#crew of the revenge
latinkraken · 1 day
Dear @netflix, we have tons of lovely letters for you. @adoptourcrew and we'll be yours in love, death, and beauty.
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so anyway now that we saw stede postpone his grief for ed to save his entire crew, including the people who tried to kill ed, i better not see any more "stede is a terrible captain because he doesn't care about his crew at all, he only cares about himself and his own problems" takes ever again
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userarmand · 10 months
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izzy & the crew 💕
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mexibrenes · 10 months
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Pirate ship? More like love boat! . . . The funny pirate show gave me lots of feelings, HBO give us season 3 pls.
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stitchologist · 11 months
An encouraging love letter all the fanfic writers and artists-
Don't stop.
I don't care if Canon has gone off the rails or given us lore that directly contradicts your ideas. I want to read it. I want to see it. I want to know where you'd take these characters. I want to know what inspired you to create in the first place and I want to go on that journey with you. I want you to finish.
I want you to make it better. I want you to make it worse. Make it silly and heartbreaking and amazing. Make it everyday life and what ifs and 5&1s.
I'll be there with kudos and likes and ❤️❤️❤️ comments since this is the most articulate I've been in months.
Keep going. You loved an idea so much you've spent who knows how many hours writing and editing and drawing and posting.
I see you. Don't stop.
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deskgirl · 3 months
I think OFMD did something really interesting by saying you don’t earn having a safe space and a community by being “good” enough. Having that space is what allows you the support to heal and change and grow. Then you’re given opportunities to repay that kindness, to support that community, to defend and uplift and expand it.
(And if you fuck up, that isn’t the end of it. Not with a community that cares. Because they understand that sort of thing isn’t linear; they’ve walked the same path you have. So you make amends, you try again, you keep healing, you make the effort to do better because now you know there’s people you want to be better for.)
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Here's the full video for anyone else who may need it for....reasons and doesn't have it.
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This line has haunted me for a while now. It was a line I overlooked but it still felt important. It’s not just about Zheng’s ship but piracy as a whole. Piracy in the show is a male dominated field run under toxic masculinity and pressures. Throughout season 1 the idea gets reinforced that piracy is just this way, and to survive and thrive you have to conform to its standards. Izzy and Calico Jack and even the Badminton twins have this firm idea of what piracy is and should be.
Let’s look at season 1 episode 1. Stede as captain and the Revenge as a whole is played as a joke pirate ship. We know that the crew is considered bottom of the barrel when it comes to what you would want for a bloodthirsty pirate horde. Throughout the season this is pointed out over and over again. Izzy says that they’re not real pirates and I agree. At least they’re not real pirates as set by the standard of piracy. The crew are kind, they do crafts and like to be read to. Pirates don’t have friends and they don’t make things they steal them. Pirates also don’t live long. Most of the pirates Ed knows are dead. Frankly, the only reason Ed, Izzy, Fang, and Ivan are probably still alive is because Blackbeard doesn’t actually have to do raids because everyone surrenders. I firmly believe that if Stede and the crew tried to be “real” pirates they would’ve all died. Stede is not a good pirate by the end of season 1. Honestly, I don’t really think he’s trying to be. He doesn’t actually want to be a pirate, I mean if you told that man that he’d be responsible for a pirate fleet he’d probably faint. By the end of season 1 you could make the argument that the way Stede runs his ship is not conducive to successful piracy. That is until you meet Zheng Yi Sao.
Needless to say that Zheng is the most successful pirate we’ve seen on the show. Her fleet is massive and she conquered China. She’s an amazing pirate and she also defies the standard for piracy set by season 1. Her crew of the Red Flag (much like the Revenge) have communal activities, good food, they’re open with each other. If being successful as a pirate means adhering to toxic ideals where you’re on your own and you have to stab each other in the back to survive, Zheng’s fleet should be like that. But it’s not. Because true success is not about if you can get the thing you want but how long you can hold onto it. The other way leads to death and mutiny because being individualistic means you cannot be loyal to anything but your own self interest. With how spread out Zheng’s fleet is it would be so easy for someone to mutiny and take some of her ships. We can see Zheng fosters a sense of camaraderie among her crew. Season 2 shows that the idea that piracy is mean and toxic because it has to be is wrong. I’m sure if they got a season 3 they’d further develop this point.
