A Sires Bond chapter 1
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Summary: When your hopes for the future are destroyed and your soul mate rejects you, you are exiled into the woods for your heat. But instead of finding the cabin you flee into the dark sires wood; where all fear to tread. You soon realise that the old tales and the silly childhood rhyme was more then just silly prattle. The dark sire was real. And he was listening
Warnings : A/B/O, Adult themes, Werewolves/shifters au, Dark magic,Fluff?, Angst, swearing
A/N: so here is the start of another au. This one combining a few different ideas i have cut out of other fics in the past. So its like a melting pot of 'that doesnt fit there' anyway i hope you enjoy 🥰😘
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Images of them together crossed your mind as you staggered through the wood blinded by sorrow and grief. You ,oured the loss, your chest aching an invisible gaping wound as your mind replayed the scene pver and over. Him and her, their declaration of bonding and expectations of you to do your duty and povide for them what they cannot. To conceive and birth the next alpha but never raise it.
You sobbed, dry heaving into your hands as you fumbled through the thickets of the deep wood loosing your way in your temporary banishment. It was too much, you felt you would truley die, this pain was far to much to bare. You could bearly breath through it, yoh were only moving from the adrenaline of what had just transpired.
They were holding hands infront of the entire pack as the others cheered somewhat uncertainly, their eyes flickered to you. Forsaking an omega was rare, frowned upon even but not entirely unforgivable. Especially when its the soon to be alpha denying their mate.
Your maturity had finally come. And it came in the form of heat. Omega. It was daunting but not unexpected, you had all the signs of an omega, you were slight. Had a frail look to you. As if a harsh wind could carry you away. You suited your name. Willow. Unasuming and gentle. Dark hair, shy bookworm, wide pale eyes and very meek. Petite. Youd never consider yourself ugly. Well you didnt, not untill a few moments ago when your would be mate had tore yoh down so harshly, criticising you so cruely infront of everyone.
You always thought you had a unique look, oddly pleasing in a frail way. Lithe and slight like some type of pixie, yet refined beauty. Delicate is the word you used to describe yourself while gazing in to the mirror. You were delicate.
And then this happened. You matured and just like that you attained a the bond. At first you were happy. Ecstatic! You wanted to mate and be a mother. Ou did t even register your intended was the next alpha!
All you knew was you could npw create a nest and live your life as a mother. All omegas feel the pull but most do not untill they found their mate. However its something youd dreamt of. As a child and teen youd wanted your own pup. You helped watch over the younger ones as much as you could. Just enjoying spending time with the tiny pups as they toddled about. You were never happier then when you were surrounded by the packs newest editions reading stories and teaching them their letters and numbers.
Not that there were many. Despite being werewolves you couldnt produce more then one pup in your life. It stemmed from your creators. Its said your race was one never meant to be. The legend says that goddess luna had been bred with the great beast, the hound of hell himself. They had been inlove but the great beast had forced his pup into the luna. She had been terrified, the moon godess and hell hound? What beast would be the outcome? She panicked fretting day and night over the unborn worried over their fate. She almost lost the pregancy and for that the dhell hound cursed her.
This curse was one of true cruelty. The dark sire made it so luna will be barren after his seed had left her dead or alive. It was a curse to ensure she would be careful when carrying his precious child. To force its creation.
And even then he wasnt satisfied with her, he was soo angry that she had almost failed him and had tried to sway him from such hexes with her body. That he extenderd his curse onto all female decendants. It was barbaric to think about. Taking something like that away from the decendants. Punishing an entire race for her almost failing him?
Luckily in her fear for her child luna created a small reprieve. She created bonds, soul mates. She had been so frightened of the beast she would birth, of the life her child would endure she gifted them with a soul mate. Someone who would love them unconditionally and walk this world with them untill the end.
But even then the dark sire found a way to mar such beauty! His curse out manoeuvred the lunas gracious gift. Not only would a female ever have one chance at producing a pup. Now they could only conceive that one pup with their soul mate, managing to bind the two spells into one twisted gnarled curse that clu g to every generation of lycan.
Most treasure the life mate they are given, love and protect them. Defend them and create a family and nest together living in harmony. But it is a mans world, and even in the twenty first century some men see themselves above such things. Mikhail is one of those men. He found you to be lacking, he wants a model. One of the slim vapid and quite frankly stupid females. A blonde beta that was acustomed to the goings on in the bedroom.
And so he took her, destroying the soul bond you began to create in favour of giving another the bite. Your mate had found you lacking and bound himself to another. And the second your soulmate took another as his intended your dreams of a happy future crumbled.
You had heard about this but never witnessed it. And never thought this would happen to you. Dont get anything wrong. You were the soon to be alphas true mate, and he intended to use you for his heir. Yet he would raise it with that blonde tart. Youd be the nanny untill the pup was old enough to forsake you. And then youd live out your days alone and cold.
No. no! Your resolve made you argue. Finally you snapped out, called him cruel and dishonourable. To your shame you wept. Repeating what he had said to you that very morning. About how he promised to honour you as his soul mate. How he was eager to see your bond grow and he wanted to spend some time at the alters to give thanks to luna for gifting him his female so young.
Yet he laughed, he denied all of your acusations. Called you pathetic and delusional. And painted a much more pitiful picture. Claiming youd begged for him on all fours like a truley desperate bitch in heat. That he wanted to wait because he belived you were mistaken. That he was sure you were not his mate. And he wanted some time to cool off before speaking further about it because you were hysterical.
Youd been laughed out of the village. Youd gotten yourself so worked up at that point, acted to out of chatacter that the others had belived his lies. Yet still some seemed to belive you. Or perhaps it was pity. You been told at that point to go and stay in the house of reflection. A tiny cabin away from the village normally used for people being banished for a few weeks.
It had been when you were on your way youd strayed in you dispair. Only halting when you saw the dim, frightfull trail that disappeared into the forbidden sires wood. Your pack was said to be the oldest. That you lived on the ancestral motherland. That the dark sires power lingered within the wood itself and you should be wary, for anyone could unknowingly draw him out.
Your eyes focused on the lesser traveled paths, bearly visable to the naked eye. Was he here? Did he know what he had done? Could you plead with the dark sire? Make a bargin like you could with any other god or demon? Would he show mercy?
You contemplated these thoughts, toying with them as you wandered further into the sires wood. It wasnt like anyone would see you or reprimand you for veering off the path. No one in the pack would defy the alphas heir and seek you out in your shamefull banishment.you walked quietly, mind jumping from vengeful anger and cruel hopes and wishes all the way back to sobbing panicked anxiety with a mournfull depression seeping into your bones.
And then you stepped on uneven ground. The soft earth and crunch of gravel beneath your feet pulled you from your silent weeping. You blinked pawing your eyes and glanced around you. What the?
Your feet had carried you down a shallow bank to a small stream. The trees were thicker here, yet the small stream seemed open and peacfull. It was beautiful, the clear water trickling down towards the packs village gave a gentle calming feel, the sound almost lulling you.
You spun trying to see where you had come from only to pause. The shallow bank youd walked down was actually a swooping path, curling around a huge stone. Sigils were carved into the rock face. And achient looking brick arch decorated in old runes and scripture. To stone was smooth within the arch, chisled to perfection there was ivy and moss covering some of the structure but it was mostly clear.
You inched closer to the odd stone, it was pale with tiny flecks od crystal flickering in the lowmlight of the dying sun. You could almost mistake it for light granite with quartz ingrained into it, but no? There was something different about it. You stepped back tilting your head inspecting it. And then focused on the inscription. You laughed out loud seeing the chant you'd get scolded for singing as a child. The adults said it was bad luck and draw the dark sires attention.
But that what you hoped for right now wasnt it?
"I seek the sire of these bones. Cast your shadow on my home. Hear me now answer my plea, and my soul be yours eternally" The summoning rhyme felt strange on your tongue. It was silly really, the small hex like lymirick was something children uttered in the woods late on hallows eve to frightene one another. A foolish game played in the dark like bloody mary.
You blinked waiting halfheartedly before sighing. Suddenly feeling very stupid for uttering the silly spell. Of course it wouldnt work, the dark sire and luna were nonsense! Your kind were interbred, a shifter mating gone wrong!
