cadybear420 · 5 months
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A: "Get a load of this echo! It's so loud and clear!" E: "It's the CIRCLE of LIIIIIIFE!!!" The two of you grin as your voice reverberates through the night air. A: "Lion King? Really?" E: "And it moves us allll." A: "Now all you need is a newborn to raise up in your arms." E: "I'll lift you!" A: "Wait, what?" You wrap your arms tight around Aiden and lift him into the air. A: "You're strong!" You pull him close for a kiss and set him back down. Both of you dissolve into giggles.
Yes, MC getting to lift up Aiden is a real scene that can happen in HSS Book 3! No lie, I was squealing and rolling around in my bed when I got to that scene.
And I'm extra elated to see that scene brought to life by @callmebeem with this wonderful artwork!!! The scene and my blorbos and the whole mood were captured so perfectly here! 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹Thank you so much for drawing this, and thank you to @jerzwriter for commissioning it for me for the recent giveaway! <3 <3 <3
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
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A beautiful piece of a Irvin and Leon hug, created for me by the talented and kind @callmebeem! 
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itlivesproject · 2 years
screaming. crying. throwing up.
you guys are amazing, this is amazing.
i'd sacrifice my first born for you all.
Thank you so much for the offer but pls don’t sacrifice your first born cuz babies are cute fhdjdjdn for real though THANK YOU, so psyched you’re enjoying this game ❤️❤️🙏
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limepigeon · 1 month
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It's finally here!! Coming Home: A Fallen Hero Fanzine is the joint work of 30 incredible contributors and one editor, culminating in a 70+ pages long zine filled with artwork and writing! I am beyond proud of the work and effort we all put into this, it turned out to be a lot bigger than I initially thought but the result has blown me away! I have learnt a lot while organising this project which I am very grateful for. Thank you to all contributors who made this possible! And with that, I am very excited to finally be able to share it with you! Coming Home: A Fallen Hero Fanzine (2024) - Link to PDF
List of contributors: Wednesday (he/they) - crowshuh.tumblr.com Borf (she/her) - no socials Capricule (she/her) - Linktr.ee/capricule Sam (they/them) - seawardboundsammy.tumblr.com / Sandcloud27 (AO3) Allen "Chocolate Dreams" (ne/nem, it/its, they/them) - allens-chocolate-dreams.tumblr.com Beem (she/they) - callmebeem.tumblr.com Bookish (they/them) - silvery-bluish.tumblr.com Mo (he/they) - mosartandjunk.tumblr.com Wenrys "Echo" (they/them) - echoesofwinter.tumblr.com / EchoesOfWinter (twitter) Gingham (he/him) - glamgingham.tumblr.com Chainchaser (he/him) - chainchaser.tumblr.com Pulp (he/they) - sidesteppostinghours.tumblr.com Sal (he/him) - steelh4ze.tumblr.com Lori (they/them) - disastersteps.tumblr.com Jackal "Cigs" (he/they) - cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal.tumblr.com / Knockoff_Indulgences (AO3) Godshaper - godshaper.tumblr.com / Godshaper (twitter) Westealtoys (she/her) - westealtoys.tumblr.com Wonda (she/her) - wonda-fhr.tumblr.com Karo "HarbingersEcho" (he/him) - harbingersecho.tumblr.com Ripley (it/its) - asthecrowrambles.tumblr.com Ellie (he/him) - hawkepockets.tumblr.com Kalee (she/her) - bigfreckledears.tumblr.com Hen (he/they) - side-stepping.tumblr.com Isobel "Iggy" (she/her) - iggydabirdkid.tumblr.com / iggys_artstuff (IG) Idle (he/him) - idlenight.tumblr.com Dogueteeth (they/them) - dogueteeth.tumblr.com Phopho (he/him) - phosilli.tumblr.com / phosilli (IG) Aedan "Kidhellion" (he/him) - kidhellion.tumblr.com Shark "SixLeggedBoar" (he/they) - sexleggedboar.tumblr.com Cassie "Calnexin" (she/her) - calnexin.tumblr.com Tom "Lime" (they/them) - limepigeon.tumblr.com The print-at-home PDF will come later this year! Coming Home: A Fallen Hero Fanzine (2024) is a free, non-profit fan project based on the interactive fiction series Fallen Hero (2018). Fallen Hero (2018) is written by Malin Rydén and published by Hosted Games, it can be found at Choice of Games and Steam.
