#but dealing with people whining about update times or telling me they refuse to read bc its a wip...... dunno if i can do that again fellas
mamawasatesttube · 5 months
i wish it wasn't so normal for people to complain about unfinished wips or fics that take a long time to update. because sometimes i think i have a really fun idea for a fic but it'd take a while for me to write, and i like talking about my work as i do it and i don't like writing entire fics over like 20k without sharing, because i lose steam. so if i were to write and post that cool fic idea, it'd be as a wip. and then i think about all the people who just refuse to engage with wips, or all the other people who would just go "update pls" all the time, and of how people only really comment in the first 24 hours something is posted and then it's lost to obscurity, and then i just go "actually whats the point in going through the effort writing this out? i'll just daydream about it now and then and be done with it." and then i don't write it. alas!
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
Time Travel ft. Leia and Vader
(Helped by @atagotiak)
I was reading a bunch of different time travel fics, and my brain slotted in that one "Vader hands over the Empire to Leia and is now her most devoted sycophant" dynamic and mixed it with the "Luke and Vader time-travel and Vader does the right thing but only because it would make Luke sad if he didn't."
I landed on "Leia time travels to prequels era, but her least favorite family member has also traveled with her, though it takes him a few months to find her because he has less resources without the entire Imperial Navy, but he's still a scary Sith in all black with a breathing mask and intimidating cape."
"Tiny angry lady who wants to force democracy and her giant Sith father whom she hates but has resigned herself to pointing at threats like a tank who inexplicably loves her" is a delightful dynamic.
The first few months included a lot of concern about "why do you know so much about Sith if you're not trained or looking to be one" and then Vader shows up and calls her 'daughter' and she insults him and it's like "Oh. That explains it."
Council Member: We have a Sith in the Temple. Vader: Former Sith. Leia: Listen. He is your best chance against Sidious. Also, do you want Dooku dead? Vader can make him dead. Council Member: Your father i-- Leia, scrunching up her face: Don't call him that.
Like Leia is deep in conversation when the Temple starts panicking because Vader just. Showed up? He snuck in, somehow? So Palpatine wouldn't catch him on video entering through the front door? And people try to keep her away from the trouble, because there's an entire array of Jedi Masters to deal with this Surprise Sith, except she can sense exactly which Sith it is and once she shouts "oh you have got to be kidding me!" she just starts running and, well, it's Leia. Nobody can stop her.
(Leia does have less combat training, at least less force-assisted combat training, than the Jedi. But then the Jedi don’t want to hurt here here. She's not fighting her way down, either, she's just running really fast and all the best fighters already left. They had a head start. So Leia's mostly running past random padawans and the like.)
She shoves her way to the front of the group of Masters who. Well, they're certainly ready to attack. But Vader is just standing there. Doing nothing. Still intimidating as fuck but he's not doing anything.
And then Leia bursts onto the scene like "You motherfucker."
She hits her head on a clipboard and whines because UGH he's a walking WMD and they could REALLY use him against Palpatine but also. She hates him so much.
She tries to hand him off to the Jedi council but he insists that he will only take orders from Leia herself.
Jedi: Wait, what. Leia, completely ignoring them: Did you follow me here? Vader, through the mechanical wheezing: I have no loyalty to my master and no empire to serve. You are all that I have left. Leia: Me? Me? I'm all that you have left? You committed a genocide that killed all the family I had except for the twin brother you later mutilated! Jedi: Wait what Vader, going to one knee: I pledge my loyalty and blade to you and only you, daughter. Leia, ready to explode: I. I just. Jedi, some of whom really want to say things but are slowly realizing that they just accidentally acquired a Sith Lord by proxy: What. Leia: I hate you so much but I can't even get rid of you, you're too useful. Vader: I live to serve. Leia: Yeah. Got that. Fuck. Someone get him a full medical rundown, I don't know the last time that mess of a life support system was updated. Jedi, agitated again: WHAT Leia: Listen, I don't like him, but I'm not stupid enough to throw away the second most dangerous person in the universe when I can point him at the most dangerous person in the universe. Especially not if he's going to listen to me. Jedi: But... he's a Sith. Leia: Please trust me when I say this: you might be able to take him down eventually, but he will take dozens of you down with him, and right now he's... honestly, I'm pretty sure he's more depressed than malicious. Jedi: You hate him. I can feel it. Leia: Yes, but I can be professional about it. Vader: They have not yet d-- Leia: Nope! No talking! Not until I've had a chance to process this mess!
There is a whole lot of Leia snapping at Vader to stop it whenever he starts giving off vibes like he wants to take the most violent shortcut possible.
She is not the gentle hand that Luke would be.
Leia isn't a Jedi or working for them but she's wormed her way into being an ally. They don't 100% trust her, especially not with Vader just showing up and declaring her family but like
How do you say no to a WMD walking into your house and saying "I will fight the monster you cower from at night."
There's a lot of Leia snapping off an admonishment that sounds just a little too odd and then when questioned she just says "He knows what he did."
tbh I'm not sure how long it takes for them to tell anyone that Anakin is Vader. They might hold it off in hopes that Anakin can just retire to be Mr. Amidala after the war is over.
Well, Leia hopes. Vader just lets Leia make that call and then glowers at his younger self every time they're in the same room.
I do feel like Leia tells Obi-Wan the truth first
Imagine. Imagine a Vader who’s past still isn’t known. But has gotten somewhat comfortable around the Jedi (not really but the bar for what counts and comfortable for him is low). And Obi-Wan habitually banters with darksiders, right? If Vader’s guard is down for a moment and he, without thinking, references an inside joke...
Might be the most fun in terms of ways to tell Obi-Wan "We're time travelers and Vader is what happens if you let Palpatine drive Anakin off the edge"
If Vader has decided to pledge himself to her orders after destroying her planet, then fine. She can work with that. She's not going to be happy about it, but she can make it work.
The Jedi Temple hates having Vader anywhere nearby but he is actually very good at hiding himself from people, including Palpatine And for all that Leia seems perpetually irritated with her apparent bodyguard, he does seem to listen to her.
Jedi council: We still haven't figured out how to handle Dooku Leia: Do you know his location? Jedi council: Yes. Leia: [sigh] Leia: Vader, deal with it. Alive if possible.
(Leia does need to clarify an acceptable level of violence against the people protecting Dooku.) (She needs to clarify... many things.)
Leia always says "Vader" and one time a poor fool just asks why she doesn't call him dad and she snarls out "He is not the man that raised me, and I am glad for it."
Someone less foolish later prods more compassionately and she lets them know she was adopted and didn't properly meet Vader except in passing until she was nineteen.
"And then he tortured you." "And then he tortured me, yes." "Damn." "Didn't even find out we were related until a few years later when he chopped my brother's arm off." "You... wow." "I know."
At least one exchange that is L: You mean when you tortured me? A: He did what. V: I was not aware of our relation at that time. L: Not the point! I am fully aware of your interrogation methods and I refuse to let you be the one to acquire the evidence for-- A: Wait no go back he tortured you? L: Move on, please, we already have. A: That means I'm... oh Force, I'm going to torture my own daughter what in the actual fu-- L: We're moving on.
(“I end up torturing my own daughter” If Leia’s feeling especially spiteful I can see her saying “you mutilate your own son too”)
Concept: Leia is very free with traumatizing details of her past re:Vader and Anakin thinks that it sucks but doesn’t think much of it bc Sith. And then some time later he finds out...
(I love characters who use the traumatizing details of their past to shut down conversations.)
It's such a wonderfully horrifying concept for him to try to awkwardly comfort this girl he kind of knows because having a Sith for a dad sounds like it would suck and Leia seems nice, even if she's kind of weird and uncomfortable around Anakin, but he saw her flinch around a few other tall people wearing black robes the way she stiffens around Vader so maybe it's just that!
It is not.
Vader does get a significant amount of medical treatment. Including a bunch of "holy shit, that's a lot of drugs" and similar. There is so much lightning damage.
hnnng I'm just really in love with the image of Tiny Tiny Leia sitting behind a desk for some fancy negotiation, the picture of professionalism, while Vader just stands behind her shoulder, looming, glaring expressionless death at whoever came to speak with his baby girl.
Not that he would call her that, because she'd just hate him more and he's really not sure how to fix that problem, other than doing whatever she asks with no complaints and hoping she appreciates it.
Vader: [looks at children wandering by, has complicated emotions] Leia, tired of his shit: What now? Vader: I killed them, once. Leia, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath: And you're not going to do that again. No killing children. Vader: I know that. Leia: Great. I am... regretting asking. I am so very much regretting asking.
I do really like the idea of someone asking Leia once if she wants Jedi training and she says, no, actually, she's fully aware of the fact that she's angry little ball of hate sometimes, especially towards her bio father, and she'd like to refrain from putting herself in a position where she knows enough about the Force to Fall. She wouldn't Fall. But it does make people shut up.
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jinkicake · 4 years
The Third Gym Squad with a s/o who loves cats and has catlike traits/habits.
Akaashi Keiji x Reader
Bokuto Koutarou x Reader
Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
Tsukishima Kei x Reader
Hi Anon~~ I hope this is good,,, I kinda wanted to learn more about the catlike traits so I read a few articles about similar traits in humans and cats. That’s why there are traits under each clown because it goes with the scenario I wrote for them..... I hope that makes sense. LOL My friend also loves cats and I think that quirk of hers is really cute!!! 
p.s. I’m updating my masterlist tonight so I won’t be doing any #/sarahtalksshit LMFAO,,, I’ll come back in the morning and check my asks!!! 
WC- 1,903
Akaashi Keiji
Timeskip Akaashi is literally a cat dad, you can’t tell me he isn’t a cat person 
Please you guys would totally have cats together, you can’t tell me that he wouldn’t have like three cats
You two would have the perfect cat family </333
Akaashi would always get you cute little cat accessories,,, if he sees a keychain with a cat he snatches it and gets it for you 
Maybe he would get one for himself because it reminds him of you </3
You might have to fight your cats for Akaashi’s attention,,, be prepared
Akaashi loves when your cats randomly cuddle up to him like when they are in the mood for his attention, he loves that and will happily give them all his affection so yeah.... you are gonna be jealous of some cats that’s for damn sure
He is like here is my love,,, my snuggles and kisses~ 
And you’re standing there in the corner like.... Keiji where is my kisses? 
You’d be the type of s/o who really helps Akaashi relax,,, he feels calm with you and it’s probably because he trusts you so much!!!
“I want attention, give me attention.” You throw yourself across Akaashi’s lap, already making demands for him to satisfy your needs. Akaashi glances down at you, holding his phone out of the view of your face. He taps the tip of your nose with his finger and smiles while his eyes soften. 
“Hmm, what do you want?” He asks playfully and you turn your nose up at him, Akaashi simply leans down to kiss your cheek. Out of the corner of his eye, his phone starts to go off with a text from Bokuto. “Want to go eat somewhere in Shin Okubo?” 
You take your time to mentally think about it.
“With?” You pause cautiously and Akaashi shows you the text, clearly from his captain. “Omg yeah, let’s go! Do you want to go?” 
Akaashi presses his face into your shoulder, preparing for the mess that goes down whenever you and Bokuto hang out.
“Yeah, it’ll be fun.” He smiles and you have a slight feeling that it might be forced. “You guys always have so much fun together.”
“Keiji, are you jealous?” Your mouth falls agape but your boyfriend shakes his head, disagreeing with your question.
“No, but you guys get along really well.” He pouts and you blink at him.
“So you’re jealous?” You ask again and Akaashi refuses it once more.
“Maybe.” He sighs and you cheer as you know you’ve won. 
Bokuto Koutarou 
Bokuto is literally a dog, scratch that. He is literally a puppy
He is so energetic, the two of you were like opposites attract
It’s that cute didn’t get along at first but now you can’t get enough of each other and are always seen cuddling type of relationship
I feel like Bokuto and cats would not get along at first either, even your own cats, he would have to become a cat person
He just wants to cuddle them right away and hug them but it’s like Bokuto.... cats don’t really like affection like that
You’d probably break his heart by telling him that
Bokuto wants to show them how much he loves them!!!! He would definitely support you getting cats, he would be soooo excited
When you guys get an apartment and move in together, he will decorate it with cat furniture like a cat clock and cat mugs 
Your favorite things have become his favorite things
Bokuto is a very sweet boyfriend, I’ve said it five million times before,,,, he is very attentive and always takes care of you 
“Come on, let’s go out!” Bokuto tugs on your ankle, trying to pull you off the bed. You simply ignore him, rolling your eyes and tossing the blanket over your head. “Please, it’s so nice out.” He begs and pulls you harder causing half your body to fall off the bed.
“No.” You narrow your eyes and climb back onto the bed, wrapping the blanket around your shoulders. Bokuto sulks and lays down next to you, throwing an arm around your waist to bring you closer to him. 
The two of you lay like there for another hour and Bokuto successfully falls asleep. You internally coo at how cute he is and take a picture of him before placing your phone down beside you. After unwrapping the blanket from around your body, you swing one of your legs over his waist and sit upon his hips.
“Kou,” You lean down and whisper, poking at his cheek gently. “wake up.” Bokuto stirs slightly, not at all giving you the attention you want. “Wake up!” You whine louder this time and lightly pat his cheek. “I want to go out now, Koutarou!” 
Bokuto’s eyes flutter open, he blinks a few times while trying to shake the sleep out of him, and he manages to say one thing.
“Babe, now you want to go out?”
Kuroo Tetsurou 
Truthfully I had been thinking about this one as I was mentally planning out how each mf would react…. Is Kuroo a cat or a dog?
Because when you think about it,,, it’s like duh you dumb bitch he’s a cat but…. But hear me out….. Kuroo would be a FANCY Doberman pincher you know? 
Much like Bokuto, I think he would want to give cats all his love but he knows how they react and how they aren’t very affectionate
Good thing he has you because now,,, you’re going to get double his love because he can’t love on the cats.... Kuroo was already clingy in the first place....
If you get this man a sweater or hoodie with cats on it,, he will wear it proudly like that becomes a staple piece in his fashion
Whenever Kenma looks at him weird Kuroo tells it’s just because he’s jealous he doesn’t have a cat hoodie,,,, Kenma goes quiet because it is true
Kuroo would pick up on some of your traits easily because,,, Kenma. Pudding head is basically a cat, we know. I feel like I always bring up Kenma when I talk about Kuroo and it’s like well duh,,, they’re a package deal 
Kenma literally made Kuroo into the great boyfriend he is
Back to this. Cats sleep a lot, don’t they? Kuroo is always prepared for when you fall asleep in public, whether that be in class or on the train…. My man is prepared with his shoulder ready for you to sleep on 
Kuroo seems to be the type who is aware of his surroundings, especially if it is somebody he cares about…. Cue him growing up with Kenma,,, omg there I go again bringing in Kenma! Therefore,,, he will be oh-so-careful with you </333
You narrow your eyes at the group of girls crowding around your boyfriend, the sight makes your blood boil. The way they stare up at him and purposely flirt with him, you can see it all. You try to calm yourself down, take a deep breath while momentarily closing your eyes. When you open them, they are still there. 
Those girls know Kuroo is dating you, everybody does. Yet, they still have the audacity to touch them as freely as they do even while Kuroo uncomfortably pushes them off. 
You stand up straight, rolling your shoulders back as you try to get your temper under control. The dominance is rolling off of you in waves but, when it comes to your boyfriend, you can’t help yourself. With the confidence only a bitch like yourself could have, you walk towards the group and purposely push yourself between Kuroo and the girl next to him. 
You glare at her and place your hand on his chest, staring all of them down as you wait for any of them to say anything. 
“Mmm, that’s what I thought. Now go run along and see if you can find any leftovers that still want you.” The insult flies past your lips and the girls gasp, their mouths falling open before they turn away and leave. Kuroo stares down at you, his eyebrows raised in disbelief and you innocently look back up at him. “What?”
“Nothing, kitten, that was fucking hot."
Tsukishima Kei 
Bruh, Tsukishima is a cat, you’re literally dating a cat
He seems like the more introvert type of cat like the ones who don’t like people and would rather stay home,,,,,
You two are a perfect fit, the judgmental couple that looks down at everyone HAHAH yeah you guys talk a lot of shit
I feel like there might be instances where one of you would try to be spontaneous and suggest going somewhere and then the other would just flame them and say what a terrible idea that is
Tsukishima has never asked if you wanted to go to McDonalds at 2am ever again,,,, you really have to kiss his ego after laughing at him 
You’re probably Tsukishima’s person, obviously if he is dating you, like you’re the only person he puts up with….. besides Yamaguchi,,,, of course
You know how Tsukki loves his little dinos? You love cats and he would probably think that is so fucking cute, is he ever going to tell you that? NO. 
Just know that he is thinking it and whenever he sees a cat he thinks of you and takes a picture of it to send to you because let’s face it. Tsukki is always thinking of you
Are cats sensitive? If they aren’t, let’s pretend they are for my Tsukki is sensitive statement because I am sidebar-ing for a second. That bitch is sensitive okay like you even graze your hand against his thigh and it’s like new ambition unlocked and by ambition,,, that means he wants to fuck you... This has nothing to do with the rest of this but I just wanted to put it out there
Tsukishima is the perfect protective, shit-talking boyfriend and honestly, as much as I say I dislike him…. I really do love him because he is the boyfriend I would want,,,, truly probably one of my top picks to be my boyfriend from the haikyuu clowns
“The losers wanted to know if you want to go to the festival this weekend,” Tsukishima throws out into the air randomly one afternoon. You glance up from your phone, lifting your head up from his chest as you try to guess his reaction. 
“What do you think?” You respond back with your full chest, eager to hear his response. 
“You think I want to go?” He snaps back and you have to refrain from flicking his glasses. 
“Well since you told me a few days before I think I can mentally prepare, can you?” Tsukishima winces at your words, he really does not want to hang out with the other first years this weekend. 
“I guess.” He mumbles and you sigh.
“We don’t have to, they know we keep to ourselves.” You try to remind him but Tsukishima continues to scroll through his phone, not looking at you. 
“That’s true.” You push yourself up and bring your chin to his chest to see what he is typing. He sends Hinata a maybe. “That’s enough socializing for the day.” Tsukishima tosses his phone somewhere else on his bed before wrapping his arms around your shoulders and burying his face into your neck.
“Can you imagine if one of us was extroverted?” You joke and your boyfriend lets out an audible groan.
“Don’t paint me such a nightmare.”
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @lovellucy @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder @macaronnv @nerdygremlin @buzzybeebee
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bqstqnbruin · 4 years
Come back to me part 2
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It’s been a hot minute since I posted the first one so SORRY.
But here’s part 2, shoutout to the AMAZING @yes-he-mccann​ for reading it and helping me out with this ilysm ♥♥♥
Update! Read the entire series: Part 1 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6  // Part 7
The sounds of the bar around you disappeared as you felt yourself getting lost in the arms of the boy that was once yours. There was something different about hugging Mat. Hugging him felt like sitting down in a cozy sweater, with a cup of tea and a good book, watching the snow fall outside of your window while the fire rages on in the fireplace. It was comforting, warm, everything that you wanted to be. It was nothing like hugging Kyle. Hugging him was the cozy sweater, but no tea, no book, no snowfall, or fire. It was like something with Kyle was missing. Wait, no, this was just the alcohol talking. But you really weren’t drunk enough for the alcohol to do much talking. 
“So,” you start, “You have to tell me about playing with the Islanders! I haven’t really been following hockey since you left if we’re being honest.”
“Ah, we’re shitty right now. Too ‘in our heads,’ not enough in the opponents, letting in easy goals, not scoring on easy chances,” he starts rambling, watching the smile grow on your face. You never were really too into hockey, but for some reason, you were the person he loved to talk about it with. And you loved to listen to him. You two could be driving around the middle of nowhere back home, and he would be rambling on and on about the game he had the other day. Nothing could make you happier than sitting there with him and listening to him talk about something he was so passionate about. 
Now that you think about it as he continues to ramble, you couldn’t remember the last time you were that happy with someone than when you would just do nothing with Mat. Sure, you only dated for a short amount of time, but were you happier with him than you were with Kyle, or were you just younger and more naive? 
You end up getting lost thinking about what your life would have been like if you and Mat had stayed together if he hadn’t moved for hockey. Or would you have stayed together despite his move? Would you end up in New York regardless of a job if it meant being here with him? No. No. You were with Kyle. Not only were you with Kyle, but you were also engaged to Kyle. 
“But I’m here with some of the guys, actually. I think you would like them,” he says, gesturing over to two of the boys already making their way over to the stools you two were taking up. “This is Anthony and Kieffer.” 
“Oh, wait, you’re the one Mat met when you guys played for Team Canada, what was it, U19s or something?” you ask the one with curly hair.
“No, actually, that was me,” the other one says, “That one is Kieffer.” 
“Sorry,” you apologize as they take seats on either side of you and Mat. The two of them start bombarding you with questions about your life, almost as if they already knew what to ask you before they even met you.
“So what was Mat like when he was younger?”
“What brought you to New York?”
“Where do you work?”
“Do you like it better here or in Vancouver?”
“Did you come here alone?”
Before you could answer the last one, Anthony groans, starting to mumble something under his breath that you can’t make out while he digs through his pockets. He whips out his phone, handing it to Matthew, “Satan somehow managed to get my number, and I’m not going to deal with it.”
“Let it ring. I don’t have to answer to him,” Mat says, crossing his arms as Tito continues to shove the phone at him.
“No. You are going to answer him. Because Paxton has called me eight times and you’ve only been sitting here for an hour. So answer him,” he insists, almost talking down to Mat.
He slides to answer the phone, holding it to Mat’s ear even if he refuses to hold it himself. “Hello?” Mat finally says, taking the phone from him, “I didn’t even know his name was Paxton,” he says to you three before walking off to somewhere else.
“Should I be worried that you know someone who you equate to Satan?” you ask, looking back and forth between Anthony and Kieffer.
They both roll their eyes, you not able to tell if they were rolling their eyes at the idea of the person they were talking about or at the question you asked.
“His girlfriend is this model and Paxton is her agent,” Kieffer starts to explain, only to be cut off by Anthony. 
“No, Mona and Mat just use each other as arm candy and Paxton harasses Mat into going places with Mona so she ‘can be seen,’” he says, using air quotes around that last part. “If you ask me, they’re no boyfriend and girlfriend than he and I are.” 
“You’re right since you would be boyfriend and boyfriend and the entire team knows that if you were gay that you would probably date Mat, anyway,” Kieffer says, raising his glass to Tito.
The two toast each other in front of your face, you having no idea what they were even talking about. “He’s an attractive man. That jawline? I would only be so lucky,” Anthony says.
“Don’t forget the Disney prince hair.”
“And the eyebrows,” the two joke, watching in awe at the interaction. “But, Y/N, tell us about your fiance?”
“Oh, Mat told you I was engaged?” you ask, trying to remember if you even told them in the first place.
“Uh, no, the rock on your finger did.” 
You look down at your left hand, forgetting that you even had the ring on the first place. Part of you wanted to take it off as your face turned red with embarrassment. You were debating on even wearing the ring out in the first place. “Oh, right. Uh, his name is Kyle, we got together during the last year of high school and we’ve been together since. Mat knows him, too,” you explain, the boys looking at each other instead of you.
Even they could tell something wasn’t quite right as you played with the ring, slipping it up and down your finger as if to take if off altogether. “Well, let’s see him,” Kieffer insists. 
You pull out your phone, trying to think of where your most recent photo with him was. When was the last time you even took a photo together? Your engagement was done privately and in the spur of the moment, you weren’t one to get your picture taken to begin with, and when you wanted to be in a photo, Kyle was almost never there. Finally finding one from back when you were in college, you show the boys. It was the night of your birthday, which one, you couldn’t even remember. Kyle was hugging you from behind, beaming at the camera, while you were looking off to the side, smiling. You don’t even remember what it was that you were looking at, but you know it wasn’t because of Kyle. 
The two boys look between each other and the photo. Something seems off about you and Kyle together. It was almost like he was just a filler in your life, even though they were just looking at a picture of a guy they had never met. They both know what the other was thinking: you looked more comfortable with Mat than you did with Kyle. 
“Mona, I told you, I’m out with the guys right now. I’m not dropped everything to leave them and be with you. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, goodnight,” Mat finally comes back, practically throwing the phone at Anthony out of frustration. The vein on his neck was beginning to pop out, something you hadn’t seen in ages since he got thrown out of a game when you were younger for checking a kid when he was tripped and accidentally hit him. “God, I hate talking to her.”
“Dump. Her,” Tito insists. That was becoming his catchphrase, he said it so often.
“Stop. Saying. That.”
“It might not be my place,” you start, “But I’ve known you since we were, what, five? You’ve never been happy around people you can’t figure out how to talk to. If you can’t talk to your girlfriend, then,” you stop, trying to figure out if you should put it as bluntly as Anthony did, “you should probably reevaluate the relationship.” 
The bartender comes up to Mat, asking him if he wanted a refill, “Uh, sure, another beer for the three of us, and a rum and coke for you?” he asks, pointing to you.
“That’s my go-to order, how did you know that?” 
Mat shrugs, the look on his face telling you that he was asking himself the same thing. “It just seems like the kind of drink you would order. You would get a coke every time we would go out for food. And every time you would say something about how you want to stop drinking so much soda because of how much sugar was in it, and that you were eventually going to switch to tea, and then to water, and part of me thinks you never did, knowing you,” the smile returning to his face as he realizes how he knew. 
You probably told Kyle the same thing a hundred times, too. But every time he tries to order a drink for you, he always forgets that even drink soda, and ends up getting you some weird fruity drink on the menu that he always says you’ll enjoy, even though you hate fruity drinks. Why does Mat remember something from so long ago? 
“So, how was your conversation with Mona yesterday”? Tito asks once he and Mat were back in their locker room after practice. 
“She whined, she complained, Paxton left a five and a half minute voice mail that ended with, ‘if you go out without Mona when she tells you she wants to go out, you are no longer her boyfriend.’ I didn’t even know the man’s name until last night and now he’s telling me that he decides that I’m not her boyfriend,” Mat tells him, not really in the mood to explain much more. Somehow, one of Mona’s friends saw Mat with you last night and took a picture of the two of you sitting at the bar, which provoked the phone call to Tito in the first place. No matter how many times he told her you were just a friend from home, she didn’t believe him. Especially once she found an old Instagram photo from when you were together that you never took down with some sappy caption about how much you liked Mat. Apparently, it wasn’t good for Mona’s ‘image’ for her boyfriend to be seen at a bar with another girl, no matter who she was.
“You already know that I’m going to tell you to dump her.” 
“Who, Mona. Yeah, break up with her,” Kieffer comes over and joins the conversation.
“Yep, sure,” Mat says, sarcastically as if he would actually do that right now. Like he told Tito the other day, he’s not going to do that; it’s just for fun right now, even if it was turning into more work than anything. 
“What about Y/N, haven’t you been texting her since she left the bar with her friends?” Tito asks.
“What about her?”
“She’s the wife,” Tito says, as if it were obvious.
“No, she’s Kyle’s fiance.”
“No, remember how I told you to look for your wife? Stop fooling around with Mona? Y/N is your wife.”
Mat rolls his eyes. You were already engaged. The guy uprooted his entire life for you. There was no way that was going to end unless he majorly messed up somehow. “No, she’s not.” 
Kieffer looks at Tito getting giddy at the idea of you and Mat ending up together. “Ok, we can ignore him,” he says, pushing himself between Mat and Tito, “I wouldn’t go as far as saying wife, but there was definitely something there. She was very different talking to you compared to when she was talking to Kyle. Even the photos of them compared to the one we found of you two were worlds apart.” Mat tries to remember them even talking about Kyle. They must have done it when he was talking to Mona, which means they’re seeing something he’s not. 
“Ok, sit down. We’re having a serious conversation and I’m tired from practice,” Kieffer says, pulling Tito and Mat down to the floor with him, the rest of the guys still mulling around them, trying to get in the zone for their game tomorrow night. Another loss would not bode well for anyone, at this point. “Do you love Mona?”
“No,” Mat responds, Tito muttering ‘thank god’ under his breath. It wasn’t even something Mat needed to think about; he knew he didn’t love Mona. 
“Do you see yourself falling in love with her?”
Mat hesitates, even though he already knows the answer, “Probably not.”
“Did you love Y/N?”
“Yeah,” he admits, again without hesitation. Part of him was convinced that you were the only thing he loved beside hockey. 
“Do you still love her?” 
Mat looks between Kieffer and his hands which are suddenly shaking. He remembers falling in love with you; from your laugh to the way you fidget with the hem of your shirt when you’re nervous, how you get lost in the book you’re reading and get absorbed in the world of the story so much so that the world around you almost doesn’t exist, that the two of you have the same favorite ice cream flavor, your favorite pair of shoes growing up was your converse, and how you nearly killed him when he spilled paint on them during art class when you were 10, so he saved up his money to buy you two new pairs in case he got paint on a pair again. But did he ever actually fall out of love with you? 
“I might.”
You wake up to the sun shining into your room, Kyle sitting up scrolling through Twitter on his phone, and a cup of coffee already on your bedside table, hopefully, made just the way you liked it. “Good morning, beautiful, Kyle says, pulling you in for a kiss once he realizes you’re away. “I have an idea.” 
“Ideas already?” you ask, taking a sip of the coffee. Way too much sugar, but he had gone through the trouble of making in the first place, so you just had to grin and bear it. 
“Why don’t we go into the city and explore? We finished unpacking everything yesterday so what else were we going to do? We could do Central Park and have a picnic there and be all sappy like you love to be,” he suggests, starting to get out of bed.
You were thankful his back was facing you, since you definitely made a face when he said you loved being sappy. You were pretty against PDA, something he knew pretty well. At most, you would tolerate holding his hand or kissing his cheek, but anything more romantic you never wanted to do. He was trying to do something sweet, though, so it was the thought that counts, right?
“I love that idea,” you tell him, starting to get ready. 
“Oh, you never told me how the other night went when you were out with the girls,” Kyle calls from the bathroom. 
“Uh it was fun,” you call. Do you tell him about Mat now, or not at all? You two had been texting pretty much nonstop since that night. You picked up pretty much where you left off all those years ago, but it was almost like no time had passed at all. 
Kyle doesn’t even give you the chance to say anything else, he just starts talking about god only knows what. You couldn’t even pay attention to him, your mind wandering as Mat sent you another text before he went off to practice. There was nothing going on between you and Mat. But why did you have to tell yourself that in the first place? And why did your heart flutter every time his name popped up on your screen?
You had to admit, Kyle had the right idea. He packed a picnic for you, which you were now unpacking in the middle of Central Park. Around you, families were playing, college students were throwing a frisbee, people were going for runs, there were people lying on the grass reading. New York was such a chaotic city, but you loved it. It was a welcome change of pace from what you had grown up with in Vancouver.
Your phone buzzes, snapping you out of your admiration of the people around you. Kyle catches a glimpse of the contact. “Mat Barzal? Like your ex Mat Barzal?” 
“Yeah, I met him at the bar the other night. I thought I told you,” you lie, knowing that you didn’t as you answer his text. You can’t help but smile at what he sent, obviously upsetting Kyle.
“No. You didn’t.” His tone had changed from the cheery one it was in the morning to ice cold. No one would be happy that their fiance was suddenly back in contact with their ex, so you understood why. But it was Mat. You hadn’t seen him in years. 
“He’s just a friend. He’s someone we both know from home, it wouldn’t hurt to talk to him everyone once in a while.” 
“Why not invite him out with us tonight?” Kyle suggests, his cheeks red as he looks at his food and not you.
“We were going out tonight?” 
“I mean, yeah, why not. You’re right. He’s a familiar face in a foreign city. It wouldn’t hurt to know someone.” 
“Are you sure?” Kyle’s tone suggested that he wasn’t. None of his body language matched what he said he wanted. He nods, even though he doesn’t want to. You text Mat, asking him to go out with you and Kyle that night. You already knew it was going to be a bad idea. “He said sure,” you tell Kyle once Mat responds.
“Want to hand me the dessert?” Kyle asks.
“Sure,” you say, digging around in the bag, not really knowing what to be looking for. You find a bag of cookies, “These?”
“What kind are they?” you ask him, handing them to him. 
He opens the bag, the smell hitting you immediately. “Your favorite: peanut butter chocolate chip.”
“Kyle, what do you mean?” you squeal, pretty much jumping up from the blanket, “I’m allergic to peanut butter, put those away!” How could he forget something like that?
Mat couldn’t believe when you had texted him inviting him to dinner, especially since he couldn’t stop thinking about taking you out as it was. What shocked him even more was when you told him Kyle was going to be there, too. You told him to meet you at seven, and it was 7:07, him running not too late, but late enough that he was frazzled. 
He finally makes his way to the restaurant, finding you immediately. Something about seeing you calmed his nerves, but seeing you with Kyle made him frantic again. You and Kyle were sitting on separate sides, neither of you talking to each other but looking at your phones instead. As soon as you made eye contact with him, Mat could feel his breath stop. He never did stop loving you, even though he didn’t tell Tito and Kieffer. Seeing you with your fiance did not sit right. All he could do was be your friend. 
“Hi, I’m so sorry I’m late,” he apologizes, slipping into the seat next to you. 
“No, it’s fine,” you say, at the same time as Kyle saying, “I guess with an NHL salary you couldn’t afford a better watch, eh?” 
“Kyle!” you scoff. You knew this was a bad idea, and already, Mat regretted saying yes. 
“It was just a joke,” he shrugs, not looking up from his phone. 
You mouth, ‘I’m sorry’ to Mat, him just shaking it off. He tries to make conversation with Kyle, but with no success. Every time he asked Kyle a question, Kyle responded with a short, one-worded answer. He never looked up from his food or his phone, he didn’t so much as look at you or Mat in the eye during the conversation. At one point, you and Mat just pick up the conversation you were having the entire day. 
“Excuse me, sweetie,” an older couple comes up to your table, “We just wanted to say how cute you and your fiance are,” she motions between you and Mat. You both try to open your mouth to protest, but they leave before you can correct her. 
“Great,” Kyle says, throwing his napkin on the table and getting up to leave. You don’t know if he intended on going home, but frankly, you would rather leave without him. You didn’t feel like having a fight with him in the Uber anyway.
“Shouldn’t you go after him?” Mat asks, shocked that you were even still sitting next to him.
“I don’t really want to,” you admit, staring at your plate of food. “Plus, we invited you out, I’m not going to leave you with the bill.”
He sits there, studying your face. He can see the tears start to form in your eyes, you fidgeting with your ring again, sliding it up and down your finger as if you wanted to take it off right there. “If you stuck me with the bill, I would just Venmo request you for twice what it came out to be,” he jokes, hoping to lighten the mood at least a little.
You laugh, shaking your head at him. “Yeah, we both know with that NHL salary that you can’t even afford a watch.” The two of you sit in silence for a moment, you debating on asking him what you wanted to. Mat wanted to ask you why you were with Kyle in the first place. Why would you be with a guy who acted like that in front of an old friend? Ex or not, you should still be civil. “Do you remember what kind of cookies I liked?” you ask him, praying that he wouldn’t.
But of course, he did. “Store-bought, you love those Keebler chocolate chip ones with the M&M’s. But homemade?” he stops, trying to wrack his brain to remember, “You used to love those sugar cookies that my mom made. Remember with the homemade icing? She told me that when you graduated from high school and from college that she made them for your parties, and that she had to make an extra batch just for you because she knew that you would eat them all yourself.” 
“How do you even remember that?” you ask him, smiling. 
“How could I not? I’m pretty sure those cookies are the only reason you were friends with me in the first place. But she always made sure to scrub the kitchen and everything she used before making them because my sister used to make those peanut butter cookies a lot and she didn’t want to risk you having any sort of allergic reaction.” 
You can’t help but smile, but you can’t look him in the eye. Why were you with Kyle? 
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jinhitwhore · 4 years
The List 01
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Pairing: jungkook x reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, High School! Au
Warning: None yet!
Word count: 2.5k
Summary: It’s your senior year of high school and while most couples struggle to decide what to do after high school you and Jungkook seem to have it all figured out. You’re breaking up. But until college move-in day, you plan on making the most of every second and do everything on the list that you two made together. 
Note: If you’ve seen me post and delete this three times before... no you didn’t! Not sure how long it’ll be yet. Also, I am in college now so idk how often i’ll update. This is for funsies and I very much don’t know how to use punctuation, so sorry in advance. And if you do stick around thanks for reading! :)
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“It’s really the first day of senior year, huh.” You were still in shock of how the past three years of high school had flown past in what felt as a blink of an eye. Now you headed into your high school for one last ‘first day’ with your best friend, Emma, beside you. 
“Way to state the obvious.” She bumps your shoulder and giggles. “I’m serious. This is the year where we take our final SATs and we do the whole college application thing and then we and we spiral into crippling debt because we all know financial aid is a joke and now I’m freaking out.” 
