#cause you can’t tell me swank don’t mean something to him when he just listens when he’s told to go to his room
dykedvonte · 3 months
Ok so we know you love Benny (rightfully so, I mean look at the man) but do you have any thoughts on the other Chairmen? Swank and Tommy specifically?
I have so many thoughts on the Vegas families but even more on the Chairmen just because of how unique their position is.
Like to start off, I have mentioned and still fully believe the Chairmen are the most paranoid and distrusting of all of the Vegas families. You can get sucked into many personal dramas and plights when it comes to the other Vegas Families; Quest-lines that get you super involved with their inner workings and pasts, ergo, quest-lines like Beyond the Beef and How Little We Know. Other than the very little side quest we get from Tommy, where you don’t even out in a good word for the Aces Theater for the talent recruits, your very boxed out with the Chairmen.
While the other families are more curious and intrigued by the NCR and Legion tensions rising, House being killed and other things, the Chairmen are always paranoid, concerned and negative. They mention wanting to leave like in the old days but can’t drop the act. They don’t mention anything that isn’t in a way that relates back to them and it tells how little they wish to or do interact with those outside the family. Swank mentions how he doesn’t trust the other families and the sentiments are shared with Tommy who discourages you from seeing the other sights. They are probably not purposely isolating themselves but they keep to their own. I only think this is extrapolated by House favoring Benny as a successor and possibly more restrictions on them. They were the first family and likely the prototype of whatever is detailed in their contracts. House was not as lenient as he is now, taking Swank referring to House’s rules into account.
Specifically about Tommy and Swank is interesting. Tommy feels like he’s older to me, not like more mature but he’s been around to see how far the Boot-Riders changed into the Chairmen. He’s not like an old guy either but older than Swank and Benny. I like to think he’s a middle ground to Swank and Benny, where Benny is the idealist, Swank is the nihilist and he’s there realist. You gotta real with people when you work in entertainment. He has a keen eye and can tell when things aren’t right but doesn’t jump out of his lane, not without provocation that is. In relation to Benny, I think Tommy’s like a snide older brother type guy. He rips on Benny cause the guy is so obsessed with not being seen as a tribal anymore but Tommy of all people can see when someone is playing too much into a bit. Benny keeps him close cause he keeps him real.
Swank is described in universe by House as being dependable but unimaginative. I don’t think that’s fully the case but he isn’t the person to push things in my eyes either. He has complaints but he does what he’s asked of and is loyal. More of a “Are you sure” Man than a “Yes” Man. I don’t think he sees the best in the people around him but prefers to see them as static. I take this with how hard it is to convince him that Benny is a traitor and how he seems shocked you are so ready to kill him. Things run a certain why and it’s why he likes that. It’s why he’s so good a managing The Tops. He wants things to run smooth and easy and everyone to be having a time. He’s the type to struggle with a shift in change at first but then forget why when the new song and dance start to come naturally. He plays the part just like Benny but also reminds him of what they came from. He’s his most trusted advisor and friend keeps him in focus.
This is all personal opinion and just a quick run down of it. But I hope I answered at least some of what you asked:p
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bechloeislegit · 5 years
It was the day of the Regionals, and Beca was a bit nervous. They had a good set with some decent choreography, and Jesse was given one of the lead vocal spots; Beca was proud of him.
The Treblemakers were announced and went running up on to the stage and got into position. Beca looked back and saw the Bellas all come running in a bit late.
The Trebles did the song Right Round, and the audience loved it. Beca couldn't help the smile that was plastered on her face when they finished, and the crowd rose to their feet cheering and clapping.
They left the stage and stood to the side of the auditorium as the Bellas were announced. Beca had to admit that their outfits looked a bit like flight attendant uniforms. She heard some of the Trebles make rude comments about joining the mile-high club with a few of them, especially Chloe and Stacie.
Beca backhanded Jesse's chest when he laughed, too. Jesse muttered an "ow" and stepped away from her, rubbing his chest where she smacked him.
Beca didn't like the way Jesse was around these guys. They had both been asked to move into the Trebles house, but Beca refused to live with a bunch of guys, especially those guys. Jesse moved in, and Beca tried to spend time with him, but she made sure it was somewhere other than the Trebles house.
Beca watched the Bellas do their act, and she could distinctly hear Chloe's voice. She had an excellent voice; it was too bad that it wasn't being utilized fully. Maybe Aubrey cared enough to keep things easy for Chloe because of her nodes.
Beca also picked up a soulful voice that she attributed to Cynthia Rose. Again, another voice not being utilized to its full potential.
Beca noticed that Aubrey's face was a bit pinched. Aubrey was glaring at Fat Amy who Beca could only guess wasn't doing her part exactly as Aubrey had ordered. Too bad Aubrey doesn't seem to notice that folks actually perked up when Fat Amy did her solo.
The Bellas finished their set, and the audience applauded; nothing like they did when the Trebles finished but still they applauded. The Bellas came off the stage and up the aisle past the Trebles.
Beca smirked and looked at Chloe using her hands to make a heart shape and moving her hands back and forth from her chest. "This was great," she mouthed. Chloe looked upset, and she then noticed Aubrey behind Chloe, glaring at her; she winked at them just to rile them up before looking back to the stage.
