#brian is into more upbeat music that he listens to in the car .. kind of 70s dad music
simurghed · 9 months
rly wish i could discuss what music the undersiders would like but i am so bad at ascertaining characters music tastes @_@
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natromanxoff · 3 years
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November 26, 1998
Music for a modest May
He was lord of guitar in Queen, although Brian May is now uncertain of his musical destiny. Patrick McDonald reports.
It's a "dreary, miserably drizzly morning" in England, says Brian May, guitarist for the legendary rock group Queen, sounding surprisingly melancholy.
"England also can be depressing in other ways. There is so much negative energy in this country," he observes.
In the world of rock, where egos rule supreme, May seems to occupy (as the title of his latest album suggests) Another World althogether.
He is modest, his manner surprisingly shy, with a reluctance to dwell on past achievements and his outlook almost insecure.
For someone who has penned about two dozen Top 20 hits worldwide, 51-year-old May still seems to crave that most basic of human needs: acceptance. He is delighted to hear positive feedback about his new album.
"I need that," he says.
The liner notes on May's previous album, 1992's Back To The Light, seemed positive and hopeful after a dark period in his life, which included the death of Queen front man Freddie Mercury from AIDS and the passing of his father, Harold, who helped make the trademark "Red Special" guitar which May still plays. However, May's introductory mesage on Another World seems disillusioned, even depressed. It has been a tough few years, with the death of his dear friend and band member, drummer Cozy Powell, in a car accident.
"You go from one hump to another, don't you, very often," May says. "Truthfully, I think life is meant to be a battle. I can't really see it any other way, because as soon as you get to a place that you think you wanted to get to, it's not what you thought, is it?
"Some of it is depressing but some of it is definitely worthy of a fight, and I guess there are a few fighting words on the album, really."
Music has become a sanctuary for May. "It's an escape, it's a therapy. It's a means of regaining your strength and sharing your feelings with other people, which is a strength-giving thing in itself, I guess," he says.
"My music and other people's music — that's the thing, more than anything, which keeps me going."
It is difficult to imagine that May, from one of the most successful rock groups of the 1970s and '80s and regularly named among Britain's top-earning businessmen, has to find reasons to keep going. He admits his position would look enviable from the outside.
"When I was a kid, I used to think if someone had hit records and they're a pop star, then life must be all rosy," he says. "But of course, it isn' that easy. You're still a human being, you still wake up in the morning with the same sort of problems that everyone else does.
"It's an odd thing. I'm very fortunate, don't get me wrong. I'm very happy that it's happened — we had a great time with Queen and I've been fortunate in having a career afterwards.
"So I'm not an ungrateful kind of individual but the normal pressures are there — the normal pains and disappointments and frustrations.
"And also the joys: there are moments when you get over things, you get to a new place and you feel a great release.
"I don't wake up and and think, 'Ho, ho, I've been in Queen, everything's fabulous'."
The track Space, which opens the new album, suggests that the listener is being invited into a very introspective and personal work.
"It's not meant to be straight autobiography by any means," he says. "It's meant to be describing a kind of journey which I think a lot of people make. If my work has any worth, it's because people find in it their own lives."
In contrast to the introductory notes, much of Another World feels joyous, fun and upbeat.
"I came to a point of a complete crisis, where I felt this was not good enough: I've made an album here which is okay, revisiting my heroes, all the great stuff which made me want to be who I am," May says. "And I'd written this song about Freddie, which kind of places him as one of the heroes."
That song, No One But You, ended up becoming what will possibly be the last new Queen song, recorded by the surviving three members for the last years's Queen Rocks compilation.
The success of that track convinced May that the rest of his cover material wasn't good enough for the album.
There are plans to sift through old tapes for a possible boxed set of Queen out-takes and rarities, but is there a future for Queen?
"Well, no, in a word," May says, with a wry chuckle. "I think things have a beginning, a middle and an end."
Brian May plays at Brisbane's Alexandra Hills Hotel on Saturday.
