#comic review
gothamcitysurgeon · 10 hours
Gotham City Surgeon
As the head surgeon in Gotham General's Emergency Department my life is hell. the mysterious Batman and his side kicks are partially to blame, I've decided to take up investigating the elusive Batman so I can be better prepared the next time he drops into my ER. I have more than 700 pieces of documentation that I am determined to study.
I will be documenting my findings here and perhaps I might even make a Documentary. Believe me I will know more about the Batman and who he is than anyone else in Gotham does. Maybe even more than him...
I am Genuinely going to do this but I do first need to figure out how I'm going to go about it and also if anyone is interested in reading about my findings.
I have the Golden Age comics in my "documents" but I'm not sure if I want to add that in later. regardless I'll be doing year one possibly year two and the Man Who Laughs first. I'll probably be having a small paragraph as The Surgeon who is researching at the top and bottom of the post and have a little story and then have review, summary and analysis.
IDK let me know if anyone is interested or has any advice.
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kruspp · 4 months
Is Anyone Reading The Boy Wonder by Juni Ba?
I just read the second issue of Juni Ba's The Boy Wonder and was absolutely DELIGHTED holy shit. Is anyone else reading this run? Because a fairytale type story is such a good format to re-tell each Robin's origin and the tun is also such a nice Damian character study. I honestly feel like I understand Damian as a character so much more even just from these first couple issues.
And it's not just Damian either! Dick in the first issue and now the second issue with Jason. Through this fairytale lense Ba deconstructs each of them and really gets to the core of each former Robin in such a way that is so easy to understand and is absolutely true to their characters.
Like, Juni Ba GETS it, oh my god.
I literally CANNOT wait for the next issue which features Tim! (I'll admit he's my favourite).
And his character designs make me wanna eat glass because they're so good. Sincerely some of my absolute favourite Batfam designs like ever. Actually made me like the Red Robin cowl suit. Like...hell yeah. Speaking as an artist myself, his line work and inking is so beautifully stylized and so controlled that it takes my breath away everytime I look at it.
So I guess the tldr of this post is this:
If you are a fan of the Robins, this is a MUST read, and if you do, talk to me about it because I'm going bonkers over it.
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sincerelyyadere · 1 month
In the doghouse review [no spoilers]
Nsfw, msub, bdsm, victorian fantasy world, prince x lower class, power imbalance, power finds balance in bed lmao, kinky as hell, wholesome, male yandere, obsessed, stalker, masochist x angry, more or less consensual, to be continued
Tw: nsfw, bdsm, masochism
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Full review [no spoilers] —>
Wow. Just WOW. I hardly ever see a male yandere sub, and one made so well????? Fr the power dynamic is done exceptionally well here, i like how he has a higher position but is such a pathetic sub ;3
This manhwa may not be too everyone’s taste (a more kinky audience) but if u follow me youre probably in the right target anyway hehe
I didnt like how other characters were written (except for the mc and ml) because i feel like we’re meant to be getting an idea that everyone beside mc is dumb and has no sense whatsoever in them. Its fun as a comedic part, but i always appreciate a bit more realistic approach:))
We get a fair share of smut, although i wish there would be more. When im writing this there are 29 chapters which is heartbreaking to me because I’m soooo curious what will happen (porn for plot).
Also, mc’s tits are huge as a sidenote hehe
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zygon-commander · 2 months
If you wanna get to know John Constantine but don't know where to start, then this guide is for you! Get all the meat of the story without having to read the filler issue where he remembers turning into a horny werewolf.
I made this zine ages ago but completely forgot to upload it here until I was Hellblazer thirst posting tonight and suddenly remembered.
I had a super fun time putting it together so I hope there are some nerds on here who enjoy it!! Feel free to leave recs as well
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(The quiz is serious btw, I wanna know)
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empire-of-the-words · 28 days
Just finished skimming Damian’s introduction (aka only reading the Damian parts so I could actually enjoy them instead of crying over what they did to Talia) and this kid. This kid.
