#and fingers man jeez i need to bath in holy water
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*chokes on water* "fuck!!"
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piratewithvigor · 2 years
drabbles you say... well. how about shawn babying bret for once. like, established relationship, shawn just wants to treat his man, and bret's not used to it, but he soaks the affection up like a sponge... I simply... love them
Here at PWV, we love and support Hartbreak where Shawn makes Bret soft and everything is just wonderful and lovely
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When Shawn had cornered him in an empty locker room after the show, pulling Bret in by his straps and promising to show him a good time, he’d been expecting something more along the lines of Shawn announcing his discovery of edible lingerie or a new flavour of lube.
A bubble bath wasn’t exactly Shawn’s brand.
Walking into the hotel room, Bret had expected the door to be slammed and Shawn’s lips on his faster than he was able to get a breath in. That was their pattern. The way they worked. Whoever was feeling more adventurous would drag the other to their hotel room when the cost was clear and then they’d fuck like rabbits until they passed out or the sun came up. That night, Shawn had requested a little extra time. Said he’d wanted to prepare something. That usually meant rose petals or some kind of toy. Or more than one toy.
When Bret was finally dragged up to the room with Shawn covering his eyes with his hands in the most annoying fashion, he was directed to the bathroom and had his eyes uncovered with a flourish.
“What’s this?”
“What do you mean, ‘what’s this’? It’s a bubble bath.”
“I can see that.” Bret paused and turned to give Shawn his patented lifted eyebrow. “This isn’t some kind of kink I don’t know about right? There’s no way sex in a bubble bath is safe.”
“It can be if you’re not like 70% leg.”
“Michaels, what exactly are you planning?”
“I’m planning…” Shawn began, stripping his increasingly uncooperative boyfriend, “to get you undressed, get you into the tub, feed you an assortment of chocolate-dipped fruits, wash your hair and give you the best back rub you’ve ever had.”
“Then what?”
“I dunno, milk, cookies, tucking you in and giving you a goodnight kiss?” Shawn’s toothy grin and fluttering eyelashes only lifted Bret’s eyebrow higher. “I’m serious. You practically tore me in half last night. Wanna give back the favor tonight by pampering you.”
Bret, likely rightfully so, didn’t completely trust Shawn. Their relationship wasn’t the kind where they pampered each other without some kind of reward at the end. Aftercare was a different story, of course, but that was aftercare, not pampering. Bret didn’t run a bath for Shawn for aftercare unless specifically requested. And certainly not a bubble bath.
Never in his wildest dreams did he think Shawn would have gone out of his way to find lavender-scented bubbles and expect nothing in return.
“You’re tense,” Shawn commented once they had somehow crammed themselves into the hotel tub that was certainly not built for two guys their size.
“I’m still trying to figure out what you’re planning.”
“Can’t a guy run his boyfriend a bubble bath without being suspected?”
“A guy could. You can’t.”
“Jeez, you’d think it was your first time…”
Shawn was occupied enough with trying to get comfy that he almost didn’t spy Bret’s cheeks going a little pink.
“Holy shit, it is your first time, isn’t it?”
“I’m sure I must have at some point. When I was too young to shower with my brothers. But when there’s 14 people and you’re wearing hand-me-downs that have gone through at least five kids, spending money on bubbles isn’t exactly a top priority.”
“Well, lucky for you, I’ve got disposable income and the bizarre urge to make you happy. So lie back and relax, okay?”
Bret opened his mouth to argue, but fell silent when Shawn put his finger over his lips. They just needed a little silence and a little time to be together. With his orders in place, Bret sighed softly and let his shoulders fall under the water level, the bubbles rising around his face.
“This… is nice.”
“I told you. Not everything I do is smutty.”
“We’re still naked, Shawn.”
“Baths don’t count. I think it’d be dirtier if you were fully clothed.”
“Possibly,” he chuckled, wrapping an arm around Shawn’s shoulders to pull him in close. “Thank you for this.”
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tmnt-veelicious · 6 years
Across the Stars - Ch.11
Man I suck at updating rapidly, I’m so sorry OTL ANYWAY, here’s the new chapter aaahhh :’Y we meet Mikasa, yeehhh !
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''What do you think she looks like?'' started April as both women were walking down the sewers. Tonight was the night Leonardo was finally bringing this new person around the lair. April had been surprised at first, knowing how the leader usually was reluctant about bringing outsiders, but she dared believe that he was finally starting to open up and accept the fact that meeting new people was not a bad thing. ''Based on what Donnie found, she's Japanese. Mikasa Kanegawa. Her family moved to the United States fourteen years ago for business matters and stayed ever since. Right now she's a martial art teacher, mostly specializing in different forms of karate and taekwondo.'' ''Why am I not surprised,'' lightly laughed the reporter. ''The fact that Leo can speak Japanese just makes things better.'' ''Wait, he does?'' added in Vee, her eyes wide. ''Yeah, he and Splinter are the only one who does. Raph tried to learn but he had some hard time keeping up.'' ''Well that's awesome then, I'll have someone who to practice with when I'll finally get to learn that language!'' April frowned, looking towards her friend: ''What do you mean by 'finally get to'?'' Vee shrugged: ''Oh, well, I've been studying Spanish and German for some years and when I'll feel confidant enough with them I'll get to Japanese and Brazilian Portugese.'' ''Okay, so you're telling me right now you know how to speak four languages?!'' ''I'd say mostly three and a half,'' smiled the artist. ''German is still a bitch sometimes. … My main goal is to be a polyglot.'' ''Poly-what now?'' laughed April. ''Polyglot! It means that I can speak multiple languages. I love learning them and it's a good exercize for the brain.'' ''Jeez, I can see that, you bring out big words just like Donnie. … You two really belong together,'' added the brunette playfully, nudging the other's arm. They finally arrived to the lair, first greeted by Mikey and Raph. April was soon off to go help clean around as Vee made her way towards Donnie's workspace. She was slightly surprised to not find him there, the gears in her mind suddenly turning and fearing for the worst. She frowned, suddenly hearing clanking sounds coming from the garage part of the lair, accompanied by some faint music in the background, recognizing Holy Diver by Dio. Oh no he DIDN'T. She made her way towards the source, getting to the garbage truck and noticing a form underneath; Donnie. He was wearing worn out jeans with holes at the knees part, his 'dirty work' pants as he liked to call them. Only his legs and feet could be seen as his upper body was tucked under the truck, occupied with some parts underneath the vehicule. Vee had a deadpan look on her face, getting to him and nudging one of his feet with one of hers. ''What the hell are you doing?'' she asked. She saw the turtle slightly jump, unaware that she had arrived. As he was laying on a plank with wheels, he rolled out from his hiding place, revealing his features dirtied with oil and soot, same for his torso and arms. ''Oh, Vee! Good timing, I need help,'' he said with a grin. ''Your tiny hands are exactly what I need.'' ''Donnie!'' scolded the woman, hands on her hips. The mutant's smile faded, his lips now forming a thin line: ''… What?'' ''You said you'd be working on the truck tomorrow! Leo and Mikasa will be coming in at any moment now and you look like you walked straight into Mordor.'' This time Donnie couldn't help his cocky grin, easily quoting: ''One does not simply walk into Mordor.'' Vee puffed, trying to contain her snicker. She did get back to a serious state though. ''Couldn't you just wait? It'd be cool for Leo's friend to have a good first impression of this place.'' ''I know,'' added the turtle. ''I just thought about fixing the suspension, usually that's quick work.'' ''Quick or not, now's not the time!'' Vee tried to soften her features. ''… Tell you what, if you stop right now and go clean, tomorrow I'll help you with whatever you want to do.'' ''But you hate working on cars and mechanics,'' pointed Donatello. ''I promise I won't complain,'' smiled the human. She got nearer, soon hunched over him, her gaze suddenly flirtarious. ''And then we'll spend the evening together and do whatever you want.'' ''Whatever I want?'' ''Yeah!'' ''Even spend all our evening learning all the decimals of Pi?'' Vee winced a little. ''… Not what I had in mind, but yeah, whatever I guess.'' The other laughed, getting up. ''Don't worry, I'm messing with you,'' he said, now standing next to the woman. Vee couldn't help getting closer, her fingers instinctively hooking at his jeans' loops, slightly biting her lip with a smile. ''… Wearing those jeans, you can mess with me anytime,'' she dared say. She was met with a renewed chuckle from the mutant, the male placing a finger under her chin, tilting her head up so he could leave a kiss on her lips. He knew he had her under his charm, soon leaving a hand to cup her jaw and neck, grinning wide in his mind. And as soon as the kiss ended, he playfully frowned, cackling. ''Ah-ha! Right into my trap! Now you have to go clean with me.'' Vee was confused for a moment, until she brought a hand to where he held, noticing how dirty her skin was now. ''Oh you nasty boy!'' *** Donnie had opted for a bath this time, the tub easily fitting both of them anyway. Vee sighed, her back resting against her lover's torso, her eyes closed as she let her muscles relax in the warm water. She hummed as she felt the turtle's arms get around her, hugging her close, resting his head on top of hers. ''Feels like heaven right now,'' mumbled Vee, a soft smile on her lips. ''No need to bring religion into this. Let us praise our rightful deity instead; the glorious serotonin,'' added Donatello with a calm sigh. Vee giggled, sighing and humming once more afterward, letting herself drift into this peaceful feeling. She felt the turtle's hands move after a while, slowly, trailing her shape and soon getting to the woman's arms. They were now holding hands, the mutant bringing one up after the other, leaving lasting kisses on top of them. ''You're so small...,'' mused Donnie. Everytime he compared her hands to his three-fingered ones, he couldn't help wonder how life would be like if he and his brothers had ever taken that purple ooze... He did envy humans for being so free up above … but at the same time he couldn't deny how unique he and his family were, somehow finding solace in that simple thought. ''Is it a bad thing or a good one?'' asked Vee, bringing the other back from his thoughts. ''Definitely a good one,'' answered the turtle in a sweet tone, bringing his arms and hands around the woman once more. ''You're cute.'' Vee puffed a small laughter: ''Oh please, I'm not cute. I'm a femme fatale,'' she joked. ''You're the one who said it so it is now law.'' He chuckled, leaving small kisses on top of her head.
He could certainly not deny that fact, her hourglass shape ever so hypnotizing. She was no thin supermodel, but he couldn't have asked for better, to say the truth. Donnie's hands moved once more, stuck in his daydream, somehow starting to lust over her shape. Vee followed his lead, relaxing as she felt one of her lover's touch on her thighs and the other to her breasts. Long sighs left her, sticking closer to the mutant's body, her legs slightly spreading as she knew the male was going to her core, ever so slow and teasing. Vee let out a soft and low moan as the turtle touched her, his pace never too harsh. ''I'm sure this was your plan all along,'' mewled the woman, her eyes still closed, her head hanging back to rest against Donnie's collarbone and base of his neck. ''If I could, I'd keep touching you all day and night long,'' he said, a low churr rising. ''Your body's one of the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.'' ''Hmm, you're too kind, sir,'' added in Vee, smiling lazily. Her hips started to follow his rhythm, biting her lip so she would stay quiet. Donnie's hand on her torso moved to her neck, cupping her jaw and tilting her head slightly more so he could trail kisses along her features as he started to finger her. ''Oh, Donnie...,'' let out the human in a small whimper. She felt her mind spin, getting dizzier with each seconds. She couldn't stay put, her toes curling, her back slightly arching in pleasure. She could feel her lover's erection, grinning lazily. ''It's not fair, I'm the one having all the fun here,'' she commented, her fingers slowly trailing on whatever part of his skin she could reach. ''Don't worry, I'm having fun too,'' answered Donatello, nuzzling her. ''I just want to focus on you...'' A long moan escaped Vee, easily distracted by all these sensations she now felt. Her breathing followed the other's pace, slightly increasing in speed. She mumbled some nonsense, her whole body exploding like fireworks. She didn't want to be selfish, but this whole attention spent on her could only arouse her, gasping as she could feel Donnie's free hand go from her neck to her torso, his caress needy yet sensual. ''Don't stop,'' breathed out Vee, clutching anything she could get a grab on. Her voice started to rise without her consent, blushing at such weakness on her part. She could feel the mutant's finger curl inside her, reaching the right spot. It didn't take long afterward for Vee to cum, moaning her lover's name, her hips moving in circles as she could feel her walls clamp around the other. She felt out of this world, her whole self being on such a high. She had a hard time coming back to reality, only getting to her senses when she felt the turtle's arms around her once more, petting her and some kisses left on top of her head. ''Oh- oh fuck,'' she mumbled. ''That was... fuck.'' ''I know, love,'' smiled Donnie. Somehow eternity seemed to last for a while before they decided to get out of the bathtub. Vee still had a hard time thinking straight, but as soon as she saw that her lover still had an erection, she acted without hesitation. Both still naked, Donatello was backed up to a wall, Vee before him as she started a handjob, staying close as she left lasting kisses on the other's torso. ''Now's your turn,'' she said, showing a smirk as she looked up to Donnie. She felt the other's hands get lost in her hair, holding her close as he left a hungry kiss on her lips, sounds of love escaping him from times to times. His hips lightly followed the woman's rhythm, too caught up in his lust to think rationally. ''Cum for me, Don. I know you want to.'' A loud churr escaped him as he got to his release, knowing he couldn't have lasted longer anyway. He could feel Vee's mouth travel in light kisses around his jaw and his neck, both now in this blissful afterglow. They didn't dare move, lost in eachother's arms, whispering sweet nothings to one another. It was only after a while that Vee was the first one to move, proceeding to clean the mutant before stating that they needed to get dressed. She couldn't erase her smile, same for Donnie, the male playfully growling at times and quickly bringing her near for quick stolen kisses. They finally exited the room, snickering, holding hands and simply unable to let go of one another. *** As they stumbled on the main place, the couple froze as they spotted Leonardo near the entrance, already presenting his friend; Mikasa. Vee quickly brought Donnie to the side with her, now speaking in a hushed tone, gritting her teeth lightly. ''Goddammit, I knew we'd get late. Now we'll look like we don't care about meeting her.'' ''What are you talking about?'' snickered the turtle. ''I'm sure nobody will mind. We were just …. occupied,'' he ended with a comical wink. ''You big dork,'' laughed the woman, lightly slapping one of his shoulders. ''… Now, let's just act as normal as possible. I want to make a good first impression.'' ''I'll let you initiate. The only things I'll know to say are my name and ask how's it going. I suck at presentations.'' Vee was surprised for a moment: ''Huh, wouldn't have guessed.'' ''Hey, I've waited months to meet you. What do you think I was doing? Preparing my speech, duh!'' Both were now laughing and snorting, quickly trying to stop themselves before attracting attention on them. Vee confidantly took Donnie's hand in hers, next making her way towards the group. Their arrival didn't escape the newcomer's gaze as she turned to them. The artist couldn't help her amazement as their eyes met, the first word to come up in her mind being: feline. Her almond shaped eyes had brown irises sparkled with gold, piercing anyone's soul like a hidden fire. Her long ebony hair were straight and silky, complementing how tall she was. Vee couldn't help thinking how she would be intimidated by such woman if she were to meet her on the street. Dressed in a black leather vest and dark clothes, she didn't look like someone you could easily mess with... Leo showed a smile, going towards the couple so he could introduce them rightfully. Vee slightly shook her head, coming back to reality. She finally showed a smile, shaking Mikasa's hand. ''It's a pleasure to meet you,'' said the newcomer. The artist was mesmerized by the woman's voice, soft yet so strong and confidant. She couldn't help thinking how a good match she could be for the leader in blue... *** ''How did you two first meet anyway?'' asked April as everyone was seated around the kitchen table. ''I thought Leo was rather careful around strangers...'' That got her an annoyed stare from the leader, but he got back to normal as Mikasa began speaking: ''I was walking home from work one night and I wanted to take a shortcut through an alleyway. Unfortunately, some street gang probably had the same idea and they stumbled on me, asking for my money.'' ''That's when he jumped in, I'm guessing?'' commented Raph, smirking. ''Actually, she beat me to it,'' added Leo. ''She kicked the living shit out of some of them. I only got to intervene when I saw a guy get a gun out.'' ''It was an … interesting fight,'' half-smiled Mikasa. ''Battling alongside a shadow was an intense experience.'' ''Were you scared?'' asked Vee. The fighter's smile was renewed, tender this time. ''Of course! I pretty much am all the time whenever I battle, but that's what drives me to go forward and aim for victory.'' ''And what about when you saw Leo?'' added in Mikey with a playful look. Leo and Mikasa glanced at eachother, smiling, the woman snickering as she tried to hide her features in embarassment. ''She called me a kappa,'' answered the blue clad turtle. Donnie and Vee were the first ones to laugh, the others confused. ''And what the fuck is that?'' questionned Raph. ''A turtle-like demon from Japan,'' answered Donnie, still giggling. ''Thanks, Donnieclopedia~,'' added Mikey. ''Okay, am I really the only one who got to faint? That's not fair,'' complained April with amusement. '''Cause you're weak, April,'' laughed Raph as the reporter slapped his arm next. Mikasa seemed intrigued. ''Was I supposed to faint? Is it weird? How did Vee react then?'' Vee looked smug, slightly hunching forward on the table, sustaining herself on her elbow. ''To put it simply, I said: Wow.'' The other frowned a bit in confusion. ''Wow?'' ''Yes! I mean, it's not everyday that you get to see a walking, talking turtle. I was already friend with Donatello before meeting him in person so I guess it made things easier? … Also I'm a very curious person so I was mainly mesmerized than scared.'' Mikasa seemed pensive for a moment. ''… I guess I was curious too. For me, it's not everyday I get to battle with the aid of a ninja.'' she had smirked at that last part, briefly glancing towards Leonardo. ''Ha! I'd pay money to see her kick Leo's butt,'' commented Raph with a smirk. His only answer was the leader throwing him an annoyed glare. Donnie did snicker, amused that one of his brothers was finally living through some embarassement like he had to go through the first time he brought Vee to the lair. *** That first meeting with Mikasa had gone surprisingly well! Vee did notice many times how Leo seemed flustered at times, always smiling and his behavior way relaxed. She knew the boys meeting new people was a good thing, April often mentionning how it was refreshing to see them slowly open to the surrounding world. Of course they had to be careful, but it was certain that the mutants had a good reasonning and knew when to show themselves to people. Mikasa was still a mystery. Seeing how relaxed and composed she was during that whole encounter, she must have had a good relation with Leonardo, trusting him and his family to know she had nothing to fear. Vee knew she'd be eager to meet her again, forever captivated by her whole character. *** The next day, Vee did keep her word, not even complaining once as she was settled under the truck, by Donnie's side, helping with whatever he wanted to do. She mostly had to reach for wires inbetween small spaces, her tiny hands proving to be helpful. She was glad to have put on old clothing she didn't care about, soon her grey tank top covered in oil. Her features were dirtied too, but at least she wasn't the only one in this condition. She couldn't deny this moment to be fun, always happy to help the mutant with whatever project he was on. He was always patient with her and somehow eager to teach her new things, as if sharing his knowledge was a dear passion of his. At some point Donnie gave Vee a break, saying that he didn't need much help for what he had to do next. The woman still stayed though, taking this opportunity to teach in return; taking control of the radio and putting in some jazz. She would speak about her various inspirations: Ella Fitzgerald, Julie London, Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong, Nat King Cole and many more. How and when the style started, how jazz spread into its many branches.   