#my post
cubedmango · 2 days
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brand new artwork for ace attorney investigations collection!
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soup-mother · 3 days
worlds most annoying person ever: "actually that's not what the bible meant, it actually meant so and so progressive thing :) oh my source? a tumblr post"
if there was one correct reading and interpretation we wouldn't be here now would we lol. literally everyone thinks their interpretation is the correct one that's like a major staple of religion.
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josephtrohman · 2 days
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2003 / 2013 / 2024
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ghosts-and-glory · 3 days
Is Shamura training martial arts after being taken into Lamb's cult? If they enjoyed complexity and bloodshed of war than it'd be probably dissapointing for them if they had to... drop it all
Full under the cut because this turned out really long
Upon joining the cult Shamura was a shell of their former self. They join the cult dissenting, the long term effects of the crown still clawing at the edges of their mind, but after a few days they’re mortal, just themself. Without the crown to hold them together they suffer like their injury was yesterday.
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The Lamb has the doctor, Puar, perform their usual tests on them. Shamura is hardly there. They don’t know their own name, can hardly speak, can’t stand or track movement.
There was no wisdom in their slurred words. No power in the way their hands shook.
The outlook is bad.
The Lamb doesn’t really want to help them, after everything, why should they. Shamura who had The Lamb’s entire race and family killed, who killed them aswell and countless of their followers. It would cost them so much, to try and help someone who spent so long just trying to destroy them and everything they had. The time, energy, resources it would cost and they didn’t even know if they could get better.
Deciding it wasn’t worth it was one thing, but getting the other ex bishops to understand was a whole other, even the doctor disagreed with them.
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Dr Puar took on being their primary caregiver. They’d been a doctor for the past hundred years and seen concussions and dementia but nothing nearly as severe as this. They wanted to help Shamura but didn’t know how.
It wasn’t until Narinder joined the cult that The Lamb saw any reason to help Shamura. But there was something wrong with him and Shamura knew something, they just had to get to it.
Kallamar was the ex bishop Puar wanted the help from the most. He was scared of the lamb and red crown but he loved Shamura more.
The Lamb took Puar and Kallamar to the ruins of the temples in Anchordeep and Silk Cradle. They spent days digging through the decimated remains of the libraries for something, anything on this type of injury.
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It seemed that they where looking down possible years of intense recovery. Needed herbs and medicines that may no longer exist, techniques Puar had never heard of. But they would try.
Puar took careful and detailed notes. Timed Shamura’s responses, wrote down everything they said, tracked eating, drinking, sleeping and every symptom they displayed. Improvements where slow and sometimes nonexistent at first. They took full minutes to respond and only in single words, barley moved, couldn’t feed themselves and suffered constant migraines.
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The one thing that seemed to help them the most was their siblings. They didn’t remember them most days but every time one of they came to check in it raised their spirits. One of their faces was the only thing they could focus on sometimes.
Kallamar insisted he wasn’t a doctor but still worked around the infirmary, helping Shamura was the only thing he’d do without complaining. Heket spent hours sitting in silence with them, brought them food and flowers and changed their bandages. Leshy was the only thing that could get them to smile and they where the only person he would ever lower his voice for, he told them stories even though they hardly listened.
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Improvements brought new challenges. They got better at speaking full sentences and following conversations but it revealed how fractured their memory was. Forgetting names, places and important events, how often they forgot where they where, they asked the same questions over and over again.
They complained of seeing and hearing things, phantom pains with seemingly no rhyme or reason. The sun hurt their eyes, rain gave them headaches, always sleeping but always tired. They would suddenly backslide constantly. One day could walk with minimal help and the next, couldn’t even hold a pen in their hand. Have a full conversation one day and hardly spit out their name tomorrow.
Until the day Puar looked Shamura in the eye and for once they saw him. Didn’t look past them with their blank stare but looked at them. They would ask to sit outside at night in the fresh air. They seemed to know now who they are, what they where, what they lost. A tinge of grief in their words.
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Improvements brought frustration. On days they remembered who they where they were overcome with a mix of anger, guilt and despair. They where a god. They had bore down on armies, killed men with a twitch of a finger, brought other gods to their knees, and now they could hardly bring a cup to their mouth.
Emotionally, their siblings said they’d never seen them like this before. Before Shamura could be frustrated but their temper was cold and quiet. Now they wore a short fuse and suffered constant mood swings. It angered them that they couldn’t read, that their hands were numb, that they couldn’t walk without a cane, couldn’t go out in the sun, couldn’t string a full sentence together, couldn’t recognize their siblings faces, couldn’t feed themselves, couldn’t sleep without drugs, everything they lacked and lost wore them down.
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Regardless, they where unusually steadfast. They would always pick back up. If they got frustrated they would try again in a few days. They tried anything Puar asked of them, anything for the smallest iota of improvement.
The outlook was better.
This got out of control and took me like three days between the art and write up. I got really excited when I saw this ask cause the answer is so devastating. If I was taking Narinder’s trauma seriously I’m not gonna just ignore Shamura’s traumatic brain injury.
As a side note, I’m very unsure how to write the medical stuff, my guess is that cotl is based around 1300’s-1700’s but that’s a wide net to cast. My excuse for the stronger understanding of medicine and trauma is magic.
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aimasup · 1 day
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Comfy Pomni!
cardigan design is by eggliencreations on Instagram
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traumasurvivors · 3 days
Some of us aren’t strong. We survived because there was no alternative. The only way through was… through.
But it’s okay if we aren’t one of the strong ones. We are still just as valuable and deserving of credit and support for surviving.
(And before anyone comes on here to tell me that I’m wrong and I’m strong, that’s not your place. I’m not strong. And I don’t say that as a bad thing. I’m okay with it and admitting it has allowed me to heal. It isn’t a moral failing to not be strong.)
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l3irdl3rain · 22 hours
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It turns out even if you say you’re burnt out and need a break life just doesn’t care. Tonight Chester’s heart failed and we lost the most evil bastard I’ve ever welcomed into my home. He’s had liver disease since before I ever adopted him and just a year or two ago doc diagnosed him with heart disease.
He viewed me as the home wrecker that was trying to come between himself and Joey until the very end. But he was a good (albeit intense) boyfriend to Joey for the last 3 and a half years. He would hate to hear me say it but I loved him and he will be very missed. He was a big presence.
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emptiness-statue · 2 days
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swirlymarimo · 3 days
Zoro: Mr. Roronoa~
Sanji: Hm? *looking up from his groceries list*
Zoro: *holding up a newspaper*
Sanji: *bright smile* Is that what I think it is?
Zoro: *opens it to the center page and pulls the poster out*
Sanji: It's about damn time *smiles*
Zoro: It only took 5 years.
Sanji: *holding up the updated bounty poster "Roronoa Sanji, aka Black leg Sanji"
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lankaramellipastam · 2 days
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constantlyfalling · 3 days
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We could run away
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soup-mother · 2 days
trotskyist slenderman has sent us some silly little newspapers, we shall neither collect them nor read them
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himemeiya · 3 days
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Have some more woke Akio
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akindplace · 2 days
sleepy girls let’s live today with intention (the intention of going to bed early after doing what we can manage). ily
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ghosts-and-glory · 1 day
I keep seeing this read that the Lamb is a sweet little guy while the Goat is cruel. I just so can’t help but read them as the Lamb murders you while smiling and giggling while the Goat has a wicked resting bitch face but needs someone else to place their McDonald’s order.
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aimasup · 9 hours
Dinner and a Show: Part 1
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A group of imprisoned strangers turned circus troupe turned waiters! This can only end well!
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