#and idk the thought of tagging mutuals in it makes me so self conscious!!!!
wickedhawtwexler · 2 years
me when other people tag me in things: this person??? thought about me???? i'm so flattered??????? 🥺💕🥺💕🥺💕🥺💕
me when i consider tagging someone in a post: i am annoying!!!! i am overstepping every single boundary!!!! i am making an absolute fool out of myself!!!!!!
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anlian-aishang · 10 months
For the practice drabble thingie, Sweat/Scent kink? 👁️ 👁️
I just. k n o w. I have this headcanon that Levi always uses baby/scented powder to avoid sweating so much on expeditions/missions, but maybe one day he just runs out of it or rushes out of his room, so Levi gets flustered or self-conscious for the rest of the day or smth, idk I don’t think he would smell **that much**, but… still, he smells pretty masculine, yknow?👁️👁️
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Tags: levi x reader [mutual pining], sfw [but fetish-based material], sweat & scent stuff, canonverse, gn!reader Word count: 2700 A/N: Holy hell, thank you, this is exactly what I wanted. nsfw sequel is in the works <3
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It was his fucking day off. 
Levi was the most cautious when it came to anticipation. Sights no one should have to see had scarred him to the point of learning: if you never got your hopes up, nothing could let you down. That thought rained on most of his parades, but he supposed there was little letdown to be had when it came to the likewise little things. On returns from expeditions, he allowed himself to look forward to the removal of his heavy gear and tight belts. When the smell of fresh-baked bread wafted through the barracks, he let his tongue salivate and his stomach sing. Today would have been his first day off in - he couldn’t even remember - god knows how long. Last night, his stagnant stoicism seemed to float away, head in clouded daydream of how to make this day perfect.
But some days weren’t meant to be perfect.
Instead of birds chirping and the first rays of sunlight that Levi anticipated, it was a series of harsh knocks at the hour of indigo sky that woke him up. Levi startled out of sleep, snapping up with a breathless gasp.  
In hindsight, maybe he should’ve said nothing, maybe then they would’ve left him alone. However, being woken suddenly, though a common occurrence, almost always meant disaster in the Scouts. His voice cracked a barely audible “W’What?” No response. Levi coughed and cleared his throat, the return of his scathing tone, “What?”
The knob swiveled. His door creaked. In the shadows of dawn stood a domineering, a commanding, six-foot figure. The leisurely pace with which he entered the room conveyed that there was no life-or-death emergency, and thus no good reason, for having barged in here on his day off. Levi rolled his eyes and scowled, “I didn’t say ‘come in.’”
Erwin ignored his remark and instead cut to the chase. “Supply transports were raided in Trost.”
His mind already set in vacation mode, it was remarkable how quickly his knowledge of the restock had left him, “What?”
“Tug-of-war with the Garrisons and MPs, scouring over the leftover scraps of the materials that were supposed to be.”
“The hell do the MPs need anything for?”
“I’m headed to the capital to find out.”
Too tired to think - let alone attempt - to disguise his confusion. Levi’s brows arced, lips parted as he tried to piece together what the hell this had to do with him. When it dawned, his trademark pout revived. 
“So you’ll take my stand, running morning drills in -” Erwin checked his pocket watch - “twenty minutes.”
“I’m off today.” Levi refuted. “Get Miche or Hange to do it.”
“They’re coming with me.” Erwin’s eyes were dead set, nearly offended, don’t you know I’ve thought of this already? “Unless, of course, you want to make the trip.”
To yak with the higher-ups? He would sooner crawl through mud.
Though he was given a choice, he took pity at his situation: “Bullshit…” Levi cursed beneath his breath, his version of whining.
Impatient, Erwin tapped his foot, “Are you going to get up or would you like to sit here and talk about our feelings?” The commander’s voice was starkly monotone, despite the sarcasm dripping in his statement.
Levi could play that card, too. “Are you going to leave or are you just here to watch my bare ass roll out of bed?”
Right. Erwin turned on his heel, door slammed in his wake. 
His impulse was to throw his head back on his pillow and an arm over his face, but twenty minutes - he didn’t even have the time for that. Levi bunched his sheets in his hands, so angry that his fists trembled, and swiveled his legs over the edge of his bed. A pang of nausea and a sharp headache, his body was pissed at him for the violent disruption of his sleep cycle. Levi held his forehead in hand and shook, blame eyebrows, not me. 
Levi’s limbs felt heavy, like he had just come indoors from a rainstorm. Clouds of colorful swears and harsh grunts propelled him through his morning routine. A three-minute shower, trimming his bangs, toothpaste and mouthwash followed by tea. One of many identical uniforms was laid out on his dresser, but before that…
From head to toe - undercut nape, under the arms, the shelf of his pecs, between his thighs, and finally his feet - Levi always applied a handful of drying agent. At this time of year, headquarters could seriously reek, and Levi refused to contribute to that filth. Pressing his lips together and stifling a yawn, he turned the container upside down. Lips parted, though, when nothing fell out. 
Shake. Shake shake.
A blockage, a clump, maybe? But there was no sound. The slightest of twitches in his fingers as Levi delicately, anxiously, twisted off the cap and peered inside. 
That’s right. He had made a mental note yesterday, that part of his day off would be dedicated to visiting the market, buying tea leaves, some new briefs, and his astringent powder - all items he was too mortified to order through the Corps. Given the thieving that had just happened, it was not like those supplies would’ve arrived anyway, but now, he would not have the freedom to go out and get them. 
With the jar completely open, he considered a few shakes in vain, but the bottle was so empty that he could see the reflection of his dark-circled eyes in the bottom of it. Levi allowed himself a heavy, exasperated sigh as he set the empty vessel back on his bathroom countertop just to loudly smack it into the trash can. Fucking shit. 
At least he had showered, but peering out the window and onto the training grounds, he could already see waves of heat radiating off the pavement. Come noon, it would be far worse. Clock ticking, for now, his only solution was to cut down on layers. It was then that he realized how little leniency the uniform lent. Gritting his teeth, Levi reluctantly left his top drawer shut, forgoing his undershirt and underwear. Walking past his mirror, his reflection caught his own eyes: his ivory skin barely yet noticeably peeking through the buttons of his grey shirt. Goddammit, he ripped the brown, canvas coat off its hanger and crossed it tight across his chest. To the harmony of his soles on wooden floor, his inner voice melodized: Could an outfit be both breathable and modest?
Levi could not bring himself to abandon his cravat, so instead of tying it beneath his collar, he let it sling out his back pocket, at the ready to grasp for when he needed to wipe his sweat away. That moment was inevitable, but he preferred not to think about it. He ran his fingers through his hair, base of his hand lingered on his widow’s peak, grinding pressure away like a mortar and pestle. Whatever, he tried to assure himself, as long as no one was around… 
At first, he thought he might manage. If they got close enough, they would surely notice the glimmer shining upon his skin. However, by terse orders and points of his fingers, he had maintained a perpetual distance from the hoard of trainees. He was more of a hands-on kind of teacher, opting to join them as they ran laps or learned to grapple through trees. Today, though, he was standing in the shade several yards from the action. If anyone gave him shit for lazying aside, he had an excuse in that he wasn’t even supposed to be on-call today anyways. However, perhaps because he looked particularly irritable and scary, no one dared question his bystanding.
Then came you.
It was the first time you had ever seen startle on the captain. A simultaneous, steep flinch in each of his shoulders. Hairs stood on end, he whipped his gaze around, “What? What’re you doing here?”
The sight of panic on someone so fearless, it caused you to fret by proxy. “I - I uh…” You had never second-guessed him before, you had never had to. “I’m covering for -”
You knit your hands behind your back, a sheepish grin, “He said you’d need help. You know, given the heat…”
Levi crossed his arms and bit the inside of his cheek. How shitty could that oaf be? The truth was that this heat was getting to everyone, yet in his fluster, Levi was sure that not only Erwin knew about his secret susceptibility, but that he had spilled it to the last person Levi wanted to know. No words seemed adequate for response, so instead, he kicked his foot against the barrack wall, leaned back, and deferred to silence.  
Something was off, your eyes darted in search for it. His cheeks had been tainted a light red. Luckily, you chalked it up to the temperature, though Levi knew that was not the sole factor. His hair was slicker than its usual light-and-airy allure, you figured he had just gotten out of the shower. That was true, but this damp was sweat, not soap. Your gaze started to descend down his body, and on the way, you noticed it: no cravat. 