Donnie could see how passionate she was about music, his love for the artist growing again once more. He could never erase his smile, watching her be so passionate and inspired, the woman drawing at the same time, stating that so many ideas could bloom in her mind whenever she listened to anything. A moment of peace settled in, Vee too caught up in her drawing, seated on a stool, and Donnie focused on the truck's motor before him. The soft tune of Nancy Wilson's Wave was floating in the air, creating a nice mood. The woman's eyes were sometimes glancing up to the turtle, her pencil doing precise strokes on the paper, soon the mutant's shape taking form. She had always wanted to draw him, but was always so shy about asking him to pose... Hunched over her drawing for a little while, she was next back to an observational stance, only to squeak as she spotted Donnie right before her, a smirk on his lips as he was trying to clean his features with a rag. ''You're looking at me and you're drawing. May I dare guess you're drawing me?'' questionned the mutant with amusement. ''Gnnoooo?'' tried to lie Vee, clutching her sketchbook against her chest. ''Aww, come on, I want to see.'' Damn it, she couldn't resist his pleading eyes. She sighed briefly, moving the sketchbook and revealing her work. Donnie studied the drawing for some seconds, now cleaning his hands with the rag, a pleased smile then appearing. ''… You draw so well,'' he complimented. ''I wish I could draw like you.'' Vee snorted a small laugh, arching an eyebrow: ''Are you kidding me? You draw all those complicated blueprints, you have talent too.'' ''Oh please, it's not the same. I follow lines and models. You draw organically, that's something else!'' Vee pointed the garbage truck, mostly the lettering that said 'Tartaruga Brothers'. ''You did this I presume?'' ''I used a stencil,'' simply answered the turtle. ''Same for when I do tattoos.'' Vee did a double take, surprised. ''Wait! So you're telling you're the one who tattooed your brothers? That's awesome!'' ''I did come up with the machine, but as for designs, it's all thanks to Mikey. He's more the artist around here. All I do is follow the lines and fill with black if necessary.'' ''Can you tattoo me? I've been wanting new tattoos lately!'' asked Vee with a large smile. She did wince a little though, knowing she must have sounded needy. ''Unless, that's if you want, of course.'' Donnie lightly laughed, amused by her enthusiasm. ''My equipement is mostly made for strong skin, since us reptiles have it thicker than humans,'' he answered. ''I'd have to change my machine a bit if I ever was to tattoo you. … But yeah, I'd like that!'' ''Sweet, I can finally get your name tattooed on my butt,'' she joked. Both were now laughing, soon Donnie's features showing a loving smile, next tenderly moving some strands of hair away from the woman's face. ''… You are beautiful,'' he said, lovesick. Vee chuckled: ''Ha! Even if I look like a chimney sweeper right now?'' ''Doesn't bother me. As long as I can see you smile, it's the best look there is.'' He couldn't help cupping the bottom of her face, next hunching a little so he could leave a sweet kiss on her lips. Vee did laugh a little afterward, grinning. ''I must be tasting like that damn truck and oil,'' she said, gesturing her dirtied look. ''Then,'' began Donnie, taking her sketchbook and pencil out of her hands, leaving them on a table nearby. ''I think this calls for a shower.'' ''And what next?'' ''Lots of kisses that don't taste like oil?'' ''Now we're talking,'' chuckled Vee. *** That patrol had been pretty much eventless, considering the constant lookout for Foot clan activity. Raph and Mikey were already off to the kitchen for a late snack, leaving Leo and Donnie to hang their equipment. As Donnie was calm as usual, Leo seemed thoughtful, many things bouncing around in his mind. He seemed to weight his words, biting his lip a little in anticipation, finally leaving his katanas to rest on their stand as he started to speak. ''I don't know what to do.'' The purple clad turtle frowned, glancing to his brother. ''… What do you mean?'' ''About Mikasa,'' he added without hesitation, his blue eyes finally rising to meet the other's gaze. He paused, collecting his thoughts: ''I feel so at ease when I'm with her. I want to believe that something could happen, but at the same time I don't want to hurt myself like last time.'' Donnie was confused. ''…. 'Like last time'? Leo, what are you talking about?'' The elder sighed, somehow looking defeated. ''… I've been with another woman before.'' The tall mutant was suprised at first. ''And you didn't tell us?'' he asked next. ''… What happened?'' He wanted to be angry at his brother for keeping such secret, but at the same time he started to fear the tale. Leo sat down, back against the wall, his eyes stuck to the ground. For the first time - at least that's how it seemed for Donnie - he looked ashamed, scared, unsure... The purple clad mutant joined his brother on the ground, waiting for him to speak. ''It happened in spring, two years ago. I was on a solo patrol and I saw those men run after this girl.... I didn't wait before jumping in, scaring them away. I thought I'd scare the girl too, which is somehow expected, but instead she rushed to me, crying and thanking me. … Those men were after her because she owed them money and at that moment she had none, she was in trouble.'' ''Why did she owe money?'' ''Because she was an escort. Those guys were some of her boss's lackeys or something like that and she had to give her share so they could provide her with their protection. … It was stupid, and dangerous...'' He sighed once more, passing a hand over his face, trying to clear his thoughts. ''… I wanted to go away, but she insisted on thanking me as I brought her back to her apartment. … She didn't want me to leave, scared that the guys would stumble at her place.'' Donnie showed half of a smile: ''I'm guessing that night took an interesting turn?'' Leo gave back that same smile. ''Indeed. … It felt like a dream. That dream lasted for five months until she disappeared. She said she had to leave town for her own safety. … She never contacted me since then.'' His expression came back to a neutral tone. ''I've never told anyone because everything about it was rather strange.... There was no real love involved; she only wanted me around for protection and sometimes she would invite me in her bed. … I wanted to believe I loved her at some point, but I couldn't bring myself to experience something you guys didn't.'' A sigh escaped him, somehow relieved to speak about all of this. ''When I saw you bring Vee here for the first time, I couldn't help feeling angry and scared. I didn't want you to experience the same shit I went through; to fall for someone and then watching them go away without any warning. … But as time went by, I came to get to know her better, seize how she really is and I knew you two were meant to be. … To see you two together, it kind of brings me hope.'' Donnie was silent, pensive. He would have never guessed such thing to have happened to his brother and somehow it also made sense? He could remember how Leo would often go on solo patrol and be secretive about some of his endeavours. … But never he would have known that it was because of some girl. ''… What was her name?'' dared ask Donatello. Leo half smiled: ''Rose. At least, that's what she wanted me to call her. I never got to know her real name. … She loved roses and her lips were always as red as one.'' He then left a hand on Donnie's shoulder, to emphasize his next words. ''… I would like if you didn't tell Raph and Mikey about this. I will tell them in time. It's just that... it somehow seemed easier to tell you first now that you experienced that feeling.'' ''Also I'm sure they would both freak out,'' lightly laughed Donnie. ''… Don't worry, Leo, your secret's safe with me.'' The leader nodded, satisfied. As both were heading out, the blue clad turtle did stop the other another time, slightly hesitating on his words. ''… Is there a way to know when the time is right? To know if she's the right person?'' A tender smile was now on Donnie's lips. He had wondered the same a few times before... ''First and foremost, you have to be friends. Talk and spend time together, that's the best way to go. Things will build up by themselves and the moment will come without both of you knowing. … As long as you respect eachother, the answer will come naturally.'' ''Ha, now that you voice it out, it does sound pretty obvious,'' chuckled Leo. ''… Thanks Donnie.'' ''Anytime.'' As they both went their ways, Donnie got to his room, carefully opening the door and peeking inside. He noticed Vee already asleep in his bed, tangled in the drapes. He had expected to find her this way, knowing the patrol had ended late. A small smile forever present on his features, he didn't wait to get inside, undressing and finally climbing next to the woman, tenderly wrapping his arms around her form. Vee woke up a bit, mumbling some words, but she was soon drifting back to sleep as she felt the other nuzzle and kiss her features. ''I love you so much,'' he murmured next, sighing against her skin. These words couldn't feel any truer right this moment. They were the absolute truth in fact, but only now did he really realize all the luck that had been bestowed upon him...
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itsclydebitches · 7 years
Just days after Balem returned to his adult self, Jupiter is thrown head-first into another adventure - one she, frankly, really doesn’t have the energy for. But when has the universe ever taken her desires into account? Mysteries, promises, and desperate moves forward; bees, splices, and awkward family dinners. It’s enough to make even her seasoned head spin.
…which doesn’t even include the chance to play at ‘Mother’ once more. Only question is: will Jupiter take it?
Fandom: Jupiter Ascending
Words: 16,756 so far
Warnings: Will eventually mention previous neglect/abuse of children
Pairings: Jupiter/Caine
Where to Read it: Below the cut or on AO3 (AO3 recommended for formatting) 
Chapter Nine 
“C’mere,” Jupiter said and like always Caine came.
She nearly snorted at her own inappropriate thoughts—and the puns at the core of them—but Jupiter wasn’t sure she wanted to interrupt whatever mood was developing with a twelve-year-old’s humor. It was like Guano’s exit had flipped a switch for the both of them. Caine’s expression smoothed out, Jupiter’s shoulders relaxed, and suddenly the hot bathroom seemed a whole lot more steamy.
Jupiter grinned. Goddamn the puns.
She crooked her finger, dripping water onto the floor, and pushed the shower curtain all the way back, only pausing to check that she wouldn’t actually flood the bathroom floor. Caine placed the large, white box on the toilet seat and tiptoed around the remains of Guano’s mess.
“What’s that?” Jupiter whispered.
Caine still had his fingers resting on the cardboard. His eyes were on her. “A dress. It’s from Kalique.”
“...are you fucking kidding me?”
Jupiter crammed her face back between her knees and in doing so missed Caine’s expression—but she definitely caught the chuckle. It was a rare thing and she cherished it, but she’d like that just once it came without such a worrying and ridiculous situation. Jupiter peeked out to see him toeing off his boots, his shirt, his jeans.
“It appeared on the front porch,” he said. Caine’s voice was quiet and a little echo-y. “She must have transported it down after Guano arrived, before leaving Earth’s atmosphere. Her ship is long gone.”
Jupiter’s mouth twisted. “Of course it is. Well, is it pretty?”
“Exquisite. I think she’s commenting on the last dinner’s attire, Your Majesty.”
“I really don’t care what Kalique thinks of my wardrobe. What about you? You prefer me in the jeans or the ball gown?”
“You... know what I prefer.”
Caine was naked now, as unabashed by it as Jupiter was, though the lines of his body still held a hesitance about being naked before her. Clothes gone he’d immediately knelt on the bath rug before, head slightly inclined, and Jupiter took a moment to just admire him. She’d heard stories over the last year, about what a lycantant was supposed to look like: tall as Guano, broader in the shoulders, legs like small tree trunks and a chest that could take on a missile. Jupiter couldn’t really imagine it, not when she had this little piece of perfection right in front of her, but she’d been told again and again that she could have more. Should want more, especially as an Abrasax.
Screw that. Jupiter was quite happy, thank you very much, and she liked to believe that she had a decent enough heart that she would have loved Caine even if he was scrawny by human standards.
Not that he was—holy hell no—and the sparse chest hair he seemed so embarrassed by was the perfect patch for Jupiter to run her hands through, his ‘small’ shoulders exactly what she wanted to lean against. There’d been a bit of a confidence boost when he’d gotten his wings back, and not for the first time Jupiter wondered if she shouldn’t have encouraged him to keep them on more. Sadly those appendages weren’t as easy to hide as pointed ears. There was only so many times Caine could get away with a bulky jacket in this heat. He’d claimed with his usual, stumbling sincerity that he’d rather just be with her. If disconnecting his wings was the ‘price’ of that, then so be it.
Stinger kept them in the back of the house with the rest of the weaponry. Jupiter couldn’t help but think of a trophy from days long gone by, mounted on a wall somewhere. It made her feel guilty. But that made her feel guilty too, because it wasn’t like Caine needed them. He was here, and gorgeous, and—
—and everything she wanted.
Caine was the runt of his litter. Didn’t they say only the best for an Abrasax? So hell yeah. Jupiter got the special one. The freaking collector’s edition. Only one in existence, folks! read it and weep.
“Your Majesty?”
“…Caine,” she chastised.
He ducked his head. “Jupiter.”
“Atta boy. Here, there’s plenty of room.”
He didn’t need to be told twice (Caine never did) and he stood immediately, stepping into the bath with all the grace of an automaton. Jupiter swiveled so her legs were under the spray of the shower and pulled Caine down against her, guiding him between her back and the tub’s high wall. He settled there like a well-placed puzzle piece and Jupiter tilted her head back onto his shoulder.
They sat for a moment, breathing in synch. Caine lifted a hand to delicately brush a strand of hair from Jupiter’s forehead. He reached for the shampoo.
“You don’t have to,” she murmured.
Caine nuzzled the back of her ear. “I want to. Touching you is a gift.”
“Well jeez when you put it that way.”
Jupiter had closed her eyes and pretended, just for a moment, that they were a normal couple with normal problems to solve. She supposed, in a sense, that they were all pretty normal... just with extraordinary twists. Everyone had awful relatives to deal with—they just didn’t have to put up with the ancient children of their recurrences, hell bent on killing, tormenting, or otherwise extorting you. Every guy, gal, and pal worried about bringing partners home to the parents—it’s just that their ‘bad boys’ didn’t include alien biology and technology that put the iPhone to shame. Still, it was reassuring in its way. Jupiter was attempting to rationalize it all... and then Caine’s fingers were in her hair and that became so much easier.
Drama? What drama? Life was fantastic right now.
“You’re good at this,” she slurred, slipping a little further down as Caine kneaded her head and neck. Jupiter could feel lines of shampoo slipping down her face, small handfuls of water quickly arriving to catch them. She was warm, and content, and might have actually been sleepy if she couldn’t feel Caine’s interest pressing against her back.
Jupiter grinned and arched, grinding him a bit and shamelessly calling attention to her breasts. She just caught Caine’s barely audible grunt, his hands spasming against her and slipping down to her chest, the shampoo making the motion both easy and playful.
“You’re exquisite like this,” Caine murmured, doing his best to lavish her neck with kisses between the words. His fingers teased around her nipples, tweaking one hard so Jupiter gasped. It was more the emotion than the sensation though. No one had ever called her exquisite before.
Jupiter rocked in Caine’s lap, turning just enough so he could see her smile. “You mean decked out in another man’s beauty products, in his bathroom no less?”
“Your Majesty,” Caine growled.
“It’s ‘Jupiter.’”
“It’s ‘Jupiter’ when Her Majesty stops being such a smartass.”
