#What about every other beautiful moment in every game where a character took the time to care about someone else
hamartia-grander · 7 months
That's a neat serennedy analysis post but the comment ab the scene being the most humanity shown in all of resident evil is so incorrect and just more proof that no one in this fandom pays attention to female characters or just any character who isn't Leon
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starkiller419 · 1 year
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pairing : hayden christensen crica 1999 x f!reader | wc : 7k | 18+MINORS DNI
summary : you and hayden are co-stars in a new 90's teen movie.
warnings : idk just a bit smutty. actually quite smutty. if ur sensitive to swearing there's a couple swears in here.
a/n : this is my first time publishing smut so lmk what ya'll think. this is also a story based on this very detailed and specific dream I keep having, so if you want more, I will write more because I have so much more to say.
Hayden and I had been working together for about a month now. We were filming a movie about two teens who lived beside each other, and eventually fall in love and run away together. It's a compelling story, reminiscent of Romeo and Juliet in a way. The whole thing is very Shakespearean.
We first met during the audition process. I had already booked the role so they brought me in to do a chemistry test with some other actors, Hayden being one of them. I had never heard of him before this project but later found out he had been in a couple of TV shows and movies. From the moment I first laid my eyes on him I was in awe, he was beautiful.
He was no doubt the most beautiful person I had ever seen in my life. He took my breath away and made my heart stop beating without even having to try. During our chem test, I found it hard to concentrate, all I could think of was how captivating his eyes were and how bright his smile was. By the end of our test, the director had told us that Hayden would be playing opposite me as the love interest of my character.
I was excited to get to know this angelic man in front of me better, but I was also very nervous. This wasn't my first project, but it was my first 'big' Hollywood movie. We had a budget of over $2 million and we were filming all over California, even using some of the sets at the Warner Brothers Studios. I was nervous about my performance, and I often found myself questioning whether I was good enough or not for something this grand.
Adding to that nervousness were the thoughts that invaded my mind whenever this blue-eyed boy was near me. His presence alone was intoxicating, and for the first little while there I tried to avoid him when we weren't filming due to my impure thoughts about him. I had a rule that I would never become romantically involved with any of my co-stars, even if it was temporary.
Eventually, though, I gave up trying to avoid him.
We would hang out in between shots, getting food at the craft services table or simply walking around wherever we would be filming that day. When we would wrap for the day he would walk me to my trailer where I was currently living, and he would always walk me to the door and say goodnight before heading to wherever he was staying.
Sometimes when he would walk me to my trailer I would invite him in. Sometimes we would play a board game, make something to eat, or play cards. He taught me how to play poker and I managed to win $100 from him. No matter what we were doing together, I always felt a stupid grin on my face. We would talk and laugh with each other for hours before he would eventually go home for the night.
We would talk about everything and anything, and I felt myself growing more and more attached to him as time went on. Every morning I would wake up excited to see him, and every night I would fall asleep and dream of him. He had slowly invaded the entirety of my being, walking through the empty corridors of my mind and claiming all the rooms as his own.
I was okay with these feelings lingering within me as long as I could manage to contain them, and not act on my desires. However, with each day that passed, it became harder and harder to ignore.
Since temporarily relocating to LA, I hadn't been sleeping well. 12 hour days on set were exhausting and prompted me to sleep, but I never could. I've always struggled with insomnia and I would usually sleep for a couple of hours each night, sometimes less but never more. It was starting to catch up to me and I could feel my sleep deprivation dragging me down during the day.
I had just finished filming for the day and walked myself to my trailer. Hayden had already left for the day and I found the walk to be quite lonesome without the comfort of our small talk. I entered my trailer, took a short shower, and prepared to try and catch up on some sleep.
My trailer was small, but still larger than the average on-set trailer. It had a queen bed in the back, a small dining table and couch, a washroom with a sink, toilet, and shower, and a small kitchen. There was a TV on the wall across from the couch, and I felt like watching something would aid me in falling asleep. So I got comfortable on the couch and turned on the TV, scrolling through the guide until I landed on NBC and started watching The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
I watched a few episodes before I felt myself drifting off into sleep, and just as I was about to fall asleep fully I heard the door to my trailer open. I had locked it and only one other person had the key, so I knew it had to be Hayden.
I opened my eyes and I was correct, he was standing in the doorway wearing a white t-shirt, a black Toronto Maple Leafs hat, and black jeans. Even in something so simple he was so effortlessly gorgeous, it hurt.
"Hi." I groggily greeted him as I moved slightly to sit up on the couch, rubbing my eyes as I did so.
"Hi, were you sleeping?" He asked as he walked fully into the trailer, closing the door behind him.
"I was trying to, it wasn't going very well." I chuckled dryly and his expression turned into one of concern.
"I can leave if you'd like." He went to turn and before he could fully, I reached out and grabbed his arm. He looked down at me with an eyebrow raised and his movements stopped.
"You don't have to go. I mean, like, if you don't want to." I stuttered slightly and let go of his arm, it was more muscular than I had expected, and his skin was warm to the touch.
"Okay." He moved closer and sat beside me on the end of the couch,
"What are you watching?" He pointed to the TV and I brought my knees to my chest as I sat with my left side pushing into the cushions and smiled as I faced him,
"Fresh Prince." It was one of my favorite shows and he knew it. He returned the smile I gave him and turned his attention to the TV, as did I.
I felt myself drifting off again as my head lay on the back cushion of the couch. My gaze had drifted from the TV to Hayden as he sat in front of me, laughing occasionally at the show. I noticed how his Adam's apple bobbed up and down with each laugh he took, and how he would smile to himself at certain moments whenever he was amused.
I closed my eyes and allowed the peace of his presence to lull me into a deep slumber.
I woke up a few hours later when I felt him pick me up and walk through my trailer, only to place me on my bed and tuck me into the covers. I then felt him trace my face with his finger and tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear. The TV had been turned off and it was dead silent in here. I opened my eyes and saw him walking away from the small space that held the bed.
Before I could stop myself, I reached out and grabbed his arm yet again, and was overcome with the feeling of his warm skin against my cold skin.
"I thought you were asleep?" He said as he turned to face me, kneeling so we could be at eye level with each other.
"I was, but now I'm awake," I shrugged as I stared into his ocean-blue eyes. He frowned slightly before saying,
"You should go back to sleep. I'm sorry I woke you up."
"Don't apologize. I'm a light sleeper." His frown disappeared only to be replaced by a slight half-smile. He went to stand up and walk away again, but I didn't want him to go. I also didn't want to ask him to stay and sleep in my bed, even though that's what I wanted. I just didn't want to have to ask him, that would be awkward if he said no or took it the wrong way, I simply liked having him around.
"Where are you going?" I asked and he looked down at me slightly confused,
"It's almost 4 in the morning, I was gonna go sleep in my trailer."
"Do you always sleep in your trailer?" I thought he had a hotel or home here or something, we had never actually spoken about it before so really it was always just an assumption.
"No, but I don't feel like driving. I'd probably fall asleep at the wheel." He laughed slightly and only then did I notice the slight purple eye bags that graced his face and the way his eyes were slightly drooping.
"You can sleep here if you'd like," I said sheepishly, hoping he wouldn't think more of this than just a friendly offer. Between friends. Friends,
That's it.
"Are you sure?" He asked as he slowly walked back towards the bed and waited for me to nod my head in confirmation before he climbed in under the covers and lay beside me.
We lay on our sides facing each other, only a couple of inches separating us, and I reached over and used my thumb to rub the bags beneath his eyes. His eyes fluttered closed in response to my touch and he placed his hand on my wrist, holding my hand against his face. I sighed softly, feeling somewhat guilty about indulging in the pleasurable feeling of his skin against mine, but enjoying it nonetheless.
We stayed like that until the two of us fell into a calm and peaceful sleep, breathing in sync. My dreams were filled with him, and it was my best sleep in years.
The next morning I had awoken wrapped in his arms, with my head tucked into the crook of his neck. My leg was wrapped around his and I could feel the soft skin of his lips just barely touching my forehead. It was blissful, to say the least. The way he and I breathed in sync, the scent of coffee and vanilla that was radiating from him, and the feeling of his large hands on my back and waist.
I rolled over slightly so I could glance at the clock beside the bed. It was 9:30 AM, and we had a 9:45 call time. Panic set in as I sat straight up, causing Hayden to jolt awake, confused at my state. I jumped out of bed and practically sprinted to the washroom to brush my hair, soon followed by my teeth. I heard the sheets rustle and footsteps follow not long after, and then I saw him stand behind me in the mirror.
His blonde hair was a bit of a mess, the bags under his eyes had disappeared, and he looked well-rested. He gave me a slight smirk as I furiously brushed my teeth, "We won't be late, there's no need to destroy your gums." He chuckled slightly and I bent down to spit the toothpaste out of my mouth before speaking to him. He was right but still, I wanted to be a bit more prepared than I was at this moment. "My gums are perfectly fine, thank you," I said teasingly as I grinned nice and wide, displaying my teeth and gums for him. He laughed and butterflies danced around in my stomach, fluttering up into my heart. He turned and walked away from me and I watched as he neared a cupboard in the kitchen and grabbed two bowls, a box of Cheerios, and the milk from the fridge.
I laughed as I exited the small washroom and walked towards the dining table where he had set down the bowls, "Hayden I can't eat that. I just brushed my teeth." He shrugged and paid no mind as he continued to prepare me a bowl.
"You have to eat something." He rolled his eyes slightly as he sat down on the bench and began eating the cereal. Despite the rolling of his eyes, he had a small smile on his face that I couldn't help but admire. I gave in and sat across from him and started to eat.
"Wow Mr. Christensen, this is splendid. What a fine breakfast you've made me this morning." I spoke in a fake posh accent, something we did with each other often. He had just taken a bite of his cereal and my posh guise caused him to laugh, and milk came running out of his nose. I couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably at the sight, but I got up through my laughter and grabbed the paper towel that sat on the counter.
He too was laughing while pinching the bridge of his nose. He had tears in his eyes and a couple fell as he blinked and reached for the paper towel, our hands brushing against each other slightly. He cleaned the milk off his face, and then off the table, coughing a few times in the process which caused me to erupt in laughter all over again.
"It's not funny y'know. That shit hurt." He said with a fake frown gracing his lips, which were trying to hold back a laugh of his own.
"Sorry, sorry," I said quietly and finished my bowl, bringing it to the sink and rinsing it before walking to the door to slip on my shoes. I turned back to face him as he put the paper towel back in its rightful spot, "You ready?" I asked.
He smiled brightly and responded, in a voice as smooth and soft as honey, "Always."
2 weeks had passed since Hayden had slept in my bed for the first time. Yes, the first time. The next night he came and knocked on my door at around 10 PM, he was shy and sheepish when he asked if he could, and I quote, 'have a sleepover'. He was being his usual sarcastic self of course, but I found it endearing either way and said yes.
A couple of days passed before he spent the night again, this time I had invited him on our nightly walk back from the soundstage. The next day I didn't even have to ask him, he just walked me home and followed me inside. When I began to get ready for bed he did the same, following me into the washroom to brush his teeth with a spare toothbrush I kept in the drawer.
"What are you doing?" I asked with a mouthful of toothbrush and its paste. He grinned and used his thumb to wipe the corner of my mouth, collecting a small amount of toothpaste on it and wiping it on the towel that hung beside the sink.
"We're having another sleepover, duh." He rolled his eyes as he responded with a mouth full of toothbrush and paste as well.
Since then it had just become an unspoken thing. Every night he would come to my trailer with me, and I never once tried to stop him or protest his actions. I enjoyed having him around, and I loved waking up in his arms every morning, inhaling his coffee-vanilla scent, and feeling the contrast of his warm skin against my cold. He usually slept shirtless, he claimed he got hot, but I think he just secretly wanted an excuse to be shirtless around me. Not that I minded, the man is ripped.
Nothing ever happened between us when he slept over, even though a part of me always wanted to, I couldn't for some reason. Anytime I thought of it too I felt guilty. But the desire to feel his lips against mine just kept growing and growing.
One day we were filming a scene that took place late at night where my character, the Juliet of the story, drags his character, Romeo, to the pool in his backyard. I was told to strip down into my bra and underwear and jump in the pool, and Hayden would follow. Despite having shared a bed with him for weeks now, I felt a little nervous at the thought of being so exposed in front of him.
But I had a job to do, so I put my big actor-girl pants on and did as the director said, and everything went swimmingly, pun intended. In that scene, I was to pull him into the pool and we would begin play-fighting in the water. We did just that and I ended up with my legs wrapped around his waist, both of us only in our underwear, just inches away from his face. I spoke all my lines just due to second nature and my memorization skills, but all I could focus on was how close his lips were to mine.
As I spoke the words I knew I was supposed to say, I found myself wanting to say more. To speak to him and only him, alone without the twenty or so people who surrounded us. He leaned his head closer to me and our noses brushed against each other. We had a kissing scene in the script, a couple actually and I knew exactly which days we would be filming them, but this wasn't one of them. So why did he move closer?
"And… CUT!" The director yelled as he stood from his chair and walked over to the edge of the pool. I removed my legs from their grip on Hayden's waist but kept my hands around his neck, and his hands remained on my waist holding me close to him. "That was great you two, we could sense the electricity. I think that's all for today so just go home, rest, and be back here for 11 AM tomorrow." The director spoke to us and we each thanked him and nodded our heads.
When he had mentioned the electricity between us I felt my cheeks grow red. He hadn't failed to hide his attraction to me, and I doubt I had hid mine from him. But still, we were actors. It was our job to be that way with each other. It was nothing deeper than that, we had to stay professional.
It didn't take long for the small crowd of people to disperse, leaving just Hayden and me behind. We were still in the pool, his hands were still around my waist gripping me tightly. As everyone had packed up I managed to avoid meeting his gaze, afraid of what I would do if I did, but now that we were alone I had no excuse. I turned to look at him and his eyes had been darkened by the starlight but shone brightly nonetheless.
I didn't know what to say to him, but I felt like I had to say something to prevent myself from acting on my suppressed urges and desires. The feeling of his hands holding me tightly was something so familiar, but this time it felt different somehow. It made me feel different.
"Wanna go get some Chinese food?" I asked him the first thing I could think of, which was stupid because I don't even like Chinese food and he knew that.
"You don't even like Chinese food." He said with a laugh, his slightly wet hair sticking to his forehead.
"I didn't know what else to say," I admitted sheepishly. He leaned his head closer to mine once again allowing our noses to brush against each other.
"Why did you feel the need to say something?" He spoke low and it caused my breath to come to a halt. Something about him right now was so-- intoxicating.
"So that I wouldn't do something I may regret." I softly said, never breaking eye contact. He moved even closer and rested his forehead against mine. His hand on my waist travelled down my hips to my thigh where he proceeded to wrap my legs around him again.
"And what would that be?" His low tone sent shivers throughout my body, and down to places it probably shouldn't have gone to. I was finding it hard to resist my urges now more than ever, the way his lips looked in the moonlight, how there was a bead of water positioned right on the corner of his lips, and how tempted I was to just lick it off.
I sighed softly as I glanced down to the water beneath us, seeing the rippled image of his toned torso sent me into overdrive. I looked back into his eyes which were the same color as the water we waded in, and leaned my head closer to his so our lips brushed against each other as I spoke,
"What are you doing to me?" I asked him and before he could respond I closed the distance between us, sending a blaze of passion and fire through my veins.
He kissed me back instantly, his hands holding my thighs squeezed exponentially hard. He moved the hand from my left thigh and brought it to the back of my neck, holding me in place while he kissed me ferociously. I brought my hands from where they were resting on his neck to his hair and entangled my fingers through his sandy blonde locks.
His hand traveled slightly to my ass and he squeezed harshly, sending a shockwave of pleasure throughout me, causing a slight moan to escape my lips. If it wasn't so damn public, I would take him right here right now.
