making Tom laugh.
‘’No need to pry, mate.’’ Tom replied, now wrapping his arm around your waist. ''We arrived and we are fine, thank you for asking.''
''No defensiveness, Tom. You look great tonight, Y/N.'' Harrison said.
''Thanks, H. You don't look bad either.'' Harrison smiled and spun around as if showing off his outfit. You laughed at his mannerism.
''Well, some of the investors are already here and want to meet the person responsible for the partnership with the Japanese company.''
''Don't put all this on me, you were responsible too.''
''Wait, Tom... you didn't tell me that this came from you.'' You said resting one of your hands on his chest.
''What? Didn't he tell you? It turns out that if it weren't for this guy here, things wouldn't have happened. He was the one who stayed up working for hours and hours, making it impossible for the company to refuse the agreement.'' Harrison said.
How come Tom never mentioned this? Of course you knew something big was about to happen at the company but you didn't know that Tom was working so hard on it. So every night he took a while to get home, he was at work? Was the silence that came from him caused by this?
Tom looked uncomfortable, which was strange. Why was he acting like this?
A waiter approached the three of you and held out a tray with glasses of what looked like champagne. Harrison took one, while Tom did too and handed it to you.
''Aren't you going to drink?'' Harrison asked raising an eyebrow.
''I'm driving tonight.'' His hand returned to your waist and you felt his fingers lightly caressing over the thin material of the dress. ''Let's do this. I'll be right back, okay?'' He turned to you, who in response just nodded.
''Y/N, Sophie is near the bar. She was looking forward to your arrival.'' He pointed to where his wife was talking to two women unknown to you. ''She said that only you understand her in this place.''
''I say the same about her.'' You started walking towards your friend, who, upon seeing you, completely forgot about the two strangers she was talking to.
''I'm so grateful to see you. I was already starting to panic.'' She hugged you. ''Girl, and that dress! You look wonderful.'' She said looking you up and down.
''Did you like it? I think I made the right choice.''
''Definitely. I bet Tom went crazy when he saw you like that'' She said winking. Sophie was one of the only people who knew about how troubled your relationship was, and she certainly hoped that things between you would get better.
Just like your words to Harrison, she was the only person you could count on at the moment. Ever since their relationship began, just a few months after you and Tom became official, you two had been inseparable. The two of you worked together to help the two of them when they decided to start a company. And in this world made of appearances, you remained the same.
Obviously, Tom and Harrison have other partners who are married to snobbish and difficult to deal with women. And even though their husbands only have a small portion of the company, they act as if they are in charge of everything and everyone.
That's why you two stick together. Holding each other.
''It turns out that I was also expecting a reaction but I didn't get much.'' You say dejectedly taking a sip of the drink. Her hand affectionately roams your arm.
''I'm sorry, darling. He may not have shown it but I bet he won't resist and at the end of the night we know what will happen.'' The suggestive way in which she spoke made you laugh sincerely. ''We know what you have hidden there!'' You chuckled even though you weren't sure how this night would end and if it would go that way.
''For now I don't want to think about it, let's just enjoy it, okay?'' You tell her, holding her hand and pulling her close to the bar. ''Let's order a drink!''
And while you distracted the thoughts that disturbed you with what you were experiencing at the moment, Tom followed your every move, instead of paying attention to the compliments and questions he received.
''What you're doing for the company is great, Thomas! I'm sure it will grow more every day.'' Peter's hand, one of the investors, stopped on his shoulder, pulling him back.
''Thanks, but I wouldn't be able to do any of this alone.'' He said. ''None of this would be possible without the help of everyone who works at the company. Everyone, without exception.''
''And he's still humble. You really impress me, boy'' Peter laughs, making everyone in the circle laugh too.
''If you'll excuse us, we need to talk for a second.'' Harrison interrupts and pulls Tom aside, leaving the circle of middle-aged men. ''Mate, are you okay? You seem a little distant.''
Tom stares at the ground, trying to keep himself steady. His emotions were running high, and he didn't want to show it, at least not here and now.
''Yeah, I just need to have a glass of water.'' He replied walking towards one of the waiters who was carrying what he needed. ''This conversation has stressed me out. Harrison, I didn't do it all alone. You were part of it too.''
''Tom, I know that. Just accept the compliment, you know that's what they like to do. They're just interested in the money they're going to receive from all of this.'' Harrison says, resting his hand on his friend's shoulder. ''You do not need to worry about me. After all, I didn't lie about who actually stayed up late working on this project. The merit is yours, my friend.''
‘’Thanks, mate” Tom smiled and hugged his friend.
''Let's mingle a little bit more, okay? Then we can return to the arms of our dear wives.'' After Harrison's words, Tom's eyes went looking for you again. And they found you in the same place, laughing and enjoying the night, looking freer than before. ''Speaking of which, why didn't you tell her what was going on?''
''I think I was working too much and didn't want to worry her. She just got promoted and you know how Y/N is like. Always putting the needs of others above her own.’’
''Tom, she is your wife. Not to mention she's the mother of your daughter. She needs to know about things that happen, you can't deal with everything alone.''
''I know that.'' He took a deep breath. ''But this is not the time for that, shall we continue?''
Harrison looked a little disappointed but didn't want to step on any more toes, so he just agreed and they carried on with the night.
''I can't believe he did that.'' Sophie said shocked. ''What an asshole.''
''Well, you can believe it.''
''He promotes you and still has the courage to challenge you? Doubting whether you will be able to complete your tasks on time?''
Since you were promoted, your boss has been making comments about your work making you doubt whether it was a good choice or not. Which doesn't make sense because the decision to promote you was his. How can he doubt your abilities now?
''It's been exhausting but I've been trying not to pay too much attention to his sarcastic comments.''
''I bet so, but I'm sure you're doing an excellent job.'' She smiled. ‘’Seriously, you shouldn't care about this asshole’’
''Whoa, who's the asshole?'' You heard Harrison's voice, and turned around to find him and Tom approaching the two of you.
''Y/N's boss is trying to make her work life hell.'' She responded as Harrison hugged her from behind. At that moment you felt jealous of her. ''Hey, want to dance?''
''Hm, one of the bosses embarrassing himself on the dance floor with his lovely wife? Is this something everyone here would like to witness?'' He pretended to think for a while before holding her hand. ''I bet they wouldn't miss this for anything.'' He dragged her to the dance floor, leaving you and Tom standing next to each other laughing.
When the laughter stopped it was strange. They were there, husband and wife embarrassed to be so close. Tom broke the ice and got closer to her, who leaned back on a table. His hands went to her waist while hers went to his chest.
''I would ask you to dance too, but I don't know if everyone here is prepared to watch this disaster.'' The playful tone in his voice made her startle. She feigned shock.
''Are you sure about that? Am I the cause of disaster? Do I need to remind you of our first dance? How many times did you step on my foot that night?'' They laughed together and for the first time in a long time, you felt close to him. Almost complete. He was there, and he was yours. ‘’Tommy...’’
His heart missed a beat when he heard the nickname. Your hands went around his neck, your face slowly approaching his.
‘’Yeah, darling, I’m here.’’
''I really miss you.'' You say placing your head on his chest. ''I'm tired.''
''Do you want to go home?'' He asked, stroking your back.
''Are you sure? It's your party. I can go alone if you want. I'm not that drunk, I'm just really tired.'' Your voice was muffled but he could hear it.
''It doesn't matter, I won't let you go alone. I just need to say goodbye to some people, okay? And talk to Haz.'' He said, making you look at him.
''Okay, I'm going to the bathroom.'' He nodded and let you go. Watching your path before following his.
In the bathroom, you looked at yourself in the mirror and noticed how flushed you were. Not knowing if it was caused by the drinking or the closeness you were with your own husband.
You entered one of the stalls just as two women entered the bathroom.
''Did you see them today?" One of them said. ‘’They look so hot.’’
''Yeah, it's a shame they had those two clinging to their arms all night.'' The second voice said, Ava, you recognized it. She was Tom and Harrison's assistant at the company. The person everyone has to deal with directly before they can exchange a word with either of them. Normally, she is the one who decides which issue is extremely important and needs to reach them or not.
''Did you see Y/N tonight? I never imagined she could dress so well''.
''It was definitely just for the show.'' Ava replied and you held your breath in fear that they would realize that there was someone else in the same room as them. ''At least she looks pretty today.''
''And how do you feel about that?'' The girl asked cautiously.
''What do you mean by that, Izzy? Do you think I'm afraid of her?'' Ava mocked. ''You don't even know the half of it.''
''It's his wife.'' The second girl, Izzy, clarified.
''Do you want to know? Tom and I have become very close these last few weeks. Late one night, while we were at the office, he opened up to me. He was very honest saying that their marriage is not going well. Made it seem like he was tired of her or something.'' She said. ''What they did today was just to keep up appearances. I know what he really wants.''
''You mean he wants you?'' Izzy said and you felt your heart stop waiting for the answer.
''It's not that, I mean, we had a moment. This week, he was in the middle of a meeting when his daughter's daycare center called. Something about her fighting with a colleague over a pen, childish stuff, you know? I needed to act and since my name was on the list of people who could pick her up, I went.'' You felt dizzy upon hearing the information. How had Tom not told you this? ''I think he was extremely grateful, we hugged and well, we almost kissed.''
Everything was getting blurry, you couldn't believe he would do something like that.
''It didn't happen, so I don't want to say he wants me, but maybe he wants to get rid of her.'' She finished. ''Anyway, I wouldn't have a relationship with him. A daughter and an ex-wife? It is not for me. But that's it, looking doesn't take away anything.''
They left the bathroom still gossiping, but you couldn't hear anything else. How could he have done this? Not just exposing your relationship to a stranger and almost kissing her but hiding something about your own daughter? Trying to remember a moment that may have been abnormal, you remembered two weeks ago, when Tom called you informing you that he was already at home with Ollie earlier and that you didn't need to pick her up. This was unusual, and never happened unless you agreed beforehand.
Something happened at her school, little Olivie got into trouble and you didn't know about it. You couldn't discipline your own daughter because your husband decided to hide it from you.
After the shock, some things started to make sense and well, your husband almost kissed another woman. There's a lot going on and you're not in a good place to think about it. Your only goal now is to go home.
Leaving the cabin, you looked in the mirror and finally noticed the tears running down your face.
You quickly wiped your face and left the bathroom, encountering who you wanted to avoid. He was there, near the door, talking to the two women who had just exposed the biggest nonsense that Tom Holland could have done in his life. His eyes met yours and he was distracted, confused by your expression, soon the women also noticed that you left the bathroom right behind them.
And they knew what they had done. They said goodbye to Tom without looking back. He walked up to you and cupped your face with his hand.
''Y/N what happened?'' He said worriedly, you grabbed his wrists, removing his hands from your face.
''I'm going home.'' Was the only thing you said before walking past him towards the exit. Without looking at anyone, not even Sophie.
When you finally left the salon, the same boy from earlier was standing in front of the familiar car, waiting for the owner. He spotted Tom, who was behind you and handed him the keys.
He thanked the boy and stopped in front of you.
''Let's go, and we'll talk about what's going on.'' He held your hand only for you to make him let go right away.
''I'm not going with you''
''What? Y/N, get in the car.''
You shook your head and the tears came back. Soon your face was covered and you couldn't control it.
''No. How could you... how could you do this to me?" Your voice was increasing and Tom started looking around frantically.
''Y/N, baby, please. Let's go home.’’ Your hands went to your face, hiding it, embarrassed by this whole situation.
''You're hurting me so much, Tommy.'' Carefully he approached you and hugged you. And you allowed it. Because you are tired, tired of fighting, of holding this relationship alone, of holding a family alone.
Tom managed to guide you to the car and just like on the way there, the return was filled with silence. The only thing that could be heard this time was the sound of your sniffing.
When you arrived home, you were the first to get out of the car without looking back. Tom hadn't even parked properly and you were already outside. Sobriety overshadowed any drink you had this evening. With difficulty you found the keys to the front door inside your bag.
Finally inside the house, you took off your heels, leaving them at the entrance and made your way to the living room. You can hear Tom closing the door and walking right behind you.
''Can you tell me what happened to Ollie at school?'' You turned to him. ''Or are you going to keep hiding this from me?''
And so, Tom understood. He finally understood what had happened. You knew everything.
''She had a fight with a friend. Apparently, he took something from her and she tried to resolve it by pushing the child.'' Tom said as he ran his hands through his hair, messing it up. ''The child was not hurt and the parents understood that it was just a silly disagreement between the children. But the school called me to talk about her behavior.''
''They just called you, or called us both?’’
''Both of us.'' He said knowing where this was going. Your face contorted into an expression of pain.
''Do you know how that makes me feel, Tom? My daughter behaved badly and you omitted me to be responsible for it. She's not just yours, Tom. I need to know these things. What does this teach her? That it's ok if she hides certain things from me, because you did the same? And when she decides to do this with both of us? That hiding things is better?''
''I know I made a mistake, Y/N but I didn't want to burden you. I know the work has been difficult. Hell, you said that to Sophie today.'' He said trying to defend himself. ''I'm sorry for hiding it from you, but I did it thinking about saving you some worry.''
''Thomas, she's my daughter too. I need to know what happens to her. God, Tom, she's 4 years old.'' You try to reason with him, who just sits on the couch. ''I know that's not the whole reason you kept this from me.''
And when he looks up, you find him with eyes full of tears ready to collapse.
''I heard Ava's conversation in the bathroom, that's how I found out. I know she went to pick up Olivie that day. And for the record, I know she's your secretary but I want her off the list of people who can pick up Ollie.'' You say, moving away from him. ''I know what happened next. Between you two.''
Tom quickly stood up in front of you, his eyes begging you to accept whatever he was going to say.
''I don't know what she said, but you need to believe me when I tell you that nothing happened between us. I could never do that to you Y/N, you need to know that.'' And to his surprise you smiled softly. ''From the first moment you came into my life, I knew I would never need anyone again, no matter what.''
''Tom, what happened to us? When and why did we grow so far apart? Isn't this what we wanted, our family?''
''I know I've been distant but Y/N... things really aren't easy. We almost lost... we almost lost the company. Our accounts weren't good, there was a month when I thought we wouldn't be able to pay the employees. Me and Haz were desperate.'' He turned around as if he was embarrassed. ''We almost lost our investors. That's why I had to work twice as hard. So I spent a few nights away from home. In the midst of all this, all I could think about was the two of you. I needed to protect you no matter what.''
Your face softened upon hearing his outburst.
''It's been 10 years since we started this project and look at everything we've built. I had to do something. I know you work and believe me, you are the best at what you do, and your boss is just another asshole in this world who thinks he is better than others, but wouldn't be able to do half as much as you.’’
His face, like yours, was already full of tears.
''I'm sorry, I just couldn't let it all end like this. So, I did everything I could to rebuild what we have.'' He finished, approaching you once again, carefully his hands cupped your face. ''I'm sorry, my intention was never to hurt you. I would never do that.''
Without thinking twice, your lips pressed against his. You hadn’t felt them in a while. Your hands went to his hair while his went to your waist, pulling you as close as possible. As you deepened the kiss, Tom's hands ran down your back. His lips trailed down to your neck and collarbone, leaving open-mouthed kisses along the way.
Your hands found the jacket he still wore, removing it.
''Y/N, I don't want to... are you sure?'' He said with a hitched breath as you left small kisses on his lips. It had been so long since you had truly felt him.
''Yes I'm sure. I miss you so much, Tom, please.'' You said as you stared at him firmly.
He guided you to your room and as always, you let him, trusting him as you always did. And that night, Tom made you feel what you hadn't felt in a while, closeness to him. The care he always had, the affection. Skin on skin, sweat, short and mixed breaths.
On Sunday, two nights later, in the morning Tom told Nikki that you would be there for lunch and she could barely contain her happiness at hearing the news. Somehow she managed to notice the difference in her son's tone of voice and knew that things were working out.
Of course, you talked afterwards, for a long time, and agreed that you wouldn't hide anything from each other, especially issues related to Olivie. And you would always be there to listen to each other in any difficulty that may arise. That's what you promised when you exchanged rings and it would remain that way for a long time.
''Mumma, daddy!'' Olivie's excited voice was the first thing you heard when you arrived in the back garden of the Holland family house.
''Hi, baby!'' You said as Tom picked Ollie up. ''Did you have fun with grandma and grandpa?''
''Yeah, we made cookies.'' She said excitedly.
''I hope you left one for me.'' Tom said making the little girl laugh.
''I ate them all.'' She said jokingly. ''Sorry dad.'' Tom opened his mouth pretending to be shocked and you laughed at their mannerism.
This was what you missed, moments of joy and togetherness, happiness and love.
Hope you liked it!
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sunnysidewrites · 3 months
Demon prince!Seungcheol
Inspired by this prompt: “I’m a demon, not a hot water bottle. Stop cuddling me.” “But you’re so warm.” “Like hell. Fire, brimstone, eternal burning.” It had absolutely no effect whatsoever, and the demon sighed, wrapping one arm around the other. This is my re-debut (although not sure if this counts as a re-debut or if it's just a one-time thing) after nearly a 6-year hiatus and needless to say I am extremely nervous and excited!!! (talking in idol terms luv that) I am hoping that also means my writing quality has matured as well (I think??? or not but guess we will find out)! This is for everyone who knew me back then and is still around to see this play out! sorry if it's not the best i am EXTREMELY rusty but hope you enjoy lovelies <3333
wow omg it’s great to dive into writing after so long im getting emotional
you know the drill folks let’s get to it!!
Humans and demons have lived in co-existence for centuries and it’s more or less a chaotic neutral environment given the unique circumstances of these 2 different… races?