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"Now this is a nice surprise. Its not often im called by an omega. Tell me young one are you brave or stupid?" You screamed snapping your head up and quivered as the smooth stone seemed to have filled with smoke, a dark black mist curling its way within the stone, clearing slowly revealing what appeared to be a window peaking into a cavernous space. And then you saw a dark silhouette.
"Oh, oh god i? You... your real" you staggered back from the stonework stumbling over your own feet and fell over landing in the shallow stream that ran through the darkened glenn. A part of you didnt believe your eyes, you shook your head covering your eyes, rubbing them slightly before opening again.
It was when you looked back up to saw the feared sire of your kind. He was draped in black robes from another time. The black smothered him, wafting around his form as if guided by his own awe inspiring power. He was stunning, it was unsettling. The volatile ill tempered powerfull spitefull sire that cast curses and claimed revenge was never said to be this beautiful.
He sat tall, straight in his seat. Eyes the brightest blue you had ever seen. Like two sapphires gleaming in the dark. His face was stunning, carved by the gods to give you a false sense of security. He was clearly designed to entice and tempt you. And tempt you he did, the teasing smirk on his face told you he knew. He knew you were flushed, squirming under his gaze.
"Indeed little one, now dry your eyes and speak your piece, you have a plea do you not?" his smooth voice carried clearly, a slight echo from the chamber around him causing a shiver to climb up your spine.
"I... i am... i have a request..." you stuttered, slowly realising this may have been a mistake. Perhaps in your grief you shouldn't have been so rash and tempted fate. Because now you were face to face with the sire who as a child youd prayed did not exsist, he had cursed an entire race to spite the luna.
"Oo a request? I am intrigued, just what would a delicate ripe omega scenting her first heat wish to ask of the big bad hell hound? What is it you wish to ask of your races evil sire?" His glee made you falter, eyes flicking to him to the floor. You just? There was something frightful about him. You were glad you had fallen, becuase the quivering fear that wracked you would have made your knees weak and collapse anyway.
"I suppose i have? Well er... i came to ask you to... to lift your magic, and allow me to overcome your spell and have a pup with a choosen mate, not my intended" you fumbled over your words, stumbling and stuttering terrified to insult him but more terrified to remain silent and anger him. Not that youd planned to even meet him! I mean in your spite youd fantasised about it, calling the mihty sire to your aid and have him punish mikhail for you. But it wasnt really meant to happen, or even be a possibility.
He chuckled errily and you froze. A cold chill wrapped around you, you couldn't help feeling that youd just made a grave mistake.
"Oh my dear, you are a very deciving. To think such an innocent looking female would be so very naughty. That you would seek a child outside of your precious lunas gift? Tut tut" his voice dropped, lowering to such a tone you could hear the gravel from the ground digging into the words. You paled drawing panicked breaths, as he rose. His height seeming to grew beyond what was possible.
"Im almost tempted to make you barren for even asking me to aid you in such a betrayal." The words were a violent growl. He was offended. Surely you must know his own story. His own love betraying him so calously which insighted his rage and curse. Fear gripped at you as the sire raised a hand, a deep purple miasma began to coil around it, a serpentine length of magic coiling threateningly between his fingers, glowing brighter as the seconds passed. The purple became a haze, seeping into the air reflecting his face in the vallainous light.
"No, no its not that please- he said he wanted to wait. My mate he said for us to wait before bonding, that he was going to lunas alter to thank luna for granting him a mate abut then? He betrayed me! He ripped our mating bond apart by claiming another! Raced to her bed while i waited like a fool" You cried out crawling forward slightly remaining on the ground
He paused, his magic dimming. Fingers clenching slightly threatening to kill the magic. A single brow arched and his mouth drew into a frown. You took that as a sign to continue, to expalin and plead your case. You had been wronged, just as he had all those years ago. You hoped he would give you leniency and help you in your request. You slumped back down not caring that you were sitting in the shallow stream.
"H-he wanted a slim, tall athletic female. He likes blondes. Im not... he mated and gave her the bite. I felt it, it hurt, still aches. Then lied! The pack thinks im mad, he said i was delusional when i recited the promises he made." you held a hand to your heart absentmindedly rubbing trying to sooth the physical pain the loss caused.
"I dont care for him now. I cant but? But he had me cast out of the pack for my first heat for embarasing him. I yelled and swore at him." You uttered softly, tears welling in your eyes. You mourned. Grieved for all you had lost. A home, family, mate, a pup! A life you had always wanted. To be a mother and have your own nest to raise them in. You had longed for it, so much so youd come and seek out the forbidden sire and plead for help.
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You paused for a moment before locking eyes with the sire who hovered ever closer to the almost frosted madic portal sealin him from you. He was inches from it, haveing prowled closer to hear your plea.
"He has left me alone. I... all i wanted was my own mate and pup. Now i will never... now i will be forced to birth him a pup only to have them stolen by his chosen mate once the pup has weane. And then i cannot have another to raise myself. I willnever have a child or mate or home. I am completely alone, and im begging you please, please sire if its in your power at all please grant me the ability to have a second chance. Another pup one of my own, with who i chose. A pup i may keep, please dont let my mediocre looks take what i have longed for" you whimpered, slowly drawing closer to the portal. Kneeling with your head bowed in respect understanding your precarious position, awaiting what ever he decided to do.
"Poor little one. Forsaken by your mate, your goddess and soon your pack? To think you will never be the mother you wished to be. That your form wont be used to its upmost potential." The breath hitched in your throat, heart stuttering in your chest as his words caressed your form, softly slipping over you. His eyes glazeing a bright orange only to return to the impeccable blue. The icey eyes lingered on your chest he smirked showing a single fang that seemed to elongate just to pin his own bottom lip to hos lower teeth, eyes squinting with a sultry mirth. He lapping his lower lip as if to sooth it from his own sharp fang.
"It is cruel is it not? The deciet and betrayal of one promised to you? Ruining your entire existence without a care, making there own plans for you. Useing you." Hisssing words entwined themselves into an almost soothing siren song. Pretty awful words thatheld a heavy meaning hung in the air like wisps of poison. Threatening to taint your very being.
"I know of that feeling, the bitter sorrow and painfull ache. The lonliness that eats away at your very being, blackening your heart until you are made a beast of your own burden" he paused, takeing a deeper breath tilting his head at you eyes twinkling with an odd appraisal of you. Then he blinked slow heaving a deep sigh and flicked his gaze the the edges of the portal that seperated the two off you.
"You are like me arent you little omega? Alone; Truly alone with absolutely no one to hold you close in the everlasting dakness. An unworthy mate abandoning you so callously creating nothing but a bleak empty future for you" He crouched, lowering himself bending his knees shifting his weight to his tip toes. He hesitantly pressed a palm to the frosted portals barrier just above your eyesight. You flinchted with a slight yelp, still awating some form of punish,ent for dareing to even seak him out. But he hushed you drewig your eyes back to him. His palm lied flat on the opaque surface. The portal glistened shimmering around his skin in uncomfortable crackles of glistening magic.
"Yes young one,I too am alone my sweet. Rejected by my own heart, i loved her so. Adored her from afar with a longing no mortal coild ever endure. I spent a millenina waiting, hoping praying for her to notice me." You inched closer and closer, becoming invested in his words. His legend was always spoken in hushed fearful words, yet you always wondered if there was more to the tale. It would seem there was, and he seemed willing to share the story.
The sire continued, a melancholy shrouding him a deep calming acceptance surrounded him. He looked wistfull, longing. Hurt. Your chest clenched, you knew these feelings. Though yours had not had the time to ease as his did. Yours were raw, like severed nerves stining and throbbing with each breath and beat of your broken heart. But still you listened intently, as if he may indeed have a remedy for your pain.
"And then she did, she accepted me. Laughed with me, we shared our hopes and dreams with one another. I bedded her and she turned on me when the dawn broke. She used me for her own carnal pleasure. It was a game in which i would always lose"
"She fled crying wolf, had me imprisoned after spouting her lies. And then threatened to rid herself of my seed. That is why your kind only birth one child" you gasped shaking your head as you realised he was speaking of your worshiped luna. Youd thought he had loved another before her.
