#branch x reader
brights-place · 9 months
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I'm so gay for both of them...
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aliceramblez · 10 months
Dating The BroZone Brothers 🎤🎶
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Tags: Gender-neutral reader, Fluff, Some Angst (mostly for Branch lol), Also Broppy isn't canon here, obviously. But I love them dearly so don't come at me!
Follow me @taruchinator for more structured content and/or feel free to leave a request here in asks. Enjoy!
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John Dory
We all know this man is a bit self-centered, and that doesn't stop at your relationship.
He'll find any opportunity to show off for you— anything from singing, to dancing, to just his ‘incredible leadership skills that make him the perfect boyfriend!’
He also definitely introduced himself as a member of the old boy band BroZone, which you may or may not have heard of, which may or may not have left him flabbergasted.
Despite all his faults though, John Dory will do his best to be a good partner for you. It's what you deserve, after all!
Keeping you safe from wild creatures, making sure you're always happy because he loves your smile, and also being the overprotective boyfriend who'll square off against anyone who even dares to make you uncomfortable even if they're 10x his size.
Small detail, but he also loves the fact that Rhonda took a liking to you instantly.
“She knows how to pick the good ones,” he'd say with a wink.
Talks about his brothers CONSTANTLY, but always in a way that makes it seem like he doesn't care and that it's their fault the band broke up in the first place. He obviously really cares about them, though.
Some nights, he'll reflect and regret all the stuff he said and did to them, and wishes he could go back and make it right. You reassure him through most of it, trying to convince him that he was young and just didn't know any better.
He stares at you in awe and disbelief because how could ANYONE think that what he did was justifiable? Abandoning his younger siblings all because of his stupid ego and personal insecurities.
“I really don't deserve you...”
Give him some time he's just emotionally constipated.
Also you BET he's gonna show you off to his brothers once they're reunited, so just let him. He just wants the most important people in his life to meet.
You can also expect them to try and embarrass John Dory with stories from their childhood, so be ready to have a good laugh as your boyfriend plots for murder in the background.
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Probably the one who's best equipped to be in a relationship out of everyone in the group.
He is a family man, after all.
Speaking of which, if you think him settling down in the movie and having kids of his own was cute, it really is! But that just indicates that he has a way with children.
If you have a child or younger sibling, expect them to get dotted and taken care of to DEATH by this man.
He may not have been the sensitive one of the group, but was definitely the most reliable of the eldest, so he's got experience handling little trouble makers that come his way.
He still opens a cantina in Vacay Island, which is where you two met for the first time, and so you help run it occasionally whenever you have the chance. And even though you don't go there 24/7, all the regulars just think that you're the co-owner since you're dating Bruce.
You're the one who finds out that he's actually ‘Spruce’, the member of old boy band BroZone. You just happened to stumble upon an old record he kept in his room, and after confronting him about it, he reluctantly confirms your suspicions.
It was hard to recognize him since he was much older now and his body had definitely... grown over the years.
Bruce doesn't like preaching about those days, since he's quite embarrassed of the ‘immature ladies man’ he used to be back then.
But he won't deprive you of them either, since he'll happily share any stories on his misadventures with his brothers, funny backstage incidents, etc.
He misses them dearly and wishes they're all doing okay.
Two words: Hopeless. Romantic.
He's ‘The Heart Throb’ for a reason.
Roses, chocolates, dances— he can do it all!
Bruce will always make time in his busy schedule to spend time with you, taking you on dates to your favorite spots around the island, getting you meaningful gifts, and just overall expressing his love for you in any way he can.
He loves singing to you because it always serenades you and it puts a smile on his face.
People always joke that he's going to propose to you out of the blue one of these days, which always leaves him a flustered mess, but he never denies either.
“What can I say? I might be waiting for the perfect opportunity...”
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Poor baby doesn't know what he's doing but he's trying, okay?
The two of you meet in the abandoned Bergen Golf Course, where you and Viva welcome him with open arms, and everything pretty much plays as in the movie, except that he really likes spending time with you and ONLY you, which he doesn't quite understand?
You're the one to ask him out cause otherwise you'd be playing this back and forth forever. He says yes.
He's never had a partner before, so he's justifiably worried that he'll mess up in some way, or that you'll end up finding him too boring after a while.
This becomes much more apparent after a particular bad night, in which after mumbling incoherently because of a nightmare, you find out that he has brothers and used to be in a boy band.
He doesn't open up about it at first, so you give him some space and reassure him that you'll be there when he needs you. Just give him some time and he'll tell you eventually.
He talks about how he could never be himself, since he was always expected to be ‘The Fun One’, and now he's basically tried to become the complete opposite in hopes of gaining some control over his life.
But he also worries that others will think he's too dull, and that he just isn't interesting enough to be around. Especially you.
You immediately take his face in your hands and look him in the eyes.
“I fell in love with Clay. Not ‘The Fun Troll from BroZone’ Clay. Also, you're fun in your own way!”
He basically falls for you all over again after hearing this.
After that, he becomes slightly less uptight and allows himself to enjoy the little things. You sometimes actually catch him dancing when he thinks no one's looking and you find it's the most adorable thing in the world, even after he realizes he's not alone and wants the earth to swallow him whole.
“Don't mind me, I'mma just crawl in a hole for a while...”
“No, no- Babe, it was amazing! I loved it! Pleaseeee show me more!”
Overall, he's a pretty good boyfriend all things considered.
He's incredibly overprotective of you, and will always give you advice and tools he thinks will be helpful if you're thinking of venturing outside of the Golf Course.
He asks Viva for dating advice CONSTANTLY and she DOES NOT let him live it down. Of course she has good ideas, though.
He'll pretty much do anything for you, even if it means going out of his comfort zone.
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Another great candidate for being in a good relationship.
Need I explain myself with this man?
His entire personality revolves around being caring and understanding, so he's definitely always on the lookout for anything that makes you sad or uncomfortable and will fix it ASAP.
Floyd is the kind of person who will ask for consent with pretty much anything you do— from holding your hand, to kissing you, to giving you a hug; he will ALWAYS make sure that you're okay with it even if you've given him the green light in the past.
He's not huge on PDA due to his somewhat shy nature, but if you are, he'll try his best to keep up with you.
This doesn't mean he dislikes physical affection, in fact it's his love language. He'll go out of his way to try and sneak in as many hugs as possible throughout the day and maybe a kiss or two if you'll allow it, which of course you do.
You also try your best to get involved in his own interests, because that's only fair after everything he does for you.
It isn't until one day that he sings for you that you compliment him and he nonchalantly comments that he used to be in a band when he was a teenager.
Cue the reveal of him having four brothers and you begging him to tell you all about them.
Which he does, but you can't help but notice the melancholic expression on his face, so you immediately stop him and apologize for being pushy on the matter and that he doesn't have to share anything he doesn't want to talk about.
He only looks at you with a small smile and shakes his head.
“No, I'm glad you asked. I haven't talked about them in years, so I like remembering the good times, even if they're in the past now.”
So he'll go on and on about them, one by one, and go into excruciating detail about what kind of person they are and what he loves about them. He's especially fond of his little brother Branch, based on everything he tells you.
When he gets kidnapped by Velvet and Veneer, you immediately go to Branch for help.
Once you're reunited, you two basically run to each other and hug with tears streaming down your eyes.
“Did they hurt you?!”
“No, I'm okay! Did they hurt you?!”
“Who cares?”
“I do!”
Floyd is then incredibly happy to introduce you to his brothers, who begin to affectionately tease him about getting himself a partner and you happily step in to protect him from any unwanted bullying.
You also tell him that you like the new hairdo, which only causes him to giggle and kiss your forehead affectionately.
Honestly you guys probably have the healthiest relationship out of the whole group.
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I was really debating whether to include him or not since there's many Branch Reader Inserts out there, but I don't wanna leave my baby out so here we are!
You have a classic childhood friends to lovers situation with him, since you've known him ever since he was a member of BroZone, only being about a year older than him.
You'd help him practice for his concerts and would always give him pep talks whenever he felt worried that he'd ruin the show.
You're basically his number one fan— never missing a concert even if it meant dragging your parents with you so they'd let you get in.
The moment the group disbands and Branch is left all alone, you're there for him and wait alongside him for his brothers to return, reassuring him that ‘siblings would never break a promise’.
Cue his whole childhood trauma and him losing his colors, but it's only because of you that he doesn't completely isolate himself from society. He still builds his bunker though, since he's pretty much scarred for life thanks to the Bergens.
