#bakukiri x reader
crushmeeren · 11 months
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♡ Master List Link
♡ Bakugou/ Fem Reader/ Kirishima
♡ Everyone involved in this fic is aged up/18+.
♡ Warnings; reader is 6 months pregnant, cursing, pussy eating, blowjobs [ M/F — M/M ], vaginal sex
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If you were to describe what it’s like to be six months pregnant with Katsuki’s baby, you would use a few key phrases.
1. — You’re in a perpetual cycle of unease and sporadic body aches.
2. — You’re consistently sweating like a whore in church.
3. — Your belly has been stretched to the point it looks as if a watermelon has been shoved inside.
These occur often, the only difference today is how infuriatingly much your lower back has been smarting. The baby’s weight is really starting to take a toll on you.
So you’ve decided it’s in your best interest to set up camp on the large fuzzy couch in your living room. You’re only wearing soft shorts and a large, worn out Red Riot T-shirt and you’ve stockpiled all the cozy blankets in the near vicinity.
It’d been a few hours since you became a couch potato, aimlessly scrolling through your phone and watching various movies or TV shows.
Katsuki’s been occupied playing some video game in the other room. Loudly enough to wake the dead, you might add. Your ears have been assaulted with his furious yelling on and off for the past couple hours.
He’s repeatedly told Todoroki that he’s the “worst player in existence” and to “fuck off and die.” You sincerely hope Todoroki is ribbing him just as much, but knowing the stoic man, he more than likely isn’t.
And much to your chagrin, Eijirou has been out on patrol all day.
Soft orange and yellow light has begun to cast shadows across the living room as the sun sets. You’re barely paying attention to a Tik Tok when your baby starts to poke and prod roughly at your ribs.
The fluttering sensation makes you squirm and sit up ram-rod straight. The sudden movement sends a bright flash of pain radiating throughout your lower back and it punches the breath from your lungs. The partially frantic instinct to call out to the blonde for help leaves your mouth before you can think twice.
“Kastukiiiii,” you whine for him loudly, a pleading lilt to your tone. You shift your weight, making sure to keep your feet perched on the large ottoman in front of you. You wait momentarily but only silence greets you.
“Katsuki!” You shout, mildly irritated. Your eyes widen and you inhale sharply when a tiny foot kicks you. You place a hand there and rub apologetically. Apparently she does not want you to yell. You roll your eyes and think that your daughter is certainly going to have Katsuki’s bad attitude.
“Baby, I heard you! I’m coming — just a second!” Katsuki snaps. You huff, cheeks puffing and burning when your temper flares a bit in response. You breathe deeply, resting both hands on your swollen stomach as the tiny feet continue to try and burst out of your skin like a scene from Alien.
Katsuki’s soft footsteps signal his approach and he rounds the corner into your living room leisurely. He comes to a stop next to your legs and your brows furrow when you gaze up at him with a slight pout. He arches one eyebrow in return and folds his arms over his chest, pointedly saying nothing.
“Kat, baby daddy, can you do the thing please? My back is killing me.”
Despite your discomfort you can’t help but appreciate his slender frame. His black sweats hang low on his hips and he’s fucking shirtless. He rolls his eyes when he catches you but wears a smug smirk nonetheless.
“Can your dramatic ass wait five minutes while I finish this round of my game? I’m obliterating Icy Hot.” His grin turns a bit feral and he cocks hip to one side, resting a hand there.
You protest accordingly and push your lower lip out.
“That’s too long! Can you do it later? Your baby needs you.” Over exaggerating your movements, you flop back against the couch and run your hands over your baby bump and stare up at him through your lashes. Katsuki snorts.
“It’s five minutes sweetheart. C’mon, Todoroki fucking sucks at this game,” Katsuki says with amusement, absently running a hand through his fluffy spikes of hair.
You press a hand to your forehead as if you might faint.
“You’re the reason I’m like this! The least you can do is help out your pregnant wife.”
“Oi!” He lets out a bark of laughter. “It takes two people to fuck and make a baby, I’m not the only guilty party. Why isn’t Eijirou gettin’ any fuckin’ blame for this huh? He was there too!”
Katsuki complains but it’s with considerable ease that he bends to your whim, shoving the ottoman closer and motioning for you to scoot up so he can get behind you on the couch.
“He’s not home right now,” you mutter childishly, heeding his instructions. The blonde crawls on to the cushions, maneuvering until he slots into the space between you and the backrest. He lets a thigh bracket you on each side and tugs you back into his chest, replying just as petulantly.
“Maybe you should’ve let Ei get you pregnant first then.”
“Oh god,” you start to whine. “Fuck baby, wanna see you swollen with my baby so bad. Blah blah — I’m Katsuki and I’m a giant fucking hypocrite,” you mock in a high pitched, horrific imitation of his voice.
To be fair he did whine those things to you and Eijirou in bed multiple times before you all finally agreed to it. Katsuki sputters behind you and pinches your thigh in retaliation.
“You’re such a fucking terror! I should make you wait until Eijirou gets home,” he growls, pathetic attempt at a threat making you giggle.
His palms are warm when he slips them under your shirt and places them on the underside of your belly, fingers spread. Katsuki delicately presses upwards and you deflate, melting into his chest. The immediate relief of pressure on your lower back makes you moan.
“Yeah, but we both know you won’t,” you reply smugly, hands coming to rest on his. He hums, electing not to respond with words because he knows he’s wrapped around your finger.
Katsuki can deny it all he pleases, but the man loves holding your belly. He’s struck with awe each time he’s lucky enough to feel his daughter kicking. He kisses the back of your head, relaxing into the couch for the time being.
You both turn your attention to the movie you had playing earlier and your eyelids start to flutter. Your chest is gooey and warm, you’re basically a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie in his arms.
Katsuki gets invested in one scene in particular, making snarky comments about the graphics and your daughter apparently recognizes her daddy’s voice, because suddenly she’s playing kick ball again.
Directly into Katsuki’s hands.
“Holy shit!” The blonde jolts, freezing temporarily before pressing the pads of his fingertips into the same spot, attempting to coax her into kicking him again. His heart thumps hard on your back, the heat from his chest bleeding through your shirt.
“She’s been really active today, but she must’ve heard her daddy talking. I think she likes your voice Kat.” You smile softly, adjusting your weight to get more comfortable. “I hope she does the same when Ei gets home, he was sad last time he missed it.” You tip your head back on Katsuki’s shoulder, twisting your neck to get a peak at his face.
“She’s fucking fiesty,” he says with no small amount of pride. She’ll respond to Ei, she loves him.” A tender smile softens his sharp features and your chest cracks with overflowing adoration. Surging forward you brush your lips over his jaw and Katsuki makes a quiet noise of surprise.
“I love you too,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your temple. You hum contentedly and Katsuki goes back to holding up your belly.
A familiar vibration pattern breaks the atmosphere and buzzes near your leg. You pick up your phone, taking note that it’s a message from Eijirou and your face lights up.
“Ei messaged that he’s gonna be home soon,” you tell Katsuki eagerly. You can’t help the excitement fluttering in your belly when you think about getting to see the red head soon.
“Bout damn time, my arms are gonna fall off,” he teases, tickling the smooth skin of your belly with calloused thumbs and you laugh.
“Alright dickwad get out from behind me.” Katsuki pokes your ribs in retaliation, ripping a squeal from you and you wiggle in his grip. “You’re lucky I can’t get up quickly right now! I’d kick your ass, you shitty excuse for a bomb!”
Katsuki halts his movements and gasps dramatically in fake offense, squeezing his arms around your shoulders.
“Shitty excuse for a bomb??” He asks incredulously, accidentally chuckling at the end of his sentence. You nod once and he hugs you tight, planting several chaste kisses on your cheek. You laugh delightedly and turn your head briefly to snag his plush lips with your own.
The sound of your front door opening gets you to break apart, both turning your heads to see Eijirou waltz in. The smile he wears is as vibrant as the sun, all his razor edged teeth on display.
“Aww! What a sweet sight to come home too!” Eijirou chirps, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “So cute! All three of my babies snuggling on the couch together,” he coos and strides closer until he’s right by your side.
Eijirou’s dressed in street clothes. He’s got on dark gray sweats, a red tee and a white bandana tied around his head. Per usual, his arms may bust out of the shirt he’s wearing but it’s unbearably hot.
“Get lost on the way home red?” Katsuki taunts. The blonde lets go of your shoulders as you strain to get out of his hold. Katsuki gently pushes you to sit up straight with a supporting hand between your shoulder blades. Eijirou rolls his eyes playfully and shoves the ottoman out of the way to make space for himself between your legs.
“No, I’m actually home earlier than I thought I would be,” he replies, dropping to kneel in front of you. Katsuki takes the opportunity to slip out from behind you and sit next to you instead. You use a lot of willpower to keep a straight face when you speak next.
“Thank God, because apparently Katsuki isn’t strong enough to hold our 5lb baby without his arms falling off.”
You can make out the sound of Katsuki’s teeth grinding together as Eijirou’s bright laughter dances in the air. You’re poking the bear but it’s a breeze to rile up the blonde.
“Is that so?” Eijirou asks, eyes twinkling as he pretends to appear thoughtful when he turns to Katsuki.
“I can hold a fucking five pound baby!” Katsuki snarls harmlessly, yet he throws his hands up in the air. You choke on the swell of laughter that builds in your throat. Eijirou snickers and pushes the red riot T-shirt you’re wearing up to expose your baby bump.
“I know Kat, just teasing,” you placate, sending him your sweetest smile. Eijirou splays his hands on the sides of your belly and you tangle your fingers in his hair.
The blonde scowls but he can’t keep it up for long before he breaks, scoffing with a smile threatening to take over his lips.
“How’s she been today?” Eijirou questions you then, nuzzling his nose over the top of your belly.
“She’s a spitfire.” Katsuki’s chest puffs out a bit.
“So just like her daddy then?” Eijirou teases, brushing his lips over your belly in a sweet kiss. Katsuki’s smirks.
“Hell yeah she is.”
“She’s been moving a lot today Ei, Kat’s just happy she kicked the shit out of him earlier,” you explain, scratching the red head’s scalp. Eijirou hums, tracing the pattern of a heart into your stomach with his thumbs.
“Hi feisty girl, papa Ei is home,” he purrs. “I heard you were trying to kick box with your daddy today. You’re gonna be just like him,” he whispers, the affection effortlessly falling off his tongue. The red head’s eyes flutter closed, resting his forehead against you.
You jerk in surprise when Eijirou’s head suddenly shoots up, narrowly avoiding head butting the shit out of you. He stares at your belly with bright eyes. Your baby just kicked where his forehead had been. He looks up, gaze tracking between you and Katsuki with stars in his eyes as he vibrates with excitement.
“Did you feel that baby? Oh my god! Kat, she heard me!” The red head yells, almost tripping over his words. His cheeks are dusted with a pale pink and your own twinge from smiling so wide. You tug on the soft strands of his hair you have tangled between your fingers.
“Dammit Eijirou,” Katsuki chimes in, crossing his arms. “Stop being so-,” he pauses, looking for the right words. “So fucking cute!” You laugh when the blonde curls his lip, the man’s flushed to the tips of his cute pink ears. A sly expression immediately takes over Eijirou’s face.
He slips your shirt back down and you free his hair from your grip. You meet him halfway when he leans up to give you a chaste kiss.
The red head shuffles on his knees until he’s between Katsuki’s thighs. He leans in, locking his arms around the blonde’s waist and wiggling his eyebrows up at him. Katsuki’s eyes narrow but he places his elbows on Eijirou’s shoulders.
Your toes curl into the plush rug below when the red head smoothes his hands up and down Katsuki’s sides, a shiver wracking through the blonde before Eijirou squishes his face into the others’s chest and hugs him tight.
“Eijirou.” The name spills out of Katsuki breathlessly.
“You’re so sweet Katsuki. I think you’re cute too,” he says, words muffled by a bare chest. Heat crawls up your neck when the blonde tugs Eijirou close and mumbles “I love you,” under his breath. Seeing them like this sets your nerves alight, even with something as simple as hugging.
The moment is picturesque until a pang of hunger rolls around inside you. Placing a hand on the underside of your belly, you worry at your bottom lip. You don’t want to break up the tender scene, but it seems your daughter is hungry.
“I hate to burst the bubble, but our daughter is starving,” you say gently, grinning when they part. Eijirou kisses Katsuki sweetly, making a loud smooching sound when he pulls away. Katsuki makes a disgusted noise and pushes playfully at the red head’s shoulder when they both rise from their spots. “Will you make something Kat?” You ask hopefully.
“I swear you and Eijirou are like bottomless fucking pits,” he grumbles, turning and padding to the kitchen.
He’s not fooling anyone, you all know he loves cooking for you. Especially now that your daughter is almost here. He expresses his love through his food and you all reap the rewards.
You share a smile with Eijirou and the large man flops down onto the couch, trying not to jostle you.
“Thanks Kat!” You call at his retreating back and he throws a hand up over his shoulder in response.
“Sooo, can I hold your belly now?” Eijirou asks impatiently. He doesn’t wait for you answer, maneuvering until he’s lying on the armrest, legs splayed open wide for you.
“You don’t have to ask me twice. She definitely has been missing her papa.” You grab your discarded blanket from the couch, sliding back into his embrace. You pull your blanket up to your chest, covering you both and Eijirou teases his fingers underneath your shirt.
“I love your shirt, pretty girl,” he whispers sweet like honey in your ear, gingerly touch his lips to your throat. The combination sends a warm tingle down your spine. He yanks a tiny shocked moan from you when he bites your shoulder and lifts your belly simultaneously.
“Jesus Eijirou,” you breathe, weaving your fingers together. The simmering warmth pooling in your belly is becoming difficult to ignore. “Are you trying to fuck me on the couch?” You shift back and a half hard cock greets you. Fuck, you’d be a damn liar if you said that didn’t turn you on. His light exhale tickles your neck.
“Maybe,” he says coyly, hitching his hips upwards to rub his cock over your lower back. You pinch his thigh and he groans, forehead dropping to your shoulder. “I can’t help it,” Eijirou whines, continuing to lift your belly. “You’re so sweet and so warm like this, I want you.”
“After we eat Ei, I promise. Kat will be up for it,” you murmur, trailing your fingers over his forearm. Eijirou sighs but reluctantly he agrees.
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After you ate, it took no time at all for the blonde to usher you and Eijirou into the bedroom.
Since then you’ve been stripped bare, elbows supporting your weight on the short wooden headboard behind you. They ache a bit where the sharp edge digs into the inner joint of it.
Katsuki’s head is caged between your thighs, knees sinking into the memory foam mattress below. His scratchy stubble tickles your skin while he buries his face in your pussy, head shifting from side to side.
You’ve opted to sit reverse cowgirl on his face so you’re privy to the front row view of Eijirou swallowing down Katsuki’s cock like he’s starving.
“Fffuck Kat,” you whine, rolling your hips and gliding your pussy over his plush lips. Katsuki moans, snaking his arms around your thighs and yanking you further down so he can dip the tip of his tongue inside you.
Your head tilts towards the ceiling, eyes fluttering and fingers curling into fists as Kastuki pushes his tongue to your clit, swirling it restlessly. The background is filled with the lewd schlick noise of Eijirou sucking cock.
Katsuki moves his lips from side to side over your clit before once again licking firm strokes and your head snaps back up with a gasp.
You’re starting to squirm, heat pooling in your cheeks as he works you closer to the edge. A prickle of warmth pulses through your pelvis when you lock eyes with Eijirou.
No man should look so pretty with a dick in their mouth. His cheeks are candy apple red and his lips are stretched tight around Katsuki. He seems quite comfortable, snugly fit between the blonde’s thighs and meeting Katsuki thrust for shallow thrust while the blonde leisurely fucks his mouth.
Eijirou sends a wink your way and you’re gawking at him when Katsuki sucks harshly on your clit, wrenching your attention back to his mouth. A let out a yelp and your thighs twitch when he does it once more, demanding your focus stay on him.
Try as you might you’re torn between Katsuki’s warm tongue working you over and the indecent sight of Eijirou.
You’re impatient and desperate to change positions before someone cums too quickly and so you plead for the attention of the man underneath you.
“Katsuki,” you moan, fingers circling his wrists. “Wanna switch baby, please.” He drags his teeth delicately over your clit and your breath stutters in your chest. Katsuki unwinds himself from your legs, pushing against your ass instead of tugging on you and you lift your hips from his face.
Eijirou pulls off with a pop, Katsuki’s thick cock slapping against his lower belly. The red head sits up on his knees, gripping the base of his own neglected desire and pushes back the messy strands of hair that had fallen into his eyes.
Katsuki slips out from under you, sitting between the two of you so you’re able to sit comfortably on your calves.
“Whaddaya want pretty girl? Ei and I will give you whatever you need,” Katsuki purrs, half a smirk tugging at his lips. The red head makes a noise of agreement and waits patiently for your answer. A flush creeps up your neck under the weight of their gaze and you absentmindedly rest a hand on your belly.
“I think I want Ei to position us however he wants. Ya know, since he’s been trying to get us in bed ever since he got home.” You grin playfully at Eijirou when he makes a noise of protest, a pink blush dusting over his cheekbones. Katsuki snickers nearby.