The Trebles were announced as the winners, and they all went up to the stage to get the trophy. Beca was smiling the whole time, and Jesse threw his arms around her shoulders as they exited the stage.
Beca was surprised that the Bellas took second place. Although, to be honest, they were better than most of the other groups that had performed.
Beca stopped to use the restroom before heading out to the lobby to meet the guys. When she got out there, the Bellas were standing on the stairs right outside the door watching a fight unfold in front of them. She looked and some of the Trebles, including Jesse, were arguing with some older guys.
Beca saw Jesse holding their trophy while arguing with one of the guys; then Fat Amy left the Bellas and walked over to where Jesse was. Amy somehow had the trophy and was going to "shove it up his bum."
Seeing all this, Beca decided it was time to intervene. She put her hand on the small of Chloe's back, mumbling an 'excuse me' as she made her way between Aubrey and Chloe.
Chloe felt a shiver go down her back when Beca touched her. She bit her lip as she watched Beca pass in front of her.
"God," Chloe thought. "Why does the one person who makes her react to a touch like that have to be a Treble?"
Chloe watched as Beca made her way over to Jesse and Fat Amy. The guy Jesse was arguing with got in Jesse's face, and Beca hit him, knocking him down. Fat Amy kicked him in the groin, and the guy kept asking for more. Fat Amy yelled something again about sticking the trophy up the guy's bum.
Chloe put her hand to her forehead and looked at Aubrey. Beca grabbed the trophy and tried to take it away from Fat Amy.
Suddenly, the sound of glass shattering echoed around the lobby. Chloe watched in shock as everyone ran off in different directions. She caught sight of Fat Amy running away through a door, yelling something about vertical running. Beca was the only one left standing in the middle of the lobby, holding a piece of the trophy in her hands, looking through the glassless gap in the window as a cop approached.
"Oh, my God," Chloe mumbled.
Chloe felt terrible that Beca was the only one who was arrested. Fat Amy had caused the trophy to go through the window, and the other Treblemakers and the Tonehangers were the ones fighting. The glass breaking was an accident, but the cop didn't want to hear it. As Beca was placed in handcuffs, Jesse was trying to reassure her that he would be right behind her.
Chloe continued to watch as Beca was led away. Beca didn't look scared; Beca looked pissed.
Aubrey rounded up the Bellas, including Fat Amy, and ushered them to the bus. They left, and Chloe had a knot in her stomach from worrying if Jesse would able to bail Beca out of jail.
"Why is what's happening to Beca bothering me so much?" she thought.
~oOo~ The Treble vs The Bella ~oOo~
The Bellas make it back to campus, and everyone gets off the bus. Stacie looked around for a moment, chewing on her bottom lip before making a decision.
"Hey, Chloe," Stacie called getting the redhead's attention. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Sure, Stacie," Chloe said. "Brey, I'll see you back at the apartment."
Aubrey nodded her head and yelled out a reminder to all the girls about Bellas practice early the next morning. Several groans were heard as the girls continued on their way.
Chloe watched until the girls were far enough away before speaking to Stacie. "What do you need, Stacie?"
"I, um," Stacie said. "Okay, so you can't tell Aubrey what I'm about to tell you. Okay?"
"Stacie," Chloe said. "She's my best friend. We don't keep secrets from each other."
"This has to do with the Bellas," Stacie said. "And you said that we could confide in you or Aubrey about anything and it would be kept between us. Right?"
"We did," Chloe said. She took in a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh. "Okay, I promise I won't say anything to Aubrey. Now, what's going on?"
"I've been hanging out with Beca," Stacie said.
"Beca Mitchell?"
"Yeah. I really like Beca. We have a couple of classes together, and ever since Hood Night when she helped me back to my dorm, we've become study buddies and friends."
"Okay." Chloe felt something in the pit of her stomach. Were they really just friends or were they hooking up? And if they were, why was she feeling like this? It almost felt like she was...jealous.
"Anyway," Stacie continued. "I want to wait in her room for her to get back to make sure she's okay. I was wondering if you wanted to wait with me?"
"What?" Chloe asked. "Why would I want to wait for her?"
"I saw the look of guilt on your face when Beca was arrested. Fat Amy broke that window, and she didn't get arrested. And none of the guys involved in the fight got arrested either. I just thought you might want to check on Beca with me as a courtesy."
Chloe was worried about Beca. She also knew that Aubrey would use this incident to escalate the feud between the Bellas and the Trebles.
~oOo~ The Treble vs The Bella ~oOo~
"Hey, Hilary Swank from Million Dollar Baby," Jesse said as Beca walked out of the police station.
"You could have just said Million Dollar Baby," Beca said. "You didn't have to reference the actress' name."
"Damn, prison has changed you," Jesse said, causing Beca to laugh.
"Thanks for bailing me out," Beca said.
"I didn't," Jesse said.
"Beca!" a voice called out, and Beca cringed as she stopped and glared at Jesse.
"You called Dad!?"
"It looked serious, Beca. They took you away in handcuffs."
"That doesn't mean you call Dad. God, Jesse!"
"Why are you yelling at me?" Jesse asked. "I'm the only one here."
"I didn't ask you to be," Beca said.
"I'm your brother," Jesse said. "I was trying to look out for you."
Beca turned away from Jesse to face her father.