In response, I tugged at his hair and now it was time for him to moan softly into our kiss, and if I thought I was in overdrive before, I had just exploded. We continued kissing for what seemed like hours, but in reality, was only a few minutes. Whenever I was with him time didn't seem to exist and I loved it. I loved spending minutes with him but feeling as if those minutes were hours, and I loved spending hours with him and having the hours feel like days.
Our kiss was interrupted by the sound of a golf cart approaching the set. I broke away from him with a shocked look in my eyes, and he just laughed and set me down on the pool floor before grabbing my hand and leading me out. We ran half-naked back to my trailer, dripping wet and leaving two sets of footprints behind us as we did. Halfway there Hayden had scooped me up in his arms and carried me in bridal style, leaving only one set of footprints behind for the rest of the way.
That night we showered together, caught up in the adrenaline of our escape and heated pool makeout session. But aside from more kissing, nothing had happened, and we continued with our lives. He had now basically moved into my trailer, he spent every night here, his car was parked right outside, and he even had his own toothbrush, no longer using the spare one I had.
Everything between us had quickly changed from 'best friends' to 'domestic partners' after that kiss. And I didn't regret it one bit. We had discussed our feelings towards each other very vaguely. I was never good with that kind of stuff, admitting feelings is hard, and he's just a little shy and awkward whenever feelings get brought up.
We had a mutual understanding that we liked each other, but we also understood that we weren't necessarily dating each other. We were just two people who spent 90% of their time together, slept in the same bed, and occasionally had very heated makeout sessions that would end up with me on top of his lap.
A few weeks ago he told me about this role he had auditioned for. He was very excited about it, but he couldn't tell me what it was for. He said he would tell me if he ever got it, or if he didn't. He even had to leave early a couple of times during filming to go for an audition.
One of those times was today, he had left the set a couple of hours early and I was now in my trailer. It was 9 PM and I was making myself a cup of tea before I went to bed. I had locked the door, but Hayden had a key so it didn't matter much. I placed the teabag into the hot water I had just boiled and began to slice a lemon. I added a spoonful of honey and two lemon slices, followed by an ice cube. As I went to drop the ice cube in my mug, the door of the trailer unlocked, and seconds later it dramatically slammed open.
Hayden rushed inside with a huge grin plastered on his face. I walked towards him around the counter and smiled back, "Well hello smiley." I greeted him
"Hi P, what's that?" He said as he pointed to the mug behind me. I don't know why, but he insisted on calling me 'P'. It was his favorite nickname he had given me, and I didn't know why. There wasn't even a 'P' anywhere in my name.
"Tea." I shrugged and he stepped closer to me, my back pressed against the counter in response, "Why do you call me 'P'? You are aware there's no P in my name right?" I asked with a tilt of my head.
He laughed and placed both hands on either side of me on the counter before saying, "P stands for lots of things. Pickles, Peanut Butter, party, promise, pe-"
"So my nickname was a result of your hunger?" I asked with a laugh of my own.
"No, if you would've let me finish. My personal favorite is princess. That's what I think every time I call you P." He leaned closer and kissed my cheek softly, but then backed away completely. I frowned slightly at his actions but took the opportunity to walk back to my teacup.
"That's very sweet of you. Now would you like to explain to me why you almost broke down the door coming in here?" I chuckled softly as I motioned over to the door with my head, and then took a small sip of my tea.
"I have good news." He was excited, I could see it in his eyes, and that made me excited too. He stepped closer to me and I placed the cup back on the counter, "Do you remember the role I was telling you about? The secret one?" he wiggled his eyebrows as he spoke.
"Hmm… Sounds familiar yes." I smiled as he walked even closer to me and grabbed onto my arms before speaking through his huge grin,
"I got it." He whispered and I thought I had misheard him. He must've noticed my confused expression because he repeated himself, louder this time, and I squealed in joy for him.
"Oh my god, that's amazing! Congratulations! Can you finally tell me what the role is then?" I exclaimed as his grip on my arms tightened slightly,
"Star Wars." My jaw dropped, I wouldn't be surprised if it fell all the way to the floor, and I felt the air knocked out of my lungs. I have loved Star Wars ever since I was a kid. I was Princess Leia for Halloween for the first 4 years of my life, and then I went as Darth Vader until I was 16.
"Holy fuck." That was all I could say as I reached my arms around his neck and wrapped him in a hug, "That's incredible Hayd, I'm so happy for you." I whispered into his neck softly. He pulled away from the hug slightly so he could look into my eyes and said,
"I get to be Anakin Skywalker. Darth fucking Vader." He had a look in his eyes I could only describe as a child-like glee. He was so happy in this moment and I could basically feel it radiating off of him, and it consumed me as well. I once again felt the breath being knocked from me as I hugged him again, tighter this time.
He placed his arms around my waist and lifted me into the air, spinning around a few times and I squealed as a result. He then casually shifted one of his hands down to my thigh, encouraging me to wrap around him. I looked into his eyes which were full of love and joy, and I couldn't help but place a soft kiss gently on his lips. He returned the kiss and I could feel his smile growing stronger. The kiss deepened as always and became heated and passionate in a matter of moments. He walked over to the counter and placed me on top of it, standing between my legs and never breaking the kiss.
His hands remained on my thigh and waist, squeezing softly every so often. We broke away from the heated exchange for a moment to catch our breath. He rested his forehead against mine, one of my favorite things he does before he softly uttered three words that caused my heart to stop.
"I love you."
I backed away slightly and gazed at him in disbelief, "You-- what?" That was all I could manage to say.
"I love you, and I need you to know. I've loved you since I first laid my eyes on you, and I will love you until my dying breath." He spoke like a poet, his liquid-smooth voice sent chills all through me. I knew I loved him, but I always tried to avoid romantic love and stick to a platonic sort of love. I thought it would be easier that way.
I had failed miserably, however, and I often found myself daydreaming about spending the rest of my life with him. I had never felt so strongly about someone before, and I had never gotten along with someone better than him.
"I love you too," I whispered through a large smile plastered on my face. He returned the smile and leaned back in to kiss me. This kiss was so different than all the others, it was full of love and adoration.
He wrapped both his arms around my waist and lifted me off the counter, carrying me to the bed. He laid me down gently and moved his kisses down my jaw, to the pressure point on my neck. I moaned softly at the feeling of his lips against my skin causing him to bite down slightly which sent a rush of pleasure throughout my body.
His hands traveled from my waist to under the hem of my shirt and he began to lift it. I sat up slightly and allowed him to remove the shirt completely, leaving me bare in front of him. He then began to kiss down my sternum before placing a soft kiss onto my left breast, and then the right. I giggled slightly at his sudden confidence and shift from his usually shy demeanor. He raised his head from my chest and looked at me,
"Why are you laughing?" He said with a slight smile,
"I'm just shocked at your newfound confidence." I shrugged lightly, "Does it have anything to do with you becoming Anakin Skywalker?" I asked and his grin shifted from playful to mischievous as he moved upwards and raised himself above me, our noses brushing against each other before he spoke in a low tone,
"Maybe. Or maybe I'm tired of trying to hold myself back from taking what's mine." His dominant tone sent shivers down my body and I leaned my head up to close the distance between our lips. His dominant state remained intact as he swiftly flipped me over so I was now on top of him, straddling his waist.
I could feel his hard-on through his dark sweatpants pressing against my core, and it was driving me crazy. I rocked my hips softly against his, causing him to moan slightly into our kiss and I could feel myself getting wetter as each moment passed. His hands were gripping onto my waist and he began to guide me against him, slowly at first but he quickly picked up his pace.
"Hayden.." I said softly, breaking away from the kiss for a moment to garner his attention.
"Yes, my love?" He breathed out as he gazed into my eyes with lust and adoration.
"Please." That was all I could manage to say, and I had hoped he would take the hint and not make me ask for it. But I was dead wrong.
"Please what? Use your words." His tone was deep and authoritative and his eyes had glossed over with an unfamiliar darkness.
"Please fuck me." I choked out and a sly smirk made its way across his lips before he kissed me again, softer this time, and sat up so our chests pressed against each other. I brought my hands to the hem of his shirt and pulled it off, throwing it to the floor somewhere. I traced my hands along his abs and down to his V-line. He was so perfect, in every way. His entire being had to have been carved by angels, it was the only way for a man like him to exist.
His hands traveled to the waistband of my shorts, wasting no time as he snaked his fingers underneath them and I lifted myself so he could rid me of them completely, leaving me completely nude on top of him. His long fingers danced atop my thighs, teasing my core which was now aching for him. Begging to be touched by him.
I whined softly and a slight chuckle escaped his lips, "You're that desperate for me? You're whining?" I nodded with my eyes shut, unable to look into his eyes. He chuckled again and said softly, "What did I say earlier princess, use your words." My eyes fluttered open and I softly said,
"Don't be a tease playboy." With a smirk of my own gracing my lips. He laughed slightly and instead of a vocal response, he moved his hand from my thigh to the slick that had pooled between my thighs. His soft touch sent shockwaves through me and I moaned louder than I would like to admit, but I couldn't help it. He was so intoxicating.
He rubbed up my slit slightly, collecting a pool of my sex on his two fingers before raising them to my lips, pushing ever so slightly on the bottom one prompting me to open my mouth and suck myself off his fingers.
"Fuck." He groaned out. My actions had encouraged his dick to grow harder beneath me and I smiled proudly once he removed his fingers from my mouth and brought them back down to my heat, rubbing circles on my clit. Incoherent babbles left my lips as he worked me up, before entering two of his fingers into me and slowly stretching me out.
I moaned upon his entry and felt the intense need to pleasure him as well, to give him even a fraction of the pleasure he was providing me. I moved my hand from its place on his neck down to his cock and palmed him through his sweatpants. His breathing got harsher as we continued to pleasure each other, relishing in each other's touch. I felt a familiar know forming in my stomach as he rubbed my clit and now pumped three of his fingers in and out of me at a fast pace.
"Oh fuck. I'm--" Before I could finish my sentence I felt the knot unfold and I had released myself all over his fingers, a prideful grin graced his lips. My vision was clouded with white dots and everything around me felt hazy as his fingers fucked me through my orgasm, the strongest one I had ever had. Especially from just fingering.
I felt the overstimulation of his fingers pressed against me and began to squirm in his lap, trying to get away as he continued pumping in and out of me, but it was no use. His arms held onto me tightly and he continued, and I felt yet another knot forming in my stomach.
There was no way this man was about to make me cum twice in a matter of seconds.
And yet that's exactly what happened. I screamed out as I released onto him again, looking down to see the pool of juices I had released collecting onto his lap, drenching his dark pants and allowing the outline of his bulge to poke through the dampened fabric.
"Holy fuck." I said breathlessly as he removed his fingers from me and flipped me over to my back, removing his pants and boxers in the process.
"You liked that?" He asked teasingly as he began to kiss up and down my body, starting at my pelvis and ending with a soft peck on my lips.
"Mhm." I breathed out, unable to form any words due to the power of the orgasm. He hovered above me with his forearms resting on either side of my head keeping him up. He leaned his head down and placed a kiss on my lips and I felt his rock-hard cock twitch slightly against my thigh, causing me to moan into our kiss.
He reached one of his hands down and pumped himself twice before rubbing in between my folds. I broke away slightly and looked down, and my mouth dropped open as a result. He was huge, so huge I was afraid he wouldn't fit in me. Hayden must have noticed my shocked state and he laughed slightly before pushing his forehead against mine and pressing me back against the bed.
"You'll be okay my love, I promise. You can take it." His words sent heat throughout me and I felt a knot beginning to twist in my stomach. The man had managed to work me up with just his words. I nodded slowly and pressed my lips to his and I felt his tip slowly enter into me, and then I had an idea.
"Wait," I said and he stopped instantly, pulling away from our kiss and leaving the tip of his dick resting in me.
"What's wrong?" His voice was laced with concern as he gazed into my eyes,
"I want to watch," I admitted shyly and his concerned state quickly turned into a lustful one as he crashed our lips together passionately and softly grunted before saying,
"God you're so fucking hot." Distancing himself from me slightly so I could lift my head up and watch as he slowly began inserting himself into me. I watched as his tip fully disappeared, followed by his shaft until he bottomed out inside me, and I swear I could feel him in my stomach.
My gaze never faltered from our connected being as I groaned in pain, and then pleasure as he slowly moved in and out of me. It took a moment before I could adjust to him, and he seemed to be relishing in not only my sensitive state but also the way my walls desperately clung to him. He watched me with a smirk on his face as I watched him pick up his pace, slamming into me faster and faster until he hit a certain spot in me that made my back arch and my head fall backward.
"Fuck you feel so good princess, you're doing so good." He praised me and I could only moan in response, he was fucking me brain-dead and I had no complaints. I had imagined this for so long but now that it was finally here, he had surpassed my every fantasy and expectation by a million percent. His words of approval made my core ache, and I jutted my hips up to grind against the hard bone of his pelvis, creating friction on my clit and pushing me closer to my release.
I felt his hand grip my chin as he pulled me upwards closer to him, softly kissing my cheeks as he jackhammered into me. His soft kisses combined with the intensity of every other movement he made were driving me over the edge, along with the soft grunts and groans he would occasionally release from his plump lips. He stopped kissing my cheeks and remained holding onto my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes.
I felt the knot in my stomach return and when his other hand reached down and began thumbing at my clit, I lost it. I became a loud squirming mess beneath him which only encouraged him to fuck me harder.
"You have no idea how-- how badly I've wanted to see you like this."
He spoke between his panting breaths and with those words, I felt my release coming. "Hayd I'm--" He cut me off with a kiss before I could finish, meeting our tongues in bliss and passion, and he broke away for only a moment to whisper onto my lips,
"Cum for me my love, cum all over me." And so I did. I felt my walls begin to twitch uncontrollably against his rock-hard cock, his thrusts growing sloppy and hasty. I could sense he was close as well, and I encouraged it by purposefully squeezing myself tighter around him and soon enough I felt him twitch inside of me, fully releasing himself into me. I milked him dry and even went as far as to buck myself against him a few times, overstimulating him just a fraction of how he had me.
He collapsed on top of me as he finished, both of our chests heaving with our heavy breathing. I snaked my hand through his blonde hair, twirling strands around my finger absentmindedly while his hand made its way up and down my back. We lay in silence for a few moments, I listened to his breathing slow and he listened to my heartbeat.
"I mean it you know," He whispered softly into my chest and I could sense his usual shy demeanor sneaking it's way back in, "I really do love you." He shifted slightly to look into my eyes, and I felt tears poking at the sides of mine.
"I know. I mean it too. You're mine and I'm yours." I said smiling at him.
And I meant it. Every. Damn. Word.
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erraticpigeon · 1 year
hii can u do a peeta or finnick one where reader is very self concious about her body and what other people think of her. and one day (character) finds reader staring at herself in mirror and had tears in her eyes and (character) comforts her and tells her how beautiful she is and plants kisses all over her body and then just turns into abunch of fluff(: !
this was too sweet, i just HAD to write about both. thanks for the request! f!reader x peeta mellark + f!reader x finnick odair, tw for insecurities
[scroll to the bottom for a small disclaimer!]
peeta/finnick comforting you through insecurities
The mirror was mocking you, you promised yourself that that’s what it was. You hated that you couldn’t find your insecurities beautiful on yourself, despite loving them on everyone around you. To have been in the games, in a war, couldn’t that be enough?
You felt your nose and eyes sting and sure enough, your eyes started to fill up with tears of self loathing and anxiety, like so many other times before. You clutched your torso and sobbed, letting the tears fall and drip down your chest.
Peeta appeared in the doorframe quietly, taking in the heart-aching state you were in. You were so lost in your self destructive mind that you didn’t hear him sneak in, so you flinched at the touch of his arms curling around you from behind.
You stared at him in the mirror, his head on your shoulder and his lips on your neck. As he softly kissed the side of your face, his thumbs were rubbing circles on your waist, and his lips formed a small grin.
“Oh, wow..” he mumbled, words muffled by your warm skin. Warm wasn’t even the right word, your face was tinted crimson and your skin was nothing short of aflame.