“Oh,” Eijirou breathes, grinning sheepishly and rubbing a hand over his forearm. “Well, I mean — yeah. Yes, totally I can do that.”
Katsuki snorts, waving a vague hand in front of himself when Eijirou takes too long to respond.
“Well? You goin’ to fuckin’ move us around or not?” Katsuki asks rudely. Eijirou ignores him, rolling his jaw a couple times before biting into his bottom lip. You punch Katsuki in the shoulder and give him a pointed look but he just rolls his eyes.
“Okay baby, c’mere please,” he requests warmly, reaching a hand out to you. You comply, gripping his fingers as he helps you shuffle forward on your knees. Once you get to him, he helps you twist until your back faces the edge of the bed.
He holds both hands, slowly reclining you until you’re flat on your back and your head dangles off the edge of the mattress. Your heart rate spikes when you’re slightly suffocated by your baby bump, but it’s comfortable enough for what you’re sure Eijirou has in mind.
“Okay Katsuki, go stand near her head. I want watch you fuck her throat while I’m inside her,” he commands shyly, flush traveling down his chest as he traps the tip of his tongue between his teeth. He takes his place between your spread thighs. Katsuki starts to heft himself off the bed, closing the distance between you with a few steps.
“Didn’t feel like gettin’ your ass torn up today Eijirou?” Katsuki’s grins with his teeth, cockiness seeping from him.
“Shut up,” Eijirou mumbles, helping you bend your knees and plant your feet. You try to stifle your laughter with a hand over your mouth but it spills out of you despite your best effort.
To be fair, Eijirou does melt into a drooling fucked out mess in the sheets every time he bottoms for the other man.
Katsuki comes to a standstill just in front of your head, reaching down to cradle the back of your skull and force you to look up at him. His flushed cock grazes your cheek and you suck your bottom lip behind your teeth when you finally make eye contact.
“You okay with this sweetheart?” Katsuki’s gaze is intense, the thumb of his free hand swiping over your brow bone. Your throat clicks when you swallow and you nod, fighting the urge to shift your head and kiss his shaft.
“I’ll be fine Kat, if it’s too much I’ll tap your thigh twice.” You reach backwards and secure your arms around the backs of his legs for emphasis.
“So fuckin’ pretty and smart baby girl,” Katsuki coos, voice a rumble in his throat and his praise makes your blood sing. He grips the base of his cock and shifts forward to rub his head over your lips. Your tongue darts out involuntarily to taste him and a salty tang bursts across your taste buds.
“Ei!” You gasp, startling when the red head’s thumb presses into your swollen clit, circling it slowly. You start to squirm and sink your nails into Katsuki’s thighs as your eyes squeeze shut. “C’mon Ei, stop teasing and fuck me.” Eijirou giggles.
“Okay okay. You’re so needy tonight, I love it,” Eijirou gushes. The blunt head of his cock pokes at your clit before sliding down, a steady pressure against your lips before he pushes inside. You cry out sharply, hanging onto Katsuki for dear life while Eijirou’s thick cock stretches you to the max.
“Fuck yeah, that’s it. That tight little pussy loves Eijirou, doesn’t she?” Katsuki says breathlessly, moaning softly as he strokes his cock. “He’s so big, isn’t he baby? Feels good huh?”
You can only nod, jaw going slack and eyes rolling back when Eijirou bottoms out with a choked off moan. Pleasure blisters through you when he draws his hips back and thrusts forward roughly.
“Oh my god. You’re a dream baby,” Eijirou whines, settling one hand on your knee and the other on your baby bump. Your vision is obscured by Katsuki’s thighs but Eijirou’s praise burns in your brain.
“Jesus Christ,” Katsuki snarls, tapping your cheek twice. “Open up for me princess.” Your lips part obediently and Katsuki braces a knee of the bed, the other leg standing firm. His groin tightens in anticipation at the sight of you flushed and pliant.
He squeezes one of your tits and tilts his hips down to guide his cock inside and he glides smoothly along your soft pallet. You close your lips and suck tentatively until he jerks forward and smacks the back of your throat, breath catching in his chest.
Eijirou starts to pick up the pace, the obscenity in front of him spurring on his own desire and he hits your g-spot with scary precision. Your resulting moan is muffled by the cock in your mouth as Katsuki fucks your throat and Eijirou begins babbling encouragingly.
“Oh — shit, right there yeah baby? Feels too good, I can’t believe how tight you are. You’re gorgeous like this sweetheart, you love when I tell you how pretty you are don’t you?”
His voice is fuzzy to your ears, the prominent ache in your jaw coming to the forefront. Katsuki’s paying attention, however and taunts him even if the sweet words make his cock twitch.
“God Ei, you just can’t stop yappin’ can you?”
Eijirou whines pitifully, rolling his hips a bit more leisurely to savor the pleasure.
“I can’t help it.”
“Fuck — I’m, it’s gonna make me cum. You want me to cum for you princess?” Katsuki pulls his cock free and you gulp down air, coughing and sputtering briefly.
“Yeah, yeah. Kat c’mon,” you croak, fingers tingling as you bring them up to fist the blanket below you. Eijirou’s moving at a snail’s pace now, stilling inside you to watch the show.
Katsuki runs with it, hooking his thumb along the teeth of your bottom jaw and prying it open. His cock is shoved to the back of your throat and past the unforgiving ring of muscle there. The sensation makes your throat tickle with the urge to cough.
He stays in place long enough for your pulse to thunder before exhaling shakily and dragging himself out of your mouth. He jerks his cock until he’s cumming with a cry and streaking your chest and belly with his release.
It’s still for a moment once he relaxes. The air is warm from all the movement and the only sounds are of the three of you catching your breath before Eijirou laughs incredulously.
“That was hot.” Eijirou is beaming as he slides his still completely stiff cock from your pussy and you protest half heartedly, the other two snickering. Katsuki locks eyes with you, his cheeks rose petal pink and sweat trails down his temple.
“You good?”
You nod as Eijirou grips your ankles and pulls you bodily onto the bed, your neck tingling when the blood rushes from your head.
“More than good. I do want to switch positions though, the baby is suffocating me like this,” you joke. Eijirou pats your thighs encouragingly and smiles vibrantly.
“Sure thing! You want Kat to hold you baby?”
Katsuki rolls his eyes playfully and shimmies up the bed to the headboard. He pauses near Eijirou, planting a kiss to his lips and turning to settle in his new place. Katsuki tilts his head and smirks coyly at you.
“Move your ass pillow princess.” He bends his knees and digs his heels into the mattress. You ignore Katsuki for the moment and take Eijirou’s offered hand. He helps you rise to your knees and shuffle until you can twist and recline against Katsuki’s chest.
He’s covered in sweat, but he’s so warm and a sense of comfort spreads through your limbs. You glance down at yourself and notice you’re still covered in Katsuki’s cum, nose scrunching in disgust but not bothering to wipe it away yet.
Katsuki runs his hands up and down your upper arms and tenderly wraps them around your shoulders, resting his temple on yours. You brace your hands on his knees and then Eijirou is there taking up your attention.
He inches forward and sits on his calves, snugly fitting between your thighs and he lifts his eyebrows in question. You hum softly and encourage him forward with a tug to his wrist.
He pushes at the delicate skin over your inner thighs to coax you open for him. You do so without hesitation and instantly Eijirou’s steadying himself and slipping back into you with a smooth glide.
“Eijirou,” you moan between your teeth, head tipping backwards onto Katsuki’s shoulder. You clench around him and he whimpers, pitching forward and resting his hands on your belly. Katsuki leers from behind you, muttering like the devil on your shoulder.
“Thought you were big and strong Ei. You can make her little pussy cum can’t you, red riot?”
Eijirou’s brows knit together and he nods vigorously, picking up a steady rhythm that you can feel in your toes. You bite the tip of your tongue and dig your nails into Katsuki’s knees.
“Y — Yeah, I’ll make her feel so good, I’ll make her cum Katsuki.”
Katsuki grins wolfishly.
“Good boy Eijirou.”
Your husband wears a dumbstruck expression, cherry red eyes falling shut and breathy moans mixing with yours as he snaps his hips briskly.
“E-Eijirou! Just like that, please don’t stop, I’m gonna cum!”
He obeys and the volume of your pleas rise and your voice cracks when Eijirou’s movements become the slightest bit harsher. The red head splays his large palms even wider over your belly and uses the angle to his advantage, pressing upwards with each thrust.
Katsuki squeezes your shoulders and whispers sweet nothings in your ear, nosing at your cheek while your climax swells rapidly behind your belly button.
“Doing so well baby, you take him like a fuckin’ champ,” Katsuki says huskily. “Looks like Ei’s gonna fuck another baby into you, isn’t that right?”
Eijirou absently replies with a whiny mhmm, eyes glued to where his cock disappears inside you. You stare at Eijirou’s flushed face, his lids heavy and jaw hanging open in concentration and then the knot in your pelvis is unraveling.
You inhale sharply, thighs tensing and your own mouth opens in a silent scream as your pussy flutters before clenching tightly on the cock splitting you open.
Eijirou groans, placing his forehead on yours and works you through it like he couldn’t stop even if he wanted to.
After a few brain melting seconds your muscles loosen, a low moan creeping its way out of your throat.
“Fuck baby,” Eijirou pants, cock twitching. “Love it when you cum on my cock like that, I’m not gonna last much longer.”
“Give it to me Ei, I’ve got you baby.”
With that, and a few filthy words from Katsuki, Eijirou is shoving his dick all the way inside you to the root. The curly black hair at his base brushes your clit and he’s cumming.
He gasps your name, hands shifting to white knuckle your shoulders as you frame his face with your palms. His cock kicks inside you a few times before he’s melting onto you, listening to your whispered words of praise as his chest heaves.
You all stay still for a brief moment as the post sex haze falls over you and Eijirou decides then to gingerly slip out of your pussy, shifting to lay down beside you like a starfish instead.
There’s a gentle pressure on your back and you lean forward so Katsuki can slide out from behind you. You take his place, pillows supporting your lower back and feeling icky from all the cum on you and inside you.
“Someone please get me a towel.”
Eijirou laughs but Katsuki just hands you a a discarded T-shirt, nose scrunching up.
You take it gratefully, wiping off the drying cum from your belly and handing it to Eijirou. He helps clean any place you can’t reach before balling it up and tossing it like a basketball into the dirty laundry basket. He misses. Katsuki glares at him and points in that direction, lip curling.
“You’re picking that shit up.”
You snicker and Eijirou grins good-naturedly, teasing the blonde until Katsuki’s teeth are grinding together.
Eventually you’re able to convince Katsuki to cook you both more food. He complains about it vehemently but ultimately pulls shorts on and stomps out of the room and to the kitchen.
You smile with amusement and gaze softly at Eijirou as he tugs on old sweats.
“Ya know he’s gonna blow a hole in the wall if you keep messing with him,” you say, awkwardly climbing off the bed and accepting the shorts and shirt Eijirou places in your hands.
“He just makes it too easy to rile him up.”
You can’t help but agree with that, grinning when Eijirou laces your fingers together and leads you to the kitchen.
The three of you relax together for the rest of the evening, both men taking turns reading to your baby and fawning over your belly.
You’re on your toes with anticipation to see how they behave when she’s here. You’re certain they’ll be amazing fathers.
Then, in a couple years, you’ll let Eijirou get you pregnant. You smile softly to yourself, because you’re one hundred percent sure your back will ache carrying his giant baby.
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stellar-imagines · 1 year
HEADCANONS REQUEST: ❝Bakugou and Kirishima falling in love with the same girl.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou ]
「Headcanons of Bakugou and Kirishima falling in love with the same person.」
♤ Kirishima admires you greatly, you were amazing with your quirk and a very strong hero. He takes time to realize that he has fallen in love with you. The two of you started out as friends since Kirishima was such a friendly and outgoing person—it was easy to become friends. It only dawned on him when he started to have the urge to always be with you and how he’s thinking about you all the time. Once he realizes this, he gets embarrassed and shy around you at the littlest things.
♤ Bakugou has a hard time admitting his feelings but he's not dumb, just having trouble accepting it. Honestly, he absolutely hates the way you're making him feel. And of course, his more natural response was to be mad and upset with you. He stares at you, a lot, to the point it concerns you. When you confront him, he gets very defensive and denies it. Takes forever but eventually comes to terms with his feelings.
♤ They both somehow know that the other has a crush on you and it gets pretty awkward because neither confronts the other about it. Kirishima notices it when Bakugou seemed significantly nicer to you compared with most people. Bakugou notices that Kirishima is constantly talking to you, and sees that he's significantly happier whenever you're around. They don't try to talk to the other about the predicament and kinda just let it be.
♤ But at some point, Bakugou lost his patience because he had to keep quiet about the situation for so long. He considers Kirishima as a good friend and confronted him about the whole situation. It wasn't a pleasant topic to discuss but they both surprisingly bonded over discussing you. They both agreed to let you decide on who you want to date and that they will remain as friends afterward because they value their friendships as well as your happiness.
♤ It was you who brought up the idea of being in a poly relationship. You expressed how you loved them both equally and really did not want to be the reason for the end of the friendship—even though they assured you that they were fine with you choosing one of them. It starts off a bit awkward because neither Kirishima or Bakugou knows what to do in a three-way relationship. Luckily, you always manage to make them both included in things.
♤ You always make sure that you have dates with both of them, you involve them in everything going on in your life. And they're very grateful that you're making this easier for them. They both love it when you hold both of their hands during a date. The two of them are protective over you despite knowing the fact that you could probably kick their asses. Overall, you and the boys are inseparable and love each other very much. 
Total: 485 words Published: 19.06.2023
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Thank you for requesting! Asks are still closed as we’re clearing up our requests! Hope you enjoyed this! ― author Natsuki
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hotheadedheroprimary · 11 months
I had the craziest angst dream last night
It was based on an RP my bestie and I had been working on but, man, my brain knows how to toy with my feelings. Words cannot express how I felt after having this dream, my heart was racing. (Will do this in the form of x reader coz damn)
That day was a tragedy, a devastation to yourself and everyone who knew you. No one could have foreseen such a thing and, yet, a heavy blame was taken upon the two men who had cared for you most. You were all fresh into beginning your careers as heroes, barely a year out of graduation, and it didn't last long for you. Somehow, a group of especially dangerous villains had managed to get the jump on you. They beat you to a pulp and took you into capture, falling out of the radar and becoming completely invisible to anyone who may have had a chance to save you.
You were held in captivity for almost two years. Two years. They tormented and verbally degraded you to no end. To say it was torture was an understatement. You may as well have been crucified and left to hang amongst the vultures awaiting the sweet, bitter end to life. Unfortunately, these monsters were not merciful creatures. At first, they attempted to coax information out of you, seeing if they could unlock all of the inner workings of the pro heroes and utilise this for their nefarious deeds. When it became clear that you weren't so easily broken, they decided that you would make a decent venting dolly. You sought to escape once.
"That was a big mistake... hero."
Due to your weakened state, they quite easily recaptured you and they were not happy. They could have just killed you. Part of you wishes they did. No. Instead, they opted for a more fitting punishment: they took away your quirk. More ridicule and abuse is all that followed, is all you had to keep your wavering sanity occupied.
You felt close to your end.
An eventual rescue tore you away from your imprisonment but at what cost? You couldn't even discern the reality from a nightmare at that point. Your saviours, some heroes on the other side of the country, made sure that you were immediately admitted to a hospital. The physical wounds were in need of major attention but the mental scars ran so much deeper.
It probably would have been easy enough to call all of your friends, to ask for help from a familiar face, but a chain would heavy your hand any time you'd reach for the phone. You couldn't even bring yourself to call your two favourite boys.
With months of gruelling therapy out of the way, you now have a home - a new home - that you can call yours and a typical civilian job to keep the money coming in. You may be somewhat established back into society but you are merely a shell of what once was, a sauntering after image of the person you used to be. It had taken countless sessions just to counter your agoraphobia but a slithery vine is quick to entangle your spine any time you choose to leave your home. The darned thing clenches and digs its thorns in, threatening to jolt your head into a spasm but you always fight the urge.
That day wasn't much different. To begin with, at least.
After your usual mental prepping and throwing your cap on, you take the leap of faith from your doorstep and trudge along for your weekly grocery run. All in all, it seemed it was going to be fairly standard; weave in and out of people, make no eye contact, get the goods, and go home. It wasn't like it was late on your way back either but, with the winter season, that night was soon rolling in. You notice another set of footsteps trailing behind you, which certainly isn't helping. It could just be that pesky paranoia settling in but this person has been hot on your tail for a few minutes now. Still having some streets to go, you curse your blunder in not choosing a location more in-city. In an attempt to get home faster without displaying your fear, you ever so slightly pick up the pace. The individual appears to do the same and you are ready to run. The muscles in your calves tighten in anticipation of a quick escape.
That's when it happened: a chance encounter that reduced you to tears.
"Hey!" an all-too-familiar voice beckons from behind you.
Anxiety prickles your skin for different reasons than before. There's no way it's him. Surely not.
Oh, but it is.
