#but. as someone who ships pearl and scar a little it was a bit uncomfortable to see them be called siblings
infizero · 2 years
listen i was guilty of this once upon a time too but dawg ppl GOTTA stop calling any platonic dynamic they like “siblings” without any precedence 
#there are many characters where there is good right to call them siblings. but ppl have gotten so trigger happy w it#and like theres nothing wrong with viewing a dynamic that way ig but at the same time it makes ppl who may ship those characters really#uncomfortable. bcuz although there is nothing to suggest that those characters view each other in that way by calling them siblings#instantly you've made it weird for anyone who might interpret the dynamic differently#idk this is very nuanced but it just irked me a little bit#absolutely nothing against the person in the tags of my art btw power to you#but. as someone who ships pearl and scar a little it was a bit uncomfortable to see them be called siblings#i dont like ppl making ANY of the hermits siblings. like grian and pearl are a common one i see and i just. i dont get it i truly dont#none of their dynamics read like that to me. idk. again ppl have their own interpretations of things and they didnt mean any harm by it#it just made me feel a little weird#and this is a problem or well. trend ive seen in all fandoms recently#please. people are allowed to be friends and have close friendships and not have a familial element involved#esp with a girl and a boy THEY CAN JUST BE FRIENDS! YOU CAN HAVE THEM BE TOTALLY PLATONIC WITHOUT CALLING THEM SIBLINGS#whatever whatever idrc. just something ive noticed i know other ppl have talked about this before#again this is not a callout or anything im genuinely not mad or weirded out or anything please dont think i am#serena.txt
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asparrowandaswann · 5 years
The room was small and bare, with a bed which she could tell from a glance creaked terribly. A chest of drawers, empty. A chair with a woven seat stood against the wall. A small table sat in the corner, an old pot of ink, but no papers, no quill. An inch-thick layer of dust covered everything, as Teague had warned. No one had entered this room for quite some time. She could find nothing personal. Nothing which could tell her about Jack, from when he was simply Jackie. Jackie Teague. The boy before the legend. A pang of disappointment gripped her stomach. She had hoped to know him better. Something of his childhood which he would never have told her himself.
Nevertheless, the room smelled of him. As though he had just left the room. Something spiced, a vague hint of sandalwood, and... sweat. Quite overpoweringly of sweat, in fact, considering he hadn't set foot in the room for Lord knows how long. And there was something else... something...
Elizabeth moved towards the bed, the bedding seeming to be the source of the smell, as, where else could his scent be coming from? She pulled back the covers gingerly, and gasped, leaping back. Blood. Dark, old, blackened blood. With a brave sweep, she pulled away the thin blankets entirely. The bed was soaked through. Or had been, some time ago.
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Just then, there was a knock at the door.
"Yes?" Her voice broke. She couldn't take her eyes off the blood, wondering whose it was, and hoping to God that it wasn't Jack's.
The door inched open with a creak, and when she turned, she saw a little man, grey and slightly bowed, backing into the room, carrying a stack of linens in his arms as he pushed the door open with his shoulder.
"'ere y'are, yer Kingly-ness." His voice was smooth and grandfatherly, and as he turned, kind blue eyes caught her worried gaze, following it to the bed. The man shook his head sadly. "Aye, t'was a bad time, that."
"What happened here?"
The man placed the bedding down on the wicker chair, taking a moment first to wipe away the best of the dust with a rather soiled handkerchief.
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"I've been 'ere since Jackie were a wee lad." He explained, stripping the bloodstained bedding away as he did so. "I was born int' piratin', but truth be told, never been much good a' sea. Much prefer land, so I found myself 'ere, amongst me own, withou' 'avin' t' do much wot pirates be doin'. The lad weren' like tha', though. It surprised no one when 'e ran off t' the sea the momen' 'e turned four'een, withou' so much as a 'bye, pops' to ol' Teague. 'E'd come back now and then, though... always sportin' an injury which needed seein' t'."
Elizabeth's eyes widened. So it was Jack's blood.