“Peeta.” you whispered, savouring every moment of his skin against yours. When he backed up, you turned toward him with delight glowing in your eyes. Peeta lifted a hand to wipe the damp tears from your features.
You placed each of your hands on opposite sides of his face and leaned his forehead against your own. The scene was so cliché it made you laugh, and Peeta released a breath of relief. Your face was still glowing pink, and the before so obvious sadness had been erased.
“Hey, hey! It’s okay, what happened!?”
Finnick was beside you in the blink of an eye, strong arms wrapped around you like a warm, comfortable blanket. His touch was the sweetest relief, faster than any words, more effective than any medicine.
He knew that at times like this, you couldn’t talk, so he just stood there with you in his arms. His hands tended to you, one was in your hair and one was stroking up and down your back as you sobbed into his chest.
Finnick hoisted you into his arms and settled the two of you on the bed, you on top of him with your head on his chest. He wanted to wrap himself around you and never let go, but he knew that it wouldn’t help much, so he refrained from it.
Instead, he brushed your hair out of your eyes as your head rose and fell with each breath he took. It was calm, it was peaceful, and he took great joy in knowing he’d relieved the pain, if only for a moment.
“Y/N, honey?”
Your voice was low and croaky from crying.
“What happened?”
There was desperation in his eyes, he had to know what hurt you so he could make sure it never happened again. Your voice was so quiet it was barely audible.
“I just feel like I’m not pretty enough..”
One second you were seconds away from crying again, and the next one Finnick had hoisted you from his lap and pinned you down under him. He started kissing each and every inch of your body, starting on your ribs. As his lips traveled down your body, he whispered in between every kiss.
“You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”
DISCLAIMER: you’re perfect just the way you are, remember that. the most important thing is that you’re happy and healthy. love you all so so much, and i really mean that! <3
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
Maybe You Were The Ocean
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Summary: Wanda was... an open-ended chapter in your life.
Word count: 6.3k+ | Tags: Heavy Angst, Character Death, Bittersweet ending
Ship: Wanda Maximoff x Gender Neutral Reader
Requested by @gingiesworld:
Y/N and Wanda have been together for a while and Pietro calls Y/N one night, needing a lift home from a friends party. On that night they get hit by another drunk driver and Pietro dies on impact. As time goes on and the other driver is arrested, y/n still blames themselves for Pietro's death. Even though Wanda continuously tries to tell them otherwise but they won't listen. They then yell at her "why don't you blame me? You should hate me for your brother dying." Before walking out. Can be either a happy or sad ending buddy. Whichever you decide
Author's note: I changed some minor details in the request, hope you don't mind Gingie. Thank you for this gut-wrenching monster, it allowed me to practice writing in past tense (so out of my comfort zone lol). Title is from "black flies" by ben howard, listen to that as well when you read ;)
You haven't been to something like this in what seems like ages.
That something being a wedding.
And if you were to keep count, you'd realize you've been to more funerals than weddings in your lifetime so far.
Your best friend looks like a goddess in her white dress—and anyone with eyes can see that the groom is the luckiest man on earth.
You’re fixing your hair in front of the mirror when she approaches, wearing a smile that you’ve never seen on her, a smile you’d never be able to put on her lips yourself. It’s a smile reserved for him—that lucky bastard.
She gently taps on your shoulder. “You’re going to make me cry if you keep looking so stunning,” she teases, her voice light with laughter.
You chuckle, your eyes meeting hers in the mirror. “It's your day, and nothing can overshadow how beautiful you look.”
“Promise me something,” she says suddenly, her bright eyes locking onto yours.
“Anything,” you reply without hesitation.
“Promise me that you won’t stop looking for this kind of happiness. Promise me you'll find someone who puts that same smile on your face,” she whispers.
Your throat tightens, words caught somewhere between heartache and hope. “I promise.”
You were eight years old when you moved to a new neighborhood.
At that age, it felt like the scariest thing that had ever happened to you. Your parents divorced, your mother got full custody, and once the judge made that call, she packed up everything familiar and moved you to a new state: New Jersey.
It was what she could manage back then. This place was nothing like the spacious suburbs you remembered, and your new apartment building seemed no bigger than your old living room back in California. The place had just one bedroom, and it was hard to tell where the dining area stopped and the kitchen started.
You resented her in the way a child might, not fully grasping responsibility or consequences. You were upset she took you away from your friends and the comfort of your old life. You didn’t see back then the bruises hidden beneath her shirt, the ones your father left. You only learned about them when you turned eighteen. By then, your resentment had faded long ago.
A week after moving into that aged building, you encountered the twins next door, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff. Initially, you met Pietro when his mother sent him over with some food to welcome you and your mom to the neighborhood. It wasn't until you and Pietro became inseparable friends, spending every possible moment together, that you met Wanda.
When you did meet her, you weren't fond of her. She seemed aloof and mostly kept to herself. Unlike her expressive brother, Wanda seldom voiced her thoughts, making conversations with her feel uninspiring. 
You and Pietro often clashed with Wanda over the television. You both wanted to play video games while Wanda preferred her sitcoms. Pietro would let Wanda watch her shows briefly before forcefully switching channels just to annoy her. Eventually, Wanda would retreat to her room in tears, and Pietro would steel himself for a reprimand when their mother returned home.
You would give Wanda a piece of chocolate because you felt bad, but you never asked Pietro to stop, fearing he might stop being your best friend. In return, Wanda would lend you her pocketbooks you’d never quite finish.
You hadn't realized it back then, but that dynamic would continue well into your teen years. With Pietro stirring up trouble left and right, you being caught in the middle, and Wanda, from a distance, observing you with cautious interest—perhaps wishing it had been her who brought the welcoming food instead of her brother.
The wedding isn’t going to start for another hour. There have been delays due to the weather.
With the archways and open corridors adorned with blooming flowers and drapes, the venue looks nothing short of magical, even with the looming clouds. From where you stand, you extend your arm, letting the light drizzle kiss your skin. Each droplet feels like nature's way of playing with the day's emotions—adding both melancholy and charm.
Someone nearby remarks, “You know it's considered good luck when it rains on one's wedding day.”
You merely smile politely in response.
“Are you a friend of the bride’s or the groom's?”
“The bride,” you reply.
“Oh, fantastic! Maybe you can convince her to finally see she’s way out of his league!”
You shake your head at the joke. It’s not even the first time you've heard it today.
It wasn't until you were fifteen and Pietro, seventeen, that the troubles you found yourselves in became more serious. 
It had also been a few months since Pietro introduced you to drugs other than weed. At first, it was just an occasional joint passed around at a party or behind the school building. But Pietro wanted to try riskier substances. You weren't as keen but didn't want to be left behind by your best friend.
One evening, after trying something a bit harder than usual, you and Pietro were wandering the streets, laughing way too loud. In his intoxicated state, Pietro suddenly swung at a parked car with his bat, smashing it. Almost immediately, patrol lights shone bright, and stern police voices could be heard from almost everywhere. Pietro got cornered, but sheer panic made you bolt. Ditching your best friend felt terrible, but the terrifying thought of jail—especially knowing the mess it'd be for your already stretched-thin mom—made you keep running.
Still shaken, you made your way to Pietro's apartment, knowing you had to be the one to tell his mother. Her reaction was a storm of emotions—anger, fear, desperation. She demanded you stay with Wanda while she went to confront the nightmare at the police station.
“I think I'll just head home,” you murmured to Wanda, not wanting to impose any further.
She glanced at you, her eyes searching. “Have you had dinner?”
You hesitated, then lied. “Yeah, I ate earlier.” The truth was your mom had been away for work for three days, and the fridge was almost bare. 
The small home you came to know felt overwhelmingly spacious as you sat alone, burdened by the guilt of having left your best friend behind. But mere minutes after sinking into your worn-out couch, a knock came at your door. Opening it, you found Wanda, a bowl of steaming paprikash in her hands and a soft smile on her lips.
“I thought you might be hungry,” she said.
Your face lit up in relief at the sight of the food, more grateful than you could express. Just as you were about to thank her, your stomach betrayed you with an embarrassingly loud growl. Wanda let out a genuine laugh, and for a brief moment, you felt like a burden had been lifted.
“Guess I was right,” she teased, handing you the bowl.
As you eagerly began eating, Wanda settled opposite you, her expression growing serious again. “What were you two even thinking tonight?” she asked softly.
Swallowing, you sighed, “I tried to stop him, Wanda. But I couldn't talk him out of it.” 
Wanda looked down, her fingers playing with a loose thread on the couch. “I don't blame you,” she finally said, her voice gentle, “I never do. In fact, I sometimes wonder how much worse he might've been without you around.”
A moment of silence hung between the two of you before Wanda whispered, more to herself than to you, “I'm so worried about next year.”
Curiously, you looked up from your food, "What do you mean?"
“Pietro's turning eighteen. He was supposed to get a baseball scholarship, but with this run in with the police, that’s probably hanging in the balance now…” she trailed off.
Your heart sank. You had known Pietro had big dreams tied to that scholarship, dreams that now seemed to be teetering on the brink. "And what about you, Wanda? What's your plan?"
Wanda took a deep breath, and her face lit up slightly, “I got accepted into Columbia. It's amazing, really. But…” She sighed, looking down, “Even with the scholarship they offered, I can't afford it. Plus, with everything going on, I think I need to be here, help Mom out, you know?”
“That's tough,” you whispered, feeling a pang of sadness for the bright future she might be putting on hold.
She nodded, “I'm thinking of starting work and maybe attending community college for a bit. It's not Columbia, but it's something.”
“That's... that's just unfair,” you whispered, setting down your bowl, your appetite momentarily forgotten. “If there's anyone who deserves to be at Columbia, Wanda, it's you.”
Wanda looked up, her eyes filled with something you didn’t recognize.
“I wish things were different,” you continued. “I've always thought of you as one of the most intelligent people I know. And not just smart, but kind... genuinely kind.”
She took in your words, the distance between you two closing slightly. “Thank you,” she murmured, her gaze never leaving yours.
Then, with a flash of resolve, she inched closer. “There's something I want to do,” she began, her voice a whisper. “Something I've wanted for a long time, but it never seemed right. I don't think there'll be another perfect moment, another chance. Not after tonight.”
Before you could process her words, she was leaning in, the space between you disappearing. Your eyelids dropped, and for a heartbeat, everything else melted away as her lips met yours.
For the longest time, nothing made sense to you. That was, until Wanda Maximoff kissed you.
Your best friend's walk down the aisle feels like the longest part of the ceremony–at least to you. The sight is so magical that time seems to stand still. When you snap back to reality, the priest is asking if there's anyone in the crowd who wishes to object to the marriage.
Nobody breaks the silence which lasts a mere two seconds. It's a rarity these days for anyone to object. They only happen now in movies. Modern weddings are more intimate, almost closed-door affairs. The guest list is meticulously curated, ensuring anyone with a complex history with the bride or groom remains absent.
You watch the ceremony unfold, every word, every shared glance, making you feel more trapped by the promise you made earlier. You'd promised to chase that very kind of happiness, the kind that was unfolding right in front of you. Yet as you watch, there's this nagging feeling at the back of your mind, asking if you ever really will.
What they have feels like a world apart from where you're seated. 
You try to be genuinely happy for your best friend, and on many levels, you are. But you–you’re the last person to believe you deserve even a fraction of such a miracle.
The kiss, as Wanda had promised, never happened again.
At least not for the duration they remained neighbors. Soon after, she and Pietro moved to another town for their studies. As for you, you and your mother also moved shortly after their departure, to a nicer neighborhood that’s closer to Manhattan where you also transferred schools.
For five years, you didn't see either of them. No calls. Nothing on social media. But that didn't stop them from occasionally drifting into your thoughts. Especially that memory of your first kiss.
That was until one night, while dining alone in a midscale Soho restaurant, you looked up to find Wanda as your server.
She wore a simple black uniform that most servers donned, but she carried it with an elegance that made her stand out. For a moment, you thought she didn't recognize you, as she professionally presented the menu and described the evening's specials without missing a beat. But then, as she was turning to leave your table, she paused and looked directly into your eyes.
“It's been a long time,” she said, her voice becoming more familiar as she shed her professional facade.
You nodded, struggling to find the right words. “Yeah, it really has. I didn't expect to see you here.”
She smiled, a little sadly. “Life takes us to unexpected places sometimes. I... well, I needed a job while I finish my degree.”
You both chatted briefly, catching up on lost time, but Wanda was called away to attend to other patrons. As she bustled about, you found it difficult to focus on your meal, your gaze repeatedly drawn to her fluid movements around the room.  Every so often, your eyes would meet, and she'd offer a fleeting smile, a touch of color rising to her cheeks.
After a while, you signaled for the check. Wanda was quick to bring it over, her fingers brushing against yours as she handed it to you.
“How's Pietro?” you asked tentatively.
Wanda hesitated, her eyes betraying her composure. “He was released from prison about a month ago,” she began, taking a deep breath. “It was tough, but he's doing better now. Trying to change, you know? And he... he misses you.”
Baseball never happened for him. College too. You wished you hadn’t lost your connection together. Perhaps you could have made a difference.
“I'm sorry,” you murmured. “Life just... took over.”
Wanda nodded with understanding, but remained silent.
As you prepared to leave, Wanda slipped a note along with your bill. It read, “It was good to see you again. Maybe we shouldn't wait another five years?”
Beneath these words, Wanda had also written down her phone number.
You waited a total of three days to call Wanda.
Wanda was... an open-ended chapter in your life. It wasn’t that you hadn’t been with other women since she stole your first kiss, but she remained a persistent afterthought in every relationship of yours that ended. 
It didn't help that you'd left a bookmark in her chapter, aware that revisiting it had the potential to alter the trajectory of everything.
The line rang twice before a familiar voice answered, “Hello?”
“Hey, it's me,” you hesitated for a moment, wondering if she would recognize your voice after all these years, “From the restaurant, the other night?”
There was a brief pause, then her tone softened, “I hoped you'd call.”
You were grinning so hard that it didn’t occur to you that you hadn’t responded to her in a while when she gently teased, “Took you long enough.”
“Three days isn’t that long,” you defended with a slight chuckle.
“Well, in the grand scheme of things, no. But in the context of us? It felt like an eternity,” she admitted.
And it truly felt that way. Finding Wanda over the past several years hadn't been impossible or even especially hard. Yet, both of you had consciously let things drift. You had navigated through college, and Wanda, well, she'd been engaged in whatever endeavors she had pursued.
But that night, it felt right to call her. And you hadn’t realized you were waiting to find her again.
You and Wanda scheduled to meet some time during the week and the conversation should’ve ended there. But neither of you wanted to hang up, and Wanda quickly asked about your college experience and the new neighborhood you'd settled into after their departure. By the time you both ended the call, nearly two hours had passed, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world.
It was evident; the bookmark you'd placed hadn't lost its page and it was easy to ease once more into its pages.
The sun has set when the newly-wedded couple finally arrives at the reception.
You're seated at a table filled with strangers, but your best friend made sure to place you next to a woman she's been raving about—one she's suggested more than once you should date.
Her name is Natasha and she’s gorgeous beyond words. She's so striking that you find yourself wondering if she's even your type. Typically, you've steered clear of people who seem universally more attractive than you, a defense mechanism to sidestep lingering insecurities from over the years.
But as she leans into your personal space, you can’t help but respond to every question and laugh at every joke she throws your way.
Maybe it’s safe to let yourself enjoy this, even just for tonight.
It was scarcely two weeks since that encounter with Wanda at the restaurant, and there you were, in her bed.
It was cramped and the air conditioning kept failing many times during the day. 
But you didn’t care. 
You had known this woman for almost your entire life, and you'd waited just as long to be in her bed like this: with your arm growing numb under her weight, her head resting on your chest, and your nose buried in her hair.
She stirred slightly, her fingers tracing patterns on your chest. “Did you ever think...?” she began, voice hesitant.
“Think what?” you prompted, adjusting slightly so you could see her face.
“That we'd end up here, like this?” she whispered, her eyes searching yours.