The great hero Dynamight had been making his rounds in the city, keeping an astute eye out for anything amiss but also for you. It may seem outlandish for him to still be looking for you after almost three years but this is Bakugo. He's not one to give up. That's probably why he's grown more calloused in this time. He hasn’t been able to heal. To move on. The night still haunts him though he never lets that show. His cold heart had grown even heavier and colder since that day. He barely says a word - more so than usual. The man eats at himself over the whole situation. What could he have done differently? Is there actually anything he could have actually done? If he can’t even save a comrade, a person he cares so deeply about, is he even worthy of the title of hero? Perhaps that is another driving force to keep searching for you. It may seem crazy but at least he hasn't lost his hope. Not like they did. How could they all just assume you dead like that? How could they give up on a friend? A fellow pro hero? Not him. Not ever and nor Kirishima. That redhead, as much of an idiot as he may be, is the only one who stuck by Bakugo's headstrong tenacity over the years. He shakes the thoughts from his head for about the umpteenth time just that day alone.
It seemed as though it would be another afternoon of quiet. One might say that's a nice change of pace but some individuals like to be kept busy. Bakugo stopped for one of his annoying fans when he caught a flash from the corner of his eye. It almost looked like... no. It couldn't be. Wait... is it? His gaze has never once failed him before. The calls of the young boy were lost to him, his feet moved without his consent. He'd recognise that stupid hat anywhere. It wasn't even a matter of questioning the legitimacy before he was practically tailgating the unsuspecting individual. It didn't take long until it was just the two of them walking along the darkening street. His heart hasn’t beat this hard since that terrible day. He shakes his head, almost grows angry. What if it is you? What will he do? A deep breath. Just keep focusing on the task at hand - one that seems to be slipping from him the longer this cat-and-mouse chase drags out. His tracks aren't exactly subtle given how the freshly falling snow crunches and groans beneath his weight. The speed picks up and he knows he has to say something before his "prey" runs off. He has opened and closed his mouth several times to speak up to her but he backs out every time. Goddamnit Bakugo just say something. He growls to himself and closes his eyes. His fists clench beneath his gauntlets. He can’t believe he is about to do this. He must be crazy.
Finally, somehow managing to find his own voice, he calls out. "Hey!"
He didn't know what else to say. He didn't want to call out that name in case his assumption was wrong. The figure stops and slowly turns around to face him. Bakugo stares a moment longer before slowly walking over to get a closer look. His heart punches against his ribcage when he's no more than a meter in front of that familiar face. There have been some changes, of course, but he would recognise those eyes anywhere - your eyes. He looks back and forth between them before letting out a deep sigh and shaking his head. He closes his eyes and rests a hand on her shoulder, an action that is hesitant but proves the reality of your existence at this moment. All he can do is keep his eyes closed as everything tries to catch up to him. Eventually, he takes in a deep sigh and slowly looks up at you. His expression holds a mixture of sad and relived and some exhaustion like he just got done with a war.
"How long, (Y/n)?"
At first, you haven't a clue what he's talking about until it hits you like a steel pipe to the cheek. You had gotten so caught up in the situation, Katsuki Bakugo slowly trailing towards you with an unease you had never witnessed in him before. Not like this. A million and one thoughts spurry around your head but, at the same time, you are also completely blank. Crimson eyes pierce right into your soul, attempting to coerce your tongue for the words but still nothing. You can't help the nausea in your stomach when it dawns on you just how mad he may get. You already envision the blade of his teeth slicing through you.
"They... I was discharged from a hospital in Hachinohe almost... almost four months ago."
It all comes down on him like a sack of bricks. Understandably, he is pissed - unequivocally burning in damnation of the truth that you are alive and have been roaming the streets for so many months and against his knowledge no less. It doesn't matter if he had been in the middle of a battle; he would have been there for you in a heartbeat. Growing more painful, he rubs at the migraine pounding against his temples. He wipes his forehead as if making up for the fact that there are no tears to dry. He doesn't know how to cry right now. The pressure and strain amidst his palms shake his nerves to no end.
"And you didn't call?!" he screams over his crackling throat. "I would have come for you! We would have come for you!"
How could you call? You were so sure that everyone was better off without you, that you weren't needed in their lives. By the time you had been freed, everyone had become more well-established heroes in society. They don't need you. They moved on. That's how you thought of it, at least. Your attempted explanation of this only angers him further but he breathes past the frustration when he realises how worked up you're getting. What happened to you for you to think such awful things?
"I'm not sure where you got this narrative of not being needed," he sighs and looks away. "Do you have any idea what it has been like without you, dumbass?"
The old nickname slips off his tongue so naturally. He'd always call everyone an idiot, stupid, nerd ironically enough, but dumbass? That was reserved for you and for you only, so for it to be said - to be heard - after two years breaks you.
It had been quite a sight, watching you crumble down to the snow-covered floor. He had knelt down, waiting for you to calm down enough to form coherent sentences again. As cohesive as you could against the waves of rainfall spilling from your face, anyway. When things had eventually calmed, he took you back to your apartment and gave you the chance to speak. You managed to tell him little about what you had been through. Each sentence dwindled beneath the weighing sickness that bubbled in your throat any time you tried to get into detail. One thing really stood out to Bakugo, however. He envisioned the mass murder of those bastards for having done this to you, for rendering you quirkless and making you believe such self-deprecating lies.
That was two days ago. Bakugo insisted on you staying around his just to keep an eye on you. You know better than to refuse his help and it's for his own piece of mind as well as yours. He even took the liberty of calling off work for the rest of the week just to make sure you're okay. He never does that, which is probably why a certain redhead is standing at his door, wide-eyed, gawking at you. Once he had caught wind of Bakugo's absence at the agency, he raced over to make sure everything was okay. He could have never anticipated seeing you. The two of you stare at one another, unable to say anything. You take a stand and open your mouth to say something, anything, but the wind is pushed from your lungs when Kirishima gulps you up into his arms. He cries. God, this man cries and sobs with no yield as he just holds you. Restraints don't appear to exist anymore and you spill again, clutching onto him with unceremonious content. He doesn't ask any questions and just weeps into your shoulder, fearing the worst if he were to let go.
Everyone else had assumed you were dead. Why wouldn't they? After two, almost three, years, why would you believe a person to still be alive? Not them. They kept looking, searching, and scouring every last mineral in this damn country to try and find you. Now they have you back in their lives? They swear by All-Might that you will be waited on, pampered, loved, and cared for until they see the remnants of your old self again. It will take time but they waited this long for you, right?
No time in the world is more worth it.
It's probably worth mentioning that I could very clearly hear the chorus to Childish Gambino's song 'Heartbeat' when Kirishima went in for the hug and now it's stuck in my head.
I should also probably work more on WSA but I think I need to do a few one-shots just to get me back in the groove. I hope you enjoyed and sorry if it feels a bit rushed in some areas :')
Did I proof read it? Unfortunately not.
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reneethekraken · 2 years
Read this last night and I really enjoyed it. Surprisingly because its really different than what i read, but I still gave it a chance. 18+ ONLY content! minors and empty blogs do NOT interact!! IF YOUR AGE ISNT IN YOUR BIO I WILL BLOCK YOU.
A Place Made For You
Reader x Izuku Midoriya x Shoto Todoroki x Katsuki Bakugou x Eijirou Kirishima
Word count: 73,400, complete
CONTENT WARNING ⚠️: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, omega!reader, finding a pack, Pack Dynamics, Lactation Kink, Adult Breastfeeding, Cunnilingus, AFAB reader - FreeformReader Has a Water Quirk (My Hero Academia), Service with a smile, everyone needs something different, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, rim jobs, Nesting, Breeding Kink, Hand Feeding, the author offers no apologyget excited cause it's gonna get weird, Marriage Contracts, Arranged Marriage
You are broke and out of options. Approaching the matchmaking agency, you turn yourself in to be set into a contract with an Alpha pack to be their Omega. You will do and be whatever it is that they need. In return, you will be fed, housed, and paid. There's always the safety clause, and you can always leave. When the contract is over, you're free to go.
And that's just what you'll want to do.... right?
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dadzawa-vibes · 3 months
Bakugou: *aggressively throws water bottles*
Y/N: Uh... what's up with them?
Mina: They're trying to yell mental health and wellbeing into us.
Kirishima, crying: It's working.
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mistressreaper · 10 months
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Imagine pro hero Kiri and Kats retiring to their apartment after a hard day waiting for you to drop by with the take out you promised them. As they’re waiting they have a conversation about you; they talk about how soft your skin is, how bright your eyes are, the sweet scent of your hair after you get out of the shower. They both knew they needed to do something about their crush on you, coming to the conclusion that they’ll need a taste of dessert after dinner😉
Photo credit to Pinterest
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A/N ::: This is my first time writing a threesome. And I thought who better to do it with than KiriBaku and F!Reader. I hope it doesn't suck. Let me know! Thanks for checking this out, you guys.
C/W ::: Threesome (KiriBaku + F!Reader), F!Reader slightly spies on the two of them, nearly invisible coercion, Oral {M->F and a little later {F->M}, unprotected sex P->V, pulling out & cumming on F! back, F!'s first time with 2 men at the same time. I can't imagine a bad time would be had by anyone who's with these 2, aged up characters, Kiri is 25 and Kats is around there (I don't know how close they are in age canonically, so deal? Or tell me =). If I missed anything, grammatically or warning wise, let me know and I'll fix it. Thanks, hope you all enjoy this!
WC ::: 4,101
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You stood there like a hypnotized idiot, staring at the 2 men as they talked over the picnic table at their campsite.
They noticed your attention. They noticed the first time, the third time. The twelfth time. And whatever number this time was.
You wondered if they were there together together. The way that they fed each other little bites of fruit at breakfast had you thinking. Had you hoping if you were being honest. Not that it'd make a difference. You were over here and they were over there.
The guys waved at you, smiling, laughing at your blank stare.
What they (probably) didn't know is that you were imagining what it would be like to be bent over the table they were eating at. Fucked by either one of them and sucking on the cock of the one who wasn't fucking you. You thought you were being discreet. Isn't that always what you think when you're lost in a daydream?
One of them had gotten up from the table and took a less direct route to where you were standing next to the tree. You were so focused on the blonde that you didn't notice the redhead coming up behind you.
The dazed look on your face was so cute, your finger stuck between your teeth and your thighs clenched together, adjusting your stance to create some friction from your jeans on your puffy clit. It was becoming unbearable. You turned to head back to your site and climb inside of your sleeping bag to ease the nagging of your cunt.
"Hi?" You nearly jumped out of your skin at the word. "OH ... oh my god. Hi. Sorry. There's just a little family of gray squirrels um, the other side of your camp. And I've been w-watchin' 'em." You tried. Your face was scrunched up as you forced yourself to lie to the redhead.
The man laughed. "Squirrels, huh. Yeah, gray squirrels are cute ... or whatever. Um, my friend and I thought maybe you were staring at us and we were going to invite you over to sit with us. If you wanted? Are you ... are you here by yourself? My name is Eijiro ... Kirishima. You can call me Kiri, though.
You smile and nod. "Yeah? I mean, yeah. I'd like that. I am here alone. 'S not much fun out here without some company." Kirishima turns to walk and leads the way to his camp where the blonde is sitting.
He doesn't look as friendly as Kirishima. But you've been known to have bad judgment before. So you give him a chance and you approach him with a sweet little smile and extend your hand. He doesn't do anything but take it and pull you down onto the bench of the picnic table between his spread legs.
"Pretty little mouth you got there." The blonde says. "Good call, Kiri." Kiri smiles and puffs his chest out playfully. "She does have a sweet lookin' little mouth, huh, Kats?" He asked.
Kirishima sits in front of you and reaches out to brush your hair away from your neck. He leans in and whispers in your ear, "So, what are you into?" You're taken aback by the question and unsure of how to answer it. "What ... what do you mean?" You stammer. "Camping? Mmm, I come out here sometimes when I have to get some clarity." You look at the blonde. "I didn't catch your name?"
Bakugo smirks. "Katsuki. Bakugo. And he wasn't asking whether or not you like camping ner--" He was interrupted by Kiri.
"Kats! Play nice with our new friend. Kirishima put his face back down against your skin and took a soft breath in. "Hohhh shit, man, she smells real pretty, too."
Katsuki brushes the hair aside from behind you and lines his nose up with the soft, warm spot on your neck just below your ear. "You're right. Pretty. Like ... like fucking vanilla and cinnamon. And like before sex." You swallow hard and Kirishima moves his head back to look at you. "See? He thinks so, too." The two men look back at each other and nod at some unspoken exchange that took place between them just seconds ago.
"You know," Katsuki said, "we were really hoping to run into someone out here this weekend. His hands were hot as they sat on your shoulders, occasionally giving you a little squeeze. Trying to reiterate their intentions.
"F-find some-someone? For what?" You asked. The sky was getting dark and the wind was picking up. "Why were you guys looking for someone?"
They both huffed a little breath through their noses and Kirishima said, "Fffor ..." he kissed the left side of your neck. Katsuki finished his sentence, "thisss." His lips found their way to the right side of your neck. They felt a little dry against your skin. But the heat coming off of them was undeniable. You try to close the space between one side of your neck but all that does is open up further for the other side to be touched.
"Smells s'good, fuck." Katsuki mutters to himself.
You let out a squeak as the situation settled into your brain. "O- oh. Oh! For that. I ... *aheh* I ... Ok."
No sooner had you finished figuring that out than a rumble of thunder spread through the atmosphere. It startled you so badly that you jumped back against Katsuki's chest and pulled Eijiro closer to you, his chest to yours. "Jesus fuck!" You yelled. "I h- thunder scares me sometimes. If I'm outside, anyway.
"Thunder scares you?" Kirishima asked.
You nodded, "Mhm, ever since I was a kid. I know it can't hurt me. But just the idea that the only tangible thing about is sound, I dunno. It fucks with my head."
Kirishima stood and pulled your hand, his eyes asking you to join him. You watched him as he tilted his head to their tent, urging Katsuki to guide you up and over there with him and you. Katsuki stood and took your other hand and they smiled at you as they gently brought you closer to where they had set everything up.
You weren't exactly resisting their guidance. But your feet were heavy as you plodded over with them. They were walking plenty fast enough to get all of you over there.
"This is us." Kirishima said. Katsuki began to unzip the door and he held it open for the two of you to walk in.
The tent was more like a tiny cabin; there was a little space just inside where shoes could be taken off and left there so no dirt would be tracked around in the sleeping area.
Once the three of you were in, the 2 guys took their shirts off and tossed them aside onto the bed. Kirishima motioned for you to come over to him and you walked there like you had no choice in the matter. Like he willed you there. And so it was.
He raised his arms out and put his hands on your shoulders. Tilting his chin down, he looked up at you through heavy lashes. "You ever been with 2 guys before, pretty girl?" Closing the space between you, he rubbed his nose against yours and flashed you a perfect smile. It brought up a heat in your stomach. You didn't know if you were nervous or excited. Nauseous or getting aroused.
"Don't be stupid, loser! She wouldn't be here if she didn't know what was going on!" Katsuki yelled.
"Excuse my friend ... he's always in a bad mood." Kirishima said as he glared over your shoulder at him. You nod and roll the edge of your hoodie between your finger and thumb.
Katsuki took the opportunity to pull you back against his bare chest and wrap his arms around you. "You're so cute. So much smaller than me." He laughed. "So soft." He whispered into your ear as he ran his hands over your waist, stomach and thighs. "Don't be afraid of us. We promise we're not gonna hurt'cha. Maybe stretch you out some ---"
"Bakugo! Don't scare her!" Kirishima tried to get his brazen friend back in line once again, but he had a smile on his face all the same.
You took the time while they had another quiet exchange to really look around. There was some kind of thick mattress under the 2 sleeping bags that had been zipped together to make one large one. You briefly counted 6 pillows. "You guys like pillows." You laughed for the first time since being brought here.
"Mhm, pillows = comfort. Speaking of comfort, you pretty little thing, why don't we get you more comfortable. May ... may I take your sweatshirt?" Kirishima asked as he rolled his thick fingers just under the hem of the piece of clothing you'd grown accustomed to fidgeting with. You put your arms up over your head so he could pull it off.
Kirishima stepped back for a moment and admired your body in your tank top and jeans. He had a smile on his face as he watched your breasts rise with each shallow breath you took. He pulled his eyes away and turned to Katsuki. "I think that's a good start." Bakugo said.
"I think so." Kirishima looked back at you with a little wink. "What d'you think, pretty? You good with us taking your hoodie off? You look real good ... real good to us. Isn't that right, Kats?" Kirishima asked him.
Katsuki nodded and walked up to you. He put his hands on your shoulders and tilted his head down to look you in the eyes. "We want you to feel good. To feel comfortable. You think you can do that for us? We just wanna have some fun." He shot a half smile at you and put his hand out for Kirishima to come over to him.
He walked to Katsuki and took his outstretched hand and stood close to him. Kirishima looked down at him and put his left hand on the back of his head, pulling him in for a slow, exaggerated kiss. You could see their tongues wrapping around each other.
"Mhmph ..." You exhaled a whine that was full of breath you didn't realize you'd been holding back. You hadn't noticed until you saw their tongues swirling around each other, but you were incredibly turned on. Your clit was throbbing and the wetness that had been slowly forming in your panties was becoming uncomfortable.