"Aye, Miss." The man said, seeing her worry. "There were one particular night... nigh ten years ago or so, now. The boy came stumblin' back, 'avin' sailed 'ere in a little scrap of a boat, with a man named Gibbs. 'Is only crew a' the time, though if you'd seen this boat of 'is, 'e were in no need of a crew. It were small enough to be manned alone. No, 'e'd lost 'is ship, the Pearl, quite recently, in fact, and was still cut up about it. Loves that ship like a mistress, 'e does. So, Gibbs practically carried 'im up 'ere, up the hill, screamin' the whole way for a doc'or. Obviously, place like this, we 'ave one, an' we give 'm enough business to keep 'im 'ere. Doc'or Grove, is 'is name. 'E saw to the lad. 'E'd been shot, twice." The man patted his chest, just over his heart. "T'was a near miss. A few inches further south an'... Well, Teague were furious with 'im. The lad 'ad 'ad a pistol, after all, but 'e'd refused to use it. 'That bullet weren' mean' fer 'im, Dad', 'e kept sayin'. Never seen old Teague so mad, I ain'." Taking the straw mattress, which was also stained straight through, he carried it out into the hallway, returning moments later with a replacement. "This were pillaged just a week ago from a fine Spanish galleon. Should be more fittin' for a King." It was too large for the small bed frame, hanging limply onto the floor, but Elizabeth was grateful all the same.
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"I've seen Jack's scars." Elizabeth confessed, thinking back to their time on the island, having been mutinied by Barbossa. She thought of the dark cloud which had crossed Jack's gaze as he had drawn back his sleeves. "How on Earth did he survive?"
The man glanced towards the skies. "Miracle, I reckon. That lad's seen 'is fair share. Someone's smilin' down at 'im, scoundrel though 'e is. 'E must 'ave charmed an angel in a prior life, I reckon. Nah, 'e pulled through by the skin of 'is teeth. I s'pose no one thought to change the beddin'. 'e only ever comes by with some injury or other, when this is the closest friendly bit of land with a doc'or. Whatever 'e lies on would only get soiled again anyway." He busied himself, tucking fine sheets - no doubt taken also from a fine galleon - as best he could under the oversized mattress, and fluffing a fresh goose pillow.
"And that was the last time? That Jack was here?"
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"Aye." He brushed his hands together as he stood back to admire his work. "Though..." His face froze, and he half-turned, smiling at Elizabeth with a glint in his cornflower-blue eyes. "Now I come to think of it, there were one other time since. Quite recen'ly, in fact. Couple years back. 'E'd just gotten 'is Pearl back, I believe, an' it were once again ol' Gibbs who brought Jack 'ere, the lad staggerin' an' shoutin' that 'e didn' need no doc'or, 'e just needed 'is Pearl, but Gibbs knew best, as always."
Elizabeth's eyes widened. That must have happened since they had met, after she had watched him from the battlements of Port Royal, sailing into the distance. "What happened?"
"Fever. 'E'd caught summit nasty from some tribe, an' it were burnin' through him. Delirious, 'e were. Rantin' an' ravin' one minute, weepin' into the pillow, the next." He was eying Elizabeth curiously now, watching her. She shifted uncomfortably. "After all 'e'd survived before, no one doubted for a moment that 'e wouldn't pull through. A legend like 'e's carved out for 'imself, 'e could 'ardly go down to a fever, now, could 'e? But it were a nasty sickness, all the same. I remember one evenin', the night before the fever broke, I came in carryin' a tray of broth, to try an' get summit into 'im, an' there were no one else there at the time but the doc'or. The lad were sleepin', so it seemed, but 'e were mutterin' t' 'imself, nonsense, as always, an' neither the doc'or nor I paid it much mind, until..." He stepped closer to Elizabeth now, his voice dropping to a mere whisper. "'E started speakin' a name."
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A coil tightened in Elizabeth's gut. "A name?"
"Aye. Name of a woman. Chantin' it, quiet, like, under 'is breath. Now, it caught my attention because I know the lad not to be the settlin' sort. 'E's 'ad 'is flirtations, sure, but no one 'as ever truly caught 'is eye, to my knowledge. The doc'or noticed too, an' asked me if I recognised the name. I said I didn'. 'E stopped as soon as 'e started, an' 'e woke the next mornin', past the worst of it."
Elizabeth licked her lips, her mouth suddenly dry. She wasn't sure if she wanted to know. Obviously Jack had had his fair share of women, but to think that one would leave her mark enough for him to speak her name during his delusions. But of course, her curiosity was too great.
"What was the name?"
The man smirked. "Lizabeth."