You smiled, thinking back. “I don't know if I let myself think about it. But I hoped.”
She chuckled softly, her breath warm against your skin. “I had a feeling you'd say that.”
The sheets beneath you were thin and had seen better days, but it didn't matter. The world outside, with its faint hum of city life, seemed so far away. Yet, the world outside seemed irrelevant. All that mattered was the rhythm of her breathing syncing with yours and the warmth of her body next to you.
Every so often, she'd shift, mumbling half-formed sentences that would make you chuckle.
“Is the penguin wearing a bowtie?” she murmured in her half-asleep state.
You laughed softly. “What penguin?”
“The one in my dream,” she mumbled, snuggling closer to you. “He's quite the gentleman.”
“Sounds like a classy penguin,” you teased.
She smiled faintly, her eyes still closed. “He reminds me of you, in a way.”
“Oh? So, I'm a penguin now?” you quipped, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.
“In the best way,” she whispered, pulling you closer. “My dapper penguin.”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “Only you would dream of something like that.”
“And only you,” she murmured, lips against your chest, “Would be there in that dream with me.”
While Wanda seamlessly reintegrated into your life, with Pietro, however, things weren't as straightforward. His past, speckled with run-ins with the law and a battle against addiction, made you and Wanda wary of him, always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
You could tell he was on the mend though, especially when six months into your relationship with Wanda, Pietro was able to hold a job for that same duration. Yet, his living situation with Wanda was far from ideal. Their apartment was snug, to say the least. His room was barely big enough to fit his bed. 
You wished you could help, but with college expenses looming over you, your hands were tied. The thought of asking Wanda to move in with you played on your mind constantly. It seemed like the ideal solution: she would have a more stable environment, and Pietro could fully occupy the apartment, giving him some semblance of independence.
“What do you think about moving in with me? I know it's soon, but…” you asked her one night in the quiet confines of your dorm room.
“I don’t think I’m allowed to live here with you,” Wanda said, a bit amused at your suggestion.
“I didn’t mean here,” you replied. “I meant finding an apartment for the two of us.”
“That’s just adding more expenses, Y/N. I can’t let you do that when you can stay here without any costs,” Wanda countered.
You sighed, rubbing the back of your neck. “It's not about the money, Wands. It's about... us. Having a place of our own. And it would also give Pietro the whole apartment.”
Wanda's eyes met yours, searching for a hidden meaning. “Are you saying that because of Pietro? You think he's a burden?”
You quickly shook your head. “No, no, it's not that. I just... I see how much you worry about him.”
Your fingers found hers, lacing together as you both sat on the edge of your bed. “I get it,” you began, exhaling softly, “But I thought about Pietro too. He’d have the apartment all to himself. More space, more independence.”
Wanda's eyebrows knit together in concern. “And what if he…” she hesitated, searching for the right words, “Relapses or needs me?”
You tightened your grip around her hand. “We wouldn't be too far, Wanda. And maybe giving him that space and trust will help him more than you think.”
She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “I know you're thinking of what's best for all of us, but Pietro's situation has always been so... fragile.”
Wanda looked at you, her eyes filled with emotion. “I'll think about it,” she whispered.
“Take your time,” you replied, pressing a soft kiss on her knuckles. “Whatever you decide, I'm with you every step of the way.”
“Promise me,” Wanda said, her eyes hardening, like she’s on the verge of tears or something worse. “Promise you’ll be with me always.”
You leaned in, brushing a soft kiss on her forehead. “Always.”
“It’s not everyday you find the person you’ll be spending the rest of your life with.”
Short and sweet, but that's your whole speech, cliches and all.
“I never thought I'd see the day,” you start, nodding towards the newlyweds with a smirk. “But hey, miracles happen.” You raise your champagne glass. “To two people who finally figured it out. Cheers.”
Your best friend laughs, rolling her eyes affectionately at you. “Trust you to keep things real,” she murmurs, clinking her glass with yours.
And that’s when you see her, amongst the cheering crowds.
In the middle of all the people, she stands out. Always has. It doesn't matter where or when, you can always spot her. Your heart skips a beat, just like it always does. It's like everyone else fades a bit, and she's the only one in focus.
Wanda Maximoff. 
Pristine in a scarlet trumpet gown, her hair pulled into a tight, strict bun. A few stray tendrils of hair have escaped the bun, framing her face in a way that gives her an almost ethereal quality.
As you take a moment to really look at her, you notice the fine details. The way the light catches the small diamond earrings she wears, making them shimmer just so. The delicate curve of her collarbone, revealed by the gown's off-the-shoulder design. And her eyes—always her captivating eyes–that hold an entire galaxy, scanning the room until they land on you.
The shock in her eyes mirrors yours, and for a moment, everything else blurs. Your legs wobble, threatening to give way beneath you. The room's atmosphere grows thick, or perhaps you're just struggling to catch your breath.
Beside you, the bride and your best friend, Maria, notices your sudden change in demeanor and follows your gaze to its source. 
“Are you okay?” she asks.
You manage a shaky head shake in response, pushing through the crowd to escape the room. But you can hear Maria, not too far behind, calling after you.
“So, Maria,” Wanda began once your friend had left and it was just the two of you in the cafe. You had been so keen for the two of them to meet. But with Maria spending a whole semester in Germany as an exchange student, their only prior meeting had been a brief video call that interrupted one of your dates with Wanda.
“How did you two get so close?”
“Did I never tell you about that?”
Wanda shook her head, taking a sip from her now lukewarm cappuccino.
“Freshman year. We were looking for this book and it only had one copy in the school library, and believe it or not, we reached for it at the same time,” you recounted with a wistful smile.
Wanda's face shifted ever so slightly, a change you didn't quite catch.
“We both really needed it badly, so we promised to take turns using it, and we ended up studying together for weeks.”
“That sounds like something out of a movie,” Wanda mused, her fingers tracing the rim of her cup.
“It kind of felt like that,” you admitted, laughing softly. “From bickering about who would get the book on Mondays to sharing our notes and coffee breaks. Before we knew it, we were inseparable.”
Wanda hummed, her eyes flitting restlessly around you.
“What is it?”
Wanda shrugged. “Nothing.”
You frowned slightly, knowing her well enough to see past her facade. “Wands, come on,” you coaxed. “Talk to me.”
She looked away for a moment, collecting her thoughts. “It's just... it's hard sometimes, hearing about these memories you shared with someone else, when I wish I had been there with you.”
“Wanda,” you began gently, “There are moments in your past that I wasn't a part of. But what matters is now. Right here, with you.”
She sighed, her posture deflating a little. “I know. It's silly, isn't it? To be jealous of a close friend of yours.”
“If it makes you feel this way, then it's valid, no matter how silly you think it might be,” you assured her.
She leaned back in her chair, staring at the ceiling. “Growing up, our worlds were confined to that same apartment building. The people, the routines, everything was predictable. And now... being out in the world, seeing you connect with others, it's just... intimidating. And, honestly, a little scary.”
You paused, smirking a bit. “You know,” you began, but Wanda cut in, “What?”
“It's just...Do you even know how happy you make me?” you said, a bit sheepishly.
She looked like she was about to say something, but you quickly added, “Seriously, Wands.”
Wanda blinked, clearly taken aback. “You have this strange way of turning things around,” she said with a soft chuckle, her face turning a shade pinker.
“Because I love you.”
Neither of you had said it up until now. And it’s quickly evident that it was the right thing to say, at the right moment.
She took a deep breath, her fingers fidgeting with her cup. “You always jump in headfirst, don't you?” Then, looking up into your eyes, she added softly, “I love you too.”
You grinned, feeling a weight lifted. “Took you long enough.”
The grand ballroom doors open with a soft whoosh, the muted melodies of a string quartet drifting into the cool night. You step out quickly, breathing in deep gulps of fresh air, your heart pounding against your ribcage. Memories of Wanda Maximoff, which you've tried hard to keep buried, surge to the forefront of your mind.
Maria, noticing your abrupt exit, quickly follows you out. “Hey,” she calls out softly, her heels clicking on the stone path as she reaches you. “Are you okay?”
“Why is she here?” you exclaim, the pitch of your voice inching towards a sharp octave.
Maria gently grabs your arm, offering solace. “I had no idea she'd be here. I promise. She must be someone’s plus one.”
You swallow hard, trying to steady your suddenly spinning surroundings.
“I'm okay, Maria,” you say, forcing a weak smile. “Sorry about this. It's your wedding, and you shouldn't be out here with me. Go back, enjoy your day.”
She looks conflicted, torn between staying by your side and going back to her new spouse and guests.
After a moment, Maria steps forward, enveloping you in a tight hug. “Promise me you'll be okay?”
You nod, hugging her back. “That’s too many promises in one day. But yeah, I’ll be okay.”
It’s just Wanda, you tell yourself.
Just the girl who could always bring out that special smile in you—the same one Maria had when she said, “I do.”
The call came unexpectedly in the middle of the night.
You and Wanda had been dozing in her room for a few hours, following a particularly exhausting fight that concluded with even more exhausting—and mind-blowing—make-up sex.
“Y/N!” You instantly recognized Pietro’s voice. “Hey, listen, can you pick me up? I'm at a bar,” Pietro said, his voice tinged with guilt and slight slurring. “I... I swear I didn't do anything. I got promoted to store manager and I treated a few colleagues to celebrate. I'm a bit tipsy so I... I'm sorry to bother you.”
There was a pause, and you ran a hand through your hair, exchanging a glance with Wanda who now sat up with a worried look.
“Which bar?” you asked, trying to keep yourself calm.
“Mike’s Tavern,” he mumbled, sounding embarrassed.
Taking a deep breath, you grabbed your keys from the nightstand. “Alright, I'm on my way. Stay put.”
Wanda frowned, her gaze conflicted. “I want to come with you,” she said, her brows furrowing together in concern and sleepiness.
“You should stay,” you said, sliding into your jeans. “It's a bit of a drive to New Jersey. You've had a long day, and you need to rest. I'll handle this.”
She bit her lip, torn, but finally nodded. “Please be safe. Call me if anything happens, okay?”
“I will,” you said, leaning down to give her a brief kiss on the forehead before making your way out.
You didn't call Wanda on your way back from New Jersey, but not because nothing occurred.
Rather, something did happen, and you weren't conscious enough to make the call.
You and Pietro made it to the hospital.
Wanda was an emotional wreck, grappling with the challenge of dividing her attention between her brother in ICU and you being wheeled into a separate ward.
An hour later, she didn't need to decide any longer.
Pietro Maximoff's time of death was called just as you started regaining consciousness.
The days following Pietro's death were a blur. You'd wake up, immediately feeling the weight of the world pressing down, your every moment drenched in guilt in the form of alcohol and, sometimes, your own vomit. 
Though you weren't close to Pietro anymore, he was slowly turning his life around. And while a drunk truck driver caused the accident, your own haste to get back to Wanda made you reckless. 
That choice haunted you daily.
That choice made you believe that Wanda hated you in secret.
You began avoiding Wanda, her presence a haunting reminder of the brother she lost and, in a twisted way, the brother you felt responsible for losing. The relationship you cultivated turned into something that only existed as a label. Otherwise, it didn’t exist at all. It faded, just like the gash on your face that you acquired from the accident.
Nights blurred into days, and sometimes, it was hard to tell which was which. Friends would find you in bars or on the rooftops, looking worse for wear, lost in your thoughts. Yes, Wanda grieved, but she was also lost without you by her side. She yearned for your comfort, your grounding presence; instead, all she got was your voicemail.
The breaking point came on an evening when she didn’t hear from you for two weeks. On a hunch, she decided to visit your dorm room. The last thing she expected was to find Maria there. While the situation was innocent enough, to Wanda's overwhelmed and grieving heart, it felt like a betrayal. Maria, sensing the rising tension, made a hasty exit, leaving the two of you alone.
Wanda's eyes glittered with rage and sadness. “Is this it?” she demanded. “Is this how we handle grief? You shut me out and bring her in?” 
You looked away, the walls you had put up to protect yourself now seeming like a prison. “It's not about Maria,” you murmured, your voice empty, almost lifeless.
Wanda's red-rimmed eyes searched yours, looking for a glimmer of the person she loved. “Then what is it? Why do you keep pushing me away?”
“Why don't you blame me?” you suddenly screamed, tears blurring your vision. “You should hate me for your brother dying!”
For a few moments, there was a deafening silence, interrupted only by your quiet sobs.
Wanda's hands cupped your face, forcing you to meet her eyes. “I've never blamed you. Not once.”
You remained quiet, refusing to let Wanda lift your chin from your chest.
Wanda continued, “Life is a series of 'what ifs' and 'maybes'. You can't control everything. And neither can I. We both lost him, Y/N. I don’t need more loss by losing you too.”
“Maybe you already have,” you whispered, finally looking into her eyes.
Wanda's voice cracked, “You can't be serious. What are you saying?”
You felt drained, worn out. “I don't know how to be us anymore, Wanda.”
She looked devastated. “So you're just walking away? Because we're hurting?”
You just wanted to be able to breathe again. You just wanted all of the pain to end, even if it meant letting her go.
Wanda's face crumpled, her voice rising. “So, that's it? You're just giving up?”
You could barely muster the strength to speak. "I just think... maybe it's easier this way."
“Easier for whom?” Wanda yelled, unable to hold everything back any longer. “I don't need easy, Y/N. I need you. But if you're so set on this, then be honest with me.”
You took a deep breath, your throat tight. “I think we need space, Wanda. A break.”
For a moment, it looked like Wanda might collapse. She took a step back, her gaze cold and hard. “You think a break will fix this? Fine. But don't expect me to be here waiting when you come around.” 
Without another word, she turned on her heel and left.
The last image of Wanda Maximoff etched into your mind as you closed her chapter.
You half-expect her to seek you out after you left the reception. So, when the familiar scent of Wanda’s perfume wafts over, you keep your back turned, taking a long drag from your cigarette rather than acknowledging her arrival.
“Can I bum one?” she asks, her voice softer than the last time you heard it.
You hand her a cigarette without a word, watching her closely as she lights it. Her fingers, slender and pale, bring the cigarette to her lips, and she takes a long drag, exhaling with a sigh.
She looks so different, yet so achingly familiar.
Her hair is red—a detail you missed earlier. But now, standing this close to her, you can pick out everything that’s changed about her.
And you hate how good you are at doing just that.
For a few minutes, both of you stand in silence, letting the smoke swirl around in patterns before it gets carried away by the wind.
Wanda breaks the silence. “It's been a while.”
“Did you know it was Maria’s wedding?” you ask, finally gathering the courage to look at her.
She hesitates, exhaling a plume of smoke before admitting, “Yes, I did. But explaining to Steve our... complicated history and why I'd refuse to be his plus one seemed harder than just going with it.”
She looks down, taking a moment before murmuring, “Steve’s my fiancé.”
Your eyes instinctively flit to her left hand, landing on the glimmering diamond ring. It's large and hard to miss, and you almost want to laugh that you hadn’t noticed before.
There’s a long pause between you both before you find your voice. “Congratulations, Wanda.” And to your own surprise, you genuinely mean it. 
“Thank you,” she murmurs, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, an action you still find so endearing after all these years. But you’re not supposed to find anything about her endearing anymore. They’re not supposed to make your heart race. They’re not supposed to make you feel light-headed with desire.
It hits you painfully just how possible it is to stand mere inches from someone, yet feel oceans apart.
Wanda takes a deep breath, releasing it shakily. 
“You know,” Wanda says, her voice soft, “I never really got to apologize for how things ended between us.” She shakes her head slowly, tears forming in her eyes. “I was angry, hurt... lost. And when you tried to come back, I was already seeing someone else. By that time–”
“–so much has happened and I’ve hurt you too much,” you finish for her, a pained smile on your lips. “I’m sorry too.”
Wanda's breath hitches, and for a moment, she's transported back to your dorm room. She's spent a long time wondering what might have happened if she had stayed. But that choice belongs to a different timeline, a version of her that might have been braver than she feels now.
