dairyminki · 11 months
color me pretty | c.s
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↬ pairing: choi san x fem!reader
↬summary: he's alluring, he's king of the runway, and he's at the top of his game. you? not so much, really. is it too late to back out?
↬ genre: model au—model!san & model!reader, suggestive
↬warning/s: profanity
↬wc: 2.4k
↬a/n: viola! i'm finally graduating from fluff academy thanks to @chokchokk 's influence LMAO. this is heavily inspired by san's ig post which still has me in a chokehold btw. pls enjoy!
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*reblogs and feedbacks are much appreciated!
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There are cameras everywhere, a resounding click of the shutter one after another. Oh, and there's a lot of the color red present in the studio.
People are scattered all over the spacious room that you almost feel small as if every single thing and person in sight is intimidating you. And you're not going to lie, they surely do.
Frankly, if it weren't for your manager who's standing beside you, you might've immediately turned on your heel and walked your way back to the glass doors that you entered earlier, a minute just after arriving at the studio and finding how large of a scale this project actually is. Oh, to be back outside where you didn't feel suffocated and where you couldn't feel anybody's eyes on you.
"What would you do if I backed out…?" You tentatively asked your manager in a low voice, making sure that you were the only ones who could hear it.
You know that she heard you, but still, her eyes remained at the center of the room, where all the cameras are pointed at, and where all of the people's attention are currently drawn to.
"Where'd your previous confidence go? I don't remember seeing this hesitance of yours when I first suggested this project." Your manager replies, eyes still not leaving the subject of everyone's attention.
Because standing and posing effortlessly in the middle of everything is Choi San.
The renowned model, Choi San, whose face and body is probably the cover of every magazine you can think of, and who's dominated all the fashion shows you could only dream of attending, this year alone.
He's the king of the fashion and modeling industry, someone who is highly sought-after by every famous designer that you could possibly name at the top of your head. Choi San is a crowd favorite, he practically owns the runway, and he's a total icon to many—the young and the old, the rookies and the veterans.
And not to mention, he's your role model. Someone who you really look up to and perhaps, someone who you wanted to work with.
Right now, you're about minutes into turning that dream into reality, thanks to your manager and your incredibly impulsive self.
"Your thoughts are so loud, I could practically hear it." Your manager suddenly speaks, cutting through your abysmal thoughts. And then she turns to you, jabbing a finger right at your chest and saying, "But there's no way in hell that I'm letting you back out because, first of all, you'll be working with a supermodel, and second, hello?!" She exclaims the last part in a hushed voice with matching wide gestures, that you visibly flinch. However, it seemed like she couldn't care less because she cups your face and turns your head towards the side of the room where a stunning man dressed in an expensive sparkly black suit with a diamond logo on the tie, stood.
"You'll be wearing his creation! The Damian Luxe!" She squeals near your ear, and you grimace, because she is loud, alright.
Damian Luxe is the owner of one of the biggest and leading fashion brands ever known all over the world—Luxe Looks. And right now, you still can't quite believe how he's just a few steps away from you, seemingly engrossed in a conversation with one of the photographers.
You're not sure how he ended up picking you out of all the models out there. Somehow picking you alongside one of the top iconic faces of the fashion industry, to serve as his muses for his newest fashion collection, which is set to be released and made known to the public in less than a month. The pressure that is placed on you is quite heavy since it's just your second year into this modeling career.
And it is a sudden twist and turn from your usual looks and gigs. From being known as a model who has summer vibes, cute, and freshness up their alley, to starring in an intimate and quite sensual photoshoot in honor of Luxe's brand new and bold fashion collection entitled, Pleasures of the Heart.
"Believe me, I was overjoyed when you first told me about it. But really? You didn't even bother telling me that I'll be partnered up with Choi San? The Choi San?" You put quite an emphasis on the word 'the' in order to get your point across and make your manager realize your current dilemma at hand.
Because knowing you? There's a ninety-five percent of you messing this up because of your clumsy ass, the remaining five percent will be you fainting, by the way.
Oh god, you can't possibly do this right?
What if you embarrass yourself in front of him? Would you be able to live with that memory for the rest of your life?
You think not.
However, you weren't even given that much choice when one of the stylists arrives and steals you away from the comfort of your manager's side in order for you to get dolled up and ready for your photoshoot with Choi San.
Here's to fucking it up, I guess, you think, heaving a sigh as you followed the stylist in one of the rooms.
You don't think that Choi San is actually real.
Heck, you didn't even think that someone could possibly make blowing bubble gum as something sexy.
Shivers ran down your spine and goosebumps littered your skin as you watched Choi San angle his face and send sultry looks to every camera pointing at him. If you were confident enough, you might've jumped him already, popping that bubble gum in his mouth and licking it off his lips right after.
Wait what-
You frantically shook your head. Is this what Choi San's alluring effect feels like? Because if it is, then you're so fucked.
Your manager and the stylist earlier, told you that there'll be some duo shots so that means, yes, touching will be involved.
When they first told you that, you weren't sure if you'll be able to pull it off because one, Choi San, is incredibly gorgeous. And two, he's only donned in a coat and pants, and no undershirt in sight! Which leaves a portion of his abs in display for anyone's eyes to feast on—not like you're feasting on them or anything.
You gulp.
Is it really too late to back out?
Moments later, you begin internally thanking the heavens, when Choi San's individual shoot has come to an end and he's called back by one of the stylists for a wardrobe change. Which you think will be in match with the pitch black bodysuit you're currently wearing underneath your robe. The robe isn't part of the look at all, you simply have it on for now because you aren't that confident yet. You honestly think you'll never be but maybe you'll be fine since the stylist said you'll still have one piece to wear later.
A red overcoat to match the red stilettos your feet is currently clad in.
One of the staff tapped you on the shoulder and led you closer to the center, saying that you'll be starting the duo shots in a few minutes.
The staff said it with a sweet smile that you have no choice but to smile back as well even if your insides were already churning and you're starting to break into a cold sweat.
You were in the middle of doing a breathe in and breathe out exercise in order to relax your nerves for a little bit, when you suddenly felt another tap on your shoulder. Thinking that it was probably one of the staff or stylists again, you turned around, only to be met with a pair of deep black cat-like eyes and a dimpled smile.
It was freaking Choi San.
"Nervous?" His voice was a clear rasp. Your knees growing weak at the sight of him in a sheer black tank top, which showed how buff he really was, and the same pants as earlier. His hair is still slick-backed with a few gelled-strands hanging against his forehead. A black biker glasses snugly sitting on top of his head served as his only accessory.
God, he's breathtakingly gorgeous being so close to you like this.
"U-Uh, yes, very, Mr. Choi."
Well done! You just stuttered in front of Choi San. But who wouldn't?
To your surprise, loud laughter comes out from his lips. His pink plump lip—oh would you please snap out of it?!
"Mr. Choi? Oh my, just call me San!" He chuckles. "You're Y/N, right?" He asks, a few moments after, and it prompts you to nod your head.
"You're a pretty little thing aren't you?" San says this so casually that it catches you so off guard, you choke on nothing.
While you're busy trying to re-organize yourself and your breathing, San makes it a mission to further turn you into a flustered mess as he gently pulls you by the waist. Then he leans in, mouth dangerously close to your ear and whispers the words that will certainly haunt your insides for the rest of the time that you'll be stuck in his presence.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of you, pretty."
You and San have been receiving praises from left and right ever since the shoot started. You even heard from the head photographer that you two surprisingly share quite a chemistry in front of the cameras even though it's only your first time pairing up together.
Although, you do admit that you've had your awkward moments prior because, first, it is your first intimate photoshoot, second, your outfit is so far the most revealing you've ever worn despite the overcoat you're wearing, and third, San was very close. Too close.
But it's not like you're complaining anyway. In fact, you think you might be enjoying it a little too much than what you've anticipated. And, you just hope it's not noticeable to him or you'd die of embarrassment as soon as you step out of the studio.
Anyway, you felt every exhale that San had made in the past half hour, and it's very ticklish. But you also felt quite feverish with the way his rough hands seemed scalding hot against your skin, despite his touches and hold on you being gentle.