The two men pulled back from their kiss and smiled at you, their heads still touching. "We can make you feel so good." Katsuki whispered to you. "Do you want to? Do you want to have some fun and learn some new things?"
Kirishima got down on his knees and put his hands on the buttons of your jeans. "Is this ok, just gonna take your jeans off, yeah?" Kirishima asked you. You nodded. It was all you could do. You didn't want to talk and ruin the moment. You wanted to be quiet and watch as they slowly peeled off your clothing like you were a present they'd been waiting for.
Katsuki pulled the elastic waist of your tank top out and over your breasts, letting it fall back against you. He reached behind your back and unclasped your bra, letting it fall to the floor. Kirishima pulled down your jeans and panties and said, "Looks like she wants to." He kissed your thighs, letting his lips trail over your goosebump ridden skin.
"Are you cold, pretty? Let's go climb into the sleeping bag." Katsuki said.
It wasn't that you were cold, necessarily. But you had never felt so exposed in front of someone. Let alone 2 people. And yet, you had never felt so at ease. It was a strange combination.
Katsuki took your hand and led you to the sleeping bags. He lifted the flap and stepped back, nodding for you to go inside. You crawled in and situated yourself on the plush mattress, watching as the removed their pants, staying in just their boxers. The guys climbed in on either side of you.
You laid on your back, hands at your sides. You didn't know what to do with them having only been with 1 person at a time before this. They got settled on their sides, heads in their hands, watching you. Waiting for you.
Kirishima leaned over your tits and pulled Katsuki in for another kiss. Their eyes were locked on each other as they did so.
It was erotic. You had never seen two people kiss like this before. Katsuki had his hand on Kirishima's shoulder, his fingers squeezing the muscle there with each brush of their lips.
"Kiri, you wanna taste her?" Bakugo asked.
Kirishima nodded. "Yeah, yeah I do." He lowered himself down onto his stomach and scooted closer over to you. His face was between your legs, his eyes looking up at you as he brought his hand up and pushed your thighs apart. "Mmm, fuck, so wet for us already?" He asked. He dipped his finger into your folds and ran it up to your clit. "So wet, Kats. You wanna see?" Kirishima asked.
He pulled his finger out of you and held it out for Katsuki to suck on. "Yeah, so sweet. So fucking sweet, Kiri." You couldn't help but arch your back and push yourself down closer to Kirishima's fingers. They were just out of reach, though. "Kats, she's following my fingers. Watch ..." Kirishima said. He dipped a finger just inside your cunt and swirled it around the entrance.
The way you reacted to him caught Bakugo's attention almost immediately. You could hear how wet you'd gotten and the moan you let leave your lips was nothing short of filthy. And the sound your pussy made against his hand made you even wetter.
Katsuki crawled over you and propped himself up on his elbows above you, his face directly above yours. "Look at me." He said. "I want to see what you look like when you come. Kiri's gonna make sure you cum. But your eyes will stay on me. Got it, princess?" Katsuki asked you.
You nodded and whispered, "Yes." It occurred to you that you haven't really spoken since you got into the tent. Did you even tell them your name? You honestly couldn't remember and you honestly didn't care. You were responding to their little pet names for you marvelously.
Kirishima lowered himself back down and put his tongue flat against your clit, letting it move up and down. He flicked it against the sensitive bundle of nerves and then swirled it around it.
Bakugo lowered himself down and brought his lips to yours. He dipped his tongue inside of your mouth, finding yours, as Kirishima brought you closer to the edge of an orgasm. Katsuki brought his hand down and swiped a finger across your nipple, flicking it, sending shockwaves of pleasure to your cunt.
"Mmmph, mmmhmmmph" You moaned into Bakugo's mouth.
"Shhh, shh, pretty. I wanna hear you. Let me hear you come." Bakugo whispered as he pulled back from your mouth.
Kirishima wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked, flicking his tongue back and forth rapidly. Bakugo watched as you writhed around, grinding yourself against Kirishima's face. Covering him with your slick as Katsuki put your hands on the back of Kiri's head so you could push him further into your dribbling cunt.
He was doing so perfectly on his own that all you could bring your hands to do was grab ahold of his hair and tug on it a little. He needed no guidance whatsoever.
Your body tensed up. Katsuki knew what was happening. He pulled your chin towards him and looked deep into your eyes. "Keep 'em open, baby. I wanna watch you."
Kirishima sucked harder and flicked his tongue faster. He inserted two of his fingers and began to pump them in and out of you. Dragging them over and over your walls. The sensations filling your body and the noises filling the air, all were bringing you over the edge.
You looked at Katsuki as best you could. Your eyes screwed shut at the height of your orgasm. "That's right, princess. Good girl. Just like that." He smiled. "Awesome, Kiri." Katsuki said. He ran his hand through Kirishima's hair, roughing it up a bit.
You laid there against Katsuki, panting. Kirishima had scooted up next to you, his face still wet with your juices. He kissed your neck and whispered in your ear, "So fucking sweet. Thank you for letting us play with you. You're so pretty. We just had to, baby."
Katsuki sat up and adjusted himself to sit up against the pillows. He pulled you up onto his chest and Kirishima scooted up behind you. His chest against your back. You could feel his cock hard against your ass. It was so hard, so big.
Katsuki tilted his head down and kissed you, running his tongue across your lips. You opened your mouth and his tongue was pushing its way into your mouth.
"Look at me, pretty." Katsuki said as he pulled back. You looked up at him. "You still want us?" He asked. You nodded. "You want us to fuck you, pretty baby? Let you feel us 'n let us feel you?" Katsuki asked. You nodded again. "Say it. Say you want us to fuck you."
"I want you to fuck me." You whispered. "Please." You added, meekly.
"Say no more." Katsuki pulled his boxers off and revealed his cock. It was big. Thick. You couldn't help but reach out and wrap your hand around it, stroking it.
You leaned down and brought your lips to it, kissing the head before opening your mouth and taking it in. "Mmmmph!" You moaned as Katsuki put his hand on the back of your head and pushed himself further into your throat. "Already breathin' through her nose. What a good girl you - ah fuck - are."
You pulled back and stroked him, twisting your hand as you did. "She's got a nice little mouth, Kats. Don't you think?" Kirishima asked. "She looks so pretty with your cock in her mouth." He added.
"Hey," Kirishima scooted down and pulled off his boxers, revealing his hard, throbbing cock. You could see the precum leaking out of the tip. "Can I fuck you now, pretty girl?" Kirishima asked, looking down at you, smiling and stroking himself at a lazy pace. "You look so good down there with Kats' cock in your mouth. I want to make you feel good, too."
You looked over your shoulder at Kirishima, nodding. You spread your legs and Kirishima positioned himself behind you. He squeezed your ass and he pushed himself into your dripping cunt. You could feel him stretching you out, filling you up. Your pussy looked so pretty with Kirishima moving in and out of you. The slick glistening on him in the shadowy light of the afternoon.
He pushed himself all the way in, bottoming out inside of you, his hips pressed against your ass. "Fffuuuuck ... oh, oh shit." Kirishima began to laugh and you looked up at Katsuki to see if this was typical behavior of his when he's fucking someone. He tilted his head to the left and watched himself disappear in your body. "I - hooo shit - did we … did we even get your name?"
"Mmmm, yeah, pretty girl. You never told us your name." Katsuki said, reaching out and running his thumb across your lips. You opened your mouth and sucked on it, swirling your tongue around it. "Tell us your name, baby." He said.
You let Katsuki's thumb out of your mouth and said, "Y/n. It's y/n."
"Well, hello, y/n. It's nice to ... have met you? Meet you? It's nice to have you here with us today." Katsuki said, fumbling for the right words as you ran your hand up and down his cock.
"Mhm, mhm, s'nice to meet you both, t- ... fuck, too. Heh, sorry. Just feels so damn good what Kiri's doing back there."
Kiri smiled at Kats and gave him a smug look. "You hear that, Kats? I feel so damn good back here." Kats flipped him off and rolled his eyes. "Whatever, shitty hair. I could make her brain come pourin' out of her ears. So shut the hell up." He said laughing.
The three of you continued to fuck like that, the tent filling up with the sound of your moans and the smell of sex. You could feel yourself getting close to coming again. Katsuki knew, he could see it all over your face; the way your eyes stayed shut for longer and longer amounts of time. How your mouth would hang open. Down to the turn of your head when Kiri hit those magical little spots inside of you.
"You close, pretty?" Katsuki asked. You nodded. "Me, too, pretty girl. Me, too."
You came. Hard. Your walls tightened around Kirishima's cock, forcing him to pull out of you and cum on your back, your ass. "Hohhh fuckshitfuck! Almost didn't make it there!" He laughed as he patted your ass cheeks and watched them bounce back against his palms.
You worked Kats’ dick through your second orgasm, bringing him to his first. Your mouth, ever diligent around his wide cock, sucking and slurping on it, minding your hand placement. Katsuki's cock began to throb harder and twitch against your lips and fingers. "You ready, pretty girl? You ready for me to cum in your mouth? Huh, princess?" You nodded and opened your mouth, holding your tongue out for him to cum on.
"Awwwh, fuck ... yeah. Good girl. Good girl. There you go. Oh shit ... oh shit." Katsuki watched you, your mouth, your eyes, his cum dripping down your chin. "Oh my god. Fuck, that was good. That was good." He smiled and pulled you up to his chest.
The 3 of you laid there, breathing hard and enjoying the afterglow of a good fuck.
"We're gonna have to do this again." Katsuki said.
"For sure. You were amazing, pretty. So good." Kirishima said as he ran his hand up and down your curvy sides and back. "So soft."
"So fucking sweet." Bakugo added. "Thank you for playing with us." He kissed the top of your head.
You didn't know what to say. It was all so overwhelming. You didn't want to go, either. But it felt awkward to impose yourself on their time together out here. So you said your goodbyes, dressed yourself, and headed back to your campsite, where you climbed into your tent and slept until the sun cycled through once again.
You didn't see Katsuki or Kirishima the next day. But you heard them from their tent. Moaning and talking loudly. It made you smile. It made you miss them. You hoped that they were enjoying one another. Maybe you'd find them again before you all left.
And now, you had a newfound love for camping. And you had a newfound love for being used by two hot guys who wanted nothing but to make you feel good and feel good with you. So maybe you'd come back with a plan. A plan to find them and bring them back to your little campsite, where you could lay under the stars and learn a little more about each other. Learn a little more about how you can make each other feel.
That sounded nice. And you could only hope that they would think so, too. After all, there were a lot of days left in the season and you didn't have anything better to do.
The sun woke you up the next morning. The leftover raindrops on the top of your tent looked so pretty, casting almost prism like lights across the small space. You rolled your sleeping bag down and crawled over to unzip the door. Stepping out, you stretched. For the first time in a long time you felt like you were actually breathing.
You looked over at where the guys' site was, but it was empty. "Damn." Turning back to your little spot, you noticed a plastic bag with a piece of paper in it, stashed between two small rocks.
"Hey pretty,
Thanks for playing with us.
Give either one of us a call if you want to reconnect. 
Kats wants to fuck you this time so he’s really hoping you’ll call. 
Later, princess 
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Taglist ::: @callm3senpaii @millennialmagicalgirl @darkstarlight82
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crowentity233 · 6 months
Kirishima drabble... he is an NFL player who just happens to land the front cover of a magazine, and Bakugo just can't help but drool over him secretly.
Slight NSFW 🔞 with Kirishima NSFW visual!!!
"Have you seen that new Modern Magazine?" Mina asked Denki, who sat across the table in the local bar.
"I haven't..." Denki trailed. "I have a feeling you're going to show me." His arm was around the wild violet haired man who couldn't seem less interested in Mina's abrupt change in conversation.
Mina grinned wickedly while pulling the magazine from her bottomless purse. Getting caught in the rolled up pages, a rouge chapstick fell across the table at the sudden slap. The chapstick rolled across the tabletop, finding the arm of the drunken blonde. His normal aggressive anger was subdued by the alcohol in his veins. His eyebrow lifted and grabbed the chapstick, inspecting it. "The fuck are you throwing shit for pinky?"
The music in the bar flowed. Some stupid heart broken melody played from the jukebox. His eyes lifted as her voice annoyingly announced the reason for the disturbance in his people watching. "What do you think?" She tapped the latest cover of Modern. The music softened around bakugou... even drunk, he kept his scowl. It was a perfect pokerface, while his mind played scenarios of those gray boxers hitting the floor.
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foreverlilmeowmeow · 2 years
The Snow Didn't Bother Him Anyway... (Kiribaku x Reader)
So this is the first time I'm writing a polyamorous relationship story so sorry if it seems one sided. I've been contemplating if I should post this anywhere and since a lot of you liked my Junkrat x Reader story I thought I would try this... So enjoy!
Summary: The reader is worried about Bakugo being out in the cold. It was snowing a lot more than normal and hoped that their boyfriend would make it home to them safely
Warnings: None that I thought of, but if you think there should be warnings please don't hesitate to tell me !
Words: 1700
“There you are… I was wondering if you were out with the girls or moping around the apartment like you usually do when Bakubro is usually out on patrol. What are you doing up Pebble?” Kirishima asked as you were staring out the window watching the snowfall as this was what you did most nights when Bakugo was out patrolling alone.
“I couldn’t sleep.” You replied, looking over your shoulder as you sighed, glancing back at the frozen window that sat before you, “I’m worried that Bakugo will struggle tonight and not being there to help out worries me that he won't come home… Will he come home tonight?”
Kirishima looked at you and then looked out the window as well. The snow was a bit thicker than when Bakugo left but for some odd reason Mr. Positivity struck him and he nodded, gripping his fists tight together with a smile, “Of course he’ll come home! Its Bakugo! He’s too manly to not come home.” He said as he sat down beside you pulling you into his lap and snuggling you tight. He smelt clean, cleaner than normal. He smelt like cedar wood and cinnamon. Almost as if he was wearing Bakugo’s cologne just to have that comfort of his and your boyfriend around. 
You sighed, “I hope he does. The bed feels empty when he or you aren’t in it and even if one of you is in it with me, there’s still that side of me that feels cold because I’m used to you both sleeping with me.” 
Kirishima nodded, “I know Pebble, but trust me. He will come home. If not I’ll go look for him and bring him home so you're not sad anymore. We hate when our Pebble is sad.” he said as that got you to smile just a little bit. Your eyes were still scanning the weather outside as you knew cold was Bakugo’s enemy. It made his quirk not work as quickly and honestly it worried you that maybe just maybe he would lose because the weather decided to take his quirk away from him. 
“Shit! Of course it had to snow today.. Why didn’t anyone warn me?!” Bakugo grumbled as he was out patrolling for the day. He and Denki had gotten partnered to patrol downtown, but for some odd reason Denki split off so it was just Bakugo roaming the streets questioning if he should head home early or if he should continue walking the streets of Japan hoping he could at least get one more job done before calling it a night. The snow coming down in thicker flakes as the snow did look pretty, he could admit that, but with how his hands froze every time he stood still it made them hurt and crack almost as if he was being faced with mother nature herself.
“Someone stop him! He stole my purse!” someone shouted a block away as he gripped his hands and jetted off in the direction he heard the cry. A woman in her late fifties had gotten her purse stolen and for some odd reason Bakugo was the closest hero around to save her. His hands hurting from the cold as he jetted faster chasing the villain as he jumped mid air and landed, knees digging, into the person that stole the elderly woman’s bag.
“Oh, thank you! Thank you!” The elderly woman smiled as dug in her bag and pulled out what could only be a piece of cinnamon candy and handed it to him as if to give him a reward for getting her bag, “I know it's not much, but I hope it’s enough to say thanks for getting my bag back.” 
“Tch, I don’t need your stupid candy, ma’am, I’m just doing my job.” Bakugo said as he took it anyway trying his best to interact with his fans a bit more or even those he’s saved.
“Well, thank you, it means a lot to me. This bag was given to me from my great-great-great-grandmother and I would hate to lose such a precious gift. You did an amazing job, young fellow.” The woman said as Bakugo rolled his eyes and then sighed looking down at his phone that he had subconsciously pulled it out of his pocket while the woman was going on and on about how special this bag was to her. 
Shitty Hair: Hey just checking in… Pebble is getting worried you wont make it home in time and was wondering how patrol is going.. I know you usually don’t check your phone during patrol as often as I do, but I just wanted to check in and make sure you were still alive and kickin’. I know how bad the snow can be and I just… hate seeing Pebble upset. So… text me you can okay, babe?
Bakugo rolled his eyes, always worrying about others and never about himself. Bakugo thought as he jetted off again, this time stopping a criminal robbing a bank and another at a gas station not too far from where he first started his patrol. The day practically slipped away as when he checked his phone again he didn’t realize it was nearing two in the morning and that he went over his usual patrol time. 
“Shit, now I’m really gonna hear it from them aren’t I?” Bakugo mumbled to himself as he headed back to the agency to change and then head home to hopefully fill in the answers on why he was late. His heart pounding in his chest as he hated upsetting the both of you. You were always understanding as you knew how important it was to Bakugo to be the number one hero, but to know that he would always come home to you and Kirishima no matter what the cost was. He loved you both that much. 
