idiotsonlyevent · 4 months
i really like this detail in chapter 51 where tall-man chilchuck pulls ahead of the party as they're walking.
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i know it's in part because there are gaps and grates in the floors, and since he's physically larger, it's easier for him to walk around or over them, and his step length has increased, but it also makes me think that he's had to adopt a faster walking speed to compensate for his size. now that he's larger, he's turned into the dungeon's faster speed walker lol
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lesbianslovenamari · 1 month
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I want to make a compilation of Chilchuck making ‘paint me like one of your French girls’-esque poses throughout the manga cuz he seems to do it a lot
If anyone has any they could share I’ll be grateful but otherwise I’ll probably get round to doing it myself when I get the time
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nailgunstigmata · 8 months
thinking about the fact that young chilchuck used to have freckles and in the genderswap mirror verse he has pigtails….meijack looking so much like her dad while taking after his interests and also having her moms eyes is very important to me. its so cute
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Can someone please validate my feeling that this song is very Chilchuck coded!!!!!!!
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idiotsonlyevent · 6 months
i wonder where the idea of chilchuck being a deadbeat came from when theres like. no textual evidence for it ?
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he knows what all of them are up to; he still writes to flertom and she sent him his neckwarmer, so that to me implies that they at least have a somewhat positive relationship?
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its more ambiguous with meijack and puckpatti, but since meijack is also a picklock, i wouldn't be surprised if he taught her himself, considering how trades are often passed down through families, and because he talks about sending people to her if he dies.
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also the way he talks about puckpatti is very like... it's obvious he wants her to take things more seriously, but he's accepting, and his tone here reads more fond to me than anything else.
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like, he keeps his daughters' old toys under his desk? that doesn't scream 'deadbeat' at all, it screams 'empty nester' who doesn't know how to reach out or is scared to do so
EDIT: i know a lot of the 'deadbeat dad' stuff is jokes, but some people are Not joking and genuinely think chilchuck is a bad dad. this post is not saying that you cant joke about it; it is just outlining what canon shows regarding his (clearly positive) relationship with his kids.
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idiotsonlyevent · 6 months
nothing prepared for the noise chilchuck made here
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idiotsonlyevent · 8 months
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slavic chilchuck moodboard
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idiotsonlyevent · 6 months
i've seen people talk a lot about how chilchuck is a caretaker, but he tries really hard to hide it - and how it seems like he probably wouldn't ascribe that label to himself - and i was wondering why until i remembered the genderbend extra!
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here, woman chilchuck leaves the party because of her family - presumably because she wants to be with or take care of her kids and husband..... y'know, the things that man chilchuck is currently Not Doing? and its not because his family Isn't important to him, because it obviously is! and that's when it hit me:
many people have discussed how chilchuck is allergic to being emotionally vulnerable in-part because of the way half-foots are treated.... but i think there may ALSO be some gendered expectations associated with caretaking and being emotionally vulnerable that make him reluctant (at least earlier on in the series) to be open with others, especially about personal matters. especially when he's already being infantilized and dehumanized, being 'emasculated' (whether by other races'/cultures' standards or his own - unclear) is another thing he cold be trying to avoid by putting up his colder, more distant 'i'm only in it for the money' worksona.
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idiotsonlyevent · 6 months
throwing my hat in the ring with my own cunty chilchuck amv that happens to push the slavchuck agenda w a classic russian club banger (and a companion to my yalla senshi amv!)
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lesbianslovenamari · 4 months
Let’s talk about Chilchuck’s height
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The average male half-foot is 100cm/1m tall (3’3”)
Chilchuck is 110cm tall (3’7”)
This makes him 10% taller than the average.
In-universe, the average male tallman is 180cm tall (5’10”)
10% of 180cm is 18cm, 180 + 18 = 198cm (almost 6’6”)
So in universe, Chilchuck would be almost 2m tall as a tall-man
Irl, the worldwide average for adult men is 171cm (5’7.5”) - but this varies a lot from country to country
Based on this average, Chilchuck would be 188cm (6’2”)
But a lot of people are used to averages based on specific countries, so for the fun of it I’ll do one based on the average for the UK (cuz I live there), which is 176cm, rounded (5’9”)
Based on this, Chilchuck would be 193.6cm (6’4”)
I think what all of this shows is that he’s really fucking tall (for his race)
Since half-foots are often surrounded by taller races, and a half-foot marrying a dwarf doesn’t seem to be too unusual an idea, it might be that this is less of a big deal in their society since they’re used to being so much shorter than others, but Chilchuck would still be ridiculously tall.
It makes a lot of sense that he’d have to be malnourished in order to not set off traps like most of his race can do at a healthy weight.
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lesbianslovenamari · 1 month
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I was reading DunMeshi and was so confused by this phrase that I decided to look it up
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(Do correct me if you think this isn’t accurate cuz I just used google)
But I find it frankly hilarious that Chilchuck is using slang from various parts of the British Isles out of nowhere in the last volume??