"No that cant be... luna would never.." you voice trailed off, there was no way? She was good, kind, pure. She was your all mother, life bringer the one you thanked for each mateing and birth. Surely she had not twisted her tale to such a degree.
"Oh but she did. I merely ensured my childs survival by curseing her very own mother. I did nothing more then curse luna" the words held a sting, a bite that only truth could provide. You knew he was speaking the truth, revealing the lunas millenina long secret.
"Contrary to what you were taught or belive. I am not the one who limited your procreation, or any other females. Nor am i the reasonmyour life mate is the only possible partner. That was seen to by luna herself when she hastily threw her spell together forour daughter gehenna. She is terribly jealous, she made you suffer her own fate" The male shrugged before sneering. His lips curling with rage and disgust. He was sickened by the past, angered and hurt. The emotions made his eyes flare brightly once more but he didnt stop. Couldnt stop, like he finally had the chance to get this off his chest. Someone was finally willing to listen. But it didnt seem like he was trying to win you over, it was more like he was getting a release hexd craved. He was venting? You felt privileged, in a fascinated frightened kind of way.
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The sire heaved a deep sigh, feeling lighter after relieving himself so thoroughly. But he managed to compose himself before you truley noticed how much he had needed that. Instead of leaving you to mull over the new rendition of the old tale he smiled weakly at you. Eyes now regarding you with a thoughtful look.
"So you see I understand your pain well child. Once we are cast aside we are said to be forever alone. Yet perhaps not? All is not lost. I could still intervene as you are untouchedby that filth luna so cruely paired you with" his words caught your attention. He could help? He could actually help you conquer your mate and pack? Free you?
"Not alone? I could? You can help me?" You asked desperation clawing at your words,with painfully raw pleading on the tip of your tongue. He spike before you could utter another word.
"Of course sweetling. You have sought me out. A kindered spirit, we have been wronged young one. A great injustice brought about by self-righteous fools that would mock us for our loving hearts, they would celebrate in our misery. Watch as we descend into the darkest depths of loathing and dispair" he grinned down at you and brought his hand to his chest dipping his head forward. You sniffled, pawing at your eyes wimpering trying to fend off the tears. But it was hard as his words resounded around you. Reiterating your fate making it a reality.
"Hush my dear, its okay. Would you like to know what ixd do for you? Yes? Oh my little darling I would see and end to that suffering before it has even truly began. It would be such a shame to let you go without the love of a pup. It would be a travesty for such a young gentle obedient omega to be denied that which she craves so desperately" you nodded with him, feeling your heart thinder in your chest. But the dread and fear coiling in your gut softened as he began cooing softly. Drawing you closer, tempting you.
"I can remove lunas selfish magic from you, allow you to be the exception to the rule. Twist the wretched restrictions thus turning the tide in your favour and gift you pups" he finally admitted offering you a empathetic look. Eyes sparkling with promise.
"You will? You can i didnt?! I wasnt sure; thank you! Thank you so much" you sobbed quietly, hanging your head crying into your hands softly as the relief washed over you.
"Ah ah, hold on a moment sweet girl. With everything there is a price, all magic has an exchange. Whats given must be taken from somewhere and there is a cost to this boon." He said quickly, tapping a finger against the portal drawing your eyes back up to him.
"Though your womb will ripen once more, it will be at the expense of your life mates own virility. Do you know what that would mean pet?" He asked gently
"Th-that Mikhail would become sterile?" You asked slowly wiping your nose and patting your eyes wanting to retain some sort of dignity and not wpbe seen as a completely pathetic child.
"Indeed. And one other thing my sweet girl. It must be me who gifts you the pups. Myself" you swore his fangs lengthened again at his admission. The sire sat still watchingnyou from his chamber, a predtory glint in his eye. Hunger of the flesh. You blinked up at him not understanding for a moment then it dawned on you.
"You? That means I'd? That we would have to?" You trailed off pointing between yourself and him. The penny dropped and you began to blush realising he meant to mate you himself. Oh god?! Sex with him? You couldnt!
"We would have to bond and mate. Just as you would have with your own mate had he not been so blind"
"But you said it was luna who made us fertile in our bond. I-if you give me fertility why would i need to?" You questioned becoming flustered. But you couldnt deny you werent entirely agaist the idea. He was a very handsome male. Godly even, beautiful and powerfull a prefect mate to protect you and you pup. He smiled shaking his head showing off his perfectly sculpted face, enjoying the way you drank in his form, this time imagening him naked.
"My sweet girl, i cannot completly remove a hex that has been bred in to you over generations. I am powerfull but even i have my limitations. I can tweak things, alter and twist the magic untill it is in your favour. I can grant you your pups, but only within a mating bond. This is the most i can offer you omega" his explanation rang out with a sense of finality putting his offer on the table so to speak.
"I? But i dont know how would we? I mean if we do... im here and your there.." you frowned still trying to figure out if he was toying with you. Afterall it was said he was a trickster. He could just be telling you what you want to hear, preying on your moment of weakness.
"Well you would have to free me my sweet female. Theres no other way around it. You have that ability, all omega do. You just need to ask. Just reach for me, let me bond you. Become my anchor in your realm and guide me through to you" he chuckled at you, half amused at you trying to poke holes in his deal and find loop holes, and half proud of his prospective omega. You were a quick thinking little thing with a good head on your shoulders
"F-free you? But... wont that be bad? You might hurt someone?" He paused, regarding you for a moment. So that was it. You were concerned he'd live up to his reputation and harm someone. It was sweet, in a sad kind of way. Your loving heart wanted to protect those around you even when they cut you so deep. He found his voice once more and began tomcrfully weave his web. He could see you giving him a future, the more he learned of you the more he needed you. You were his salvation he could taste it.
"On the contrary my sweet omega, it will be glorious. I will serve you faithfully. Not only love and cherish you but destroy all who would seek to harm my mate and children."
"You would be the mate of one of the ancient beings. All my power will be yours to command I assure you, I will reward you. Id sow my seed within you again and again untill we have our own litter. I would make us our very own safe haven, give you your own pack to rule"His silver tongue contined to work its magic, useing his words carefully making sure you knew exactly what he was offering. He'd give you a life tht others envied if only youd release him from his imprisonment.
"L-litter? More then one? You can... thats, no one ever" you uttered breathlessly. U able to think of such a thing. It was too much to hope for, but then again? It was magic. He was casting a spell, breaking a curse. So it could be possible, couldnt it?
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Seeing you come around, thinking over his words and the possibilities he could make a reality he spoke once again. Building on what he had said. Painting a picture for you tempting you with a life no other omega had been blessed with.
"I will gift you your males virility, he can mate with humans over and ofer can he not? Leaving a trail of filthy half bloods? I would give you anything you asked for. I would create a family and pack just to spite our selfish life mates."
"Gift you as many pups as you like. I will see you birth twins, triplets! And i will do more then that. I will fight for you. Kill that pitiful alpha of yours and force your mate to watch as you; his denied omega become the envy of all females! bareing pup after pup.I will make you the luna, all will worship you. Even the goddess herself would watch your glory. Packs far and wide all bow to you. The single female who bore her own pack. The one beautiful omega capable of birthing sliblings" his rant became almost desperate. His eye glowing and blown wide. But even through to almost manic decleration you didnt feel threatened. No, only inspired. He was swaying you didnt seem to care. Maybe you were to lost in your own head to realise. Or maybe your pack had just crossed one line too many.
"I dont want to rule... i just want family. Pups and love" he chuckled once more, the honestly in your statment was adorable. It remided him that you were but a tiny wisp of a thing. Youd settle for a single child and tiny home. Yet he would give you the world should you free him.
"I will give that to you. I swear to you, i will cherish you as my saviour, my mate and my wife. I can make you a mother over and over. Imagine a small battalion of pups at our feet." You sighed, smiling. You could imagine that, an army of tiny feet running around you. Pudgy hands reaching for you calling out mama with happy smiling faces. You wanted that, longed for it!
