bensolosbluesaber · 2 years
You’ll Never Keep Him (Poe Dameron x f!reader)
EVERYONE STOP! Please read the warnings below as this fic deals with the aftermath of rape, severe trauma, and abuse.
Warnings: Mentions of rape and sexual assault, non-explicit references to rape, reader was a victim of sexual assault and violence, reader’s trauma is shared without her consent, reader is in a very dark mental place, generally very mature themes. PLEASE do not read this fic if these might be triggering or uncomfortable for you.
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Summary: Your trauma is your best kept secret, a secret even from Poe, the person you love more than anyone else. Well, it’s a secret until a meddling ex of his gets ahold of your medical records and promptly leaks them to the whole Resistance. ~3,600 words
Angst, angst, and angst (Happy ending though)
Pairing: Poe Dameron x f!reader (she/her pronouns)
A/N: I’m serious about these warnings. Dead dove and all that. Bonus for you guys, I listened to these songs while writing this: Atlantis (Seafret), Till Forever Falls Apart (Ashe), Line Without a Hook (Ricky Montgomery)
For the first time in as long as you could remember, your life was good. Not just livable, but really and truly good. The First Order was nearly extinguished and with it the worst of your night terrors. You found friends, good friends: Rose, Finn, Rey. And of course there was Poe, your doting and charmingly arrogant boyfriend who - despite his reputation - had never been anything but patient at your unwillingness to have sex.
Not that he knew why. Not that anyone except Rey and a few medics knew why. You want Poe to know, and you want to sleep with him. Sleep with him that is, since you practically live together anyway. But every time you so much as think about sex your skin gets clammy and your stomach twists into knots.
That is what you are thinking about as you eat lunch with your friends. Poe is coming home tonight, and as you stare at your now empty plate, you can’t help but think that maybe tonight is the night. The usual clamminess is hardly present and your stomach is twisting, but you think that maybe this time you are feeling the same nerves anyone would feel. You might be ready. You might have finally summited your mountain of trauma.
It was a stroke of cruel irony that just as that thought had the audacity to emerge so did she - Poe Dameron’s ex. She was a brief fling during the war, and that’s all it was ever going to be. But things ended… poorly. That was how Finn explained it last week, with a pregnant pause before ‘poorly.’ Maker, it had only been last week that the woman had shown up, smiling far too big, greeting Poe with an uncomfortably long hug, shooting you a sneer over his shoulder. She transferred to this base just to get close to Poe. At least that was Rose’s working theory.
You weren’t afraid of her. Years as a spy and months of torture saw to that. Not much scared you anymore - sex not withstanding. She was no threat to your relationship; you trusted Poe’s whispered promises. 
In retrospect, you should have been more wary of her, especially when she volunteered to stitch up your arm yesterday. She had done a good job, been friendly. Too friendly.
She stands behind you and drops a data-pad on the table with a bang that makes you turn. Her arms are crossed, her mouth pulled into a smirk that was all-too familiar. ‘Guess what I know,’ it seemed to taunt you.
You glance down at the data pad then turn back to her. She raises a single eyebrow, and only then do you realize what is on the screen. Your head whips around and you snatch up the data pad. Your medical records. How had she gotten her hands on these? Only medics and nurses who treated a patient could access their records, and yesterday she had… Shit.
No. No, no, no. It’s all you can think as you stare at the bright screen with wide eyes.
“Interesting read.”
“This is private,” you hiss quietly.
“Sweetie, I’m your doctor.”
Do not make a scene. Do not make a scene. Rey is tense beside you, and across the table Finn and Rose have gone silent. The rest of the mess hall continues with their lives like this woman isn’t casually ripping open a barely healed wound in the middle of lunch.
“I thought this part was particularly interesting.” She points to the screen as she leans over you. “I never knew you went through so much after your cover was blown.”
‘Patient demonstrates behaviors (documented below) suggesting she was subjected to prolonged torture and sexual abuse. Her physical injuries (see attached scans) corroborate these findings.’
You didn’t need to read any more. In your worst months you had committed this file to memory as some sort of fucked up coping mechanism. You can recite your long list of injuries and trauma induced behaviors from memory.
The woman in front of you looks around then leans in inches from your face to whisper loudly, “What was it like to tell Poe about all of this?”
The situation has caught you so off-guard that you can’t hide the expression that clearly says you have not told him.
“Oh, sweetie!” Her tone is so condescending you want to put your fist through her throat. Obviously she already suspected Poe was clueless about this whole thing. “You haven’t told him? Well… I mean, why does he think you won’t fuck him? You know sex is essential to maintaining a good relationship with a man like Poe. He has needs.”
You’ve never been concerned with how much the Resistance gossips, how involved everyone is in each others personal lives. Not until now since clearly your sex life, or lack thereof, is the subject of interest.
“What would you know about having a good relationship with Poe?” Finn snarls from behind you. Without looking at him, you shake your head. Not here. Not where everyone can see.
“What do you want?” You need to diffuse this situation and fast.
“I just want Poe to know the truth about his little girlfriend.” Her voice grates on your ears. She straightens up, her voice getting louder with each word. “I mean if you fucked half the First Order, why not Poe? Maybe you think he’s not good enough for you? You’ll never keep him if-”
“Stop!” You bite out as you jump to your feet.
It’s becoming a scene. Her raised voice has caught the attention of a nearby table, and the silence ripples through the mess hall slowly as you stare each other down. Soon the quiet in the large space is thunderous. The woman taps at a data pad calmly. All eyes are on you.
“Don’t worry about it, hon.” She shows you the screen, and it takes a moment to realize what you are looking at. A few data pads ding, and in your mind the sound reverberates into a violent, endless ringing.
She just sent confidential medical files, your file, to everyone stationed on this base. She just sent your file to Poe.
“Sweetie, don’t be mad. Poe deserves better than some bitch who will whore herself out to the enemy for fun but not fuck…”
For an instant it is not her voice you hear.
You might make it out of here alive, but then you’ll just be some bitch who slept with the enemy.
Tears sting your eyes. She is grinning that monstrous grin. One second your eyes drop to the ground. The next they fall on her curled lips. And then you have a fistful of her crisp, white, standard issue medical jacket and are shoving her to the ground.
You hit her once. Hard. Then again. Warm red blood sprays from her nose and coats your closed fist. The next strike she tries and fails to block. She’s screaming something about how crazy you are, but you could care less as you strike her again and again. She already spilled your best kept secret to the whole Resistance. Honestly, what more did you have to lose?
“Stop. Y/N, stop!” Rey grasps your biceps and pulls you back.
“You’re fucking crazy!” The woman spits blood as she pushes herself into a sitting position.
“Rose, get her out of here before I kill her myself,” Rey snarls.
You couldn’t say how you made it to Poe’s room, just that you did and managed to seal the door behind you before you crumpled onto his bed. No doubt Rey lingered outside, maybe with Rose and Finn, trying to touch your mind through the Force without being invasive.
You sobbed into the pillow that still smelled like the man you loved. You cried until your eyes physically couldn’t produce another tear, and then you walked on shaky legs to the small bathroom to clean the blood from your hands and change into something more comfortable. The clock told you it was nearly dinner time. You wouldn’t be going.
Instead, you curled back up in Poe’s bed and clung to his pillow, imagining it was him. Even as you lay there with your clouded mind and wished Poe would come home soon, part of you dreaded his return. He’ll have seen the file. He’ll know what they did to you. He was never meant to find out this way.
He’ll know what you did. The last thought you have before your exhausted body caves into the lure of the warm sheets is that woman’s voice echoing in your mind.
Why not Poe?
You’ll never keep him.
Poe smiles at your sleeping form, and heads right to the fresher to clean up. He is blissfully unaware of today’s events; he ignored incoming messages all day, trying to get home as fast as possible.
Soon, he’s tucking himself into bed and pulling your back flush against his chest. It wakes you up: his warmth, a few soft kisses on your head, the wiggle of his hips against you. It is as far as he will take things with you. You set that boundary, and he respects it completely.