San was nothing but sweet and kind as he gently coaxed you out of your shell, always guiding you with every pose and expression. Because of him, you're starting to get more comfortable with the theme of the set and the overwhelming attention being poured on you two.
But of course, another challenge was bound to appear and send your mind into a haywire.
"Perfect! Now, let's have you sit on top of San." The head photographer suddenly instructs. "But first, I want you to sit on the floor, San." He adds.
All the while San's following the photographer's direction, you're left frozen, standing on the side, not quite sure if you heard the photographer right.
By the time you've snapped out of your thoughts and you're back to your senses, San's already sitting on the floor with his legs slightly spread out, his arms are kind of spread out as well with his palms completely flat on the floor, and he's slightly leaning back with his toned arms supporting his upper body's weight.
And he's looking at you. Looking at you with an expression you can't exactly figure out.
Before the photographer could even call your name and give you instructions as well, San's already beckoning you over with his index finger.
As if entranced, you walk towards him without any word. And when San told you that you should take off your overcoat, you followed him, dropping the piece of clothing to the floor. Then, when San told you to straddle his lap, you did it without any fuss despite your visible shaking which you're certain that he noticed because he's leaning towards you again.
"I got you, pretty. Didn't I say I'll take care of you, hmm?" San whispers against the shell of your ear. "You'll let me take care of you, right?" He asks when he still gets no response from you.
Inhaling deeply, albeit shakily, you nod your head.
Still not shying away from the close proximity, your breath hitches when San's hands come to wrap around your waist, one of them caresses your side, slightly making you jolt at the suddenness of the action.
"Words, pretty. I need words." San hums.
"Y-Yes. I'll let you take care of me."
"Good girl," He purrs and playfully bites your ear lobe, which, again, sent you lightly trembling as you felt the heat which started to creep its way from your lower abdomen and up to your face.
"Now, I want you to only look at me, alright? Can you do that for me?" San asks, thankfully, now with enough gap between the two of you, enabling you to breathe more easily.
"Yeah, I can do that." You reply and this makes San smile, dimples adorning his face once again.
San shifts underneath you for a bit, his palms at the small of your back. He adjusts your position on top of him and then his hands leave you as he goes back to leaning, but this time, with his hands much further back than before. This subtle change enables him to look up at your face more comfortably.
San instructs you to put your hands on his chest instead of being on top of his shoulders as what the photographer has instructed for you to do. And then, he retracts his right hand from the floor and puts it back on your waist instead.
And just like that it has the photographer screaming delightedly the word, "Excellent!"
"Excellent," San mimics in a soft voice, tongue darting out to lick his own lips, all the while his eyes never left yours. And you reckon, yours didn't leave him as well throughout the entirety of the photoshoot.
Well, after having him this close and looking so out-of-this-world while under you, where you can basically see every twitch of his eyebrows, every contraction of his arm muscles, and every bob of his adam's apple, with his attention all on you and you alone the whole time…you're quite not sure if you'll be able to take your eyes off of him ever again.
If this is how it feels to be under Choi San's alluring gaze, then, oh, you're so fucked, because there seems to be no possible escape, at all.
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dairyminki · 11 months
Inked By Fate - ONE
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↬ pairing/s: park seonghwa x fem!reader, choi san x fem!reader ↬ genre: soulmate!au, racers!ateez, rivalry, angst, romance, fluff, pining ↬warning/s: none (lmk if i missed anything) ↬wc: 1k+
*reblogs and feedbacks are much appreciated!
You hissed as you felt the pricking sensation on your back growing much more intense by the second. Your hands gripped at the counter, knuckles almost turning white, as you tried to steady yourself up whilst trying to not give in to the pain.
Here, it goes again.
A minute or two later, the door to the shop opens, revealing another female whose face turned panicky upon seeing your state behind the counter.
"Oh my god, Y/N!" The newly arrived female runs to you and then quickly guides you to one of the chairs. She eases you through the pain by cracking some jokes and telling you everything about her day. By the time the pain subsided, you were left staring at the pastel-painted ceiling, spaced out on the chair with a sore back.
A voice snaps you out of your mini daze.
"I-I think it's the biggest one yet, Jia." You told your best friend whose eyes widened in response.
"That explains why you looked more pained than ever." Jia says, pouting. "I'm sorry you always have to go through this. If only I can do something-"
You immediately put a hand up, indicating that you don't want to hear Jia continuing her words.
Because in the first place, it's not and will never be your best friend's fault. The cruelty of fate and destiny - that's what to blame.
"Ji, can you check it for me please?" You ask her instead, gesturing your back, with your head. Without any other word, Jia rushes behind you and rolls up your baby blue shirt.
"Oh my- Y/N, it's very pretty!" Jia exclaims, prompting you to roll your eyes.
"Jia, everything for you is pretty," you counter.
"No- I mean, I'm not kidding this time. This one's different!" Jia insists, and when you turn to look at her, you could see how your best friend's eyes sparkled in delight.
Seeing the doubt in your face, Jia offers, already extending her hand to you, "Do you want me to take a picture of it?" she asks.
"Yes, please."
As soon as you got inside your apartment, you immediately went inside your room and made your way to your bed. Hugging a pillow, you laid down on your side as your mind drifted off to the familiar dark abyss where your endless thoughts resided.
Just how much pain will you still have to go through before you finally meet them?
For all you could know, maybe the chances of meeting them might not even be that high...so does that mean you'll have to suffer endlessly through these pains?
Sometimes, you question why fate and destiny chose to play their cards this way...
Why do they have to make it so hard for everyone, just for the sake of finding each other's soulmates? Your soulmate.
Yes, all the pain you've been feeling is all caused by your one and only soulmate. Your, supposed to be, 'other half' who, for some reason, you still can't find.
As a child, your parents always told you and your brother about the concept of soulmates, and of fate and destiny. Because of that, you've learned to love and appreciate the concept so much that everytime you see the inked initial on your wrist, you can't help but smile. Looking at it always manages to make your day.
That is, until you turned 18 - still no signs of your so-called soulmate. Due to that unfortunate reason, you had to experience another soulmate mark.
You remembered giggling in joy once upon a time as you let your imagination run wild. You imagined that maybe you'll have the infamous different eye color mark, or maybe the changing hair color one - but you certainly didn't expect this - for getting another tattoo related mark.
It started when you were in the middle of your Physics midterm exam, when you suddenly felt pain surging through your lower leg. The pain was bearable, but still it was pain.
When you went inside the bathroom, that's when you took notice of the black ink that was present in your leg. The tattoo was in the form of a fiery crown. And at first you were confused, thinking that your eyes were probably deceiving you. However, after spending nearly an hour staring at the same spot on your leg and searching on the web for confirmation, you eventually found out that it indeed is, your new soulmate mark.
After that, the tattoos just kept coming, and before you even knew it, your upper arm towards your back was littered with black ink.
And then today happened...
The biggest tattoo your soulmate has ever done - and they really had to place it on their back?
You wanted to curse them, but you thought that what if your soulmate didn't know? What if your soulmate didn't know that this is the case for your new soulmate mark? That for each tattoo they decide to get on their skin, the very same one starts to blossom on yours as well? Can you blame them?
"What a day..." You mutter under your breath, and then you suddenly realized that you still haven't seen the new design on your own back. And so, you quickly fished your phone out from your pocket.
"Oh my god...Jia wasn't joking." It is pretty. Maybe, the prettiest you've ever seen.
The tattoo was an infinity symbol, but instead of the plain one, it was made of a rose, with its stem bended into a loop with all the thorns present. And then somewhere along the lines were the words, fate and destiny.
You don't know why, but you felt warm. You felt warm because it's as if your soulmate was thinking the same as you.
That no matter how beautiful the concept of having soulmates is, the process of finding them says otherwise. But in the end, you know it'll be worth it. Just like a rose, no matter how beautiful it is, it still has prickly thorns that might pierce your skin. But in the end, it'll still be a beautiful flower to those who can see.
So that's why even though this game of hide and seek might be tiring and somewhat painful, you'll still move forward. Hoping that each step you take will finally lead you to your soulmate.
