#abbott elementary
janeyseymour · 3 days
Without a Shadow of a Doubt
This has been sitting in my WIPs for literal months- and here it is. I hope you enjoy her.
Summary: Melissa helps you raise a child, and on more than one occasion, you have serious doubts that you're a good mother.
WC: ~5.1k
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When you moved into your new apartment complex with your three month old baby girl, perhaps the last thing you expected was to meet someone who would fill a hole in your heart that your ex-husband left when he up and abandoned you and the new baby that he claimed would be the love of his life. 
Of course, that statement came with a caveat; he wanted a son. So when the doctor gleefully announced that you had given birth to a daughter, he fumed and stormed his way out of the hospital. And when you came home the next day, once your mother picked you up and took you back to your quaint little apartment in, anything that belonged to you was in a box. He told you to get out, and the divorce papers would come through a few weeks later.
Your mother had been gracious enough to let you and your little girl stay with her for some time, but you need your freedom and space. So, not only did you have an ongoing divorce- you also had a three month old baby that depended on you for everything, and on top of that, you were dealing with moving into a new apartment. So, maybe the last thing you expected was to meet someone who would fill a hole in your heart, but the absolute last thing that you expected was to fall in love with a woman. But it would end up happening. 
Your mother has been a huge help in this whole ordeal- helping to bring the various boxes into the new little one bedroom apartment that now had your name on the lease, holding and rocking your little girl while you did as much as you could, fed you and the baby when you were too exhausted and would fall asleep sitting in the rocking chair that she had helped assemble, and above all else, she has been your rock. She’s been the one person who shows you unwavering love and support in terms of your impending divorce. Almost everyone else in your life attempted to show sympathy, but it oftentimes came off as judgmental or downright pity.
But now, your mother is sitting in the Philadelphia airport waiting for her flight back to Indiana to take off, and you’re in the new apartment all alone. All alone, aside from the baby. She’s strapped to your chest as you attempt to make dinner for yourself, but something in her little body is not having any parts of this. She wails- ear-piercing shrieks that make you want to burst into tears too. You quickly get her out of the sling and attempt to hold her and soothe her all while continuing to stir the pot of soup you have on the burner. This was so much easier when you had both hands free.
But your little love just continues to cry, her face bright red, and the tears are running down her pudgy little cheeks as she clenches her little fists and beats your chest repeatedly.
Giving up, you turn off the stove and turn your attention fully to the baby.
“Sweet Ellie girl,” you sigh. You stroke her cheek gently with the tip of your finger. “What is it?” You know she isn’t hungry- she ate half an hour ago. She burped afterward. Her diaper is dry. What on Earth could this sweet little thing want? You suppose that she just wants to be held and loved. You can do that- you can do that far better than your soon-to-be ex-husband could ever. With a little exhale, you open the pantry and grab yourself a granola bar to eat before settling into the rocking recliner that you have in the living room thanks to your father. You eat around Ellie as you mindlessly hum a few lullabies before switching into a few of the softer songs you know. You were somewhat hoping that she would be lulled to sleep with your soothing voice and sweet melodies, but your efforts are fruitless. That sweet little love of yours continues to stare up at you with wide eyes as she clutches your pinky in her own hand.
You sit there for what feels like forever, humming songs ranging from Adele to Bob Dylan to Join Mitchell and everything in between. That is, until you hear a knock on your door.
That in itself is odd. You don’t know anybody here, at least not yet. And it couldn’t be your mother. You know she had boarded her plane an hour ago and is in the air- she had texted you that much. She then followed that text up with a reminder to take care of yourself and that she was always just a phone call away if you needed her for anything. Your heart almost flies into your throat at the thought of it being Michael, your ex. Why would he show up here after serving you with divorce papers and telling you that he wanted absolutely nothing to do with the ‘little worm’ you brought into the world?