“Hi baby,” he whispers.
Poe is home. There is a second of relief, then you’re wide awake.
You’ll never keep him. You have to keep him. 
Normally, his return would bring nothing but joy, but now the anxiety coursing through your body has you shaking in his arms. It is utterly irrational. Poe never pressured you before, never hinted at wanting more than you were comfortable with, but your racing thoughts - poisoned by that woman - tell you that he must be lying, that he will get bored of you. That he is bored.
So you turn and kiss him. Hard. Kissing Poe is nothing new, so he wraps his arms around you, sinking into the kiss easily and thinking nothing of it until you’re half on top of him with your hand dipping to the waistband of his pants. There you hesitate. 
You’ll never keep him.
His skin is soft under your fingers and there’s a rough smattering of hair along his lower stomach.
As you start to move lower, your fingers ghosting over the curve of his hips, he whispers, “Are you sure?”
Answering him will only force you to reveal the truth. You are sure. Sure that you don’t want this and equally as sure that he does. Sure that he needs this. So instead of replying, you swing a leg over his hips, settling atop him and working your hands up and under his shirt as you kiss him again and again. It gives you a second to steel yourself for what you must do.
His hands grabs yours tightly, freezing your movements at his chest.
“You’re crying,” he murmurs.
You hardly hear him, struggling to free your hand from his grasp to give him what he must have wanted for ages. But he is much stronger than you.
“Stop,” he says kindly but firmly. “Stop.”
It’s not until he whispers your name that you finally snap out of it just enough to realize what you are doing. You’re straddling his hips. A prominent hardness pokes at your thighs. Poe’s eyes are big and confused.
“You don’t want this,” he breathes, and much to your surprise there is not a hint of anger. That doesn’t stop your desperation.
“You do,” you whisper back, and your voice is so pathetic you drop your gaze from his in shame. “I can feel it. You do.”
You grind your hips down on him. He exhales through his nose, grabs your waist, and holds you still as he fixes you with an utterly lost look.
“Not if you don’t,” Poe insists. “This is- this is a physical reaction. It’s just because I haven’t had sex in a long time.”
The words settle like rocks in the pit of your stomach. The reason Poe hasn’t had sex in a long time is you.
“I want this.” You lie and bite down on the inside of your lip until warm coppery blood fills your mouth.
You swallow it and lean down to kiss his neck, working your lips along the rough stubble on his jaw, over the tiny scar on his cheek, back to his neck.
“Baby, please. Stop.”
Warm hands guide you off him. The rejection shouldn’t sting, not when this is hardly something you actually want. But sting it does. 
Light flares in the room, bright but a soft white that you shut your eyes against as you sit and pull your knees to your chest.
“When I told you we could wait as long as you want, I meant it.” Poe sits up to lean against the wall.
You open your eyes to see his hand extended, offering you a spot on his chest. Instead you turn away to stare blankly at the wall in front of you. It’s white. Clean and sterile and white. No pattern. Just a uniform white wall that you wish would swallow you up.
You turn to him. It takes all your strength to look at his face and make your eyes focus on his handsome features. A few of your tears still linger on his cheeks. Curly brown hair sticks in every direction. The chain of his necklace peeks out from under his collar. He’s beautiful. He’s perfect and kind. And he deserves better than a girl who can’t even bring herself to sleep with him. Especially when… especially when…
“I’ve had sex.” You force the words out before you can think better of them. “Now that you’ve seen m- my medical records, don’t you feel entitled to… something?”
“Baby.” He swipes a lose strand of hair from your eyes, not missing how you shy away from his hand for a split second. You hadn’t done that in ages. “What happened before us doesn’t matter. I promise. I will-” Then his mind finally processed your question. “Now that I’ve seen what?”
You stare at Poe because how could he not have seen it? Without a word you grab his data pad, open the file from his unread messages, and pass it to Poe. Worry is written across his face. The second he realizes what he is looking at, he slams his eyes shut.
“Why would I have seen that?”
He truly has no idea.
But the dam already broke. You’ve already made the leap. There is no going back now. 
Poe sets the screen aside to wrap an arm over your trembling shoulders and draw you against his chest. You let him only because you are too emotionally drained to push away the one person who might bring you comfort, even if that is the same person with the power to bring terrible pain.
He is struggling to put the pieces together on his own, not because he’s stupid but because the truth is painful to accept.
“Talk to me.” Poe presses a kiss to the crown of your head, and your arms wrap around his waist to hold him tight. “Please, talk to me.”
You curl yourself tighter and closer to Poe so you can bury your face in the crook of his shoulder. You can’t look at him; you can barely form words. Instead you blindly grope for the data pad and hand it back to Poe.
“Are you sure?” He asks. “If you don’t want me to-”
“Everyone already knows.”
You can picture the mess hall tomorrow morning. Poe eating breakfast, blissfully ignorant of your past when, ‘Hey, Dameron. Heard your girlfriend only fucks First Order officers. Sorry for your loss.’ More likely the words would be kinder, gentler, pitying the handsome pilot who had given up his playboy ways for someone like you. And he’d… Stop! You fight back ideas about this scenario that you simply would not let happen.
It is best that he learn about it in private. Then you can try to explain.
Poe’s brows knit together, but he doesn’t question your statement. He’ll figure out what ‘everyone already knows’ means later.
You feel his chest rise shakily underneath you as he steadies himself for whatever horrors are hidden here. With his free hand he absentmindedly trails feather-light touches along your cheek.
His eyes roam the file: your name, date of birth, a picture taken the day you first arrived. It’s all standard stuff. Regular check ups. Medical tests for your flight clearance. Post-mission blood work. You had been a spy, so you had more comprehensive medical records than most. Otherwise though, it’s a normal file. Until it’s not.
He never mentioned it to you, but he had suspicions that something like this might be in your past. It was a suspicion, however, that was easy to ignore. Poe hadn’t known you in your spy days, and like most former spies, you chose to keep your past in the past. Until now.
When he gets to that part, you feel his hand still. Poe’s whole body goes tense beneath you, the muscles of his neck tightening as he swallows hard. Each word makes his heart ache for the woman in his arms, for you who had been suffering through the aftermath of such horrors alone. 
A few soft taps fill the silence as Poe searches for an answer to his other question - how did ‘everyone’ know about this?
Then Poe hisses aloud, “Fucking bitch.”
He is looking at the name of the sender.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper into his neck and choke down a sob.
“No, baby. Not you.” In an instant he has your head cradled in his hands, thumbing away your tears, bringing your reluctant gaze up to him as he realizes his mistake. “You have nothing to be sorry for. She should never have done this. No decent person would do this.”
“I should have told you before.” You try to protest, but Poe just shakes his head. His face is inches from yours, and his dark brown eyes implore you to believe him.
“You don’t owe me - or anyone else - an explanation.” His words are firm but kind. 
Another few moments pass in a heavy silence. Poe holds your face between his hands, supporting the weight of your head that suddenly feels too heavy for you to hold up yourself. The callouses on his thumbs are rough against your skin. They are the only thing that feels real right now.
“I- I-” Just say it, you think. Just say it. Tell him what the file doesn’t. “I wouldn’t give them any information.” There is a certain pride in your voice as you say those words. “When my cover was blown, they tortured me, and I was strong. I was so strong.” Your voice cracks on the last word making Poe swallow hard. Your words sound like you are reading from a book rather than recounting your memories. “They thought they could try a new way to break me. It didn’t work. Eventually they weren’t even looking for information anymore. It was just fun for them. So I used that. I got close to the right people, and when they let their guard down I escaped.”
Your whole body is shaking as memories drown any rational thoughts you had left.
“I did it to survive." You meet his gaze and hold it desperately. “I did it to survive. It wasn’t fun. Poe, you have to believe me, I did what I had to. Please! Please, Poe. Please.”