A dog without a collar. A missing puzzle piece. Mildly irksome yet disproportionately intriguing. It was like he had read your mind, the mocking timing with which he reached back into his pocket and lifted the cloth to his forehead, sighing and swiping. After a couple wringing flicks of his wrist, he folded it and shoved it inside the lining of his tan jacket. His left hand tucked it away, hidden, while his right hand lifted the coat away from his chest, granting him the space to do so. Again, his own state snagged his attention - the dark, drenched patch of fabric at his underarm jumped out like a bug on a wall. Fiercely, he snatched his jacket shut again, praying to whatever was out there that you had not seen. 
And though you had not seen the soak of his shirt, his odd behavior was garnering more and more of your attention. Cruelly, that made him sweat even more: not only the sun’s rays, but the blaze of your stare burning onto his skin. He cursed the thickness of his leather boots, the ODM gear that strapped his clothing tight to his skin, the turn of events that had brought you to this moment, his stupid genetics, and his even stupider feelings for you. Thoughts spiraling, humidity could mess with him in ways that titans could not.
If you thought hard about it, you may have realized that his humidity induced the same haze in you. Bangs glued to his forehead. Chest rose high and fell deep - combined with his light panting - made your brain boggle. Now and then, a clear bead of sweat would fall from his temple, down his jawline and neck, before disappearing down his collar - where you noticed that his top button was uncharacteristically undone. 
The loud pop! as he uncorked his canteen broke both of your thirsts. Head tilted far back, Adam’s apple deliciously bobbed as he gulped down his water. Lips absentmindedly fallen, your eyes drank as he did. 
Levi recognized, pretending that he hadn’t noticed your stare had thus far failed to shake it. He scoffed internally: someone could use some self-awareness, he was literally dripping with it. With a straight-on side-eye, he maintained eye contact as he gradually lowered the canteen from his lips, only to thrash it and splash it upwards into his own face. Still, you gaped like an idiot. Finally, Levi decided: if you were going to be this indulgent, he would be, too. Maybe then, you’d realize. Levi thumbed a leaking drop from the corner of his mouth. After briefly sucking the digit dry, his tongue snuck between his lips to slowly lick them clean. 
Stone-cold steel eyes and his soft pink tongue - that was what it took to break your concentration. Immediately, you snapped your gaze down to your toes and silently mouthed sorry. 
Despite the heat, shivers somehow managed to seize his figure. With your gaze averted, you thankfully missed them. However, when you no longer had your sight to rely on, other senses instinctively took over. Particularly, scent: aged sandalwood, burnt charcoal, bitter tea. On the training grounds, these smells did not come naturally. And if it were anyone else, you may have cringed at the combination of scents, but upon realization of the one and only source of this musk, you felt your middle warm with inexplicable satisfaction. 
Meanwhile, he was squirming: fuck, how badly he wanted to hit the showers. If Erwin had left this assignment to him, he had every right to leave it to the next person. The thing was, that next person was you, the blinking, doe-eyed, fresh promotion who hardly knew their blades from their gas. If you were anyone else, he could see himself saying: take this cash, head to the square and stop at this stand, buy the tallest bottle they have and bring it back to me. Say a word, you’re dead. 
But you were the entire reason he strove to keep this secret under wraps. To give you such orders would essentially be a confession, erasing the whole point. Between a rock and a hard place, Levi stood frozen in fever. 
The air was thick with moisture and silence. With each breath, the memory of that canteen escapade and his intensifying aura seemed to suffocate you. Internally, he was simmering over how to shoo you away from his disgusting sorry state. On the other hand, you were parsing over how to excuse yourself without being rude. 
The 10:00 bell rang, you used it to craft a feigned excuse, “If you’ve got things under control -”
“I do.” In some ways, he did. In others, absolutely not. 
“- I’m supposed to help mess out with lunch.”
Levi knit his brows, seemed unlikely, but he would not object. With a slight flick of his head, his gesture released you from post and encouraged you inside.
At the door frame and with his back turned, you could not help but take one last look. At his last end and assuming you had departed already, he finally shouldered that Scouts jacket off, revealing his light-grey button up having turned dark with his sweat. His fist clutched his collar and fanned ferociously, allowing his skin to breathe. Inaudible to the other, you both simultaneously reprieved, “Fuck me…”
At 11 on the dot, Levi and the platoon of morning athletes were in the cafeteria line. So what if it meant they called it quits prematurely? Inside, no one was complaining. Levi was relieved that he did not find you there, hopeful that you were in your room avoiding heat stroke, and oddly satisfied to have correctly suspected your “cafeteria-duties” bluff earlier. 
Levi looked like he had been rained on then dunk-tanked. At least, that was how his squad put it, jeering and elbowing, “What happened to you out there?”
They didn’t want to know. He didn’t want them to know. Most of all, he would rather forget this day ever happened. He took his steel tray and made for his room to eat in private - but more importantly, to shower again.  
The venture back to his quarters seemed to drag - maybe it was because the dampness of his clothes had weighed him down, or maybe it was because the empty, lone quiet of the halls allowed his consciousness to echo loud and clear: humiliating, huh? 
He could not deny that it was fucking humiliating, but for as scathing as the memory of that embarrassment was, the recollection of your rose-colored stare was just as impactful. All along, he had feared that if you witnessed his weakness to heat - more so the sweat and stench that came with it, it would have sent you running the other direction. Self-doubt suggested: they did end up running, though. That mess-hall excuse, them being them, they were probably trying not to offend you as they took cover from your reek. Self-confidence objected, but remember the way they looked at you? Don’t play dumb. You know that look anywhere. They like you - and hell - maybe they liked it.
On his doormat, a tall white bottle and a handwritten note confirmed the latter.
Seemed like you were missing something… …not that I think you need it. - (Y/N)
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// masterlist //
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lifedxbt · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. 
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant to the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant to the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?
I use canon as a base to grow from. Ofc a lot of my characterisation is HC based, or taking tiny bits of canon and twisting it a little. I try to follow canon where I can on Tseng -- but a lot of that is trying to analyse lines and mannerisms that might mean absolutely nothing.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutual.
He has so much depth and detail -- His entire character is based around two ideas; Nothing is more precious than a life AND Anything to complete a mission. The mental conflict is so fun to write and play with, its so fun to pick him apart
He cares so much about the people he deems worthy. He would kill for you, if you make yourself special for him.
Really dark content 
Beautifully composed and controlled asshole 
He’s so fucking pretty like look at this man???? He’s so pretty hes so hot
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  
He’s very much an asshole and can be quite aggressive
Hes really hard to ship with in a romantic sense if you’re writing anyone other than like... three muses. Even then??
Really dark content 
It’s can be really hard to write with him considering he’s quite... Uncontactable? I suppose. It’s hard to put him in certain situations
Because he’s an important character in the lives of other characters(in particular; Aerith, Zack, the Turks), my Tseng might absolutely conflict with the Tsengs people write into their backstories and thats so valid 
What inspired you to rp your muse?  
I really wanted to write a Turk. I really wanted to write someone within ShinRa because there are so many wonderful ShinRa blogs and I wanted to interact with them from the same side, not as Cloud. And Lazard and Angeal weren’t giving me that so... A new muse. Reno was out because my partner is going to write him eventually -- even if I have to bully them into it. And then Tseng wasn’t going to be my choice either because I know a friend had mentioned writing him once? And i didnt want to step on toes. But Rude isn’t my type and I kept getting drawn back to Tseng. 
So I made a blog for a character I barely knew and fell in love with him entirely
What keeps your inspiration going?
I really love meta. I love having a character I can deconstruct and pick apart and just completely unravel. Tseng is really good for that and.. It’s not overdone? I started getting really self conscious about my Cloud because there are so many Clouds. With Tseng I feel a little less lost in a sea of duplicates. -- I don’t follow any duplicates on this blog because Tseng was such a new muse and I was terrified of accidentally stealing HCs and ideas. 
So yeah deconstructing canon is really fun for me. But so is talking to people, plotting with people and building characters relationships. 
And honestly, people keep praising my dialogue and I cannot put into words how much that inspires me to keep writing. Dialogue is one of my favourite things to write and I’m so so glad people think it’s good. 
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO. - I actually think I do and I’m proud of myself for that
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO.
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO.  - Bully me into writing more
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?
Not really. Mostly because the things I write tend to be based off layers of unseen headcanons and thoughts. I feel like, if I got criticism that I didn’t request, I’d end up rambling and trying to justify myself and then feeling very off. I don’t write for anyone besides myself and my writing partners. There are other Tsengs you can write with if you don’t like mine. 
What I do accept tho, is suggestions. More from people I write with but like ‘hey instead of X have you considered Y’. 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  
Yes please give them please please
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  
Theyre welcome to disagree with me but i dont see the point of making that known. I don’t expect everyone to agree with what I write - but I don’t necessarily need them to tell me.