“Let’s go see who’s at the door,” you whisper to the little one in your arms. You continue to mindlessly hum a tune, one that you’ve always adored- ‘Here Comes the Sun’ by the Beatles- as you make your way over to the door. Looking through the peephole, you see a redhead with a box in her arms. Her green eyes nearly stare into your soul as she tries to decipher if you’re going to answer or not.
Out of curiosity, you open the door. “Hello, can I help you?”
The woman, whose green eyes have already been imprinted into your memory, just gives you half a shrug as she looks down at the baby in your arms.
“Uh, I didn’t think I left any boxes in the moving truck?” you question with a nervous chuckle.
The woman almost snorts out a laugh before she remembers why she’s here. “No. I uh, I’m your next door neighbor. I saw that you had a baby, and I work at a school, and I-“ she hums absentmindedly. “Some of my coworkers were getting rid of their baby items, so I came to offer them to you- if you want them.”
“Oh!” your eyebrows creep up your forehead. “That’s- that’s really kind of you.”
“Do you want the stuff or not?” the redhead asks.
“Please,” you smile softly. “Thank you.”
“Where you want it?” she asks a she looks around your place.
“If you just want to put it on the kitchen table, I can handle it once I get Ellie in her crib for the night.”
The woman, whose name you still don’t know, enters your apartment, sets the box down, and looks around.
“Did you not eat?”
You look up at her, lifting your gaze from your baby. “I did.” Your eyes dart to the wrapper from your granola bar, and you’re just a bit embarrassed that you hadn’t thrown it out. But how were you to know that she would drop by?
“All you had was a granola bar?” she asks as her own eyes follow your gaze. You nod sheepishly. Her eyes go to the pot on the stove, and before you can stop her, she looks inside. It’s just chicken stock, onion, and celery- that was as far as you got with making dinner before Ellie started wailing and effectively put your meal on hold. “Sit down,” are the next words out of her mouth. “Hold your little girl, and I’m making you dinner.”
“What?” your mouth opens and closes a few times. “I- You don’t have to do that. I don’t know you, you don’t know me.”
“Melissa,” is all the woman says as she opens up your refrigerator and grabs the chicken breast that you were meant to put into the soup. “Now sit and relax.”
Her tone leaves no room for argument, so you settle in a chair.
“Th-thank you,” you say quietly after a few moments of awkward silence.
She waves a hand in dismissal. “So, what’s your story?”
You mull over in your head just how much of your past you should reveal to this woman, a stranger- but also your next door neighbor who is cooking you dinner. You end up detailing that your husband left you days after you had your little girl, just dipping slightly into the fact that he left you due to the fact that you had a daughter and not a son. “Her name is Elizabeth, but I’ve kind of landed on the nickname ‘Ellie’,” you tell her softly.
“And your name?” she prompts.
You give her your name as she stirs the dinner she’s making. And it smells heavenly.
“Well, Y/N,” Melissa says your name in such a way that you’ve never loved your name more. “For what it’s worth, I think you’ll be better off without him. He sounds like a jackass.” And then she sets the bowl down in front of you and holds her arms out expectantly.
“Oh,” you whisper. “I uh, I can hold her while I eat. You don’t have to. You’ve already done enough.”
“Just let me hold her.” Green eyes are rolled before practically daring you to protest. “You’ve been holding her for the last hour, at least. Your arms have to be tired.”
You bite your lip before hesitantly handing your sweet pride and joy over to the woman who stormed her way into your life not an hour ago, expecting Ellie to fuss- the only people she let hold her were you and her mother. She’s not even particularly fond of your father holding her, much to his disappointment. And somehow, Melissa knows just how to keep your little girl calm and quiet while you eat one of the most delicious bowls of soup you’ve ever had. She even has your little girl giggling before managing to get Ellie to fall asleep. You see the way that she’s a natural with your daughter, watching over both her and you with soft eyes that you weren’t quite expecting.
And since that day, Melissa has been a near constant in your apartment. Whether it’s to make a meal, to hold Ellie while you simply rest and reset, or to keep you company, she’s almost always there. Her presence is always warm and inviting, which is something that you’ve come to learn isn’t necessarily the norm for the woman that lives next to you.