Tags for contributors under the read more
@crowshuh @capricule @seawardboundsammy @allens-chocolate-dreams @callmebeem @silvery-bluish @mosartandjunk @echoesofwinter @glamgingham @chainchaser @sidesteppostinghours @steelh4ze @disastersteps @cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal @godshaper @westealtoys @wonda-fhr @harbingersecho @asthecrowrambles @hawkepockets @bigfreckledears @side-stepping @iggydabirdkid @idlenight @dogueteeth @phosilli @kidhellion @sixleggedboar @calnexin Contributors, feel free to upload your zine artwork to your own socials and tag me or use tag fallen hero fanzine 2024 so I can find it and reblog it! 💛
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storyofmychoices · 3 months
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Neon Glow
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist] 
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC) Book: Open Heart Word Count: ~ 600 Rating/Warnings: general, no warnings
Synopsis: Bryce and Olivia enjoy some fun during laser tag with their friends.
This absolutely gorgeous art of my beloved Bryce and Olivia is by the incredible and lovely @callmebeem. I've been holding onto it for a bit so I'm glad I could finally share it! 💙💖🩵
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Olivia took care with every step, analyzing the chaos surrounding her to inform her next move. She wasn't one to take big risks that resulted in glorious eliminations. No, Olivia's game was more subtle than that: stealth and strategy. It was her only chance to survive this. 
His silhouette illuminated by the pulsing lights pulled her from her thoughts. Olivia clasped her hands over her mouth to stifle her laughter as she turned a corner to find Bryce dramatically flipping over blocks and obstacles in the maze for no purpose other than his own enjoyment. Her heart swelled at the sight. Yet, she didn't have time to dwell on him as footsteps padded closer behind her. She tucked down an alley, hiding behind a pillar, narrowly avoiding Jackie who was on the hunt for her next victim. 
Olivia peeked around the structure once she heard Jackie pass by. Lifting the plastic gun in her arms, she pulled the trigger, sending a light beam straight at the back of her vest. 
"What the — Lahela, was that you?! I'm going to get you for this," Jackie hollered, turning back to see who had tagged her, but Olivia had already slipped quietly away, already settled on where to go next.
Bryce's eyes widened as an arm shot out of the darkness, tugging him into the shadows. "What're you doing?" The words tumbled from his lips.
Before he could finish the thought, Olivia backed him into a corner, hidden from view from those dashing past, looking for a new target. Her body pressed against his, her arms snaking around his neck, pulling his lips toward hers, kissing him hungrily.
His brow quirked up at the sudden public affection. It's not what he expected, but he'd never turn down the taste of her lips.
Neon laser beams cut through the dimly lit, fog-filled room. The flashes of light illuminated the indoor maze surrounding them. Their friends' laughter and assured taunts bounced off the barriers and partitions as they dashed through the space, no wiser to the couple hidden in the recesses. 
"Not that I mind," Bryce breathed between kisses, not wanting to part. "What's gotten into you?"
"What can I say?" Olivia tipped her head back, letting the blue glow of a light passing by illuminate her face. She chewed the corner of her lower lip, her fingers dancing over the vest across his chest. "This look is working for you." 
"I couldn't agree more." Bryce tossed his head to the side, flipping his hair back. "Do you think they'll let me wear it in the O.R. after I become Edenbrook's Laser Tag Champion?"
"I don't think that's a thing..."
"If you say so... now, where were we?" Olivia grabbed his collar, guiding him once more back to her lips. The pair hummed in satisfaction as the brilliant glow of the neon world around them faded into the background. 
His hands settled on her waist before drifting lower, squeezing her curves as the kiss became more heated. 
Olivia raked her hands down Bryce's chest. Her eyes flickered open, checking to confirm she had him where she wanted him. With a swift movement, she pressed her gun against the target on his vest. "Gotcha," she breathed against his parted lips as she pulled the trigger. 
His vest vibrated, signaling a fatal hit. "I can't believe you used me like that!" His mouth fell agape before pulling into a widened grin. "I'm so proud of you!" He lifted her into his arms, kissing her again as he spun her around before lowering her back down again. 
Her face warmed as she tried to recompose herself. 
"Now, go get 'em, tiger!" He playfully tapped her butt. 
Olivia turned back, stealing one last look. She blew him a kiss and snuck back into the shadows, waiting for her next opportunity. 
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A/N: Not edited...This has been a WIP for over 2 years. 🙈 There really is no reason or excuse for it, but here we are... I'm hoping if I can get through a few old wip my brain will let me create something new again.
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leafkingofbirds · 8 months
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You mean everything to me. I cannot lose you. I would not survive it. You won't lose me. Just this once, beloved, I wish you couldn not lie.