"Get in the car," Warren Swanson said. "Both of you."
"You're not even going to listen to my side?" Beca asked as she walked to the car.
"Not tonight," Warren said.
Beca climbed into the back of the car and Jesse took the passenger seat. Warren got behind the wheel and sighed.
"I'm very disappointed in you, Beca," Warren said. "I can't believe I got a call in the middle of the night telling me my daughter had been arrested for destruction of property."
"Oh, so now you remember I'm your daughter," Beca snorted. "Where was this concern for the past ten years?"
"That's not fair, Beca," Warren said.
"What's not fair is you not listening to my side of what happened tonight," Beca said. "For your information, it wasn't my fault. The window got broken while I was trying to protect your precious Jesse from getting his ass kicked."
Warren looked over at Jesse who nodded, letting him know what Beca said was true. Warren sighed again and ran a hand through his hair. He started to speak, but Beca beat him to it.
"You want to know what else is not fair? You telling Jesse I was lying about mom's drinking and beating me because you were afraid that if it were true, you'd actually have to take me in," Beca said. "What's not fair is you talking my grandmother into forcing me to come to college when I had other plans. You made everyone think you made this noble gesture by paying for me to go to college, but it does not cost you a dime because Jesse and I are your kids and you work there, so we get free tuition. So, don't talk to me about what's fair."
Beca stared out the window and quickly wiped a tear from her eye.
Jesse cleared his throat and looked at his dad.
Warren took a deep breath but didn't say anything. He started the car and made the quiet drive back to Barden's campus.
Beca jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped outside her dorm. She slammed the door and didn't say anything to her father or Jesse. She stomped off toward her dorm.
Jesse jumped out and ran after her. He caught up to her and grabbed her arm to stop her.
"Beca, wait," Jesse said.
"No," Beca said, jerking her arm out of Jesse's grasp. "You don't get to pull this bullshit and expect me to be okay with it. I told you before, I didn't want to see our father, and now I'm telling you I don't want to see either one of you. Leave me alone! The only time I will speak to you is if we are at Trebles rehearsal or a Trebles event AND only in the context of the Trebles. Understood?"
"Beca, come on," Jesse said pleadingly. "You don't mean that."
"Let's go, Jesse!" Warren yelled from the car.
"I do mean it, and you'd better go," Beca said. "You don't want to keep your wonderful, loving father waiting."
Beca turned and walked away from Jesse without another word.
~oOo~ The Treble vs The Bella ~oOo~
Beca wiped at the tears on her face as she made her way to her dorm room. She entered her room and was shocked to see Chloe and Stacie sitting on her bed. They both jumped up when they saw Beca.
"How the fuck did you two get in here?" she asked, her voice still laced with anger.
"Uh, your roommate let us in before she left," Stacie said hesitantly. "I, um, we wanted to make sure you were okay."
"As you can see, I'm fine," Beca spat out. "You can leave now."
Beca held the door open to them and waited.
"Um, before we go I just wanted to apologize for what happened," Chloe said nervously. "You should not have been the only one arrested, and for that, I am deeply sorry."
"Is that it?" Beca asked jaw clenched.
"Yeah, um, that's it," Chloe said.
"Fine," Beca said. "You can leave now. Wouldn't want you getting caught fraternizing with a Treble would we?"
Beca moved away from the door and went to lay down on her bed. She turned on her side, facing the wall with her back to Stacie and Chloe.
Chloe and Stacie looked at each other, unsure of what to do.
"Let's give her some room," Stacie whispered. "I'll check on her later."
Chloe nodded, and the two Bellas walked to the door. Chloe knew that Beca had been crying and looked back to check on her one more time before leaving and quietly closing the door behind them.
As soon as she heard the door close, Beca looked over her shoulder to make sure they had both left. Once she was sure she was alone in the room, she let the tears she had been holding back fall.
~oOo~ The Treble vs The Bella ~oOo~
Beca was awake early the next morning, after not having slept more than a few hours. She was thankful to have woken to find a text from Bumper canceling Trebles rehearsal that day since they won the night before. She could avoid seeing or talking to Jesse for a bit longer.
Beca was sitting on her bed with her laptop on her thighs, trying to finish the Philosophy paper that was due in a week. She had only two of the required ten pages written.
Beca looked up when she heard a soft knock at the door. She sighed as she got up and answered the door since her roommate wasn't home. She wasn't surprised to see Stacie standing in front of her.
"Hey," Stacie said. "Um, I was wondering if I could study here since my roommate has some friends in our room."
"Sure, come on in," Beca said and stepped aside.
Stacie walked in and set herself up at the end of Beca's bed. "Are you okay? You seemed really upset when you got back last night."
"I'm sorry I was rude to you and Chloe," Beca said as she sat. "I was touched that you guys waited for me."
"What happened after the cops took you away?"
"Jesse called his father to bail me out," Beca said. "I yelled at his father, and then I yelled at Jesse. We're currently not speaking."
"Why do you do that?" Stacie asked. "Why do you refer to your dad as 'his father' when you're talking about Jesse and your dad?"
Beca gave a short laugh. She felt comfortable around Stacie and told her about her dad leaving and taking Jesse, her mom becoming an alcoholic, even about the drunken beatings her mom inflicted on her.
"How old were you when your dad and Jesse left?"