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Her face burned, and for a moment she lost herself, her mouth gaping with shock. He had spoken her name. They had parted ways, and yet he had chanted her name, calling for her, perhaps dreaming of her under the heavy sleep of fever. What could that mean, besides...?
Pulling her lips into a pout of indignation, she stepped back sharply. "Common enough name. No doubt the whorehouses of Tortuga are teaming with Elizabeths and Lizzys and Elizas and... I'd thank you not to look at me that way." She snapped at his knowing gaze. "And to keep any gossiping thoughts to yourself."
The man mimicked drawing a line across his lips in an oath of silence. "Believe me, Miss, with all that goes on 'ere, that would be one of the more mundane tidbits, anyway."
Still not convinced, she asked warily. "What is your name?"
"Perkins, Miss." He didn't bow, as the gentlemen of Port Royal would have. This was the Kingdom of Pirates, after all. "Pleasure's all mine."
She nodded her head curtly. "Thank you for replacing the bed. I think... I shall sleep now."
The bid him goodnight, locking the door behind him.
Sitting heavily onto the bed, the mattress dipping dangerously off the side of the bed-frame, she thought about all she had learnt that night. She imagined Jack, in this very room, as a young boy desperate to follow the call of the sea, until the urge had been too strong to resist any longer. She imagined him on this bed, writhing in agony while a doctor pulled the bullets from his chest. So much blood had been lost. How on earth had he survived? She imagined him bathed in sweat, sleeping in the bloodstains of his last visit, chanting for her, calling for her. She imagined herself, water bowl in hand, dabbing with a cloth at his brow, soothing him. Clinging to his hand as the doctor performed his crude surgery on his wounds. Stroking his hair as the wounds were cleaned with precious rum, and cauterised with red hot metal. She imagined them both, in this bed, whispering to each other...
Oh, you hussy. Her husband not but a few hours gone, and already she was picturing herself with another man. And not just any man. That man.
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God, ten years was a long time, indeed. Her body had been awakened to sensual realities of womanhood, and she knew that she couldn't wait ten years. But as for him... no, she'd have to steer clear of him. Jack was as much a danger to her heart as to her body. He would worm his way into her heart, and stay there. And she must protect Will's heart, above all else. Protect it within her own.
But as for physical pleasure... she resolved again to find a way of communicating with Calypso. After all, all men took lovers, why not a Pirate King?
Removing her heavily armoured coat and belt, she slipped beneath the covers in her black dress, placing her effects on the ground, within easy reach. Glancing again to check the lock of the door, her hand skimmed over her thighs, her fingers travelling to that secret part of her. A part of her still sore from her hasty honeymoon. Flashes of images raced through her mind as she touched herself. A pair of dark, kind eyes. Strong, calloused hands on her bare waist. Her fingers tracing over a scar on a man's chest. Soft, greedy lips tasting her own. A wry smirk. A glint of gold.
Tipping herself into ecstasy, she let the night take her, and let her exhaustion claim her.
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outsidercade · 7 years
You gonna hate me but,,, 1-102? *devil grin* love you ❤
(Putting it under a cut because this is gonna be LONG oh boy)
1. Favorite season?Definitely fall! It’s got my birthday and perfect temperatures!
2. Prettiest thing you own?Probably my cats lmao
3. Do you prefer to be outside or inside?Honestly it really depends on my mood and the weather and such, but probably inside on average? I’m not sure
4. Furthest ever traveled?I live in Michigan and I’ve been so Japan so I’d say that’s p far
5. What’s your aesthetic in 3 words?It really varies
6. Favorite gemstone?Ooooh uhh… probably bloodstone? It’s hella pretty look it up !
7. Best thing about yourself, in your opinionMy drawing skills
8. Best thing about yourself, in other’s opinionNothing lmao uhh hHHHHH I’ve been told that I’m very empathetic, understanding, and easy/fun to talk to?? 