One of my fave TCH2 scenes, beautifully illustrated by @callmebeem ! Thank you again!
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jerzwriter · 7 months
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Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and I felt the need for more art for my precious Casey and Jessica. I'd like to thank the lovely @callmebeem for working with me on such short notice and creating this beautiful art! It's exactly what I wanted, and I love it to bits! ❤️Here's a little fic about their day. 😊
Any Other Day
Book: Open Heart (Prequel - Casey's Med School Years) Pairing: Casey MacTavish (F!MC) x Jessica Philips (F!OC) Words: 1440 Rating: Teen Summary: Jessica's not a fan of Valentine's Day, and she's made that pretty clear, but now that the day's up on them, Casey realizes there's more to it than meets the eye. A/N1: Participating in @choicesfebruary2024, Eros
Valentine’s Day was proving to be a challenge.
Just weeks before, Jessica declared her feelings about the holiday after a particularly long night of studying, and they weren’t pretty.   It was ridiculous, a Hallmark holiday steeped in capitalism, and she wanted no part of it. The intensity and randomness of her girlfriend’s declaration left Casey bewildered. It was so far out of left field she thought delirium may have finally gotten its grips on Jess; after all, sleep deprivation practically had her there, too. But she was tired and eager to move on, so she nodded in agreement, and Jessica seemed pleased to find them on the same page, which would have been great... except they weren’t.
Casey loved Valentine’s Day; she loved every single thing about it. A holiday where she could lavish love and attention on her girlfriend? Where was the problem with that? She agreed such things shouldn’t be limited to a designated day, and she ensured Jess knew how much she meant on any day ending in -y. But now that Cupid’s holiday was here, Casey was conflicted. How could she be expected not to acknowledge it? It seemed cruel, but... she had promised... didn’t she? She heaved out a sigh; perhaps their exceptionally hectic schedules would be her saving grace. She didn’t have to worry about celebrating... or not... if they didn’t see each other.
Jessica was assisting first-year students in distributing breakers in the lab. She was TA for an extra class today, as her professor wanted to take the day off to spend with their wife, and Jess felt a twinge of guilt when she agreed to cover. But she and Casey weren’t celebrating; they agreed to that...didn’t they? Casey said she was on board, but Jess would have to be blind to see how blue her normally effervescent girlfriend was this morning, and she couldn’t fight the feeling that she was the reason why.
The truth was, Jessica didn’t hate Valentine’s Day. She didn’t hate it at all. She hated the memories it dredged up and the feelings of insecurity that followed. She hated the ambiguity of the present and her apprehension about the future. The last time she celebrated was three years before, spending the night gazing at the stars in Ammarah’s arms. She never knew that kind of joy, and when Ammarah promised forever, Jess felt her world falling into place. A blissful dream previously unimagined coming to fruition, only to be crushed in quick succession. When Jess’s competition became the hallowed halls of Oxford, those promises were quickly forgotten, leaving Jess heartbroken when she realized she had never stood a chance.
She promised then and there that she wouldn’t fall in love again, at least no time soon. Ammarah prioritized her career, and now Jess would do the same. Love and other silly notions could wait. And that worked for a while, until that fateful day when an adorable giggle pulled her head from her textbook, and she looked up to find a beguiling smile that made her heart skip a beat. They’d only be friends, Jess insisted. That’s all they could be. But then their conversations lasted into the early morning hours, and the more they learned about each other, the more they needed to know. It's hard to be just friends when they're the first thing you think of each morning and the last thing you think of each night. So she had another idea...we’ll just be friends... with benefits, perhaps, but nothing more. Residency was on the horizon, and both women had been hurt before. They couldn’t let it happen again.  
But in the end, they stepped onto the rollercoaster hand-in-hand and fastened their seatbelts with all their might. Within weeks, “I love yous” were exchanged, both knowing they had an expiration date set from the start. It seemed easy when that date was on the distant horizon, but the closer it came, the more that old familiar pain began to seep in. Valentine’s Day: candles, kisses, and promises made again... Jess couldn’t allow it. But when the bell rang, it only took a student hand a rose to another to make her heart ache for Casey.  
She pulled out her phone and smiled at the sound of her voice. Lunch. She offered. She’d like to take her to lunch. Nothing fancy, nothing special, just grabbing a meal together like any other day, but she needed to see her. No matter how much Jessica studied the human heart, she couldn't see how hard hers was working to protect itself. But Casey was on her way, and that was all that mattered.
