corgi-kogi · 2 days
Just a doodle but dungeon meshi ep24 was like
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otpadsis · 2 days
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pov we're bugs!!!!!!!
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kenwnyan · 3 days
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finished reading dungeon meshi the other day 💔
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dunmeshistash · 2 days
does anything mention Mithrun's specific age? I only remember the text saying he was the dungeon master forty years ago
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Yes they all have their ages on their Adventurer's Bible profiles!
Here's their ages along with tallman age conversion (divided by 5)
Mithrun 185 (37)
Cithis Ofri 149 (29 almost 30)
Otta 137 (27)
Fleki 130 (26)
Lycion 126 (25)
Pattadol 82 (16)
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gaybuttyogurt · 2 days
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starrforge · 1 day
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I’m in love with a twink 👀❤️
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ekneb · 2 days
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Clematis elf for dear Mithrun
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tunapesto · 2 days
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mithrun I don't plan on finishing
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roastbasilisk · 15 hours
Most feminine male dwarf vs most masculine male elf
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zephyrine-gale · 3 days
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dungeon meshi charms! so excited for season 2
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hakeism · 9 hours
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the captain
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saigar-art · 2 days
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Mithrun in glasses looks sexy too
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imaybe5tupid · 1 day
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Kabru is such a heartthrob to like ridiculous levels in-canon, I think him becoming a politician would make that even funnier. Like the sexy sexy prime minister with fangirls, fanboys, and fantheys who all have a crush on him, even (maybe especially…) as he gets older. Would definitely be remembered as one of the sexiest people who ever did govern🫡 .If you’re a Political Science major and you say your favourite politician is Kabru of Utaya, people will accuse you of being a fake fan, even though Kabru genuinely was a genius who passed sweeping reforms and made groundbreaking innovations in public policy.
rambling and more context/hcs under the cut
Set about 50-70 years after Kabru has passed away, so probably about 100-120 years post canon (so Mithrun is already like 285 in the first 2 pages, and then 305 in the last page, also Melini has already been able to celebrate a centenary of its modern existence). I really love how bg character impressions of the main characters can be so reductive/wildly off base (just like IRL!) so I wanted to draw something silly.
Patrolling the dungeon has become less necessary so Mithrun spends most of his days running his shop (though he still patrols on weekends). Very mysterious, his staff know nothing about him at all, they don’t even know why he is called “Captain” (only a few long-lived individuals will know).
As for the chest in the back of the shop, Mithrun’s brother had it imported from the region where Utaya was, as a gift for Kabru. After Kabru passed, Mithrun has held onto it (and put nails in it 😭 for the purpose of putting a picture of Kabru, but still). The password to the combination lock is 2-4-514 because that’s the day Kabru and Mithrun met (Mithrun does NOT remember at first, but Kabru did, and it was Kabru’s chest initially), based on Senshi’s Diary:
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In the dungeon meshi setting equivalent of modern day, (not modern au, literally if time passed until it was modern day) there would be queer history podcasters making a detailed research episode about why Melini restaurants have a picture of the politician Kabru of Utaya winking. Maybe Marcille is even still alive by that point and can be interviewed 😂
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u3pxx · 23 hours
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figuring out how to draw this guy
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dunmeshistash · 2 days
Do you happen to have the English translation of the comic series in which Pattadol tries hot food? I seem to remember there were three in total, but I have no way to check now.
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These are the ones I remember
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johannestevans · 10 hours
Laios' dick being so big it doesn't really fit in Kabru's pussy, and kabru having a little lightbulb moment and asking Mithrun if he'd let Laios fuck him
And Mithrun, who doesn't care, says, "I don't care"
Mithrun on his belly as laios, behind him, fingers him4
Biting his lip and saying nervously, "Kabru, I don't know, he seems even smaller than you--"
And Kabru, who knows Exactly what he's doing, says, "Yeah, I know, but he can take it. Right, Mithrun?"
"Mn," says Mithrun, noncommittal.
Mithrun IS very wet, is open.
Laios lining up to sink inside and immediately growling from low in his throat because it feels SO good and he wants it SO badly and he doesn't want to hurt Kabru's friend but it's so wet and so tight
And Mithrun's breath hitching, his eyes widening slightly
Kabru leaning in and murmuring against the elf's mouth, "Feels good, right? Laios, sink all the way in."