Jupiter barked out a laugh, the sound quickly morphing into a groan as Caine skimmed her stomach and lower thighs. She caught his hand at the last moment and held it under the spray, rinsing away the shampoo before guiding him back to the curls between her legs. Caine was emitting a low, continuous growl now—almost like a purr—and inhaling deep every few moments, as if he couldn’t get enough of her scent. He locked his left arm around her chest and slid two fingers in up to his knuckles, letting the water and Jupiter’s wetness do the work. She could feel how hard Caine’s cock was against her and Jupiter wanted to do something about that, but she was a little preoccupied with arching up.
“That’s good, you’re good,” she whispered, cutting off with another groan as Caine picked up the pace. He eased out enough rub at her clit and Jupiter hissed, mewling and scrambling at Caine’s thighs, digging her fingers into the flesh there. She wondered if she was strong enough to leave bruises. If he’d mind. Jupiter’s legs tensed, bent, tried to find purchase and she wondered why he wasn’t doing more.
“Caine, Caine move…”
It was an indistinct order, but Caine took it in the best way possible. Quicker than Jupiter could follow—quicker than a human certainly—he’d lifted her and reversed their positions, laying Jupiter fast but gently down the length of the tub. Her head just cleared the shower’s spray, the water pounding down over chest and splattering against her cheeks. Jupiter gasped, catching some of the water and sucking it from her lips. Caine paused only long enough to grind down a kiss of his own before scooting back, splaying his legs on either side of Jupiter’s, bunched up against the end of the tub. She was thinking that this couldn’t be a comfortable position when he ducked down and sealed his mouth where his hand had been.
“Oh fuck—”
Never let it be said Caine wasn’t a quick learner, or creative when given half an incentive to be. He devoted himself to drowning in her with the same single-minded focus he gave to her protection; licking, nipping, nuzzling with abandon, as messy and feral as his genes supposedly dictated. Jupiter gave up on decorum, keening and digging her hands into Caine’s wet hair. She found purchase on the tub’s end and when Caine slipped two fingers back inside Jupiter clenched and began to thrust. Everything was happening at once—curled fingers and lips and teeth and the water hitting Jupiter’s breasts—and Caine was moaning like she was doing all the work. It was his own little whimper of pleasure that finally did it, Jupiter coming with a gasp and shaking legs.
She rode it out, Caine licking in long, gentle strokes all the while. Jupiter eventually had to tug on his hair to get him to stop.
He sat back on his heels. Jupiter pushed the hair from her eyes and caught his gaze.
“Okay,” she breathed. “That was good.”
It was like watching a puppy get praised: exuberant enthusiasm no matter how many times it happened. Except, of course, that the puppy was a massive hulk of a man with a cock bobbing between his legs and really, one of these days Caine was going to let her take care of him first.
Except that she saw the utter contentment on his face and wondered if he’d really let her win that fight.
“Look at you,” Jupiter teased. She sat up, a little shaky still, grabbing ahold of Caine’s legs just to steady herself, but the touch sent a shiver through his body that Jupiter felt all the way up to her shoulders. They’d done this before too and Jupiter knew Caine as well as he knew her. She could, as they say, play the game too.
“Stand,” she said, and Caine stood. “Hold still,” she said and Jupiter took him into her mouth, wrapping her hand around his base as Caine’s hips jerked minutely, a pained whine mixing with the sounds of the water. He didn’t thrust though, even if Jupiter could feel his muscles twitching in desperation. She wanted to grin—settled for a coy look up at him instead—and fluttered her tongue, tracing his underside and suctioning her lips as Caine grunted in response.
He was always so quiet when they did this; only the tinniest sounds emerging that never escaped the bubble they created together. One day Jupiter was going to unwind that tension all the way. Really make him scream...
Just, you know, not while they were in Stinger’s house.
Jupiter hummed a laugh and Caine gasped, his hands scrambling against the slick wall.
Their hosts could suffer a little though. All at once Jupiter took him as deep as she could without gagging, reaching up to grab Caine’s ass and finally let him move. He made an inarticulate sound that tightened Jupiter’s body, desperate and just this side of animalistic—completely and utterly wrecked. She swallowed in response.
“Jupiter, Jupiter, Jupiter, Jupiter—”
Caine’s body went rigid, only training keeping him from becoming a puddle on the floor. As Jupiter eased off he collapsed onto the tub’s edge instead, panting slightly and gazing at her with undisguised affection. Jupiter spit into the drain and finally grinned, rubbing the back of her hand across her mouth.
“So,” she said. “How about me in that dress?”
Caine closed his eyes, muttering something about Abrasaxs being the death of him, and Jupiter choked on a laugh.
Sex was good. In all fairness though, this was possibly better.
“See, that’s just rude.” Kiza shook a wet towel at her before tossing it into the hamper, kicking clothes and books out of her way. “You drag us into this dinner, mess up the bathroom, and then have the nerve to look stupidly gorgeous in my shit bedroom? Nuh-uh. This is going to cause problems between us, Your Majesty. Mark my words.”
“I’m not gorgeous,” Jupiter said automatically. Except...
Kiza side-eyed her, sensing the hesitation. “You’re a freaking masterpiece. Don’t fight me on this.”
Jupiter stood in the middle of Kiza’s (admittedly messy) bedroom, the house’s one full-length mirror propped up against the bed. She kept staring into it, her mind not quite computing that it was her own reflection there, because really, when was the last time she’d worn something like this? It put Kalique’s original dress for her to shame. It had sophistication that Titus’ kink monstrosity couldn’t hold a candle to. Jupiter ran her hand lightly over the high, bunched neckline; the sheer, flowered material that barely covered her chest; a satin bow; light, flowing skirts that fed from plum coloring into blue... she felt a little dizzy. The material clearly wasn’t anything made on Earth and Jupiter wondered if you could somehow drug a dress.
Even her lack of makeup and wet hair pulled back haphazardly couldn’t detract from the overall look. She really was… beautiful.
Jupiter blinked slowly as Kiza snapped a picture. “I sort of hate how great this dress is,” she admitted.
“Right? That’s some Kalique insanity right there: how many dresses before you forgive the war crimes? I don’t know about you, but I am weak for clothes.” Kiza spread her arms. “Which begs the question: what am I supposed to wear?”
“Something that holds your weaponry,” Stinger said. He appeared in the doorway, Guano popping up behind him with a gleeful expression and a strange gesture that Jupiter couldn’t quite decipher. It seemed positive though.
Stinger just gave on a clipped nod. “You look nice, Your Majesty.”
“Lame, Dad, she looks amazing.”
“Yes, at the behest of her Lady Kalique. I don’t like it, Kiza.” Stinger paused. “No offense.”
Jupiter sighed. “None taken.”
They were right after all. This wasn’t dress up or prom. Kalique was up to something and Jupiter had every intention of finding out what. She shook the cobwebs from her mind, slipping on her heels and striding out the door. Down the steps, back into the kitchen. The bees converged around Jupiter, brushing her body like she was their flower, offering soft and soothing reassurance. She could hear Guano, Stinger, and Kiza still arguing upstairs. Caine was somewhere in the back, choosing his weapon with care. Jupiter stood looking like a queen in the middle of their living room, devoted followers all around her... and she’d never felt more like an ordinary girl.
A knock sounded at the door. Amongst everything, T’sing’s face was a welcome sight.
“Look at you,” she whistled. T’sing stepped back onto the porch and bowed dramatically, bringing the Ageis hovering over the fields into view.
“It’s good to see you, Your Majesty. Please, your carriage awaits.”
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
camping trips, and fire brigade feels
Mad!Kid: *holds his fingers flat--and jabs them into Belkia's side* belkia: *screaming* Mad!Kid: "Die now, please." belkia: im a vampire i cant die dumbass! *SPLAT* *Kid has decapitated Belkia* stocking: !!! Mad!Kid: *smirks* "Can't keep yourself together, can you, vampire?" belkia's head: THAT WAS JUST BEING RUDE! MISSY HELP ME- *SHIV* stocking: *has her sword through his head* no. Mad!Kid: *smirks at Belkia...then at Stocking* "Fascinating." belkia: THAT HURTS BUT AT THE SAME TIME ITS SO HOT! Mad!Kid: *licks his lips* "Indeed...she is..." Bakugo: "..." *looking around* "What the fuck?" stocking: *cutting belkia's body to bits and throws them into the river* bye. belkia: oh nooooo my love life is all washed uuuuuup! Bakugo: "Um...Is that going to pollute the water or anything?" Mad!Kid: *staring at Stocking* Mad!Kid: *not blinking* stocking:....kid..*puts her hands to his cheeks and kisses him* Mad!Kid: "!!!" *eyes droop...he kisses back gently, his arms falling to his sides* Kid: "...Stocking?" stocking: *she hugs him* its ok kid...im here.... Kid: "...It happened again, didn't it?" Bakugo: "???" (He's still in his boxers only) stocking:....want to go back to the tent? Kid: *nods, as he holds her hand* -in the tent- stocking: *stroking kid's head as he lay on her chest* Kid: *whimpers slightly* "I'm sorry..." stocking: its ok kid.... Kid: "I-I kept up on my medicine...How did he get out?" stocking:....*holding him close* i blame that pink ponytailed bastard...i hope he stays dead. Kid: *nods* "I-I don't like this...I don't like being like this...I was so scared he would...he would take you away." stocking: i wouldnt have gone with that creep, his voice makes me want to be sick. -outside- ojiro: i feel like my ego just got bruised. -back in the tent- Kid: *hugs her* "I know you wouldn't...I just am afraid after...what has happened to both of us..." stocking:..i know.... Kid: "...Stocking...I want you to be happy." stocking: i am happy. happy with you. *she kisses him* Kid: *kisses back, nods* "I am happy, too. I am happy with you." *lies in her arms* -elsewhere- Izuku: "Is the medicine working?" momo: i think so. ochako: zzzzzzzzzzz......... Iida: *muttering in his sleep* "No more mushrooms..." Izuku: "Man, I was an idiot. Thanks, Momo." momo: it's fine. *hair ruffle* (thinking: so fluffy im gonna die!) Izuku: -\\\\\- -elsewhere- tamaki: *fist steaming* shinra: *in a thong* WHY?!?! nozomi: at least you werent subjected to becoming a 'braid-kini'... Arthur: *large hand-sized red mark across his face* "...I want to be blinded." Iris: o\\\\\\o Relan: "..." *nosebleed* shinra: .////////. Iris: "..." *small reach at Shinra, then pulls back her hand* mina: total uke. kyouka: total uke. sayaka: total uke. shinra: STOP IT! D8> Iris: "COULD SOMEONE JUST PUT SOME CLOTHES BACK ON HIM?!" Relan: *long stream of nosebleeding* -and so- Iris: ("I need to bathe in holy water for weeks...And I feel...") Relan: *washing his face in the lake* Arthur: "Hmph. Surprised Tamaki got Shinra into that position..." tamaki: *punches arthur* shut up. Arthur: "Ow! Well, at least now I have matching punches..." Iris: "..." *stands up to leave* "Excuse me..." -elsewhere- Patty: "Mmmm...Takeru, could you...carry me?" takeru: um..o-ok... *lift* Patty: *giggle, as she wraps her arms around his neck and lays in his arm* "So tall, strong, and big!" takeru: *blushing* Patty: "..." *kisses his cheek* -elsewhere- hito: *practicing marches* Spirit: "Jeez...Real serious person, huh?" hito: *salutes* sir! Spirit: *salute* "At ease...You need a break? Something to drink?" hito: as soon as i finished my protocol. Spirit: "...Okay. But just don't dehydrate, okay? Got to take care of your health, right?" hito: right... Spirit: *glances at Marie* "What's with them?" marie: i think they're a member of the yasunoki family. they've been military officers for generations. Spirit: "When did they enter the DWMA?" marie: i think they're in the 2nd fire brigade Spirit: "Who's their leader? That guy with the creepy mask?" marie: the 2nd brigade is lead by Gustav Honda. -elsewhere- Emine: *yawn* setsuna: welcome home emine. Emine: "Hey...I'm exhausted after that bad deed..." setsuna: i see...are you hungry at all? Emine: "No, I am--" *loud stomach growl* "...A small snack." setsuna: *she smiles and goes to make something* Shotaro: *waves at Emine* "Do good at your bad deeds, today?" Emine: *sits next to him* -\\\\- "Mostly. You do okay at your good deeds?" Shotaro: *nods* "I saved a puppy!" setsuna: very good showtaro *she smiles* Emine: o_o "B-But I did my deed, too! I stole someone's puppy!" Shotaro: "..." *glares* Emine: ^^; setsuna: *making double bentos* Emine: T_T "My shin still hurts..." Shotaro: *small chop to the head* "No stealing puppies." setsuna: bentos are ready! Shotaro: "Thank you, Mom!" Emine: "..." *looking around at it, uncertain how to dig in* setsuna: *she hugs them both* Shotaro: *hugs, smiles* Emine: O\\\\\\O setsuna: mama loves you both so much... [flashback!mama emine: just remember brat, i could have aborted you, good-for-nothing piece of shit.] Emine: *whispers* "N-No...You don't." setsuna: emine? *concerned* Emine: "N-No one loves me! Stay away!" setsuna:.....*she looks at showtaro* Emine: "No one could ever love me! And I--" Shotaro: *hugs Emine, holding him* "You are loved. Stop that." setsuna: *she hugs him too* i know i might not be the woman who gave birth to you, but i still want to be your mother... Emine: *squirming, grunting, howling...then crying* setsuna: *humming and rubbing his head* Emine: *crying* "Why did she hate me?" setsuna:...*rubbing his back* Emine: *whimpering, crying, clutching her* "Mama..." setsuna:...its ok emine...mother loves you so much... Shotaro: *nods* "We love you, Emine." Emine: *keeps crying, falling asleep* setsuna:....*carries him to his bed and tucks him in* Shotaro: "Will he be okay, Mom?" setsuna: i think so..i can feel he's been put through a lot of suffering in his life... Shotaro: *nods* "He has...No family for the longest time." setsuna:....*she hugs him* im so sorry showtaro.... Shotaro: "..." *nods* "I know. And I accept your apology...I just want to know you're here..." -at the campsite- Black Star: "How did another vampire find us?!" tsubaki:...it was the same magician guy.... Black Star: "Jeez. Do we have any magic person here who could, I don't know, block any more weirdos showing up?" -a ways down the river- belkia: waaaay just along the swammie riveerrrrr~ XwX -next morning- Patty: "Mmmm..." *small moan* liz: *snoring* Patty: *moan* Izuku: "Zzzz..." Black Star: *already awake, outside, fishing* liz: *snaps awake* (thinking: what the heck?) ojiro: *meditating* Patty: *moan* "Takeru..." Mineta: *somehow glued to a tree up at the top of the branches, ostensibly to guard their food from bears* fang-hua: *doing her morning aerobics* Tsukiyo: *groan, as she crawls out of the tent, covering her eyes* "Too bright..." fang-hua: *she looks up, the sun is just beginning to rise* Tsukiyo: *yawns* "What're you doin, Fang?" fang-hua: morning aerobics. i do this every morning. Tsukiyo: "Tch. Good plan for you..." *stretches, groaning* "I just feel stiff after lying in that uncomfortable tent..." *Iris is walking out of the forest, having gone in there early this morning...she is blushing* fang-hua: oh, morning iris. *she smiles* Iris: *avoiding eye contact* "M-Morning..." Tsukiyo: "???" fang-hua: are you feeling ok? Iris: *nods meekly* "I'm fine..." *looks up, trying to keep eye contact* "J-Just ready to start the day!" fang-hua:...ok then.... Iris: "I-I'll get to work now! Professor Aizawa wanted me to catalog some plants. I-I'll need someone to go with me, th-though..." fang-hua: want me to go with you? Iris: *nods* "That would help." Tsukiyo: *studying Iris, then shrugs* "Don't know what the teachers are gonna have me do--target practice, maybe?" -and so- shinra: *shuddering* Arthur: *grunt* "What's with you?" tamaki: oh come on, a little water never killed anyone. shinra: YOU TRIED TO WATERBOARD ME IN MY SLEEP WHAT THE HELL KOTATSU?!?! Arthur: "...Um, isn't that illegal now?" tamaki: i had to wake him up somehow. Relan: *glaring at Tamaki* "Why not, I don't know, shake him? Or play loud music?" tamaki: *shrug* shinra: Q-Q Relan: *glares at Tamaki, as he hands a towel to Shinra* "Come on, Shinra, you can dry quicker out of this shade and in the sun." shinra: thanks rel. tamaki: *rolls eyes* nozomi: miss tamaki would you like to take a walk with me? tamaki:...sure. Relan: *leads Shinra to sunlight near the lake* "I'm sorry about her...What's her problem?" shinra: she's always been aggressive from what i can tell…and her accidents dont help matters....cause then she takes it out on me.....