Casey hadn’t expected to hear from Jess, and it was easy to see her delight as she rushed down the hall. Nothing made her smile more than Jessica’s melodious laugh, and the closer it became, the more her smile grew.  She couldn’t wait to see the radiant smile that accompanied it, and as she stepped into Jess’s classroom, her wish was granted for just a second before Jess’s face fell.
“What... what the hell is that?” she asked, motioning furiously in Casey’s direction.
Casey looked down, perplexed, rubbing her hands along her torso to see if she had spilled something, but nothing seemed amiss.
“What’s what?”
“Your sweater! Why are you wearing that sweater?”
Casey appeared offended as she caressed her favorite cashmere sweater.
“But... I love this sweater! You love this sweater!”
“I do,” Jess sighed. “But not today!"
“It’s the same sweater as yesterday... the same sweater it will be tomorrow...”
“Yes! But yesterday or tomorrow won’t be Valentine’s Day.”
Casey followed the last student to exit the classroom and shut the door behind her, turning on her heel with crossed arms as soon as they were alone.
“All right,” she demanded. “This level of crazy is usually reserved for me, not you... so what gives?”
“We said no Valentine’s Day, Casey!”
“And besides me wearing a pink sweater, inadvertently, I might add... I haven’t so much as said Happy Valentine’s Day to you.  The holiday isn't causing a problem for us, Jess... but your hang-ups about it might be.  What’s going on?” 
Jess took a deep breath and leaned back against her desk, attempting to put her thoughts into words. “To me... in the past... Valentine’s Day was about promises.  Promises I believed in, even if the person making them took them with a grain of salt.”
“Ammarah?” Casey asked as Jess nodded softly.
“It’s scary, Case. It’s scary to know how fleeting love can be, and it's frightening... it’s frightening to think about what the future holds for us. You’ll still be here next year, but I don’t even know where I’ll be... and that... that just....”
Her words trailed as her head tilted forward. She was proud of herself for being strong enough to stop the tears pooling in her eyes from falling, but she could do nothing to stop herself from trembling.
“Jess,” Casey placed a loving hand on her shoulder. “I know you’ve been hurt, and I have, too... but we can’t live in the past, nor can we live in the future.”
“But, Casey...”
“But nothing! Don’t you see what you’re doing? The past was painful, and the future’s unknown, but you know what we have?” She lifted Jess’s chin until she was looking into her big, brown eyes. “We have today. Today is real, and the only thing that can steal it from us... is us... if we let it.  Come on, Jess,” she smiled, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. “Let’s not waste today."
Jess's head tilted, a crooked smile on her lips. She knew Casey was right, but her stubbornness couldn't be destroyed that easily.
“I still hate the commercialism,” Jess insisted, to Casey’s amusement.
“So do I! Come on, I can spoil you a little bit without turning into a corporate overlord, you know!”
Jess peeked up from under her lashes. “You promise?”
“I promise. Now, can we enjoy the day, please?”
Jess hopped to her feet, a bright grin on her face as she fell into Casey’s arms and a warm, lingering embrace. “Well, I invited you to lunch first... so technically, I started the celebration.”
“Oh, no,” Casey chuckled. “You are not getting the credit here! I think your exact words were, ‘It’s lunch, just lunch, don’t get excited or anything!”  
“Yeah, those were the words,” Jess laughed. “But if I’m being honest... I just really needed to see you. I needed to see you so badly.”
“Well, I’m here.  Can we call it a Valentine’s Day date, now?”
“Sure,” Jess blushed. “But I have to stop upstairs to see the Dean before we go.”
“That works for me,” Casey replied. “I have to put my things in my locker anyway.  Can we meet in front of the building in fifteen minutes?”
Jess reached over and stuck her fingers through the belt loops in Casey’s jeans, pulling her close. “And Casey?” she whispered, her breath tickling Casey’s ear.  “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
A/N: In my mind, Casey tossed her things in her locker and hightailed it to the corner gift shop. Poor Jess was wondering if Casey had a change of heart as she waited outside when two arms grabbed her from behind. Casey handed Jess the bouquet and yelled Happy Valentine's Day. After a cozy lunch at their favorite local diner, they decided they could skip their afternoon classes and headed back to Jess's place for a much more productive afternoon. 😏
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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CFWC F/AotW - April 7 - 14, 2024
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✒️ = Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA
Back on Vacation 🎨| Imtura Tal Kaelen, Nia Ellarious, Valax, MC - @myautumnrose
Five of Cups ✒️| Gaius Augustine - @thosehallowedhalls
The Sock Giveaway ✒️| Adrian Raines x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
A Begining ✒️| Ruby Webster, F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
Movement ✒️ | m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
Second Language (Series) ✒️| m!Trystan Thorne - @inlocusmads Chapter 1: "What's that song you sing for the dead?"