He's so sassy, and while he's also very spoiled, it's extremely clear he just wants to prove himself to his dad. I just love him so much 🥰
Bruce is either a horrible parent (tbf this was just sprung on him and he has zero processing time but still) or has the absolute best dynamic with Damian. They're so cute when they're not clashing like BattleBots
Also, while I take absolute none of Talia’s stuff into consideration when characterizing her, the fact she gave Damian to Bruce literally because she couldn't handle him is absolutely hilarious. She literally went, "hey, you're a hardass. I bet you can calm this kid down". She was also entirely wrong
Plus this:
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kellysue · 4 days
FML is intensely confident, hilarious, and deeply compassionate. It’s a book about everyone doing their best, no one doing okay, and what happens when the stories we tell ourselves to cope with just how crazy shit is look us in the eyes and tell us what’s going to happen next.  You're going to love it.
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overthemoonx · 9 months
I Love Amy: The Coolest Webcomic I’ve Ever Read
Usually I’m extremely picky with webcomics, as I’m not afraid to drop them the moment I lose interest. So when I say this webcomic is interesting, it’s INTERESTING.
In fact, it may be one of my favorite ones.
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“I Love Amy” is a webcomic released under Peanutoon back in 2022. It follows Bibi Reden, a cutesy girl with a bunny motif who has an obsessive crush on a boy named Peter. Once she finds Amy Lee, a shy girl in her grade talking to him, Bibi immediately befriends her and tries to get Amy to help her get with Peter. But plot-twist…they fall in love with each-other instead.
Psychological horror, drama, romance, and comedy? I’m hooked.
My first impressions were that it was gonna be a stereotypical yandere story, with Bibi set with the motive to KILL Amy in the beginning for talking to her crush. But it’s much more than that.
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Bibi is a canon psychopath, who portrays traits of the disorder that are commonly expressed. But even so, the author definitely did their research. Bibi is low on empathy, has a tendency to lie, and can’t decipher right from wrong. But unlike contrary belief, she not incapable of love; she just loves people in her own special way, wanting to “keep them forever.” This is shown how she obsesses over Peter, and then later on, Amy.
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What makes this series amazing is that her disorder is not her only “personality trait.” (Which by the way, disorders aren’t.) Bibi is very energetic, cheerful, and sticks to her ideals. She’s unique and is still able to think about others (or those she likes at least). Bibi is so well-written, how could you not fall in love with her? And speaking about love, this is where her love interest comes in.
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Amy Lee is the definition of “plain-“ until you look a little bit deeper.
After a traumatic event involving her mother as a child, Amy lives with her aunt. Though she is loved and cared for in her current household and those around her, she still exhibits clear symptoms of PTSD. This causes her to be socially anxious and withdrawn, showing more signs of a social phobia than just pure introversion. But, she remains kindhearted and loyal. Amy is very down to earth too- a trait that’s personally to die for.
With Bibi’s eccentric personality and Amy’s closed off persona, they are like night and day. So, how could two different people possibly fall in love? Simple; naturally, like any other person. Even with their complexities, they are still able to love each-other whole-heartedly.
The webcomic also deals with themes about the effects of trauma, friendship issues (which I will get into another time), and sheds light onto family issues and grief. For such a cutesy-art style comic, it deals with every topic in such a unique and accurate way that I was really impressed.
So please, give this webcomic a shot!!!
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slothspamsstuff · 1 year
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Why does this page feel familiar?
Oh wait….
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Exactly the vibes I got 😭
I just really want more Red Hood contents so I start shitposting, sorry
The link to the comic review here.
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sylvieserene · 2 months
My thoughts on Primer: Clashing Colors #1 - "Color Me Impressed" (2024)
This was a comic I was waiting a long time for and was super excited about its story. Not because omg New character, Primer!! Nah, because of Teen Titans lol
I seriously had high hopes for this comic but let's just say I'm disappointed.
Without getting into spoilers,
The writing is just meh at best. Primer is fleshed out decently but the writing for TT03 cast is horrendous at worst and ooc at best.