It can be difficult to distinguish the demons with the humans since they try to blend in seamlessly for their own sense of peace and security
Despite a big chunk of demons integrating with humans, there are still parts around the world, albeit small, where they have their own territory to control
They usually operate in more traditional political systems, such as still maintaining kings and queens
Humans can live there as well, but it is predominantly demons who are seen as the norm and the former as commoners/lower class
You happen to be one of the lowly commoners who have been working as a maid in the castle since you were young
you and Seungcheol, the Crown Prince, were actually kinda close as kids!!
you could tell all he wanted to do was let loose and have fun but was forced to follow the rules and take everything seriously 24/7
even as a 5 y/o you could see how much he yearned to be a regular kid but duty calls :”((
there were many times you hung out together in secrecy since you as a lowly maid could not be caught DEAD associating yourself with someone of such a high status
and add being human on top of that!! <3
But Seungcheol didn’t care you were literally his first and only friend at the time
Any time a guard looked for him, he and you would duck somewhere to hide together, stifling your smol little giggles im dead
As he grew up and more burdens were placed on his shoulders, you could no longer keep the same innocent, playful friendship between the two of you
Your interactions with him went from running around in the garden to stealing quick looks at each other when you passed by him in the hallways
He went from a happy lil child to a very assertive, stoic man who always picked his kingdom over anything
Despite his new persona, he would occasionally still show you very rare displays of fondness??
You would sometimes randomly find gifts on your bed with a note and well it doesn’t take a genius to know who it’s from
“I swiped the last cookie for you before Penny stole it and I know you would become a demon yourself if someone took your sweets”
“I noticed your uniform was ragged and a little ripped so here’s a new set. be more careful or our next encounter won’t be as pleasant”
“Here’s an extra blanket loser don’t freeze to death on me”
Your heart feels warm knowing that he still shows you his softer side to you while he’s practically a statue to everyone else
Now you were both in your mid-twenties and he’s been busier than ever with political meetings and social gatherings
You were his main maid since out of all of the staff, you were the only one who could really put up with his absurd requests and got along with him in a manner no other maid could, even the older ladies
There were times he summoned you to his headquarters for the sole reason of wanting some company
He would bring up some dumb question and you would be like no offense but this is kinda useless
But little did you know he would do that intentionally to see you crack a little smile, maybe even a laugh in there since he’s been seeing you look more despondent lately
“Even though we can’t run around the palace like how we did as kids, I’m still here. I’m the same Seungcheol – well, actually not really but I still look out for your wellbeing”
“Thanks, not-the-same-Seungcheol”
It’s rumored that the Crown Prince is coming of age to take over the throne soon, but before doing so he needs to find a bride yes it’s one of those tropes ok deal with it
You’re cleaning the hallways one day with some other maids and you can’t help but overhear their gossip
“Did you hear Prince Seungcheol is now engaged??? I think it was just last week”
Your ears perk up and your scrubbing slows down slightly so you can focus on their conversation
“Yeah, I heard the woman is a princess from some neighboring kingdom… It’s really hitting soon that he’ll be the new king”
“I don’t know how long she is going to last… he’s so cold and doesn’t seem to care about anyone. but what can you expect from a demon?” 
They both giggle and move to another room to continue cleaning and you can’t help but feel fired up from the way they were talking about him as if they knew anything about him
Sure, he was not really the friendliest and was very brutally honest with his curt words but it didn’t make him a bad person
Your heart aches after hearing the news and you recall a past talk you had with Seungcheol when you were younger
“Do you believe in love?” you asked him, the both of you lying down on the grass while looking up at the vibrantly blue sky
“Pshh, not really. Father always said marriage is for the people, not for love”
“But shouldn’t you love someone in order to marry them? you will be spending the rest of your life with them”
“I don’t think that is what he wants from me. I would be letting him down”
“Is that what you really want, though? to be stuck with someone you have no feelings for?”
he sighs deeply and looks down. “Well, I guess not… I do care a lot for someone”
your heart dropped. guess he already has his eyes set on someone else. “o-oh, well that wouldn’t be fair to you or to them right?”
he shakes his head, quickly glancing at you before looking away. “but it wouldn’t work out anyway. I wouldn’t want to drag them into the mess of my world. I want them to be free of what I go through. I just hope they know I’ll always care for them from afar.”
You shake your head out of a daze, painfully reminded of how raw that moment still feels
I wonder if he still cares for that person he mentioned, you think to yourself as you continue scrubbing the tiles. But what does it matter now that his future is sealed with someone else?
Shortly after that day, it was formally announced to the kingdom that the Crown Prince and the soon-to-be Crown Princess will be holding a wedding ceremony in just a short few weeks
On the outside, you smile politely and clap your hands but it takes every fiber of your being to not want to fling the door to your cramped bedroom and collapse on your bed and spill the tears you were desperately attempting to hold in 
As you stared at him and his fiancee out the balcony waving to everyone, you swear you thought you saw him give you a forlorn look that lasted for a millisecond before he returned to his usual expressionless state
From that moment on, you barely saw Seungcheol at all
This man was constantly getting pulled in all different directions, especially with the royal wedding around the corner
The night before his big day, he summons you to his room again and your mind is buzzing with loads of thoughts of what he could possibly want to talk to you about
You cautiously enter and close the door slowly before turning back towards him
He looks more disheveled than usual, his hair tousled, his usual prince attire crinkled and slightly unbuttoned
“You look stressed, what's wrong??”
He closes his eyes and sighs for a moment before slowly opening them again and says while still not making eye contact with you, “I… I feel like I’ll have so many regrets once tomorrow comes”
You’re like why is that??
“Do you remember me mentioning I cared a lot about someone back then?”
Your heart drops to your stomach. “Yes… why?” thanks for the reminder
“I keep thinking about them… and all of these what-ifs. I know I can’t do anything about it, but–”
“Of course you can do something about it! I know you’re a stickler for the rules, but if the cost is your happiness, is it really well worth it?”
He shakes his head, looking even more troubled than before. “I can’t risk putting them in that position. Yet I… I want to,” he articulates slowly, as if it’s only dawning on him now that he’s finally learned what he truly feels
You feel as if the waves of heartache and anguish are drowning you but you try to be strong for him and present a smile if not for him, then for yourself
“I think you know what you need to do, Seungcheol”
And with those words, you quietly bow out and make your way to your room
The next morning, you wake up with puffy eyes from crying all night and begrudgingly get out of bed to get ready for the busy day ahead
After a hectic morning and afternoon, the ceremony finally begins
The moment we’re all waiting for is “Speak now or forever hold your peace”
And the most baffling thing happens because it’s not you who speaks up, not some secret lover, not some random citizen in the audience
but it’s Seungcheol himself
“Wait – I don’t think I can go through with this”
That’s right, he causes a whole uproar and everyone is like what tf is he talking about?!?!?
You are unfazed to a certain degree due to the conversation you had with him last night but you’re still confused on where this is going to go
Never in a million years would you have imagined for him to say his next words
“I’m in love with someone else: Y/N”
And all the maids around you gasp like WHAT. IS. HE. TALKING. ABOUT.
You aren’t sure whether to feel mortified or happy but whatever it is, all eyes are now on you
The current King is like MISTER?? WITH A H U M A N????
“I know it’s never been done before, having a demon and a human marry each other. but I’m tired of always having to do the right thing and for once, I want to do something that is right but for myself”
You’re looking at him in complete bewilderment and disbelief like you were talking about me this whole time??!!
“If we can prove that humans and demons can come together, it’ll be a huge stepping stone politically for everyone involved. I can’t change how I feel about her but I can change our worlds with her by my side”
He makes his way towards you and grabs your hand and this time he does not break eye contact even once
“I want to be with y/n, and no one else”
You’re melting like putty in his arms it’s honestly really sweet!!!
The King eventually caves in although he’s obviously not happy with all of their efforts wasted but he’s cool enough to welcome in this new change
Everyone’s reactions are pretty mixed understandably but they don’t seem like they hate it which is probably the best reaction you’re gonna get
“You’re not asking for my hand in marriage are you?? bc that’s a little too quick on a first date”
He shrugs and nonchalantly says, “Not until you’re ready” JESUSLFSJDS
The rest of the day is a whirlwind of crazy events that you get caught up in as the Crown Prince’s new lover now 
By the time it’s time for bed, he summons you for the last time as you being a maid and not as a Girlfriend
Well turns out he’s actually a big baby and the whole time he tried to conceal his feelings for you all he wanted was for you to be by his side pshh lame amiright
“You sure move fast with wanting me to be in your bed already and we haven’t even gone on an actual date yet”
“Shut up and just lay beside me”
After you turn off the lights and get under the covers, you can’t help but notice he’s extremely hot (literally and physically) and considering it’s 20 degrees you’re taking all of that warmth
Of course, Seungcheol tries to make it a big deal and get you off of him even tho he secretly enjoys it
“I’m a demon, not a hot water bottle. Stop cuddling me.”
“But you’re so warm.”
“Like hell. Fire, brimstone, eternal burning” 
Like that was gonna stop you who does he think he is for putting you through all of this and at the very least not giving you some cuddles???
He sighs and wraps one arm around the other after he notices your breathing slowing down
“I don’t have to care about you from afar anymore,” he murmurs, brushing your hair out of your face before also slowly losing consciousness
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aealzx · 9 months
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“There, you’re all taken care of little one,” Leatherhead’s announcement came with him unhooking the small curtain that had been hiding Lil Mikey’s arm from them.
“Heeyyy, you did it. Good job,” Raphael complimented, breaking off their conversation and getting up from the stool he was sitting on.
“Oh…,” Lil Mikey blinked, having lost track of time and not realizing Leatherhead might be done soon. It really hadn’t been that bad. He knew Leatherhead was doing something with his arm, but just like they had promised he hadn’t felt any pain after the few needle pricks. And when he lifted his head to look the other direction he saw only thick, soft white bandaging neatly wound around his upper arm and shoulder. As Raphael and Leatherhead undid the two medical restraints on him, Lil Mikey tried to push himself up, but only managed to jerk his arm awkwardly. “Ahhhhh I can’t move properly-” he wheezed, not sure if he wanted to laugh or give in to his growing anxiety.
Raphael made the choice for him, giving a soft chuckle. “Yeah, it’ll be numb for a few hours still. We’ll get you a sling. C’mere,” he explained, letting Leatherhead take care of locating a sling small enough while he helped Lil Mikey sit up. His mirth faded significantly when Lil Mikey was upright, and Raphael gently lifted the numb arm to relocate it to rest on Lil Mikey’s own lap. Leatherhead had taken off the black sleeve, and now Raphael’s thumb brushed lightly over the cracked network of scars running up the limb. “...These are some pretty nasty scars you and your brother have…”
Shifting to get comfortable while he waited, Lil Mikey was mildly surprised when Raphael brought attention to the scarring both of the teens had. “Hm?.... Yeah, I guess,” he shrugged, and Raphael could instantly tell he was trying to make light of it.
“...Is it too much to ask how you got them?” Raphael’s question left him before he could fully consider if he should ask it or not. He’d already learned that none of these other dimension brothers had been part of Battle Nexus fights, so he wasn’t sure where they could have gotten something so serious. All Lil Mikey had talked about so far were the Hidden City adventures they had had, which honestly hadn’t sounded all that dangerous to Raphael.
Lil Mikey looked to the ground in silent consideration, mentally questioning how much detail he wanted to give, if any at all. Eventually he looked up again with a tiny smile. “The one’s on Donnie’s back, yeah?” he asked, absently rubbing his hand up and down his arm. When Raphael nodded, Lil Mikey sighed slightly. “It was Shredder. This mystic demon possessed armor with a bad attitude. He clawed through Donnie’s battle shell, and Leo wasn’t around to treat it, and we still had to keep fighting. So even though Raph and April and I got it to stop bleeding, it ended up getting super infected,” he explained sullenly, still having residual remorse over it. “He says it doesn’t really bother him anymore. They’re a couple years old. But sometimes he can get sore, and hogs the heat pads with Leo.”
Even though the full explanation was appreciated, the first three words of what had caused Donnie’s scars was enough for Raphael to understand. That was right. They had dealt with Shredder when they were teenagers too. And he had been brutal, almost killing them a few times. “...So you had to deal with the Shredder too? Is he still around?”
“Oh? You have a Shredder here too? That’s funny,” Lil Mikey forced a chuckle, and started kicking his legs to ward off the discomfort, mildly distracted as well by Leatherhead bringing the sling over to help him into. “Ours isn’t around anymore, thankfully. Gram gram helped us take care of him-”
The conversation halted when one of the cautionary notification alarms echoed through the lair, a yellow light flickering on after the sound. Yet where Raphael expected an announcement to be made for what had triggered their alarm, the protocol abruptly shut off before doing so, returning the lair to the usual quiet state. Furrowing his brows, Raphael wondered if it was a false alarm, but didn’t comment yet since a glance at Don showed a similar reaction of confusion.
“...What was that?” Lil Mikey asked nervously, form slightly drawn in.
“A general notification for something we should be cautious about,” Raphael answered easily. “Usually it’s for if someone has gotten close to the lair, but not within the critical area around it. Or if one of our utilities is malfunctioning. Or someone almost discovered our network. That kind of stuff. Just things that aren’t urgent, but that we should still know about. Normally we get an explanation for why it triggered though-”
He cut off as the same alarm rang once more, repeating the same sequence of starting, but cutting off before making any announcement. This time Don was up and moving. “Let me check the systems. I wonder if the dimensional warps corrupted some of our data, or otherwise damaged our security.”
As Raphael watched Don leave he noted Leo returning to the infirmary with Splinter following along with him, hand resting in Leo’s elbow as usual. But he was more concerned about their security system than anything else, so looked back to Lil Mikey. “I’m going to go with Don. Is it okay if you stay with Leo and Master Splinter?” It was probably nothing, just a bug like Don mentioned. But he had a bad feeling gnawing at his gut that he didn’t want to ignore.
“Oh-.... Oh…. Yeah… Okay,” Lil Mikey voiced, blinking in surprise before realizing he shouldn’t be. Of course there would be another Splinter here. Just like there was one of each of his brothers, April, Casey… Why wouldn’t his dad also have another version of him there?
Giving Lil Mikey a pat on the head, Raphael stood and hurried to catch up with Don.
An hour into his search and Leon was smothering down the urge to frantically call out to his brothers vocally. He was in the area that the tracker said his brothers were, but having the wrong map made it unexpectedly difficult to figure out exactly where they were. For one thing it seemed the elevation for this New York was slightly different, for it was placing Leo as being several hundred meters above ground level despite him being on the street level. So having Donnie and Lil Mikey’s icons being below his own wasn’t helping. His search was supplemented by his portals, but he’d already startled quite a few people by popping into their home unexpectedly. Apartments, rooftops, alleyways, small shops, Leon was scouring them all within a nine kilometer radius around the location his tracker was telling him his brothers were, just in case the horizontal coordinates were slightly off as well. They had stopped moving, but he hadn’t seen anything out of the apparent ordinary in this city. Yet it was also hard to properly search while staying out of sight.
Moments away from yelling at the next human he saw to just go to bed so he could openly search the area, Leo froze as he realized there was an entire section he was missing. He’d been looking everywhere above ground, even popping into the sky in a few places just in case they were somewhere floating or something. 
But he hadn’t looked below ground yet.
With renewed motivation, Leon darted to the nearest manhole, teleporting inside and catching the ladder rungs. It had been a while since his own family had lived in the sewers instead of the subway, but it could have been a liable place to hide if needed. He wasn’t going to drop his guard just yet though. Remaining in the shadows and not staying in the same place for more than a few seconds, Leon flitted through the winding tunnels at a blinding pace, looking for anything that was different from what was this dimension’s usual. For the first part of his current search Leon only found what he would expect from the sewers of a large city. Filthy water, small rats, trash, rain debris, and loads of pipes. But about a kilometer from returning to the point where his location would overlap with Donnie’s and Lil Mikey’s his eye caught sight of something out of place.
Ducking quickly into the deeper shadows with a slight gasp, Leon took a moment to analyze what had caught his sight. Anyone else wouldn’t have noticed it, but he was more than used to looking out for hidden cameras in the sewers. Donnie had many of them, and all of the siblings periodically helped him maintain them. And there was definitely one there, barely looking the other way from where he was.
Someone was down here.
Pressing his lips together, Leon tried to ignore the anticipation rising as he continued his course, heading towards his brother’s location once more, but randomizing his path. If they had cameras, who knew what else they had. So instead of taking a direct path he kept teleporting to an adjacent one, zigzagging his course in an apparently haphazard course around the end goal.
And eventually he reached a room that was obviously inhabited.
A bed in one corner, posters of wrestling on the walls, weights, armor, books. It looked like someone’s bedroom. Leon may have been curious any other time, but all he cared about now was that his brothers weren’t there. He knew he was close though. The facts he knew as well as the feeling of Donnie being nearby. So he moved to the next room. And then the next. And the next. Sticking to the shadows and rafters, remaining out of sight. This place was huge, but by the fourth change of location Leon had found someone, causing him to freeze where he was in the ceiling pipes for a moment to stare. Below him was another humanoid turtle, but he didn’t recognize anything about them. They were big. Not as big as Raph, but still bigger than the rest of them. Their shell and skin were also barren of any patterns, other than what was probably scars. And yet they still had an orange bandana tied over their head and eyes.
For a brief moment Leon wondered if the tracker he had was locating some other turtle beings that weren't actually his brothers. Tracking some other, dimensionally distorted version of them. But then he remembered the tracker wasn’t based on DNA, but a connection to an actual piece of technology each of them had implanted in them. Seeing this other turtle being felt like someone was pulling a trick, which only added to Leon’s scrambled, stressed emotions. He was not going to let this lead be a dead end. He needed to find his brothers and bring them back to everyone else. He didn’t think he could handle them not being here.
And then the other turtle looked up, and deep blue eyes locked onto his own.
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hhhhhhh this one ended up really long, but I didn't want to split it up 'cause I wanted to get to Leon again, but still wanted to include that first part |DDD
also side note since I realized I've brought it up once again in this, and there was a comment about it in the last one: Donnie being prone to infections is a headcanon I got after reading an article about softshell turtle care that mentioned they had to be kept in a super clean environment because injuries and infections were common for them. And that just made sense to me with how protective the bros are of Donnie.
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afrowrites · 1 month
~What A Difference a Day Makes~
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High noon, blistering heat scattered across the wastelands. Rolling waves of heat come off of the scared man. His weathered coat and hat absorbs the warmth of the sun. But a man like him doesn’t mind it. He clings to its warmth like he clings to radiation it’s familiar and after 200 years of life that’s the first thing that gets him going. As he traverses the weathered ground and picks from the weathered weeds he’s home and home is wherever he lays his hat. And today his hat lands right at your home.
Word Count: 3,102
Warnings: Hostages, Explosions.
