#cause from what’s hinted in the og movie it’s complicated
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FNAF Movie William judges Vanessa's friends..
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stormyoceans · 7 months
hi Monica! is it okay to ask for an little more (maybe indepth) explaining on how puentalay and tesstun switch back to the og universes? So tun dreamt of place and the location ended up been in his film site the next day. So did puen dream too or was their respective switch happen due to tun. And we saw that talay say he dreamt of a place as soon as he wake up but it wasn't some place near by or easy to to reach. Does this have some symbolism or meaning and do u think tess also dreamed the same night too. So did the switch happen cuz of talay and tun
hello, dear anon!!!!
of course that’s okay!!!! as a general rule, please feel free to ask me anything, im always up to help if i can or even just to chat a little!!! tho it might take me a while to reply, as you can see ;;;;;;;
before getting into this, however, i think i should point out that the show doesn't really give a full in depth  explanation on how the switching back to the original universe works (probably because the novel itself does not give much of an explanation either), and while i do think the show tried to make sense of it by giving us a few more hints to help us connect the dots (which is one of the many reasons why i think the show is far more superior than the novel btw), the truth is that a lot of it is still up to interpretation. so what i can do is give you my own personal view on the matter, which doesn't necessarily mean it's the right one. im aware i tend to read too much into things and that maybe i've come up with an explanation that it's more complicated than it actually is, but im still gonna try to illustrate it as best as i can and let you decide if it works or not!!!!!
SO. right from episode 1, dol and joob introduce us to the two main rules that are known about traveling back to your universe, which are:
"to return to the old universe, you must first find someone who has traveled between universes like us. there will be something of that person that matches you. once you find that person, you will dream.”
“it will be a place. when you dream about a place, you must go there as soon as you wake up. there's a chance for you to return home."
if we go by these, things seem to be fairly straightforward: talay met puen, he eventually dreamed about the secret island, he went there, he switched back; tun met tess, he eventually dreamed about the pool where they were filming a movie in, he went there, he switched back. simple, right?
however, the more you look at it, the more i think it’s natural to come up with a whole lot of questions like if you dream after you find your portkey, why didn't puen and talay dream right away? did they have to reach a certain level of connection to 'unlock' the ability of being each other's portkey? but then what caused talay and tun to finally dream? did puen and tess dream too? and if talay/puen and tess/tun are portkeys, why didn’t they switch together?
as i said before, all these questions remain unanswered in the novel, but the show adds a layer to the universal travelling that i personally think it helps explain a lot. in episode 6, joob says  
"i do believe universal traveling happens for a reason. maybe it's a lesson for us to learn something we're missing."
this idea is brought up again by talay at the end of episode 12, when during his voice over he says
"p'joobjang once told us we travel between universes to learn something. for me, i learned about love."
if we look at universal traveling under this point of view, i think a lot of things start to make more sense, and we can also answer a few of the questions we previously had. after you die, you travel between universes because you need to learn a lesson. for puen, it was about accepting himself and the life he was given. for talay, it was about love. only once you've learned your lesson you're gonna switch back. in this scenario, your portkey isn't what 'unlocks' your ability to go home, but rather it's the person that can help you learn said lesson. and if we look at it this way, puen and talay WANTING and CHOOSING to be each other's portkeys gets a whole new meaning too: puen loves talay, talay accepts puen for who he really is, and by wanting and choosing each other they also accept the lesson they were supposed to learn
here's when things get a little bit messy (and i probably read too much into things ;;;;;;). so you have to learn a lesson. but to go back to your original universe we know you also have to dream about a place and go there. so you learn your lesson, and once you do you finally dream about a place, you go there, you switch back. following these rules, it indeed seems like the switch has been due to talay and tun since they're the ones who dreamed, even if you don't know what tun's lesson was. i definitely think this is perfectly reasonable, and we could stop here and call it a day, however to me it's not so simple, mainly for two reasons: 1) the switch between puen and tun literally happens at the peak of puen's character development, once he's fully learned his lesson and shows it by finally being ready to tell talay his name, so it's hard for me to see it as a simple coincidence, and 2) maybe it's gonna sound harsh, but to simply put it, this is not tun's (and tess') story, it's puen's (and talay's), so on a narrative point of view it's just weird to have someone else be responsible for the switch