9. What’s your weirdest fear?Idk if this counts as a fear, but I’m p paranoid about doors and people entering rooms I guess? Like I can’t sleep unless I face the door and I feel really uncomfortable sitting in places where I can’t see every entrance to the room at a time
10. Weirdest dream you’ve ever had?OH MAN well okay uh when I started reading the Harry Potter series in like 7th grade I had this dream where I was like Harry but with wings instead of arms and bird legs? And the dream had the perspective of an RPG or something with a health bar and everything and I had to fight Voldemort in my backyard under my trampoline. Also at some point I ran into my teacher at the time in a hospital in said dream so that was p damn weird
11. Go-to hiding placeAnywhere small, but not too small, where i can be completely hidden without somebody opening a door or latch or something12. Favorite place in your houseLmao my room13. Earliest memoryMy earliest memory is from being on a cruise when I was four and getting really mad at my parents because they saw some dolphins outside and I wasn’t there to see them xD14. Do you believe in ghosts?I’m honestly not sure15. Favorite sea creature?I have no idea so I’m just gonna say sea cucumber or cuttlefish because both are sea creatures that I adore !!16. Cold showers or hot baths?HOT BATHS ALL THE WAY17. Satin or lace?I adore lace so like,,,, definitely that18. Gold or silver?I personally like the way silver looks MUCH better but at the same time there’s The Outsiders and it’s whole kink with the color gold so likeeee,,,,,, idk man19. Hoops or pearl earrings?Pearl20. Aesthetic songShelter by Porter Robinson and Madeon
21. Top 5 songsUHHHH DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE BRUHBut uhh at the moment I guess it would be, in no particular order,1- Another Day from Rent2- Michael in the Bathroom from Be More Chill3- Grease (Is The Word) from Grease Live!4- Beautiful from Heathers5- Nandemonaiya from Your Name
22. Favorite time of the day?Early morning and/or late night
23. Favorite part of your body?Again nothing lmao but I guessss my eyes????
24. Do you drink alcohol?I’m fourteen years old and also allergic to beer so I mean
25. Dream job from when you were a kidI don’t want to do this anymore, but when I was a Smol I really wanted to start a pet-sitting business in my town xD
26. Messy or clean?It depends tbh. Likkkkke my room is messy af but I’m super overprotective of some things and will like stab somebody if they get a book of mine dirty
27. Tea or coffee?I don’t really like either but I guess tea?
29. Zodiac sign?Libra all the way B)
30. Extrovert or introvert?I think I’m more of an extrovert, but it’s hard to tell
31. Celebrity crush?I mean there are a LOT of celebrities I could look at and be like “oh yeah that person’s hella cute!!” but I don’t think I’ve ever had a real celebrity crush
32.  Early bird or night owl?Both lmao
33. Do you believe in love at first sight?I want to but ehHHHHH not really
34. Favorite book quote Honestly I,,,,, don’t have one. I’m super bad at remembering quotes and things like that so I don’t have a favorite book quote ;;
35. Three wishes you haveI’m gonna sound like a greedy bitch but1- To have better grades/be better at life in general2- To be more wealthy3- To get my dream job
36. Do you believe in magic?I have No Idea
37. Do you believe in soulmates?Not really, but I do believe that there are certain people who will definitely be more compatible by nature
38. Zoo or aquarium?I LOVE ZOOS
39. Cats or dogs?I love both but I’ve never owned a dog and I grew up with cats sOOO I’d probably have to say those
40. How many languages do you speak?English is my first language so there’s that but I also know a tiny bit of Japanese?? Not really enough to count it as knowing another language tho
41. How has your life changed from last year?I’ve developed a p bad social anxiety disorder this year so there’s that?
42. Why do you have your name/url?I’ve got my name just because my parents like it, and I have my url because if you couldn’t tell I’m obsessed with The Outsiders, and ESPECIALLY Johnny Cade xD
43.  Do you keep secrets? How well?I definitely try my best to, but I tend to accidentally let things slip without meaning to on occasion,,,
44. Favorite animal?I HAVE A LOT SO, AGAIN IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER,1- Caribou2- Kangaroos3- River otters4- Birds in general lmao
45. What is love to you?UhhHHHHHHHHH I have no idea how to interpret this question but,,,I don’t know, I guess love, platonic or romantic, is when there’s somebody who you trust and feel really comfortable with, and who you enjoy spending time together with and uhh. I guess that? I don’t know, I apologize 