You stop as Emma blocks your path and places her hands on your shoulders. “Y/n...shut up and chill, please. You skipped over all the fun stuff like prom, and parties, and graduation, and getting the hell out of here. Most importantly you get to do all that fun stuff with your boyfriend.” Emma shakes your shoulders gently after successfully calming you down. 
“Where is said boyfriend by the way?” Her eyes scan the hallway as you both start walking to your locker. You shrug letting out a small sigh. “I haven’t seen him since he went on vacation with his parents a few weeks ago.” She hums in response.
“I still can't believe you ended up getting a boyfriend after you swore you didn’t like anyone and that you were happily single.” She leans against the locker next to yours and watches you put your books up. “I was but now I’m happily dating Jungkook. Are you sad that your summer of fun included a little less of me?” You teasingly grin at her. 
“Not at all. As far as I’m concerned summer of fun was very successful even when you left me to my own devices”. Emma gave you the sleaziest wink and you couldn’t help but laugh with her. “In that case I’m definitely going to need you to fill me in.” 
Before Emma could begin telling you all about her summer escapades she notices a tall figure making its way down the hallway. “I’ll tell you later.” She nods behind you but you bump into something hard on your way to turn around. 
“You okay, baby?” Jungkook holds you while you regain your balance. You look up at him with a goofy loved up smile that’s reserved only for him, “yeah”. After weeks of not seeing him, there stood your very devilishly handsome boyfriend grinning down at you. 
“Sorry.” He chuckles and reaches out to run his thumb over your forehead. He moves his hand down to your jaw and leans in close to your lips. “I missed you.” He mumbles before giving you a sweet kiss. “Missed you too”. Your face now dusted by a slight blush as you pulled away. 
Jungkook smiles at your reaction and leans in for a second kiss. Interrupted by an “ahem” that comes from behind, you are made very aware of your small audience. “Hey, Emma. How was your summer?” Jungkook casually asks as he slides his hand into yours. “Great, actually, but I missed hanging out with you guys.” 
Before you could continue your idle chatter, the morning bell rings. “Catch up during lunch?”, Emma suggests as you both start towards the direction of your class as Jungkook smiles and waves. 
“See you at lunch then!” He yells after you. “Yup!”
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A few too many ice-breaker activities later, the lunch bell finally rang. 
“Why do teachers feel the need to introduce you to the same people you’ve been in class with for years? As if I don’t remember that Liz in the back row lost her tooth during snack time in first grade!” Emma continues whining as Jungkook joins you guys. 
“Bad day already?” She looked over at him with a pout and nodded slowly. Emma continues chattering on until you finally reach your car. 
“You drive.” You toss Jungkook your keys and he smiles knowingly at the fact that you still hate driving. It’s been a little over a year since you had gotten a license (you’d been driving longer than that but that’s none of the authorities’ business) and you still refused to drive more than necessary.
 Jungkook jogs up ahead of you and opens the passenger door and waits for you to get in before walking over to the driver’s seat. “Everyone buckled up?” He asks looking into the rearview mirror. 
“Why do you always look at me when you ask that?” Emma grumbles as she yanks the seatbelt on and Jungkook finally puts the car into drive with a knowing smile. “Hand”, Jungkook rests his elbow on the middle console with his hand’s palm facing up. You playfully roll your eyes and intertwine your fingers in his.
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Jungkook drives to a nearby diner that people from your high school frequented. Walking across the parking lot you smile at a girl you recognize from one of your classes. 
“I heard she’s going to dump him soon,” Emma says as you notice the boy who’s standing by your classmate. “Apparently she wants a clean break sooner than later, so she can enjoy her senior year. Smart, considering how everyone ends up breaking up anywa-'' She cuts herself off before looking over at you two slowly with an ‘I fucked up face’. 
“Sorry. I didn’t mean you guys. Y/n and Jungkook forever~” She sings the last sentence in an attempt to lighten the mood before mumbling another apology.
 “Don’t worry about it. It’s not like you’re saying anything we don’t already know.” Jungkook chuckles. “I hope you know that you guys aren’t included in my statement. If anyone can make it work it’s going to be you two.” Emma assures and you can see that she really means it. 
“Thanks, but...um..we’re actually going to break up too.” You say in passing with an airy laugh as you reach the diner entrance and Jungkook opens the door for you and Emma.
The revelation left your best friend dumbfounded as she watched the couple’s display of affection a few feet ahead. 
“Do you want to split a milkshake? I don’t think I can finish it on my own.” Jungkook scrunches his face in an attempt of denial. “I’ll give you the cherry~” You swing your locked hands between you. Your cute act quickly wins him over and you tiptoe to kiss his cheek. 
How could you just drop that bomb so casually? Especially when she had watched her best friend’s relationship bloom from the very start. Meddled along with the rest of the class so that you and Jungkook had no other choice but to be lab partners in fourth period chem. Listened to you gush after your first date and first ‘I love yous’. 
Yeah, you definitely weren’t as okay as that breezy laugh let on, and you’re definitely not getting away from a very long conversation about your feelings later on.
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“Hey, guys!” You greet the group of boys that sit together at a corner of the diner where a bunch of tables had been pushed together to accommodate the large group. 
“Y/n, JK,” Hobi greets happily before looking behind you guys, “and…oddly quiet Emma. What’s wrong?” He asks with a pout. “Nothing much just realized love is dead.”
Emma walks around the now confused Hobi and takes a seat next to Jin. You giggle at her dramatics as you and Jungkook follow to take the remaining seats beside her. “I’m still confused. Love is dead? Since when?” Hobi reclaims his seat next to Yoongi and waits for a response. “Since these two idiots decided to break up.” Emma nods in your direction before resuming her grumpy act.
You hear the tiniest ‘huh’ leave Hobi’s lips before turning around to the entire table’s eyes on you and your boyfriend. “It’s not really a big deal. We’ve got all year left before that happens. Right, babe?” You turn to Jungkook and he answers with a small stiff smile. Hoping the way your heart is clenching in your chest doesn’t show through. “Right.” The moment between you lingers along with the sense of dread. 
“So what are y’all getting today?,” Jungkook asks in an attempt to move past the awkwardness. The guys start going on about their favorite orders and quickly move on.
Lunch continues on with lively chatter about summer activities and senior plans until it’s time to head back to school. You arrive back on campus and make your way to the only class you two have in common.
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You walk through the classroom door with him laughing at something silly he had whispered in your ear when you hear someone call his name. Jungkook looks between you and some of his other friends sitting at the back of the classroom. He smiles and waves back. 
“Alright, so where are we sitting?” He looks at you expecting an answer. “You can go with them Jungkook”, you chuckle, “I know you haven’t seen them all summer. I’ll sit with the girls.” You take your hand from his before pushing him in the direction of his friends. He looks back at you one more time. “Go make friends, Kookie.” You usher in a tone for children too shy to go off into the playground on their own. He rolls his eyes and finally walks off as you join your friends.
The class progresses in the same boring fashion as all of your earlier classes. The only difference now was the occasional peeks between you and Jungkook. You glance up at Jungkook while the teacher shares pictures of his summer trip. 
He catches your gaze and you watch as a small smile spreads on his lips. The moment only lingers for a few seconds before he decides to tease you like the little jerk you know he is. “Talk to your friends Y/nnie”, he mouths at you and uses the same gesture you used on him earlier. You roll your eyes as he winks at you. Finally turning back to pay attention for the last few remaining minutes of class until the bell rings.
The rest of classes and bells whizzed by until it was finally 4 o’clock and you were free to go home.
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You made it out into the parking lot and leaned forward to put the key in the ignition. You flinched in your seat when you heard your passenger door open and someone sat beside you. 
“You made me drop my keys, jerk” You grumbled and punched his arm. Jungkook winces in mock pain as he looks over at you. “Ouch. Now you’ve got to kiss it better”. This time when he looks at you his eyes are filled with expectation and mischief.
 You only rolled your eyes, but he continued to insist. “I’m serious! That really did hurt. I think you forgot that you got buff from going to the gym with me.” He rubbed his arm again for added effect. “You’re such a baby”. You teased as you leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Your baby.” He hums as he turns to connect your lips to his. 
His hand moves to rest beneath your neck, deepening the kiss to the point that it was impossible to breathe. “I missed you so much, baby.” He mumbles against you. Dazed and breathless you sit there with your eyes closed, lovestruck grin on your face, “Missed you too.” He pecked your lips one more time before leaning back into his seat. “So my place or yours?”
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Pushing the door open to your empty house, “Home sweet home”. Your parents still had a day before they came home from an overnight visit to your grandparents, leaving you and Jungkook to take full advantage of that.
 Currently, you were laid up on your boyfriend’s chest. The peaceful atmosphere you had settled into suddenly disrupted by you. “We should make a list”, You sat up and looked down at Jungkook with excited eyes. He furrowed his brows in confusion. “Of things we want to do together before” You sighed, not wanting to finish off your sentence. “Before we break up?” He finished for you.
 “There’s just so much I want to do with you before we leave”. The words softly left your lips. Jungkook tucked your hair behind your ear happily before walking over to grab a pen and paper from your desk. “Let’s get started then.”
He settles back on your bed while you mindlessly title the page. Jungkook moves to peer over your shoulder. “Y/n and JK’s pre-breakup bucket list.” You catch his subtle wince after he reads the title aloud. Your expression slowly drops into a sad smile but Jungkook is quick to kiss your dejection away. 
“So skinny dipping at a very crowded beach has to be at the very top”. You look over at him with his favorite ‘are you fucking kidding me’ face. He pulls you against him, nuzzling your neck. “Come on. Add it.” Placing playful kisses in the crook of your neck. You turn your head. “No thanks”.
You continued brainstorming until you ended up with a list far more simple than you would have expected and a very important clause at the bottom of the page. ‘The list is always subject to change if Y/n and Jungkook feel like it.’
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The sound of your alarm stirs you from your sleep. You move to sit up but a pair of strong arms tighten around you. “It’s time to get up”, you sigh as you make no further attempt to escape your boyfriend’s warm embrace. Jungkook burrows his face in between your shoulders and hums in agreement. 
“Are you gonna let me go?” You giggle and finally try to pull his arms away from you. “Do you really want me to?” He teases and places a kiss on your shoulder. You hum in consideration. Lay in bed with your boyfriend to enjoy the morning together or get to school on time before your parents get the ‘your kid isn’t in class’ phone call. You hated that damn phone call. Jungkook seems to come to a conclusion before you as he rolls off the bed with a groan. 
You continue to lay despite no longer having the weight of your boyfriend confining you to bed. “I really don’t want to get up”, you whine. “Mnh mnh, you made me get up now it’s your turn”. His hand wraps around your ankle to drag you to the edge of the bed he stood by. For the second time this morning, you found yourself in Jungkook’s arms except this time you were being tossed over his shoulder and not waking in a gentle hold.
After being set down in the restroom with no other choice but to get ready, you start brushing your teeth. You lean over to spit the foam into the sink when Jungkook pokes his head in.
“Hey, where do you keep all the clothes you steal from me? I need some for today”. You roll your eyes at his accusatory choice of words before pointing him in the direction of your bottom dresser drawer. It’s not stealing when you had every intention of returning said borrowed clothes. He pulls on a t-shirt he found and you manage to steal a few shameless glances while getting ready yourself.
Just a few more days and you would have him all to yourself for the weekend.
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fatesdeepdive · 3 years
Entry 22: Leo the Edgelord
I’ve been clearing out the Paralogues between updates, which means that all of my units are overpowered now. I actually ran out of Master Seals to promote them. This isn’t a big deal, though, because you can just buy them at other people’s castles. Really, there’s little reason to upgrade your own castle besides convenience, because with a little time investment you can get everything you need from other players.
Support: Hinata/Kagero
C: Hinata sees Kagero sneaking around. When he questions her, she runs away.
B: Hinata spots a sketchbook Kagero is hiding behind her back. Kagero’s drawings are nightmarish and surreal. Hinata says he likes them and recommends Kagero share them. Kagero assumes he is lying to her.
A: Hinata explains that he genuinely likes Kagero’s weird art. It’s a nice moment. Him telling her she should smile more isn’t.
S: Kagero, thanks to Hinata’s encouragement, has begun drawing more. The two of them love each other now I guess.
Review: Overall, not bad. Hinata is a bit womanizing at times, but him liking Kagero’s Junji Ito ass art is fun.
Support: Mozu/Ryoma
C: Ryoma finds Mozu making soup, She explains that she’s cooking because it’s the only thing she’s good at. Ryoma offers to train her.
B: Ryoma and Mozu train together. Mozu is in awe over getting personal attention from the goddamn crown prince, but Ryoma explains that social standing isn’t important. How progressive for a guy who also believes he should have absolute power because he belongs to a special bloodline. Ryoma also says that Mozu could become stronger than him someday, which sounds a bit shaky; Mozu has good growths, but Ryoma is notoriously broken in this game.
A: Mozu makes Ryoma some soup and says she wants to open a restaurant after the war.
S: Mozu makes a giant pot of soup, Ryoma offers to help, and Mozu says she can’t ask a prince for help. Ryoma says that he likes Mozu for her passion, despite their class differences.
Review: Not bad, but lacking a real oomph of drama or comedy. I do like the idea of Mozu marrying Ryoma and becoming queen of Hoshido like a Disney princess.
Support: Hana/Saizo
C: Hana skips breakfast to train and begs Saizo for food. He explains that he’s an asshole and tells her to go away. Hana keeps bothering him and he gives her a steamed bun he keeps in his pocket, which Hana enjoys.
B: Hana bugs Saizo for another bun. He explains that his buns are gross, bland battle provisions and Hana is weird for liking them.
A: Hana asks Saizo how she can repay him for the food. Saizo tells her to stop annoying him.
S: Saizo checks in on Hana, worried that she’s hurt because she’s stopped pestering him. Saizo asks Hana out; she says yes, but only if he gives her more buns.
Review: Not bad. Two things about this are weird, though: Hana acts differently in this Support than any other I’ve read, and it never confirms which of them has weird taste buds.
Support: Azama/Sakura
C: Azama asks Sakura why she’s so nice and selfless, pointing that, as a princess, Sakura could get away with being a spoiled brat.
B: Azama continues to mock Sakura until she snaps, yells at him, and snaps her staff in two.
A: Sakura gives Azama the silent treatment, so Azama gives her an expensive amulet to apologize.
S: Azama reveals that the amulet was actually a proposal, and that he’s tricked Sakura into marrying him. Now, if this Support ended with sakura telling him to fuck off for trying to weasel his way to power, I would like it. But no it ends with the obligatory “I was actually mean because I love you” bullshit.
Review: This game keeps giving me things that make me like Azama then wasting them. If this entire Support Line was him manipulating Sakura into growing a backbone, as a trickster mentor, I would actually really like it. But no, it goes with the classic Azama is an asshole but not really but also yes really.
Support: Hayato/Orochi
C: Orochi lures Hayato into a competition about who owns the rarest herb.
B: The two of them continue competing, this time in making potions.
A: After going 100 rounds and making too many potions to store, Orochi and Hayato call it quits. The two of them reflect on how having a rival pushes them to be better.
S: The two of them confess to one another. They argue about who fell in love first.
Review: Overall, not a bad Support. The S-Rank especially features the two of them bouncing off each other really well.
Birthright Chapter 18: Leo
As the gang head towards the capital through a dark swamp called the Woods of the Forlorn, Felicia mourns the loss of Flora. Corrin says that they’re all there for her and then Felicia doesn’t speak for the rest of the chapter.
Corrin and Ryoma come across a bunch of mysterious blue flames and realize that they’re standing in a graveyard. Faceless spawn in above the graves, because I guess they’re zombies. Ryoma realizes that the faceless are being controlled by someone and Leo walks out of a cloud of purple smoke. In an anime cutscene that is actually pretty cool, he says that the punishment for traitors is death. Leo, in a line that is both edgy and pretty cool, explains that he’s going to kill Corrin in a graveyard because the sister he loved is already dead.
Takumi threatens Leo, then almost faints because the poison swamp he’s standing in is poisonous. Shortly after, the rest of the royals begin to get sink. Corrin is immune to the effects of the bog, because she grew up in Nohr. In the actual map, Felicia, Jaob, Silas, and Scarlet are also immune to the bog, which is a nice bit of gameplay integration.
Leo whines about how he hates Corrin because Xander and Camilla loved her more than him, immediately destroying any coolness he built up. Leo is accompanied by his two retainers: a sadistic adventurer named Niles and Owain from Fire Emblem Awakening. If you fight Leo with Corrin, she asks if he really always hated her, because she loves him. He responds that there’s no point in answering her.
After Leo is defeated, Corrin refuses to kill him. Leo explains that if Nohr surrenders, the Hoshidans will destroy their culture and kill their families. Except, they won’t, because this is a game that tries to be morally complex but still has one side be cartoonishly evil and the other be annoyingly good. Leo tells Corrin that the Hoshidans will kill her the moment it benefits them, and again, no, no they will not.
Leo tells Corrin that she should execute him before he attacks her with magic and Corrin points out he could have done that at any time, meaning that he’s still a good person deep down. Leo tells Corrin to shut up. Corrin says that they’re still family and that she loves Leo.
Leo admits that he never hated Corrin. Corrin asks him to join her in ending the war and Leo says no. He justifies it by saying that he doesn’t want to fight Xander and Camilla, but also he attacked us five minutes ago which is a bit hypocritical. Azura gives Leo a weird crystal to help clarify his thoughts.
Leo asks if he and Azura are related and she says no, because she’s mysterious. Leo asks if she’s from Nohr and she keeps being mysterious.
Leo warns that Xander has grown far stronger and that the only way for Corrin to defeat him is to visit a nation called Notre Sagesse. There lives a man named the Rainbow Sage, who helped Xander reach incredible power. Because Notre Sagesse is a long way away, Leo gives us a convenient warp tome that he has for some reason.
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inyournightmares97 · 6 years
My Youth (Chapter 7)
Broken and miserable, Park Jinyoung returns to his hometown to learn that no matter how hard he falls, there are still people who think he’s a hero.
Warnings: Mentions of suicide/depression, death, angst, slow build, maybe some language.(Please don’t ask when I’ll update. Wait until the series is finished to read if you’re impatient.)
Word Count: 5.6k+
(Can’t put links to the other parts here, please check my Masterlist/the reblog for the Prologue and Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6)
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Jinyoung was not pleased.
“I don’t understand why we’re suddenly making friends with kids now, that’s all,” he complained as you sat down on the grass and opened your lunchbox. A delicious aroma wafted from it it. You had begun to make your own lunches ever since high school began and you discovered that you had a knack for cooking. “How can you even enjoy the company of that man-child? All he does is smile in that annoying way and nod his head.”
You sighed. “Jinyoung, can’t you be a little nicer?”
“I’m not nice,” he muttered.
“I told you, Yugyeom hasn’t been eating lunch for the past few weeks. His mother works full time so she can’t make him anything, and he often gets what little lunch money he has stolen by some seniors,” you replied firmly. “So I offered to make him lunch too. Can’t you just deal with it?”
Jinyoung pouted. “It’s a nuisance. We can’t talk freely with that kid around.”
“He’s just one year younger than us, stop calling him a kid. And if you’re so bothered by his presence then go eat lunch with Jackson or something,” you snapped.
Jinyoung’s eyes widened. He had been whining about Yugyeom, sure, but he hadn’t expected you to tell him to eat somewhere else. How could you choose that kid Yugyeom over him? He was offended and hurt.
“Fine,” Jinyoung muttered while giving you the stink eye. “I’ll shut up.”
You rolled your eyes at Jinyoung’s adorable pout. He could whine all he wanted,  but you knew that he would never actually eat lunch anywhere else. You lifted a hand and waved at Yugyeom as he approached.
“Yugyeom! Over here! I brought fish today!”
Yugyeom ran over to you happily, his long legs a little awkward. “Noona!” he greeted you. Then he turned and politely smiled at Jinyoung. “Jinyoung-sunbaenim! Thanks for letting me eat with you!”
Jinyoung bristled. Noona? Why was Yugyeom calling you that? Since when has this new nonsense started?
“It’s fine,” Jinyoung mumbled. He let out a small huff and shoveled a spoonful of his own lunch into his mouth. He didn’t like the way the kid was always fawning over you. Didn’t he have friends of his own? Why did he have to come eat lunch with the two of you, out of the entire school?
You opened your lunchbox to show Yugyeom the extra food you’d packed for him and then sighed. “Oh no! I brought an extra pair of chopsticks for you, Yugyeom, but I left them in my bag.”
Yugyeom sat up. “I can get them, noona-”
“No, it’ll take you longer to find them. I’ll run back and get them myself,” you insisted, getting up and running back to the classroom. There was an uncomfortable silence once you left. Jinyoung side-eyed the cheerful Yugyeom and then cleared his throat. Perhaps it was time to wrap up this nuisance once and for all.  
Jinyoung plastered a fake smile onto his lips and put an arm around Yugyeom’s shoulder in a friendly gesture.
Yugyeom’s big brown eyes turned to him. “Yes, sunbaenim?”
“You don’t really want to eat lunch here with us, do you?” Jinyoung asked knowingly. “You probably want to go eat with your friends but the seniors keep stealing your lunch money in the mornings. How about I help you solve that problem?”
Yugyeom blinked, confused. “But I don’t mind eating lunch with noona-”
“Well, I mind. So how about you take this,” Jinyoung quietly tucked a currency note into Yugyeom’s hand and closed his fingers over it, “and go buy yourself something nice from the cafeteria, hmm? I hear they’re serving chicken today. And tomorrow’s pork! You don’t want to miss the pork! I’ll lend you more tomorrow.”
“And we can keep this a secret from noona, can’t we? Imagine how hard it must be for her to wake up early and make all this extra food for you. You don’t want to be a burden to her, right?” Jinyoung asked knowingly. “So let’s do it this way. It’s easier for all of us.”
Yugyeom looked down at the currency note and his eyes widened. “But Jinyoung-sunbaenim, your  money…”
“You can pay me back someday,” Jinyoung promised. He gave Yugyeom a reassuring pat on the back. “Go on now, before they run out of chicken. I’ll tell noona you left.”
Yugyeom opened his mouth to protest but he saw the slightly dangerous glint in Jinyoung’s eyes. Even though Jinyoung had phrased it as a favor, he sensed that this was not something he could refuse. Yugyeom nodded reluctantly. “Okay. Thanks, sunbaenim…”
Jinyoung smiled, satisfied.
“Call me hyung.”
Jinyoung woke up to the delicious aroma of fresh coffee.
The blanket he was wrapped up in smelled delightfully like you and he didn’t even want to open his eyes. The memories of the previous night were too fresh in his mind. Realizing that he had a long way to go to gain your forgiveness and respect was daunting. Jinyoung hadn’t expected that his actions, or lack of them, would have such severe consequences. The road ahead wasn’t an easy one.
Then again, Jinyoung had never been one to take the easy road.
He should have been embarrassed and upset about his behaviour, but he wasn’t. Jinyoung felt more relieved than anything. The fact that you had finally opened up to him and been honest with him was a step in the right direction. Now he knew what he had done wrong and he could correct it. It would take time but it was possible.
“Jinyoung? Are you awake?” your soft voice called out from the kitchen.
“Uh-yeah,” Jinyoung replied gruffly. He shoved the blanket off himself and hurried to his feet, only to realize how painful his headache was. He groaned and paused to fold up the blanket and place it to the side of the couch. Your apartment was extremely neat. The last thing he wanted to do was cause you trouble.
“Come in here and get some coffee!” you called out.
Jinyoung followed the sound of your voice and arrived at the doorway of the kitchen. You were standing with your back to him in a loose t-shirt and shorts; your feet were bare on the cold kitchen floor. Your hair was a mess and your arms were wrapped around yourself to shield yourself from the chilly morning weather. When you turned to face him, and your lips turned up into a gentle smile, Jinyoung felt his heart skip a beat.
“Morning,” you greeted him lightly. “Do you want coffee or should we jump straight to the hangover cure?”
Jinyoung blinked at you helplessly. He had never seen you like this. Soft, messy and vulnerable. It made him wonder whether you looked this beautiful every morning. It made him wonder whether, if he had never left for Seoul, he might have seen you like this every day. Jinyoung suddenly wanted to take you into his arms again and inhale your familiar scent.
He cleared his throat. “I’m… I’m not that hungover.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Is that why you’re squinting at me like that? Because you don’t have a splitting headache?” you wondered as you poured a mug of coffee and handed it to him. “Here; let’s start with the coffee for now. Your mother called. She’s made breakfast and a cure for your hangover already so we’d better head over.”
Jinyoung blinked, confused. “We?”
“You don’t want me to come?” you demanded. “Your Mom always invites me over for breakfast on Saturdays.”
“Oh.” Jinyoung took a sip of the coffee awkwardly. “I-I didn’t know.”
You nodded and leaned against the counter as you clutched your own mug. Jinyoung was staring down at the coffee blankly and you could see that he was deep in thought. The way his dark eyes met yours was awkward and after the conversation you’d both had the previous night, there was no way to pretend everything was fine.
“Jinyoung,” you said softly.
Jinyoung’s head snapped up to look at you and his eyes widened. “Yeah?”
“Is there anything else you want to talk about?”
Jinyoung let out a soft sigh. “I’m sorry about last night. I shouldn’t have gone out and gotten drunk without returning your bicycle, I shouldn’t have turned up here in the middle of the night and made a scene. I don’t…” he cleared his throat and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. “The last thing I want to do is be a burden to you.”
You smiled. You could understand that feeling.
“You’re not a burden,” you told him gently.
“That’s what worries me even more,” he admitted. Jinyoung’s cheeks were turning pink. “I don’t understand you. How can you be so nice to me even after you admitted how much I’ve hurt you? Shouldn’t you have punched me in the face the day I arrived? Why are you making me coffee instead?”
You weren’t sure how to respond. Why were you being so kind to Jinyoung? Why hadn’t you been able to treat him coldly or be angry with him like any normal person would? The answer came to you with surprising clarity.
“I don’t want to punch you in the face,” you said calmly. “Seeing you hurt or miserable wouldn’t make me happy.”
“Then what would make you happy?”
You gave him a soft, wistful smile. “…I’d just really like the old Jinyoung back.”
You were devastated to find that Jinyoung still possessed his old black hoodie, and insisted on wearing it during the bus ride back to his house.
“I spilled beer on my shirt,” he reminded you smugly when you mentioned the awful garment. You weren’t sure whether to laugh or be mad. Jinyoung had always been extremely stubborn about small things. It was true; the dress shirt he was wearing underneath did have an unsavory beer stain on it. “Do you want me to walk around with the stain showing?” he demanded.
You rolled your eyes as the bus rolled up to the stop. “We both know it’s not the stain you want to hide, but your face.”
Jinyoung sighed and followed you onto the bus. “Don’t I deserve at least that much? The reporters are all over town. It’s a matter of time before they get somebody talking and publish an article about my life after GOT Group.”
“Why don’t you just give an interview so that they leave you alone?”
Jinyoung scoffed. “And say what? They’ll just twist anything I say. When I was still the CEO, I had a PR Manager to handle the press. Now I’m on my own.”
You sighed as you sat down and Jinyoung casually sat beside you. There was only one other woman on the bus; an elderly lady who hadn’t even noticed either of you. You glanced at Jinyoung and frowned. The dark hood had gone up over his head as soon as he saw her.
“Jinyoung, seriously.”
“Don’t you own any normal clothing?” you snapped.
He glanced down at his hoodie and you could see the slight tinge of pink that covered his cheeks. “I mean… not really. My wardrobe mostly consisted of either suits and dress shirts for work, or pajamas for when I was home. I never really needed anything else.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. “You don’t have any t-shirts? Or sweaters?”
Jinyoung blinked. “I had a couple of golf t-shirts for when I played with the Directors, but I didn’t pack them.”
You stared at him in disbelief. What sort of a life had he been living? You suddenly realized how dedicated Jinyoung had been to his work. “Okay. After we go to your place and have breakfast, you’re going to take a quick shower and we’re going back out.”
Jinyoung blinked. “Out? Out where?”
“Shopping,” you replied. “There’s a mall in the next town. It takes a little while to get there but they have some decent clothing stores. You can’t spend the rest of your life in that one hoodie.”
Jinyoung sighed. “I don’t need clothes-”
“Yes, you do.”
Jinyoung pouted for the rest of the bus journey. He folded his arms across his chest and faced away from you like a child but you could only smile. Jinyoung had never liked being told what to do. Perhaps some things about a person never changed.
As you approached the Parks’ home, you noticed that there were a number of cars parked outside. Shit. Reporters. At least ten people were standing around there and as soon as they saw you, they came running over to you. You froze in shock.
“Mr. Park! Mr. Park, do you have anything to say about your dismissal from GOT Group?” one woman screamed in your face. Jinyoung grasped your arm tightly and you could sense that he had tensed up.
Another man tried to shove you aside to get to Jinyoung. “Mr. Park, is it true that you’re planning to sue the company for wrongful dismissal? Will you be taking legal action?”
“Mr. Park, do you plan to return to Seoul? What are your plans for the near future?”
The reporters were blocking your way and their camera were flashing in your faces. They wouldn’t let you move and Jinyoung’s nervous grasp on your arm was tightening. You could see his face growing pale. You tried to yell at the reporters to move and make way, but somebody else beat you to it.
“Hey!” a loud voice yelled. A tall police officer in uniform shoved his way through the tight group of reporters and created a path. “Didn’t I tell you all I’d be arresting anyone who harassed him? Make way right now!”
You couldn’t help but smile as you recognized the police officer. He had a toothy smile and he beamed at you happily as he pushed another reporter out of the way. He lifted a hand in a friendly wave.
“Hi, noona!”
You grinned. “Hey, Yugyeom! What are you doing here?”
“I’ll explain later! You both get indoors quickly!”
You nodded and followed Jinyoung indoors. He yanked the front door open and stumbled into the front hall desperately. You grabbed his arm, concerned. “Jinyoung. Jinyoung, are you okay?”
He was breathing heavily. “I’m-I’m fine.”
“I can’t believe they ambushed you like that…”
You waited for Jinyoung to catch his breath. He was evidently shaken up by the reporters and he leaned against the wall, closing his eyes for a few moments. You held his hand and gently comforted him. After a few moments, the front door opened and Yugyeom peeked in with a sheepish smile.
“Hi. Can I come in?” he wondered.
“Yugyeom!” you greeted him again with a cheerful smile. Jinyoung looked confused. “I haven’t seen you in a while. You must be busy at the police station.”
Yugyeom rubbed the back of his neck. “Hardly, noona, just the occasional bar fight on weekends. The Chief heard about how the reporters were harassing Jinyoung-hyung so I’m on duty here to keep an eye out for your safety!”
Jinyoung raised an eyebrow in distaste. “Hyung?”
Yugyeom blushed under Jinyoung’s sharp glare. “Uh, sorry. Jinyoung-ssi. You might not remember me, but we went to high school together. You used to lend me lunch money because I kept getting mine taken from the bullies, remember?”
Jinyoung cut him off quickly. “Yeah, yeah, I remember you. So you’re a cop now. You didn’t seem like the type.”
Yugyeom blinked innocently. “Really? Why?”
“Well… weren’t you always getting beaten up in school?”
Yugyeom grinned. “Ahh. I get beaten up now too. I tried to break up a bar fight a few days ago and the drunken thugs all ganged up on me and beat me up instead. I have the bruises too; look!” he pulled up his shirt to reveal a couple of bruises on his stomach and you gasped.
“Yugyeom! That looks so painful.”
Jinyoung scoffed. “How could a cop let himself get beaten up?”  
You elbowed him. “Jinyoung!”
Jinyoung bristled. “What? I’m just saying that if he got beaten up then he’s probably not very good at his job, that’s all-”
“Don’t be so insensitive!”
Yugyeom looked unperturbed. The cheerful smile didn’t leave his face for a second. “That’s okay, noona! He’s right, I’m still learning. Anyway, I’ll be right outside taking care of the reporters so you go ahead and enjoy yourselves! Yell if you need me!”
You smiled. “Thanks, Yugyeom.”
Yugyeom hurried back outside and you were left alone with a sour-faced Jinyoung. You pinched his arm and he glared at you. “Ow!” Jinyoung cried. “Why did you do that?”
“Can’t you be nicer to him? He’s literally here for your protection.”
Jinyoung pouted. “So? I didn’t ask for his help. And what good is a cop that gets himself beaten up anyway?”
You sighed.
“Just go shower. You stink.”
Mrs. Park was only too happy to hear that you and Jinyoung were going shopping. She was understandably tired of having to wash the same black hoodie over and over again, which meant that after breakfast and a shower, Jinyoung was packed into Yugyeom’s police car against his will.
“You know, you don't have to come with us,” Jinyoung told Yugyeom hopefully.
Yugyeom smiled. “I do! Chief told me specifically that I had to make sure you were safe until the reporters problem died down. They’re my orders!”
Jinyoung sighed. “Yes, but surely cops have better things to be doing?”
“Not in our town,” Yugyeom replied matter-of-factly. “Besides, everyone’s worried about you, hyung. Nobody likes seeing the reporters harass you and your parents. And being with you means that I don’t have to be on duty outside the bar tonight!”
Jinyoung raised an eyebrow. “Pity.”
The mall was tiny. Jinyoung had almost forgotten that malls here weren’t as large and spectacular as the ones in Seoul. Still, he didn’t mind as you dragged him into the Men’s section of a nice clothing store and began pointing at clothes that you thought would suit him.
“Here,” you pulled a light blue t-shirt off the rack. Then you found a nice navy blue sweatshirt. “And this one. Oh! And that pretty checkered one over there. Go on; try all of these on.”
Jinyoung raised an eyebrow as you shoved an armful of the clothes at him. Your eyes were sparkling and you looked excited as you picked out shirts and other casual wear for him. He rubbed the back of his neck as the pile in his arms began to grow.
“I, uh, didn’t realize you liked shopping so much,” he mumbled.
You paused and gave him a sheepish smile. Perhaps you were getting a little too excited. “I mean… truth is, I’ve never even been in the Men’s section before. I don’t know any men that would let me pick out clothes for them. So you’re going to be my guinea pig for today.”
Jinyoung stared at you. “Wow, fun.”
“Are you going to go try those on or not?”
“Fine,” he mumbled. He took the armful of clothing and headed towards the fitting rooms, when he suddenly came across Yugyeom. The taller cop looked down at the clothes in his arms and let out a soft tsk. Jinyoung frowned at him. “What?” he demanded.
Yugyeom shook his head. “You don’t need all those. I used to buy a lot of expensive stuff in college too, until a friend named Bambam told me the ultimate trick to choosing clothes.”
“And what’s that?”
Yugyeom pulled a simple beige sweater off the rack next to him and put it into Jinyoung’s hands. The material was unbelievably soft and velvety; it made Jinyoung want to press it to his face. “You need something the girls can’t keep their hands off. You need a boyfriend sweater.”
“Hey. What do you think?”
You froze in your tracks. Jinyoung had emerged from the fitting room wearing the simple beige sweater and a pair of dark blue jeans. It was gorgeous. The garment had been rather unremarkable on the rack but it made Jinyoung look unbelievably handsome. The sweater clung spectacularly to his shoulders and well-built upper arms. The jeans, on the other hand, perfectly framed Jinyoung’s shapely butt.
You were suddenly struck by how attractive Jinyoung had become.
“Uh…” you trailed off slowly.
Jinyoung blinked at you doubtfully. “No? It’s probably a no, right? That kid picked it out for me. I knew he had bad taste.”
Your eyes widened. “No, no! It looks really good on you! You have to get it!” you insisted. You stepped closer to Jinyoung and gently ran your fingers over the soft, velvety cloth of the sweater. “Wow, it’s so soft and cuddly. You should get this. It’ll come in handy when the weather gets colder.”
Jinyoung blinked down at your hand stroking his arm. His cheeks flushed pink at the way your fingers kept trailing up and down and he quickly pulled his arm away. “I-I’ll go try some other stuff on, then. Stop groping me.”
You glared at him and withdrew your hand. “Who was groping you? I was touching the sweater!”
Jinyoung rolled his eyes and went back into the fitting room, leaving you flustered. Why were your cheeks burning all of a sudden? It was amazing how taking off the baggy hoodie and putting on a nice sweater and jeans suddenly made Park Jinyoung seem like a different person.
A very handsome different person.
“That was a nice sweater, huh?” Yugyeom piped up. He had a cheeky grin on his face and you blinked at him in surprise. You hadn’t even noticed him sneak up behind you. “I knew Jinyoung-hyung would look good in it.”
You frowned. “Huh.”
“Noona…” Yugyeom began slowly. He looked a little sheepish. “Do you think I should offer to pay Jinyoung-hyung back for all the times he paid for my lunch back in high school? It seems kind of weird to ask now that he’s rich but I should still offer, right? He did tell me back then that I could pay him back someday.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Why? How often did he lend you lunch money? Wasn’t it just a couple of times?”