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patternsintraffic · 3 years
My 100 Favorite Albums of the 2000s: #70-#61
I'm back with more albums that I love. Listing is fun! Who knew?
70. Rooney - Rooney (2003)
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In the days of mp3.com, Rooney was one of the bands that I would stream during my Software Apps class in high school. I probably heard "Blueside" and "I'm Shakin'" a hundred times at barely-audible volume before this album came out. The sunny, bouncy melodies, synths, chord changes, and throwback lyrics are reminiscent of the Beach Boys or The Cars. I just love the carefree feel and youthful energy of this album, and the tunes are great. This is a quintessential California album from a verified California band.
69. Rock Kills Kid - Are You Nervous? (2006)
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The only full-length album from Rock Kills Kid was just a few years before its time, which is a damn shame. When bands like Two Door Cinema Club came around in 2010 and captivated the indie rock world, few knew that Rock Kills Kid had been pumping out danceable alt-rock four years prior. "Paralyzed" and "Run Like Hell" should have been the songs of the summer. "Life's a Bitch" should have been a staple of high school mixtapes everywhere. Instead, this was a band that just didn't fit in with the musical climate of 2006 and regrettably fell off the map. At least we'll always have Are You Nervous?
68. Feeder - Pushing the Senses (2005)
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Feeder have been a UK rock institution for 27 years now, releasing ten full-length albums over that span, though they’ve never made much of a splash in the States. My favorite Feeder album, Pushing the Senses, strays from the band’s signature guitar-driven power pop for a mid-career foray into the Britpop style popularized by Coldplay and Keane. The band received criticism for chasing the sound of the times, but their take on it felt genuine and sounded amazing. “Tumble and Fall” and “Tender” could stand toe-to-toe with any of the soft-rock output from those aforementioned bands. Feeder even let the guitars loose on “Feeling a Moment” and “Pushing the Senses,” two of the most undeniable singles I’ve ever heard paired on the same album. Coldplay and Keane have never reached such energetic heights.
67. Lifehouse - No Name Face (2000)
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Lifehouse have become somewhat of a punchline over the years, as they’ve continued to release pretty standard and inoffensive alternative-rock fare, usually with one or two big singles coming from each album. It seems like most people enjoy a few Lifehouse songs, but no one is really a Lifehouse enthusiast. I think that the band’s best material comes from their 2000 debut No Name Face, and though their output since hasn’t made me into a true Lifehouse fan, I will always go to bat for this album. “Hanging by a Moment,” “Sick Cycle Carousel,” and “Breathing” are the songs most would be familiar with from early-2000s radio, and they are all excellent. There’s nothing particularly fancy about the rest of the album, as the songs don’t need any embellishments to shine. They are organic, earnest, and beautiful, and though I’m sure there’s some nostalgia involved I never regret revisiting them. Lifehouse might be kind of a stale name in music in 2021, but No Name Face shouldn’t be forgotten.
66. Acceptance - Phantoms (2005)
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Until reuniting for Colliding by Design in 2017, Phantoms was the only full-length Acceptance album. It's not hard to see why this band continued to grow a cult following during their inactive years, as people tend to want more after an album as good as this one. It had the lyrics for the emo kids, the guitars for the rock kids, and the hooks for the pop kids. It's actually pretty surprising that Acceptance didn't make a mainstream splash in 2005, especially since this album was released on Columbia Records. A lot of that may have been due to the exceptionally poor choice to release "Different" as the first single. It's a great song, don't get me wrong, but there are so many upbeat tunes on this record that would have done a better job catching ears and piquing interest in the band. At least we finally got the follow-up album 12 years later, and the band have remained active since. Sometimes everything turns out OK in the long run.