"What a beautiful pain..." You sighed as your gaze went to the letter that was inked on your right wrist.
↬a/n: hello hello hello~ this one's finally been freed from my drafts dungeon and i'm so happy! the first chapter is just an introduction for y'all to get a glimpse of the character and their life. see ya on the next chapter where things will begin to unfold ♡
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dairyminki · 11 months
Like A Cat | c.s
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↬ pairing: choi san x gn!reader
↬ summary: out of the two of you, san, with no doubt, was clingier as his love language centered on physical touch and affection. but when the tables do turn, san is much more delighted to accept what you give him
↬ genre: fluff, established relationship
↬ warning: light swearing
↬ wc: 500+
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"I'm home!" You shout as soon as you open the door to your apartment. Being freakishly tired from work, you end up wobbling on your way to the couch, your bag dropping to the floor, while your sore body collides with the softness of the furniture.
You were beyond exhausted.
"Y/N!" San's shrill voice comes from your shared bedroom, having woken up from his light nap after hearing your voice. However, his cheerful voice chanting your name repeatedly immediately died down when he saw your state on the couch.
To him, and everyone who has eyes - he thinks - you looked like life was sucked out of you.
"Oh my god, my baby, are you okay?" Worry and concern was evident in your boyfriend's tone as he knelt in front of you, cupping your cheeks in his hands.
"Do I look okay to you?" You muttered weakly, closing your eyes. Which sent San into a frenzy; him, shaking your body, while ridiculously thinking that you were going to pass out on him.
"For fuck's sake, stop overreacting, San! I'm just tired…" You groan, now turning to plant your face on the plushness of the couch. Then, your boyfriend speaks up,
"Oh, why didn't you say so? God, I panicked for nothing."
You didn't give him any response.
Not when he speaks up for the second time. This time, asking, "My tired baby, do you want anything? Tell me, and I'll do it for you, hmm?"
San threads his fingers through your hair, trying to tidy it up as gently as possible. You nearly whimpered at the feeling. The way he did it was so soft that it almost lulled you to sleep.
"Anything?" You repeat in a hushed voice, cheek squished as you turn once again to look at him.
"Yeah, anything."
And that's how you find yourself seated on San's lap, cuddling with him on the couch. Your face buried in his neck whilst you litter lazy pecks along the side of it. San's fingers continued to caress your hair, giggling as your kisses tickled him.
"Is this okay, baby?" Smiling, San asks you, making you shake your head.
You pulled away from him and found him looking at you, confused. Even with tired eyes, you still managed to smile cheekily, pointing at your lips.
"Want you to kiss me too."
It had San giggling even more, more than happy to supply to your request. Anything for his baby.
A kiss on the forehead.
On your nose.
The apples of your reddened cheeks.
And lastly, on the lips.
"Anything else?" San asks, booping your nose.
"No." You say softly. And then like a cat, you went back to nuzzling your face in his neck, basking in the scent of his perfume. Your eyes closed in pure bliss.
San had wrapped you tightly in his embrace, one hand playing with your hair the way you liked it to, while the other remained on your waist, his fingers drawing any pattern that came to his mind.
San wishes that when you wake up, you'll still choose to stay in his hold.
Because, frankly, he enjoys every minute of it. Loving the way you fit perfectly in between his arms.
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↬a/n: ahhhhhck here's a little something as i slowly ease myself back into writing once again teehee
↬ ATEEZ Masterlist
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dairyminki · 11 months
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this heavily reminds me of my san series ngl
✨️ part of my 300 milestone event 🪄
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title: make it up to you
pairing: choi san x gn!reader
genre: established relationship, fluff to suggestive real quick
warning/s: use of pet names (baby, babe, kitten)
wc: 879
a/n: hello hello to one of my fave persons here! this is just one of the many pics u sent me sooo sit back and enjoy ig?? helpsksks i'm really thankful for that san series of urs btw cos it was the reason we both started talking hehet,,,anyway! i hope u like this one luvv <333 and yes the pic do be rlly reminding me of ur san im screaming this was not so nice of u
*reblogs and feedbacks are highly appreciated!
San chuckles, hearing the frustrated huffs that manage to escape your mouth every now and then. He could practically see from the vanity mirror, currently in front of him, the little pout on your lips as well as your arms that are crossed against your chest.
You were already in bed, dressed in your bluish sanrio themed pajamas and—he bets—you're absolutely warm and comfortable under the comforter right now. Although, your furrowed brows say otherwise.
"What's my kitten pouting for, hmm?" San coos, a hint of teasing present in his tone. He has his head slightly angled to the right as he eyes his newly moisturized face in the mirror, two fingers pressing on his lips.
The thing is, he's currently intently admiring his no makeup face and he's not trying to deny that because—damn, he does look great.
You always tell him this, and there are still times that he can't quite put himself to believe it—not tonight though, obviously.
"If there's someone who resembles a cat more, between the two of us, it's gotta be you, Choi San."
San stills in his seat and his self-admiration comes to a halt.
You just called him, San. Not sweetie, not darling, not bubba, and most of all, you didn't call him, Sannie.
Rather, you referred to him with his government name, and this was enough to relay to him just how deep your growing annoyance with him is now.
"Baby…" San softly says, he briefly lifts his butt off the stool as he turns to fully face you.
But when you make no effort to reply and simply cover your face with the comforter instead, he stands up and makes his way over to the bed.
San keeps sweetly uttering the endearment until the mattress dips due to his added weight and until the very moment that he's already laying beside you.
A whine comes out of San's mouth when he sees that you've managed to steer clear of his not so subtle attempt of caging you in his arms. You avoided him by rolling towards your left and viola!—you're now a human sized burrito.
"Don't baby me!"
"But you're my baby!" San whines even louder.
"Yeah? And you kept this baby waiting for an hour when you promised you'd be done for only a few minutes," You argue, prying off the comforter from your face—San takes note of your slightly red face with a smile—your movements, sharp.
"Babe, I had to make sure that I've wiped every ounce of makeup from my face. Plus, I wanted to be presentable enough for you since we haven't seen each other for like a week," San squeaks, and he sees that you're trying your very best not to roll your eyes at him.
Instead, you scoff.
"You're pretty handsome already, Sannie. I always tell you that."
Ah, now there's that nickname he loves hearing.
Now lying on his side, San musters all the strength needed to pull you towards him—though, he didn't really need that much to do so. This action causes your body to be unwrapped from the comforter and ends with your face flat against his rock hard chest. San laughs when he hears you mutter an 'oof,' and then wastes no time to wrap you in his arms and entangle his legs with yours.
You were now his prey, trapped, and if he's merciful enough, he might just be contented in giving you a few kisses to make it up to you—despite your cute whines—for just a few seconds and then release you from his cage-like embrace, and call it a night, afterwards.
"Ou shmell good." San hears your muffled voice, and he giggles because of the light vibration your voice just made against his chest. And then you're pushing yourself away from him at arm's length, staring up at him.
"Have you been working out more, by the way? Your chest is…" You pause to clear your throat. "...rock solid." You continue, blushing.
San does his absolute best to stay calm despite your comment and your now flustered face. Instead, he makes it a mission to tuck every stray hair that fell and covered your face, behind your ear, and not meeting your eyes while he does so. And he was doing great, very great.
Well, that was until one of your hands gripped his muscly arm, and the other started playing at the neckline of his black tank top.
It's safe to say that the tables have turned and San was now the flustered one.
He is now the prey as he finally locks his eyes with yours. The dark gaze you were wearing was a clear indication that it won't just be cute kisses tonight—but rather, a hot long night filled with further lingering touches and kisses trailing down—
"Make it up to me?"
But, oh—San is very willing to make it up to you, alright. In fact, he might just not show mercy after all.
San hears you murmur, which enticingly pulls him out of his reverie. And then it happens so quickly, with San barely having any time to blink, that now you're already straddling his hips. San's chest heaves at the sight of you on top of him.