“Noona. Come on. He bought me lunch for nearly two years! Remember? That’s why I told you to stop making me lunch and I started eating at the cafeteria,” Yugyeom reminded you.
“That was because Jinyoung started buying you lunch?” you demanded. “I thought you’d just dealt with the guys who used to steal your lunch money!”
“Nah. Jinyoung-hyung used to find me before lunch and lend me money every day. He said it was because he didn’t want you to go to the trouble of making extra food for me but…” Yugyeom lowered his voice slightly. “I think he just didn’t like having me sitting with you both at lunch.”
You rolled your eyes. You couldn’t believe that Jinyoung had gone to such lengths just to be rid of Yugyeom. He had been a whole different class of idiot back then.
“That idiot.”
“So should I offer to pay him back?”
“He’ll probably deny it if you bring it up anyway,” you pointed out. If Jinyoung had bought Yugyeom lunch for two years and not said a word about it, he had definitely not wanted you to find out. Probably because he knew that you would scold him for trying to get rid of Yugyeom. “Let it be. He’s having a hard enough time.”
Yugyeom shrugged. “Okay.”
You browsed the store casually until Jinyoung returned from the fitting room with the clothes that he liked. You followed him to the payment counter and smiled as you spotted a rack of sunglasses. “Hey. Jinyoung. Check these out,” you playfully took one of the sunglasses and tried them on. They were a little too large for your face. “Don’t I look cool?”
Jinyoung raised an eyebrow at you. “It’s winter.”
“And you’re being unbelievably grumpy,” you replied with a frown, returning the sunglasses to the shelf. You glanced back to make sure Yugyeom was busy browsing something else before you lowered your voice. “Would it kill you to be a little nicer to Yugyeom? He came all the way out here just in case you faced any trouble with reporters. And he’s a perfect sweetheart. You have no reason to hate him.”
Jinyoung looked away from you as the cashier began to check out his clothes. “I don’t hate him.”
“Well, you haven’t been very nice to him.”
“He just gets on my nerves, that’s all.”
Jinyoung was silent for a long moment and then he sighed, his shoulders slumping a little. You were right. He had no reason to justify his irritation. Yugyeom was a nice guy. “No reason. Fine. I’ll be nicer to him. What do you want me to do? Should I buy him a drink or something?”
You blinked. “That might be nice.”
“Fine,” Jinyoung muttered as he pulled out his card to pay for the clothes. You blinked and paused, pushing his card away gently and taking out your own wallet. He raised an eyebrow. “What are you doing?”
“Let me pay,” you replied simply.
Jinyoung frowned. “No. I can pay for my own clothes-”
“Yeah, but I’ll just reduce it from the money I owe you from before,” you replied simply. You handed the cashier your own card while Jinyoung’s face paled. You nudged him. “Don’t look at me like that. I’ve been keeping account of the money I owe you. You’ll get it all someday.”
Jinyoung sighed. “Look, you don’t need to-”
“Besides,” you replied with a playful grin. “You’re the unemployed one here. It’s the least I can do.”
Jinyoung’s face turned sour. “Very funny.”
“Too soon?” you teased, as the cashier handed you the shopping bag. You thanked her and then turned around to call for Yugyeom, who was staring longingly at a pair of expensive running shoes. “Yugyeom! Come on, let’s go! We should stop somewhere and grab lunch! I’m buying!”
Yugyeom perked up. “Awesome!”
Jinyoung was silent during the car ride back home.
He hadn’t realized just how rudely he’d been behaving towards Yugyeom until you pointed it out, and it took Jinyoung a while to remember exactly why he disliked the younger man. Back in high school, there had been a point of time when Yugyeom had followed you both everywhere. There had been no doubt in Jinyoung’s mind that he had a crush on you. You, in turn, had always been fond of the cheerful boy.
Jinyoung had been terrified that you would start dating Yugyeom and leave him all by himself.
It all boiled down to childish jealousy.
You hadn’t been without your fair share of male admirers back then, but Yugyeom was the first boy other than Jinyoung that you’d ever actually paid attention to. It had made Jinyoung bitter. He liked  being your only friend. He liked having all of your attention. Jinyoung hadn’t wanted to share you or your time, especially not with an underclassman who only ever seemed to get himself bullied and eat your lunch.
God, he was such a child. How long had it been since Jinyoung had felt something as innocent and natural as jealousy? How long had it been since he’d craved someone’s attention the way he craved yours? You had come out shopping for him, had picked out clothes for him but Jinyoung still hated every second you looked at Yugyeom. It made his stomach burn and his blood boil.
“What are you smiling about?” you asked Jinyoung.
He glanced at you. “Huh?”
“You’re smiling to yourself. What’s so funny?” you demanded, curious.
Jinyoung shook his head enigmatically, but he couldn’t get rid of the smile that had crawled onto his face. You wouldn’t understand. You wouldn’t understand how cold his heart had turned over the past few years, or how he’d stopped feeling things like jealousy or excitement or irritation. You wouldn’t understand how this small emotion, however immature or inconsequential, made Jinyoung suddenly feel alive again.
“Hey Yugyeom,” Jinyoung leaned forward to address the man in the driver’s seat of the vehicle. “Do you have any plans this evening? Let’s drop all this shopping off at my house and go get a drink at the bar. I’ll buy you a glass of whatever’s on the top shelf.”
Yugyeom gasped. “No. Really, Jinyoung-ssi?”
Jinyoung glanced at you and the small, pleased smile on your face made his heart suddenly swell with pride.
“Call me hyung.”
“Hey! Ready to go?” you asked as you bounced over to Jinyoung’s desk with your bag slung over your back.
Jinyoung and Jackson had been huddled together and they both ignored you as they looked at some sort of book that they’d hidden under the desk. You tapped Jinyoung on the shoulder and he nearly jumped out of his seat, looking at you with wide eyes.
“What are you guys looking at?”
“N-nothing! Just Jackson’s English textbook!” Jinyoung cried, quickly closing it and stuffing it into his backpack. Your eyes were sharp; you caught a glimpse of bare skin on the glossy magazine page and raised an eyebrow in understanding. Part of you had thought that Jinyoung was too classy to indulge in those nude magazines, but evidently he was just as much a teenage boy as the rest of them.
“And you’re putting Jackson’s English textbook in your bag because…?” you asked knowingly.
“I’m-I’m borrowing it.”
“Don’t you have your own?”
Jinyoung frowned at you, his cheeks flushing pink. He zipped his bag up and slung it over his shoulder. “I lost mine, okay? Wow, you’re full of questions today. Let’s just go home.”
You shrugged and followed Jinyoung out of the classroom. He was silent for most of the walk home and continuously avoided your attempts to make small talk You figured that he was embarrassed at having been caught looking at the magazine. Jinyoung was such an idiot sometimes. Why couldn’t he just be honest about things like that?
“You know, girls look at stuff like that too,” you piped up suddenly.
Jinyoung stared at you with wide eyes. “What?”
“I mean… not the magazines,” you replied, wincing. “But there’s other stuff. Like there’s this erotic novel that came out recently and all the girls in our class are crazy about it. I have a copy with me right now. Want to read it?”
Jinyoung’s eyes widened as you reached into your backpack and pulled out a small pink novel. It had an intimate image of a man in a suit and a woman in a ballgown embracing each other on the front. Jinyoung’s eyes widened in shock and he looked around the street nervously.
“What are you doing? Put that away!”
You rolled your eyes. “Fine. Don’t freak out. It’s just a book with some sex scenes in it, would you relax?”
Jinyoung cleared his throat and avoided your gaze with flushed cheeks. “You have no shame.”
“Says the guy who was looking at naked pictures of women in class!”
Jinyoung’s eyes widened as he glanced around the street nervously to make sure nobody had heard and then snatched the small novel from your hands. “Fine. Just stop talking about it so loudly, okay?”
You giggled. “Okay.”
“Jinyoung! You have a visitor!”
Yugyeom helped you and Jinyoung weave your way through the crowd of reporters that had evidently decided to camp outside the Parks’ home. Once you entered, there was a familiar face sitting in the living room. Im Jaebum was lounging on the couch and enjoying a cup of tea that Mrs. Park had made him.
“Jaebum?” Jinyoung demanded, surprised. A relieved smile spread across his face at the sight of his friend. “What are you doing here again?”
Jaebum rolled his eyes as he stood up to greet Jinyoung with a friendly hug. “If you want me to call in advance before I drop in, then you need to own a cellphone, genius,” he deadpanned. Then he turned and greeted you with a warm handshake. “Hey, it’s nice to see you again.”
You smiled. “Hi, Jaebum.”
Yugyeom poked his head into the interaction eagerly and stuck his own hand out in greeting as well. “Hi, I’m Kim Yugyeom! I’m the police officer in charge of Park Jinyoung’s safety until further notice.”
Jaebum blinked. “Huh. Interesting. My name is Jaebum, I uh… well, I guess I used to be the head of the Legal Department at GOT Group but I handed in my resignation yesterday. Now I’m about as unemployed as the next guy. The next guy being you,” he said with a playful grin towards Jinyoung. Jinyoung’s dark eyes widened in surprise.
“You resigned?” he demanded.
“I wasn’t going to stay there once they’d kicked you out,” Jaebum replied, chuckling. He patted Jinyoung on the back as he continued to stare at him in shock. “Don’t beat yourself up about it. The environment at work has been pretty toxic since they announced your dismissal and I’m tired of cleaning up the loose ends. I’m thinking I might take a break for a while and travel. My girlfriend and I are leaving for a Europe tour on Monday. She’s ecstatic that I’m finally spending time with her.”
Jinyoung swallowed. “Uh, wow. That sounds… great.”
“I thought I’d drop by and see you before I left. You doing okay?”
Jinyoung nodded slowly. “I’m fine.”
“You look a lot better than you did a few days ago,” Jaebum reassured him with a small smile. He grinned and put an arm around Jinyoung’s shoulder cheerfully. “How about we all go get a drink for old times’ sake? Maybe share some embarrassing stories about Jinyoung?”
You smiled. “That sounds awesome.”
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 years
so theres my masterlist for previous chapters. Here is the newest part of 
NSFW 18 + mention of death, butchering, sex, some stuff that may freak ya out. its Roman Godfrey 
DESCRIPTION***** Briana could tell Roman Godfrey was trouble from the start, but he eventually got under her skin and broke her heart. Just when she feels like she’s moved on, his lawyers show up and tell her shes his sole beneficiary. with pryce and the board dead too, what serets does the white tower hold?
                                                         4 The reality of the shit show that apparently had gone down in the past month in Hemlock Grove,  was starting to sink in as they made their way down to the underground levels. The Godfrey Institute without any Godfreys', and no Dr Pryce, seemed an impossibility. Bri had a lot of respect for the late doctor, but the man was ruthless, with little to no sympathy for the dead. A lot of people said they were afraid of him, but she felt that wasn't the proper emotion dr pryce inspired. Fear wasn't the right word if she were honest. He was charming and charismatic, but it was all superficial. Uneasy was the best way to describe how he made her feel, even though she had counted him as a friend.
The doors opened to Basement three which was the lowest level of the underground floors, and was essentially an enormous freezer. When you stepped out of the elevators there was a great hallway stretching to your left and right, as well as straight ahead. There were five aisles of freezers, each varying levels of cold storage from near freezing temperatures for keeping medications and organs, freezing temps for cadavers of people and animals, all the way down to a cryogenic freezer cooled with pure liquid helium. The fact it even existed was mind boggling to Bri.
This wasn't the first time she had been down there. she'd been down there several times, but she never had turned right, so when Blitzkey turned right and proceeded all the way down to the furthest aisle, she was elated. She'd never been allowed to go right, and she'd always been curious what was so forbidden, especially when she thought about the crazy things she'd been allowed to see.
Dr Pryce had some deal with a few hospitals to get the bodies that are given up for science by family members, or those that were never claimed. It was actually shocking the amount of cadavers they processed and were used in Dr Pryces' controversial macabre experiments. Bri often wondered if the families of these corpses would be mortified if they discovered what had happened to them. She couldn't refer to them as loved ones, or even people or she felt sick.
She had to figure that out after a few times dealing with "processing." She'd always been very respectful of the dead. Handling them with extra care and consideration, because they had once had hopes and dreams. They had family and friends somewhere that were most likely mourning them, the least she could do, was be reverent. Since the bodies they received weren't ever going to be seen again, and there was little to no accountability with how they were treated, they would be hacked to pieces like a cow in a  butcher shop. Sometimes they might only need a certain part, and send the rest through the shredder. There'd also been more than one occasion where the deceased was obviously murdered but showed no signs of an autopsy. That was what had lead Bri to discover Romans secret.
From the first day she met Roman, she had known there was something about him that wasn't human. She was thinking it was a severe personality disorder like psychopathy or he was one of those people that had special genes that made them have  super powers. She had read that some people only require two or three hours of sleep a night, or there are people that have unbreakable bones, or even those that have super hearing or eyesight. She thought Roman was super attractive, and it just fucked up his personality somehow.
Dr Pryce had mysteriously received a body quite late in the day, and asked her and a lab teh to take it down. Bri was shocked when she touched the person and they were still warm, but she rolled the body to the elevators, keeping an eye out to avoid Roman. She'd asked her partner to warn her if she spotted him so she could hide. She felt ridiculous, but she knew he was trouble, because for whatever reason if he wanted to talk to her, she couldn't say no. even when he asked her out, over and over and she said no, for some reason, she couldn't walk away until he had given up. her partner spotted him when they got down to the freezers, so in Bri's panic, she hid on the shelf under the bed they were rolling, hidden by the hanging sheet. Roman walked right up and offered to take the body from there. Bri found it entirely unusual for the spoiled CEO to be so helpful, but was reassured business was as usual when her partner tried to refuse, and he called her a fuckwit and made her go back upstairs. Bri wasn't freaked out, but more annoyed with what an asshole he had been, but she figured she would just climb out from under there, when he left.
When he rolled the body in the freezer, she assumed he would leave, except he didnt. He closed the door and removed the sheet, now leaving her totally visible if he were to step away and look below.  She was trying to think of a reasonable explanation, when she heard a grotesque chomping, wet slurping sound. The possible causes of these sounds raced through her brain, and none of them made any sense. Her fear melted away, transforming into morbid curiosity so she crawled out from under the bed and turned to see what he was up to.
The breath in her lungs hitched and her stomach did back flips when she beheld Roman Godfrey, the Beautiful Boy Billionaire sucking someones blood. His eyes were closed, so he hadn't noticed her yet, as he was clamped down on this persons neck and sucking the blood out. It was the most puzzling amazing thing she had ever seen. He was absolutely drinking this persons blood and she had so many questions.
Romans bright green eyes lazily opened, before noticing a figure standing in front of him, causing him to leap back in complete panic;  eyes wild, blood dripping down his chin, frantically back peddalling until slamming into the far wall.
Bri glanced at the body and then carefully approached Roman, avoiding looking in his eyes since she read that you don't do that to predators. And there was something funny about what happened when he wanted her to do something.
"Its not what it looks like," he whined.
"Oh Roman, it's exactly what it looks like. Are you a vampire?"
"Are you a fucktard? There's no such thing as vampires."
"I did notice that you ate raw pork once and you didn't get ill. I found that strange. All the meat you eat is raw, and I wondered how you never appeared to fall ill."
"Look me in the eye Bri."
"oh no no Dracula. I finally get how you somehow talk me into shit that I don't want to do! You have that vampire razzle dazzle bullshit."
"are you hearing yourself right now?" Roman scoffed as he walked over to Bri,
She tried to appear confident and was surprised that she felt no fear, but somehow she KNEW he would not hurt her. He put his finger under her chin, attempting to make her look at him, but she shut her eyes. "Just answer some of my questions Roman. for science for fuck's sake!"
"You are so weird. Aren't you afraid I'll eat you if I am a vampire?" he spit with such venom, that Bri just started swinging, with her eyes shut. "what the hell? your eyes aren't even open!"
"I don't like your bitch ass tone!" she steamed
If she had had her eyes open, she would of seen the big grin on Roman's face.
"How are you still a brat? Most people would be having a fucking shit fit, but you wanna play twenty questions."
"Oh my fucking god, I get twenty!? Ok ok ok. I'm ready!"
"I don't mean literally twenty questions, that's an expression. Why should I answer any questions for you, what do I get out of it?"
"I will go out with you, but you have to promise to be honest or I will be able to tell and I'll never speak to you again."
"What makes you think you'll even leave this room if I'm a vampire and now you know?'
Bri opened her big beautiful eyes, looking deep into Romans emerald orbs and said with complete conviction "You'd never hurt me."
Roman was so enchanted by the way she seemed to be looking at his very soul, that he forgot to try and compel her, before she remembered to close her eyes again.
"OOOOHHH! You almost got me with the mind ninja shit!"
Roman laughed and shook his head, he was so drawn to this woman, she was almost like a drug to him. He'd never wanted someone or something as bad as he wanted her so he threw caution to the wind. "Ok. First question."
"Are you some sort of vampire?"
"I'm actually an Upir which is like a vampire."
"ok, two, How can you walk in the sun?"
"The sun doesn't bother us, I think thats just bullshit."
"three. How old are you really?"
"I'm really eighteen."
"Four. Are you going to get old and die like me?"
"No. We live a very long time?"
"Five. How did you become this?"
"I was born with it and I took my own life?"
Bri frowned, she hadn't been expecting that. It turned her stomach and made her want to comfort him. She reached out blindly trying to find him but he moved just out of reach. "Dammit Roman where are you?"
"Im right here, what are you doing?"
"trying to comfort you, What does it look like? Give me your hand." she huffed.
Roman complied and interlaced his fngers with hers.
"Ok. Six--"
"you mean eight."
"there's eight and nine. six you asked where i was. seven you asked what does it look like. eight you asked what, and nine you asked how."
"you are fucking impossible. I can feel you smirking too so stop it.' she said squeezing his hand as hard as she could.
"you're so cute when you're mad babe."
"Ok ten! Did you know killing yourself was gong to turn you into this?"
"Eleven.... Why would you ever do that Roman?"
"I felt like it was the only way to beat my mother. She wanted me to do the unthinkable, so rather than listen to her, I thought I'd fuck up her plans and die."
"Is she an Upir?"
"She is."
"Thirteen. I gotta keep track here. Did you know she was one?"
"No i Did not."
"How am I already at fourteen? FUCK!"
"Number fifteen..."
"Dammit! Ugh. OK only five more. Must not be dumb ok. Fifteen. Have you ever killed anyone?"
"Did bitch have it coming?"
Roman let out a belly laugh and said "Yes always."
Bri Smiled. "If I open my eyes, are you going to mind ninja me?" silence. "Roman if i have to repeat the question, it still only counts as one."
"I mean I have to Bri. I cant have you knowing this about me and then just act like its ok. And you're right, I won't hurt you so I have to make you forget."
"Please don't Roman." She said pulling Roman into an embrace. "I want to kiss you, but you have blood on your face."
"You are the weirdest fucking girl in the entire world."
Bri Giggled, "Why? And holy shit its cold!"
"Ok this is number eighteen. Because I have had lunch with you a million times, bought you a bunch of gifts, wrote you notes, listen to you talk about shit I do not give a flying fuck about and even be nice to people, i mean i literally did for you what i didnt think i could do, and you won't give me the time of day, but all of a sudden I am literally eating someone and you wanna kiss me. Fucking unbelievable!"
"Its because I feel like I can trust you now. Why didnt you just mind ninja me into going out with you or maybe even fucking you, I dont know the limits of this power."
"Because I want it to be genuine and i want you to remember it cuz i want you to..." silence.
"You want me to....." Bri whispered feeling his hot breath on her face. She looks up into hs big green eyes, and notice the extra moisture there. Its downright comical, that he somehow looks vulnerable with blood all over his face.
"I want you to love me."
"This is all you're fault Roman Godfrey!
"Whats my fault?' He brought his lips close to hers, as his breath ghosted along her lips, causing the shivers to run down her spine. She leaned forward and their lips met, making her feel relief and revulsion simultaneously. Roman responds with a low growl and turns his head to take the kiss deeper. He sucks on her lower lip, causing a needy moan to escape Bri as she rakes her hands through his hair. Roman grabs her by her shoulders and spins her around so now she is pinned against the wall. He kisses along her jawline, to her ear and she can't help but to hold her breath when she feels his wet tongue drag down her throat. He pulls her shirt down taking her nipple in his mouth as he looks up at her and she can't think of a time she ever wanted someone more. "This is dangerous."
"You'd never hurt me. But real talk, I'm fucking freezing."
With a great amount of effort, Roman pulls himself off of her out of breath, and nearly mad with need. "Go straight to my office. I'll meet you up there."
She runs for the door, realizing she is violently shaking without Romans warm body pressed up against her. She opens it, looking outside to make sure no one is in the hall. Coast is clear for her to hustle into the bathroom, just as she hears the elevator doors open. She looks in the mirror and surprisingly is fine with her reflection. Blood is all over her face, neck, and blouse and her hair looks like someone took it half apart. She had his large handprint on her arms and the entire side of her head. She knows this should be freaking her out, but she keeps looking at his bloody hand prints, and decides then and there, she is his.
She realized she had been holding her breath when she walked in the cooler, and startled Blitzky when she finally expelled it. Roman hadnt been put away, and was on a stainless steel table, completely nude, with what appeared to be his heart (or what was left of it) on the table next to his head. His throat had been ripped open and there was a large chest wound where his heart had been ripped out, before being chewed and spit out. He had suffered some type of skeletal breaks as well, since his position appeared unnatural.
He was really dead, she was alone. she could feel the tears streaming down her face, making no effort to hide it. Every second feels as though she's losing touch with reality. Pure panic setting in.
"Wow this is really not fixable is it?' she shrieks, in a voice she doesn't even recognize.
"There's actually something else we could try that not exactly ethical, and i"m not sure that he will still be himself, but will not judge you, no matter what you try. I will assist you, I just can't make the decision." Blitzky said, hands visibly shaking like a dog shitting peach pits.
Bri's heart flutters and she calms instantly, hope reignited in her "Anything."
" Well I am sure you are aware there are three levels to the basement."
"Except its not. there's four levels."
"What is he hiding down there?"
Blitzkey looked like he was having a minor panic attack and couldn't hold still or catch his breath. Bri walked over comforting him, and rubbing his back trying to get him to get it under control. she allowed him to embrace her as she tenderly rubbed his back. She wanted to know what the fuck was down there, but he had been through a lot, so she tried to be as empathetic as possible.
"Its his stock." he whispered.
Bri felt her stomach twist in a knot. A chill ran up her spine, and she wanted to believe he wasn't talking about live donors, but she couldn't think any other type of stock that required top secret secret locations.
"When you say stock, do you mean donor parts or experimental projects?"
Blitzky laughed uncomfortably, reaching up and itching the back of his neck. In the time she had spent with him before, she recognized it as his nervous tick. "I mean donors are the best way to put it, although all these donors are still alive. Dr Pryce liked to have live subjects for some projects. He was also very interested in becoming an Upir himself so he'd never die and was determined to figure out how to turn a human. He has several of them down there still and i have no idea what to do with them now. They're all criminals and not the types to let out into the world. He made sure they were all loathsome beings. The humans are easier to deal with than the Upir. One of them looks like he's just a beautiful teen boy, but hes a psychopath that's killed hundreds if not thousands. Let me just show you. I'm rambling," "Please do." Bri said, gesturing for him to lead the way. She couldn't believe how calm she was being over this. Why was she not surprised? "Do you think we could rebuild Roman?"
Blitzkey motioned for her to follow him as they walked all the way ro the farthest right corner, where the cryogenic freezer was. I had heard there was one somewhere in the building, but it was kind of a myth no one saw and here it was. I was trying to ascertain how the liquid helium was cycled through the system, when Blitzkey typed a code in it, revealing it was in reality an elevator in disguise.
"That's kind of disappointing. I thought it was a real cryo cooler." Bri said. "Are you ok?"
"I'm fine! Are you ok?"
"I'll let you know when we get down there."
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jcmorgenstern · 6 years
3x12 “review” (aka whining)
Okay so 3x12! First the things I liked, so this doesn’t come off as a gigantic whining list of things I hated. (I feel kind of bad I didn’t do a 3x11 review because I actually really liked that one, but I guess I have more motivation to whine than anything else).
readmore for length and sanity.
So things I liked:
Luke and Jace interaction! Though the pacing was absolutely insane and I absolutely refuse to believe that the Clave has the infrastructure in place to take detailed barometric readings in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE SIBERIA, so detailed that Jace can easily pinpoint exactly where the apartment was. Like I wouldn’t believe they have that kind of detail in rural Iowa, let alone a place that’s colder than balls.
That last point was all whining.The Morgenstern sword!! Y’all have NO idea how long I spent being mad that Valentine didn’t have it in the first two seasons. It now seems a bit odd to introduce it now considering Valentine didn’t in fact ever have it, but whatever. Also Clary being like “fuck Morgenstern weapons” was kind of funny considering her kindjals are waiting at home.
Magnus’ storyline. Though it’s kind of weird and rushed and confused, I’m just glad my man is getting some real focus on him as a person rather than a love interest or idk some overblown “son of Edom” thing.
Cain was, I admit, a really cool and interesting concept, and I already really like Pasha!! I hope he’s continuing to get better after his surgery. Don’t love as much how they’re mainlining Lilith as the Biggest Bad Ever and a Whole Evil B*tch (more on that lovely term of endearment later).
Mirek was really cool, kind of had to laugh at the “demon middle class.” Can’t help but wonder if the “status quo” thing was a deliberate political joke or not. Either way, Jonathan has never met a structure he doesn’t want to overthrow. Does the Clave spark joy? Apparently not.
MELIORN IS BACK!!!!! And wants a threesome, apparently.
Jonathan peevishly being like “I forgive you for trying to kill me, btw” and Clary just rolling her eyes and ignoring him.
Jonathan’s fucking GAAAY. (Or bi. pan. whatever. You do you. All I’m saying is THIS BITCH RAINBOW). I do not care what the intention was, that’s what I’m choosing to get out of it.
Things I didn’t like:
the plot of this episode is pretty much enough material for an entire season. They compressed it so much people are calling it a filler episode. Jace and Luke figure out the secret of the apartment (which is untraceable), go to Siberia, figure out Jonathan is alive, find Clary and rescue her and that’s only about 15 minutes of footage overall. That could be spread out over 15 episodes.
On the Simon side: they find the first fucking vampire, become his new bestie, get the only thing in the world that could rid him of the mark without any sort of price or even really having to ask, they get back into Faerie without any problems, Meliorn takes them right to the Queen despite knowing Simon has a weapon of death on his face, she agrees without argument to unmark him not even knowing if he’ll explode or what, the mark is off in about 14 seconds, the FUCKING DRUG PLOTLINE IS BACK AG A. I N. And then rose petals. That could have been the entire SEASON.
No Maia. (I know she’s in the next ep I just want to complain).
It’s also weird because it seems like Malec is progressing on normal time and the other two story strands are progressing on some extreme kind of fast-forward. It gives you all kinds of whiplash. If there was any kind of thematic overlap or even an attempt to connect the strands thematically it might work to ground the other storylines but it. Does not.
I hate that the apartment is Lilith’s and not Valentine’s, and that apparently it can only go to a few select spots now. NOT. THE. POINT. Point = missed.
And onto the things that bothered me the most: the whole treatment of Jonathan and Clary, and the Sizzy. For which I need an entire section to bitch.
Jonathan and Clary: why god have you abandoned me
* Ok so honestly, I had to go and check to see who wrote 3x11 and 3x12, because  it had to be different people. 3x11 was by Todd and Darren, and 3x12 was by Alex Schemmer. Schemmer has only written one other episode in 3a (3x03), which explains to me why he seems to have missed a fair bit of lore. To me, the huge difference between 3x11 and 12, which basically deal with the same plot line (Clary kidnapped by Jonathan, wary of him, trying to escape) but in hugely different ways and different focus.
In 3x11, the focus is all on Clary. Her initial confusion, her fear, anger, the attempt to escape, the attempt to kill Jonathan. All shot from her point of view. She takes more action than he does—she runs away, she grabs the knife, she stabs him. He is mostly reacting to her, running after her, offering her soup and tea and trying to win her over. Even when he does talk, the scenes where he talks about himself are brief and she shares equal part in the conversation.
This makes sense, as she is the main character.
In 3x12, everything is about Jonathan. From the first shot everything is about him, the camera focusing on him even when Clary is the focus of the scene (i.e., when she’s finding new clothes—and was a shirtless scene necessary? Like we get it, you nearly killed poor Luke in a gym somewhere, thanks for the update). Every time he and Clary talk, it’s just him talking at her. “I forgive you for killing me.” Telling her she’s good at art. Telling her there’s an Institute nearby. Telling her he likes art. She can barely get a word in edgewise from the get-go, and it only gets worse on the hot chocolate “date.”
He says the whole point is to get to know each other better, but he LITERALLY talks about himself the whole time. Clary barely even reacts, just makes eyes at a phone. He doesn’t even seem to notice she’s not listening. Like guys, this is every bad tinder date ever. Then they go to to the antiques store, and even then she’s shuffled off—shoo! Get out of the scene!! Even the French guy interrupts her at every turn and she gets shuffled off like a sack of potatoes *again*.
Like don’t tell me Clary couldn’t kick his ass and then explain things to him when he’s pinned to the ground. It would be faster, safer, and if Jonathan shows up again she can be like “ohh he was threatening us!! Look, I beat him up to keep us safe!” and Jonathan would buy it hook, line, and sinker. Since killing people in broad daylight is ok, clearly the show isn’t worried about the realism of fighting in the streets.
And then she’s shuffled off AGAIN, and although the show clearly understands that being kidnapped and controlled by your dangerously unhappy brother who seriously has the creepy hots for you is a pretty freakin SCARY situation, it still shows all this from Jonathan’s point of view, teasing the “romance” of it all and giving us hehe teehee little slips of it (like the shirtless scene). And then when she finally is able to break free and actually do something, he yells “BITCH” at her and runs off, and she falls into Jace’s arms, completely forgetting to act like a real human being.
The reason why 3x11 works so much more for me is that Clary is at least an equal partner, and is given space to react and actually do things; in 3x12 they seem to take any excuse to bundle her off, keep her out of frame, mute her reactions. Jonathan and his feelings take center stage and suddenly Clary is a side character in her own story. 3x11 is more compelling because Jonathan is legitimately trying to win her over, trying to connect with her, personally. It’s obvious he cares about her opinions as a person and her as a person—you couldn’t replace her with a cardboard cutout and the scene would read the same. They actually interact. In 3x12 he’s just ranting at her about himself while she sits there. On no narrative level is there any sort of connection or interaction.
Like imagine the situation differently. They’re in art store, because lbr the real museums prolly wouldn’t let them shoot there, and Clary is talking to Jonathan about her favorite prints and artists. He’s listening, maybe a little too intently, maybe talks about a piece he likes and what it means to him. She looks unnerved. As they talk, the camera follows her gaze, and we realize she is trying to find someone’s phone to take it. She’s pretending, of course, but there is something charming about Paris. Jonathan keeps offering to buy her souvenirs, very awkwardly, trying to find something to please her. She picks something to make him happy. He returns from the register just before she can make a grab for someone’s phone and bolt for the door. He suggests they go to the cafe across the square. We cut to where they’re sitting down, she’s tearing into a croissant. Jonathan is wearing a “I <3 PARIS” cap, which is a bit jarring and distracting. Clary tells him it looks silly and he takes it off. He mentions in a forcedly offhand way that this is where he met Sebastian Verlac, and seeing her expression, quickly adds that he knows what he did is wrong. She says something along the lines of “do you, tho” and he launches into his monologue. She tells him that she liked Sebastian Verlac, even though she never met the real him. He looks happy at first, then seems to understand what she means, and his expression darkens. He tells her that that’s exactly what Valentine said she would say—that she likes Sebastian, not him. She looks disturbed at the mention of Valentine, and he takes the opportunity to tell her the whole thing about not wanting to hurt anyone and the whole thing being about killing Valentine.
And yada yada yada you get the idea.
Honestly the whole rescue felt very contrived—how convenient Clary has been posthumously pardoned one day before her rescue! And then Jonathan calling her a bitch—haha no thanks. The entitlement is uhh Not Great.
Anyway tldr @ Alex schemmer Clary is not a sofa pls give her some human emotion pls and thanks
Sizzy: why god have you abandoned me, the sequel
Honestly writing that entire wall of text wiped me out but ill try
The drug arc is the bane of my existence
Im so tired
I thought we’d be done in season 2 yet here we are at the end. Drug arc: 1. Actual character development: 0.
Why is this the ONLY plot line the show can remember or keep running for more than 2 episodes. WHY
Why does she even like Simon. They never interact. They don’t even know each other. Everything is just an excuse to get them together. it’s forced and leaden.
Playing her and Raph off as badwrong and her and Simon as rose petal romantic is weird af dude. Izzy has just been the tail end of male characters’ storylines for so long and I’m tired.
If they’d played it off as a sacrifice on her part I might be less mad, like paint her as a hero but it just felt like this was expected of her. It was romantic because there was nothing else to do and OF COURSE she couldn’t refuse!!! Please be realistic, she’s a woman. Think of herself even a little? Impossible!
Never mind she could have easily used her medical training to open a larger artery, pour the blood into his mouth, and iratze herself as soon as Simon was cogent enough to be out of danger. He was already woken up enough to drink the blood she poured from her hand. No biting/venom necessary. Lmao.
Stop treating Izzy like shit just to force a romantic storyline seriously lmao
Aaaaanyway lol that was like 20000000 words but those are my thoughts if you made it to the end you deserve a trophy or smth
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dreamwritesimagines · 6 years
Don’t You Love Me? 4 - Whiskey Fever [Steve Rogers x Reader]
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A.N.: Your feedback makes me so happy, please keep it coming! <3
Characters: Steve Rogers x Reader, Tony Stark x Pepper Potts, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton.
Warnings: Drinking, mentions of addiction, self destructive behavior, cussing, explicit language.
Summary: Let the denial begin.
Word Count: 2146
Read Chapter 1 here!
Read Chapter 2 here!
Read Chapter 3 here! 
The beautiful moodboard is made by fictionwillneverdie
Gif’s not mine!
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In all honesty, maybe Steve going away for a while was going to be good for you.
Maybe by the time he came back, you would stop having these dreams or manage to stop staring at him.
Fuck, even the booze didn’t help.
So there you were, blasting music at full volume while you typed as fast as you could on the keyboard, eyes focused on the screen but as soon as the music stopped you heard someone hushing somebody on that three second pause before the next song began.
“What, I’m just saying-“
“She’s sitting ten feet away from you,” You heard Steve’s whisper and you lowered the music on one of the earphones while the other one still blasted on full volume, and you kept typing, frowning slightly.
“She’s listening to music, I can hear that song even from here.”
A small smile pulled at your lips and you reached for the whiskey glass beside you, then took a sip, leaning closer to the screen.
“Still…” Steve sounded hesitant and Natasha heaved a sigh.
“Y/N, your taste in booze is so shitty.” She called out and you bit on your lip in order not to laugh, “Uh… Star Wars is a terrible movie. I think technology is the worst thing happened to people- see? She’d react by now.”
You typed in the code and cracked your neck, still keeping your eyes on the screen.
“Nat, you’re supposed to focus on the next mission, not finding me a date.”
Your fingers froze over the keyboard but only for a second. Your heart started slamming against your ribcage but you bit inside your cheek, then took a drag off your cigarette.
“I can do both.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t do both.”
Natasha cleared her throat, “Don’t let the whole… tough exterior intimidate you-“
“It doesn’t intimidate me.” Steve cut her off almost instantly and Natasha drummed her fingernails on the table.
“Then nothing.” Steve mumbled and Natasha scoffed,
“Did you show her the-“
“No,” Steve cut her off again, and you frowned slightly, “And you weren’t supposed to see that either.”
“I’m nosy.” Natasha stated, but both of them were distracted as soon as Bucky walked inside. You nodded at him to greet him, then turned your glances to screen again.
“Hey, what’s going on?”
“She’s hiding from Tony-“
“Tony wishes I was hiding from him, Rogers-“
“Because she still hasn’t contacted Bruce.”
“And Steve has a secret-“
“Is the secret about him staring at the girl staring at her laptop right now, because that isn’t exactly a secret.”
“Don’t you two have lives?” Steve grumbled, making you bite on your lip not to giggle, but then you took a look at the screen and pulled the earphones out of your ears.
“Fuck yes!” You turned to Steve, “I’ve got a surprise for you Cap.”
“We don’t get a surprise?”
“What, are you jealous?”
Bucky repressed a smirk, “No, I’m just saying. You’re playing favorites.”
You scrunched up your face while Steve chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.
“That obvious huh?”