The exception here is backstory. Personally, I have headcanons around Tseng being the one to teach Rufus to shoot. Thats not blog canon because I don’t put people in weird positions. If its headcanon based on other muses and the muns of said muses dont agree, im more interested in that discussion. 
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?
I truly dont mind. I write Tseng how I want to write him and thats that. Though people dont need to tell me they dont like my content. I dont know why people feel so entitled to that. just unfollow me and move on
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?
I don’t care? People are allowed to hate characters. Just dont like, aggressively hate my muse @ me? 
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  
Yeah but preferably whoever im writing with
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?
Yeah I’m just... chill. Im very low maintenance as a friend too, you dont need to talk to me a lot or anything to keep me interested. 
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by:  @gyahahahaha this was v fun thank Tagging: for once im gonna tag someone cause @unattainabledreams is back and i wanna bully them
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codename-freya · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. (in my main verse lore)
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  — Honestly as she’s an OC that I’m writing her story as book/book series I do try to keep her as close to what I’ve written and plotted out when it comes to main points and personality. Whenever I do a different verse than her main I do tend to keep certain experiences similar enough to allow for her to have similar issues amongst all her verses. I like to keep the angsty blonde angsty. :)
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  Kaisa has had a hard past. She was mostly raised by a boarding school during the school year since both of her parents worked for the government and weren’t home a lot. Her boarding school actually is the reason she’s learned most of her skills that she’s proud of. She’s witnessed and experienced many hard things that push her to start working towards being a vigilantee. She’s a very strong personality that people either like or hate. 
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  Kaisa doesn’t really have much of a striking appearance. She looks young, but she looks like a normal person. Her anger and lashing out can be seen as childish and annoying. She also likes to sit back and observe and most of the time doesn’t engage unless someone speaks to her directly. Her people watching is a little weird.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  Honestly on Gaia I’d started an rp group for the Gallagher Girl book series and she was one of the ones I’d created for the group. I liked the thought of her being kind of a spy in training/vigilantee for ages. She’s evolved from the original idea, but she’s been around since like 2010 or 2011 I think. She’s always been a smol angry bean.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  The love for writing this ever-evolving little shit. I love working on her story and exploring more situations with her. I want her to be well-received when I finally finish the first novel I publish with her as the protagonist and RPing helps me explore her character even more than just writing the book.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO. (but sometimes things pop into my head and they get fleshed out)
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. (I love doing this! Especially ones that are connected to RP’s that I’ve done)
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  — I’d love to hear any constructive critisim about my writing or my portrayal. I want to evolve as a writer and I’m always willing to listen to anything that grows both my skills and portrayal. It’s one of the most important things to me as a writer.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  All the time! I want all the questions about anything with Kaisa. I’d love to explore things that I hadn’t thought of before. Any headcanon questions or whatever. I’m always excited to answer questions. I may take a while to answer, but they make my day.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  I’d love to hear why. Any discussion about my headcanons is great to have. It helps with character and portrayal development.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  I’m fine with it. My portrayal and writing isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. If anyone is wanting to talk about it, by all means we can. I just know I won’t be able to make everyone happy and my writing is my way of relieving IRL stress and such. I write because I love it, no one can change that for me. :)
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  I'd love to know why. It would definitely help me as a writer to understand why someone would hate her. Discussions about writing are good! I love to hear what people think.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  Please point them out! I want to know if I messed something up. I’m not perfect and I take it as a learning experience. If you ever see a spelling or a grammatical error let me know. :)
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I think I’m really chill. I’m here to make friends and have fun. Everyone who are mutuals I consider my friends and love to just randomly pop in and check on you all. If I find something I think you’ll like I’ll send it to you. I don’t like to push for replies at all. Take all the time you need on replies! If you ever just want to talk just message me as well. I appreciate everyone who follows me and likes my writing because I’m really self-conscious about it and it makes me smile that people enjoy it. Also, I love getting to know you guys and sharing the fact that my neighbor’s cat comes to visit me and I treat him as my own cat. 
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by:  @hirako5hinji (thank you for the tag!)
Tagging: @ryusxnka @regalentempire @wild-pineapple-butt @toomanydamnmuses (any of your choosing) and anyone else who wants to do this! 
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cursedbcrn-a · 4 years
Roleplaying Profile Meme
PLEASE REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG!  Feel free to add to any of your answers!  The purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write! (I literally just pulled this from an old blog but idk what the original source is)
– B A S I C S –
ARE YOU OVER 18?  Yes, I am over the age of 25.
IS YOUR MUSE?  Canonically, Hope is between the ages of 15-17, but I will age her up to at least 18 when necessary / based on the verse
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? Yes, this is a private blog meaning I will only write with mutuals.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU FOLLOW ON THIS BLOG? Yes, I am highly selective. This is to make it easier on myself to check the dash / ensure I’m writing with the people I want to write with.
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH TO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? I adhere almost entirely to canon. I would say my biggest deviation from canon is that Hope does not get back together with Landon in the Christmas episode.
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? For me, writing is not about length but about substance. I will write almost any length, and it will depend on how I’m feeling. I like rapidfire style back and forth when I’m around for a bit, and then anything from a single paragraph to novella-length. However, the biggest rule is that you have to give me something to work with in your response because otherwise I will likely not interact any further.
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS? Icons, made by the amazing @twinfractured​ 
DO YOU WRITE ON OTHER PLATFORMS? I write on Discord occasionally, and am open to RPing there with mutuals if they prefer to.
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? I will write anything that is at least semi-plotted. This does not mean I need to know everything the character is going to do in the thread, but just some direction of where the conflict is going / how to resolve it. 
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? For reasons beyond my control (aka life), my activity gets all over the place and I can’t promise how quickly I get to things. I try to queue as I go, and prefer to get to things in order that they are posted, but there will be times that I might have strong muse for one thread or another. Feel free to poke me about something if it’s been a week or two.
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) Angst, hurt/comfort, heart-wrenching and soul-sucking, very occasional fluff/smut, relationships (familial, platonic, romantic, all of the above). Basically I like to break hearts and have my heart broken in return.
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) Supernatural, sci-fi, period, high fantasy, action, adventure, human AU, probably a slew of others as well.
ARE THERE ANY SQUICKS YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WRITING ON YOUR BLOG? (Note: A squick is something that you’re not particularly fond of or are uncomfortable with, but doesn’t rise to the level of a trigger) I’m not particularly fond of Hope being in relationships with anyone who is considered an “adult” in her eyes, regardless of whether or not they’re immortal, unless it’s meant to be toxic. But again, I prefer not to.
DO YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS?  HOW DO YOU REQUEST IT TAGGED? My triggers are ooc mentions of suicide / suicidal thoughts / self-harm. Please tag it as “suicide cw” or the like.
– S H I P P I N G –
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Literally everything and anything. Romantic, platonic, familial, sexual, etc. Hope has so much love in her heart for the people in her lives, and has harbored so much loss that reaching out is difficult for her. Someone come break down her walls.
WHAT TYPES OF PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Like above, literally anything. I tend to prefer pre-established relationships as a whole.
DO YOU HAVE OTPS / NOTPS? I definitely do, but I primarily ship based off of chemistry with the mun. The only NOTP that I am a hard no on is Alaric/Hope as a romantic/sexual relationship. That is non-negotiable.
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION? Hope is pansexual and panromantic. However, her past trauma makes it difficult for her to connect so she may come off as being more on the aroace scale until she learns more about the muse. I also play Hope as polyamorous.
ARE YOU COMFORTABLE WRITING SMUT? If I am comfortable with the mun, then yes. However, I typically don’t enjoy it and will focus more on the muse’s inner thoughts and emotions rather than the physical act itself
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? Again, depends on the mun. However, in some cases, I’ve been known to jump on board as soon as one meaningful interaction has been plotted/written out. 
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? Absolutely yes. I love toxic ships, the ones that poke away at someone’s armor. I know they’re not everyone’s cup of tea but I thoroughly enjoy things like this.
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? Yes, but I am being conscious of the fact that Hope is a minor. Problematic and toxic ships will be heavily discussed with my writing partner.
ARE YOU MULTISHIP? Yes, all of my threads take place in a little pocket universe. I have my preferred ships, like anyone else, but Hope is loyal, almost to a fault. Cheating threads don’t happen here.
ARE YOU AN EXCLUSIVE SHIPPER? Sometimes, but this will be made very clear if it happens and it generally takes a While.
DOES CRACK SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN? It might? I never really go into crack shipping with the intention of crack shipping, but I’m not opposed to trying it out.