"Imagine the look on your mates face when he sees you as pack luna. When he and his chosen harlot bow to you. When they spy you pregnant again, with a pup already on your hip. Imagine forcing that blonde cunt to tend to you. Watching longingly as you birth another and another while she remains bonded to a sterile 'prized' male. Imagine knowing our little secret~ that youve mated the sire of all sires. That your pups father is the most powerful of all. Imagine knowing that mate and his disrespectful whore will endure a fate they had so cruely tried to bestow upon you?" you drew a breath as the sire words grew harsh, menacing. Yet you didnt feel shame or fear. No. You felt a deep burning need.
Yes. Yes you wanted that to, not just a pup but you wanted something more. You wanted revenge. You wanted to taste a victory over the male who'd thrown you aside so quickly. Wanted to ruin him, make him pay the price. You wanted to force him to endure this painfull fear. You wanted to be in control. To taste power, to know what it felt like to be protected by a powerfull male. To birth heirs and have a bloodline. But most of all? You wanted to be vindicated. To prove yourself worthy when your pack decided you wasnt.
"I... is it bad that i want that? I want them to... to know, to get their just deserts" you uttered slowly trying to feel some guilt, or shame. Something! Anything!
"No. Its natural my girl. You want retribution, you crave for karma and fairness. And you crave justice so much you have sought out the one they fear. I commend you for it. Your bravery has touched me. I can say our bond will not be a loveless one. I dare say you'll spend a majorityof your time full of me one way or another" He grinned at you, cooing sweetly before praising you. He understood, and didnt judge. It made you relax it was as if you were asking permission. And he had granted it.
"So what do you say little one? Will you free me? Set me loose on those who have turned their back on you? Allow me to provide you with everything you are owed? Will you let me cater to your every whim for the rest of your mortal life?" The sore finally asked stareing at you in a kox of excitement and knowing. As if he already knew the answer youd give him, like he didnt need to ask properly.
"I shouldnt. They say you are silver tongued. A trickster that will twist words into fairytales to seek your own end. That you will destory our kind, run us into the ground" your voice quivered, eyes glossjng over once more as you tried to clrea your head once more. Surely you cant really be consideringnthis? It was maddness!
"Why would I destroy what i put on this earth? I created your race in lunas womb. I wont destroy it, i want to nourish it. To give it new strength. New life" he argued softly, bareing himself in the most intimate of ways. He may be coniving, hurt and so etimes bitterly cruel. But he did want to boost the race he helped sire. He never intended something born of his love to become so painfully unhappy. He sometimes regretted his first born and the suffering her creation had caused to so many. He couldnt take it back, but he could help if given the chance. This was his chance.
"You wont cast me aside?" You whispered to him, barely letting out a sound. Frightened he'd only toy with you and throw you aside. You were hurt and afraid of being used again.
"Absolutly not. I will make you a shinning beacon to all. You will remain by my side. I swear on gehennas memory. On the blood even." The conviction in his words sounded true. But you couldnt held doubt them. Mikhail had been convincing, whats to say you wouldnt fall for another males bluff once more?
"Look at me omega" you did. Snappingnyour gaze to the stern male. He looked frightfull, lips a thin line brows furrowed. Yet there was a softness to his eyes. Something sincere and almost pained, he looked hurt. Pleading almost? Like he just wanted someone to trust in him.
"I make an oath to you. Release me and you will not know loneliness, or pain or suffering again. Accept me as your mate, i will see to the rest" you sat still for a moment, debating the stories of this creature. He was said to be deceitful, to have lied and bedded the luna and curse her for daring to fall pregnant against his wishes.
But it would seem it was the luna who had been deceitful. She had lied, twisted the tale and she was to reason for the mating bonds restrictions. A mistake in a hasty spell within the blood fucking over generations of females.
You flicked your gaze to the male before you. His hand splayed on the barrier a hopeful look on his face. Without even pausing to think of the unforseen consequences you brought a hand to his. In that moment all you saw was a male willing to save you from a miserable loveless existence. A male who promised protection and something similar to love. And right now with your broken spirit he was the lesser of two evils. He was a chance to create your own future, and youll take it.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 2 years
Have a henry shit post 🤣🤣
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@littlefreya @captainsy-cookiemonster @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @omgkatinka @eldarwen333 @thelastsock @inlovewithhisblueeyes @sillyrabbit81 @viking-raider
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ten-cent-sleuth · 11 months
2023-12-06 EDIT: This event has flopped and been cancelled. Kindly ignore my having tried and failed to make this happen. I am embarrassed, humiliated, mortified, etc. etc. Lol, happy holidays! Can’t wait to see what fics y’all have in store for us in 2024. <3
Hey, Henry Cavill fans!
Are you interested in filling a prompt for someone while someone else fills a prompt for you? Do you want to participate in a Secret Santa with your Tumblr mutuals—or maybe find some new ones?
Then consider joining the first ever Cavillry Secret Santa! You can sign up via this GForm, and once you’ve done so, I’ll add you to the GSheet for prompts. The idea is you input three gift requests, and your Secret Santa will write for one (or more) of them. More information available on the Form!
If you are hesitant to join, feel free to peek at the prompts here. Anybody can view the spreadsheet, but you can only edit it once you’ve signed up and agreed to the rules.
Should this get big and we decide to do this again next year, I’ll probably make a separate blog for the event. But since this may very well flop, I’ll run everything from my personal Tumblr for now. So send in your doubts and uncertainties to my askbox! If you want me to answer privately, ask off anon and let me know that you don’t want me to post it publicly. :)
The prompts sheet will close at midnight UTC on 5 November 2023, so sign up asap! (You don’t have to have your prompts ready right away—just sign up first if you’re interested! You can always come back to the prompts sheet and edit your requests, and if you change your mind about joining at all after signing up, you can leave your prompts row blank.) I’m sorry for making this so last-minute guys hrjfbsjfh. If you would be willing to be a pinch hitter but don’t want to commit to the full event, you can sign up on the Form as well. And if you, participant or not, would like to be tagged with event updates, just let me know in the comments!
Please signal boost! Reblog this even if you’re not going to join… Share the link to this post and/or to the sign-up Form with your friends… The more participants, the more I can shuffle who’s whose Secret Santa, the more fun this’ll be!
Note: You don’t have to be “big” in the Henry Cavill fandom to participate. Heck, the moderator of this event (yours truly) has literally only ever published ONE Henry Cavill fic before and only has a few Tumblr followers. This is for the well known writers with long masterlists AND for the small blogs with (next to) no experience AND for everyone in between! <3
[For revisiting ease: link to sign up … link to view the prompts]
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duchessavalentino · 2 years
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ruthoakenshield · 2 years
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🎉 It’s my birthday today!!! Time to party!!! Who’s joining me??? 🎉
🎂 🧁 🍰 🥂 🍾 🍻
🎈 🎈 🎊 🎊
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marantha · 2 years
Yk what would be really funny if when I got a Samoyed I named her Angoulême. Then I’d have Renfri and Angoulême, two important people in Geralt’s life!
PS: Ik Cirilla would be a better name, but my moms grandfathers name was Cirilo and she already said no 🙄😒.
Here’s a bit of a Renfri Puppy update cause I haven’t posted that stinker in a while. I also got a tatto of her so I’ll post it when I get a good picture of it.
PS PS: it’s good for aussies to go through at least one heat before they get spayed to lower the chances of cancer down the line. She is gonna get spayed. I will take no comments about this. Thanks.
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alexakeyloveloki · 1 year
Y'all have three guesses to get right WHO is watching M:I Fallout .
Again. Lord help me.
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I'm re-reading through my Shelly Laurenston/G.A.Aiken books as a comfort-read thing at the moment (hey, they're funny, cheerfully violent, sometimes pointedly violent, and a bit smexy. Perfect comfort-read material for me).
There's a secondary character in the inception of the Call Of Crows books, "Hunting Season".
He's a junior Raven of the "you little shit"/ arsehole little brother variety.