“Very.” Natasha said and you heaved a sigh,
“Yeah well, secret’s out.” You extended your hand, “Give me your shield.”
Steve looked around and handed you the shield, and you turned it over, inspecting it.
“Okay, it should work.”
“What’s going on?”
“I’m hacking your shield.”
“Y/N, there’s nothing for you to hack in that thing.”
“Yet,” You pointed out “Fine, I’m upgrading your shield. I was actually thinking how we can upgrade all of your weapons-“ Bucky held up his arm, “I can’t make that one better than it already is man, I’m just clever, not a genius.”
“How come I don’t get a weapon upgrade?”
“You’re the weapon yourself and you refused to go out with me.” You muttered to Natasha, still inspecting the shield and Steve looked from you to her, and from the corner of your eye you saw Natasha shaking her head.
“I’m still working on Clint’s, but Cap’s is done,” You raised your head, and grabbed your whiskey “Come with me to the lab.”  
Steve nodded like a dutiful soldier and followed you suit as you left the kitchen and walked to the elevator.
“You didn’t have to upgrade it, I know you’re really busy with…” he waved a hand in the air, “Computer stuff.”
“Nah, I wanted to,” You bit on your lip to stop yourself from smiling, Jesus, why was it that every time you were around this guy you had this urge to smile? “I want to help. And they’re right, you know?”
“About what?”
“You really are my favorite.” You scrunched up your nose in order to hide your smile but that seemed to do nothing as he reflected your smile and he looked elsewhere for a second before his eyes fell on you.
“Am I?”
“Don’t tell anyone.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Steve!” You whined as you took a sip from your whiskey, making him chuckle and you both walked into the lab.
“So, what’s the surprise?”
You turned to him, a mischievous smirk pulling at your lips, “Okay, so… I have a confession.”
“I got the idea from Thor’s hammer.”
“Only the worthy will be able to lift my shield?”
“I’m not a witch Rogers, I can’t make that shit happen.”
“No but you basically make magic happen.”
“I know how to use technology.”
“Same difference.”
“And this is why you’re my favorite.” You pointed out and walked to the table to out down your glass, and grab the small chip along with the wristband. After placing the chip on the shield, you handed him the wristband and walked to the other side of the room.
“Don’t get all excited, it’s just a test drive- hey, if I had a dollar every time I said it to a guy…” You shook your head slightly, “Okay, so I was thinking, the shield is sort of your thing, right? And if I were your enemy, that’d be the first thing I’d try to grab from you.”
“Yeah, once Buck-“ he stopped himself, “Yeah I get it.”
“So. There’s a small button right under your wrist,” You raised the shield, holding it tight, “Press that.”
Steve pushed the button and as soon as he did, the shield flew from your grip as if there was a huge magnet and Steve caught the shield mid-air before it could even hit him.
“Congrats, Cap. Now you’re the second Avenger who can call his weapon to his hand.”
Steve’s jaw dropped as he looked down at the shield, then back at you.
“How did you-?”
You grinned, “Neat trick, huh?” you asked as you grabbed your glass again, then took another sip, “I’ve been watching your fighting styles, so that I can understand if something goes bad in…whatever place Fury sends you.”
“Yeah. So I figured I ‘d use it to develop your weapons.”
Steve gawked at you for a couple of seconds, “You know, you’re wrong about yourself.”
“Probably, but elaborate?”
“You really are a genius.”
You rolled your eyes, and a burning spread over your cheeks-
Fuck no, what were you, sixteen? You wouldn’t blush.
That was just the alcohol in your system.
“Yeah well, it’s not coming for free buddy, I want something in return.”
“Which is?”
“Your word. To be actually careful in this mission.”
Steve pulled his brows together, “You’re worried?”
“Yeah man, if something happens to you, my ass is grass.”
“And…” You shrugged and cleared your throat, “I mean yeah- I- I wouldn’t want to see you get hurt.”
Steve’s glances on you felt way too intense and you took another sip, then licked your lips,
“Or- or anyone in the team. But especially you, and- and you know why? Because you’re the only reckless motherfucker who jumps off a plane without a parachute, like seriously Rogers what the fuck is your deal-“
“Oh thank you Jesus,” You turned to Tony, “Hm?”
“Am I interrupting something?”
Both you and Steve took a step back, “No.”
“Fury wants an update on the mole and Cap, we gotta get ready.”
Your head shot up. “Wait, why?”
“We’re leaving in an hour.”
“This hour?!” You asked, “Like this hour we’re in-?”
“Yeah, how much did you drink?” Tony shot you a weird look as he walked out of the door, and called out; “Suit up Cap!”
Steve nodded, then his eyes fell on you and he offered you a small smile. You crossed your arms, averting your eyes.
“So do I have your word or not? Because I can totally deactivate the whole thing-“
“Don’t deactivate it,” he cut you off “If –uh… if you don’t mind, I’d like to keep it.”
“I’m not hearing any promise though, am I?”
That seemed to make him chuckle and he nodded slowly,
“Okay then,”
“Okay then Y/N, I won’t do anything stupid.”
“Okay then Y/N, I won’t do anything stupid,” he repeated and shot you an almost boyish, mischievous look, “I mean we’re the Avengers. What could possibly go wrong?”
“Rogers, when you come back, I’ll make sure to program that shield into repeatedly hit you in the head!” You snapped as you rushed from one screen to another, your eyes darting around wildly, “Tony, there are five more coming from the second exit to your right-“
“Got it.” Tony said as Pepper bit on her nails, eyes focused on the monitor.
“Fuck HYDRA so bad,” You mumbled and heard Clint’s chuckle.
“Yeah, my point.”
“You and Nat seem to- Steve, what the actual fuck are you doing?”
“Getting to the engine room,” Steve replied as he ran towards the hall and you pulled at your hair,
“There are at least twenty people coming your way, go to the second floor and meet-“
“No time, Y/N.”
“Jesus Christ-“ You downed the whiskey and filled yourself another glass, as Pepper’s eyes caught the glass.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“This dickhead is giving me an adrenaline rush so bad that I’m still fucking sober-“
“Language,” Bucky taunted and you scoffed.
“Oh fuck off Barnes,” You muttered, then bit on your lip, “Oh- Bucky, there are two more approaching-“ You started, but Bucky had already disarmed them as Natasha rushed in to save the day. “Can someone go help this star spangled-“ You heard the gunshots and all of a sudden the camera showing Steve went black.
The sudden panic hit you so bad that it knocked the breath off you.
“S-Steve?” You heard your own hoarse whisper but it didn’t even sound like your voice, “Rogers!”
Those five seconds felt much, more than only five seconds until your heard his panting,
“I’m here.” He sounded out of breath, “Got the files, see you guys at Quinjet.”
“See you Cap.”
“Yeah, see your ugly faces there.”
You stared at the screen until all of them jumped to the Quinjet and suddenly, your legs gave out. You ripped the earpiece out of your ear, tossed it on the table and downed the whiskey in one big gulp.
“You okay?” Pepper asked you and you ran a hand over your face, not caring about your makeup at all.
“I can’t-“ You tried to find your voice but it was still too weak. You cleared your throat and tried again, “I- Fury needs to find someone else.”
“You handled it well.”
“My head is spinning.”
“That’s the alcohol.”
“No Pepper, that’s fear.” You mumbled, and Pepper tilted her head to the left, her eyes searching your face.
“Why do I have a feeling that it’s not about the team?”
“The blood left your face when the camera went dead.”
“Yeah because I thought dickhead actually died!”
“And you don’t want him to die.”
“Pepper, don’t…” You buried your face into your hands, “Don’t make it sound like that.”
“I don’t make it sound like anything.”
Your heart was still beating like crazy and you just stood frozen like that for a couple of seconds, only sound in the room was Pepper’s stable breathing as opposed to your fast one. You gritted your teeth and tried to pull yourself together before you lifted your head.
“Well then,” You cleared your throat, “They’re coming back, safe and sound. My work is done for now.”
“And you can have thank god you’re alive sex with your boyfriend, should be fun.”
“If you need me, I’ll be at the nearest bar.”
“Don’t you think you need to talk about it?”
“Nah, I’m gonna ignore it with booze and pretzels.” You grabbed your bag, “Tell them I said hi when they come back though, I’m going on a bender.”
“You can’t ignore this forever-“
“I sure as fuck can try!” You said, and walked out of the door.
Okay then.
Let the denial begin.
Chapter 5 is here! 
Special thanks go to:  @theskytraveler  @asongofmarvelanddc  @thespectacularjasmine  @girlwhoisfearless @fictionwillneverdie @lilywoood @marss-anonymous @icameforthefanfiction  @pandalandalopalis @evolutionofkatep @reallyconfusednow @fandomcrazie @latibulemark @aikeji @optimisticheartyouth @fangirlbookworm @samwinchxtr @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked  @iamthemaskhewears @sasunarushiita @whatiswrongwithpeople @mischievous-fairy @agent-smoak @allison-rosewood-maximoff @petrashappyplace @swtltlmrvlgrl @itsyaboyo @imalittlebean @hey-garrett-shut-up @barnesrogersvstheworld @ruffdog921 @hogwarts-and-houseplants @go-crybaby @danielhowellstolemycamera @zabeth716 @imaginecrushes @miss-jen-winter @attorneyl @missmidnightxo @renesmeeharelds , @sippinpeachtea@skeletoresinthebasement @birdandrose @dark-princesse @local-space-ace @marauderskeeper @bva14 @thatprofessionalfangirl @broken-pieces yourwittywitch @yasssssvictoria and lovely anons! Without you, I wouldn’t be able to write this, you’re amazing! <3
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Caged - Chapter 11
Rated: Teen
Chapter: 11/?
Word Count: 10,231
Ao3 / FFnet / Wattpad
A/N: Surprise! I know I normally give updates before each chapter, but as anyone who’s been following me knows, circumstances have been dire lately, and updates were impossible at the time. I’m taking advantage of the limited resources we have, because I refuse to allow everything to fall apart because of a pesky hurricane.
Okay, not pesky, it’s been a very difficult two months.
But I do want to give a shout out to those wonderful readers and friends who’ve reached out, concerned. I love you guys and I promise not to let this whole ordeal bring me down. Thankfully, the situation hasn’t been so bad for me, like it was for many dear friends of mine. For that, I feel there’s no excuse for me not to move and do my best to keep going. Although I do this for free and fun, Caged also means a lot to me in my growth as a writer, so I think it’s important I continue and finish this project.
Anyway, enough of my rambling, and enjoy the first chapter of Caged, post-Maria.
Caged Chapter 11 - Not so Friendly Anymore
There was a beat, in which the two just stared at each other with wide eyes. Suddenly, both slapped their hands to their mouths, but for completely different reasons.
Plagg was doing everything in his power to hold his laughter in, while Adrien’s eyes had grown to the size of dinner plates, mortified.
Adrien whined and covered his whole face with his hands. As Plagg’s laughter became louder, the boy let himself fall headfirst on the floor.
“I knew—PWAHAHA!” Plagg heaved. “I knew you couldn’t deny it forever!”
The blond let out a muffled ‘shut up,’ while Plagg laughed even harder.
“Oooh no, she’s just a friend,” the kwami mocked. “Friend my butt. Didn’t believe that even if you were dancing around naked professing your love for Ladybug.”
At last, Adrien removed one of his hands to give Plagg a bewildered look at the image the little god created. But he didn’t seem to care, as he continued cackling. A strong annoyance suddenly rose within the boy, that wanted to shut the damn cat up. So, in a rash move, he grabbed Plagg by his small body, making him let out a strangled yelp, and brought him close to his face.
“This is not funny!” he almost shouted.
“You’re squeezing me,” the kwami wheezed.
“It’s very funny!”
“I can’t have feelings for two girls at once.”
There was a pause.
“Yes you can,” Plagg finally said. Adrien gave him a look of warning, so the kwami continued. “Look, it happens. You can’t always control your heart, but you can control what you do about those feelings. That doesn’t make you a bad person.”
Adrien stared at the cat-being, until deciding to let go and sulk on the floor again. Meanwhile, Plagg gingerly took a seat at the edge of the coffee table.
“How did this happen? When did this happen?” the boy whispered.
“I think that if you use your brain, you’ll find the answers to your questions,” Plagg responded in a matter-of-factly tone.
While Adrien was annoyed by Plagg’s attitude, he took him up on the advice. He turned his back to the floor and started thinking.
It was clear that those feelings had been developing for a while. The question was when and how. And why.
He knew he’d had feelings since before today, otherwise he wouldn’t had gotten jealous of Félix.
No use in denying it now, he internally sighed.
Definitely before giving Marinette the spray bottle. He remembered feeling comforted by the smell of her hair when they hugged.
Before Damage Control, because he felt he betrayed Marinette for having close contact with Ladybug.
Before Chatte Noire, because he defended her honor against Charlene.
Before the interview with Nadja Chamack, because he told the world Marinette’s heart belonged to Adrien.
The letter.
Adrien bolted up into a sitting position.
That can’t be right, can it?
Despite the disappointment he had felt when he found out the heart-shaped letter hadn’t been from Ladybug, he had also been beyond flattered for what Marinette had said about him. And that the letter belonged to her.
Absentmindedly, Adrien left the floor and allowed his legs to drag him to the desk. In a swift move, he snatched the red paper, moved his computer mouse for light, and read it for the hundredth time.
Those words… Those words were from Marinette to Adrien. Marinette had been able to see beyond her first impression of him, further than he ever imagined she would. What was more, with Chat Noir she was kind, open, cool… and has saved his life more than once. To Chat Noir she offered a friend the moment he needed one the most.
Marinette was… amazing.
“Dammit!” the blond said, as he smacked his forehead against the desk. The light weight of Plagg shortly laid on his shoulder, but he ignored it. “I’ve liked her for almost a month.” He let out a deep breath. “And I really, really like her.”
“Tell me something new, kid,” Plagg sighed, as he started stroking the back of the boy’s neck.
“But I still love Ladybug.” Plagg stopped for a second, but then continued his ministrations, saying nothing. So Adrien continued. “This is so unfair to them. Especially Marinette.”
“Why is it worse for Marinette?”
Adrien snapped up so quickly, Plagg had to grab on to his charge’s shirt.
“Because she has feelings for me,” Adrien reminded. “And I don’t know if my feelings are as strong as hers, but now I’m aware, and I don’t know if I can pretend not to like her in school and when I visit her, plus I can’t just tell her my feelings while I still love Ladybug, who, by the way, finally knows how I feel, but hasn’t shown she feels the same way, but I know Marinette can return my feelings, and UGH!” The boy smacked his head back on the desk. “This is a mess.”
Plagg gave an exasperated sigh. Swiftly, he swooped down to sit on the desk, as close to Adrien’s ear as possible.
“It’s not as complicated as you think,” Plagg said. The model merely grunted. “You just have to organize your feelings. First ask yourself: why do you love Ladybug?”
Adrien turned his head to look at the kwami. He knitted his brows together for a moment, until he found the answer to the question.
“Well,” he started, “she’s brave, nice, yet she doesn’t let herself be messed with so easily. Very selfless, smart and… cool. I know we like some of the same stuff, like Ultimate Mecha Strike and Jagged Stone. She may be a little stubborn, but in the end, she always listens to reason. And she’s capable of admitting when she’s wrong, and pushes when she knows she’s right. Plus, she can be funny when she wants to.”
The boy sighed. Maybe he was wrong about his feelings on Marinette. Maybe he overestimated those feelings due to their newness. Maybe it was a small, temporary crush.
“What about Marinette?” Plagg interrupted his thoughts. “Why do you like her?”
Adrien gulped. Slowly, he straightened up, unsure on what to answer.
“Uh,” he stammered. “I, uuh…”
“No holding back,” Plagg suggested softly.
The boy nodded. He took another deep breath and tried to think of Marinette, and Marinette only.
“Marinette,” he said out loud. “Marinette is sweet, kind,” he rested his head back, trying to let out everything he had denied for a while now. “She’s fun, cool, insanely brave, to the point that I’m scared for her life,” he chuckled, sinking further into the idea. “She can deal with trouble so gracefully, like she did with Lila, but can also be so rash, like she was with Chloé. She’s a kickass gamer, she actually designs for Jagged Stone, which is beyond cool. She’s smart, selfless and…” He swallowed. “And she likes me for me. Not because of my status or my father, but because of who I am, as a person.”
Without meaning to, Adrien let out a wistful breath. Now that he said it out loud, having a crush on The Girl Who Saved Chat Noir didn’t sound so bad.
“Huh,” Plagg let out. “You seem to have a type.”
“A type?” Adrien drew his gaze to the cat-being.
“Brave, cool, selfless, likes the same stuff as you. You know, a type.”
Adrien blinked. “I don’t… have a… type,” he feebly defended.
“And dark hair, to boot,” the kwami added.
The boy sunk down in his chair, his cheeks starting to feel warm. He never thought he had a type. He had also never realized how much Marinette and Ladybug had in common. Wait—
“I didn’t fall for Marinette because she reminds me of Ladybug, did I?” Adrien asked out loud.
“Do you think you did?” Plagg retorted with.
“I mean—I don’t think so,” the boy said, thoughtfully. “They have some things in common, but Marinette doesn’t need powers to save people. She also takes my puns better than Ladybug. Not great, but better. Marinette is also more open to listening and just talking. And she’s more affectionate with me. Like the first time I hugged her. She just hugged me back, like she had wanted it too, but hadn’t dared to do it.”
Another wistful sigh escaped his lips, as he thought about how wonderful it had felt to be closer than a fist bump to her.
“Are you sure you’re in love with Ladybug and not Marinette?” Plagg intervened.
A load of saliva caught on Adrien’s throat. The more he talked about Marinette, the more he liked her. And it had been going for so long… Could he?
“I-I… I don’t know,” he admitted. He then pursed his lips, thinking it better. “I’m not sure about my feelings. I know I love Ladybug, but my feelings for Marinette are also strong. But I’m still not sure how strong.” He placed his forearms on his knees, hands clasped together. “I can’t tell them. At least, not yet.”
Plagg tilted his head, so Adrien explained further.
“I can’t tell them until I figure what I’m actually feeling. If I’m not clear in what I want, I shouldn’t be making that decision.”
“Huh. Sounds like a plan,” Plagg responded, stroking one of his whiskers.
Adrien arched an eyebrow. “That is the quickest you’ve ever agreed with me.”
“I know you don’t want to hurt them,” the kwami stated. “And I know you would kick yourself if you do.”
The boy couldn’t help but give his partner a soft smile.
“Thanks,” he said.
“No problem,” Plagg bowed. “Now, can I have my beauty sleep?”
Adrien rolled his eyes. Even so, he knew Plagg cared, whether he showed it or not.
“Yeah, I think I’m good,” he chuckled.
With nothing more to add, Plagg zipped away to the trash can beside the desk. Probably for more silence. But Adrien remained in his seat, the heart-shaped letter still in his hand. He stroke it with his thumb, still processing what he’d just realized.
I like Marinette, he repeated in his mind. The thought of the wonderful girl who sat behind him in school sent his heart in leaps and bounds. He thought about every time he has held her close, how her aroma comforted him. He thought about all the great times they have, how they enjoy each other’s company, and how carefree she was with him. How she started showing that freedom with his civilian identity more often now.
He thought about the times she saved his life. He thought about the times she addressed the class as president. He thought about her creations. He thought about the way she presented herself on the Evening Show with Kudret.
And he could clearly see why he was falling for her.
Helping out in the bakery was done. Saving clean clothes in her closet, also done. Worked on new designs, did her homework, clean up her desk. Done, done and done. There was only one thing left to do: sit crossed legged on her chaise and think about what she had been avoiding all day.
She almost wished an akuma would show up, but that would also mean seeing Chat earlier than programmed, so she let go of that wish.
Because the one thing she was dreading was seeing Chat.
“Marinette, you’ve been sitting there for two whole minutes,” Tikki chirped, invading the girl’s line of view. “You’re starting to worry me.”
Marinette opened her mouth, but closed it almost instantly. Truth be told, she didn’t know what was up with her. All she knew was that she felt… strange. About Chat. Something he did or said the previous day…
“He called me beautiful,” her subconscious let slip. She blinked, at last finding the source of that tingling feeling in her stomach. “Chat Noir called me beautiful yesterday.”
“So?” Tikki shrugged. “Hasn’t he called you that tons of times before?”
“As Ladybug, yeah. But as Marinette…” she thought for a moment, “not very often.”
She sat still, trying to think of all the times he called her beautiful as Marinette, but could only come up with two: the time before fighting Monsieur Barbier and the times from the previous day. What was more, both times he mentioned the nickname ‘Princess of Paris.’
“It’s probably nothing,” she resolved, her fingers fidgeting. “It’s probably just part of his nickname for me.” Was it just her, or did that sting a little? “Besides, I’m probably not the only girl he calls beautiful.” Ow.
“That’s a lot of probablys” Tikki mumbled, before letting out a hearty breath. With a flutter, she zoomed to her charge’s knee and sat crossed legged. “Why do you care in what context he calls you beautiful?” she questioned.
Marinette’s face contorted.
“It’s not that I care!” she corrected. “I just find it odd, that’s all. And I guess a little careless if he starts flirting around with every girl he meets.”
“You know he doesn’t do that,” Tikki half scolded her charge. “Besides, you used to think he did that, and never gave it much thought. Where is this all coming from?”
Marinette took a minute to think. Why was she bringing all this up? It wasn’t like it made any difference in their friendship. Or did it? No, it makes no difference, she assured herself.
“You’re right, Tikki,” she sighed. “I’m getting worked up over nothing. Not even I know where that came from. I’m being silly.”
She gave Tikki a sheepish smile, but noticed the little goddess didn’t seem convinced.
“I might know what’s going on.”
“But you were just asking me,” Marinette frowned. “Why would you ask me if you already know?”
“I wanted to know if you had noticed it yet.”
“Noticed what?”
Tikki sighed. She opened and closed her mouth several times, as if undecided whether to say it or not. She then took a deep breath and opened her mouth one more time.
The two looked up to the ceiling. Marinette then looked at the time on her phone: it was too early for Chat to visit, and he was usually much quieter. By instinct, she grabbed the Chinese umbrella hanging off the back of the chaise and made her way upstairs.
 Chat Noir dusted off his suit with trembling hands. It had been a while since he had such an ungraceful landing. But his nerves seemed to be in charge at the moment.
“Okay,” he took a deep breath. “You can do this. It’s just like every other time. Just a normal visit to your friend Marinette.”
But his mind corrected “friend Marinette” to “girlfriend Marinette,” in a voice suspiciously alike Plagg’s.
“I can’t do this!”
As quickly as he could, he crossed the balcony, grabbed hold of the railing, placed a foot on it—
And froze.
Dammit! He thought, already starting to panic. It turned out trying to get over the visit earlier did not make matters easier.
“What are you doing here so early? Are you okay?” Marinette asked from behind him.
No. He downed a large gulp while slowly putting his foot back on the ground. He took a deep breath and used the most casual tone he could muster.
“Hey Princess! Wazzup?” he said as he turned and gave her finger guns. Marinette arched and eyebrow. It was then that he noticed she was holding an umbrella. “What’s that for?”
“Oh! I… thought you might be an intruder,” she gave him a sheepish grin that sent Chat’s heart into a frenzy. So, to calm it, he focused on the red umbrella.
Man, it sucks being aware of my feelings, Chat thought miserably.
“You okay?” Marinette asked again.
Oh God, she’s asking again.
“Me? Pfft, I’m feline great.” He waved a hand in dismissal. “Never better. Totally clawsome today. So, so purrfect.”
Chat internally cringed at the amount of cat puns he was letting out.
“I see,” Marinette responded at last. “Is that why you’re letting out such catastrophic puns?”
Oh, it’s on.
“I’ll have you know that my puns are top marks.”
“Not today, minou,” Marinette chuckled, yet somehow managed to sound concerned too, making Chat lose his bravado. “Seriously, Chat, what’s wrong?”
The boy looked into her eyes (had they always shined so much?), and could no longer find it in him to pretend. But he still couldn’t tell her the whole truth.
“I’m just… going through some stuff,” he resolved to say.
“Wanna talk about it?”
Chat gave her a pained look. “I can’t.”
“Oh,” Marinette uttered, as her shoulders slumped. Chat couldn’t help but wince.
“Marinette, I promise that I trust you, but this is something—”
“Hey, no, you don’t have to explain,” Marinette cut in. She then gave him a soft smile. “I, better than anyone, know you can’t tell me everything, especially if it endangers your secret identity.”
“I’m sorry,” Chat Noir sighed, cat ears drooping.
“Hey,” Marinette used the point of her umbrella to lift his chin, “don’t be. I’m sure you would tell me if you could.”
Chat Noir gave her a lopsided grin, thankful that she used the umbrella and not her (probably soft) hand.
“Is there anything I can do?” she asked.
“You can distract me.” To keep my mouth shut, he mentally added.
Marinette tapped her lip in thought. Then looked at the umbrella and smiled.
“Did I ever tell you the story behind this umbrella?” she chirped.
Chat Noir blinked, looking at the object that was usually hanging off the girl’s chaise. Slowly, he shook his head.
“It used to be my grand-maman’s,” she explained, giving the umbrella a twirl before opening it. “She gave it to maman when they moved to Paris. Maman was lonely in a strange country, so grand-maman said that, as long as she had this umbrella, she’d always have a piece of home and would never be lonely.”
The boy furrowed his brows. Marinette continued.
“When I was younger, Chloé decided to be extra nasty to me, and I was left friendless for a little while. One day, maman came into my room and told me her story. She then gave me this and promised me I would never be alone again, and it would protect me of any negative emotion that tries to overtake me. And you wanna know a secret?”
Chat Noir nodded.
“I met my friend Kim the very next day,” she smiled. “He then introduced me to Max and Alix. Then Ivan and Mylène, and so on. Haven’t been alone since.”
The boy returned a kind smile.
“That’s some powerful magic,” he said quietly. Marinette took another look at him, so he moved his gaze to the ground. But his plain of view was quickly invaded by her hand, holding on to the handle of the umbrella.
“Take it,” she said.
Chat Noir gawked at her for a moment.
“N-No!” he blurted out. “I could never—It’s not mine—”
“I’m sure you’ll give it back,” she said, with that shining beam of hers once again. “I just think you need it more than I do right now.”
The boy’s lips parted. He could feel his heart thrumming in his chest, an excitement rising inside him. A feeling he recognized. Something he had felt sometimes, when he was very close to her. A desire? Yes, that was it.
A desire to kiss her.
His cheeks reddened, and to shake off the feeling, he swallowed and slowly reached for the handle of the umbrella. For a brief moment, his index brushed with hers, sending a spark through his veins that reached his heart. He got so flustered, he accidentally pressed a button on the handle and the umbrella closed on his face.
“Pfft,” Marinette snickered, but quickly clapped her hands to her mouth.
Chat Noir liberated himself as delicately as he could, only to find the girl before him shaking.
“You can laugh,” he chuckled.
Without needing more prompting, Marinette let out a hearty laugh that only sent Chat Noir’s heart into a frenzy. She looked so carefree and happy.
And he did that.
Almost instantly, Chat Noir was laughing too. It was almost like the night before, except this time, Chat knew exactly why he was laughing: Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Her laughter was contagious, and it made him happy.
“Oh, before I forget,” Marinette pipped up, finally controlling her fit. “I got a call from the Margot and Dorian Show, and they said that they want to interview us.”
The boy’s giggles died away.
“Us?” he frowned.
“Yeah, you and me,” Marinette cleared up. “I know we’ve been avoiding interviews together, but I think it would be a good idea for both of us to go on this one.”
“Isn’t that show the one that was saying—” But Chat Noir stopped abruptly, remembering what they had said.
“Yeah, I know,” Marinette waved a hand dismissively. “They’re the ones who said you’re in love with and that I’m two-timing you with Adrien.”
Exactly. Chat Noir gulped.
“But I think it’s a perfect opportunity to set the record straight, don’t you think?” she finished.
The boy stared at her, like she had grown a second head.
Set the record straight?! How am I supposed to tell a crew of cameras that I don’t have feelings for you, when I clearly do? Wait— Those guys noticed it before I did!
“Y-yeah,” Chat Noir pushed himself to say through gritted teeth. “That sounds like a plan.”
“Great!” Marinette clasped her hands together. “They invited us for the special Saturday show next week. So we have the entire week to get ready.”
And for my feelings to possibly become stronger, Chat Noir bitterly thought. He didn’t think he would long for the days he didn’t know about his new crush. It had been so easy to deny it before.
“Sounds good,” he sighed.
“Chat,” Marinette frowned. “You don’t have to, if you feel uncomfortable.”
The boy blinked. While he did feel self-conscious, he couldn’t exactly leave her to the wolves on her own.
“I’ll make it,” he said, more firmly this time. “Count on me, Marinette.”
“Thank you, chaton,” the designer smiled.
Chat Noir did his best not to let out a whimper of misery, as his stomach lurched the second Marinette curved her lips. Why is she being cuter than usual?! And the nickname did not help matters.
The same affectionate nickname Ladybug often called him by.
I’m screwed, he thought.
“And I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of you in the fashion business in the future.”
Nadja Chamack concluded her second interview with Marinette. Unlike last time, this one had gone smoothly, and had been much more focused on the girl’s achievements than her love life.
“We will now move on to calls from our audience, if you don’t mind Marinette,” she informed.
“Not at all,” Marinette agreed.
“Great. We already have our first caller,” Nadja announced. “Good afternoon, you’re on the air.”
“Yeah, I have a question for Marinette about Chat Noir,” the caller said. “Is he your boyfriend? Because they keep saying that he is.”
Marinette shifted in her seat. She expected the question, and now was the time to make sure things were clear.
“No,” she firmly stated. “He’s not my boyfriend or anything. I just happen to save him a few times and I’ve seen him once or twice when he patrols. But that’s it.”
“But that’s not what some friend of yours said,” the caller insisted.
“Ma’am, we already cleared this up earlier,” Nadja intervened. “The comments of Lila Rossi have been denied as truth. Even Miss Rossi made a public apology herself. Next caller.”
This time, a man spoke. “Good afternoon, I just wanna say that what you did, while it was pretty brave, I think you should leave it to the superheroes. A little girl like you shouldn’t be playing hero.”
Marinette’s eye twitched. If only you knew.
“I wasn’t trying to play hero,” she defended herself between deep breaths. “Sometimes instincts beat the brain.” She finished with a nervous laugh.
“Thank you for your input. Next caller,” Nadja rushed through, looking at a clock on the wall.
“Hi. I was listening and I realized it was never asked if you, Marinette, have been a more constant target for akumas lately. Has it happened?” the person, that sounded like a young woman, asked.
Marinette couldn’t help but smile. A real question, for once. “Thank you so much for that question, and the answer is yes, unfortunately. People think having a connection with Chat Noir is cool, but it has brought a lot of misfortune for me when it comes to akuma attacks.”
“That sucks. Hope you don’t get more trouble, Miss,” the caller added.
The girl’s smile grew softer at the concern of the person. It was rare for the good ones to show themselves.
“Thank you so much, but that’s all the time we have,” Nadja announced. “Thank you, Marinette, for taking the time to come to our show. With this we conclude today’s edition of The Interview with Chamack. I’m Nadja Chamack, and don’t be bemused, it’s just the news.”
A music played through the reporter’s headphones, and the ON AIR light was turned off.
“Thank you again for giving me a second chance,” Nadja said once again, but this time it was directed to Marinette, and not the microphone.
“It was nice to have a second chance at this interview,” Marinette said. “Last time was a disaster.”
“It really was,” Nadja agreed. “But I gotta say, you handled yourself like a champ this time. You were so nervous the first time around and gave such vague answers. But today you were a whole new Marinette.”
“Hehe, yeah.” The girl scratched the back of her head as she started to get up from her chair. “Guess I stopped caring about how I might sound, or something.”
Nadja nodded, while she started directing Marinette out of the studio, where Sabine and Alya were waiting.
“And what about Alya’s coaching?” the reporter asked as they entered the console room.
“Oh, yeah, that’s been a huge help,” Marinette added. While it wasn’t a lie, it felt like half a lie, at least. The girl had never been as hopeless as she initially led them to believe.
“It better be,” Alya joked. “Girl, you did great! I think you’re ready for the Margot and Dorian Show.”
Nadja halted.
“Please tell me you didn’t just say the Margot and Dorian Show,” she intervened. The women looked at each other and nodded. That sole action made the reporter inhale deeply and bring her index to her lips, like she wanted to say something, but didn’t dare to.
“Just say it,” Sabine sighed.
“I highly advice against that show,” the reporter blurted out.
“I think Marinette’s been through enough to know how to handle rowdy reporters—”
“No, you don’t understand,” Nadja interrupted, starting to sound insistent. “What I did was unethical journalism, but Margot and Dorian… They’re not journalists. They’re people who hide under the pretext of press to invade people’s privacy and invent stories. And the worst part is that a lot of people believe them.”
“But those people are the prime example of trashy television,” Alya added.
“Yet a lot of people eat it up,” Nadja responded. “Even worse, they have someone who did study journalism, but uses her skills for gossip and garbage. I’m sure you’ve heard of Anabelle Billard.”
Marinette’s brows furrowed. “Sounds familiar…”
“It should,” the reporter stated. “She was the one who interviewed Miss Rossi, and also the one who sent the video of Adrien pulling you into the school the day after our interview. She’s vicious, and could even be dangerous.”
Alya suddenly snapped her fingers. “I remember her,” she said. “But I didn’t know she worked for them.”
“And she’s very good at her job,” Nadja added.
Marinette sighed. “Well, she can’t be that good, because she’s yet to uncover my deepest darkest secrets,” she joked, nose pointing up. When she saw at the questioning looks of the other women, she decided to make herself clearer. “All I’m saying is that, after everything we’ve been through, I’m sure we can handle anything she throws at us.”
“I hope so,” the reporter muttered.
“Don’t worry about it,” Marinette made the most reassuring pose she could, chest puffed out and fists on her hips. “Chat Noir and I will be a team, and he won’t let me down. Besides, it’s not like we have anything to hide. Once Margot and Dorian see that their assumptions of Chat’s love for me are wrong, they will be the ones feeling exposed.”
“You have the strangest moments for confidence,” Alya laughed, placing an elbow on her best friend’s shoulder.
“Whatever happens, I’ll be there with her,” Sabine assured. “But thank you for warning us.”
Nadja smiled at her friend. A smile that looked more appreciative than anything else. One that was thankful that Sabine had forgiven her.
“Yeah,” Marinette added. “I promise to be careful with what I say.”
“In any case, I’ll keep coaching her,” Alya pointed at herself with a thumb.
“Good,” Nadja sighed.
Marinette nodded one last time. She appreciated Nadja’s concern, but she also couldn’t wait to clear the air with Margot and Dorian. After Chat’s last visit, she was beginning to worry that their words had gotten to him to some degree. There was something… off about him. He seemed jumpy, for some reason.
But maybe this would do them good. Clear the air. Making the news meaningless. But most of all, stop feeling so tense every time she got close to the boy.
“Where is he?” Marinette asked for the hundredth time.
And for the hundredth time, Chat Noir heard from afar.
He had gotten there early, but decided to stay hidden up on the metal beams on the ceiling of the studio. Even thought he had promised he’d be there for her, there was a very strong part of him that wanted to disappear. After he visited Marinette the week before, the boy did his best to hide his feelings, whether it was as Chat Noir or as Adrien.
Yo, bro, wanna hang out with the girls? Nino had asked.
Sorry, I gotta, uh… practice piano, Adrien lamely answered.
Hey, dude, you mind giving this book to Marinette? Alya had requested.
No, I gotta, um… a shooting, sorry, he excused.
Hey Adrien, you mind making a quick pose for a sketch? Marinette had had the guts to say.
I-I…um, pfft-I uh…Shower got to—I-I mean, Igottashower, Adrien had spluttered, leaving Marinette bewildered.
And as Chat Noir, he hadn’t fared much better. Every time she got close, he got dazed by her smell. Every time she laughed, his heart would accelerate. Every time she smiled, he just wanted to kiss her. Each and every passing day, what he predicted became true: his feelings got stronger.
And seeing Marinette from afar, hanging out with Félix did not help matters.
From the way she acted with him, Adrien was more convinced that she thought Félix was Chat Noir. The guy didn’t exactly scream Chat Noir, but he continued to call Marinette by Princess every now and then. It drove Adrien crazy, yet there was nothing he could do about it. Only hope the girl he liked didn’t fall for it.
And that hope strengthened his feelings, and his determination for her. He knew it sounded selfish, but just this once, he didn’t care.
“I’ve looked everywhere. Still can’t find him,” Alya walked up to Marinette, shaking her head.
“No luck.” Sabine joined the other two.
Marinette gave an exasperated sigh. “We’re on in like five minutes. Where the heck is he?”
“Maybe he’s waiting for the right moment to make a grand entrance,” Alya huffed, crossing her arms.