“Of course I believe you.” His voice is a calm low rumble, and he repeats the words with even more conviction. “ I believe you. Come here.”
He wraps his large hand around the back of your neck, his fingers splayed wide across your skin as he pulls you into what you will later call the best hug of your life. Your head tucks under his chin. His other hand comes around your waist to hold you close.
The second he has you secure against him, he lets his own tears spill over. He didn’t want you to see him crying, knowing one of you had to maintain a calm facade through this. You deserved the entire galaxy, and what you had gotten was a slimy alley on some shit planet. He wanted to pull down the stars and bath you in their light. He wanted to kill the people who had done this to you. He wanted revenge on the woman who had made your trauma part of some sick game to get him back. Only his faith in Rose, Rey, and Finn kept him from hunting her down right now. He was certain they had dealt with her, and you needed him here.
“I love you,” he whispers the words. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
He really isn’t angry with you. The realization comes slowly then all at once. It brings with it a bit of embarrassment at your earlier actions. Before that thought can really settle, the exhaustion hits. Exhaustion from spending hours crying and worrying until your nerves were so shot you could hardly think straight.
Poe feels your body relax. Your breath has fallen into steady and slow inhales and exhales. He slides down in the bed, bringing you with his so you can curl against his chest with your head on his shoulder. You look up at him.
“Please don’t cry,” you murmur and wipe a tear from his cheek.
He grasps that hand in his, playing with your fingers. There’s a few light bruises along your knuckles that his touch lingers on like a question.
“I punched her. In the mess, during lunch.”
Poe raises your bruised knuckles to his soft lips and kisses each one reverently.
“I’m with you,” he breathes between kisses. “Whatever people say or believe.” Another kiss. “You’ll always have me. Promise. You’ll always have me.”
My Masterlist
I am contemplating a part 2 (if I can write it tastefully) where the reader and Poe do have sex for the first time.
Tags: @ay0nha​ 
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pimosworld · 2 months
Read it again- part I
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I wanted to start a list of recs that I find myself going back to when I’m happy or sad or just in need of something to distract me from the crazy world we live in. This will be multiple parts so consider this the first installment. These will be old/new/current wips and fics.
Please head the warnings in each fic or series.
Triple Frontier
The devils backbone- @ezrasbirdie
Feed your ego- @whatthefishh
War makes thieves and peace hangs them- @brandyllyn
Messy Pile of Affection Series- @flightlessangelwings
The homecoming series- @astroboots
Awakening Series- @romanarose
Switch to channel 2- @autumnleaves1991-blog
My best friends girl- @tropes-and-tales
Moon Knight
Prized possession- @melodygatesauthor
Third ones the charm-(part I, part II) @missdictatorme
Egg Fried Rice- @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
The Jake problem- (part I, part II) @bensolosbluesaber
For science- @projectionistwrites
Joel Miller
Pink- @netherfeildren
The checklist- @thetriumphantpanda
Trick or Treat- @morallyinept
Meet me in the back- @atticrissfinch
Honey do- @kiwisbell
Take care of you- @theidiotwhowritesthings
Javier Peña
It’s never too late- @javierpena-inatacvest
Paranoid heart- @goodwithcheese
Late night texts- @undercoverpena
D.I.Y.- @swiftispunk
Please comment and reblog the authors works that they pour their time, heart and soul into.
Feel free to leave a comment with your favorite re-read or message me directly to include in future installments.
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kaylasficrecs · 1 year
marc spector recs (+ steven & jake)
stab me | imagine, fluff | @peterman-spideyparker
nothing serious | one shot, trifecta (fluff/angst/smut) | @peterman-spideyparker
moments | imagine, fluff (little angsty) | @bensolosbluesaber
dlz | one shot, flangst (more fluff) | @ichorai
the morning after | imagine, fluff | @marc-spectorr
the break-up | one shot, angst (happy ending) | @foreverinadais
tales untold | series | @softlyspector
fucker notices everything | imagine, fluff | @romanarose
london eye | imagine, fluff | @silversweetpea
march ninth | imagine, flangst | @bensolosbluesaber
disaster | one shot, flangst (more angst) | @softlyspector
not my intention | one shot, flangst | @howaboutcastiel
suited and booted | series | @grantspectortrash
silence | one shot, angst | @mknightgrant
3 days away | imagine, flangst | @variety-fangirl
our little thing | imagine, fluff | @wysteria-clad
drenched flowers | imagine, flangst | @eyelessfaces
team work | imagine, fluff | @bluehourbucky
no one can hurt you | imagine, flangst | @bibli0thecary
just a touch of your hand | series | @mccn-bcys
open my eyes | one shot, the trifecta | @missdictatorme
the moon boys and periods | headcanon, fluff | @melodygatesauthor
chores | imagine, flangst | @writingdumpster
drunk | one shot, flangst | @foreverinadais
tired of me | imagine, flangst | @bibli0thecary
unwavering comfort | one shot, flangst | @spectrs
not him | imagine, angst | @loud-mouth-loser
sleepy thief | imagine, fluff | @slightlypossessed
press your tulips to mine | one shot, fluff | @heartthrobinsfics
already over | series | @m00nsbaby
there's only one bed | headcanon, fluff | @sarahghetti
my knight in white | one shot, trifecta | @flightlessangelwings
my bleeding dream... | one shot, trifecta | @heartthrobin
come to bed, love | imagine, fluff | @romanarose
comfort | imagine, fluff | @mkfluffluv
a future without you | one shot, angsty flangst | @mkfluffluv
can you pretend to be my bf? | headcanon, fluff | @sarahghetti
blood on your lies | one shot, flangst | @sarahghetti
trying to hide your injury from them | imagine, flangst (more angst) | @softlyspector
magic | imagine, flangst | @popquizhot-shot
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agent-tempest · 1 year
My favorite fanfics!
Loki Friggason [Marvel]
Dancing in the dark (with you between my arms) by @holymultiplefandomsbatman [Fluff]
Paper rings by @cherryrogers [Pure fluff]
Back in your arms by @sarahscribbles [starts angsty but happiest fluffiest ending]
Remus Lupin [Marauders Era]
I don't want them. I want you by @theemporium [Fluff, Marriage, Drunk!Remus]
You are in love by @starstruckmoony [fluff]
Red by @jamespottersdaisy [Banter, fluff]
Gold Rush by @jamespottersdaisy [pure fluff]
Hiccups and hijinks by @dreaminginpastels [Plus-size!Reader, fluff, mutual pining, mentions of insecurity and self-doubt]
Jealous Prof!Reader by @turvi [Fluff, wife!Reader]
Let me help by @jamespottersdaisy [bad mental health, eating disorder?, angst]
Remus saying "I love you" to the for the first time by @theemporium [xReader, pure fluff]
Remus taking care of Drunk!Reader by @theemporium [Potter!Reader, Drunk!Reader, Soft Remus]
Remus being soft only with reader near fullmoons by @lizard-onawindowpane [Pure fluff]
Calm after the storm by @earthgirl616 [enemies to lovers, swearing, kissing, mention of blood and wounds]
Pinky Promise by @jamespottersdaisy [Pre and Post Moon!Remus, Remus and reader have a fight]
Our Band Part 1 Part 2 by @wzrd-wheezes [Marauders Band AU, Barista!Reader]
Kaz Brekker [Grishaverse]
Deadly fever by @webslinger-holland [mentions of severe illness, mentions of traumatic childhood, mentions of needles and bloodletting]
Book Club by @rainydaymiscellaneous [fluff, Kaz is in love]
There was this boy... by @mcntsee [Fluff]
Schon by @mcntsee [Kinda ooc Kaz, kaz is ok with y/n’s touch. Stabbing, blood, killing]
Peter Parker [TASM]
Worth Saving by @fettuccin-e [Hurt/Comfort]
Sirius Black [Marauders Era]
I think he knows by @theemporium [potter!reader, fluff, James being a Mood]
Words that slip through by @padfootagain [Fluff, tiny bit of Angst(?)]
