Teddy received a text from Mike not long after Bishop Percival published that last anonymous ask.
[text] Hey would you put killing Wendell and Glendale back on the table if I offered my help?
[text] Mike, I’m not killing people over delayed vision care and atrocious bedside manners.
[text] Especially not when I could get rid of them simply by reporting their absences and arrogance.
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eyeballcommander · 7 months
Hey remember when Bishop Percival dipped his hand in my wound and drank it? That was fun.
An-y-ways if any watchdogs-- especially soldiers-- give blood at the Glornists' blood drives I will kill you. This is not an empty threat.
If you gave blood before that bastard lapped up my blood you're fine I guess. Still an idiot who fueled their shady rituals for cookies or whatever. Can't really remove liabilities there without throwing myself out the airlock...
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follwrshep · 7 months
What in Glorn's name is your issue now?
My heart has been TORN FROM MY CHEST!!!!! Oh he wants me dead dearest Percival!!! Slaughtered!!!! Tossed!!!!(๑•ૅㅁ•๑)
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monarchofmayhem · 8 months
What did the glornists do to peepers?
How did you NOT see the fight!? Because he used some weird magic to humiliate him in front of the ENTIRE SHIP!!!
Annnnd whatever lead up to them duking it out. Like I keep track of his drama.
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Shamura looks around the sudden change in scenery with fascination, they really couldn't tell where this was magic or the strange technology that the watchdogs had, maybe even a mix of both. They look out in eager fascination at the garden but their attention is quickly caught by Gloria addressing them. Shamura nods dutifully and got to work spreading the towels, being careful and neat in their arrangement, making sure they covered the surface completely.
Upon entering the foyer, a small wave of calmness washed over Miriam. While she never liked to go out of her way to ask if she could visit, Miriam loved any chance she could get to be invited into Gloria’s cushy planet and house. To Miriam, she somehow felt more at home during these sparse visits than she ever did during eight years of living in the Glornch. She followed the group into the spare bedroom. She nodded at Gloria’s instruction and waited until the bed was covered with towels before placing Lola down. The priestess leaned close to her face and whispered the same string of strange before flicking her forehead. “Oww…” Lola groggily muttered as she stirred awake. “Uurhg… Where am I? What is this beautiful room? Ah man, did they send me to The Heavens instead of The Hells? Was I not evil enough?"
Once they had spread out the towels Gloria gave Shamura an affectionate pat on the head. "What a helpful youngster," she said as she pulled a palm-sized bundle out of her pocket and placed it in their hands.
"Here, take this as a reward." Then she paused to rest her hand on her cheek and sigh. "...And your much needed snack. It's a shame this commotion delayed your dinner."
While Revenard Miriam woke Lola up Gloria double checked that the door was shut and curtains were closed. Surely this Glornist would be especially whiny if she found out that she had a mansion large enough to comfortably fit all of them.
If Lola found out, so would everyone else. Annnnd that would jeopardize her ability to leave whenever the Glornists became too troublesome to deal with.
When Lola woke up Gloria giggle. "How sweet of you! But no, this is but my humble bedroom." She let out a lightheaded scoff. "As if Revenard Miriam would carry you to The Heavens."
Then she sat down in the chair next to bed and offered Lola an orange cookie from the platter on the bedside table. It was pumpkin shaped with a piece of chocolate serving as a steam, with a big friendly smile stretched across it.
"How are you feeling, dearie?" Gloria leaned in to rest her hand on Lola's forehead. "That mushroom was forbidden for a reason."
As she gave Lola the friendly grandmother routine she used her feet to pull a garden bucket out from under the bed and nudged it to Miriam.
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tailorgiuseppe · 1 year
I need a new mitre. ASAP.
Such rudeness!! I make your robes for you so gracefully , you could at least say please, sí?
Two weeks, unless you pay extra!
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How many diseases are ya carrying? Flicked any fleas on anyone lately?
im healthy clean perfect . bishop detected . you are gross . go away . attack. attack. attack.
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eyeballcommander · 7 months
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Shoo! Nobody outside your band of fruitcakes likes you!
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eyeballcommander · 7 months
(@theyeontheskullship) what's your opinion on the glornists? 🎤
I hate those creeps! Especially their leader!
Why? Because I know he's not the loyal servant of Lord Hater he pretends to be. Dunno exactly what he's up to but, well...
I have never seen him gaze at Lord Hater in admiration. Which is how you'd, y'know, expect him to act when the Glornists claim him as their messiah or whatever their weird deal is.
No, that's how you appraise a specimen! And that's why I've got a hunch that he'd rather dismantle than bow down to him...
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Who would be the Glornist most likely to (accidently) destroy the Glornch? Cast your vote.
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(Previous) [text] Would there happen to be anything generally considered rare or expensive?