“Maybe,” Marinette said, pacing and distracted. “It wouldn’t be unlike him… You guys mind giving one last round?”
Sabine and Alya nodded and wished the designer luck, just in case. The moment they were gone, Marinette started looking around. She then looked up. Chat tried to hide, but from the deadpan look on the girl’s face, he figured he failed.
“Chat Noir, you get your tail down here this instant,” she scolded, pointing a finger to the ground.
The boy let out a whimper before extending his staff into a pole and sliding down in front of the designer.
“Hello Mari,” he shamefully greeted, gaze on the floor.
“I told you, you didn’t have to come if you didn’t want to,” Marinette said.
“I couldn’t just leave you alone with those two. They’re awful,” Chat insisted. A question then occurred to him. “How did you know to look for me?”
“Alya gave me the idea,” Marinette explained. “You do have a tendency to be theatrical. But I get the feeling that’s not why you were hiding up there.”
Chat Noir scratched the back of his head.
“Chat, you don’t have to do this.”
“Yes, I do.” He grabbed her hand. “We’re in this together, right? What kind of a cat would I be if I left my master hanging?”
“Cats leave their masters all the time.”
“But they always come back,” Chat grinned. Marinette smiled back, and the boy was quickly reminded on why he had considered running.
“Thank you.”
“Anytime, Princess.” Without thinking, Chat Noir lifted the hand he was holding to his lips and gave it a soft kiss. “I’m always loyal to you.”
He brought his eyes up to hers and instantly froze. Her eyes were wide, her cheeks were pink, her mouth was in the shape of an ‘o’. She too was petrified.
“M-Mari?” he stammered.
Marinette only let out a few ‘ers’ and ‘ums’. At last, she resolved in giving a large, dorky smile that Chat Noir had only seen in his civilian form. And for some reason, it made his heart skip a beat.
The second he felt that leap, he let go of the hand, as if it had burnt him.
“Thirty seconds ‘till we’re live,” a man yelled.
The two teens quickly took a step away from each other, each dealing with their fluster as much as they could. After several breaths, Chat Noir asked: “Ready?”
“Y-yeah, ready,” Marinette nodded.
“Everyone in position,” the man, who was the producer, called to everyone. From the hosts that were sitting on the center of the stage, to the crowd that was murmuring behind the cameras. “We go live in five, four, three, two…”
He raised one finger and pointed it at the hosts of the show. The music started, cameras slid across the studio and the crowd started applauding.
“Welcome back, lovelies, to the Margot and Dorian Show, Saturday Edition,” Margot started, waving her blonde hair. “And we’re gonna start this segment with a very special interview.”
“That’s right,” Dorian added, in his usual chipper tone, despite the professionalism his suit suggested. “This is the moment everyone’s been waiting for, isn’t it Margot?”
“Indeed, it is, Dorian,” Margot responded, overly-energetic. “You’ve seen them in social media, you’ve heard them on the radio, and we have them right here with us.”
“Please welcome, CHAT NOIR AND THE GIRL WHO SAVED HIM!” Dorian called.
In unison, Chat Noir and Marinette took a deep breath just as they stepped on the stage. Applauses invaded their ears. Lights blinded them momentarily. They tried to walk at a reasonable speed. At last, they reached one of the famous purple couches from the show.
The crowd quieted down.
“Welcome, welcome, welcome,” Margot said, excitedly. The two teens merely gave shy waves. “How good it is to have you two here. I must ask Marinette, where did you get that cute purse?”
That’s a stupid question, Chat Noir grumbled internally.
“Oh, I made it myself,” Marinette answered, almost mechanically.
“It’s super cute. Anyway, into the real stuff, what’s it like to save a superhero?” the blonde woman asked.
“Please, spare no details,” Dorian chuckled.
“Well,” Marinette drawled for a moment. “I honestly wasn’t thinking about it at the moment, but I guess it feels like saving anybody else.”
“Uh huh, uh huh,” Margot nodded. “And what about you, Chat Noir, what’s it like for a civilian to save you?”
“Pretty much the same,” he commented. “I get saved by Ladybug all the time, so I’m kinda used to it.”
“Are you comparing Marinette with Ladybug?” Dorian quickly asked.
Chat Noir almost choked. “NO!” He coughed. “No, I would never do that. I can’t compare them, that’s not fair. I mean—” the urge to slap himself became strong. “That’s not what I meant. That’s all.”
Almost immediately, Chat felt an elbow hit his ribs, unbeknownst to the crowd.
“Then what did you mean?” Dorian pushed, leaning slightly.
Control yourself, control yourself, control yourself. Chat Noir continued to repeat the phrase over and over in his head, in the hopes of calming his nerves.
“Ahem, what I meant was that it’s unfair to compare a civilian with a superhero, for obvious reasons.” Go on. “What Marinette did was very… unique. I’m just, personally, used to getting saved every now and then.”
He could’ve sworn he saw a glimmer of disappointment in the hosts faces with his answer. He would count that as a victory, but he still couldn’t help but worry.
“Well, very unique indeed, right Marinette?” Margot directed her gaze back to the designer. Marinette merely responded with a feeble ‘yes.’ “Something that only Ladybug would do. Speaking of Ladybug,” Margot exaggerated, as if it had just popped into her mind. But Chat Noir knew better. “We tried getting her for the show, but she refused our invitation. Any idea on why, Chat Noir?”
Because she knows better. “I’m sure she had her reasons,” he answered out loud. “But I’m guessing she didn’t think this subject needs her commentary on it.”
“Now, you would think that,” Dorian intervened. “But word has it that she yelled and threatened a poor reporter for simply asking about the nature of your relationship with her—”
“That’s not what happened,” Marinette and Chat Noir interrupted in unison, both scowling.
There was a short pause, where the crowd started muttering between themselves.
“Oooh, then what did happen?” Margot pushed, moving to the edge of her seat, yet still making sure her white dress continued to look impeccable.
It took only a glimpse from Marinette for him to know he was the one who had to tell the story. Then again, she wasn’t there, he reminded himself.
“That reporter was asking questions that had nothing to do with the akuma that showed up that night. Ladybug refused to respond because it wasn’t the place or time, or his business.”
“Right, we heard you’re in love with Ladybug,” Dorian intervened.
Chat Noir tensed, and he could swear Marinette did the same.
“I have to ask, what is my purpose here?” Marinette suddenly burst, starting to sound irritated. “I’ve only been asked like two questions, and one of them wasn’t even a proper one. Can I go?”
“Oh, dear Marinette, of course you have a purpose,” Margot clasped her hands together. “But before we get to you, we want a response from Chat Noir. Are you in love with Ladybug?”
The boy took a deep breath. “No,” he responded what he and Marinette had agreed to lie about earlier in the week. “Marinette only said that because she wanted to get back at me for talking too much about her admiration of me,” his heart did a quick summersault, “so she said she got tempted to say that just to shut me up. But no, I am not in love with Ladybug.”
Except I totally am, but I can’t tell her now because I just realized I’m also in—woah, Chat Noir stopped himself before finishing that sentence. No, that’s too far, I’m not there yet… I think.
Panic started to rise.
“That’s right,” Marinette said as he tried to even his breathing. “We were having a private conversation which was taken out of context. But I meant it as a joke. It’s not fact.”
“Hmm, I see,” Dorian nodded, exaggerated. “I don’t know about you, Margot, but I’m confused.”
“Me too, Dorian,” Margot responded. “There’s been so much information flying about, I don’t know what to believe anymore. I think we need to call an expert.”
“We definitely have to.”
“Who should we call.”
“Oh, you know who.”
Oh, just get on with it.
“I definitely do. Please welcome to the stage our very own, Anabelle Billard!”
There was a new round of applause when a portly, middle aged redhead stepped into the light and started waving to the cameras. What was more, she looked…
Chat Noir immediately glared at her the second he recognized the woman. He’d seen her before, in a crowd of rowdy reporters incessantly asking questions to Marinette outside their school. Because of her, he had had to intervene, so the girl in question didn’t say something she could later regret.
It was the woman who had dared to ask Marinette if she was two-timing Chat Noir and Adrien Agreste.
And from the look on Marinette’s darkening face, she remembered her too.
“It’s good to be here,” Anabelle spoke quietly as she sat down in an additional chair between the hosts and the invited couple.
“Anabelle, you know so much more on this story than we do,” Margot feigned ignorance. “Tell us; what are the facts, so far?”
“Well, the fact is that these kids change their story more than Hawkmoth changes akuma,” she said, in a firm, confident tone that made Chat Noir’s blood boil.
There was a collective ‘ooohhh’ from the crowd.
“Are you implying that I’m a liar?” Marinette scowled, hand squeezing the arm of her chair.
“I have been studying every public appearance the two of you have had, and I noticed a discrepancy between the story you tell and the way you act,” Anabelle explained. “Here’s the thing, Margot: when these two are interviewed, after the FMi incident of course, they know exactly what to say. But when they’re caught off guard, their attitudes towards each other changes dramatically, to the point Marinette has her own nickname. Right Princess? Or is Princess of Paris your full name?”
Chat Noir’s heart did a flip, hearing someone else call Marinette by the nickname he had reserved for her, and her alone.
“I don’t—”
“He doesn’t—”
“I have proof,” Anabelle interrupted them. She then directed her gaze to Marinette. “I’ve been analyzing the videos of your rescues, and noticed in both occasions Chat Noir called you by the same nickname. I also have witnesses that say he called you by said name before fighting an akuma in your school, called Chatte Noire. Yet, none of the other women he’s rescued have claimed the nickname. Care to comment, Dupain-Cheng?”
“So what?” Chat Noir blurted out, almost over Anabelle’s last question, heart racing. “I give nicknames to people all the time. Why not Marinette? Especially after saving me twice.”
“Except, after analyzing the first video, I noticed you called her so before rescuing you. In fact,” she waved a hand, “why don’t we play the first video? Keep in mind, we’ve enhanced background sounds to better hear the conversation that went down that day.”
Why the hell did we think this was a good idea?! Chat Noir mentally kicked himself.
Just then, the screen behind them showed a transition animation, right before playing that very first video that started it all.
The image was shaky, showing vines crashing all over the place. One dragged a girl out of a fabrics shop, who was furiously trying to free herself, to no avail. The person recording got closer, just when the girl seemed to have called someone. Seconds later, the superhero landed, and the video stopped.
“Listen closely to the conversation we managed to salvage,” Anabelle pointed out.
The video played once again, and the conversation was finally heard.
“…in these situations?” Chat Noir finished.
“Just get me out of here!” Marinette insisted. Chat Noir gave a small giggle.
“Cataclysm!” he yelled, making the vines evaporate in a black mist. He then managed to catch her before hitting the ground, arm wrapped around her back.
“You’re lucky I like you, Princess. I might have left you if—”
“Look out!”
“Right there!” Anabelle stopped the video, just as Marinette was pulling Chat Noir by the bell to save him. “Not only does Chat Noir call her Princess, but he admitted to like her the very day Dupain-Cheng saved him the first time.”
There was another collective ‘ooohhh’ from the crowd. Meanwhile, Chat Noir placed a hand over his mouth as discreetly as possible, covering his heating cheeks as much as he could. And the frozen image with Marinette pulling on his bell did not help matters.
“He was obviously joking,” Marinette affirmed, brows knitted together. “I think it’s already been established that Chat Noir is the theatrical one of the pair. And, again, like he said; he gives nicknames to everyone.”
“Sure, that could be all,” Anabelle waved a hand dismissively. “Except that it is not only his commentary that’s intriguing, but also your demand, Dupain-Cheng, that he rescue you. Now, from what I’ve gathered, you tend to be a… generally well-mannered girl, yet you acted so… unbothered.”
Chat Noir inhaled deeply and shifted his eyes towards Marinette. Who seemed… livid.
“Well,” she started slowly, “I don’t know if you’ve ever been a target for an akuma, Billard, but from my experience, you don’t exactly have time to gawk at a superhero. The only thing the adrenaline makes you think about is: ‘how am I gonna get out of this alive?’ So excuse my lack of tact in a stressful situation.”
To finish it off, Marinette smirked and rested her elbow on the arm of the chair. The one she had been squeezing only moments before. Like it was nothing.
It was so….
Chat couldn’t help but stare at his current partner in crime for how flawlessly she batted that question. Even better than how she started the interview with Kudret. That confidence that made her look like an almost completely different person and was just so… so…
His cheeks felt even hotter.
“Are you sure it was lack of tact and not familiarity?” Anabelle pushed.
“Absolutely.” Marinette nodded. “Besides, Chat Noir probably doesn’t even have time to hang out with civilians. Right, Chat Noir?”
The boy’s eyes widened their stare at the girl beside him, hand still over his mouth, which he hadn’t dared to move. He could feel everyone’s eyes on him. He could see Marinette stare at him. He knew he was supposed to respond. But he was frozen with an uncontrollable blush that simply refused to leave.
“Chat Noir?” she asked. Yet, even though she sounded worried, her eyes were begging him to say something. He swallowed, but it didn’t help.
“Cat got your tongue?” Anabelle dared to quip.
Instantly, both Chat Noir and Marinette shifted their gazes to the reporter, Marinette with a scowl. The cat hero, in the meantime, managed to get his breathing under control. Because that was one comment he would not stand for.
“No,” he finally responded, slightly croaked. “I don’t have time to waste on befriending civilians. I have more important things to do, like protecting Paris, for example.”
“And yet here you are,” the redhead poked, pushing up her red trimmed glasses. “Spending your time in an interview with the same civilian, once again, instead of patrolling the city.”
“You invited us!” Marinette’s arms flailed.
“You get mad if I don’t patrol, but you also get mad when either me or Ladybug refuse an interview. It’s like there’s no winning with you guys!”
“Because you refuse to admit the truth,” Anabelle pushed once again.
“What truth?!” Chat Noir and Marinette yelled in unison.
“That you two are in love!” she finished.
“This is ridiculous! We’re not a thing!” Marinette cleared up for the hundredth time. “How many times do I have to say it?”
Marinette continued numbering the times she has had to clarify the status of their relationship, but Chat Noir barely paid attention. All he kept thinking about was how Anabelle was half right in her conclusion. While he didn’t feel in love yet, his feelings had become strong enough for him to contemplate the possibility that he could, potentially, fall in love with her.
But she can’t know that, he reminded himself. Neither Marinette or Anabelle could know, for completely different reasons. He sighed. If I can deny my love for Ladybug on live TV, I can deny my feelings for Marinette.
“Do I need to repeat it?” Marinette finished.
“That’s right,” Chat Noir intervened, straightening his posture, ready to lie his way out of this mess, even if it hurt. “I don’t have feelings for Marinette, no matter how many times I call her Princess. The truth is that I would never be with her, not only because of the obvious,” he pointed at his mask, “but I don’t even know her well enough for that. And even if I did know her better, I still wouldn’t be with her. It’s just never going to happen. Not in a million years I would be with Marinette.”
The boy exhaled with difficulty, but kept his eyes directed at Anabelle, ignoring the stabbing pain in his heart. Another round of murmurs began in the crowd. The reporter fixed her glasses as she glanced at the girl beside him. A spark shone in her eye, but Chat Noir continued scowling at her, hoping to intimidate her somehow.
“That’s too bad,” she said, the edge of her mouth twitching. Like it was holding a smile.
“Well, that was in-tense,” Margot intervened, with her over-energetic attitude once again. “But unfortunately, that’s all the time we have left, as we need to go on a commercial break. But stay tuned, because we have many more surprises coming your way in the Margot and Dorian Show, Saturday Edition. We’ll be right back!”
A music played, the crowd applauded and a man behind one of the cameras yelled cut. Conversation spread among the crowd, and Chat Noir was more than ready to leave the cursed studio.
“I’ve learned a lot today,” Anabelle commented.
“Yeah, well, that’s all you’re learning for ever. Come on Mari—” But the boy didn’t finish his sentence, because when he turned to look at said girl, she had already gotten up and was walking away from the stage. He frowned.
“I have a feeling we’ll be seeing each other again,” Anabelle stated, fixing her glasses once again.
Chat Noir gave her one last scowl, before leaping behind the sofa and rushing in Marinette’s direction. He had just reached her, when Alya and Sabine showed up.
“Girl, you just pulled off a miracle!” the young reporter said, while she slapped her hands to her friend’s shoulders. “You left Anabelle Billard with no words. That was awesome!”
“I’m so proud of you,” Sabine added, placing a hand on her daughter’s cheek. “But I don’t think I’ll allow another interview with that horrible woman. She almost massacred you two out there.”
“Y-yeah,” Marinette stammered, gaze towards the ground. “I-I suppose…we did do a good job.”
“Good job?! It was an awesome job!” Alya cheered on. “When you said that thing about your lack of tact, I literally squealed. Just ask Mrs. Cheng.”
“She really did,” Sabine laughed. “Come on. We have to take Alya home.”
“Marinette?” Chat Noir blurted out.
The three women turned to look at him. It was then that he noticed Marinette’s eyes seemed to have lost their shine. Something was bothering her.
“I-I…” but he didn’t know what to say. He was afraid a reporter would suddenly jump out, and a private conversation would once again become public.
“Thanks for the help, dude. We can take it from here,” Alya intervened, giving him a warning with her eyes.
“Right,” Chat Noir deflated.
Alya and Sabine softly pulled Marinette towards the exit. He wanted to go after her, find out what was wrong, but it was too risky.
Perhaps he needed a new strategy.
The spray bottle rolled on Marinette’s desk for the fourth time, sent by its very owner. The girl rested her head on one of her arms, while the other kept mussing with Chat Noir’s gift. She hadn’t been there for long. Only minutes ago she had gotten back from the most awful interview she had been in so far. It may had been seen like a success by everyone else, but for the pig-tailed girl, she saw very little reason to celebrate.
“Marinette?” Tikki called once again, after the many times she did since they got home.
Without uttering a word, Marinette got up, spray bottle in hand, and walked down the stairs. She didn’t even stop to make sure her kwami got in her purse, trusting in the swishing sound she heard before closing the trapdoor. As she got to the kitchen, she let her parents know she was going out and exited the apartment.
While it had been her intention to walk around the streets, she only got as far as the park by her house and collapsed onto a bench. She stared at the spray bottle in her hands, finger stroking the green cap. For some reason, half her mind wanted to hug it close, while the other wanted to chuck it.
“Marinette, what’s wrong?” Tikki placed her paws on her charge’s arm. But the girl didn’t respond. “Please, talk to me.”
Marinette continued to hesitate for a few more seconds, undecided on whether to talk or make up her mind about the spray bottle.
“I’m…” she started. “I’m hurt.”
“Hurt?!” Tikki’s antennae stood straight, surprised. “Why? What happened?”
“Didn’t you hear?!” Marinette snapped, finally looking at the kwami. “Not in a million years I would be with Marinette,” she mocked Chat Noir. “What? I’m not good enough for the great Chat Noir or his dumb famous secret identity? Tsk. I swear, if I could, I would reveal myself just to make him bite his tongue.”
“Why do you care?”
“I don’t!”
“Yes you do,” Tikki snapped. “Otherwise you wouldn’t be this upset. The question is why.”
“I don’t know!” Marinette finally cracked. “I don’t know, okay? I—” she searched for an answer, “I guess I’m offended that he would want Ladybug, but not her civilian identity. It’s rude.”
“But he doesn’t know!” Tikki reasoned. “Besides, who’s to say he didn’t just say that for the cameras?”
Marinette opened her mouth to retort, but closed it almost immediately, with eyebrows knitted together.
“You think he didn’t mean it?” she asked instead.
The kwami placed her tiny jaw on her nubby hands.
“I think it’s a possibility,” she responded with a soft smile.
Marinette’s eye’s shifted from side to side, like she was trying to figure out something.
“Tikki?” The kwami hummed. “What’s happening to me? Why am I being like this?”
“I can’t always tell you what you’re feeling.”
“But you know, don’t you?”
Tikki nodded. Marinette sighed and started thinking. What was the real reason she was upset?
“Do I feel like I’m losing my partner?” Marinette looked at Tikki for a reaction. And a deadpan look was what she got.
“Marinette, I know you’re not this dense,” the kwami said.
Marinette cringed. It was like whatever it was, it was at the tip of her tongue, but a sort of denial was holding her back.
“I can’t—”
“Marinette!” Tikki scolded. “I can’t always tell you when you like a boy!”
The girl almost chocked on her own saliva. “Like a boy?!” she repeated, incredulous. “I don’t—” but she stopped abruptly as a couple passed by. When they were out of earshot, she started again, more hushed this time. “I don’t have feelings for Chat Noir.”
“PAH! Yeah right,” Tikki laughed. “You gave him your umbrella.”
“So? Adrien gave me his, doesn’t mean he has feelings for me.”
“Yours was a family heirloom,” Tikki deadpanned.
Marinette’s face contorted. “He’ll give it back.”
“And you’ve been trying to find out his identity,” the goddess added.
“No I haven’t,” Marinette denied, starting to shift uncomfortably in her seat. When she saw her kwami boring her gaze into her, she felt the need to retract her words. “I mean, not intentionally. I happened to find a lead and I held onto it. But it’s not like I’m investigating to see if I’m right.”
“You were googling Félix two days ago,” Tikki deadpanned, again.
“I wanted to know if he was famous, like he said,” Marinette defended.
“You wanted to know how much he fit the profile for Chat Noir.”
“No I didn’t.”
“Urgh!” Tikki gave an exasperated sigh. “You can be so stubborn sometimes.”
Marinette huffed and sunk down in her seat. She stared harder at the bottle in her hands.
“Why is it so hard for you to admit that you may like Chat Noir as more than a friend?” Tikki asked.
“Because that would mean I didn’t love Adrien,” Marinette confessed, without missing a beat.
All of a sudden, a large amount of tension that had been building up for so long was lifted off her shoulders.
She found the source.
“Oh, Marinette,” the kwami soothed. “Liking Chat Noir wouldn’t mean you don’t love Adrien. Sometimes the heart works in ways we just can’t control. But you have to, at least, consider the possibility.”
“The possibility?!” Marinette repeated. “I-I can’t… I mean, I-I shouldn’t…”
But the words died in her mouth. Was it possible? Could she really like her partner in crime-fighting? As more than a friend?
Yet, when her heart started to accelerate, her thoughts were interrupted, as Tikki yelped and hid in the pink purse.
“Hey, Marinette,” a shadow in front of her spoke.
The designer looked up, to find one of the blond boys complicating her life.
“H-hey,” she stammered.
“Thanks!” Adrien waved at Mr. Dupain, as he exited the bakery to find Marinette.
He had been so tempted to vault up to her room and hold her as tightly as he could, but, at the moment, he couldn’t help but feel watched as Chat Noir. So, his secret identity would have to do. And now more so, since she wasn’t in the privacy of her room.
“She’s probably fine,” Plagg insisted, poking out of the boy’s over-shirt. “Can’t we go somewhere more interesting? Like a cheese store?”
“She’s not fine,” Adrien insisted. “I could tell. There was something wrong, but she couldn’t tell me in such a public place.”
“Are you sure you’re not just making excuses to see her?”
“I’m telling ya, she’s upset. And whether I’m Adrien or Chat Noir, I’m not gonna—”
But Adrien froze as he reached the park. Plagg asked several times what was wrong, but the boy didn’t listen, as his eyes were focused on a bench on the other side of the park:
Marinette and Félix were close. Too close, if anyone asked him.
“Oh, hey, it’s the weirdo,” the kwami commented.
The words were enough for a growl to escape Adrien’s lips. As quickly as he could, he snuck from tree to tree, trying to get as close as possible without been seen.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Plagg whispered when Adrien got to the nearest tree possible.
“What is he doing here?” he snarled under his breath.
“Talking?” Plagg suggested. Adrien ignored him, and instead tried to listen to the conversation.
“You think so?” Marinette was asking Félix.
“Well, if it were me saying it, I’d definitely only say it for the cameras,” Félix responded to whatever Marinette had been questioning. “You’re one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. Smart, kind… beautiful.”
Marinette shifted, looking away, her cheeks turning pink.
Meanwhile, something stirred within Adrien.
“What is he doing?!” Adrien hissed. Plagg called him several times, but the boy continued ignoring him.
“All descriptions befitting of a Princess,” Félix added, leaning closer to the girl in pig-tails. Who was, in turn, turning a darker shade of red.
“You’re just saying that,” she giggled, using the tip of her index finger to push him away, but only slightly.
Something awoke inside Adrien.
“Uh oh,” Plagg let out. On cue, Adrien grabbed the little god and brought him close to his face.
“I’m gonna need one serious favor right now,” he said, darkly.
“I am not transforming you because you can’t control your jealousy.”
“I’m not jealous!” Adrien denied. “There’s some guy there who Marinette thinks is me. This is about saving a friend!”
“Plagg, transform me!”
The little cat being was rudely dragged into the miraculous ring, and for the second time that day, Adrien was Chat Noir. The second his transformation finished, he vaulted up the tree and used his trusty staff to jump high enough to land him right in front of Marinette and the imposter. The moment the two jumped, startled, Chat Noir uttered three words:
“Hello there, Princess.”
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stellatex · 5 years
Nine Questions I Need Teresa Giudice to Answer: Updated
Originally published February 15, 2016 I actually gave up Bravo for Lent, but I've already floundered on day one by continuing to watch, think about, and write about this bullshit. Sunk costs and all that.
So, here is my updated scorecard on the nine questions I needed Teresa to answer if she expected the viewing public to continue watching and supporting her.
1. You said in your statement to the judge during sentencing that you “fully take responsibility” for your actions. You said, “It’s time for me to wake up… I will make this right no matter what it takes.” Why, immediately afterward, in your interview on Watch What Happens Live, did you backtrack and try to deflect blame to your husband while insisting things were just put before you to sign?
In my opinion, she's doing this because she's being coached, either by her lawyer or a new PR team, or both, probably because they mistakenly believe that painting Teresa as some kind of innocent bedazzled Madonna will allow her to keep the Bravo Sunday gravy train chugging along. It's also possible that Teresa's advisors, friends, and various hangers-on, whoever they may be, are telling her how faaaaabulous she is--that's it's obvious she's the wronged party, and that she's so very strong and inspiring, etc., etc.--because they know who butters their bread, and, if history is any guide, Teresa has a habit of cutting out anyone who questions her lies and self deception (as we've seen both on the show and in the news reports about how she fired her publicist, her lawyers, and her co-writer). It's obvious that there are still a few small-time Jersey famewhores buzzing around Teresa in the mistaken belief that she is a queen bee. Typical celebrity yes-men and con-men. We've seen this over and over with celebrities, and it never turns out well, though a lot of people may make a lot of money in the short-term, and get some of that reflected spotlight that they so obviously crave. Regardless, like I said in my original post, if Teresa thinks she can just skate out of federal prison as a sinewy, chilled-out felon and continue to stonewall and deny and refuse to acknowledge any criminal culpability whatsoever, she has severely misjudged the nature of her dubious fame. But more on that in a moment.
Regardless, all of the interviewers asked her a fairly direct version of the question above; shockingly, Andy Cohen pushed it the hardest, asking point-blank, "What did you do? Can you tell us what you did?" And still she played dumb, owning up to merely "signing some papers." Girlfriend, we can all read the indictment. If you're so innocent, why didn't you take your case to trial? You admitted in the process of accepting a plea deal that you were guilty. Accepting a plea deal necessitates that you not only agree to pleading guilty, but that you are fully cognizant of what you are pleading to and that you understand the consequences. We all know what you did, Teresa.
2. You claim to be “business savvy,” telling your husband on an episode of RHONJ, “Like, you know, that’s what I do now. I’m a businesswoman, so I’m thinking business.” You’ve touted your online businesses, your Fabellini drink line, your Milania hair care line, your success as a “New York Time [sic] best-selling author.” So how is it that you are also simultaneously claiming to be a clueless housewife who knows nothing of her own finances, including the assets from said businesses that you tried to hide during both your fraudulent bankruptcy and your sentencing?
See above. This is bullshit.
3. If you are blaming your husband Joe for your ten-plus-years of financial fraud and the year you spent unjustly incarcerated in a federal prison, why are you still with him?
"Because I know he would never do anything to hurt me. He didn't mean to."
Uh, okay. That is also bullshit. Just transparently, obviously, self evidently, undeniably, total bullshit.
4. What would you say to the creditors, banks, and, most importantly, small business owners of New Jersey whom you and your husband fleeced to the tune of millions of dollars? Do you feel any obligation to repay these debts?
Still waiting on someone, anyone, to ask her this obvious follow-up question.
Furthermore, Teresa: I don't want to hear anything else about how this is all Joe's fault, or your brother Joe Gorga's fault, or your sister-in-law Melissa's fault, or your cousin Kathy's fault, or your accountants' fault, or your bankers' fault, or your attorneys' fault. It's not. It's 100% your fault. You're the one who committed the crimes. You're the one who went on national television flaunting thousands of dollars of cash purchases despite the fact that neither you nor your uneducated, clueless husband could possibly ever earn that much money legitimately. And, most importantly, you're the one who cravenly filed for bankruptcy to the tune of $13+ million dollars when you could no longer prop up your charade of nouveau riche consumerism for America's most satanic cable network. You're the one who stole from banks and fleeced businesses. You're a thief, a liar, and, now, a felon.
5. Explain this.
Everybody asked her about this, but instead of answering, she just blamed Joe, who leased it for her (another obvious lie; how did the bankrupt, apparently unemployed felon, who currently has a lien on his house to the tune of half a million dollars, get a lease?). She even blamed Lexus for putting a big red bow on top--which she claims they did because they knew it would be good publicity for Lexus! Uh, okay. I'm sure Lexus wants their brand to be associated with tacky low-life Jersey felons. Sure. Yep. Nobody asked her, "Why not a cheaper car, though?"
6. Why are you and your husband suing your bankruptcy attorney? Furthermore, do you not realize that, in doing so, you will be giving up your attorney-client privilege and opening yourselves up to a new investigation of your finances during the discovery process?
Nobody has asked her this. I am sure she's just say she can't talk about it. But I wonder if these questions have even occurred to her tiny, pisello brain.
7. What are you going to do when Joe is deported?
She demurs on this one, too, probably because--as Vicki Hyman points out--she doesn't want to jeopardize the incredibly small chance Joe has of not being deported per federal guidelines by admitting that she would move to Italy with him.
8. You talk constantly about your love, love, love for your four beautiful dorters. Why did you put them in this position?
I don't think anyone has really asked her this recently, but she is still selling the story that none of the dorters but Gia know what's going on. Which is obviously ridiculous.
And remember how she previously whined on-camera about how haaaaard all of this financial mess (i.e. her multiple felonies) has been on her four beautiful dorters, who don't even have a college fund!
So, you were busy stealing $13+ million dollars, and earning tens of thousands per episode appearing on Bravo, and earning more selling tabloid stories and writing multiple "New York Time bestseller [sic]" books, and buying all those designer clothes and bags and luxury cars, and creating that hideous redone home, and yet you didn't put any of the money aside for your kids? Honey, that's not on anyone but you. And you've made it abundantly clear from your actions that you do not give a single shit about the well-being of your girls. So shut the fuck up with the martyred mother pity party. America ain't buying it.
9. Why should viewers overlook your felonious criminal past and continue to support you by watching RHONJ or buying your books or products?
This is the question.
I, for one, am not.It was clear from five minutes into Teresa's comeback tour that she hasn't changed one whit.
As a fan of the show from the first notes of the opening credits of the first episode, I was shocked when Teresa was sentenced. I had followed the news all day, waiting... waiting... waiting... for the verdicts to come down. And, much like her famewhore family members who allowed their reaction to be filmed (or recreated...) for RHONJ, I was utterly gobsmacked. This zany, silly, thoroughly unserious woman, whom we had all watched for years, was in fact "going away" to prison--and for a not-insignificant amount of time. In that moment, everything changed. This was really real. And I couldn't help thinking about the shock Teresa herself must've felt. She was clearly still in shock when she and Joe sat down for a WWHL special with Andy less than 24 hours after their sentencing.
But it was also kind of cathartic. It was obvious to everyone that the Giudices were Up To Something--from the first episode with the wads of cash and carefree spending. Having followed the case closely and read the indictments, I was not surprised--not really. Even as someone who had a love/hate relationship with the Bravo character called "Tre," it was an awful thing to witness--but it seemed just. And there was a sliver of hope there... that maybe Teresa would, finally, be forced to her own personal reckoning. Maybe, just maybe, all that time away from her children and the onyx manse and the cameras might give Teresa's limited mind the space it needed to feel a small glimmer of shame. That maybe the dawning light of that shame would lead to some actual introspection. She even used the vanity vehicle of "Teresa Checks In" (which I maintain should've been called "Teresa Goes Away") to brag about how much praying she was doing in there. I think many of us more savvy viewers were really hoping she was experiencing genuine remorse.
But nope.
The truly staggering thing to me about all of this is that even eleven months in federal prison wasn't enough to lead to any moral progress at all for this self-obsessed, brain-dead, glitter-bombed Portrait of Dorian Gray.
She will never change.
She is irredeemable.
Her story is over.
There is nothing new to see here. Watching the continuing cautionary tale that is Teresa Giudice is not only a waste of time and potentially personally morally corrosive, but--even worse--it's boring.
And the cherry top? Her blithe, casual endorsement of the candidacy of Donald Trump. I wasn't expecting that--though I probably should've--and it is so much more perfect than either of them could ever realize.
Both of them think they're famous; but, in reality, they're only infamous.
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oh-so-scenarios · 7 years
Not A Bad Thing ~ Part Seven
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Fairy-tale & AU Series Index
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Word Count: 5.4K
Errors. Please excuse and ignore them.
A/N: Idk how i feel about this part, but I hope you like it. Expect mostly backstories and flashbacks in the coming parts. :)
{Update days: Tuesdays, Thursday or Saturdays}
I strolled into the office of my photography company. I was expecting to see Jang Mi there as always, seeing as I was running late. My mind was all over the place as I tried to set my head straight. Today was our last day working with EXO Inc. This project that has stretched over a span of weeks has finally come to an end.
It’s only been 2 months since Sehun marked me, and I’m already sensing a difference between us. It’s a good one, honestly. We’ve grown closer as friends. It feels like I’m actually having a friendship with Sehun.
He really doesn’t hold back anymore. The random PDA in the office still shocks the employees. They are so used to seeing a stuffy, stiff-faced Mr. Oh. I wasn’t used to how open he was now being, but it wasn’t bothering me either. It’s not too much PDA. He would hold my hand, whisper something in my ear or put an arm around my waist.
Some would say it’s not appropriate for a work setting, but Sehun didn’t care much.
I strolled into the office, staring down at my phone as I stomped towards my desk. My movements came to a stop when I noticed something out the corner of my eyes. I finally looked up from my cell phone screen to see a beautiful bouquet of red roses in a glass vase. My phone nearly dropped out my hand as I stared in awe.
“Pretty right?” Jang Mi muttered from her desk, breaking my attention from the flowers. All I could do was stare back at her with a vacant look.
“It was delivered here less than 10 minutes ago.” She paused, “It’s said that there are 51 roses in that bouquet.”
I looked back at the roses and raised an eyebrow, “51? What an odd number.” I started walking towards the big bouquet which sat on my desk. Where am I going to put it? I set my bag on my chair and stared at the arrangement, hoping to figure out a plan of some kind.
“I looked it up and 51 roses means ‘you’re the only thing on my mind’. Isn’t that sweet?” She chimed clapping her hands together.
I didn’t react to her words, rather keep my gaze on the roses. I rubbed the thin petals of one of the flowers and the corner of my lips turned up into a small smile. I finally noticed a small card hidden within the many roses. I reached in and grabbed it reading the words written on it in black ink.
Have you fallen head over heels for me yet?
I couldn’t help but chuckle and shake my head at his silliness. I put the small card into the pocket of my dress pants before looking at the roses again.
“What’s the memo for today?” I muttered to finally spinning around to look at her.
“Well, we are going to look over the final draft of the project before it is released. Everything was set together to showcase the caring personalities of all the CEOs.” She stated. I watched as she spun around in the spinning chairs and grabbed a flash drive off her desk.
“You gave me the flash drive for it a few days ago. Don’t you remember?” She raised an eyebrow at me, snickering slightly.
I stared up at the ceiling, mouth agape.
“Oh right!” I chimed, smiling at her.
Jang Mi rolled her eyes at me, “Your head is in the clouds and you’re practically glowing! Makes me want to fall in love.”
She pouted before getting up from her chair. She began to gather the sheets and folders for the final overview of the project. I did the same, ignoring her words. We quickly gathered everything before heading to the corporate building.
Jang Mi was driving this time, so I sat in the passenger's seat, jamming to the songs that played on the radio. My eyes stayed trained on the sky, skimming over the houses and people we passed.
I was so lost in the scenery that the music was beginning to fade as background noise. My eyes followed some things as we passed them, making them visible for a second before becoming a passing blur once again.