so here's what i think (hopefully i can explain it in a way that make sense ;;;;;;): usually, when you're taught a lesson, you will also have to take a test to show that you've really learned it. puen's test is to face his worst nightmare: being back in his original universe with no one waiting for him. talay's test is to be willing to give up everything for love: losing time and energy by having to wait day after day for the tide to get lower. and while i do think dreaming and going to a certain place is necessary to switch back after learning your lesson, the reason i think puen didn't dream is because that would have defeated the point of his test (if he had dreamed he would have known he was gonna go back and he could have prepared himself for it), so tun dreamed (and went to the designated place) for him
im aware it's a reach, but it makes sense to me, especially because of the place tun dreamed of: a pool. this is already long as hell so im not gonna into it as much as i could, but let's just say that in vice versa water is a recurring theme that carries a lot of different meanings. one of those is that it represents puen and talay's relationship as a whole (in episode 7, the tide at the secret island is low because they haven't cleared up their feelings for each other yet; in episode 9, the tide is getting higher because they confessed to each other but there are still things left unsaid; in episode 11, the tide is at its highest point because puen and talay fully love each other with no secrets left between them [and talay has to dive in the ocean, in their love, to get to the secret island and be able to go back]). but water also represents talay and puen separately, with natural bodies of water being related to talay and artificial man-made ones (like a swimming pool) to puen
ANYWAY. there are still some holes in this theory and there's so much more that i could say about it, especially about the water symbolism and how i personally think 'the Universe' is a sort of sentient force in vice versa, but we would be here for ages so im just gonna shut up. if you, anon, or anyone else, even got to this point after reading though this mess you honestly deserve a prize ;;;;;; (i can offer cookies and all my love?)
but yeah, i hope this was at least interesting, if not coherent, and i'll let you decide if this is a somewhat reasonable explanation that could actually make sense!!!!!!
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afurioushawk · 4 years
I love the Hawk/Young Johnny comparisons,they have a fuckton of parallels! And you're spot on about Johnny not helping him with his issues,just becoming a "badass" about it. However,it might be another parallel between young Johnny and Hawk. Not only that,but it manifests in yet another Johnny/Hawk parallel,the girlfriend drama. As everyone knows, Johnny was a possessive, jealous jackass who refused to move on from the breakup,and the main reason was because Johnny "always had to fight". Usually, jealous people are either cheaters or insecure. Johnny Lawrence might be an awful person,but Ali didn't mention him being too flirty,nor having any sign of infidelity,so it's probably insecurity. Despite being a Karate black belt, winning two(?) local championships, getting popular and growing handsome due to harsh training + puberty + genetics (mom is a trophy wife),the issues 12 yo Johnny had didn't magically vanish.
Once, you said Johnny's worst trait is his general negligence. I think that's a symptom,not a cause. Johnny's main flaw,IMO,is sloth. Emotional sloth,to be more specific. He's almost always trying to avoid anything that's emotionally complicated,and has a hard time moving forward. And that's kinda shown even in Karate Kid. Okay,in that movie, Johnny is shown to be a bully with a temper,what might indicate wrath. However, there's how he wouldn't accept the breakup, even though his friends tried to help him with it. Moving on from a failed relationship is hard, overcoming trauma and abuse is hard, raising a kid is hard(specially when one is grieving the death of the only authority figure that has given one (1) fuck about their happiness),so it feels better to ignore. Hence the negligence.
A good chunk of Johnny’s issues all stem from having horrible father figures. His home life was bad enough with Sid, and Kreese was even worse, because for a while he at least seemed like the kind of father figure Johnny was looking for, up until he tried to kill him. Until the AVT, Johnny and the OG Cobras couldn’t really see that Kreese was psychologically abusive; I don’t think Johnny even now really comprehends just how bad it probably was. Bobby and Jimmy tell Johnny about how it messed them all up for a long time, even after Kreese was gone.
And it seems unlike the OG Cobras, Johnny has never gotten the help he needed to make peace with what happened between him and Kreese, and it led to his life going to shit, to him becoming a bad father, to him not really taking care of himself. And it’s led to him making some bad judgment calls as a Sensei.
Like, with regards to Ali and Johnny not moving on, we know this all ties back to Kreese’s “defeat does not exist” attitude. And Johnny gives that same advice back to his kids: “never give up the pursuit.” This is why you see Miguel and Hawk both have a difficult time letting go of their girlfriends after being dumped.