"Eight. Jesse and I weren't just brother and sister," Beca said. "We were best friends. It really hurt when he cut me out of his life like my dad did. I forgave him for doing it, but I can't forget he did it."
Stacie pulled Beca into a hug. "I'm sorry you had to go through all that."
"Yeah, well, shit happens," Beca said, pulling away from Stacie. "Um, did Chloe get mad at you because you wanted to come here and wait for me? I know it had to be your idea and she's all into the Trebles and Bellas not fraternizing thing. I don't want to cause you any trouble because we're friends."
"No," Stacie said. "And she promised not to say anything to Aubrey about us hanging out."
"That was nice of her," Beca said with a small smile.
"You like her, don't you?"
"What? Pffft! No."
"You do," Stacie said and smiled. "I can tell. I think she likes you, too. I notice she always looking at you whenever we're in the same place."
"She's a Bella, and I'm a Treble," Beca said. "And Chloe abides by the Bellas rules because what Aubrey says, Chloe follows."
"Maybe," Stacie said with a smirk. "But you do like her."
"Whatever," Beca said and went back to working on her paper. After a few minutes, Beca looked at Stacie and asked, "Has Aubrey or Chloe told you girls why the no Trebles rule even exists?"
"No," Stacie said. "We've asked, but Aubrey always says the reason is not important. It is a Bellas rule, and we must follow it. Has Bumper told you anything?"
"No," Beca said. "And none of the Trebles seem to care. They don't have a rule about fraternizing with the Bellas. They get their kicks by trying to find ways to get a Bella to sleep with them to get them kicked out."
Beca stopped and chewed on her bottom lip. She was debating whether to tell Stacie about the hidden camera the Trebles had in the Bellas rehearsal space.
"Hey, Stace," Beca said, causing her to look up. "I need to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone I'm the one who told you. No one. Can you promise me?"
"Okay," Stacie said. "I promise. What is it?"
"The Trebles have a hidden camera in the Bellas rehearsal space," Beca said.
"What?" Stacie said, sitting up straighter on the bed.
"Yeah," Beca said. "Bumper told us about it when he was watching your first rehearsal and celebrating that two of your girls were kicked out because of the Trebles. I didn't like it then, and I still don't like it. It feels like we're cheating or something."
"Do you know where it is?" Stacie asked.
"Not exactly," Beca said. "But, from the angle, it looked like it might be somewhere in the corner near the door. I wanted to say something sooner, but I didn't think anyone would believe me. Plus, I do feel some loyalty to the Trebles, even if most of them are douchebags."
"I have to tell Aubrey and Chloe," Stacie said. "I just have to figure out a way to notice the camera or something."
"Maybe you can find it accidentally," Beca said. "If that doesn't work, maybe you can say you overheard someone talking about it and you weren't sure if it was true or not. Then they'll start looking for it."
"I like that idea," Stacie said. "I'll just say I overheard someone talking about it at the diner, but I didn't recognize who it was."
"Good," Beca said and pulled her laptop back to her and started typing.
"Thanks, Beca," Stacie said. "I'm sure that Aubrey and Chloe will appreciate it even if they don't know you're the one who told."
"Somehow, I find that highly unlikely," Beca said.
~oOo~ The Treble vs The Bella ~oOo~
Later that afternoon, Stacie got to practice early and hung around the door in the corner as she discreetly looked for the camera. She saw it and motioned for Aubrey and Chloe to come over.
"What's up, Stacie?" Chloe asked.
Stacie put a finger to her lips and shushed her. She then pointed to the camera. Aubrey and Chloe looked to see what she was pointing to and gasped.
"Where did that come from?" Aubrey whispered.
Stacie then said she 'overheard' someone talking about the Trebles having a camera in the Bellas rehearsal space. She didn't believe it but decided to look for it anyway.
"I'm going to rip it out," Aubrey whispered.
Before she yanked it off the top of the door, Aubrey stood on a chair and looked directly into the camera.
"I guess you dick-licks aren't as smart as you thought," she said and yanked the camera from its hiding place.
"Dammit!" Bumper yelled as he slammed his laptop closed. "Someone had to tell them it was there. Which one of you morons told one of the Bellas about it? Confess now because it will be way worse on you if I have to find out for myself."
Beca didn't say anything. She and the Trebles all looked around at each other; no one admitted to saying anything.
"What difference does it make, Bumper?" Jesse asked. "Watching them sit around and do exercises or running laps is not my idea of a good time."
"We have to stay one step ahead of them," Bumper said. "The camera tapes everything and saves it. I can sit down later and watch to see if they finally change anything. We cannot let those bitches beat us."
"Hey!" Beca said. "I don't like when jerks like you call women bitches, so knock it off."
"Or what?" Bumper asked with a sneer. "I can kick you out and then what will you do?"
"Go tell the Bellas everything and become one of them," Beca shot back.
"You can't do that," Jesse said. "She won't do that."
"Don't bet on it," Beca said.
"It was you," Donald accused. "You're the one who told them about the camera."
"It wasn't me," Beca said, trying to maintain her cool. "I had no idea where the camera was hidden. Maybe you should look at someone who actually knew where you hid the camera."
Bumper furrowed his brow and then looked at Donald and Uni. "You two are the only ones who knew where the camera was. Who did you tell?"