“I’m home…” Bakugo whispered shouted as Kirishima pressed his finger to his lips as if to tell the loud one at the door to be quiet. You, now asleep on Kirishima’s lap, had spent most of the night watching the door while the tv played quietly in the background. Kirishima checked his phone every now and again as when he did decide to text Bakugo he saw that you were fighting sleep and that it was okay for you to pass out now and would be woken once your’s and his’ boyfriend had returned home. Your body curled to the redhead that when Bakugo looked down and saw this snapped a photo and smiled happy to know that you had indeed gotten sleep and that when you awoke would get all the cuddles in the world from Bakugo knowing he had made it home safe. 
“How was the patrol babe?” Kirishima asked as he looked up at his lover with a golden smile.
“Long, I ended up going over time because backup didn’t show up on time. It sucked.” Bakugo said as he started removing his shoes knowing damn well Kirishima would not let him have the end of it if he saw how much snow was being dragged through the house already by Bakugo checking in on how you were doing.
“Awe, I’m sorry, wasn’t Denki suppose to be with you?” 
Bakugo nodded his head, “Yeah, but we got split off somehow and knowing him he ran off to go patrol with his girlfriend.” Bakugo said with a sigh. He plopped down on the couch and looked over at you. Your head in Kirishima’s lap as you looked peaceful sleeping, “How long did they wait? I bet they were exhausted…” 
“I wanna say they finally went to sleep around midnight? It was hard to tell because they kept dozing off while they were watching tv. But I assure you I made sure they fell asleep before you came home.” Kirishima said with a giant smile. 
“Good, I would hate to be the reason why they didn’t sleep. They need it.” Bakugo said as he decided to take you and place you in his lap. Kirishima slightly pouted as they were enjoying you in their lap while you were keeping him warm while they waited for Bakugo to get home.
“What are you going to do now? I’m sure you’re tired as well babe.” Kirishima said as he got up and stretched, flexing his muscles and groaning when all the bones that needed to be popped and his happy trail showing just above his jogging pants and Bakugo bit his lip trying to remain calm and not hop his boyfriend’s bones for a quickie.
“I’m gonna cuddle y/n for a little bit. I’m sure they were worried and knowing that I’m the one they wake up to is going to be a nice surprise instead of your loud ass who would probably end up throwing them off sometime throughout the night.” Bakugo said as Kirishima made a slight hurt sound and then sulked.
“I would never do such a thing! I can’t control what I do in my sleep!” Kirishima whined as Bakugo rolled his eyes and smirked.
“Whatever, Shitty Hair, just know that you don’t have to sleep in the bed alone tonight. You can always join the cuddle puddle if you really want too. There’s plenty of room on this couch for the three of us.” Bakugo said as Kirishima blushed.
“Sure, just let me run to the bathroom and grab a blanket for the three of us to share. I promise this won’t take long.” Kirishima said as he smiled and darted down the hall. He took maybe fifteen minutes before he finally came back out and saw that he was now carrying a blanket and a pillow and decided to turn the tv back out for background noise. The three of you now snuggled as when you did finally wake up you saw that both boys were with you and that even though you didn’t get to greet your boyfriend when he got home, finding out that he was here with you snuggled on the couch made your morning so much better. He was home and that was all that mattered.
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
First I would like to say that your writing is absolutely amazing!!! Second, I saw that requests are open. Could I request yandere kiribaku x male reader where he has a hard time expressing emotions? If not that’s completely fine! Take your time and I hope you have a good day/night!
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Warnings: yandere behavior
A/N: aww thank you!! I hope you enjoyed this. This was incredibly fun to write!
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Extremely patient and open with you. While Katsuki sometimes messes up and yells at you to hurry up, they both will try their hardest to make sure you feel heard and seen.
Katsuki understands you the best; he’s also used to not talking about his emotions and usually bottling them up. Kirishima has helped him open up throughout the years, to the point he gives clues whenever he’s having a hard time.
Both of them are very attentive to you, watching your body language and picking up on certain habits that subtly give them if you are overwhelmed or simply uncomfortable.
When they see negative body language, they will try to ask you questions or give you certain hand signals to ask if you need to leave.
If you do need to leave or have space to yourself, they will certainly give it to you. When dinner is ready, they knock at the door and leave it on the ground; simply leaving a note to remind yourself to stay hydrated. Until you feel okay to talk to them, they give you as much space.
Kirishima is a huge believer that people can open up with a bunch of positive influences, that being said, he will do everything in his power to make sure you feel comfortable and safe with him to tell him certain things.
Whether that's giving you positive compliments throughout the day, gifting stickers that have cliché sayings, or bringing a sketchbook with colorful pencils; he will carry the 'mom bag' if he has to.
Both of them will make sure to give you journals and bring them along places incase you need to write out your emotions if you can’t say them in person.
In all honesty, they are very supportive and extremely patient. They love you, even if you have a hard time showing it.
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking, stay well!!
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
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smutvcanime · 1 year
Talk about fuckin kryptonite.
Kirishima was only meant to visit his Bakubro to talk about work. That's all it was meant to be.
That walking firecracker just had to go and make a fucking meal. Not a big deal at first until Kirishima finds himself oggling his best friend from the stool. His arms and back muscles flex, shift, and calmly strain beneath the tight-fitting shirt. The sharp curves between tricep and torso have his head spinning.
It shouldn't be so surprising. They've been in battle against many villains and have even had sparring sessions that exhibit their strength, so why is it so captivating to watch now? It must have something to do with the lack of danger and how he's able to just sit and watch. Right now, he has front-row seats to the gloriously crafted man he's been (not-so) silently admiring for years.
Despite the seemingly calming setting, the rush of adrenaline has Kirishima's cock painfully throbbing against his pants. He only prays that it calms down before he has to stand next but he can't seem to get his head out of the gutter. He can't decide if he wants to watch those arms tense against the grip of bedsheets or if he wants to be held down by them. He can only imagine how those muscles would feel against his big hands. What he wouldn't give just to worship them with his touch.
"What's got you off in la la land?"
"Sorry!" Shit. Has he been caught out? Bakugo didn't even turn around! "Just thinking about the geographical profiling of that villain case, still."
Bakugo isn't stupid. They had already gone over potential hideout locations no more than a half hour ago. Not to mention, we all know how observant this man is. He could practically feel Kirishima's unshameful gaze burning into the back of him. He'd be lying if he said it didn't make his dick twitch, however. It makes him all the more thankful that his front is faced away.
His question is, why would the redhead be so transfixed on him?
Come on, Bakugo. Should you really be that shocked?
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Bet it's not just the liners that are hard, either.
(The dream scenario)
Bakugo: If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. Kirishima: How about the bedroom, instead? Bakugo: *silently screams in horny*
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crushmeeren · 1 year
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♡ Bakugou/Kirishima/Fem Reader
Everyone involved in this fic is aged up/18+
♡ Master List Link
Warnings; angst/comfort, vaginal sex, blow jobs, kissing, jealous/possessive Bakugou & Kirishima, cursing, bit of degradation, cream pie, mentions of being nauseous,
Note; I’m currently in the process of re-editing this entirely, so it may read and look funky until I’m done!
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You lean your elbows on the bar top in front of you, causally moving your head from side to side. Taking a moment you study your environment. The flashing lights are fucking blinding you. The base of the music is loud enough you can feel it rattling your rib cage. It’s a lot, and as you wait on your next shot, you think this may have been a mistake. All you wanted was to drink a bit, dance with your boyfriends, and head home before it’s too late. As this bullshit usually goes, that isn’t what happens.
You look down as you notice the bartender place your shot in front of you. You nod in thanks wrapping your fingers around the small glass. Standing up, you raise the liquid to your lips. You throw your head back as you down the shot. It’s gross. It threatens to come right back up— so you swallow fast, nose scrunching in disgust. It’s a lemon drop, which isn’t the worst, but it’s still alcohol.
Regardless of the sweetness, it still burns, making your stomach swirl nauseously. It tastes like an alcohol wipe and you shiver. Sitting the shot glass on the wooden counter top, you turn around and scan the room for your boyfriends, back leaning against the bar. It’s hard to see in the dimly lit, crowded room. You can feel your cheeks heat up, from the alcohol and from the atmosphere. The air is thick with the warmth radiating from all the dancing bodies.
You step away from the bar, standing on your tip toes for a second. You curse, because you’re too short and there’s too many damn people in here. You can’t spot the red head or the blonde anywhere. A flash of irritation runs through you and your lip tugs into a sneer. You think that it shouldn’t be so hard to find two men with such outrageous hair. To be fair, you are a little tipsy, that may be impeding your search a bit.
You step further away from the bar and you sway slightly, hand shooting out to grip the bar stool next to you. Okay, maybe you’re more tipsy than you thought. You let out a irritated huff, the alcohol fueling your frustration. It makes your skin feel hot and itchy as you remember the argument you had with Katsuki. The three of you had already been here an hour, truly on your way to being buzzed when you started arguing.
Which had resulted in you stomping off to the bar alone. Their protests had fallen on deaf ears as you walked away, needing a moment to cool off before it turned into a shouting match. You know you’re being petty, plus this all happened less than 10 minutes ago. You can hear the blondes gravelly voice in your head, arguing with you about some dumb shit that happened at your hero agency today.
You know it’s highly logical that the two of you are just arguing because you’re all a bit drunk. That whatever happened wasn’t a big deal. A decent size part of you knows you just should find him and Eijirou and just dance until they’re both rock hard, squishing you in the middle of them. The other, larger, and more in charge part of your brain at the moment, thinks Katsuki can pound sand.
You laugh to yourself, even though it wasn’t funny. The thumping music is making your head pound in time with the beat. You gradually start to make your way towards the area of the bar where it seems everyone is dancing in their own worlds. Against your better judgement, being stubborn as fuck, you’ve decided you don’t need either of the boys, you can dance alone.
You reach the edge of the crowd, seeing everyone woven together and you start to squeeze your way into the sea of people. The further in you get, the more you sweat. Material of your clothing sticking to your chest and back. Your only saving grace is that you’re wearing a mid thigh length, tight, black dress. So your legs can breathe and it’s short sleeved so you have some sort of air flow up top.
You look around, feeling just drunk enough that you have a pleasurable buzz. Luckily, you haven’t started slurring yet and you can still walk. Maybe not a straight line, but you can walk nonetheless. They call it liquid courage for a reason, because you feel no fear as you start to sway along to the beat. Elbow to elbow with the strangers around you.
There’s about five centimeters of space between you and everyone else. It’s one giant pile of bodies. So you don’t really notice when someone slides up behind you, until their chest is pressed right up against your back. Whoever it is is trying to dance with you. You jolt, your eyes fly open. Fuck, you hadn’t even realized you closed them. You assume it’s one of your boyfriends, forgetting you were even mad at Katsuki in the first place. God, you really hope it’s the blonde, you’re yearning to dance with him. Besides, who else would be so bold to get that close to you?
An unbearably warm arm wraps around your waist. A hand splayed on your belly and you’re yanked back into the chest of the person behind you. It dawns upon you, with frightening sobriety, that the arm wrapped around you does not belong to either of your boyfriends. Your expression twists, your heart kicks into overdrive as a chill runs down your spine. You curse internally, already pushing to get out of the iron grip. Who the hell is this person?
Fuck, if they see you like this— you don’t want them to get the wrong idea. You look up, frozen in place. Not even five feet away, standing there with a look on his face that could strike fear into the heart of God, is Katsuki. You make eye contact with him, his scarlet eyes wild, glassy from being tipsy. His face is twisted, lip pulled into a cutting sneer and his hands are curled into fists at his sides. You quickly look at Eijirous face, and god, his expression is worse than the blondes.
His face..he looks betrayed. Eyes filled with hurt, a frown marring his usually cheerful expression. A whirlwind of anxiety and guilt hits you in the chest and your hands start to shake. You take a step forward in their direction immediately. It had only been about 15 seconds since the random asshole pressed up behind you. It felt like much longer.
As soon as you were about to turn around to make sure it was Katsuki or Eijirou, is when you realized the arm belonged to a fucking stranger. It’s like steel around your middle as your forward motion is halted. You look down, stunned to see the stranger has the audacity to keep holding onto you. You clearly don’t want this, wiggling to get away.
You turn your eyes back to your boyfriends, pleading, reaching out a hand in their direction. Katsuki’s cheeks turn blood red with anger. He’s at your side in an instant. He grips your outstretched hand and rips you out of the strangers unwelcome grip. You yelp, stumbling into his chest before turning around in Katsuki’s hold.
You press your back against him, desperate to feel his warmth, and you take a look at the guy who was holding you. It’s some random, younger guy, who you’ve never seen before and you feel a bit ill. You feel a woosh of air and then Katsuki is in the mans face in less than a second. Fisting the front of random guys shirt.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” Katsuki yells, voice rough, but he’s loud enough to be heard over the blaring music. He clenches his jaw. The other man puts his hands up in surrender, smirking mockingly, almost laughing at him. At this point you notice a presence looming behind you. Turning your head, you notice Eijirou has joined the party. He lays a large hand on Katsuki’s shoulder, stepping up just behind him.
The man’s face drops when he sees Eijirous large form, an unwavering rock, standing behind Katsuki. You haven’t seen the red head look this terrifying for a long time. You shift on your feet nervously. His face is blank, except his eyes. They’re icy. The guy starts to stutter. You’re watching all this unfold, eyes flitting back and forth between Katsuki’s red cheeks and Eijirou’s murderous gaze. You want to feel like you’re helping, so you lace your fingers with Katsuki’s free hand to help keep him grounded. The blonde squeezes harshly in return.
“H-hey! No harm guys! I didn’t know she was your girl,” the guy stammers, stepping back. Katsuki, to your extreme surprise, lets the man go. You notice the muscle in his jaw twitching. If you weren’t so on edge, you would laugh at the fact that there’s a burn print on the front of said guys shirt. The blonde stays quiet, Eijirou keeping a steady hand on Katsukis shoulder, anchoring him in place.
“You better leave while you can. You’re lucky I’m holding him back,” Eijirou threatens, voice cold and low. Yet you can all still hear his voice cutting through the music. The man pales, nods once, and disappears into the crowd. It leaves the three of you alone. It’s awkward for a second and the realization makes you want to cry.
You hear an angry noise leave Katsukis mouth as he yanks his hand from your grip. He shrugs Eijirous hand off his shoulder, turning to look at you with burning eyes. The action punches the breath from your chest, it stings. A cold feeling trickles into your belly. You open your mouth to try to explain to him, but nothing comes out. Frantically you try to step closer but he gives you a searing look and turns to stomp off from the crowd. The back of your eyes sting with tears. You take in a stuttering breath, feeling your heart squeeze watching him leave. Quickly, you look to Eijirou, moving towards him. You grip his forearm.
“Eiji, please, I wasn’t dancing with that guy! It was two seconds and then I realized it wasn’t either of you and I was going to push him away. That’s when you guys saw me! I swear!” you choke out, voice watery. Tears well up in your eyes. This is not how you wanted this night to go. You can feel your whole arm shaking as you dig your nails into his flesh. He glances at where your fingers bite into his skin. He tries to give you a reassuring smile, but it comes out too tight, his eyebrows are pinched. Anxiety twists your stomach. He holds up a hand when he sees you’re about to speak again.
“I know, I know you weren’t baby. Just—please, not here? I’m sure Kat is already outside, about to blow something up. So can we just talk at home?” Eijirou pleads, voice lined with frustration. You swallow around the lump in your throat, dropping your hand from his arm. You nod once, feeling numb.
Eijirou turns from you and walks out of the crowd, presumably to find Katsuki. You feel the ugly emotion of hurt migrate to your belly, it makes bile burn in the back of your throat. Your heart still pounds, fingers trembling as you wring them together. You watch Eijirou walk away. Hot tears spill over your lashes, tracking down your cheeks. You sniffle, wiping your tears with your hands, heart in a vice. They didn’t even wait for you.
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It was a long, silent, ride home in your Uber. You trail behind the other two, shuffling your feet on the way to your front door. You pretend the cracks in the sidewalk are interesting, eyes trained on the ground, following the boys by instinct. It’s still humid outside, your palms damp as you lace your fingers together in front of you. You’re all sober at this point. Adrenaline from the previous situation flushing away the buzz.
It’s freaking you out though, that Katsuki still hasn’t said a word. Usually he’s spewing insults. He would be on a tangent about a guy like that. Yet, he’s quiet. Once you get inside you know you’ll have to talk, you can’t let this go on all night. It feels like this has been made into a much bigger deal than it needs to be. You stop at the door and wait for Eijirou to unlock it. He does, pushing it open and letting you and Katsuki go in first. He comes in last, shutting the door behind him and locking it. The blessed, cool air of your home chills your overheated skin. You sigh in relief.
You study the blonde, noticing he’s about to walk off towards your room. Before Katsuki can get far, you catch his wrist, wrapping your fingers delicately around the bone. He doesn’t move and you chomp into your lower lip, nerves creeping down your spine.