You pause, glancing at your hands before meeting her eyes. “Are you happy, Wanda?” A part of you hopes she's found happiness, yet another selfish part wishes she hasn't—because if she hasn't, maybe there's still a space for you in her life.
Wanda meets your gaze, her eyes shining with a clarity you hadn't seen in years. “I am happy,” she confirms softly.
The unexpected rush of emotion tightens your throat, and your eyes mist over. But you fight it, forcing a big smile that wrinkles the corners of your eyes. 
“That's great, Wanda,” you say. Your heart aches a bit, thinking how happiness can feel like a double-edged sword.
Reading your expression, she asks, “What about you? Are you happy?”
You promised Maria you won’t stop looking for the kind of happiness that brings people together. 
So, now you hang onto the hope of that promise. 
“Getting there,” you answer, the corners of your mouth lifting ever so slightly, “I will be.”
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lurkingshan · 7 months
Japanese QL Corner
ICYMI: There are so many Japanese qls airing weekly, so I’m going to start posting this little round up at the end of each week. Most of these shows are on Gaga and I highly recommend watching!
Chaser Game W
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We've reached the stage with this one where I'm just gonna say we should keep watching for the ratings and enjoy the pretty gifs.
Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna 2
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I got to watch episodes 5-8 of the new season this week, and I promptly lost my mind over how good this show is. It somehow got even better between seasons; the creators have some things to say about the experiences of women under heterosexual patriarchy. I already wrote about Kasuga's family trauma storyline and how much it meant to me, but these episodes also gave us Nomoto's ongoing queer awakening and journey to define her sexuality, the introduction of a new queer bestie in Yako, a better understanding of Nagumo and the careful and steady deepening of her relationship with the gals, a new confidant for Kasgua in Fujita, and Nomoto and Kasuga inching ever closer to defining what they are to each other. The world of the show and the support network around our leads continues to expand, and I am loving every moment. This drama is excellent and I cannot implore you enough to go to @furritsubs and catch up.
My Strawberry Film
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Kicking off the last Drama Shower show of the season! This is a high school story featuring a classic trio—the Pining Gay, the Chaos Bisexual, and the Budding Lesbian. Obviously, I love them. I like the mood of this one—it's quite a tonal shift from the last show in this series—and the color grading is blue, blue, blue. And there's a mystery afoot as they try to track down the beautiful girl captured on film. Looking forward to more!
Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka
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I continue to love this show, though I am not entirely sure how I feel about the turn things took with Mizuki this week. I did not really want this to go the full blown love triangle route; I am more interested in a version of this story where Sakae and Soga try to figure out these adult complications from the foundation of being in a relationship, not with the constant interference of a third party. So few dramas are willing to get the couple together early and let them face things together rather than constantly playing the will they, won't they game, and I was hoping Sukidoya was going to be one of them. That said, I like that Mizuki is sticking around in the story because he's an interesting character, and I like the conflict with Soga's job (we have a preponderance of Japanese shows about unreasonable work conditions airing atm) and the temporary nature of his time in Osaka. That he's worried about eventually leaving tells you all you need to know about how much he likes and respects Sakae. If he felt casual about him he would not be worried about complications that far down the timeline. Let's see where they take this love triangle thing next week; I'm hoping it will be brief.
Perfect Propose
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Great episode this week, and I love the way they continue to deepen the backstory for these two. Hiro being the first person to need Kai rather than pity him makes so much sense for their dynamic and why Kai would be so attached to him. And of course, when Kai returns the situation is the same; Hiro definitely still needs him. I love that they took a source of shame for Hiro and turned it into a reason why he and Kai are so compatible. Kai wants to take care of him—and he's not the only one! Loved seeing Hiro's coworkers express concern for his well-being and recognize how this job is grinding him down and breaking his spirit. It was so validating to hear from another high performer that the job is miserable and he should quit. It has nothing to do with failure; as Kaneko said, it's about seeking the life he truly wants. He sees Hiro's talent and knows he will not be able to flourish in this hellish work environment, and I thought it was so kind and compassionate of him to try to help Hiro see that. Also shoutout to Hiyori for sitting her ass back down and missing the last train when she realized prime gossip was about to arrive to her table, she's just like me fr.
Ossan's Love Returns
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We are clearly in the drama spiral for the season now, and this show seems to be coming for my beloved Kurosawa. Thanks, I hate it! But the show found its humor again this week even as the sad plotlines for the side characters continued, and I was very happy to see it back in top form. I loved this story with Maki and Haruta caring for Goro for the week, and how it affirmed for them that they are actually not interested in having children. I told @bengiyo and @twig-tea when we saw last week's preview that Maki seemed like the type who wouldn't like children, and I was glad to see that affirmed by the show, and crucially, that he didn't change his mind via the power of Goro's cuteness. Not all people want to be parents, and it's so nice and refreshing to see a loving couple decide they just want to focus on each other, and that you can like kids and spend time with them without needing to have one of your own. I loved, too, that we got some focus on Chizu's struggles as a single mom, and her family rallied around her and made it clear she has support. Takegawa's sudden not-at-all-selfishly-motivated interest in polyamory was hilarious, as was Chief's journey to figure out what was causing his stress—until it wasn't, of course. I was glad Chuoko was with him when he got the news. And I am really hoping that rooftop kiss was Kiku's goodbye, and we will be seeing him move on from Izumi soon.
Bonus: Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai 
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Shoutout to @my-rose-tinted-glasses for giffing this show and reminding me I still hadn't seen it! It was not accessible to me back when it came out and it fell off my radar for awhile. I watched today and thought it was just delightful. A short, sweet, warm hug of a friends to lovers high school bl with two very lovable leads. I highly recommend checking it out.
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The Use of Robert Moses as a Foil in The Unsleeping City
For those of you who don’t remember 10th grade English and don’t have a degree in Literature from a state school, a foil is a character who exists to contrast another character in order to highlight the characteristics of both characters. There are many great examples of this not only in literature (Hamlet and Laertes, Tybalt and Benvolio, Adam Trask and Cathy Ames) but also in film (Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, Batman and the Joker), comics (see: Batman and the Joker) and a host of other mediums. With all that said, and those examples given, I posit that Robert Moses is a foil for the Heroes of New York in Dimension 20: The Unsleeping City. 
First and most obviously, he is a reflection of Kingston Brown if Kingston Brown wasn’t a strict adherent to Uncle Ben’s axiom. Moses took every bit of power he could for his own use and, in real life, screwed over the city of New York where Brown uses everything he’s given to make the city better (in a flashback, we find out that the first thing Brown asks the Dragon of Bleeker Street after becoming the Vox Populi is how he can use his power to help other people). 
Second, he’s a version of Kugrash that never learned the importance of caring for others. Throughout season one, Kugrash acts as a protector for the homeless and dispossessed of New York, feeding and clothing and protecting them from harm, a lesson he learned after he was cursed by a powerful spellcaster. The people he protects are those who Robert Moses’s realm would destroy, the people Robert Moses cares nothing for. This service comes not purely from penance, but also from a heartfelt desire to help others to the point that he sacrifices his body to save New York. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, is his reaction to the final words of Robert Moses’s phylactery after his (Kugrash’s) sacrifice - greed is good. To quote the man himself -  “ Greed is good, for rat motherfuckers like Robert Moses, but not in our town, not in our fuckin' city!”
Third, Robert Moses is a reflection of Pete if Pete had given in to corruption and temptation and hatred and greed, which he almost does multiple times in the series, the final time being in Showdown at the Stock Exchange, the penultimate fight of season one. This final choice is offered as two options on the Wild Magic Table - embrace the darkness to match Robert Moses in power, or resist temptation and rise above, Pete choosing the later. For this rejection of evil, Pete is killed (I choose to read the game of Eenie Miney Minie Mo as being a theatrically show that Robert Moses put on just to prove how evil he is). 
Fourth, both he and Misty/Rowan feed on the power of the city for their own ends, Robert to control it and Misty to maintain her youth and beauty. The difference lies in the fact that, as Nod points out, Misty/Rowan gives back to the people more than she takes, giving them hope and joy (and using her magic to protect the people), while Robert Moses gives nothing in return. She also cares for the immaterial things in life, like beauty and art and entertainment, while he does not.
Fifth, Ricky’s self-sacrificing nature is in stark contrast to Robert Moses’s. Throughout the series, Ricky puts himself on the line to protect others, a good portion of his magic being used to protect others from harm and the rest (notably his smites) used in defense of the innocent. In the final battle of season one, against Robert Moses’s nightmarish American Dream, he uses an ability that he knows will almost certainly kill him. His words to Kingston Brown moments before the sacrifice - “You got me if you got me” - show that while he would like to come back and knows his friend will do what he can to make that happen, he also knows that there’s a chance that this is the end for him, and he does it anyway, a sacrifice Robert Moses would never accept. 
Finally, there’s Sofia. Sofia was the hardest of these to write about, but eventually I realize that the contrast comes in relation to wealth - Sof rejects her family’s ill-gotten wealth, choosing to live (temporarily) as a monk with little more than the contents of a backpack to her name, while Robert Moses craves wealth so much that his whole plan revolves around creating a new realm in New York city specifically for his own gain. It’s not a lot, but it’s something. 
There’s also the fact that the heroes all love New York while Robert Moses sees it as a tool for his own gain, but that mostly goes without saying. 
I’m about 90% sure that this is the longest post I’ve made on this site but I really enjoyed writing it. I definitely plan on making more like it, analyzing D&D series through a serious literary lens and discussing the uses of literary and narrative techniques, although these won’t be as frequent as my shorter observations. 
If you got all the way through this, thank you and you’re awesome. 
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Tag Game Tuesday: 911 Lone Star Fandom Edition
How fun! Thank you for tagging me @tellmegoodbye!
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
In early February 2022, I began to see some Push gifs on tumblr and I was very intrigued. Two beautiful men, one waking up from a coma, both of them obviously in love with each other...I had to know more! I started season 1 a few days later and it took me around a week to get completely caught up. I was just in time to watch 3x07 as it aired. I've been completely consumed by the show and Tarlos ever since.
Which season is your favorite?
I think season 3 is the most consistently great season, though I love a lot about all the seasons. Still, if I have to pick a favorite, it's season 3.
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
TK and Carlos are absolutely my favorite characters. I love them so much. I don't think I can even choose between them to pick out one single favorite. Aside from those two, I think my next favorite is Marjan.
Top five episodes. Go!
1. In the Unlikely Event of An Emergency (3x08)
2. Push (3x04)
3. Saving Grace (2x09)
4. Riddle of the Sphynx (3x13)
5. A Bright and Cloudless Morning (3x18)
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
Carlos. My dream season 5 episode would be somewhat of a "begins" episode for him, focusing on his relationship with his father and showing him working through his feelings about that and his grief. It would include flashbacks that would give us a chance to see more of Gabriel. I would also love it if Carlos was solving his father's murder in the present!
What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
The one thing I want most from season 5 is great Tarlos content. Particularly, I want to see TK and Carlos working together as a team. They make a pretty good team, after all! I think it would be great if TK helped Carlos solve Gabriel's murder. Bonus points if this storyline involves both of them freaking out over the other being in danger!
What do you think is going on in this still?
There are so many potential scenarios! My best guess in this moment is that TK is upset and worried about Carlos--maybe he's being threatened by Gabriel's murderer or putting himself in a situation where he could be in danger. Carlos is trying to tell TK that everything is going to be ok when he gets a phone call that ends up being related to the danger somehow or potentially gives Carlos some information that will lead him into more danger.
Either that or maybe TK went to the pet store and they were all out of Lou's favorite crickets and so he came home devastated that he couldn't provide his lizard son's favorite food. Carlos, determined to not allow his husband to be disappointed, gets on the phone and begins calling every single pet store in Austin.
We all know about the elusive 5x05 spicy scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
To be honest, I'm not quite convinced that it could possibly be hotter than 1x02. I know Ronen said that it is, but he's very enthusiastic and recency bias could easily play a role here. However, I could imagine an excellent scene following a brief separation or a moment where one or both of them were hurt or in danger. Like some life-affirming/reunion/slamming each other up against the walls of the loft kind of sex! Really, it does not have to actually top 1x02 to make me happy. I'll be happy with anything!
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
Somewhere fairly close to home where they could have some peace and quiet and relax and enjoy each other's company and gaze at each other's wedding rings and get all sappy about it. What I want most for them is to be able to rest and be happy and in love, so that's how I picture the honeymoon.
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
There are so many incredible fan creations in this fandom. So many talented people! It's very hard to pick just one. The first that comes to mind in this moment after just thinking a lot about what I want from season 5 is How I linger to admire by @ladytessa74. If the show gave me a season 5 just like this fic, I would be very happy! See also: this list of the fic that brought me joy in 2023
No pressure tagging:
@lemonlyman-dotcom @ladytessa74 @she-walked-away @reasonandfaithinharmony @carlos-in-glasses
@paperstorm @vineofroses @laelipoo @herefortarlos @bonheur-cafe
@literateowl @welcometololaland @goldenskykaysani @carlos-tk @toomanycupsoftea
@autistic-lesbian-story-lover @guardian-angle22 @reeeallygood @goodways
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moriartyluver · 2 years
i absolutely loved your beauty is terror boo on Wattpad and when I found out I did tumble, I rushed over here to find you.
anyways can we please have general dating hcs for Dazai?? Thank you sm in advance please marry me
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A/N: thank you for your request nonnie! Took me a while to do this so I’m sorry
Character(s) :Dazai Osamu x reader
Format: headcannons
Genre: fluff
Prompt: general dating hcs
Warnings: general Dazai behaviour. Might be OOC
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• Dazai Osamu was a strange man. Nobody knew what was going on inside that strange head of his. Not even his family or friends.
•I'd imagine you would meet him while attempting to commit suicide, hopefully trying to stop him. He's definitely like you since you had met.
•I think if he truly liked someone romantically, he's definitely be a bit shy about it and although he'd rather be more than friends, he's happy to be there for you.
•once you realised you liked him, you'd probably start realising that he didn't treat you the same way he did other people.
•Dazai would be scared of getting too attached to you. He knows that one day, everyone will leave. Nobody stays forever and he'd rather not witness you leaving him.
•he's already lost odasaku, I think he'd be really upset about possibly losing you too.
•he'd be desperate to impress you though. As soon as you'd walk into the agency's office, hems stop clowning around and show off his deep and amazing concentration skills.
•he'd also magically have money for food whenever you would be hungry with him.
•(he defo stole it from kunikida though.)
•He'd probably have planned out a very nice confession. If you're into mind games, he'd definitely have you go on a scavenger hunt of some sort but that's just what he had planned
•i think that he wouldn't actually do a fancy confession in the moment.
•I love angry confessions.
•He'd definitely get upset about you doing something and there would be a small argument between the two of you and then you'd pull the "why do you even care?" Card.
•he'd be a bit surprised you had said that, seeing as you had a pretty good friendship. He'd say exactly that.
“-But you're willing to betray your friends. Why cant you just let me do this one thing-"
"-Because I love you!"
•he'd go on a rant about how much he wants you with him but he's scared about what could happen to you.
•as much as he is smart, he doesn't expect you to feel the same.
•so when you meet his lips with yours, naturally he's very surprised.
•as for actual dating headcannons-
•wouldn't really flirt with anyone after you got with him. Actually, when he realised he liked you, you noticed that he had slowly stopped flirting with random women and asking for them to join him in a double suicide.
•the Ada isn't surprised. Everyone knew dazai liked you and they were relieved that you finally knew too.
•if you're a calm and responsible person, everyone's glad that dazai has you to keep him in check. I think he'd be more into that kind of person to be honest.
•they'd probably be a bit like "him?! Fr?!" Especially kunikida. Every time dazai does something stupid, kunikida goes to you and is like "how tf do you cope with that man? You need him on a leash"
• if you're a bit more extroverted and chaotic, Dazai wouldn't mind at all. He liked having someone with more energy than him. No matter how you're like, he will love you no matter what. The ADA and everyone else thinks you're a match made in hell.