You’ve discovered that she usually likes to keep to herself and her personal life is under wraps to almost everybody she knows. You’ve also discovered that you are the exception. Melissa Schemmenti, a woman who is usually very reserved and has described herself as ‘an aloof bitch at times’, is beyond soft for you. She’s even softer when it comes to your little girl, who you swear is growing up before your eyes.
About three months pass of you living in this new apartment with your next door neighbor almost always keeping you company before you finally give into the fact that you have a small thing for your neighbor. It takes another month before you ask her what her game is.
“What do you mean?” Melissa rolls her eyes at your question.
You hum softly as the two of you prepare a meal while Ellie is down for her nap. “You’ve told me yourself that you’re tough, aloof- and yet you’re always so gentle and kind to my daughter and me.”
She laughs, like fully laughs. “I thought my intentions were pretty clear.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I started by helping out a neighbor, but I may or may not have fallen for her and her sweet little girl.” Green eyes search your face for your reaction. The only reaction she gets is you taking a step towards her before pulling her in by the waist and planting a soft kiss to her lips.
Her eyes are blown wide when you pull away, and for a split second you think you made a mistake. But then she’s opening her mouth again. “Wow.”
“I- I may have fallen for you too,” you admit, cheeks flushed. “But I never thought you would want to-”
“I thought you were straight,” Melissa bites her bottom lip. At the shake of your head, she breathes a quiet, “Oh thank God,” before pulling you back in for a second kiss. 
That is the beginning of your relationship with Melissa Schemmenti, next door neighbor. From the start, it’s been a serious relationship. You made it quite clear that you did not have the time for any flings, and she just rolled her eyes before heading towards the little nursery that you had set up for your daughter. Sometimes she jokes that she’s really only here for Ellie and not you.
She’s always been great with your sweet girl- and as you would come to find out, she will always be great with Ellie. So great actually… that sometimes feel that she’s a better mother to your daughter than you are. 
The first time it happens is when Ellie is turning one year old. You’ve been so wrapped up in your job and making sure that your little girl is as happy as she can be at any given moment, that you entirely forget about planning a first birthday party for her.
“Shit!” you groan as you’re finishing up a project that you brought home for the weekend. “Fucking dammit!”
Your girlfriend stops her cooking and turns to you with a raised eyebrow. “Care to share with the class why you’re yelling out curse words while our girl is asleep?”
You pause your tirade when you hear her refer to Ellie as both of yours- it’s something she’s started doing recently, and it makes your heart flutter for a second. A dopey grin washes over your face for a moment before you frown again.
“I’ve been so busy trying to work on this website that I forgot to plan Ellie girl’s birthday party,” you admit quietly, planting your head in your hands. “I can’t believe I forgot. I’m a terrible mother.”
“You are not a terrible mother, and you didn’t forget,” Melissa tells you as she turns back around to tend to the pan on the stove.
“What are you talking about? I absolutely did.”
“You’ve been mumbling about planning it in your sleep, but when I never got an invitation, I planned it all for the two of you,” the redhead reveals.
“Wha- how?”
“If you checked your personal email once in a while, you would know this,” Melissa teases you. “It was pulled up on your laptop when you fell asleep in bed a few weeks ago, so I just sent out some e-vites.”
A few clicks of your laptop later, and you see that what she’s saying is true- there are quite a few responses to a birthday party being held at the apartment this weekend.
“I’ve been quietly cleaning while you’ve been working yourself to the point of exhaustion too, so the place will be ready,” the teacher chuckles. “I figure we use your place for the actual gathering, and we can put coats and presents and things like that at mine.”
You stand and make your way over to your girlfriend, spinning her around to face you. “What did I do to deserve you?”
“I ask myself that about you every night,” Melissa hums as she leans in to give you a quick peck.
“Thank you,” you whisper as you close your eyes and press your forehead against hers. “I’m glad that Ellie at least has one mother that didn’t forget to plan her first birthday party.”