This comic also suffers from the "Telling but not showing" problem, similar to Nightwing (2016) comic by Taylor.
It's clear that the writers prefered Primer but it's almost like they didn't really do much research over the Titans' personality and that was of less priority. They act a lot like their TTG! (2013) Counterparts rather than TT03 characters. Even the humour is similar to TTG! (2013) and not the original show unlike what was being advertised.
As a Primer comic, it gets the job done and highlights her nicely but as a teen titans fan who was looking forward for the TT content rather than Primer, it's pretty disappointing and saddening.
⚠️ Now getting into spoilers ⚠️
(click off if you want to or scroll down to the end if you wanna skip and basically go to the summary)
The introduction to Primer is pretty decent and I think it does a decent job and blooming her personality.
I believe most of you here must have seen this particular panel in the teasers before the comic's release. It catches the TT03 essence nicely but this is where characterisation jumps in.
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As I said Primer as a character isn't of concern to me but as a TT fan, TT is.
So here's where things went downhill in characterisation and character consistency.
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You are saying Slade came out in the open, got unmasked and it's of NO big deal to Robin?
Lemme rephrase this to you; Slade, the evil mastermind, who never does anything without a reason and NEVER leaves his basement other than the reason for kidnapping children, touched grass and came out at day and Robin is unphased? It doesn't make ANY sense.
Even more so, when the story tries to pretend it's on purpose.
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Slade was NEVER unmasked other than that skull reveal scene and that one Easter egg from TTG! 2003 spin off comics. So the fact, this scene was displayed as something comical is genuinely baffling. The Titans KNOW he doesn't get caught unless there's a catch. This part makes absolutely zero sense.
Then this part ...
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The problem with this part is, characterisation. BB debatably acts like himself but Raven? No. It's ooc for her to go "Awww :D" like that. If anything, the best possibility is that she'll say the same line but she'll say it with full and utter sarcasm.
I think most BBRAE fans will agree with me on this one but they both had romantic POTENTIAL but they weren't anything other than good pals in the show. And we haven't gotten any hint at their relationship even in the spin off comics which were canon to show. Which in simpler terms means, this is ooc. Most of the development BBRae can have is after the show and after they get older. But the comic claims they are same Titans who haven't aged a day thus THIS IS OUT OF CHARACTER FOR RAVEN TO SAY!
Raven is a gloomy, sarcastic character who doesn't express what she feels instantly or openly, it would have made a lot more sense if she said the same line sarcastically (where she could blush implying a subtext incase they really wanted to insert BBRae but not making too obvious)
It really makes no sense for her character as depicted in TT03 to suddenly melt at the idea BB giving her tulips if it is the same Raven from TT03. Raven isn't that stereotypical girl character. She's a reserved and introverted person who was still learning to open up even to the series very end.
If this is the TT we know and love, this can't be her.
I'm not bashing the ship btw, I'm bashing the writing. Atleast be faithful to the character's personality while doing fan service!!
If you say, it's the same people who haven't aged a day since the last time you met. You can't have it be that oh yk they changed. Both the statements can't be true at the same time.
Then this scene:
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This scene looks straight up from TTG. Back to making Robin dumb af and the team bashing him into normalcy. I'm tired of this trope like jeez, TT ROBIN WAS NOT LIKE THAT!!!
Infact if anything, "Can we just call it 'the battery'?" Line is something BB would say not Raven. Also Starfire getting mad at Robin for saying a long name and rolling eyes? She would never. Robin taught her earth customs and language patiently. If anything, she's that one person who would never eye roll on Robin even if he says something dumb. If it's the same Starfire from TT03 AS ADVERTISED.
Then there's this panel....
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Two things, Robin never had a car in TT03. He had a bike named R-Cycle. Second, Starfire always carried Robin while Beast Boy carried Cyborg as a Pterodactyl. The Titan with a car was Cyborg. And when the car was out, everyone rode the car instead of taking the skies. Why the hell would Cyborg be carried out by Starfire when the car is right there??? It makes no sense.
