#Time to watch ninjago!
satirates · 6 months
I decided to watch Ninjago from the beginning again since it's being a while. Some of these episodes I haven't watched since 2012, but most of them I haven't watched since 2019 when I had my big Ninjago phase. Here's my thought on each season's from what I remember (I'm curious to see how it will change): Season 1: Good season with good characters. The final was PHENOMENAL and I watched it, like, 20 times. Baby me absolutely loved Zane and Hated Lloyd for some reason (I think it's because he was a brat) 9/10 Season 2 : I was not a big fan of the first couple of episodes or the city setting, but I again loved the final. It was so awesome! Still hated Lloyd for no reason, even has a teenager. 7/10
Season 3 (Rebooted): I strongly disliked that season, but for an excellent reason. I waited so long for season 3 that I couldn't wait any longer to watch it when it's release... in English... A language I didn't speak at the time. So my entire season 3 experience was trying and failing to understand the plot of a very confusing scenario that ended in my favourite character dying. I must tell that I wasn't a fan at the time, lol. 2/10
Season 4( ToE): I did wait for the French dub to watch season 4 and 5 so at least I could understand what's happening. I really liked season 4. Discovering new elemental masters was really fun, and they really nailed the tournament aspect of it all. 8/10
Season 5 (Possession): I didn't like this season when I watched it in 2015, but I loved it when I rewatched it in 2019. I think it's because I don't like scary things, so the ghost theming was too spooky for me when I was a baby. Strangely enough, this is the season that made me like Lloyd. I just needed him to be menacing, apparently. 9/10
Season 6 (Skybound): First season I watched in 2019 after giving up on Ninjago mid-possession in 2015. I knew at the time it was a very controversial season, but I LOVED it. It was my favourite so far. Not only did this season had very high stake, the Djin was also a very interesting villain. 10/10
Season 7 (HoT) : I'm not going to lie, I barely remember anything about the Hands of times other than it being focus on Kai and Nya and their parents. I don't remember disliking it, but it was clearly not my favourite. I don't remember/10
Season 8 (SoG): I'm going to say the same things for every season of this trilogy: I loved it! I liked the new design a lot, the animation looked amazing, and the scenario was the best we ever had. This was so cool. 10/10
Season 9 (Hunted): Same has the precedent season, but even better! Definitely the best season from what I could remember. I still own so many Lego sets from this era of Ninjago haha. 12/10
Season 10 (MotO) : I don't dislike this season, but it felt too short. I was really disappointed to see how the stake rise in the last episode without the emotions really landing that well. A miss in my opinion. But that final with the tornado of creation ? Fire! 6/10
Season 11 ( SFS) : I have weird feelings about this one. I do like what they did with the 11 minutes format in some cases (especially in the more humorous episodes), but it also felt like it prevent the episodes from reaching their true potential (haha). Everything has to start and end way too fast. I did like the Fire and Ice theming and both Asphera and the forgotten realm. If entertaining, this season was a bit underwhelming. 7/10
Season 12 (Prime Empire): Same critiques for the 11min format with this season (and onward). But I did like this one way more! The video game theme was really well-made and discovering the universe was really the selling point of season 12 for me. My biggest problem with it was that they just copied the scenario of Skybound which wasn't really original. 8/10
Season 13 ( MotM) : A Cole season! Yeah! This is the last season I remember really liking . The setting and scenario were fascinating, but a bit too simple for my taste. I think I was just happy to see my boy get a season to himself after 10 years . 7/10
Season 14 (The Island) : I don't really remember anything about this one. It was okay, I guess? It was just a really weird release. 5/10
Season 15 (Seabound: I officially dropped Ninjago after the first 10 episodes of Seabound or so. Not necessary because they were boring, but I wasn't invested in Ninjago anymore. I know Nya became the ocean since I was spoiled, but I need to watch this season to make my own decisions about it. 6/10
Season 16 (Crystallize): Haven't watched it, but oh boy did I heard bad things about it. This is on my list of new content to consume for a while now, so I need to watch it sooner than later. One day I will know/10
So yeah, wish me good luck! I hope I don't end up disliking things I loved as a baby, that would suck.
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cable-salamder · 2 months
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The Goblin at the tournament is a win for gays and queers EVERYWHERE
(Edit: please don’t spoiler whether this happens or not in the tags or comments (or anything else Geode related for that matter), thank you!)
