autistic-greg-house · 1 month
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Came across this ✨gem✨ by accident and thought some of y'all might get a kick out of it
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idiotsonlyevent · 4 months
i really like this detail in chapter 51 where tall-man chilchuck pulls ahead of the party as they're walking.
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i know it's in part because there are gaps and grates in the floors, and since he's physically larger, it's easier for him to walk around or over them, and his step length has increased, but it also makes me think that he's had to adopt a faster walking speed to compensate for his size. now that he's larger, he's turned into the dungeon's faster speed walker lol
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Thoughts about Hades 2 as a tech test player
Everything is under a read more bc. 1. Long post. 2. Spoilers for Hades 2.
1. The game is fucking s m o o t h. Loads quicker and everything feels more stream lined.
2. It’s somewhat harder than Hades 1. Idk if it’s bc of not having a super buffed character but I am definitely finding it a little more challenging. Not a bad thing though!
3. Melinoë plays a little different from Zag which is to be expected! We now have a sprint, spells, and new weapons. Already loving how regular casts and specials don’t have a cast limit. Also love the twin blades. Fast weapon go brrrrrrr.
4. I’m definitely interested in seeing what they do with gathering, farming, ect. Great way to add more stuff to do in and after runs.
5. This ties into 4 but, I love how there’s a bunch of stuff to do in Crossroads! In Hades 1, I never spent too much time in the house. I was always dashing through to do another run when not stopping to talk to people. The Crossroads is definitely a nice cool down area for after runs!
6. THE ART. Man everyone looks so good!!!! I can tell some of the sprites are still being worked on but everything still looks so damn clean. I love how everyone has backgrounds in their portraits!
7. APOLLO, HEPHAESTUS, HESTIA, SELENE. All of them look and sound so cool. Really looking forward to seeing their full boon lists and how they play with different weapons ect.
8. I’m really happy to see some of the OG gods returning. All of them look so sick and every time I see a boon from the first game I go “YOOOOOO”. Also Artemis physically appearing is sick as hell.
9. Really excited to get to know the new crew better! They’re all really compelling already!
10. The areas seem to be shorter. Like, I’m going through less rooms to hit the boss room. Idk if it’s bc it’s a tech test or if it’s intentional.
Speculation and questions
1. WHAT DID CHRONOS DO. ARE THEY DEAD? WHERE ARE THEY? Istg if Zag is dead I am going to c r y.
3. Hecate said something about Hermes trying to find a way to get from the underworld to Olympus. There was also some stairs going blocked by a ward in the weapon/training room. I wonder if there’s gonna be more areas to go through. Like. Erebus, Elysium, Asphodel, Tartarus, House, then Olympus? Maybe Olympus is gonna have its own areas completely. This would make sense for why the areas are shorter. Really interested to see what they do.
4. If the game looks like this already in its tech test stage….. this might be my game of the year if it gets a full release this year. (I love you P3RE but holy shit Hades 2).
There’s a lot more I could talk about, but I am tired and this is a long post lmao.
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rose-tinted-ruse · 2 months
“courting” is such a good word. it conjures up such a drastically different image from “dating.” don’t date me. court me. spend all this time trying to get my attention with little acts of romance and friendship. wait so patiently for me, even though i’m known to be difficult to please and all you really want is to take me to bed. i’ll hardly pay you any mind at first, won’t even be bothered to spare a passing glance. but eventually i’ll come around, start responding to your advances with a little bit of teasing and taunting of my own, just enough to leave you wanting more. i do like the attention, after all, and you’ve been trying so hard—the least i can do is humor you. how long will it take before one of us finally gives in, i wonder? what will you do when you finally have me?
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jetzukes · 1 year
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new header i drew with my finger on ibis paint. i haven't drawn with my finger in like... 4 years
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indigochromatic · 5 months
Another One Of Those Advice-for-New-Systems Posts
Saw one of these going around recently and got inspired. I wouldn't call this advice list the "evil edition", more like the... "do no harm but take no shit" edition X'D
Be on each other's team first, before anything else. Everything gets easier when you're facing it together.
Trying to avoid being (or looking) cringe is a fool's errand. If you would have to bend yourselves into a conciliatory pretzel in order to make a person like you or a social circle accept you, those people are not worth your time.
When you inevitably get hit with episodes of anxious system-doubt, (it's a pretty universal experience, I promise), take a second to pause. What's the longest span of time you've had so far without any "system stuff" (comments in co-con, switches, notes left for you, etc) happening? Say it's a week. Take that time span, double it, and then tell yourself that you are not allowed to seriously, actually start doubting until that long from now (e.g. 2 weeks). "But I'm so sure I'm definitely just faking it!" okay, hey, alright--if that's true, it'll still be true in 2 weeks. You can wait to find out, it's okay.