For your family by @padfootagain [Fluff, Arrange marriage trope, Soulmate au]
Forced by @sirisuorionblack [Fluff, Arrange Marriage trope, toxic household]
Sirius wants a hug, but doesn't know how to ask by @gtgbabie0 [Fluff, touchstarved Sirius]
Everything has changed by @once-upon-an-imagine [Fluff, Lupin!Reader, Jilly Wedding]
Sirius being jealous of a cat by @theemporium [fluff, jealous!Sirius and *in steve's voice* Language]
A cozy rainy night with Sirius by @theemporium [pure fluff]
James Potter [Marauders era]
Stop flirting with the nurse, it's embarrassing by @perpetuallydaydreaming [Fluff, Siri & Pete being melodramatic]
First Impressions by @jackie5656 [Fluff, Descriptions of assault and attempted assault]
Just to Kiss by @chrryhrt [Frat!James x Reader, Idiots to lovers, friends to lovers, small mention of alcohol]
Regulus Black [Marauders era]
Coward by @sirisuorionblack [Hurt/comfort, Arrange marriage trope, acedemic rivals]
Moon Boys [Moon Knight, Marvel]
Jake Lockley- Cucumber face mask and fist of vengeance by @wysteria-clad [Fluff]
Jack Lockley- dlz by @ichorai [Angst, mild fluff, marriage au]
Marc, Steven and Jake- Clumsy by @marvelsswansong [fluff]
Marc, Steven and Jake- Secret Identities Part 1 Part 2 by @bensolosbluesaber [Fluff, reader is an Avenger]
Benedict Bridgerton [Bridgerton]
Matchmakers by @siempre-bucky [fluff]
Not for him by @iwritefandomimagines [Platonic!Anthony playing matchmaker, Fluff, slight angst]
Second son by @fayes-fics
Druig [Eternals, Marvel]
Druig x Reader by @siempre-bucky [fluff]
Stephen Strange [Marvel]
July 19th by @frostandflamesfanfic [Fluff, Strange being a dad to America]
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harrie-fic-center · 9 months
miguel o'hara
1959 by lilac-yellow
928 by unearth1y-child
a fair trade by divine-donna
an incantation like an anti curse (or even a blessing) by kindlessgraceless
angst blurb by fhrlclln
anomaly by nonexistent-introvert
aridente by bloodandthestars
assistant by devilfic
better knife than person by arrogantum
carbon copy by devilishcupid
cast away by xanthreel
come on, baby. cry. by certainlynotasimp
el trato by messylust
every you every me by astroboots
ghostin' urmoonlightbebe
happy wife, happy life by msgorillagripcoochie
he loses you in another life by bajgoktski
i miss you by peachycreamy
i need you to stay by intoxicated-chan
interruption blurb by lemmetreatya
i'm into that sorta fang by pumpkinamania
just a bite by certainlynotasimp
mid night by eyelessfaces *
mirror image by fabled-fiction
nowhere to run by bensolosbluesaber
oh, what can i do? by uselsshuman
our girl by certainlynotasimp
recap by mewhenimsad
show me where it hurts by loganlermanstanaccount
snow spider by ichorai
something to be joyful for by alluresaw
still here by redbowen
sweet as you by certainlynotasimp
te amo by kirbykisses
the puppeteer by nyctoplasm
the waiting game by luveline
the wishing tree by luveline
to leave the warmest bed i've ever known by angel-eyes05
too slow by ronwestbreeze
walking on sunshine by totallynotasimp
weight of the world(s) by ghost-with-a-teacup
what's in between by ghost-with-a-teacup
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ichorkurt · 2 years
ficrecs masterlist.
welcome to my ficrecs masterlist! find my main blog @ichorai. find my own fics here.
below the cut includes marvel, game of thrones, house of the dragon, dc, star wars, the boys, friends, bridgerton, bullet train, the gray man, the walking dead, arcane, and succession fics!
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ೃ⁀➷ bucky barnes.
be still, my indelible love by @pellucid-constellations​
code words by @cinebration​ 
cookies and tea by @han-writings​
counting by @/pellucid-constellations
depth of a shade by @softlybarnes
dreamscape by @wkemeup​ 
first date by @melwilson​
flight risk by @/wkemeup
guiding light by @/wkemeup
harmless by @shurisneakers​
henleys and hairties by @lovelybarnes​
if without you by @rassvetsky 
it will come back by @shedobewritingalittle​
i've got you by @majestyeverlasting​
keep you warm by @heavenlybarnes​
lavender by @/wkemeup
lilac wine by @nexusnyx​
looped by @/softlybarnes
nostalgia for the new by @real-jane​​
safe by @hailhydra920​
sleeping on the floor by @duckie-bee​
snow days by @bucky-bucket-barnes​
the sound of your heart by @jobean12-blog​​
stairs by @/lovelybarnes
time after time by @intrepidacious​
two sides of the same coin by @anonymityisfunwriter 
under oath by @ugh-supersoldiers​ 
untitled by @vanderlustwords​
valentine by @/softlybarnes
waiting waiting waiting by @/wkemeup
the way he loves by @/lovelybarnes
whatever happens, wherever i go... by @foreverindreamlandd​
ೃ⁀➷ charles xavier.
gravitational pull by @lazydoodlesandfanfic​ 
ೃ⁀➷ eddie brock.
exchanges by @whirlybirbs 
ೃ⁀➷ frank castle.
wherever you go, i go by @amhrosina​ 
ೃ⁀➷ jack russell.
come back to me by @/cinebration 
a good night by @noforkingclue
untitled by @ruby-dragon​ 
ೃ⁀➷ jake lockley.
bad days by @gooddaysmeanwritingdays​
the jake problem by @bensolosbluesaber 
keep the secret? by @mkfluffluv​
trouble sleeping by @the-butterfly-blues​
ೃ⁀➷ kate bishop.
this is a hospital by @alotofpockets​ 
ೃ⁀➷ logan howlett.
blast from the past by @lune-hime 
the breaking point by @stardustdreams-andcaffeine 
dating logan howlett would include... by @chiefdirector 
i don’t mind by @siren-and-faies-writing 
family outing by @/lune-hime 
forever winter by @luna-writes-stuff​ 
if you’ll have me by @make-me-imagine​​ 
laura saw you two making-out... by @ellana-ravenwood 
logan headcanons by @n1ghtw1ng01 
reluctantly here by @moonlit-imagines 
tragic endings by @buckyseddie 
world on fire by @cobbvanthsblaster 
ೃ⁀➷ marc spector.
bad days by @gooddaysmeanwritingdays
a future without you by @/mkfluffluv
halloween again by @/softlybarnes 
jealousy by @stevenspector
just let me dream a little more by @the-archxr
lavender kisses by @kiwicider​ 
loss by @b6cky 
sleepy thief by @slightlypossessed
trouble sleeping by @/the-butterfly-blues
untitled by @/softlybarnes 
untitled by @/softlybarnes 
ೃ⁀➷ m’baku.
lord of the mountains by @/foreverindreamlandd 
ೃ⁀➷ miles morales.
corazón despeinado & cielo en la miente by @parkerflix​ 
ೃ⁀➷ namor.
safest place in the world by @legends-of-apex​
sanctuary by @eunsuri 
until the waves call me home by @harrysweasleys​ 
ೃ⁀➷ natasha romanoff.
lazy days by @alotofpockets​​ 
penguin by @luthorgarbage​
ೃ⁀➷ peter parker.
banana split by @/kiwicider
caviar and cigarettes by @curseofaphrodite​ 
ೃ⁀➷ pietro maximoff.
at the end of the day by @acciopietro 
peter with an s/o who’s too nice by @takenbypeter​ 
waking up with pietro maximoff by @angelltheninth 
ೃ⁀➷ steve rogers.
as you wish by @rookthorne 
bridges break by @/shurisneakers 
hide and seek by @earth616variant 
parade by @rodrikstark​
surname by @withbuckybarnes
a threat beneath the nice veneer by @witchywithwhiskey​ 
untitled by @blushstories​
ೃ⁀➷ steven grant.