65. Cursive - The Ugly Organ (2003)
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I’m not sure what drew me to The Ugly Organ in 2003, at 15 years old. Listening to it now, it’s brash and angular, and not particularly accessible. I was just starting to stray from the music on rock radio at the time, and I came across “Some Red-Handed Sleight of Hand” and “Art Is Hard” online. I think there was something about the urgency in Tim Kasher’s voice, and the acidic way that he spit out the pointed and sarcastic lyrical content, that left me wanting more. It may be the cover art or the cello that permeates these songs, but something always felt a little creepy about them, like the band were performing in a haunted house. There aren’t many vocalists like Kasher, who seems to meld multiple levels of meaning into each line while drifting effortlessly from gentle singing to yelling to spoken word. This is a good one to dust off around Halloween. What a treat.
64. Long-View - Mercury (2003)
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Long-View was a short-lived UK soft sock outfit that released one full-length album, Mercury. Nothing terribly surprising here - it sounds like an early-2000s UK soft rock album in the age of Coldplay and their contemporaries. The music is simple and often quiet, the vocals are smooth, and the tempos are mid. But despite it feeling like one of many on the surface, Mercury is charming and engaging. "Further," "Can't Explain," and "When You Sleep" have great hooks. The lyrics sound personal and conversational, and despite being cliche at times they feel poetic against the backdrop of Long-View's delicate instrumentals. An exemplary take on an oversaturated genre.
63. Augustana - Can't Love, Can't Hurt (2008)
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After "Boston" put Augustana on the map in 2005, they traded in their indie rock sound for a set of rootsy, earthy anthems on their sophomore effort Can't Love, Can't Hurt. While the songs still sound like Augustana, there is a more classic, timeless quality to this album that has kept it fresh 13 years after its release. The slow build of "Twenty Years," with its swelling strings and piano leading the charge, was the kind of song I didn't know the band was capable of writing before this album. And "Sweet and Low" has one of the most sublime hooks I've ever heard.
62. Barcelona - Absolutes (2008)
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This Seattle indie rock outfit is anchored by pianist and singer Brian Fennell (now of SYML fame). I had never heard of Barcelona prior to this album, and it took me by surprise. Fennell's vocals are captivating, winding through catchy pop melodies while deftly maneuvering from delicate to powerful. They pair with the band's guitar- and piano-driven arrangements to cement Absolutes among the best in the genre. There is a 2007 independent version of this album which is preferred by many who heard it before it was remastered and rereleased with an expanded tracklist in 2008. While I understand being attached to the version of the album you first fell in love with, I just can't agree with the opinion that the album is better without the standout tracks "Come Back When You Can," "Colors," and "The Takers."
61. Kill Hannah - Until There's Nothing Left of Us (2006)
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Kill Hannah played anthemic goth-pop that belied their violent-sounding name. Until There's Nothing Left of Us is a triumphant, stadium-ready pop rock record that had the synths, grooves, and hooks to take the radio by storm in the early 2000s. If this album came out two years earlier, Kill Hannah might have been a household name. How did "Lips Like Morphine" not enrapture a generation of high schoolers? This is one of the many albums on this list that had absolutely all of the ingredients, but it somehow didn't add up to musical stardom.
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Queen of hearts.
Summary: Being tied to the mob was hard...loving someone who was on a side you were fighting against made it even harder.
Warnings: Drinking, lil bit of mature themes, swearing, mentions of drugs, blood, implied murder, violence.
A/N: Okay so a kinda modern day set fic- a mix of old and new. It's a mob!AU and I got the idea from @borhap-socials and I was totally in love with this concept!! Brian and reader are the very definition of star-crossed lovers in this mini-series I'm doing 😫 will they be together in the end??? Maybe! Maybe NOT! 😏😩 I hope y'all enjoy! 💖
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Part 1.
You were barely paying attention to what your father was saying and he noticed. He snapped his fingers in front of your face and you flinched, giving him all your attention. "Did you hear what I said?"
"Yes! What you always say! Be safe, be vigilant, be logical, blah, blah, blah, and all that jazz!" You made the motion with your hands "Can I go now? Only Mary will be wondering where I am and it is her birthday party after all."
