#bokuto koutarou
kkumri · 3 days
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akaashi who works very hard to get muscle references for udai’s manga!! ù_ú⭐️ (why does he keep travelling to osaka to get them, tho??)
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jiuwi · 1 day
𖦹 ft. haikyuu men
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confused but does it anyway. “do you find this enjoyable?” he’d ask but you’d just stay silent with a small smile on your face. “???”
— IWAIZUMI, tsukishima, KAGEYAMA, osamu
straight up REFUSES because he doesn’t want to "hurt" you even though you’ve told him a hundred times that it’s fine.
gets soooo smug about it and flexes his muscles for you to see and admire.
“well, who am i to refuse that offer?”
— OIKAWA, atsumu
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okay, people, i know the captions look great , but can we focus on ushijima's ass. not in that way..gahh. i meant, did you see??? that little shit oikawa made his face on ushijima's ass. that too with a wink, peace sign, and tongue out. istg i love that dumbass so much 😭😭😭
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here's the full picture: (with the freak twins)
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writer-freak · 2 days
Haikyuu aftercare headcanons | Gn reader
Characters: Kuroo Tetsuro, Kozume Kenma, Bokuto Kotaro, Terushima Yuji, Semi Eita, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Miya Atsumu
Warnings: gn reader, fluff, a bit repetitive, english isn't my first language, haven't written for Haikyuu in a long time and this is an old piece
A/n: My Haikyuu hyperfixation was awakened again and I looked through some old writing and decided to fix this up. Still isn't my best writing and I also had some family issues so I didn't really have motivation to write. So I'm going to have to get back into the groove.
Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated and really motivate me to write more <3
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Kuroo Tetsuro
Kuroo's aftercare is really about making sure that you feel loved and comfortable. He’s the type who would immediately clean you up and then wrap you in a cozy blanket. He’s got a stash of your favorite snacks ready, and he’ll cuddle up with you, asking about your day and making sure you’re feeling great. Expect a lot of soft kisses and maybe some playful teasing just to make you laugh. After that, he’ll hold you close, rubbing your back until you both drift off to sleep.
Kozume Kenma
Kenma tends to be more gentle and quiet with his aftercare. He’s not overly expressive, but he’ll make sure you’re taken care of in his own way. He’ll hand you a water bottle, clean you up, and then settle down next to you with his Switch or phone. If he's really tired, he might just go to sleep with you right away. In general, he likes aftercare to be more calm, so he’ll play your favorite game together or watch something with you. He’ll occasionally check in with a soft, “You okay?” if you stay awake with him. When it’s time to sleep, he’ll pull you close and wrap his arms around you.
Bokuto Kotaro
Bokuto is very enthusiastic with his aftercare it is almost overwhelming but he just wants the best for you. He is always about about making sure you’re happy and comfortable. He’ll scoop you up for a bear hug, clean you up quickly, and then bring you some water and snacks. He’s super attentive, asking if you need anything and telling you how amazing you are. He’ll probably end up talking about whatever comes to his mind, as he tends to be very energized even after sex. When you’re ready to sleep, he’ll make sure you’re tucked in snugly, holding you close to him and whispering sweet things until you both fall asleep.
Terushima Yuji
Terushima is more laid back with his aftercare. He’ll clean you up and then pull you into his arms, making sure you’re pressed against him. He’ll either talk to you about anything and everything, or he will just immediately take a nap with you. If he is in a talking mood expect a lot of laughter and maybe some silly jokes. When you’re both ready to sleep, he’ll adjust the pillows and blankets to make sure you’re both comfy, then hold you close as you drift off.
Semi Eita
Semi is really caring and attentive with his aftercare. He’s the type to make sure you’re hydrated first, offering you a glass of water and ensuring that you actually drink it before cleaning you up. He’ll ask how you’re feeling and if there’s anything you need. He’s really good at reading your emotions, so he’ll provide exactly what you need, whether it’s cuddles, talking, or just lying together in silence. Sometimes while cuddling he even hums your favorite song. When it’s time to sleep, he’ll pull you close and make sure you’re both comfortable, his soft humming lulling you to sleep.
Sakusa Kiyoomi
Sakusa is more thorough and meticulous with his aftercare. He’ll make sure everything is clean and tidy, including you. He’ll bring you a warm towel and help clean you up, then offer you water and make sure that any mess is cleaned up. He’s not the most verbally expressive, but his actions show how much he cares. He’ll settle down next to you, holding your hand and he allows you to play with your hair if you ask him to. When it’s time to sleep, he’ll make sure you’re tucked in comfortably and just hold you close.
Miya Atsumu
Atsumu is really affectionate but also a little cheeky with his aftercare. He’ll clean you up with a playful grin, maybe leaving some teasing touches while cleaning you up. He loves making you laugh, so expect some teasing and jokes. He’ll bring you snacks and water, then cuddle up with you, wrapping you in his arms. He loves to chat and will just end up talking your ear off, making sure you feel completely relaxed. When you’re ready to sleep, he’ll pull you close, making sure you’re both cozy and whisper sweet nothings until you drift off.
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Divider by: @saradika-graphics
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4unnyr0se · 11 hours
❥ nepenthe | kotaro bokuto
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warnings: timeskip! bokuto, fem! reader, mutual pining, bokuto is emo in the beginning, dry humping/grinding, multiple orgasms, making out, incredibly lewd dialogue, fingering, missionary, two text messages, unprotected sex, tiny corruption kink, possessive! bokuto if u squint, extreme fluff at the end, bokuto is a semi-hard dom in bed, atsumu, hinata and sakusa mentioned, not proofread (unless u count grammarly)
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 5.3k (lol)
opal i would write anything for u i love u sm
got a request? asks are open!