Annabelle Parsons Fanart 🎨by @artbyalz
Ernest Sinclaire Fanart 🎨by @storyofmychoices
Cloud Watching ✒️| Beckett Harrington x F!MC - @storyofmychoices
The Press Secretary (Series) ✒️| Chris Powell x F!MC - @eadanga Chapter 12
Aiden Zhou x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 art by @callmebeem (C: @cadybear420)
Lincoln Aquino x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @weetlebeetle (C: @storyofmychoices for @abelflints)
Noah Marshall x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @payroo
Uncharacteristic ✒️| Gabe Ricci x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
Disembodied 7/8 ✒️| Adrian Raines x MC, Nik Ryder x MC - @mynotsohealthyobsession
TRR / RoE / TNA / CoP
Isle of Misfits ✒️Ⓜ️| Multiple Characters - @tessa-liam Chapter 9: Inconvenient Truths
Bound by Fate (Series) ✒️| Nik Ryder x F!MC - @ladylamrian Chapter 3: The Unknown
Complete Open Heart List - Week ending April 13th
Prince Clarke x MC Fanart 🎨 by @bri1234
Comfort ✒️| Thomas Hunt x F!OC - @thosehallowedhalls for @storyofmychoices
Behind Closed Doors (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️🏳️‍🌈| Maxwell Beaumont x MC, Liam Rys x Maxwell Beaumont - @angelasscribbles Chapter 1: The Invitation
A Bird in Hand ✒️| Liam Rys x MC - @angelasscribbles
Catch & Release ✒️Ⓜ️| Liam Rys x MC, Drake Walker x MC - @dcbbw
Dance Under the Rainbow 🎨🏳️‍🌈 | Hana Lee x MC - @uselessgay10101
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artfulchoiceswithdani · 4 months
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I've had the privilege of working with over 60 different artists during my time in the fandom. Some are on Tumblr. Some are on Instagram. Some are on both! Some are no longer on either. I will link their account(s) when possible as well as link my art with each so you can see some examples!
Artists — Alphabetical by User Name
💖 @angkis [My Commissions]
💖 annasassiart [No longer active] [My Commissions]
💖 _artsbymena_ [No longer active] [My Commissions]
💖 ariekochan [Instagram] [My Commissions]
💖 arssel_land [Instagram] [My Commissions]
💖 ArtbyAinna [Instagram] [My Commissions]
💖 Artsy_elii [Instagram] [My Commissions]
💖 @artoile [My Commissions]
💖 @ascindio / @oh-so-youre-a-nerd [My Commissions]
💖 @autsdoodles [My Commissions]
💖 @bayleedraws-sometimesx [My Commissions]
💖 @callmebeem [My Commissions]
💖 @cammarada [My Commissions]
💖 @cashweasel [My Commissions]
💖 @chryzure [My Commissions]
💖 cikilemon [Instagram] [My Commissions]
💖 CoffeesForChloe [Instagram] [My Commissions]
💖 @cronchie-biscuit [No longer active] [My Commissions]
💖 @domakir [Instagram] [My Commissions]
💖 elsiebsart [No longer active] [My Commissions]
💖 @ethansdique [No longer active] [My Commissions]
💖 @foxsteel--fanart  [No longer active] [MyCommissions]
💖 georgetarts [Instagram] [My Commissions]
💖 gokushairgel [Instagram] [My Commissions]
💖 @hashiedraws [My Commissions]
💖 hrhschreave [Instagram] [My Commissions]
💖 @hydn-jpg [My Commissions]
💖 irdeinfierno [Instagram] [My Commissions]
💖 @iren-lan [My Commissions]
💖 @javsarts [My Commissions]
💖 lemony_leech [Instagram] [My Commissions]
💖 @lilyoffandoms [Gifted Art]
💖 @liiyaan [My Commissions]
💖 LizbyArt [No longer active] [My Commissions]
💖 MadeofMaddy [No longer active] [My Commissions]
💖 Magrnarts [Instagram] [My Commissions]
💖 Majoma_art [Instagram] [My Commissions]
💖 @misadrawss [My Commissions]
💖 mm1kaa_ [No longer active] [My Commissions]
💖 @morganjadeart [No longer active] [My Commissions]
💖 @neonravensart [My Commissions]
💖 ohhheyitsjulia [Instagram] [My Commissions]
💖 @plejaades [My Commissions]
💖 Pokipaca [No longer active] [My Commissions]
💖 @rjschoicesstuff [Art]
💖 @rpbys [My Commissions]
💖 @rosefuckinggenius [Instagram] [My Commissions]
💖 seirachannn [No longer active] [My Commissions]
💖 @shazrystyles [My Commissions]
💖 sherry_artwo [Instagram] [My Commissions]
💖 shinkxart [My Commissions]
💖 @somewillwin [My Commissions]
💖 @the-strawberryfarmer [My Commissions]
💖 @tiny-pastel-unicorn [My Commissions]
💖 @vantaray [My Commissions]
💖 @weetlebeetle [Instagram] [My Commissions]
💖 @whispersleo [My Commissions]
💖 @wisejazz [My Commissions]
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wayhavensecretsanta · 8 months
It has been a while since the event, but it seemed like a nice idea to still make an overview of all the gifts. I hope that going through them will bring you as much joy as it did me ^^
Thank you to all the wonderful participants, your work has been amazing to see and read! Thank you for putting in the time and effort to make a lovely gift, and for your kindness towards each other <3
A special thank you to @wifebeast-s for jumping in as a back-up writer, even though not taking part otherwise. It was much appreciated!