Tags: The Ghoul/Black Plus-Sized Reader, Fluff, Domesticity, Banter, Slowburn(Kind of, not really)
Read on Ao3
The Ghoul enters an old dilapidated town,“Well, well, what do we have here?” 
 He trips and before he can figure out what it is that he tripped on he hears music, a song from the past. “What a difference a day makes”  
The Ghoul pauses for a moment, letting the song wash over him. He hums softly to himself before his features fall back into the familiar sardonic smirk. “Well, ain't that just a day late and a dollar short.”
Suddenly the record stops then it rewinds, a haunting and demonic sound ringing through the speakers from that turntable. It explodes and sends him hurling towards some old rickety building. 
He slowly gets back up, rubbing the back of his head. His expression changes from amusement to annoyance. “Well, ain't that just a real humdinger. What's a ghoul gotta do to get some peace and quiet around here?”
He suddenly feels the barrel of a gun at the back of his head "Now I don't know who you are and what your doing here but you have about three seconds before I blow your head to smithereens"
He turned slowly to see a beautiful brown figure, she had luscious full lips that were twisted in a scowl, a sharp stare that could cut glass, and a body that would make any man fall to his knees. Which is what our cowboy wants to do so bad but he also doesn’t want to get shot. 
“Well, ain't you a proper little ray of sunshine, darlin'? If you want to know who I am, just call me The Ghoul. As for what I'm doing here, well, sometimes a fella jus' needs a little excitement, know what I mean?”
"And what pray tell would that be?" you looked at him, gun nudging his forehead.
“What do I want? How ‘bout a damn drink and a decent meal. Maybe even a little bit of friendly conversation that doesn't involve pointing a gun at my head?” The Ghoul's tone is cool and calm, unruffled by the threat of violence.
You take his bag from him and motion him to hand over his weapons, after all your modified grenade launcher is much scarier then some dinky pistols, after collecting the items you bind his hands with rope tightly and make you decent to your base of operations. 
"Alright if food and good company is what you seek then I guess you can follow me, but don't think you can escape or I'll make sure you face my music."
All while you're talking he for some reason can’t stop staring at your lips, The Ghoul raises an eyebrow, his smirk turning into a wry smile. 
“Well, looks like I'm just a damn dog on a leash now. But, if that's what it takes for a little vittles and banter, I guess I can't complain. Lead the way, darlin'. I'll try not to bite.”  He shows you a grinning smile. 
It takes half a day's journey to get to a dilapidated house on the outskirts of the shady sands. We walk in and it smells of mildew and dust.
 "Welcome to my abode, rough skin." I tie him securely to a sturdy post of the house. He has enough room to sit at the dinner table without causing too much of a fuss.
The Ghoul glances around the dilapidated house, taking in the dusty surroundings. He doesn't hide his surprise, but masks his discomfort with sardonic wit. 
“Well, ain't this just the picture of comfort and luxury. Mildewed walls, a chair that's seen better days, and the distinct smell of desperation. It's like a damn holiday.”
"I'm sorry this house is 250 years old and has survived two nukes safe to say I think I'm doing just fine, besides it's not like you know any better.” 
The Ghoul laughs, a raspy, guttural sound. 
“Two nukes, you say? Well, now we're talkin'. But hey, maybe I just prefer the finer things in life, like a decent roof over my head and a bed that doesn't squeak louder than a dying Radstag. But who am I to complain? After all, I'm sittin' at the table of a bonafide wasteland celebrity. And the company ain't half bad, either.”
"You're funny, what's your name?" I squint and I lean in closer to his face.
The Ghoul gives a crooked grin, revealing yellowed, pointed teeth. “They call me The Ghoul, sweetcheeks. But you can call me whatever you damn well please. Just don't expect me to be all sunshine and butterflies every damn minute.”
“You idiot I already knew that,” You chuckle and hit his arm playfully, “But you do look awfully familiar, I can't quite put my nose to it but I'm sure I'll figure it out soon enough"
The Ghoul's lip curls into a smirk as he leans in close. “Well, darlin' if you recognize this old mug of mine, then you must be one hell of a fan, considering how much more handsome I used to be.”
He takes a moment to relish in this compliment before his sarcasm returns. “Now, are we gonna talk about my good looks all night, or are ya gonna get a fella somethin' to eat?”
"pushy, much" I rummage through my cabinets to open my secret stash of food behind my fake out cabinets 
"Alright I have some cram and mac'n cheese and drum roll please"
The Ghoul's eyes light up at the sight of the canned meals, He quickly returns to his usual sarcasm. 
“Well, hot damn! Look at you, pullin’ out the good stuff. I reckon I’ll take a bowl of that there “mac and cheese” you mentioned. Gotta tell you, darlin’, nothing says fine dining like canned crap.”
"You didn't even let me tell you what was for dessert, hmph." In your pouty frustration, he finds it endearing which is awfully close as he remembers that one you have him tied up in your hide-away, and two he barely even knows who you are. 
The Ghoul chuckles, enjoying this brief interaction with someone who isn't actively trying to kill him. 
“Desert, you say? Well, now you have my full attention. Let's hear it, darlin'. What's the sweet treat you're hiding in that stash of yours?”  
"Fancy lads snack cakes, they are actually good which worries me because that means they put all sorts of chemical crap in here. But beggars can't be choosers can they?"
The Ghoul's eyes light up again, and he almost seems enthusiastic. 
“Well, now we're talkin'! Fancy lads snack cakes, huh? Sounds like a piece of pre-war heaven. Hell, I've tasted dog food that was better than some of the slop I've come across in the Wasteland. But, you're right, darlin'. When you're out here scavenging for scraps, you gotta take what you can get.”
"I'll heat this stuff up then." You turn away blushing,and you honestly don’t know why?
The Ghoul gives you a sly smile, noticing your flushed cheeks, and nervous nature. 
“Well, ain't that a sight for sore eyes. Here I am, tied to a chair and at your mercy, and you're the one gettin' all flustered. Careful now, darlin'. If you keep givin' me these heated stares, a fella might start getting some ideas.”
"Now what kind of girl do you take me for?" You raise my brow and smirk.
The Ghoul's eyes twinkle mischievously as he looks you up and down. 
“Well, darlin', let's see. You're a proper little badass, ain't ya? Tying me up, feedin’ me grub, givin’ me the eye. I reckon you're the kind of girl who knows how to hold her own in this here Wasteland, and if provoked, could knock a fella flat on his ass with just the force of your glare. Hell, I'd say you're the kind of girl who could kick my ass while lookin’ damn fine doin’ it.”
"That's real cute but flattery will not get you untied." I get closer to whisper in his ear "Mister~"
The Ghoul chuckles, the hairs that would be  on the back of his neck rising at your touch. “Well, ain't you a sly one? Look darlin', I'll gladly sing your praises from here to the Grand Canyon. But you're right, there ain't a compliment in the world that could charm these ropes off me. And don't get me wrong, I ain't complainin'. A pretty lady, good food, and I'm tied down at her mercy? Sounds like a hell of a good time to me.”
"Your just in luck because the food is ready." You take the macaroni and cram off the fire and plate it on the mis-matched plates and cutlery.
The Ghoul's eyes light up as the food hits the table. Well, isn't this a sight for sore eyes? You ain't pullin' any punches, darlin'. Canned mac and cheese and cram. It's like a damn feast for a Wasteland king. I appreciate the effort, darlin'. You've got me hooked. He grins, his stomach rumbling in anticipation.
"You really better be glad I'm wasting my food on you, if I didn't have other food drops and suppliers you'd be starving."
The Ghoul gives a hearty chuckle, his sharp teeth glinting in the light. “Oh, darling, I'm aware. Believe me, I don't take your generosity lightly. But hey, I'd say I make up for it with my sparkling personality. He winks playfully. If you wanted to leave me hungry, you would have done so already. So, why feed me? You gotta be expectin' somethin' in return.”
"Honestly I don't know why I'm helping you, you just feel familiar to me and I don't know why. It's like in my mind I know who you are. But I don't know I might just be talking out of my ass."
The Ghoul's grin falters for a moment, his thoughts racing. He can see the confusion and memory in your eyes. “Ah, familiar, eh? Well, I won't lie, darlin'. I've been around these parts for a damn long time and have met more than my share of fascinating folks. It could be I've got a face that sticks in the mind. But, who knows? Maybe it's just a coincidence. The Wasteland is a mighty big place.”
You abruptly pause and think for a moment, “Would you want to watch a movie with me?"
The Ghoul's eyebrow arches in surprise and amazement. “Now, that's a damn fine suggestion. It ain't often a ghoul gets an invitation to watch the latest Hollywood flick. But, if you're askin', I'd love to join you. As long as it's a proper action movie, none of that romantic crap. I wanna see things blow up and people kick ass, you know what I mean?”
You laugh at his response, gritty and rough, “"Oh yeah you can watch my favorites with me. I only really have a cowboy cooper so I hope you don't mind." You give him a sheepish smile.
The Ghoul's expression grows intrigued. “Cowboy Cooper, eh? Sounds like the kind of movie fit for a true Wasteland outlaw. As long as it's got that proper Wild West charm, I'm in. You better believe I'm ready to sit back and enjoy the show. Let the explosions and bullets fly, darlin'. Hell, it might even make me forget about my current predicament.”
"You're such an old man."  You chuckle to myself as I turn on the movie.
The Ghoul lets out a low chuckle, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. “Well now, aren't you the little firecracker? I ain't called old man in years. But hey, if it gets me a front row seat to this flick, I'll wear that label proudly. Now, let's get this show goin'. Nothing like a proper Western to get a ghoul's blood pumpin'”
You watch the movie together on your dilapidated couch on a tv that somehow works. "Now I know who you remind me of."
The Ghoul nods, his eyes flicking between the movie and you. He can tell you’ve got something on your mind. “Go on, darlin’. I could use a good mystery unraveled. Who do I remind you of?”
You make this somewhat off connection in your mind. "Cowboy Cooper, your voices are somewhat similar and you both have the same teeth which is shocking considering you're a ghoul."
The Ghoul's expression is unreadable for a moment as he processes your statement. Then, a slow, sardonic smile spreads across his face. 
“Well, now, isn't that something. Cowboy Cooper, huh? Guess it makes sense, given this ole’ rugged good looks. I'll take that as a compliment, darlin’. As for the teeth…well, I guess you could say life's been rough on them. But it just gives me that extra charm, don't you think?”
"I guess." you chuckle to yourself, as I start to rest your head on the ghouls shoulder.
The Ghoul's smirk softens slightly as he feels you rest your head on his shoulder. He can't help but let out a low chuckle, the sound rumbling deep in his chest.
“Well, ain't you somethin'? Here I am, all tied up and helpless, but somehow I end up playin’ the role of your personal pillow.”
You nuzzle into him, “Well you are comfier than you look.” You smile to yourself, this is honestly the first time you’ve felt anyones touch in a long time.
The Ghoul's smirk widens into a wolfish grin. He leans against the ropes, allowing you to use him as your makeshift pillow. “Well, darlin', if I knew I’d end up as the Wasteland’s next hottest pillow, I would have tied myself up years ago. But I gotta admit, you’re onto something. Maybe it’s these rugged good looks that make it so comfy. So, is this my new job? Just stayin’ put so you can rest your pretty little head on my shoulder?” 
"Whatever you say cowboy," you  yawn and stretch off of him. "Hey I don't know if you ghouls need to sleep but I will be doing that upstairs. i'll even tie you to my bed so I can sleep easier"
The Ghoul can’t help but chuckle at your bold invitation. He gives you a sly look, his eyes gleaming in the dim light.
“Well now, ain't you the forward one? I haven't slept in years, so you don't gotta worry about me gettin’ into mischief while you catch your rest. As for the whole "tying me up to your bed" shenanigans, well, I won't say I'm opposed to the idea.”
You chuckle and give him a sleepy smile. "I bet you aren't, come on cowboy" As you lead him upstairs.
With a low chuckle, the Ghoul follows you up the stairs, his steps slightly hindered by the ropes. Despite his predicament, he can’t help but feel a bit excited at the prospect of spending the night in your bed. “Well, darlin', if you're offerin', who am I to refuse? Just don’t hog all the covers, alright?”
"Ah ah take off your shoes" You grin with your hand wide open motioning him to give them to you.
The Ghoul pauses for a moment, confusion flickering across his face. “My shoes? Look, darlin’, I ain’t one to question a lady, but this seems like a bit much. If I take my shoes off, then the next thing I know, you’re gonna be demanding I sleep naked and give up my guns.”
"That's not a bad idea, hand em over cowpoke" You knew he had extra weapons you were honestly confused as to why he hadn’t tried anything.
The Ghoul raises an eyebrow at your suggestion, but can’t help but chuckle, clearly amused. 
“Oh now, darlin’. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a wild one, sure, but takin’ off my shoes and sleeping naked? You keep making me an offer like that and I’m gonna start thinking you’ve got plans for me beyond just restin’. Maybe I oughta keep my weapons within reach, just in case.”
"Relax if you think I'm thinking about doing anything of that nature you're surely mistaken" this next part you say under your breath "I've never even done that." 
The Ghoul quirks an eyebrow at your muttered words. “Now wait now, hold up. That sounded like a mighty important confession you just let slip there. Are you tellin' me that you’ve never done any of that?” His eyes rake over you for a moment as a slow, wicked grin spreads across his face. “Seems like some fellas in this world are missing out on a good time.”
"Oh be quiet" you throw a pillow at his face and you take his weapon and throw it at the far side of the room. "And if you don't mind I'll be sleeping with my gun, is that ok?”
The Ghoul catches the pillow with a smirk, setting it aside. He watches as you move his weapons away, a flicker of amusement in his eyes. “Oh trust me, darlin’, I’m perfectly fine with a lady keepin’ her weapon close. In fact, I’d say it’s a mighty smart move, even when you’re sharin’ a bed with a fella like me. Can’t be too careful in this Wasteland.”
"Hmmm you're too eager and I don't like that, but I'll keep you around. I need a guard dog after all" You smile cheekily at him.
The Ghoul's smirk turns into a wolfish grin, revealing a hint of sharp teeth in the dim light. Your wink doesn’t go unnoticed, and he can’t help but appreciate your boldness. “Oh darlin’, you’re playin’ a dangerous game. Keep givin’ me those looks and making comments like that, and you just might find yourself tangled up in somethin’ more than just bedsheets.”
You roll my eyes "goodnight Cowboy"
The Ghoul watches you roll your eyes, a smirk plastered across his face. He can’t help but laugh as you bid him goodnight, his deep chuckle filling the air.
“Alright there, darlin’. Goodnight~” With a wink, he settles down on the bed, his gaze never leaving you. 
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zepskies · 1 year
Never Say Goodbye - Bonus Track #2
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Pairing: Dean x Female Reader 
Summary: The first time you and Dean sensed each other’s thoughts and feelings, you were just kids. It would take years to realize that you both were bonded for life, and even longer to finally meet. [Soulmate AU] (18+)
AN: Did I say two parts? I meant three lol. (It got too long, I’m sorry.) 
Word Count: 4,300 Tags/Warnings: Angst, supernatural shenanigans, death…
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Bonus Track #2: One Last Hunt
“Okay, try not to panic,” Sam said. Dean had him on the phone while he sped through town in the Impala. 
“I’m coming now, but I won’t get there for a few hours,” Sam said. “My flight leaves in 20 minutes.”
“Thanks, man, but I can’t afford to wait,” Dean said. “She fucking disappeared. I don’t see her anywhere…I’m gonna have to start at her job. That’s where she first took off from.”
“How did she seem this morning?”
“Fine, I guess. I left before she woke up,” Dean said. He still felt guilty about the fact that he didn’t bother waking you up to say goodbye. 
“Okay, yeah, start at the museum,” Sam said. “Let me know what you find, and I’d loop in Bobby. Probably Jack too.”
“Bobby’s meeting me there…but we don’t need to bring in Jack yet.”
“Dean, he’s her dad—”
“This isn’t his thing. It’s ours,” Dean said firmly. “If it’s a demon, I’m gonna find her and exorcize that son of a bitch.”
Sure enough, Bobby met Dean at the museum where you worked. The old man was worried, Dean could tell, even if he wouldn’t say it. But he knew the drill: now they had a job to do.
“I’ll go in first, flash my badge,” Dean said. “Meet me in the library.”
“Roger that,” Bobby agreed. 
Dean had a decent rapport with your boss, Jerry. When he explained that you were actually missing, Jerry was concerned for your wellbeing instead of irate that you’d taken a very valuable book from the museum. 
It gave Dean a theory to lie about on the fly: that you’d been mugged and taken hostage, presumably by someone who might’ve wanted to steal the ancient text. 
“How ancient are we talking exactly?” Dean asked.
Jerry gave him a look. “Ancient Egypt.”
He showed you the inventory log on the new shipment you were supposed to compile into the system. The title missing from the rest was called The Eye of Ra. 
“All right. Thanks, Jerry,” Dean said. “Anything else you can tell me about this book?”
“It’s a recording of the great deeds of the Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses,” Jerry explained. “It was said to be touched by Ra himself.”
Touched by Ra, Dean mused. Ain’t that just fucking swell. 
Whatever happened to you, Dean knew it was because you touched that book.
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For the next few hours, Dean and Bobby worked together on deeper research in the library. Now that they had a starting point, Bobby was able to find some intel. 
“The Eye of Ra was actually a nickname,” he said, earning Dean’s attention. “For Sekhmet, their goddess of war.”
Dean’s brows furrowed at that. “Why’s it never the goddess of peace and fucking tranquility?”
“Among other things, she was the daughter of Ra,” Bobby said, raising a wry brow. “And she was known as the bringer of plagues and death…and sometimes healing. Go figure.”
Fucking hell, Dean thought sourly. This was getting worse by the minute. 
“Okay, what does this have to do with the book?” he asked. Though he had some idea.
“Well, she ain’t been alive in a millennium. But she had a husband. The god Ptah, a craftsman,” Bobby said. “According to this, when he was eventually killed, she sealed her soul away until she could find a way to rescue him from the underworld…I’ve gotta think she sealed it in that book.”
Dean sighed, rubbing the now aching spot between his brows. An ancient Egyptian goddess was most likely possessing his fiancé. 