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Being on the MSBY Black Jackals was all the Bokuto could ever dream of. Playing on a team made up of his peers, the adoring cheers from the crowd filled his ears and boosted his ego. He especially loved how cute the girls in the stands were and how they wore merchandized versions of his jersey. People paid good money to watch him play, him. Was there nothing better than the universe could offer him? Indeed, Kotaro Bokuto’s life was perfectly perfect. 
Except until recently. He had missed a significant spike in the latest game against the Alders, which nearly cost him the match. He was not okay. But that was just a first-time thing, right? Indeed, he would not miss a spike in tomorrow’s practice. He’s Bokuto; he doesn’t miss spikes. And then he missed nearly all of his spikes. He was not doing well when he returned to his penthouse apartment that evening. Was he in a slump?
His golden eyes flicked back and forth on his ceiling as he lay in his plush bed, hands crossed over his chest in thought. Why was he acting like this? He occasionally missed a spike, but that was a rare event. Was he missing them so frequently? What if he wasn’t as good of a volleyball player as he thought? Anxiety plagued his mind, making him toss and turn in his cotton comforter decorated with owls (stylish owls, of course). Bokuto’s black and white hair became incredibly messy, reflecting his inner thoughts. Luckily, he had a means of comforting himself. When the opposite hitter wasn’t doing so well at times like these, he could always turn to you, one of his beloved Black Jackal Managers. 
You were the kindest of all the managers he had, that was for sure. While the other seven managers focused on scheduling or payroll, you were the personality hire. Your pretty face automatically boosted the morale of the entire team, like a beam of sunlight poking out from the clouds after a thunderstorm. Bokuto liked you; he really liked you. Every single practice, he would pray that you’d be there, sitting on your chair, diligently taking notes while wearing that MSBY windbreaker that covered the curves of your breasts in the most annoying manner possible. Fuck, you were so damn pretty.
Bokuto reached for his phone, which was charging on the bedside table, scrolling through his messages until he landed on your chat from a couple of weeks ago. The topic was simple: What kind of onigiri did he want from Onigiri Miya? It was just a question, but the notification made his heart race every time he read it. The pads of his thumbs hovered over the keypad for a moment, unsure of how to word his message. He wanted you to visit him. Why couldn’t he just type that? After minutes of contemplation, he had sent his message. Bokuto’s phone was thrown to the other side of the bed, nearly getting lost in the mess of thick duvet. The opposite hitter slammed his face into his fluffed pillow, groaning into the fabric. 
Kotaro Bokuto: Wanna come over and talk? Been feeling really down recently. :( 
It felt like hours since he sent the text, looking at where he tossed his phone every other minute to see if the home screen lit up. Finally, after agonizingly painful minutes passed, his screen lit up with your message, the cute little heart icon next to your name making him break out in a crooked smile. 
Cute Manager: I’ll be over in 30 minutes. Bringing my famous sugar cookies! They always brighten someone’s day <3
Bokuto practically threw himself off his bed, looking around his messy apartment. Shit, had that smell always been there? Why (and how) was there a sock on the ceiling fan? Don’t even get him started on the empty packages that littered his living room floor; this was a disaster. He had to ensure it was perfect for you, his angelic manager. You thought so highly of him; he wasn’t about to lose that due to a messy apartment. 
He cleaned like a man gone wild, sensual R&B music playing from a speaker in his kitchen. He had obtained three full trash bags and one spilling-over hamper, but he had made his apartment look presentable. The counters were no longer sticky, and the sock was down from the fan, thanks to him expertly flinging rubber bands at the blades. Bokuto was proud of himself, bearing a satisfied smirk while his hands rested on his hips in a hero pose. 
The doorbell rang. Oh fuck, how were you here already? Did half an hour seriously pass by so quickly? He didn’t even have time to change out of his black tank top! Maybe that was a good thing? Perhaps you liked looking at his massive biceps. Whatever, he didn’t have time to think about all that. His cute manager was waiting behind that door with a plate of delicious sugar cookies!
Bokuto swung the door open a little too enthusiastically, his crooked smile fully displayed amongst his handsome features. His golden eyes instantly landed on your figure, drinking in your outfit. A low-cut black scoop neck top with oversized ripped jeans; fucking perfection. You offered him a kind smile and held out the wrapped-up plate of cookies, tilting your head to the side. “Hey, Bokuto! I’m here, like I promised. Oh, and I brought the cookies. Don’t ask for the recipe because I won’t tell!” you giggled, stepping inside his apartment. It was cleaner than you imagined, and it smelled like roses. Who knew that Bokuto could be so neat?
“Woah, it’s even bigger than I imagined! Sometimes I forget how much professional athletes make annually,” you joked, kicking off your ballet flats on the shoe stand. “You must have an amazing view at night, look at the city! It’s gorgeous.” you turned to Bokuto and smiled, placing your hands on his shoulders. “It’s been a while since we last hung out, hasn’t it?”
“Oh, yeah! I guess it has, eh? Time flies when you’re a Black Jackal!” Bokuto awkwardly stammered, growing increasingly flustered as the almond shape of your manicured nails made contact with his muscular shoulders. “Thanks for coming over so quickly; I thought you were at a club or something.”
You shook your head and leaned against the raised kitchen counter, raising an eyebrow. “Nah, I hate clubs. It’s always so stuffy in there, and there’s always a hand on your ass, whether you want it or not.” you brushed your hair to the side, exposing your neck. The perfume you had to carefully put on, a mixture of lilac and jasmine, filled Bokuto’s nostrils. He was only a few feet from your body, yet the aroma drove him secretly insane. “What about you, do you like clubs? You seem like the type.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Bokuto asked, pretending to clutch his pearls.