Your girlfriend rolls her eyes, not that you see it. “I already told you, you didn’t forget- you just needed a bit of a push to send out the invites.”
“You planned the whole thing,” you point out.
Melissa kisses you softly. “I’m just looking out for my girls the best I can.”
The birthday party is an absolute success. It’s filled with her coworkers who have come to love and adore your little girl almost as much as Melissa, your parents were able to fly out for the gathering, and a few of your coworkers from your new job are able to make it to help celebrate the milestone of your little girl.
After everyone heads out, you’re exhausted, Ellie is absolutely beat, and you’re sure Melissa has to be tired too. But still, she insists that you hand over your little girl for her to hold while you take a nap after all of the emotions that you’ve felt today.
“Babe, I can handle it,” you try to tell her. “I’m-” you stifle a yawn. 
“Go take a nap, hun,” the redhead says softly as she kisses your cheek. “Miss El and I are just going to do a bit of cleaning up before we come lay down with you.”
About an hour has gone by by the time your little girl and girlfriend are finished tidying up, and you’re dozing in and out of sleep. Feeling the bed dip slightly, you peel open your eyes and hold out your arms for your little girl to come into them. Ellie wiggles in the redhead’s arms and reaches for you, and as Melissa lays the two of them down, Ellie squeals with delight- she’s between two of her favorite people. She lets out the softest yawn before promptly falling asleep.
Melissa watches as your eyes soften, gaze on your little angel. “She’s perfect,” she muses softly.
“She really is,” you agree just as quietly. “And it has a lot to do with the fact that she has an amazing second mother who has really stepped up.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s because she has you for a mother,” the teacher argues.
You roll your eyes. “I’m hardly a great mother,” you sigh. “Honestly, there are some days I think you’re a better mother than I am.”
Melissa frowns, the lines in her forehead deepening. “Hun.”
You shrug. “I do my best with her, but you pulled all of this together for us. If it was up to me, there wouldn’t have been a first birthday party.”
“There would have been,” your girlfriend tells you. “And it would’ve been just as great.”
“I still should’ve-“
“You do everything you can for that little girl of ours,” the redhead says softly as she reaches over and brushes a few hairs away from your face. “Sometimes you need a little help, and I’ll always be here to help.”
As the years go on, there are times where you feel that you’re doing wonderfully as a mother, and there are other times that you feel like you have no idea what you’re doing and are beyond terrified that you’re ruining your child’s life. 
Every time, Melissa is there to reassure you that you are perfect for your little girl.  
The second time that you feel like Melissa is a better mother than you and you are feeling doubtful tenfold, at this point, you’ve been married for three years now. Ellie is five and entering kindergarten. The day where you send your little girl off comes quicker than you ever could’ve imagined, and yet here you are, walking hand in hand with your wife and your daughter into Abbott.
“You’re going to have such a great time with Auntie Barb,” you tell Ellie softly.
“It’s Mrs. Howard, Momma,” your daughter giggles. “At school, she’s Mrs. Howard.”
“How silly of me,” you playfully roll your eyes. “You’re going to have a great time with Mrs. Howard.”
And all is fine, and Ellie is excited, until it comes time to part with you and Melissa. Then it’s waterworks, and she can’t believe that you would even leave her for this long (despite the fact that she’s spent several nights with Barb and Gerald).
Despite every word of encouragement and praise that you give your little girl, she’s still absolutely hysterical. She clings to you, yes- but she’s mostly clinging to your wife. Ellie wants you, yes- but she really wants Melissa. The redhead looks down at the little girl she loves more than anything and sighs. She really should be down in her own classroom prepping for her little eagles, but Ellie comes first- she always has and always will.
“Baby,” Melissa breathes quietly as she kneels down in front of the girl in pigtails. “You’ve been so excited for school. What has you so nervous all of a sudden?”
“I want you,” Ellie mumbles into your wife’s shoulder. “I don’t wanna go to school; I just want to spend time with you.”
