#but i just can't
weirdmixofweirdness · 4 months
The way Alastor just kicks his legs while enjoying someone's suffering. LIke, someone is in genuine pain and that's his version of a soap opera.
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da-proti-toku-grem · 5 months
venting in the tags again bc i'm literally shaking right now wtf
#god i hate it so much#my exams start on monday and i'm not even halfway through everything i need to know for my first exam#i've had all the holidays to study but i just can't concentrate on anything#i've been in my room all day every day (except the days i spent w family like christmas and new year ofc)#and seemingly i'm studying all day#my family thinks i spend all day studying#but the only thing i'm capable of doing most of the time is stare at the things i have to do w/o having any idea of wtf i'm doing#my brain won't shut tf up and telling me stuff that i know are not true#but i just can't#i feel like i've been having an anxiety attack non stop since this monday#not very bad most of the time but it doesn't really stop yk?#and i feel like i have a weight on my chest that i can't really take off#i've been going to therapy and we've come to the conclusion that the cause of my anxiety overall are my studies#(not counting my social anxiety that's been getting worse every day to the point that i don't even want to go out with my best friends)#which doesn't really surprise me but it's just Too Much#i just want to drop everything but since idk what i'd do if i quit this career i chose to do my exams#bc maybe they are useful if i do change my path#but i just can't find it in me to focus and study because my mind is racing all the time#i just want to lie down and cry but i don't even have the strength to do that#i just feel so weak and miserable ever since i started uni and every day it gets worse and worse#my mind just screams at me saying#'stop complaining all the time. no one cares. everyone goes through stuff like that. you're no different. stfu and study like everyone does'#and i know i could do it if i tried but i just can't#why tf is it so difficult to be normal and do what i'm supposed to do for once ffs....#venting#maca speaks
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fandomscraziness22 · 7 months
caleb michaels makes me crazy literally every single time i listen to college tapes and i love him so much but he has so much trauma and isn't talking to anyone and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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buriedinmyownfeelings · 10 months
A formal apology to all the ao3 writers whose stories I adore but cannot comment on because I am an anxious bitch with issues
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redjaybathood · 4 months
kinda fucked up that in Duke Thomas tag there's almost nothing more than fanart (which is great), comics panel (also good), headcanons (eh I get that) and misquotes (forgot the term). Like. I know it's most of what's going on in every tag but it still kinda sucks, because in others' tags you still can find good meta, detailed posts about canon, fan theories, and analysis. And it's like. For Duke, most of the content is made up. Nobody knows the real Duke. Yeah, yeah, we're past the "Duke is the normie" era but. That doesn't mean you know him as he is and not him as he lives in your head. which is what headcanons are. You get me?
"write something yourself" I will (no ETA tho)
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robinparravel · 8 months
Do you ever finish reading a book, and then just have to sit there, knowing that your view of the world will never be the same?
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awakefor48hours · 8 months
You guys ever hear the most wild/incorrect hot take about a piece of media you actively consume. Like it’s so dog shit bad that you can’t even comprehend how someone could possibly not only have a thought like that but wrote it down and published it.
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electricea · 3 months
also as i was going through them, i love the concept behind the pride and pumpkin color palettes but dear god, they're hard on the eyes lmao.
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eirenses · 1 year
with every passing day i feel the need to watch even more povs because i just can't get enough. the clips i see aren't enough anymore
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ashtraythief · 2 months
I’ve been reading the Underneath ’verse since you first posted it. I’m not asking for the ending but am curious do you think Jensen and Jared will be able to find happiness in the end? Maybe not together right away but at some point down the road?
Ah nonnie, I'm sorry I can't really answer this question because their happiness is directly tied to how this ends. I can tell you though that neither of them would ever find someone else to love again. Not like that. Now you can of course be happy in life without romantic love, but if you had a love like that, could you be happy without it? Maybe. I think it depends, in the scenario in which they're not together, with how much pain, grief, regret, and guilt they end up which again depends on the scenario.
I'm so grateful that you're still sticking with the story, it absolutely blows me away, seriously, and I'd love to tell you more, but I can't. Not yet.
Thank you for your message 💙
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nothing kills my excitement for a game like finding out it's a rougelike/lite 😭
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jialoves · 2 months
After exams boredom is so wierd like tf am i supposed to do now?
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mae-i-scribble · 11 months
I really need to stop rereading How to Get my Husband on my Side because I inevitably become so frustrated but I can’t help going back to it because the initial premise and beginning are so fucking compelling. The kicker? The romance is done in the worst way possible in my opinion which is not helped by the fact that it’s primarily a romance novel. Izek falls way too fucking fast and is willing to do way too much for Ruby far too soon. The moment after the poisoning incident? Where Izek all but says he’s willing to bury the truth if it turns out it’s true that Ruby poisoned Freya *makes no fucking sense.* He has barely known this woman for *maybe* a month, he is only just beginning to discern what is a lie and what is a truth when it comes to how Ruby presents herself to him. At this point he knows that she was certainly not well loved like the rumors say, and there is definitely something abusive going on but he hardly has a judge of her character well enough to be making that sort of devoted judgement call. It doesn’t make any sense considering how he has only just now started coming around to Ruby.
The thing that kills me is that the author didn’t even have to change the plot to make Izek’s arc make more sense? Literally they just needed to draw out the falling in love portion more. You can still have Izek run himself ragged trying to find the truth because he is convinced that Ruby didn’t do it without seemingly planning to cover up for her should she be guilty- that much would make sense. Also why does he become so devoted to her so quickly after she runs away?? Like listen I would understand him finally starting to trust her and make an active effort to be more open with her, and maybe this is my aroace ass talking because I find fast romances difficult to believe under any circumstances, but it’s so offputting how his personality does a complete 180. At least gently work your way into these things??? 
Also what’s so baffling about how badly paced Izek’s arc is the fact that Ruby’s arc is perfectly paced??? Her character is so expertly well done not only in terms of her trauma and how that trauma colors her perspective but in how she feels about Izek in particular that it’s hard to believe both storylines come from the same author. 
I really just wish Izek was done better because then this manhwa/novel would easily be one of my favorites but alas i shall stick to rereading and then being sad :/
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antihumanism · 2 years
the kindest thing to say about Jennifer’s Body is that it is an amateurish, poorly written garbage fire from someone who has never heard human language or seen a horror movie before and only knows about life and culture on our planet from skimming tvtropes and wikipedia articles, and the probably more accurate thing to say is that it is blatant, soulless plagiarism of Ginger Snaps but without the charm, wit, acting talent, genre awareness, incestuous undertones, commentary on gender and suburban unreality, etc that make Ginger Snaps one of the best movies of all time, and if time travel was ever invented the first thing that must be done is to burn the infant whedon to death in his crib and prevent him and his whole thing from poisoning culture
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ersatz-colubridae-888 · 4 months
happy birthday baking you an absolutely woke cake
???? thanks anon?????????
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ishouldsleepbut · 4 months
how do you get better? like i'm genuinely asking, once you know what your problem is, how do you get better? because i know what's wrong with me
i just don't know how to fix it
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