I'm wishing you all a wonderful year ahead and maybe see you again at the end of it. Much love <3
Arcadia by @ejunkiet & @evilbunnyking for @crownleys
what power art thou by @evilbunnyking for @fujinstorm
All is Bright by @wifebeast-s for @hypnostanatos
Beneath the Surface by @delucadarling for @lovelyfoolish
For lonely people, rain is a chance to be touched by @hypnostanatos for @callmebeem
Into the Unknown by @sunshineandviolets for @yakov-vasilyev
tremendous tasks, dear friends by @agentnatesewell for @delucadarling
Wintery scenes with Petra and Ava, and Nate and Holland by @crownleys for @thee-morrigan
Mason and Samir relaxing together by @callmebeem for @mewsly
The art of losing by @sustainably-du-mortain for @nsewell
the unspoken dialogue of borrowed books by @nsewell for @dottiechan
Theo and Mason close together by @mewsly for @apenapaperandadoofus
A New Year’s Eve Surprise by @apenapaperandadoofus for @agentnatesewell
Trust between Lucibello and Morgan, and Suzume and Nate by @fujinstorm for @bitchyybabyy400
in any universe by @thee-morrigan for @evilbunnyking
An intimate moment between Lizzie and Ava by @dottiechan for @ejunkiet
dans mes yeux ça se voit by @lovelyfoolish for @sunshineandviolets
Madeleine and Morgan decorating together by @yakov-vasilyev for @sustainably-du-mortain
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julychallenge · 2 months
Masterlist For the July Challenge
Artist: @lilyoffandoms | Kieran x Elam by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Artist: Ainna | Setting Sail for Tomorrow (and whatever comes next) | Calli x Flynn by @storyofmychoices
Artist: @lilyoffandoms | Zig x Mikaylyn for @choiceswithmika
Artist: @callmebeem Neon Glow | Bryce x Olivia by @storyofmychoices
Artist: @lilyoffandoms | Grant Emerson
Artist: @oh-so-youre-a-nerd | Warmth & Security - Martin Vanderweil x Wind Velez
Artist: @lilyoffandoms | Naomi Silverhawk
Artist: @oh-so-youre-a-nerd | Charming/Independent - Enid Mendoza x Joaquin Morales
Artist: @lilyoffandoms | Kate O’Malley
Artist: @whispersleo | Bryce & Olivia enjoy a quiet moment at an afternoon picnic | Bryce Lahela (M!MC) x Olivia Hadley (F!OC)
Artist: Ainna Places in Paradise | Thomas Hunt (M!MC) x Alex Spencer (F!OC)
Artist: @lilyoffandoms | King Arthur
Artist: @lilyoffandoms | Lancelot
Artist: Ainna | Happy Birthday, Baby! | Tobias Carrick (M!MC) x F!MC (Casey Carrick)
Artist: @storyofmychoices | Kate O'Malley for @rosesnink
Artist: @lilyoffandoms | Luna Auclair for @peonierose
Friendship & Fashion by @jerzwriter| Tobias (M!MC) & Merida (F!MC)
Special Delivery by @jerzwriter| Tobias Carrick (M!MC) x Casey Carrick (F!MC)
Movie? What Movie? by @jerzwriter| Tobias Carick (M!MC) x Casey MacTavish (F!MC)
Summer Haze - @jerzwriter| Tobias Carrick x F!OC
A Place to Stay - by @jerzwriter | Troy Hasan & Eli Sipes
Elmo's Special Visit by @storyofmychoices | Olivia Hadley (F!OC), Tobias Carrick
Beautiful Day by @liaromancewriter | Kyra Santana & F!MC (Cassie Valentine)
Chancing it by @jerzwriter | Tobias Carrick (M!MC) x Casey MacTavish (F!MC)
First Impressions by @jerzwriter | Tobias Carrick (M!MC) x Casey MacTavish (F!MC)