“Kat, wait please. I swear baby I wasn’t dancing with that guy. I thought it was one of you. It was only a few seconds before I realized it wasn’t and I was trying to get away when you saw me,” you explain, voice wobbly, fingers tightening. You hear Katsuki let out a sigh, shoulders sagging. He turns back around to face you and you let go of his wrist. His expression, it looks like he’s fighting with himself. You’re hopeful, when after a few seconds the sharp edges of his expression smooth out. Your heart skips a beat when you feel his calloused hand come up to cradle your cheek. You lean into the heat of his palm, nose nuzzling slightly at his wrist.
“I know, I wanted to punch that motherfuckers lights out. I believe you, I’m not mad at you pretty thing,” Katsuki murmurs, voice low and gravelly. His eyes are gentle as he runs a thumb over your cheekbone. You chuckle, knowing this is his version of an apology for overreacting. You, undeniably, melt into his hands. He always has that effect on you.
“I wish you would have,” you joke lamely, small smile appearing on your lips. Katsuki smirks, eyes full of mirth. You hear Eijirou’s cute laugh ring out from behind you. You feel a tug in your chest and you yearn to see him. You turn out of the blondes hold, gazing softly at Eijirou. He’s standing a few feet behind you, arms crossed over his chest. He’s grinning brightly again, watching the two of you interact.
Eijirou’s sharp teeth are on display. You adore the way he smiles. You take in his grin and a warm, comforting feeling builds up in your chest. You can’t hold back as you throw yourself at the red head. He immediately opens his arms to catch you, eyes widening in surprise. Your arms snake around his waist and he wraps you up by the shoulders, hugging you tight. You bury your face in his chest, feeling his squishy cheek rest on the top of your head.
“I’m so sorry Ei! I know I hurt your feelings, but I swear I would never touch anyone but the two of you,” you promise, voice muffled in Eijirou’s broad chest. You feel a chuckle vibrate through his chest and your head raises, gaze leveling with his. He frames your face with his hands, eyes bright and full of love. He coos at you.
“It’s alright, my sweet baby girl. I know you wouldn’t. Besides,” he purrs, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “I wouldn’t let anyone put their hands on you. You’re ours, aren’t you? Pretty girl,” Eijirou murmurs, voice soft and sweet. You inhale sharply, arousal hitting you like a freight train. Warmth pools in your belly, sending a shiver down your spine. A side effect of his low, soothing rumble. You squirm, hugging him tighter, feeling the heat from his chest through both your shirts.
“Yes of course, I only belong to the two of you,” you reply slyly, knowing it’ll rile up both men. Katsuki is immediately behind you, lean body pressed up against your back. Their figures make you feel small where you stand between them. It makes your pussy throb. The air between the three of you is starting to blaze. You know they can feel it too when Eijirou lets go of your face, resting his hands on your shoulders, squeezing them briefly. Katsuki’s hair tickles the back of your neck and then his lips are on your ear. He flicks his tongue out and runs it along your earlobe. A low moan escapes your throat in return.
“You belong to us huh? Glad to hear you know your place, kitten. Mm, maybe you wanted us to see you dancing with that guy. Make us jealous. So that when we got home, we could remind you who you belong to. Isn’t that right Ei?” Katsuki whispers, breath dancing over your skin. A shiver runs down your spine and they both press closer, leaving no space for you to move. You watch Eijirou’s expression turn heated, lustful. A pretty pink blossoms on his cheeks at Katsuki’s words. He bites his bottom lip and tilts his head slightly, eyes piercing as he speaks.
“You know what? I think you’re right Kit Kat. Our sweet girl just wanted to be put back into her place all along. You want us to show you who owns you baby?” he teases, voice sweet like candy. He tickles his fingers down your arms, giving you goosebumps. You swallow, feeling like cotton balls are lining your throat. Your hands have come up to rest on the red heads chest. You’re so turned on now, breath coming out a bit faster. Your pussy clenches around air, rhythmically.
“Fuck, yes, show me you two own me. I want it. After tonight, I want to forget the feeling of that guys hands,” you whine, pressing your ass back into Katsuki’s pelvis. His half hard cock pushes into your lower back and he lets out a groan. His large hands grip your hips from behind and he bites a kiss into your neck. You yelp, a sharp flash of pain radiates up to your jaw, feeling his teeth dig in. He lets go, a soft huff, which you think is a laugh, touches your skin. It tickles.
“Sound good to you red?” Katsuki ask more smugly than you can ever recall hearing him.
“More than good Kat,” he laughs, bouncing lightly on his feet. You glance down at Eijirou’s waist, seeing he’s already hard, thick cock straining against his jeans. The want you feel is blistering, skin entirely too hot. Katsuki snickers meanly and lets go of your waist, backing away. Your back feels cold and then Eijirou lets go too, taking away all of your heat. You whine, pushing out your lower lip to Eijirou, knowing you can get him to give you what you want. As usual, he’s unable to resist your pout. He steps back up to you. You can physically feel Katsuki’s eyes roll from behind you.
“What is it baby girl?” Eijirou coos, voice airy. He’s unable to stop himself from placing a hand on the back of your neck, tilting your head up. You bat your lashes at him slowly.
“Carry me please?” you plead, reaching your arms up to him. You hear Katsuki snort from behind you. Eijirou giggles, immediately bending down, waiting. You jump up, securing your legs on his waist, arms tangled around his neck as he stands up straight, holding your thighs. He strides forward, walking towards your bedroom, winking at Katsuki when he passes by. The blonde raises an eyebrow.
“Don’t be like that Kat, I know you would’ve carried her if she asked,” he comments , grinning at the blonde. Katsuki rolls his eyes, but he grins coyly, knowing he would in a heartbeat. You stick your tongue out at Katsuki playfully over Eijirous shoulder as you get further away. Katsuki smirks wickedly at you, eagerly following along. He’ll show you who you belong to alright.
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The low overhead light of your room casts them in a soft yellow light. They’re making you watch. They’re teaching you a lesson, you suppose. You try not to show how much you’re enjoying it. You’re all naked now, clothes scattered on the floor. Everyone’s piled on the bed. They’ve got you sitting on your calves, facing them. You have a perfect side view of Katsuki sucking down Eijirous cock. It’s not fucking fair and you can feel your pussy pulsate, slick lips gliding together every time you shift your thighs. A low heat warring in your belly.
You decide to let Eijirou’s pretty face take away the attention from your aching cunt for now. The red head’s cheeks are a soft pink color. He bites his bottom lip, watching his cock disappear over and over in Katsuki’s wet, velvety, warm mouth. His dick pulses, knowing they have your undivided attention and you can’t do anything but sit and admire the view. Watching Eijirou’s smug expression makes your mouth dry. It’s unbearable, how hot they are together, you struggle to keep still. They’ve decided you can’t touch yourself or them—yet. You want nothing more than to trail a hand down and rub circles into your clit. You try to distract yourself from the strong urge to tug the blonde off Eijirou’s cock and get him to make out with you over the red heads leaking tip. Instead you let your eyes roam Katsuki’s form, taking extra time to admire the perky swell of his ass.
Your hand twitches, wanting to smack the shit out of Katsukis pale flesh, to leave your handprint there. You watch as your boyfriend lays on his belly, between the red heads large thighs. He’s resting the weight of his forearms and hands on Eijirous legs. He shallowly rubs his cock against the mattress beneath him. It makes you want to roll him over and swallow his cock until he cries.
He’s easily bobbing his head up and down on Eijirou’s thick dick. He looks like a fucking pro. Which, he always excels at everything he does. Sucking cock is no exception. It makes your clit ache listening to the sounds Eijirou let’s out, they’re undeniably sinful. You find yourself unable to take your eyes off Katsukis stretched, red lips, making Eijirou’s cock vanish into his mouth. You just know the blonde is enjoying putting on a show for you. His nails bite into Eijirou’s skin. If you didn’t know better you’d think he was smirking.
The thought causes a flash of irritation to shoot through you and you really start to get frustrated, as your pussy fucking aches to be filled by one of them. It clenches around air continuously. You know if you ran a finger over your pussy it would come back drenched.. It has your hands clenching tightly into fists.
You watch the hand Eijirou has laced through the blondes hair tighten, as his head tilts further back on the pillow. A sweet, low moan spills from his lips when Katsuki’s pink tongue pokes out to massage at his cock, as he swallows Eijirou whole. You let out a whine, your clit throbs and it starts to hurt. Your belly is twisted tight, blistering arousal pooling at the base of your spine. You’re contemplating on complaining, breaking their rules, when the red head speaks.
“Baby girl,” Eijirou calls you, moaning softly. You reluctantly tear your gaze away from Katsuki’s hot mouth, head quickly turning to meet Eijirou’s eyes. You take in the even darker shade of flush on his cheeks and chest. You squirm, uncomfortably aroused as you meet his gaze.
“Yes Eiji?” you ask, voice strained. He hums, listening to the way you sound and he smiles coyly at you. Your skin burns when he speaks next.
“Enjoying the show? It feels so good, ya know. Kat’s warm mouth. It’s amazing. Bet ya wish he was eating your pussy, don’t you? Too bad you were such a bad girl tonight,” he says meanly, smirking, as he tilts his head on the pillow to look at you better.
You hear Katsuki moan around Eijirou’s cock in some form of agreement and Eijirou laughs brightly. His hair has fallen from its spiky style, splayed around his head on the pilllow. You love when his hair is down, easier to pull on. Embarrassment radiates through you, cheeks heating up and your lower lip trembles. You don’t know how Eijirou is able to keep a steady voice.
“N-no, I’m fine,” you pout, remaining stubborn, crossing your arms over your chest. Eijirou raises an eyebrow, clearly not believing your lie. Katsuki pulls off the red heads cock with a pop, letting it slap wetly against Eijirous lower belly. Eijirou lets go of the blondes hair and you look at Katsuki, who has a catlike grin on his face.
All you want in that moment is to shove your tongue down Katsuki’s throat and get railed by Eijirou’s thick cock. You swallow, involuntarily, and study Katsuki as he sits up slowly. He crawls out from Eijirou’s legs, maneuvering until he gets to you and sits on your left side, his knees touching the outside of your thigh. When his skin brushes against yours, your heart rate speeds up.
His cock looks so hard it could cut diamonds. It stands up straight, twitching when he catches you looking. You notice his lips are swollen when he grins lopsidedly and you can’t keep looking at him. The sight makes your brain turn to mush. So you glance back over at Eijirou, to read his expression.
He’s sitting up now. Eijirou abandons his spot against the headboard and comes up to mirror Katsukis position, on your right side. Your heart pounds in your chest, feeling like it’ll break through your sternum. You can feel the warmth radiating from both boys and you feel a bit of nerves, waiting for what will come next. Katsuki makes the next move, leaning close, brushing his nose over the heated skin of you cheek before whispering in your ear. His lips tickle your earlobe.
“You sure about that? Because I think you’re lying, kitten,” he purrs, voice low and smooth. The feeling of frustration builds up in your chest again and it wants to force itself out of your throat. It pushes at your esophagus, clawing at the inside. You stave it off for now, biting your lower lip so hard it might split. You can’t help but lean into the blondes touch, wanting to rest your temple on his forehead and your eyes flutter. He apparently has other plans, because he only kisses your cheek briefly and leans back. You whine loudly, eyes snapping open. They both snicker, acting like bullies. It’s too hot.
“I just- I want,” you let out a frustrated noise, rubbing the tops of your thighs with sweaty palms. “I want my pussy to get filled,” you say quickly, face burning with sheer embarrassment. You don’t look at either of them now. Until you feel Eijirou’s pointer finger on your chin, forcing you to turn your head to face him. You look at him through your lashes and he grins, all sharp teeth, as he drops his finger.
“Mm, I don’t know pretty girl. Do you deserve to have that sweet little pussy stretched?” he mocks you, now running his hand up your inner thigh, teasing the sensitive crease of your leg next to your cunt. You twitch, eyes widening as he gets closer to your aching pussy. You feel hot, irritated, and unbearably horny.
“Yes Eiji! Please, oh my god, I swear I know who I belong to,” you beg, moaning when you feel Katsuki’s plush lips pressing soft kisses into your neck. You tilt your head slightly and his canines sink into your flesh. You squeal, hand shooting out to grip the blondes thigh, nails digging in. The sharp pain radiates up to your ear, edging on pleasure. He soothes his tongue over the angry flesh. You know there’s no way you can keep your hands to yourself anymore. Keeping one hand on the blondes thigh, you raise your other hand to tangle it in the soft red hair at the nape of Eijirou’s neck. His grin gets even wider and he has mercy on you, letting you tug on the strands. His fingers tease your outer pussy lips, playing with the soft pubic hair there. He tickles your skin and you groan, tilting your head back a bit. Your clit throbs but he ignores you and addresses Katsuki now.
“What do you think Kat? Have we tortured her enough? Think we should show her she belongs to us now?” he purrs, talking about you like you aren’t even there. It makes your blood pressure sky rocket. You grip Eijirou’s hair and he doesn’t even flinch. You huff, squirming in place and look over at Katsuki. He’s grinning wickedly, gazing into Eijirou’s eyes, very much looking like he’s in love.
“I’m feeling generous. Go on, Eijirou. Touch her, I know her pathetic pussy is begging for it,” he says condescendingly, glancing at you to wink. Your breath catches, watching Eijirou’s hand moving to the side slowly. He hovers over your cunt, stretching out the charged moment. You’re having a hard time not closing the gap and just thrusting your pussy into his hand. He leans he forehead against your temple as you tilt your head, watching his large hand.
Time seems to only exist here with the three of you. Atmosphere electric, making your blood rush. When Eijirou slides a finger between your folds, separating them and collecting the slick there, your mouth drops open. When he presses that finger against your clit, moving in slow circles, you choke on a scream. The relief makes you lightheaded, hot pulses of pleasure blistering through your limbs. You can feel Katsuki’s leg twitch under your hand.
“Eijirou, ooohh fuck, that’s so fucking good,” you sob, looking up into his ruby eyes. It forces his head back from your temple and you study his expression. His eyes are hooded, lazy grin tugging on his lips. You feel Katsuki’s groan vibrate through your shoulder. He’s resting his cheek there, watching Eijirou play with your pussy. You hear the schlick noise of the blonde pumping his own cock beside you. The sound almost kills you. It makes the smoldering heat in your belly blaze into an inferno. Your eyes flicker down to Eijirou lips. The red head tracks your movement.
“Please Eiji,” you whisper, groaning as his slippery fingers continue to circle your clit. He grants your wish, leaning in and pressing his pillowy lips against yours. They’re warm, the pressure is soft. One of his sharp teeth catches your bottom lip, like a pinprick. You love it. You kiss him like you’re starving, lips moving together over and over. It’s a messy kiss, trading saliva back and forth.
You whine sweetly into his mouth when you feel his fingers put more pressure on your clit, moving faster. He greedily swallows your noises and slips his tongue into your mouth easily. You let your tongues play together in between kisses. The sounds of Eijirou’s mouth on yours is making Katsuki’s cock throb repeatedly in his hand and he can’t take it anymore. His blood is on fire.
“Fuck, fuck this. I’m gonna fuck you now kitten. You can suck on Ei’s cock and let him fuck you after I’m done,” he growls, right next to your ear, tugging on your wrist forcing you to break the kiss. You gasp and immediately feel the red heads hand leave your clit. You don’t want him to stop, but you’d rather let Katsuki fuck you into the mattress. You let go of Eijirou’s hair and turn your head towards Katsuki.
“Yes, okay, show me who I belong to, please,” you say, breathless from the kiss. You hear the sounds of rustling sheets as Eijirou assumes his previous position, using pillows to prop up his lower back. He props up one leg and lets his thighs part for you. You stare at his cock. It’s resting on his belly, pink and flushed. Your mouth waters.
“Blow her back out Katsuki,” Eijirou says, sounding way too cheerful. Katsuki laughs, placing a hand on your back to get you moving. You feel a hot shiver roll down your spine from the words leaving Eijirou’s mouth. The gentle pressure of the blondes hand on you sets you into motion, you maneuver until you can settle in between the red heads thighs.
Once you sit on your calves, Katsuki pushes you forward with a large hand in the middle of your back. He’s rough about it and your hands flail out, catching yourself on Eijirou’s pecs. You blush, unable to help but love the way they’re treating you, almost like a toy. Eijirou smiles sweetly and in contrast to his expression, he takes the opportunity to grip both your breasts, pinching your nipples between his fingers, squeezing harshly.
“Katsuki!” you say warningly, moaning at the warm hands embracing your tits. They both ignore you, moving fast, because in the next second the blondes grabbing your hips and yanking you backwards. He moves you like a rag doll until your ass is propped in the air and you’re on your forearms. Face inches from the red heads thick cock. You hiss through clenched teeth when Katsuki’s palm rains down on your ass. He spanks you harshly. The flesh there heats immediately, pain flaring brightly. You look up at Eijirou, panting, cheeks red, and you notice he’s got a hand around the base of his cock. He’s pumping it slowly and watching your face intensely.
“Don’t whine. I know for damn sure you like being treated like this,” Katsuki says condescendingly, gripping both your ass cheeks and spreading them open. Cool air dances across your skin and you gasp, nuzzling your face into the crease of Eijirou’s thigh. It makes the red head groan throatily. His hand leaves his cock, threading through your hair and yanking your head up. His eyes are burning, face looking a bit more predatory.