10.21 am by @brockify​​
bad days by @/gooddaysmeanwritingdays
cuddling headcanons by @bowieandqueen11​​
heaven's cloud by @/brockify
jealousy by @/stevenspector
loss by @/b6cky​
trouble sleeping by @/the-butterfly-blues
untitled by @forever-rogue​
ೃ⁀➷ wade wilson.
untitled by @thebisexualdogdad​ 
wade hitting on you, clossus’ sibling by @/moonlit-imagines 
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game of thrones / house of the dragon.
ೃ⁀➷ aegon targaryen.
pretty when you cry by @/kiwicider 
ೃ⁀➷ aemond targaryen.
and what of your love? by @endless-ineffabilities 
the campain by @sapphire-writes
can’t help falling in love by @lauraneedstochill 
can i sit here? by @aemonds-war-crime 
citrus by @aemondx 
devotion by @milliesdiary 
the dance between dragons by @house-strong 
dragons, knights, and princesses by @runningmunson 
education by @oneeyedvisenya​
haven’t i been good to you? by @cosmoeticss 
heartbeat by @spideymatcha 
i’d rather be sad with you, than anywhere away from you by @jasonsmirrorball 
i’m a damsel, i’m in distress, i can handle this by @valeskafics 
in a week by @/oneeyedvisenya
in dreams by @/oneeyedvisenya 
in the beginning by @avtrbee 
judas by @s-brant 
just kill me and be done with it by @targaryenrealnessdarling 
a mother for a son by @/targaryenrealnessdarling
nectar of the gods by @aemndx 
now i draw a luxury nxde by @xfancyuu 
not at all in love by @/oneeyedvisenya
one eye open when i’m sleeping by @just-some-random-blogger 
persuasion by @aemonds-sapphire 
practice makes perfect by @1800-fight-me 
she was lovin’ me, she was wantin’ me by @astrumark 
a song of flames and fury by @/sapphire-writes 
a stranger by @/targaryenrealnessdarling 
time can’t stop me quite like you did by @/jasonsmirrorball 
tipping point by @/oneeyedvisenya 
touch starved aemond by @aemondsbeloved 
unexplained illness by @warmfieldofgrass 
the warrior princess by @theold-ultraviolence
whispers unsaid by @/theold-ultraviolence 
unnoticed by @/aemonds-sapphire
untitled by @/aemonds-war-crime 
untitled by @/aemonds-war-crime
untitled by @themotherofhorses 
ೃ⁀➷ daemon targaryen.
in the shadow of your heart by @/endless-ineffabilities
puppy love by @/just-some-random-blogger​ 
ೃ⁀➷ jacaerys velaryon.
the dance between dragons by @/house-strong 
love, parents, and truths by @/house-strong 
under the weirdwood tree by @targaryen-jpg​ 
unexpected visit by @jacesbeloved 
ೃ⁀➷ jon snow.
the jealous type by @ninjasawakenedmystar 
the making of a man by @januaryembrs​ 
moon of my life by @depends-on-the-sellsword 
a northern light by @fallatyourfeet 
snow by @l4verq
ೃ⁀➷ robb stark.
robb stark being protective would include... by @imagines-all-day-everyday​ 
ೃ⁀➷ sansa stark.
warmth by @megsironthrone​​
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ೃ⁀➷ adrian chase.
complex simplicity by @bingoboingobongo 
my favorite girl by @vigilvntes 
now or never by @/whirlybirbs 
on her majesty’s supersonic service by @training4theapocalypse-backup​ 
ೃ⁀➷ bruce wayne.
convenience by @imaginingmarvelandeverything 
lingering shadows by @/foreverindreamlandd
middle of the night and shadows in the night by @hollandorks 
i won’t drown, batman by @twinklelilstarkey 
the way down by @whats-rambled-rambled 
a world alone by @/vigilvntes
world’s greatest detective by @bkwrm523​ 
ೃ⁀➷ dream / morpheus.
darling by @daddyjackfrost 
the deal by @spideybatsy 
exit light, enter night by @clints-lucky-arrow 
how to mistakenly summon an ancient being & keep him by @writethrough 
imagine being the one who releases morpheus by @undiscovered-horizon 
love game by @/avtrbee 
playing with morpheus’ hair by @paradiseinaverno 
the mixup by @7-wonders​ 
morpheus’ love languages by @auroraborealyss 
saving grace by @/avtrbee
today i bury you in me by @the-darklings 
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star wars.
ೃ⁀➷ poe dameron.
the f-word by @the-little-ewok​
heartless by @youvebeenlivingfictional​
officially unofficial by @thelovelylolly 
one last dance by @loud-mouth-loser 
peacetime by @lomlpoedameron​​​
untitled by @starryeyedstories​​
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the boys.
ೃ⁀➷ black noir.
domestic by @mlmxreader​ 
in your dreams by @seeds-and-sins​
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ೃ⁀➷ friends.
how the friends characters would react to you asking for their pronouns by @lanawinterscigarettes 
ೃ⁀➷ joey tribbiani.
the one where you’re dating joey by @charliewritesfanfic 
untitled by @maximoff-pan 
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ೃ⁀➷ benedict bridgerton.
365 days of you by @promenadewithme​ 
as a kite by @saintlike78 
benedict bridgerton and marriage by @iliveiloveiwrite 
en garde by @delphispoeticals 
forgive me by @benedictscanvas 
invisible string by @purelyfiction 
it is just tea by @leahsficemporium 
knight in shining armor by @magpiencrow 
matchmakers by @siempre-bucky 
muse of mine by @murswrites 
my heart, my future by @/make-me-imagine
pall mall by @tontattletale 
paint with me by @/magpiencrow
the princess and the lord by @ficnacs 
that’s my wife! by @wysteria-clad 
they’re not the only ones by @/maximoff-pan
this and the next by @/iliveiloveiwrite
whatever the poets say by @cressidaclearwood 
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bullet train.
ೃ⁀➷ tangerine.
all in a days work by @fookinfandoms 
bathroom b!tch by @keravnous​ 
confessionals by @dragoneye01 
crazy in love by @danny-cordray 
tangerine comes home to you asleep by @magicchai 
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the gray man.
ೃ⁀➷ court gentry / lloyd hansen.
only the lonely and stop all the clocks by @charnelhouse​​ 
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the walking dead.
ೃ⁀➷ rick grimes.
rick protecting you would include... by @joelsgeetar​ 
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ೃ⁀➷ viktor.
all nighter by @shimmerforall 
aphrodisiac with academy student viktor by @zaunitearchives 
forgotten by @ficfanatictrf 
human testing by @the-hidden-pages 
rest by @writingmysanity​ 
a theory by @gaybybirth
untitled by @astudyincontrasts 
viktor with a sleey s/o headcanons by @kitt357 
wet dreams by @/gaybybirth 
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ೃ⁀➷ roman roy.
bear hug by @richeeduvie
the blood pours by @bowieandqueen11 
cuddling with roman roy by @/richeeduvie 
date death by @/richeeduvie
heartbreaker by @the-west-meadow 
hit me by @/the-west-meadow
jump then fall by @lukas-matsson 
just close your eyes by @/lukas-matsson
like a leopard’s tongue in the mouth of a snake by @z3nitsusgf 
neck and neck by @/richeeduvie
out of control by @jaebeomsbitch 
phone line by @/richeeduvie
pining and anticipation by @aprilthearcher​ 
the poison drips through by @itsasainz 
red bird by @wildlunar 
resolved issues by @/bowieandqueen11
roman roy being jealous would include... by @/bowieandqueen11
roman roy x age-gap reader headcanons & part two by @missscarlettangel 
roman roy smut headcanons by @succcession 
romeo take me somewhere we can be alone by @/missscarlettangel 
romulus by @/richeeduvie
sneakers by @/richeeduvie 
steamed by @/richeeduvie
sunlight by @/bowieandqueen11
this slant of light by @/richeeduvie
touch me (i’m sick) by @/richeeduvie
untitled by @/richeeduvie 
untitled by @/the-west-meadow
untitled by @/the-west-meadow
untitled by @/z3nitsusgf
what’s an office crush? by @/missscarlettangel
when he’s gone by @/the-west-meadow
while you were sleeping by @/richeeduvie
771 notes · View notes
Moon Knight Fic Recs.