DOES CROSSOVER SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN? Oh definitely. Give me all the crossovers.
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hazzabeeforlou · 5 years
Oh my gosh so my lovely friends @halosboat @helloamhere and @haztobegood all tagged me in this so I’m going to answer a few from each of them I hope that’s okay!!
1. Do you prefer to write in past or present tense?
I mostly use past tense. Present squeaks me out a bit, not sure why, perhaps my anxiety can’t deal with things happening in the moment! I have an irrational fear of the word ‘was,’ though, which is eliminated in present by ‘is’ so, one would think I’d like present more but I *don’t*
2. Is there any story you want to write but feel like you won’t manage?
My story The Garden is going to be... hard. It’s a soulmate fic set in three time periods, a Biblical AU following the reincarnation of lovers David+Johnathan but in the middle ages, Jesus+Judas in the 1960s, and Adam+Eve in the present day, all obviously portrayed by Harry and Louis. It stems from the evangelical idea that Adam, David, and Jesus were the three ‘Christs,’ or rather that Adam and David were imperfect Saviors. Anyways. I want it to explore divinity and fate and religion and politics and loss and violence and love, and the blurring between good and evil and if there even is a distinction, and it’s so clear in my mind that I can almost taste it, but because of that I’m very daunted by the prospect. It would also be very LONG. And idk who would read a biblical gay love story AU so... I’ve even considered just doing a novel, not a fan fic *shrugs*
3. Which one of your fics do you think deserves more love? 
OH BOY. Well I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. My RUDOLPH THE RED NOSED REINDEER AU. Like. Harry is a shapeshifting reindeer. He pulls Santa’s sleigh. He love Christmas more than anything in this whole damn world. Louis is one of Santa’s elves and Harry’s best friend and he wants nothing more than to run away and explore the world. There’s all the mutual idiotic oblivious pining. There’s Christmas shit. SO much Christmas shit. There’s smut. There’s magic. Peppermint dildos. Need I say more?
4. Are the fictional characters you like to read/write similar to the people you like in real life?
I unfortunately read about the people in my real life quite enough in the news *trump voters cough cough* so no, I try to fill my fictional life with witches and warlocks and fairies and intellectuals and scientists and the occasional damsel wandering the moors. As for the characters I write, I have noticed that I tend to make them all very emotionally prone, which I think is more a reflection of myself than the people I’m around. I honestly base most of my characters, or at least their inner issues, on myself, not in an egotistical way, but in an ‘I know myself better than anyone else in my life’ way. Now. Do I like myself? Haha. Um. Ya there’s a reason I solve my self-based character’s problems in fics, I usually need to learn those lessons in my real life.  
5. What is your biggest fear about your writing?
My biggest fear has always been failure. As a musician, I’m constantly fearing my art. It’s my profession, and it has to be perfect, and it’s a constant strain. So when it comes to writing, I just don’t let myself care. That’s not to say I don’t edit obsessively and let my perfectionist side play, but because writing is for fun, I don’t fear failing at it. So what if no one reads a story I wrote? I wrote it for me. I wanted to read that story, so I did, and if people hate it, so what. If writing ever became my profession I would likely attach my self worth to it like I do with music, and that’s part of the reason I shy away from that path... I want writing to always be my safe place. Now mechanically, I admit freely that I am the world’s WORST speller. Above that, I also am slightly dyslexic when it comes to right/left, music staff lines, and some words, so I’ll often use the wrong word that sounds the same, you know. Believe it or not my vocab score on the GRE was fucking PERFECT. I just can’t remember how to spell anything, I will legit SPEAK the word I want into Siri and hope she can save my ass. The spelling rules of English are my worse enemy. 
6. What is the least “you” story that you like, what was something you really thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving?
This is so hard because I’m super picky and usually don’t have the patience to wait out things that initially fail to grab my interest. Perhaps... dare I say, the Great British Baking show? I eat none of the things they make. I usually don’t like reality tv or competition shows, they’re too anxiety inducing. But I LOVE this show. I will binge watch it while curled up in bed drinking tea. I now know what a proving drawer is. 
7. How do you think about places, locations, settings for your fics?
Usually my plots come ready-made with places. The two are pretty inseparable. I knew PITS would happen in a place like my hometown, that was integral to the story. I knew Until You Remember would be a coastal British village like I’d seen on BBC shows. I knew Flawless would be in NYC, and same with Reindeer Games (apart from the North Pole of course). For Kiss the Girl I did debate between Miami and St. Pete, but having been to both I just... Miami is so wild. I needed a slow, tired place that felt old and forgotten. I guess the real answer to this question is that I set fics mostly in places where I’ve spent time in real life! 
8. Give me an example of a scene or plot point in a fic of yours that changed a lot from what you thought it would be
I struggled a lot with the end of Flawless. I’d written this fic and posed all these problems and questions about the nature of love and passion and art and they were all questions I’d been dealing with in my real life and hence I just didn’t have the answers. So I sat on the fic for a while and spent lots of time just thinking, thinking while I put makeup on in the morning, during rehearsal, as I drove places, etc. I remember when the answer “art never needs to be flawless to merit love/people don’t need to be flawless to merit love” hit me, I was sitting on the bathroom counter flossing my teeth or something, and I just jumped up and ran to my notebook. Because that’s a super obvious answer, isn’t it? But I hadn’t been able to find it amidst all the clutter of my questions. 
9. Do you consider tags necessary for fics or are they just spoiling the content?
100% necessary. I was super conscious of this for PITS, as the last thing I ever wanted to do was trigger people trying to avoid trauma. Also, as someone who will actively stop movies or shows if I don’t know the ending is happy, I always am clear about that as well. Spoilers and proper tagging aren’t mutually exclusive, in my opinion. 
10. Is there any author that inspired you to start writing?
Well... I’ve been writing stories since I was very little, so I’m sure many of my influences have been subconscious ones. However! When Christopher Paolini wrote Eragon, I remember thinking ‘hey if one homeschooled weirdo can do it so can I!” 
11. Was there a fic that made you cry?
Pretty sure everything soft and magical that Phoenix @alienfuckeronmain has ever written has made me cry. Including her recent girl direction fic that I had the absolute honor of cheerleading for. I think about that underpass scene all the goddamn time. Um... Nina @pattern-pals wrote this STUNNING girl direction serpent fic that left me a fucking mess, like it was HOLY and I wanted to run to the nearest cathedral and jump in a vat of holy water and scream into stained glass windows, that type of holy. I *sobbed* myself to sleep reading the end of the world fic (I forget the name, I’ll never read it again, it hurt too badly) you know the classic one. God. Ya. Um, but in the GOOD tears category I absolutely bawled at @crinkle-eyed-boo ‘s While You Were Sleeping AU, and I am usually not a rom com sappy type of person but it hit ALL the right notes and I loved it so fucking much. 
1. If you could crawl inside one of your stories and live, which one would it be and why?
2. Is there any imagery you return to again and again?
3. Do descriptions of characters’ clothing factor into your fics a lot, why or why not?
4. Which of your fics would you want adapted to the big screen and why?
5. Are there any place you won’t go with your writing that other’s might think is an usual trigger, i.e. how Indiana Jones hates snakes?
6. Which composer would score your favorite fic and why?
7. Have you ever fallen in love with one of your characters or written a character as a wish-fulfillment perfect partner for yourself? 
8. How do you write accents/dialect differences in your fics? 
9. Do you ever find yourself re-using words/sentences for kissing or smut? How do you avoid repetition? 
10. Which fic author has most touched your soul?
11. If you had to pick only one fic to read over and over again for the rest of your life, what would it be? 
@always-aqua @metal-eye @newleafover @lesbianiconharrystyles @pattern-pals @alienfuckeronmain I’m not sure if you’ve all been tagged yet but I think pretty much EVERYONE else has been, however if you haven’t been consider this your tag and please @ me!!! 
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iceripperthethird · 7 years
I guess tag time?
Rules: Respond the 92 questions and tag 25 persons. I wasn’t actually tagged, but I’m pretending I was 
1.Drink: Half Dr Pepper half Cherry Pepsi
2.Phone call: Pocket dial from an ex doesn’t count, so facetime with a long distance friend that kept getting disconnected
3.Text: “Because it’s stuck in my head, but that’s kinda my fault cuz I keep listening to the same song over and over and over and over and over again”
4.Song listened to: Three-Thirty by AJR
5.Time you cried: About three hours ago
Have you ever:
6. Dated someone twice: Hell naw. Don’t know think I’d ever take any of them back tbh
7. Been cheated on: Nope.
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: Um... no. Not that I can think of.