And the Henry Cavill fandom has ruined me because every time I see the name all I see in my mind's eye is this particular little shit:
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softhenrycavill · 2 months
Okay how awesome is that? ICONIC 🔥🥵
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marvelsgirl616 · 1 year
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cardierreh15 · 2 months
I’m finally writing that Cavillrine yall wanted first 🤞🏾🩶 I hope yall like it. ⚡️
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The Saxon Heathen
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Summary: jarl geralt is excitedly awaiting the return of his raiders, aboard one of the longships was his gift from the allfather. His vision was of a saxon heathen, a woman. His intended. Butlittle did he know that this woman would eagerly butt heads with him , for she belongs to no one, least of all an albeit handsome brute.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of brutality, viking AU,
A/N: so a little au jarl viking geralt and a crazy pagan saxon for you.i always wondered what a a viking would have done with a saxon heathen. Anyway i hope you enjoy my little slice of madness.
Caution not beta'd ignor the typos because i am.
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Four days. For four days the jarl had been on the dock watching the horizon. Waiting for the sails of his clan to break through the thick autumnal fog, the grey that muted the blue of the open sea. He was like a statue, unmoving, patiently gazeing out in to the distance with purpose awaiting the arrival of his gift.
The jarl was not built for this longing. He conquered, argued and roared in the midst of battle. He was true to his clan, fought and bled for them, re-emerged from deaths grip countless of times. Others called him a gods champion. A chosen of odin, which spurred his own clans feirce loyalty to him. Especially when his hair had turned into the brilliant white before his ageing. His eyes had always fascinated the others in the village , the light amber akin to that of wolf. Earning him the title of White wolf. Yet now with his hair he truely looked otherwordly. Some called him asgaurdian others uttered he was and odinson. But truth be told he was unsure what caused such looks. He never questioned the gods, never asked for reasons, only ever wprshipped them.
And now his unyielding love and loyalty to them had brought forth a boon. Geralt jarl of Rivia had been granted a vision, a premonition from the very gods he adored. The seer of the clan had shared in his minds sight, it would seem the gods did not see fit to give the wolf privacy on such matters.
The vision told of an arrival, a great boon from the gods. A warrior. A woman. She will step on this shoreline with a fierce fury that only the valkyrie should know. She was a roaring fire that would know no taming, a force to be reckoned with. A strangly familiar saxon, who was not a weeping wisp of a thing. He dare say she was a a distant cousin of his own kin. For in his vision he felt a pressence similar to a sheildmaidens.
All he knew was this female entity was intended for him. She was a gift from his gods. His treasure from a distant land, she was here for him. He would captivate her and lure her to his side. Like a flame beckoning a moth he will become irresistible to her, she will come to him even at the risk of peril. And once he insnares her she will birth him his heirs, gift him his own batallion of fierce warriors to conquer new lands.
Geralt knew it was close, his warriors were returning home and would land anyday. So he sat and watched, sometimes fished to pass time, showing the younger ones how to cast a net properly to keep them from under their parents feet. But mostly he was still, gazing out into the fog that thickened each day, the autum veil signalled the return of his clansmen. He needed to remain and see this woman as she set foot on his dock.
It was the deep bellow of a horn that alerted him. He drew a deep breath, steeling himself as he heard their call. The resounding long drawn low sound of his clansmen and their yells as they took to the oars and began sailing through the small estuary towards thier home. Others came to the beach and the once quiet dock became a hub of excitement. And with swift stroke along the water the long boat peeled through the fog, the mast sliceing through the smoke like tendrils of ashen coloured sky. He grinnedmfeeling his chest tighten with an odd relieved anxiety. He couldnt wait for them to moore.
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You screeched as a rage youd never felt before engulfed you like the very flames that curled around your home those weeks ago. Your battle cry drew the attention of everyone on the docks and long boat's. Saxons and norsemen. Before anyone could stop you, youd jumped the side of the boat and thundered down the dock towards the priest whod dared to comment on your mothers passing. Curseing you and her with scathing words as he exited the boat in shackles with the other Christians.
You had enough of his shit.
You tucked your head and shoulder slightly as you colided with one of the large norsemen that had tried to stop your assault. The huge male had shuffled quickly, widening his arms and bent his knees ready to capture you before you could damage any of the others. But his strength and size did not best your utter rage and you somehow managed to barrel into him sending him off balance and into the cold frigid water below.
Years of rage and hate for the male before you seemed to gift you with the power of something greater. And without a second of hesitation you ducked and body slammed the now yelling, quivering preist sending him to the ground. Your hands may still be tied but you were going to kill him. You were going to kill him!
Your scuffle drew a crowd as you began screaming at the priest who was crying out for help. But the norsemen watched in amusent as you headbutted him cracking his nose drawing a high cry from him. He fell flat on his back and you clambered over him pinning and kneeing him, stomping and kicking where you could. All the qhile screaming like a banshee at him, taunts and curses a-plenty.
The norsemen had noticed on the voyage that you were different. The other saxons spat at you naming you a heathen. A pagan. Two words they didnt fully understand but were used to describe themselves. From what theh could understand you did not worship the saxons god. And the saxons hadnt known you were in the woods, you were belived to be a myth.
Your cabin was hidden away from the settlement they had plundered, decorated in bones and feathers with oddities placed around the door. Carvings and cut stones littering your tiny homestead. You were almost like them in a way.
"Ill be sure to send you to your god! You vile fuck! She was my mother! My mother!!" You yelled tears burning your eyes as your rage flowed freely. You rolled around twisting your hips and captured the preists head between your thighs and hooked one ankle behinde the other.
The norsemen laughed clapping and whistling ,uttering praises as you coiled around your victim like a snake, and much like a snakes prey, the preist could do little more then squirm and squeak. But you paid no mind instead concentrated on popping this snivelling man head clean off his shoulders.
"How does it feel to be sent to your god from between a heathens thighs!?" You shouted hooking your ankles together and clenched your thighs tighter. He flicked his feet out in desperation but nothing would distract you from your task. Not even when the crowd parted letting a huge silver haired male step to the front and watch the show. You felt his arrival but did not pay any mind. You were too preoccupied with attempted murder.
Geralt watched with a sense of pride.his woman was spirited, wild and beautiful. Her thick mane of glossy hair whipped about her as she wrestled on the ground with the poor male. Hecouldnt help his cock twitcing at the sight. Her skirts hiked up around her knees as she captured her prey. The thick mud painting her skin as she tried to murder the man.
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Fuck. his eyes locked on the supple yet strong thighs clamped around the males neck. He was almost jealous of her victim, he wanted to feel the sliken skin of her inner thigh caressing his own face. Though when it was his turn to test the strenght of her leg it would be for an entirely different reason. She would tense them around him in ecstasy, not anger.
"Gods above, they did not lie." The seer hummed almost as entranceed by the seen as his jarl was. He didnt bpdare look away from the valkyrie before him, instead only speaking when he felt his jarl stand beside him.
"Indeed she is truly magnificent, to grow with such ferocity in a land full of cowards and piss ants" geralt replied a grin crossing his face as his female began taunting the godly man. She was ost definitely a heathen.
"Huh? Oh what your speechless?! Nothing to preach whilst being strangled by skirts!?"your qords drew laughterfrom all of the northmen some even calling out silver coins betting on how long the preist would survive such an assault.
"She has a wit about her as well as fire. You are truly blessed" the seer chuckled along with the others. He knew she was ging to fit right in. And possibly give their jarl a challenge, the next few ,onths were going to be amusing. Though the allfather granted geralt this delightful boon, the jarl was still going to have to work for it. Afterall the gods need to create their own entertainment occasionally. And this was certainly entertaining.
"Jarl- should we intervene?" One of the men asked growing weary of the priest now beginning to change colour. A deep red fading to purple.
"No, for now let her have her fun." Geralt uttered still enjoying the sight of his half bare queen rolling around in the mud attempting murder.
"She will kill the slave, you know this" the seer utters knowingly. There was a slight displeasure. Geralt had swore the next priest caught would be gifted to him. The seer wanted to toy with one of the saxons. To try and break them ad convert them to their own gods.
"It would be a good death, to die between such supple thighs" another clansmen spo,e up with a deep laughothers joined his laughter agreeing with him. Gerlat stiffened and shuffled on his feet. He did not like that one bit.