*tenses* it...brings back bad memories. Relan: "Oh...I'm sorry...I don't know why she takes it out on you--or why someone doesn't tell her to stop. Or make her stop." shinra:........ Relan: "..." *awkward shoulder pat* "Hang in there. You're better than some bully like her." tamaki:......... Arthur: "Tamaki?" tamaki: yeah? Arthur: "..." *pat on shoulder* "It's okay. You're okay." Arthur: *smiles* tamaki:...thanks. Arthur: *looks around the forest with Nozomi and Tamaki* "It is nice here." tamaki: yeah.... Arthur: "..." *holds her hand* tamaki: *blush* Arthur: -\\\\- tamaki: ^^ Arthur: "..." *small kiss to her hand* tamaki: O////O Arthur: "T-Too fast?" tamaki: i-its cool... Arthur: *nods* "Sorry." tamaki: *blushing* Arthur: *continues walking, looking at her* ("She's so pretty, strong...stubborn...gorgeous...") -elsewhere- Iris: "This one is poisonous, but it can make a medicine, so..." *puts on gloves* "I will take a sample of this plant. Fang-Hua, please put on gloves, too." fang-hua: right. Iris: *removes the plant, places it into the baggie* "...Fang-Hua? Could I ask a question?" fang-hua: what is it? Iris: "Do you ever feel...uncomfortable around someone?" fang-hua: what do you mean? Iris: -\\\\- "Like you want to be close to them..." fang-hua: i dont know if i can tell you... Iris: *looking down* "I feel so ashamed..." fang-hua: whats wrong? Iris: *looking away* "I...just feel attracted to someone, and I...don't know what to do..." fang-hua: *pats her back* Iris: *shivers a little* "It's so embarrassing..." *sniff* "I...I..." -elsewhere- Iida: *holding his head* "Thanks, Momo...I feel so foolish after eating those..." momo: its ok. *pats his head* Izuku: *stretching* "Time for the trail run!" -in death city- Yumi: *putting Christa and Shiori in their bath* christa: ^o^ shiori: hehe~ Yumi: *holds up rubber ducky at Christa* "Quack quack!" *holds up little toy boat for Shiori* "Toot toot!" shiori: ^w^ lord death: so sweet... Yumi: "They're getting along so well." lord death: >w< Yumi: *smiles* "You're squeeing with joy, aren't you, Death?" lord death: it reminds me of little baby kiddo~! Yumi: "...Want to look at baby photos after this?" lord death: *nods* Yumi: *washing Shiori* "Could you help me with Christa?" lord death: of course. -later, elsewhere- Hibana: *groaning* "Ouch..." gabriella: coffee, princess? Hibana: *nods* "I would, thank you. Man, you gave me a workout..." -at the dokeshi house- Yohei: *holds a hand softly over Chie's stomach* chie: *rubbing her stomach* *she has a sweater with a little pumpkin where the baby is* Yohei: "How's li'l pumpkin doin'?" chie: doing good. Yohei: *whispers to her belly* "Be safe, kiddo." chie: *she smiles* Yohei: "We'll be here when you're born. And we love you so much." -elsewhere- Akitaru: ("Nozomi...Why didn't you tell me?") maki: still worked up over that i see.... Akitaru: "Wh-What?" maki: you had that look on your face... Akitaru: "..." *sighs* "Yeah." maki:...*she pats his back* Akitaru: "Why didn't she tell me?" maki: she did mention her dad...but to think its this guy of all people.... Akitaru: "I feel awful...I feel so bad for her." maki:..... -at camp- Kid: *holds Stocking's hand* stocking: i love you kid. so much. Kid: *nods* "I love you, too." *hugs her* stocking: U/////U Kid: "I'm sorry about yesterday. Let's try to make today enjoyable." stocking: want to go for a swim in the lake? Kid: *nods* "I would like that." stocking: great! -And so, one swimwear change later- Kid: *dips a toe in the lake* "Hmm...Nice and cool..." *goes into the lake* stocking: *in a nice black one-piece with white polka dots, with her hair in a ponytail* wee! *she jumps in with him* hehe! Kid: *catches her, laughing as he twirls her around* "Lovely suit." stocking: thank you~ hehe~ Kid: *swims with her* stocking: *she smiles* Kid: *swims down, picks her up and spins her in the air* stocking: hehe~ ^///^ Kid: *smiles at her* "You look great, with the sun behind you...Like a picture." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: *sets her down, and swims with her...then tickles her side* stocking: ah! *giggles* k-kid! Kid: "Ha ha..." *hugs her, swimming, as they pass along the shore* stocking: this is nice. Kid: *nods* "Very relaxing...I always love swimming with you." stocking: its nice.... well, seems we got company. Kid: "???" liz: hey guys! kilik: we interrupting you two lovebirds? Patty: "Come on, Takeru! Into the water!" takeru: *dip dip* Black Star: "Yahoo!" *swings on a rope into the water* hito:...*staying out of the water* hito: *goes to retrieve wetsuit* Izuku: *swimming around* Patty: "Come on, Takeru! I got ya!" Meme: *wearing a two-piece, approaches Hito* "Not diving in?" hito: i need to retrieve my suit. Meme: *smiles* "Did you bring it with you?" hito: its in my tent. if you excuse me... Meme: *nods, then waves at Mio* mio: *in an inner tube shaped like a donut* hito: *going to the tent* Anya: *swimming on her back in the lake* Spirit: *watches Hito going to the tent* *to Marie* "Looks like Hito's going to get some R&R for a bit." -and so- Meme: *swimming along Mio's inner tube* -back at the tents- shinra: hey! yasunoki! hito: !!! kusakabe sir! Arthur: "Um..." *hesitant salute* shinra: we were just about to change into our swim trunks, want to come with? hito: thats fine...i'd prefer to change by myself. Arthur: *nods* "Well, we'll see you out there--" *small chuckle* "Can't wake to see Tamaki~" hito: ..... shinra:.... Arthur: *walks a few paces, then feels his necklace around his neck* "Oh, shoot! I should put this back in the tent." *turns back* hito: *looking for a spot* !!! oh, hello again... Arthur: "Hey. Just leaving my necklace here--" *puts it into his backpack, noticing Hito* "You okay?" hito: yeah, just looking for a spot to change into my wetsuit. shinra: for a lake? hito: yeah, cant be too cautious of germs. Arthur: "...'Germs'?" ("Maybe they got immune deficiency or something...") Arthur: "Well, if you're shy about us being in the tent, we'll just head out--go change." shinra: come to think of it, you were wearing at the pool too. Arthur: "Oh, yeah..." hito: um...i have scars. shinra: hey, we wont judge. Arthur: *nods in agreement* hito: well.... its really embarrassing to talk about- Arthur: "???" shinra: what do you mean? hito:....*looks around*....*sigh* commander honda and noto are the only ones who know about this...promise you wont tell anyone else, especially the others in the 2nd? shinra: sure, yasunoki. Arthur: *nods* hito: *sighs* the truth is.....im actually a girl. Arthur: "..." o_O shinra:...really? thats it? hito: yeah. my full name is Hitomi Yasunoki. Arthur: "So...You're passing as a boy...why?" hito: the yasunoki family has served as military officers for generations, the past 2 working in the 2nd brigade...i never had any brothers, and since the 2nd is mostly male, i wanted to be taken seriously by my fellow soldiers. Arthur: "Huh...But girls are taken seriously in the Brigade. I mean look at Tamaki--" *pause* "..." shinra: take maki for example. she's pretty strong. Arthur: *nods fervently* hito: true, but i want to respect my family's legacy. and to be honest, i like doing this, even if i dont see myself as a man. Arthur: "..." *nods* "Then...that's good. Um, we'll keep your secret. Promise!" -elsewhere- Shinoda: *holding flowers* lin: what are those for? *she's in a frankenstein's monster style lolita dress* Shinoda: "A peace offering...Maybe this can help earn a bit of forgiveness..." lin: ah, i see. Shinoda: "Wish me luck..." *heads off to find Nea* nea: *reading in the den* Shinoda: *walks into the den, holding the flowers in front of him* nea: ?? hmm? Shinoda: "Hello." *holds the flowers out to her* "These flowers cannot compare to your beauty, so I thought I'd give them an example to aspire to." nea: *tiny blush and puts them on the mantle* they look nice. Shinoda: "Indeed. What are you reading?" nea: not much. Shinoda: *sits on the couch, leaving a space between them* "I know a new used bookstore that opened." nea: really now? Shinoda: *nods* "Quite a selection in genres, some rare older texts, too." nea: ah. Shinoda: "Would you be interested? Perhaps we could go together." nea: im kind of busy with stuff with week. Shinoda: "Oh...Maybe next week?" nea: ...ill think about it. Shinoda: *small smile, as he stands to leave the den* nea:....*faint smile* Emine: *watching Shinoda leaving the den* lin: aww. Emine: "??? What? She just turned him down." lin: *whispers* i could see her smiiiiliiiiing~ Emine: "...Hmm..." *whispers* "That's surprising." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Hey, Mana--would this work for the baby shower?" *holds up a baby's onesie designed like a giraffe's skin* mana: it's cute. Shotaro: "Hee hee..." Cashier: *whispering to another* "Aren't they young?" mana: O///O i-ts for our friends! Shotaro: "???" *shrugs, as he holds up maternity dress* "Dude...I should put this on!" mana: *says nothing* -at the camp- Patty: *stretches* "Really good swim!" tsubaki: *she smiles and begins walking along the trail* Black Star: "Hey, Tsubaki, wait up!" Bakugo: *napping under a tree* -up the trail- tamaki: *inhales* this is nice. nozomi: *examining the plant life* Black Star: *looking around* "Yeah. Great view down into the forest." stocking: its nice. Aoyama: "Quite~" Black Star: *double take* "When did you show up?" Aoyama: "Shhhh...It's a secret." stocking: ....... shinra: *calls out* arthur is a loser! Aoyama: *chuckles* -hes down a ways- echo: arthur is a loser-loser-loser-loser Arthur: "WHO SAID THAT?!" *removes Excalibur* "Face me, bodiless voice!" sayu: lemme try something! 'you can shop at five or six stores, or just one!' echo: just one-just one-just one-just one... Black Star: "BLACK STAR IS THE BEST!" Echo: "..." stocking:.....*whispers something* echo: kid's got a fine booty-booty-booty-booty Kid: o\\\\\\o Patty: "Ha ha ha!" -elsewhere in the camp- soul: ...... Izuku: *doing push-ups as punishment by Aizawa for coming in last in a race* "Darn it..." *Wind blowing gently in the camp* soul:....*smiles* *Wind feels comforting around Soul, given the bright sun outside* Izuku: *panting* "Just 100 more push-ups..." vivian: so how much longer will we be on this trip? just curious. Aizawa: "Two more days..." vivian: ah, i see. Aizawa: "..." *glances* "You okay?" vivian: yes. just a slight bit homesick. but i am having fun, i dont usually get the opportunity to do things like this. Aizawa: *nods* "It is a nice change of weather and surroundings...but don't treat it as too much fun. There are still other exercises to complete..." Izuku: "..." *tries to use One for All to quicken his push-ups* Aizawa: *Erase* Izuku: *face-plant onto the ground* Aizawa: "100 more push-ups." Izuku: *muffled grunt* vivian: *sweatdrop* (thinking: i wonder if he can use that ability on people with ignition abilities?) Aizawa: *glances at Soul* "Is he asleep?" vivian: appears so Aizawa: "Hmm...Best let him rest." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *firing icicles at targets* yuu: well done, todoroki. ryuuko: *shooting fire feathers at the targets* mikami: *claps* Iris: "Tsuyu, how are you hitting the targets today?" tsuyu: platforming. sayaka: kind of like frogger? tsuyu: yes. Spirit: "Ha! Retro." Iris: "...???" -at the river- Anya: *just putting her feet into the water* takeru: *trying to fish* Meme: *swimming again* "So cool..." ef: *just watching birds* Meme: *feels something touch her foot* "AAAAH!" ef: ?! Meme: "I think I just had a slimy fish hit my foot!" Anya: ._. *steps out of water* tsugumi: *wince of sympathy* oooh... Meme: *nervous laugh* "At least Takeru should be able to catch a fish, then..." takeru: *he caught a fish* i-i did it! Meme: "Yay!" *claps hands* Anya: "Hmm..." *studying the fish* "Odd specimen." tsugumi: i think thats a crucian carp...that was a.....crucial catch! Anya and Meme: T_T; tsugumi: *forced smile and sweats* ao: hehehe~ Carp: *frowning* -elsewhere- Tokoyami: "...Eijirou? How did you get stuck at the top of a tree?" eijiro: i have no idea to be honest. Tokoyami: "Okay, hang on...I'll get you down..." kirika: *watching* Tokoyami: *Dark Shadow reaches and pulls Eijiro down by the back of his shirt, lowering him slowly to the ground* eijiro: thank you. ^^ Tokoyami: "You're welcome. Come along, we have our next assignment: it's a teamwork exercise on trust." eijiro: awesome! -back at school- Yumi: *visiting to check on former students* -a child answers- child: who is it? Yumi: *waves* "Hi. I'm Death Scythe Yumi Azusa. Are your parents home?" child: i think so. mama! theres someone here to talk to you! Yumi: *waits at the door, looking around the entrance* -its a nice family home, seems to house at least 3 children- Yumi: *smiles at the look of it* mother: hmm? oh, you're, yumi azusa, right? verona katterwahl, we had zoology class together. Yumi: *slight bow* "Yes. It's good to see you again, Verona. I'm sorry for dropping in like this." verona: its not a problem. want something to drink? Yumi: "Water?" verona: *she smiles* -a few minutes later, pictures are being shown- verona: heres me and james during our honeymoon, and this is charlie, our oldest, on his first day of school... Yumi: "Aww! He looks ready for classes." verona: *she smiles* and here we are on our vacation to the rockies. little lily was just a baby then. Yumi: "How old is Lily now?" verona: she just turned 6 years old last month. Yumi: *smiles at the photo of baby Lily* "Reminds me of our Shiori." verona: i heard about that. if you told me years ago that you would be married to the headmaster, i would have laughed right in your face... lifes a funny thing, huh? Yumi: *small laugh, blush* "I...You know how you can be both surprised by something, yet it also makes sense in a weird way? I know it's odd to say...but I was attracted to Death for so long, and as we worked together..." *covers her face a bit in embarrassment* "Ugh, I was hot for our teacher..." verona: *chuckles* aw, how cute. Yumi: *still blushing but smiling* "Being with Death...has made me so happy. And we have a family." verona: speaking of, how is kid? Yumi: He is doing well. He'll be finishing school soon...He also has a girlfriend that he's crazy about." LK: verona: ooh how sweet. Yumi: *nods* "They are so adorable." *opens phone, shows photo of Stocking and Kid with Shiori* verona: ah, i see. she seems like a lovely young lady. Yumi: *nods* "She's very sweet...and has quite a sweet tooth." -elsewhere- Tuhl: *playing with Io in the playpen* io: gugu! saki: *smiling* Tuhl: *holds up a toy cow* "What sound does the cow make, Io?" io: muu! Tuhl: "Yes! Mooooooo!" *shakes the cow at Io* "Moo!" io: ^o^ Tool: "Ha ha...Smart kid." saki: *she smiles* Tuhl: *picks up Io, waving their hand at Saki* "Say hi to Mama." io: mama! saki: hi sweetie~ *wave* Tuhl: *brings Io to Saki...smiles at both of them* io: *pointing to tuhl* papa! Tuhl: "..." *blush* "Um...S-Sure? If your mama..." saki: *smiles at him* Tuhl: "...doesn't mind me _being_ a father figure..." -elsewhere- Patty: "Mighty big catch you made today, Takeru! I'm so proud of my big guy!" takeru: *scratching his head* thanks... Patty: *smiles, as she starts eating the fish they are cooking* "Tasty, too! How much cooking do you do?" takeru:...*has a bag full of sweet potatoes* kyouko:... Patty: *mouth full* "Where did those come from?" takeru: well, i am from a family of potato farmers... kyouko: *remembering cooking sweet potatoes with her sister and father*...dad.... Patty: *swallows* "Cool deal! Can't wait to have one!" Crona: *looking at Kyouko* kyouko: *rubs her eyes and sniffs* i-im ok...just thinking... Crona: "..." *pats Kyouko's shoulder* kyouko:...thanks chrona.. Crona: *smiles, nods* Patty: *watching Takeru cooking...smiling* madoka: *she nods*... Rin: "...Hey, Kyouko? I'm really glad you're here." kyouko:...