“Well, you’re extroverted and love having a good time. That’s what the clubs are for, aren’t they?” you paused your speech, matching his gaze with your own. “But you haven’t been having a good time recently, have you?”
Bokuto shook his head and slumped onto the sofa, his bottom lip curling into a childish pout. “No, you’re right. I just can’t hit my stupid spikes! Atsumu’s been on my ass about it like it’s my fault that I can’t seem to hit them! I mean, I guess it’s my fault…whatever! I don’t know what I’m saying anymore!” he slammed his face in his hands, groaning in exasperation. 
You smiled softly and sat next to him, patting his muscular back. “Hey, it’ll be alright. You’ve hit amazing spikes before, and you’ll hit amazing spikes again. I know you will.” your soft hands ran up and down the thin fabric of his tank top, massaging the tense muscles underneath. “We all have our slumps, you know. Nobody is perfect, not even Atsumu. Besides,” your lips were centimeters away from his ear. “Atsumu is my least favorite.”
Bokuto chuckled and wrapped his arm around your waist, pressing your cheek against his pectoral. “Yeah, but he’s really funny! Except when he texts the group chat with me, Shoyo, and Sakusa…then he gets really gross. Usually about the women he slept with or something.”
“Ew,” you blush softly as Bokuto's muscular bicep wraps around your waist, his large hand squeezing the fabric of your jeans. “So, are you feeling any better now? Do you wanna eat a cookie and watch a movie, maybe? What would make you feel better?” you could feel his heartbreak in his chest, the thumbing sensation of the organ being a somewhat calming presence. “Because when you’re sad, the Jackals can’t really get anything done. No offense.”
Bokuto chuckled and squeezed you closer, inhaling the scent of your shampoo. God, you smelled fucking amazing. Did you always smell so good? “I’m down for a movie if you’re down. What kind of movie were you thinking of?”
“Comedy, maybe? I don’t know, you can pick,” you replied.
“Comedy it is,” Bokuto leaned forward to grab the remote from the coffee table, turning on the massive television he owned. His hand remained firmly grasped on your waist, occasionally running his thumb up and down the denim of your high-waisted jeans. He flicked through a couple of films under the comedy section in his DVR until he selected a random one. He chose it solely on how fantastic the movie poster was, naturally. 
The opening credits played from the surround sound speakers, and his hand was still snug on your waist, his golden eyes occasionally stealing a chaste look. You were smaller than him, so he really only got to see the top of your head, but you were so fucking adorable. Bokuto thought it was vital that you didn’t push him away after he wrapped his arm around you and that you welcomed his touch. You trusted him so much, making his heart beat a million miles a minute. 
The movie's beginning was hilarious, as expected from an award-winning comedy. Bokuto’s laugh was deep in comparison to yours. Of course, your laugh was adorable; why wouldn’t it be? He felt as though his heart would explode from your presence, beating erratically in his chest.
“Are you feeling okay? Your heart is beating really fast,” you questioned, lifting your face from its comfortable resting spot on his chest. “Do you need anything at all?”
Bokuto bit down on his lower lip, unsure of what to say. Should he just confess how much he wants you, how much he craves to have your lips on his own? What if you rejected his advances and quit managing the team? “Uh, it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it, sweetheart.” Sweetheart, did he really just say that? Bokuto cringed at himself.
A small smile graced your delicate features at the endearing name, your tiny hand resting on his chest. “Bokuto, I’m always going to worry about my team. Especially you, you’re my favorite. Did you know that?”
His mind went blank for a second. He was your favorite. He was your favorite. Out of all the members of the Black Jackals, you liked him the most. “I-I didn’t know that at all, am I actually your favorite? You aren’t messing with me or anything?”
“Why would I lie about that?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“It’s just…you’re beautiful. And I’m your favorite…it makes me feel special. I know I’m already special, just like, more special. Y’know?” 
“You think I’m beautiful?” your eyes bore into his once more, the chatter from the movie falling on deaf ears. “You really think I’m beautiful?”
Bokuto softly smiled at you, adoring how the light from the television illuminated your blushing face. “Yeah, I really think so. I’ve thought that for a while since you were hired.” his other hand cupped the right side of your face, his calloused thumb running across your cheekbone. “Do you…do you think I’m pretty, too?”
You giggled and rested your hand on Bokuto’s, smiling brightly. “Yeah, I think you’re beautiful, Bokuto. And handsome and adorable.” you leaned upwards, your noses touching. “You’re funny, kind, and sometimes a little too confident. You’re sensitive, and you care so much about your teammates. Anyone would be lucky to have you.”
“I want you to have me,” he whispered, his voice a low baritone. “Please, I’ve wanted this for so long. Tell me that I can have you, even if it’s just for tonight.” his lips hovered over yours, not daring to do anything without your permission. “Because if you say it’s okay, I don’t think I’ll be able to hold myself back, sweetness.”
His hot breath tickled the tiny hairs on your face, mouth slightly agape. You gulped and nodded, closing your eyes while his hands cupped your cheeks. “It’s okay, Kotaro.”
The sound of his given name falling from your lips was all he needed to press his mouth to yours in a searing kiss filled with unfulfilled desires. It was slow and sensual, yet it held so much molten passion. His lips molded with yours so perfectly, the taste of your chapstick making him savor you even more. His hands fled your face and grasped onto your hips, pulling you into his lap with no trouble at all. Bokuto pressed your chest against his own, groaning against your petal-like lips. A spark was set in his lower belly, his hands trailing down to your ass. He squeezed the denim fabric, eliciting an adorable squeak from your mouth. 
