#caitie answers
theloveinc · 1 year
you wake up to kiri’s face in ur legs and he’s literally whimpering & on the verge of tears cause he needs to eat u out :(
It’s kind of stupid to be surprised tho, because almost every morning you catch him huffing the crotch of your nighttime shorts like an absolute pervert…
So ofc he finally reaches his limit one day, and the only thing concerning is really just how he was able to get down there between the sheets without waking you up sooner.
But who doesn’t want a little morning treat from such a giving man? Esp when he doesn’t even need you to shower before he’s opening your legs up and putting his tongue between your folds. I can bet that your coworkers definitely notice a change in your mood when you come in later that morning😉😉
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I am HEARTBROKEN about the Big Reveal in HBomberGuys video. I loved that channel. Guess I really loved the people who got stolen from.......
Oh this is so ominous, I’m only halfway through rn, but the fact that he’s already got full sections on illuminaughtii AND internet historian??? Brutal. But yeah obviously the people whose work they were stealing were doing a great job!!
Can’t wait to find out who else is getting exposed in the rest.
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ihatebnha · 2 years
Something about defending Bakugo. Something about protecting him when he needs it.
He prides himself of taking care of you, he does, his favorite pastime... but there's definitely a whole world he doesn't see, moments that build and build and then destroy, a roller coaster that doesn’t just tip over but also shoots down in extremes.
Usually, neither of you care; neither of you are bothered by the assumptions of others, no matter how high or low the fruit may hang. But one day, in front of him, someone asks you why he's such a brute, questioning how good he could be as a lover if he doesn’t even regard the public—his one true passion—as such…
And Bakugo isn't usually bothered by such instances, in fact, he is used to them. But maybe the week has been hard, he's running on less sleep and less focus due to a backlog of work that has been put on his shoulders... and the question isn't as easily brushed off before it stuns his heart, leaving him angry but speechless, rearing but hurt.
Though instead of biting back as he usually would, spitting words that feel more like flames, he just thinks, and he thinks, and he thinks... and then he blunders, not catching the moment quick enough to fight back and defend his, your, honor...
But you manage to be there instead... sticking your finger in the face of the accuser, pushing the back with the force of your expression, a temper so scalding even he gets burned.
"He does not have to explain himself to you," you say, enunciating, the shame you invoke like a whip that chases just as it snaps, "no good, shit for brains, grade-A asshole who couldn't tell their ass from their face if someone held up a mirror."
And when you're done, taking Bakugo into your arms, trembling yet laughing as you hold his cheeks in your hands, asking if he's okay, if he will be okay... he can only smile, the up curve of his lips creasing his cheeks, the fire in his heart burning brighter, and kiss you in thanks.
In a day, maybe, he’ll hold you and say he could’ve handled it himself, chuckling into your ear secrets only you’ll ever know… but for now, he lets you fawn as though he didn’t just fall for you three times as hard.
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dream-critical · 3 months
tbh i originally didn't want to make a post on here bc i've already made multiple on my main being really fucking pissed about it but.
I just want to say that nothing wilbur has done can be excused or dismissed. You can not forgive him for financially, emotionally and physically abusing women, sexually assaulting his ex or making the most pathetic excuse for an "apology".
You are not one of his victims yourself so you can't "forgive" or dismiss shit actually. you can't claim to "just want proof" or think "shelby and alice are lying bc he's famous" when shelby didnt even name him and wilbur just outed himself and several other women have now spoken up about similar experiences. I literally felt sick watching shelby talk about it on stream, it literally is textbook abuse and i will not be entertaining any debate around this. if you do send an ask where you are defending him it will get deleted or you will get blocked
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Preface, I've got lots of thoughts on stuff but this is one I haven't seen come up in the fandom and I'd like to bring it up to the younger generation as it seems to either be younger people participating in it or older people who were given the chance and don't seem to want to give it to others. Ok preface over.
It came up a couple years back in activist circles that the internets view on people fucking up has become really dangerous for moving forward, something like intolerable intolerance? Basically any mistake is met with such vitriol and given no chance to change or grow that you might as well not even try. Which is what I see a lot for more correctable behaviors from CCs, and is very unfortunate cause it sends that message to viewers too, "If I make the same mistake I'm irredeemable and deserve death threats". That helps no one! It hurts more in the long run.
I definitely support Caiti in her feelings, but this feels like an issue that could have been talked about privately first, then brought public if still unresolved.
Anyway, please stay safe y'all and maybe go outside and enjoy the spring/fall weather
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lavenderknivess · 4 months
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Me going into insane theorizing about Laura Roslin's makeup routine.
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caitylove · 10 months
3, 5, and 8 for get to know me!
Ohhh I woke up annoyingly early this morning by accident and can't fall back asleep so I'll answer these now. Thanks @madamairlock for askin.
3. do you miss anyone? There are a few friends from when the wizard rock community from when I was in college that I lost touch with l, who I sometimes miss. These gals had such a profound affect on me during those early 20s years, but our lives were all so busy and there was practically an entire country between us so it was hard to keep track.