"You knew where it was, too, and you've been banging Fat Amy," Donald yelled back. "You probably told her, and she told Pukesen."
"I did no such thing," Bumper yelled.
The rest of the Trebles jumped in and started arguing.
"This is ridiculous," Beca mumbled, unable to handle the yelling, and left.
~oOo~ The Treble vs The Bella ~oOo~
After Stacie left Bellas practice, Chloe called out to her. Stacie stopped and waited for the redhead to catch up with her.
"What's up, Chloe?" Stacie asked. "I'm going to the diner. Care to join me?"
"Sure," Chloe said, and the two started walking.
"So, what's on that pretty little mind of yours?" Stacie asked.
"I've noticed you and Beca hanging out a lot more," Chloe said as she looked at Stacie. "Are you, um, are you two hooking up?"
"What?" Stacie said. "No. I told you, Chloe, we're just friends."
"Is she the one who told you about the camera?" Chloe asked. "Tell me the truth because I could tell by the way you were acting it wasn't something you overheard."
Stacie stopped and looked at Chloe. She then looked around before returning her gaze to Chloe.
"I can't tell you," Stacie said. "I made a promise."
"I'm going to take that as a yes," Chloe said with a sigh. "Why would Beca tell you? What's her scheme? Are the Trebles planning something to sabotage the Bellas?"
"God, Chloe," Stacie said, getting frustrated. "You're getting to be as bad as Aubrey. I fell into that trap, too, but realized that Beca is not like the rest of the Trebles. She really is a good person. Yeah, she's the one who told me about the camera. She told me because she said it felt like they were cheating and she didn't want to be a part of it."
Stacie crossed her arms over her chest and looked around again.
"Look," Stacie said. "I don't know what it is with you and Aubrey and this Bellas code thing, but not all the Trebles are jerks. Maybe if you guys told us why you hate them so much, we could figure out a way to end this feud or whatever you want to call it. I like hanging out with Beca. She cares about what happens to me, even to the Bellas. She's funny, sarcastic, and has great taste in music. You should hear some of the mixes she makes; they're some of the best I've ever heard. I consider her one of my best friends, and I don't want to lose her friendship over some feud I know nothing about."
Chloe ran a hand through her hair. "I'm sorry. I just-." Chloe looked around at nothing in particular before saying, "Do you still want to get something to eat?"
Stacie nodded her head, and the two walked quietly to the diner, each lost in their own thoughts.
~oOo~ The Treble vs The Bella ~oOo~
After Beca left the Trebles, she went back to her dorm. She stopped at Stacie's room to see if she was back from rehearsal, and there was no answer. It was close to dinner time, so Beca decided to leave and go to the diner to grab something to eat.
Beca walked into the diner and saw Stacie and Chloe. She turned to leave so Chloe wouldn't see her.
"Beca!" Stacie called out, causing Beca to turn around. She saw Stacie motioning her over with her hand.
Beca sighed and wouldn't look at Chloe as she made her way over to their table.
"Hey," Beca said to Stacie as she stood by the table.
"Sit down, Beca," Stacie said. "We want to talk to you."
Beca finally glanced at Chloe and saw Chloe nervously looking back at her. She sighed and sat next to Stacie.
"What's up?"
Chloe and Stacie looked at Beca and then at each other. Beca saw Stacie raise an eyebrow toward Chloe, and turned her head towards the redhead.
Chloe ran a hand through her hair and sighed. "Um, I just wanted to thank you for telling Stacie about the camera. She didn't say it was you that told, but I figured it out."
Beca shot a look at Stacie. "I told her you thought it was cheating and didn't want to be a part of it."
"Look, Beca," Chloe said, getting her attention. "I'm sorry for everything. It's just. Aubrey's been my best friend for a long time. She's stubborn and won't let this Treble thing go. I don't like it, but I can't go against her. I'm sorry that you're caught up in it."
Beca looked at Chloe and suddenly stood and hurried away from the table toward the restrooms. Stacie and Chloe both had a WTF look on their faces.
They both jumped when they heard Aubrey say, "Hey, Chlo, why didn't you tell me you were coming to the diner? We could have come over together."
"Um, it was, uh," Chloe stammered, as she looked towards where Beca went. "It was a spur of the moment thing. Why don't you join us?"
"Thanks," Aubrey said and sat next to Chloe.
"Well, well, well," Beca said as she neared their table. "If it isn't the Head Bitch, oh, sorry. The Head Bella and her minions."
"Go away, Mitchell," Aubrey said. "You're making me lose my appetite."
"I'll go," Beca said. "But only because you asked so nicely."
As Beca walked away, she heard Aubrey say, "She gets on my nerves."
Beca turned back and saw Stacie looking at her. She smiled and gave her a wink to let her know all was good.
Forty-five minutes later, Aubrey left the other two to go to the library to study. Stacie and Chloe remained and continued talking.
"What's up with Beca?" Chloe asked. "I apologized, and she just up and left the table. And then she called Aubrey a bitch before she left."
"Beca helped us dodge a bullet," Stacie said.
"What do you mean?" Chloe asked.
"She left the table because she saw Aubrey coming in," Stacie said. "She left so Aubrey wouldn't see us sitting here with her. She was trying to protect us from getting yelled at."