Just like with Clay, you're the one who takes initiative and asks him out, and he's just left gaping like a fish because why would you want someone like HIM?
After reuniting with John Dory, he's also dotting you about how big you've gotten and treats you like a baby, which actually irks Branch much more than it does to him.
He makes sure to remind his brothers that you both are grown adults, thank you very much.
Once the band gets back together, you kinda become a manager of some kind and help them in organizing their performances. Branch is eternally grateful and thanks you for staying by his side all these years.
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floydira · 9 months
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₊˚﹒✶﹒trolls headcanons .ᐟ
brozone, creek & king trollex with a reader going through a breakdown, overthinking and panicking and how they deal with them.
note ; I somehow(?) accidentally deleted the person's ask for this. I don't remember exactly what they asked word for word. (I'm down on my knees apologizing to you rn, I'm so sorry anon 🙏) so hopefully based on my memory this is at least close to what you asked for. I also hope this headcanon is to your liking.
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John Dory
erm. well. let's just say when it comes to dealing with other people's emotions, he's not really the best guy to depend on...
BUT considering he spent years by himself (and rhonda) with no other socialization, plus leaving his brothers behind and coming back to them after awhile out of conscious but seeing them nowhere to be found, he definitely felt lonely and HAD his own breakdowns before.
so he'd understand how you're feeling, or at least try to understand.
when he first saw you breaking down, his first instinct was to ask you questions "why are you breaking down?" "did something happen?"
if he doesn't get a reply from you, he'll respect your boundaries and not ask any further questions. he'll just focus on comforting you in the present, awkwardly patting your back and giving you words of affirmation that he thinks would work. like those motivational phrases or quotes online, maybe even those ones that facebook moms use.
if you do give a reply, he'll sit down next to you and hear you out. sipping a drink and lending his ears for you to vent. he'll keep quiet (internally, he's restraining himself from outing his own opinions on whatever you vented to him about).
In summary, he's a listener. If you let him voice his own opinions, he'll tell you his thoughts and views. more often than not, if he does give advice, it's probably best you don't actually follow them. I feel like he's bad at giving advice...
at least, he's got the spirit!
this troll has a wife and kids. I'm sure he's knowledgeable in comforting someone when they are breaking down or overthinks a lot.
if you're overthinking, he'll support you and keep you company but he's also honest that helps you actually evaluate your overthinking thoughts and not stress too much about them.
once you come to him looking vulnerable, he'll immediately try to soothe you by rubbing your back gently. yk like those back rubs that puts babies to sleep? yeah, he'll do that.
while he rubs your back, he urges you to take a deep breath and let it all out. so you do. unknowingly you ranted and ranted, every little detail spoken word to word. he just has that affect on people.
lets you know that what you're going through is valid.
once you're all done, he'll give you advice to ease you or if you're not looking for advice, he'll just comfort you until you feel better.
he literally is in a sad book club, he'll have the knowledge about it and how to deal with it. except...he's slightly bad at executing it.
he'll snap you out of overthinking by yelling positive stuff to you, that are actually...effective???
if you rant to him, he'll listen to you attentively and pat your head afterwards. it's just something natural that he does, honestly head pats are soothing ok.
if you're okay with physical touch, he'll caress your face while giving you actually reassuring words. (LIKE. have you SEEN him literally pinching and squishing branch's face when he first met him after 20 years?!) of course, it's effective, combined with his already nice vibe (I feel like he naturally has a healing presence, he's just a sweet little boring cutie)
his method of comforting you naturally makes you feel better. he doesn't have to try hard because just watching his body language and mannerisms are dorky enough that it'll make you smile. he's unknowingly comforting in a silly dorky way. even with how badly he persists to be a very "serious" guy.
he'll definitely give you a big warm hug after everything.
he's literally called the sensitive one. out of the brothers, he's definitely the one who understands you the most.
I don't think I even need to explain, you already know how perfect he is with dealing with stuff like that. like the time he talked to veneer about how his sister treats him and how he shouldn't let her be like that to him.
his face is full of worry if he sees you in a vulnerable state.
he literally gives the best hugs, it's canon, I know it's canon.
this emo mf knows exactly the right words to get you out of your vulnerable state for a while (bc the phrases he gives to others are probably what he wants to hear given to him).
he'll be really patient with you and help you with every step along the way even if you're having a hard time changing your bad traits.
he's also attentive at listening, he'll caress your hands with his thumb with a reassuring smile.
he'll be really sweet at tackling your situation and never makes you feel overwhelmed.
will cry with you tbh.
he's kind of helping himself when he helps you, because he's similar in a way.
branch was quite the panicker himself during the times when bergens ate trolls.
so he'd also know how to help you deal with it because he understands you.
he had to figure it out himself and was mostly alone to deal with his own vulnerability so he's happy to help you.
he'll look calm, composed and collected externally but even he, himself is slightly panicking on the inside. afraid that he'll let you down or he won't be of much help. don't worry though, he has it all put together after a bit.
If you're panicking, he'll help you focus, calm down and ease your hyperventilation.
"concentrate on your breathing, okay?"
once you've calmed down, he'll provide you with reassuring words.
he'll keep you company and stay with you until you feel composed enough to talk about it with him. he'll lend you an ear.
afterwards, he pats you on the shoulder and gives you advice that worked on him before.
as bad as he is, he's literally the best when it comes to relaxation. he has that zen-like wisdom, so he'll calm you down and help you relax if you're panicking or overthinking too much.
just like floyd, he also knows exactly what to say to reassure or cheer someone up.
he'll give you a more positive outlook on whatever happened to you so that you don't overthink it.
tbh his voice itself is enough to calm you down.
he encourages different methods and ways(that he knows of) to you that could help.
King Trollex
this sweet goober offers you all his emotional support.
he feels upset, if you're upset. he's all frowny when he sees you vulnerable.
"can I give you a hug?" ofc he asks for consent.
will hug you tightly (he thinks hugs are a remedy for everything, besides music), quiet sobs are heard as his face is smooshed against your chest. just like bruce, he'll also rub your back soothingly while hugging you.
Intertwines both of your hands and encourages you to put your thoughts into words so that he knows what's going on that head of yours that's overthinking a lot of stuff.
keeps eye contact with you as you rant to him.
"you can get through this." he'll say with his cute smile.
the most he can provide is listening and comfort. he wishes he could help you more.
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blippymilk · 9 months
Brozone (+ Poppy & Viva) x Touch Starved Fem! Reader
Ok the request is that the reader is a touch starved, easily flustered, insecure yet passionate female. Her hair can change based on how she’s feeling. She likes to rant and info dump a lot. She likes drawing herself and her loved ones, and gives small gifts as a form of affection or to make them feel better. There will be a friend and s/o version.
(I’m also really sorry if this is not to the liking of the request, I kind of struggled while making this 😭)
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John Dory:
- As your friend he’s a little concerned for you
- Like he knows your fine but sometime he worries 😭
- But nothing JD can’t handle
- Genuinely enjoys your little gifts but he never makes it obvious at first
“Hey JD look I made you a little gift.” :)
“Oh that’s sweet. Can you put it on my desk? I’ll look at it later.”
- One day him and his brothers were rough housing around while you Poppy, and Viva stood by cheering them on. Bruce gets a little too rough with him and knocks something out of his jacket, it was your gift
- This man stops everything
- Like everything
- Like everyone’s frozen in place no matter what stance they’re in
- And picks it up and places it gently back in the pockets inside his jacket then lectures the boys about how he could’ve gotten his belongings crushed 😭
- Still worries about you even after being together
- Sometimes the way your emotions change with your hair startles him
- And that’s mostly because your emotions can change rapidly
- But he also finds it really funny
- So prepare for his scare attacks
- Your hair gets so spiky, and you get so mad
“Oh come on I was only playing around babe. Tell you what, I’ll find a better way to mess with your hair.”
- And he did, which was by flustering you with comments that boost your confidence
- Your face turns red and your hair poofs up then falls around your head
- You’re always muttering a lot just like Viva and Poppy and JD finds it hilarious that him, Branch, and Clay are in the same boat (not saying Clay and Viva are not dating jus to clarify 😭)
- Loves having a friend that’s the complete opposite of him
- He’ll listen to you rant all day
- With feedback on every question and statement
- Also finds your hair amusing but won’t abuse it’s power on purpose like John 😭
- Shocked by your passion to draw
“Is that me and you?”