You pulled away after a moment, both of your faces incredibly flushed. “Shit,” Bokuto breathed out, toying with the hem of your jeans. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that, sweetness.”
“Me too,” you whispered, kissing his neck gently. “I’ve been wanting to do this,” you placed another kiss, then another, and another. “For so fucking long.” you nibbled onto his collarbone playfully, earning yourself a beautiful moan from Bokuto’s bruised lips. 
“Fuck, I never pegged you for a biter. Thought I would always be the one biting you,” he purred, slipping his hands underneath your jeans and panties. You gasped at the coldness of his hands on your warm skin, how his fingers kneaded the supple flesh of your ass. “But I guess I can let you nibble on me for a little longer since you’re so damn pretty.”
“When did you get so good at flirting, hm?” you began to suckle on his collarbone.
“The moment I got signed to the Black Jackals. They’re, fuck, they’re a bunch of womanizers.” he softly moaned at the sensation of your teeth suckling at his tough flesh. “Taught me a thing or two.”
You pulled away from his neck and smiled, kissing his forehead. “So I take it you picked up a thing or two?”
“Damn right, I have,” his hands squeezed your ass once more. “Can you do me a favor and take these off, sweetness? I’ll take mine off, too. That way, we’re even.”
You got off his lap and shimmied out of your jeans, tossing them aside along with your top. You wore a matching bra and panty set, the black fabric hugging your curves tenderly. “Now, you do yours. Don’t keep me waiting, Ko’.” 
His nickname rang in his ears, your voice making it drip like honey. Bokutp practically ripped off his clothes, leaving him in only his MSBY boxers. “Shit, you’re gorgeous.” he leaned into the leather couch, spreading his legs. “C’mere gorgeous, sit on my lap.”
Bokuto’s hands once again cupped your ass as you straddled his lap, admiring how thick his thighs were. You had never noticed it before, but Bokuto was a big guy. “That’s it, good girl. Right on my thigh there, pretty.”
“Fuck,” you moaned as your clothed pussy made contact with his bare thigh, unconsciously rubbing against it. “You’re really fucking sexy.”
“Tell me something I don’t know,” Bokuto pulled you into another kiss, aggressively slamming his lips against yours while his hands remained glued to your ass. His tongue prodded against your lips impatiently, begging to be let inside your mouth. You happily obliged, a mewl falling from your lips as his tongue briefly danced with yours. Bokuto pulled away, breaking the strand of saliva that connected your lips. “Your voice is too damn pretty,” his hand cracked against your ass, causing you to grind further onto his thigh. Embarrassed, you hid your face in his bruised neck, earning a smug smirk from Bokuto. “Oh, did that feel good, baby? Don’t be shy now; you can tell me.” he smacked your ass once more, relishing in your pleasurable squeaks and squeals. “Does someone like it when I smack their ass?”
“Y-yeah!” you whimpered into his neck, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. Your hips bucked against his thigh, your core desperate for friction. “Please, lemme ride your thigh. You feel so fucking good, Ko’.”
Bokuto threw his head back at your begging, his cock growing painfully hard in his boxers. “Yeah, you wanna grind on my thigh, pretty girl?” he squeezed the plushness of your thigh. “I’m the only one who can make you feel this way, right? Because I’m the best. Say it, and you can do whatever you want.” 
You let out a broken sigh and pulled your face out from his neck, your pearly whites nibbling at the shell of his ear. “You’re the only one who can make me feel this good, Kotaro.” Your breath was sweet and sensual, and you were full of wanting for your release. “Please, I wanna ride your thigh.”
“Good girl,” he praised, gripping onto your hips. He began to drag you up and down his thigh, embracing the cute little noises you made. “That’s it, baby, talk to me. Tell me how good I make you feel, yeah?”
“So good! So good, Ko’.” you whimpered, a warmth sensation bubbling up inside your belly as your clothed clit rubbed against his thigh. Your small hands rested on his abs, running up and down the prevalent muscle. “T-talk to me, helps me get off–fuck!” you tossed your head back, hair falling out of your face as Bokuto purposefully flexed his thigh muscle. 
He groaned at the sight of you, head thrown back, tits bouncing in your bra as you used his thigh to get yourself off. His goddess of a manager was using him to cum, his thigh. It was so fucking perfect. “You’re so fucking sexy, you know that? You come to practice in those short shorts that show off your ass so well. Do you know what you do to me?”
“Tell me,” you moaned, feeling your climax approach quickly. You were basically rutting yourself against his thigh like a bitch in heat, and it felt fucking incredible. 
“Every time you bent over, I thought about this ass,” he smacked the exposed flesh, definitely leaving a handprint later. “Thought about squeezing it, about smacking it, how it would look wearing slutty black panties.” Bokuto flexed his thigh muscles even more, giving you a sturdier surface to grind on. 
“Thought about you clawing at my back while I fuck you in the locker room, so the rest of the team can back the fuck off. Keep you all to myself, my pretty manager.” he spat through his teeth, gripping your jaw tightly with his hand. “Look at me when you cum, pretty girl. Wanna see that cute little face.” his thumb ran across your bottom lip, pulling slightly.
Your mouth went slack-jawed as your orgasm washed over you, your eyes struggling to look at Bokuto while you continued to ride his thigh until you came down from nirvana. “F-fuck!” you sobbed, your hips ceasing their bucking once your high was finished. “Shit, I made a mess on your thigh. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t fucking apologize. That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever fucking seen.” Bokuto groaned, lifting you off of his thigh so quickly. “Fuck, you soaked your panties. I guess you gotta take them off now, yeah? Bra, too. Don’t be shy around me.” he set you down on the coffee table, your form blocking the movie, but he didn’t care about the movie anymore. There was only you. 