"Maybe," Chloe said. "But she still called Aubrey a bitch, and I didn't like it."
"She was playing the part of a Treble," Stacie said. "What do you think Aubrey would have done if Beca had come over and said hello and been nice to us?"
"Honestly," Chloe said. "She would have blown a gasket."
"Exactly," Stacie said. "Beca said and did all that to keep that from happening. I wish you could see she's actually a nice person and stop treating her like the rest of the Trebles."
"You're right," Chloe said. "I'm sorry, but whenever I look at her I hear Aubrey's voice saying, stay away, she's a Treble and can't be trusted."
"I told you," Stacie said. "Beca's good people. Stop listening to Aubrey, and stop looking at Beca like a Treble, and more like, like a Beca. You might find that you like her even more than you already do."
"What?!" Chloe exclaimed. "I do not like Beca. At all."
"Your mouth may deny it," Stacie said. "But, your eyes say otherwise."
~oOo~ The Treble vs The Bella ~oOo~
Stacie and Beca were studying a few days later, when Stacie looked at Beca and said, "Chloe likes you."
"What?" Beca said. "No, she doesn't."
"She says she doesn't," Stacie said. "But she sure looks at you like she does."
"Doubtful," Beca said. "And even if that were true, nothing will ever happen between us."
"We need to end this feud," Stacie said. "The whole thing is beyond ridiculous."
"What are you going to do?" Beca asked as she looked up from her laptop.
"I don't know," Stacie said. "Maybe I'll try to talk to Chloe about it again."
"Good luck with that," Beca said as she went back to studying.
~oOo~ The Treble vs The Bella ~oOo~
Later that day, Beca's phone pinged as she walked out of the radio station. She pulled out her phone and looked down and suddenly found herself on the ground.
"Oh, my God," a voice said. "I'm so sorry."
Beca looked up and found herself staring into a pair of bright blue eyes. She blinked once or twice and then chuckled as she started to stand. "Were you trying to kill me and get rid of the competition?"
Chloe blushed and looked at Beca to find her smiling at her. "Sorry."
"It's okay," Beca said, looking around for her phone.
Beca and Chloe saw Beca's phone at the same time and bent down to retrieve it. They both pulled back when they bumped heads together.
"Ow," Chloe and Beca both said as they stood with a hand to their heads.
They both started to lean down again. Beca held her hand up to Chloe and said, "Wait. I got it."
Chloe stood up straight and let Beca retrieve her phone.
"I am sorry," Chloe said.
"It's okay," Beca replied with a smile. "It was my fault; I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."
Chloe stared at Beca's smile and bit her bottom lip. "I, um, I was actually coming to talk to you."
"How did you know I'd be here?" Beca asked.
"Stacie told me," Chloe said. "I wanted to talk to you about something. Can we, um, can we go to your dorm and talk?"
"What?" Beca said. "You want to talk to me? Is this a trick? Or a set-up?"
Beca looked around to see if Aubrey was lurking close by.
"No," Chloe said quickly. "I wanted to know if I could listen to some of your mixes. Stacie talks about how good they are, and I thought I might get some inspiration and come up with something new to try with the Bellas. And, maybe you could show me how to come up with something."
"Yeah. I know our set is outdated and needs something to get us noticed."
"And, you're asking me, a Treble, for help?" Beca asked. "It seems to me you're asking me to go against my own team."
"I know it's out of the blue," Chloe said. "But we want to win. And from what Stacie said, your mixes are really good and not something the Trebles would use. I'm not asking you to tell us what the Trebles are going to do, just maybe give me some ideas to help make the Bellas better." Chloe stopped and furrowed her brow. "Oh, God, it does sound like I'm asking you to go against the Trebles. Never mind. I'm sorry I bothered you."
Chloe apologized again and started to walk away.
"I may have just the thing for the Bellas," Beca called out, causing Chloe to stop and turn around. "I could even give you some ideas on who should sing what part."
"Whoa," Chloe said. "I'll be lucky if I can get Brey to listen to it. I'm pretty sure she won't like me telling her who should sing what part."
"I thought you were the Co-Captain," Beca said. "Wouldn't deciding what parts went to who be part of your job?"
Chloe sighed and ran a hand through her hair. She knew Beca was right, but she had spent the past few years going along with Aubrey to avoid fighting with her.
"It's not that simple," Chloe said.
"It could be," Beca countered.
A/N: My apologies to the Steca fans. I know it looks as if this is going to be a Steca endgame, but it's not. I always felt that if Stacie had a more prominent role that she and Beca would have become good, maybe even best friends.
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interspersus · 2 years
25 Movies To Watch Again
1. 300
“Children, gather round! No retreat, no surrender; that is Spartan law. And by Spartan law we will stand and fight… and die. A new age has begun. An age of freedom, and all will know, that 300 Spartans gave their last breath to defend it!” – King Leonidas (Gerard Butler)
2. Braveheart
“Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you’ll live… at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin’ to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take… OUR FREEDOM!” – William Wallace
3. Coach Carter
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” – Timo Cruz (Rick Gonzalez)
4. Dead Poet Society:
“They’re not that different from you, are they?
Same haircuts.
Full of hormones, just like you.
Invincible, just like you feel.
The world is their oyster.