Notably, Zheng’s crew are mostly all women. Much like the Revenge, these crews are full of marginalized people. Historically, marginalized groups had to develop their own community because they were not getting support on their own. It’s also no surprise that the main advocates for the old way of piracy were white men. They were told that they could do whatever they wanted by themselves and that they didn’t need to rely on anyone. And that was true… until they couldn’t keep up and then they were chewed up and spit out. You don’t last long on your own.
That’s why Zheng is such a threat to Ricky. Not just because she has a large fleet but because she was organizing other pirates. One pirate can be stopped but all of them are too formidable. We see this in season 1 when Stede is about to be executed. Ed alone can’t stop it, even though he’s Blackbeard, but once the entire crew defends Stede things change. The system thrives on people standing alone because they’re easy to quash, but also who needs to worry about a jumpstart pirate captain because sooner or later they’ll be mutinied against. I think this is what Izzy comes to see throughout season 2 and informs his speech to Ricky. Maybe the real piracy was the collective action and community we made along the way.
Circling back to the quote that started this, men don’t fit in with Zheng’s crew because they were purposely fed the lie that reliance on each other and community building was weak and soft. They’d have to unpack the lie they’ve been fed their whole life. The crown and piracy are two sides of the same coin holding up the same status quo. But piracy is dying because it was never designed to last. The crew of the Revenge live against all odds because to them it’s not about piracy itself but community and family. And those ideas can’t be killed.
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bizarrelittlemew · 1 year
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Our Flag Means Death 2x3 | Archie archerying firing the crossbow (for @unadulteratedkr)
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This SAG strike is a no promotion strike, meaning that if any actor who is a part of the guild promotes a show or movie in any way, they will be kicked out of the union.
This also goes for the writer's strike. The writers being on strike means that the editing for the show has most likely come to a complete stop. Any edit or change to the show requires approval from the writers, and if they give any feedback during the strike, they can be kicked out of the union.
This is why we haven't heard any news about Season 2. The editors and effects people literally CAN'T do their job during the strike.
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 4 months
wait fuck ok i’m back to being sad about it now
like the thing is that ed doesn’t really hang out with anyone but stede in season one, not really. and whenever he is talking to other ppl on the crew, stede is right there. the only exception to this is in episode 8 when jack brings the party energy and everyone is getting drunk and rowdy together specifically as part of jack’s efforts to exclude stede.
and as a fandom we always make jokes and theorize about what the relationship between ed and stede must look like from the outside, if they were all placing bets for when they’d finally hook up or if they had zero belief in stede’s ability to pull THEE blackbeard
but now i’m thinking about the crew’s perception of Ed Himself. of the crew’s perceptions of The Legendary Blackbeard and how that must’ve changed over the course of the first season. because when they first meet him they’re all impressed and starstruck bc yeah, duh, this is Pirate Beyoncé we’re talking about. they’re also in varying degrees “worried he’s gonna kill them.”
