lunarthecorvus · 3 days
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Just Wylan burning money to spite his father. Our beloved pyro <3
(Jesper took this photo)
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maidenofcrows · 2 days
“The Crows were added into the Netflix adaptation of Shadow and Bone as a fan service.”
I understand that. But the actual fan service was when they showed Inej Ghafa kissing one of her blades before throwing it right into the Darkling’s chest
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kolarpem · 2 days
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Morning Doodle: Alina asking Oncat if he’d be willing to model
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kazcreates · 2 days
The Crows and Their Heights
These headcanons are based on the innerworld appearances of our alters. Feel free to adopt them as your own headcanons if you so wish.
Kaz is 5’11. He will say that he is six feet tall. He is lying.
Jesper is 6’2. Those three inches that he has above Kaz are very important to him.
Inej is 5’1. The top shelf is her enemy.
Nina is 5’10. She will wear tall shoes to make herself taller than Kaz, and proceed to tell people that she’s only 5’10 when standing next to him, thus discrediting his 6’0 lie.
Matthias is 6’4. Despite this fact and the fact that he is made of pure muscle, he is less intimidating than Inej.
Wylan is 5’5. He stands on his tip toes to kiss Jesper, and is often jokingly used as a headrest despite not being that short.
Jordie is 6’6 (in AUs where he lives), making him the tallest Crow and forever driver/passenger princess because his legs are too long to comfortably sit in the backseat.
Thank you for attending my TEDtalk.
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reyreadersblog · 23 hours
Meet my wife y'all.
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penguinwraith · 3 days
it is so insanely weird to me that the crows are like teenagers. Like logically, I know that they are, but also like these badass thieves and criminals would’ve been in high school.
Like picture Kaz Brekker walking through a crowded hallway with his cane and evil glare. The deadly and dangerous wraith Inej Ghafa on a cheerleading team bc the school didn’t have the funding for gymnastics. Jesper struggling through math class and chemistry and Wylan helping him, and vice versa in English. Wylan being a band kid. Nina having a favorite waffle spot to go to after school and dragging Matthias there (they would be disgustingly pda-y too ofc)
this is why I love high school aus for six of crows, bc it’s not only an interesting take, it’s literally what would’ve happened if they were in this world, these traumatized edgy criminals are TEENS.
I have a million more takes on this but alas I’m not much of a writer and the soc fandom NEEDS more fics abt this.
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grishaverse-said · 15 hours
Kaz: The next time I open up to someone, it'll be my autopsy.
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barrel-crow-n · 2 days
I don't think we talk about Kaz weaponising his attractiveness enough.
Like, Kaz really saw how Jesper would do anything for him, went "sweet", and then used it to his advantage.
He doesn't even need to flirt! He just uses his looks and the way he presents himself to mesmerise the entire Barrel.
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olskuvallanpoe · 2 days
that one tiktok (@/womptomp) that’s like “you ever meet a girl so fine that you just wanna live longer? now you’re like ‘ah great, laugh like that again, now I have to sign up for health insurance’” except it is literally just kaz with inej
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thesuntomyshadows · 3 days
Kaz: What the hell are you doing here?
Y/N: Wow. What a greeting, Kaz. Be careful not to pull a muscle thanking me for saving your arse.
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jkriordanverse · 3 days
Someone said Kaz Brekker as a father but honestly he'd be the dad to tell you he's holding the back of the bike so you won't fall when in reality he's just standing there waiting for you to pedal...
Also the type of dad to come in, inspect the ceiling fan, the furniture, stand in silence for a full minute or two. Then looks you in the eye and walks out.
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lunarthecorvus · 2 days
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I don't think this needs any more context.
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maidenofcrows · 2 days
Something I’ve noticed throughout multiple modern aus is that Matthias is the one that’s vocally against swearing and drinking, and that’s just funny to me for no good reason.
On the Ferolind, Jesper tells Inej that she stands out amongst the Dregs in part bc she doesn’t swear or drink (though I’m mostly sure this was him using humour to deflect).
Jesper also (to some possibly even greater degree of jest) offered to teach Wylan how to swear if they made it out of the Ice Court alive.
Given the training, boot-camp, soldier type environment Matthias grew up in, I don’t think he’d be too bothered by a little bit of coarse language. Would he approve? I doubt it. Would he use it? Only at the worst of times, I’m sure. But I’d imagine he’s just heard so much of it that a little bit of coarse language is just white noise to him.
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sewer-lizard · 3 days
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modern wesper save me… save me modern wesper….
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lilisouless · 3 days
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everyone has personality and Wylan gets a “can’t read” joke
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atac-agent · 1 day
Game Night With The Crows
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so @padfoot-lupin77 i am still a bit confused about the whole re-blogging thing (since i joined Tumblr, quite recently-) but the idea caught me and grew in me like the most resilient disease *starts blabbering about Inception* *please ignore* ... well, anyways .... here i am!