9. Lost someone special: Lots of times.... 
10. Been depressed: Yeah.... but I’m trying
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope. Just got spacey as fuck after a shot and half a cosmo and a screwdriver
List 3 fav. colors:
12. Purple
13. Blue
14. Idk, black I guess
In the last year have you:
15. made new friends: Probably
16. fallen in love: I’ve loved but I don’t think I’ve been In Love
17. laughed until you cried: Tons of times :D
18. found out someone was talking about you: Unfortunately
19. met someone who’s changed you: I don’t know...??
20. found out who your true friends are: Yep.
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: Uhhh... *checks friends list* No.
22. how many Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them except one, who happens to be a mutual
23. do you have any pets: Unfortunately, no :(
24. do you want to change your name: Nah
25. what did you do for your last birthday: Did a shot with the fam and went to the bar with my (then) boyfriend, then spent the night at his house afterword
26. what time did you wake up: 6:45am because fuck my life, that’s why
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Growing frustrated with the aforementioned long distance friend’s wifi because our facetime kept getting disconnected
28. name something you cannot wait for: I don’t know, something amazing, I guess...
29. when was the last time you saw your mother: We’re literally sitting in the same room right now? 
30. what is one thing you would change about your life: I wish I didn’t have to deal with depression and anxiety as much
31. what are you listening to right now: Sober Up by AJR (my favorite song right now)
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yep. My godmother’s ex husband’s uncle (or cousin or family friend or something) brings his poker chips and dice to family gatherings and everyone chips in a dollar and we play Left Right Center and whoever wins gets the money. It gets really intense sometimes, and there was one time we crowded 20 people around the dining room table. 
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: I don’t know... Kind of everything, really
34. Most visited website: Tumblr, youtube, and facebook
35. funniest memory: That one time @piper-rory and I got into shenanigans in English class. We got away with so much shit that we shouldn’t have, and to this day I have no idea how.
36. memory from school: “Big S-curve,” “THE BEAT OF THE MUSIC COMES FROM My LOINS,” and basically anything else that came from band class. Also “Slutty olive oil,” “clear as a diamond at Tiffany’s” and “Carbonated piss” from Environmental Science
37. memories you want to make: I want to go on Hobbit-style adventures and have fun and make friends and I want to go to Disney World and I want to go to the Indiana Dunes again and I want to go on a road trip 
38. natural hair color: Too light to be brown but too dark to be blonde, with too much red to actually decide one way or the other
39. long or short hair: Long, but not long enough. When it’s sopping wet and being pulled as straight as it can get, it’s down to the bottom of my rib cage, but I’m growing it out in hopes that I can get it down to my hips.
40. do you have a crush on someone: Ahhh... residual love from a fresh breakup, and beyond that... I mean, there’s a cute guy that I’m friends with, but at this exact moment, that’s it.
41. what do you like about yourself: I have good curves and awesome legs and sometimes I say stuff that makes sense 
42. piercings: Just my earlobes, but sometimes I like wearing ear cuffs 
43. blood type: Fuck if I know 
44. nickname: I don’t really have one, but my D&D character’s name is Mnemosyne (nim-AH-zen-ee) 
45. relationship status: Freshly single and more bothered by it that I like to admit.
46. zodiac sign: By the traditional star chart, Libra. Mathematically correct, Virgo. Chinese, rat. Native American, raven. 
47. pronouns: She/her. Cuz I’m boring.
48. favourite tv show: Avatar: The Last Airbender. 
49. tattoos: No, thank you.
50. left or right handed: Left
51. Surgery: It’s not something I like to talk about, so if you want to know about it, feel free to send me an ask (but please not anon because, well... I’m still self conscious about it even though it was like... 10 or 11 years ago)
52. Piercing: As previously stated, just my earlobes.
53. Best Friend: Don’t really have one at the moment, but if I had to pick, I’d say either the D&D group or MiniMads
54. Sport: Marching band and show choir all throughout high school, track in 6th and 7th grade
55. Vacation: My grandparents owned a lake house in Michigan that we went to all the time when I was growing up
56. Pair of trainers: Black high top Converse, black low top knock off Converse, black slide on fuzzums, black knee high boots. Basically all of my shoes are fucking black.
57. Favourite snack: Ice cream.
58. Drink you hate: Mountain Dew is fucking disgusting
59. I’m about to: Probably go to bed tbh 
60. I’m listening to: Basically anything and everything you can find on this youtube channel here because I love this band to death they are my absolute favorite
61. Waiting for: I don’t know... something amazing, I guess. 
62. Wanting: A trip to Disney World
63. Get married: I don’t know, tbh.
64. Career: Something that won’t make me miserable.
Your type:
65. hugs or kisses: Cuddles and kisses both
66. lips or eyes: Eyes, but soft kissable lips are nice too
67. Shorter or Taller: Taller than me
68. Older or Younger: Either, as long as it’s a reasonable age difference either way
69. Romantic or Spontaneous: Spontaneous romantic.
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: As long as they’re able to give good hugs, I don’t think I really care
71. Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive and able to communicate
72. Hook-up or relationship: Hookups are fun until you get attached, but relationships are stressful when you’re not good at them. So... relationship
73. Trouble maker or hesitant: Hesitant at first but as soon as you cross me, I can and will make your life hell.
Have you ever:
74. Kissed a Stranger: No. And I don’t plan to.
75. Drank hard liquor: All I had on my 21st birthday was vodka. 
76. Lost glasses/contacts:  No???? That shit’s expensive, why the fuck wouldn’t I keep track of it????
77. Turned someone down: Yes. Quite a few times.
78. Had sex on first date: HELL NO
79. Broken someone’s heart: Yeah, but they broke mine first, so they had it coming.
80. Had your heart broken: Several times.
81. Been arrested: No. I might be reckless, but I’m not that crazy. 
82. Cried when someone died: Everyone does???
83. Fallen for a friend: Yeah.... and then he switched schools and told me it wouldn’t work between us and dated one of my best friends who went to the same school as me and then when they broke up he ended up with another girl that I haven’t met in person but we’re mutuals and I think they’re still together but either way I don’t really care because I just want him to be happy.
Do you believe in:
84. Yourself: Most days, yeah
85. Miracles: I haven’t really thought about it, but my chronically single long distance friend managed to get laid, so I guess that counts as a miracle?
86. Love at first sight: No. It is statistically improbable.
87. Santa Claus: Yeah, it’s a town in Indiana. All joking aside though, I believe Santa Claus is the spirit of Christmas. It’s the holiday cheer and spreading joy and the little adrenaline rush of giving presents. It’s the sparkle of Christmas lights reflecting off tinsel and it’s trees in the front window. Santa Claus isn’t a person, but everyone has a bit of Santa Claus in them
88. Kiss on first date: My (now ex) boyfriend and I made out for 4 and a half ours after our first date. 
89. Angels: Yeah, but they’re really complicated
90. Current best friends name: @doctordetectivewinchester @vengeance-is-sworn @a-girl-in-a-place and MiniMads
91. eye color: Green
92. fav movie: Wonder Woman, Howl’s Moving Castle, Castle in the Sky, basically anything Studio Ghibli, and anything Disney.
I hereby tag everyone who’s already been tagged in this post, as well as @vampireapologist cuz all I know about her is that she’s eaten poison ivy and somehow lived to tell the tale. And you know, anyone else who’s actually read this far. 
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nyhne · 7 years
Stuffs about the Rosh
Tagged by @lithugraph​ Thanks! I was just thinking about how I was itching to do one of these recently haha
Tagging @erengelion​ @ebooleant​ and @lordsardine​ if ya want c:
01: do you have a good relationship with your parents? Yes which I’m very grateful and lucky for- in my own theory it’s due to the fact that they “had” me when they were older than most parents, and I’m an only child. I think it is in their nature that there’s a lot of mutual respect between us, but I do think that having a kid when older can help with that. 
02: who did you last say “i love you” to? Parents probably, or maybe my friend when we parted ways I can’t remember
03: do you regret anything? Kinda regretting not peeling the celery for this bolognese sauce. In my defense, this is literally my first time actually cooking with celery (don’t really like it on its own so didn’t grow up eating/cooking a lot of it)
04: are you insecure? *finger guns*
05: what is your relationship status? pretty dang single
07: what did you last eat? Just finished dinner- made some simplified bolognese sauce tonight which I thought came out pretty well c: It’s a sauce I’ve been wanting to try for a while and it wasn’t nearly as grueling as I thought it would be which was cool
08: played any sports? haha no I got into athletic activity a bit late in life and even now I’m not really athletic, I more just like to exercise
09: do you bite your nails? Just the skin around them. I recently learned that’s what they mean when they say “biting the cuticles”!