"I doubt the preist feels the same."
"It is not death i shall obtain between them, but perhaps a taste of valhalla-" the first man began but didnt get to finish his statement as geralt snarled feeling a wave of possessive jealousy risewithin. He turned on the man so swiflty the later almost staggered back defensively.
"She is not to be touched. Any who try will loose more then their hands" geralt sneered at the crowd of men thatwere clearly planning on trying to have his woman for themselves, perhaps all at once.
Gerlat panted in rage, eyes darkening a growl boiling in his chest frightening those around him. It was rare to see the jarl so enraged outside of the battlefield. They all looked away averting their eyes from their jarl and the woman on the ground. None wanted to cross him, or risk his anger by eyeng the beauty.
It was when geralt was sure he made his point that he looked away from the men. His amber eyes found his woman oonce kore. He grunted, as much as he enjoyed the veiw of her bare legs he did not li,e that the others could also appreciate the sight her supple skin. Her body was for his eyes. Not theirs.
"Jarl? You are considering a slave? You never; its unlike you to take intrest in the saxons past their gold" one male dared speak up when he noticed his jarls attention was back on the woman.
"Slave? No. She is much more then a mere saxon slave. She is a gift All father sent me visions. A ferocious saxon beauty would arrive. My own woman to tame, and when i do the clan will prosper. We will all enjoy the favour of the gods!" He declared, trying to ignore the tense few moments he'd had with his own clansmen.
The crowd cheered as the jarl promised the blessing of the gods. He smiled, but his eyes peered at the two warriors who had tried to taint his new found bride with there mocking words. They each shrunk under the predatory gaze thwt earned him his name. And then nodded back off letting theier jarl know they would not interfere with the gods plans.
Geralt smiled befor stalking up to the woman and blue priest. He chuckled it was both arousing and adorable the way she trapt him so thoroughly. He couldnt wait to get her wrapped around him. Though he may hav to wait some time before letting her mount his own shoulders, she had a good grip and even he may have some trouble pulling her off if she decided to suffocate him with her thighs.
You ignored the way everyone around you seemed to quiet down, or the footsteps that halted beside you. Two muddy leather boots stopped by your head, your eyes flicked up the pength of male and found a truley magnificent man. The odd silver hair and amber eyes addedto the godly ethereal look. Not that he was slight in any way. Taller then all saxons youd seen, and wider too. Not that he was fat, no his size wasnt a result of greed and there was no typical beer belly. He was solid, strong as an ox.
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"Release him woman" he grunted down at you tapping you with the toe of his boot lightly whilst crossjngnhis arms and smirking down at you amused. You snarled at him wordlessly before drawing a muffled yelp from your victim tensing your legs once more.
"I said release him" the man repeated his voice stern and deep, full of warning. You shuddered unable to stop the strange wave of heat washing over you. You thighs stiffened pai fully, trying to clench from his growled words. You frowned you didnt li,e thatat all. No man had ever effected you in such a way. It only fueled your rage.
"Not untill hes dead! He thanked his god for my mothers painful death! Celebrated her burning alive! Cursed her soul! Tried to condemn her to an eternal suffering!" You yelled up at the tall pompus ass. You were trying to be angry at him, but something was stopping you. Attraction maybe? No. Somthing else, something deeper. Your soul recognised him, seeing him was like kin who had been astranged finally reuniting. His mere presence felt like thick blankets on a cold day, safe and warm.
"He is a valuable slave and will serve us well in the coming winter. Now release your thighs lest i pry them open myself woman" You faltered for a moment, you tummy tightening.our pussy fluttered at the insinuation. Your eyes flicked to his large hands. God's yes. You wouldnt mind being handled by him, thats for sure. You shook your head ridding yourself of the momentary weakness and bared your teeth at him.
"Try it old man and youll be next!" No geralt was definitely not letting you enjoy his mouth for some time. A punishment youd not know he'd given you untill you had given in to him. Though if he had done his job right by that point youd rather ride his cock each night.
"I warned you woman" he shrugged before ducking down, bending over you scalding you with his hands as they descended on your bare legs. You yelped out loud and cursed him as he slotted a palm between your tights, the other hand encircled one ankle. And with a sharp shucking motion as if flicking out a damp towel the preist was free.
"Agh? Hey wait no! Let me go: get off im almost finished!" You screamed wriggling, kicking as the huge man held you up by your thigh and ankle. He laughed at your curses and vengeful cries. As you saw the deathly blue priest scrabble away from your reach gasping for air.
You squeaked as the amber eyed asshat swooped you upright, throwing you around like you were a tiny weightless child. And without any care to you or the onlookers you were pressed against his crotch tightly. Legs instinctively locking around his waist, and arching towards him afraid of falling back. He hummed and held you, supporting your entire weight with one hand under your bottom. You shuddered as the other still held your ankle behind him. The hot palm slowly rubbing across your leg in teasing feather light caresses.
"There now. Doesn't this feel much better?" He boasted, teasing you by arching his hips into yours lettig you feel his manhoods delight at havingmyour heat smothering him. Your face flamed as the others around you laughed at their jarls supposed victory. You werent having that.
"Id rather have my thighs wrapped around the preist if im honest" you sneered at him drawing even louder laughs from the crowd. You grinned as he frowned quickly, a wave of embarrassment rushing over him,he was unprepared for that.
"We'll see about that when you are astride me." He replied, archign up into your heat once more only thing time he made a show of rubbing you against him, grinding you over his bulge with the hand on your rump.
"Doubtfull" you stuttered trying to keep the pleasure from your voice as your body ignited in a blaze of wanton need. Your warmth clenching tightly urging you to wlecome this barbarian into your hidden depths and discover true rapture.
"Shall we put it to the test?" He tried again to subdue you in a battle of wills. But you were determined to be more then a sodden hole for these savages! Youll be a force to be reckoned with!
"Oh so not even you know the outcome of me atop of you? Not a promising start" you countered, your stubborn pride far to precious to forgo for a decent fuck.
"As good a start as you trying to murder a preist in the dirt with your thighs seconds of entering my village"
"Atleast mine was effective"he scoffed at you before capturing your neck firmly. Tucking his hand tightly below your jaw making you whine and melt against him. He smirked inching his face closer to yours slowly, seductively. Tilting your face up to his and brushed noses wih you as if you were intimate lovers.
"Not that effective. Afterall you didnt finish. But i assure you once your seated on me you will most definitely finish" his tease took a turn, making you flush brightly and gape at him. It wasnt his words that affected you, but the intensity. The way he held you so firmly, held your gaze with his own half lidded hungry eyes. And the way his cock throbbed against you, teasing you with sharp pulsing tremors that made your own needy center weep. You squirmed trying to dislodge his thick member that had crept between your parted legs. His own breeches were the only thing that seperated his need from your own quivering sex. You swallowed dryly trying to think of anything other then the strong male's club poised at your womanly seam, or the way you dampened his breeches with your deceptive arousal.
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"I appear to have subdued you quickly enough with little more then words and collar. Do not look so vexed, it is a good thing to know when you are outmatched bu your betters; FUCK!" His victorious words were cut off with a pained yelp as you did the only thingmyou could to shut him up. Used your head. Litterally.
"Im sorry did the big bad barbarian, who clearly outmatches me not see that headbutt coming?" You teased ignoring the pain blossoming in your fore head after hittingnhim so hard with it. You smiled at the sight of blood pooling behind his now fattened lip. If you go down you'll go down swinging.
"I dont see how you didnt see it? I am six inches from your face;HMMFFT!?" Gerlat lunged forward with a growl pressing his lips against yours before sucking your bottom lip into his mouth. For a moment you lost yourself, closing your eyes and relaxing as the taste of honeyed mead met your tongue. You lapped at him in a iitten lick seeking more only to pull back yelping as his teeth locked onto your lip and he bit down. Hard.
"YOU FUCKING BIT ME!?" He smiled at you hungry licking his lip, drawjng the bead of red from it. Tasting you with a pleased growl. You could only stare at the erotic sight.