Hope you like it!!
Summary: The Crows take a break from their usual schemes to play a game of Monopoly, in which without a doubt, Kaz dominates.
The Slat was unusually quiet. The kind of quiet that always put Jesper on edge. Kaz was in his office, working through a stack of papers, while Inej sharpened her knives at the corner table. Wylan and Nina were huddled over some new schematics for a job, and Matthias stood guard by the door, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of trouble.
Jesper, unable to sit still any longer, wandered over to Kaz's office and knocked on the open door. "Kaz, we need a break."
Kaz didn't look up from his work. "A break?" he repeated, his tone flat.
"Yes, a break. You know, something to take our minds off the constant scheming and plotting." Jesper leaned against the doorframe, his usual grin in place, "how about a game night?"
"Yes! Monopoly, to be precise. Let's see who really knows how to make a fortune," Jesper suggested with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
Kaz glanced at the papers on his desk, then back at Jesper. After a long moment, he sighed. "Fine. But only for a couple of hours."
Jesper's grin widened. "Perfect. I'll get the others."
Jesper practically bounced back into the main room, where the others looked up curiously. "Guess what? Kaz agreed to a game night!"
Nina laughed. "You actually convinced him? This I have to see."
Matthias looked skeptical. "The demjin playing a game? I’ll believe it when I see it."
Wylan lan's eyes lit up at the mention of Monopoly. "I’m in. It’ll be nice to do something normal for once."
Inej smiled softly, her curiosity piqued. "I’ll play."
With everyone in agreement, they gathered around the largest table in the Slat, clearing off maps and blueprints to make room for the game. Jesper spread out the Monopoly board while Nina and Matthias brought waffles from the kitchen.
Kaz emerged from his office, looking slightly bemused but not entirely displeased. He took a seat at the head of the table, watching as the others chose their pieces.
"I'll be the thimble," Inej said, picking up the small metal piece.
Jesper grabbed the race car, of course. "Vroom vroom, here comes the winner!"
Nina picked the dog, Matthias took the hat, and Wylan chose the boot. Kaz, with a resigned air, took the battleship.
"Let's get this over with," Kaz muttered, though there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.
The game began with its usual mix of excitement and strategy. Jesper was the first to land on Boardwalk, a broad grin spreading across his face. "Looks like I'm building an empire!"
"Not if I can help it," Wylan said, eyeing the other properties strategically.
Nina and Matthias engaged in playful banter as they moved their pieces around the board. "You always pick the dog," Matthias observed.
"It brings me luck," Nina replied with a wink.
Kaz played with the same ruthless efficiency he brought to everything else, quickly accumulating properties and planning his moves several turns in advance. "Luck is for amateurs," he said as he landed on Park Place, solidifying his hold on the board.
At one point, Kaz bought up a whole block of properties, and Jesper couldn’t resist a comment. "Looks like Brekker’s Investments are expanding."
Kaz glanced up, "It's all about knowing where to invest your resources," he said, his gaze briefly flickering to Inej, who rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless.
His eyes lingered on to Inej...
Her quiet strength, the way she held herself with such grace and confidence, always struck him. Her dark hair fell in soft waves, framing her face perfectly. When she smiled, even the most hardened part of him seemed to soften.
She was more than just an investment.
Her eyes caught his, and for a fleeting second, the world outside of their little circle ceased to exist.
Her smile was like a rare glimpse of sunlight in the dreary streets of Ketterdam, and Kaz found himself caught in its warmth. He wondered —
Nina’s voice cut through his thoughts like a knife. "Kaz, are you daydreaming about Inej’s strategy or just imagining your next romantic move? It's your turn," she teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Kaz blinked, realizing he had almost missed a crucial move. He quickly rolled the dice and made his play, landing on a property he had been eyeing for several turns. With swift precision, he bought it up, adding another piece to his growing empire.
As the night wore on, the board became a battlefield of hotels and houses. Kaz, unsurprisingly, was in the lead, but the others put up a valiant fight. Jesper, true to form, made a few reckless moves, much to Wylan’s dismay.
"You’re supposed to be good at this!" Wylan exclaimed as Jesper handed over another stack of cash to Kaz.
"I’m good at making things exciting, merchling" Jesper replied with his usual grin.
As Kaz placed his final hotel on Boardwalk, sealing his victory, Jesper groaned.
"Next time, we’re playing something that doesn’t involve you bankrupting us all."
"We’ll see about that."
Even in victory, Kaz allowed himself a rare moment of relaxation, knowing that sometimes, even the sharpest minds needed a break.
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