10: when was your last physical fight? oh boy I was raised in a pretty safe childhood
11: do you like someone? Do you mean like, like like someone?
12: have you ever stayed up 48 hours? Yeah lol college
13: do you hate anyone at the moment? nah not really a “hating” person
14: do you miss someone? Absolutely
15: have any pets? My cat Humanity who’s back home with my parents. My friend/near-future roommate and I very nearly adopted a cat on Saturday though lol
16: how exactly are you feeling at the moment? Actually really happy. It was a good day overall, and then my internship supervisor unexpectedly talked to me after everybody else had left in the office and somewhat officially offered me an extension on my internship (since I’ll of course still be in DC for school this year) which, ahhhhhh so this was something I had been a little bummed about, because I knew that they knew I was going to be in the area even after my internship technically ended, but nobody really brought up whether I could do another internship/continue it with them in the fall and I didn’t want to ask because a) I still have my other job so no internship would just mean that I’m working more and b) I have a pretty good relationship with my supervisors/coworkers and so I didn’t want to put them or me into a position of saying “Well we know you’re in DC still but uh we don’t have an internship for you” so I just left it at not asking, and I knew applications for the fall were already in and they had been talking about it so I figured that was that. So this honestly caught me off guard, and then it was extra sweet because apparently the reason they hadn’t said anything thus far was because my two supervisors were apparently trying to figure out if there was a way for me to work and get paid for it which is just ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh wow that was really just so sweet of them and meant so much to me especially that my supervisor kept stressing that she and her co-supervisor were really pleased and impressed with my work ;;o;; So that really REALLY made my day and I honestly went home smiling all the way on the bus C: And then I had a lot of fun preparing the bolognese sauce and I thought it turned out well which also felt good- especially because I’ve gotten a number of compliments on my food when I bring it in for lunch which really means a lot to me 
Sorry lots of self-touting stuff there, been wanting to get that out all day haha
17: ever made out in the bathroom? gonna be frank and say I’m not sure
18: are you scared of spiders? More the “”jump scare”” when you seen one unexpectedly
19: would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Probably not
20: where was the last place you snogged someone? Oh boy that was probably back in Sophomore year :X
21: what are your plans for this weekend? I’ll be moving apartments! I’m really excited about it c:
22: do you want to have kids? how many? If by kids you mean cats then like ten idk 
23: do you have piercings? how many? Just ears right now- three lobe in my right, and one lobe and two cartilage in my left. Honestly would kind of love to get an eyebrow piercing but I don’t think it’s gonna happen. Or the septum piercing I’m still kinda dreaming about :C
24: what is/are/were your best subject(s)? Uh I guess the subjects I put the most effort into are usually foreign languages, writing classes, and history depending on the class
25: do you miss anyone from your past? Of course
26: what are you craving right now? Nothing actually, I’m pretty content with everything for the first time in a while
27: have you ever broken someone’s heart? Idk probably not?
28: have you ever been cheated on? Lol nah
29: have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? Never dated
30: what’s irritating you right now? Nothing actively- the background annoyances right now are still my (current) roommate, one of my internship coworkers, and my last paycheck from the restaurant- although that’s not really an annoyance, more just like wow I really have no idea how this payroll works
31: does somebody love you? My parents probably!
32: what is your favourite colour? You know I keep saying red but to be honest it’s probably blue or yellow/orange more at this point
33: do you have trust issues? To be honest I probably do lol
34: who/what was your last dream about? Honestly no idea- I don’t really dream much
35: who was the last person you cried in front of? Oh boy it uh would have been back when I was in Berlin...  
36: do you give out second chances too easily? Yeah, but I’m not sure if I’d say “too easily.” Like I usually know what I’m getting myself into, but I’ll definitely give out second chances
37: is it easier to forgive or forget? Forgive, ultimately, I think
38: is this year the best year of your life? Probably not, but I value what I’ve learned this year and how much I think I’ve grown
39: how old were you when you had your first kiss? Uh probably like 18/19? Idk
40: have you ever walked outside completely naked? No I think
51: favourite food? Pasta of any variation/combination
52: do you believe everything happens for a reason? Hmm
53: what is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? Let my roommate in because our other roommate lost her keys so this roommate has to message one of us to get into the building
54: is cheating ever okay? Whew
55: are you mean? To be honest I can be pretty petty and nasty, it’s just that I try and rein it in and be conscious of it
56: how many people have you fist fought? Lots (2) of questions about fighting
57: do you believe in true love? Eh maybe?
58: favourite weather? Sunny but not blazingly hot, light breeze, fresh air, can be either spring or fall
59: do you like the snow? Sure
60: do you wanna get married? Lolll no
61: is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? I prefer “babe” to be honest- and I use it as kind of a general term of endearment for people whether or not I’m romantic/actually friends with them lol I’m very much a “babe/darling/sweetheart” person
62: what makes you happy? I like it when others are happy
63: would you change your name? If I could I would
64: would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? Again, pretty sure the last person I kissed on the lips was in Sophomore year so probably would not want to kiss them again lol
65: your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Depends on who the friend is but to be honest I’m kinda bad at confrontations so I probably would handle it in a Not Ideal way
66: do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? Definitely!
67: who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? Chatted with one of the security guards at the museum on my way out. Honestly the security guards are one of the parts I’m happiest about with staying with this internship for longer because I love talking to them 
68: who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? The guard at the museum! Today’s conversations included Why you stay up at night/can’t fall asleep, What ‘serious’ problems matter to you, and Sending stuff back home to your family. I got into the galleries a lot for my project, so I get to interact with the security guards a lot C: 
69: do you believe in soulmates? Eh
70: is there anyone you would die for? I hope that if anyone was in danger in front of me that I would be willing to die for them, frankly 
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literarymerritt · 7 years
✧゚Haikyuu!! Tag Meme ✧゚
TAGGED BY: So I was tagged in this by my bae @greendoodle​ like...almost a year ago, I think?? And (being the person that I am.. = v =;;) I totally forgot about it until the lovely @sarukui​ tagged me in hers!! So I’m picking this back up again and finally finishing it~!! (I’m sorry it took so long, Cookie... TT v TT )
- All your answers should have only ONE character, unless stated otherwise. (i understand that it’ll be hard since all the Haikyuu characters are all so lovable but pls, pick only ONE otherwise there wouldn’t be any point to this game!)  - If you want to elaborate your answer as to why you picked something, go ahead! there is an implied why in all the questions.  - Tag at least 10 other people. (share the Haikyuu love ♥‿  ♥)  - If you get tagged, pls copy the rules as well. - And enjoy! (★^O^★) the whole point of this tag game is to have fun~
What position would you like to play in Volleyball?
I’m hoping there’s an implied “if you were good at playing sports” in there because I absolutely suck at all physical activities. XDD But if I could be good at volleyball, I think I would like to be a libero?? ( * v * ) Defensive positions appeal to me more than offense, I like the idea of supporting everyone from behind~ (And when it comes to height, I am on the short side, so I don’t imagine I’m suited to be a blocker, haha~)
Pick any FOUR Haikyuu characters to form your friend squad with.
Tokyo squad: Bokuto, Kuroo, Akaashi, Kenma!! ( > w < ) ♡ I legitimately want to hang out with these four so badly~
Your roommate in college?
This may seem random but.. that super chill Fukurodani manager?? I just looked it up, her name is Shirofuku Yukie! Idk, she just seems really cool and relaxed, but also not super outgoing, so I feel like maybe we’d get along well as roommates~!!
Haikyuu Crush?

It’s funny because as much as I am attracted to and love these characters, I don’t actually see any of them are romantic interests for me (if that makes sense). BUT if I had to pick one, I think I’d actually date THE HECK out of Tanaka (provided, of course, that he was my age). I feel like he’s super underrated, like sure he’s loud and obnoxious, bUT YOU’RE LYING IF YOU SAY THAT THE GUY WOULDN’T MAKE AN AMAZING BOYFRIEND.
Which character resembles you, in terms of personality, the most?
This question is interesting to me because I don’t think there’s any one character in HQ!! that is a lot like me.. But if I had to choose, I’d go with Kozume Kenma. I feel like that boy is my spirit animal, he’s very self-conscious and aware of the people around him, which leads to a lot of internal analysis, something I do A LOT. We both lack motivation, can spend hours on our electronic devices, and have a dislike for activities that require too much effort, but can perform well when determined. We also both love apple pie. I do feel that I’m pretty different to Kenma in how I express myself and outwardly relate to other people, but overall, he’s definitely the character I relate to the most.