[text] Ah.
[text] You’re only interested in selling it.
[text] A Xoq Beefuzz shawl, which causes 78% of watchdogs to shed due to pollen dust getting in their eyes. The non-eyeclops test subjects loved it.
[text] Torribington Silk uniform. Close contender, not puncture resistant, don't wear near flames.
[text] Monel-GWE coat. It was intended to be a three layer labcoat with softened Monel bands in the second layer. Coworkers compared it to plate armor. Nice striped pattern. Never added metal to the torso.
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(Previous) Bishop Percival briefly looked unimpressed before forcing a smile at Bowtie while he asked his questions. Why wasn’t he surprised this nosy dork was the first one to start yapping? “Good questions, Bowtie! While there’s no putting even an estimate on when I’ll officially accomplish this, I can say with confidence that I am very far in my progress. This is evidenced by the crazy strong magic abilities I can wield!” Then Percival dropped his smile as he unfortunately didn’t find flattery in Bowtie’s last question. “And no. Not right now.” After the bishop’s last answer, another hand shot up. Instead of immediately voicing her question, though, Autumn stood to reverently bow in the hopes they wouldn’t sound so accusatory. “Your Excellency, I ask this with respect but… Why’ve you kept quiet about this for so long?” Bishop Percival nodded in understanding. “Good question, Specs! You of anyone surely remember that futile little insurrection a few years ago, right? That was all because they were jealous of me simply being magical. And so I wanted to wait until I was sure I could trust you, my current band of faithful ones, to not get yourselves in another violent jealous tizzy over this! And also to wait until..,” Percival hammered his fist into his palm, “I’m powerful enough to stamp such a thing out faster.” Autumn bowed again and responded with, “I see…” She then sat back down. Mike briefly fidgeted with his thumbs before forcing himself to stop.
The only response Bishop Percival got from that nosey dork was a simple thumbs up before Bowtie buried his nose in his notebook again. Fortunately he seemed to be done yapping for the night. If he noticed Bishop Percival’s annoyance he didn’t give a damn.
Theodore grew increasingly tense as Bishop Percival went on about the insurrection, and flinched when he brought his fist down. At least he was among those he trusted... But he had a hunch that he was on thin ice.
He looked at Miriam, then glanced at Mike too late to see him fidget before returning to taking notes.
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This was it... The night Theodore had been dreading for months: The summoning of Zyrothe. Where Bishop Percival would rise while Thomas would fall for the last time.
Fortunately Theodore’s mind had been enshrouded in the warm, protective embrace of dissociation in preparation. Why others thought it was a serious mental health symptom and/or bad coping mechanism was beyond him. Who would want to process their emotions during an at least mildly traumatizing event?
It was a quarter past ten when Theodore arrived in the ritual chamber. Just in time to help with setting up. Not that he would. He was here to take notes on the ritual set-up itself before it became obscured by tonight’s grand, gruesome show.
While the deacons were hauling serpent and eye memorabilia, luxurious furs and hides, and glamorous jewelry Theodore concealed himself in the shadow of the grandiose doors and recorded each item.
But after a bit he realized that it was a waste of time when he could just ask Mike about the Glornch’s preparations later. So he checked if anyone had spotted him, then avoided the spotlights as he slinked over to sketch the scene from the audience’s view.
...Perhaps he should have brought his usual robe. Black, ironically, stood out against the blazing red curtains lining the walls.
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[[Smug bastard.]]
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eyeballcommander · 3 months
Thread: The Fight of the Decade
Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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After months of blood, sweat, and tears Bishop Percival’s long-awaited mitra pretiosa was finally complete. If it was any other grueling project Theodore would take a moment to admire the fruits of his labor. This accursed glorified hat, however, only heralded a flood of more blood, sweat, and tears.
After all that effort he put into delaying it he finished three days short of the final deadline. Just because Bishop Percival had managed to strike fear into him. ...Whiiiicch happened to be so intense that he could hardly sleep. But still.
The last sections were genuinely sloppy. And not by the overblown perfectionist standards he had gone by to buy time. He hated it. He couldn’t stand looking at it. Especially when he was indulging in his frustration over the quality to avoid thinking about Thomas.
...By now Thomas was probably ready to get out of that cell by any means possible, wasn’t he? A few days didn’t make a difference anyways. There was no reason to feel guilty about getting rid of that thing ASAP.
Besides, Bishop Percival would burn Theodore to death if he didn’t.
It had to be around 1am when he knocked on Bishop Percival’s door. The gentle taps likely went unheard so he gave it one loud bang before backing up to lean against the pulpit to keep himself from swaying.
Theodore couldn’t tell if he hoped he was in there or not. Maybe Mi-, no, he was asleep. Maybe Shep could do it if he was still awake. Anyone (reliable) who wasn’t him.
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