“Well,” the second grade teacher says softly. “Little girls have to go to school. But can you think of it this way? You get to make new friends, and I know Auntie Barb is so excited to have her little Ellie Belly in her class. During lunch, you can come say hi to Mom for the first few days, and we can call Momma if you want. And then when we get home, you get all the love.”
Your little girl looks at your wife suspiciously before furrowing her brow and sticking out her pinky. “You promise?”
You see the warmth wash over Melissa’s face as she sticks out her pinky. “I promise you, lovey. So, why don’t we let Momma head to work, and you and I can make our way down to Auntie Barb’s?”
Ellie worries her lip between her teeth before looking to you. “I guess.”
Green eyes meet your own as she pulls your little girl into her arms again. She whispers conspiratorially to your daughter, “I think Momma might need a hug before we head down, what do you think?”
Ellie flings herself at you with a bright, somewhat still teary, grin. “I love you Momma.”
“I love you too, sweet girl,” you tell her softly as you hold her close. You pepper her face in kisses before releasing her back.
Your daughter’s first day of kindergarten has you anxious as all hell. You hope she’s having an okay day, and you really do expect to receive a phone call at lunch from the two of them. You don’t.
You having a good first day? Is El? you text your wife.
It takes a minute, but you get a reply back. These kids are going to be the death of me, but El is having a grand ol’ time with Barb. She told me at lunch that she can’t wait to come back tomorrow.
You smile at that. You knew once Ellie actually made it into the room, she would be just fine. You only wish that your words of encouragement and affirmations would’ve made her feel more at ease. Instead, it was Melissa’s words. Thank you for helping get her to class today when I couldn’t. You’re the best Mom that little girl could ask for.
I’m pretty sure that’s you.
I couldn’t get her to let go of either of us, you reply. You just seem to have the magic touch with her.
Babe, you get a response. You have such a way with our daughter, but you also have to remember that I’ve been a teacher for years and have dealt with kids not wanting to go into school for forever- this is new to you just as it is for El.
That day when you get home from work, Melissa and your Ellie are already curled up on the couch relaxing. They’re both dead tired from their first days, and you can tell that it’s going to be an early night for everyone the way both of their eyelids are drooping as they try to stay awake for dinner. You drop your bag on the bench you keep by the front door before pressing gentle kisses to both of their heads and walking into the kitchen to start on dinner.
“Don’t,” your wife’s voice floats into the room as she carries a barely awake Ellie in. “I ordered your favorite on my way home, it’ll be here in about ten minutes.”
Your face falls just slightly- you were planning on making their favorite, in order for them to be able to relax and enjoy the first day of school being over. You just give her a soft smile instead, before you turn yourself back around to face the counter. And that’s when you see the beautiful bouquet of flowers sitting in a vase.
“Honey,” you sigh.
“Miss Ellie girl and I stopped on our way home to pick up flowers for Momma,” Melissa says softly. “Didn’t we?”
Your daughter nods in her arms before reaching for you. With a small grin on your face, and a few tears now beading in your eyes, you take your little girl. “Thank you,” you whisper as you delicately press a kiss to your wife’s cheek. You then dot a few sweet kisses to Ellie’s hairline.
Dinner is a quiet affair aside from Ellie sleepily telling you about her first day in kindergarten. The three of you settle on the couch to relax once dinner is cleaned up. It doesn’t take long for Ellie to fall asleep, sprawled out on both you and Melissa.
Melissa quietly details her first day- how the children were, how she was so happy to see Ellie giggling along with her classmates at lunch, and how Barbara just gushed about how your daughter was a big help in calming others’ nerves.
“She’s a good kid,” your wife finishes. “You’ve done great with her, babe.”
You look down at the little girl laying in your lap. “I didn’t do much.”
Green eyes stare at you incredulously. “Honey, I wish you could see how amazing you are. You’ve done wonderfully with her. She has your kindness and your compassion- she has your heart. And unfortunately for both of us, she picked up on my stubbornness. You’ve done so much for our little girl, and you are the perfect mother to her.”