And it was much worse than it sounded on paper.
“Okay, which means she’ll be looking for a way to bring back her husband,” he said. “So how do we find her?” 
Just then, the police radio buckled to Dean’s belt sounded off. When he listened closely, his eyes grew wide. It was a report of five murders committed at a nearby gas station. 
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Dean pulled up to the local 7-Eleven. Bobby was on the way, but he’d been caught up in traffic while Dean was allowed to use his police siren to his advantage. 
He then used his badge clearance to get behind the yellow tape and over to Jack, who was still on duty. 
Dean stepped inside the gas station and surveyed the brutal scene: the nice old man who owned the place, plus four patrons were lying dead. 
Their skin was covered with boils.
Jack wore a disconcerted frown along with his crossed arms in his police jacket. 
“It’s almost…biblical,” he remarked. 
Dean knew just how right he was. Jack seemed to know that too when he glanced over.
“Is this your kind of thing?” he asked. 
Dean nodded. “I might know what’s going on here. Let’s check the security footage…but no one else can see it but you and me.”
Jack nodded, leading Dean to the back of the store. Jack was shocked by what he found in the footage. Dean watched grimly, but not surprised as you came into the frame. You tilted your head at the owner, who seemed to ask you something. 
You raised a hand, and with a flare of magic, everyone in the station was cowering and screaming as a plague of boils covered their bodies, and eventually ended their lives. 
“Christ,” Jack gasped. “What the hell—”
“It’s not her,” Dean told him. “She’s being possessed. I’ll handle this, Jack. Just make sure this footage gets buried, along with whatever prints she might’ve left behind.”
Jack barely had time to agree. As if that kind of thing was so easy. He called after Dean as he took off out of the station. 
Dean didn’t see Bobby yet when he got outside, but he didn’t have time to wait. 
However, he did spot someone familiar hanging out in front of the department store across the street. Dean jogged across and raised a hand to flag down Jessie Deluca. 
The kid was gnawing on what looked like a melting Butterfinger. He groaned in annoyance when he saw Dean coming.
“Not you again,” he muttered.
“Yeah, me again,” Dean said. “You been standing out here long?”
“Look, grandpa. I’m just chillin’ here,” the kid sassed. It sparked Dean’s irritation, as well as his impatience.
“I don’t give two shits if you’re contemplating the great Butterfinger Heist of 2008, all right?” Dean pointed back to the gas station. “You see that?”
Jessie’s expression faded from some of its assholeness, becoming more solemn. “Yeah, I heard someone died or something.”
“That’s right,” Dean nodded. “Did you see anyone walk out of the station?”
“No,” Jessie said. But Dean could tell it was a reflex, not the truth. 
“Listen, Jessie. I need your help,” he said, more earnestly. “I’m trying to find someone. So if you know anything, I need you to tell me right now. Please.” 
Dean stared down in the kid’s brown eyes. Eventually, Jessie relented. 
“When I came out of the store here, I saw some business lady walk out. I think, after it had all just gone down,” Jessie confessed. “She looked fine.”
Dean sighed and nodded. “Okay. What’d she look like?”
“Uh…black skirt. Great legs,” Jessie said, his lips curving a little. Dean raised a brow. 
“Anything else?” he asked wryly. 
“White blouse, heels…actually, she kinda looked familiar,” Jessie added as he thought harder about it. 
“Good. Now tell me what direction she went in,” Dean said. Jessie nodded and pointed him down the street. 
“I think she went down there. I saw her turn the corner.”
“Where? What street?” 
“Dude, I don’t know!”
“Then show me,” Dean insisted. He grabbed Jessie by the shoulder and guided him forward. The kid looked annoyed, but he begrudgingly agreed to lead him down the street. The two of them walked brusquely, with Jessie trying to match Dean’s longer strides. 
Dean glanced over at his companion, who was still working on his Butterfinger. 
“When’s the last time you ate something that wasn’t covered in chocolate?” he asked. Jessie didn’t look at him when he shrugged. His winter jacket hung off his skinny shoulders, making him look ten rather than thirteen. Dean’s heart twinged.
“Listen, next time you’re itching to knock over a department store for KitKats, come by the station,” Dean said. “Find me or my partner Jody Mills. Or even my boss, Jack. We’ll get you a burger or something.”
Jessie briefly looked up at him, but all too soon, his gaze returned to the ground. 
“What do you care?” he said. 
“Maybe I know something about having to fend for yourself,” said Dean. “Sometimes going hungry, not knowing when somebody’s gonna come back for you.”
Jessie’s jaw clenched. He didn’t answer, but Dean hoped he’d gotten through to him.
Jessie led him around the corner at the street he thought he saw you turn down. He and Dean didn’t have to walk too much farther before he found you through the window of a bakery, of all things. 
“What the hell?” Dean muttered.
He pulled Jessie to the wall by the window for safety, but both of them snuck a peek inside. 
You were once again wielding magic to spread a plague of boils across an entire room of screaming, agonized patrons just trying to get their donuts and cream pies. 
Jessie started to utter a cry of alarm, but Dean quickly covered the kid’s mouth with his hand and pulled him back to his side. Dean waited, stock still, until the screaming inside the bakery subsided.
He looked down at Jessie and raised a finger to his lips. Though he was scared, Jessie nodded. Dean led him around the corner into an alley beside the bakery.  
“What…the fuck was that?” Jessie hissed. 
“Keep your voice down,” Dean warned. 
Then suddenly, it donned on the kid as he looked up at Dean. “Oh, shit. That’s your freakin’ girlfriend.”
Dean let out a sharp sigh. “It’s not her…exactly.”
He knew Jessie didn’t understand. Dean sighed again and grasped Jessie’s shoulders. 
“Look, you’re right to be scared. There’s something evil in there…that’s why I’ve gotta save her,” he said. “Now you, you’re gonna run. And don’t look back until you’re home, got it?”
After a moment, Jessie nodded shakily. Dean nodded back, patting him firmly on his shoulders. 
“Good man,” he said. “Okay, scram.”
Jessie seemed reluctant, like he felt some type of way about leaving Dean behind. But at Dean’s encouraging look, Jessie took off running. Dean hoped he headed straight home.
Then, rolling his shoulders, Dean braced himself. He drew his gun, which was filled with silver bullets. He didn’t think it would work on an Egyptian goddess, nor did he want to pull a gun on you. But for the threat of it alone, he would have to draw it with the safety on. 
He entered the bakery, where you were perusing the selections with a dispassionate look. All around you was death. 
But you perked up when Dean entered, eyeing him curiously in recognition. 
“Feelin’ a snack?” he asked. 
“I have been asleep for a very long time,” you replied, holding up a pastry. “What is this confection?”
“Cherry Danish,” Dean supplied. “You’re Sekhmet, right?” 
Your lips twitched. “You know of me?”
“I do now,” he said, carefully stepping further into the bakery with his gun pointed down, avoiding stepping on the bodies. He noticed the book you left closed on the counter. The goddess saw him noticing. Her gaze cut to him in amusement.
“Why’d you kill these people?” Dean asked. “Didn’t bow down at the right angle?”
“Among all of my brothers and sisters, I alone was favored by my father,” she said, “because my job was to balance the world, between life and the afterlife.”
Sekhmet brushed her fingers against a glass case, and with a small spark of magic, the glass cracked into thousands of fractals, but didn’t shatter. 
“And I did exceedingly well at this,” she said. “Though I see that my work has been undone. This world is rife with imbalance.”
“Mass genocide. Nice,” Dean quipped. “But that’s not all you want, is it?”
Sekhmet’s head tilted at him with reluctant interest. 
“I heard you’re looking for your husband, who went an offed himself,” he added. 
The goddess’s lips pursed and she slapped a hand on the glass counter, making it shatter. Dean turned and shielded his eyes with his arm. By the time he recovered, Sekhmet was coming around the counter. He took a few cautious steps in the opposite direction.
“My husband was unjustly slain by the very people who once worshipped us in droves,” she said, her tone exacting and harsh. Her eyes, however, were heavy with fury and pain. 
“He was an artist. A creator in purest form…his talents were wasted on this abomination of a world,” she said, with disgust at her surroundings. But as soon as her anger came, it diffused into exasperation. 
She picked up a glazed donut and took a bite, crossing her arms. She hummed in delight, making Dean’s brows raise. 
“Well, I can help you find him,” Dean said. It was a bluff, to be sure, but it still earned Sekhmet’s attention.
“Can you?” she asked in amusement. She didn’t believe him. Yet. But she drew closer to Dean, tilting her head just so. All the while, Dean inched towards the far end of the counter where The Eye of Ra had fallen to the ground. 
“And after, you let my girl go,” he said.
“You know of a way to reach the Underworld?” Sekhmet’s gaze roamed over him in disdain. “Unlikely.”
“Well, I’d call it a gate to Hell. But same difference, right?” Dean quipped.
The second he tried to reach down for the book, however, Sekhmet pinned him in place with a vibrant amber coil of magic. Dean grunted as she forced him to the ground, onto his knees between the bodies of a young man and woman, likely a couple. 
The goddess stopped in front of him, looking down at his face with interest. 
“Dean Winchester, as you are called. I understand why you continue to display such reckless judgment, all but throwing your very life at my feet,” she said. Her lips curved knowingly. “I hold your lover, correct?”
She harshly grabbed his cheek in her hand, and Dean glared in response. She seemed to ponder something as she considered him.
“Soon to be your wife,” she realized.
And Dean had a feeling she was in your head, sorting through your thoughts and memories like any demon would. He didn’t know what was worse: the thought of you being awake in there, unable to fight this bitch’s hold, or if Sekhmet had completely taken over your body and shut you away. 
“Just let her go,” Dean said, almost pleading. “You can have me. I won’t even fight you.”
“Such self-sacrifice,” she said. “The only noble act humans are capable of.”
Before she could decide whether to kill him, or keep him for further amusement, the front door of the bakery swung open.
Bobby came in first, followed closely by Sam and Eileen. 
Bobby was holding a damn crossbow, which he aimed and shot off at Sekhmet. It was a warning shot, just grazing her shoulder. But it burned her with a sting of flesh that made her hiss in pain. She glared up at Bobby, and after grabbing the book before Sam could, she disappeared in a whirlwind of magic.
The coil holding Dean in place shattered, allowing Dean to catch his break and get to his feet, with Sam’s help. Dean had to admit, it was good to see his brother. 
“You okay?” Sam asked. Dean reached over and pat the other man’s shoulder. 
“I’m good,” he said, though with a sigh that belied his weariness. “Hey, Eileen. Thanks for making it to the party.”
The pretty brunette offered him a sympathetic smile, rubbing his arm. “We came as soon as we could.”  
Dean nodded and turned to Bobby, who still held his crossbow. He wasn’t happy about the old man shooting at you, but he recognized that it had saved his life.
“Why’d that thing hurt her?” he asked. 
“The arrow’s dipped in a potent mix of salt from the Dead Sea…and Egyptian wine, among other things,” Bobby replied. 
Dean frowned in confusion. “Why the fuck?”
“According to the lore, Sekhmet could be subdued with alcohol,” Sam explained. 
“Great, we’ll just get her drunk and all our problems will be solved,” Dean quipped dryly. He grabbed the radio from his belt. His gaze returned to the dead bodies on the floor with dismay. 
“I’ve gotta call this in. Bobby, get the security tapes.”
After Dean finished calling in the deaths to his precinct, he shared a disheartened look with Sam, who grasped his shoulder in support.
“We’re gonna find her, all right?”
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They regrouped at Bobby’s house once Jack took over at the bakery. Now the three men and Eileen were congregated in the living room, trying to decide on their next move. 
“You told her about the Hell gate?!” Sam said incredulously. 
“Damn it, Dean!” Bobby slapped the coffee table in exasperation. 
“All right, lay off! I was improvising under fucking duress,” Dean snapped. “At least we know where she’ll probably go next, assuming she finds out where the gate is.”
“She’s a goddess, Dean. One of the oldest and most powerful in ancient history. I’m sure she can figure it out,” Sam said, rubbing at his tired eyes.
And, as Dean remembered, Sekhmet was rooting around in your head. She’d find the gate for sure.
Eileen looked between the brothers, clearly worried. Sam had told her about what you, him, and Dean had gone through to close that damn gate to Hell last year. 
“So how do we stop her?” Dean asked. Without hurting you, was implicit. Bobby heaved a sigh.
“We gotta burn that damn book,” Bobby said. “But we’ll need to be smart about it.”
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So that was how the four of them ended up driving to southern Wyoming. They stopped along the crossroads by the train tracks, and ventured in on foot into the very clearing where their final battle against Yellow Eyes took place.
Dean thought he’d be able to put his past behind him, but the universe clearly liked to kick him in the balls.
Evidence of this came when he saw you standing at Samuel Colt’s gravestone. Or rather, the goddess Sekhmet. 
She was expending large forces of magic to try and open up the gate to Hell. The book that bound her soul lied on top of a nearby headstone.
Dean gestured for Sam, Eileen, and Bobby to hang back and fan out, while he stalked forward. He’d changed out of his police uniform in favor of his familiar jeans, shirt, and a red plaid shirt, hoping that at least would help you focus on him, wherever you were deep inside your mind. 
But he called out to Sekhmet from a (relatively) safe distance away. 
“Are you stupid or something?” he mocked. 
Sekhmet paused in her magic wielding. She craned her head over her shoulder at him in annoyance, with amber rings illuminating her eyes. 
“There’s only one thing that can open up that gate, and I’ve got it right here,” said Dean. 
He pulled out the Colt from behind his back. 
Sekhmet’s gaze narrowed on the gun, then at Dean with a slow smirk.
“Why, by the gods, should I trust your foolishness?” she asked. 
“Because we’re about to make a trade,” Dean said. “The gun for my girl. You let her go, or you’ll never see your husband again. In this world, or the next.”
Dean pointed the gun at her and cocked the safety back. She didn’t have to know the barrel was empty. 
“You cannot harm me, even if there was ammunition in that weapon,” Sekhmet replied knowingly. 
She turned to him and reached out with a magic-fueled hand, but before she could grab Dean, Sam shot his own gun. 
It deployed a net of rope that twined around her frame and held her in place. It was soaked with the same concoction Bobby shot her with in the bakery, and it made her fume with outrage.
It didn’t completely weaken her though. Her hands were still free to fling Sam and Bobby away from her with magic. 
She then turned to grip Eileen, who was nearly able to steal the book. And the goddess sent Eileen across the clearing, breaking a headstone as she fell. 
Sam had been trying to pick himself up from the ground, but he gripped at his chest, feeling his soulmate’s pain. He scrambled over to her prone form on the ground and checked the cut along her hairline. 
“Eileen,” Sam called, pressing his hand to her cheek. He had one eye on her, and another on his brother. 
Because meanwhile, Sekhmet had broken free of the ropes holding her captive with a cry of fury. 
Just in time to grab Dean by the throat when he tried to surprise her from behind. She forced him down to his knees and smirked in satisfaction as Dean struggled against her hold.
He called your name, trying to reach you through the goddess’s hold on your mind.
“She is gone from this world,” Sekhmet taunted. “This is but a vessel for my eternal soul.”
“I don’t fucking believe that,” Dean choked. “If she was gone, I’d know it. Deep in my bones I’d know it.”
Her mouth twitched, but she seemed to enjoy the idea of slowly choking him to death. Or maybe, something was holding her back. Dean could only hope it was you, trying to break through. 
He looked into your eyes and tried to find you through the cold disdain of a goddess.
“Whatever happens, I’m not letting go,” he gritted out. He held tight to your wrist, on the hand wrapped around his throat. 
“I love you, you know that?” he said. “From the start…you closed the door in my face when I tried to kiss you. Teased me. Never took my shit. But you never left me either. No matter how hard it fucking got, you kept my feet on the ground. You never called it quits…‘cause we never say goodbye. Right, baby?”
Slowly, slowly, Sekhmet’s hard exterior faded. The amber rings of magic receded from your eyes, and the woman he loved was there again, softening your face into shock and horror. 
You released your grip on Dean. He stumbled to the ground as he coughed and gasped for precious oxygen. 
He straightened enough to grab your hand. You reached out for him instinctively. 
“Dean,” you said with shaking effort.
“I’ve gotcha, sweetheart,” he said. He turned back to see his brother helping Eileen to her feet. “Sam, the damn book!” 
Sam snapped to attention and quickly looked for The Eye of Ra. It had been knocked over from the headstone onto the ground. He grabbed it and fished out a lighter from his pocket.
Dean’s attention turned back to you when you squeezed his hands.
“I can’t hold her for long,” you said tremulously. Your whole body was shaking. “She’s so damn strong…”
“It’s okay, we’re gonna fix this,” Dean said, brushing your hair back from your face. 
You closed your eyes and gasped. But when you opened them once again, they were hard, and glowing with magic. 
Sekhmet tossed Sam away from the headstone. 
Dean tried to hold her back, but she backhanded him hard. Sekhmet followed where he fell. She reached out and gripped him by the neck again, this time choking him with a vengeance. 
But then she gasped, as if in pain. She turned her head and found Sam with the book in one hand, and a lit match in the other. As the book started to burn, Sekhmet weakened. 
Dean caught her before your body could hit the ground. 
Sekhmet released a shaking breath; she gazed into the dimming sky, painted in its golden, amber hues, and knew that her soul was dying. Hot tears slipped down her cheeks. 
Dean almost felt sorry for her. Or maybe it was the sight of your pained, weeping face that tugged at his heartstrings.
“You’ll just have to join your husband this time,” he said.
Sekhmet’s lips trembled, but she nodded. “This world was never made for us…but we shall soon be together for all eternity.”
She looked up at him with a rueful smile. 
“You understand,” she said. “A soul bond can never be destroyed.”
And with that, the haze of magic drained from your eyes as your body went limp. 
Dean’s brows furrowed with worry as he called your name. Behind him, Sam helped Eileen draw near with a limping Bobby. All three watched with worry at Dean’s side…until your eyes opened, revealing their natural hue. 
You took in a tremulous breath. “Dean.”
His eyes burned with emotion, but he closed them as he held you tight. All he could do was press his lips against your forehead in relief. 
You clung to him right back, for as long as you needed to. 