“You know it.”
“I love it.” 🥹
- Absolutely head over heels for you
- Still would be into listening to you rant but he’s helping you calm down a bit more
- Now your drawings had a more romantic reference behind them and he loved them even more
- No matter where he goes he always has one of your pictures on him
- He carries it around and values it like cash
- And absolutely none of his (little) brothers are getting their hands on it (yes he’s aware that they’re all adults now)
Spruce Bruce
- He’s an expert on hair so he’s not too shocked or anything
- I mean look at that fluff on his head
- Seeing as Bruce could handle so many kids in the movie I believe he could deal with a ranting partner just fine
- He knows how to avoid frustration with you
- Finds everything you do cute (c’mon it’s Bruce)
- He loves your arts & crafts
- Probably more than you
- Just like John he likes to you see you flustered with that big frizz on your head
- Your hair is constantly poofy because this man never stopsssss
“Hey (____) did it hurt when you fell?”
“When you fell. From heaven?”
“Bruce you’re litteraly gonna kill me and my hair…”
- Definitely helps you get the knots out afterward 😭
- He hangs around Viva so the rambling is nothing new to him
- Always tries to hide you from Viva because he knows you two would be a unstoppable force ( plus poppyyyyy?!?)
- Hates when you feel insecure in any kind of way possible
- So just like you leave him little sketches, he leaves little notes of affirmations for you to read
- And makes you read them
- Outloud
“I am so pretty, beautiful, smart, talente- Clay do I have to keep-”
“Keep going.”
“Ok but-”
- Extremely intense eye contact
sighhhhhhhh “I am talented, I am kind, I am loyal…”
- One of the most respectful boyfriends in the world
- Eventually gives in and let’s you and Viva mingle (possibly a bad descion!!??)
- Astonished by what your hair is capable of (can’t show his excitement tho cause he’s not a fun boy anymore right?)
- He is a words of affection (and physical touch sjejkemsjks) kinda guy so as your boyfriend he’s all you could ask for
- So now your attached to this man like glue and it’s kind of his fault
- Has to pry you off sometime but he will never stop loving you the same
“I love youuuuuu.”
“I love youuuuuu too.”
- Just like Clay he’s friends with Poppy so he’s used to the talking behavior (no Boppy in thissss 😔)
- You guys didn’t exactly hit it off at first either
- You met him during his “no color” era so that makes most of the sense
- ntgl when he first finds out about your hair he’s thrown off
- And the other trolls had so much fun with it that he considered you a distraction from the bergens soooo he wasn’t too fond of you
- And it takes a while but eventually you both become inseparable
“You hated me for no reason, and now I’m your favorite.”
“Yeah yeah.”
- He’s growing as in character development
- So now instead of getting upset he uses your hair to read you
- He never really knows when he’s doing anything right or wrong as far as the relationship so he depends on your hair to know which path to take
- Your info dumping soothes him, wether he likes it or not
- He plays it off subtly but he knows how to fluster you and he takes pride in that (*AHEM* SINGING)
- Doesn’t even realize that you’re rambling cause she’s doing it too
- You both are a special duo that at one point drove Branch up a tree (no pun intended)
- As much as the trolls like you, they don’t realize how actually dangerous you two could be together 😭
- And you can imagine the fear on Branch’s face when he finds out Viva and Poppy are sisters
- Everyone knows Poppy is a scrapbooking master so when she begins to receive little arts and crafts from you she’s in love
- Like she’s bouncing off the wall excited
- Literally (it’s Poppy)
- She’s superrr touchy-feely so your living your best life
- Your hair is so fun and amusing to her
- Like JD she might try to scare you a couple times to see your hair spike up for fun but cuddles you after
“I’m sorry sweetieeee you know I can’t help it. Your hair is just so fun!”
“Poppyyyy you say that everytimeeee!”
- Basically Poppy’s doppelgänger so what can you expect?!
- Always rambling but somehow always manages to do it more than you
- She might just be you plus Poppy times five
- Clay tried to help you hide your hair for the sake of you and Viva
- Unfortunately she popped up out of nowhere startling you both and causing your hair to go erratic
“So so sorry guys I didn’t mean to…OMG YOUR HAIR!”
- Everything you could ask for from a girlfriend
- Like she literally could not have given you anymore
- She loves your art works
- She loves to hear you talk and join in with you
- She loves the touchy-feely type
- She literally can’t find a single flaw in you whatsoever
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vacayisland · 10 months
Wanna leave ideas for this horrible decision down in the comments?
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iamatinydinosaur · 9 months
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Who Fell First and Who Fell harder
🌲John Dory🌲
You fell first and he fell harder
He fell first and you fell harder
You fell first and he fell harder
You fell first and he fell harder
He fell first and he fell harder (we saw all the movies 100% we know he falls hard)
A/N: I'm so excited to write the next oneshots for this one. I have the most perfect idea for Floyd so stay tuned!!
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bloodweep · 9 months
Can you write a smut/NSFW for RockZombie Branch?
RAGHH I have not been asked this yet!! But hell yes yes yes yes
He was so hot and attractive who let him be so hot?? With his stupid ass mullet (I lie mullets are so hot ugh) why was he so attractive
Warning this is nsfw so please take care and might border beyond vanilla !!
Also reminder; I mainly write x male reader but mainly a trans male that is comfortable with pussy / cunt being involved however you may reader this AFAB !
━━━━━━━ ✦❘༻༺❘✦ ━━━━━━━
‗ ❍ this man,,, is so into somnophilia, im sorry he is, especially being deep in your cunt, causing a bulge in your stomach
‗ ❍ breath play - receiving more than giving, wants to feel your hands around his throat, makes him feel crazy and wild
‗ ❍ ugh he has big ass fangs, fangs that he loves brushing all over your body, sinking in lightly on your chest
‗ ❍ blood play!! He enjoys you making him blood
‗ ❍ primal play ,,, gods he would love to “hunt” you down, inhaling your scent before having you pinned to a rock
‗ ❍ breeding kink!! This involves slight cum-inflation too, snarling in your ear how he’s going to fuck you full of kids
‗ ❍ gods he loves doggy straight up!! With his teeth in your shoulder, hands on the middle of your back to keep you pinned there
‗ ❍ spanking, he so will be into spanking you leaving a bite mark on the red handprint too
‗ ❍ would get so frustrated that his cock couldn’t fit into your cunt fully, his nails dragging into the dirt around you trying to get it in
‗ ❍ cock is 9 1/2 inches, thickest part 3.57, thinnest 3.34, knot expands to 4.89
‗ ❍ likes you loud
‗ ❍ rather you be trapped under him than riding him, but he wouldn’t be opposed to it
‗ ❍ very easily controlled in this state, tell him to do something and he will
‗ ❍ big munch too, loves eating pussy, could stay there for the rest of his life if you let him
‗ ❍ fucker definitely keeps your dirty underwear to use to jerk off with when he can, shoving his nose in it
‗ ❍ so into you grabbing his ears to hold on, makes him turn them into you to hear you better
━━━━━━━ ✦❘༻༺❘�� ━━━━━━━
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I’m sorry it’s so short but !! And I’m not fully comfortable writing writing you know? I haven’t in a while so I’ll stick to these things until I feel more confident
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moshpitgamma · 8 months
HIII!!! It's me. The infamous asker ONCE AGAIN!
Is it alright if I asked for seperate NSFW hcs for Creek and Branch with a submissive fem!reader who is:
generally shy but absolutely LOVES complimenting them in general (just bc she feels like they deserve it despite Creek's ego probably being THE FUCKING WORST)
touch-starved, a bit insecure in general
tends to get easily flustered (who may have a thing for being praised in bed and all that jazz )
but I'd also like to hear what they would say to the reader specifically AJFJKDMGM THANK YOU HAVE A NICE DAY😋😋🤭
Since we all are waiting on the Mega Poll🙄😂 I have decided to feed my Babies till the big story gets decided and hope you have a nice day to Hun🤭🫶🏾
||Separate Nsfw Headcannons||
Creek and Branch x Submissive Fem!Reader
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🧘‍♂️He just loves it when his baby just boosts his big ass ego and I would like to think he has a massive kink for praise himself.
Will be into degrading and will do it just to see your pretty eyes tear up from pure humiliation.
Will call you cute nicknames in public and WILL call you out from your embarrassment. Don’t worry tho he’s making up for it in bed with his skilled and flexible hands.