They believe they’re destined for great things, just like many of you, their eyes are full of hope, just like you.
Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives even one iota of what they were capable? Because, you see gentlemen, these boys are now fertilizing daffodils.
But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in.
Listen, you hear it? – – Carpe – – hear it? – – Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary.” – John Keating
5. Don Juan DeMarco
“There are only four questions of value in life, Don Octavio.
What is sacred?
Of what is the spirit made?
What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for?
The answer to each is the same – only love.” — Don Juan DeMarco (Johnny Depp)
6. Freedom Writers
“I don’t want excuses. I know what you’re up against.
We’re all of us up against something.
So you better make up your mind, because until you have the balls to look me straight in the eye and tell me this is all you deserve, I am not letting you fail.
Even if that means coming to your house every night until you finish the work.
I see who you are.
Do you understand me?
I can see you. And you are not failing.” – Erin Gruwell (Hilary Swank)
7. Good Will Hunting
“They don’t know about real loss, because that only occurs when you love something more than you love yourself.” – Sean (Robin Williams)
8. Hitch
“Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it’s the moments that take your breath away.” – Hitch (Will Smith)
9. Into the Wild
“I will miss you too, but you are wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from the joy of human relationships.
God’s place is all around us, it is in everything and in anything we can experience.
People just need to change the way they look at things.” – Christopher McCandless (Emile Hirsch)
10. Lord of the Rings
“So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
There are other forces at work in this world Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring.
In which case, you were also meant to have it.
And that is an encouraging thought.” — Gandalf (Ian McKellen)
11. Marley and Me
“It was really quite simple, and yet we humans, so much wiser and more sophisticated, have always had trouble figuring out what really counts and what does not.
Sometimes it takes a dog with bad breath, worse manners, and pure intentions to help us see.
Ask yourself, how many people in the world can truly make you feel rare, pure, and extraordinary?” –John Grogan (Owen Wilson)
12. Million Dollar Baby
“To make a fighter you gotta strip them down to bare wood: you can’t just tell ’em to forget everything you know if you gotta make ’em forget even their bones… make ’em so tired they only listen to you, only hear your voice, only do what you say and nothing else… show ’em how to keep their balance and take it away from the other guy… how to generate momentum off their right toe and how to flex your knees when you fire a jab… how to fight backin’ up so that the other guy doesn’t want to come after you. Then you gotta show ’em all over again. Over and over and over… till they think they’re born that way.” – Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (Morgan Freeman)
13. Mulan
“The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.” — The Emperor (Pat Morita)
14. Peaceful Warrior
“The warrior does not give up what he loves, Dan. He finds the love in what he does.” – Socrates (Nick Nolte)
“The accident is your training. Life is choice. You can choose to be a victim or anything else you’d like to be.” — Socrates (Nick Nolte)
15. Rocky
“Ah come on, Adrian, it’s true. I was nobody. But that don’t matter either, you know?
‘Cause I was thinkin’, it really don’t matter if I lose this fight.
It really don’t matter if this guy opens my head, either.
‘Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody’s ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I’m still standin’, I’m gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren’t just another bum from the neighborhood.” – Rocky (Sylvester Stallone)
16. Rocky Balboa (Rocky 6)
“Nobody is gonna hit as hard as life, but it ain’t how hard you can hit.
It’s how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.
It’s how much you can take, and keep moving forward. That’s how winning’s done.” – Rock Balboa (Sylvester Stallone)
17. Rudy
“In this life time, you don’t have to prove nothing to nobody, except yourself.
And after what you’ve gone through, if you haven’t done that by now, it ain’t gonna never happen.” – Fortune (Charles S. Dutton)
18. Runaway Bride
“Look, I guarantee there’ll be tough times. I guarantee that at some point, one or both of us is gonna want to get out of this thing.
But I also guarantee that if I don’t ask you to be mine, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life, because I know, in my heart, you’re the only one for me. “ — Ike Graham (Richard Gere)
19. Stand and Deliver
“There will be no free rides, no excuses. You already have two strikes against you: your name and your complexion.
Because of these two strikes, there are some people in this world who will assume that you know less than you do.
Math is the great equalizer… When you go for a job, the person giving you that job will not want to hear your problems; ergo, neither do I.
You’re going to work harder here than you’ve ever worked anywhere else. And the only thing I ask from you is ganas. ‘Desire’.” — Jaime Escalante (Edward James Olmos)
20. The Bucket List
“You know, the ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about death.
When their souls got to the entrance to heaven, the guards asked two questions.
Their answers determined whether they were able to enter or not. ‘Have you found joy in your life?’ ‘Has your life brought joy to others?’” — Carter Chambers (Morgan Freeman)
21. The Empire Strikes Back
“Do, or do not. There is no ‘try’.” — Yoda
22. The Mighty Ducks
“Neither do hockey players. Have you guys ever seen a flock of ducks flying in perfect formation?
It’s beautiful. Pretty awesome the way they all stick together.
Ducks never say die.
Ever seen a duck fight?
No way.
Because the other animals are afraid.
They know that if they mess with one duck, they gotta deal with the whole flock.
I’m proud to be a Duck, and I’d be proud to fly with any one of you.