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AN: Fun fact — According to Egyptian mythology, the only thing that could stop the goddess Sekhmet from ending humanity with bloodshed was by getting her drunk on beer, which had been dyed red to simulate blood (which she also liked to drink, apparently). 
Egyptians (the survivors) would drink beer mixed with pomegranate juice and get drunk to celebrate not being killed dead. (Woo!)
Anyway, let me know if you enjoyed Part 2! All the fluff is coming in the finale of Part 3, very soon…
Next Time:
Dean brings you home. The two of you figure out how to move on from here...
Keep Reading: Bonus Track #3
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251 notes · View notes
star-junk · 4 months
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Alastor x ReaderOC, Vox x ReaderOC, Future Lucifer x ReaderOC
Second Person POV, Change of POV, Slow burn (or fast burn - really moving through the plot quickly), please forgive the typos.
Warnings: Dark Themes: Altered state of consciousness, possessive behavior, mention of dv, non-con elements in the future, cannibalism and just things not being nice--it's Hell.
Speaking of not nice, Alastor... still not sure if I'll go for the canon asexuality or if I'll deviate so just keep that in mind. Also, operating under assumptions on Season 2 so pls walk with me
Only Bones
Chapter 1:
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“Extermination Day is canceled!”
It’s the first thing you hear emerging from the cellar under the apartment building where you and other sinners hunkered down on Exterminations Day since your arrival to Hell two years ago.
“What?” You ask, processing the news.
Your neighbors are just as confused coming up behind you. Mr. Marion, an amphibian demon stops someone passing by to ask what’s going on.
“Extermination Day is canceled, Lucifer’s daughter kicked angelic ass! They flew back to heaven with their tales between their legs!!”
Oh. Really?
Though the lack of carnage on the street seems to confirm that. Still, you walk over to the electronic store around the block to be sure and...
News666 is providing special coverage of what took place while you and your neighbor’s took cover. A growing group of demons already gathers in front of the screens featuring Carly or Harley defending her Hotel against hordes of angels. That’s, wow, that’s quite amazing. The scene then cuts to a static image of the Radio Demon doing not so well against one of the more powerful looking angels, Katie talks about that for a bit before the coverage is switched to a tiny one eyed demon. The crowd chuckles and awws as she fumbles through her interview. After getting the general gist of the current situation you hurry over to check on the shop, more immediately concerned about that than the power vacuum left the news anchors kept going on about. You hope your business was left intact, unlike last year.
Jo, is already waiting at the front of the shop leaning against the delivery van.
“Guess that deal with the cannibals is really working out, huh?” The imp says, pointing a thumb toward the store which was, in fact, left intact.
You chuckle, “Guess so. Glad you’re okay Jo.” You answer and proceed to mess his pale locks. “And how many times have I told it's not a 'deal'?"
"Hey!" He swats your hand away.
"Seems like little Ms. Morningstar saved our butts this time too, so double the win.”
"Oh man, yeah she was so badass!"
“Are you guys open today?” A mummified demon girl asks, interrupting your convo. There's more people behind her. You suppose now that they won’t be immediately double killed, people are really eager to celebrate.
You quirk an eyebrow at Jo. “You up for it, kid?”
“I don’t know, last time we took the day off after an Extermination… ” He says, inspecting his claws.
“I’ll pay you double.”
“Let me just park the van in the back.”
Great! You turn to your loyal customers. “Give us a few minutes, we should be opening soon!”
That day’s earnings were record high. You think to pay Rosie a visit to thank her for the Pie Shop’s promised protection once the dust settles and her cannibals regroup.
Sometimes it surprised you to think that life in Hell was not as bad as it used to be when you first arrived. You just had to adapt.
So adapt you did. 'Stay calm, but observant and sharp' your grandmother used to say. Advice you never took too seriously in life but here, things were different.
But also the same.
A strict class hierarchy existed, with Overlords and Royalty at the very top and the rest left to suffer or get by as best they could and of course this life was meant to suck, but still… some people truly weren't that bad.
There are some demons who won’t attack or take advantage of you—not right away, at least and that meant something when this was meant to be the end of the road for everyone here. Others kept to themselves, appearing to get by just fine for the most part. You were one of those, and it had worked out for you so far. Even got a little lucky, got your business going and everything without having to step on any necks!
At night, you sometimes wondered if things could have been different in life, had you made different choices.
Been less stupid.
But what’s the use of regret, all that remains before you is the present and the hellfire of eternity before you. Harlot’s or whatever her name is was definitely delusional, it’s what you thought when news of her Hotel spread. It’s what you still think even now after its Grand Reopening.
After the fanfare came and went, things in hell more or less remained the same, at least on the surface, but a peculiar air of uncertainty and edge remained. Even the Turf War that usually ensued Extermination Day ended swiftly with most territories staying with the same boundaries from the days before.
That was his assessment when walking around in Pentagram CIty for the first time since. The tense corners of his mouth like sharp daggers still pointed upward, even with the slowly healing wound on his torso.
Yet Alastor was pleased to learn his reputation remained mostly intact despite the… unfortunate outcome of his encounter with Adam. After all, not many could claim survival against the leader of the Exorcists. And if there were any doubts of his abilities, at least other demons were smart enough not to voice them directly to his face. The same vermin from before still showed him the same respect, the day they stopped doing that will be the day he'll worry.
His thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the sight of a line going around the corner.
Oh, This is new. It had been a while since he strolled through this part of the city.
Humming to himself he followed it, thinking it might be a new entertainment club or something equally—but then a sweet savory smell hit him.
It was a Pie Shop of all things!
"Apothecary Pie Shop" The sign read. Oh what a curious name for a business that was.
His back straightens, twirling his mic propmting the crowd make way but before he can set foot on the shop’s stairs, a male imp bursts out shouting at the top of his lungs:
“Folks, we’re all out of pies!” The people already gathered curse at him, some even throw trash at the poor soul. “Oh fuck you too—!” He says dodging an empty glass bottle before his eyes finally land on Alastor. “Oh shiiit!”
“Why hello there!” He greets, “I was just strolling around the neighborhood when I came upon your fine establishment. I had never seen it before so I thought I would take a look. Seems I was a bit late though.”
“No, no… I think we might still have some p-pies left for you… S-sir.” The poor imp fumbles with the doorknob behind him, hastily trying to get back inside. His display of deference puts Alastor in a magnanimous mood.
“Oh that’s quite alright, young man. No need, I’ll just be sure to stop by some other time. Bye now!” He says waving as he continues on his way.
Good to know some businesses still know how to provide good service even in Hell!
Going to Cannibal Town always makes you nervous, well aware you are one of the few allowed to come and leave in one piece as promised by Rosie herself. Jo had offered to come with you, but you decided it would be best if he didn’t. Still the hungry stares you got only made you grip the van’s steering wheel tighter. The town reminded you of the suburb you moved into the last year you were alive, all order and niceties hiding something dark underneath.
Pulling up, you take out the pies as quickly as possible, in-and-out is what you aim for. You’re halfway up the path to her shop when Rosie spots you pushing the loaded utility cart.
“Oh, but if it isn't Nuria!” She calls from the porch where she's having afternoon tea with fellow company.
You wave, doing your best to show a genuine smile. “Mrs. Rosie! How do you do this hellish afternoon?”
She excuses herself from the table to come closer, her white serrated teeth framed by black lips tilt upward in a radiant smile. “Very happy to see you safe and sound after everything that has occurred, my dear!”
Your perfect opening, “Well, we have your people to thank for that, they were all over the News. Very brave and heroic.”
“Thank you for saying so, dear. They are a sturdy bunch for sure, though I must admit we did incur losses.” She says, procuring a fan to dry the tears at the corners of her eyes. "I'm just happy their sacrifice was not in vain."
And now you feel awful for bringing it up at all. “I- I’m sorry, I didn't… What I mean to say is that I came because I wanted to thank you for my shop as well.” You rush, motioning to the cart full of packaged pies. “These don’t have your preferred filling, but I hope everyone likes them all the same.”
“Aren’t you precious, Nuria, you didn’t have to go through the trouble. After all, it’s all part of the contract!” She answers, placing one slender cold hand on your shoulder. You try not to shiver.
And yeah, it was part of the contact but still. “I truly had to, Mrs. Rosie, I am eternally grateful to you for taking a chance on me.”
“Look at you,” a hand to her chest, “you sure know how to give a gal good lip service. Won’t you stay for tea? An old friend will be stopping by soon, he’s a riot! Such an entertaining character that he is! Theo, dear, would you kindly take these inside?” She wraps an arm around your shoulders already pulling you toward the porch and that’s when you have to tap out.
“I really can’t, Mrs. Rosie.” You twirl around taking the hand on your shoulders into yours as if you were about to deliver devastating news to show how terribly sorry you were. “I have to get going. We have to prep for tomorrow, a big day awaits us!”
You weren’t lying about that at least.
“Oh alright, I understand, you’re a busy woman and all.” She relents.
“Thank you, Mrs. Rosie. And should we be expecting a new shipment of ingredients for your custom orders soon?”
“Absolutely!” She winks and lets you be on your way.
It never ceased to baffle the Cannibal Overlord how such a hard working girl ended up down here. Life, or the afterlife in this case, was really unfair sometimes—but then again she still had yet to get the full story out of Nuria herself. So who knows, that would have to be tea for another day.
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summertrynnacope · 1 month
CW: Nazism, TribeTwelve.
I do not support or glorify Nazis and I do not condone the atrocious things they've done. I am telling the truth and I have no reason to fabricate this, I swear on my granny's grave. If you've been following me on Instagram, you know this. Also I do not support Adam Rosner.
To everyone I have hurt and made angry because of my latest posts, (which I deleted) I'm sorry. It was insensitive of me and I should have realized that sooner and thought twice before posting such stuff. I hope that this post will help calm things down, if not completely resolve them. I am not asking for any forgiveness, I just want you to understand and realize that those posts do not reflect who I am as a person, and I want to explain everything and clarify that those posts were not supposed to glorify, romanticize or sexualize Nazism, they were only meant to show the (atleast original) lore of one particular character in this fandom.
HABIT's character and the Slenderverse/WW2 lore connection:
The Slenderverse lore is heavily connected to WW2, at least in EMH, T12 and DH00. I admit I knew the EMH creators debunked/retconned the HABIT/Nazi lore before, but I totally forgot about it since I hadn't been active in this fandom for a while and I can't remember everything. But either way, it was still part of the lore anyway and many people still consider it canon. Hear me out. The whole point of HABIT's character is that he's not just some silly, sexy, evil murder wolf demon (or whatever the fuck he is), he's an irredeemable monster, a literal embodiment of mankind’s evil actions, which (atleast originally) included Nazism aswell. If you've seen Steph's Canyouseetheworld blog, you know exactly what I'm talking about and the horrendous, inhumane things he's capable of doing and saying.
The Brandit post: (or whatever the ship is called)
You can skip this part, if you’ve watched TribeTwelve.
(((I admit I do ship HABIT x Firebrand/Noah, but I am also aware that all HABIT ships are toxic, abusive, and ridiculous, let's be honest.. However, I think this ship is one of the least toxic, not only because HABIT helped Firebrand escape from The Collective, but also because Noah is one of the few, if not the only person, HABIT didn't want to kill, which is unusual for him. And also the patience and huge amount of nerves HABIT has towards Noah is intriguing. We know what Noah’s like, how stubborn and stupid he is and sometimes you want to punch him in the face, which miraculously HABIT haven't done. And we never got to know the reason or motivation behind HABIT's actions of helping Noah/Firebrand but I guess we will never know.. Either way, I do not ship them romantically, that would be ridiculous.)))
Anyway, let's talk about the post where HABIT said to Firebrand, and I quote: ''LET'S FUCK AND PISS OFF OUR ANCESTORS.'' With Firebrand's response: ''HABIT, what the actual fuck, ya absolute disgrace.''
I admit, this was really horrid and I understand why people were so angry over this. Drawing the little symbols next to them was fucked up and insensitive and made it look like I was sexualizing a Jew with a Nazi, also with a mention of the past (WW2), which was very disrespectful towards the Holocaust and the actors as well. But. That was not my intention or the point of it. It was not meant to be sexualized. The point was to show HABIT’s natural fucked up behavior and sick humor. That's it. And the post was not meant to be taken seriously anyway. No? HABIT wouldn't fuck Firebrand, whether he's Jewish or not. It was meant to be a joke, a very bad one, but I'm aware of it now. Perhaps my humor is just broken sometimes. I hope it's all clear now. I should have realized this sooner, added a CW and explanation, or rather not posted it at all. Again, I am sorry for all of this and I hope we can all move on. I will be more mindful and responsible in the future.
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Lucifer with a Changeling!Mc
this piece belongs to this and has 1034 Words
he hoped that the Human exchange student would be less troublesome than his Brothers but not only did they cause more trouble than all of his Brothers combined in such a short while, they also managed to wrap everybody around their grimy little fingers (him included but he´s the one who got them so he makes and exception) and to top it all of they aren´t even a Human, no as it turns out they got bamboozled by a Changeling without them even meaning to
Lucifer doesn´t know what this means for the Exchange Program because technically they aren´t a Human but he wants to know more than anything is why they didn´t tell anybody at all, worst of all when he tried to bring it up all he got was a “I thought everybody already knew about it” and if he didn´t like them he would have gladly strung them up from the ceiling
I mean he could still do it when they continue to ignore him when he asks why they immediately assumed that´s something him and his Brothers would believe when they were literally called exclusively Human at the beginning and before they captured everybodies hearts but no according to them it was obvious we thought they were a Changeling
they are so stupid he doesn´t know if he should punch or kiss them sometimes, most of the time… okay all of the time, they always end up getting roped into one of his Brothers or Diavolo´s frankly idiotic plans and always manage to weasel their way out of trouble by being as adorable as they physically can be and the worst it always works no matter who they use it on, like the situation they are in now Lucifer has to help them bury a body because a Demon thaught it would be a smart idea to make fun of them and Lucifer wouldn´t say the Demon deserves the Darwin award but not only are they the first person ever to get a pact from his and his Brothers, are a good friend of Diavolo´s, the apprentice to the most powerful Human sorcerer but every and he means every Demon knows they are very easy to anger and even easier to want to kill somebody, quiet frankly he´s surprised the Demon ever managed to live that long
“sooo want to talk about something? because you look like you want to blow that corpse up” they decided to stick their shovel into the ground and looked at him, he hopes they are just acting stupid and didn´t forget about his want for an explanation about the whole Changeling thing “yes I do want to talk about something, did you forgot about our whole discussion about you being a Changeling”
“I thought we were done with it? I think I explained it perfectly”
“screaming “surprise I always was a Changeling” is something I would hardly call a perfect explanation”
“in my eyes it was perfect” and there is the urge to punch and kiss this stubborn idiot again “let me guess you want to punch and kiss me again? i´m warning you about the punching part you saw what happened with the guy right there” they pointed at the remains of the Demon they were planning to bury with their shit eating grin that´s plastered on their face 24/7 but he knows they would never intentionally hurt them just as they know he would never do the same but this doesn´t stop from joking about it, he gave them a fond smile “oh really? I remember the last time you said this I easily subdued you, you barely even had a chance to react and now your threatening me? It almost sounds like you want a repeat of last time”
this got a small chuckle out of them “alright Gramps how about it after we buried that dude we can try again loser has to do whatever the winner wants” he frowned at their use of the nickname, due to his hobbies they love to call Lucifer either Old Man, Gramps or any variety they can think of he knows they are just a little shit that loves to mess with people but he won´t let them get away like this without answering his questions “your arrogance is quiet amusing truly but until you answer me I won´t go along with, we both know who win anyway” they pouted “fine I though the Supernatural could notice other Supernatural creatures, happy? I though all of you guys just played along with me being a Human”
“and why would you say that?” they looked at him with a blank look, this slightly worries Lucifer and hopes it actually wasn´t a real problem and them just being lazy like always “Barbatos knew I was a Changeling and said I shouldn´t tell Diavolo” this surprised but at the same time it didn´t, he wonders how Diavolo couldn´t because he usually picks up on such things rather quickly, even more so if he spends extended periods of time with a person but he didn´t expect Barbatos to keep it a secret from Diavolo though maybe he just didn´t want him to feel like the Exchange Program was set up to fail
“happy? because it´s looking like rain and I´m not looking forward to have my flesh melting of because of the Acid rain again” they grimaced “once was bad enough, why didn´t any of you warn me that can happen” he gave them an unamused look “weren´t you the one that because this is “Hell” nothing would surprise you” they threw up their arms “yeah but I still would have liked a warning”
Lucifer picked up his shovel and gave them theirs “well then you should spend less time chatting and more time digging” he gave them a short kiss “maybe you should have just called me, Cerberus would have gladly eaten that fool”
“yeah would have been better…” well at least they´ll know what to do for next time, the time saved they could join him on a factory tour he did hear there was on a Demonus factory he would love to take part in
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Okay this may be my hottest take ever but I… bear with me… dislike how popular Ineffable Husbands is. Let me explain. Good Omens has been an incredibly important book for me since the first time I opened it at 11 years old. It’s shaped everything from my writing style to my views on society and the world. It’s safe to say I’ve read this book 8 times at least.
Season 1, also very dear to me. I loved seeing these characters on screen and although some parts were different or cut, everyone worked so hard in their roles that it brought the book to life.
Now, here’s where I get lost. Good Omens is a story about the end of the world, and while yes its “main” characters are an angel and a demon who are very fond of the world and each other, the simple fact is that they aren’t what’s important about the story. They are fun and deep and amazing characters, but so are The Them, and Anathema and Newt, and Agnes Nutter, and Shadwell and Madam Tracy, and Warlock, and the four horsemen (and other four horsemen)/ bikers of the apocalypse, and that one televangelist that lives rent free in my head, and that guy who sees the trees take over the city and R. P. Tyler and everyone else.
They make the story. They are the humans— sans the four bikers—, and this gets lost in the fandom and, dare I say it, season two. I will say right now that I adore season 2, it’s what I’ve waited 4 years for and I would never ever criticize Neil Gaiman as I am definitely not qualified enough for that.
Season 2 makes it all about Aziraphale and Crowley. It loses the message of the book and becomes almost a sort of rom com (for all our yelling and heartbreak and accusations of liar, Neil was right. It is quiet, gentle, and romantic). This is not inherently bad at all, but to me, it’s not Good Omens. It’s not the same. Crowley and Aziraphale were never my favorites, they were never where the meat of the story is at, so that’s where my point comes from I guess.