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dairyminki · 11 months
Inked By Fate - TWO
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↬ pairing/s: park seonghwa x fem!reader, choi san x fem!reader ↬ genre: soulmate!au, racers!ateez, rivalry, angst, romance, fluff, pining ↬warning/s: lots of profanities, illegal racing ↬wc: 3.6k ↬a/n: early update (this is where the fun starts)! bcos i might be busy next week hehet. this wasn't proof-read so i'm sorry for the errors if there are. i would also love to hear your thoughts abt the story so far, thanxx!
*reblogs and feedbacks are much appreciated!
Waking up to the smell of cooked eggs and bacons, you quickly sat up on your bed, brows furrowed.
Is your sense of smell fooling around with you?
Someone's definitely cooking in the kitchen. But who could it be?
Oh no.
What if it's an intruder - making itself at home knowing that you were dead asleep?
If the person sees my tattoos, will that be enough to scare them?
With that thought in mind, you went out of the comfort of your bed and slipped into your fuzzy slippers, praying that whoever was inside your apartment was someone your own size, who you can actually fight, or you'll be dead meat.
On your way, you took the baseball bat that was placed just in front of your room's door. But when you see who was moving inside the kitchen whilst humming to a song, you halt in your steps. It was a guy.
Should I hit him now? or should I wait when he turns around so I could hit him right in the face?
With your hand still raised together with the baseball bat in the air, the person turns around, nearly dropping the plate of newly cooked baconstrips when he flinches.
"Motherfucker, you scared me!"
"Yeosang?!" You exclaimed in disbelief. You stared him up and down. Oh, so that's why you didn't recognize his back like you always would, he's got his hair dyed again - this time it's light ash blonde.
"Yesss, it's me! Now, if you could just...lower that bat down...please?" Yeosang asks gently, not wanting to anger you further because of his sudden appearance inside your humble abode.
"Oh, right. Sorry." You smiled sheepishly. You put back the bat to its original place, then came back to the kitchen to join the latter for breakfast.
He didn't burn the kitchen this time. Wow, Jia must've rubbed off her cooking skills on him.
You wait for Yeosang to fill your plate with food, before you straighten up on your seat, arms-crossed.
"Now, why are you here dear brother?"
Yeosang looks up from his plate, raising his perfectly sculpted eyebrow at you. "What? I can't visit my own sister now?"
You scoffed at this. "Sure. But just so you know, this is so out of the blue, Kang Yeosang. If I remember clearly, I haven't seen your face for like what? Two years? So why now?" This time, it was your turn to raise an eyebrow at him, suspicious at his sudden actions.
Yeosang continues munching on his food first, before he places down his fork, sighing. "Okay, okay. You got me!"
With a triumphant smile, you leaned on the table, your elbow rested on top as you propped your chin on your palm.
"Jia told you, didn't she?" You muse, looking at him dead in the eye, which sooner turned into a staring battle between the two of you.
Of course, Yeosang lost.
"Ugh, she told me not to tell you this though. But you're a smart bitch so I guess it's not my fault." He shrugs, but you know yourself that your brother's going to have a scolding from his girlfriend later.
Yes, Jia is Yeosang's girlfriend. What a small world right?
"Well, thank you dipshit." You fire back, grinning, but he just rolled his eyes at you. And then he turns serious.
"Also, to answer your question, yes, Jia told me." He says, eyes now looking solemn. "But seriously? Eight tattoos in a week? What is your soulmate? A masochist?" Yeosang huffs, to which you just glared at.
"Yeo, my soulmate doesn't know." You said sharply. Wanting to prove a point to him.
"Sure, they don't. But that doesn't change the fact that you're always in pain because of that piece of shit."
"Yeo, tone down your language!" You hiss.
"Fine!" He exclaims.
Soon the table was filled with a tense silence, neither of you chose to look at each other, blood boiling because of different reasons.
You know that Yeosang is just protective of you, his only sister, his only family left. But it doesn't mean he can go around and curse your soulmate like that, your soulmate is still your other half.
"Alright, I'm sorry Y/N." Yeosang breaks the silence first. Your brother isn't really one who is fond of doing apologies first, given his high-walled ego. So you just nod.
"Look at me, though." Yeosang pleads, and without looking, you know he's already sporting that pouty face of his.
Imagining him looking silly, far from his usual cold and cocky facade, you break into a smile.
"Now, that's what I like." You heard him say and when you looked at him he was already smiling at you.
"Okay, so as I was saying, Jia told me about your sufferings, and it pains her to always see you like that, so..."
"So?" You repeat, raising one of your brows.
"She asked me to convince you to take a break from the flower shop first."
"Break? You know I can't do that, Yeo." You pout, just imagining how boring your life will be if you'll just spend the rest of the following days inside your apartment, probably just repeating the same routine. Wake up, eat, sleep, and repeat.
Working in the flower shop was the only thing that you looked forward to, and now you're asked to take a break?
Was it because you accidentally forgot to wear a shirt that was long enough to cover your tattoos? Did it scare a customer and they end up telling Jia about it?
Before you knew it, you were already overthinking, luckily though, Yeosang was quick to notice it and eventually snapped you out of it.
"Y/N, Jia has the purest intentions, believe me. You didn't do anything wrong, okay? We just want what's best for you." Yeosang reassures you, stroking your cheek gently. You leaned into his touch, nodding your head.
"Alright, I'll take a break..."
"Good. Then you better be ready tomorrow because I'm picking you up." He states, making you move away from him to look at him in the face.
"And where exactly are you taking me?"
"Weren't you curious about where I work? I'm bringing you there tomorrow." Yeosang smirks.
You don't know why, but you feel like this will be a bad idea, but at the same time, you were kind of excited?
"Yeosang?" You say, uneasiness slowly creeping into your system.
"Relax, it's nothing that illegal-well, who am I kidding? Of course it's illegal - anyway, I assure you it'll be fun!" He chuckles, relishing in the idea of finally bringing you to see his world.
But say what - did he just say illegal?!
"Kang Yeosang I swear-"
"Oh trust me, you'll love it dear sister."
"You work at a club?" You turn to your brother who's behind the steering wheel of his red chevrolet camaro.
Yeosang merely shakes his head, then the car slows down, his side of the window rolls down, and the next thing you knew, he was talking to a buff guy, who seems like a bouncer to you.
You see the buff guy throw you a look before he tells you to reach out your hand.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Just reach out your hand, Y/N." Yeosang tells you, and you do oblige, because the guy outside the window is scaring the shit out of you already.
The guy straps a leather band on your wrist, and just like that, he was out of your sight, and the camaro was rolling back on its wheels.
Although confused, your mouth opens in awe when you realize you weren't headed for the luxurious club. Instead, a passageway opens just at the side and Yeosang has led the car through it.
So now you're like inside of a tunnel, a tunnel that felt endless as Yeosang drove. But then you see it.
The lights.
And then you hear noises.
And that's when you see the big silver ass of a sign.
"Y-Yeosang?" You mutter, your eyes never leaving the sign.
"Where are we?"
You hear your brother chuckle before you look at him, only to see him wearing that devious of a smirk on his face.
"Welcome to the world of underground racing, sister."
When Yeosang said his job is illegal, you totally didn't expect to find yourself standing inside the walls of an underground racing facility.
Seriously? Illegal speed racing?? This is what he does for a living? Can you even consider it as a job, when it's more of like a dangerous hobby?
Still, you know your brother gets paid tons for this shit, seeing how the place looks so unrealistically expensive, so you're just gonna shut your mouth like the good sister you are.
"Does Jia know?" Is the first thing you asked him when the two of you walked further into the venue where you could already see the racing track and the expensive looking cars all scattered around.
"Of course she does. You know that I could never lie to that woman."
"You've got a point there." You say and then you let your eyes wander around.
The place was filled with people, either walking inside the area, or up in the bleachers. Some were even holding huge placards with what you presume were the racers' names. The place was humongous, lots of varying lights brightened up the race track.
Are you perhaps...dreaming?
Because there's no way something like this exists? And you only knew of it like, now??
Where on earth was Yeosang wandering that made him able to discover this place?
"If you've got questions, go ask now." Yeosang tells you.
You have lots of questions in mind, but you don't know what or how to start. This information for just one night is too overwhelming, it almost made you speechless.
"Have the authorities found out about this place? Or like, did you get arrested once?"
