#chonny jash heart
moonpie016 · 2 days
I'm back at it again with drawing a lot of stuff in a time frame, like I do.
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I colored the last drawing I made. Yaaaaaaaaay! And for once coloured the lineart (haven't done that in a bit.) I enjoyed it though.
Oh and the original old drawing is from 2022. Yay.
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Ok so this was originally a celestial Heart and Mind doodle page. But then Fnaf came in. :] GOOD.
Speaking of Fnaf.
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Oh my goodness! It's Foxy the pirate fox!!!!! From Fnaf 1!! :D
Idk why but I had the urge to draw Foxy, and I haven't drawn him in forever sooo. It was fun. Silly fox man, running down my halls. Sing song-ing. Idk.
I've drawn Mind a lot. Idk how many in the span of these weeks, including the group artworks. (Maybe I'll put em all together to find out.)
A bit of a warning for robotic parts (slight mechanical insides??)
Just a simple brain and skeleton. No blood, but still.
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I originally was going to do a Storm and a Spring drawing or something, but then this happened. (SaaS is I think a favorite because I keep replaying it a lot. It's boppy. :] )
I drew all of these in the span of several hours apart. Mind one was first, then went to line and color the Mike and Jeremy one, finish the Mind one after. Make a random doodle page, annnnd then Foxy.
My motivation is so odd, can pump out a bunch of separate drawings but get de-fueled when doing something else. Oh well.
Hope you enjoy though, I'll probably relax and rest. (Or something else completely). Who knows. :3
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domicosstuff · 2 months
HMS with weapons
Originally I was only going to draw soul but then my brain said hey lets add mind and heart. Usually I dont like making multiple drawings back to back because burnout but Ive managed to force muself to finish this. Im mostly proud on how this turned out especially with soul and heart
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chemical-bunz · 1 year
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I know that I’m weak, I know that I’m vile.
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hikikboy · 2 months
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reposts my chonny jash art cutely 💜💜
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grapedemon · 2 months
Heart in a float, where will he go
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itsnotjustgibberish · 3 months
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Chikn :]
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gracebethartacc · 3 months
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one out of 4 of my HMSW arts that I’m still not spoiling the reason for until after I post them but anyway YAYYYY HEART <3
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idoodlemen · 3 months
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sgshake · 2 months
agreed, why is bro so mad??? When I saw it on Twitter I just had to draw them like this! I do promise I got something cooking, I swear! lol
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Ok, jokes aside now I’ve got something cooking that I think will be done like around late August and probably be shown around early September???? Idk you’ll see. The only little hint I’ll give is the color Orange and how did that phrase go? Veni, Vedi, Vici? anyways, I think it’s obvious, alright have a great rest of your day!
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ghostly-one · 3 months
Hey! @casualmrboyenjoyer
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Have your guy
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godofautism · 3 months
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the-soul-eclectic · 9 days
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{ " Do you like the stars ? " }
It was a strange question, one that he was sure Soul knew he couldn't answer. It'd been too long since he last had seen them for Heart to know anymore.
( " Hm… can you describe them to me ? " )
He could've just said no, that he can't possibly see them, that the question was useless, but something in him wanted to know, to try and simulate the tiny little dots that painted the sky in his mind. It wasn't the real thing, clearly, but it'd be enough to satiate that little part of him that wanted to remember, that nostalgic little corner of his heart that ached at the thought of it.
Soul was silent for a while. Heart could almost hear him trying to string the sentences together into something that made sense.
{ " They're… brighter now, than on most nights. Despite the clutter in the sky, you can see them pretty clearly. All the little sizes and colors that they come in. That doesn't happen very much, these days . " }
I can only assume why. Heart gave a small nod.
{ " There's so many of them, you know? And even if we can't see them that closely, to know each and every little one is unique in their own way… It's beautiful. I wish we got to have this more often . " }
Heart had a picture in his mind, a distant memory of being in this exact place before, the endless expanse of space stretching beyond their little corner of the universe. The sky, dotted with red, purple, orange, blue, left unhidden by the excess light that usually blocked such sights. Benefits of living in a non-existent world… He could almost see it again.
( " … Yeah, " ) The Moon says, finally answering Soul's question. ( " I like them, I mean. They're cool . " )
Soul smiles, and Heart could feel his eyes on him, before he turns his gaze back to the sky. Heart expects him to say something, but the rest of the night is silent.
And for once, though it feels like it leaves an empty space in his chest, he's alright with that.
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domicosstuff · 15 days
See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil
Drawings I made Instead of doing schoolwork
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lionacuty · 17 days
it's the Heart :3
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calypsosystem · 4 months
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Everyone likes saying biblically accurate mind but what about biblically accurate heart?
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purplekittybanan · 21 days
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Kittys :3
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