*smiles* thanks rin. sayaka: we're glad you're here too! *hug* Rin: *laughs as he joins in the hug* -elsewhere- Kid: *lying in tent* stocking: zzzzzz..... Kid: *hugs her as he sleeps alongside her* -morning- sayaka: happy birthday madoka! madoka: *smiling* Crona: *blushing, holding a wrapped present...* madoka: oh, thank you. *she seems happy* Crona: *smiles, nods* -later that day- madoka: *kisses rin on the cheek* thanks rin. Rin: *blush* "Ah, no big deal! Happy b-day!" Crona: *watching* sayaka: awwww! *shiny eyes* -elsewhere- Iris: *fidgeting* tamaki: you sure you're ok? Iris: *nervous smile* "Y-Yes! I'm fine...I was thinking about swimming maybe..." tamaki: ah. Iris: *grabs her swimsuit and starts walking away* -elsewhere- Relan: *waves at Soul* "All set for trust exercises?" soul: yeah... *holding arms out* Aizawa: "Hang on...Relan, come with me..." Relan: "???" *holds up a finger to Soul, indicating "One moment..."* -Later- Relan: *looking down from 50 feet in the air, down at Soul* D: Aizawa: *shouts down to Soul* "So, you're going to catch Relan from this 50 feet cliff fall! Okay?!" soul: O-O;;; Relan: "I protest! This is insane! This is not safe at all! I am not going to--" Aizawa: "Hear that, Soul! He doesn't trust you!" Relan: "I DON'T TRUST GRAVITY!" Aizawa: "..." *push* Relan: "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" *falling towards Soul* soul: O_O;;;;;;; Aizawa: "Tokoyami, Yuu, Ochako: now!" ochako: *gravity* yuu: *levitate* Tokoyami: *lifts up Soul closer to Relan* soul: woah! Relan: *the gravity/levitation manipulation slows his descent--as he lands safely in Soul's arms* Aizawa: "Good work, Tokoyami, Yuu, and Ochako. Soul, you as well. Relan, trust your teachers more." Relan: Q~Q ("Shinra...Help...") -elsewhere- Iris: *had walked all the way to the river...then walked all the way back to the tent when she remembered she hadn't changed, then walked from the tent to the river in her swimsuit, now finally swimming* "Where is my head today...?" shinra: hey iris. *wave* Iris: o\\\\o "H-Hi..." shinra: you ok? Iris: "Fine!" *tries to keep just her neck and head above water* "Um...What have you been up to?" shinra: camping stuff. arthur got a beetle in his pants, haha! Iris: *nervous laugh* "That's pretty funny...Um...Have you enjoyed swimming here so far?" shinra: yeah. its nice. Iris: "...Did you want to hop in? The water feels nice right now." shinra: sure *he steps in* Iris: ("Ever since he was in that thong...He looks so handsome...") *smiles, blushes, swims along with him* "How long have you swum?" shinra: swam? well, occasionally. Iris: *nods* "I...had a lot of problems swimming. But being here in the 8th has helped!" shinra:...*smiles* Iris: "..." *staring at his face* "You look...happy." shinra: *tiny blush* y-you too... Iris: *nods, smiles* "I...like being around you..." shinra: i like that too..b-being around you.... ./////. Iris: "..." *smiles...splashes a bit of water at him* shinra: hey! haha! Iris: *splashes a bit more, before seizing his hand by accident* shinra:.... (thinking: OHMYGODIMHOLDINGHANDSWITHAGIRLANDWEREBOTHHALFNAKEDAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!) Iris: o\\\\\o "...You have nice skin." ("...D'oh!") shinra: you too.... *SCREAMING ON THE INSIDE* Iris: "Thank you...I made sure to put on sunscreen so I wouldn't burn...but then I'm getting tanlines during this trip..." ("OH MY SOL, STOP TALKING, IRIS!") shinra:.....WARK! *covers his mouth* -his ignition ability kicks in a little- Iris: " 'Wark'?" O_____O "You're on fire!" shinra: !!!! *jumps out of the water* *panting* woah that was close, i almost boiled us to a criiiiiiiii--- O////////////////////////////O;;;;; Iris: o\\\\\\\o shinra: *faints+nosebleed* Iris: *covering her chest and screams bloody murder* -elsewhere- Arthur: *in his boxers, still shaking bugs out of his pants* "Did you hear a scream?" tamaki: *goes to check*.....for some reason im not shocked at this. Iris: *blushing hard* "Nothing happened! Shinra just...um...had an accident." tamaki: sure. Iris: *glare at Tamaki, as she wades out of the water* "Just help me carry him back to camp...* -later- stocking: *enjoying smores* mmmmm~<3 Kid: *smiling* "You have a little marshmallow dripping..." stocking: *licking it* did i get it? Kid: *studies her...drags finger along her cheek to get last bit--and licks it* "Now." stocking: O////O Kid: *smirks* "All cleaned up~" stocking: >/////< Kid: "So cute..." *holds her hand* "I...am happy." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: *smiles back* "I look forward to heading home, but I also am happy for the time we have had here..." *whispers* "A little bit more time..." stocking: *blushing* Kid: *rests his head on her shoulder* stocking: *nuzzle* Kid: *kisses her cheek* stocking: hehe~ -morning- Kid: "Mmmm~" stocking: zzzz..... Kid: *nuzzles against her* stocking: *yawwn* mornin... Kid: "Good morning, beautiful." *kisses her cheek* stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "Feel good?" stocking: yeah.. -and so- Patty: "All packed! How 'bout you, Sis and Takeru?" liz: yep. takeru: yeah. Patty: *smiles at both of them* Iris: *downcast, as she carries bag to bus* shinra: iris- sorry about last nights incident.. Iris: *looks away, even-voice* "I accept your apology. Thank you." *keeps walking* -later- Stein: *driving along the road* "We'll be staying overnight at Carson City--home of the inventor of the Ferris Wheel with a view of Lake Tahoe." tsuyu: neat. kinoko: dude, thats rad. Izuku: *taking notes of the road trip back* Iida: "Hmm...A Ferris Wheel ride to see the lake would be appealing." -in another bus- stocking: *checking her phone* Patty: "Any good messages, Stocking?" stocking: just looking at pics. Patty: *looks over her shoulder* "Aw, that's a cute one of you and Kiddo." stocking: *she smiles* yeah. Patty: "Could you text me that one?" *points to one of Takeru* stocking: sure. Patty: *smiles* Todoroki: *looking out the window* -later, in carson city- Anya: o__O "There are Ferris Wheels everywhere...even the hotel is in the shape of a Ferris wheel..." -back in death city- Yumi: *hugs Death* "It was nice to catch up with a classmate." lord death: *he smiles* Yumi: *kisses him* "It's...odd to realize how much older I've become since graduation...and to see our children..." lord death: and soon, kid will be graduating too... Yumi: "Then Kirika...Before we know it, Shiori..." *pats his side* lord death: *he smiles* Yumi: *kisses his lips lightly* "Thank you so much." -elsewhere- chie: *BLEARGH* ugh... Emine: *cleaning the kitchen table* Yohei: *rubs her back* "It's okay..." chie: *crying* i hate thiiiis i hate being siiiick... Yohei: "I know, Babe...Please, hang in there...It'll be over soon." chie: *sniff* uuugh april cant get here any faster TT~TT Yohei: *holds her* "I know...One day at a time..." Emine: *hearing the noise of Chie* "..." *removes bottle of ginger ale from the fridge, pours some over ice* chie: ......*purring* Emine: "I have brought ginger ale." *holds it out to Yohei and Chie* chie: thank you- Yohei: "Wait...What did you do to it?" Emine: "...Nothing." chie: bullsh*t! Emine: "I swear, I did nothing. I already did my bad deed, and I am not in any mood to upset a pregnant woman." chie: you better be telling the truth....or so help me *wraps a shadow tentacle around his neck* i will break you so hard, it will be like you were never here. Yohei: o_____O Emine: *sweating and scared* Shotaro: "He's telling the truth, Chie! I saw him pouring!" Emine: "He saw me pouring!" chie:...*she lets go* *pat pat* good job. chie: *snuggles yohei* i love you honey~<3 Shotaro: o______o Emine: o______o Yohei: *snuggles back* "You wonderful woman..." chie: hehehehe~<3 -shoujo sparkles and flowers- mono: *gags* Emine: *seizes Mono, visibly afraid of Chie* "Quiet, you fool! Do not incur her wrath!" mono:...what? and dont touch me! Emine: *drags Mono and Shotaro out of the room* "We must hide!" -elsewhere- Iris: *tossing in her hotel bed* "Mmm..." tamaki: *watching a movie on the tv* Iris: "Mmm...Wh-" *turns--and falls out of bed* "...Ow." tamaki: you ok? Iris: "Um...Yes." *nods* "I just had...quite a dream." tamaki: ah. want to watch? Iris: *wraps blanket around herself* "Uh huh..." *sits by Tamaki* tamaki: *she smiles* nozomi: *finished getting changed and sits next to them* tamaki: your hair looks really nice down. nozomi: oh. thank you miss tamaki. Iris: *nods* "I agree, Nozomi." nozomi: *she smiles* Iris: *looking at the film* "Have either of you seen this one before?" tamaki: nah, just something on tv i guess. Iris: *blushing a bit at the romance* "The music is certainly...on the nose." -in another room- Patty: *drying her hair with a towel* "Good to have a real shower again!" liz: yeah. soul: *watching tv* Patty: "Who's up for the next shower?" *in a robe and lying on her and Liz's bed* liz: i'm up next! soul already took his. Patty: "Enjoy! Plenty of hot water, too!" *picks up phone, looking at it* "How you liking the room, Soul?" soul: not bad. Patty: "Yeah, comfy beds, good showers..." *looks out the window* "...Ferris Wheel right outside the window..." soul:..... Patty: *flicking through her phone, then looks at Soul* "You okay?" soul: yeah. -in another room- shinra: *in the bath* Relan: *in awe of the room* "This is amazing! Such comfortable beds! TV with cable and movies! And even snacks!" Arthur: *reading a book while laying in bed* "They charge a lot for each snack..." Relan: o_o *puts snacks back* shinra: *relaxing* Arthur: "Jeez, how much longer can one guy take a bath?" Relan: -\\\\\- shinra: ..... Relan: "..." *walks to door, knocks* "Okay in there, Shinra?" shinra: !! um yeah! Relan: *nods from outside, as his hand hits the knob* "Just wanted to make sure--" *his hand slips along the knob, opening the door and causing Relan to stumble in...* shinra: O/////O shinra: you ok? Relan: "Ow..." *picks himself up off the floor* "Yeah. Sorry. I guess I opened the d--" *looks up to see Shinra* "..." o\\\\o shinra: O//////////////////////////O kyaaaaa! Relan: "AAAH!" Arthur: *walking towards the open door* "What's with all the yelling--" *slips on wet towel* -he landed in- shinra: AHHHHH!!! Arthur: "Ugh! Damn it, Shinra!" *spits water* "Why'd you leave a wet towel on the floor?!" Relan: *waters splashes onto Relan, and falls onto the floor* "Arthur! Stop moving...I can help you out." -and so- shinra: .//////////////////. this bath did not go as expected. Arthur: -\\\\\\\- *no kidding* Relan: o\\\\\\\\\o ("...This is...Heaven...") shinra: *blushing* r-rel… Relan: "Wh-What?" Arthur: *glancing at the others...and including downstairs* *Their wet clothes are hanging over the shower rod* shinra: your getting pretty close..... (thinking: THIS IS SO WEIRD AND IT FEELS NICE AND I DONT KNOW HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THIS!) Relan: "Oh! Um...Sorry." *doesn't move a second too long...then moves back, bumping into Arthur* Arthur: "Hey! Watch it!" *shoves Relan--* shinra: ah- Relan: O___O *SMOOCH* shinra: O////////////////////////////////////////////O Arthur: ._. Relan: o\\\\\\o "..." *pulls back, slowly, his hands on Shinra's chest...as he slides a bit along them* "I'm...sorry?" shinra: *flustered* um.... (thinking: holy shit im bi.) Arthur: ._. "..." *stands up, walks out of the bath without a towel to dry himself, dripping wet as he exits the bathroom and shuts the door behind him* Relan: "...Shinra. I'm sorry." shinra: i-i-its fine....it felt...pleasent....i guess.... 7////7; Relan: "Really?!!" *smiling widely...then clears his throat* "I mean...Really? Um...It was...That was...Shinra...That was pleasant for me..." Relan: *staring at Shinra's body, smiling* "You are...very handsome." shinra: ./////. its going to be so awkward telling iris. Relan: "..." *sad* "Tell Iris...what?" shinra: *nervous* i mean, i dont want to hurt either of you...maybe...it could be a threesome relationship? Relan: o______o "You...would want to be in a relationship with me...at all?" *starts crying* "Sh-Shinra...No one ever wanted to be in a re-relationship with me..." shinra: well, i guess since i dont know you that much, i might want to...i feel really bad about all that happened...i want to make it up to you. both of you. Relan: *nods* "Uh huh...Um...I-I'm not...into girls...but...I like you...and I...I..." *holds his hand* "I want to take things at a good pace...I don't know what I'm supposed to do. But I like you...a lot." shinra: *he nods* did you...want to kiss again? Relan: ._. "Yes, please." shinra: *leans in* *smooch* >///////< Relan: *soft kiss back, as he hugs Shinra* "Mmmm..." ("This is all I ever wanted...Thank you, Shinra...") -elsewhere- Arthur: *still wet, standing in middle of the room naked* "How the fuck do I explain this to anyone?" tamaki: hey arthu-..... O_O;; Arthur: "...I can explain. I was giving Shinra privacy with--" -and aoyama waltzes in...- Aoyama: oh my~<3 tamaki: HE WAS NAKED WHEN I GOT HERE! Aoyama: "...NAVEL NUDE BLAST!" *boom, as he is now de-clothed* "We doing this?" Arthur: ._. tamaki: *backing up* oh dear sweet lord- -meanwhile- Iris: "Ah...ah..." *whimper, pant* "Shinra..." ("He would be holding my hips, rocking me, and then in front of me I would be sucking Relan--") "..." *eyes break open* "OH MY SOL! Did I just think that?!" -elsewhere- tamaki: *snaps awake* O-O what the heck...?? Iris: *exiting the bathroom, turning off the light, looking really shocked by something she just realized* "Um...You awake, too, huh?" tamaki: yeah, i just had a weird dream.... Iris: "O-Oh? I...kinda did too..." tamaki: ......... *looks at nozomi* Iris: *looks too* nozomi: *asleep* Iris: "...I'm going to try to get back to sleep..." *pulling off her pajama pants and underwear to change into new ones...* tamaki:...... O_O;;; Iris: *puts on new underwear and a new pair of pajama pants...* "...Um...good night?" -in shinra's room- Relan: "Where is Arthur?" *spots a note...* shinra: ?? Arthur's note: "I went to Stein and got a room change. You're on your own." Relan: o\\\\o "Arthur got another room..." shinra:....did you want to make out a little more or nah? Relan: "...Could we lie in bed, snuggle? I-I've never snuggled with anyone." shinra: o-oh... *lays down* Relan: "..." *lays down beside Shinra, unsure how to hug him* "Um...Am I...Do my arms go over or under you?" shinra: i guess whatever you feel comfortable with..im kinda new to this myself... Relan: "..." *puts his arm under him, and one over him* "It's obvious I'm a virgin, isn't it?" shinra: same here... Relan: *blush, smile* "Yeah...I really like you...You're so kind, strong...You put up with how much of a loser I am..." shinra: hey, your not a loser, just a little shy, but thats fine. Relan: "..." *looks away* "I've been a loser since I was born...I don't even know why the 3rd ever took me in..." shinra: ....*hug* if the 3rd doesnt work out, then there's always room in the 8th...we took in tamaki after she was kicked out of the 1st brigade... Relan: "Y-You would do that? I mean...Everyone in the 3rd is so nice and welcoming, but what you say means..." *cries* "It means so much! Why are people here kind? I'm not worth it." shinra: hey, its ok... (thinking: then again, the only people i really know from the 3rd are Ryuuko and Mikami....mikami fits the description, but ryuuko......its iffy) Relan: *lies in his arms* "...You have strong arms." shinra: t-thanks... but they're kind of whimpy compared to arthur and the commanders... im pretty much a twig compared to them. Relan: "Really? ..." *small squeeze of Shinra's upper arm* "This feels nice." shinra: a-ahh! *blush* s-sorry....i guess im still a little flustered... Relan: *nods* "I am too..." *leans into his ear* "I was when I saw...your penis." shinra: O//////////////////////////////////////////////////O Relan: *sees his blush* "I ruined the moment, didn't I?" shinra: no-no! its fine... (thinking: I DIDNT EVEN LOOK AT HIS!) *small glance before looking away from it* Relan: "...Um...You can look if you want..." shinra: *gulps* are you sure? i mean, its your body, and i dont want to make you rush into it if you dont want to- Relan: "It-It's fine! I mean, you showed me yours...I want to show you mine." shinra: well, if you're certain... Relan: *nods, as he pulls back a bit so Shinra can see...* shinra: *blushing* ah...!! i should take mine off too, i dont want to make you feel awkward! (thinking: WHAT AM I DOING?!) Relan: o\\\o "Th-That makes sense..." *pulls off his towel, now lying naked...