#damian wayne
batbabydamian · 2 days
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an attempt at brotherly bonding
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Birdflash & Protective Damian Commission
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amorkuku · 11 hours
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Meanwhile when nobody's looking;;
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This is not meant to be a dig more just an observation at why opinions differ, but I feel like the people who view Dick as being a fatherly figure to Damian/them having a Parent-Child dynamic vs a Older Sibling-Little Sibling dynamic don’t know what it’s like to have siblings that are waaaaaaaay older than you in a big family! They may take on a more guardian role but it’s still a different dynamic idk
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frappegoddess · 2 days
Bruce is sulky the next Justice League meeting because he's injured with a broken arm and leg, but the thing is, the JL members don't know how it happened.
They all make up crazy theories that he got into an insane fight with a war deity from outer space, their proteges claim he fought the women of Themyscira all at once, and Jon goes as far as saying he took Titus away from Damian. (Wild right)
Everybody gave up asking the batkids cuz they've all been sworn to secrecy, but everyone can't help but notice how they crack up when their father figures injury is mentioned.
Turns out, Red Hood replaced Batman's grappling hook with a slinky.
The Batman™ slinked off a building.
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arttuff · 1 day
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cinnaflurr · 2 days
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i had this idea earlier it was funnier in my head
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violent138 · 3 days
Bruce: "Turning off comms for a bit to focus, you're all going to be okay right?"
Duke: "Considering I'm going to bed, yeah, I think I'll make it."
Damian: "It's insulting you think we require your constant supervision."
Tim: "You're so dramatic."
Cass: "Can I be in charge?"
Steph: "Do not put Cass in charge. I'm clearly the best choice."
Bruce, interrupting all of them: "This was not an invitation for a coup. Just stay on task, it looks like a quiet night. Batman out."
Bruce: *grudgingly listening to a playlist made for him by the League and horrified that he likes Hal's suggestions. Making good progress on new antivirals, sending reports to Lucius, submitting a proposal for WE to convert a property into low income housing*
Bruce, two hours later, turning on comms: "Does anyone remember if we--"
*incoherent screaming and the sounds of sirens over comms, someone shouting over a microphone. News reports indicating that martial law is imminent*
Bruce, sighing deeply: "Goddamn it why didn't I leave someone in charge?"
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spicy-apple-pie · 8 hours
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Based of my very old text post about why Damian is a bit... aggressive with Tim
(Btw uncle is kinda like a surrender word, where I’m from at least. Jason isn’t wanting him to call him uncle, yk?)
Commission Info / Kofi
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ditzybat · 2 days
What I think each batfam member would dress up as for Halloween - specifically in the context of a Halloween themed Wayne Gala - because I’m bored:
Bruce & Selina: they dress up as Batman and Catwoman, with Bruce (Brucie in this context) being Catwoman and Selina being Batman. The kids have the image of Bruce squeezed into latex burned in their corneas and they make an effort to not be in the same vicinity as him, lest they die from cringe or second hand embarrassment.
Dick: He’s shamelessly one of those really colorful South American blue parrots, he spends the night doing tricks and soaring through the air (think the Carnival costumes from Rio) and ends up breaking a punch table when he falls straight on his ass from seeing the horror that is Bruce in leather - he immediately gets covered in a shock blanket courtesy of Alfred.
Barbara: Decides to dress up as the kid from E.T with Haley dressed up as E.T in a basket modification she made to her chair. She runs over peoples toes by ‘accident’ throughout the night in aid (aka annoying them until they donate at least 1K) to push people into donating for whatever the charity of the night is.
Jason: doesn’t like celebrating Halloween, but somehow gets roped into dressing up as Jason Vorhees - the irony is not lost on him and finds it hilarious. He lurks in the corners of the ballroom to scare the rich snobs into paying into whatever charity is being funded that night by showing off a suspiciously red, very real, machete.
Tim: Couples costume with Bernard. Tim is Spock and Bernard is Kirk. Tim tries his hardest to stay in character the whole night, ends up freaking people out from the lack of expression and uncanny valley statue like demeanor on his face compared to his energetic boyfriend.
Damian: He and Nika dress up as Gomez and Morticia Adams. They’re very touchy the whole night like the teenagers they are. They salsa dance and become just as eccentric as the characters they’re playing that somehow at the end of the night they end up making headlines for nearly spending the night in jail for suspected ‘murder’ (they Carrie’d Bruce with real blood from questionable sources)
Steph & Cass: Matching costumes. Steph is Emily from the Corpse Bride and Cass is Victor. The special effects makeup is so realistic that it makes Tim break his Spock character and shriek/jump 3 feet into the air when they sneak behind him.
Duke: Dresses up in a Riddler costume and makes up bad riddles just to rub it into the Riddler’s face that he’s a lame old guy telling shitty googled riddles (Revenge for something that happened earlier in the week, not that anyone knows he’s signal, but a burn from a child of a celebrity hurts just as bad from one of a hero) - The Riddler ends up crashing the party seconds before Commissioner Gordon tries to take Damian and Nika in for questioning of where exactly all that very real blood they used came from.
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cain-doodles · 6 hours
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Mother and Child
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batfamhastwitter · 2 days
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Part 28.5! I had so much fun with the last Q&A, I just figured I had to do it again! Feel free to send in some to a few non-Batfam supers as well!
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superbat-love · 2 days
Clark: Uh, hi Bruce.
Bruce: Hey.
Damian: Are you two going to stare at each other forever? Because it’s getting awfully cold out here.
Clark: [clears his throat] I brought your son over. I think you left him behind at the zoo.
Bruce: Yes, sorry about that. I have Jon here, I mistook him for Damian. I’ve been meaning to drive him back to Metropolis, but you saved me a trip. Thanks.