If he sees you looking at yourself wrong in the mirror or saying bad things about your image, he is fucking you lopsided while whispering affirmations in your ear. (Will ask you to repeat them while he’s ball deep in your wetness)
You guys have a compliment contest that usually ends up with you guys getting handsy. “Your yoga moves were so graceful bub ” “Well I can show you something even better my sunshine” Creek says as he walks towards you teasingly
Creek likes to sometimes take advantage of his flexibility and loves to put you into those positions that looks hard as hell (but babes he makes you scream from how deep he is😩)
He knows how flustered you get so he gives you playfully spanks throughout the day.
The first time he praised you in bed he could’ve sworn he say stars in your eyes. But you confirmed it turned you on when he called you a good girl and your tail starting wagging vigorously.
You’re not the only one touch starved hun. He’s grabbing, licking, touching, and kneading everywhere he can on your skin
Loves to leave hickeys and love bites all on you just so he can cuddle you and trace those sensitive areas
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When you compliment him he doesn’t know how to act at allll. He’s blushing and sputtering out thank you’s and is whispering some compliments back to you
Since this man has been isolated for some years, seeing you react to his praising is like him finding hella materials for his bunker. This man is playing with your switches and over stimming you with his words (fingers🤭)
Will get real flirty with you and sensual just to see you blush and get caught off guard.
He probably has a praising kink like Creek and just wants to stuff your cunt while you’re thanking him for treating you so well👀
If he finds out you’re being insecure and talking bad about yourself, he is picking you up with no effort and fucking you in front of a mirror till you plead him to stop and take everything you said bad about yourself back
You guys usually go back and forth with compliments and love comments. He’ll use his dirty mind and say a sex joke in the midst of it. “You have such a nice structure and a nice nose” “Well love, how about you come ride it” (I have a thing for big noses ok😢)
Since Creek has flexibility, Branch has strength. Likes to pick you up and fuck you against walls, shelves, and counters for where your legs are dangling and barely touching the floor.
Likes to give teasing touches all over your body to get you flustered
When he first figured out you were into praising it was when he complimented your friendship bracelet making skills and he saw your cheeks turn red and your tail was wagging. (He also picked up on how your thighs rubbed together)
He’s not too big on leaving love marks or bites on your body but loves to fill you up with his seed and loves to make you stare at yourself in the mirror and show him how beautiful you are being filled with his essence…
HOPE YOU BABIES LIKE IT🤭🫶🏾🤍I know it’s not a lot but it’s something🤷🏿‍♀️
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hxskzz · 9 months
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" Love on me, fuck on me . " | branch
pairing: branch x fem!reader
summary: branch is just a troll who lovesss physical touch.
contents: branch being clingy , hugging , kissing , SLIGHT SUGGESTIVENESS
a/n: this is kinda shorttt but this idea randomly popped up in my head sooo yahh
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ღ . Branch walked into your shared bedroom , with low eyes but he didn't seem tired?.. He walked to where you were laying on the bed and flopped down on it. You looked at him and raised an eyebrow, chuckling. "What's wrong?" you sighed , assuming that you knew what was going on. "I'm so damn boreddd" branch mumbled , lifting himself up and crawling up to the top end of the bed , where you were laying. You looked up at him , giggling.
"I can tell ml. you alwayss do this when you're bored" you opened your arms , signaling for him to come lay with you, as he did. "well..im bored.. butttttt i just..uh..wanna be around you?.." branch had a hard time explaining his feelings , so when he announced them he kinda had to question himself if they were correct. "Awww , i like being around you too branch" you smiled , messing with the ends of his hair.
Branch slowly started to kiss your neck , making his way to your collarbone and jawline. "branchh.." you mumbled. "you didn't say you wanted all thisss" you laughed , letting him work his magic. He mumbled something , but from the cause of him being face down in your neck you couldnt tell what he said. "hm?" branch continued to kiss your neck a few more times , before responding. "nothing baby , i love you" this left you wondering what he said for a few seconds , but you brushed it off. "i love you moree branch"
He perked up, looking at you while smirking which caused you to raise an eyebrow. "provee ittt" he said in one of those teasing ass tones. "BRANCH" you covered your face trying to hide the fact that you were smiling, but it didnt work very well. "sorry sorryyyy babyyy"
For the next 20-30 minutes branch was allllll on you, drawing circles on your back , playing with your hair, randomly kissing you, wrapping his arms around you, and much more to mention.
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cocobirde · 9 months
did a lil thing........ (i should be writing instead sorry. 😭) HE SSO GRURMPPUYY
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brights-place · 8 months
Hey! Could I request a Brozone x s/o jealousy hc? Thanks!
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Brozone Jealousy Headcannons
Pairing: Brozone X S/O (Seperate)
Warnings: Cursing, fluff, jealousy
A/N: Dude I love writing all your requests OMG JEBJKWN VKLKBQW anyways jealousy headcannons are the BEST!
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John Dory/JD Jealousy! Headcannons
- John dory is 100% very overprotective of you - Snapped the fire would he was collecting quickly as he saw the troll talk to you as you were smiling chatting to the troll as John gritted his teeth - He gets very clingy. He latches onto your arm, jumps on your back, kisses your neck at times, that sort of thing if needed to and will glare down anybody if needed
- He feared that they would steal them away from him. - he would become jealous and possessive, and would do everything in his power to make sure that YOU! His partner only had eyes for him.
- Will stare daggers at anyone who stares at you too long. He will make it known you're his.
- Is definitely the type to waltz up to the person you're chatting with and interrupt the two of you to introduce himself and have an hand on your waist then kiss you right infront of them with an smirk
- Grips onto your waist while staring the person down as the dude walked away when seeing JD's glare as he left JD hugged your waist "mine" he mutters as you giggle
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Spruce/Bruce Jealousy! Headcannons
- While bruce knows he is an attractive man I mean come on he's entitled as the heart throb in his band years he still thinks that you can do much better than him!
- Isn't vocal about his jealousy would just stare at how an random person would walk up and start talking to you, and the fact you were unaware about that the person was flirting with you kind of pissed him off
- He was writing an order before hearing the person flirt with you making him snap his pen and grip onto his notebook for an moment as an Vacay islander raised an eyebrow at Bruce before noticing the scene
- Bruce stood there in shock as he walked over with an aggravated look on his face as he grabbed your hand, taking you to the kitchen - "Bruce honey are you okay?" You asked him cupping his face "I'm fine. Stop talking to that guy and just give me your attention.." he mumbled as you cupped his face as you peppered his face with kisses.
- He planned on banning the person from your restaurant but you told him not too so he just gave the guy an plate of clams... there was an reason he told everybody not to order the clams
- Lets say that troll wouldn't be talking to you anymore and would be having diarrhea
- He closed the restaurant early and walked over to you hugging you so hard saying how that troll should of backed off
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Clay Jealousy! Headcannons
- Clay well doesn't really get jealous But he HATES like really HATES feeling it when he is - He never wants you to feel like he doesn't trust you cause you trust him and he loves you so much
- He may get a bit defensive if a man or woman is trying to shoot their shot with you but he's confident enough in you and your relationship that he doesn't worry but when needed he will stride over smile at them - Whenever someone flirts with you clay jaw clenches involuntarily. Hiseyes narrow ever so slightly, a subtle sign that he's not entirely pleased with the attention you're receiving. - He trusts you enough to let you handle it on your own... but will 100% step in like the serious boy he is to get the person away from you - This man is petty as fuck you could see that everyone could see that
- He'll come up and wrap his arm around you, or press a kiss to your cheek, making your relationship very obvious to the person who's talking to you
- Showers you with affection afterwards since he held your hand and then held you close but If you accuse him of being jealous, he'll look away then back at you with an small smile muttering an "Maybe..." while you laugh
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Floyd Jealousy! Headcannons
- Floyd rarely get's jealous but when he does he has two sides either very quiet and fidgety or when he notices the person trying to flirt he'd be more up front about the situation like clay and an mix of bruce/spruce - He’s a tad bit insecure and quite fidgety. He’s also very quiet, his eyes darting between you and the person you’re talking with.
- He trusts you there’s no question about that but he’s still insecure. - They were so much more confident and good-looking, and floyd felt... like he was nothing compared to the person.