oldest to newest or as I found them lol
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Plenty of cuddles for everyone
Chamber of Reflection
Because I'm in Love with You
Love You the Same
From Dust
Head over heels Steven Grant
the morning after
for all you give (i’ll give it back to you)
love you like the sun came out
cuddle quota
Just a Kiss
Best day of my life
Dyed Hair Disaster
Roses for The Strange Man
Coffee and Kisses
Secret Identities pt.2
Keep The Secret?
sky and stars
Moments - Part 2
Moon Nights
here with you
Won’t Say I’m In Love
The Tongue Thing
Dress Up
"did you bring a jacket?"
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Spare Key
Resolutions | 𝚊𝚙𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚜 | Aspiration
Smoke and Mirrors | The truth is Rarely Kind (S&M pt.2) | pt. 3
you know it's not the same | as it was
Lioness —> Moon Knight
Old friends → moon knight
perfect strangers
Bloody Hands
Hospital Bed Confessions
Loveless God
An Eye For An Eye
Finishing the Job
Night Owl
dlz ; jake lockley.
You're my emergency
Stop Dead
“i’m tired of having to pretend we hate each other.”
the break-up
Blood at the corner of your mouth
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Too Good to be True
Fit To Burst
where lust ends, and love begins
While We Untangle
Cant fight the moonlight
Keep your vigils on the road
Monday mornings
The Jake Problem - Part 2 *
fire & desire
Where To, Miss?
Gift of Min
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Red Flags
Moonknight/Eternals Crossover *
Reverence for the moon
Sleep With Me, Anytime
Make Your Acquaintance Masterlist
Goodbye, My Dear Stranger
My You-niverse
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Full Masterlists
obnoxioussmiley's Moonknight masterlist
Bibli0thecary Moonknight masterlist
Charnelhouse Moonknight Masterlist (SMUT 18+)
Bensolosbluesaber's Moonknight Masterlist
SoftlySpector's Moonknight masterlist
Stormkobra-5's Moonknight Masterlist
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Living With Steven Grant Would Include…
HC for the other moon Boys reacting to the reader saying they’re pregnant
in an argument (hc)
Head cannons abt the moon boys for the soul <3
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fettuccin-e · 2 years
Moon Knight Fic Recs (Part II)
Hey gang!! I’m still very much hyper-fixated on Moon Knight (as if the profile pic didn’t prove that already), so here are more Moon Knight fic recs! These are all literally fucking fantastic and I want them forever and ever so yeah. Please give these authors a ton of love so they know that we, the readers, appreciate them!! (also, if you’re one of these authors and you’d like to be removed from this list, please let me know!!) 
Part I of my Moon Knight Fic Recs
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Fifth Times the Charm by @gothamcafe >> In which the Moon Boys argue over who gets the first kiss with you, but you just think that they don’t want to kiss you. (cute, fluffy, what more could you want?!)
Still Bottled Up by @red-pill-blue-pill >> After meeting your parents for the first time, Marc has a really rough time coping. (Very much hurt/comfort, which I am SUCH a slut for.)  
A Long Night by @myfictionaldreams >> In which all three of your boys come out to rail the absolute shit out of you. (smut, so much smut. I love this, I love smut, so yeah)
Chocolate by @laters-gators >> You spend a night sharing a box of chocolates with Steven Grant and it quickly turns very steamy. (more smut! also I love awkward Steven, and the part where he licks the chocolate off his fingers in this?? life changing, truly)
The Break-Up by @foreverinadais >> All three of your boys broke up with you in the same night, seemingly out of the blue. In your grief, you see Steven out on a date with another girl, and you decide that you need answers for why they all left you so suddenly (This hurt me, but I never want a sad ending, so this ends happily, don’t worry)
Tired and Wounded by @eyelessfaces >> You need to take care of Marc when he comes home injured, but his emotional state requires more care than his body (can you tell I like hurt/comfort?? cause I do, if that wasn’t obvious)
Moments by @bensolosbluesaber >> There’s always been an unwritten rule in your relationship: Marc cuddles you, you cuddle Steven. But they’ve been talking, and maybe it’s time for that rule to change. (the author’s description was fantastic for this fic, so I just used that :) also!! this shit is so cute, I have cavities now)
Deserve by @softlyspector >> In which Marc never thinks he deserves comfort after sex, but you prove him otherwise, wanting him to know that he deserves just as much love and care as his alter. (smut plus hurt/comfort??? say no more babey)
Homecoming by @luke-o-lophus >> You watched Marc die, unable to stop it. He came back, but sometimes, the memories of watching the love of your life die are too much to bear (this one is another hurt/comfort, but there is a pretty vivid description of a panic attack, so be warned!!)
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of-house-atreides · 1 year
Must Reads (Fic Recs)
(Miguel O'Hara and JOEL MILLER fics)
I've been reading a lot of really good fics recently, and I thought I'd gather them somewhere to make it easier for me to go back to them should I want to re read them so I thought why not make it public?
I mean you've probably read them already, some have thousands of notes (as they should!) but still, sharing is caring 🥰
Don't hesitate to reblog with your own recommendations! I'd love to read them!
MDNI (most of these contain smut)
Miguel O'Hara
El Trato by @messylustt
-> so obsessed with this one!!
All Mine by @fake-bleach
Nowhere to Run by @bensolosbluesaber (can't wait for part 2!)
Stitches and Claws and Superhuman Stamina by @astroboots
Miguel x pregnant!reader by @buryustogether
Perfect Little Toy by @thyme-in-a-bubble (there's a part 2 😉)
Cuddling Miguel O'Hara by @livelaughloak
Take My Breath by @whatthefishh
Miguel O'Hara x reader by @love-toxin
Throat Trainer by @mcondance
Joel Miller
Feelings on Fire by @joelscruff
-> Absolutely OBSESSED with this fic 🔥🔥🔥 def a must read! In fact I'd recommend her entire masterlist!!
Claimed by @absurdthirst
Shattered but not Lonely by @nerdytyrantphantom
Halo, Hiding my Obsession by @cruelfvkingsummer
Just This One Time by @chloeangelic
Cinephile by @jrrmint
Aches by @toxicanonymity
Overstimulation by @millersaurora
Enjoy! 😄
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bensolosbluesaber · 2 years
Moon Knight System (Steven Grant, Marc Spector, & Jake Lockley) (MCU) Masterlist
Welcome to my Moon Knight System Masterlist. Fics that were especially well received are in bold. Please note that some fics are 18+.
Baking Lessons (Marc Spector x f!reader) 18+
Marc Spector can’t bake, but for you he’ll try. You and Marc bake cookies together... among other things. (Fluff, angst, smut)
Clueless (Steven Grant x f!reader)
You could have any man who walks into the bar, but the only one you want is completely clueless. Tonight you’ve had enough. (Fluff)
Based on a request!
The Co-Worker Rule (Steven Grant and Marc Spector and Jake Lockley x reader)
With the Avengers’ ranks depleted in the aftermath of the blip, your team needs heroes. Your mission is to recruit the Moon Knight. What you didn’t expect was to fall for him.
Based on a request!
Happy Anniversary, Love (Steven Grant x f!reader) 18+
You want your one year anniversary with Steven to be special. And what better way than sex... with a mirror... (Smut)
Based on a request!