Still shaking from the shockwaves of your release, you slowly stripped yourself of your remaining clothes, placing them down on the glass of the table. Bokuto drank in your view, like an artist staring at a finished painting. You were gorgeous, ethereal, out of this world. Surely, it would be impossible for anyone else to match your beauty. “Fucking hell,” he groaned, pushing himself off of the couch to grab your wrist. “Bedroom. Now.”
He practically dragged you into his bedroom, throwing you down onto the plush owl-themed comforter. You giggled at the childish fabric as Bokuto hovered above you, his hands on either side of your head. “I take it you love owls?” you raised an eyebrow.
“I fucking love owls,” he smirked, leaning down to peck your nose. “Not as much as I love how you look right now, pretty girl.” his right hand squeezed your breast, thumb rolling over your nipple while his left hand managed to continue holding him up.
“You’re such a tease,” you moaned as he pinched your sensitive bud, his massive hand encasing your entire breast. “I thought you wanted to fuck me, Kotaro. Am I wrong?” 
“You aren’t wrong, sweetness,” he purred, rolling his hips against yours. You could feel his cock pulsating through his boxers, begging to be inside you. “Just wanna make sure you’re prepped first. I’m a big guy, y’know?” he stuck his fingers inside of his mouth, coating them with saliva before prodding at your entrance with the digits, slowly sticking them inside your heat. “Holy fuck, you’re so fucking wet. Did my thigh make you cum that much, princess?”
You gasped as he curled his fingers deep inside of you, his ministrations slow and sensual. “Fuck! Y-yes, y’made me cum so much! Love your thighs, Ko’!” you squeaked, instinctively squeezing your thighs together.
Bokuto tutted and used his free hand to shove your legs apart, now kneeling above you. “Don’t try to hide it, sweetness. You know I don’t like that.” he was not knuckle-deep inside your weeping cunt, his fingers plunging inside so expertly. “Fuck, gotta make sure you’re nice and loose for me, yeah? Don’t wanna hurt you.”
“S-shit! You’re gonna make me cum again!” you whimpered, grasping onto your breasts for additional stimulation. “God, how do your fingers feel so fucking good?”
“Can’t answer that for you, sweetheart. You wanna cum again, pretty girl? Want me to rub your clit and make a mess all over my hand?” he teased, beginning to massage your sensitive clit with the pad of this thumb. His fingers were still scissoring you open, coating you with the mixture of his saliva and your release. 
“Yes, fuck! Please, Ko’!” you whined, the familiar bubbling sensation in your belly threatening to spill over. Your legs were now dangling over his shoulder, quaking in ecstasy. “Wanna cum, fucking make me cum!”
“That’s what I like to hear,” he offered you a mischievous smirk, furiously rubbing his thumb over your clit as you tumbled into pure pleasure once more. Your mouth became agape; your head tossed into the plush pillow behind you. His fingers ceased their movement, sliding out of your cunt covered in your slick. “Shit,” Bokuto mumbled, bringing his fingers to his mouth. “Fucking delicious.”
He gave you another kiss, leaving some of your release on your lips. His boxers were peeled off and thrown onto the nightstand as he fumbled through one of the drawers, cursing at himself. “God dammnit, I know I have one. Where the fuck is it?”
“Looking for a condom?” you asked, the breath still being knocked out of your lungs.
“Yeah, it’s being a pain in the ass to find, though.”
“I’m on the pill.” you plainly state, smiling at him. “You don’t have to use a condom. It’ll be okay with me.” 
Bokuto stopped rummaging through the drawer, turning over to look at you with a look that could only be a mixture of lust and absolute delight. “Are you sure? I-I mean, I’m happy to hit it raw; I just don’t wanna pressure you or anything.”
You nodded your head and pulled him close to you by his shoulder, pecking his nose sweetly. “I promise, Kotaro. You don’t have to use a condom when you’re with me.”
“God, that’s music to my fucking ears, baby,” his voice rumbled, his hands resting on the bottoms of your thighs. You were propped up by your elbows and Bokuto’s variety of pillows, his cock painfully hard against his abdomen. “Can’t wait to ruin this fucking pussy.”
You tilted your head to the side in confidence, winking. “Then what are you waiting for?” you spread your legs, exposing your glistening heat to him once more. “Ruin me, Kotaro.”
Bokuto bit down on his lower lip and growled, aligning his cock with your cunt. “You have no idea what you’re in for, pretty girl.” the mushroom head pushed past your folds, the newfound sensation causing the both of you to moan softly. “Shit, you’re still so tight. That’s okay,” he chuckled, snapping his hips against yours. His cock slammed inside of you, filling you up so quickly. “I’ll fucking make it fit.”
“Holy shit!” you sobbed, your fingers scrambling for purchase in the bedsheets. “Kotaro!”
“That’s it, baby, scream my name while I fuck this pussy stupid.” Bokuto hissed, pounding into you without giving you the chance to catch your breath. You looked so fucking pretty underneath him, especially the way your greedy pussy took him so well. The way your sobbing walls enveloped him entirely it was perfection. “Taking me so well, good fucking girl.”
Your pathetic mewls were like that of a morning songbird, the most beautiful melody. Bokuto hoisted your legs above his shoulders once again, his cock hitting you at a deeper angle. You screamed, the head prodding at your cervix. “Fuck, shit, oh my god! Kotaro, f-fuck!”
His thrusts were animalistic as if he were in heat. They were uncalculated and had no rhythm, only a mission to make you stupid on his cock. His hands gripped onto your ankles while he started at your lewd form, admiring how your small hands encased your breasts in an attempt to create more stimulation. How greedy you were. He thought it was adorable. Everything about you was simply adorable. 