"Blood for blood woman. And now ours is mingled. We are bound by it." His words made you weak. You werent sure why, or what he meant exactly. But you were not something to be taken claimed and owned.
"Bound by blood? Are you fucking crazy?! You drew blood!" Your anger boiled in your bones as you began to understand he thought he had just earned himself a prize. Instead of denying you claims he grinned showing off red glazed teeth.
"I did, id not let a woman so Fiesty escape me, your fire will bode well for our sons" he preened, flaunting his new claim proudly. He couldnt care less if you disagreed. And oath in blood was unbreakable. And it had been you to initiate it,He had simply retunred inkind seali g the deal. He had won.
"Sons? Hell no! Put me down-unbind me! Now you fucking savage!!" Your aggravation ignited once more into a loud display of rage. You swore at him , squirming and lunging at him, yet did not bite in fear of binding yourself to him a second time in some odd barbaric custom!
"I will unbind you once yoou when you yeild to our bond and not a second before" he anounced casually
"Then i will die in these shackles!" You declared with a snarl.
"I very much doubt that. But fear not drakeling. I shall tend to your every need in your bound state. You will succumb the gods have foretold your submission" he promised both soothing and baiting you. He enhjoyed your rage, especially the way you squirmed in the throes of anger, rubbing and grinding across his fornt unintentionally milking his cock in his own clothes. All the while his teaseing had achived his desired effect he found himself granting you the title of a dragons young. Drakeling was fitting, small and mighty. Something that will grow into a powerful, fearsome beast, but for now was a mere sliver of its own greatness.
"Absolutly not! Put me down you asshole! UNBIND ME NOW!" his reply was a swift open palm to your backside, loud and booming making you rise and squeak as your ass burned.
"My my such a demanding thing you are~ so aggressive. Perhaps you need feeding? Tell me drakeling, should i see to your cold empty tummy? Would you like me to fill it for you?" He teased turnng towards the long house paying no mind to the way you yelled and kicked at him. He laughed and held you tighter. Deciding in that moment he really would keep you bound. Youd be fed by his hand alone, he wouuld tend to you, wash and dress you, cater to your every desire until, you bend to his will and sought him out for your own pleasure and comfort.
Thats not to say he wouldn't pleasure you in the mean time, he would. His nights would be spent worshipping your body, toying with you for hours on end untill you are a quivering woman panting in a puddle of your own makeing, though youd never finish, or have the honour of warming his cock. No, he would withold that final pleasure untill you were his mind body and soul. And he couldnt wait.
"Come let us feast!" He called out to his clan. The crowd cheered excitedly. The night would be one they would all remember. Even if it was just because of the blood bound saxon heathen putting on a show for all to see, their jarl was certainly in for a long courtship.
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write-r-die · 1 year
By Tomorrow - Part 13
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A/N: Here we go, another chapter! I have the climax and ending of this story all planned out, I just need to figure out how to get there. Don't worry though, this isn't ending any time soon. Thank you all for reading!
Henry was relieved that made it back to the cottage before Sybil did. He wasn’t sure what he would say to her yet, and he would need the headstart preparing the bath for her. It was important to him that he do this for her and do it properly.
Henry had just finished when Sybil swung the door open and yelped in surprise, clutching a hand to her chest. “Oh. Forgive me. I did not think you would be here.” She struggled to regain her breath, her hand still pressed against her chest as if to keep her heart from pounding too hard.
“Does that disappoint you?”
“What? No, of course not. This is your house as much as mine – more so, actually, considering you’re part of the clan by birth. I simply wasn’t expecting you. Expecting you here and, I mean. I thought everyone would be gone at least one night hunting that stag, and you know how easily I get surprised.” Sybil finally ran out of words and concentrated on gnawing the dry skin from her lips and looking anywhere but at her husband. Surely there was more she could say to fill this awful silence.
She’d only come back to retrieve a piece of embroidery she wanted to show to Catherine, but Henry was now directly standing between her and it and she had no clue how she was to get around him, grab the garment, and slip back outside. So she lied.
“You know, I’ve quite forgotten what I came in here for, and you’re clearly preparing for a bath. I’m terribly sorry for interrupting. I’ll go back up to the keep so you –”
Henry said, “I thought we made progress. Getting accustomed to one another. To your life here. Has that been undone now?” 
The air seemed to go out of her. “No,”  she said unconvincingly. A moment later she added, “It’s something else to get accustomed to.”
It was his turn to eye her. Something was wrong – something more than their disastrous coupling – but he couldn’t guess what it was. “Is something else the matter?”
“No,” she said again.
Henry shut his eyes and breathed deeply, trying to cast off his frustration. “I can’t fix what troubles you unless you tell me what’s wrong.”
“Nothing’s wrong.”
It took everything in Henry’s power not to slam his head against the wall. “Come closer, then, if nothing is wrong.”
She took a single step in his direction.
For the love of God. 
He took another deep breath. “Please come here.” 
There. He said it. He said please. And he’d  apologized to her after bedding her, too. He could feel his masculinity slipping through his fingers. 
He took yet another deep breath and softened his face as she stepped up to him; he meant to set her at ease, not add to her troubles. Then he wordlessly held out the lavender sprigs. 
Sybil carefully took them from him.
“Lavender?” she asked softly, staring down at his gift. She hardly noticed that she’d begun crying.
Henry nodded once, keeping his gaze on the dried flowers in her hands because he was too uncomfortable to meet her teary eyes.
“Thank you,” she managed, sniffling. “This is very kind.” She was surprised that he remembered her ever even mentioning lavender, and the fact that he’d actually gone out and gotten her some –
“If you don’t stop crying I’ll toss them in the fire.”
She smiled, her gaze still focused on the blooms; Henry’s throat constricted. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hands and grinned up at him. “I will stop crying then.” 
This was his apology for hurting her, for making her rush into something she clearly was not ready for, and it was the kindest apology she could have asked for. She had the urge to kiss him as she did whenever she wanted to thank him for something without words. But could she still do that?
He must have seen the trouble in her eyes. His voice was whisper-soft when he spoke. “The bath is for you, too. You alone, I mean. I don’t want you to think I expect anything after what we did. It will be as before: We will do only as much as you’re comfortable with.” 
He remained perfectly still as she rocked up on the balls over her feet to kiss his stubble-roughened cheek, and continued to remain still even after she returned to her feet.
She did not have to thank him aloud.
Henry took a seat outside the cottage near one of the windows to give Sybil privacy as she bathed. The linen curtain over it was drawn closed of course but he could hear her shuffling about. 
She hadn’t mentioned that she was supposed to spend the night with Catherine; honestly, she’d forgotten.
Henry leaned his head back against the wooden wall and had started to doze off when there was a yelp from within. 
“Sybil?” Henry called. 
She gasped in surprise, slapping her arms over her chest to shield herself despite the fact that she had no idea where his voice was coming from. “Henry?” 
“I’m outside by the window,” he explained. “I heard you make a noise; are you all right?”
“Oh. Oh yes I’m fine. I stubbed my toe on the edge of the bathtub.” Suspiciously, she added,  “You can’t see me through the window covering can you?”
“I haven’t looked. I just heard you.”
“Right. Yes. Well. Thank you for asking. I’m perfectly all right though. Just clumsy.” 
She climbed into the tub and settled herself in the water. She took a deep breath, savoring the smell of the lavender, and sighed contentedly. 
“Are you still out there?” she asked after a moment. 
“I can go elsewhere if you like,” he replied. “Leave you to yourself.”
“Oh, no, that’s not necessary – unless you would like some time to yourself, that is.”
She could almost hear him shrug. “I’m comfortable where I am.”
“Oh, yes, well, it is a lovely day after all. I’m sure Finn will be out with the horses until sunset. I think his father is with him – I hope so, at least. I know he’s the best rider in the clan, but Finn still worries me a bit. I saw him stand up on the back of a horse last week and I nearly fell over! You don’t do that, do you?”
He nearly smiled at her babbling. At least she was back to acting normally around him. “No, nott since I was very young.”
Sybil was uncharacteristically quiet for a long moment.
He grunted loudly to be sure she could hear him and know that he was listening.