46. Future children name?I don’t really want kids and if I did I’d adopt, so idk
47. Favorite colorPurple! ^^
49. Cuddles or kisses?I’m a slut for cuddles tbh so definitely that
50. If you could have any person in the world over for dinner, who would it be?I have. No Idea
51. Someone to bring back from the deadMy cat Persion who died last fall ;;
52. Lipstick or lipgloss?I don’t really like either very much tbh
53. Are you street smart or book smart?I’m just not smart lmao
54. Your biggest strengthI’m super nice and friendly, so I guess there’s that
55. Favorite sportVolleyball!!
56. Favorite drink?Just plain ice water lmao
57. Favorite winter activity?I LOVE sledding like oh man I get super sad if I miss the chance to go
58. Last time you went abroadWhen I went to Japan in November!
60. Favorite artistI don’t necessarily have one but I guess I really love @ikimaru because her art style was a HUGE influence on me while I was developing mine and also her art is just Super Gorgest
61. Favorite singer/bandI don’t really have one, I’m kinda just obsessed with Broadway music in general
62. Favorite dancing songI don’t think I have one?
63. Favorite crying songFinale A, Your Eyes, and Finale B from Rent (I can’t find any good videos of the original Broadway cast recording of this and I don’t like the movie version so oops ;;)
64. Do you wear glasses?Yep, have since first grade!
65. First thing you do when you wake upCheck my phone lmao
66. How long do you usually sleep for?It varies a lot but probably about six-seven hours on average
67. One thing you lost and you want backI can’t think of anything off the top of my head I’m Afraid
68. Biggest fearBeing unsuccessful in life and/or being hated/alone/forgotten 
69. Favorite carnival rideI’ve only been to one carnival ever but there was this thing that flipped you around a lot in a lil cage-like thing and I LOVED that !
70. Do you have birthmarks or scars?I get injured a lot and have a bad habit of picking at scabs, so I have a lot of little scars everywhere
71. Favorite childhood memory?Probably when I first got my kitten Kivu in fourth grade, he’s a Good Boy
72. What do you think about during a storm?“wow that sure is one cool storm”
73. One word to describe your life?What
74. Craziest thing ever doneOnce when I was little I tried to wake up my Dad by throwing a hamster at him xD
75. Do you have piercings or tattoos?I don’t have either currently, but I might be getting my ears pierced later today!
76. Favorite flowerI don’t think I have one 
77. Do you have any pets?Yep! I’ve got my rabbit Tamaki, and my cats Ginger and Kivuli ^^
78. Describe your style??????
79. Choose one thing to change about yourselfThe way I look prolly
80. Do you play any musical instruments?I used to play cello, but I don’t anymore 
81. If your life was a movie would it be a comedy, a rom-com, action film or drama?Probably a comedy or a drama? ?? ?
82. Do you prefer dark, dramatic makeup or natural makeup?I like both a lot, it really depends on my mood or the person !
83. Favorite perfumeEw No Thanks
84. Biggest fandomCurrently probably The Outsiders? I’m not sure tbh
85. Favorite Youtuber(s)No particular order again lmao1- Game Grumps2- Markiplier3- Nostalgia Critic4- PeanutButterGamer5- SpaceHamster
86. OTPOH BOY UHH UHHonestly I love so many ships in so many different ways that I don’t think I could choose !!
87. Country, state where you were bornMichigan in the US ^^
88. Your parents’ namesCarol and David
89. Favorite snackI love waaayyy too many snack foods to choose!
91. Pen or pencilI definitely like pencils a Lot more
92. Blue or black inkBlack !
93. Paper books or electronic books?I am a slut for paper books tbh lmao
94. History or geography?History is WAY more interesting to me 
95. Pastel or neonP A S T E L !!!!!
97. Soap or body wash Uhhhhhhh…. Shrug?
98. Conditioner, no conditioner, or 2 in 1 shampoo & conditionerI honestly haven’t used any conditioner in years,,, ;;
99. Singing in the shower or notSometimes !
100. Listen to music while bathing or silenceBoth, it depends on what I’m in the mood for xD
101. Blow dry, towel dry, or air dry your hairA combo of towel and air unless I’m in a rush or something
102. Morning or night showers?DEFINITELY night 
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sincerelydayyy · 8 years
for the jancy prompt: maybe womething with their matching scars hidden into their palms? a reminder of the pecular bond they have :)
[I’ve been thinking about this one a lot lately so I just wrote it without thinking much. I hope you enjoy it.
also me finding the new jancy stills really helped my drive for this. I am living this ship once more, BLESS.]