I am so glad we have representation like them. Middle aged queer people who have god knows what gender fuckery going on. But, sometimes I wish we talked about anything other than them. I wish I could find thoughtful analysis and writing and art just about the book (and even the show) that wasn’t simply “Crowley and Azirapahle aren’t together and they’re sad but then they are and now they’re happy.”
I don’t want anyone to read this and think I don’t like the ship, I love it, it was my first ship. But, sometimes, I just wish Good Omens hadn’t turned into a romance. I wish it was still the delightfully funny and childishly dark story that made me think, for the first time, writing was something I wanted to do. Because it was more than just a story, it was an idea.
TLDR: I love Ineffable Husbands, but I wish the fandom could talk about literally anything else for a change
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kumeko · 7 months
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A/N: For the @gotonyzine zine! Crowley definitely fell first and realized first. Unfortunately his angel is a bit of a dense block.
The weather was warm, the clouds non-existent, and Crowley imagined this was a rare nice British summer day. He wasn’t sure when or why he’d decided to stick to the UK after centuries of traveling across the world. While it wasn’t the warmest place he’d been, it also wasn’t the coldest. It was an insufferable middling, the kind of nothing that came from staying on the fence for too long.
In a sense, it was the perfect place for a demon from hell and an angel from heaven to meet. A neutral place, a mid ground.
That didn’t make the country any better, but it made him feel smart and that was worth much more.
Speaking of his angel, Crowley leaned back on the metal bench in the park, amused as he watched Aziraphale hurry across the park to him. “You’re late,” he mildly reprimanded, more to tease his companion than anything else.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry about that.” Aziraphale dabbed his handkerchief to his face and neck as he stopped in front of the bench. He breathed heavily, exerted from however far he had to run to get here. It was mildly flattering. “I wanted to try that ‘skateboarding’ thing that everyone talks about.”
Crowley barked a laugh. “You can’t be serious.”
Aziraphale frowned. “I am.”
“You? Skateboarding?” He rubbed his moustache, unable to imagine it. “Please. You know how much work I had to put in to make it a thing? And priss you wants to try it?”
“What?” Aziraphale paled. He paced back and forth as Crowley watched. “I should have known you were behind this too.”
“What can I say? I had to make up for our recent losses.” Crowley shrugged. For all the nice things that had happened in the past decade, the 70s looked to undo so many of his tiny accomplishments. “We lost the Beatles. Elvis died. A war ended. Nixon stepped down. Don’t get me wrong, they all did their part and it was great, but…the 70s hasn’t been good for my side.”
Aziraphale spared him a glance while he paced. “The Beatles?”
The angel’s tone was flat, a muted surprise at best. Crowley smiled. “You know how it is. Musicians. Us. I’m a damn fine muse, if I say so myself.”
“Yes, I’ve seen you in a dress.” Aziraphale exhaled tiredly, running a hand through his hair. “Of course, all artists are yours. I should remember that better.”
Crowley studied the angel. How should he take that? Aziraphale liked the dress? He liked him in the dress? He was just being kind? It was hard to tell with him sometimes—Crowley had long known that angels were stuffy, rigid things, but Aziraphale took that to a different level.
“You know, for all of those ‘losses’, it doesn’t feel like my side’s winning,” Aziraphale pointed out. He finally came to a stop in front of him.
“Well, I didn’t say you were winning, just that my side is starting to lose.” Crowley shrugged. “Give it time. Besides, I can’t be amazing all the time. They’ll get expectations or something like that. I’m trying to have an easy life.”
“But you should want—” Aziraphale cut himself off. Crowley could just guess where the convo had been about to go: you should want to do your job properly.
Only, what sort of angel tried to encourage a demon to do bad?
Answer: the conflicted one biting his tongue in front of him. Crowley snickered.
“Anyways. Let’s get down to it.” Aziraphale plopped down beside him, his back straight, knees perfectly angled, body looking like it was about to escape. Maybe it was. “Our weekly report.”
“Date,” Crowley corrected, stretching his arms above him leisurely.
Aziraphale flushed a fetching shade of red. “Check-up.”
“To-may-to, to-mah-to.” Crowely shrugged, used to their mild quibble. They’d had it for years. It was a concession that Aziraphale had upgraded their meetings to ‘check-up’ as opposed to whatever professionally stuffy thing he had labelled them before.
“Why is that a saying? Does this ever happen?” Aziraphale threw his hands in the air. “No one’s going around correcting tomato pronunciations.”
“Someone must have.” He rolled his eyes. As usual, Aziraphale had a flair for the dramatics. Not that Crowley was one to talk.  “We were there for the inquisition. It was probably something blah blah enlightenment blah blah.”
“Those were dark times, now it should be better.” Aziraphale sighed. He pressed his hands into his thighs and exhaled softly. “Alright. Back to it. Are there any big movements on your side?”
“Not really.” Crowley shrugged lazily. He lolled his head back, staring up at the bright blue sky. Hell, it was nice today. Maybe he could give his plants some sunshine, if they behaved. “Like I said, it’s kinda a bad decade for us.”
Azirphale snorted. “Bad decade? You?” He turned to him disbelievingly. “Have you seen the state of the world?”
Crowley pursed his lips. Somewhere in the distance, a group of labourers marched in protest. “Well, admittedly, I hear how that sounds.”
“You hear?” Aziraphale gestured around them. A woman walking three dogs passed by, her smallest dog giving them the stink eye. There were sirens as cops came to handle the protest. Nearby, a small boy kicked another boy before running away.
Crowley curled his lip. “Don’t be dramatic.”
“I’m not being dramatic, I’m being practical. We have bars. With drugs. And so much lust. And pollution. And guns.” Aziraphale trembled, no doubt thinking of just how many sins were walking the earth now. “I’m surprised the horsemen haven’t just touched everything.”
“Well, they would have tried, but I don’t think the big guy down there’s ready yet. And they’re still figuring things out ever since Pestilence left.” Crowley shuddered. No matter how many times he dealt with the horsemen, they were all off-putting in different ways. Certainly not the kind of demons he wanted to hang around and have tea with. Or talk about nothing like he did with Aziraphale. “I still can’t believe that happened.”
Aziraphale hunched over. “Isn’t that a bad thing? Pollution is much stronger than Pestilence is.”
“These days, sure. It’s a lot easier to contaminate than disease…” Crowley trailed off as he noticed Aziraphale’s pose. That wasn’t good. For an angel, he got worried far too often and about inconsequential things. It was endearing at times. At others, Crowley wanted to give him some opium or weed.
“Oh, come on. It’s not nearly that bad.” Crowley reached over and patted his back. “I mean, a war ended. Nixon left. The only nice thing is that the hippies are finally done with their little spiel. I think the 70s is more your decade than ours.”
“I wouldn’t say that…” Aziraphale rested his chin in his hands, pouting. “If we’re doing well, it’s because nothing else is happening. We haven’t done anything big in a while. They’re going to start asking for results soon.”
“Then you’ll just have to do something big,” Crowley suggested lightly, pressing his thumb against Aziraphale’s jacket. The small indentation made him smile.
Aziraphale answered flatly, “If it were that easy, we wouldn’t be here.”
“True.” There was nothing else he could say to that.
They both sat there, watching as pedestrians passed, as children ran across the park fetching with their dogs. Crowley absent-mindedly brushed his moustache. Aziraphale scuffed his shoe. The wind picked up, stirring the flowers and grass.
Aziraphale finally broke the silence. “You don’t think those weird box things are going to catch on, do you?”
“Those what?” Crowley raised a brow, perplexed.
“Those metal things. The ones they press buttons and it has a screen and it changes colours.” Aziraphale stared at a tree blankly as he struggled to remember. “It’s, uh…technology…”
That sounded vaguely familiar. Crowley pursed his lips, running through his memories, before guessing, “A computer?”
“Yeah! That!” Aziraphale exhaled, pleased. “They’re kind of weird looking, aren’t they? Do you think they’d catch on?”
“I don’t know, they’re really big and clunky, right?” In all the centuries that passed, the one thing that hadn’t changed about humans was their penchant for strange ideas. For better and for worse. “I don’t know why anyone would use that. It’s not like they do much.”
“Me neither.” His angel beamed, ecstatic. “I’m sure it’ll go away soon enough.”
The shiver running up Crowley’s spine told him it wouldn’t. Maybe he should look later into taking advantage of the thing. It’d definitely make for an easy accomplishment. For now, though, he merely raised a brow and asked, “You seem eager. Why? The big guys upstairs mandate computers are our work now?”
“No, no.” Aziraphale shook his head quickly. Rubbing his neck nervously, he explained, “It just feels…I don’t know. Big? It feels like it might change everything. And, well, you know how it is. A lot’s changing already.”
“Angel, we’ve been down here for how long?” Crowley raised a brow, pointing at the buildings behind them. At the plane flying above them. “I don’t think these were here before the flood.”
“Well. No, they weren’t,” Aziraphale mumbled, eyes on the ground.
It wasn’t a look Crowley liked. He cocked his head and frowned. “Then, what’s wrong, angel?”
“Most of those changes were really slow.” Aziraphale wrung his hands helplessly. He answered slowly, trying to find the words. “Like, it took them so long to figure out how to make their own fire. Or a house. Or even clothes.”
Crowley wrinkled his nose, remembering those early years. “Remember how long it took them to figure out alcohol? Major success on our part, but we were far too slow about it.”
“That…” Aziraphale shot him a frown. “Anyways, the point is, it took them decades to figure out all of that and now mere years is all it takes before they’re flying planes and driving cars.”
“Well.” Crowley had to concede the point. “That is a bit fast, I suppose.”
“They’re going to space.”
“Fine.” He rolled his eyes at his companion’s theatrics. “A lot fast.”
“Do you think it’s the end of days?” Aziraphale worried his lip nervously. His hair looked like a sheep’s wool in the light. “You haven’t heard anything from downstairs, have you?”
“I told you, the head honcho hasn’t made his move yet.” Seeing Aziraphale only bit his lips harder, Crowley sighed and added, “Trust me, I’m a big deal these days. They’d tell me.”
Actually, he wasn’t entirely certain of his status other than they bought his fake reports hook, line, and sinker, so either lower management thought he was doing a great job or they were just waiting to crush him.
Aziraphale still looked gloomy. It wasn’t a look that suited him at all. Crowley crossed his arms behind his head and continued, “Besides, it’s not like all the changes are bad, right? I mean, life has gotten way more interesting now that they’ve started making movies and shows.”
A smile flickered across his angel’s face. “They’re making it harder to sell books.”
“Turn your bookstore into a video store.” Crowley reached up and twirled his mustache. “I got a ‘stache, and that’s definitely a great change.”
Aziraphale’s smile grew wider. “It is a change.”
“Hey.” Crowley glared at him briefly.
“I’m sorry.” Aziraphale leaned closer, almost too close, as he examined the mustache. His breath ghosted Crowley’s skin and he held his own. “I suppose it is good.”
Only when Aziraphale leaned back did he finally let himself a small breath. Lightly, Crowley rebuked, “It’s great and you have no taste.”
“Fine, fine, it’s great,” Aziraphale repeated, chuckling. He reached down and squeezed Crowley’s hands gently. His skin was as cool as a cucumber’s, something Crowley hadn’t quite figured out if it was an angel-thing or an Aziraphale-thing. “Thanks.”
Crowley allowed himself a moment, allowed himself a chance to savour it. Then he got up, letting the angel’s fingers skim his skin. “It’s nothing. Because nothing happened. So, I’ll see you next week, usual time?"
“Yeah.” Aziraphale pursed his lips, his hand still gripping the air. He stared at it, as though it was asking a question, before quietly requesting, “Wait.”
Such a quiet word shouldn’t hold any power, but Crowley froze all the same. This was new. This was different. Aziraphale rarely stayed on the bench after they’d finished exchanging, even rarer had an entire chat with him. Extending the session on his own accord? Next to impossible.
Yet, that was what happened. Perplexed, Crowley stared down at him.
“I…” Aziraphale tugged his collar as he stood. “Look, let’s…let’s watch one of those movies together.”
Something in him jumped at the idea but Crowley kept his feelings in check. “What’s this, angel?”
“For research,” Aziraphale mumbled before shaking his head. “No, that’s not—it’s a thanks. For helping me feel better.” He smiled awkwardly. “We could watch that space movie or something.”
“Star Wars?” Crowley guessed automatically, still processing everything he’d heard.
“Yeah, that one.” Aziraphale smiled, nodding eagerly. “Is that fine?”
Crowley would have watched static if Aziraphale had asked. He grinned. “Lead the way, Angel.”
There were definitely some changes that were better than others. Their ever-adapting relationship was one of them.
He looked forward to seeing just how far it would go.
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lyssaterald · 2 months
Take Flight, Part ?: The Talk
In which Belphie and Lyssa have a one-on-one chat after the events of Chapter 16.
Content Warning: General spoilers for the main story. Minors and ageless accounts do not interact! First person writing, named character, and slight mentions of character’s past and history which are expanded on as they are important to this chapter. Weirdly, I switch between past and present tense. Sorry, not sorry. Unbeta read.
I do reference some of my past postings but can still be read as a stand alone chapter.
It's hard avoiding Belphegor all the time seeing as we live in the same house, but somehow I had done so for several weeks. It wasn't until Satan and Belphegor had tried to involve me in a scheme of theirs against Lucifer that I realized his brothers were slowly forgiving him and trying to bring him back into their lives. I was standing in the middle of Luci's study watching them root around for his hidden stash of demonus to ruin and wondering exactly how they had dragged me along that I also realized Belphegor was actively trying to seek my forgiveness in his own demon way.
They'd found Luci's little enchanted hiding spot and were trying to guess it's password while I was puzzling over the confusing nature of the seventh Avatar. I knew the password but let them keep on guessing because they were guessing just kept on getting more silly and was making me smile. It was the first time since I had made up with Diavolo that I had really laughed.
"'I am Lord Diavolo's secret admirer,'" Satan muttered at the enchantment. "Or how about 'I will do whatever Lord Diavolo requires of me.'" That one made me frown and they noticed. "I...uh...mean...'I will punish all wrong doers and hang Mammon from the ceiling!'"
"Still wrong," I said and laughed.
Belphegor frowned tentatively at me. "So, you do know his password?"
"Yes," I answered with a ghost of a smile at him.
"And you're not going to share it?" Satan muttered at me, not really looking upset at the idea.
They were both staring at me then, each wearing a look of different complicated emotions. "You've been spending a lot of time with Lucifer these last couple of months. I thought you hated him at first," Satan observed.
It looked like they were giving up on Luci's stash of demonus in favor of staring at me. Looking around the study, I suddenly felt self conscious and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. I had been spending a lot of time in this office with him and we had even fucked on most available surfaces, not that his brothers knew a lot about our relationship yet.
"I suppose I did..." I said thoughtfully. "But mostly I was afraid for my family those first few weeks. He and Diavolo literally kidnapped me from the center of my Dame's stronghold."
"And now you're fucking them," Satan said flatly and then flinched at my level look. "Sorry. You're with them and no longer afraid or hate them. Just...how did that happen?"
"Lucifer threatened me the first time we danced together," I said and laughed at the memory. "You know, when Solomon was being his usual shady self and 'gifted' me with his power before him, Levi, and I got teleported by that cursed painting and nearly eaten alive by Levi's pet snake."
Belphegor and Satan both frowned at me, having only heard bits and pieces of that story."So...Lucifer threatened you and you quit being afraid of him?" Belphegor asked and I narrowed my eyes at him.
"To be more precise, he threatened to end me if I proved to be a danger to his family and wanted to make sure I knew my place. It came from a place of love for you guys and it was the first real time I could see how protective he was of those who matter to him," I clarified before Belphegor got anymore ideas.
Satan made a face at the mention of love and I shrugged at him. I'd done everything I could to help them patch their relationship up during the body swap incident. What happened now was up to and between them. Sometimes, relationships were just a broken thing that stabbed you bloody.
"Look, why don't we relocate to the piano room if you two want to quiz me about things?" I asked, looking around.
"You're no fun anymore," Satan muttered at me and then took off through the study door before I could do more than give him an offended look. We were trying to be civil and nice to each other, we really were, but his weird fixation with Lucifer seemed to be transferring to include our relationship and it was getting creepy.
Belphegor stared after his brother and then at me. "Can we?" he asked softly.
I sighed at his hesitation. Really, we were overdue for a convention and his brothers were watching how I treated him. Asmo and Mammon barely spoke to or about his existence. Lucifer wasn't avoiding Belphegor but it was hard for them to spend time together when I spent a lot of evenings with him. Beel and Satan were the only ones trying to mend things with him. Levi was avoiding everyone.
"Alright," I said and we slipped out of Luci's study together in time to be seen by said study's owner as he was dragging Satan back towards us wearing a disgruntled look. Uh-oh...I knew that look. "Run!"
I grabbed Belphie's hand and we fled down the hall together to Lucifer's confusion and further disgruntlement. "I will deal with you two later!" He called after us as we whipped around a corner.
It made me laugh as we ran, thinking about the way he would be so suspicious of his office for the next few hours. The feeling in my chest loosened considerably and I was smiling when we sprinted by Asmo.
"Hi, Asmo! Bye, Asmo," I shouted as we passed him and turned another corner.
It was so much like laughing and tumbling with my own siblings that I forgot for a minute what we had been through. We arrived at the piano room and shut the door behind us, breathing hard with our backs to the door and laughter howling from us. I slid down the door and held my stomach until the laughter died and I could glance up at Belphegor, still chuckling.
" He's going to be so paranoid for a few hours and we didn't even do anything," I stated and it set us off again.
"D-did you see his expression?" Belphegor wheezed.
"He had no idea what to think of us running off together!" I laughed, flopping into my side.
He chuckled, the laughter slowly dying until there was only amusement left. "I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Maybe...maybe not since Lilith died," he confessed.
I studied him in a new light as I pushed myself into a sitting position. "That's a long time you've held onto those emotions," I said slowly. "What's changed?" He studied me from his crouched position by the door.