It's incredibly strange how the writer is going long lengths to not make the two (Robin and Starfire) even merely interact with eachother.
How hard is it to just be canon accurate? These are stuff you catch on literally one rewatch. Did the writers not even do that or did they go with fanon or what they remembered from their childhood or like spent 5 mins trying to remember the characters through YT shorts and called it a day?
Like this is the only time they technically look at eachother to talk anything other than business:
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Then coming back to Slade, I said the story tries to pretend it was all on purpose.
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This further proves that this Slade isnt the same evil mastermind we knew of. This is some other guy.
Then this,
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Yk what the awful part is? This . This isn't something you would see in TT03 or anything similar. This is simply something you can expect to see in a fan comic.
And wanna know what's worse? Ravager already existed in TT03 verse except she was Rose Wilson not this guy. This simply just means the writers didn't even BOTHER doing minimum research on the show beforing stamping in characters.
Like I am genuinely lacking words as to describe this mess of a Teen Titans 2003 representation. This isn't them at all.
If anything, this isn't anything like they promoted and advertised. If anything, this is simply a TT03 AU which has nothing to do with the show.
It's neither faithful to the show nor the characters nor the established canon.
If anything, this feels like a shameless cash grab..ik some of y'all be mad at me for saying this but yeah. That is what this is.
If anything, it feels like a clickbait way to get people to Primer without actually bothering to respect that clickbait through which you are trying to pull people in.
It's shameful and disappointing and if I'm being honest, this got boring fast. I didn't enjoy it at all.
The writers prioritised cheap comedy and Primer over the Titans who are apparently a big part of her journey. They didn't even feel hesitant in making all the characters go ooc. The story itself is pretty bland and not interesting and genuinely nothing unique about it other than the Titans who apparently were TT03 as left on the final episode.
Anyway, this feels like an AU TT03 self insert OC fan comic at best or a version of TT based on TTG 2013. Frankly, it has the humor and characterization of TTG. Infact, I think this can totally work out as a 'tame' episode in TTG.
Introduction of Primer to TT and her demeanor to them to get along and on the team gave off Massive Terra vibes, it's almost like the writers got heavily inspired from it.
Tldr, the characterisation and characters of TT aren't like their TT03 counterpart but rather TTG one with a lot more grounded personalities. They often go ooc and say things which they won't say if we went with TT03 canonicity. Deathstroke is basically a joke now. The story itself is boring and uninteresting and doesn't make me like Primer any better. The comic falsely promotes this as the TT03 version even though this is, at best, a TT universe maybe inspired by the 2003 show but not the 2003 show. It's closer to 2013 one.
Personally, I'm severely disappointed and I'm gonna say it again, this is a total cashgrab and not worth reading.
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haridraws · 9 months
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Favourite graphic novels I read in 2023
I love comics and think you should too, so thought I'd share some I loved reading this year.
Edit: way more readable version now here
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joefool · 20 days
Review: Peanuts Every Sunday, Vol. 2 (1956-1960)
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In my last Sundays review, I said that the star of the show was Lucy Van Pelt. This time around, things have changed. The power has shifted. There’s a new Sheriff in town. His name? Linus Van Pelt.
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One of the best running gags in this collection is Linus as an outfielder, going to extreme lengths to catch the ball. It’s a repeated masterclass in Schulz’s command of structure and pacing.
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In classic Peanuts fashion, these strips feature a simple core gag but are elevated by small touches: in the top left, Linus spends several panels idly picking at the grass before jumping into action. In the top right, I love the casual way with which he catches and throws, and how slowly his movements develop. In the bottom left, “I beg your pardon” and “Thank you, girls” are the funniest possible things to say as he enters and exits the pool, not to mention the little way he sticks his tongue out as he takes his shoes off (and I think even flexes his toes?). And In the bottom right, I mean, come on, look at how small he is in that title panel!
I’m excited to see Linus begin to shed his blanket. It made for good baby gags, but he’s such a more interesting character when it comes and goes. Alongside the above scenes, he also has a series of battles with Snoopy over the blanket. He’s multi-dimensional!