He sighed and rolled his eyes "Fine, but if you feel like anything is off- come home."
"I will." You reassured him with a smile. He had been on edge for the past few weeks. "I'll try and be home before midnight." You gave him a hug and went to pull away but he held you and pat your back. He would never admit it but you knew he was scared. Scared that you'd end up like one of those people he trusted and had lost- that someone would find you in a ditch or floating in the Thames. "I'll be fine."
"I just worry..." he pulled back with a small smile. "As I've always done." He sighed "You're the only one I have left." Your eyes flickered down to your feet, you were supposed to be upbeat and excited about going to the party at Mary's, but now you felt deflated. He didn't mention your mother, but you knew he was talking about her. She was in a car accident years ago, it was the only time you had ever seen your father cry.
He was notorious, he had a reputation. He was one of London's most fiercest mob bosses. You hated that you were automatically tied to it because of him and being his only child, he expected you to eventually take over someday- there was a great weight resting on your shoulders. The past few weeks had been tough for him, a rival family had upped their threats, taking down people linked to your fathers businesses and that only made him retaliate much more forcefully- you were wondering if the city had run out of body bags yet.
You could cut the tension looming over London with a knife.
He said that he hoped you'd have a good night just before you left the house, the guards outside all gave you a small, friendly smile as you made your way to your car. You got in and irritatingly sighed seeing the time on your watch- you were already late. You sped to Mary's house and hoped that she would be too busy interacting with other guests to notice your lack of presence.
Brian sighed into his- much needed- whisky. It had been a long day for him. He had listen to his father drone on with how successful they were becoming. Brian didn't see killing people as something to celebrate but when you were in the business, it was something to pop a bottle of champagne open over. Growing up with a mob boss as a father meant Brian was already automatically in it- he didn't have a choice. In fact, he was sure the second his mother announced she was pregnant with him, he was inducted into the 'family business'.
"There's a drop tomorrow, Bri. We'll be at yours at seven." Roger spoke in a hushed tone. Brian sighed again and took a sip of his drink. There was better things he could be doing on a Thursday evening than waiting for Roger, Freddie and John to come over and then intercept a drugs drop on his fathers behalf. Brian halfhearted hummed and Roger narrowed his eyes "I thought you said that you wanted to come to this bloody party earlier this morning but your acting like someone has cut your balls off." Brian sent Roger a glare "What's the matter with you?"
'What's the matter with me?' Brian mentally replied. 'I've just watched a man get shot less than an hour ago, scrapped my hands with a nail brush until they were red-raw trying to get the dried blood out of my skin and then toss on clothes and come to a party. The mood to party had certainly disappeared after all that bullshit.' Brian shook his head "Nothing."
Roger looked completely unconvinced but decided not to press him. Brian barely knew the woman who's birthday it was, he just knew she meant a lot to Freddie and at this stage in his life, Brian was just happy to get out the house and focus on something else for a few hours. John was tearing up the dance floor and Freddie was chatting away with the birthday girl. Roger left to get them both another drink, leaving Brian with his thoughts again as he downed the last of his drink. When his eyes looked up, he choked slightly. His jaw dropped seeing the most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on walk through the front door.
Mary gasped and tapped Freddie excitedly when she caught a glimpse of you. "Y/N! Oh Y/N!" She squeaked, running over to you and pressed a kiss on each cheek before you engulfed each other in a hug. You could smell rosé perfuming her lips. She pulled back and raised her eyebrows "You're late!"
You playfully rolled your eyes with a cheeky smile "It just took me so long to haul up this huge bag up the stairs!" You pretended to peek in it "It's a gift for some girl because it's her birthday...I think she's 84?" You joked and she playfully shoved your shoulder while giggling. "Happy birthday, lovely!" You handed her the bag.
"You've perked up a bit," Roger observed aloud as he handed Brian a glass and placed his empty one on the table beside them. "What's got you so smiley?"