“Good fucking girl, that’s my girl,” he groaned as you squeezed around him, pulling him impossibly deep. “Oh, you like it when I call you that? Your pussy is sucking me in, pretty girl.” he teased, smacking the underside of your thigh. 
You attempted to speak, but all that fell from your lips was incoherent babbling. Your mind was all fuzzy, full of nothing but thoughts of Bokuto fucking you senseless. You arched your back further into the mattress, your hair forming the messiest halo above you. The sound of his balls slapping against your ass filled the bedroom, the movie in the living room being a thing of the past. 
“My pretty girl can’t speak now, but that’s okay,” Bokuto assured you, punctuating his sentences with a harsh slam inside of you. “I’ll just make you cum again, yeah? We’ll cum at the same time, okay, pretty girl? I know you got one more in you. Wanna give it to me? Don’t you think I deserve it? I wanna hear you say that. Say I deserve to make you cum again!”
“Fuck!” you sobbed, your orgasm dangerously close. You didn’t think you could handle one more, his cock bullying its way in and out of your weeping cunt. “Y’deserve to make me cum again, Kotaro! F-fuck, think I’m gonna cum soon!”
“Don’t fucking hold out on me, baby. You know I like it messy!” Bokuto bent forward, his thrusts becoming more erratic and needy as his cock twitched inside of you, begging for release. “Gonna fucking cum in this pussy, make it all fucking mine!”
“Shit!” you sobbed, tears welling up in the corners of your eyes. “Kotaro!” his name fell from your lips like a broken pair as you came for the third and final time that night, completely coating his cock in your glistening slick.
“Holy fuck, yeah, yeah! Fucking hell!” Bokuto roared, shooting ropes of cum deep inside your core, creating a new warm sensation in your belly. His thrusts grew slower and slower, almost as if he was attempting to fuck his cum inside of you. “Dont wanna…stop fucking you…but I’m tired.” he groaned, letting your legs fall back onto your chest. “Shit.”
Bokuto shamelessly collapsed onto you, purposely landing on your breast. He lifted his hips so his cock could slide out of you, almost with the thinnest streams of his release down your bruised thighs. “Mmm, that was so fucking good,” he mumbled against your breast, sucking on your pert nipple for a moment. “You got the best fucking pussy I’ve ever had.”
“You flatter me,” your hands ran through his damp black and white strands, acting as a comb. “You felt so fucking good, Kotaro. I’m glad I could help out. Do you think you’ll feel better at tomorrow's practice?”
Bokuto looked up from your breast and smiled brightly, cupping your flushed face with his hands. “I’m totally gonna kick everyone's ass! Atsumu won’t know what’ll hit him!”
“There’s the Bokuto we know and love!” you chuckle. 
“I’m back, baby!” he weakly flexed his muscle, kissing your cheek playfully. “Guess all I needed was my sexy manager. Best damn cure on the planet!”
You rolled your eyes and kissed the top of his head. “You act completely different when you’re inside of me.”
“Is that a bad thing?” he titled his head.
“Absolutely not. I think it’s adorable. You’re adorable.” you kissed his cheek once more. “So, uh, is it possible for us to do this again sometime? I-it was nice.” your eyes landed on the floor, embarrassed for no reason.
Bokuto flashed you his signature crooked smile and laughed, kissing your neck. “What a stupid question. Of course, we can do this again! We basically confessed before I fucked you, remember?”
“Oh yeah, I guess I forgot.” you awkwardly chuckled, leaning into his enthusiastic kisses. “Maybe your dick knocked all the brains out of my skull.”
“But then you won’t have any more left when you watch us practice!” Bokuto whined, snuggling his face into your chest once more. “You gotta have some brain left, okay?”
“Okay, Kotaro,” you mumbled, your eyelids growing heavy. “Hey…it’s pretty late. Would it be okay if I slept here for the night? I understand if you don’t want me to.”
“Hell yeah, you can sleep here!” He cheered softly, running his hand up and down your arm. “That way, you can arrive with me to practice tomorrow. Then I can show off my new girlfriend to the team and make them all super jealous.”
You chuckled. “Oh, am I your girlfriend now?”
“Do…do you wanna be my girlfriend?” his voice was soft and unsure.
“Of course I do, cutie.” you pecked the top of his head, pulling up the owl-themed covers. “Now, get some sleep. You got a lot to do tomorrow, yeah?”
“Mm, okay, baby. I can’t wait to wake up in your arms tomorrow.” he innocently whispered, shutting his eyes as sleep overtook him.
“Goodnight, Kotaro,” you whispered, flicking off the lamp as the two of you fell asleep in a mutual embrace, eager for what tomorrow will bring.
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copyright © 4unnyr0se 2024 all right reserved
reblogs appreciated ❤
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vampireboba · 2 days
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captains! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
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yiiran · 2 days
here's the rest of the text posts that didn't fit into the first part, lol
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cretenu · 20 hours
random haikyuu hcs
aoba johsai slaps each others asses (in the endearing way you do in sports not a freaky way) except they all fear hanamaki because for some reason he enjoys doing it so hard that you will see stars
hinata smells like sweat. NOT B.O, just sweat. also his hands are sweaty and warm 24/7.