Which character inspires you the most?
Ennoshita Chikara. I relate to the guy A LOT because if something is too stressful or requires too much energy from me, my first response is just to quit. I really love how Ennoshita isn’t quite like a lot of the other characters, he doesn’t have (initially) that drive to just give up EVERYTHING for volleyball, nor does he possess any amazing skills or abilities that make him stand out on the court. But in spite of this, he doesn’t give up, he keeps playing and working hard at volleyball, eventually gaining the trust and respect of his teammates, and I really admire that about him.
Favorite character development?
FRICKING TSUKISHIMA KEI. OH MY FRICK. I’ll tell you, I did not like Tsukki when he was first introduced, he seemed to me to be irritating, aloof, a little stuck-up, and needlessly unkind. But oh my gOSH, the way this series has slowly revealed more and more about his background and true nature has been absolutely brilliant. Watching Tsukki go from an uninvested club member who didn’t see anything special in himself, didn’t understand what it meant to love volleyball, and didn’t feel the need to put a lot of time and energy into it... to a team player who is more aware of his strengths and what he can do for the team, understands the thrill of the game, and is willing to give his all for it... has been one of the most SATISFYING journeys any series has ever taken me on. Tsukishima is one of my absolute favorite characters now, GOSH, he is s o  g o o d .
Prettiest Character?
A K A A S H I FRICKING K E I J I. I mean, fRICK, have you SEEN him???
Bokuto Koutarou is supremely handsome, and I will fight ALL of you on this.
Ultimate OTP?
♡  B O K U A K A  ♡  O H  ♡  M Y  ♡  H E C K  ♡ (If you follow my blog for my art and don’t know this, then I must be doing something wrong.)
Ultimate BROTP?
Oya oya?
Oya oya oya.
(Leaving Cookie’s answer because YES. X’DDD ♡ ♡ ♡ )
Favorite Stage Play Actor?
This is so hard, omg. ( TT w TT ) Until recently I would have said Kimura Tatsunari, but nOW THAT BOKUTO’S STAGE PLAY ACTOR HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED, IDK, I’M HAVING SECOND THOUGHTS. But for now, I’ll just say Tatsunari because he is an absolutely PERFECT Kageyama. He’s also too cute for me to live, oh my word, boy has the smile of an ANGEL??? I’m honestly so heartbroken that he’s not going to be cast as Kags in future performances. TT TT
Adopt as your child?
Favorite team chant?
Dateko’s is objectively the best, like hands down, but I gotta admit that I’m rather fond of Shiratorizawa’s NICE KILL U-SHI-JI-MA!! (THUMP THUMP) USHIJIMA!! because I would do it all the time with one of my friends at work. Like we’d be on opposite sides of a room, one of us would start the chant and the other one would join in, we’d both stomp our feet against the floor and other people would look at us weird, it was great. XD
Favorite team banner?
Karasuno’s “FLY”!! It’s simple, but bold and inspiring, I love it.
Did Haikyuu inspire you to do something you would not have done before?
Now I’ve never really cared about sports in my entire life (unless it was a game one of my brothers was competing in), but this freaking anime has given me an IMMENSE appreciation for ACTUAL REAL LIFE VOLLEYBALL. During the 2016 Summer Olympics, I watched some of the volleyball games and??? IT WAS FRICKING THRILLING??? I never thought the day would come when I would just sit down and watch a sport on TV, but thanks to Haikyuu!!, I have now not only done that, but I have actually enjoyed it A LOT. (Idk if that quite meets the parameters of the question because I wasn’t exactly “inspired” to watch volleyball, but eh, close enough~ XD)
Haikyuu!! character as your:  
DADCHI~ ♡ ♡ ♡
(I mean, c’mon, how could I not choose the Karasuno parents?? > w < )
Elder sister?
I want Saeko as my older sister, yeeeesssss!!
Older brother?
AND TANAKA AS MY OLDER BROTHER PLS?? (I just want to be related to the Tanaka’s, because let’s be real.)
Younger sister?
Yachi Hitoka!! ♡ Precious girl, I love her so much~ ( ; u ; )
Younger brother?
I feel like Tsukki could be my younger brother (not that he’s anything like my actual younger brothers, haha, but like... I just want to tease him and support him)~
Aside from Haikyuu!!, what is your favorite anime? (This question was thrown in for us all to share another fantastic anime with the Haikyuu fandom~)
My favorite anime right now are Free! (for which I am trash, always and forever), Ao no Exorcist, Natsume Yuujinchou, and Uchouten Kazoku~!!
TAGGING: I’m don’t know a lot of people on Tumblr anymore (I wish I had more friends on here, but I also am absolute crap at responding to messages and asks and stuff...;;) so I don’t have that many people to tag... But @puddingcatbae and @dontperishyet, if you guys haven’t done this yet (and would like to), I tag you!! ( > v < ) /
And if any of my other followers/mutuals want to do this, please fill it out and tag me!! I would love to see how you guys would respond to these questions!! Thanks again to @greendoodle and @sarukui for tagging me in this, I had so much fun~!! ♡♡♡
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rapmonphile · 7 years
60 truths
i was tagged by @je0n (an angel... my star ily)
Nickname(s): mags is a nickname hehe Bias: yoongi but tae is trying to make me swerve :// Blood type: i literally have no idea R/s: single and loving it tbh Birthday: march 27th Zodiac sign: aries (i’m like a textbook aries it’s embarrassing) Pronouns: she/her Hair length: it’s like .,,, boob length rn because i cut it last fall but i’m waiting for it to grow out again Height: 5′8″ and i think that’s like,, 172 cm? A crush: @ taehyung if ur reading this ....... What do you like about yourself: ugh ., not that much recently but i guess i like that i’m passionate and like . completely throw myself into things when i get an interest in them Right or left handed: right List of three favorite colors: maroon, hunter green, & pink (Right now) eating: nothing but i had q’doba for lunch (Right now) drinking: ice water I’m about to: watch chopped probably even though i should be doing yoga Listening to: i’ve had this on a constant loop for 2 days Kids: i really really love kids but idk if i want my own ?? that’s so much responsibility ,,,, but like , i’ll probably end up having some Get married: maybe ? Recent phone call: i actually had to get out my phone and check bc i literally never talk on the phone .. it was to my mom
(Have you ever)
Dated someone twice: no i’ve never rly dated anyone Been cheated on: hell no Kissed someone and regretted it: no Lost someone special: yes Been depressed: lmao ! yeah Been drunk and thrown up: no, i don’t drink and i’m terrified of throwing up Had glasses or contacts: yes i wear glasses but sometimes i wish i had contacts Had sex on the first date: no and i don’t think i would Broken someone’s heart: yeah :// Turned someone down: yeah :/// Cried when someone died: yes Fallen for a friend: yes ,, i do not recommend it
(In the last year have you)
Made a new friend: yes! Laughed until you cried: yes :)) Met someone who changed you: mmmm. i guess? i don’t know, this is such a dramatic question Found out who your true friends were: y e s Found out someone was talking about you: yep !!!!!! bitch !
(_ or _)
Lips or eyes: eyes Hugs or kisses:  hugs Shorter or taller: taller Romantic or spontaneous: romantic (i’m always like “ew wtf” at romantic sappy shit but i think i secretly want it and am bitter) Sensitive or loud: i mean i don’t think these are mutually exclusive but i would pick sensitive just bc people who are loud all the time for no reason grate on my nerves Hookup or relationship: relationship (but i’ve imagined several very detailed scenarios where i would make an exception lmao)
First best friend: i guess my first Real™ best friend who i could really rly open up to and be super close with was in 6th grade Surgery: nope Sports I joined: i played soccer (badly) and took dance lessons (badly) in elementary school
(Do you believe in...) 