* shinra: *looking down* O////O (thinking: OH GOD WHY DO I HAVE A BONER NOW OF ALL TIMES?!?!) *sweats* Relan: o\\\\\\\o "Shinra, you're so hard right now!" *slaps his hands over his face* "Sorry, that was stupid to say!" *now he's getting hard...* shinra: WARK! *covering face* Relan: "..." *embarrassed laugh* "We're so nervous right now, aren't we?" shinra: yeah..n-no kidding.... i never thought my first time would be with a guy- *covers his mouth* Relan: "...'First time'? Are we...Does this mean we...?" shinra: i-i-i dont know...im not even sure if im ready for that...i got nervous and spoke without thinking.... .//////. Relan: "...Could I at least...touch it?" shinra: ....o-ok.... Relan: *hesitantly lets his hand go down...his fingers just lightly tickle the top of his member* shinra: ah-ahhH~! >////< *hips jerk up* Relan: *pulls his hand back* "SORRY!" shinra: i-its fine...im still new to this...it felt....good. Relan: "...Would you...want to touch...mine?" shinra: you sure? Relan: *nods* shinra:.... *gently strokes up the shaft* like that? (thinking: hopefully books maki leaves around should help...maybe) Relan: *groaning* "Aaaa-aaaaah...Y-Yes...Y-You're hand feels g-g-great..." shinra: *gulps* (thinking: i think thats normal) *soft strokes* y-you can keep going too. Relan: *nervous smile* "I would love to..." *returns to touch Shinra's, a little more confident this time, as his hand strokes as Shinra's is* "Aaaah..." shinra: mmmmn! *clutching onto his shoulder with the other hand* f-feels good... Relan: *leaning his forehead against Shinra's neck* "Great...K-Keep going, p-please? Don't stop..." *continues working on Shinra* shinra: *going a little faster, rubbing the tip* Relan: *smiling* "Y-Yeah! The tip is great! Wh-Where should I put my hand?" shinra: um....did you...want to suck on it? i mean...i'm just going by what i've read... Relan: *nervous lip-lick* "I-I would...D-Do you mind? I-I won't bite..." shinra: i-its fine... Relan: *moves Shinra's hand gently away from his member...as he guides Shinra to lie on his back, holding Shinra's knees apart as he gets a look at his package...* o\\\\\\o ("I never thought this would happen...I-I can do this...") *opens his mouth lightly, as he kisses along Shinra's thighs before kissing his tip* shinra: a-ahhhh~!! *small squirt* ./////. s-sorry! i got nervous! Relan: *small cough, as he pulls back* "It-It's okay...I feel close to c-cumming, too..." shinra: y-you can keep going then.... Relan: "O-Okay..." *returns to kissing his member...then slowly putting his lips around the tip and down the shaft, slowly* shinra: nnnngh....*closing his eyes, feeling the sensations* Relan: *bobbing his head slowly along Shinra, slowly picking up the pace as his tongue slides along him...his fingers tickle along Shinra's testicles* shinra: ah! *his hips jerk up* Relan: *continues working, feeling Shinra get harder in him...* ("This is incredible! He's so big! I wanted this so long, and now...") shinra: mmmmnnn c-close..... Relan: *long lick along his shaft* shinra: *back arches* f-fuu-ahhhhh!!! *squirting* Relan: *catches some of it in his mouth, some landing on his face* "Aaah..." shinra: *panting and shuddering* ah......that...felt really great... Relan: "R-Really? I didn't suck at it?" shinra: well, you did suck me off- .....sorry, i was trying to make a joke....that just sounded so stupid *embarrassed facepalm* Relan: *laughs* "N-No, I got the joke. It was funny. Ha." *takes a towel--he doesn't know whose--and starts wiping cum off his face* shinra: *laughing until he is crying* thanks...im glade i made you happy.... Relan: "??? You're crying..." *hugs Shinra* "Are you okay?" shinra: yeah...just having a lot of emotions......should i repay the favor? Relan: o\\\\o "O-Only if you want to...I mean, are you okay?" shinra: hey, its only fair, right? Relan: "..." *lies on his back* "L-Like this?" shinra: yeah..... *he rubs relan's thighs gently, noticing small faded scars* rel.... Relan: *looks away* "I...I haven't had...I got...hurt..." shinra:....if you want want to explain it now, you dont have to.... *kissing along the scars* Relan: *squirming under his touch* "They're sensitive...but...fuck...That feels so good..." shinra: *gentle kisses* its ok relan....i want to make you feel better... *gulps and softly kisses the tip* Relan: "..." *cries a little* "Please make me feel good? I...I h-hurt myself a lot...'cause I thought I was...wrong." shinra: ok.... *sucking tenderly* Relan: *wiping away his tears, moaning softly, feeling himself grow harder* "I-I..." *places his hands along Shinra's head* "...Soft..." shinra: *lick lick kiss* Relan: *he's twitching* -\\\\\\- "A-ah! I-I'm so close...P-Please? I-I want to...go..." shinra: *suck suck suck* Relan: *twitch, twitch--* "AAAAAH!" *he ejaculates* shinra: *taking it all in his mouth* >/////< *swallowing* t-tastes strange.... Relan: "N-Not wrong, is it? I-I mean you tasted great...Weird, but so t-tasty?" shinra: i guess.....im still new to this.... Relan: "I-I thought you were great..." *holds his hands along Shinra's hips* "You were s-so...attentive. I-I never h-had something like that." shinra: *hugs him* i wanted you to feel happy...so...did you want to talk about stuff? i want to know you more. Relan: *blushes, hugging him back, smiling* "Um...What would you like to know? Maybe...books we like? Foods?" shinra: well, i do like ramen. hamburgers, anything with a warm temperature i guess. Relan: "Ice cream?" shinra: i guess, i dont really dislike any food in particular. what about you? Relan: "...I like cheese. I never got to have pizza much, but I love it. I didn't get to eat sugary cereals as a kid, so I've had more of that. Okay, um...Do you have pets?" shinra: not really. Relan: "...Do you mind pet rats?" shinra: i dont have any problem with rats. say, i heard you have a pet rat, right? Relan: *smiles, nods* "Yeah. His name is Buttons. The Commander let me keep him, the others in the 3rd like him." shinra: ah, thats nice. *he smiles* Relan: *small laugh* "I like your smile." shinra: *blush* you too. Relan: *blushing* "No one ever said that before...Thank you." shinra:...*reaches to brush relans hair back from his covered eye* Relan: .____. shinra: s-should i? Relan: "..." *nods* "Y-Yes..." shinra:...*he does so* Relan: "..." *blushes* "H-How do I...look? Weird, huh?" shinra: you...you look cute. Relan: .\\\\\. "...No one ever called me that." shinra:....rel...*frowns* did you-...were you bullied a lot? Relan: "..." *nods* shinra:...*kisses his forehead* i know what its like....to be mistreated.....when my mom died, my grandmother...*sighs* she abused me a lot. Relan: *holds onto Shinra, gently* "That's...I'm sorry...I'm sorry about your mom...and your grandmother..." shinra:.....sho....*trembling* Relan: "H-Hey..." *holds him in his arms gently* " 'Sho'?" shinra: ah, my little brother....he-...............he went missing. Relan: "...I'm so sorry..." shinra:.....its ok..... Relan: *holds him* "I...didn't know. Shinra...If-If there is anything I can do...to help..." shinra: ok.... Relan: *holds onto Shinra...pats along his back* "Will...Was this just, one time? Will you be here...in the morning?" shinra: of course i'll be here... Relan: *shy smile* "O-Okay...b-because you look...I mean...I-I think you look...beautiful." shinra: *blushing* thanks...you look nice too... Relan: *smiles* "Thank you..." *hugs Shinra...soft pat on his bottom* -morning, after discussing the situation with iris- shinra: you arent mad at us, are you? Iris: .\\\\\\. Relan: *squirming* Iris: "Um..." *looks around* shinra: im still thinking about how im going to tell the commander... Iris: *looks down* "Shinra...Do you remember when we went swimming, and you saw...me?" Relan: "???" shinra: .////////. i told rel about that, y-yeah... *blush* Relan: *blushing too* Iris: "...I didn't mind that...especially after thinking about...you..." *takes Shinra's hand* Relan: *downcast, sniffs, crying a little* Iris: "And you." *takes Relan's hand* Relan: "?!!" shinra: *blushing* *holds relan's hand too* Relan: o\\\\\o Iris: *meek smile* "I think...you--we can tell the Commander...that you found an answer, Shinra." shinra:...*smiles* -on the trip home- Arthur: *eyes red from lack of sleep* tamaki: arthur, you look like a mess, what happened? Arthur: "I...couldn't stand sharing the hotel room with Shinra any longer, so I asked Stein to move me to another room..." tamaki: why? you share a room with him back at the 8th. shinra: >->; (thinking: it was different this time...) Arthur: "He just got annoying, okay? We're on vacation, I could use some distance from him--that's all." Relan: *sweating* Iris: .\\\\. tamaki: ok, so you got a room swap, what of it? Arthur: *staring at Tamaki* "My new roomie was Aoyama." tamaki: *gives him a shocked look* Aoyama: *yawn* "Trust me--sleep was no picnic for me either, Sir Tushy." tamaki:....*her mind goes elsewhere* [fantasy!arthur: aoyama, we shouldnt...] [fantasy!aoyama: its ok mon amour, i'll be gentle~] [fantasy!arthur: ahhn~ aoyama~!] tamaki: O//////////////////////////////O Arthur: "???" Aoyama: *whispers to Tamaki* "I know that look~" tamaki: YOUHAVENOPROOFSHUTUP!! >////< Arthur: "???" Aoyama: *chortle* "Just give it time, chaton..." tamaki: .//////.;;; nozomi: ????????????? Aoyama: *winks at Nozomi* nozomi: e-ehh? o///o; Relan: *whispers to Shinra* "Are they always this weird?" shinra: yes. very much so. but at least tamaki isnt losing her clo- tamaki: *demonic glare* shinra: OxO;;;;;; Relan: "!!!" *hugs Shinra out of protection* shinra: *blushing* Iris: *glares at Relan, hugs Shinra, too* shinra: come on you two, be nice. Iris: *small pout, whispers* "Sorry...just takes some...getting used to..." Relan: *nods* "S-Sorry...W-We'll take our time..." shinra: *smiles* Iris: "..." *smiles, too; hugs Relan* Relan: o\\\\\o Arthur: o_____o ("Oh. My. God.") nozomi:.....*so confused* tamaki: .........learn not to ask. Aoyama: *smile of appreciation* sayu: hey look! were back! Relan: *disappointed voice* "Oh..." shinra: hey, its ok, we'll still write to you. *wink* Iris: *looking outside the bus* "??? Um...What is--" shinra:...?? Relan: o\\\\\o *THUMP THUMP THUMP along the top of the bus* Arthur: "What on earth?" shinra: ?! what the heck?! sayaka: IS IT ALIENS?! LOUDSPEAKER: "This is the 1st Brigade. We are here to escort Mikami Kurai into custody regarding some questions." mikami: !!! Relan: "Huh?" ryuuko: *clutches mikami* wait here.... *she steps off the bus* *Troops along the top of the bus and out the exit* Burns: *standing, arms crossed* ryuuko: i dont know what this is about, but i wont let you hurt mikami.. *phoenix mode* Burns: *fire burning under his eyepatch* "We are taking Kurai in to answer a few questions: that's all." mikami:.....i'll go. ryuuko: ?! Karim: *sad expression* mikami: if thats all you want, i wont resist. ryuuko:.....fine. but im going with you mikami. Burns: *nods* "Karim will take you to the 1st now." shinra: ?? mikami: *looks back and smiles at them, as if saying she will be ok* Iris: "Wh-What is this?" tamaki: *hateful glare at burns and dia* Burns: *meets the glare* Karim: "This way, Mikami...please." dia: *same* mikami:...ok. ryuuko:... *follows* *Karim and soldiers surround Mikami, leading her and keeping her surrounded, but not touching her* tamaki: *mouthing 'go fuck yourselves' to burns and dia* Burns: *fire crackles under his eyepatch* dia:...commander. i dont like her very much. Arthur: *reassuring hand on Tamaki's shoulder* Burns: "Forget her. She's the 8th's problem now." tamaki:.....*small smile* nozomi: just let it go miss tamaki. *smiles* Relan: *looking with concern at Shinra and Iris* shinra: yeah, dont let those jerks get you down! tamaki: right...we should head back now. Iris: *smiles at Relan, patting his back* -and so- sayu: we're baaaaack! miwa: hey kiddos, *waves* oubi's in his office right now. sayu: im sooooo hungry! Takehisa: *nods* Iris: *bows to Takehisa, waves to Maki* miwa: good for you, because serina just made lunch. maki: *waves* have a good trip? shinra:....yeah. Arthur: *keeping an eye on Tamaki* Iris: *small blush* maki: you guys get settled, then meet us in oubi's office, ok? shinra: sure... Arthur: "Okay." Iris: *nods* -later- nozomi: a meeting already? Akitaru: "..." tamaki: did you find something? Akitaru: "Yes." Akitaru: "We were reviewing previous case files and discovered one regarding one flame being. It was--" nozomi: *noticing a file....toshiaki harada*....this is....my father's name........*she becomes silent* akitaru oubi....i need to know the truth...... Akitaru: "...Nozomi. Your father...had turned into a Flame Being." nozomi:....you're lying....YOU'RE LYING!! YOU'RE JUST TRYING TO COVER THE FACT THAT YOU MURDERED HIM! shinra: ?!?! Akitaru: "I had no choice. We are the Brigade. Our task is to release Flame Beings. I did all I could to contain the situation--" Iris: *covering her mouth with surprise* nozomi: *takes a letter opener* LIAR! HE WOULDNT BECOME A FLAME HUMAN! HE-HE WAS TRYING TO CREATE AN ANTIDOTE! AND YOU KILLED HIM IN COLD BLOOD!! shinra: woah! nozomi what are you doing?! maki: !!!! easy nozomi! Akitaru: "..." *stands, approaches her slowly* "Nozomi...There was nothing that could be done but to let him pass on." nozomi: s-stay away! i...i want to avenge him....i dont...want his work to mean n-nothing... *shes crying* tamaki: .....nozomi... Akitaru: "Then continue his research. Realize his work. Please, Nozomi...put it down..." nozomi: *she drops and tries to put it to her neck and cries* Akitaru: "!!!" Iris: "Nozomi! No!" miwa: ?? !!!!!!! STOP IT! *grabs nozomi and tosses the letter opener to the side* dont you DARE think about doing that!! nozomi: f-father.....*she breaks down crying* Akitaru: "..." *keeps his distance* miwa:...shhh....its ok nozomi....its ok..... tamaki:........ Arthur: "..." *looks down* -later, nozomi is under suicide watch for the evening- Iris: *crying* shinra: *looking over the file* damn.... tamaki: *comforting iris* Akitaru: "You never forget..." miwa: .......*writing his name down* Akitaru: "..." ("My dear child...my love...I'm so sorry.") shinra: i can understand how she feels....it hurt when i lost my mom... Akitaru: "..." ("You screwed up this time, Obi...") Takehisa: "Then we work with her as she reconciles this news with what she already knows." miwa:...*back pats* ....*her expression says 'its ok'* Akitaru: *looks at her...then back at the floor* miwa: im glad i was there in time....i didnt want it to happen again... Akitaru: (nods) "Not again." Akitaru: "...I thought I could save him." miwa:....it isnt just the flame humans i remember.....their loved ones too... Akitaru: *nods* "We had a case where...this young woman...her mother had already become a flame being...then her father...and he was so peaceful, up to the end..." *shakes his head* "I thought I could save Nozomi's father. I thought I...gave him peace." miwa: ....did i ever tell you about my most horrifying experience as a commander? we got called in to a couple's home, the man had become a flame being...his wife, or girlfriend or something, she didnt want to accept it... she kept saying 'he's ok. he's still my darling senji'.....when we put him to rest.....she took a knife and slit her throat open.....she didnt make it. Akitaru: "...This work...What we see...This world...It is difficult to retain hope in the face of so much...death." miwa: yeah...but we have to keep going, right? shinra: *outside the office* *knock knock* commander oubi? do you have a minute? Akitaru: *nods to Miwa, then looks to Shinra* "Yes, I do. What's on your mind, Shinra?" -after miwa left, shinra explained everything, including the hotel room- shinra: *winces and trembles, almost expecting a harsh reaction* Akitaru: "And you have talked with both Iris and Relan?" shinra: yeah....they were ok with it.... in the hotel....did i do the right thing? Akitaru: "You mean...with Relan?" shinra:....*he nods* i wanted....for him to feel like he isnt unloved....and i wanted to know more about myself....i think i figured it out....i want to be with both of them...i want them to be happy. Akitaru: *gentle smile, as he pats Shinra's shoulder* "You're finding out a lot about yourself. And as long as you are open and honest with both Iris and Relan, that's all you can do. That's all good." shinra:....thanks....w-we didnt do too much....my head still spinning...