You shrug. “I don’t know. I just… you know how I feel about this.”
“Tell me.”
“You already know,” you sigh as you rest your head against her shoulder. “And I think we need to start heading up to bed.”
“It can wait a few minutes,” your wife tells you. “So talk about it.”
With a breath, you tell her how you feel that you’re failing because you don’t know what you’re doing. You’re hurting Ellie because you’re so unsure of what you’re doing that your little girl is aware of your hesitations in the way you speak with her and act with her sometimes.
That weekend you head out to the grocery store, and for once Melissa and your daughter are not with you. No. Instead, they’re at home. Your wife has Ellie make you a card telling you that you are the world’s best mother and listing the things that she loves about you while Melissa writes it out. Then, the two of them get to turning the living room into a comfortable space to watch your favorite movies.
When you return home, your welcomed with a new bouquet of flowers (you later find out that Barbara dropped them off while you were out), the card, and what you can only describe as a blanket fort.
“What is this?” you ask softly as you carry in an armful of groceries.
“The best, for Momma,” Melissa says softly as she takes the bags out of your hands. She sets them down before pulling you into her arms. “Enjoy today.” She kisses you quickly before heading back out to the car and bringing in the rest of the groceries while Ellie pulls you into the massive pile of blankets on the floor.
“Momma, read the card,” your little girl tells you. You pull her into your lap and cuddle her close before reading the card. On one side is what Ellie had to say, while the other side is what your wife wanted to tell you. Their words and kindness bring tears to your eyes.
“Did we make you sad?” your daughter looks to you fearfully.
“No, baby. These are happy tears. Happy tears,” you promise her as you repeatedly kiss her head over and over.
Once your wife is finished putting away the groceries, she plops herself down next to the two of you and reaches for the remote. You put a gentle hand out to stop her, and when she looks at your curiously, you just kiss her gently.
“Thank you,” you sigh quietly as you press your foreheads together. The moment of silence most likely would’ve been longer if not for Ellie squealing about putting the movie on that she had picked out for you.
The rest of the day passes by in a blissful haze full of movies, warmth, and lots of snacks. The two of you put Ellie to bed before cleaning up the living room mess, and as you clean, you pick up the card again and read what Melissa had to say.
“I mean it, you know,” your wife says softly as she wraps her arms around your waist. “I am the luckiest person alive to get to have fallen in love with you, to help raise our beautiful little girl, and be the one who gets to love both of you through every high and low- every doubt and fear. But I promise you, we are the lucky ones to have you.”
You crane your neck to kiss her gently. “Thank you.”
“Thank you,” Melissa repeats back as she tucks a few stray hairs behind your ear. “Please know that I will always be here for you- my wonderful, lovely, perfect wife, as we work our way through motherhood together.”
From next to your wife, you groan as you let your head fall against her shoulder.
“If I’m feeling like this now, how the hell am I going to feel when she’s a teenager?”
The redhead chuckles as she brings your left hand up to her lips and kisses just under the rings that sit beautifully on your finger. “I’ll be there for you, and Ellie. Always.”
And she is there for you. She always has been. She always is. She always will be.
tags and lmk if u wanna be on this list: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld @cosmichymns @sasheemo @m1lflov3rrr @ricejucie
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jeridandridge · 3 days
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Melissa Schemmenti x reader media post
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forbescaroline · 13 hours
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11k celebration: top 50 m/f friendships (as voted by my followers) #20. janine teagues and jacob hill - abbott elementary
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schemmentigfs · 19 hours
i can’t wait for those scenes in particular. ☝🏻
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44 notes · View notes
ladyorlandodream · 19 hours
official trailer for season 4
October 9 at 9:30/8:30c on ABC, and stream on Hulu
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ednacrabapple · 1 day
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I think it's time I formally introduce myself to the Abbott fandom
I literally do this for every fandom I'm in I swear lol
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bosons · 19 hours
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me when people don't respect my personal space
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perigilpin · 3 days
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can’t wait to see my mothers on tv again soon
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lottiesboy · 17 hours
dinnertime, baby bat!