You admit this place might be considered close to utopia for some, but you can't also deny the fact that this, whatever this shit your brother is doing is illegal. Not to mention, the potential harm it can cause to everyone involved with it. To think he managed to bring you here...in his world...should you be scared?
Yeosang did say he wanted you to take a break and that he wanted what's best for you. So is this the solution to that? When this whole thing is close to giving you anxiety? That any minute now, a police might barge into the place and then-
"Kang Y/N!" Yeosang spoke with so much power in his voice that it was enough to bring you back to reality.
"You're doing it again, you're overthinking." He says, gently this time.
Yeosang moves closer, gripping his hands on both sides of your shoulders, looking you in the eye. "I promise you, you need not worry. I wouldn't bring my precious sister here if I knew it wasn't safe enough for her."
"Endangering you is the last thing I would ever do." Yeosang tells you, and it was enough of a reassurance.
Right, when has Yeosang ever broken your trust? Never. Though the two of you fight like cats and dogs every single damn time. But yes, you trust him.
"Plus, not to brag, but our higher officials have never ever slipped even once. The reason why KQ-STRIP has been underground for almost a decade." At that he's back to his cocky self, and you had every urge to roll your eyes at him, but you don't.
At a distance, you hear screeching tire noises, and then three cars; green, blue, and orange come into view, pulling up beside your brother's red camaro.
"Ah, speaking of them devils. They're here." Yeosang clasps his hands. You turn to him, puzzled, but he just loops his arm with yours and drags you with him to the three newly arrived vibrant looking cars.
At that moment, the three drivers went out, and you had to suck in a breath. The first one was tall with black hair, he had soft facial features but he screamed manly, nonetheless.
Meanwhile, the owner of the green car had light brown hair, slicked back, and had dark glasses on. Just like the first, he was tall.
Lastly, the owner of the blue car steps out, and unlike the two towers, he was smaller, even a tad smaller than your brother.
Despite his height though, he displayed the same cockiness as Yeosang and had platinum blonde hair, with some fringes dropping to his forehead.
They were gorgeous alright.
As if Yeosang knew what you were thinking, he nudged you ever so lightly.
"They're my friends, and no you're not hitting on any of them."
"I wasn't planning to." You grit your teeth. They're gorgeous, yes, you give them that. But you're loyal to your soulmate alright?
"Well, well, who do we have here?" The short one says, examining you up and down.
Tonight you wore a black leather jacket just like your brother and the rest of these guys. Yeosang told you it's a part of the dress code.
"Hongjoong hyung, this is my sister, Kang Y/N."
"Sister you say? She's pretty!" The one with the black hair exclaims, then he sends you a warm smile, enough to make your insides all fluttery.
"And hot!" The one with the glasses adds, whistling. Of course, you had to look away to hide the blush on your cheeks. "Well, thank you." You say quietly.
"Mingi, I didn't bring her here for you to hit on." Yeosang glares at the taller man.
"Alright, alright. Geez, I was just merely giving her a compliment." Mingi defends himself, and when he catches you looking at him, he sends you a wink.
And now, the other tall male was hitting him, telling him to tone down his flirty antics.
Then you hear someone cough.
"I'm sorry about them, they can be pretty handful sometimes. Anyway, I'm Kim Hongjoong." The blonde introduces himself, and offers his gloved hand in front of you.
You were about to accept his hand when another hand came into sight, pushing the former away.
"And I'm Yunho, Jeong Yunho!" He says, catching you off guard.
"It's nice to meet you, Yunho." You say, chuckling, as you shook his hand.
"The disrespect." Hongjoong mutters at the side, but then he turns to your brother.
"Why bring her this time, Sang?" He questions.
"Dunno. Just thought this would be a perfect place for her to have her break and distract her for the time being. Plus, she would be able to see her handsome brother at work." Yeosang says, winking at you.
"Ooh, ooh! Does that mean you'll bring her the following nights too?" Mingi chirps in, looking expectantly at your brother.
"Well, I guess? If she ends up liking it here. Then why not?" Yeosang shrugs.
Then as if something in you shifted, your focus wasn't on their conversation anymore, your system feeling like it's burning with anticipation and excitement...?
Because just at that moment, three other cars entered the scene, all black in color.
And when the first car door opens, revealing a tall man, clad in all black from head to toe, your breath hitches and you can't find it in you to look away. Even when his eyes met yours for a brief second and then turned his back.
You tug your brother's sleeve, whispering, "Yeosang...who is that?"
"Oh. That's...that's Park Seonghwa. And he's someone you shouldn't go near to Y/N."
"Because he's the King, the King of the tracks. And he shouldn't be messed with." Yeosang supplies, and then Yunho suddenly appears behind you two, saying, "But you can mess with his two friends, they're nice and funny! On a second thought- no, they could break your heart if you get too attached with them."
"Also Inferno is our rival, therefore they're not a friend, but a foe." It was Hongjoong who spoke this time.
"What do you mean by Infer-" Before you could even finish your sentence, Yeosang cuts you off, grabbing a hold of your wrist. "That's enough info for the night, so why don't we just go and-"
"Elysium, my friends!" A voice cuts through the air, halting you and your brother in your tracks.
"Piece of shit." Yeosang grumbles under his breath, and the two of you turn around only to see three males clad in black approaching you and Yeosang's friend group.
The way they carried themselves screams confidence with a slight arrogance in their steps.
The guy in the middle was smiling and the other on his left was smirking, his gaze falling on your figure, while the one on the right- the tall man you saw earlier- Park Seonghwa - was wearing a blank face, stray strands of his midnight black hair fell on the other side of his face.
Then your wrist begins to itch. When you look at it, it's exactly on your soulmate mark.
"Oh, and who is this?" The same high-pitched voice speaks, and you look up to see the three of them looking at you while Yeosang was glaring at them, his hand still gripping your other wrist tightly.
"None of your damn business." Yeosang says through gritted teeth, making the latter laugh.
"You're so funny Kang. I haven't even done anything, yet." He says much to his amusement on seeing your brother steaming in anger.
"What's your business, Inferno?" Hongjoong speaks up this time, his voice calm and collected, as well as his face, so unlike your brother who's close to bursting.
You know Yeosang is protective, but not this protective. Then that just means that Inferno guys are really bad, bad.
"What's her name? Is she Yeosang's sister?" The same guy speaks, shamelessly checking you up and down. He's really talking like you're not here, huh? How rude. You're starting to not like him already.
So you speak up.
"That's right, I am. Got any problem with that?" You raise an eyebrow at him as you step forward, crossing your arms.
"Ooh, feisty." You hear Mingi say from the side, but Yunho was quick to shush him.
The guy in front of you laughs, and that's when you notice that his hair's colored half black and then blonde underneath at the back. What a bold choice of color, and it seems like his personality is too.
"You're just like your brother. But oh gosh, where are my manners? My name is Jung Wooyoung, and you are?" Wooyoung offers his hand in front of you, like a gentleman.
"I'm Kang Y/N."
"It's nice to meet you Y/N-ie." He says, catching you off guard. So you're on a nickname basis now? This guy is surely something.
Then he turns to the others behind him and introduces them.
"This guy here is-"
"I'm Choi San." The guy with the black hair and striking green streaks steps forward and kisses the back of your hand.
You hear Yeosang gasp. "Oh you did not jus-" Hongjoong and the others calmed him down, holding him in place, while Choi San merely smirks. Then he goes back to his place.
Wooyoung laughs again, then turns to the almost stone-cold like person on his other side.
His face was void of any emotions.
And you don't like it.
"This is our Seonghwa-hyung." Wooyoung introduces him. The said male just looks at you for a brief second, nodding his head in acknowledgement and says nothing.
While the others showed interest in you, he didn't. And it sparked up an unknown flame inside of you.
You're suddenly irritated.
So you turn your back and walk away.
"Hey, wait up!" Yeosang says, trying to catch up with you.
His friends followed suit. Mingi, questioning you first. "Why'd you walk away, angel?"
You don't answer him though. Instead, you ask, "When's the race starting Yeo? I'm about to get bored just walking around here." And talking to some jerk, who doesn't give a fuck about your existence.