"What? But isn't that--"
And Laios just obeys, snaps his hips forward with his grip around Mithrun's emaciated waist and sinks balls deep
Laios groaning loudly at the hot, wet heat surrounding him, so incredibly tight around his whole cock, Mithrun's pussy fluttering against his base - Mithrun wheezing, letting out a little groan, gripping at the floor underneath him "Yeah," Kabru says. "Right?"
Laios, half-feral, barely needing encouragement to start fucking savagely into Mithrun's cunt, cleaving him open, and the feeling genuinely so utterly intense Mithrun actually FEELS it, is left squirming slightly underneath it because the pleasure is dull, but he's not Used to it
And it's so overwhelming he can't forget it, can't think of other things or lose interest, he just has to take Laios' cock and let it destroy him
And then as soon as Kabru kisses his neck and plays with his cock Mithrun's coming for the first time since the Lion took him in
Laios leaning back and gripping Mithrun under the arms, up on his knees and bouncing Mithrun down on the whole length of his cock, using his weight against him, and Mithrun overwhelmed and whining, gasping, his hands twitching, his good eye watering
Kabru staring up at him eagerly, getting to watch Mithrun's body twitch and shudder and quiver, seeing the bulge of Laios' ridiculous dick through Mithrun's belly, hearing Laios bestial and eager and roaring with pleasure as he comes deep in Mithrun's cunt
Laios finally collapsing, exhausted, and Mithrun sprawled out and just watching kabru as kabru fingers him, sees how wide laios has spread Mithrun out, tongues at his cock as Mithrun twitches and shudders
And Laios genuinely so. Earnest. Has a little nap and wakes up and makes food and they eat and he's like "you feel SO good, Mithrun," and is so earnest in praising him, the muscle in his shoulders
"You were good," Mithrun says, and Laios goes a bit pink
Is unaccustomed to praise, is certainly unaccustomed to praise - or even, you know, direct speech - from Mithrun.
Mithrun leaning forward and gripping Laios by the jaw, and Laios staring into his eyes, owlish
"Do you know how you can please me next, Laios?"
And Laios gulping, because Kabru has said about him fucking someone's ass and Mithrun has a NICE ass despite being so skinny even if it's not as nice as Kabru's--
And then Mithrun is dragging Kabru by the hair to the floor between him
And saying, "His cunt now."
"Oh," Laios says as Kabru lets out an indignant noise and tries to fight against Mithrun's strength, but can't. "I'm, um, I'm too big, we already--"
"You're not," Mithrun whispers, looking down at Kabru. "You just needed suitable encouragement."
"Mithrun, I can't," Kabru hisses, "I'm not deep en--"
"I'm not much taller than he is, Laios," Mithrun murmurs. "And elves have far less vaginal depth than tall men."
"What the fuck? Laios, he's lying--"
"He wants it," Mithrun says. "Craves it - craves an element of force."
"I don't know, that seems--"
"Tell your pet zoologist, Kabru. Admit to him that you crave it - that you watched me because you wanted to imagine it, feel it a degree separated."
Kabru swallows, turns his face away. "Fuck," he hisses.
"Kabru?" asks Laios.
"He's not wrong," Kabru grinds out.
"You want me to…?"
"For fuck's-- yes, Laios. Yeah."
"Okay," says Laios, and smiles down at him. "I mean, I've wanted to. Do you think I'll be able to see it through your belly, like we could through Mithrun's?"
"I'm going to touch your cock through his belly," Mithrun tells him. "You're going to come inside him."
"I'm going to take longer," Laios says. "Um, this time, because of--"
"Good," Mithrun says. "He's going to cry on your cock."
Laios looks utterly stricken, but then Mithrun leans in and murmurs, "It is what he craves."
"It seems… unkind."
"You enjoy when he scolds you, snaps at you, orders you. He enjoys to be pushed to breaking point - and past it."
And Kabru utterly terrified because, yeah, at the end of the night he's going to be a soaked with sweat, shuddering, sobbing mess, that he's going to come multiple times on Laios' cock, that Mithrun's going to torture him as recompense.
He sits up to move, and Laios automatically bands his arm around Kabru's belly at the same time as Mithrun grips him by the throat, and Kabru lets out a bitten back grunt.
"What goes around comes around," Mithrun whispers against his mouth, then bites into a kiss.
"This is so hot I might actually die," hisses Laios in Kabru's ear, and Kabru starts laughing until Mithrun grips him by the cock at the same time as Laios bites the back of his neck, and Kabru's laugh turns into moans as he's sandwiched between them.
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