Be kind to everything in your head anyways, even in the middle of a doubt episode, because that's equally important for singlets to do and not just limited to systems. "Just part of me talking to myself" is as worthy of respect and kindness as an autonomous system member.
Also, keep notes somewhere of Hilariously Plural stuff that happens to you. It'll be good reassurance, but even more importantly, it'll be really funny to look back on later.
Labels are tools to help you communicate your experiences, not boxes you have to sort yourselves into.
The magic question isn't about labels or validity or trauma. It's "What do we need? What do each of us need, individually? What support would help us?"
Don't get too caught up in online system communities. Especially 1) endless tilting-at-windmills debates, and 2) advice channels and feeling obligated to give advice and emotional support to everyone who looks like they might want it. (Note: it's not bad to give advice, but it can be very easy to make a habit of overextending yourselves to care for others instead of yourselves--quite often because your own problems are hard and scary, bc otherwise you would have solved them already, and other peoples' issues can feel a lot more tractable and easier to address.)
Do find people and communities where you feel safe to be yourselves, and where people get to know you for your interests and perspectives and senses of humor, not only for your demographic labels.
It's okay to not know everything or figure everything out right away. There will be changes, there will be surprises, and that's good and normal and part of being alive.
Have fun on purpose. Lean into having fun with being a system, even if fun moments are rare and fleeting at first. Make in-jokes, encourage each other's angsty poetry habits, leave each other notes (even if you share memories), end up with massive crushes on each other, daydream together, hold each other when one (or more) of you is sad. Find things about each other you're grateful for, that you admire and want to learn from, that you enjoy.
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chrisbangz · 6 months
blueprintchan → chrisbangz
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guidemypleasure · 10 months
End of the year I'll delete this account, if you want to stay in touch let me know
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isehne · 3 months
Berserk. The work of art that you are. I will never be over you
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downtoithaca · 1 year
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Hi! I'm Layla, 24, any pronouns, and new to writeblr!
I like an eclectic mix of genres and I'm here to make friends, talk about wips and coo over lovely words.
I write all genres but especially historical fiction, literary fiction, speculative fiction and sports fiction. I've written and am currently revising a literary scifi, a gothic historical horror, a historical litfic, and an epic fantasy trilogy. My next piece is a Sports Mystery/Thriller which I'm planning to write in Nanowrimo this year!
I have a few sci-fi and contemporary litfic short stories both in TOS and a collection called ISOLA respectively, and a poetry collection called ON THE NATURE OF FLESH (AND THE FLESH OF NATURE) which I'm trying to flesh (ha) out.
I'm looking for mutuals, so follow me if you love gorgeous prose, morally complicated characters and the general craft of writing!
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autistic-greg-house · 1 month
Oh yeah, I also found this monstrosity searching for the other TV Guide Magazine
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idiotsonlyevent · 6 months
i wonder where the idea of chilchuck being a deadbeat came from when theres like. no textual evidence for it ?
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he knows what all of them are up to; he still writes to flertom and she sent him his neckwarmer, so that to me implies that they at least have a somewhat positive relationship?
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its more ambiguous with meijack and puckpatti, but since meijack is also a picklock, i wouldn't be surprised if he taught her himself, considering how trades are often passed down through families, and because he talks about sending people to her if he dies.
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also the way he talks about puckpatti is very like... it's obvious he wants her to take things more seriously, but he's accepting, and his tone here reads more fond to me than anything else.
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like, he keeps his daughters' old toys under his desk? that doesn't scream 'deadbeat' at all, it screams 'empty nester' who doesn't know how to reach out or is scared to do so
EDIT: i know a lot of the 'deadbeat dad' stuff is jokes, but some people are Not joking and genuinely think chilchuck is a bad dad. this post is not saying that you cant joke about it; it is just outlining what canon shows regarding his (clearly positive) relationship with his kids.
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What if we kissed on the 264th floor of tartarus, and we were both boys
Behind the scenes photo under the cut
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darkreys · 1 year
this is where the fun begins!!!!! (god i hope so)
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hamdistance · 1 year
yoshiden nation how are we feeling after this chapter
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indigochromatic · 1 year
System Stuff Weeklies #2
Hello and happy [insert timezone here]!
What's something about your experience of multiplicity/being a system that you don't feel like you see represented very much, or wish you got to connect about more often? (yes there is an ulterior motive to this question, which is to see if anyone answering this actually has that thing in common with another reader :P )
What's another aspect of your experience and/or identity that you feel like has a significant impact on how you experience multiplicity? (There's probably a lot, so feel free to pick just one or two this time around--I'll probably bring this question back more than once, haha)
Running on Low Brain Battery rn so we'll add our own answers in a reblog later!
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