It’s hard to stop gushing about this collection, which really feels like it captures the strip hitting its stride. There’s melancholy, there’s laughs, there’s sincere character development. Sally Brown shows up! Snoopy lays on top of the dog house for the first time, and his head is starting to get more recognizably thick! But wait, did you think I was going to stop talking about Linus? Because you’re wrong. Here are two more great strips, which also feature his (shown above) love for sand castles.
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You start to get a sense of his personality: creative, a bit philosophical. Hum drum, in the way basically all Peanuts characters are, but not a sad sack. He’s dynamic, bringing all kinds of tones and melding himself to the other characters in the strip. Yet through all of it, he’s a fairly polite little boy, unlike Charlie Brown who progressed from rebellious gremlin into depressed sad sack. In a comic strip full of extremes, Linus operates as a fluid middle piece that still steals the show.
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Look at this boy! The two above strips are funny, but still kind of touch your heart. Here’s this young man who wants to catch stars in his pail, and badly wants to learn like the older kids on his street. How can you not fall in love with him?
All in all, a fantastic collection. This is the dawn of the golden age of Peanuts, I feel. It’s exciting to read through, because the hit to miss ratio is better than ever. And now I need to get through like three different Complete Collections (the black and white books with the dailies), but it’s hard to go back to them after getting through these vividly colored strips. The colors, the maneuvers that can only happen with the extra length, man the Sundays are great. Peanuts is great.
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gothamcitysurgeon · 3 months
Nightwing by Tom Taylor: Go girl give us nothing
Nightwing by Tom Taylor is infamous in the fandom for being bad a bad characterization of Dick but its biggest crime is being the most boring comic book on the planet.
Historically Nightwing has struggles he struggles with juggling teams and priorities he struggles with his relationships and time management he wants to do everything but can't. Tom Taylors version of Nightwing does everything and gets everything and no one and nothing challenges him.
Even Melinda Zucco (later found to be Dicks Sister) who was originally teased as a corrupt mayor is good. How does he discover she's good or his sister? she tells him. All information that could be interesting or could be shown in an interesting way is told to Dick he never has to look or search for answers. That's great idea for comic about a detective.
After Nightwing is TOLD this Blockbuster shows up with a swat team to Melinda's house and fights Nightwing he does this because he thinks he's looking for evidence on her being connected to him. What better way to spell these rumors than to show up at the house of the Mayor you're paying off and asking her if you found anything then telling said detective that you own the police and all of Bludhaven. Hmmm I wonder if there was a better way that we could have learned this but there's no need when we can just hear it straight from the horse's mouth.
All of the dialogue in the comic is clunky there is a moment where Dick is asking Superman for advice and it feels empty where others have done so well this fails in a way that just makes you feel nothing.
Barbara is terribly written as in she's barely written she doesn't really have any motives or desires outside of what Dick wants. She is just there to be Dick Grayson's girlfriend which is a waste of her character but something I feel happens whenever they write Barbara and Dick together.
In the second Volume they announce the Pennyworth foundation what exactly does it do? I don't know I don't think Tom Taylor does either I don't think he cares. This whole comic feels like they just want Dick to be generically good and palatable and don't want to but any conflict in for him other than a few thugs. I have read further but I don't remember any of it and I don't want to have to read it again. I only own the first two volumes because Bruno Redondo's art is really good and Tom Taylor Definitely and blatantly relies on him to make the comic book even slightly interesting.
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alex31624 · 1 month
Comic Review: Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime
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The Duck Comic Reading Club went mute this week, and since I kinda like talk about one comic per week, is time for the review of Infinity Dime.
I not going to go deep in the cover topic, since that has been discussed enough. And yeah, that cover shouldn't have been published. This is the first comic on this weekly reviews that I physically own, I have the Alex Ross cover, because, how could I not?
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The story begins with a Christmas that never was. Donald and the boys were supposed to get together with Scrooge but couldn't make it. That turned Scrooge in a even bitter and angry old man.