“Y/N?” Jang Mi called out.
I looked over at her, only to be met with the profile of her face. Her eyes stuck on the road in front of us and it seemed that the speed of the car slowed for a moment.
“I made some minor changes to the project.” She mentions, “It’s not a big deal. There were some pictures that were left out. There weren’t many pictures from candid shots we took last week.”
I didn’t answer right away, “You made some changes? Like what, you added some pictures?”
She nodded meekly and bit her lip nervously, “There were some great shots that really needed to be in there. The spread will like them! I know they will, so I added them.”
“Okay.” Was all I stated. I really hope she didn’t shift things around too much. I want to be angry, but Jang Mi always does such a great job. I moved my eyes back to the window and sighed feeling like I was coming down from the romantic high that the roses caused.
“Tell me next time,” I muttered simply. Though I wasn’t looking at her, I knew she nodded, like she always does. With that same strained smile on her lips.
We entered the building gaining small smiles from those around us. They were now familiar with us and everyone was a lot kinder. I think it’s because of my relationship with Sehun. We proceed into the elevator, pressing the button to get to the needed floor.
“Jang Mi.” I spoke softly, “Since you added some photos, you’ll be able to do the presentation right? I wasn’t able to see the changes so I won’t be able to tie it together.”
She showed me a small smile before nodding, “Okay.”
I looked back at my reflection in the elevator doors. I looked tired, it was clear on my face. It’s expected after completing such a big project. All these photos we took will be spread throughout the world. Some of the photos will be sent to magazines for interviews with the CEO’s, other will be on websites and even TV.
I wasn’t fully aware of the pressure that sat on our shoulders till we were nearing the end. The doors opened and we made our way down the long hallway, past the small front desk and to the meeting room, which had its door wide open.
I could see some figure in there moving about and talking. I recognized the back of Yixing right away as he held a phone up to his ear. I handed the few folders I had to Jang Mi before giving her space to walk in ahead of me. I quietly followed behind her as the men in the room turned their attention to us.
We all greeted each other, as my eyes darted around the room to meet Sehun’s. I bowed, a smile on my lips. He returned the gesture.
“Aaww, why are you two being so formal?” Baekhyun whined from his seat at the conference table. Sehun scoffed at the man’s reaction and rolled his eyes.
“I know right, I was expecting a passionate kiss or something,” Jongin added, pulling up a chair and taking a seat beside Baekhyun.
“It’s called by professional” Sehun murmured, “Why would I do such things at the office?”
I held in my laughter as Sehun also walked to the conference table, pulling up a chair. After a few moments, Yixing was the only one still standing.
He still stood on the phone. I think he was speaking to his mate and the conversation sounded intense. I averted my attention to Jang Mi who began to set up everything. They already had a projector and laptop ready.
“Aren’t you doing the presentation?” Sehun asked as I took the seat beside him. I shook my head, turning my attention to the front.
“Nah, Jang Mi is gonna hold it down,” I answered softly. Once everyone was seated it was a matter of waiting for Jang Mi to set up. The lights in the room soon dimmed as the power point presentation was up on the screen. I looked on as Jang Mi began the presentation.
The changes she made were small, but I can see that they were for the better. The slight anger I was feeling, has diminished. I was flipping through some paperwork that went along with the presentation when I felt a hand on my knee. My movements stopped, and my eyes lost focus of the words printed in front of me.
I turned my attention to Sehun who sat beside me with a blank facial expression. He didn’t give away anything, and though my eyes were on him, he refused to meet my gaze. I simply looked back at the presentation, ignoring the pounding of my heart in my ears.
I left out a strained sigh before leaning back in my seat so I could peek at his hand resting on my knees. I scrunched my face up before moving my attention to the papers in front of me.
“So when we did some research,” Jang Mi continued, “It seems that Mr. Oh’s reputation is the harshest.” I strained smile meeting her lips.
Sehun, whose expression was static, gawked in surprise.
“Me? Why?” He questioned, but his hand didn’t leave my knee.
“Well um….” Jang Mi hesitated to speak, “Your face is kind of scary.”
I tried to hold in my laughter, while the other businessmen in the room began to chuckle openly causing me to join in with the laughter.
Sehun looked at me and almost glared, “My face is scary?”
I covered my mouth as I giggled, shaking my head. I swallowed my laughter, trying to comfort him.
I placed a hand over his that rested on my lap, “It’s not that your face is scary, it’s just that when you’re not smiling...you’re intimidating.”
I tried to speak as gently as I could, almost pouting as I explained. As I spoke those words, Chanyeol began to holler with laughter.
“You know it’s the truth when your girlfriend is saying it.” He barked, looking over at Baekhyun to join in his laughter. My eyes almost popped out of my head at the word ‘girlfriend’. Though the word didn’t seem to affect anyone else in that way.
“So I made a few changes, making sure to incorporate pictures of you smiling, a genuine smile at that.” Jang Mi said before pressing a button to the next slide. I gasped at the pictures that were on the slide. This must have been one of the big changes she made.
There were at least six pictures and one of them was from the Business Banquet where Sehun first strolled back into my life. Though it was clearly me standing there, all you could see was my back, and a wide grinning Sehun was completely visible in the photo.
When did she take this picture? Other photos were from around the office, though in most of them my face wasn’t visible.
“What’s all this?” I asked, my voice sounding a bit on edge.
Jang Mi scratched her head, “All the photos of Mr. Oh smiling nicely had you in them.” She muttered sounding almost embarrassed. When I had no reply to her words, she went on.
“So I wanted to send these pictures to some magazines, so they could maybe make a piece on you. It’s not going to be anything serious, just one of those silly ‘Who has the best smile’ clips. It may seem silly, but I believe it could do wonders.” She explained.
“I think that’s a good idea.” Yixing suddenly chimed in, looking through some paperwork in front of him.
“If anything, I think this is a good change of image. Sehun has softened up since Y/N has shown up. So I’m sure it’ll draw interest. I mean people will wonder who the female in the pictures is.” Junmyeon added.
“Yes.” Jang Mi’s eyebrows were raised up with joy in her mind, It seems that Junmyeon hit the mark.
“That could bring in more wanted attention, because it seems that although Mr. Oh is seen as the most serious of all the CEO’s he’s also the most desired by women. Think of an idol or an actor with all their fans. Yet, his fans aren’t as intense. So I was thinking to add a lighter energy around Mr. Oh we could play off his sudden change in demeanor due to Y/N.”
My face scrunched up at her words. What kind of plan is this? She didn’t discuss this with me at all. Though the other people in the room were liking her idea.
“I think it’s interesting,” Minseok voiced, “I could become one of those, he was cold till she came along and changed everything. They could become one of those couples the public keeps their eye on while changing the image of the CEOs around EXO.”
“Yes, I believe this could draw attention to both the company and also stir up interest in the personalities of the CEOs. If you are all okay with the growing interest in your personal lives.” She stated.
There was a collection of agreements in the air, while Sehun sat there with his eyes on me. His grip on my knee tightened and I gritted my teeth.
“There is one problem.” I voiced, turning my angry eyes to Jang Mi, whose proud expression dropped to the floor.
“I did not agree to this,” I spoke. What kind of bullshit is this? I don’t want to be a part of the public eye? If she had a plan like this, why didn’t she come to me for it? We’re just supposed to be taking pictures! Not coming up with some type of publicity scheme!
“I’m sorry but if these are the changes you made to the presentation then get rid of them. You told me you made minor changes! Not came up with a whole plan that involves me! You didn’t even ask my permission. So sorry, no I’m not going to let this happen.” I stated.
“Come on Y/N! This is such a cool plan!” Baekhyun added, a pout on his lips.
“Cool or not, I don’t want any part of it. Onto the next slide please.” My tone harsher than intended. I could see Jang Mi a bit thrown back by my anger, but what did she expect.
The last thing I want is my name blasted everywhere.
“Okay, onto the next slide.” Jang Mi’s voice was less confident this time around. I watched the rest of the presentation with my anger burning up my eyes. My face began to grow hot and I’m sure my facial expression wasn’t too welcoming.
As the presentation came to a close everyone clapped, and Jang Mi showed a hesitant smile while I stared on blankly. I am not amused. Everyone began to pack up to leave, so I stood up and gathered my things. I picked up all the files I had into my folder, keeping my eyes down.
“Calm down,” Sehun spoke, standing up from his seat beside me. I ignored his words and continued to back up.
I expected him to say something else, but it was a small voice that rang through the air. Though most of the other CEOs left to attend to further business, Junmyeon and Jongin were lingering around the door. They were watching the exchange that was proceeding.
“Y/N?” Jang Mi spoke nervously. I closed my eyes and exhaled through my nose. I set the folder down on the shiny wooden table and turned to look at her. I could tell by how red her face was turning, that she felt bad. Honestly, most people would say this isn’t a big deal, but the fact that a whole plan for my project and presentation was changed without my knowledge, is burning away at me.
“I’m sorry. I did all this without even consulting you. I went behind your back and put this in the presentation which was so wrong of me. I don’t know why, but I thought this would be a sort of surprise. In my mind, it was a good plan.” She explained, scratching the back of her head nervously. She began to fidget while I stood there looking at her.
“I understand where you were coming from, but I don’t like surprises. They throw me off my game. Next time come to me first, exceptionally when the plan involves my own private life.” My voice was dull, lacking any real emotion. I just wanted to get out of here.
“Don’t hate me.” She almost whimpered.
I groaned, rolling my eyes, “You know I can’t hate you.”
I turned around on my heels, swiping up the files in my hands before smiling at Sehun. Though my smile felt off, the tension from the previous situation still weighing on my mood.
I walked past Sehun, ready to head back to the office. Junmyeon and Jongin still stood by the door.
“I understand that you want your privacy. That’s understandable.” Jongin said, he and Junmyeon walking beside me when I walked out the room. Sehun trailed behind us while Jang Mi packed up the presentation.
“You don’t want the world to know all your business,” Junmyeon added quickly.
“But,” Jongin almost sang the word, “Y/N, what about us?”
I stopped walking and they followed suit, “What do you mean?”
“You’re a private person we get that, but why are you so private with us? Why are you so private with Sehun? Even your assistant says she doesn’t know much about you.”
My brows furrowed. How much about myself can I really reveal? The anxiety? The bullying? The moving countries to escape the bullying?
I stared at Jongin’s welcoming smile and almost felt guilty. They are reaching to me with open arms, not only Sehun but his brothers and their mates, but I keep pushing them off.
I cast my gaze down to my feet, sorrow washing over me.
An arm wrapped around my shoulders, and I pulling into someone’s side.
“Don’t you have another meeting?” Sehun’s calming voice resonated from beside me.
Junmyeon put a hand on Jongin’s shoulder, “We do have another meeting to go to.”
Smiling kindly at me, the two men turned their backs to me and walked off.
“What are your plans for today?” Sehun asked. I looked up at him and smiled.
“I’m just editing some headshots, but that’s really it. Wanna meet up for dinner? I’ll cook this time.” I offered.
“No, we can’t do that, because we’ll be having a party to celebrate the project coming to an end! It was supposed to be a surprise, but you made it clear that you don’t like those.” He gazed down at me.
I bit my lip, contemplating if this party was worth my time. It seems like him and his brothers find any reason to celebrate with a party.
We stood in the hallway while others businessmen and employees zoomed by without batting an eye.
“I guess I can make it,” I tried to sound cool resulting in a laugh from him.
“Let’s still meet up for lunch.”
I nodded, but a sudden thought entered my mind.
“Thank you for the roses. They’re lovely.” I chimed, kissing his cheek quickly. Sehun didn’t respond but brought his lips to mine briefly.
“What happened to keep it professional? Jang Mi uttered from behind us. I guess she packed everything. I slipped out of Sehun’s grasp. I said my goodbyes and head for the elevator while Jang Mi trailed behind. We didn’t speak during the ride back. It seemed like there was something she wanted to tell me, but I wasn’t paying her much mind.
“I can’t believe I let you drag me here,” I muttered. Though things weren’t completely smoothed over, Jang Mi and I were speaking like nothing happened. It only took a few hours of silence at the office. When I came back from lunch with Sehun, she was being her normal self.
So when I tried to skip the last minute party being held tonight, she wouldn’t let it happen. I’m thinking it’s going to be an office party, but low and behold it’s at the house of the CEOs. They like to party too much.
I sat at one of the tables in the second living room of the big mansion conversing with Sehun about the regular things. He held my hand on the table, his thumb occasionally rubbing circles on the back of my hand.
“You’re overdramatic.” I teased.
“You keep saying that, this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you want, I and really be over dramatic and show up with a white horse so we can ride off into the sunset.” He joked. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at him.
“I don’t like crazy romantic stuff like that. I don’t want to be a damsel in distress that needs to be saved.” I almost yelled. Music was booming around us as everyone danced and enjoyed the party.
“If anything I’m the damsel,” Sehun said, “You saved me.” His eyes were holding so much emotion, I felt my heart pounding in my ears. Such affection made me feel awkward so I tried to laugh it off.
I giggled and leaned back, “Why are you getting so intense all of a sudden?”
He raised an eyebrow at me, making an expected grin turn up on my lips. He grabbed bottom part of the chair I was sitting in, pulling me closer to him.
I bit my lip trying to keep from laughing as he stared at me.
He leaned forward bringing mouth up to my ear, “You play around too much.”
I winked at him, “What are you going to do about it, loverboy?”
He drew closer to me and our lips met in a sweet kiss. His arm wound around my waist, pulling into him. His welcoming warmth that I’ve come to adore so much. The kiss was short but left my lips tingling.
“You better quit it before your brothers start teasing us,” I informed.
“They’ll tease us with whatever chance they get.”
“Hey, lovebirds!” Eun Ji called as she approached us with a drink in hand. I can’t be sure if it’s alcohol, but she looked like she was in her right mind.
Eun Ji has softened up the past few weeks.  She and I aren’t the best of friends, but her cold heart is slowly melting. We’ve shared a few laughs and are on good grounds.
“There are some people here,” She said. I thought she was talking to Sehun so I began to tune her out.
“Y/N!” She yelped, sounding irritated.
“I said there are two people here looking for you,” she paused, “they said they’re your parents.”
I shot out of my seat, fear rushing through my system.
“What?” I tried to sound calm, “m-my parents?”
That doesn’t make sense! What would they be doing here? How they did get the address to the house? My eyes flickered to Sehun. He gazed back at me with fearful eyes, or maybe they held nervousness?
I let out a strained laugh, “That’s insane. They can’t be my parents.”
“Well, you totally share a resemblance with the lady at the door. She said they were coming to surprise you, and that Jang Mi planned all of it.”
It felt like the breath was knocked out of me. Jang Mi?! How long has she had something like this planned? My parents are going t cause such a mess, I can feel it.
I looked to Sehun who releases a nervous breath before running his fingers through his hair. He stood up from his seat, putting an encouraging hand on the small of my back.
“Let them in. I would love to meet your parents,” he wasn’t doing very well hiding the petrified expression on his face.
“I’ll tell the boys to settle down. I want to meet your parents in the right way.” He kissed my temple before heading over to Chanyeol who stood by the booming speakers.
On shaky legs, I walked past Eun Ji and out the living room. I tried to find Jang Mi before heading into the lobby near the walkway but failed to do so.
I peeked my head in first, eyes dotting around. Before I had time to figure out what was going on, I was pulled into a tight hug.
“Mom,” I said as she squeezed me tightly. I noticed my dad standing a few feet away, watching with a kind smile.
My mom finally lets go of me, looking on with tears in her eyes.
“Y/N,” She spoke softly, “It’s been so long! You’ve been so busy and haven’t been answering our calls!”
“What are you guys doing here?” I asked as my father walked over to pull me into a gentle hug.
“Well! Your assistant contacted us! She planned this months ago! Since your birthday is close, she wanted to surprise you! We’ll be here for a few weeks!” My father explained.
“My birthday is close?” My brows furrowed. Wow, it is isn’t it?
My mom sneered, “You forgot your birthday again? Y/N, that’s a clear sign that you’ve been working too hard.” My mom looked around the walkway of this big mansion before giving me cautious eyes.
“Is this the house of the guy you’ve been seeing? You assistant wouldn’t tell me much about him.”
I nodded meekly, “Y-yes. He lives here with his brothers. They’re right in that roo-”
“Well let’s go meet him!” My mom exclaimed grabbing my wrist as if to lead me, though she had no idea where to go. I couldn’t help but feel like there was a huge weight on my chest. This is bad. This is very bad.
I led her into the room where the guys had seemed to clean up a bit and turned off the music. They were standing around, some talking to the mates others looking down at their cell phones. Jang Mi was in the room. Where did she disappear in the first place?
As I entered the room, Sehun and the other men turned around. My parents entered behind me.
“Ooh,” my mom cooed, “Which one of these attractive men is dating my daughter?” A sly smile was on her lips as she scanned the room. At that moment I locked eyes with Jang Mi who looked on with apologetic eyes. She planned this a long time ago so I won’t be too angry at her. She was trying to give me an early birthday gift. However, the timing couldn’t be any worse.
Sehun cleared his throat walking forward with a friendly smile. His nerves were quite visible and it was clear that he was a bit frighten at the fact that he had to meet my parents so unexpectedly.
He stretched his arm out, “Nice to meet you, ma’am. I’m Oh Sehun.”
I felt my heart drop as both my parents flinched back when he spoke his name.
Sehun stopped, a bit confused, looking to me for help. I was also frozen. The tension in the room was yet to be felt by anyone other than my parents and I. I stood by Sehun’s side wishing and praying that I wasn’t here right now.
“Y/N.” My mom said keeping her eyes on Sehun as she spoke. The kind and warm look were no longer present in her eyes. This caught the attention of the other people in the room. They were tuning in, filing catching the whiff of hostility in the air.
Tears began to well up in my eyes at the situation before me.
“Y/N,” my mom repeated, “It’s not the same Oh Sehun is it? Please tell me I’m wrong.” A nervous cackle escapes her lips.
I hung my head down, tears falling down my eyes. I don’t know why I’m crying. Is it the tension? The look of confusion and pain on my parent's faces? Or Sehun’s innocent gaze, oblivious to the problem at hand.
“Ma’am, is something wrong?” Junmyeon was the one to approach us. Sehun turned to me as I stood at his side. At the sight of my tears, he moved forward to comfort me but my father was quicker.
“Don’t touch her!” He snarled, pulling me away from Sehun so I was standing behind him.
“Of course you grow up to be this successful. Life is cruel.” My mom hissed, “Y/N, we’re leaving.” My father began to drag me away while I protested.
“No! No! Please, mom, let me explain!” The whole place turned into chaos, as my parents tried to drag me away, while Junmyeon and Yixing were trying to speak some sense into them. Sehun, on the other hand, was completely lost, all his questions sitting on his face.
“Please, just listen to what I have to say! He’s not like that anymore!” I gripped my father’s wrist as his hand was locked around my arm.
“How dare you open your mouth to defend him?” My father snapped tugging on my arm even more. Suddenly Sehun stepped in, placing his hand over my father’s. The difference in strength was clear. Sehun was stronger, but he was tugging on me like my father was.
“Sir, with all due respect, I am not sure what is going on. Please let’s all calm down talk.” Sehun tried speaking with a leveled voice. My father shook his hand off.
“Yes, let’s all just talk like adults. Let’s sit down and figure things out, cause we’re all confused.” Eun Ji suddenly said from her spot beside Jang Mi.
“There is nothing to be confused about.” My mother snarled. She took slow bouncy steps up to Sehun who towered over her. Despite the difference in height, she looked right into his eyes, no sign of a hesitation in them.
“You and your rich friends bullied my daughter in middle school and the early years of high school, to the point that we had to move to a different country so she could start over.” My mom said.
It felt like everything in the room froze. It was like everyone stopped breathing, and you could probably hear a pin be dropped. Everyone’s eyes were on me as I stood there ashamed. Sehun’s eyes widened and trembled while he gawked at me.
“What?” It came out as an airy whisper but I heard it. I cast my gaze down at my feet. I didn’t even have the confidence to look at him.
I could hear the tears in my mom’s voice which made me start crying again, “You basically destroyed my daughter’s confidence, passion, brightness, and smile. You don’t know the pain we went through to get her even close to who she used to be.”
“I don’t know what you did to change her mind about you, but that surely won’t happen with me. You don’t deserve to be in her presence let alone deserve her love. Whatever this relationship was, is over.”
Raising her point finger my mom poked Sehun in the chest as said these last few words, “I don’t care how you’ve changed, stay the hell away from Y/N.” With that, she turned her back on Sehun and headed for the exit.
So shocked by the reveal of my past with Sehun, no one protested as my father followed my mother, dragging me along.
The whole time I kept my head down, avoiding Sehun’s gaze. As we stepped out the front door I could hear my mom’s soft sobs and her body was trembling. Those few years after moving were a dark time for all of us.
It seems I’m not the only one with unhealed wounds.
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sometimesiwritetoo · 6 years
Blood Money - Chapter 18
Chapters: 18/?
Pairing: Noctis/Prompto/Luna
Rating: M for violence
Warnings: None
Summary: Look closely. In the shadows, there is violence. Prompto was engineered to do one thing, and to do it well. Contract by contract, he shaped a world he could only observe. Touching lives only by ending them.
Check it out over on AO3!
Torture was not something Prompto had much experience in, but he was able to get by just fine in this instance.
Countess Lilah Tretch’s resolve started off strong. She was loyal to her friend, Duchess Ella, and had been taught basic techniques for enduring torture. Not to mention the fact that the longer she held out the more likely someone would realize she was taken when she failed to check in. Despite that she was still only a duchess. There was no way she’d hold out long enough.
One of the most basic torture methods Prompto knew involved tying a double ended metal skewer to her neck with one end right under her chin and the other end on her chest. It was a slow method that kept Lilah from dipping her chin down lest she sent an end through the fleshy underside of her chin or through her chest. He left her with her hands tied behind her chair for several hours while he helped Noctis and Luna clean up the bodies and hunker down for the next few days.
“Wow.” Noctis said as he rooted through the kitchen. “It’s been a while since I’ve had caviar. Can’t believe she had something like that all the way out here.”
Prompto was not surprised. Not only did she have caviar, but she also had different types all staked on top of one another in her cabinets. Next to them were crackers and several bottles of fine wine. He expected Noctis to pull them all out, but he closed the cabinet and moved onto the next.
“People like her cannot be parted from their luxuries.” Luna said. She collected blankets and laid them out in a thick stack on the floor of the living area. Next down were the pillows which she arranged at one end in a thick pile.
“What’s that for?” He asked.
“Sleeping. I’m not sleeping in any of her rooms, I don’t what she’s done in them.”
“This place has ten rooms!”
“And the rich have time to be creative.”
“What makes this space safe?”
“Because I decided it was.” She announced. “Noctis what are you making?”
“Fish egg and champagne cocktails.”
“You can have mine.”
“I’m kidding.” Noctis brought out some quail eggs, steak, and bread. “Breakfast for dinner!”
“Is there anything green in there?”
“No. And don’t look.”
Luna ignored him and found a bag of parsnips among several other fruits and vegetables. “We’ll have these with it.”
“We just stormed this place. We don’t need to eat healthy.”
“We don’t know how long we’ll be here. We have to ration everything.”
She and Noctis were back to “debating”, it was nice. Honestly he was wondering if this was a sign Luna was dealing with the situation better or if she was spiraling, but he didn’t know how he would tell the difference. Noctis clumsily crack the eggs on the side of a pan and dropped them in some hot oil. The yolks cracked and the oil spattered from such a high heat, but they came out edible. The steak got chopped up and Noctis cooked it until it was tough then failed to put any salt on it. Prompto did not say anything as he ate his plate. He’d eaten way worse food.
They finished and Prompto attempted to excuse himself. But Luna invited him to sleep with them under the blankets. He wanted to refuse, but if this kept everyone happy and calm then he could try to deal with it. He left his jacket and shoes on the nearby couch and got under the covers at the edge, expecting immediate silence after their long day. But that didn’t happen.
“Where is the Countess?” Luna asked. “I haven’t seen her.”
“In her room.”
“Locked up?”
“But we didn’t feed her.”
“I know.”
Luna sighed. “We’re torturing her aren’t we?”
“I’m torturing her. You guys are just eating her food.”
“What did you need us for then?” Noctis asked.
“Aranea didn’t want you around in the city. Thought you guys would be better off out here.”
“So we’re hiding?”
“Great.” Noctis rolled over and stuck a pillow over his head to sleep.
“Are you gonna kill her?” Luna asked.
Prompto paused. “Maybe. Probably.”
She paused. “I can’t wait for all of this to be over.”
“Me too.”
Prompto did not sleep well. He hated sharing rooms, and beds moreso. When he was younger and more volatile he’d actually gotten into several midnight fights with a former roommate that the sisters let eventually end with a death. But this wasn’t The Compound, and it made everything go smoothly. He could deal with it for a few days. He wasn’t going to see them after the job was done anyways.
In the morning he checked in with the Countess. She hadn’t been able to wiggle her way loose or knock the pin away. She was sweating after the several hours spent strapped up in her evening dress. A sizable bloodstain had formed on her chest which seeped through the white of her clothes, but she kept her mouth firmly shut when he shut the door and approached.
“Any news on Duchess Ella?” He said casually. “Maybe a location?”
The Countess’ lips did not move.
“Well. I’ll leave you to think about it.”
He left, if it wasn’t the technique then it was the time that got people talking. There was some other things he could do if this didn’t work, and he knew he could always call Vincent, but he doubted it would come to that.
There wasn’t a television or most forms of entertainment in the house, but there was a library. Prompto found Luna and Noctis already inside browsing. Luna found a few Crystal Thrones books and had settled by a window to read them. Noctis still seemed to be looking for something interesting to read in the historical section. He took one of the Crystal Thrones books and settled in.
When the monthly payment didn’t come Aranea knew they were in trouble.
While there was some reserve money leftover from previous months there wasn’t nearly enough to bribe or secure resources for the unidentified amount of time they’d need it. She would’ve attempted to get in touch with Noctis, but Noctis wasn’t directly funding them and doing so might reveal their location to others. She’d need to find something else.
“What do we have that we can sell.” She muttered to herself. Both Biggs and Wedge were running through their recorded resources.
“Info on agents for Scarlet, treeline, Seekers of Truth, and A-line.” Biggs said.
“That’s all general information. And neither the Seekers of Truth or A-line are big players right now.”
“Security codes for the entire train line.” Wedge said.
“They’ll be updating those for the celebration.” So they were useless.
“We could do a few favors.” Biggs said.
“I don’t want to put our name out there like that. We’re vulnerable as it is.”
“But we could rent out a few specialized skills. Yuffie’s a decent torturer.”
“We could see information Prompto gets from the Countess.” Wedge said.
“We could… But what if we need it. We can’t sell it to anyone who’ll use it against us.”
“We could just… sell her?”
“We could…”
“Brutus will always pay for that kind of information.” Biggs said.
“They’ll lowball us. We should sell to people who’d pay a premium for information.”
Wedge searched through known players. “silence might be best. They have funding from the Emperor’s political rival Jacob Spyre.”
“What’s his position?”
“He’s openly spoken against Aldercapt for at least a decade.” Wedge frowned. “But he’s known for his temper, and there’s no reason to believe that he’d be any less of a war monger.”
“Why does he oppose Aldercapt then?”
“Machismo. Arrogance? Narcissism? All three probably? He doesn’t have any political allies besides his sister who is currently out in the countryside. If we sold this to him it’s unlikely it’ll be all that beneficial. silence doesn’t have the resources to hunt down the Duchesses and keep a presence here.”
“But they could be holding their trump card.” She sighed, there was no easy answer to this. “Reach out to him. We’ll give him her location. If he accepts inform Prompto and he’ll handle the trade.”
Aranea retreated to a room, to sit down and take a break from the people. Downstairs Cindy and Ignis were feeding Gladio’s gluttony since he was the only person around, who wasn’t Noctis, available to eat everything. Yuffie was sleeping and Claire was similarly troubled in the living room. It was usual stuff. They were a wet works team, working in a hostile environment was normal, but the delicacy of their operation was stressful. She did not envy the handlers who had to organize these large scale operations and juggle ten, twenty, sometimes thirty agents and ensure they had the resources they needed to get the job done.
Whether or not they were successful it would be a relief for the operation to be over and to return to The Organization. She could tell that everyone was feeling it.
An hour after the sunset Wedge came in to inform her that he would meet to exchange payment and information at one in the morning. She mentally began picking and choosing agents. Claire and Yuffie were not in optimal condition, and she’d need more than Cindy, who was not much of a melee combatant, if she wanted to cover her bases.
“Wake up Ignis and Gladio.” She told Wedge. “They’re coming with me.”
She got Cindy, who was up and ready quickly, and they both waited for Gladio and Ignis to come down. The two were clearly reluctant to wake up at such an odd time, but there was not much of a choice in the matter. Shit needed to get done.
“What are we doing?” Ignis asked immediately before they left.
“The prince’s funding has been cut off. We’re trading the Countess’ location for some money.”
“So the capitol noticed that he wasn’t doing what he promised to do.” Ignis sighed, “And now they’ve cut him off.”
“Dammit.” Gladio whined. “When we return I’m resigning.”
“This is all fascinating.” She deadpanned. “Come on.”
The meeting place was in an abandoned building in the red light district. Aranea did tend to enjoy the atmosphere of a typical red light district, but Niflheim’s capital was something else. No cops, but little foot traffic. In times of struggle the red light district always turned into a second battling ground. Meetings to exchange information rather than sex. Workers killed their john’s. John’s purchased information about other clients. A worker killed because they found out too much. And in the morning the bodies would be gone without anyone saying anything.
Silence agents were already at the meeting place when they arrived. Three agents. One man and two women. All armed with knives but no guns. Others potentially hiding outside, but Aranea couldn’t worry about that. Whether they had backup or not would not matter if she made sure everything went smoothly.
“Hello ma’am.” The redheaded woman said. Her face was perfectly neutral as she approached the center of the building. “Do you have the Countess?”
“Not with me.”
“Yes, I have her. I will give you the location when I have the money.”
“Our client would like us to confirm several things. Is the Countess harmed?”
“Minor injuries.” Aranea said carefully. Just enough to answer the question. No details.
“Does she know the location of the Duchess’.”
“I don’t know.”
“I see. What reason would you have to obtain her if not for that information?”
“Hmp.” The woman reached her hand out behind her. The man, tall and heavy set, placed a briefcase in her hand. “You will be paid in the local currency in the amount agreed upon.”
Aranea took the briefcase and began the labor of checking that it was accurate. She held one up to check the seal through a small stream of light coming through the window. It was authentic so she set it back in it’s case.
“She’s located in the Snowpeak mountains. Five miles north of the train station. My agents are with her.”
Aranea handed the suitcase to Gladio so they could head out. Cindy, who entered the building last, followed protocol and headed towards the door first. Aranea didn’t take two steps before realizing something had gone wrong. When she caught sight of Cindy struggling to open it she knew that they were in trouble.
A knife came sailing from the dark rafters towards Aranea’s chest. She caught it before it connected and immediately threw it back as hard as she could. Gladio dropped the money to summon his sword and Ignis just barely blocked the red headed woman.
There was no way of knowing how many there were and where they would be located. Even if they killed all of the ones in the building there could be others outside. Priorities shifted, get out and warn Prompto. She flanked the red headed woman and jammed a knife in her back. Ignis tossed one of his knives over her head to catch one of the men off guard. He crumpled to the floor as Ignis summoned his weapon back.
“Get the money and go!” She ordered. Cindy grabbed the suitcase of money and threw it through a window. The impact made a hole big enough for her and Ignis to dive through. Gladio charged the door, knocking it off its hinges and knocking out an agent on the other end.
“We have to split up.” She yelled before Gladio could get too far. He followed her and she lead him on a chase through the red light district. Down random alleys then cutting through the business district. They slowed down when they arrived downtown and waited for a bit at a twenty-four hour coffee shop before heading back.
Cindy and Ignis arrived before her both bruised and battered, but successful in bringing the money back safely. They’d already started on counting it and checking random bills to insure their accuracy.
“You two can go to bed if you want.” She said to Ignis and Gladio.
Gladio shrugged, his face looking very tired. “I don’t think I’ll sleep much right now. Did we at least get paid?”
Cindy shook her head. “Half of them are fake. We could go get the rest from them, Biggs was telling me that what was there was likely their entire group and he managed to get their faces by hacking into the cameras on the edge of the district.”
“Are they convincing?”
“Very.” She handed over a bill. “It passes all but one chemical test. We could potentially use it to purchase stuff, but they might have numbers they can track.”
“We’ll use them. Did Biggs call Prompto?”
“Yeah. He’s wrapping things up right now.”
“She’s going to be at the New Seasons event alone.” The Countess sobbed. “Th-The emperor didn’t want to risk it. Please let me go.”
“Who else knows she’ll be there?”
“Only Marina.”
Prompto was not entirely satisfied with that answer, but he was running out of time. If he had more resources he could move her to a more secure location and continue from there. But he didn’t have those resources. He took one last look at the Countess’ crumpled form. Her blood stained dress and dark rimmed eyes. She’d been awake for three days sitting in that chair. He’d cut her hamstrings on the second and did an intentionally haphazard job of stitching them back up. Torture always was an uncertain science. The victim could end up so messed up that their confession was meaningless. But there was no way to go back.
He untied her arms. They fell uselessly against her sides. She groaned in pain and relief. He let her have it for a moment before he plunged a knife through her neck.
He left her body in her bedroom and headed out. Noctis and Luna were waiting in the living area, both packed and ready to leave.
“So are we done?” Luna asked.
“Yep. We gotta go now.”
Aranea wired funds for him to purchase a snowmobile rather than risk the train. He drove it halfway there before they switched to the bus for the rest of the way. They were all mostly quiet and contemplative on the way back. There was no time for a real conversation.
Once they were all back at the safehouse Aranea briefed him on what happened while they were away and the new plan. With the event on a few days away they’d secured a brief itinerary of the event.
“Claire and Yuffie are both back on their feet. CIndy and I will just follow to make sure that they stick to the itinerary and they’ll make the kidnapping. I’ve got a cabin near the route set up for them. So you’re on standby until after that.”
That was fine with Prompto. He had a lot to think about.
Yuffie’s leg was still sore, but she had to ignore it.
She and Claire had been sitting in the same spot for a week. They watched the Duchess’ small procession traipse through the mountain trail towards the city. Got a feeling for the size and speed at which they moved, then located the return route and set up. Bombs on the mountaintops to induce a slide. Bombs located on the ground to slow the procession. They then camped out and kept their radio on. Aranea told them when the Duchess arrived, when she left, and gave hourly updates on her progress.
“Half a mile out.” She said over the radio. “We’re backing off now.”
Claire sighed. “This is it.”
They split up. Claire took the other half of the road and she snuffed out their fire. They waited and watched as the shielded, black car flanked by two snowmobiles churned through the thick snow. Yuffie thumbed the trigger. Watched them slowly make progress. She only had one shot.
When they passed the marked tree she breathed in, out, then pulled the trigger.
The explosion made the ground rock. The two flanking guards were launched from the bikes with such force that they died upon impact with the ground. Claire jumped from her hiding spot and rushed the car, using the gun on her blade to killed the driver and shoot out the locks. Yuffie ripped a door open and reached inside. Another guard sat between her and the Duchess, and he was already distracted trying to shoot Claire. Yuffie stabbed him through the back of his shooting shoulder and pulled his body out of the car.
Once Claire grabbed the Duchess she hit the second trigger. The explosion on the mountain tops was more a distraction than anything, but the snow rapidly began to fall down towards their position. Claire dragged the Duchess up towards the mountain opposite the explosion and they both just barely made it before the snow partially covered the attack. It was sloppy, but they didn’t have the resources for clean up.
“Let me go!” Duchess Ella screeched. She was panicked and repeatedly tried to tear herself from Claire’s firm grip. Yuffie breezed past the two and began the moderate trek up towards their remote safehouse.
They wouldn’t be safe forever at the location, but it was far from main roads and through a relatively difficult path. Claire jammed a sedative into Ella’s neck and ten minutes later they were making the journey towards the safehouse in complete silence.
Once inside they tied Duchess Ella up and waited until the drug wore off. It was a moderate dose, but it didn’t start wearing off until well past dark. She woke up slowly, until she could properly access what had happened, when her head snapped up and she began to struggle against the bindings.
“Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!” She chanted. “You don’t know what you idiots are doing! They’ll find me!”
Claire let her chant for a bit before silencing her by bashing her head against the wall. The Duchess began to sob instead, squealing and squirming.
“If you cooperate then you’ll be fine.” Claire said. She pulled out the phone Wedge provided. They had about ten minutes on it before they had to hang up and destroy the card inside.
She dialed the number Prompto had found in the Countess’ phonebook. It rang and rang and rang for a good minute before the click and a voice. “Hello?”
