#I was gonna add Bee but I've already shared her on here so I picked new ones
habken ยท 4 months
Can you introduce us to your top 3 favs of your OC's then? <3
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This is Laurel, she's from an original thing I'm working on, she's passionate about plant based magics and knowledgeable on plant life in general. She's very sweet and runs a huge botanical garden
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This is Sen ...he's my demon slayer oc lmao, me and my friends made ocs together and he started off as a joke but now I love him a lot. He's a weird guy in a silly fun way. He's got some tragic backstory with his sister and wears her hairpin in her memory
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This is Omar, I made him for a character design class, and I ended up liking him a lot :') He likes skateboarding and he's a big fan of dinosaurs, one day he finds a velociraptor that escaped from an evil scientist's lab and they become bffs
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misslavenderlady ยท 8 months
OK Since you left me some questions about Cherry, I'm gonna leave you some asks about Bree!!
Who's our gals go to when it comes to late night rides? Which of the boys is she sticking with?
Each of the boys nicknames for her? Do they share a collective one?
Which of the baby bats are mama's girls or daddy's girls?
Do you think she and Michael would ever start a family in the future?
Awwww thank you!! You're too sweet! ๐Ÿ’œ
Being on motorcycles makes her nervous as hell. She's constantly worried about getting into an accident, so her go-to is actually Michael. He sometimes takes her on rides (๐Ÿ˜) around Santa Carla or gives her a lift to work if she's having car issues. He's very sweet and patient and doesn't drive faster than what she's comfortable with. If she's with the Lost Boys, then her go-to is Dwayne. In her mind, if Laddie is safest with him, then he's the best pick.
And unlike the others, Bree wears a helmet. She doesn't care how much the boys tease her about it, brain damage is no joke. She will not get on the bike without it. She'd rather walk than not wear a helmet.
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2. These are their nicknames for her:
David - Darling, Pretty Girl, Little One
Dwayne - Sweet Girl, Little Lady, Honey
Paul - Babydoll, Hottie, Wifey (makes her blush the most)
Marko - Bella, Angel, Nightingale (as in Florence Nightingale)
Michael - Bee/B, Babe, Beautiful (the second two are only for when they're in a relationship)
All five of them call her "Baby" most of the time
3. Honestly? It's an even split. The baby bats are basically clones of their fathers in both looks and personalities, meaning they're very attached to their dads, but their mother is so loving and kind to them. They all follow her around like ducklings.
Kira does tend to gravitate to her dad just a smidge more. She got her mother's need to take care of everyone, and her anxiety as well (sorry bby), so she wants to learn from her dad about being a strong, brave leader so she can protect her sisters. She's always spending time we David, getting guidance from him on how to hunt, fight and outsmart her enemies.
4. Okay......here's the thing. She kinda already does have something with Michael. This is a long answer, so I'll divide the post and add the answer below:
When I played this all out in my Sims game, I had a separate family for Michael and Star. Now, we all know about the terrible "sequel" to the Lost Boys called The Tribe, where our main characters are Chris and Nicole Emerson. I've seen some sources say they're Michael's children and others say they're his cousins. I feel like it makes more sense if they're his children. Not that I would ever enjoy acknowledging the movie as canon, of course.
But I thought "I can make this better".
So in this setup, Michael was in a relationship with both David and Star (Michael has two hands! He can share them!). He ended up having Chris and Nicole with Star while David became a step-dad to them. This was while the other baby-bats were around. Kira is the only one of the girls to have siblings that aren't biologically related to her. She sees herself as the big sister of Chris and Nicole.
Tweaking this story a bit, Chris and Nicole become the children of Michael and Bree. There's a bit of an age gap between the two Emerson kids and the Lost Girls, but they're all still family. Unlike in the movie, Chris and Nicole are still kids when the girls are grown up. Kira teases her brother a lot, but she's also a good caretaker to him, making sure he knows how to be a good big brother to Nicole.
That advice comes in handy because Chris grows up to be a very cautious and protective brother while Nicole is adventurous and reckless. He has to keep her in check so she doesn't wander into danger. He'd never forgive himself if something happened to her.
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Bonus Grandma Lucy:
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