Yourself: not rly Miracles: kind of Love at first sight: no (i think you can be infatuated with someone at first sight and you can be like ... drawn to someone . but that’s not love) Heaven: yes Do you have any pets: yes i have a pit bull and I Would Die For Her Do you want to change your name: i guess not What did you do for your last birthday: i went out with one of my best friends (her bday is a few days before mine so we celebrated together) and we had mexican food and ice cream and saw power rangers What time did you wake up today: 6:40 am What were you doing last night at midnight: sleeping bitch Something you can’t wait for: power rangers to come out on dvd lmao. or if you want something real .... i’m going to a music festival w/some pals in september so that’ll be rly fun Last time you saw your mom: she’s sitting on the couch with me lmao (i’m in college but i live at home which tbh is a pretty sweet deal) What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i like,,, had more of the Teen Experiences™ that you always hear about bc i really did nothing in high school which i thought was fine but when you hear about how everyone else had this Gr8 Time in high school..... idk it makes me self conscious and like i wasted my youth idk What’s getting on your nerves: i am . tired of being in college lmao (my last final is on may 5th tho so i’m almost done.. hallelujah)
i’m gonna tag @stifffkittens but this is rly long so you def don’t have to do it but idk i guess you can like .. get to know me a little more lmao
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clarz · 8 years
hiya so @queerlyalex tagged me to pronounce some things and i did it! i’m not tagging anyone else because i haven’t really made a lot of content for 1d and therefore i only have a couple of 1d mutuals, and many of those were already tagged by alex. idk, @veryniceandgood @lavenderek (betp i know you’re not like IN 1d but close enough) do this if you wanna, i’d love to hear ur dumb voices say dumb things <3. 
but anyway, here’s me talking about harry styles’ hospice for terminally ill horses and also fandom crushes and also i mention alex’s name too many times and i say y’all a bunch.
OH ALSO there is a part where i STRUGGLE to come up with descriptive words for the boys off the top of my head, and i say i’m going to splice stuff in, but i discovered after listening to it that i didn’t actually want to splice it out because it is, in fact, a very good proxy for what actually hanging out with me is like. so. i’m gonna put here what i SHOULD have said though
LIAM: i stand by PUPPY, DUMB, NOBLE, and WARM
NIALL: IRISH because i’m the worst, SARCASTIC, KNOBBLE-KNEED, BEAUTIFUL he’s got a beautiful soul go away
HARRY: EXTRA, NEW-AGE, LANGUID, DISASTER he’s a walking talking disaster human
LOUIS: INVESTED, AWARE, SHORT (both -tempered and yknow, actually), ADORED
the stuff i’m supposed to say (under the cut):
Your name and username.
Where you’re from.
What languages you speak.
Pronounce the following words: Aunt, Roof, Route, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Alabama, Lawyer, Mayonnaise, Pajamas, Caught, Naturally, Aluminum (Aluminium), GIF, Tumblr, Crackerjack, Smol and Tol, Doorknob, Rural, Envelope, LOL, Coupon, Crayon, OTRA Tour, Data, Sherbet, Read Receipt.
What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
What is a bubbly carbonated drink called?
What do you call gym shoes?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
What is the thing you change the TV channel with?
What do you call the thing from which you might drink water from at school?
Now, some more fandom-related questions –
When did you hear about 1D?
When did you join the 1D fandom?
Describe each of the members of the band using 4 words.
What do you call the following ships, if you have shortened names for them?
Harry/Nick Grimshaw
Louis/Nick Grimshaw
Plus any other ships you have shortened names for! That of course includes ships with the band members’ current or former girlfriends if you like.
Choose a book OR a fic and read a passage from it.
Choose a One Direction song and sing part of it.
BONUS: That thing Niall did during Better Than Words when he sang “you make me wanna tsss” – how do you refer to that thing?
If someone tagged you, say the name and username of the person who tagged you.
Do you know anyone on Tumblr in real life?
Any other parting thoughts?
Now tag as many or as few people as you like!
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artistictrance · 8 years
lgbt+ meme?
what is your sexual orientation? - demisexual :3c what is your romantic orientation? - demiromantic, so a full demi lol side note: demiromantic/demisexual is a person are ppl part of the ace community, they prefer to build a strong bond before even entering a relationship [and yes, im aware that most ppl are like this, but with demis its a bit more harder to feel attraction towards someone else without building a friendship first. of course nothing wrong with not finding anyone attractive, and no, it doesnt mean youre "picky"] what is your gender? - a female demigoddess cause why not B) [female] what is your sex? - like i said above, a female demigoddess [female] what pronouns do you use? - she/her/they/them how long have you been in the lgbtqa+ community for? - i have no clue tbh, i didnt realize i was demi till like...what?...2-3 yrs ago??? but then again, looking back during my middle/high school yrs ive always been demi and never noticed cause i thought i was straight [tho thats still kind of true, if that makes sense??? idk im still figuring it out] have you ever dated anyone in the lgbtqa+ community? if yes, explain what they identify as - ive been a single pringle so far my whole life how did you find out about the lgbtqa+ community? - tbh i didnt know much about the lgbt+ [besides gay/bi] till like college when i joined tumblr, so mostly from tumblr then some from school too (: do you have any friends in the lgbtqa+ community? -its funny cause my irl friends are mostly straight [minus 1 who is bi-curious], while the majority of my online friends are either gay, ace or both [with a few exceptional straight friends]. theyre all pretty great :3c have you ever been at a pride event? - no, but from the pictures ive seen it looks super fun! on a scale 0-10, how confident are you with your sexuality? - hmmm i guess 10? but i do remember when i first figured it out i was self-conscious about it cause i thought i was one of /those/ ppl who just picked a random sexuality to look "cool" till after some hard thinking/teaching, ive realized im ace af and proud B) on a scale 0-10 how confident are you with your gender? - idk, i dont really think much about it??? not sure how to explain it, but even if i identify as a girl, i dont really see myself as one? [maybe thats just my mind being mean to me and separating myself from all the other girls and yadda yadda. long explanation] are you out to anyone yet? - my mom and brother know, and all my friends do too but i guess most ppl just forget/dont remember what demi is do your parents know about your gender/sexuality? - yeah my mom knows, tho she has a bit of trouble understanding it, but i do my best to remind her and teach her again, and again do you ever get misgendered? -tbh i dont even know :/ i remember one time some guy in hs called me a guy cause of how i was dressed? [school hoodie and some jeans] but then again, he was a pretty annoying and stupid person so i dont really count it plus i wasnt the only girl wearing something like that on a cold day have you gotten any hate for your gender/sexuality? - not gender, but ive had close ppl tell me that "ppl shouldnt label themselves like this, it doesnt make sense" so obviously that hurt ;v; in all honesty, do you think that theres a sexuality that might not be valid? - no, all sexuality is valid. tho those toxic/nasty ones, i dont label them as "sexualities," i label them as "ppl who shouldn't talk to me, or my dogs, ever" do you own any pride merch? - nope, im not sure where to find some cool ace merch. [there was this kickass sweater my friend showed me and i love it to bits, but there was no link to buy it, i cri T v T] plus even if i did, idk when or where would be a good time to wear them ;v; do you think that theres a possibility that you might change your mind about your orientations/gender in the future? - i know im pretty confident in being demi. as for gender, idk, i just have to see : P what are your thoughts on people that identify as cis? - cis? you mean that store "cause it's spring"? [i kid you not, thats an actual store name, ive seen it with my own eyes] lol jk, i identify as cis [???], but besides me, they good folk (: [of course those who bully peeps who dont see themselves as cis are just bullies and i dont want you near me or my dogs 8) ] what are your thoughts on people that identify as straight? - nothing wrong with it, if youre cis, youre cis just remember my cis folk, dont judge or be mean to those who are trans, bi-gendered, etc. theyre ppl like you if someone saw you on the street, would they realize that you are in the lgbtqa+ community? if yes, why? - honeslty idk, i dont think aro/ace ppl really have a "look" to them? [ive tried looking it up and nothing much comes up other than pride clothing] other than we're hella good lookin' folk, be aware of us plus most of the creepy guys that hit on me think im allo. so i just feel like a cleverly disguised spy lol [alloromantic/allosexual or "allo" for short = basically means that ppl who are not aromantic and/or asexual ] on a scale 0-10 how familiar are your friends and family with the lgbtqa+ community? - since i teach my mom and brother stuff about this whenever i get the chance, theyre pretty ok [tho my mom has a hard time remembering the ones outside the "basic" ones like lesbian/gay, bi, pan. it mostly has to do that spanish is her 1st language so english can be confusing for her] as for irl friends, idk. i hardly talk to them about this, i doubt they even remember/know im demi but for my online friends, im pretty sure they know, lol This tag is almost over, did you enjoy it? - it was fun, i hope more ppl are aware of the aro/ace community and possible learn a few things about it :3c i want more ppl to know more about the aro/ace communities cause even if our population is kind of small, we're still here...eating all the food at the parties...petting all the cute animals > v > do you love yourself for who you are? - of course, sure it was kind of hard to get to where i am, and at times i still dont really feel part of the lgbt+ community, but i try to at least accept myself (: shout out to my sweet friend @dirtydaggy for suggesting i do this, it was fun thanks again friendo cX also check out their journal! [they did the same meme too!!!]
also im gonna tag:
@lunarprinc3 @thatsweaterdude
if i miss anyone [friends/mutuals] or you would like/not like to be tagged in the future, let me know c:
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