Brian didn't even notice he was smiling, he had been doing so as soon as you walked in- grinning even wider seeing your interaction with Mary. "Look at that girl," he motioned towards you. "Fuck- she's stunning!"
Roger followed Brian's line of vision and lowly whistled "That ass!" Brian nudged Roger and sent him a disapproving look. Roger scoffed "Oh come on, Bri. I've known you for years- you're an ass man. I bet that's one of the first things you saw."
"I actually saw her gorgeous face first...then focused on her smile...then her eyes..." his voice was getting dreamier by the second before he sighed with realisation. "Then her ass." He uttered and Roger let out a bark of laughter, clapping his friends shoulder. They stiffened slightly hearing a scream coming from the direction you were standing in. The flat was small and all ten people that were in it looked around to you and Mary who was clutching a dress with tears in her eyes.
"Vintage Valentino! The dress! This..this is it!" She yelled and you widely grinned. She had pointed it out in a magazine ages ago when they did a piece on vintage fashion and she fell in love with it- banged on about it for what felt like decades. You found it about bought it for her. One of the limited perks of having your father do what he does. "This is too much!" She gasped.
"No! No!" You smiled and kissed her cheek "Worth it for you. I adore you, I love you, my best friend in the whole world- you're like a sister to me. Nothing would be ever too much for you. Happy birthday." You squeezed her arm and she almost burst into tears. "Try it on! Let me see it on you!" You stopped her before she left to go into her room "Actually, show me tomorrow. I'll come over and we can go shopping and afterwards we can have a fashion show and binge on wine and junk food while listening to cheesy songs!"
Mary smiled so wide that it almost hurt, her eyes all sparkly from tears. "I honestly think you're my soulmate!" She chuckled. "Thank you, thank you so much!" She pulled you in for another hug and then went to place the dress in her room.
You decided to get yourself a drink, you knew she'd spend at least another ten minutes in her room admiring the thing. You walked up to where the bar was and noticed a tall man with curly hair looking at you. You coyly grinned and took a small detour to talk to him. "Hi there," you greeted. It was only when you got closer that you noticed the man with blonde hair standing next to him.
"H-hi!" Brian managed to croak out before taking a large gulp of his drink.
"Hey," Roger nodded his head and outstretched his hand "Roger- or just Rog. This is Brian, or Bri if you can't be bothered saying his full name." Roger joked and you laughed. Brian couldn't help but smile at the sound...despite being annoyed by Roger's comment.
"Nice to meet you Roger, you too Brian." You shook their hands. "I'm Y/N and I'm about to get myself one of those," you pointed towards their glasses "If you'll excu-"
"Here." Brian cut you off, swiftly grabbing Roger's untouched glass out of his hands and pushing it into yours. He didn't want you to leave just yet. The blonde shot Brian a deadly glare and uttered a string of curses under his breath as he left to get himself another drink. Your eyes followed an annoyed Roger for a moment before looking back at Brian who's lips were curved into a smile that reached his mesmerising eyes.
"Thanks," you chuckled out, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip. "How do you know Mary? You work with her?"
Brian swallowed hard "Uh, no...I'm here with Freddie. She was kind enough to let us come- Roger, our other friend John and myself." No, he didn't work with her because he worked mainly in disposal of bodies and not Biba.
"Sounds like Mary," you softly smiled to yourself. "She's very kind. I've been her friend since I've been born!" You smirked- she brought a sense of normality to your life. "The amount of trouble we've been in together, I tell you!"
Brian- finding a bit of confidence that was probably more Dutch courage from the drink- bit down on his lip and leaned in little so you could hear his low voice over the music. "You seem too good to be bad."
You blinked, an almost unknown tingling surge flowing through your veins hearing him say that in such a dark tone. You challenged back, a little bit of shameless flirting would do no harm. "You'll just have to hang around and see how troublesome I can be, Brian..." you purred his name and sipped away at the whisky in Roger's glass. Brian balled his fists a little seeing your tongue dart out ever so slightly before your lips touched the glass. His fingernails digging into his palm relieved barely any tension. You grinned while taking a better look of Brian, your head cocking to the side ever so slightly. "You have nice eyes." You could happily see yourself floating in them, somewhere in between the stars they held.