•I feel like dazai wouldn't move in straight away but he'd have this thing where he'd use every excuse in the book to go to your place and cuddle with you before you fall asleep in his arms, before the two of you eventually decide to move in together.
•and it was unexpectedly expected.
•this man is a HOG. He is the worst roommate eveerrr.
•you'd be tidying up after him so often omg.
•living with him is fun though because he's quite a playful partner to be honest.
•teenage girl type of slumber parties, pillow forts, tickle fights. You name it, he'll do it.
•if you ever share a bed, he'll stretch out so much while you sleep that you tumble out of bed and wake up to hitting the cold ground.
•yet somehow, when you wake up, it's impossible to pull yourself away from his grasp.
• library dates. Definitely.
•imagine shopping at a supermarket with dazai. It'd honestly be so fun.
•coffee dates.
•he'd sometimes just be like "yo you wanna go out?" And you and him would just walk around Yokohama, exploring for a few hours straight.
•icecream dates. He definitely is a massive icecream fan.
• He's very affectionate in both private and public. The former is a lot more intimate and vulnerable though.
•sometimes dazai would just plop himself down onto your lap while you try working in the office.
•kunikida has tried to pry him away from you multiple times so you don't keep getting distracted by the brunette who would be hugging onto you like a koala and just mumbling on about his day while hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
•he also will hug you when he sees you, no matter where. That's just how he greets you. Also would give you gentlemanly hand kisses and kiss your forehead.
•if he ever gets jealous, he'll probably hug you by the waist and glare at the man or woman who seemed to be looking a bit too long and hard at you.
•he liked kissing you at the most random times just to see your adorable surprised expressions.
•in private, he is alot more affectionate. People like to say he'd be really handsy public and although I don't think he'd be shy to show how much he loves you, he's a gentleman who wouldnt just make out with you in the office of the detective agency in front of everyone
•as I was saying, in private hes a lot more vulnerable when he shows his affection. Whether it's hugging you from behind while you make breakfast or letting you kiss his scars underneath his bandages.
•he loves you alot and if anything ever happened to you, he'd be so mad. He'd get thorough revenge and everything.
•please give this man the love he deserves.  Idc what he does I love him
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softboiledwonderland · 4 months
Thank you for tagging me in this @konartiste 😊 being very lame and doing it months after the fact <3
LOTR themed tag game! Reblog with your own answers and tag three or more people you want to get to know better!
- How old were you when you were first introduced to LOTR? I was nine when my mum took me to the cinema (I think I'd read and loved The Hobbit by then) to watch the movie. I did not like it at all! 😂 We didn't know what it was about and had no idea it was part one in a trilogy, which came as a nasty surprise after three hours of horrible movie lol. I loved the beginning, but like: the troll terrified me to my core and for a long time afterwards I was scared it would somehow come after me, Gandalf died, I thought Boromir had a suspicious face from the start and didn't mind that he died (cue 20+ years later and I'm writing the most important fic in my life so far about him) but his death was still traumatic, and I just wanted my comfort hobbits to get a happy ending and instead they were crying and resigning themselves to more misery. I didn't even watch the other two movies when they came out I was so disgusted with the whole thing lol. Read the books and watched the movies as an older teen and loved them all.
- Favourite LOTR character? Probably Aragorn, but also the hobbits (they're a unit). The entire Fellowship is so dear to me though. And Boromir is my blorbo.
- Books or Movies? Books! The movies are cool and all, but the books are where Tolkien is.
- Which location in Middle Earth would you want to visit? If I had to choose only one it'd probably be Rivendell, but also the Shire, the Old Forest, Rohan, Dol Amroth, Gondor... and the Great River, just because of my fic. <3
- Favourite Movie? Not sure, perhaps The Fellowship, ironically enough.
- Favourite scene? I'm so bad at remembering movie scenes! Maybe the Council of Elrond? There are so many amazing ones with such beautiful music so I'm not sure. Love Gandalf charging at the Nazgûl with Pippin in tow <3
- Favourite quote? “The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”
- What Middle Earth race would you like to be? I'm usually a Hobbit in every online quiz, but it'd be fun to see what being an Elf is like.
- Favourite LOTR ship: This is going to sound weird because I'm writing a long, shippy, Canon Character/OC fic at the moment, but I'm not really into LOTR for the ships so I kind of don't have one? I adore Aragorn/Arwen and Faramir/Éowyn as much as the next person and Sam and Rosie are precious, but I'm not really fussed.
Going all out and tagging all the mutuals I THINK I saw reblogging LOTR at some point, if I'm wrong I'm sorry, if you already did this back when it was making the rounds please ignore it, if you want to ignore it anyway by all means feel free to do so, thank you and have a nice day <3 @dangerously-human @to-be-frank-i-dont-care @phoenixflames12 @ass-deep-in-demons @spifflocated @erathene
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altocat · 10 months
i saw that you also said you love to talk about other characters, not just sephiroth, so i thought i'd ask: what are your favorite things/traits/moments etc of all of the playable characters we've had across the compilation of 7? i feel like i can talk about all the characters forever :)
Ooh yeah! This will be fun. Okay!
Cloud: Cloud is the most relatable character to me, and probably my favorite if we're being honest. I relate strongly to his identity issues, and I love when he tries to act tough while concealing a softer nature. My personal favorite scene with him is the flashback where he realizes that he was stronger than Sephiroth this whole time, throwing Sephiroth down the pit. It's a powerful moment, probably Cloud's single greatest moment in the entire series.
Tifa: Tifa is literal perfection. She looks like a tough tomboy and yet she's also one of the kindest people ever. She's maternal, loyal, supportive, and devoted to a fault. The team would be lost without her. She's the glue that holds everyone together. An absolute queen. My favorite moment with her is Under the Highwind, regardless of her relationship with Cloud being romantic or platonic.
Barret: Barret's got a heart of gold. He's always part of my main party when playing the OG. A great comrade and an even GREATER father. His relationship with Marlene is beautiful and so warm and wholesome. Barret also spits some iconic quotes over the course of the game, as well as some hard truths. My favorite scene with him, naturally, is his encounter with Dyne. The line "my hands are too stained to carry her anymore" gets me to cry no matter how many times I play.
Aerith: Aerith is the biggest hero of FFVII next to Cloud. She's the one who ultimately saves the day, and all through her sacrifice. I'm not even gonna talk about my favorite moment with her because...you guys already know the scene. It's the single most famous scene in gaming history. Aerith has a playful, occasionally chaotic edge to her personality that she hides behind a sweet smile. I absolutely adore that about her. She's so full of love and so full of selflessness, but she also loves to tease people. Also an absolute queen.
Red XIII: Nanaki is a cat btw. I have always seen him as a cat. That's my controversial opinion on him lmao. Also him howling for Seto makes me ugly cry every single time without fail. I appreciate that Nanaki seems occasionally stoic and serious, but then has kind of a childlike or immature fear or insecurity about something. There's that duality to him that ties to the other characters in a sense. Anyway, I love him. He is a very good boy.
Cid: Cid took a while to grow on me initially. He's pretty rough around the edges. But my favorite moment with him happens in the last third where he sorta becomes the de facto leader of the group with Cloud gone. And I like that he seems to have reconciled with Shera as well. Honestly, he's just kind of a badass and really cool at what he does. Also he gets to go to space. Good for him tbh.
Cait Sith: This one is hard because there's always a debate as to how much of a character Cait Sith actually IS. It's Reed puppeting a machine/doll basically. How much of Cait Sith has a mind of his own? Regardless, Cait Sith isn't my fave. He's a spy, after all. But he makes up for it in the end, even if he kinda fades into the background. Reed is honestly more of an interesting character overall. I can't name any specific favorite moments with Cait Sith specifically. But also he's a small Scottish cat. And that's rad.
Vincent: This edgy boi. Also not one of my faves, but he's grown a lot more on me over time. He wins for always having the coolest voice in the entire group. And I really like the scene where he reunites with Lucrecia. Vincent is kind of gruff and understated at times compared to the rest of the cast. But he has a gentle side as well, and one hell of a cool backstory. Also I love monsters and gothic imagery in general.
Yuffie: Yuffie is...my least favorite main character. I don't hate her. I've just never been a fan of the "spunky loudmouth child" trope. With that said, I'm sure the Remake trilogy will breathe new life into her and add some extra appeal for me. I like what I've seen so far. And Yuffie's bluntness and playfulness can be cute from time to time.
Zack: Counting him because of Crisis Core. He's probably my third favorite character. His death is the saddest scene in the entire compilation imo. He's a character who is wholly encompassed by love, who deals with a LOT of pain, and who proves to be better and worthier than most people put together. Like Aerith, he sacrifices everything. And also like Aerith, his legacy will live on forever.
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lovemaiyo-main · 1 year
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RONNETTE, MY DEAR (don't ever dissapear) + s. nagi
⁎ note i feel so crunchy today 🙏🏻😓 one (this) | two (rin itoshi) | three (reo mikage) | four (chigiri hyoma)
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promises. once when you were young and carefree, you had promised to give him the world. it was the first time nagi had realized he was truly in love with you. it wasn't anything special, rather a domestic moment. you both were seated on the couch. nagi's head was on your lap, his phone was lying down on his stomach. there was a movie playing in the background, and your eyes were fixated on the big screen. he was staring at you. you were perfect. from the dark circles under your eyes to the brightening of your face at whatever was showing on the tv. he found every beauty mark, every spot, every single inch of your body beautiful. you looked down at him and brushed his snowy bangs away from his face. " are you sleeping, sei ? " you had asked. he didn't reply, but something told you from the heaving of his chest that he was still awake. " i love you. " he said. the first ever love you he ever said. the words sounded unfamiliar to him, but not unpleasant. like the taste of a new food. like a character in a game that turned out to be op. your cheeks looked rosier. " where did this come from ?? hah, i love you too " you had just smiled and said that, but your face quickly changed to a slightly more serious expression. you looked down at him, into his eyes. " i really, really, love you. i know i'm not perfect or anywhere near, but i want to do everything for you. i promise to give you the world. " to that, he had said only four words. " to me, you glow. "
midnight conversations. the second time nagi knew he wanted to share every good thing in his life with you. it was the first time in forever that he couldn't sleep. he kept tossing and turning. " can't sleep either ? " you'd asked him. he was startled by your sudden words, he turned towards you, his sleepy eyes blown wide. you were sitting, propped up on the pillow, looking at the ceiling. he'd just hummed and closed his eyes. " i've been wondering, " you started. he opened his eyes and looked at you. 5 months later, and you were still as gorgeous as ever. you hair was messy and eyes dreary, but you were still the most gorgeous person ever. you were always unreal to him. like an angel. you were his guardian angel, always there for him. it made him so confused to as how a person as enchanting as you could even exist in this lonesome world. you were unreal. and yet, you were there, sharing the same sky, the same dreams, and the same bed as him. he didn't even hear what you said next. " -shirou ? sei ? are you listening " your brows were furrowed. " mmh ? " he mumbled. he felt kind of bad, but at the same time your slightly pouting face was a sight to see. you'd just sighed and layed down. " nevermind. 'm sleepy now. " as you pressed a kiss to his forehead , he came to a realization. him, seishirou nagi, pro football star, egoist, was utterly and totally smitten with you. more then you would ever know. this time, as he drifted off to the land of the asleep, he dreamt about angels.
stargazing. the third time nagi seishirou thanked fate for leading him to you. " this old lady on the train was telling her other old lady friend about how her husband took her stargazing to renew their marriage vows !! i almost squealed, it was so cute !! hey, sei, do you think we'll be like that ? old and in love ? " you'd been telling him about your day while you played with his hair. it felt calming, your gentle hands on his scalp. he'd just hummed at your question, but inwardly smiled. stargazing. he would love to stargaze with you. " what time is it ? " he asked. you looked confused but told him the time anyways. " 10 : 56 pm. why ? " " do you wanna go stargazing ? " you sighed " what am i going to do with you , sei ? " but you went. it was beautiful, really, the twinkling stars shooting across the dark sky, but he couldn't focus on that. there was a more beautiful sight right next to him. in that moment, there was no other way to describe it. you were radiating. you eyes were fixed on the stars, then your watch. " HEY !! sei, it's 11:11 !! make a wish ! " you looked at him. " 'ts stupid, no one does that anymore.." he'd grumbled, but seeing the slightly downcast look on your face made him reconsider. " there. " he sighed " i wished. "
somehow, without him even telling you, you'd known what he'd wished for.
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carnal-lnstinct · 11 months
If you’re still taking prompts for Kinktober could I request Ft. Trunks and somnophilia where he’s the one asleep? 👀👀
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✦✦Content: M/18. MINORS DNI. post cell games au. mutual pining. cuddling. ✦✦Warning: dubcon, somnophilia, referenced character death, implied trauma
If he was too shy to even hold your hand in public for too long, he couldn’t imagine something as intimate as holding your whole body against him for even a second. What if he accidentally touched you in a way or place you don’t like? His entire face was red just thinking about it! But he couldn’t really say no to your insisting, it was to help him, after all. It took a long time for Trunks to get used to falling asleep and staying that way throughout the night.
For as long as you have known him, he’d finally gotten to a place where he didn’t jerk awake or suddenly become fully alert at every shift or bump. 
And all too soon, it was difficult again… after what happened with Cell. A new fear to overcome. When Trunks’ mind would get too quiet and that final conscious breath released before he could slip into his dreams, a dreadful, fading sensation would suddenly hit him. Reminding him of that moment. In response, he would lurch in a panic and clutch his chest where the searing beam pierced him—paralyzed him, choked him, and claimed him.
Luckily for him, he had plenty of people to talk it over with, but it was going to be some time to fully ease such bodily distress. That’s when you dropped the idea of sharing a bed with him to help him sleep better again.
A thoughtful suggestion, but when he was around you in any intimate setting he was anything but relaxed. His heart constantly racing, his stomach in knots, and barely able to speak a complete sentence if you so much as smiled or stared at him for too long. Trunks never had such feelings for anyone like this before and he would hate to be reckless about it. A bad impression on you, when he does return to his timeline, was the last thing he wanted to leave you with.
Regardless, you made cuddling seem so natural. Your hand brushing over his lengthy purple crown of soft hair and your body against his didn’t make him nervous for long. This felt so warm to him, so soothing and peaceful. Maybe it was what he needed after all. He couldn’t help but drift in and out from the sound of your steady heartbeat, the side of his face sinking comfortably against your chest when he let go of his nerves and your arms secured his head in place. Leaving this warmth felt impossible, his large arm wrapped around you affirming that he had no intention of letting you go.
The two of you talked for a while until your responses came with many yawns and pauses in between, trying to hold your thoughts together with sleep creeping in as the hours ticked by. It was a pleasant distraction for his troubles, like everything melted away in the serenity of your embrace. Just beautiful moments that felt like they lasted an eternity as the sleep set in. He managed to shift your cuddle to where you could lie in the crook of his arm now while he was on his back, his other hand under his head. 
You couldn’t help but admire the way his chest peeks out the collar of his black top, reminding you that his body was not as lean as his long sleeves and loose pants would lead you to believe but much larger. From your head on the side of his chest and his arm keeping you close, everything was endowed with firm muscles. Your hand smoothed over the unoccupied side of his chest when you realize how softly it rose and fell.
“Trunks…?” You quietly spoke out and didn’t get a response. He was out and at peace at last. You smiled to yourself looking up at his soft and relaxed expression. He deserved this. Your hand continued to stroke his chest a bit more under the idea that a present, constant motion would help him stay asleep, but then you began to idly trace the exposed skin above his black shirt. Admiring the feel of his broad muscles beneath his collarbone, following the trail to the side of his neck which made him flinch a little, but otherwise remain asleep.
The natural flush in his skin with his hair draped around his neck and ear showed off the more subtle hints of his attractive features, but you couldn’t help but linger on it all in your current position, your imagination embellishing them like a dirty secret. You bury your face against his chest with a wide, giddy grin at what flashed through your mind. Both innocent and impure things regarding your lips where your fingers had been. Yet it felt embarrassing for such things to cross your thoughts when this was to help him.