Also on ao3/ff.net
It hadn’t been easy to let the things that had happened that year in Hawkins disappear. The scar on her hand was a firm reminder that something had occurred and there was no way of going back from this. Nancy had thought about it a few handful of times; whether she could move on? If she really wanted to.
It had felt so good to be the person to not run away scared (not completely) when it came to the things that went bumping in the night out of the corner of your eye. The monsters that as a kid parents used a figurative metaphor to get their children to behave were real. She had fought one. The first one.
She had assumed that that would be the end of it. As much as it hurt her to think that her brother’s first love was lost on the other side of it, she didn’t wish to revisit the trauma of losing her best friend. It didn’t mean she had forgotten. It took a lot of her to even move towards the pool behind Steve’s backyard during the first few months knowing that’s where it had all gone wrong.
There wasn’t anyone she felt comfortable with discussing it with. The boys were dealing with it in their own ways. Steve rarely discussed it, although he could see that she wanted to. She imagined it was because it would remind him that he was another asshole for that amount of time. So she kept it to herself.
The small moments when it didn’t feel so terrible was when she would see Jonathan. It was small moments where they would pass each other in the halls. They wouldn‘t draw much attention to it - to them - they’d just smile at each other, each of their hands curling up into a ball as if the other could feel the touch. 
It moved on from there to actually touching. She found him in the corner during the prom that she and Steve had coerced him into attending although it really wasn’t his scene. He was more of an observer. He felt uncomfortable. Especially when him mother had made such a big deal about him going.
“It doesn’t matter who you go with. You’ll want these memories Jonathan. This is your time to make a few outside of this house. Will and I will be fine.” She told him as she straightened his tie for the sixth time each time not liking how it was just a bit off center.
“Okay.” Was the only thing he could reply to that before she took his camera and took a few shots of him. Before he could reach out for it she was handing it off to Will to go hide until he came back.
Jonathan grumbled but promised to not be out too late even as Joyce told him that he could.
He did feel out of place. The stares he got were enough for him to wish he was a smoking type of person so that he could duck out of the gym and go sit outside despite the fact that it was a chilly night.
Nancy saved him from the cold, and the lingering stares of their peers. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet. “Nancy, wha-oh you look pretty.” He fumbled as he admired her face, the pearls she had in each ear and the dress that was giving him flashbacks to Christmas when he had received the new camera from her.
Nancy’s mom had gone all out for the big dance. Taking her out of state to find something fit for a princess. “I’m still adjusting. My mom really went for it, ya know.” She paused, realizing she was still holding his hand she quickly dropped it. “But, thanks. You clean up nice too. I didn’t know you owned a tux.”
He grimaced. “I didn’t. You’ve met my mom.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
She laughed. “Of course. She’s great.” She paused. “I’m glad you came.” She stated after a minute. “I haven’t been great about keeping in touch.”
He shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. You’re busy.”
“Sometimes I wish I wasn’t. Gives me more time to hang around the boys.” Gives me an excuse to see you. She muttered silently to herself. “How about a dance?” She said suddenly, she was aware it was going to take him off guard. Jonathan fully expected her to leave him at some point and go back to Steve and his group of friends.
Steve knew that Jonathan was someone Nancy cared for, if he got jealous that was more of his problem than hers. She hadn’t done anything to make it seem like she wasn’t still happy with her boyfriend. This was the first step towards something new. She just wanted to see what it was like. To be with Jonathan for a single moment that didn’t involve talk of monsters and hunting.
Besides they hadn’t properly spoke in weeks. Joyce had been the one to pick up Will, always citing that Jonathan was busy. It had made Nancy wonder if he was avoiding her. So when the idea of prom rolled around she came over to ask him directly. It’ll be fun. one last hurrah before college. I dunno, Nancy. It’s not really a welcoming crowd. Weren’t you the one who didn’t care about that before? He hadn’t known what to say. His mom had all but accepted it for him when she noticed him struggling to not say no to the girl that she was fully aware her eldest was in love with. He’ll be there.
Nancy had been so happy that she hugged him before leaving the Byers home.
“Dance? With you?” He pondered aloud.
“Yes. Who else would I be talking about?”
He sighed. “Alright. Just one. I’m not good at this kind of thing.”
“I know. You’re more The Clash, than slow dances.” She quipped as she reached for his hand, the scarred one.