- If the person leaves he will bury his head into your neck wrapping his arms around your waist and speaking softly
- Innocent questions like "Who was that?" or "Do you know them well?" become loaded with an undercurrent of jealousy. He might pretend it's just curiosity, but his heart beats a little faster as he waits for your response.
- His fingers might 'accidentally' brush against yours when he senses someone watching a little too closely. It's a subtle way of reminding everyone that he's the one who gets to hold your hand.
- In group settings he positions himself between you and any potential threats aka people trying to flirt with you -It's a protective move that ensures he can keep a watchful eye and be ready to intervene if necessary.
- He becomes unusually vocal about his love for you when he senses competition. Expect random declarations of affection and praise, as he wants the world to know just how amazing you are.
- "You wouldn't date them right?" "what why?" "I dunno" floyd muttereed quietly looking towards you "Floyd honey I love you so much your enough for me... wait where you jealous?" floyd looked away while you laughed
- Cup his face right after an tell him you wouldn't leave him but also you teasing him about him being jealous is cute
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Branch Jealousy! Headcannons
- Branch doesn't like seeing you around other people... it makes him feel weird since he's afraid you'll leave him - He understands. Of course people would flirt with you! He knows that you’re pure beauty and perfection so it’s no surprise that people would want to hit on you... but it pisses him of so much - The pop trolls would gape in disbelief seeing someone like you, kindhearted and gentle dating... someone like branch cause he's... Branch
- Branch cares for you so much and would walk over place an hand on your waist and glares down at the person
- This man literally SCREAMS that episode with Rosa and her dog arlo??? in S3 Ep 12 in B99! "I love my wife/husband/partner and if anything happens to them I would kill everybody in this room then myself" vibes while your blushing and covering your face
- BUT THATT DOESN'T MEAN HE ISN'T INSECURE ABOUT IT! - He's still fairly insecure with himself! So when he sees someone he feels is more attractive than he is he can't help but feel self-conscious
- He will subconsciously go above and beyond for you! pulling out your chair, bringing you flowers, making your favorite food, and opening the car door for you more than he already does after feeling so insecure
- but he also will glare somebody down and plan their death so fast it isn't even an joke - ESPECIALLY if they bully you he would have their heads on an stick
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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sealitsgills · 6 months
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and heres that troll from the hit movie troll
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aliceramblez · 9 months
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BroZone Brothers With An Insecure S/O 😔💗
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Tags: GN! Reader, Self-Deprecating Jokes, Low Self-Esteem, Abandonment Issues, Slight Body Insecurities. Fluff/Comfort.
A/N: Here we go with our first request! I really liked this idea as someone who has low self-esteem, and honestly it goes to all of y'all who think you're not good enough— cause you are! Also sorry it took a bit! I've been sick because the universe hates me 🙃
Feel free to leave a request & hope you enjoy! ^^
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John Dory
At first, he doesn't really know what to make of it.
He finds it a bit strange, but doesn't question your odd sense of humor, and will sometimes even join in on the joke by saying stuff about himself, thinking it's some sort of inside thing between the two of you.
“Man, I can't believe I'm so clingy, sorry! Feel free to use me as a bad example, at least that way I won't be totally useless, haha!”
“Ha! You think that's bad? Babe, you haven't even seen me when I'm up at night just staring at the ceiling contemplating my life choices.”
It isn't until getting a good smack from Bruce and Floyd that he realizes you're actually being serious. And the prospect of that kinda puzzles him, not gonna lie.
“Look at you, tiger! Got yourself plenty of groupies already— Not surprising honestly. Don't have to worry about backups when you decide you're ready to move on, either!”
After a performance at the Pop Troll village, everyone is gushing over BroZone because of course they are. JD only barely manages to squeeze past the number of fans to get to you on the other side of the podium.
The oldest sibling looks at you in shock, and has to get closer to make sure he heard you right. “Babe, why would you say that?”
Caught off guard, you manage a nervous chuckle as you play with your hair. “I-I mean... Wow, would you look at the time! We gotta meet with Poppy and the others!”
John Dory stops you on your tracks and demands an explanation, which isn't really good for your poor heart. All you can do is kick the dirt and avoid his gaze, since that makes what you're about to say much easier to voice aloud.
“I mean... You're John Dory. You could date any troll you wanted and yet you're sticking with me. It honestly feels like a dream sometimes... And I'm scared of the day you realize you can do WAY better and decide to leave me.”
After processing this, he immediately holds your face in his hands and gives you the most serious expression you've ever seen on him. “I don't want just any random troll... I want you. You're my number one fan, and I'm yours, so don't even think about stuff like that, okay?”
After the exchange, he's always on the lookout for whenever your bad habit wants to kick in again and is ready to stop it ASAP
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He notices it happens mostly when you're working at the cantina.
Whenever you get an order wrong, trip over your own feet or don't remember how to work one of the machines properly, you'll go into an awkward insecure flight response.
You'll say “Oops! Sorry! Clumsy Twinkle Toes, coming through!” while grinning and laughing along with the customers, but Bruce knows that it's affecting you more than you lead on.
It also happens whenever BroZone is getting ready to perform and you don't know what to do with yourself since you're “standing in the way”, despite being told multiple times that it's okay for you to be backstage with everyone else.
When he talks to you about it, you get really uncomfortable and just say that it's no big deal and that you can handle it.
“I've always been a clumsy person, so I guess that's always making me doubt myself over the smallest of things... Sorry if it's annoying.”
Bruce will then proceed to give you a huge warm hug and a kiss on the forehead as he whispers comforting words into your ear.
“Hey, I can be clumsy too! I've always been the worst out of everyone when it comes to choreography. Don't tell JD though, cause I know he'll throw a fit knowing I don't practice.”
He'll throw in other examples that may seem inconsequential to you, but you appreciate the effort nonetheless and smile and giggle through the embarrassing stories he shares.
He helps you get more confident by being there with you while taking orders at the cantina and praising you whenever you get something right— albeit in private as to not embarrass you.
Same goes with rehearsals, where he WILL drag you into the lounge area to hang with his brothers and/or Poppy and Viva when they decide to visit, too.
Overall he wants what's best for you and will try and push you out of your comfort zone, but only in a safe environment where he knows that if something does go wrong, it won't be as catastrophic as you make it out to be in your head.
You never stop thanking him for being your crutch during these times.
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The moment he hears the words come out of your mouth he's completely flabbergasted.
First of all, who said those things to you? Because he swears he just wants to talk to them—
It's at a sleepover with his brothers and the gals at the Bergen Golf Course, and among the many games, snacks and movies watched, pictures are also taken.
As soon as you take a look at the array of selfies, you let out what sounds like a mix between a laugh and a sigh.
“I mean, at least it stays consistent— in photos, I look ugly. And in real life, I'm also ugly!”
As soon as those words leave your lips, Clay is at your side with an almost unreadable expression, only to snatch one of the photos from your hands. “How DARE you say that about the most attractive troll I've ever met? Shame on you!”
He then starts going around the room waving the picture around to his brothers, saying stuff like “Look how attractive my S/O is! I'm dating them!” while you're just blushing profusely and begging him to stop (even though deep down your kinda giddy about it).
After that day, Clay will do small gestures in which he reminds you how beautiful he thinks you are. Everything to outright saying it each morning, joking about it with his brothers, and even bragging about you to his friends in the Bergen Golf Course.
He's a simp and he's totally okay with that because it's you.
Clay feels like he's the luckiest troll in the world for being able to snatch someone like you since he's “the most boring and uninteresting of the bunch”, so he feels like he's hit the jackpot.
You immediately tell him that he's not boring to you and that he's the best boyfriend ever, which only causes him to smirk.
“Doesn't feel good to know the person you love feels so bad about themselves, does it?”
Finally realizing his reverse psychology, you give in with a laugh. “No, it doesn't. I guess... We can both work on that? Together?”
And so you do, and end up helping each other whenever one is feeling down in the dumps, as a sort of personal cheerleader. You truly couldn't have asked for someone better.
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You're the kind of person who's very vocal about your interests.
So it's no surprise that you have to catch yourself mid-ramble whenever you're talking about something you're either interested in or knowledgeable about. And with Floyd being such a good listener, it honestly slips your mind more times than you'd prefer.
After realizing you've been talking for too long, you turn pink in the face and start apologizing profusely.
“Sorry! You probably didn't need to hear all of that. They didn't call me ‘Chatter Box’ when I was younger for nothing! Haha...”