They looked like little galaxies- endless and infinite.
Brian felt his heart skip a beat and he melted a little at your sweet, sincere tone. "They aren't as half as nice as yours...your eyes are beautiful." He whispered and you felt your cheeks flush. "You're beautiful." You bashfully turned away but he turned you around to face him again, keeping one hand on your arm. "Even more so when you do that..." he gently bobbed your cheeks and nose with his finger. "It's cute seeing you blush and get all flustered."
"No!" You groaned with a grin "Surely not!"
Brian rested his head against the wall and looked at you like you were a field of sunflowers in summer. "It's true." You mirrored his moves slightly and leaned against the wall, a small- yet what felt like a canyon-like gaping- distance between you both.
You stayed in the same spot with him talking for hours about everything and anything that came to mind- and flirting when the chance cropped up. Between the sweet, subtle brushing of your hands together and the occasional gentle, playful nudge, you both felt yourself more naturally and effortlessly drawn to each other. You had a lot in common and what you didn't, you found the subjects you were both alien to, interesting. "Maybe you should take me to the museum and tell me all about it." You suggested after he was talking about a piece of art. Brian blinked in shock.
"L-like a date?" He quietly asked.
A small flicker of confusion and worry flashed over both your faces. Neither of you had ever held a steady relationship before and had only been on a date or two outside of being very briefly with other people. Being linked to the 'business' made it ridiculously difficult to find anyone and build a relationship with them. Maybe it was time to change that.
"Sure," any hint of brief panic had gone. "Yeah, a date. Why not?" You shrugged a shoulder with a half grin.
Brian flashed you a smile, showcasing his pearly whites "Then it's a date. I can meet you on Monday outside the Tate around two?" You happily agreed to that- it wouldn't be too hard to slip away from home on your own to the museum for a few hours in the middle of a Monday afternoon. He then noticed you mindlessly tapping your foot. "Do you want to dance?" He asked and you shyly nodded. Brian took your empty glass and placed it down with his. You walked into any space you could find in Mary's small living room that was now being used as a makeshift dance floor. The limited space meant you were extremely close to Brian- not like either of you were complaining. His hand found your waist while your hips swayed, you shuffled forward and-almost intentionally- swayed them against Brian's.
You felt his grip tighten on you a little and he bit back a small groan feeling you grind against him. Your hands went to the back of his neck and you hummed the song that was blaring through the speakers before leaning forward to speak in Brian's ear. "Your hair is so curly...I love it." You tugged it ever so slightly and heard him whine in delight. You devilishly smirked, his arms snaked completely around your waist and he was slowly dragging you off the 'dance floor' to the empty hall. "Do you like that?" You pulled it again and Brian couldn't help but groan.
He pinned you against the wall, his body pressed against yours and his hands roaming wherever they desired. You contently sighed feeling his hands brushing over your neck, he pulled you forward slightly and you both spent a few antagonising moments just looking at each other with half-hooded eyes, noses brushing against one another's. "You really are so beautiful," he whispered and placed an innocent, whisky laced kiss to your lips before pulling back barely an inch. You cupped his cheek and pulled his face forward to close the distance again. You both coaxed a moan from one another's throats as you began to deepen the kiss, Brian's tongue softly brushed over your bottom lip making you involuntary part your lips just enough for him to slip it into your mouth and clash with your tongue.
Your hands clutched at Brian's jacket and his tightened around your waist as the kiss became more passionate. You gasped feeling his lips leave yours and reposition themselves on your neck, gently kissing and sucking away before he sunk his teeth into your flesh, drawing a broken yelp from your mouth. That would need covering with concealer in the morning. Your fingers were twisting in his hair and he groaned against your skin feeling your fingernails softly rake his scalp before you both swiftly broke apart hearing a throat clearing.