“Tell Katsuki you love it baby girl. Ask him to fuck you and show you you’re ours,” he commands, low voice smoldering through you. You can’t really move your head, forced to make eye contact with Eijirou. So you speak.
“Kat, I love being treated like this, please fuck me baby, I love you,” you whine, fingers gripping the sheets below you. You hear the blonde laugh meanly. It feels like you’ve been shocked, jolting when the thick tip of Katsuki’s cock slips inside you easily. The small stretch is so fucking good, you moan, struggling to keep your eyes open and on Eijirou. The red heads mouth is open slightly, fingers tightening in your hair. His other hand grips the base of his shaft again, squeezing. It sends tingles of up his spine.
“That’s what I like to fucking hear kitten. I love you too, filthy girl. You’re gonna take my cock so well tonight,” Katsuki moans, steadily pressing his dick all the way in, until his hips are fit snugly to your ass. You whimper loudly, eyes fluttering shut at the delicious feeling and stretch of Katsuki’s cock. Your neck aches from being held in this position, at such an intense angle. The red head keeps you there as Katsuki starts to fuck you. He moves his hand up and down his cock leisurely, enjoying the show.
Katsuki digs his fingers into the soft flesh of your hips and sets a brutal pace immediately, making you cry out loudly with each movement. The drag of his cock along your walls creates a friction so delicious, it sends heatwaves of pleasure rolling through your limbs. Each thrust pushes you forward a little bit, forcing your hair to pull in Eijirou’s unrelenting grip.
The blondes calloused palms starts to press down on your lower back, bending you further so he can thrust deeper. Your eyes shoot open, howling when his dick starts to rail your g spot. It feels like a lightening strike, radiating to your toes each time he hits it. The hand in your hair tightens and you hear the sharp intake of breath from Eijirou.
“Katsuki! Oh fuck! E-Eiji, please, let me - ah fuck,” you squeal, trying to get Eijirou to let you suck his cock. His dick is right in front of your face and you desperately want to feel him stretch your throat. The red head already knows what you’re asking because he immediately lets go of your hair. Your scalp tingles in relief and your neck cracks when you stretch it. Eijirou uses the hand on his shaft to rub the tip of his cock over your lips, precum smearing. You let your hands rest on his thighs, leaning your weight on him. Your mouth opens obediently, tongue hanging out.
“Shit baby girl,” Eijirou laughs. “I get to have two pretty people suck on my cock tonight. Yet, you’re the one who deserves to choke on it,” he grins, devilish look on his face. He guides his cock into your slick, warm mouth and you meet him halfway. Letting the heavy weight of him rest on your tongue as you wrap your lips around the middle of his shaft.
You groan, sending shockwaves through his groin and you give him a quick, harsh suck. He cries out, letting go of his cock and tilting his head back. He grips the sheets, trying not to let his fingers harden and rip the material. His hips jolt upwards, Katsukis thrusts push you forward and his tip hits the back of your throat. You gag, pulling your head back to suck on his tip. Katsuki growls from behind you, pressing on your lower back more, nails biting your skin.
“That’s so fucking hot. Choke on Eijis cock, pretty kitty. She sucking your cock well, baby?” he coos to Eijirou, panting, watching your head bob up and down. The red head lets out a pretty moan and Katsuki marvels at the pleasure taking over Eijirous face. It forces the knot in his belly to wind up tightly, his cock throbbing. Eijirou pants, chest flushed as he rests a hand on the back of your head to guide you. He looks into the blondes eyes. The contact sends pleasure sparking down both their spines. Eijirou runs his free hand through his hair, brushing the sweaty strands off his forehead.
“Hell yeah baby, she’s such a good cock sucker. She knows she’s made just for us,” he says breathlessly, eyeing the way the blondes abs flex with every thrust. You dig your nails into Eijirous thighs until he yelps lightly. You should’ve known he wouldn’t let you get away that. In a heartbeat, he rests both hands on the back of your head and he shoves you down until your nose is nestled in his dark pubes.
His cock presses past your uvula, into your throat. It stretches and burns. You can’t breathe, eyes starting to tear up. Spit trails down from the sides of your mouth to his balls and your jaw aches. You’re whining loudly, feeling the building sensation of your orgasm start to pool in your lower belly as Katsuki continues to fuck you.
Eijirou takes notice, resting a hand on your cheek. He’s merciful and he lets you up, his cock easily slipping from your mouth. You gasp, swallowing air to ease the burn in your lungs. Eijirous cock slaps against his lower belly, glistening from your saliva. You lean forward, resting your forehead on one of his thighs. You’re letting out little ah’s with every thrust. Pussy starting to flutter around Katsukis cock, orgasm climbing to a peak.
“You’re about to cum aren’t you pretty kitty? You want Kat to make your pussy feel so good?” the red head asks, cooing at you and running the backs of his knuckles over your cheek. You raise your head to look up at him, eyes glassy. Eijirou likes to watch your face when you cum and you’re almost there. Pleasure swelling to an unbearably hot degree. “Yes! Kat please! Make me cum, make me cum baby. I wanna feel you cum inside of me,” you call out to him, jaw clenched so tight your teeth creak. You hear the blonde moan throatily. You feel his hips smack harshly into yours and you wail. The blunt head of his cock is kissing your cervix when Katsuki crushes you beneath him.
He lets his weight press onto your lower back. Your knees are barely holding you up at this point. It’s as if the blonde is trying to shove you through the mattress. You find a way to rest your cheek on Eijirous thick thigh, looking up and making eye contact with him. You can barely hold back your orgasm.
“God, you want me to fill you up? Claim you and mark you? Shit, I bet you want Eiji to paint your face at the same time,” he says, voice wrecked. His body is flushed, sweat gathering on his forehead. Eijirou seems intrigued by the idea, but his ultimate goal is to cum in your sweet pussy after Katsuki does, giving you sloppy seconds. His cock twitches against his belly in anticipation. Your eyes start to roll back as you clench all the muscles in your belly.
“No, no, want Eiji to fill me up too,” you choke out. Your words make Eijirou burn with want. You can hear Katsukis smirk when he speaks.
“Really? You want to feel Eijirous sloppy seconds? Let him cream pie you,” he says mockingly. Your belly swirls dangerously, his tone of voice forcing you to the edge, toeing the line. His sinful mouth ultimately sends you over the edge, pussy clenching like a vice around Katsukis cock. Your hearing gets fuzzy as your orgasm bursts. It’s like a water balloon, filled to its limit. It pops and the warm pleasure gushes through you. Toes curling, fingers tingling. You’re silent as your mouth opens in scream.
Katsuki almost chokes on the feeling of your silky, slick pussy suffocating his cock. He’s huffing out little growls and his hips are stuttering as he works you through it until your cunt releases him. He slows down just a little, savoring the moment right before he orgasms. His groin is tightening, he knows he’s about to cum.
Eijirou is stroking his own dick quickly, trying not to paint your face as he watches you cum. Your eyelids flutter as you come back down from your high. Eijirou is still waiting for your answer. Your limbs feel gooey but you make sure to maintain eye contact with him as you respond.
“Y-yes, need both of you,” you moan lowly, voice wrecked. Eijirou bites his lower lip, squeezing the base of his cock so he doesn’t cum. Katsuki starts yanking you back into his movements, unable to stop rambling. He feels his balls start to tighten up.
“Nasty little bitch, needing both your boyfriends to fill your pussy with cum. Double stuff you, right kitty?” he says mockingly. Before you get the chance to respond, he’s shoving himself all the way to the root inside of you, cumming hard. Pleasurable heat tingles up his spine and he shivers. The movement makes you yelp as your face is shoved into Eijirous hip. Katsuki lets out a high pitched moan as he lets ribbons of sticky, warm cum fill your pussy. Your heart pounds. You whine, nosing at the red heads hip bone.
“Fuck Kat, you stuffed her nasty little pussy didn’t you?” Eijirou teases, petting your hair gently. He’s still hard, cock twitching in his grip. Katsuki snickers, smacking your ass once, before pulling his hips backwards. He lets his his half hard cock slip out of you. He places his thumbs on the outside of your pussy, spreading you open.
He admires his cum dripping from your cunt and he hums approvingly. He slides one thumb through your folds, bringing up to massage your clit with his release. You whimper as his finger presses into your swollen clit. He laughs at your reaction before he lets go, crawling to sit on the right side of Eijirou. You let your knees collapse, laying on your belly and stretching your legs. Your entire body feels relaxed.
“Of course I fucking did Eiji. We’re reminding her who she belongs to aren’t we? You better fill her pussy with your sloppy seconds,” he says, pinching the fat of Eijirous thigh. The red head laughs, patting your cheek to get your attention. You raise your head from his thigh humming softly. Despite their aggressiveness tonight, they both want to make sure you can keep going.
“Can you keep going baby girl?” Eijirou asks gently, running his fingers over your cheek. You nod, pussy already clenching again at the thought of Eijirous thick cock. He always feels unbelievable. He’s a little thicker than Katsuki, but the stretch is what your dreams are made of. Not that the blonde doesn’t fuck you just as well, he absolutely does. Plus, Eijirou is always easier to take after you’ve let Katsuki fuck the hell out of you.
“Can you get up for me pretty baby?” Eijirou asks, sitting up. You groan in protest, elbows cracking as you push to sit up on your knees. The blonde to your side grabs your jaw and turns you to him, kissing you once quickly on the lips. Your cheeks burn form his attention. He raises an eyebrow, smiling sharply. He doesn’t say anything when he lets go of your face and Eijirou wraps his arms around your shoulders and rolls you both, until he hovers over you, getting between your legs.
“Eijirou,” you moan, hands gripping the pillow under your head. The larger man, grins, showing his teeth again, before placing a palm on the underside of your thighs, pressing your legs backwards into your chest. You’re effectively pressed in half, Katsuki humming in approval as he watches.
“What nasty girl? You ready for me to double stuff you?” Eijirou teases, eyes full of mischief. You whimper and nod, tightening your hold on the pillow. Your pussy is open for him, Katsukis cum trailing out of you. His dick throbs, knowing he won’t last long once his cock is swallowed in your tight cunt. He inches closer, letting his cock head line up with your hole. He presses in slowly, letting just the tip pop in. He chokes on a breath, letting out a soft whimper as your pussy sucks him in.
“Keep going, please Eiji,” you sob, wiggling under him. He can’t say no to such a sweat plea. He pushes forward, hissing as his whole cock is swallowed by your slick pussy. It’s even wetter with Katsukis cum inside. Eijirou thinks he may pass out when he starts with a teasing pull of his hips backwards, until just his tip remains.
You’re twitching, moaning in his grip. He can see Katsukis cum coating his cock as he fucks it back into you. His mouth hangs open at the filthy, lewd sight. Even with his slow start, you can’t help but feel overstimulated. Your pussy is puffy, swollen and each time his cock fills you, you whimper.
“Eiji, closer please,” you cry, releasing the pillow and reaching your hands out to him. You hear Katsuki snort from where he lounges next to you. You see he’s palming his cock and you stick out your tongue at him. He smiles fondly at you and you can’t help but grab his wrist and tug him closer as well.
He goes easily, letting go of his half hard dick. He props himself up on one elbow so his face is just above yours. He looks down, sticking his tongue back at you and you giggle. You feel Eijirou hook your knees over your elbows so he can bend to you, planting a hand on either side of you shoulders. Your eyes widen at the change of angle. It feels like he’s in your stomach and you quickly look back at his face. “You just want both your boys close while you get fucked, don’t you baby girl?” Eijirou teases, nuzzling his nose with yours. You nod your head, crying out as he starts to fuck you again. This position lets his chubby cock bully your g spot beautifully.
Your nerves are on fire, flames of pleasure shoot to your toes with each thrust. You feel Katsukis soft lips pressing kisses into your cheek as he snakes the hand from the elbows he’s leaning on under your head. He grips your hair tightly to keep you in place. You’re starting to sweat, hands resting on Eijirous shoulders.
“I like having both my boys pay attention to me at the same time,” you say shyly, feeling your cheeks turn pink. Your head jolts in Katsukis hold, scalp stinging as he holds your hair. You cry out, holding onto Eijirous forearms as he starts to thrust faster. They both seem to like the answer you give because Eijirou is leaning down to bite kisses into your chest, sharp teeth like pinpricks against your skin. Katsuki leans over you and presses his plush lips to yours.
You moan, kissing Katsuki messily, lips slick and tongues playing together. You groan into the blondes mouth when you feel Eijirou littering your chest with dark marks. You suck on Katsukis bottom lip, chomping on it harshly before letting go. The blonde breaks your kiss with a sweet moan. Your eyes are hooded, letting out little ah sounds over and over again as Eijirou fucks you. Katsuki admires your flushed cheeks, leaning down to lick the salty sweat off your collarbone. He moans at your taste. You inhale sharply, his warm tongue making your clit twitch.
“Fuck you’re hot, are you gonna cum again you nasty little bitch?” Katsuki teases, smirking down at you. Your eyes flutter shut, Eijirou is trailing kisses up to your neck. He kisses your pulse point and pants against your skin. His breath is hot. You wind your arms around his neck, holding him to your chest. He’s starting to get really close really fast. The hug of your sweet pussy is so fucking good and his balls start to tighten up, heat flaring at the base of his spine.
“Yes-fuck! I’m gonna, hah oh god, I’m gonna cum again,” you choke out, pussy fluttering around Eijirous thick cock. Katsuki uses his free hand to tickle your lower abdomen, placing two fingers on your puffy clit. You see stars when he rubs tight, fast circles into your bud, making your toes curl, thighs tensing. You curse loudly.
“Red,” Katsuki calls out softly. Said red head raises his head from your neck, giving Katsuki a dopey smile. You let go of his shoulders, gripping his forearms again instead. Katsuki pauses his fingers as he smirks, leaning closer to him and he slides their lips together. You whine in protest, Katsuki takes the hint, continuing to rub your clit.
Eijirou moans, kissing Katsuki hungrily. You watch them kiss, seeing quick flashes of their tongues, and it makes your pussy throb repeatedly around the red heads cock. The blonde kisses him once more before leaning back. Eijirous head falls forward. His hips smack into your ass wetly, steadily. You’re being pushed into the mattress again and again. You’re so close, coil wound tightly in your belly. Katsukis fingers rapidly bringing you to the edge.
“Fuck Kat, she really liked watching us kiss,” he groans, hips stuttering.
“I know, she’s such a pretty little whore,” he says, wicked grin on his lips. You can’t take it anymore, listening to the filth that leaves Katsukis mouth, it makes you cum. The knot in your belly releases. Your back arches, hair pulled to its limit in the blondes hold. Your nails dig into the flesh on Eijirous arms as your pussy suffocates him. You howl as your orgasm rips through you, entire body taut. Once again, an almost unbearable wave of pleasurable heat gushes through you.
Eijirou is enamored by your face. The way your mouth is open in a silent o shape, eyes squeezed shut tightly. He’s barely able to fuck you through it. He’s gasping and moaning, orgasm taking him by surprise. Blistering pleasure burns through his veins and he pushes his hips all the way up against your pussy as he suddenly cums warm, sticky ribbons.
“Fuck yes, that’s it kitty. Make Eiji cum with your pretty pussy,” Katsuki praises with a rough voice, taking his fingers from your clit as Eijirou cums. You open your eyes, looking at the red heads pretty face twisted in pleasure. You bring a hand up to the back of his neck, pulling him down to rest your foreheads together. You stare into each others eyes and you feel a warm, tender feeling blossom in your chest.
“I love you Eijirou,” you whisper, watching his cheeks turn pink. He moans, before biting his lip when his cock throbs once more as both of you relax into a pile of jelly and Eijirou lets your legs down. He sit back on his calves, breathing heavily.
“I love you too baby girl,” Eijirou purrs, pretty smile on his lips. You give him one in return, humming softly as Katsuki lets go of your hair. Head throbbing where his nails were digging in. You’re gonna have a headache later. You look over at Katsuki, who was palming his half hard cock. He smirks and winks at you. You know it wasn’t quite enough for him to jerk himself off again, but he enjoyed the show. Eijirou slips his softening cock from your pussy and you squirm at the sensation. Your cheeks burn as you feel like you’ve been bred.
“Mm, now you’re really double stuffed, like an Oreo!” Eijirou says, voice cheerful and a smile on his face. You and Katsuki look at each other, before you both laugh. Eijirou giggles in return, scooting backwards and sitting to the side. Katsuki takes the opportunity to get between your legs. He plants his hands by your head and hovers over you, grinning like a deviant.
You raise an eyebrow at him, but he doesn’t answer. He’s quick to snake his arms under your waist and roll both of you until you’re on top of him. You squeal when you’re suddenly up right. Feeling like the blood is rushing from your head. He sits up and swings his legs over the edge of the bed. You cling to him, arms and legs wrapped around him.
“Katsuki, what are you doing?” you gasp, as he grips your ass and stands up with you. You hug him tight and he smacks one of your ass cheeks as he starts walking you to the bathroom.