(I’ve now had someone explain to me that apparently it’s not uncommon for certain uncommon types of informal Japanese to be translated as slang from specific areas, typically around Britain, in English)
First of all I’d alr seen people jokingly headcanoning him as Irish on here (which was an idea I absolutely love)
ALSO I come from a part of the UK where I’m very familiar with the term ‘git’ but had never heard of a version with an e and I also had no idea it meant the same as ‘bastard’
(I have considered that this could just be the regular meaning of the word ‘get’ but I thought it wouldn’t grammatically make sense here so I assumed it was slang esp cuz he would totally call someone a git)
Anyways I’ve checked other translations and it’s not the same so I find it so funny that this one (which I’m pretty sure is the official English translation) included it
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(^ another version I found online)
Anyways this is the translation I have and used as an example for this post, which I’m pretty sure is the official English translation:
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Edit: Btw also check tags I kinda wrote this when I was drunk on sleep deprivation
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lesbianslovenamari · 4 months
Anime Chilchuck Alcoholism Compilation
(I’ve been wanting to make this for so long)
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idiotsonlyevent · 7 months
i love izutsumi and chilchuck's relationship soooooooo much. chilchuck's arc (or at least a large part of it) is about opening up to emotional vulnerability and admitting that he needs others to help him just as much as he helps them - and him reaching out to izutsumi is a big and Very Important part of that!!
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there's a reason He's the one always needling her, and it's not just because he's An Actual Dad... it's because he recognizes that she's similarly closed off, he's already recognized how being emotionally vulnerable isn't Actually All That Terrible, and he wants to guide her through that process too :')
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lesbianslovenamari · 1 month
I was sharing a bunch of manga panels with my friends but censored some of the text to avoid spoilers. The results were surprisingly hilarious without context:
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idiotsonlyevent · 6 months
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broken glass
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idiotsonlyevent · 4 months
One day I'm going to write a fic about half foots and gender on the premise that chilchuck and his wife actually tried very hard to raise their daughters separate from the worst of half foot gender roles while still falling victim to those gender roles themselves, leading to the eventual collapse of their relationship wherein chilchuck is Emotionally Repressed but also due to being the family breadwinner has a fairly full life, which starts especially conflicting with chilwife once the kids are moved out because her life is now notably emptier and she's not really sure how to fill that space. But instead of directly stating this it ends up being articulated as like... extra fussing and worrying about chilchuck (because gender is a bitch and Proper Womanhood is frankly just a different mode of emotional repression), which he brushes off because like, he's fine? Both in the repressed way but also like. Genuinely he's doing pretty alright.
Which is why she leaves after meeting his coworkers. It's like that last straw of "my husband is out here having a Life and I have what? A house thats empty most of the time?" And from her perspective he's rebuffed her attempts to reach out, and she's played this role of wife and mother for so long now she doesn't actually know how to exist and communicate outside of it so she just... leaves.
Anyways. Sorry this is long I have a lot of thoughts on that gender flipped chilchuck image and the implications it has on gender roles for half foots. And also on the narrative framing of chilchuck admitting he doesn't know Why his wife left, implying that its the truth. And also that meijack is, as far as I have seen, the only female half foot not seen wearing a dress. And how we never see a female half foot in the dungeon.
(God fuck I'm still not done, I've gotta be clear that when I say chilchuck and his wife tried to raise the girls outside gender roles, that's not even in some like... chilchuck feminist moment way. It's in a "I think its narratively tasty if chilchuck and his older brother become the household breadwinners after their dad dies, and for chilchuck to not have thoughts about this until he has three daughters and suddenly he's realizing he doesn't want them to be dependent on their husbands or sons or uncles when he dies" kind of way)
YOU!!!!!!!!! YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!!!!! YES YES YES!!!!!!!!! this ask...
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"[chilchuck's] fine? Both in the repressed way but also like. Genuinely he's doing pretty alright." THISSSSS!!! this is exactly why i've started/scaffolded multiple chilfics, but havent gotten around to actually writing/finishing them; because i think he has so many hangups abt how he's been infantilized and dehumanized and used.... and his wife left him without SAYING ANYTHING and WE KNOW he's torn up as Fuck about it!!!!! there's a very real chance he feels really isolated and lonely, especially because he feels like he can't talk about it, and i dont even think he realizes!
like, i wouldn't be surprised if part of why he hates being 'treated like a kid' is because he doesn't want people 'taking care of him' - maybe because its 'his job' as the 'head of household ('oldest' in the party, in a sense); maybe because his wife used to take care of him and she left him so was it too much? was he too much work? maybe he feels like he doesn't deserve it? i wouldn't be surprised if he drinks not just to loosen up, but because it makes it easier to 'not think about it.'
like i don't think he's 'actually ok' but it's pretty well-concealed under a veneer of competence and stability that i... have no idea how to write that? like, yeah there's the drinking and the pushing people away. but also i think he's the type to drop some shit like 'i don't believe in romance because i'm unlovable' out of nowhere after being provoked/pissed off, and everyone's like '!?!;??!! HUH?!' like it's infiltrated his thinking in ways that he thinks is normal.... he doesn't even realize that his one massive blind spot is himself!
sorry THIS got long 😭 you 🤝 me > forever thinking about how passively important(?) gender is in dungeon meshi.... how, even though its unstated, different cultural expectations and associations w gender and genedered traits affect all of the characters in different ways.... getting a phd in dunmeshi-verse gender studies, brb 🫡
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