I stand firm on the fact that KUROO IS A LOSER!!! that man has 0 rizz!! he's definitely very good looking but he has no idea how to flirt. he practices cringey pickup lines in the mirror and when he uses them on real girls they laugh at him
ik its pretty much canon but bokuto and kuroo have an insane bromance and its the funniest thing ever. its the type of thing they'll carry throughout adulthood. definitely call each other "kubro" and "brokuto"
asahi is so incredibly scared of spiders. you think YOU'RE scared of spiders? HA. tell him there's a spider and he's out the door before you finish your sentence
yk those people who have insane luck finding things at the beach? yeah nishinoya is one of them. "lets look for shells!" five minutes later he comes back with 2 shark teeth, sea glass, and an entire sand dollar.
sugawara gives the best. hugs. to the point where its addicting. he gives long hugs too like he'll definitely hold you for a solid minute and rub ur back and stuff :(
kageyama can't swim
hinata makes elaborate handshakes with all his friends and he has a different one for each of them (which is a lot), but he remembers all of them
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dira333 · 3 days
dearest dira !! im here for your plot bunny game <3 could i request bokuto ?? :>
You might not have fallen in love with your husband if you'd met him out in the open, as loud and (affectionately) obnoxious as he is.
So you'll be forever thankful that you met him the way you did.
"Excuse me?" You kneel down to squint under the table. The space is barely big enough to hide a child and you don't think a man in a fancy dress suit could even get his leg in there.
"I'm not here," a voice whispers, high and a little whiny.
"Okay," you nod, "I was just wondering if you're comfortable. Are you hungry?"
You look over the table, take stock of the room. Loads of equally fancy-dressed people. The food isn't that far away.
"Okay, stay where you are, I'm going to get you something. Any preferences."
"I like meat."
"Okay, I'm back, are you there? I've got a few sticks with grilled chicken, some Onigiri even though they only had Tuna, and those Mini Steaks that are absolutely delicious. Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy but I don't know how hungry you a-" The Plates are all but ripped from your hands. You stare at the now-empty space but don't dare to lift the tablecloth in fear of what's truly hiding underneath.
For a while, you can only hear the quiet noise of someone chewing. You think about leaving, but it doesn't feel right. What if they're thirsty too?
But before you can ask them, the table starts shaking softly. For all the quiet swiftness he had entering this little safe space, the guy does not care for quiet nor swiftness as he creeps out, almost tipping the table over.
"Hey," he smiles up at you with wide, curious eyes, greyish hair slightly drooping, "You're still here."
"Uh, yeah, I was... uhm, are you thirsty? They have a Soda Fountain."
He's tall, huge even, with beefy arms and equally large thighs. How on earth did he fit- No, you don't wanna think about that. "Yeah!" He smiles, "That would be nice. What's your name? Mine's Bokuto. I'm not really sure why I'm here though, do you know-"
"OH! You're Bokuto Kotarou!" You smile, beaming with pride. "You're famous for your crossshot!"
Are you imagining things or did his hair just straighten like it has a mind of its own.
"You've seen me play?"
"Obviously! I'm probably your biggest fan!"
"Really?! Tell me more!"
"He's like his Dad," you sigh, peering into the small space between the TV and the Wall. "Always creeping into the tiniest places."
"Is he okay?" Kotarou's hanging off your shoulder, all weight and despair.
"I think so. Do we have some food to lure him out?"
"He ate all his snacks this morning."
"All his- Kou, you know you're not supposed to give him all his snacks at the same time!"
"But he looked so cute!"
You sigh again. "Stay here, okay? He likes you, he might come out when you ignore him. I'll get something he likes."
"But how do I ignore him?" Your husband asks, clearly unable to imagine such a scenario.
"If you turn your head to the left you can see the artwork Keiji bought us for our wedding. You always get lost in your head looking at it."
"Oh, right."
You're only a little surprised to still find him staring at the artwork when you turn back. But that's not the important part.
Important is the little puppy gnawing on Kotarou's hand, so obviously unhappy about the fact that no one's paying him any attention.
Like you said: Like father, like son.
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eleanorgrootch · 13 hours
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How Bokuto got through college is beyond me, but I’d still like to think he did His Very Best ™️
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jiuwi · 19 hours
𖦹 a haikyuu special | cw: implied female reader, established relationship, they have kids
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waking up by the smell of freshly cooked eggs and the sound of two, little squeals by his 5-year-old twin girls have made him the happiest man in the world. “daddy! daddy!” they both giggle in unison as their little fingers reach up to pat his chest. he sits up and hugs them gently, treating them like fine porcelain as if they’ll break if he squeezes too hard. he pecks their soft, chubby cheeks and smiles, “good morning, my princesses.”
they giggle in return, “happy father’s day!”
“oh my, didn’t i tell you girls not to wake daddy up yet?” your voice breaks through the laughter and giggles. “but mommy, we were too excited!” they yell happily. your husband smiles at the sight.
“still, he must’ve been very tired from work and—”
“it’s fine, love. i don’t mind these cute princesses waking me up.” he presses his hand to their cheeks and watch as they grin up at their dad. you sigh in defeat as you watch this adorable scene in front of you. a small smile creeps up your lips when he puts the girls down and turns his attention to you, his wife.
and just like that, the first spark that you felt when you first met each other returned. as if high schoolers, your cheeks heat up as you turn your head away from his gaze. he gently cups your cheek and with a shaky breath, he sighs contently.
“you’re beautiful, the prettiest.” a kiss on your forehead. “i love you. thank you for our love and our family.” a kiss on your nose. “and i thank you for allowing me the chance to be with you.” a kiss on your lips.
like two, innocent teenagers crushing on each other for the first time, you giggle and kiss him back, ignoring the tiny ‘ew’s from your daughters.
“happy father’s day.”