Jon: Alfred gave me a huge bowl of chocolate ice-cream, dad! It was sooo good!
Clark: Thanks for looking after Jon. Well Damian, I’m glad to have met you again, even if it wasn’t exactly under ideal circumstances.
Bruce: What did he do?
Damian: Nothing! It was the stupid zookeeper’s fault.
Bruce: Damian…
Damian: The zookeeper’s still alive, okay? The monkey would have been happier here anyway.
Bruce: Damian, I told you to stop bringing home random animals. Don’t think I don’t know about the cow you’ve been hiding in your bedroom.
Jon: You have a cow?
Damian: Yeah! Her name is Bat-Cow. Do you want to meet her?
Jon: Wow, I wanna see her! Can I dad?
Clark: Um, sure, if it’s not a problem for you, Bruce?
Bruce: Go ahead. [Watches Damian pull Jon to his room] God, why did I decide to have kids?
Alfred: You have eight, sir. It’s a little too late to be having regrets now. [turns to Clark] Forgive us for our lack of manners, Mr Kent. Would you like to come in for a cup of tea?
Superbat Family Fics
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theocddiaries · 2 days
Clark: Gosh, I had the opportunity of a lifetime and I wasted it. I'm such an idiot… Bruce: Oh, honey. You're not. Hey, what do you need? Anything, you name it. Dick: You could turn on the air conditioner. Bruce: I wasn't asking you. And I haven't gotten it fixed yet. Dick: You kidding? What does this family have against comfort? Bruce: The day has 24 hours, and I have 5 kids, the assholes in disguise who go out every fucking night to wreck this goddamned city, and now Clark's life crisis to add, okay? Do the math. Jason: He can't. He failed math. Bruce: You what? You failed math? Dick: You are dead. Jason: And you are dumb. He has to make it up in summer. Bruce: Summer? We're supposed to go to the lake next month! You just messed up the whole summer, Dick! Tim: I got all A's! Bruce: [soft]. Oh, baby, that's great. But I'm yelling at Dick right now. [Yells]. What the fuck is wrong with you?! How could you fail math? Dick: Because of the absences. Bruce: Absences? What absences!? I drop you off every morning! Dick: Yeah, you drop me off at the door. It’s another thing that I actually cross through the door. Bruce: Oh, you want to be a smartass? That's it. You're grounded without Nightwing, without Barbara, without acrobatics, and without anything you like. Want to make me miserable? Let's be miserable together! Dick: That's not fair! Bruce: Like hell is not! You're gonna have your nose in a book this whole summer, if I have to glue it to your goddamn face! You understand me? Am I speaking plain English, or did you flunk that with absences, too? Dick: No, I went to enough classes and I got a D-plus in English! Bruce: Oh, a D-plus! Well, let's have a fucking parade! Clark: Bruce… Bruce: I'm gonna hire a whole band for you, darling! [Imitates drums]. ♪ Three cheers for my D-minus son! ♪ Dick: D-plus! Damian: I'm sure your crisis seems insignificant now, right? Clark: Yes, that's why I moved here in the first place. Jason: So did I.
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reblog for wider sample size! tell me who you picked and why in the tags or replies ☺️
(ship chosen based on what i perceived to be the most popular fanon ship for batfam members)
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flwrkid14 · 2 days
Had the silliest idea while making breakfast.. what if Damian’s Favorite Brother is Tim, but for the Dumbest Reason...pancakes
My idea is that Tim is Damian’s favorite brother, but not for the reasons one might expect. It’s not because of Tim’s skill, his smarts, or his ability to stay three steps ahead in every fight. Nope. Damian’s real reason for favoring Tim over Dick, Jason, or even Bruce is much simpler.
It’s because Tim makes the best pancakes. Like, legendary pancakes.
Not even kidding.
One morning, Tim casually whips up a batch of pancakes in the kitchen—y’know, because Alfred’s off running errands and the rest of the family doesn’t know the first thing about breakfast beyond opening a box of cereal, and Tim's been feeding himself since he was six. So Tim steps up to the stove, and bam—fluffy, golden stacks of heaven.
Damian, who never really cared for breakfast, takes one bite of Tim’s pancakes and is sold. From that moment on, he’s obsessed.
“Drake, you will make me those pancakes again tomorrow."
And Tim just blinks, completely confused, but shrugs it off like, “Uh, sure?”
The next morning, Damian’s right there in the kitchen, bright and early, waiting for his daily dose of pancake perfection. By the third day, he’s even dragging a chair next to Tim, watching like a hawk as Tim cooks, making sure he’s using the right ingredients.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Batfamily is just like, “Really? This is the thing that bonds them?”
Tim, being Tim, just rolls with it. He doesn’t ask questions. If Damian wants pancakes, Damian gets pancakes. He’s just trying to survive his new role as “Pancake Master.”
But Damian? Oh, he’s serious about this.
Damian tells anyone who will listen that Tim is the only one who knows how to make breakfast properly. He’ll give the other brothers side-eye anytime they dare to suggest they could cook for him. Even Alfred raises an eyebrow, but Damian’s already set: Tim’s pancakes or nothing.
What’s even funnier is that when Damian gets pissed off at anyone, he refuses to eat their cooking. But Tim? Untouchable. The one person who can screw up as many times as he wants and still be in Damian’s good graces—because those pancakes? Irreplaceable.
So, while the Batfamily argues over strategy, patrols, or who gets to drive the Batmobile, Damian's priorities are clear:
"You’re all amateurs. Drake’s the only one who makes pancakes worthy of the Wayne name.”
And now, Tim’s been promoted to Damian’s favorite brother for the silliest reason imaginable. But hey, if the key to Damian’s heart is pancakes, Tim’s got that title locked down.
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