When I talk about the Johnny-Hawk parallels, Kreese’s role in Johnny’s bad treatment of Hawk is usually at the forefront of my mind. Because it’s so obviously the cycle of abuse. And let me emphasize again that, apart from the “Speak up, Lip” scene, Johnny has never mistreated Hawk out of sheer malice, he’s just never given consideration to Hawk’s feelings, pretty much ever. And you can detect the clear line between him victim-blaming Hawk for his own bullying back to Kreese browbeating Johnny for crying. We’ve gotten plenty of hints now that Johnny started out as a sensitive, shy kid, and Kreese’s abuse warped him into the bully we saw in KK. And now Johnny has done the same to Hawk, and even did extra by bringing Kreese back into the picture.
Now of course the biggest difference between Kreese and Johnny is that Johnny is capable of change. For the time being, he’s tried washing his hands of his responsibility in driving his students into the arms of Kreese, even tho he was the one who brought Kreese into their lives and as such anything bad that happens is on his shoulders. Which is why it’s vital for his character arc as a Sensei to set those wrongs right. Because if he does what quite a lot of fans want him to do - give up on CK and bring Miguel with him to MD or whatever - then all of his growth as someone who’s trying to get out of Kreese’s shadow and be a better Sensei for his kids goes straight into the toilet.
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inazumafocus · 5 years
About the presence of spirits in Inazuma Eleven
Hello lovelies! Since there has been some discussion going on regarding whether Ichihoshi was Hikaru or Mitsuru during his time in Russia, I thought I’d make a quick analysis of the whole franchise to prove a point. 
And the point is: that was Mitsuru and not just Hikaru with his personality.
It’s easy enough!
Let’s start from the very beginning to better understand the dynamic present in this franchise.
In the second game of Inazuma, it’s shown (and explained) to us for the first time how it’s possible for the spirit of a deceased people to inhabit someone else’s body, causing in them a “split personality”, just like in Ichihoshi’s case.
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It’s not the regular trauma a person can experience in real life, it has a supernatural twist because that’s how the franchise decided to make it work, given that it’s a kid show and they probably wanted to give a softer touch to an otherwise very complicated theme.
Indeed it’s easier to explain to a kid that the spirit of a deceased brother is magically inhabiting someone, because we’re talking about magic, supernatural and since kids are exposed to it since they’re born, they will just go along with it. But had they tried to make it 100% like the real thing, they wouldn’t have been able to represent it correctly, finding themselves to oversimplify a very delicate mental illness. 
But apart from what the thoughts process might have been behind their choice, more things inside the series itself further prove this point!
Just like Atsuya and Shirou, Mitsuru and Hikaru spirits meet and talk in a specific point before merging into one.
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As you can see, the place of their spirits last goodbye is the same as the one where Hikaru first met Mitsuru whom inhabited him after the accident.
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And given that it looks like the spot they were used to hang out as kids, it’s probably the mental projection of that same place but inside Hikaru’s subconscious. And just like Shirou, Hiakru directly talks to his brother.
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Had it been only a “personality” this wouldn’t have make any sense, because it would’ve been him but with different behaviours and nothing more.
It’s even explained by the coach that these two personalities need to merge in order to find balance or else they’ll shatter.
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(plus the merging scenes and the shattering ones both in OG and Orion are so similar I don’t think that’s a coincidence but a hint)
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If we were talking about a REAL split personality case, then the whole deal would’ve been about bringing HIKARU back as he was BEFORE the accident and trauma, not about merging and find balance between the two.
This is only reasonable if we accept that inside one body there are now two different beings/spirits/personalities or whatever you want to call them and that there is no other way aside from fusing the two because there ain’t no spells or magic to ban a spirit from a body.
Plus both in the Fubuki and Ichihoshi’s case we can see them clearly changing physical features depending on the personality/spirit who’s in control at the moment.
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Had it been the real illness this wouldn’t have been possible nor make sense. 
Other signs of the existence of spirits in the inazuma franchise are both Shuu from the GO movie, the spirit of a boy died ages ago and now a god tied to the island where he died (being tied to a place or an object is a common thing when talking about ghosts, it’s due to regrets or wishes the persona had before dying),
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and the old lady who coaches Zeus in Ares whom we can see vanishing in thousands of sparkles, making her probably a goddess but for sure not a human.
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I hope I made things clearer to everyone and please, do not base your knowledge solely on the wikia of the serie. Those pages are completely fanmade so anyone can write on it and sadly they can be misinformed or biased.
Always go gain info yourself directly to the sources in order to have an objective and complete 360° opinion on something/someone!
Have a lovely day and see you to the next analysis <3
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