*he looks like he's going to be sick* should i have done that? Akitaru: "Hey...Did you both consent? Did you make sure not to pressure each other?" shinra: of course. i was nervous, but he was too....but it turned out ok in the end.... Akitaru: *smiles* "Then that's all there is. I'm happy for you, Iris, and Relan. But as your commander, there are some ground rules regarding fraternizing inside the Brigade..." shinra: ...... Akitaru: "When you're on work hours, you focus on your tasks; when you have your off-duty time, then...well, that's off-duty time. And know that, as your commander, if I see you, Iris, and Relan mixing business with pleasure during missions at the risk of yours or others' safety, I will reprimand all of you. Understand?" shinra: yes sir.... Akitaru: *smiles* "Okay." *pats his shoulder* "You are who you are, Shinra. Be proud." shinra:...thanks.... Akitaru: "..." *pulls out a box from his desk* "And you'll need these." *It's condoms* shinra: *color drains from his face* Akitaru: "Can never be too careful. If you need any sex ed lessons--" shinra: we're keeping things PG for now! >////< Akitaru: "It doesn't take much for a PG film to turn into an NC-17 feature, though." *slides the condoms along the desk to Shinra* shinra:....(thinking: i hope relan's ok at the 3rd) -at the 1st HQ- Burns: "What do you know about her?" mikami: i dont understand? Burns: "Akami Kurai, your sister..." mikami: !! yes. what about her? Burns: "When was the last time you saw your sister?" mikami:.....a few years ago. she and our father had a really bad fight, and she left... Burns: "Has she contacted you since then?" mikami: ....no. she hasnt... Burns: *studying her* "Can you tell me a bit about your sister's personality?" mikami: well, from what i remember, she was protective and always stood up for me and what she believed in. i always thought she was really cool. Burns: (" 'Cool'?") "And what did she believe in?" mikami: ...im not sure. it feels so long ago... Burns: "In addition to the fight with your father, had your sister had other moments of violence?" mikami:......... [man's voice: akami! what the hell did you do to her?!] [young!akami: n-no....it was an accident, i didnt mean to....mikami...i didnt mean to!] Burns: "Kurai?" Karim: *watching Mikami...* mikami: yes sir? ryuuko:...... Burns: "I asked you a question. When else has your sister been prone to violence? And in which ways?" mikami:....*covering her wounded eye*....she didnt mean to..... Burns: "Didn't mean to what?" Karim: *trying to intervene* "Commander..." ryuuko: *holds mikami's hand* i think that's enough, burns. Burns: "...We will call you back for more questions another time." *stands* "Dismissed." ryuuko:...mikami...are you ok? mikami:....y-yes... ryuuko: if you need to talk, im right here, ok? mikami: *small smile* i know...thank you ryuuko. ryuuko: *small blush* Burns: "Karim, Dia, escort them back to the 3rd." dia: of course. Karim: *nods, as he follows them out of the interrogation room and to the 1st's exit* Burns: "..." ("Just wait for it...") -outside- mikami:...... Karim: *follows, as he directs other soldiers to follow them* pearl: father fulham....will they be alright? Karim: "...I don't know." pearl:..... Karim: "..." *stops following Mikami, pats a hand on Pearl's shoulder* "We have to protect as many people as we can." pearl: *she nods* Karim: "...I will be back after I return Mikami and Ryuuko to the 3rd. Okay?" pearl:...ok. -elsewhere- Kid: *hugging Yumi and Death* lord death: welcome home kiddos! kirika: 7////7 Kid: "..." *awkward sibling hug to Kirika* kirika:...thanks. -later- stocking: *clutching her stomach* stupid cramps.... Kid: "I have the medicine and some water..." stocking: yes please... Kid: *puts the medicine into her open mouth, then holds the glass of water* stocking: thank you... TT.TT Kid: *lets Stocking drink, then lays hand next to hers* stocking: *whimpering* it huuurts.... Kid: "I'm sorry. I wish I could remove this pain." *holds her hand* stocking: *nuzzles* Kid: *holds her, humming a bit* -morning- Kid: *yawn* -at the 8th- nozomi:........................... Akitaru: "..." shinra: hey nozomi? we got you some breakfast in case you get hungry later... Iris: *nods* nozomi:....... tamaki: let us know when you're ready to talk, ok? Akitaru: "..." *turns to leave* shinra:...do you think she'll be ok? Iris: "I hope so." Takehisa: *watching Akitaru walk away* "It takes time." shinra:...hey commander? Akitaru: "Hmm?" shinra: *hug* i dont blame you... Akitaru: "!!! ..." *hugs back* "Thank you." -at school- Patty: *waves at Takeru* takeru: *wave* Patty: "How you doin'? Everything okay at your Brigade?" takeru: yeah. -elsewhere- ochako: oh, nozomi isnt in today? shinra: yeah...food poisoning. Izuku: "That's too bad. I hope she feels better soon." shinra: yeah...tamaki stayed with her to make sure she's ok. Izuku: "That's good." *small laugh* "Hate to say it, but it's a bit of a relief, given what she's like around you." Arthur: T___T "I miss my angry cat woman..." shinra: you'll see her when we go home, you baby. Arthur: *pouts* "You're the baby, baby." shinra: no-... hey rel! *waves and smiles* Relan: *slight shudder, blush, wave* "H-Hi..." shinra: *hug* how's it going? ochako: woah! o////o Relan: "!!!" *returns hug* "I-I'm okay...but at the 3rd...It's..." Izuku: ._. shinra: ?? Iris: "Relan?" *puts a hand over his* "What happened?" Relan: "...Mikami and Ryuuko seemed so...scared." shinra: yeah..after the 1st apprehended them- Relan: *nods* "I'm worried for Mikami especially. She was so...sad. I don't want her to be." Izuku: ._. *whispers* "Why are Relan, Shinra, and Iris all that close to each other, physically?" ochako: i dont know....but i ship it so hard *vibrating* Izuku: "WHAT?!" shinra: you ok izuku? Izuku: "I AM FINE!" Relan: o\\\\\\o Iris: "???" *hugs Relan* mina: im guessing polyamory here? shinra: yeah. ochako: ............*nosebleeds and faints* SO CUUUUTE~! Izuku: *catches Ochako* "...Um...Congrats?" Iris: *blush, smile, nods* Relan: "It's...something. Still getting used to it all." mina: *looking at izuku* (thinking: HIS HAIR FLOOF INTENSIFIED!!) shinra: yeah. Izuku: *electricity crackling in his hair* Relan: *smiles at both Iris and Shinra* "It's worth it." ochako: @w@ love has come to tooooown~ Iris: "Shinra...Um..." Izuku: "Ochako...Um...You're kinda...um...You're floating." shinra: hmm? ochako: hmm?? ah release! *drop* hehe... i got a bit...carried away....hahahahahahahaha!!! *sweats* Izuku: *still holding Ochako up* "Okay..." Iris: "I will...be stopping by the Church this afternoon. Could you and Relan walk with me there after class? It will just take a moment." shinra: sure. *smiles* momo:....arthur? you havent said anything... Arthur: "...You two...owe me...so badly." Relan: "!!!" *hides behind Iris and Shinra* shinra: let me guess, aoyama? Arthur: "And. More. Like the b--" Relan: "!!!" *covers Arthur's mouth* -elsewhere- Kid: "Feel better?" stocking: yeah...thanks babe~ Kid: *smiles* "You're welcome." *holds her hand* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Just get through today, then we'll have the afternoon off for rest as we get used to classes again." stocking: ok. Black Star: "..." *oddly quiet* soul: you ok? Black Star: "...I couldn't stop them against Tsubaki. I needed someone else to stop them." soul:...its ok. *pap pap* Black Star: "I got to get stronger, man..." soul: how about we go to the gym and train tonight? Black Star: *nods* "Let's do that." -teacher's lounge- Stein: "Not one Yeti. Worst trip ever." marie: maybe next time. Spirit: "Killing a living creature, though, just to stuff it? Kinda weird, Stein, even for you." Stein: -_-; Spirit: "How's Christa, Marie?" marie: she's doing well. im so glad to be back with my baby~! Spirit: "Hee hee...That's good to hear." marie; and how are sachiko and izumi? Spirit: "They are well--and I'm so happy they are here and safe." *smiles* -when school let out- Kid: *smiles* "What would you like to do, Angel? Home to rest? Or go elsewhere?" stocking: im tired, lets head home for today... Kid: *holds her hand* "Okay. Rest will help you." stocking: im going to need pudding too. Kid: *smiles* "I think we have quite a bit at home." stocking: yay! Kid: *chuckles* "So cute~ Which flavor will you want?" -elsewhere- Iris: *enters the confessional* shinra: *waiting outside* Relan: *looking at the Church of Sol* "Wow...I-I've never been here..." shinra: yeah... *looking at the windows* Iris: *sign of the cross* "Bless me, Minister, for I have sinned. It has been nine days since my last confession." -minutes later- shinra: how was it? Iris: "A bit intimidating. I...have a lot to think about for what it is that I want. Regarding what the Church has to say about...us...they said..." Relan: "???" shinra: *listening* Iris: "...The Church is not as strict as other denominations. But nuns are expected to be clear in mind, body, and soul. I need time to think about what it is that I want..." *looks around* "Shinra, I really like you. Relan, I know you care deeply for Shinra." Relan: *blush* "I-I know you do, too." Iris: *slight squirm* shinra: *back pats* Iris: "...Could we talk in private?" shinra: all three of us? Iris: *nods* Relan: "I have a few minutes before I'm expected back at the 3rd." shinra: ok then. -In Iris's room at the 8th- Relan: *looking around* "Wow...You have so many books." Iris: *smiles* "Thank you." Iris: *looks at Shinra* "Shall I begin?" shinra: *sees a photograph of the sisters at the sol temple, including a young hibana, iris, and ivy* .... Iris: *smiles at the photograph of Hibana, Iris, and Ivy* "My sisters." Relan: "Oh...Wait, isn't that Commander Hibana?" Iris: *nods* shinra: yeah. long story. Relan: "Wow...I didn't know." Relan: "You don't seem anything like the Commander, Iris." Iris: "...That's...part of what I wanted to discuss, after my confession." shinra: *looking at the sheep plushie on her bookshelf* (thinking: cute.) shinra:.... (thinking: wait... THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE EVER BEEN IN A GIRL'S ROOM!!) Relan: (thinking: "...So. This is a girl's room. Huh.") Iris: "??? Shinra? You okay?" shinra: im fine! Relan: *falls back onto the bed* Iris: "!!!" Iris: "You sure...you're okay?" shinra: rel? Relan: *landed, his head atop Iris's lap* o\\\\o Iris: o_o; shinra:....*sits on the bed*..........(thinking: this bed is so goddamn comfy!) Relan: *pulls up his legs so Shinra can sit on the bed, trying to get off of Iris's lap* Iris: -\\\- "Y-You can stay on my lap if you wish, Relan..." -later- Relan: o\\\\\o "...Okay." shinra: *still blushing over what he found in her drawers* Iris: *blushing* "That's what I told the minister...I really like Shinra...but I do find both of you physically attractive." shinra: i see..... Relan: "...Iris...You, um...were thinking about _both_ of us when you were...intimate with yourself?" Iris: -\\\\- *meek nod* shinra: *flustered* -in another room- nozomi:....... Akitaru: *outside her room...* nozomi:.............. maki: *gives him a look that says 'talk to her'* Akitaru: *inhales...knocks on her door* nozomi:........its open... Akitaru: "...May I come in?" nozomi:...... Akitaru: *enters, stands in the room* "...I wanted to talk, about your father." nozomi:......*she looks up at him from under the blanket, she looks like she cried the entire night* Akitaru: "Nozomi, I am sorry." nozomi:.....he worked so hard....to find a cure......i dont want to believe it..... Akitaru: "I know. I had no idea this would happen. If I had any other way I could have prevented this, I would have. I will always risk my life to save others: that's why I became a firefighter, long before I ever joined the Brigade." nozomi:.......im sorry.....i was so angry with you.....i wanted to kill you....but i dont think i could have.....*whimpering* Akitaru: "Nozomi...I think it's perfectly reasonable for you to be angry at me. I-I don't know what to do." *hesitantly puts his hand close to her shoulder* nozomi:....*crying silently* im sorry......im sorry......im sorry.... Akitaru: "..." *tries to give her a hug* "I'm sorry. I am so sorry." nozomi:.........*small awkward hug* Akitaru: *awkward hug* maki:....*small smile* -later- Akitaru: *sipping on tea* nozomi:....... tamaki: here, sorry if its a bit burnt... *slightly burned omlette was placed in front of nozomi* Akitaru: *small smile* nozomi:...thank you miss tamaki..... Akitaru: *finishes his tea, gets up to leave* maki: you ok, commander? Akitaru: *nods* "I feel better now." maki: thats good to know. Akitaru: *smiles* "Thanks." Relan: *exiting Iris's room* maki: oh, hey-....um...hey commander, did we get a new recruit? shinra: oh, this is relan, me and iris' boyfriend we mentioned- *realizes he didnt tell anyone else* oh. maki: b-buh-boy-BOYFRIEEEEEEEEEND??!! *vibrating intensifies* Akitaru: "Oh..." *holds out a hand to Relan* "Pleasure to meet you, son!" Relan: o_____o "...You're big." Iris: -\\\\\- "Maki, please calm down..." maki: *on the floor frothing and nosebleeding* awawawa shinra: yeah... nozomi:..... Relan: "Oh, no! What's wrong with her?!" Akitaru: *sigh* "I'll get first aid..." Iris: "This is actually to be expected..." *pats Relan's back* shinra: she's fine...in her own very strange way. Relan: *blushing, whispers* "Is she the one who...taught you in her books about...that stuff?" Iris: o\\\\\o tamaki: oh, hey you're that tall guy.....*looks at shinra* i knew it. Relan: "Um...Hi? I'm Relan. I'm...Shinra and Iris's boyfriend." tamaki: i know. nozomi:...nice to meet you. shinra:....*looks at takehisa* owo;;; Takehisa: "..." *small smile* maki: owo Relan: o____o *whispers to Shinra and Iris* "Why isn't he blinking?" shinra: he does. sometimes. Relan: *salutes Takehisa* Takehisa: *salutes back* Relan: "They all...seem nice here." shinra: *he smiles* hey, is arthur here at all? Takehisa: "He stepped out to get dinner." shinra: ah. -with arthur- Arthur: *at ramen bar, eating* "Hmm..." belkia: jeez, these places are sure finicky eh tsubakyun? Mr. Tsubaki: "The food at least is warm, and affordable." *SLUUUUUURP* Arthur: "???" belkia: yeah...im still a lil salty about getting tossed into a river though. q-q Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh, man up. You pulled yourself together! Most of yourself, anyway. Missing any organs?" belkia: nah....ah, love is such a cruel S.O.B. Mr. Tsubaki: *sigh* "No kidding..." *pours two shots for them* "To lost love." belkia: true that. *downs the glass* Mr. Tsubaki: "What did you like in that girl, Belkia?" belkia: she's every bit as stab happy as i am! and she's hella cute too! Arthur: " 'Stab happy'? Excuse me, sir, are you a fellow practitioner of the sword?" belkia: oho~? whats this now? Arthur: "I'm a knight. Are you too a knight?" belkia: nope. im a magician~! Arthur: *shiny eyes* "Like Merlin?" belkia: i said magician, not wizard ^-^# Arthur: "Close enough...So, what kind of magic can you do?" belkia: tsubakyuuun can i give them a show? can i can i can iiiiii~? Mr. Tsubaki: "Very well." belkia: YAY! gather round dearies! because the king of skewering has a show for you all! who is up for a try at the BOX! OF! DEATH!? Arthur: "..." *holds up his hand* "Question: Why is it called the Box of Death?" belkia: CAN I GET A VOLUNTEER?! Arthur: "..." Mr. Tsubaki: *bumps Arthur to the front of the crowd* belkia: oho~ so you want to have a stab at it then~? Arthur: "Wh-What? I didn't--" Mr. Tsubaki: "Our volunteer, everyone!" *puts an arm onto Arthur's shoulder, before shoving him into the box* belkia: *pulls out blades* lets see...stick a blade here! *shoves one in, thankfully it misses* Arthur: *dodging inside* Q~Q "What the hell?!" Mr. Tsubaki: *passes another sword to Belkia* ???: "Man, that was a good workout!" belkia: another one her- eh? ???: "Yo, Soul! Come on--I want some ramen!" soul: ok, but you have to pay half alright? Black Star: "Shut up! I'm good for it! But, just so you know, I'm going have, like, 15 bowls, so enjoy paying for 9 of them! Ha ha--" *Black Star spots Belkia and Mr. Tsubaki* Mr. Tsubaki: ._. belkia: OwO *doll mode and releases arthur* thats all for today folks! lets high-tail it outta here tsubakyuuun~! Mr. Tsubaki: "Don't have to tell me twice!" soul: what the fu- Black Star: "RRRRRROOOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRR!!! GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE SHITS!" Arthur: "Save me, Soul!" *hides behind him* soul:.....what the hell is going on? Arthur: "That wizard tried to cut me apart!" Black Star: *struggling to grab Mr. Tsubaki and Belkia* soul: uhhh..... Mr. Tsubaki: *dodging* "I'm afraid I'm too flexible for you, young man." Black Star: "Flexible this!" *Black Star knees Mr. Tsubaki in the groin* -a trash can gets launched at black*star- Mr. Tsubaki: "Umph!" Black Star: *head knocked into the wall* "...Ow..." otogiri: honestly, how many of your messes do i need to clean up? its bothersome. Mr. Tsubaki: "Less counting of messes, more getting us the heck out of here!" *opens an umbrella a la Mary Poppins* -le yoink- belkia: toodles~<3 Black Star: "Hey, get back--" soul: black*star! where did you go man?! Black Star: "???" Black Star: "I got hit in the head by a garbage can, and that asshole got away!" *kicks the garbage can down the alley* soul:....