“When you were young . . . who cared for you?” She wasn’t afraid that he would get angry with her for asking these questions; she just didn’t want to push him to discuss something he didn’t want to, especially when he was being so kind.
“Many people,” he said after a moment.
Arran’s wife, Clara, had adopted a somewhat maternal role. Her first child died a few months before Henry was born, and caring for her nephew was both a heartbreak and a comfort. It was many years before she had another child, but she was blessed with three at once. Any other woman giving birth to three children at once would likely have died, but she was delivered safely by the grace of God.
Her interest in Henry quickly waned once she had sons of her own to attend to. Henry remembered overhearing Clara’s arguments with Arran about his care. Husband and wife were not overly fond of each other in the best of times, and Clara’s rejection of Henry, whom Arran regarded as his son, only drove them further apart.
Clara was tending to her ailing father in the lowlands now, and likely would be for some time. Her brother, a fool by all accounts, would need her help when he eventually took over the clan – assuming their uncle, the dying laird’s younger brother, was not chosen to lead instead. 
Clara would stay with her family for as long as she could either way. She was happiest living separately from Arran. He was too good of a man to admit it, but he was relieved she was gone, too.
“Uncle Arran was very interested in my upbringing,” Henry continued. “Uncle Patrick, too, but he was more easily distracted.” There was a long pause. “My grandfather died shortly after my mother. Arran took on the responsibilities of laird, but he still spent an hour with me every day. So I’ve been told.”
Every day, despite the fact that Henry would not have known or cared at that age. Despite Arran’s avalanche of responsibilities, despite his wife’s resentment.
Sybil cleared her throat. Henry’s voice was too low, too thoughtful. She didn’t want him to get trapped in his thoughts. “I like Arran very much,” she said brightly. “He lets me talk for as long as I want.”
A wide smile broke on Henry’s face. “Is that your only criteria for liking someone?”
“Certainly the most important, but not the only one, no.”
“What are the other requirements, then?” he asked, and she could hear the smile in his voice. “I want to be sure I meet all of them.”
“That’s not necessary,” she said. “I already like you.”
It was silent for a moment. Sybil cursed herself for saying something so embarrassing, so stupid; Henry felt as if a weight had been lifted from him. She still liked him, even after their awful coupling. 
He would never admit it to himself, but he wanted her to do more than just like him; this was at least a start. 
He frowned in thought and asked, “Do you like many people?” 
Sybil was unfailingly friendly, but she seemed to have dealt with more than her fair share of unpleasant people in life. 
“I don’t like everyone but I don’t dislike anybody, either,” she said. “Except for Elizabeth and Lillian,” she amended. “They’re twins. And I’m not overly fond of Joan, either. Actually, I don’t particularly like any of my sisters now that I think about it, though I haven’t seen Madeleine and Demelza since they were sent to live at the convent years ago, so I can’t be sure if I would like them now but I think I would not. Does that make me an awful person, Henry?”
Henry wracked his brain for what she’d told him about her family but there was so much information she’d dumped on him and so many siblings to keep track of. She had . . . Six sisters? Seven? How was he ever to remember all their names?
“No, I don’t think so,” he replied. “Sisters are difficult, I think.” He wasn’t basing that statement on anything, as the only girl in his family, Catherine, was the best sister to Finn that anyone could possibly be. “What about your brothers?” 
She had seven or eight of those, if his math was right. He’d never be able to remember all of their names, either.
“I don’t mind them, more or less. I liked Garrett very much. Royston and Gilard are at terrible ages where all they want to do is wrestle and shout at each other and make the younger girls cry but I hope they’ll outgrow it.” She stopped to breathe. “Your cousins must have been a handful around their age, especially since they’re triplets, but they all seem to have fine heads on their shoulders now. I must get to know them better. Alistair is very quiet and William doesn’t speak English, but I actually think I know Hamish fairly well. I must better acquaint myself with your friends, too.”
“You must?” he repeated dubiously.
“Well I should, shouldn’t I? They’re important to you. The whole clan is. And everyone seems to think that you’ll be laird one day which means I will be lady, and a lady ought to know her people.” She received only silence in response; it unnerved her. “Have I said something wrong?”
Was she being too presumptuous about the laird-and-lady things? Did he not want her getting closer to other people – men, in particular – the way her father did not want his wife or mistresses to?
“No,” Henry finally said. “I’m only thinking.”
She swallowed hard. “What are you thinking about?”
You, he thought. But he didn’t say it aloud. 
“You’ve told me about your brothers and sisters,” he said, “what about your parents?”
“Oh. Well my mother seemed very tired all the time.” Sybil’s father said she was naturally weak, and the midwives were surprised she didn’t die in childbirth. “But after Samuel was born she caught a fever and did not recover.
“I like my stepmother though, I think. She doesn’t much like spending time with us children, even the older ones. I think she still misses her first husband, the twins’ natural father.” 
It was both very romantic and very sad. Sybil knew she was naive for wanting that same sort of endless love that not even death could blunt, but it meant she would be in pain when it inevitably ended, leaving either her or her partner heartbroken.
“And what about your father?” Henry finally asked.
“What about him?” 
Henry was surprised by her tone. It wasn’t rude or sharp, exactly, but it wasn’t as pleasant as usual.
Sybil shivered, her teeth chattering slightly. “Thank you for the bath, Henry. I appreciate it very much – I don’t want you to think that I don’t – but I’m quite cold now and I would like to get out but I don’t want to injure your feelings by doing so.”
“You won’t injure my feelings,” Henry assured her. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
“You may come in now,” Sybil said a few minutes later. “I’m decent.”
She was wearing one of her English gowns when he came in, not the plaids that the other clan members wore. “The plaids you gave me are in poor condition at the moment,” she explained, “and these gowns are easier to put on. I needn’t worry about getting the pleats right.”
She smelled lovely and inviting. Her cheeks were pink, her wet hair unbound. She had a blanket pulled around her shoulders like she’d just woken from a nap.
“The bath is still a bit warm,” she said. “I just get cold very easily. Which you already knew. And it seems cruel to make you bathe in freezing water after going to all the trouble of drawing a warm bath for me.” Usually an entire family would bathe in the same water, one after the other, since lugging and heating and filling a tub with water was such an arduous task.
Henry just nodded. He took a step toward the tub.
“I can wait outside like you did,” Sybil said quickly. “Or go up to the keep. Give you your privacy.”
“You don’t need to leave,” Henry said slowly. “I would like it if you would stay and talk with me more.”
Her breaths were shorter now, her lips parted slightly as if to make an excuse. She was afraid to be alone with him while he was undressed. And considering what happened last time she was with a man while he bathed . . .
“I . . .” Her throat was closing fast. 
“You’re free to go if you want. I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable,” Henry said. “But I would also be happy if you stayed.” He added, “I told you, I don’t expect anything from you.” He was going to court her properly, he’d decided. He would earn his place beside her in bed.
She was still quiet. 
He took a deep breath. “Sybil, it doesn’t have to be any time soon, but . . . I would like another chance to take you to bed. To show you what it should be between us. How it will be.”
She didn’t say anything for a long time. She kept her eyes on his chest, not daring to meet his gaze.
“Will you say something?”
“Not anytime soon . . .” she repeated to herself. “Henry, it still frightens me. I think it will for some time. But if you say it will be better, then I believe you.”
And then he broke another one of his rules, because he didn’t know how else to express how much he valued her trust. “Thank you.”
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It’s the 10 Year Anniversary of Man of Steel featuring Henry’s Suit from the film!
This suit is currently on display at the Warner Brother Studio Tour Hollywood in Burbank, CA!
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inber · 1 year
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just a reminder that this is your LAST SEASON to dunk on hcav, so GET IN AS MANY WEDGIES AS POSSIBLE before liam (hopefully) fixes it
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greensleeves888 · 2 years
I’m sure being Supes again is keeping him busy and major contractual negotiations were held but I still can’t believe he’d give up Geralt so soon. Maybe he’s too A list for a TV series? Maybe he lost his patience with how much they strayed from the books?
Maybe I’ll wake up in the morning and this would all have been a horrible, horrible dream?…
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