But Floyd could care less about any of that. He loves hearing you talk, not just because he's not much of a chatty person, but because he just finds it incredibly endearing.
He'll hold your hands in his own and give you the softest smile ever that just makes you think that it should be illegal to be THIS sweet.
“You're just so cute when you get lost in the moment like that. Besides, I love seeing you happy. By all means, I'm glad you get to do the talking for the both of us, otherwise we wouldn't get anywhere in this relationship.”
You laugh at his attempt to make you feel better and melt under the touch of his lips on your cheek.
After that, whenever you go out either just the two of you or with your group of friends, Floyd will encourage you to express yourself. He does this by either asking you a question directly or subtly incorporating you into the conversation by saying something like. “I think (y/n) knows about this kinda stuff. Don't you, love?”
Obviously this all happens with your consent beforehand, since he doesn't want to put you in a tight spot, either.
Either way, he always values whatever you have to say, since you always bring in new perspectives that maybe others didn't think about before.
He will also encourage you to be yourself and not try and match your topics of conversation with things you think other people will find interesting. You deserve to be happy by sharing what you love with the world.
Poppy and Viva are huge helps in the art of feeling confident by speaking your mind, and Floyd couldn't be happier for you.
You thank him by telling him about your day each night, in which sometimes he'll fall asleep to the soothing sound of your voice, which only warms your heart on so many levels.
“Goodnight, my prince.”
“Goodnight, my little chatter box.”
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Just like Clay, this man is ready to throw hands.
Just give him a name and he'll get the job done before sunrise—
He notices that sometimes you struggle with finding outfits for different occasions, either something casual, dressy, classy, etc.
But it's not because you don't have anything in your wardrobe, on the contrary it's pretty much brimming. It's more the fact that you're not satisfied with any of them because you feel like you don't look good in them.
Branch tries to convince you otherwise, saying that you look great no matter what you wear, but you can't help but feel self-conscious in anything that isn't a good old sweatshirt.
He isn't knowledgeable in fashion (clearly) so he enlists the help of Poppy and The Snack Pack to try and cater outfits to your exact measurements, along with any other nitpicks you've had in the past with either texture or material.
I mean, Branch has backup plans to his backup plans, you think he wouldn't keep notes on what kind of stuff his S/O doesn't like— INCLUDING mundane stuff like their clothing?
He surprises you with these, and you can't help but feel attractive in them since he paid extra attending to the complaints you had from your own designs.
“I personally think you look great no matter what you wear. But if you feel so strongly about it, might as well get some stuff you'll actually enjoy wearing.” He'd said when you asked why he did it, and your heart just melted.
You vow to try and work on your self-imagine regardless, which he gets happy over and says he can't wait for you to see yourself the way he does.
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tadpoletiddles · 1 month
Brozone x Reader (fem)
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“Oh, you have no idea.”
The words echoed through your head. You gulped and remembered what John Dory had stated before about 'saving the best for last.' Now, your thoughts began to wander to the possibilities of what was next to come. However, you were drawn back to the conversation at hand when a hand moved across your thigh and gave it a soft squeeze. "Y/N," your head swiveled to meet the voice. "How are you feeling, honey?" Bruce asked you. You gave him a light chuckle, "Like I'm not sure if I'm still dreaming or not." Bruce furrowed his brows slightly, giving you a sweet smile. His eyes lingered on yours, slowly trailing down to your lips. You not only noticed this but so did his brother, who leaned over in your ear to tease you, "So you've been dreaming about us, hm?" 
Well, shit. He’d caught onto you, hadn’t he? He may have been dense, but he wasn’t blind. Even if you hadn’t just outright told them you’ve been fantasizing about them, you figure he would have taken notice eventually, especially with how you acted towards him and Bruce. The way you’d giggle when they’d say something funny or the little doe eyes you had with something sweet. But what was most interesting to him was how you’d subtly tense up when either of them was close to you. How would your breath hitch as a hand was 'innocently' placed on your shoulder. Your body language gave you away well before your words had.
"And if I have?" you spoke. John let out a breath, taking his hand under your jaw and forcing you to hold Bruce’s gaze, "well then, you wouldn't be the only one." Hearing him say that gave you butterflies. Knowing that they may have wanted you as well was enough to prompt your tail to start wagging again. “Why don’t you tell us the dirty little thoughts you've been having about us,” John started, his thumb stroking your jawline. Bruce chimed in, “Come on, sweet girl, let us make them a reality.”
At a loss for words, the only thing that you managed to give them was “I…” The boys chuckled at your reaction, sharing a look of amusement.
“You think you’re ready, sweetheart?” Still struggling to form complete thoughts, you simply just settled for an "mhm." Oh, you were so ready. And cue your body giving you away again, as you could feel the slickness as you subconsciously rubbed your thighs together. "So, what would you like us to do, sweetheart? You must have some ideas?" Much closer this time, John Dory was speaking into your ear. His fingers drew light circles on the tops of your thighs.
There were so many scenarios that you had imagined in the past. Although, now that you were here, between them, you couldn't choose one. "Um... surprise me," you suggested, hoping they'd take the lead and make things easier on you. Well, maybe not that easier.
"Letting us decide? Brave girl~"John's hands were less gentle than Bruce's as he came to grip your thighs. "Are you sure that's what you want?" Bruce chimed in, "Yeah, yes," you looked him in the eyes as you had before, "please."
With a sharp tug to your hair, your head was pulled back to meet John Dory's gaze. Not to his surprise, or yours, a moan was pulled from your lips. Your head is tilted in his grasp, "Ive- we've wanted to do this for so long. "Then don't make me wait," you start to plead, "Please, I want it just as much as you."
And you don't have to wait. Within seconds of hearing you, he's moved his hands off you. You start to make an aggravated whine when John's touch had left. That is until you realize he'd already stripped himself of all of his clothes aside from his underwear and goggles, which he pulls off his head and sets on the side table beside your water. With your attention focused on JD, it takes you a moment to see they'd both done the same. You do a doubletake, snapping your head to Bruce. Eyes grow wide as they glance down at what lies between his legs. Oh boy, you thought, wondering how the hell that was going to fit all in your mouth, much less other places. Yet, your pussy was soaked and now aching for something to fill it. To the best of your abilities, you were going to try to make it work.
Without clothing to restrain it, Bruce's cock now stood at full attention. As you had expected, his hair down there was just as well groomed as that on his head, the same pretty shade of purple too. "Honey," he took notice of your staring, a slight blush on his face, "I appreciate the admiring, but um..." He looked away from you, "Could you please help? It's starting to hurt." Your tail swatted the air as you shifted to face Bruce and settled between his legs on the couch, "mhm." You shoot him a small reassuring smile.
Before you were going to do anything, you were going to kiss him, because fuck, you have been wanting to for so long. Thus, leaning in, you capture his lips in a soft, gentle kiss. He melted into you as your lips moved slowly in unison and all the tension that you'd both been holding in snapped. Bruce's hands found their way to your hips and guided you up into his lap. You straddled him, thighs pressing against his own as your weight relaxed onto him. Bruce was intoxicating. The smell of cedar and saltwater radiated off of him. It made the kiss all the more enjoyable. The haze let up briefly when John placed his hand on the back of your neck, running it up into your hair again. It was long enough to pry you away from his brother and steal your lips. His kisses were a bit rougher. That in no way meant that you didn't enjoy them. Even more so when he thrust his tongue past your lips and into your mouth. Bruce took this time to make his way down to your chest. He'd run a finger over your pierced bud, lightly rolling the jewelry. His fingers would soon be replaced by his tongue as it followed the path his fingers previously had.
"Mmmm," you moaned into John's mouth when Bruce clasped his lips around your nipple. The sensation of it sent flutters down to your core. You put a hand on John Dory's chest and pushed him back so you could kiss Bruce again; you had to pull him off your breast first, of course. For a few minutes, these minstrations would continue, and you would go back and forth between the boys. Finally, you broke the cycle and sat back on your arms, lightly heaving.
Bruce was sitting in front of you with his eyes glued onto your pussy, which had been spread open to him just as it had been all evening. It had been so hard for both he and John to be patient. He tilted his head to the side when you closed your legs, upset that you'd ruined his view for the moment. John, however, sat smiling because you were crawling towards him now. You were getting a little impatient now, wanting to have something inside you.