This is a What if…? scenario, and I'm on board with that. I like those stories. My favorite is What If… The Punisher's Family had not been Killed in Central Park?
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They cut down the phrase for Ducktales '17.
Scrooge loneliness and bitterness consumed him. He knew something was missing. That's when he got a crazy and vicious idea.
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And now, this story is going into the multiversal route. Everything has to be like that now.
But, if is fun…
We see then a different Scrooge, who's sees in horror how the entire Bin is being stolen.
At first, he thought it was another Beagle Boys heist, but he eventually found out what we already knew. This is the work of….
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I really like the design here. How the Scrooge Above All wears all the dime he had take from all the others Scrooges. Is kinda morbid and tetric in a way.
Scrooge receives the beating of a lifetime and has no other choice but retreat. He now seeks the help of Gyro.
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Who looks way to happy.
The babies are there too, and they look adorable.
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That freaking guidebook has a section to everything imaginable.
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They said the thing.
They think the dime is a universal constant and that's how Scrooge Above All can travel to different universes. But turns out the dime wasn't the constant, it was Scrooge himself. Kinda like Harry Potter being a horrocrux.
Scrooge traveled the multiverse to get himself some help.
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Is so funny to see kid Scrooge there.
The Scrooge army beat the hell out of the Beagle Boys. They had the upper hand, until the Scrooge Above All appeared and kicked all their asses.
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But the Scrooge army had one more card up their sleeve.
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Ok, that hyped me up.
A horde of rage-driving Donalds must be the most scary thing ever.
With the Donalds attacking, the Scrooges turn the things in their favor, retreat the dimes from Scrooge Above All, who lose his magic, and is defeated. Nice and quick.
All the Bins return to their respective Scrooge, and Scrooge Above All learns what was he really missing. His family.
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Because, family is the greatest adventure of all.
By the way, is that Webby? It has to, who else would it be? Nice to see her.
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It was no masterpiece, or a must-read comic, but I liked it. It was simple and fun. I don't need that much more to have a nice time.
The comic had one more story, Christmas on Bear Mountain. But that's a tale for another day.
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sincerelyyadere · 4 months
Dead man's switch review [no spoilers] 10/10
kinda yandere, zombie apocalypse, character growth, secrets, possesive, horror romance, ongoing
tw: nsfw, lots of blood, gore, mentions of suicide
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I literally couldn't stop reading this shit. I loved how the author has written the characters and showed how the apocaliptic, extreme times can make people do crazy shit. Its truly one of the kind in the manhwa genre.
The only unrealistic thing was that the mc and lm seemed to be getting to horny stuff only while the mc was injured (at first at least) but it didn't make mc's injuries go worse??? Idk if i fucked like a rabbit while i was hurt i think my physical health wouldn't been better afterwards ;-;
Also, i think the main character was a little slow onto the secret that ml holds, which was not annoying as such, but, again, kinda... weird? Like dude, its not that hard XD
But those are some minor flaws, i can't WAIT for the season 2 to come out!!!!
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So, I just read through the whole of Agent of Asgard; I had only read the beginning and end bits of AoA before (for some reason I could never find the second volume), and so I never realized just what an awful time of it Loki was going through like HOLY SHIT. Verity really well and truly kept Loki from killing themself (for good this time) during the final chapter, huh. Like, if not for her sparking the memory of Odin's words, Loki was going to, without a doubt, go for the Kid Loki option.
Also, Verity and Loki need to go to friend couple's counseling, BAD. We need more time with the two of them, so Loki can show that they ARE becoming a better friend to Verity. That girl puts up with so much shit 💖 (but like for real they p codependent)
(I still absolutely adore the series btw, my brain? changed forever. )
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zombiee-reviews · 5 months
Ahem, so. I got a hold of the new Patreon pages, but technically I’m not suppose to say anything about them yet. But GODDDD. Just so you all know, a new giant plot hole is on its way, along with a thousand more questions added to the comic.
I can’t wait to shit post about this one lmao.
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