He drew in a deep breath as he felt her squeeze it, purposefully.
The dance with Nancy wasn’t terrible he admitted as they took up the proper position of one of his hands around her waist and the other holding one of her own. She kept her eyes fixed on him the entire time. He made a smile tug onto his usually broody face.
Nancy thought the smile made him look handsome, if the way his hair was pushed back didn’t already bring out his charm the smile certainly did the trick.
When the dance inevitably came to a close he dropped his hand from around her waist. “Now that wasn’t so bad, eh?” She laughed.
“It was good.” He mumbled as he stowed his hands into his pocket. He spotted Steve before she did.
“You aren’t stealing my girl, are you?” Steve joked.
Jonathan rolled his eyes. “It was not my plan.” He replied in a very deadpan sort of way. It made Steve laugh which made Nancy feel better since she hadn’t been sure where the two boys stood at this point.
They were pretty amicable. She was glad. 
“I had to get a smile out of him or the night wouldn’t be quite as good as I hoped.” Nancy told Steve who stood on her other side as the three walked off the dance floor and towards the refreshment table. 
Jonathan passed them each a pre-filled plastic cup before grabbing one for himself. He was quiet as the couple threw banter back and forth. He didn’t hate being around them. Nancy had a point. The dance had leveled him out a bit.
He wasn’t surprised when the two were crowned King and Queen. He just nodded in acceptance of the normality of it all. Things were meant to be this way. Or so he assumed.
Jonathan was thrown when Nancy was waiting for him after graduation, alone. He expected her to be with her family or Steve and his. His dad had made an appearance (however brief it was), his mom was chatting with Hopper as she often did now that the two were something akin to dating - he hadn’t asked questions - and Will and his friends were running around the field acting like children which they were.
He was making a last walk down the hall when she barreled into him. “Hey.” He caught her by the shoulders.
“Hey, yourself.” She beamed.
He didn’t know what to say next. He was still processing her presence so close to him. Turns out he didn’t have to say anything, she just reached down for the hand and flipped his hand over. “It’s almost invisible now.”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “It’s been almost a year.”
“Is it weird that I kinda miss it?”
Jonathan wasn’t sure how to answer that. He wouldn’t want to go back to not having his little brother around. He was already going to miss him when he was in college - by some miracle he obtained a scholarship and was headed to New York - if he had to do it all over again he’d only be willing to change one thing.
“Not Will missing, but the opportunity that we did something awesome that no one knows about but us.” She traced the pattern in his palm. He instinctively started to pull away even though his heart was beating fast in his chest.
Nancy held a firm grip. “That’s what makes it memorable. We’re still here is enough.”
“I try to think that way but then I remember what else happened...Barb and Eleven. I don’t know if I’m okay with that.”
“You’re not.” He told her. He had noticed the uncertainty in her eyes. It wasn’t just today. In passing he noticed it.
He opted to switching their positions. He took his hand away and grabbed her scarred one. “I think it’s okay to not be okay. It means you’re not who I assumed you were when we started all of this. You feel things. That’s good. But we can’t want to be in that place again. It wasn’t warmth, it was terror.”
“You feels things. What do you suspect that might be?”
“Sadness. Wanderlust. Guilt.”
She had almost forgotten how sharp his tongue could be when he got frustrated. She didn’t jerk away from him though. She had started them on this path. They’d continue down it until things were settled.
“What do you feel?” She asked him instead of responding to his description.
“You tell me.” He smiled.
“Worry. Sadness. Hope.” She said, curling her fingers around his that were poised in the center of her palm. “Hold on to the hope for the both of us.” She whispered.
He said nothing. He never knew how to take her words. Words could mean anything, or nothing at all. It didn’t mean she couldn’t strike him either.
Hope for what? He wanted to ask. Instead he bent down pressed his mouth to her cheek. He only lingered for at least ten seconds but to Nancy it felt like at least a minute.
When he raised his head he looked determined. “Hope, I can do that. What about you?”
She swallowed, looking at him in the same way she did when they sat side by side in her bedroom the previous year.
“Yeah. Okay.”
The following Halloween everything changed. They gravitated towards one another as their world turned on it’s head. Nancy visited that moment in the hallway during this second year of hell. It was her hope, as was the set of scars that she shared with the determined man she had come to accept as her better half.
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