"Was wondering where you went," Roger said with a shit-eating smirk on his face at the end of the hall.
You and Brian fixed yourselves a little, completely flustered while wiping away the saliva from your mouths and smoothing out the creases on your clothes. You then noticed the time and gasped a little. "Oh god, I have to get going. It's almost midnight."
Brian ignored Roger's presence for a moment "Thanks for a great night...Cinderella." He joked and you giggled. You asked him for his phone and you added your number with a little red heart emoji at the end of your name.
'Y/N ♥️'
He watched you doing it with a hazy smile on his face. He was completely and utterly enamoured with you.
He gave you another kiss "Goodnight, Brian." You leaned in and whispered in his ear "Text me or give me a call if you want to talk. Can't wait for our date." You pulled back and winked. Brian bit down on his lip and placed his hand to the small of your back, pulling you in again for yet another kiss before releasing you- he was already addicted to those lips of yours. He knew he'd have withdrawal over the next few days. With bright red cheeks, you pat Brian's chest and then also bid Roger goodnight as you passed him.
You headed off to wish Mary happy birthday again and to say goodbye. Roger slowly approached Brian who was giddily grinninglike an idiot. "Well don't mind me," Roger held up his hands. "You two seemed to have hit it off."
"God, she's everything I've ever wanted, Rog." Brian dreamily sighed "Smart, funny, and her kisses- Christ almighty." He bit his balled fist and screwed his eyes shut.
Roger raised a brow at Brian before moving his eyes down. "I can tell..." Brian lightly shoved him, muttering a string of curses as he turned his back tried to sort himself out to make it look like he didn't have a boner.
"Oh bugger off," Brian grumbled and they walked back through to the living area. "Got a date with her on Monday," a smile returned to his face. Roger was genuinely happy for him- he always wanted to see his friend find someone special. "We talked for ages. She's really amazing, Rog."
"So you keep saying, mate!" Roger chuckled "I hope it goes well between the two of you." They stayed another little while at the party, Brian's mind constantly occupied by you.
You quietly stepped though the front door a little passed midnight. "Y/N?" You walked into the living room and found your father looking over some paperwork "How was your night? Did Mary like her gift?"
"Yeah," you nodded "She loved it! I had a good night- a great one!" You sillily smiled at the thought of Brian. He was making you all giddy. You decided not to to tell your dad about him. "I'm going to get some sleep, night dad."
"Goodnight! I'm glad you had a nice time!" He called out as you hurried up the stairs with a stupidly large smile on your face.
'Unknown: It's Brian...is it Monday yet? X'
You smiled and text him back before saving his number. You were wanting the same thing he wanted.
'Y/N♥️: I'm afraid not. I wish it was though! I had a great time with you tonight...I can't wait to see you again. X'
Brian read you text over and over, eventually placing his phone to his chest and longingly sighing and wishing that the days would fly by. The two of you were rather smitten with each other.
But little did you or Brian know was that your two families were violently feuding.
And now you were both standing in the middle of it.
•Part Two•
Tags- (Tag list is open! Just let me know if you want to be tagged or not or if I've forgotten to tag you!)
@rrrogah-tayluhh @rogerofmylife @phantom-fangirl-stuff @pyrotechnic789 @deacytits @mercurys-bike @happy-at-home @mhftrs @dannydelay @queenismylifenow @whitequeen-blackqueen @stateofloveandvedder @blondyfel @mespetitestortues @trickster-may @xtrashmammalstefx @the-garnet-rain @makapaka11 @killerqueenbucky @hodgepodge-of-rog @fredthelegend @killerqueen-gunpowdergelatine @bowiequeen @princessleiaqueen @asgardpapi @mizzallfandomz @fangirlofeverythingme @ellee677 @the-killer-queenie @bucket-of-kittens @jamiethewallflower @rogernroll @queen-irl-af @rogertayolr @jiswoogannon @the-tales-of-ck
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