So how about it? Who’s a Duck?” – Gordon Bombay (Emilio Estevez)
23. The Notebook
“My Dearest Allie. I couldn’t sleep last night because I know that it’s over between us. I’m not bitter anymore, because I know that what we had was real.
And if in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives, I’ll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent the summer beneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love.
The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that’s what you’ve given me.
That’s what I hope to give to you forever.
I love you.
I’ll be seeing you.” — Young Noah (Ryan Gosling)
24. The Pursuit of Happyness
“Don’t ever let somebody tell you… You can’t do something.
Not even me. All right?
… You got a dream… You gotta protect it.
People can’t do somethin’ themselves, they wanna tell you you can’t do it.
If you want somethin’, go get it.
Period.” – Christopher Gardner (Will Smith)
25. Vision Quest
“I was in the room here one day… watchin’ the Mexican channel on TV. I don’t know nothin’ about Pele.
I’m watchin’ what this guy can do with a ball and his feet.
Next thing I know, he jumps in the air and flips into a somersault and kicks the ball in – upside down and backwards… the goddamn goalie never knew what the fuck hit him.
Pele gets excited and he rips off his jersey and starts running around the stadium waving it around his head. Everybody’s screaming in Spanish.
I’m here, sitting alone in my room, and I start crying … That’s right, I start crying.
Because another human being, a species that I happen to belong to, could kick a ball, and lift himself, and the rest of us sad-assed human beings, up to a better place to be, if only for a minute… let me tell ya, kid – it was pretty goddamned glorious.
It ain’t the six minutes… it’s what happens in that six minutes.” – Elmo (J.C. Quinn)
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simplymyswank · 5 years
Life Lessons from Simply My Swank:
Stop trying to play a role that is not yours.  What if the goalie constantly played forward? The grass is not greener.  Master your own, not your neighbor’s skills. Don’t live outside of your means.  Stop thinking you are something you are not.
Photo by Gratisography on Pexels.com
Photo by mali maeder on Pexels.com
Photo by Sabel Blanco on Pexels.com
Photo by Victoria Borodinova on Pexels.com
SO frustrated
I don’t know about you
but I don’t want to do
Everything HE can do.
I’m glad he’s here
to open jars
and fix the broken
and rusty cars
install my lights
when they are out
reach the pan
I want to shout!
  you silly girls
that say this stuff
you’re not a man
mind full of fluff
makes you look dumb
like the sky’s not blue
I’m a girl
just like you
my eyes work
life plainly seen
I see the difference
my mind is keen
  he can do
so many things
that I can do
so that brings
him value, worth
I don’t look at him
as such a curse
  our future’s dim
it devalues us
like a stupid curse
we are not the same
and what is worse
it puts us at a vulnerable place
like we don’t get it
scrunched up face!
like a one year old
learning to walk
don’t get it yet?
mindless talk
it’s an insane say
we are so different
in special ways
  my ego doesn’t have
to scream
I’m just as good!
what does that mean?
I’m not!
I can’t lift that load
or focus as clear
on that icy road
or drive that monster
of a truck
with 18 gears
through the muck
  listen, I’m not saying
those are all things
that women CAN’T do
I hear ya’ll sing…
well, just cause YOU
can’t do that do…
doesn’t mean all women
can’t do it too…
  I casually shrug
your focus is blurry
you’re offended
see through the slurry
my brain uses multiple
synapses, yes!
to get the job done
I never rest.
his uses one
focus steady
to get the job done
mission ready
  “what are you thinking?”
she will ask.
he will answer
“the job at task”
she is thinking
everything all at once.
subjects her power
assuming, dunce.
Now they are fighting
about a care
a stupid woe
that was never there.
  You’re telling me though
girls can do
girls are better!
yeah, sing that sing
la, la, la!
ridiculous song
la, la, la!
you belong
in a class
where truth is taught.
  Pay respect
history bought
they work hard
they all fought
not you
not warriors
it’s okay
we’re glorious!
  so please I beg
stop sealing your fate
we are all special
we all have roles
and they are valuable
special toles
so work hard
be great
at what you do
stop pointing fingers
and saying, me too
you look like a child
incessant me
over and over
see? see? see?
look at me!
I’m so great
yes, you are
but hang on wait
you’re ideas are nuts
you’re telling lies
everything is different
women aren’t guys
focus more on
what’s on your plate
and just be you!
girls are great!
be the best
that you can do
but don’t say things, hunny,
that just aren’t true
can we please stop being
so extreme
so disillusioned
so in between?
so uneducated
and embarrassing
let’s reorganize
say wise things.
  stop saying
I’m better
It makes you look silly
you’re not like him
you don’t have his willy
or the hair that grows
upon his chest
or the burden he bears
you’re not like the rest
you’re you.
so special.
a girl
be proud.
  girl, you’re not
a man
just like a cow
isn’t ham.
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Photo by mali maeder on Pexels.com
  1+1 does not = 3
it never has
and never will be
  Ephesians 2:10
10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Life Lessons from Simply My Swank:
Stop trying to play a role that is not yours.  What if the goalie constantly played forward? The grass is not greener.  Master your own, not your neighbor’s skills. Don’t live outside of your means.  Stop thinking you are something you are not.
        Girls Can’t Do Everything…SO? Life Lessons from Simply My Swank: Stop trying to play a role that is not yours.  What if the goalie constantly played forward?
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