A Late Night Picnic by @storyofmychoices | Mal Volari (M!MC) x Daenarya (F!OC)
Mine by @liaromancewriter | Ethan Ramsey (M!MC) x F!MC (Cassie Valentine)
Mono~poly Chapter 3: Propositions by @jerzwriter | Tobias Carrick (M!MC) x Casey MacTavish (F!MC)
Summertime by @jerzwriter | Trystan Thorne (M!MC) x Carolina Rose (F!MC)
Fair Game by @jerzwriter | Ethan Ramsey (M!MC) x Kaycee MacClennan (F!MC)
Seeking Shelter by @jerzwriter | Eli Sipes (M!MC) x Zoe Rivera (F!MC)
Of Cloudless Climes and Starry Skies (4/?) | Sebastyan Thorne x Emma Rose (F!MC)
Happy Birthday, Baby! | Tobias Carrick (M!MC) x F!MC (Casey Carrick)
A Simple Wish by @jerzwriter | Ethan Ramsey (M!MC) x Kaycee MacClennan (F!MC)
His Barbie, Her Ken by @ladylamrian | F!MC × White! NikRyder
Hot Tea by @liaromancewriter | Ethan Ramsey (M!MC) x F!MC (Cassie Valentine); feat. Max Valentine
To be a Nighthunter by @ladylamrian | F!MC × NikRyder
Romantic, much? by @liaromancewriter | Sienna Trinh (F!MC) x M!OC (Max Valentine)
Sweet Morning by @ladylamrian | (F!MC × Tobias)
Jun: The Bodyguard by @storyofmychoices | Jun Seong
Paper Hearts by @jerzwriter | Ethan Ramsey (M!MC) x Kaycee MacClennan (F!MC)
Shades of Grey by @liaromancewriter | Ethan Ramsey (M!MC) x F!MC (Cassie Valentine)
@choicesmonthlychallenge It was my pleasure and honor to host this months challenge, despite the loss I had I still had fun hosting this challenge.
Thank you to everyone who’s participated I hope you enjoyed the July challenge and its prompts. I hope it brought you some joy and some fun.
But the fun is not over. You can head over to choicesaugustchallenge and check out what cool and fun prompts they have 🩷
All the best
- PR 🩷🌸
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lilyoffandoms · 9 months
2023 Art Commissions Recap
The Beautiful Artists: @bayleedraws-sometimesx @somewillwin @hydn-jpg @cashweasel @rosefuckinggenius @mooreaux @callmebeem @exotic-inquiry artbyainna (IG) @oh-so-youre-a-nerd @javsarts
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This doesn’t include any I gifted or those gifted to me. Just my own commissions. Thank you to all y’all wonderful artists that make our fandoms brighter!! Here is to another beautiful year filled with gorgeous art!!
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
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another lovely  @keeperofthesunandmoon piece from @callmebeem: just boy(friend)s being boy(friend)s. 
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itlivesproject · 2 years
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And with that... the finale weekend has begun! CHAPTER 21 IS UP NOW!!! Click here to play.
Feel free to post reactions using the ilw, it lives within, and playchoices tags, because we love to see them! Just make sure to tag them ilw spoilers or ilw finale spoilers.
As always, art credit goes to @callmebeem
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Masterlist 2: O - W Open Heart - Wake the Dead Open Heart
Anti-Valentine - TEXT FIC - Open Heart F!MC, M!OC - @liaromancewriter Anti Val-Day/Love Stinks!