 Still…This was the closest you and Trunks had been together, and alone at that. Hot things like that were what people who like each other do alone. You slowly lift your eyes from their hiding place as you contemplate your actions looking up at him. You don’t really want to wake him now that he’s getting the sleep he needs, but the light flutter growing between your legs insists the more you think about it. When would the both of you have this opportunity again before he’s gone forever? 
Maybe you could just steal a small kiss—A goodnight kiss, you thought. People do that, it’s just a nice and romantic gesture for your eager nerves. So you go for it, your hand on his chest again as you pull yourself up, closer, your heart starting to beat faster when you gently press your lips to his. The fluttering at your center heated into something more profound and needy, encouraging you to do it again. A second kiss was placed just as gently as the first, but longer. Trunks stirred in his sleep feeling your nose brush over his, yet continued to stay asleep. You felt his arm hold you closer and it was exactly what your body was craving.
His innocent, unconscious gesture sent a wave of heat throughout your body, one of your legs moving to drape around him as you moved in closer and made a soft trail of your kisses down his chin to his neck. Grinding on him in an attempt to quell the need for friction between your thighs.
Your shifting and fondling did rouse Trunks out of his sleep, the exhaustion in his body replaced with a warm and steady sensation. building under your ministrations. A soft sound passes his lips when he reopens his eyes, his breath hitching when your lips find a sensitive spot between his neck and shoulder, and at the same time, your hips come down on his at just the right angle. He visibly flinches, stuttering out your name as he collects your shoulders in his hands holding you back a little to look at you. When your eyes meet, his cheeks fill with color at your lustful expression and heated breaths, your antsy hands clinging to his shirt still.
He doesn’t know what to say and you’re too turned on between your legs to let a coherent thought cross in your mind. However, you raise your hand forward to capture his face behind his hair, stroking his cheek in a silent plea to continue. You lean in close once again and Trunks' hands let go of your shoulders in favor of wrapping around you completely, kissing you deeply when your lips meet his again.
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Is not the darkness sweet ?
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zdbztumble · 8 months
Yet Another Kingdom Hearts Revisit, Part FINAL
I'm shocked every time I play the game by the ending. I still cannot believe that Kingdom Hearts was allowed to end the way it does. Video games might not be as expensive or as influential as a major motion picture, and Disney might not be terribly hands-on with the development of each game, but I can't imagine the company today allowing such an untested, improbable, and high-profile crossover to go through without a happy ending for some insurance. I can scarcely imagine the Disney of the early 2000s allowing it, but what do we have? An ending where Mickey Mouse is trapped in the realm of darkness with an edgy teen who was tempted by a figurative devil, Donald and Goofy are adrift in the universe with no clear way home, and the young/first love story between the original characters ends with them literally pulled apart. It took two more games for any of these characters to find a happy ending which was later torn up, but never mind.
But if those other games had never come - if Kingdom Hearts was a critically acclaimed but financially unsuccessful game, or if Square folded after 2002, or if they and Disney had a parting of ways that kept any more games from being made - the ending of KH I is still an almost perfect finale. And a large part of that comes down to the fact that it is an ending.
Leave out the rest of the series and take KH I on its own terms. The main conflict is that world after world is being consumed and destroyed by the Heartless, ostensibly due to the League of Disney Villains but really due to Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. King Mickey recognizes the danger and organizes a resistance with Final Fantasy characters that tries to learn what became of Ansem, and Sora ends up tasked with saving vulnerable worlds and undoing the damage already done.
By the end of KH I, the goals of the heroes are all accomplished. The story doesn't turn out to be a cog in the ever more convoluted scheming of a guy in a black coat; it's self-contained and resolved. All the Ansem Reports are found, Mickey's efforts with the FF crew provide vital aid to Sora, and Sora saves the universe.
On a character level, everything set up in the beginning of the game has a resolution. The innocent, childlike, plucky underdog proves himself a responsible, selfless, true hero over everyone's expectations (except for Kairi's). The posturing, swaggering big man on campus technically chosen to play hero proves himself a pawn to darkness, but finds redemption in the end. The girl caught between them, a girl with a mysterious past and budding insecurity about the future, turns out to have a big destiny and gains renewed faith through her love and trust in Sora. Donald and Goofy honor their vows to their king, and the king is confident that all is well. They all may end up separated, their victory tinged with loss and sacrifice - but they've all grown and changed through their adventures, in ways that satisfy the conflicts and doubts they have at the start. Their conflicts end.
It's not necessary that they all make it home for a happy ending (as beautiful as that moment is when it finally comes in KH II). It isn't necessary that they die either. And it isn't necessary to have a secret movie teasing a possible future entry, as fun as that is. The finale, as bittersweet as it is, ties up the game, in a way I can only fault for how technically illogical (but thematically brilliant) Kingdom Hearts the place is, and for not making as good a use of Chernabog as they could have.
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2cmtall · 2 years
oikawa x y/n scenario
Context: a scenario where oikawa and you help each other with your insecurities and struggles of self-loath.
A/n: a few years back I was really interested in Haikyuu, my favourite character being Oikawa (I almost always like the flirty, egotistical guys idk why 🤷‍♀️) and recently I decided to check out my pinterest board dedicated to this man. And that turned into me reading fanfics on tumblr an looking through pinterest. I'm honestly surprised that there are still people who like this show and there are some that still post about it. Even if you dont like/care for haikyuu or Oikawa, maybe this scenario in general could be interesting to you? 🙃
CW: I suppose themes involving self-loathing and feeling as though you're not pretty. Please excuse any misspellings or grammatical issues.
For him to have a relationship with somebody who is not conventionally pretty.
You're not ugly by any means but because you have never recieved any confessions or experiences of love by guys in school, this has caused you to question your beauty. You dont necessarily try to be beautiful, opting to get extra sleep and pick out quick outfits rather than take the extra effort, but that doesnt mean you don't care. You just don't know where to start and not much motivation to go beyond your comfort zone.
That is until you met oikawa. Now the romance wasn't sudden, as most love at first sight portrays conventionally beautiful people.
Oikawa is the type to usually receive affection/attention from cute girls so he assumed that look was normal. When both of you meet, you both didnt really care for each other. He was just a popular guy, and you were just a girl.
You became their teams manager because it was recommended by a fellow student, but while you got accepted and was working, you were sometimes reminded of the fact that some if not most guys wanted pretty managers, something that you apparently arent (not true).
Oikawa, despite his previous lack of feelings for you, noticed. He noticed because as the weeks when by, he grew to appreciate your work and had a bare jist of who your were. So when you adorned a deep sadness in big volleyball games or any other event involving other teams and their managers, he took note of it. He was able to find the source of the problem when after the games or as the teams were mingling, he heard comments about how you were the "ugly duckling" among the other managers, saying that they feel bad for the team that has to see you every practice.
This for some reason irked him. He usually ignored comments regarding the managers because he knew what most guys wanted, it wasnt his business to get into he thought. And if he had to be honest, back then and still a bit now (though only to go along with convo with other guys), he makes comments about pretty managers.
But his view has changed ever since he caught glimpses of your true self. What areas you were passionate about, your strengths, even some of your weaknesses he knew. He knew from your actions how you were caring and empathetic, wanting to make sure he didn't overwork himself. There were times where everyone was groaning at his antics (to be expected. no one can blame them), but you were off to the side silently laughing. There were times where hes made comments about Tobio's unending talent, and you reprimanded him lightly, reminding him of his own talents, even if he couldnt quite see it himself. There were moments where he swore you could see through to his true self by the way you look at him in deep thought. You have even joined him in his antics, copying his silly moves and laughing alongside him. And last but not least, hes seen your competence and skill as a manager. You still had a lot to learn as it was your first year, but you had the drive to reflect and be better, which is important in a manager.
So when he heard those rude comments, it irked him because they were discrediting your work and even indirectly insulted his own team! As if! You are one of the reasons why their team does so well. Hes had enough. Done with the blatant insults, he walks towards the nobodies with false politeness, a smile not reaching his eyes. He looks down at them and says "hello! Sorry to disturb your thrilling conversation, but I couldnt help but concern myself over the talk of my dear manager." Their quick shock at seeing the king himself quickly sobered with laughter as they realized his words. One of the guys spoke. "Oh man! Shes Aoba jousai's manager?! What were guys thinking in letting her join? Doesnt your school have tons of cute girls?" Oikawa isn't fazed. "Why of course we do! But unfortunately, not all of them have what it takes to be a competent manager like y/n."
He then leans in closer, his smile wiped from his face, and speaks in low tone causing the two boys to look petrified and angry at the same time, offending by whatever oikawa said and angry by his audacity. It was the type of look that you have seen players make when an opponent is stronger than them and is looking down upon them. It was a sight to see to watch them angrily walk away from a smug oikawa. Even more amusing to see oikawa then get hit by a flying ball, its owner none other than iwaizumi.
You had no idea why he would jump to make such an action, ruling out the possibility that he might have done it for your sake as to not make embarrassing and hasty assumptions (you arent exactly oblivious to signs, more so doubtful the romantic type of motivations apply to you). Your conclusive theory is that he did it to defend aoba jousai, as they did indirectly insult the team (and you saw the way his face twitched at the sneering boys at the mention of the team). But even so, you cant help but feel a little better, especially when oikawa gave you a big smile and a peace sign afterwards.
Eventually one thing leads to another and oikawa decides to help you out by offering to give you makeovers, go over skin routines and do your hair for you in the mornings whenever he gets the chance, reassuring you many times that hes willing to wake up extra early for this. You were still very wary about the idea, not wanting to be a nuisance or a chore for him but after a lot of persuasion and pleading, you hesitantly agreed.
He ended up being very serious about the whole process, going over different products and processes, giving you tips and advice for achieving the confidence and the look that accentuates the beauty that's already there. Of course he is still teasing you and performing his usual antics, but when he gets to the nitty gritty processes and whenever you start to feel down about your self, hes serious, a layer of concern in his features.
For your first treatment, he let you stay put and allow him to do all the work, wanting you get a feel for the products and to also treat you since he could see the worry and self loath in your eyes as his fingers go over the black heads on your nose and the blemishes and scars on your face. But he can also see the genuine interest in your eyes and he smiles to himself whenever you close your eyes and unforrow your brows, completely relaxed when hes lathering products on your face or applying make up. Hes patient with the parts you might be scared of, like curling your eyelashes (hes quick to point out the beauty in them. You might laugh in denial but he saw how you gave yourself another look in the mirror, seeing if what he said was true). The way he goes over hairstyles are amusing, but also therapeutic. He teases at first, messing up your hair and holding your hair in a weird way intentionally to lighten the mood, but when you give him full/semi-full creative freedom (depending on if you have looks you'd prefer or didnt want), he worked to give you one he thought fit your looks and needs well. It would be therapeutic because his fingers would sometimes graze your scalp/skin and he would hum to himself, his fingers working rhythmically. Hes grown to like whenever you close your eyes when hes giving you makeovers cause it means you trust him and found the experience relaxing.
Overall the experiences are calming and hes done, although there are still some doubts, after some reassurment, you look much happier. Hes caught you once or twice looking at yourself in the mirror and he cant help but smile seeing you obsess over his work. Over some weeks, you've grown to experiment and be more confident about your looks, looking much happier at school than previously before, and in those morning sessions, the two of you have talked and bonded over different topics, ranging in all levels of seriousness or lack thereof. Hes grown to like to you for who you are, every side that you show him, and you've grown to understand him at a deeper level as well. You've both helped each other, you with your confidence and him with his tendency to overwork himself, but noth of you have helped each other with the others tendency to self loath.
Your romance was slow, and it took a while before one of you confessed and for you to accept that oikawa loves you, but since you both had a sense of understanding your relationship was healthy.
Bonus: I think it would be cute if oikawa helped you in subjects/areas you have trouble understanding. Through your study/HW hangouts and oikawas dramatic antics and way of teaching, it helped strength your bond and to give yourself confidence that your capable of understanding any material as long as you have the motivation and the right learning strategies that work for you. You have both also took this time to watch previous volleyball matches where oikawa enthusiastically teaches you all there is to know about volleyball and the specific matches and players. It was very educational and you enjoyed seeing him passionately talking about it. It would also be cute if you two subconsciously watched close together, as if you were a couple.
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streaminn · 1 year
You're right, let's talk about Wenclair.
We already talked about a knowingly manipulative Enid, who would cause no harm, she just wants the people she loves safe. If she has to plan ahead, it's just that : planning ahead. And she's been doing that a lot since Wednesday came to Nevermore. So much that it nags to her longtime friends. But as it isn't out of character of her it's just that, nagging.
A remark here, a comment there "You're quite interested in the new goth resident aren't you ?" Well, it's normal, she's so emotionally stunted Enid just HAS to be with her, we wouldn't want a lawsuit for murder. And last time she was left alone, she nearly died twice. Enid just cannot have that again. You understand.
Sugary sweet smiles, with a hint of venom, dripping in sarcasm and thinly veiled threats. She knows how the teenage crowd works and she learned how to steer it the way she wants. Being in a ton of club has it's perks. She's patient and she listens. She waits. She likes to talks but thanks to Wednesday, she learned that sometimes, silence is the best way to get what you want.
Ineluctably, she comes back to Wednesday. Like a crow bringing back some shiny trinkets, or a wolf bringing back game after a hunt to it's partner.
"Did you know that Laena, the siren from Biology got with Bran ?"
She knows that Wednesday deems you worthy of her attention if you either prove yourself useful to her, or you strike the rare tender chord within her tortured and shriveled soul. And Enid knows that she ticks off both of those boxes. She knows Wednesday is listening to her drivel, because Enid wouldn't dare come to her with useless information. Not with the ill hidden smirk she sports right now.
"Do you know what they discovered while frolicking ? The supposedly absent Ms Barthin going into one well hidden room. I didn't know we had more of those... What would a chemistry teacher do in here ?"
"That's interesting, you're right" By then, Wednesday still hasn't stopped reading her book. But she is answering her. Enid knows that she is making conscious efforts in her relationship with her to avoid another fiasco such as last semester.
"Yeah... That's weird, didn't you say last week that you didn't find any propane for your bomb project ? We should be packed with it. For heaters or whatever..."
Wednesday tenses. Hook line and sinker. She looks so beautiful when she catches the smell of blood. Be it metaphorically or not. The dark and fascinating beauty of a predator on the prowl. Enid would know about it. She used to be squeamish about that, but now, she understands that you have to sometimes take actions for things to go the way you them want to. She smiles. She knows how it will go, but the most important is that she will be part of it. It's the best way to protect Willa.
She learned rather early to pick her battles. What, with her family where nothing is good enough, you have to. But it's different with Willa. It tastes sweeter, the way her eyes narrows when they haggle over what they have to do and then soften when they reach a compromise. The glint of pride when she looks at Enid. And if she knows that Enid would have let her go outside at night without accepting coming to lunch with her for the next two days, she doesn't show it.
The others wouldn't understand the nuances and the layers of the character who is Wednesday Addams. And Enid prides herself in saying that she understands most of her language. And that's why she must stay with her. Someone already took the trust Willa so begrudgingly offered and look how it ended up. No, she must remain near. She will let Wednesday make her decisions, but that does not mean she will stay impassive to what's going on around her. Willa can get so obsessed, in her little bubble, not paying attention until the last moment. Enid will be here to help, to watch over her and every angle where an attack could come from.
(I'm sorry lmao, I lost it. Sorry if it's not well written or anything, brain just went brrrr and I just spouted all of that.)
Brain going BRRR with random ass thoughts like these always help
Anyways, let's tip in a lil obsession(?) possessiveness? Just the want of Wednesday's attention I suppose
I do love the idea that while Enid is smart she isn't exactly the kind of plan ahead like batman kind of smart
Where she has a plan with specific tools and measurements. The kind of plan ahead with materials and specific probabilities
No, Enid is very very resourceful instead and quite socially aware
"you're interested in our resident goth, huh?" someone might call out and instead of fumbling like some newborn fawn, Enid shrugs
There's a knowing smile as she teases them, "why? You jealous?"