I’ll Always Stay (Marc Spector x reader)
Marc Spector is terrified of the rain, but you’re there to take care of him. (Hurt/comfort, angst)
Check tags!
The Jake Problem (Part 1 | Part 2) (Jake Lockley x f!reader) 18+
Jake hates you. Like really hates you, which wouldn’t be a problem if you weren’t dating Steven and Marc. But maybe, just maybe, Jake doesn’t hate you. (Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Smut, Angst)
Check warnings!
March Ninth (Marc Spector x f!reader)
It’s Marc Spector’s birthday, something you only know because of Steven and Jake. After Marc walks out on you, he realizes he needs to tell you why he really hates his birthday and let you help him. (Angst, fluff)
Moments (Part 1: Steven Grant and Marc Spector x f!reader | Part 2: Jake Lockley x f!reader)
Part 1: There’s always been an unwritten rule in your relationship: Marc cuddles you, you cuddle Steven. But they’ve been talking, and maybe it’s time for that rule to change. Moments of softness between you, Marc, and Steven. (Fluff, Hurt/Comfort)
Part 2: There’s no rules for how to cuddle with Jake; you’ve never done it before. The first time you and Jake hold each other. (Fluff, Angst)
Questionable Decisions (Marc Spector x f!reader) 18+
You’re worried about the man who falls asleep on you on the bus. You only follow him to make sure he gets home safe. Marc Spector sees you as a threat to Steven... until he doesn’t. Besides, you can’t walk home in a thunderstorm. (Smut)
Not in love with this fic. Might rework later.
Secret Identities (Part 1 | Part 2) (Steven Grant and Marc Spector and Jake Lockley x reader)
There’s part of your life that Steven, Marc, and Jake don’t know about. A big part… namely that you’re an Avenger. But they’re about to find out, and it’s not exactly how you wanted it to go. (Fluff, sprinkle of angst)
Based on a request!
Someone Like You (Part 1 | Part 2) (Steven Grant and Marc Spector and Jake Lockley x f!reader))
When Moon Knight is captured, there is only one Avenger with the right powers to save them. You. Marc might hate you, but when his life is on the line that no longer matters. (Angst, Hurt/Comfort)
The Tongue Thing (Steven Grant and Marc Spector and Jake Lockley x f!reader)
You stick your tongue out when you concentrate. Here’s how Steven, Marc, and Jake react. (Fluff, squint for smut)
Based on a request!
How Marc, Steven, and Jake react to your new nipple piercings
Cell phones and the Moon Knight System
Main Masterlist
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ladywynne · 1 year
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Ten Wonderful Works Part 2
Moon Knight 🌙
A kissing/affection headcanon for Marc Spector x gn!reader - @nowritingonthewall - SFW
Wrong food order headcanons @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction - SFW
Just Right - @writefightandflightclub - SFW - Marc doesn't fit in so well in the marines.
Front Stuck - @drifting-pieces-blog-blog - SFW - Going for a checkup isn't a simple matter for the Moon Boys.
Sacred, Private Things - @amchapel - SFW - Marc/Steven & Plus-size Reader - You have insecurities but the boys want you to be warm in a blizzard.
Panic - @peterman-spideyparker - SFW - Beautiful. Protective friends to possibly lovers. Steven/Marc x Reader
Need - @missdictatorme - NSFW - Marc helps you feel good on your period
Poe Dameron (Star Wars Sequel Trilogy)✨
You'll Never Keep Him - @bensolosbluesaber - SFW - Reader's traumatic past comes back to haunt her. Poe is there for her.
Joel Miller (The Last of Us) 🐑
Cut Out of Stone - @thefact0rygirl - NSFW - Joel shows you that it can be gentle
Kane (Annihilation) 🌌
Mangled- @laters-gators - NSFW - You go to the Shimmer with the man you secretly love. A lot happens. Very nsfw.
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kaylasficrecs · 1 year
poe dameron recs
you'll never keep him | one shot, angst | @bensolosbluesaber (tw)
safe with you | imagine, flangst | @storyarcscribe
hope | imagine, flangst | @im-poe-dameron
something forgotten | one shot, flangst | @bensolosbluesaber
the commander & the star | imagine, flangst (but more fluff) | @phantomspiderr
steady | imagine, flangst | @crestfallen-dameron
sometimes you love someone... | imagine, flangst | @softlyspector
say it again | one shot, flangst | @oscarseyebrow
tucking the sheets around them | imagine, fluff | @userpoe
the pink and blue ribbon | one shot, flangst | @the-little-ewok
the f-word | one shot, fluff | @the-little-ewok
nine | two shot, the trifecta (smut/fluff/angst) | @foxilayde
feeling you | one shot, flangst | @multifandomsw
in the stars | imagine, flangst | @bensolosbluesaber
i didn't mean to love you so much | one shot, flangst | @d0wnb4df0rf1cm3n
dress | imagine, flangst | @starryevermore
get well soon | imagine, soft fluff | @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
heal | one shot, fluff | @eyelessfaces
risk it all for you | one shot, trifecta | @flightlessangelwings
invisible string | one shot, fluff | @campingwiththecharmings
content affection | imagine, fluff | @softlyspector
home | au, imagine, fluff | @never--doubt
golden age | imagine, fluff | @ichorai
did you mean it? | imagine, fluff | @jake-g-lockley
crush | one shot, fluff | @batshitbimbo
my heart seeks yours | imagine, angst | @gooddaykate
protection squad | imagine, angst | @writefightandflightclub
birthday wishes | imagine, fluff | @stormkobra-5
heartless | one shot, flangst | @youvebeenlivingfictional
snowfall | imagine, flangst (more fluff) | @dilf-din
never before | imagine, smut | @melodygatesauthor
risky kiss | imagine, fluff | @dailyreverie
family man | imagine, flangst (more angst) | @rqgnarok
rituals | imagine, comfort flangst | @rqgnarok
together by the force | drabble, fluff | @youvebeenlivingfictional
hate to love you | one shot, trifecta | @marc-spectorr
rookie mistake | series | @groguspicklejar
collateral damage | one shot, flangst | @the-little-ewok
pièce de rèsistance | imagine, fluff | @the-little-ewok
better safe than sorry | series | @eyelessfaces
poe thought you were dead | drabble, flangst (more angst) | @starryeyedstories
the promotion | one shot, fluff | @reallyrallyauthor
a light, a song, a bluebird | one shot, flangst | @millllenniawrites (tw)
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1donoow · 1 year
♡ - smut
Most of them are fluff
<a/n>i somewhat explain why there's alot in my pin post
Peter(pietro) maximoff
miles morales
moon knight
stephen strange
wade wilson
eddie brock (venom)
kate bishop
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@elius-learns-to-write - Being Shy and Quiet but loving Horror movies
- being Thor's kid and being s sarcastic
- mum friend (teen!reader)
@rendevousz - the favorite (teen!reader)
@writerdream22 - wade's daughter and being avengers latest recruit
peter(pietro) maximoff
@lanawinterscigarettes - Peter Maximoff with a s/o who's a witch
@thewriterg - it's amusing love
miles morales
@moonlit-imagines - repairing miles web shooters for him
moon knight
@ughhheragain - falling for their therapist
@missdictatorme - playful pinch/slap on the booty
@ithebookhoarder - master of mystic arts!reader
@that-one-weeb-buts-its-the-main - general steven grant hc
@thedaredevilsgirl - the red dress
@nghtwngs - the kiss scene
@bensolosbluesaber - moment
@universallycinematic - a living fantasy
@geo-winchester - fish killers
- wildest dream
@stormkobra-5 - Batons and Unicorns
@fanpageknight -Imagine being a well known artist who's hired by the museum to paint a huge egyptian mural and steven starts crushing on you.