"Lilith...didn't die," he said slowly, struggling with the emotions. "Not in the war, anyway. She had a whole life, just like she always wanted. And Lucifer...sacrificed himself for that, for us." He looked at his hands then and looked at a loss for words. "Again."
It was a bitter word filled with too much pain. I found myself gripping his shoulder without thinking about it. "They made the best decisions they could at that time with the information available to them. Lucifer just wanted his family safe and Diavolo didn't want another war. It was the best compromise they could have found."
He was staring at me like I'd grown two heads. "How are you so sure? You weren't there."
One shoulder lifted and fell in a shrug as I dropped my hand from his shoulder. "Maybe, but dragons and demons aren't so different. My dame and I weren't born to the ruling bloodlines, but my siblings were and she fought a tough battle to keep them safe. She's had to make some terrible decisions and do some horrible shit to keep our species sane. Even if I wasn't there at your Fall, I understand enough of the tough decisions to have empathy for how difficult those decisions must have been."
He was staring again with that complicated blend of emotions: Pain, fury, shame, regret...awe. It was the last one that was making me uncomfortable and forced me to look away from his gaze. That's how I missed him reaching out to me and why I jumped when his fingers brushed the long, knotted scar on my left forearm. I pulled away from his touch and covered it with my other hand, suddenly feeling vulnerable.
"You dropped me into their memories when I killed you," he said softly. "Your mother... she's lost children before you...and she couldn't stand the thought of losing you." He seemed to be struggling with something and I waited for him to sort his thoughts. "The...younger...four...the two sets of...twins...they've never been through a loss like that before. It was so much like Beel and me...with Lilith."
"You're not the only one to have ever experienced grief, you bastard!"
The emotions of his family and my own had been roiling through me at the time of the other Lyssa's death, tearing and screaming with my own senses as I had beaten him down. I'd been attacking his mind and body and he'd tried to drop us into a dreamscape to gain the advantage over me. Too many minds had been pulled with us and tangled together the memories and emotions of loss and rage and they had turned on the invader with a viciousness I hadn't intended. In the end, I'd left him in a coma as he took three days to fight through the emotions and memories my family had assaulted him with.
"They're young. Born after the horrors that our dame suffered."
"But you were born after them," Belphie pointed out. "Why...why..."
I cocked my head at him, running my fingers over the knotted scar and considered what he must have seen. "It's like with Satan," I said softly. "Born last, but middle of my brood in maturity and power. Full blood dragons develop slower than humans and I am mostly human. They are my opposites and children are treasures among dragons. We don't breed often so my siblings and I fight like hell to keep the ugliness in life from the Twins."
Something in him crumpled and his shoulders hunched in the misery that descended upon him. He was empathizing with them and recalling some of his most painful memories, yet I didn't have it in me to try and console him. He'd caused too much pain to those I held dear.
"I-I'm sorry," he stuttered after a moment. "I-I didn't mean...it wasn't my intention....C-can you forgive me?"
I regarded him with as much neutrality as I could in that moment. Belphegor was special to Beel in a way that I understood, but there was no way that I could entirely let go of the grudge...not yet...maybe not ever.
"I have already forgiven you for killing me," I said and his shoulders relaxed a little. "But for hurting my family...that is another thing entirely." His eyes were wide as he stared at me again with that complex mix of emotions. "Forgiving that would mean you need my Dame's forgiveness and she doesn't forgive easily."
Suddenly, I was just done with the conversation. I slid my back up against the door to stand and he watched me. "I don't hate you, Belphie. Beel and Luci love you too much for me to do that to them. Talk to your brothers. Try and resolve this thing you have against humanity, for them and Lilith if nothing else."
I looked down at his huddled form and felt a stab of pity at the misery he was feeling...that I had caused. He had spent the better part of several months being held captive by his older brother and was still being ostracized for an understandable grudge and the killing of someone who wasn't really dead.
"Belphie," I said and he looked up at me, hopeful. "If I am cooking dinner, you and Beel are welcome to join me. I know he enjoys pre-dinner snacks and I used to cook portions just for him. If it's just Lucifer and I, you are also welcome in his study for naps and homework. I may not help in pranking him, but I won't stop you and Satan from trying...unless I place a specific jinx on the handle of his room or study."
"Wh-what is the jinx?" he asked and I smirked at him.
"You'll find out on the days I don't want him disturbed. Or you can ask Mammon," I said and he gave me a wavering smile that I returned.
It wasn't perfect, but as Belphie and Beel began to spend more time with me in the kitchen, his brothers began to relax their guards. Mammon was the first to soften after trying to play the part of my guard against Belphegor and watched as I stuffed dinner samples into Beel and Belphie for an entire evening, indifferent to which twin I was feeding. The next day, Mammon was trying to include his youngest brother in a new bet.
Amso charged into Lucifer's study to complain about a comment made on one of his social media and found Belphie wrapped around me in a nap as I was reading and Lucifer was working. His whole demeanor has changed from frantic to cooing almost instantly and taking pictures of my annoyed face while Belphie slept and Luci chuckled over my annoyance. It wasn't three days later that I found Belphie and Asmo snuggled together for a nap in his room.
Beel was slowly opening back up to me as I fed him more food and accepted that Belphie was part of his life. We were discussing different times of the day to take up workouts again when Levi found us in the kitchen, Belphie sleeping and drooling on the counter. Levi stood in the middle of the kitchen and I was reminded that I hadn't done a marathon with him on one of his new animes. He watched wide eyed as I threw different ingredients at his youngest brother and tried to wake him up even as Beel snacked on those ingredients.
"What was the name of your anime again? I wanted to check if you were ok with inviting Belphie over to it since he hasn't seen much anime recently." Levi watched me throw an onion peel at his youngest brother, watched Beel eat it and then stammered out an answer.
I grabbed a pan and leaned across the counter to poke at Belphie and smile at Levi. "Are you okay if I drag him along? I'm trying to include him in the things I do. Luci already agreed to it." More like we had a screaming fight in which I dragged every insecurity he had to the fore and he ripped into mine like the demon he is. We still haven't made up for that fight and I was dragging Belphie along with me as I spent time with his other brothers.
"S-sure." He collected his food and I let him escape the kitchen as Beel stared at me again.
We weren't going to have that conversation because I wasn't comfortable having it and Beel has never forced something I was uncomfortable with. Still, he was being a little more conscious of his sin and eating all the groceries when it was my turn to cook. I fed him when I was cooking and we were starting to thaw the ice between us as I acknowledged his twin and dragged him along with me. It was a quiet truce we could both live with.
Except for Luci. He had appeared in the doorway some time ago and I had ignored him while I chopped away at the vegetables. Beel had placed himself between Belphie's sleeping form and Lucifer. I was very nearly in tears because of how Beel was looking between us as I dumped the vegetables into the stew.
I used the knife to point at the coffee and a sliced poison apple. "Coffee is ready, Luci," I told him. My heart was hurting under the remembered words as I listened to him cross the kitchen.
"Please don't be mad," Beel suddenly said and the first tears escaped me. It was Belphegor that embraced me as the silent tears poured down my face and the knife clattered to the counter.
"Lys!" Lucifer called as he took quick steps towards me. Then, I was breaking apart and clutching Belphegor to me as I sank a claw into Luci's jacket to keep him by me.
The rest of the afternoon was a blur of activity as I snarled at anyone that tried to remove Lucifer or Belphegor from me. Someone took over my cooking. We were moved to the common area where Luci coaxed me into his lap and I kept a tight hand on Belphegor.
"You will make up," was the only thing I remembered telling them as I shattered and sobbed and pulled myself back together in Lucifer's embrace.
It's when Diavolo shows up that we all realize what I am truly feeling. Wings on display and crouched before Luci and Belphie, magic crackling at my fingertips with a snarl on my lips Diavolo is giving me a look. There is no blood in his face as I sit there growling and waiting...for an attack...
...from Diavolo...
"Dia," I say and it's a whine. "Don't hurt him." My wings flare. "He's mine. They are mine. Don't hurt them...please? Please?"
Dia won't hurt those of mine. Dia. Dia. I churr, a low pleading thing in my throat and I flinch at his touch. The ruler is present and I must beg to keep them safe. Take my wings, take any part of me, just don't hurt them. Don't hurt them. Please.
I will do anything to pacify him. Dame's memories of Mathis flood me. She struggles. This is all there is. The tears are easy now because the Sadist wants them. He will hurt me and leave alone the brothers.
"Please, Dia. Don't hurt them. Take from me." Words from my Dame and....the past?....me?
This is me. Dark and golden eyes are looking at me. He's going to hurt them. Dia. Luci. They won't hurt mine. They only pleasure me. Dia Luci. My lovers. Too many memories.
Red eyes are lustful. Golden eyes with a small smile. Those are mine. Dark eyes are a different thing. Red and gold are mine.
I wake to their bodies and sobbing and screaming. The nightmares. So much pain. I will pretend the dark eyes are mine, too. Stay with me. Take from me. Don't hurt them. The churr of my throat as I kneel for him.
Don't hurt them. Please. Take my wings, don't hurt them. His hands on me are gentle. Golden eyes, not dark. Red eyes, not dark. Minemineminemine...
"Come back."
A whispered sob. A screaming plea. Please. Dame's pain. My pain. Red eyes and golden. Not dark. Mine.
Take my wings, not theirs. Please. Never.
Never never never.
Hurt me, not them.
Her pain, not mine.
His lips on mine, gentle, desperate. Luci. Dia.
Dia. Luci.
Not the Sadist.
Her pain slides from mine, sharp and quick. The Sadist was her's not mine. Luci, Dia. They just held me not sure of what was happening. Too much pain. Dia made us safe.
The cry that tears itself free has them wrapped around me. The screams are all too real as I cling to them. My wings, not hers. Please.
"Never. Never. Never."
Luci's wings around us. Dia's words and sobs. My screams and his mix together. I'm still screaming.
"Stay, please."
The word is a screaming sob. I scream more, cling to them. My claws sink into them as I curl into them. The sobs in my chest are real, the pain too. But it was never mine to bear. The lingering presence of another's pain, another's memories flow away like water, leaving me hollow and broken.
It happens, sometimes. This thing of pain where bonds meet and memories overlap. It takes us over, throws us into each other's memories and life. The Sadist was my Dame's tormentor, not mine. Belphie was my pain, not hers.
Diavolo is the ruler of the Devildom, not the dragons. There is nothing to be pacified. That danger is long dead and it is Diavolo and Lucifer with me, holding me.
Red eyes and golden look at me full of fear, unsure of how to protect. Death came for me in those memories, took from me what shouldn't have been taken and wrapped me in that pain.
The heat of their bodies grounds me, holds me to them. Somehow, they got us to Luci's room. It is the skeleton above us that distracts me from the lingering memories, from the mind that slides against my own.
My dame and ruler pulls back her awareness from mine and I am left shaking. Diavolo's strong arms clutch me to him and I nuzzle into him, letting my dragon features Veil again.
"I will never hurt you," Diavolo whispers into my hair.
"You will," I reply. "You already have, but not in the way I was asking for earlier." His eyes are wet with tears that I am wiping away with shaking fingers. Lucifer buries his head in my shoulder and inhales deeply.
"You're back," comes the shaky exhalation.
They don't ask what happened, can't. Won't. It's there in the broken places, in the sobs and pain that wrecked me. Belphegor was only the trigger but even removed it hadn't helped. They had been helpless again in the wake of my magic and my screams.
Luci's wings are tight around us, the silky feathers allowing hardly any visual beyond glimpses of his room.
"I'm sorry," Diavolo says and I hush him.
Lucifer twines our fingers and holds me tight. "I will see to it that my brothers mend their relationships. This will not happen again. Belphegor-"
"-had no part in this," I reassure him. "We were talking and it happened. Dragons are like that sometimes. Memories and emotions can be shared. Trauma like my family has lived through doesn't go away and it doesn't always lessen with time. We learn to live with it and share it where we can. My death stirred everything up and brought out an old pain."
"You were begging me to hurt you, to take your wings and leave the children be," Diavolo murmurs into my hair and we shudder together.
"It wasn't you," I tell him. "It wasn't Luci. It wasn't any of you that I was talking to. It was the past, a ghost long dead by my Dame's own claws."
The silence stretched between us. "I will find him," Diavolo vows and I blink at him, at the hard expression. "I will make sure he suffers for what you went through."
Heir to hell itself.
My body softens to his and I tug his face to mine to press a kiss to his forehead. Lucifer's wings tighten around us. My hell Lords, mine. "He's not worth the effort, Dia. Let the memories be just that, memories of something past. I want new memories, Dia. Of days we spend together." I drop a kiss to each of Luci's knuckles and feel his breath hitch, watch Diavolo's eyes light with lust. "Of moments you have me breathless with joy, of the times we kiss..."
His lips on mine cut everything else off and we work on those new memories together, just the three of us.
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splendentmoon · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes/6/
hello!! hehe I haven't posted in a while, huh? I'm sorry, I was having some personal problems but I'm back!
enjoy! ✨
-Jin in the middle of a call with Yin, driving a stolen car with Red Son bleeding-
Jin: don't worry Yin, I'm already taking Red to the hospital!
-Jin turns to see Red Son and notices that his eyes are closed-
-Jin in the passenger seat next to Yin who is driving-
Jin: ............Bro, where are the kids?
Yin: in the back seat.
Jin: Bro, they're not...
Yin (stop the car suddenly): HOW ARE THEY NOT THERE?! WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY?!
Little Sprindax: they forgot us at the McDonald's games...do you think I can?
Little MK: I guess...
Little Spindrax: well....... THEY ARE SONS OF-
-Spindrax shouted several bad words with MK covering his ears until Yin and Jin picked them up-
Yin: do you really think it was a good idea to buy MK that squeaky toy?
Jin: yes, don't worry, MK is very quiet and calm, we won't regret it!
-After 2 weeks without sleeping or concentrating thanks to MK liking the toy-
Yin: did you say?
Jin: yes, my fault
-when the trio of idiots decide to give MK drugs-
Yin: this kid is crazy...
Spindrax (holding the stoned MK): damn, MK is being a jerk right?
-Spindrax and Jin manage to take him home to keep people safe-
Red Son: So, what's the stupidest thing you believed as a kid?
Jin: I thought that if Santa didn't have a chimney he couldn't enter the house.
MK: I thought I was going to be happy...
Spindrax: I thought that-...wait, what the fuck did you say MK?!
-Yin, showing her garden to the whole group-
Yin: look, here are my crops, aren't they great?
Yin: People think they are potato crops, but no, they are weed crops.
Jin and Spindrax: Oh, you invite?
Yin: let me think about it...... NO! It's my fucking speck to sell! Where do you think I get money for bullshit? From Narnia?!
Jin and Spindrax: selfish...
-the stupid trio (MK, Spindrax and Red Son) were caught drunk by the police for vandalism and were taken to Yin and Jin, who robbed a store, MK came up with something to escape-
MK: I can get my pulse down to zero but only for a minute RUN! -snaps his fingers and temporarily dies, all the officers surround MK and his friends escape-
Yin: MK scares me sometimes....
Spindrax, Red Son and Jin: same....
-Spindrax and Red are in a fancy restaurant for demons-
Spindrax: They used to give bigger glasses in this restaurant.
Red Son: really?
Spindrax: Yes, but they changed them because people were taking food hidden inside them.
Red Son: and how do you know-...
Spindrax: the people were me jsjsjsjs
Red Son: I'm the only one who can do it!
Jin: you're also the only one who doesn't trust his friends.
Red Son:
MK: run Jin....
Jin: I'm screwed!!
MK: Why does he call you baby in the chat you have with Mei?
Spindrax: How about we stop talking for a while?
Spindrax: Red Son won't wake up, what do I do?
Jin: Did you try to kick it?
Spindrax: Yes.
Jin: I ran out of ideas.
Spindrax: A party is the celebration of life, bringing people together so that the guest of honor knows how much they are loved. DBK has done a lot for us. This is our chance to do something for him.
MK: Forcing him to have fun at a party he doesn't want to be at?
Spindrax: I knew you'd understand.
Red Son (to his parents): I tell you, my friends are competent -a call arrives and he answers-
MK (on ​​the phone): Red Son! Spindrax tried to make pasta in the coffee pot and now it's broken!
Teacher: Your brothers got into a fight.
Yin: What they what?!
Jin: Did they win?
Spindrax (at Red Son's funeral): I need a moment with him.
All: Of course. -They go-
Spindrax (leaning over Red Son's coffin): Okay, listen, you little shit. I know you're not dead.
Red Son: Yeah, don't fuck around
-MK and Spindrax set fire to half the kitchen-
Yin: I hope you have an explanation for this.
Spindrax: We have three actually-
MK: Pick your favourite.
Spindrax: Alright, listen up you little idiots.
Spindrax: Not you MK. You are an angel and we are delighted that you are here.
MK: Awwww, you're so adorable! Come on give me a hug~
Spindrax (recording): -laughing- awww how cute
Yin: MK, how is it possible that you have gotten into so much trouble in one day?
MK: No... It didn't take all day.
-Trio of idiots on the roof of a very drunk building-
Spindrax, Red Son and MK: JUMP!! JUMP!! LETS JUMP!! -the three jump-
-at home with Yin-
Yin: something just happened...
Jin: I'm fast at math.
Red Son: Ok, what is 38 times 76?
Jin: 24.
Red Son: That wasn't even close.
Jin: But it was fast.
Spindrax: You think you're smarter than the rest.
Red Son: I don't think I'm smarter than the others. I know that I am.
Spindrax: We need to open this locked door. Red Son, give me your credit card.
Red Son: Here. -He gives-
Spindrax (pocketing it): Thank you. MK, break down the door.
Red Son: ...DAUGHTER OF-
Red Son: So I might be in love, but you're not gonna like it
Spindrax: just rip off the band-aid
Red Son: ... is your brother, MK.
Spindrax: put that damn band-aid back on.
-Spindrax is holding MK to prevent him from falling off a cliff-
Spindrax: hold on please! That without you there is no team!
MK: Bye, Sis! Thanks for giving me a hand, but it's slipperyyyyyyyyyyyy.... -falls off the cliff-
Red Son (catches it in the air): uff....... BUT HOW DO YOU DROP IT ANIMAL?! DON'T YOU SEE YOU'RE USELESS?!