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mirajikan · 1 month
listen just once I want the queer coded shonen mcs to kiss because I wanna see the dude bros flip out
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writer-room · 6 months
Its so funny that Arin and Sora have shown to have significantly better emotional intelligence than any of the ninja from all of the old seasons combined. "You should be taking care of your mental health" and "yeah saving the world is upsetting! no wonder you're having stress dreams" oh my precious children. You are surrounded by a teen dad with massive self-worth issues, the only one of two people who remembers the genie incident and also turned into the sea once, guy who's died like 3+ times and committed genocide under mind control, and a child soldier who's been living the hard knock life since age 2.
I hope to god you two are prepared to witness the most mentally unwell behavior you've seen in your entire teenage lives. You think you've already seen how bad it can get now? Fools. Just wait until you get a mission involving the Departed Realm
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rt-arts · 7 months
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lloyd garmadon has permanently impacted my gender👍
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 3 months
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I actually imagine he looks really good in blue
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lego-ninjago · 1 year
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derlingly · 1 month
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Thoughts about dead
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thesinglesock · 1 year
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these 15 seconds of dragons rising episode 2 live rent free in my brain I just find it so funny:
how Lloyd yeets Kai off the bridge by the ankle like he’s a frisbee
that “I haven’t seen anyone in weeks.” is a satisfactory explaination of this behaviour
and the incredible speed at which Kai gets over almost getting blasted to bits
spinny hug <3
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cassettemoon · 2 years
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You are eight years old
You have to kill your dad
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general-yasur · 5 months
I think a lot of Lloyds behavior, tone, and mood in seasons 11-15 was driven from what happened to him in the oni trilogy and in Dragons Rising you are seeing a version of him that has healed from a lot of that
I think that’s the reason DR Lloyd feels like the happiest he has ever been despite the fact that he’s in so much distress right now
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for extra context, please refer to the fic i wrote in my head :)
(under the cut is a close up of cole 😉)
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her 😍
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shatterspin · 1 year
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maybe-a-dinosaur · 6 months
kuroo tetsurou BIG lego guy. he saw the lego millenium falcon in a display window when he was seven years old and got Hooked . he’s been collecting ever since he has a miscellaneous bin under his bed it’s Huge he’s got every fucking piece like ever he has shelves in his room full of completed and staged sets they range from nerdy stuff like lord of the rings batman apollo 11 to the taj mahal and a bonsai tree. he has the most star wars legos like he’s made it his life goal to collect the sets he saves up to buy one every year the death star is his pride and joy it is front and center on display he shows it off like a newborn baby. he’s got a minifigure keychain on his backpack he gets the little mystery packs as gifts from his friends he has a clock shaped like a red 2x4 block he is a man consumed.
even adult like buisness man kuroo he has legos on display in his office he has a lego picture frame on his desk (next to his desktop mini golf course and darth vader bobble head) he is the most laidback professional in the history of Ever his tie has legos on it and he has a scar on his foot from stepping on one. he’s an wrinkly old man still buying lego sets arthritis ain’t stopping him it’s not an obsession it’s a way of life.
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p0th · 7 months
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thinking about, despite everything, Garmadon still truly loved his son
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tornoleander · 4 months
Nya has the best writing out of anyone in skybound an I will not hear otherwise
(this is just a rant but I will finish my argument with evidence soon but I was feeling like yelling at phone)
Just watched a video completely butchering her character.
I’m fuming about Nya’s treatment in general like RRRRR SHE IS LIKE THE BEST WRITTEN. Most people I see talk about her never tried to see Nya’s motivation.
And because she’s grumpy and won’t take bullshit treatment. And a large part of the audience Treat her like she’s a brat for it like…
Her ark against all odds is great. The only reason so many people don’t get that is ALL because of the awful framing and them focusing on Jay at all the wrong times I PROMISE YOU.
The audience is made to focus on Jay’s feelings in moments that should’ve been about her.
Nya always thought she would end up with Jay like she said later on. She always loved him She wasn’t trying to hurt or play with his feelings but she had bigger problems, and she simply didn’t want to be dating him. Because she hated how that would make her be perceived. Which was the issues that she overcame by the end.
She is frustrated by way she’s perceived by the city. They only see her as her gender. A self insert of sorts. (There’s a scene about it first ep subtle but boils my blood) Not a person. She HATES IT.
Nya has A lot more going on like it was never her Job to walk on eggshells around Jays feelings. She was having a lot harder of a time that first episode but more screen time was dedicated to Jays moping about her.
Just AAA ggghg
LIKE EVERYONE REWATCH SKYBOUND AND FOCUS ON NYA Specifically. Ignore how much the narrative drags you to look at Jay. I swear Nya’s struggle is shockingly the most well written bit
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