Why are you so pressed anyway? Why are you so worked up over Seonghwa not giving you even the slightest interest?
Also what a perfect timing for your wrist to itch - the cherry on top, to your flaming annoyance.
"How about you three, including Mingi, go find seats, while me and Yunho go get ready for tonight's match?" Hongjoong proposes. And so the five of you separate.
The race was already starting, one of the competitors being; Hongjoong and Yunho from Elysium; which you just found out to be the name of Yeosang's gang, and Wooyoung and Seonghwa from Inferno.
You like cars, you're okay with watching races, but tonight, you just can't help but keep sending glares on the innocent race track, plus your wrist was still itching for who knows what reason.
So you decided to excuse yourself and told Yeosang that you'll go to the comfort room, and thank god you were good with directions cause you immediately found it.
After doing your business and washing your hands, you head out, only to squeak when you find a familiar male leaning by the doorway.
"San?" You say, unsure, because he had his head hung low. But when he looks up, it indeed is him.
"Oh, I see, you're finished." Unlike his smirk earlier, he's sporting a dimpled smile.
"Yes…? But what are you doing here?" You ask, looking at him and then at the sign on top of you that clearly says 'female'.
"Waiting for you of course. What else?"
Okay? He's very straightforward.
"But why?"
He removes himself from the wall and faces you, both of his hands placed inside of his pockets.
He leans in up to a point where it was almost uncomfortable, but surprisingly it wasn't uncomfortable for you in the slightest. In fact you even close your eyes.
Then he speaks, his breath hovering over your lips, his fingers brushing away some of the fringes from your face.
"If I asked you to go on a late night drive with me, would you go?"
You opened your eyes and found yourself staring back in his dark brown eyes, so deep that it made you weak.
And when your knees gave up on you, San was quick to hold you by the waist and steady you.
After a few seconds, you mutter in a soft voice, "Yes, I'd go with you."
taglist: @rockstarsanie @purple-bell @huachengsbestie01 @ellelabelle @annacroft23114 @sallymurda @http-gyu
229 notes · View notes
dairyminki · 10 months
Inked By Fate - FIVE
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↬ pairing/s: park seonghwa x fem!reader, choi san x fem!reader ↬ genre: soulmate!au, racers!ateez, rivalry, angst, romance, fluff, pining ↬warning/s: profanities ↬wc: 2.1k
*reblogs and feedbacks are much appreciated!
Another night at KQ-Strip, another race to be missed.
"Yeo, I'll just go to the comfort room, okay?"
"Sure, but be back quick. You don't want to miss my race, do you?" Yeosang had the smug look on and you just can't help but scoff.
"Yeah, whatever." You replied and then you went on your way.
By now, you've totally mastered the whole place, you're also starting to think that one of these days, Yeosang will start to question your frequent disappearances and trips to the comfort room.
Just like always, you go inside the comfort room first, you washed your face and then as soon as you were done, you went out to go look for San, that is, if he doesn't find you first, which he always does anyway.
But tonight, a shocked expression was evident on your face when you opened the door, because not only San greeted you outside, but also another male, who's smirking your way.
"So, she's the one you've been waiting for, right Choi? Or am I wrong?" Hongjoong asks the younger, yet much taller male.
"H-Hongjoong…" You gasp. "What are you doing here?"
The mentioned male just shakes his head, grinning deviously after. "You don't think you're the one I should ask that?" He raises an eyebrow, making you gulp.
You sigh, giving in, not fighting the fact that one of Yeosang's friends finally caught you with your little secret rendezvous with one of their despised, not really, rivals. And it happens to be Hongjoong who has caught you, huh?
"Fine, I admit I've been seeing San. So what?" You retort, trying to act brave, even though deep inside you're scared that your brother will find out that you just so happened to break the trust he has given you.
"Really? You're not afraid that Yeosang might find out?"
"Well, he won't find out if you won't tell him." You counter.
"What makes you think I won't tell him?" Hongjoong replies, and now you two are stuck in an intense eye staring battle, with a quiet San at the side.
Still in the middle of the battle, Hongjoong says, "Why are you seeing a member of Inferno when Yeosang clearly told you not to?"
"Why shouldn't I, when I'm my own person?" You mutter through gritted teeth, San slightly tensing at the side due to the fact that you just used his exact words.
The next thing you knew, Hongjoong was already chuckling.
"Now I know why Mingi has taken a liking to you, Y/N. Feisty, that's what you are." A devious of a smirk appears on the blonde's face. Then his face turns serious.
"But, I really need to know your business with Inferno, Y/N. When Yeosang told you to stay away, he meant it. Tell me what do you keep seeing San for, and if it passes my validity standard in terms of reasoning then I might just let this incident slide and never mention a word to your brother...for the meantime, that is."
What's up with Inferno really? You wanted to ask. Because it's getting a little sketchy and tense whenever someone lets the word slip past their mouths.
Is there something that you should know of?
Your train of thoughts stops when you feel someone tap your shoulder, and when you look back, it was San. And in a whisper, he says to you, "Let me deal with Mr. Tiny." If it wasn't for the current situation, you might've laughed.
"Hongjoong hyung." San speaks, catching the male's attention.
"No cover ups, just speak the truth Choi."
"You want the truth, then I'll give you that." You hear San mutter under his breath as he takes a step closer to Hongjoong.
At that, you see Hongjoong flinch. "I-uh? What?" He asks, perplexed by a single word.
"Soulmates. We're soulmates." San repeats, making sure Hongjoong hears it much clearer this time.
Hongjoong was wearing a look of shock and disbelief, and you mirrored him.
Just what on earth is Choi San plotting now?
Did he perhaps know?
After escaping Hongjoong and sealing a deal with him to keep his mouth shut, you and San run along to his car.
Few minutes into the car ride was pure silence until your companion spoke up.
"I'm sorry about that. It's the only excuse I could make up." There was regret in his voice, but you just giggled silently.
"It's okay San."
So he didn't know.
But he wasn't wrong either. His excuse was…
"Y/N, I have something to tell you, by the way." San speaks again, this time with much urgency in his voice.
Before he could ramble on, you held up a hand and told him to focus on the road.
"I have something to tell you too, San, but can you just drive for now? Our talk could wait, you know?" You mused and San just mumbles a sorry, smiling sheepishly after.
San rolls up one of his sleeves and shows you his wrist. Now empty.
Your inked name nowhere to be found, instead, the skin was now littered with freckles.
Seeing your puzzled expression, he chuckles, saying, "I know, I was confused too. Because the moment I woke up and checked my wrists, I didn't see your name anymore, just these freckles, which surprised me even more."
Hmm...the tattoo faded, then?
Then that just backs-up the data you've gathered. It makes much more sense now.
"So I did my research," You say, turning San to his attentive state.
"...and the only plausible explanation for our current situation is that…"
"Is that what? C'mon, don't get all suspenseful about it on me now!" San whines and you can't help but chuckle at his cuteness.
Just where did the smirky San go?
"The only plausible explanation as to what the both of us could be is that…..we're platonic soulmates, San."
As soon as you dropped the bomb, San's eyes were wide, not in horror, but in amusement? Excitement? You don't know, but you know it's positive.
"No way—platonic soulmates exist too?" He had a hand over his mouth, like a child who just discovered that Santa Claus isn't real.
"Funny, cause that's what I asked my friend too. Research says that having a platonic soulmate is rare in occasion, having only 8% of the population to have one. Probably why not much knows that this type of soulmates exists." You say, relaying the information you've gathered with Jia earlier.
"So that's why…" San mutters. When you look at him, he wears this warm smile, his dimples still showing up of course.
"That explains why I feel connected to you in some way, even after knowing we're not soulmates- well we kinda are, but not in a romantic, or lover aspect. But we're basically still each other's halves, platonically, and I'm happy," San tells you, smiling so dearly and giggling after, that you just can't help but mirror his joy.
After learning you two are platonic soulmates, you can't help but think that maybe it wasn't attraction you felt for San on that first night, maybe it was indeed the connection your souls have with each other that kept you drawn to him. Because as you stare at San now, only one thought crosses your mind.
Being with him surely feels like hanging out with a friend you've known for years.