Claire put it up to her ear. “Hello Marina. We have your wife,” Marina let out a hitched breath over the phone, “We wanted to set up a meeting to discuss a trade.”
“Don’t do it Marina!” Ella sobbed.
“Shut up!” Claire snapped. “We’d like to meet at the Firelight lake tomorrow at midnight. Alone. Do that and we’ll return her safe and sound.”
“I don’t trust you!” Marina stammered. She sounded close to tears herself. “How do I know you’ll do what you say?”
“I don’t care if you believe. Be there or don’t.” Claire shut the phone off then crushed it under the heel of her boot. “Sit tight. You’ll be here for another twenty-four hours.”
With the threat made they had more waiting to do. Yuffie let Claire rest first and after that they traded off shifts. Duchess Ella continued to whimper and moan, making threats that she couldn’t personally keep. Yuffie shoved a sock in her mouth after an hour and from there they both tried to keep from going insane.
Prompto arrived at the Firelight Lake in the morning and spent the day keeping watch of the area. Few people came in and out in that time due to the heavy snowfall. He supposed that in the spring it was a nice place to be. He found torches and several benches circling the lake. Without the six inches of snow it might’ve been a romantic spot to be.
Unfortunately there wouldn’t be any romance that night. By three in the afternoon no one was at the lake. Prompto took several chances to make a lap around and check for hidden weapons or to see if someone had snuck up without him noticing. Thankfully he found nothing in his many scans. By ten he was confident that no one else was there.
Aranea and Cindy arrived at eleven. He gave them a walk around and showed where he’d be hiding then left them to organize and debate while he got into position. The woods that surrounded the lake were empty, and he was able to comfortably  watch as Duchess Marina’s car drove up. It was still for a moment before Marina opened the door and exited. No one else opened the door to follow.
Marina was armed. He could tell that she had a small gun in the lining of her fur coat and a knife in her boot. But he could also tell that she was too nervous to use them. It was placed incorrectly, creating a lump under her coat, and she kept patting at it nervously. Prompto didn’t bother to warn either Cindy or Aranea as he followed Marina up the path towards the meeting place.
His job was to more keep watched rather than listen in. If the deal went south they could handle it as long as there weren’t any surprises waiting for them on the outside.
His patrolling took him far from them where he couldn’t hear before circling back. When he got closer he could hear Marina’s urgency. Her almost wish for a fight, while Aranea was calm and didn’t give her anything to latch onto. Cold and businesslike. Debate the terms and keep responses brief. So while Marina dug for a reason to call it off and alert the emperor Aranea calmly answered questions with as little information as necessary.
Prompto headed back out again. It sounded like they would wrap things up quickly, but he didn’t want to rule out someone taking the chance to sneak up and interrupt right before the deal was confirmed.
The phone in his pocket rang. He panicked a bit as he fished it out, Yuffie and Claire were on radio silence unless there was an emergency, it clicked and the call connected.
“Ella’s dead.” Claire said. Her voice sounded almost painfully strained as she spoke. “We got jumped an hour ago and they killed her.”
“Couldn’t find out. We have suspicions. We’re going to regroup back in the city and discuss it.”
Claire hung up. Prompto chose to wait until the deal was settled and Marina left before he approached Aranea and Cindy. It looked like the deal itself had been settled, but it wasn’t fulfillable without a Duchess to trade.
“Ella’s dead.” He announced. “Claire called just ten minutes ago.”
Aranea closed her eyes and pinched at the bridge of her nose.
“Oh god damn it!” Cindy complained. She rested her forehead against a tree and let out a long whine.
“Where are Claire and Yuffie now?”
“Heading back to the safehouse.”
“Fuck. Let’s go. Sort this shit out.”
They all hurried back to the safehouse to regroup. Claire and Yuffie arrived with new injuries, Yuffie had a long cut down an arm and Claire had a giant bruise on her stomach. They got patched up by Cindy while they debriefed.
“There was about five of them. One took the Duchess’ head and after we killed three of them the last two immediately left.” Yuffie said.
“Sounds like they need proof she’s dead.”
“Probably. I was thinking it might’ve been the emperor himself.”
“I was too. He’s the only one who would benefit from it. Keeps Marina from talking. But were you tagged? How did they find you?”
“He has the resources to scout an area like that.” Wedge interrupted. “I don’t think we were tracked, I think he just has the money and manpower and search a mountain range for three people.”
“Then why didn’t he have them killed?” Aranea asked.
“Cause he can’t afford to lose more people? All he needed was the head, and with that he can lie to Marina to say that we’d already have killed her and that we didn’t hold up our end of the deal. He cuts off the most viable means of finding us by killing the one thing that would get Marina to talk. And therefore our only means of finding where he is. They didn’t need to kill Claire and Yuffie, and if they stuck around to try they might’ve all died. Especially since they both killed over half of their agents already.”
“Dammit.” Aranea was silent as she contemplated that information. “He has to come out eventually. He has to have projects that people are working on. He’s at war after all… Alright. We’re going to all split up and track down advisors and manufacturers. He’ll come out eventually to talk to them and when he does we’ll get him then.”
0 notes
theartificialdane · 8 years
Galactica, part 230
In this Sutan tries to escape, Alaska goes out, Bianca seeks forgiveness, Pearl wonders, Nina is on the war path, and Violet can’t breath.
Thank you @veronicasanders @toriibelledarling and @samrull <3
“Does this taste weird to you?” Violet held out her cup of tea, not really looking at Sutan as her boyfriend took the cup from her. “Did your housekeeper do something to the kettle?”
“Violet, I’m sure it’s fine.”
“Just taste it, please.” Violet picked up the kettle, checking it over, even though she had no idea what she was looking for. “Do you think I should leave her a note, I’d really hate to tell her how to do her job, but my tea is almost undrinkable and I really want to pick Frida up before work...”
“I’d rather not.”
“Sutan, what are you talking about?” Violet turned her head, looking at her boyfriend, a confused expression in her eyes.
“I’m sure the tea is fine. I haven’t been to the dentist yet, so I’d really rather not.”
“What do you mean you haven’t been to the dentist yet?” Violet couldn’t believe what had boyfriend had just told her. It had been about weeks since their lunch date and Violet had assumed Sutan had gotten it fixed, the man one of the most responsible people she knew.
“It’s not a big deal. I don’t have to go to the dentist.” “You just refused to drink a cup of tea. That does seem like a big deal.. Or a potential one..” Violet took the cup from Sutan, the sour taste of it forgotten. Violet didn’t like telling Sutan what to do, didn’t like this conversation one bit, but her cheek was still stinging slightly from last night, the intimacy they had shared during the night giving her the courage to stand up to him. “So I’m scared of the dentist, everyone is scared of something.” Sutan shrugged, not really meeting Violet’s eyes as he went to the fridge to grab some juice, Violet watching his broad back.
“Sutan, you should really go… What if it’s because there’s something seriously wrong? You’d never know if you don’t go…”
Sutan turned around, juice in hand, watching Violet. “Does it really matter that much to you?”
“It does..” Violet bit her lip, the pain centering her as she stood her ground.
“Really?” Violet’s eyes lit up, not expecting her boyfriends easy defiance, or the smile on his lips.
“Yes, but only if you go with me.”
“I’d love to.”
“Do you think it’s bad?” Courtney asked, wriggling out of the clothes she’d traveled in and pulling on a pair of cotton shorts and a t-shirt.
Ben lay on her bed, scrolling through her text messages with Bianca. “I’m going back so I get the full context.”
“Okay, but don’t scroll up too far, because you’ll see--”
Courtney laughed. “I told you not to scroll too far.”
“You haven’t learned your lesson with the nudes?”
Courtney rolled her eyes. “The lesson boosted my album sales.”
“Fair enough. Okay, so...damn…” Ben started reading their text messages. “You’re stone cold, sis!”
Courtney sighed, sliding onto the bed beside him, taking Kylie into her arms. “On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a bitch was I?”
Ben read some of the messages aloud. “Bianca: Bunny, what time is your flight landing? You: 4:30. Bianca: Okay, I’m gonna try to get home early. I can’t wait to see you. Heart Eyes. You: No Answer. Her, an hour later: Day moving so slow. Her: This is torture. Xoxo. Two hours later: Did you land safely? Love you baby. You: Yup.” Ben looked up. “Cold as ICE.”
“Did you see Fame when she was here?” Courtney asked.
“Not really. I saw her briefly in the morning, when I got home.”
Courtney made a face. “What was she wearing?”
“Pasties and a thong. I dunno. Probably a dress. Who cares? Why are you so freaked out about their friendship?”
“Because! They used to be more than friends, and--and…”
“Didn’t Bianca fuck like, everyone in town? So what?”
Courtney’s shoulders sagged. “It’s not that. Fame runs to her every time she has an issue with her husband. And it’s like...their relationship is so…”
“...I’m listening...”
Turning on her side and cuddling Kylie against her chest, Courtney looked into Ben’s eyes, tears spilling down her cheeks as the turmoil she felt inside came bursting out. “Ben, everyone in Bianca’s life thinks I’m not good enough for her. Sometimes, /I/ don’t think I’m good enough for her. But Fame? You know what a dream couple they’d be? They’d be fashion royalty and I’d have nothing, and the thought of it just makes me sick, and I can’t even look at her. Do you know that she was trying to sleep with Bianca in SEPTEMBER? And sure, Bianca said no, that time, but Bianca is human and Fame is a gorgeous woman who happens to have a personal tragedy every time we’re apart for a few nights, and I can’t...how am I supposed to compete with her!”
“I love you, sis, but you sound like a paranoid psycho right now.”
Courtney wiped her eyes. “Yeah, well. Maybe because I am. So what?”
Ben laughed and reached over to give her a hug. “Touché. By the way, have you actually talked to Bianca about any of this?”
“I’ve tried. She’s not interested.”
“Try harder.”
Courtney leaned her head back against the pillows. “Yes, sir.”
Alaska held open the door for Kim and ushered her inside. Kim looked at her, delighted.
“Is this a barbeque joint?”
“Yeah, girl. The greasiest, grimiest, most delicious smokehouse in all of Waikiki.”
“Oh. My God. I fucking LOVE you!” Kim threw her arms around Alaska and squeezed her tightly. “I thought for sure you were taking me to some juice place.”
“No way. I mean, I eat healthy at work because everyone is so judgey there. And with the girls because both Jinkx and Adore would literally drink butter if I didn’t cook vegetables for them. But trust me, this place is worth every calorie. I used to come here like 8 times a week during college.”
Kim followed her to a booth, pulling out a stack of sketches and storyboards. “I really want to show you the updated concept art in a dignified way, but I’m way too distracted by the crispy onion rings on that guy’s steak over there.”
“That’s called the Heart Attack. It’s also got pork, 3 kinds of cheese, and 2 sauces. It was featured on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.”
Thirty minutes later, with the art spread all over the table, Alaska’s notes scrawled in a notebook, and barbecue sauce all over Kim’s face, Alaska leaned back. “Okay. I think we’re good. We’ll meet the director tonight, help the team finish prep work tomorrow, and then shoot on Wednesday.”
“Mmmph,” Kim agreed.
“You’re stunning, by the way. The picture of glamour.”
Kim raised her middle finger, stuffing another ginormous bite into her mouth.
“Baby!” Bianca’s voice rang out.
Courtney looked at Ben, taking a deep breath. “Here we go,” she said softly, and then called back, “In the bedroom!”
The door banged open and Bianca tossed her coat and briefcase onto a chair, slightly out of breath from running, kicking off her shoes. Her eyes smoldered at Courtney. “Hey.”
“So...do you still hate me?”
Courtney’s eyes softened slightly. “Of course I don’t hate you.”
Still gazing directly at her girlfriend, Bianca said, “Ben, get out.”
“Nice to see you too, B.”
“Fine, stay,” Bianca said, jumping onto the bed and pressing Courtney into the mattress, kissing her deeply, hands sliding under her shorts.
“Gross,” Ben said, moving away from them. “Come on, Kylie. Let’s let these lesbians do...whatever it is they do. Ugh.”
“Shut the door!” Bianca yelled after him, then turned back to Courtney, kissing her neck, sucking lightly along her jaw.
“B…” Courtney said, shifting, “We really need to talk...”
Bianca lifted her head, moving her hands up to cup Courtney’s breasts, rolling her hips. “You want me to stop?” She ran her thumbs over Courtney’s nipples.
Courtney whimpered as sparks raced through her body, arching up against Bianca, grinding against her, fingers digging into her shoulders. “How come you always play dirty?” she asked, panting.
“Because being dirty with you is my favorite thing,” Bianca replied, smirking, rubbing her nipples harder, brushing their lips together.
Courtney moaned and threw her head back, bucking her hips up and wrapping her legs tightly around Bianca’s waist. She could feel the tightness growing in her abdomen, and by the time Bianca’s mouth traveled down her body, warm hands pulling her shorts off, she was trembling, desperate for release. Bianca started to kiss her, lick her lightly. She threaded her hands into her girlfriend’s hair and yanked her head up.
Bianca gasped, both shocked and delighted by the suddenness of the hair pulling.
“No fucking around,” Courtney said, “No torture. Be nice.”
Bianca laughed, kissing her inner thigh teasingly. “Who, me?”
Courtney pulled on her hair again. “I’m serious!” she insisted, digging a heel into Bianca’s lower back.
“Yes, your majesty,” Bianca said, and began to hum against her.
Courtney closed her eyes, finally relaxing, giving herself over to the moment, wrapping both legs around Bianca’s shoulders with a deep sigh.
Bianca licked her, sucked on her, bit softly at her, felt her fall to pieces. When she was on the edge, moaning uncontrollably, Bianca pressed two fingers against her and crawled over her, trailing her lips against her warm, wet skin until she was hovering over her. “Courtney.”
Courtney writhed against her, letting out a petulant whine.
“Courtney...look at me.”
Courtney forced her eyes open, which were liquid with agony.
Bianca kissed her forehead. “Who loves you?”
“You’re a bitch!” Courtney panted.
Bianca laughed. “True...but you knew that already.” She nibbled on her earlobe, rubbed the pads of her fingers against her clit with an excruciatingly soft touch.
Gasping for air, Courtney dug her nails into Bianca’s back, whimpering, near tears. “Please B, please…”
“Do you know how much I love you?” Bianca whispered.
“Yes!” This was how Bianca always won. Because she ignored the point of the whole argument and just bulldozed her way through. Courtney wasn’t upset because she thought Bianca didn’t /love/ her. She was upset because, first of all, she just straight up didn’t like Bianca and Fame having slumber parties when she wasn’t around. But she was more upset because she knew that she didn’t have any right to tell Bianca not to spend time with one of her best friends, especially when she was going through a difficult personal trauma and Bianca was her source of comfort. She was upset with herself, for being insecure, and she was upset with Bianca for not allowing her to talk about it. For never wanting to acknowledge that something in their relationship wasn’t perfect. Courtney could handle feeling upset. What was worse was having her feelings be minimized by someone she loved. But of course none of this would matter, ultimately, because Bianca was doing what Bianca always did. Using sex as a weapon to put her in her place. And of course, it worked. She was putty in Bianca’s hands, as usual. “Yes, yes!”
“Do you love me?”
“Oh, god, yes!”
“Good.” Bianca kissed her firmly on the mouth, sliding a finger inside her, watching her eyes roll back. She slowly worked her way down Courtney’s body again, licking at her nipples, then pushing her thighs apart and sucking hard on her clit.
Courtney moaned and arched, hips thrusting against Bianca’s face, spasms rocking her whole body over and over. Her hands gripped the comforter, knuckles white, sweat dripping down her brow. “Oh, fuck, B, keep going,” she gasped, letting out another moan.
“Mmmm…” Bianca hummed, swirling her tongue, trailing her fingers up and down Courtney’s thighs.
Courtney swallowed hard, heartbeat finally slowing down, chest heaving. She threaded her hands back into Bianca’s hair, cradling her head. “Oh, god.” Her hips continued to roll slightly, riding out the aftershocks.
Bianca sucked on her again, squeezing her ass. “You taste so fucking good. What have you been eating?”
Courtney laughed, falling against the pillows, spent. “I was in LA. So like...mostly those roadside fruit stands...And coconut water...”
“Fuck.” Bianca rubbed her face against Courtney’s abdomen.
“I’m actually starving,” Courtney admitted, still breathing hard. “You wanna order some dinner?”
“No thanks, I just ate,” Bianca said sleepily.
Courtney laughed again and pulled on her hair. “You’re the worst, you know that?”
“Yep,” Bianca grinned up at her, dimples deep in her cheeks. “By the way, I have something for you. Open the top drawer of your nightstand.” Bianca danced her fingers over Courtney’s skin.
Courtney reached over and pulled out box wrapped in shiny pink paper. “Wow, you really felt guilty, huh?”
“Yeah. And so Fame said I should buy you jewelry.”
“Did she,” Courtney asked flatly. She slowed down her unwrapping process, a funny feeling creeping into her stomach at the mention of Fame.
“She also called me a homewrecking slut and said that you not trusting me was my karmic destiny.”
Courtney burst out laughing. “That’s probably the funniest thing she ever said,” she proclaimed, then added, “Sorry.” Inside the box was a rose-gold butterfly necklace covered in rainbow Swarovski crystals. Courtney lifted it out, trying to suppress her smile.
“Do you like it?” Bianca stroked her thighs, gazing up at her.
“It’s a sparkly rainbow butterfly. What’s not to like?”
“Well...believe it or not...there are people in the world who wouldn't necessarily want a sparkly rainbow butterfly.”
Courtney ran her fingers through Bianca’s hair. “That’s really sad. Those people probably kick puppies for fun and hate sunshine.”
“Probably...” Bianca lowered her face and began to kiss her again, watching through her lashes as Courtney bit her lip, squirming.
“B...seriously, we do need to talk…”
“Talk about what, baby? What’s more important than how much we love each other?” Bianca whispered against her, hands smoothly parting her thighs.
Courtney closed her eyes. “Nothing,” she sighed. “Nothing’s more important than that.”
“Laila! I can’t find my leather pants!” Pearl was digging through her closet, annoyance itching at the back of her mind, her and Laila's wardrobe smashed together, all of Laila’s thing overflowing the already stuffed closet. Pearl waited for a beat, before she realised that Laila wasn't’ actually home, the other woman visiting the friends that had taken care of Turbo while they were in Europe. Pearl cursed and kicked the closet.
Pearl grabbed her foot, her toes aching and she threw herself down on the bed, a desperate meow coming from the bed since she had fallen on Turbo, Turbo speeding off, the cat hating Pearl even more than it already did. Pearl sighed, angry tears of frustration welling up in her eyes. Fame had been horrible since her meeting with Patrick, and the blonde wouldn’t share the details at all, Fame making outrageous demands and expecting a level of perfection and tidiness she /knew/ Pearl couldn’t provide.
Pearl loved her job, she liked writing, and it was okay being a boss, like, most of the time, but sometimes she wish she was just free. Free to go on all night benders, free to do whatever she wanted. Pearl sighed and turned over, Laila’s computer on the bed and Pearl smiled, the stickers she had put on it years ago still there. Pearl had suggested a new one for Laila, had even said she’d paid, but Laila had said no. If only she could didn’t have any obligations, if she could stay home all day and do whatever she wanted. Pearl smiled slightly, imaging to herself what it would be like if she was Laila’s stay at home wife.
Nina marched into Bianca’s office and slammed the door behind her. “I cannot believe you!”
“Uh…” Bianca gestured to the phone in her hands, pressing the mute button. “Excuse me...what the fuck?”
Nina crossed her arms. “I’ll wait,” she said snidely, sitting down onto the sofa.
Bianca rolled her eyes. “Suit yourself.” She unmuted the phone. “Yes, yes, that all sounds FABULOUS, darling! We’ll have to get a group together the next time we’re in Italy...well, I’m hoping in the Spring, but if not then maybe next Fall, after fashion week. It’s been so long since I had a real vacation there…” she laughed. “Of course, of course…”
Nina glowered, tapping her foot.
“Well yes, we absolutely adore this new campaign. It’s just outstanding...I might have to steal your models, though…” Bianca laughed again. “No, not like that, you cad, I’m off the market now. Come on...Yes, really...Yeah, even for Luisa...Tell her I’m flattered, though… Right!…Yes...” Bianca looked over at Nina, making a hand gesture indicating that the other party wouldn’t stop talking. “Yes, wonderful...Alright...I’ll have Joslyn set that up...Thank you so much...Okay...Ciao!” She hung up and turned to Nina, who was glaring at her venomously. “I’m sorry, did you want me to tell the Fendi rep to shut the fuck up because you decided to have an unscheduled hissyfit?”
“We talked about this Violet Chachki Galactica spread last week and now Dan tells me you’re moving forward full steam ahead?! Are you KIDDING me?!” Nina exploded.
Bianca took a calm sip of her coffee. “I heard your concerns. I overruled you.”
“I am SICK AND TIRED of all this nepotism!”
“Can you please chill out? She’s a very talented designer. You LIKED the clothes she designed for the last two fashion weeks. So why are you giving yourself an ulcer over it?”
“BECAUSE! There are lot. A fucking LOT of young, talented designers out there! We know this! I meet hundred of talented designers every year. And do they get meetings here? No, they do not. But because some woman you used to fuck wants her little protegée to get a feature, BAM--”
“You are totally out of line, Garcia--”
“Maybe so, but am I wrong?! Look at the number of political hires here! I didn’t even choose my damn assistant!”
“You love Shannel.”
“Yes! I do! But she got that job before she walked in the door, because of who her father is and who her godmother is, and how the hell can you, as a fellow woman of color--”
“Oh, here we go…” Bianca rolled her eyes.
“--continue to let that happen!? DON’T ROLL YOUR EYES, BIANCA! How are young people like you and I going to get a shot if you keep hiring white kid after white kid because of family connections, without even interviewing other candidates?”
“Bitch, you went to boarding school. Your daddy is just as rich as Shannel’s. Don’t try my fucking patience.” Bianca went back the her computer, suddenly bored with the whole conversation.
“Bianca, I suggest you take this seriously. Diversity makes an organization stronger. You’re crippling the creativity of this place by refusing to accept that our homogeneity is a problem.”
“We’re done now. You can go.”
Nina rose from the couch, fuming, and walked to the door, shaking her head.
Bianca picked up the phone. “Joslyn...call Violet, and tell her that I want her to come in tomorrow at 4 with everything she’s finished so far. I’d like to move up the date of the Galactica photoshoot and I need to see what we’re working with.”
“Got it!” Joslyn chirped.
Betty hated going into the warehouse, the place giving her the creeps, and even though Shane insisted that it wasn’t haunted, Betty wasn’t sure she agreed. No one made as many lives miserable as Raja and Fame did without causing at least one poor soul to the brink of madness. Betty turned around a corner, the light dim in this part of Galactica’s gigant layer of fabrics, buttons, laces and sewing supplies, when she heard a faint cry. Betty stopped walking. She wasn’t superstitious, not really, but in that moment she swore on her grave that if anything happened to her, she would haunt Shane until the day he died.
“Hello? Is anyone in here?”
The sounds stopped, and as Betty turned the corner, she saw… Violet? sitting on a large pile of cotton-wool.
“... Violet?”
Violet looked up, her face red, her mascara running, her lipstick smudged, her neck filled with red marks, her necklace in her hand and it looked like she had torn it off, her nails cutting into her skin.
“Chacki, are yo- Violet…. Are you okay?” Betty sat down, the other woman making herself even smaller as she pulled her legs closer, Betty not reaching out to touch since she didn’t want to do… She didn’t even really know, but she had never seen Violet like this before.
“I can’t do this.”
“Can’t do what?”
“They want to see the collection. They want to see the collection tomorrow and I’m not ready, I’ve got nothing!” “Hey, hey, Violet, calm down.” Betty grabbed her friend, giving hell to the thoughts she had had only moments before, Violet’s slender shoulders feeling so fragile and breakable in Betty’s hands as she held her. “You have plenty, I’ve seen your stuff, I’ve seen your wor-”
“It’s not done.” “Violet. They don’t expect you to be don-”
“What if I fail?”
Betty furrowed her brows. She had never seen Violet this freaked out before, her friend covered in sweat, and Betty suddenly realised why it all looked so familiar to her. This was what Shane looked like whenever he had a panic attack. What was she suppose to do? Violet was breathing heavily, like she was going into another burst of hyperventilation, and Betty felt herself panic as well. If this had been Shane she would have slapped him, plain and simple, but this wasn’t her boy- husband, this was Violet who was still a mystery to her, so Betty did the only thing she could think of, which was hug Violet tight. Violet held her breath, the woman stiff and Betty was just about to panic and figure out if she could somehow call Sutan without moving, when Violet relaxed against her, her arms going around Betty as she clung to her, Violet’s breath finally returning to normal as the two sat together.
“Okay, mum, that’s a great idea, I’ll tell her…” Ben said into his phone, walking into the bedroom, where Courtney was sitting on the bed, earbuds in, Kylie in her lap, working on some lyrics, humming to herself. She didn’t notice him until he was practically in her face and then she jumped about a foot, startled.
“Nope. Just me. Mum and I think that this whole ‘I’m not good enough for Bianca del Rio’ emo nonsense is a bunch of bullshit. Right mum?”
Annette, via FaceTime, waved to Courtney. “Hello darling! I didn’t put it exactly like that, but we do think that you need a boost of self esteem and that--”
“You need the self-pity slapped right out of you!” Ben exclaimed, giving his sister a hearty slap on the cheek.
Courtney shrieked, grabbing her cheek. “BEN! MUM DID YOU TELL HIM TO DO THAT?!”
“BENJAMIN LUCAS WHAT IN HEAVEN’S NAME!” Annette cried. “No, I most certainly did NOT!”
“How is you hitting me supposed to improve my self-esteem?” Courtney asked, still holding her face.
“Ummm...I hadn’t thought that far ahead,” Ben said. “But I feel much better. Okay, bye mum, talk to you later!” he made some kissy noises and hung up the phone. “And Courtney...stop being such a whiny little bitch and embrace how awesome you are. I mean shit, you’re related to me, and I’m everything.” Ben sashayed from the room, calling, “Goodnight, don’t wait up!”
Courtney watched him, shaking her head. She looked down at Kylie, scratching him between the ears. “Your uncle is crazy.”
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caterinawrites · 8 years
Chapter 14 is here finally!
I know it’s been like a million years since LC has been updated, but it’s finally here! And you can read it:
FF | AO3
Chapter 14 Identity
           “Knock, knock,” His familiar voice echoed through her mind bringing a smile to her lips. She pictured opening a door and pulling him inside, and he landed in front of her moments later with one of his famous boyish grins. “Good evening, my radiant princess.”
           “Can you be serious?” She chided, though a huge grin of her own refused to stray from her lips. “This is an important business meeting.”
           “C’mon, Bug!” He whined. “This is our first dream meeting since finding out our identities. We’re on like a whole new level of trust now!”
           “Okay, but we still have business to discuss,” She laughed, shoving his shoulder playfully. “We need to talk about patrols.”
           “But that’s so boring! Can’t we talk about that later?” He fell across her lap and looked up at her, those perfect lips of his formed into a pout. “I know you’re just as excited as I am.”
           “Of course I’m excited, kitty cat,” She bopped his nose with her finger. “My very best friend is my partner, and I’m walking around with his memories in my head. I’m glad things worked out for us, but we also need to take care of the important ‘boring’ stuff too.”
           “Ugh, you two are plaguing my dreams now too?” A new voice groaned, and Adrien shot up from her lap. “As if I don’t have to put up with enough of your flirting during akuma battles.”
           “Queen Bee?” The other two gasped, exchanging worried glances. Both wondered if she could also see their unmasked faces, but she was clad in her superhero suit and seemed relatively unconcerned with them so they relaxed slightly.
           “So, what exactly is going on?” She placed her hands on her hips. “One minute I’m laying out tanning, the next thing I know, I’m watching you two flirt like newlyweds.”
           “We were not flirting,” Mari interjected defensively.
           “Of course you weren’t,” Bee rolled her eyes. “So, are you going to explain or not?”
           “Well,” Adrien dragged the l out and glanced at Mari for guidance.
           “Allied Miraculous users that trust each other can sort of, sometimes, share dreams to talk about hero stuff that can’t normally be discussed in the regular world. Protects our identities and what not,” She explained roughly.
           “What and you two use it to hook up and snog?” She grunted, cocking a brow.
           “Well, you know…” Adrien smirked and waggled his eyebrows which rewarded him with an icy glare from Marinette so he cleared his throat. “We are always strictly professional.”
           “I could tell,” Bee nodded.
           “Okay, Chat Noir and my’s behavior aside, you being here is actually kind of a big deal,” Marinette shifted the subject. “It means you trust us, and we trust you which is a good thing.”
           “Yeah, now you can be in the know when we talk about boring stuff,” Adrien added, casting a sly smile at Marinette.
           “Like saving Paris,” She elbowed him, and he suppressed a chuckle.
           “So, we have superhero business meetings?” Bee clarified.
           “Yep,” Marinette and Adrien nodded in affirmation.
           “This is a lot more work than I thought,” She threw her head back with a groan. “I always thought you two just sucked at your jobs, but this is really hard.”
           “Thanks for the vote of confidence,” Mari folded her arms over her chest, throwing a glare in her direction.
           “I said used to. Obviously not anymore,” She insisted sheepishly.
           “Whatever. It doesn’t matter now,” Adrien cut in. “So, Ma- Ladybug, you wanted to talk about expanding our patrol routes.”
           “I think it would be beneficial if we did. Since there are three of us now, we can cover more ground. Especially with how often akumas are popping up, we need to keep the people of Paris as happy as possible.”
           “We’ve worked out a map to divide the area up evenly,” Adrien started until Mari cleared her throat. “Okay, Ladybug came up with a map.”
           “I’ve noticed that all of the akumas tend to span a limited area which tells me that Hawkmoth’s power to sense negative emotion only stretches so far. I’ve divided us up into three sectors which should be patrolled daily if possible,” She explained. “I’ll send your assignments later today.”
           “Splendid, are we done now?” Bee whined.
           “Yes, you can go back to your fake tan,” Mari rolled her eyes.
           “Thank goodness! Now how do I get out of her-” Before she could finish, Marinette pictured shoving her back through the door and slamming it shut.
           “Temper,” Adrien smirked.
           “Sorry, her whining wears on my nerves after a while,” She groaned.
           “Need I remind you who picked her?”
           “I know, I know, and it’s done her a lot of good so I shouldn’t complain,” She grumbled sourly.
           “She really trusts us to be able to share dreams so quickly,” He commented thoughtfully. “And you know what else it means…”
           “Shut up.”
           “You trust her too, Mari,” He grinned.
           “No,” She turned away from him. “Shut up!”
           “It’s not a bad thing,” He laughed. “We’re all a team. Trust is good.”
           “Yeah, I guess,” She muttered, turning back to him. “I just wonder…”
           “Wonder what?” He laid his head in her lap again, folding his hands neatly over his chest as Mari started trailing her fingers through his soft, golden locks.
           “Well, since we know each other now, and we both know who she is…”
           “You think we should tell her?” He cocked a brow, and she nodded.
           “It just seems unfair. It’s like when we started sharing dreams, and I knew I trusted you, I started to wonder if maybe we should tell each other. Since the only secret is us to her now, I think it’s only right to tell her who we really are,” She shrugged.
           “It would make coordinating easier,” He offered. “But Chloe Bourgeois would know you’re Ladybug.”
           “Ugh, don’t remind me. At least she’s gotten over her fangirl obsession with me,” She pinched the bridge of her nose.
           “Yeah because she’s too busy talking Queen Bee up now,” He snorted. “So in other words herself.”
           “Typical Chloe,” Mari giggled, sobering after a second. “I just can’t come up with a reason not to tell her. I mean, we’re all friends in and out of costume now, so…why not?”
           “I’m jealous. It took you a whole year to trust me,” He huffed dramatically, and Marinette rolled her eyes, squishing his cheeks together with her hands.
           “I can’t go around trusting just any old stray tomcat,” She teased.
           “And you thought I was a player,” He mumbled before she released her hold. “Which I’m still hurt by.”
           “Maybe if you’d focused on fighting instead of flirting, I wouldn’t have come to that assumption,” She folded her arms over her chest with a smirk.
           “Why can’t I do both?” He threw his arms out to the side.
           “Because Hawkmoth is up to something, I’m sure of it now that there’s three of us; he’s going to up his game, and we need to be ready for whatever he’s going to throw at us,” She explained.
           “Well, when can I flirt with you?” He leaned in close, brushing his lips against hers as loud buzzing began to sound around them, and things began to shatter.
           “See you at school, chaton,” She laughed.
           Her voice echoed in his brain as he sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes, reaching for his phone with a groan. It was hard to tell if she was being serious sometimes, and he wondered if she’d thought about his confession the night of the party. They’d both agreed that they needed time to sort out their feelings for each other, and he had been flirting with her before Queen Bee showed up, but… He felt like she was acting pretty normally. Not to mention, she was quick to deny that anything had been going on before Bee showed up, and she always did bring them back to business.
           He fell back against his pillows with a sigh. Maybe he’d give her more time. If he’d learned anything recently, it was what rushing her decisions led to, and he wasn’t keen on starting another fight so soon after resolving their last one. For now, he was grateful that she’d accepted him and that things were going smoothly. It was a new start for them, and he’d be damned if he was going to ruin it.
           “So, truth or lie?” Lila asked at lunch that afternoon. Chloe had only mildly paid attention to her story because she figured out it was a lie after twenty seconds. It was more of her and Marinette’s game anyways.
“Mmm, truth,” Mari said after a moment tapping her chin.
Chloe rolled her eyes but couldn’t bring herself to make a smart remark like usual. Her mind was too preoccupied with the note she’d found in her locker that morning, and the dream she’d had the night before. She’d initially thought it was, well, just a dream, but when she found a note in her locker with an address, date, and time along with Chat Noir and Ladybug’s signatures, she began to realize that maybe it had been real after all.
But the more important question was how they knew who she was. If they knew who she was. Did they? Why else would they ask to meet? That is what they wanted right? Should she show up as Chloe or Queen Bee? If they didn’t know who she was, would showing up transformed be a dead giveaway? What if it wasn’t really from them? What if it was a trap?
Ugh. Now she was just being paranoid.
It was probably nothing, and she was just overreacting. Still, she couldn’t help but feel a little nervous about it all day.
“Is there something on your mind?” Lila asked with a knowing cock of her brow as they headed back to class. Marinette had gotten swept up by Alya as soon as they made it back to school, and they trailed several paces behind them. “You were unusually quiet today.”
“I’m just tired from working at the hovel so much,” She lied smoothly, adding an exasperated sigh for good measure.
“Nice try, but I’m a professional liar, which means I’m also a professional lie detector,” She folded her arms over her chest. “Is it Adrien related?”
Chloe remained silent for a moment, figuring Lila was likely to pick out another lie, and she wasn’t about to reveal her secret to her. So she kept walking, letting her lack of response lead her to believe what she wanted.
“You should tell him how you feel,” Lila prompted, seeing that Chloe’s face had fallen.
“What would that solve? He’s completely enthralled with Marinette,” She grunted.
“You’re never going to move on unless you tell him,” Lila pointed out with a sympathetic smile.
“So when are you going to tell Marinette how you feel?” She shot back, attempting to redirect the awkwardness she felt back onto Lila, but it backfired.
“Well, I’m not giving up yet, so I just need the time to be right. I know I’m only a friend in her eyes right now, so I’m working on it,” She twirled around with a crooked smile. “Hey, maybe if I take Marinette, you can have Adrien.”
“Doubt it,” Chloe sighed. “He’s known me too long. I’m pretty sure I’m like a sister to him by now.”
“Ouch. The sibling-zone. More inescapable than the friend-zone. Well, either way, I still think you should tell him,” She shrugged. “Do it soon, mkay? You’ll feel better.”
“We’ll see,” Chloe waved as Lila skipped off to her class.
She had enough on her plate right now as it was with akuma battles, work, extra tutoring sessions, whatever “dream-sharing” thing that happened last night, and now whatever they wanted with her. Lila may have had a point about obtaining closure with Adrien, but now may not be the best time to get it. She wasn’t ready for the heartache she knew would inevitably come afterward.
Watching the way he looked at Marinette from her spot in the back only made things worse. God she’d kill to have him look at her that way at least once, and Marinette was almost completely oblivious. Chloe wanted to hate her, operative term being wanted to, but she’d spent far too long hating her, and, frankly, she was tired of hating.
Never in her life did she ever think she’d accept Marinette the way she did nor did she think that she’d ever refuse to resent her for being the center of Adrien’s attention. Something inside her just couldn’t even if she wanted to because Marinette had forgiven her for all those years of torment and ridicule and done her best to help her since. It wasn’t surprising to Chloe that Adrien preferred her, but it still stung more than she wanted to admit.