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile? Honestly, my husband... he's a giant goof and has the right amount of silly to break through whatever mood I'm in and make me smile.
That or my little brother, Craig, who has down syndrome. He's emotionally always like a 10 year old but is always so joyful its contagious.
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? Yes. Annoyed or angry I'll sometimes just curl into a ball and ball if no one is around. I hate conflict so much that it will reduce me to tears easily when I am finally alone. I usually won't cry in someone else's presence though.
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sailor-aviator · 6 months
Allow me to also offer
Ice as Josiah Bartlet
Mav as Leo McGarry
Natasha as CJ Cregg
Mickey as Charlie Young
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You are just GUNNING for this huh?? Although, I have to admit, I was thinking switching Ice and Mav so Penny could be Dr. Abigail Bartlet 👀👀👀
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mysticalabhainn · 2 years
helloooo! a while ago, you told me that if i was to write a RoP fanfic, i should tag you. for some reasons tumblr didn't let me do it... so here's the link to it (it's on one of my side blogs), if you're interested in reading it :)
OMG thank you so much!!
I'm sorry you weren't able to tag me but I definitely appreciate the link!!
Here it is if anyone else would is interested in giving it a read ♡
Here's the link!
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tturban · 2 years
Are you in love with Pine?
What gave it away? I am about as in love with him as a heterosexual man can be. There's your answer.
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theloveinc · 14 days
you and Jo met irl?!?!? Crazy where life takes you :’) I remember when you were on ihatebnha back in 2021 just startin out and now look at ya :’) travelling the world, meeting the moots you’ve made way back when irl?!
I hope you guys had fun!!!
yes!! irl!!!!!!! and it was so ... shocking? because when we went to go message each other abt the meetup on discord, it turned out our first message to each other was from 2021 too... CAN U BELIEVE THAT? like i obvs knew jo and i were friends in general now but seeing that really solidified something in my head as to how real an innernet friendship can be even when u don't see each other face to face.
anyway it was a 10000000/10 experience and YEAH, BEEN A WRITING BLOG SINCE 2020 baby!! rest in peace my dear ihb but she's the blog that got me here today so <3
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Happy birthday!
Here is my orange idiot cat Kirby. She is the only cat I know that has a bedtime routine.
I hope her fluffiness brings you joy
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She is wonderful, thank you for sharing these lovely images of her! 💖
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ihatebnha · 2 years
bakugo on ur wedding night getting the pins out of your hair and helping you out of your dress I cry
ANDDDDD you wonder how such big hands could be so good at it, too. So gentle. Why he doesn’t seem to mind the hassle, either. You tell him it’s okay to rush, whining that you want to touch him, and don’t mind if any strands break… but he’s just hushing you and continuing on, pressing his thighs into your back where he’s got a knee up on the bed.
“I don’t wanna hear your fuckin’ fussing tomorrow when you wake up and realize I took off half your damn head,” is what he says, but his fingers are gentle and have been the whole time, on every single snare and tangle.
The dress goes like that, too. Or maybe it went first?
“Stop wiggling before a crystal goes up your ass and I need to do surgery” (you could probably make some funny quip about how you do kinda want… something up you, but… you decide to save the opportunity for another time).
But he does do such a good job.🥺 Not a single crystal is lost when you hang it up for the night and then go to bed together so giddy from… everything. The wedding, the party, the closeness… the way he rubbed through your scalp and then you started tugging on his—
Now just wait for what comes when a flight attendant tries to take your wrapped up dress from out of his hands. Literal screaming match.
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jozstankovich · 5 months
drop this sunflower 🌻 into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! lets spread a little sunshine ☀️🩷
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thank you caity! 💚💚💚
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Why be sad it went public for Caiti's sake? She's the one who decided to make it public, she's the one who decided to use buzzwords and leave out details that took away from the narrative she set.
Her feeling bad about the situation doesn't mean she didn't have agency in how this all went down, and that goes from the start when she decided to say nothing when she felt uncomfortable.
Hi nonnie!
I am choosing to view this as Caiti was most likely influenced by bad friends rather than her doing something malicious, as I have for George.
In the following days, I suspect we will start seeing a lot of Caiti negativity, so I want to reiterate this point:
No matter what, her feelings on the matter are paramount.
It does not matter if it isn't sexual assault, molestation, groping, or whatever. It does not matter if she manipulated the situation in her favor. It does not matter if it was dramatic.
She felt uncomfortable, so we must respect that, as we would for our CCs.
I hope she finds peace with George. This could have been easier if this was left behind the scenes, but she unfortunately did bring this upon herself. So, I hope they reconcile behind the scenes and move on with their lives.
Take care everyone. Go drink some water and unclench your jaws. It will be alright
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lavenderknivess · 5 months
Asking you the asks! 🐸 🥤
ty for the asks!!!
🐸 Describe your aesthetic.
-A mix between dark academia with hints of whimsigoth and cottagecore florals!
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order?
-I don’t go to starbucks but I always get iced oatmilk lattes at coffeeshops with lavender (if they have lavender syrup)
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