Just as you thought that the night was over, you clearly thought wrong.
San was supposed to drive you back to the underground, but it just made your eyebrows furrowed in confusion once you noticed he was taking a different route. You're pretty aware that the race is finished too. So where on earth is San taking you?
"We're here!" San chirps as he turns off the car's engine. While you stayed put in your seat, San exited the car and went to your side to open the car door.
"Where are we exactly?" You question only to receive no reply as San just grabs you out of your seat.
"You'll see."
The male proceeds to drag you until you two arrive in front of a building. Entering, your eyes automatically scan the whole place - it was lavish.
This place is something you surely know you can't and won't be able to afford.
You gawked as the two of you stepped inside the elevator - even the elevator was high class!
"San, where exactly are we?" You asked San who was in front of you, busily pressing on some buttons.
"Just you wait and see, Y/N."
When the elevator opened, you immediately followed San, only to wince in pain when your face landed flat on his back. You were too busy roaming your eyes around the area to notice that he had stopped walking.
When you peaked, you saw that the two of you stopped in front of a room. San knocked on the door, and instantly, you heard commotion from inside.
The door opens.
"Oh goodness, there you are! Where the heck did you disappear—Y/N-ie?!" Wooyoung shrieks as he sees you together with his friend. What on earth is Kang Yeosang's sister doing here?
"Uh-hi?" You awkwardly greeted, and then you turned to San who was beside you, waiting for him to fill you in.
San chuckles, dismissing your look of confusion and Wooyoung's questioning glare. He pushes you inside by the small of your back and says, "Welcome to our dorm, Y/N!"
They call this a dorm? This place that almost looks like a five star hotel, a dorm??
"When you told me you had a girl friend, I didn't expect it to be Kang Y/N." Wooyoung exclaims to his friend. He was seated on the loveseat which was opposite of the couch you and San are both seated on.
"Trust me, neither did I expect it, Woo," San replies casually, his attention present on the flat-screen television as he flips through channel by channel.
Meanwhile, you're silent by yourself, certainly not expecting today is the day that San would drag you to see their dorm.
"So tell me, what is little Y/N-ie doing inside an Inferno's marked territory even if her brother clearly despises us?" Wooyoung's look was challenging as he sends you a smirk.
And did he just call you little Y/N-ie? Little??
"The audacity to call me little when you're not so tall yourself." You retort, only to send him into a boisterous laughter.
"This is why I like you, Y/N!" Then the next thing you knew, he's already out of the loveseat and is now clinging to your side, one arm looped with yours.
"So tell me, how'd you manage to befriend little Sannie?" He proceeds to ask with an amused smile.
Before you could answer anything, San happily does it for you. "She's clearly uncomfortable with you sticking like glue beside her Woo."
You were almost thankful to San, note, almost.
"Also, how she and I became friends isn't what's important right now Woo. In fact, she's here because of a certain someone." San smiles innocently, and you're sure his statement piqued Wooyoung's interest much more, but not yours.
You knew exactly what San was referring to.
"Is it what I think it is?" Wooyoung chides, then he turns to you, wiggling his brows.
"No! It's not what you thi-"
Your words were cut off due to an abrupt knock from the door.
"Speaking of that certain someone." San whistles as he stood up from the couch and went straight for the door to open it.
You just sat on the couch, defeated and somewhat nervous. Because, he's here.
Meanwhile, Wooyoung was frowning beside you. "Oh, so San meant you're here for him, for Seonghwa hyung," He huffs. "And here I thought you've somehow fallen for my charms and came to see me."
At that your eyes widened. "What the fuck, Wooyoung?"
"Yeosang's sister?" You hear someone speak. And you already knew who it was.
There he was, in his all-black glory, standing beside San with his hands inside his pockets, his face displaying a questioning look. You don't know him well, but you're sure his expression says he's not pleased with your presence here.
Well who would be? When you're the sister of one of his rivals?
You scoffed, standing up. "I have a name, you know."
Your mind might've been playing tricks on you and perhaps, your eyes, but you know you saw that ghost of a smile pass by his lips.
"Sure you have." Seonghwa says, and just like that, he turns around and walks away. To his room, maybe.
But you made sure to stop him before he could enter inside. Why is he like this?
That's it, you've had enough.
"Park Seonghwa, you're one heck of a cold jerk!" You shout at the top of your lungs, surprising the three males inside the room.
Tension and silence wrapped the room coldly for a dreadful moment before you heard a dark, deep chuckle.
"And so I've heard, Kang," Seonghwa spoke in a monotone before he twisted open the knob to his room, went inside and slammed it shut.
You blinked your eyes in disbelief. Soon, your cheeks were tinted a deep shade of red and eventually you fall back on the couch, hugging a pillow to your face as you realize what you've just done.
Did you just do that? Yes, you did!
It's embarrassing for fuck's sake, but there's no way you'll be able to hold back your annoyance on him any longer.
And it also seems like you won't be able to face him anymore.
taglist: @rockstarsanie @purple-bell @huachengsbestie01 @ellelabelle @annacroft23114 @http-gyu @bluehwale-main @sangiluvem   @babyhailey819 @0rangemilk @kmecrazyfor @sallymurda @oahubliss @jxhnnyfav @mingiswow @linoluvr4eva @n18i81 @yourfatherlucifer @kodzukein @likexaxdaydream @altgojo @namjooncrabs @imsodazed (pink ones are those i can't seem to tag !!)
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dairyminki · 10 months
Inked By Fate - FOUR
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↬ pairing/s: park seonghwa x fem!reader, choi san x fem!reader ↬ genre: soulmate!au, racers!ateez, rivalry, angst, romance, fluff, pining ↬warning/s: profanities ↬wc: 1.4k
↬a/n: i apologize for this very late update and for this chapter being short. still, i hope you all will still enjoy this one <33 guess whose pov it is in the beginning of this chap btw ;)
*reblogs and feedbacks are much appreciated!
Just like the past few, it starts out in plain black.
Then it becomes hazy and suddenly a scene shifts into his view.
But unlike before, tonight was something new. The usual scenarios of his soulmate being surrounded by flowers and a bell chiming when people keep going in and out was suddenly replaced with the night city lights and silence.
From his soulmate's eyes he could clearly see how the stars sparkled and how the moon casts its light upon the beautiful city.
The place wasn't familiar though. Nothing was ever familiar to him, which led him to thinking that maybe his soulmate was living far away from his home country.
But then the scene shifts again, and he's now staring at a blurry face of a man. Something in him tells him that he knows this person, but how could he confirm it when it isn't clear enough?
He gets to stare at the blurry man for a while before everything faded back into darkness once again.
Morning came, you're stretching your limbs after getting a good amount of sleep, the soft glow of the sun peeking through your room's curtains.
Then you remember last night. The experience itself was very odd and confusing.
How come Choi San has your name as his soulmate tattoo on his wrist?
You felt the connection, you saw your very own name on him, yet you two weren't the ones destined for each other. How is that possible?
You sigh as you glance at your wrist. If the initial S doesn't stand for San, then whose name does it stand for?
After taking a bath and cooking yourself a simple breakfast, you head back to your room to take out your laptop.
You'll be doing some research today. And hopefully, just hopefully you could find some answers.
"Let's start, shall we?" You say, cracking your knuckles before you start typing on the keyboard.
An hour has passed yet you're still glued to your laptop's screen, still nothing.
"Why the fuck does the internet not have any answers?" You were growing impatient, and tired.
That's when you finally decide to ring a number on your phone. Right, if anyone knows better about soulmates, then it should be her.
"Jia, hi!" You greet back and immediately you hear a chuckle from the other line.
'Why do you sound rushed?'
"Nothing! I was just wondering if...you could lend me some of your time?"
'Sure! Do you perhaps want to meet up?'
You said yes and quickly ended the call, then you went inside your room rummaging through your closet to pick some clothes to wear so you could head out and meet Jia at a nearby coffee shop.
This will be your first walk under the sunlight for this week, since you've just  been going out every night and cooping yourself up inside your apartment during daytime.
The coffee shop was just a ten-minute walk, and now you found yourself sitting inside the place with a cup of caramel macchiato in hand.