Spindrax: SHUT UP VIPED!!!
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iloveyanderes · 1 year
Shikama doji/sika madu yandere analysis, this is mainly for me and my friend that will probably never read this despite the fact that they'll probably never read it, warning bad words and sexual themes.
This same friend made me read the manga and I have to say no character has such a big of an impact on me as shikama doji gives me, this man is number two on my list of favorite characters, sitting right next to my beloved shiraori(btw I headcanon the both of them as siblings) and I've noticed a very short amount of fics on him, I've really only found one so if someone could send me some more I haven't found it be very appreciated.
Anyway moving on the analysis we go into the first part, his character.
To this day he remains very mysterious, he's an angel like character who's intentions still remain partly hidden, my greatest guess is that he wants to revive his son Mika but Mika is kind of alive? Maybe there's like two Mika's and he attempted to create a perfect replica of his son but failed so many times until we got our current Mika? Maybe our Mika is a reincarnation of his son and shikama knows this but that wouldn't make sense since he kinda was really unnice towards Mika when he was turning into a demon and destroyed his dreams, one thing is clear is that he has an attachment towards his son because he quite litterly kept him in a clear coffin for an unknown amount of time, I'd guess about a thousand years.
He also is very manipulative while making himself seem almost saintlike, he uses people and then abandons him, he seems to care about people by calling them endearments before threatening to kill them and attempting to follow through with it.
I imagine him as a controlling yandere, while also being a training yandere(one that trains you to act a certain way), he's not one to lose his temper but on the rare occasion he does I pray for you. He's also not big on physical punishments, most of the time he'd opt for mental ones, even so he does really not like punishments going more for positive reinforcement. Kidnapping you is a pretty much guaranteed but locking you up really depends on the situation, a bit protective but really possessive.
I have so many ideas for this guy and I'm so excited to share them with you.
If we were talking Platonic yandere I have a couple ideas.
1.you being the angel Mika's twin brother, after his son died he'd probably lock you up, on a tower like Rapunzel, funny enough I could imagine him singing mother knows best,.in this idea I don't think he'd ever let you talk to anyone other then him, he would leave you alone for days sometimes even months, only to appear at the most random times, brushing your hair so delicately as if he didn't just leave you totally isolated for the longest time. He's overprotective anyone that even dares go near you will meet death, you wouldn't believe how many of his fledgling vampire accidentally walked into your quarters and perished.
2. Your one of the orphans he took in and turned into vampires, in this idea he would give you a lot more freedom, not consistently worried that your going to die if someone bad even looks at you, though he would keep you with him all hours of the day, those other Orphans and salves he brought? They wouldn't even have the chance to express there jealousy towards you simply because you have never once left his side, he'd also occasionally wrap you in his wings and hold your tiny body next to him, I don't think he'd let you age, preferring to keep you as a tiny child that he could forever manipulate.
3. This is my final idea for platonic yandere and definitely the funniest in my opinion, imagine if you were his younger sibling and he absolutely adored you from birth, taking over the job of whatever parents the two of you came from, being there when you said your first word, when you took your first steps, EVERYTHING. The funny part of this comes from you, you've always known that your brother Is a psychopath, you know about the people he's tortured despite how hard he's tried to hide it, you want nothing more to get the absolute fuck away from him, he's absolutely fucking delusional, everytime you try to hide from him he somehow convinces himself that your playing hide and seek, every time you run he's right behind you asking where your going in such a hurry, he follows you everywhere and your trying to get the Frick away from him. Imagine you somehow manage to seal him away for a couple hundred years and you meet our Mika and yuu and get super confused about it, wtf is his son here and the weird creation that he made. Imagine just dreaming peacefully, feeling happy you don't have to deal with your brother anymore and waking up terrified when your brother whose now possessing shinoa is hugging you, screaming on the top of your lungs and bolting down the hallway of whatever house you decided to sleep in. Basically this entire idea is you running while screaming and him following you.
Moving on the the romantic yandere:
1. Imagine being a cute little bird he found one day, one of that he ended up liking a little too much, so much that he turned you human and kept you in a cage, a cute golden one only for the most beautiful of birds, almost no one knows about you and it's going to stay that way, he's very territorial over you, being an angel himself he thinks of birds as lesser beings, so technically he owns you.
2. Instead of shinoa getting him as cursed gear, he gets you instead, though unlike shinoa he ends up liking you a little too much, haunting your dreams every night, clinging so close, and forcibly possessing your body just so he could be a little bit closer to you, he's with you all hours of the day.
3. Your one of his servant, you were a slave he bought and you listen to every single one of his orders, when he wants you to kill someone you do it, when he wants you to watch as he tortures an innocent person you had the audacity to help you do it, when he demands that you place your head in his lap you do it. With him you don't have anymore free will, just him only him.
This is all I've got for now, pls let me know what you thought of this and feel free to give me your ideas! Have a great day.
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nabataprophet · 11 months
so like..........what is sophia
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intsys hates consistency and also me, personally
sophia is MY fave specialist little half-dragon dark mage and I get to talk about what kind of dragon i think she is
(contains spoilers for fe6, fe7, and engage (implied))
Case 1: Dragon Tribes in Elibe
In Elibe, we have explicit confirmation that there are Fire Dragons, Ice Dragons, Divine Dragons, and Mage Dragons.....sort of.
“ok sophia uses magic she’s probably a mage dragon then case closed” (EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER)
Mage dragons in Elibe are not a separate species, but rather a corrupted Divine Dragon. The terminology is a little muddy, because while the kanji is the same as Archanean Mage Dragons, Idunn is specifically referred to as a Demon Dragon in Heroes. Binding Blade still lacks an official English localization, so Heroes is the only official English s-
Just kidding this has been sitting in my drafts for so long that Engage happened. Surprise!
Engage has Roy remark in his DLC bond supports with Zelestia that Mage Dragons do exist in Elibe, though it’s unclear once again if it’s as separate species or not.
Roy: You’re a Mage Dragon, right? Those exist in my world, though I’m not aware of any like you.
[ロイ] ああ、ごめん。セレスティアは魔竜の一族なんだよね。 君のような魔竜もいるんだなって思ってたんだ。
I’ve included the Japanese text as well for funsies, but he’s saying more or less the same thing. Either way, he’s clearly talking about Idunn here, and thus more or less soft de-confirming Sophia as a Mage Dragon.
Otherwise he could’ve been like wrow.....i also know a mage dragon who uses magic like you.........but actually that would’ve made a banger conversation with veyle instead because she actually has access to dark magic. damn. 😩
But I digress.
Case 2: Arcadia
Things get a little dicey here because of the nature of FE7 existing as a prequel that was released after the fact and the two games don’t always agree (god help me).
Jahn: “That is correct. However, the Divine Dragons did not agree with us. They said that that would be defying the laws of nature. As we were discussing how we could persuade the Divine Dragons to help us, they suddenly disappeared.”
-FE6 Ch 24
“Master Roy… We knew that the girl you sent here was captured by the Dragons. Still, we did not try and rescue her. We feared that our kind would be in danger if we showed ourselves in front of the other Dragons again. But now, I wonder whether my judgment was correct.”
-FE6 Epilogue (True End)
These quotes seem to imply that Arcadia was where the Divine Dragons escaped to, so it stands to reason that the citizens of Arcadia are primarily Divine Dragons, descended from Divine Dragons, or fully human (Hawkeye and Igrene, for example). This especially makes sense when we consider Arcadia is particularly sensitive about not letting Fae’s existence leak to the outside world. The other dragons think the Divine Dragons are gone entirely and Jahn, the last of the full dragons in Elibe (not counting the dragons through the Dragon’s Gate etc etc etc), has no idea Arcadia exists.
So it stands to reason that Arcadia is where the Divine Dragons disappeared to, yes?
In this cg of (past, hi Nergal and Athos) Arcadia from FE7, we see two manaketes in their dragon forms.
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Ok. So. One of those dragons in the back is a Fire Dragon (you can tell by the distinctive flame plume wings) and the other is...probably an Ice Dragon? It’s hard to tell for certain because the area where the (lack of) wings would be is hidden, but it has those fins on its head.
“limit why is this relevant” 
Because it confirms Divine Dragons are not the only ones making up the gene pool of Arcadia! This could’ve been easy!!!!!!! intsys i hate your ass!!!!!
Case 3: Color Coded For Your Convenience
Sometimes Intsys is really nice and color codes dragons by type. Sometimes they just tell you to fucking guess. Depemds.
Jahn is a Fire Dragon. He’s red! Ninian and Nils are Ice Dragons. They’re light blue!
Divine dragons in Elibe are....um....anywhere from bright pink and silver. Sophia is...purple, which I guess puts her somewhere in the middle of that range.
It’s not very conclusive evidence, though, is it?
Back to the drawing board.
Case 4: Hybridization
Engage fully confirms that dragons can hybridize between tribes however if I think too hard about this I want to explode.
Case 4: The Cipher Flashbang
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girl huh. can you just. drop that information in cipher. is that allowed?????
You can’t even make the excuse that the skill is referencing Fae or even Idunn because it’s specifically in reference to Sophia cards! HUH??????? ?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??! GIRL WHTA
Even putting aside the dubious canon status of information from Cipher, it’s highly likely she’s probably at least part Divine Dragon thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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tortillasconsal · 1 year
Tell me your hcs for Jason the Toymaker, Julius the Dressmaker and Candy Pop? Please and thank you💕💕💕
I will only do Jason since I don't know enough about Candy Pop and I don't want anything to do that that Diet Coke Walmart Chinese copy yaoi Jason and their weird ass creepy ass annoying ass lying ass creator.
Headcanons for Jason the Toymaker
For what I understand about the original character, Jason is a sort of interdimensional demon. Or at least that's what he's gonna be in my AU albsakab
His store shows up apparently out of nowhere on almost forgetful and hidden locations so it doesn't get too much attention apart from his prey. A dark alleyway, a lonely street, an abandoned park, sometimes shamelessly in the middle of a highway or the middle of nowhere.
It is a sort of door towards his realm. At first like a regular old-styled toy store filled with trinkets and colorful toys of all kind, but behind the cashier place where Jason Meyer would assist you as a customer, behind that door where he shows up from. There could be a regular living room with a kitchen and some stairs that probably lead to a bedroom. Or there could be an endless corridor of gradually grotesque toys, or a twisted garden where his worm friend waits his dinner, or just plain black darkness.
He poses as a human, a pretty handsome young lad who enjoys building toys and has his own magic store where he apparently lives.
His usual meals are kids who wander into his toy palace and lost people who want a present for their lovely children or partner. Everyone who enters that place will never return.
He has been doing this for ages. Spotted from Victorian England to Cold War Russia. Feeding and searching all over the world for who knows what, and never seeming to be satiated.
Though he enjoys making toys and terrify his customer, his main focus is "The Chosen One".
Nobody really knows what or who is this "Chosen One", but it's something that Jason is always talking about. We can guess that it could be a young woman, since he is always praying after them, acting like a real charmer so he could lure them into his twisted wonderland and make them... His friend?
Like I said. No idea what he's actually doing.
Not even Candy Pop or April Fools know what is up with that man. Not that they care anyway, at this point it just seems like babbles from an old grandpa.
Anyway. There isn't much to talk about when it comes to Jason. What you see is what you get. He's not secretive, just someone who doesn't shout his sad backstory or evil plans just like that. It doesn't seem like a lot anyway.
His biggest mystery is his "Chosen One", he never gives a clear explanation of what he's talking about. Almost like he doesn't even understand it either. All he describes is a person to be with, someone who would listen and understand him, someone who would stay with him no matter what, who is willing to give and do everything for him.
Maybe the concept of love is to much for an interdimensional monster.
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Now let's talk about what's easier for me to write.
Jason is not a demon or an angel. He's more of a mythical creature(? A monster from another dimensional plane, a magical dark being. It's hard to describe him, his true self exists on a different plane of existence from our world, with different concepts of reality and physics we could never understand as humans.
To have some sort of vision, his magic resembles a lot of that from Wonderland or Howl (from the Howl's Moving Castle movie)
His true form is unknown, when he gets angry he still manages to keep his human form while he's losing his composure. We can see hints of how it would look like though, with his burgundy hair turning silver white and his hands turning into black monstrous claws.
His magic isn't as strong outside of his store. Neither is he. Due to the difference in the metaphysical planes of our world and his he can't fully function and is very tiring to keep up with the many laws of physics we have. He is perhaps as powerful as a God inside his own place but he's nothing more than a pretty stage magician on ours.
Jason has no relations to Slenderman or the mansion. He's on his own, living in his magic toy store place behind a weird door he magically makes appear out of thin air.
He does have relationships with Candy Pop, April Fools and the Laughing Jacks (Jack and Jill), along with some connections on some circles of hell. But so far he has nobody living with him besides his toys.
He's overall a very toxic person. He's a "lying possessive control freak" as stated in his wiki. And he loves the attention, he acts like a princess. He doesn't like it when he's not the focus on the conversation and will make people go out of their way to do as he pleases because he doesn't feel like having dirt on his new shoes.
Even though he has the power to clean himself up.
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Second request is done. I had a lot of fun writing this since the idea of a Wonderland-like magical being gives me a lot of creative freedom, though I struggled a lot since Jason is one of those characters I don't know much of. I am a Slenderbros girly, I can't help it.
But he is done. A lot shorter, earlier and messier than Jeff's because of what I just said. But done! I'll work on his design soon, but I won't promise a lot since I'm pretty in love with Jason's original design already ^^
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ihopesocomic · 1 year
Tbh I wish Proud was less of an asshole to justify his "It's just what a mane has to do to survive", to show how patriarcal societies, while much more opressive towards females than to males, are still toxic to men.
There is just no nuance. Every male is a sexist (sometimes homophobic because we can't have a story about LGBT+ characters without homophobia🙄) piece of shit who really loves Pride law even though it forces them to leave their homes and family to a world who gets harder to survive thanks to the longer dry season (Which is supposed to be happening but we don't see any evidence of it 🙄🙄🙄) , and gives a higher success rate to those who are monstruous enough to kill Fathers and their children.
I guess his name is a good indicator of how much he is practically the living incarnation of Pride Law (His name is fucking PROUD), which could just be a really bad way to show that he's Lite, but I dunno, I feel like it would be much better if the show made him more of a morally gray character to show how destroying the patriar- I mean Pride Law would be better not just for lionesses, but for manes as well.
I suppose what I want is Proud to be completely transformed into a whole new character because this dude right now is just the walking and talking embodiment of everything wrong in MP's world and I think that's boring.
Ugh you have no idea how much I agree with you on how this show was a completely missed opportunity to show how the patriarchy negatively affects men and it's perpetuation just further hurts the future generation, even if people can sit down and think about it and agree with how it's harmful. But then again it was a missed opportunity for many things, and considering how much this show revels in demonizing its male characters no matter how little sense it makes, I can't say that I would've expected them to handle such a complicated topic with any ounce of sensitivity.
One of Proudmane's biggest problems is he's just Quickmane But Worse™ so Quickmane could've easily just existed on his own as being the talking embodiment of everything wrong in MP's world. And Proud should have been something different, to present the opposite side of Pride Law of someone who isn't Fire, someone who's been out on their own for longer and the consequences of that. But he's not, he's exactly the same as Quickmane, right down to having the same exact purpose to his entire existence lol
Proudmane's other problem is, they literally set him up to be sympathetic right after setting him up to be an asshole, only to make him become an asshole in the end anyway (which begun the 'Quickmane may be ableist but he's better because he's not homophobic' conversation lol)
Even then the whole "Its just what a mane has to do to survive" is not only debunked by what we see with our own eyes in the previous episode, which is that he was in a big group of males and eating well, which even according to Fire was a good ol time. The statement is also directly contradicting what he did... seconds beforehand. Which was... what was it... oh yeah threatening to kill Nothing, who wasn't a hinderance on his survivability lol Pretty sure killing cubs is also not a hinderance to his survivability, since 1) This aspect of Pride Law isn't exactly reinforceable, and 2) This particular pride has no qualms about accepting a mane who doesn't kill babies, case in point, uh...... the first fucking episode.
That whole scene in episode 5 annoys me for a variety of reasons lol like Proud having a literal debate with Nothing about why he should kill her, when he could. I dunno. Just do it.
But let's pretend for a moment that being a no-mane/prideless (is there really a difference here? Do we really need two different words for males and females? lol I hate the word 'no-mane' it's so dumb) in this universe is as bad as everyone says it is. Let's pretend that being prideless is closer to being a death sentence.
We could've had first-hand insight into a typical male lion's life in this world. From learning that their father murdered someone else's father, and children, in order to have a pride (and that the feelings of the pride itself on the matter is irrelevant to one's own survival). The near-constant fear knowing that one day that same thing could happen to you and your siblings and father, and knowing one day he's going to have to do the same. Being raised to believe he's worthless unless he gains control of a pride, taught to treat lionesses like they're inferior. The traumas of being forced to leave his home, and be subjected to starvation and facing other dangers alone, and how being alone can seriously impact a social creature's mental health. But he believes that in order to survive he has to be just as horrible as everyone else, and his justification is Pride Law and survival. In order to live, you have to exploit everyone's weaknesses, because it's for your own good. And then he's going to raise his children the same way. Not only showing the cycle in real time, but that also could've shown that Pride Law doesn't in fact benefit males like everyone is told it does, and that in many instances they're victims of the system as well, just differently.
And that's where you'd bring in Fire or Feather to be his foil, to show no, you don't have to be awful in order to survive, and you should reject everything about Pride Law. (And Nothing could raise Feather that way, and/or Fire could come to his own conclusions since he was allowed to live in the first place, but only because his sister went against Pride Law from the start, and he either didn't think it an option to do so, or felt too scared to do it himself. Him being alive to this day should allow him to have new perspectives on Pride Law. Either way Nothing's sole duty was to end Pride Law, but the writers don't permit her to succeed lol)
But nah, its more dramatic and therefore more entertaining if you just have your villain be a homophobic sexist prick that the show tries gaslighting you into feeling bad for. Instead of having the villain be the patriarchy, it's just men who are the villains lol And if you're a nice guy, you die, sorry.
As a super huge lesbian, man-hating (intentional or otherwise) is not the progressive messaging people think it is. - Cat
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