“We’re taking a shower dumbass. Just because Eiji and I reminded you who you belong to and stuffed you with cum, doesn’t mean I want it all over the bed. That’s disgusting,” he explains, as if you should’ve known. You roll your eyes and place your chin on his shoulder, looking at the red head and reaching out a hand to him.
“Eiji, come on baby,” you purr to him. His tail would be wagging if had one. He slides off the bed, bouncing up to the two of you.
“I’m right here pretty girl. I love you too Kat, just by the way,” he coos, smacking the blondes ass, which earns him an icy look. Katsuki grumbles an I love you back to Eijirou and you laugh, amused. The three of you make it into the bathroom. Katsuki sets you down on your soft, squishy bath mat. You wiggle your toes in the material as Eijirou turns on the water. You take your time, enjoying the warm water and letting them wash you clean. You wash Eijirous hair and massage Katsukis back. You all take the moment to soak up the post sex intimacy together. After, when you’re all in bed, whispering sweet nothings and more I love yous in the dark, in the middle of the night Eijirou rides Katsuki slow and sweet. The blonde has you sit on his face while you trade sticky, honey like kisses with Eijirou. You’re unbelievably glad you belong to them. Better yet, they belong to you as well. You end up back asleep in a pile, thanking your lucky stars you found one another. The last thing you hear are Katsukis soft snores as you drift off, dreaming in colors of yellow and red.
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hotheadedheroprimary · 11 months
Apparently my mind is deciding to bless me with more BNHA related dreams
(Written in x reader because I found this cute and want to turn all of you suckers to mush as well :3)
For some reason, you are tasked with a cooking challenge. One in which you must split off into small groups. To no surprise, you group up with Bakugo and Kirishima. This is the dream team, especially seeing as the firecracker of the group is crazy good in the kitchen.
However, there is a catch to this challenge: you can only use a specific set of ingredients; potatoes, cheese, cream, and some other bits and pieces that have otherwise evaded your memory. As soon as those first three items were called out, you already had a plan.
What delightful delicacy can you concoct with such a limited variation of flavour?
Unsurprisingly, Bakugo takes the helm on this operation, already directing you and Kirishima in what you need to do before you've even reached the kitchen. Your favourite redhead tries his best to soak up all of the information like a sponge but, like a sponge, some of the directions seep out and get lost to him. Unless there's a joint of beef or a pork belly involved, he's just a touch out of his depth. The "appointed leader" picks up on how uncharacteristically quiet you are and nudges you out of your daydream.
"Are you even listening?" he barks.
"Yeah, yeah, I heard you loud and clear."
He is otherwise displeased with the way you shrug him off, the teasing flick to his cheek does not help. Wagging the finger you had just poked him with, you brandish that annoyingly adorable grin of yours now that you have his and Kirishima's attention.
"There's only one thing we can make and, trust me, it's perfect." Like a magician unveiling a fantastical trick, you clap your hands together and hold them out. "Dauphinoise potatoes!"
Silence follows. Bakugo narrows his eyes at you whilst Kirishima seems gloriously intrigued by this idea.
With no questions from either party, you continue. "It's a French side dish, comprising of potato, cream, cheese, and freshly ground black pepper."
Kirishima hangs on to your every word as you describe the process of making this alien dish, eyes wide with wonder. On the other hand, Bakugo's mouth scrunches up at how ridiculously easy it sounds to put together. His soundless scowling remains and he looks away whilst listening to your jabbering. The words roll off your tongue so effortlessly. Neither of them knew you had such a passion for cuisine outside of their culture.
The blonde slowly finds himself glancing over at you once more and his expression softens, a ghost of a smile threatening to tug at his lips. Maybe, just maybe, it isn't such a terrible idea.
As if he'd ever say that, though.
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reneethekraken · 2 years
What a Doll
Being an office rep at the Revision of Hero Society comes with costs, talking to everyone and trying to not make an enemy out of the wrong ones. Somehow this means becoming business partners/ Frenemies/Pining lovers with Backugou and Kirishima. Though, Gangsters, they know everything about their community and these people are still people, and it's your job to help them. Being so young and running for office means being bullied by the older members of the Pro Hero society and eventually being pushed to the company, laying her off and leaving her alone with her thoughts. Shutting everyone out for weeks before finally leaving to party with Mina for a bit and when she sees Bakugou in the bar she dashes leaving her purse and keys on the bar counter. And of course, seeing her he follows her taking her keys with him.
WARNINGS: Angst, emotional, Bakugou doesn't realize how mean he is because Kirishima likes it, Reader is soft asf, Bakugou is definitely still an asshole. Blank blogs and ageless blogs DNI
PAIRING: Bakugou x reader, suggestive kiribaku x reader
A/n: constructive criticism is always appreciated
This is ridiculous. I couldn't think of a sillier way to go home than this one. Walking slower than my thoughts so I can keep up with myself and not throw my eyes over my left shoulder. My feet are sore from the jacked up heels, my blouse is too wet from my urgency to have a good time and my pants are too thin as the wind blows around me on this street. All while my car slowly rides to the left of me.
He's mocking me, he has to be
He mocked my choices trying to tell me that he's already won. I don't know what to say because the thought of speaking to him brings tears to my eyes and my throat gets so tight I want to die.
I’ll never be prepared.
I'll never be able to stand up to them. Even on the days, everyone thinks I have them right where I want them, a board full of pieces that I've already accounted for. They'll never understand that the two of them are the ones who drew up the board. It's greedy, to have someone who shares similar ideas as me yet degrades my every move
“That was a selfish decision. You would have done better writing up your damn think pieces and putting them in a burn book instead of slathering your name all over an unfinished piece that makes you look like a lousy piece of uptown nobility. I don't live here but you all are making a ruckus and it makes me feel bad that I get to sit in my highrise and even look at ya.”
“If I was on the board you would have been put out the commission a long time ago, fixing my city yet telling me how’re gonna take my job, drink my coffee, and fuck my wife all before noon.” 
That's a sick way to live, miss board member, good plan. Even better spokesperson. The Daughter of mass Mutiny comes from the 3rd and last gang in the U.S. and yet she sits here in the Commissioner's office thinkin’ she's better than me. That title doesn't negate that if I wanted you and your bright ideas I'd take I’d still side with the very office that's shooting down every punch you make. And when you're beaten down thinking there's nothing else you could do, I’d give you my hand and let you realize there's nothing ever you'd be able to do in my city without my okay.
“You're lucky he sees something in you otherwise we wouldn't be friends, Doll.” 
Always had that same condescending tone as he called me about whatever decision I publicly made. Most of them were good ones; he was literally just a hater. 
“Did good out there today Doll, real good. Eiji and I are real proud of the progress ya making in sectors 7-9 keep that up and maybe I won’t have to berate ya every other day. Don't get too comfortable though Yakato is speaking wi-”
On the rare days I did get a good call he always managed to put his stamp on it. And sometimes even when he talked down on me I sat there and took it with wet panties and bated breath ready to hear him be soft with me again right before he stamped it.
Friends?!? Friends, I wouldn't even bat an eye if he choked tomorrow! In fact, I would be the first in line!  Until he knew exactly what it felt like to have his entire life's work spit on and shredded because of it being work of public relations community service logs. He's greedy and he won’t have me, because that's all it’ll take for him to win. Presenting me to his partner like a Christmas present. Popping champagne while I sit there naked and waiting for orders like all the other sick fucks that follow behind them as they need them.
I don't need them. But I do need him to get the hell out of my car. Maybe that's why I put my pride aside, I tried not to let my tears show and my anger release through my words.
Teeth clenching and eyes lowered into the passenger window, “What do you want Bakugou, why the hell are you following me late at night? You know stalking is a crime, correct?”
“It is if there's proof and your life is endangered. It could be from someone else looking to have a lucky night with a lady walking on the side of the road at 2 am looking like a call girl.” He smiled, put the car in park, and opened his door slowly. Standing over the side of the vehicle like he wanted more, needed it. “Nobodies seen ya in 3 weeks. We all thought that Having to step down from the board made ya yoke. I was hoping it had not.” He said the last part softer but that boyish grin never left.
“ It’s temporary.”
“My decision to step down from the board is temporary and if it runs till November I’ll resign and apply again.” I was closer now to the passenger side. I wanted to show him that he didn't own me and that he didn't scare me.
“Always the fighter. Did you not have time to come see us before ya left?”
“I came because Mina said I could have a good time, I left because I was ready to go.” He sucked his teeth hearing my quick retort.
“You're hurting my feelings, thought we were friends?” He slowly rounded the car, stopping in front of the hood to play with the radiator grill.
“YOU and Kirishima are not my friends, were business partners who come together to correct hero society on blue moons-
“Then I’d say we've had more blue moons than the smurfs”
“I'm trying to be serious and professional and you're making it hard for me.”He was in front of me now and I couldn't help but look past his neck. I wasn't strong. I let the media get the best of me and the hero community. I let Bakugou and Kirishima’s backhanded compliments and weird pinning throw me off my game and accept my resignation, no temporary relief of position. He was too close, his collared button down hiding the swirly black ink of his gang insignia. The ring holder chain held a ring with opal on it. I wondered what my ring would look like next to Kirishima's
 “I don't need you rubbing my failures- I lost and because of me the city and its people will be without someone advocating for them, all of them. Someone who cares about them. WHO WANT THE BEST FOR EVERYONE EVEN IF IT MEANS DISMANTLING THE VERY SAME SYSTEM THAT KEEPS THEM SAFE BECAUSE IT ALSO KEEPS OTHERS IN SITUATIONS THAT LEAVE THEM WITHOUT.
The Tears fell and I was finally looking at him. He wasn't smiling anymore. I pushed his chest, again and again, and again. “And you were nowhere to be found, NEITHER OF YOU AND I
He grabbed my arms and pinned them to my side as I cried, into his shirt, into his skin, holding onto the very fabric that held the man that I swear I hated “I know and I’m sorry. Some things were more important at that moment–”
With a croaky voice and a tighter grip, I asked what I always wanted, always needed, needed to know from him.“Am I not enough? Am I not important enough to come to the rescue? Are my problems not satisfactory on your list of important shit that needs to be tended to. What about my feelings?” He hugged me tight and sighed into my hair. “ You won ya know.”
“I didn't wanna win, I wanted to make you work hard, I promise I just wanted to prepare you for what was out there. If I coulda I woulda been on the first flight back to help but I couldn't and were sorry, Doll. Eiji is waiting for us at the house. You want me to drop you home or do you want to stay the night at ours because I swear–”
“I wanna see him too, I’m tired of this runaround. Are we friends, are we enemies, our business partners on the occasion when both sides of the coin retire us to some janky place to drink scotch? Are we pining after each other? I Don't know what we are or how we're gonna make,” I point to the space in between us, “work but I’d like to see where it goes just lessen up all that damn bark. I’m sensitive.”
He pecked the top of my head and opened the passenger door for me. Jogging over to the other side. He threw on some random radio station and put the car in drive.
Please please reblog if you like it so I can get feedback, and find things others like to read so I produce more content! 🥰
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mha-oi-oi-oi · 2 years
We Promised
Warnings: BakuKiri × reader, Female Reader, cursing 【Duh it's Bakugo】Chosen Quirk not proof read :(
You had no idea what to do. Sure you knew moves and how too evade attacks, but this villain was nothing like you had ever faught. His raw strength alone was enough to make you tap out. However, civillians were at risk, and your school did not need another loss. You overheard how the school board might be forced to pull out funding for the buisness crew too help enforce the hero course. Your friends did buisness, and they would be devistated if they found out about that.
You knew this villain would knock you clean out, so you had to use your only special move. By no means was your quirk useful in this situation, having a minipulator quirk was handy, even being able to use it on a daily basis. But his quirk was much stronger, better equiped for the enviroment you were in, and most of all, colorful.
Now, even you know if you heard that you would laugh until your face turned all shades of red. However, his quirk was so flashy, it blinded you. His quirk was called "Rainbow Shatter." Its effects were simple as forming a rainbow shape using anything nearby, making the object a color of the raindow, neon usually. Then shooting it in a crystalized form. Your quirk was air manipulation, similer abilities to weather control, but just for air. His quirk was more developed, letting him take the lead.
All thoughts you could have been thinking ceased when you saw a large neon green boulder flying at you with a pointed end. You used your abilities to shift its direction, and it ended up penetrating a building. You knew trying to think would only distract yourself, so with only 1 idea in mind, you started to get people to evacuate.
Your idea was not ideal, but it would have to work. A tornado was all you had in you to let out. And once all citizens were clear, you started forming it. You knew it would clear up once it reached 5 miles away or so. You had sent a quick message to Katsuki, Kirishima and your groupchat, praying they would see it before they saw you.
You pressed the phone off and placed it in your back pocket before making your way out to the clearing where the villain was waiting for you.
"Finally! So far, you have put up a fair fight." He shouted at you, aiming for a reaction. You smiled and flipped him off before sending the spiraling tornado his way. He shouted and tryed to escape, however the tornado got to him before he could leave.
Unfortunately, the tornado didin't spare anyone.
He could only stand in horror at the message. How could anyone accept that as your loved ones last words, or thoughts. He coulden't. Bakugo Katsuki and Eijiro Kirishima could never look at a one sentince text and cry like that, unless its from you.
I'm not making it to date night, loves 💖
Katsuki sprang up from his meeting and ran to meet you at your location, Eijiro not far behind. But when they got there, the place was so awful, Eijiro coulden't even start searching until after Katsuki yelled at him to.
The search was long, pulling rubbel off people, some alive, some not. Civillians who didint make it out in time. Mostly heros who stayed back to help the rest. But as Katsuki pulled another man from the mud, he coulden't help but think of you. Thats when he heard coughing.
Hacking climbed out your throat, you begged to be heard, to be seen, to escape alive. Thats when you noticed the long iron nail inbedded into your side, the only thing stopping you from bleeding out. You cried out, only to have small peeps come out instead. You slured on your words, trying to be strong and stay awake.
By now, Eijiro had heard it too, the soft squeaks, the crys of their names. He and katsuki were glancing under every single concrete slab there was.
"EI! Kat! m'here...m'righ..here..." you shouted to the best of your abilities, forbidding yourself from moving the rubbel ontop you. You could see light starting to form, sounds of concrete being smashed apart, making you shout in pain, the nail jabbing into your side more.
"C'mon! Dammit!! She could be fucking dying!!" You heard Katsuki say, he was on the verge of tears, you could tell. Eijiro was getting softer, hearing your whimpers of pain get louder.
"Im trying! The concrete is only hurting her!" He yelled
You managed to push off the last piece, revealing your beloveds. They fell to their knees, calling people over to help you. The rest was a blur, rushing to the hospital, getting treated, surgery. Not many thought you would survive, but they did, they promised you they would never believed you dead until your final heartbeat.
You do remember waking up at home, laying on your bed, surrounded by your favorite stuffies, keeping you company since your boyfriends were nowhere to be found. You got up, wincing at the pain in your side immediately. You stumble to the living room, trying to find a sign of a human. Just then, Eijiro imerges from the kitchen.
"Oh my god your awake! I was so worried!" He grabbed you and hugged you tight, but you started ow-ing right away.
"Ow, ow, ow! Ei!! Giant hole in my side!" You shouted, making Katsuki come out the Kitchin aswell.
"What the fuck are you doing out of bed! You know damn well you need rest!" He yelled at you, just trying to prove a point. You stared at him before reaching out, offering a soft hug. He accepted quickly, being much more gental then Ei.
They were so happy to have you back. Turns out, you spent 3 weeks in the hospital and had a trauma block, meaning you remembered nothing. You guessed you deserved it, afterall, that was a horrible idea.
However, the rest of that week was soup, cuddles and rest, and even after that the boys would check up on you every now and again to make sure you were okay. You knew that you could always rely on katsuki and Eijiro to help you when you were down and they knew they could do the same because it was their promise
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mkendlic · 1 year
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Original Character(s), Class 1-A (My Hero Academia) & Original Character(s), Bakugou Katsuki/Original Female Character(s), Bakugou Katsuki/Reader Characters: Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Shouto, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Satou Rikidou, Tokoyami Fumikage, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sensei | All For One, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yaoyorozu Momo, Asui Tsuyu, Jirou Kyouka, Shouji Mezou, Ojiro Mashirao, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kota Koji, Toru Hagakure, Yuga Aoyama, Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Takami Keigo | Hawks, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Bakugo Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku - Character Additional Tags: Graphic Description, Eventual Romance, Original Character(s), Implied/Referenced Character Death, Trauma, Badass, powerful quirk, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, a lot of sarcasm, aizawa is a dad!!, midnight is a great mom, principle nezu is a ray of sunshine, Slow Burn, Fluff and Smut, Sexual Tension, long fic, Past Child Abuse, past trauma, Blood and Injury, Violence Summary:
As a young teen trying to figure what its like to be a normal teenager…well as normal as one can be in a world with QUIRKS! Nozomi Akumu tries to figure out, what its like to even be a student in high school. While being a pro hero at the age of 15. She’s determine to not let her past control her any longer. Will she find revenge in killing the man that destroyed her life? Or will she finally understand the meaning her parents taught her long ago? Come along on the journey that is Nozomi Akumu’s life. And find out why is her quirk so fearful.
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