*back pats*...*looks down at his own ankles* Arthur: T_T "Thank you for saving me..." soul:...dude. get off please. Mineta: *in the trash can, disoriented* "Why am I always in here...?" soul: OHJESUSCHRIST!! Arthur: *blubbering* Black Star: "...Remember when Soul kicked your ass that one time, Arthur? Good times..." soul:..................... Arthur: "I want to go home! I just wanted ramen! I didn't want to die!" soul: alright, we'll take you home, jeez.... Arthur: T_T "Thank you..." -and so- soul: i think this belongs to you. *hands them arthur* Akitaru: *holding Arthur in his arms* Arthur: *whimpering* "So scary..." tamaki: hmm? oh, hey arthur, i was wondering when you'd get back. shinra and iris' boyfriend stopped by earlier. Arthur: *leaps out of Akitaru's arms and hugs Tamaki* "I was so scared I would never see you again!" Iris: *watching* "Well, he seems happy to be alive." soul: yeah... *sweatdrop* Arthur: *rubs against Tamaki like a kitten* Black Star: "...Dude, this place is weird." soul: *sweatdrops* Arthur: *purring against Tamaki* tamaki: -_-; Akitaru: "...Thank you for returning our Arthur. In the future, we will be sure to put a collar on him with his address." tamaki:...*chuckles* Arthur: *pout* -morning- Kid: "Any better?" stocking: *snuggles* the cramps arent as bad today... Kid: *snuggles back* "That's improvement. I hope you feel better soon." stocking: yeah....*pouts* stupid periods... Kid: "I wish this wasn't happening..." stocking: yeah, but its just nature..... Kid: *nods* "Much of this nature that is not perfect." *takes her hand, kisses it* "But we come pretty darn close." *looks into her eyes* stocking: *she smiles* Kid: *yawn* "Ready to start the day?" stocking: yeah. -at school- Black Star: "Take this!" *throwing a punch* kilik: hup! *dodge* Black Star: "AAARG!!" *swings randomly at Kilik* kilik: woah! easy there. *block* Black Star: "AAAAARG!" *swings--and misses, falling onto the ground* kilik: *concerned* sayaka: you ok? Black Star: *tears going down his face, as he slams his fist into the mud* tsubaki:.......*hug* Black Star: "..." *hugs her back* tsubaki: its not your fault... Black Star: "...I didn't protect you." tsubaki: im still here, aren’t i? Black Star: "No thanks to me..." tsubaki:.... (thinking: i really want to help you out of this funk...) Black Star: "...I think I need to clear my head. I'm going to skip today." tsubaki:.... Black Star: *marching away, covered in mud, towards showers* -elsewhere- Emine: *texting on a phone* lin: who are you talking to? Emine: "Doing my bad deed--pranking someone." Shotaro: *reading six books at once...thanks to Beak of the Octopus* mana: o-o mono: i know what joke your thinking of, and im not gonna do it. Zuno: "???" Assi: "Should I tell the joke, then?" mono: do not. *BOOM* Emine: *smiles* -elsewhere- Aizawa: *covered in feathers* "...I will be hurting someone..." namiko: *also covered in feathers*....i figured as much..... *sad sigh* Spirit: o_o "Um...Namiko? What happened?" namiko: tar trap... -elsewhere- Aoyama: *seated next to Arthur in class* Arthur: -_-; "Stop sitting so close to me." Aoyama: "No~" tamaki: *sweats* Arthur: *trying to read* Aoyama: *blows softly in Arthur's ear* Arthur: "Quit it!" tamaki: *sweats more* Aoyama: "What? You had a hair out of place." *moves Arthur's hair away from his face* Arthur: -_-; "Would you like it if I was touching all over your face?" tamaki: *vibrating* Aoyama: *reaches for Arthur's chin* Arthur: *clutching Aoyama's wrist* "Stop that!" Aoyama: *small kiss on Arthur's wrist* Arthur: ._. tamaki: EXCUSE ME I JUST REMEMBERED MY GRANDMOTHER'S SNAIL IS TERMINALLY ILL AND I HAVE TO GO DEAL WITH THAT! *exits quickly* Iris: .___. Relan: "...Is this going to be a pattern around here?" Arthur: "???" Aoyama: "Oh, that poor snail." shinra: -_-; after a while, you just learn not to question it. Relan: *shrugs* Iris: ("Lot to think about there...") -in the bathroom- tamaki: *panting* mmmn.. >////< *Tamaki's imagination of Arthur*: *giggles* "That tickles, Aoyama..." *Tamaki's imagination of Aoyama*: "But I can't help hearing your laughter..." tamaki: nnnnmm~ *rub rub* "Arthur": "Tamaki, let me help..." *hand traces down her belly* "Aoyama": *nuzzling against her neck* dream!tamaki: ahhhn~ that feels good... Dream!Arthur: *his hand slides under her panties, tracing along her slit* Dream!Aoyama: *kisses along her neck and down her chest* dream!tamaki: *soft moans* ahh~! Dream!Aoyama: "Double the pleasure..." *begins to suck on her left nipple* Dream!Arthur: "Double the fun..." *sucks on her right nipple, slowly sliding one finger into her* tamaki: *in the real world, she is fondling herself* nnnngh- f-fuuck~ dream!tamaki: n-nyaaahn~! Dream!Aoyama: *stroking Dream!Arthur's member* "I think he's ready for you, chaton..." Dream!Arthur: *hard, as he pulls down her panties* "More than ready here~" *slowly guiding himself into her* tamaki: ah-ah! *doubling over as she fingers herself* s-shit.... dream!tamaki: ah! s-so hard! Dream!Arthur: "You make me feel so hard, Tamaki..." *thrusting* Dream!Aoyama: *holding her from behind, grinding from the back, biting her neck* dream!tamaki: *mewling from pleasure* Dream!Aoyama: "I don't want to feel left out, so keep it up for me, chaton." *his hardness grinds along her, his hands along her breasts, playing with her nipples* Dream!Arthur: *grunting as he thrusts harder into her* "Fuck, you are so tight. You like this, Tamaki?" dream!tamaki: yes! it feels so good~! Dream!Arthur: "We want to make you cum, so hard, babe." *quick thrusts* Dream!Aoyama: *pinches her nipples hard* tamaki: a-AHHHH~!! *fire tails shoot up, slightly toasting the ceiling as she hits her limit* ???: "Shit!" *Fire sprinklers go off* tamaki: O/////O;; ???: "Eek!" *people running out of the restroom* ???: "Find out where the fire came from!" tamaki: *curls up in embarrassment* Fire Fighter: *turns off the sprinklers and alarms* "Must've been a false alarm.." -later- Arthur: "...What happened?" tamaki:....i dont want to talk about it. Aoyama: "Oh, chaton, you're all wet." tamaki: O///////O *tail flames* Arthur: o____o "And now you're on fire..." Relan and Iris: *slowly edging away from the scene* -elsewhere- Meme: "Yummy! I was starving in class." mio: *nom nom* Anya: *eating properly and slowly, finishes chewing* "You two seem rather ravenous, especially after our school trip." ao: i brought ohagi for everyone. Meme: "Yay!" Anya: -_-; tsugumi: they look really good, ao-chi! ao: hehe~ thank you. Anya: *eats one, trying not to react to how tasty it is* "Hmm..." ~_~ ao: how is it? Anya: "...Fine. I suppose." Meme: "So yummy..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *yawn* "Quite disappointing." lilac: ...... Mr. Tsubaki: *shakes his empty glass* "A refill, please, Lilac." lilac: ah y-yes sir. *goes to do that* Mr. Tsubaki: *sigh* "I simply cannot stand that small ninja. I think something will have to be done." belkia: lets shiv him in his sleep! Mr. Tsubaki: "Tempting, but it lacks poetry. And I can sense he is someone who could sense us coming..." belkia: bwoo.... =3=; -elsewhere- Yohei: *yawn* "Feeling better?" chie: *nods and purrs* *dark kitty tail* Yohei: *giggle* "Little kitty cat..." *holds her* chie: mmmmmm~ =w=~<3 Yohei: "Want anything to eat? Drink?" -in another room- mono:.....*looking at a picture* mono:....mom....dad.....*trembling as she remembers nofix killing them in cold blood* [NoFix: "Aw, what's wrong, tiny? Don't you want to play with me?"] [mama kuroshiro: mono, i need you to listen, go to the neighbors, call the police and hide...] [young!mono: b-but dad-] [Papa: "Mono, we love you. We always will. Now run. Run."] [NoFix: *sneers, slowly dragging his feet towards her parents*] [young!mono: *she hides upstairs with the phone, trying to dial and keep quiet*] mono:........... [young!mono: *staring at the crumbled, bloody corpses that used to be her parents* why....why are you doing this?] [NoFix: *marches towards her, holds her chin in his hand, smirking at her face* "For that. That look, where all of your hopes, dreams, and love are stamped out under my feet. I love it."] [young!mono: *trembling and crying* mama..p-papa....] [NoFix: *stroking a finger along her cheek, bruising her* "They're dead. But please, keep crying for them..." *rubs a finger along her face, taking up some of her tears...and licking his finger* "Mmmm..."] mono:.....*rubbing her eyes* i hope.....he stays gone..... Yohei: *walks by to get milk for Chie, spots Mono* "Hey..." mono:...... Yohei: "...You okay?" *approaches* mono:......yeah. Yohei: "..." *pats her shoulder* "It's okay." mono:.....*whimpering* Yohei: *hugs her* "You're safe." mono: i couldnt.....do anything....i just hid like a coward.... Yohei: "Do you remember what your parents told you?" mono:...... /we love you, we always will/ *crying* Yohei: "They did what any parent would do: they kept you safe. You are alive...and you have to live, for their sake." mono:......i still miss them.... Yohei: *nods* "You love them. And they are always with you." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *reading a manga* kim:....*looks at it* i didnt think you were into horror manga? Jacqueline: *nods* "I wanted a little change of pace." kim: *she peeks over to see what it is about* Jacqueline: "It's by Itou." kim:....... O-O;; -elsewhere- Patty: *smiling* stocking: how does it look? Patty: *shiny eyes* "I look so pretty! Thanks, Stocking!" stocking: no problem. ^^ Patty: "Hee hee..." Patty: "Tsubaki, how're your nails now?" tsubaki: they look nice. *a simple peach color* Patty: "Sweet. And your hair looks cute, Sis!" liz: thanks. *she smiles* Patty: *snaps a pic on her phone* -elsewhere- Arthur: "Jeez, what got into her?" shinra: not sure...how's nozomi? Iris: "It's taking her time. But at least she's having some small food." shinra: thats good. Iris: "I better tend to the plants." Arthur: "And I'm stuck on cooking duty." -elsewhere- ???: ....mmhmm....i hear you....understood...... -elsewhere- Relan: *smiling, but panting* "At least my running time has quickened..." ryuuko: congratulations. *claps* mikami: *she smiles* Relan: "Thanks...Mikami, um...I was thinking of trying to cook something...Do you like pizza?" mikami: well...i guess so. Relan: "Okay...I'm gonna try to make some, and you're both welcome to try some. I'm sorry that it'll probably suck." -elsewhere- Kid: *walking around town* homura: good evening kid. Kid: "Oh! Homura! It's good to see you. How has today been?" homura: it's been well. and you? Kid: "Quite well. Happy to be back home. What are you up to right now?" homura: working on my job application for the DWMA special service. Kid: *smiles* "You would be good there." homura: *she smiles* Kid: "A lot to think following graduation." homura: do you have any plans for graduation? Kid: -\\\\\- "Yes..." -elsewhere- Medusa: -_-; "What the fuck did you put on my baby?" shaula: its a hat! -a knit hat in shape of shaula's ponytail- Medusa: "Did I say you could put that on her?" *looks at her to see whether she likes the hat* neian:..... XP shaula: what the fuck? i put a lot of hard work into that! and by _i_ i mean beatrice. beatrice: hello. Medusa: "...The fuck is she again?" shaula: she's my maid, dumbass. Medusa: "Quite a fulfilling career, cleaning the vomit off your bed." shaula: you're just jealous! Medusa: "Jealous of what, your early death brought about by alcohol poisoning?" shaula: if i were human maybe, but us witches are a liiiiittle stronger than that~ Medusa: "Can't blame me for dreaming..." -elsewhere- Dabi: "I think this arrangement is going to work out quite nicely~" yuuji: who died and made _you_ the boss? Kurogiri: *ahem* "We move forward with Stage 3." yuuji: are we going to drag along that loony ex-priest with us? Kurogiri: "Xey are quite powerful, and I received permission to bring xem along." yuuji: joy. Dabi: "I know, right? Come along, Light Bringer. We have to brighten someone's day~" -a few days later- Kurogiri: *observing a location from afar* -phone rings- eiko: how's it going up there? Kurogiri: "Challenging. Dabi is not playing well with others. The new member of our cabal is...intriguing." -with our heroes- Izuku: "How many more bags of chips will we need?" ochako: about 6 more bags, i think. Izuku: "Okay, but I hope the others chip in on the cost." ochako:....*bursts out laughing* Izuku: "???" ochako: 'chip in!' Izuku: "..." *snort* "Okay, that was unintended, but funny." ochako: i know, right? Izuku: "Oh, did we need drinks?" ochako: yeah. Izuku: "Hmmm...Tenya likes diet, Bakugo likes root beer..." -outside- Kurogiri: "Ready to begin?" ???: yes. Kurogiri: *initiating a Warp Gate...* -screams outside- ochako: ?! Izuku: *carrying the soda and chips, as he and Ochako check from the front entrance* "Oh no..." Kurogiri: *using a Warp Gate to slice a car in half* ochako: !! we need to find the others! ???: already on it! Izuku: "???" momo: we heard the noises from out here. Iida: "Time to get to work. Kurogiri is going to try to separate us, so we got to call for back up..." eijiro: well come on! lets rough and tussle this guy! Kurogiri: "Ah, hello, again. I remember you...separating you all." *eyes squint in a smile* "I look forward to slicing you into bits." momo: *summons a spear* eijiro: *rock arms* ochako: (thinking: just aim for the weak point like the last time! Kurogiri: "..." *bounces forward with Warp Gates at the group...* Izuku: "!!!" *tosses items to Ochako and Iida* "Fling it at his weak point!" momo: brace yourselves everyone! Izuku: *tosses can of soda--at Kurogiri's neck-guard* Kurogiri: "ARG!" *clutches his neck, gasping* "Ow!" Dabi: "..." *watching from afar* "Well, that's anticlimactic." ochako: nice shot! himiko: booo! that was laaame! Kurogiri: "ARG!" *giant warp gate comes down from above over them* Iida: "!!!" *struggles to run to gather them up to escape, but...* momo: !!!! Kurogiri: *cough* "Bye bye..." Izuku: ("We can't get out in time! We're--") ochako: !!! eijiro: !! *FWOOM* (Teleported) yuuji: our time to shine? Kurogiri: *through Warp Gate to Yuuji* "Yes..." sachi: *checks her watch* that time again.... *sharp claws* niiiice! Izuku: "!!!" Iida: *crashes down hard onto the floor* "Urk!" eijiro: ow... *he butt landed on top of ochako* ochako: o.o; Izuku: *managed to land on his feet and hands, looking around* "This is..." *looking for identifying marks to the warehouse* momo: *lands on a conveniently placed mattress* Izuku: "Mattresses? Where are we?" Kurogiri: "Somewhere where your teachers can't protect you, child." momo: gah, its really dark in here..... ochako: butt.... eijiro: *stands up* yeah, i can hardly see anything....*blinks to adjust his eyes to the dark* *Small flame forms next to Eijro's head* Dabi: "Let me help you with that..." eijiro:....*SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAMS* ZOMBIE GHOST MONSTER!!!! ochako: EEEEEEEEEEEK! Dabi: "Aw, that hurt my feelings." *extinguishes flame, pulls back fist* "Not as much as this will hurt you..." ochako: *gulps* momo:.... -something kicks her in the back- momo: gah! yuuji: yo. Izuku: "Momo!" yuuji: what a pain, who the fuck is this broccoli top? Izuku: *tries to stare Yuuji down, backing away* ("Got to assess this. Can't over-use my Quirk. Maybe I can attack them without my Quirk...") Dabi: "Have fun with them, kiddos, while I--" *PUNCH* Dabi: *knocked back by a super-fast punch* momo: ?! Iida: "...You talk too much." sachi: haha! Izuku: "Iida! Look out--" *PUNCHED* yuuji: stuff it junior. Iida: "Izuku! Wh--" *PUNCHED, HEAD SLAMMING TO FLOOR* Dabi: *chuckles, as he summons new flames, throwing them at Momo and Ochako* ochako: *gravities herself out of the way* momo: *dodge* yikes! ??? kufufufufu....
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