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pairing: cg!melissa schemmenti x little!reader
summary: just a regular friday night with you and melissa.
tags: sfw, fluff, age regression, self indulgent, mama!melissa, reader is regressed to 2-4 years, melissa calls you baby bat, the footie pajamas shown in the pictures are in this fic :333
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"mamaaaa," you whined, becoming a very hungry and fussy baby. it was friday night, which meant melissa made carbonara. "mama just got done, hon." melissa said to you over the baby gate that kept you out of the kitchen. "go sit at the table, kay? mama's gonna fix your plate."
you sat down in a chair, hearing silverware clinking together. "carbonara for you, sweetheart. and mama used your favorite plate." she placed your dinner in front of your on your blue clue's plate and giving you a matching fork to eat with. melissa gave you some juice in a sippy cup after bringing her plate and a glass of wine to the table. "it is yummy, sweets?"
you nodded, some of the sauce already on your cheek. "don't eat it so fast, it's not goin' anywhere, hon." she chuckled to herself as she ate, taking a sip of wine. "you better save some room for cannolis."
"..wan cannoli."
"eat your dinner like a good little one and mama will give you one."
after dinner, melissa cleaned up your dishes, your messy face and gave you a cannoli. she fed it to you, getting one for herself as well. you and melissa finished up in the kitchen and she decided it was time for you to get to bed.
she gave you a bath, pulling you out of the water and drying you off with your babyish bath towel. "wanna cannoli." you huddled towards your mama for warmth as she dryed off your wet hair. "you want another? not tonight, hon. no more sweets until tomorrow." she looked into your pleading little eyes and watched your lips turn into a frown.
she chuckled a little at your pout, putting your towel hood up and carrying you to the bedroom. "don't be pouty, cutie. look what mama's got." she pulled out your favorite batman footie pajamas, it was the perfect night for them. you were an easy baby to please, so you perked up almost instantly, the cannoli forgotten.
"now that is too precious." she finished snapping the buttons on your pajamas. she slipped your paci in your mouth, cooing lovingly. "you're the cutest little baby bat! you like your jammies?" melissa pinched your cheek and you nodded. "c'mere, it's storytime, little baby." she sat you on her lap, rocking you side to side as she read to you in a soft voice. by the end of the book, you were dozing off, your head rested on her shoulder.
“i think it’s bedtime for the little baby in my arms, hmm?” she got up from the chair, still cradling you in her arms. you whined, rubbing your eyes. “..nother story, mama.” your words were muffled from the paci in your mouth.
“shhh,,, you’re sleepy, hon. go night night for me, okay?” she put you in bed, pulling the blankets over you and giving you your stuffie. your whines got sleepier and weaker, and with melissa’s cooes and hushes, you were fast asleep.
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dashbag-art · 3 days
As I promised, there's Ms. Schemmenti eating reader out with her glasses on and her hair up
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Beautiful and amazing writers of Tumblr, please, have mercy and write a fic about it, I'm ovulating🥵😶‍🌫️🙏
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chandler-monica · 2 years
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SHERYL LEE RALPH accepts her award for Best Supporting Actress In A Comedy Series at the 28th Annual Critics Choice Awards (January 15, 2023)
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nick-nellson · 4 months
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gatalentan · 1 year
Edit: This post popped off unexpectedly, so here is some further info & direct action you can take if this situation makes you as furious as it should:
Donate (crowdfund) food for the strikers
Learn more about the strike
WGA linktree
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nessa007 · 2 months
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#my last two brain cells NEW GIRL (2x18) | ABBOTT ELEMENTARY (3x12)
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sophsun1 · 2 months
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Abbott Elementary – 2.01: Development Day
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tvandfilm · 8 months
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Abbott Elementary (2021-present) Career Day (Part 2) (S03E02)
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