@dont-feel-so-good-peter - nightmares
- sticky note mishap pt.1
- the morning after
- among the deities(avatar/soulmate!reader)
- late night cravings (witch!reader)
@luvr-bunnyy - enough
@rogueonestan - old wounds
@imaginestuffs - what you mean to me
@mamamilki - more steven hc
- Steven grant is head over heels for you
@bowieandqueen11 - living with steven granr would include
@multific - gods and monsters
@quicksilverownsmysoul - just a kiss
- sleepy morning
- after hours of you
- touch ups
- secret ♡
@starrys-night - marc spector nsfw alphabet
@obnoxioussmiley - seeing red
@venomous-musings - ___♡
@mykinkyyandere - husband
@snippychicke - moonstone pt 2
- gift
@inlovewithfictionalcharacters8 - When Khonshu gives you piggyback rides/carries you
@whiskehorange - what's so special?
@dragon-kazansky - khonshu being khonshu
- little piece of heaven
@multific - the priestess of the moon
@pleasantbutterfly - inner peace
@namjoon-koya - khonshu spending time with baby reader
stephen strange
@girl-of-many-fandoms - i dont get jealous
wade wilson
@ghost-soap - ___
@syiano - being taller than wade(m!reader)
eddie brock (venom)
@quin-ns - fix it
@theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction - Imagine finding Venom raiding your pantry
@blank-slate-jay - What it would be like dating Eddie/Venom
@distortionbobble - sick day
@disasterofastory - after a long day
@darling-i-read-it - kissed her
kate bishop
@asgardwinter - awful
@thatonebrazilian - with great power
@just-living-in-a-marvel-world - i love you too but no
@somewhatgreatexpectations - your friendly neighborhood spider-woman
- your friendly neighborhood archer
@moonlit-imagines - being yelena's sibling and dating kate bishop
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loki-hargreeves · 2 years
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Hey lovelies! Here’s some fic recs of the wonderful fics I’ve read this June. As I’m always looking to read more fanfiction, I would be delighted if you recommended me stuff to read as well.
This month has yet again been quite a moon knight centered one...
Fluff - 🌻 Angst - 🥀 Smut/Explicit - 🍑
Some fic writers I’ve discovered this month:
Moon Knight:
Fallen from heaven, grown on earth [Steven Grant x f!Reader and Marc Spector x f!Reader] by @davosmymaster  🍑 🌻🥀
I’m getting to know someone [Marc Spector x f!Reader and Steven Grant x f!Reader] by @davosmymaster  🌻 🥀
No Simple Man [Steven Grant x f!Reader] by @michinnyun 🍑
A Future Without You [Marc Spector x Reader] by @mkfluffluv  🥀
Favourite toy [Steven Grant x f!Reader] by @myfictionaldreams  🍑
Homecoming [Marc Spector x gn!Reader] by @luke-o-lophus 🥀🌻
Knight...Mr Knight [Steven Grant x f!Reader] by @the-archxr  🍑
Our Little Thing [Marc/Steven/Jake x Reader] by @wysteria-clad  🌻
DON’T BLAME ME (LOVE MADE ME CRAZY) [Marc Spector x f!Reader] by @jakelcckley  🍑
How I imagine Steven Grant cuddles [Steven Grant x Reader] by @thisisarcanereverie  🌻
Iced Out [mainly Marc Spector x f!Reader] by @charnelhouse 🍑
Cheer Me Up Before You Go Go [Steven Grant x f!Reader] by @missdictatorme  🍑
Familiar Voice [Steven Grant x f!Reader] by @eloisegrant  🍑
Repeat After Me [Jake Lockley x f!Reader] by @thepsychewrites 🍑🥀
Keepsake [Marc/Steven/Jake x f!Reader]by @wysteria-clad  🌻
Sleepy Thief [Marc Spector x Reader] by @slightlypossessed  🌻
Marc helping you shower after you’ve been attacked [Marc Spector x Reader] by @grantfilms  🥀
dlz ; jake lockley. [mainly Jake Lockley x gn!Reader] by @masterninjacow 🥀🌻
Baking Lessons [Marc Spector x f!Reader] by @bensolosbluesaber  🌻🍑🥀
It’s All Your Fault [Marc Spector x gn!Reader] by @kindaephemeral​ 🥀
Flowers [Marc Spector x f!Reader] by @mrsknightt​  🥀🌻
Star Wars:
The F Word [Poe Dameron x gn!Reader] by @the-little-ewok  🥀🌻
Green, Green Dress [Poe Dameron x f!Reader] by @disabledameron  🍑
The Night that Follows [Poe Dameron x f!Reader] by @roanniom​ 🍑
Guilt [Anakin Skywalker x Reader] by @dracowars​  🥀
Marvel Characters:
Never Worn White [Stephen Strange x f!Reader] by @gaitwae​  🌻
My Pet [Loki x f!Reader] by @sarahscribbles​  🍑
Caught you! [Loki x Reader] by @gaitwae​ 🌻
Other Oscar Isaac characters:
Praise [Santiago Pope Garcia x f!Reader] by @millenialcatlady​ 🍑
In Too Deep [Blue Jones x f!Reader] by @relatable-trxsh​  🍑
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romanarose · 1 year
I need my pals help finding the first moon knight fic I ever read that got me into this fandom (it would have to be nearly a year old)
5 chapters I believe, reader is Stevens neighbor and he and her are friends, he doesn’t know about Marc or Jake, she’s having trouble with a creepy coworker, eventually Steven and her become a thing (I think said coworker attacks her or something of that sort)
Eventually reader meets Marc in the middle of the night as he’s washing blood off his hands bc he killed her coworker
I think she meets jake similarly?
Plz I think about this fic a lot it clicked all my boxes and wasn’t heavy on angst and was so nice and simply and protective I INHALED IT
Tagging my friends who might know
@howaboutcastiel @welcometostayingawake @bensolosbluesaber @bit-dodgy-innit @jake-g-lockley @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @kittyofalltrades @melodygatesauthor
EDIT: found! If ur interested, it’s in the reblogs!
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(not necessarily written in September, but that’s when I read ‘em! - Sorry I'm a little late posting this one, I'm a bit unwell.)
🎀 - fluff ☔ - angst 🍑 - smut
These fics, they have got me through this month I can tell ya.
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🎀A date without a wallet. (Bud Cooper x f!reader) - @anetteaneta
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☔remorse (Llewyn Davis x GN!reader) - @eyelessfaces
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☔sin descanso - @marcspectrr
🍑 I Can’t Help Myself Part 1 (Jake Lockley x F!Reader) - @howaboutcastiel
🍑 I Can’t Help Myself Part 2 (Marc Spector x F!Reader & Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @howaboutcastiel
🎀 You'd be a great dad (Marc Spector x Reader) - @softlybarnes
🎀 For Better or For Worse (Marc Spector x Reader) -@luke-o-lophus
🎀 A Day in the Life (Moon Knight x F!Reader) - @dashesofink
🎀****Cough Syrup*** (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @romanarose
🎀 But Tonight Is Just Like Any Other Night (Jake Lockley x F!Reader) - @graveyardnails
🎀  sky and stars (Marc Spector x Reader) - @softlybarnes
🍑sink (Steven Grant x GN!Reader) - @luvpedropascal
Some Nights (Steven Grant) - @romanarose
🍑 Phases smut (Marc spector x F!Reader) - @stormkobra
🎀Warm (Steven Grant x GN!Reader) - @dailyreverie
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🍑Rubber Ducky, You're the One (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - youvebeenlivingfictional
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🍑 Long Night (Nick Wasicsko x F!Reader) - @budcooper
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🍑IT'S ALWAYS BELONGED TO YOU (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @im-poe-dameron
🍑 Love, The Hardest Way (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @theshireisburning-so-mordoritis
☔ Something Forgotten (Poe Dameron x GN!Reader) - @bensolosbluesaber
🎀Black Leader, Shutting Up Pairing (Poe Dameron x Wife!Reader) - @starryeyedstories
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🎀Untitled (Santiago Pope Garcia × F!Reader) - @youvebeenlivingfictional
They are all SO GOOD!
Previous FanFic Rec Lists
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