Marinette was kind and encouraging, dare she even say pretty, and for years she had wished that people would notice her the way they did Marinette. Not that she’d ever admit it out loud, but part of her felt like Marinette already knew that. Which was absolutely humiliating, and she’d deny it if it ever got brought up. Still, relinquishing the one leg she had up on Marinette, if she’d ever had a leg up at all, was a hard pill to swallow, but something about seeing them together just felt right. So much so that even she couldn’t deny it.
Adrien was her oldest friend, and an unfortunate lesson she’d learned from Marinette is that friends support each other. It would probably kill her inside, but she’d do her best to help him with Marinette if it made him happy. Because he’d never looked at her that way, not even once, and he probably never would. She loved him enough to wish for his happiness above hers, and despite the heaviness in her chest, she wasn’t going to let those two pine around like idiots anymore. If she was going to give up Adrien to Marinette, they were going to be together! So, as reluctant as she was to make nice with Nino and Alya, she approached them at the end of the day to offer her assistance.
“You want to what?” Alya cocked a skeptical brow.
“Adrien is a lost puppy when it comes to girls. He likes to think he can handle them, but I’ve known him almost his whole life, and he can’t. I want to help him get with Marinette, and I know you two are always scheming so…”
“Is this the same Chloe that once threw paint on a girl after she said hi to Adrien in the hall?” Nino tilted his head to the side.
“Or the girl who got Adrien to sign a giant poster of himself on the sly that said he worshipped the ground you walk on to keep other girls away from him?” Alya added.
“Or who constantly kissed him whenever other girls stared too long?”
“Or who-”
“Okay, I get it! I used to be possessive of him, so this is weird, but we’re all civil now, and if Adrien loves her, I want them to be together!” She stomped her foot, and Alya’s lips curved into a smug smile.
“This is very big of you, Chloe,” She praised. “I hate to say this, but…I’m impressed.”
“Shut up. I’m doing it for Adrien, not for any other reason,” She glared in the opposite direction.
“Right,” Nino rolled his eyes.
“Anyways, I’m willing to help you losers set them up so don’t bug me about the past,” She huffed.
“Not a chance,” Nino shook his head, and Chloe’s lip twitched in annoyance.
“Whatever. I’m going to work,” She grumbled through clenched teeth before stalking off.
“We’ll fill you in later, okay?” Alya called after her.
What had she gotten herself into?
The next day, she headed up the street after work to the address on the note. She’d scoped it out the day before, and Hunni promised her it was safe. Even still, her heart hammered in her chest as she approached the small shop, hand hesitating on the knob.
“Are you gonna stand out here all day or are you gonna go in?” Hunni growled in her ear.
“What if it’s a trap?” She hissed back, mindful of the people on the street.
“Girl, you have superpowers. Two words, and you can take down anyone behind that door,” Her companion reminded somewhat impatiently. “Just go in.”
“Okay, fine,” Chloe caved, taking a deep breath before heading inside.
The front seemed to be a small reception area that led to a short hallway. Chloe glanced around nervously before she spotted a neatly folded card on the front desk.
Come to the back. LB & CN
“Hunni, I don’t know about this,” She grimaced, nervous pits churning in her stomach.
“Woman up, scardy-bee. It’s fine. I know this place,” Hunni urged.
“Why didn’t you tell me that in the first place?” She snapped.
“Because you’re supposed to trust me,” Hunni argued. “I’m here to guide you, but I can’t do that if you don’t take my advice.”
“Well, why should I trust you? All you ever do is yell at me, and I don’t even know where you came from or why you ended up in my room!” Frustrated tears welled in her eyes, and her fists closed around the card, shaking at her sides.
“I can tell you about that,” Chloe turned to see that Ladybug had emerged from the end of the hall with a kind smile. “I know it was kind of mysterious for us to ask you to meet here this way, but it’s okay.”
“Ladybug!” She sighed with relief, throwing herself into her arms. “I was so worried it was a trap, and Hunni was being so mean, and-”
“Sorry. We just wanted to meet in person for this discussion. Why don’t you come back and have some tea,” She chuckled guiltily.
“Okay,” Chloe sniffled, hugging her arm for support as they made their way to the back. “Can I ask something?”
“You want to know how we knew who you were?” Chloe nodded. “You’ll find out soon.”
The room in the back was small and filled with old Chinese antiques. Chat Noir sat cross-legged on a mat with an older man chatting and sipping tea. The two looked up when they entered and smiled.
“The Queen arrives at last,” Chat remarked with a wink.
“Took her long enough to make up her mind,” Hunni groaned, flitting away from her sweater to the small bouquet on the table.
“Hey!” She gasped, glancing around nervously.
“It’s okay. We’re all familiar with Hunni,” Ladybug assured her. “Some of us a little too familiar.”
“It’s not my fault it took you so long to decide. At least my chosen doesn’t take as long as you do to think about things,” She shot back. Ladybug folded her arms over her chest with a scowl, and Chat Noir suppressed a snicker. “There’s a reason your power is luck cause it’s a miracle you can figure out how to use those charms so quickly.”
“That’s a lot different than- Okay, ya know what? Never mind,” She huffed, plopping down on the other side of the old man who watched with an amused gait. “Why don’t we get down to business?”
“Ugh, you make it sound so serious,” Chat rolled his eyes.
“This is serious,” She chided.
“But it’s also fun!” He retorted, and Chloe glanced between them nervously as Ladybug sighed.
“So, are you two going to tell me what’s going on or do Gramps and I need to leave the room and give you two some alone time?” Chloe interjected. The two exchanged a series of looks, and Ladybug folded her arms over her chest.
“No, no, you go. I apparently make everything boring,” She insisted, so Chat Noir turned back to her.
“We’ve been thinking, and by we, I mean Ladybug-”
“I asked you about it too!” She cut in defensively, but Chat ignored her.
“And we think it’s unfair for us to know who you are when you don’t know who we are,” He continued. “So, we’ve decided to introduce ourselves without the masks.”
“So, who’s the old guy?” She pointed to the man sitting quietly between them. For some reason she got a calming vibe from him despite her suspicions.
“Perhaps I should go first then,” He smiled, and the two heroes nodded respectfully.
“My name is Shen Fu, and I’ll have you know I’m only 187,” A mischievous glint flashed in his eyes, and Chloe was certain her eyebrows would raise right out of her skull. “This is my partner, Wayzz. Together he and I guard the Miraculouses and their secrets.”
“He’s the one that picked Chat Noir and I to be heroes,” Ladybug added. “This shop is a little safe haven of ours.”
“My chosen ones are welcome here any time. Guardians are given expanded time to learn to understand the Miraculous in their possession so that they may better guide the chosen ones on their paths. If ever you are troubled, I am always here,” He bowed calmly before them.
“I guess that means it’s my turn,” Chat Noir spoke up, and Chloe shifted her gaze to him as he took a deep breath and gave the command to change back. Her eyes widened with horror as the green light cleared and those heart-melting green eyes settled on her. “Hey, Chlo.”
Without thinking and before she realized, her palm collided with his face. She looked down at her tingling hand in shock as Adrien touched the red mark on his cheek, eyebrows furrowed. Had she really just slapped Adrien?
“Did I do something to deserve that?” He glanced at Ladybug who shrugged.            “Probably,” She smirked.
“I’m so sorry!” Her head snapped up, and she threw her arms around his neck. “I panicked because I wasn’t expecting it to be you!”
“It’s fine,” He laughed good-naturedly. So like him. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” She pulled back with a nod as the small black cat floating behind him cradled a piece of Camembert cheese.
“That’s Plagg doing what he does best,” Adrien gestured with his thumb.
“Don’t patronize him,” Ladybug cooed, scratching under the kwami’s chin.
“He does nothing but patronize me all the time!” Adrien threw his arms out with an exasperated grunt.
“Yeah, but you deserve it,’ She giggled. “I guess it’s our turn now. Tikki, detransform me.”
Chloe felt her stomach drop to the floor. Of course it was her. Who else would be by Adrien’s side? No wonder they were so close now. It should have been obvious to her because they fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. They were a team. Unstoppable. Inseparable. Undoubtedly made for each other. She’d always thought those things about Chat Noir and Ladybug long before she ever joined them. Their energies work well together, and she’d recognized that in Adrien and Marinette without even realizing. It sucked because now she knew for certain that Adrien would never look at her. Even being a superhero, Marinette was always one step ahead of her, and Chloe was almost certain that she was his soulmate.
“Chlo?” He placed a hand on her shoulder, and she glanced up at him, those haunting eyes of his filled with worry. He reached a hand out to steady the cup and saucer shaking in her trembling hands. Her gaze flicked to Marinette who wore a blank expression as if awaiting her inevitable judgement.
“Why am I not surprised?” She grunted finally. “Little Miss Perfect, aren’t you?”
“I’m not perfect. You know that better than anyone,” Chloe looked away.
“You might as well be,” She grumbled.
“I’ve made a lot of mistakes as Ladybug. People have been akumatized because of me, including you,” Marinette winced.
“It makes sense now why you wouldn’t listen to me,” Chloe smirked. “And honestly I can’t blame you.”
“I should have,” Marinette shook her head. “I was biased, more than once, and I’m sorry.”
“I already forgave you for that. Our past is behind us, right?” She replied haughtily.
“I know you and I have had our differences, but we’re a team now, and it’s important to me that we all trust each other for who we are,” She held out a hand to Chloe, and after a moment, Chloe reached out and shook it, using all of her willpower to hold back a smile. She wasn’t very successful, so she pulled Marinette into a hug to hide it.
“I trust you,” She mumbled quietly.
“I trust you too,” Marinette replied even more softly as if she didn’t want anyone else to hear it.
“Aww,” Adrien cooed, and the two ripped apart in an instant, glancing in opposite directions. “Team Miraculous is all in!”
“Okay, fun’s over. It’s business time,” Marinette turned to Mr. Fu, and Adrien slumped but did the same.
           “Trust is very important if you wish to defeat Hawkmoth, and it’s imperative that he not get his hands on any of your Miraculouses. Especially you, Ladybug and Chat Noir,” Fu warned solemnly.
           “Not that I’m trying to suggest anything, Master Fu, but what will happen if he does? Why does he want ours specifically?” Adrien asked.
           “The Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculouses hold the key to ultimate power. By wielding both the power of destruction and creation, he would have complete control over everything,” Tikki explained as Master Fu stood up and pulled a book from his shelf.
           “And by ultimate power, you mean-?” Marinette cocked a brow.
           “If he can think it, he can do it,” Plagg added sounding somewhat bored.
           “With the ultimate power, he would be between all dimensions. He could see everything that ever was and ever will be, rewrite history or change the future before it arrives. Nothing would be outside of his range,” Wayzz said while his master flipped through his book.
           “Whoa,” They all gasped in unison.
“Whose idea was it to create something like that?” Chloe huffed. “Of course if you create power like that someone is going to use it for evil!”
“Not much is known about the creation of the Miraculous or how many there are,” Master Fu started, and Adrien eyed the book knowingly. “I apologize if Marinette returning this to me caused you any trouble, Adrien.”
“N-No, not at all. I’m glad it’s back where it belongs,” He waved it away, and Master Fu nodded with a smile.
“The original author of this book received Wayzz and this stone from a man named Wei Fong. He was the first guardian of the Miraculouses I possess now, the ones I have given to you. The man he passed them onto was named Jun Luo who began documenting each gem and its powers.
He traveled in search of more Miraculouses until his time was up, and he took on an apprentice to teach everything he had learned. This book and the Miraculouses are passed onto each new guardian. My master was a man named Charles Dumont. He was a very wise man whom I admired greatly. It was during his life time that the ultimate power was last used.
It was also Charles who encrypted this book. Anyone can read it on a surface level, but the turtle Miraculous is the key to decoding its many secrets,” He raised his hands over the book, palms facing down as green light emitted from the stone on his bracelet.
Chloe felt her breath catch as a new wave of text seemed to scrawl across each page with detailed notes in different languages and handwriting. Adrien was adorned with a similar expression, but Marinette surveyed the page with a pensive frown.
“This book holds many secrets, and in the wrong hands it can be very dangerous. Many only know of the absolute control that comes with the ultimate power, but few know the cost. That much energy cannot be contained for long, and it was designed to only be used as a last resort because of the damage it can cause,” Master Fu murmured. “Few also know that it can be stopped.”
“How?” Marinette’s gaze flicked up to meet his.
“The power of all five of the lower tier combined is the check that keeps the ultimate power from being used improperly; however, in this case…”
“We wouldn’t be able to stop him if he still possessed his Miraculous,” Marinette’s eyes widened in understanding, and Master Fu nodded in confirmation.
“And I’m afraid at present, we’ve only got these two left to stop him if he is successful,” He held up his wrist and nodded to Chloe. “Which brings me to a mistake I must confess…”
“You lost Trixx?” Plagg shrieked, cupping his tiny paws on either side of his face in horror.
“Trixx awoke about a month ago, and I decided it was time to issue another test to find a master for her because she can be difficult to work with, but I failed and lost the true fox Medallion in the city. I do not know who came to possess it, but I would be on guard until they reveal themselves. I apologize for the trouble my mistake may cause you,” He bowed before them humbly.
“It’s alright, Master Fu. We’ll figure it out. We’re Team Miraculous, remember?” Adrien grinned, and the old man cast him a grateful smile.
“We can bet if Hawkmoth catches wind of a rouge superhero, he’s going to take advantage of it. We’ll have to find them before he does if he hasn’t already,” Marinette tapped her chin.
“My head hurts,” Chloe rubbed her temples, and Adrien placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
“You learn to just roll with it,” He shrugged.
“So, Master Fu, you’re the one who gives out the Miraculouses, right?” She asked. “What made you pick me?”
“Not in your case,” Adrien smirked. “You were special.”
“I entrusted the Bee for Chat Noir and Ladybug to choose,” Master Fu smiled knowingly.
“This was before Mari and I knew our identities,” Adrien added.
“Wait, how long have you two known?” Chloe held up a hand.
“Since Halloween,” He winced.
“Then why were you two all over each other all summer?” Her eyes narrowed.
“We just started hanging out. It’s not a crime,” Marinette rolled her eyes, and she felt her lip twitch.
“Anyway,” Adrien interjected. “Master Fu gave it to me, I gave it to Marinette, and well…”
“Oh, just say it!” Mari growled. “I picked you, okay?”
“You?” Chloe scoffed in disbelief, and Marinette averted her gaze. “Why?”
Marinette considered it for a moment, lips pursed, then shrugged.
“The past is the past. We’re friends now in our own way. Though I have to admit, I knew for a while that it was you, but I was too stubborn to entrust you with it until I knew you were changing for the better. When you made an effort to make up for your mistakes…I thought it would be good for you,” She rubbed the back of her neck. “Whatever. You’re welcome.”
“Aww,” Adrien grinned again, pulling them both into a side hug which they accepted awkwardly, pulling away the moment it was acceptable.
“So, Adrien had a question for you, Master Fu,” Marinette cleared her throat, and Chloe felt him stiffen.
“Yeah, just, um…” He bit his lip, hands balling into fists. He took a deep breath and looked up. “What can you tell me about my mother?” Chloe’s brows raised in surprise.
“What would you like to know?” Master Fu asked patiently, and Adrien shifted.
“Everything,” He replied shakily. “Anything.”
Master Fu stroked his beard for a moment before pacing over to the antique chest and rummaging through it. Marinette shifted closer to him as he picked at his shoelaces nervously and placed her hand over his. She wondered how long those two had been sharing dreams, and how close they’d grown from being partners for so long. The more she thought about it, the more it made sense why they’d been so close. They were made to work together, so naturally they’d been drawn to each other outside the mask.
She hated how jealous it made her. It was petty and stupid to think that she had a right to him just because she’d known him longer, but something in the way Marinette looked when his mother was mentioned made her realize that Adrien had probably shared more with her than he’d ever tell her. It was as if she understood how he felt because even her hands shook a little too. At that point, Chloe wouldn’t have been surprised if they told her they were the same person split into two halves or some other bubblegum, fairytale bullshit like that.
Master Fu returned a minute later with a worn leather journal and handed it to Adrien.
“Part of my job as a guardian involves working with other Miraculous users at times. I’ve had many partners who have helped me understand the Miraculouses better, and I keep journals of our adventures. You mother was no exception,” He explained.
“My mom was a Miraculous user?” His eyebrows shot up to his hairline.
“We were good friends, she and I,” Master Fu nodded as Marinette flipped open the journal carefully. In the front was a photo of Adrien’s young mother along with Master Fu who looked relatively the same save for a few more gray hairs. “We both had an inclination for innocent mischief.”
“Who was she?” Marinette asked as she and Adrien studied the picture with fond eyes.
“Le Paon was what she called herself,” Master Fu replied, pouring himself another cup of tea. “She was quite the character.”
Adrien smiled down at the picture lovingly while Marinette flipped through more photos and journal entries. Chloe could only vaguely remember Adrien’s mom because she’d only talked to her a few times. Mrs. Agreste spent more time with Chloe’s mom while she and Adrien played together, and of course, Chloe had been too consumed with Adrien to really care. They’d come to her mother’s funeral, she remembered, but that was the last time she saw Mrs. Agreste in person.
“Whoa, you know Gabriel?” Marinette gasped, bringing Chloe back to the present as she lifted up a photo of Adrien’s parents with Master Fu.
“But of course,” He chuckled. “I remember when they met. Your mother couldn’t stop gushing about how talented he was and how she admired him. He never was a man of many words, but she loved him all the same.”
“That sounds like her,” Adrien remarked softly. “How did they meet?”
“I think that is a question for your father,” Master Fu dodged with a mischievous glint in his eye. “They married after only a few months of dating, and it was only 6 months after that when she told me she was expecting.”
“I’m expecting. A little boy, can you believe it, Fu?” Marinette read from the journal.
“My little Adrien,” Adrien continued. “Every day I feel him move, and I love him more and more.”
“Let’s keep Paris safe for him,” Master Fu recited with a nostalgic smile. “She loved you very much.”
“Yeah…” Adrien offered up a pained smile.
“Master Fu, do you know anything about her disappearance?” Marinette asked as she rubbed Adrien’s back.
“I’m afraid I know just as much as you do. I am sorry,” He bowed his head sadly.
“It’s okay,” Adrien shook his head, straightening his spine. “Thank you.”
“Why don’t you hang onto that journal for a while? I’m sure you will find more use out of it than I will,” He offered, and Adrien nodded.
“Thank you for all of your help, Master Fu. We’ll keep an eye out for the Fox Miraculous and check in with you later,” Marinette smiled at the old man fondly, a look he returned with equal emotion.
“I apologize for any inconvenience it may cause you,” He bowed slightly, and Adrien stood up, a defiant smile spreading across his face.
“There’s no way anyone can take us down! I’m confident that whoever it is won’t be a problem,” He declared confidently.
“Team Miraculous is unbeatable!” Marinette echoed energetically, fist-bumping him before they both turned to her.
“Yeah, well, this has all been fun, go team, whatever, but some of us have work to get to,” She waved them away, but after a moment of pleading stares, she touched her fist to theirs quickly and stood up. “Come on, Hunni. We’re leaving.”
“We’ll walk with you,” Adrien offered.
Great. The last thing she wanted was to watch those two play coy and make goo-goo eyes at each other. Still, they were her crime fighting partners and her friends. It would seem suspicious of her to decline under the circumstances. Not to mention, they were all most likely headed to the same place.
“Okay,” She said shortly, waiting as they gathered their bags and said goodbye to Master Fu.
“It’s not too weird for you, is it?” Marinette asked after they walked up the street in silence for a moment.
“I’m…adjusting,” She admitted. “I used to worship Ladybug, so I’m having a bit of a crisis now that I know it’s you. Ugh.”
“Trust me. I hated it as much as you do now,” She rolled her eyes.
“Hey, I’m still a huge Ladybug fan if it makes you feel better,” Adrien winked.
“Yes. Thank you. I feel so much better,” She retorted dryly.
“Me-owch. Do I need to bring up the-”
“No, you do not,” Marinette cut him off quickly. “Bring that up, and I will end you, Agreste.”
“Mmm, doesn’t stop me from thinking about it,” At that, Marinette groaned.
They had their own inside jokes, how disgusting. Of course, she knew it was just her jealousy talking, but they were so comfortable around each other. For as long as she’d known Adrien, he had always shied away from her touch, mostly because it was always forceful, but that was beside the point. She really was bad at making friends it seemed.
Her partners seemed to sense her unease, and she soon found both of their arms wrapped around her waist.
“We’re both Queen Bee fans too,” Marinette offered.
“And Chloe Bourgeois fans,” Adrien added.
“Well, the new Chloe anyway,” Mari corrected. “She’s becoming someone pretty great.”
If only she knew.
“Thanks,” She smiled softly as they rounded the corner to the bakery.
“Hey, kids,” Mrs. Cheng greeted as they entered the bakery. “Chloe, Tom just pulled some baguettes out of the oven a little while ago. Can you put them out once you get settled?”
“Sure,” She nodded, lifting her apron off the hook.
“We’ll be upstairs,” Mari said as they made their way to the back door.
“Finally, some peace and quiet,” She sighed once they were gone.
“Those two always light up around one another, don’t they?” Mrs. Cheng laughed. “Young love is so exciting.”
“They’re so annoying. They never shut up,” She groaned, stocking the displays up front.
“They can be a bit sweet, huh?” She admitted.
“It’s not that, it’s just…” She hesitated, fingers tightening around the tray in her hands. “I’ve known Adrien since we were little, and…he’s never looked at me that way.” She didn’t realize she was crying until Mrs. Cheng handed her a handkerchief, and she dabbed her eyes with it. “Which until recently I don’t blame him for,” She sniffled. “Even now after everything you guys have done for me, I just hate seeing him look at her! I’m just horrible, I guess.”
“You are a young girl who has had a rough upbringing and a lack of good influence,” Mrs. Cheng lifted her chin. “You lost your mother at a young age, and you mimicked the behavior you observed. Who you have been doesn’t equal who you are now,” When Chloe remained silent she continued, “Adrien may not love you, but don’t ever let that make you think you’re horrible. Everyone gets jealous sometimes, sweetie. It’s what you do with that jealousy that shows who you are.”
“Why are you so nice to me?” She hiccupped. “After everything I’ve done to Marinette…”
“Tom and I offered you a job here to help you. Not just financially but emotionally too. We saw a young girl who needed someone to show her another way. Someone who needed love more than anything. And you’ve made a lot of progress, more than you think,” Mrs. Cheng smiled warmly.
And that was where she utterly lost it, burying her face in her chest to muffle her sobs. It had been a long time since someone held her like that, and she had forgotten what it felt like. What it felt like to have a mom.
“Thank you,” She murmured quietly when her sobs had calmed considerably.
“It’s like I tell Adrien all the time, you don’t have to thank me for caring. I’m a mom. Caring about the little babies that pass through my life is just what I do,” She chuckled. “Now, let’s make some more meringues, shall we?”
“Ya know, I actually think she handled it better than we thought,” Adrien said thoughtfully as Mari pushed open her trap door.
“I know. I’m surprised. Either she’s a good actress, or she really isn’t as freaked out as I thought she’d be,” She admitted, scanning the room briefly for any stray projects for his birthday surprise she was planning. Once she deemed the coast clear, she climbed up.
“She handled it much better than you did,” Adrien teased, following behind her.
“Oh, shut up,” She rolled her eyes with a huff. “We were a little different.”
“Yeah, cause we liked to play mushy face in and out of costume without telling each other,” He fell onto her chaise, propping his arms behind his head with a wistful sigh. “The good old days.”
“Yes, the days when I was tormented by guilt. Thank you for reminding me,” Her mouth pressed into a firm line as she crossed her legs in her chair carefully.
“Hey, we can play mushy face now, if you want. Guilt free.” He waggled his eyebrows, and she gave him her infamous absolutely not look.
“I don’t know if I’m ready to go back down that road yet…” Her gaze dropped to her lap. Sure, they were much closer now, and maybe they were flirtier than before, but she wasn’t quite sure she trusted herself yet. Because she was reminded of the reason she had to leave him in the first place. She’d gone too far, and she was afraid that if she let herself have feelings for him again that it would all end up the same. They both needed to grow up a little more before she’d consider it again.
“Okay…” He rolled onto his back and pursed his lips.
“I-I do care about you a lot, but…” She took her time formulating her next sentence. “I’m the first girl you ever fell in love with, and you’re the first boy I ever truly loved beyond a silly schoolyard crush, although it was silly at times, and I just think that maybe we should, I-I dunno, fish around some more?”
“You mean like…date other people?” He cocked a brow.
“Just to see who else is out there. What if we’re missing someone we’re meant to be with because we can’t stop looking at each other? I mean, things usually seem to end in disaster when we get too close, so what if we’re not meant to be? I just think that we should explore other options before we come back to each other,” She twirled her hair around her fingers nervously as she explained.
“If that’s what you want,” He winced. “I mean, I know things weren’t the greatest, and we were a little crazy about each other at times, but I thought we could work on that.”
“Maybe we will. Maybe we won’t find anyone else, but don’t you think we should at least consider it for a little while?” She shrugged.
“How long is a little while?”
“I-I dunno, until we’re ready?” She bit her lip, and he drummed his fingers on his chest.
“I guess,” He said finally.
“You don’t want to.”
“No, it’s not that. I-I just never really thought about looking at anyone else, but…it couldn’t hurt,” He insisted. “I’m just upset that you don’t still have pictures of me plastered all over your walls, and you don’t drool when I walk by anymore.”
“I never drooled!” She huffed, cheeks flushing pink. “Noticeably…”
“That’s because you were always hiding,” He teased, and she kicked her chair away from the chaise.
“See? This is why we should see other people. You drive me crazy,” She chided with a laugh.
“Yeah I did,” He smirked.
“Hey! Watch it, rich boy. I wasn’t kidding about ending you,” She pointed challengingly. “I have a lot of sharp tools over here, so don’t tempt me.”
“Oh? Are you going to knit me to death?”
“I could cut off all of your hair,” She picked up a pair of scissors and snipped them in his direction. Adrien sat up with a horrified gasp.
“You wouldn’t dare,” He placed a hand on his chest. “My beautiful golden hair that you spent months dreaming about running your fingers through-”
“I’m cutting it,” She stood up and crossed the room, Adrien grabbing her wrist when she got too close.
“No, I need it!” He whined.
“No, you don’t,” She shook her head.
“My father will be very angry with you if you cut it,” He shot back.
“Doubt it. He likes me,” She grinned.
“If you cut it off, you can’t play with it anymore,” He pointed out as the scissors neared his skull. She rolled her eyes and sat back, dropping the tool on the floor in a sign of surrender. “I’ve found your weakness.”
“Mine and yours,” She laughed as he scooched closer so that she could run her fingers through his soft strands. “You are such a cat.”
“Mmm, guilty,” He sighed contently. “Where am I gonna find another girl that likes to pet me like you do?”
“Uh, literally anywhere in Paris?” She offered.
“Yeah, but those are all crazy fangirls,” He pouted.
“Oh, like I wasn’t a crazy fangirl?” She cocked a brow.
“You were different,” He shook his head slightly. “You only thought I was cool and handsome, talented, ripped, dreamy, totally kissable-” She punched his gut so he finished, “After you found out I was nice.”
“Well, I wasn’t about to fall in love with Chloe, now was I?” She cocked a brow, and he shrugged, seeing her point. “Besides, you didn’t really look at me until Ladybug dumped you.”
“Not entirely true,” He defended. “I’ve always thought you were amazing, but I didn’t think you thought about me that way.”
“And you thought Ladybug did?”
“Well, didn’t she?” He smirked.
“Fair point, but it wasn’t about the you, you thought though,” She reminded him.
“Eh, I turned her head eventually, didn’t I?” He smiled, leaning against her shoulder. “Even if it wasn’t the her that I thought it would be.”
Marinette felt her cheeks heat up.
“Only after I realize he could be sweet under all of his theatrics,” She pushed his nose away gently. “Though now I’m realizing he has a lot more theatrics than I thought.”
“Well, I am my mother’s son,” He fell across her lap dramatically, pressing a hand to his forehead.
“Speaking of,” She pulled his bag closer with her foot and pulled out Master Fu’s journal. “I think you should read this.”
Adrien eyed it for a moment before taking it out of her hands carefully. He flipped open the front page again, and Marinette stood up, ruffling his hair.
“I’ll leave you alone for a while,” She smiled, pulling her chair back over to her desk where she pulled out Alya’s Christmas gift and resumed working quietly.
Occasionally, she’d hear him chuckle under his breath or attempt to hide his sniffling which brought a smile to her lips. It was good for him. She could tell from the look on his face as he scanned each page that it meant the world to him to know her again. What happened to her was still unknown, and maybe they would never know, but she just hoped that she could be there for him whenever he needed her, as a friend or otherwise.
“Thanks for dinner, Mrs. Cheng,” Adrien said graciously, waving as they headed out the door.
Chloe did her best to seem at ease, but she couldn’t quite get her spine to relax. Marinette’s parents adored Adrien, and why wouldn’t they? He was the perfect gentleman, and he very clearly liked their daughter. Mrs. Cheng had even admitted it. It was hard to look him in the eye when her heart hurt so much, so she hurried down the stairs to the front door, hoping to avoid him, but she should have known conversation was inevitable.
“Hey, Chloe, wait up!” He called, taking the stairs two at a time to catch up to her. “I’ll walk you home.”
She felt her cheeks warm slightly, but she folded her arms over her chest stubbornly.
“I walk home by myself all the time,” She huffed, but Adrien, being the oblivious cherub that he was, simply laughed.
“Oh, come on. Today hasn’t changed your opinion of me, has it?” He shoved his hands in his pockets as they walked, the most comfortable position she’d seen him in when they were alone in…well, forever.
“You usually hate being alone with me,” She pointed out matter-of-factly, dodging his question.
“Not always,” He defended, and she bit her lip.
“Fine,” She caved, glaring in the opposite direction to hide the hurt on her face.
Certainly it was against her better judgment to hope that this small ounce of attention meant he saw her as anything more than a friend, but she was going to savor every drop while she held it. Even if it was going to make it harder to move on, she still wanted to indulge for just a little while. For one last time. Because the road ahead would be a long and painful one. After all, a girl didn’t just get over the boy she’d been in love with for ten years in one day. No, it would take time to heal this wound, if it ever healed at all. Adrien was the only person she’d ever truly loved. The only one she ever thought was really hers.
But he wasn’t.
And he never would be.
“So, you’re really okay with…everything?” He cocked a brow after the silence dragged on for a moment. She weighed her answer carefully.
“I hate to admit it, but…I’m not surprised. I mean, I was surprised, but it makes sense now,” She shrugged. “You two are perfect for each other.”
“We’re all a team. That includes you, ya know,” He nudged her with his elbow. “Even if you and Mari don’t see eye-to-eye, she trusts you, and so do I.”
“Ugh, all this sappy teamwork talk is making me nauseous,” She grumbled. “More than the usual flirting you two make me put up with.”
“We’re not that bad,” Adrien chided, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Puh-lease, Adrikins. You two are worse than Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. It’s nauseating to listen to,” He slumped a little, so she hugged her chest, shivering slightly as a cool breeze blew by. “So what are you two anyway?”
“Just friends,” He said softly, eyes fixed on the ground.
“I find that hard to believe,” She grunted, but the sadness on his face was genuine.
I can’t believe I’m doing this…
“Do you want to get some coffee and talk about it?” She offered with a sigh, gesturing to the small café across the street. He offered up a weak smile and nodded, and within a few minutes they were sitting together at a small table huddled over their steaming beverages.
“So, just friends?” She cocked a brow. “What’s up with that?”
“Mari’s idea. She wants to see other people,” He commented, stirring cream into his drink absentmindedly. His eyes held a far-off gaze, a small frown curved on his lips.
“She doesn’t like you?” Her eyes narrowed suspiciously, finding that news hard to believe.
“I’m not sure…I-It’s complicated,” He shook his head. “We’re…complicated.”
“I’ve got time,” She prompted, taking a delicate sip without removing her eyes from him. After a moment, he let out a sigh and shifted in his seat uncomfortably.
“This summer…Mari and I were kind of a thing,” He started, twirling a coffee stirrer between his fingers.
“Kind of?” She rested her chin on her fist, and he squirmed again.
“It wasn’t me and Mari, or at least at the time I didn’t know that it was her, but, well, she…I…” He took a deep, irritated breath. “I loved Ladybug for obvious reasons, and Marinette loved Adrien, and there was an art project, and she was just trying to help me out, and we got…carried away and it was secret and…dumb, and we shouldn’t have, and Mari realized that first so she ended it, and it sucked for a long time, and I moved on, or I thought I did, but Marinette didn’t want me for reasons that I didn’t find out until recently, and because of everything that happened between us, and now that we know everything, she wants to think about it, and she thinks it’s better for us to explore other options for a while, and-”
Chloe placed her hand over his and held it tight to quiet the trembling. Eventually, he dropped the crumbled up stirrer and ran a hand through his hair and shrugged.
“I’m sorry,” She said quietly, and he smiled softly.
“It’s not your fault. And maybe it’s what we need, I don’t know. She’s just…” His lips formed a firm line, and he shook his head again. “I was kind of hoping now that everything has settled down that we could try again, but I think she’s just too confused still.”
“Well, she should be,” Chloe shrugged, and his head snapped up in an instant. “Your history is messy, and in a way, I get that she’s trying to sort it out the best she can.”
“So, why not talk about it? Why not work on us? Why see other people?” He held his hands out in confusion.
“Because sometimes girls are private about their feelings. We want to take time to sort them out ourselves before we come to you. I think she’s trying to prevent you both from getting hurt again,” She explained. “It won’t hurt you to go out with someone else while she thinks. It’s not like you have to marry them.”
“I know that, but…” He pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned. “Why is love so hard?”
“Because this is real life and not a movie, Adrien,” She laughed. “Not everyone gets a happy ending.”
Even if you want one.
“I guess,” He grumbled, tapping the cup with his fingers anxiously.
Chloe finished her coffee, and they continued on toward her house in awkward silence, and for once, she didn’t feel the need to fill it with meaningless words. Neither of them were really in the mood for small talk anymore, both too preoccupied with their own unhappiness. When they reached her small home, she pulled him into a tight hug which he allowed willingly for probably the first time ever.
“Thanks for letting me vent,” He mumbled softly. “I know I’m just being selfish, but...”
“It’s okay,” She shook her head and pulled back. “Give it time. You’re a great guy, and she’ll see that eventually.”
“Thanks, Chlo,” He smiled, taking a step back and shoving his hands back into his pockets. “I’ll see you later.”
“Hey, Adrien…” She bit her lip as her heart sped up in her chest. He paused and turned back to her, curiously tilting his head to one side. “I love you.”
Her words didn’t faze him even a little, and he smiled that warm, familiar smile that she so often daydreamed about.
“I love you too, Chloe.” And as she watched him walk up the street, her chest burned with confirming grief.
After saying it to him for so many years, she wasn’t surprised by his automatic answer. After all, he’d never known the true emotion she was hoping to convey each time she said it, so why would he now? It’s not like he’d ever felt that way about her which surprisingly didn’t hurt as much as she thought it would. He wasn’t hers. He never had been, and he never would be. That was something she’d known for years even if she’d never wanted to admit it. No, the hurt came in finally giving up. In letting go of her fantasy. Adrien was all she’d ever known of love, and now she wasn’t entirely sure she knew anything anymore. Just like Adrien’s heart was incapable of loving anyone but Marinette, would her heart ever let go of him?
Maybe it would, maybe it wouldn’t.
Of course she didn’t seem to think so as she spent a good portion of the night screaming into her pillow while her helpless father attempted to pat her back and offer reassuring advice until he ultimately gave up and left her to her own devices. Her life was in shambles, and now her heart was too. She’d become so reduced from the person she once was that the red-eyed, puffy-faced girl standing in front of her in the mirror didn’t seem like her at all, and the longer she stared the more unsure she became. Who was she? Without her wealth, without her power, without Adrien.
She glanced at the scissors in the drawer with a decisive frown and picked them up. It was time for a change, and with each snip, blonde waves floated to the floor until she became someone else. The old Chloe was dead and gone, and a new one was being reborn in her skin.  
Losing her luxurious life was one nail in that coffin.
Getting a job at Marinette’s bakery was another.
Becoming friends with her long-time enemy, making amends for her past behavior.
Meeting Hunni. Becoming Queen Bee.
And finally, losing Adrien.
She set the scissors down, and looked at the face again in the mirror. Her eyes were pained, but filled with determination. The old Chloe had no place in her life anymore. She was tired of letting her past haunt her, of letting everyone shove her mistakes in her face. It was time to become someone else, to shed her skin and find a new Chloe Bourgeois, or maybe the Chloe Bourgeois she was always meant to be. And as she examined the remaining waves still framing her face, she placed her hands on her hips and smiled.
It was a place to start.
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