"Double trouble?" You asked slyly. John Dory gave you a look of confusion, "huh?" You wiped the trail of precum that was leaking down the head of his cock with your finger, then ran it over the tip slowly, which made John flinch. "You asked what I wanted," you paused, " I want both of you at the same time." John raised his eyebrows at you, peering over to Bruce to see if he'd heard what you said, "I think we can do that, sweetheart."
A mischievous smile comes to your lips. You sway your hips side to side, on your hands and knees. The couch sank behind you as Bruce knelt behind you. "I've been eyeing this beautiful pussy all night, fucking finally, Bruce huffs, leaning in closer to it. You feel his tongue give broad sweeps across your folds as he laps up the dripping juices. You merely hum in relief that he's finally touching you there.
"you wanna get started while he warms you up?" John refers to his cock in front of you, which was, fuck, also massive. To which you waste no time, giving a long lick up the shaft. Poor thing was so pent up that his hips bucked up into your touch. You gave him what he wanted, letting his cock slide past your lips and down into your throat. "oh...fuck," he groans, slipping his hands into the familiar place in your hair. You didn't stop until his tip was nuzzling the back of your throat. You hummed around him, moving your tongue across his shaft. It was now that you realized the sensations from your backside had ceased. With a pop, you pulled your head up off his cock to look back a Bruce, who was no longer eating you out but gently massaging your hips. "Ready, honey?" You nod your head, biting your lip.
Bruce lines himself up with your entrance. The head of his cock prods your folds before he gives a few slow glides through them. You could tell how soaked you were, considering how easily he could do so. His grip on your hips tightens slightly to hold you steady. Your eyes flicker back to John, whose hand is stroking your hair. You let a breath out as Bruce begins to push in. He is slow and gentle trying not to hurt you. "F-fuck," you gasp. John chuckles at your reaction, tilting your chin up to watch your face.
Once fully seated within you, balls deep, he sighs. He rubs your sides, allowing you time to adjust since he is larger than his younger brothers. There wasn't any pain, just a bit of pressure, which soon faded. You grind your hips back into his, hinting at him to move. Bruce pulls out slowly, then pushes back in. This rhythm was terribly slow, almost too slow, "Bruce," you whine his name, "Please, I need you." Your words make him melt like butter, and he obliges you with a hard, deep thrust. It sends sparks through your core, and you're unable to hold back the moan that follows.
As Bruce continues to thrust into you, John shifts onto his knees. "Double trouble," he says as your head is yanked back. He takes a finger, tapping at your lips, "Open up, sweetheart." Your mouth is open, tongue lolling out to greet him.
Now, you were being filled from both ends. Although the two were definitely at different paces. John was far down your throat, drowning out your moans, while Bruce's cock was stretching out your velvety insides, balls slapping against you with every thrust. You were in heaven. "Such a good girl, taking our cocks so nicely," John cooed. He held your head between his hands, guiding your mouth onto his cock. The feeling of being between them like this was far better than any of your fantasies.
It was so good that you were already close. Bruce was the first to notice, "Ngh, she's, fuck, squeezing," "Hm?" John looks at him. With each thrust from the two, you could feel the creeping tightness growing in your stomach. It's not long before the tighten releases, and your eyes are rolling back in your head as you cum. Bruce moans as your pussy clamps around him. Oh, it milks him to his own high, which he releases into you. He grabs your hips and slams deep inside you, filling you up with his seed.
John is quick to follow and pulls his cock from your warm mouth. His hand vigorously pumps his shaft, aiming at your open lips. "Mnghh," he grunts as thick strings shoot out into your mouth and onto your face. After swallowing what he'd managed to get in your mouth, your tongue sweeps across your lips, "Mmm."
"Whew, " John smiles tiredly and plops back on the couch momentarily. Bruce eases himself out, watching as his cum leaks out of you in globs, "oh, that's good," he whimpers. You're pulled back with him when he leans back. Bruce lays down, letting you nuzzle into his side, grinning. "I'm gonna go running us a bath, John says as he gets up. " Lifting your head up, you look at him, "Are you two gonna join me?" you ask. "Yes, sweetheart, is that okay?"
You smile, glancing between him and his brother, "That would be wonderful."
*+:。.。 you’re welcome ;) 。.。:+*
TAGLIST: @raydoitbetter, @benignbryophyta
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blippymilk · 8 months
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Dirt Bike Racer Fem! Reader x Brozone (+ Poppy)
(TYSM for all the love, request, and followers guys!! The little comments y’all be putting on your request and under my post make me wanna tear up a lil bit 🤧)
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John Dory:
- Finds it incredibly hot that you’re a (famous) dirt bike racer
- Didn’t know you were a female at first until you took off your helmet and revealed your (GORGEOUS) self
- Never thought he had a chance with you tbh :(
- But then realizes HE’S JOHN DORY, THE LEADER, J.D and gets the courage to ask you out (however that story ends up is up to you)
- When you guys finally end up together his heart is content
- Although sometimes he feels that he has to go beyond his expectations because his girlfriend is literally a dirt bike racer!
- So yes his ego is hurt a little bit (but he’ll never stop loving you so don’t even worry)
- He would love to take your motorcycle for a ride all day
- And if he doesn’t know how to ride one yet (which I doubt) he will (put his ego aside and) ask for lessons (don’t tell anyone though)
- Definitely getting matching cycles
- Kinda thinks you’re a walking hazard/danger sign at first
- But Bruce believes the heart wants what the heart wants and it wanted you
- Has to get used to the loud noises your motorcycle makes when you take off anywhere, but eventually gets over it
- Loves riding on the motercycle with you after a couple months
- Has you under a oath to never speak about the time he tried to take it for a ride by himself with zero experience (🫢)
- Makes sure the keys (or anything that the lock can be picked with) for the motorcycle are always out of reach if you decide to have kids
- Doesn’t mind you taking the kids for a ride (but they have to be 10 or older 😢)
- Definitely wears a shirt that says ‘My wife is a famous dirt bike racer, how about you?’
- You definitely bring out the fun in him (and he hates that at first)
- You met him during his serious boy Clay get up so at first he didn’t take you too seriosuly
- But when he learns it’s ok to loosen up, he found himself falling for you (he been loved you, he’s just embracing it now)
- Wants to be on your motorcycle more than you do
- Definitely already knew how to ride one (he was fun boy Clay soooo)
- Teach him all the crazy tricks in the book, he’ll end up mastering them all
- Please convince this man to wear a helmet cause if you don’t , he’s not even touching one
- Screaming all types of things while on the bike
- It’s a little weird with Floyd
- Like he loves and supports the fact that you’re a dirt bike racer but he doesn’t think about it too much (at least for the first part of the relationship)
- Secretly terrified of the roaring of your engine behind his calm smile
- You didn’t realize he was either until one day he walked into your garage and you started it up, causing him to completely fall onto his back
“Oh my gosh Floyd are you ok?
“Yea bab- yeah I’m fine…”
- Unlike the other boys, you have to convince him to ride on your bike
- Sit him in front of you so he’s convinced you won’t leave him behind :(
-Eventually he learns to enjoy it to some degree (still prefers the car tho if you know what I mean)
- Attends every event you have with the biggest “____’s #1 FAN!” sign anyone there can bring, and please don’t let him find out if someone is trying to show him up 😭
- Ok let’s be honest if you met him during his first Trolls movie phase, he would actually despise you (at least at first)😭
- The nerve he’d think you’d have to turn on your loud engine while the village could possibly be hunted down by bergens
- After the first movie events and knowing everyone’s fine and well, he starts to show some interest
- You may or may not catch him at one or two or all of your events
- He can’t decide if he wants to ride your bike or not
- Like you’ll offer to take him for a ride and every time he’s just like:
“Well- like…um- ye- well actually, wait no, actually…maybe- well…”
- It’s to the point where if you want him to go with you, you’re gonna need to snatch him on and put the helmet on his head
- Since he’s one of the few trolls that knows about the internet, he made a fan account for you where he uploads all your clips, and makes sweet commentary and deletes all hate comments and possibly comments “____ is better” on fan accounts for any opposing riders
- You might have to run away from this girl at first
- Begs to ride your bike before you’re even together
- And when she is with you like Bruce she feels the need to take it upon herself to try and ride the bike
- Let’s just say she enjoyed your physical attention and the way you kissed her “boo-boo’s” afterwards
- So by the time she heals you’ve learned to take Poppy for frequent rides
- Has no shame in asking for lessons at all
- Definitely asks you to take, her, and Viva for a joyride
- Let’s the whole pop village know that her girlfriend is a famous dirt bike rider (as if they don’t already know 💀)
“Oh you’re boyfriend’s a baker? That’s crazy cause my girlfriends a dirt bike racer!”