Deflect is a skill Enid has long since gotten used too. When you have a family that prods and pokes for an answer you cannot give, most either give the truth or nothing at all but enid can't do that; so she deflects.
It's cute at times, how Wednesday gets so hyperfocused on the little things, so busy in her own world
It feels like a drug to be able to get her to look up from that space, to have those eyes tears from pages and look at Enid.
Wednesday doesn't praise her but she doesn't need too. It's the tiny things: like how she's relying on the blond werewolf with closing up the dorm instead of doing so herself or the way her eyes pause from reading a page to fully listen
It's so tiny but it has Enid absolutely honored because she sees and she knows that she doesn't do it to anybody else
It's their little thing.
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Rachel Daly x Reader
Part Seventeen - 20 Questions
AN: This one is quite dialoguey but I’ve tried to do it in a way that’s least annoying to the reader. I didn’t wanna cut this out as we learn a lot about the characters and how they’ve got to where they are now <3
“Do you wanna play 20 questions?” You were both laying on the bed together hopelessly in love with each other. You were so up for playing the game, there’s still so much you don’t know about each other. Sitting up crossed legged opposite your lover you took it in turn to ask the questions.
You asked “what’s your favourite moment of ours so far?”
Rachel - when you spoke to my dad at the restaurant.
You - catching you after you slipped in the shower.
“Why that?” She asked you, “because that was our first intimate moment, the first time we looked into each other’s eyes and when I the the first spark was ignited, I love that memory” you gushed thinking back to that time. “To be fair that was pretty intense, I went from nearly breaking a bone and looking like a right tit to your arms wrapped around me telling me I’m beautiful! Time just stopped! That night I was trying to act all cool and you just shut me down with the “prized cow” comment and not giving me my towel! I knew you were different then, you were just giving all my cockiness back to me and I actually loved it, like I met my match” she smiled, remembering all too well every little detail of that night.
“Until you ruined it by pulling me in the shower!”
“Hey that did not ruin it! If I didn’t do that we wouldn’t be here today, you loved it and you know it!”
“I’m not denying that I loved it! But if I didn’t throw you the ball we wouldn’t be here today. So all of this is down to me” you were cocky knowing that you’ve won this debate.
“I noticed you waaay before the throw in babe” she smirked as she took the win away from you.
“No you didn’t! There was so many people there, you didn’t have time to look at everyone’s face. I think you’re bluffing” poking her softly.
“I noticed you during warm up, there wasn’t that many people there then. I was looking for my mum and at all the signs people had and as I scanned around I saw you and your friends laughing, you just looked so happy. Most people are on their phones but you were full on belly laughing and I just thought it was adorable” she wrapped her arms around you and squeezed tightly “when I saw the ball went out I purposely went to take the throw in to get closer to you” she said looking at you with her big puppy dog eyes.
“Nahhh man, I don’t believe this!” you pushed her off you determined not to let her win this, although you thought it was the cutest thing she’d ever said.
“Well you better believe it, just ask Millie! She knows everything!” going back to her cocky self that made you weak. “Maybe I will” pouting and eager to move onto the next question.
Rachel asked - “when did you know you loved me?”
You answered - same as above
“Really? That soon?” she seemed shocked.
You remembered hiding your feelings for so long but there’s no point hiding from them now that she’s all yours.
“Yeah, remember I already knew who you were though, I already had a massive crush on you and then that all happened! I didn’t think we’d be here now though, I thought it was gonna be a one night thing and I’d be left heartbroken and daydreaming forever. But no, you fell in love with me too!” You were smug and deserved to be as you leant in to kiss her “What’s your answer?”
“Same as above… when you spoke to my dad the most incredible feeling came over me. Most people would call me silly or just look up at the sky because it doesn’t really mean anything to them. You took it seriously, you told him you were besotted with me and that’s when I became infatuated with you. I already sensed that you were special and I didn’t want that night to end; I took you there because it’s my safe place, I wanted to get to know you and see if I could imagine a future with you. You did everything right from the get go. It just felt like you scooped me into a massive cuddle and said “it’s gonna be okay” that’s when I knew I loved you” the look on her face was undeniably smitten.
“Woah, that’s deep. I wasn’t even trying to impress you, I was just doing what I thought was right. You bought me there to meet your dad, it’s only right I introduced myself to him. I’ll need his approval after all” you winked at her. She smiled uncontrollably knowing exactly what you meant by that.
“It was sort of like in that moment he passed the torch over to you, he was my hero from day one and I always knew he’d be there and I could count on him. That’s exactly how I feel with you” taking your hands in hers and kissing your fingers.
“Oh Rachy-” you started but she interrupted you excitedly “you called me Rachy that day too! Before you even knew that was his nickname for me, it couldn’t have been any more perfect! Like it was fate all of this happened!”
“Maybe this was fate… I honestly would do anything or go anywhere with you darlin’”
“I know, you don’t need to say it, I look at you and I just know and I knew then” as she scooched closer to you and wrapped your legs together like a pretzel. “Oh but when we held up Levi! That was also a massive turning point, knowing you are 100% down with my bestie too! Most people wouldn’t have done that!”
“I’m not really sure what came over me that night, I hate conflict!” you laughed thinking back to what a complete psycho you were to him.
“It was sexy let me tell ya that! It also told me never to mess with you!”
“Too damn right Daly!” You both laughed as you collapsed back to lying down next to each other kissing. She moaned quietly into your mouth, “I’ve already told you what that does to me baby” biting your lower lip.
“Tell me what turns you on” Rachel asked kissing your neck.
“Babe I think you know most of them by now!”
“I want to know all of them though” she ran her nails up and down your arm.
“Well I’m still figuring out new ones every day with you Rach! Anything you do turns me on!”
“Seriously though…” she sat up with a stern look “I wanna know what turns you on!” with her voice slightly raised like she was desperate to know.
“Okay, okay…” you succumbed to her questioning and with that the flood gates opened as you started talking 100mph. “I like the fluffy romantic stuff but that only happened since I met you. We can be hella romantic and I love that about us but I’ve always liked dominance - pinning me up against a wall, holding my hands above my head, pulling my hair, biting my neck but not leaving hickeys cause they’re gross. I do like them on my thighs though, it feels territorial. Eye contact, being somewhere we could get caught, moaning in my ear or my mouth. You literally did all of this the first time we had sex, you can’t really blame me for falling in love with you.” You finally paused to take a breath, “I didn’t even get to make you finish though” “no, but you proper turned me on and you’ve certainly made up for it since!” Which made her smugly shrug in agreement.
“To be fair, I didn’t really have a chance because you took over!” Rach said defensively. “Tell me you’re mad about it” squaring up to her making her bite her bottom lip and shake her head. “If I hadn’t of made you cum, I doubt we’d be here now!” you said with true conviction. “Yeah actually I’m changing my answer, that’s when I fell in love with you. You were dominant but soft, I felt vulnerable but safe, there was just something about you that I needed more of… yeah, that’s when I fell for you definitely” she said gazing longingly at you.
“Tell me the rest please” she smiled angelically, rolling your eyes at her you started listing your other turn ons. Not realising how many you actually had and the more you said, the more you thought of leaving you both grinning imagining everything.
“Things specific to you though - the way you look at me when I’m wearing your shirt that is the hottest thing ever! The way you look at me in general your eyes are hypnotising I was instantly drawn to you. Not being able to control myself after like when you don’t stop and keep going even though I’m a mess, the orgasms you’ve given me have been out of this world!” She pulled a 💁🏻‍♀️ face “watching you play football, oh my god the thoughts in my head when you’re on that pitch babe! You in a suit! Guuuurl I wanna rip your clothes off! When you’re driving and you put your hand on my thigh. When you kiss my shoulder! That’s a new one! Basically anything you do turns me on babe” you giggled slightly embarrassed at how much time you’ve just talked about your turn ons.
“That’s a lot to remember!” her eyes were wide with all the information that’s just left your mouth “Not really cause you already do the majority of them! You don’t even need to try, you could just be in the same room. I’m constantly turned on around you but can you blame me? What’s yours?” you finally handed her a question meaning you could stop talking now.
“I like dominating which you know but I didn’t know I liked being dominated too. When you take control it’s the hottest thing ever. Especially for me in previous relationships always being the dominant one, it’s nice to hand that role to you sometimes. Obviously you wearing my name and number, I think that was evident from the beginning” you nodded fiddling with your necklace “I’ve never had a girl that likes butt stuff so that’s new to me. I’ve never done anything like that before but that proper turned me on” she grunted “my hand around your neck, watching your eyes roll back, my fingers in your mouth, when you call me by my last makes me fucking melt, you did it at Wembley and god I thought I was in heaven! Your moaning I’m fucking obsessed with, I hate when it’s annoying and fake but when it’s coming out of your mouth it makes me so weak” she threw herself back onto the pillows exasperated.
“I like being vocal and letting you know how good you make me feel. But I do get what you mean about fake moans, I can assure you mine aren’t” you hurried to give reassurance that wasn’t needed “Oh babe I know, you can’t fake what we have together - it’s another level!”
“Is there anything not specific to me?” You asked wanting to know everything.
“Not really, everything is very specific to you”. You smiled at her thinking about everything that’s happened in this short space of time and taking hold of her wrist again you soaked it all in - you’ve found a woman who you’re head over heels with who loves you so much she got you tattooed on her, you honestly can’t believe this is real life.
Rachel - “what did you think of last night, how was that for you?” she asked nervously. “Fucking amazing!” you exclaimed. “Is that the truth? Cause I did go pretty hard and I’ve been feeling a bit guilty” you noticed her head dip. “Yeah! You made me cum pretty hard too! Honestly Rach, I loved it! I don’t know why but when I’m drunk I get so horny and want to be treated like that, it was exactly how I had fantasised about it” you couldn’t have put more excitement into your words as it replayed in your mind.
“You didn’t tell me that was one of your fantasies” she laughed as she mentally added another one to the list. “I know, that’s what made it even better. We hadn’t spoken about that so you doing it was incredible!” “So you like to be treated like that?” She chuckled but wanted to be 100% sure of your boundaries. “Yeah! Only when I’m drunk though I don’t know why it happens, it just does. You made me feel used, it really turned me on! I’m giving you consent now and for the rest of my life - if I’m drunk do what you want to me. Don’t think I can’t consent if I’m drunk, I consent to anything. Unless I actually say stop, you’re good baby” you leant in to kiss her. “That’s pretty trusting” her eyebrows rose in disbelief that anyone could put that much trust into one person and that person being her. “Says a lot doesn’t it, I trust you with my life and I know you won’t hurt me or do anything you know I don’t like. You know me by now, there’s not much I’m not comfortable with.”
Rachel - “Is there anything you don’t like?”
You thought about it for a while “I think hickies are so tacky, anywhere else on my body is fine just not somewhere visible. It’s sexy when just the two of you know about it but on the neck makes me cringe. And don’t put my feet your mouth please and thanks. Not sure how I feel about spitting, I thinks it’s gross anyway but I think I would have enjoyed it last night” you shrugged as you laughed at the words coming out of your mouth. “Anything you don’t like?”
“Not that I can’t think of right now” she leant in for a kiss and slipped her hand onto your thigh and bringing your leg over hers “how wet are you right now?” your voice barely a whisper “why don’t you find out?” she winked at you smirking. “That is a massive turn on too, winking and your smug little face I fucking love it when you smirk at me” grabbing her chin to bring her closer to you “good to know” maintaining her smugness that made you weak. You bought your hand up to your mouth as you bit two of your false nails off “that’s fucking hot” “this?” you questioned confusingly as you pulled off a third with your teeth “yeah don’t ask why, it just is” “good to know” you winked at her taking the piss. You spent the night rolling around in the sheets using the information you’ve given each other over the course of the evening to your advantages.
You crawled up to her and scooped her into your arms, cradling her head in your lap and stroking her hair. Her eyes still shut you kissed her forehead and held her there until she fell asleep. Your relationship and sex life couldn’t be more perfect and you’d never been more happy. Picking up your phone and scrolling through the endless messages and likes of your story. You went onto Rachel’s profile to look at her photos and noticed she’d added a new highlight titled with your initials which was filled with photos and videos of you both. You went on her tagged photos to see fan accounts had posted the photo of you both in the mirror with the caption “get someone who looks at you like Rachel looks at (y/n) 🥹” which made you smile. You’re so glad the fans like you as you didn’t want to be at the end of their hate. You clicked on one fan account which was actually dedicated to the both of you which you immediately sent a screen shot of to your friends
“omg guys I have a fan account 😂”
“Obviously! You’re the hottest couple in the country right now! Have you not seen the papers?” As they sent you hyperlinks to different stories.
You’d been so wrapped up in your love bubble that you had no idea of what else had been going on in the world. There was one from the Brazil game “Daly comes out with new girlfriend”, “Lionesses and friends at G.A.Y”, “Daly Brightness on intimate date with new girlfriend”, “everything you need to know about Rachel Daly’s new bae” - there were loads! Your followers had sky rocketed since meeting Rach, even Sarina followed you! Does this mean you’re famous now? Your mind turned to the impending trip to Australia, you had one more month left to enjoy before it was all systems go for the tournament. You tucked your girl into bed and took a shirt out of her wardrobe, it was her Dash one, soon you’ll have the whole collection you thought. Taking her hand in yours, fiddling with her ring finger while while you looked at engagement rings online until you fell asleep too. It’s too soon yet but no harm in being prepared.
Rachel’s perspective:
I woke up first, remembering what happened last night I rolled over to see her looking so peaceful. Noticing she’s wearing my Dash shirt filled me with pride, I miss that team so much and can’t wait to see some of them at the World Cup soon. I sneakily took a photo of her because she looked adorable then posted a bunch of photos from last night of us kissing in front of the I love you banner - keeping the caption simple with ‘💜’. I’ve never shared this much about my personal life, there’s just something about her that makes me want to tell the world. (Y/n) rolled over placing her arm around my stomach, I held her hand and wrapped my arm around her back.. Our love story running on repeat in my head as I felt her ring finger. “I’m gonna marry you one day” I whispered kissing the crown of her head.
You were starting to come to when you rolled over to rest your head on her chest, still half asleep feeling Rach stroke your hair. You were about to drop back off when you heard her say quietly that she’s going to marry you which spread a giant smile on your face. She didn’t know you were awake and you didn’t know whether to respond. “Who’s name are we taking?” you muttered sleepily, feeling her shudder from the sound of your voice. “Mine, obviously” she smiled as you tilted your head up to look at her with your sleepy eyes. “Obviously aih?” Your eyebrow cocked “You’re already wearing it, might as well make it official” she said cheekily as she leant down to kiss you. “Mum told me not to elope while we’re away” Rachel laughed “No chance, I want a big wedding” she smiled playing with your fingers in hers “me too, I want everyone there. Dress or suit?” you asked her “both. Dress for the ceremony, suit for the reception. Gotta keep you happy haven’t I” winking at you “don’t say that like you even have to try!” You said poking her “What ring style would you have picked for me if we didn’t have this conversation?” she asked. You showed her some screen shots you took last night with ideas, not really knowing what she would want. One was a delicate band with diamonds and black stones that really caught your attention so you chose that one which she said was a good choice. You asked her the same question, “I’d want to get you something big and flashy” “absolutely not, you don’t know me at all!” you screeched in disbelief that the woman you’ve known only a few months does not in fact know everything about you. “You didn’t let me finish! But after taking into consideration what you’ve showed me you like, I think I’d design it myself” she smiled “you always have to do one better don’t you”. “I’ve always lived life that way, I always want more, I always want better”. “That fills me with hope then!” “Hey, I don’t mean with women, I can’t get any better than the best can I. You’re top tier wifey material” she squeezed you kissing you all over your face, you tried to wiggle out of it but gave up and just let it happen. “Wifey…. I like that” you said with a huge cheesey grin, you placed a hand on her cheek and pulled her closer to you “I love being able to say I love you out loud now”.
Part Eighteen - Before You Go 🔞
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