Any Other Day - FIC/ART - Open Heart F!MC x F!OC - Fic: @jerzwriter art @callmebeem Eros/Philia
Bacon & Bribery - FIC - Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick - @jerzwriter Philia/Philautia
Beach Cleanup Date - TEXT FIC - Open Heart Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @liaromancewriter
A Dinomite Find - TEXT FIC - Bryce Lahela x F!OC - @storyofmychoices
Falling in Love - FIC - Ethan Ramsey x f!mc - @liaromancewriter Eros
Galentine's Day - TEXT FIC - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @liaromancewriter Philia
Green-Eyed Girl - TEXT FIC - Open Heart F!MC, M!OC - @liaromancewriter Storge
Happy 40th Tobias! - Part 1 - INSTA EDITS - Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @jerzwriter Philia/Storge/Eros/Ludus
Happy 40th Tobias! - Part 2 - INSTA EDITS - Tobias Carrick x F!MC, OH Gang - @jerzwriter Eros/Philia/Ludus/Storge/Pragma
Just Pretend - TEXT FIC - Sienna Trinh x M!OC - @liaromancewriter Ludus
Love in the Afternoon - ART/FIC - Tobias Carrick x F!MC - art: @liiyaan fic: @storyofmychoices Eros/Philia/Pragma
No Barriers - FIC - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @liaromancewriter Eros
Not So Fast - FIC - Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @jerzwriter Eros/Phila/Storge/Pragma
Positive Reaction - FIC - F!MC x F!OC - @jerzwriter Eros
A Romcom Ending - FIC - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @jerzwriter Eros
Sweet Stuff - FIC - MC, F!MC, F!OC - @jerzwriter Philia
Tobias x Casey Carrick Fanart - ART - Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @lilyoffandoms Eros
Valentine's Hearts - FIC - Bryce Lahela x F!MC - @storyofmychoices Eros
when you really love something, then it loves you back, in whatever way it has to love - FIC - Bryce Lahela x M!MC - @mydemonsdrivealimo Eros/Philia/Storge/Pragma/Philautia
Without Warning (Series) - FIC - Tobias Carrick x f!mc First Shot: Jackie & Bryce Philia/Ludus Part Two: Ethan Ramsey Philia
Red Carpet Diaries
Thomas Hunt x F!OC Fanart by @liiyaan (C: @storyofmychoices) Eros
Wake the Dead
Eli x Zoe x Troy Fanart - ART- @bayleedraws-sometimesx (C: @jerzwriter) Eros/Philia/Pragma
The Morning... - FIC - Eli Sipes x f!mc - @jerzwriter Philia/Ludus
Three of Hearts - FIC - Eli Sipes x F!MC x Troy Hassan - @jerzwriter Eros/Philia/Storge/Pragma
Masterlist - Part 1
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storyofmychoices · 11 months
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🛑 "No kissing!" 🛑
After the events of Drakovia, Lilah has a new rule. No kissing while on a case.
I can't thank the wonderful @callmebeem for this gorgeous art of Trystan and my detective.
[Trystan Thorne x Lilah Rose Masterlist]
drabble under the cut
No Kissing
Pairing: M!Trystan Thorne x Lilah Rose (F!MC) Book: Crimes of Passion (post book 2) Word Count: ~300 Rating/Warning: General (no warnings) A/N: This is not edited, so please forgive any mistakes and errors
Synopsis: After the events of Drakovia, Lilah has a new rule. No kissing while on a case.
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His warm lips were met by her cool hand, halting his pursuits. 
"No!" Lilah stated firmly, shaking her head. 
"What do you mean?" His words were mumbled against her palm.
"No kissing!"
"What do you mean, 'no kissing'—" He sighed as she pulled her hand away. "I thought—"
Lilah pressed her hands to her hips. "You thought, just because we are open with our relationship, now you can just kiss me anytime you want?"
A sly smirk drew across his lips as he leaned closer, "I had hoped—"
"Well, my handsome former king—" Her finger trailed teasingly down the angles of his jaw. She pulled back as quickly as her tender touch started. "—you hoped wrong." She turned away, enjoying the look of disillusionment spreading on his face. 
"But why?" He trailed quickly behind. 
"We're professionals. We have a case."
"We're off the clock."
"The clock is never off—" Lilah began. Thoughts of all the times they snuck off in Drakovia, which, with some distance and perspective, she realized greatly hindered their investigation. She shook them away. Drakovia was their past. This was their now, and what would come next. "We need to focus."
"I am focused—" He leaned against the bar, watching her as she turned her attention back to the case files before her. 
"On the case," she scolded him without looking up. She tapped the bar stool beside her. "Now tell me what you can glean from this?"
"You want to know what I can glean?" Trystan leaned in, drawing the file closer and flipping through the photos. He started with a quick glance but then slowed down as he delved into a closer examination. As they worked together, their bodies drew closer. Whispered theories and observations filled the space between them. As long as they were together, there was no case too difficult to crack. 
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But seriously, no way my Lilah actually would have been so distracted in Drakovia while on such a serious case. I totally blame them for Sebastian's death. Had they never let him out of their sight, he could (and would) still be alive. I am holding them accountable for that, so no more kisses! lol
Anyway, thanks for reading! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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