“No way she’s a CEO? Mine ride’s a dirt bike, and she’s well know!”
“You’re girlfriends a top secret spy for the biggest agents in the world? That’s insane, my girlfriend rides a dirt bike!”
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vacayisland · 9 months
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@!; Bakin' with the heart! Branch / Baker Troll! Reader (pt. 2)
"Tag list"! @storydays @chamille-trash @valvalentine69 @starzwithapen @ykvlanq @apieceofcathair3 @kitthefanfickat @cyb3r-st4r
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ꨄ︎. Unknowingly to Poppy, Viva, and his brothers, Branch has managed to regularly visit your little bakery in Pop village. Well, at first it started off as an one-a-week visit, that he wrote off as a 'pick-me up' treat at the end of a long and hard week. Then it became bi-weekly, a treat to start off his week with and a treat to end his week with. And then it became thrice a week, and so on and so forth until he began to come in every day. You became used to this simple, yet effective, routine where Branch would come in at exactly 5:30 pm sharp every day; It was right before your dinner rush, hours after your lunch rush, and somehow always the time of day where you didn't have much work.
ꨄ︎. And you weren't sure whether you should be impressed, or a little scared, that Branch had managed to figure out your schedule so well! You would put a tray of goods in the oven at around 5:15, latest 5:20, to be ready to the dinner (more dessert) rush that would come. Branch knew that, and so he would always come in 'early' to be able to be the 'first' of today's 'hot menu'. Those weren't by your words either, he had actually told you that one day and you had gawked in his response, since it wasn't a very Branch response. Yet, overall, you found yourself always growing a little excited when five o'clock hits, as you knew Branch would be coming to talk soon enough.
ꨄ︎. His visits started brightening your day, really.
Today was a little different though, as usually when 5:30 rolls around you would be up front and waiting for Branch, and this is what he had gotten used to; opening the door of your little Bakery, being hit with the smell of fresh baked cookies and breads, and then seeing your face. It always made his heart jump a beat, maybe two, but he always did his best to act cool. Yet, today his heart didn't skip a beat and your service counter was oddly void of your presence. Then Branch noticed the way your bakery didn't smell as fresh as it usually did this time of day, what wafted in the air were scents of the already baked goods; not the rising and cooking goods that usually came from your oven. That made him worried; You had never not been up front by 5:30 pm.
ꨄ︎. "Hello?" Branch called out into the Bakery, nerves building up in his stomach as his mind went wild with possibilities of what could be happening. You hadn't started a fire, at least not one that had hit the front of the Bakery. You didn't close your Bakery early, your open sign was still hanging and anytime you left the Bakery you marked it as 'closed'; even if you were just going around the corner to talk with some friends. There wasn't any health code violations, because your Bakery would have been shut down and Branch secretly always made sure you were in regulation. The more possibilities he ruled out, the longer he didn't get a response, the worse his nerves got. "Hey! (Y/N)? Are you in here?"
ꨄ︎. Branch did get a response this time around, "Branch?" which caused him to whip his head around with excitement before it flattened upon seeing it was not you. It was an ever so confused Poppy, who held a bin of baking ingredients, and next to her was Viva and Smidge. "Oh hey Poppy." Branch mumbled, shrugging off Poppy's sudden appearance a little hastily upon realizing it wasn't you. He didn't mean to be rude, or sound rude at all, yet he was a little more concerned at your sudden abnormal schedule. I mean, what if you got eaten by a Troll-eating plant?! Branch failed the miss the confused, and slightly concerned, looks that the three made before Viva and Smidge carefully walked around Branch and over to a set of tables. Poppy, on the other hand, walked over to Branch with an ever confused smile, "Branch?... Why are you screaming for (Y/N) inside her Bakery?"
ꨄ︎. Well, Branch couldn't exactly tell Poppy what he's been doing for the past few months: visiting you basically every day, chatting for a good thirty minutes to an hour before leaving. No, Poppy would get overly excited and basically call Branch out on the (horrifying) truth of his visits. So while stood there frozen, muttering a very long "uh" to Poppy, Branch took the first escape goat that someone would give him; without even thinking about it. "Branch! Don't tell me you're here for the baking class too!" Smidge questioned from behind the two, crossing her arms. Branch didn't fully process what she had said in one go, yet he only snapped his fingers and pointed at Smidge with a nervous bit of laughter, "Yes! That I'm here for that!-" That was before Branch did a double take, glancing behind him at Smidge, "wait what?" Baking classes? You had never shared that idea with him, and usually he would be the Troll you tested new recipes on! Yet, Branch's confusion was never answered, as Poppy simply grabbed his hands and took his attention away "Oh Branch! And here I thought you were making secret trips to the Bakery to talk to (Y/N). Pft, silly me! Come on, you can help us set up!"
ꨄ︎. Well, it was safe to say that the Baking class was just a little awkward at the start. Seeing as how Branch never signed up for the class, making you a little startled when you saw him helping out Poppy and Viva, and how Branch overheard that you had changed the recipe they were making last minute. And Branch would be right to assume that the last minute change of plans was because of him.
ꨄ︎. "A baking class?" Branch asked as everyone went home, having offered to help deep-clean your Bakery kitchen after everyone had been baking in there. Somehow, it had left the two of you alone and you knew there was a conversation that needed to be had. A somewhat awkward one. "A baking class that trolls need to sign up for, Branch! And you showed up unannounced." You mumbled back in a slightly correcting tone, unsure how Branch even managed to get tangled into your little side gig. Not that it was illegal by any means yet you had just though the would be out foraging for his base a little longer today! So, it was a real shocker to you, and your plans, when that was the opposite. Branch paused and glanced over at you, unamused. "Oh wow, that makes it so much better, doesn't it?" You could feel his sarcasm from the other side of the kitchen. You rolled your eyes at him, "It makes you just as guilt as me if we're playing this game, Branch." But you were used to Branch by now; Branch and his odd ways of showing that he cared. "Why were you even here? Today, you had told me, you were restocking on your bunker!" "So you planned around me?" Branch quizzed as he went back to work.
ꨄ︎. And Branch wasn't exactly sure what you were going to day; He thought you might deflect the situation and tell him no, you weren't planning around his schedule (when you clearly were) and he was just reading too much into things. But the last thing he expect you to do was softly sigh and stare down at the stainless steal table, cleaning a certain spot in circles. A small frown etched on your face, the type of frown that made Branch pause in his own cleaning again. "Hey I-" Branch started after a long period of silence, not meaning to upset you. His eyebrows frowned upward as he began to walk over to you, yet you only shook your head. "No, no. It's fine just," There was some sort of chuckle in your somber tone, "I should have figured I could never surprise the one Troll that always seems to know when something is going on!" And that thoroughly made Branch confused; Surprise him? What were you on about?
ꨄ︎. You would explain to Branch, a little later while cleaning in silence, that you had planned for that class to make a rather special Christmas dessert (seeing as Christmas was only a few days away now). Not one that was exactly in the spirit of Christmas, yet one that was more in the spirit of giving, if that even made sense. And Branch could tell you were dancing around your explanation, trying to muster up one without giving away your plan, yet you ultimately couldn't.
ꨄ︎. "I wanted to make a batch of double chocolate chip cookie with a fudgy center." You would finally admit to Branch after dancing around your explanation for a while; not wanting to admit to him what you had originally planned to bake. Branch only cocked his head to the side though, raising an eyebrow at you, "But those are one of your summer cookies." He would point out, "Why would you make them now if-" And you knew he had put two and two together by the way he had paused, his eyes going a little wide before a small "oh" escaped his lips. His eyes stayed to the floor for a moment before they looked up at yours, noticing that you were slightly more embarrassed. That only made the tips of Branch's ears flush as he tried to contain his emotions so his face wouldn't flush red either. "I was making them for you." You spat out before you lost your confidence. "You had been telling me how much you missed that summer cookie and I thought, hey, why not bring them back for a limited time? And well... I was planning to surprise you with it... Until you kinda... you know." "Oh..." Branch mumbled again, his eyes darted down to the floor. He felt his heart beat against his chest, and the way his stomach tied into a knot. Only you had been able to make him feel that way.
ꨄ︎. Dammit. Only you made him feel this way and he knew why.
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