but they quickly see that the real pirate beyonce isn’t all leather and murder and head made of smoke. blackbeard swaps clothes with their cringefail (derogatory) boss for fun. he dresses up and goes to a fancy party just because he wants to—he’s not even trying to get anything out of it, doesn’t have an angle the way frenchie does, he genuinely just wants to go to a very un-Blackbeardy party and have fun. he tells them scary stories. he shows them some of his trade blackbeard secrets. he hypes them all up after their first fuckery (and i will never get over how cute that is exchange is, “scared the pants off me” and “i thought blackbeard didn’t feel fear” and “and i didn’t, until tonight” and the crew’s genuine excitement and pride). he goes on a treasure hunt with their cringefail (affectionate, now) boss and lets him dig in the ground to get it out of his system. they learn that ed isn’t just a scary pirate, he also can be silly and goof off and enjoy things that aren’t exactly compatible’s with the Blackbeard Brand
and beyond just not adhering 24/7 to the Brand, they learn that ed—that blackbeard—is human. is fallible. they see his first plan to escape the spanish fail, and they get to participate in the backup plan that he and stede come up with. frenchie sees ed get hurt at the fancy party in a way that he completely understands. lucius realizes that ed is just as into his cringefail boss as his cringefail boss is into ed, and over the course of giving ed a shovel talk he maybe learns that The Legendary Blackbeard might actually be nervous about a boy liking him back.
and none of this—NONE of this—makes the crew lose any respect for him. even pete never has a moment where his perception of his idol is shattered, where he’s disappointed that blackbeard isn’t all nine guns and zero mercy all the time. instead, pete expands his idea of what The Ideal Pirate (the ideal MAN) looks like.
i think by the time jack rolls around, ed is no longer on that Pirate Beyoncé pedestal to them. he’s still on a pedestal, a bit, but instead of seeing ed as this untouchable badass legend, they see him as like. the coolest guy on the ship. still a badass, still somebody they all respect and admire, but someone they can hang out with. someone they really want to hang out with. they want to impress ed because they want him to like them, they want to be his friend. and yeah, it’s played as a “your father and i are getting a divorce but we still love you very much” joke, but they really are so sad when ed leaves with jack.
and ed showing up with no beard and no stede, ed hiding in his cabin for. a day? multiple days? ed singing a song about his feelings. ed saying he no longer wants to go by blackbeard.
the crew is confused, but they’re on board. they don’t laugh at him for his (bad) singing, they don’t think less of him now that he’s sans iconic beard. ed, to them, is still The Coolest Guy On The Ship, and they want to be his friend. they’re excited to be his friend.
they want to put on a talent show.
and ed, right after getting stabbed in the back by jack and izzy, and then stede, and then izzy again—ed, who was so affected by the jeers of the rich fuckers at that fancy party, who grew up in a culture that doesn’t allow for friendship, a culture of everyone in various stages of fucking each other over—can’t see that. he’s got fresh heartbreak and fresh betrayal that are compounding on years of trauma and he hears them all chanting his name and he can’t trust this crew. he couldn’t trust his first mate, and he couldn’t trust his old shipmate, and he couldn’t trust stede. he cannot, cannot risk vulnerability with the crew. not again.
(and like, cmon, who is ed even kidding? he’s not made for things like softness and friendship and genuine camaraderie. trying to be anything other than blackbeard is like a wolf trying to fit in a sheep’s clothing, but the clothing is too small and everyone can see right through him and they’re all laughing and laughing and he’s the only one who can’t see what a joke he is. ed’s not an idiot, he knows there’s no way the crew is up their chanting his name and asking for another song because they like him. they just want the great clown pagliacci to come out and make them laugh.
so sure, ed’ll give them a show. they think ed’s funny? well he’s about to be fucking hilarious.)
EDIT: those of y’all seeing this in the ofmd tags are missing the additions where it gets even sadder
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mexibrenes · 8 months
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"Quand il me prend dans ses bras Qu'il me parle tout bas Je vois la vie en rose..." Calypso's Birthday is legit my favorite episode of the silly pirate comedy. Also the lighting is gorgeous.
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notthebeststufftbh · 1 year
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temporal-discounting · 4 months
I love the supportive male friendships that we see depicted in OFMD. We see so many beautiful examples of men allowing themselves, and each other, to be emotionally open.
We see them support their friends through heartbreak
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We see them crying in front of each other
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We see them lift each other up
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We see them check in and empathise with each other when they are hurting
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The crew of the Revenge develop such wonderful bonds. And I just think that's neat.
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gaypirateslife4me · 9 months
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OFMD + Reductress Headlines 1/?
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