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correct-haikyuu · 2 days
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imanaes · 1 day
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⸺ ﹙ 𝒶kaashi 𝓀eiji﹚ use your heart ּ
ׅ⠀ ᭡ ⢷ . 𝓌here keiji awkwardly falls for the mysterious girl in his classes & his friends are there to help 𝒮ERIES
x femreader , smau , blackcat reader , college au , fluff , slight written , humorous , miscommunication
𝐼NTENDS lowercase , slang , humor used nowadays
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𝑀ASTERLI𝒮T OF ৎ⠀⋆ use your heart
duo vs duo & we survived! being managers.
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𝒮IDE NOTE noticed the haikyu fandom coming back which was my sign to drop this , also we needa talk abt akaashi more often like ??
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lemurzsquad · 1 day
And because you love Bokuto, how about a silly little drabble about picking a new mattress?
Okay so I know you sent this so so long ago, but in my attempt to get back into writing to fill the void that school has left, I just kept coming back to this prompt, I hope you don't mind that it took so long :')
I was in the mood to make a cozy fic because they make me happy, so have this 🤲 it's also like 3am and I desperately need sleep, so this is also not proofread fjsbjd
Word count: 940
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“So, unfortunately, that specific mattress is currently out of stock at this location.”
You stood in front of the counter in the middle of the store, surrounded by a whole showroom of countless mattresses. Next to you, seemingly distracted, was your husband Bokuto. He looked around aimlessly and turned his head at even the slightest bit of movement, whether it be the cars outside or the light that flickered at inconsistent intervals. Not a single bit of his attention was on the sales associate in front of you both.
The young man continued, “You could visit one of our other stores that may have it in stock, or we could order it for you and have it delivered to this store earlier than when our next shipment is set to arrive.”
You were about to ask Bokuto for his opinion, but when you glanced at him, you could clearly see his gaze locked on a couple of mattresses you hadn’t looked at yet. With an amused smile and a shake of your head, you said, “I think we’ll have it delivered here if it's not too much trouble.”
The sales associate nodded. “Then I’ll just need you to give me some contact information and a little bit of time, and then we’ll be all set!”
As he went to type on his computer and print out a couple papers, you squeezed Bokuto’s hand to get his attention. Immediately, he redirected his eyes to you and tilted his head in the owlish way that he does, silently asking if you needed something.
“You can look around a little more while I fill out some papers,” you answered quietly.
He grinned at that. Lightly pecking your cheek, he let go of your hand and scampered off into the maze of display beds and pillow shelves.
After only a handful of minutes, the mattress had successfully been ordered. It was time to leave, and with a quick scan of the store you realized something.
Bokuto was… nowhere to be found.
So, with a fond sigh, you began to look around, acutely aware that the business was closing in maybe ten minutes. The search was, thankfully, fairly quick with how empty the building was and with how much Bokuto stood out in any setting. Hidden away in an alcove, one of the display beds sat with the side against a window that stretched a fourth of the wall longways. 
Draped with his feet and half of his shins hanging off the foot of the bed was your husband. His chest and cheek were sunk into the mattress, and with how still he laid, you could only assume he had fallen asleep.
A little wisp of a laugh left you in a huff. Why am I not surprised? you mused to yourself. Softly, you approached to lay down beside him, tucking your cheek against the crook of your elbow. With your other hand, you carded your fingers lovingly through Bokuto’s spiky yet silky hair.
He let out a groan that sounded as though the words “just five more minutes” would slip from his lips if you hadn’t spoken first.
“Koutarou~” Your voice drifted to him quietly, gently pulling him back to the waking world.
He let out another drowsy noise but cracked an eye open to see you next to him. His other eye was practically forced to stay shut with how his cheek was smushed into the fabric of the bed.
“Hey, sleepyhead…” You smiled lopsidedly, your own cheek pressed into your arm. “Welcome back to the waking world.”
Still half asleep, Bokuto gazed at you in a soft, dazed look filled with nothing but unguarded awe and affection. You looked angelic; the sunset beyond the glass shone as if only to sit as a halo around the crown of your head. Your fond grin was nothing short of breathtaking in its own right, but waking up to see it was as though he was still basking in the last stretches of dream that had cradled him through the night.
“I think I see an angel…” He mumbles sleepily, “Is this heaven…?”
Your smile grew wider, and the creases at the corners of your eyes and between your eyebrows as they pushed together earnestly became more pronounced.
“No, sweetheart,” you answered softly. “This is the mattress store. And it closes in five minutes.”
He huffed at that, turning his face to groan dejectedly into the mattress. After a fit of giggles and, in response, unhappy grumbles, you managed to grab his arm and pull him to his feet—although, with significant resistance. Bokuto hung off of you the whole way out and back home like a wet towel, leaning what felt like all of his weight as he did, much to your dismay.
Between chuckles, you asked, “Are you sure you didn’t want that mattress?”
He shook his head against your shoulder. “No, that mattress was terrible…” He couldn’t help another yawn from escaping.
“Didn’t seem like it,” you remarked, amused. You teased, “I almost had to leave without you, you know.”
“Nooo…” He whined as he tightened his arms around your waist and further buried his face into the crook of your neck.
You couldn’t help but coo as your hand came up to run comfortingly through his hair. It was no surprise that when you arrived home, he immediately collapsed on your soon-to-be-replaced bed, dragging you down with him.
Sure, you protested, saying you both needed to put on pajamas and do your usual nighttime rituals, but who were you to stand against the power of a soft, pleading, “Just five more minutes…”
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Do not copy and/or repost!! Any likes, comments, or reblogs are appreciated, though! (c) 2024 LemurzSquad
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We were deprived of in-story interactions between Tooru Oikawa and Kuroo Tetsurou because Furudate wanted to save us from having not one, but two bi menaces losers embarrassingly pining for their childhood friend for as long as they can remember on screen at the same time.
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cashmakozume · 2 days
the kuroo and bokuto podcast
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