You were browsing through tons of articles about soulmates when the door opened with a chime.
Jia has arrived.
After ordering herself a cup of coffee, the two of you are now seated, face to face and discussing.
"Wait, wait. So you mean to tell me, you met a guy, who you thought was your soulmate, but they turned out to be not?" Jia repeats, trying to sink into her mind the details that you just told her.
"Yes." You reply, looking at her as you take a sip of your coffee.
"And you're telling me that your name is engraved on his skin? Did I get that right?" She continues, and you nod your head.
"Woah, this case of yours is tough." Jia admits, also taking a sip of her own beverage.
"Right? This has been keeping me up late last night." You sigh, plopping your head on the table, feeling defeated.
"Y/N, give me your phone," Jia tells you and you shake your head, pouting. "No. You have yours."
"I don't, I left it at home" When you give her the stink eye, she adds, exasperated, "Oh c'mon, are you hiding something in there? Also, I thought you want me to help you with your soulmate problem here?" Jia quirks an eyebrow.
You groan, giving in, "Fine, just hurry up. Also for your information, I'm not hiding something in my phone okay?" You huff.
"Sure, whatever you say."
You're already in your fifth serving of your favorite Oreo cheesecake yet Jia's still staring intently at your phone as she scrolls through numerous articles and sites about soulmates on the web.
"Found anything?" You ask after taking your last bite of the cheesecake. Jia signals you with her hands, telling you to wait.
You're drinking your macchiato when Jia suddenly squeals and slams her hands on the table, leaving you to choke on your drink.
"Oof, sorryyy!" Jia giggles despite your state. After getting you a glass of water and some tissues, she proceeds to tell you the good news.
"Listen up," Jia starts. She opens her mouth and closes it again, she does it repeatedly for a couple of times before you finally send her a glare. "Quit playing around, for fuck's sake."
"Alright, alright," She says, but then eventually squeals. When you send her another glare, she calms herself down, putting your phone down.
"Y/N...ever heard of platonic soulmates?" Jia asks, her mouth forming into an amused smirk.
Platonic what?
A series of knocks could be heard from the door, yet Seonghwa doesn't exert any efforts to stand up and answer it to make it stop. Though it's starting to make his ears bleed.
He just wants to sleep more.
Sleep doesn't find him though when he hears a shriek from outside and even louder banging on the door.
"Ahhhh hyunggggg! I swear you have to wake up! If you won't wake up Imma beat yo-"
Wooyoung's voice goes unheard when Seonghwa hears his phone vibrate.
What now?
Confusion was what his face was painted with when he opened his messages and read a text from an unknown number.
Unknown Number:
Sannie, I have answers!
Can we meet up as soon as I arrive there tonight? 
Meet up???
What the fuck??
Seonghwa groans and ruffles his hair in an annoyed manner.
I swear to god- 
Standing up, he hurries to grab a plain white shirt inside his drawer and some trousers.
Then he stomps his way out of the room, completely ignoring Wooyoung who was about to scold him once again while holding a frying pan in his hand. Instead, Seonghwa's eyes search the room, and he does see San happily munching his dinner in the kitchen.
"The fuck Choi, you're giving my number to one of your girls now?"
San coughs, having choked on his steak to which Wooyoung rushes to get him a cup of water.
After recovering, San faces Seonghwa with an unreadable expression, asking, "Hyung— what?"
"I said, why are you giving my number to your flings, instead of your own? What? Are you tired of dealing with their whiny-"
"Hyung, I have no idea, at all."
Seonghwa scoffs. "Sure, you don't." Then he shoves the phone in the younger's face, San squeaking. Then his expression morphs into one of recognition.
San mumbles an 'oh shit', before he takes Seonghwa's phone. He speedily composes a text message and sends it.
San clears his throat, then smiles sheepishly. "Uh, I'm sorry about that hyung, I must've given her the wrong number. But I swear this one is not a fling of mine, in fact she's a friend." 
"Since when did Sannie take a girl as a friend and not as a fling?" Wooyoung gaps dramatically, joining in the conversation as he places another batch of steak on a plate, for Seonghwa.
"I'm not like you, Woo." San rolls his eyes, he doesn't get a reply from the latter at first, Wooyoung just clutches his chest, before saying, "I'm offended." 
"And I'm out of here." Seonghwa says in a monotone and was about to turn on his heel when Wooyoung catches the hem of his shirt.
"Nu-uh, you're not going anywhere mister. Now go sit down and eat." 
"What are you, my mother?" Seonghwa spats.
"I might as well be if you're gonna keep going with that grumpy attitude of yours."
"Fine." Seonghwa grumbles and sits down. Eventually, he finds himself eating the steak as if there was no tomorrow.
You're deep in your thoughts as you sit on the couch, your eyes staring at the television, your hand clutching your phone.
Then your phone beeps, pulling you out of your trance.
A small smile finds its way in your face when you read his reply to your text.
Sure, Y/N! ^-^
taglist: @rockstarsanie @purple-bell @huachengsbestie01 @ellelabelle @annacroft23114 @http-gyu @bluehwale-main @sangiluvem   @babyhailey819 @0rangemilk @kmecrazyfor @sallymurda @oahubliss @jxhnnyfav @mingiswow @linoluvr4eva @n18i81 @yourfatherlucifer @kodzukein @likexaxdaydream @altgojo @namjooncrabs @imsodazed (pink ones are those i can't tag)
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dairyminki · 11 months
a heart's a heavy burden.
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︶︶︶︶༉‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ it's ME hi!
♡ ELLE, 19, she/her, infj-t, pisces, southeast asian
♡ currently writing for ateez!
♡ but i also stan nct dream (and might write for them in the future!)
♡ sfw + suggestive, i only write fem!reader and gn!reader
♡ i reblog nsfw stuff from time to time so pls!! MDNI
♡ likes—anything cute, studio ghibli, spy x family, one piece (kinda), taylor swift, 5sos, 1D (i'm mostly listening to harry, louis, and niall's music these days), playing guitar and anything to do with the arts, pizza is the loml, and i'm a sucker for anything fantasy (like harry potter and tlotr), i'm a marvel fan
︶︶︶︶༉‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ side blog:
dairyminkireads — for reading fics, reblogging fics with feedback, fic recs
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︶︶︶︶༉‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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dairyminki · 2 years
Be With You | c.s
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↬ pairing: choi san x gn!reader
↬ summary: 'twas those things said in the heat of the moment that can either wound you or open your eyes to the truth you so long dreaded.
↬ genre: angst, hurt/comfort
↬ warning/s: reader is a dancer and suffers from an injury, swearing
↬ wc: 1.7k
↬ a/n: this is requested by @hatsukeii <33 
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"What the hell is wrong with you?"
You internally cursed, if only your right foot was still functional and the crutches were out of the damn picture, you would've been able to run, thus avoiding the person tailing after you.
"Y/N, I'm talking to you for god's sake!"
You can hear the heaviness of his tone and breathing just behind you, and you can certainly picture what he looks like right now - jaw tight and glowering. San rarely gets angry, but when he does he's like a ticking time bomb that you don't wanna set off. But now, none of that matters to you.
"Then don't talk to me!" You shouted back.
But your poor attempt at fleeing and escaping, flies out of the window, when a tight grip at your waist pulls you back nearly making you outbalance yourself.
"Let me go, San." You warned him through clenched teeth.
"I'm not letting you go until you tell me why the fuck did you say that to Quinn? She's your friend for god's sake! Was it necessary to be rude to her when she literally just asked if you want to go watch their recital-"
"Exactly, that! What do you think will I feel? Tell me, did you encourage her to do so?" You turned to him, albeit, rather unstable as you still weren't that fully adjusted to the crutches. San reaches out to help you out but you send him a burning glare.
"For fuck's sake, take a look at me, San, my ankle is fucking useless, which makes me nothing. I'm nothing, San!" You weren't able to stop the anger in your words as you jabbed one of the crutches on his chest, the action sends him a few steps back.
You could feel your face gradually heating up as you let your emotions get to you. You were beyond frustrated. Like a heated kettle, about to whistle as it nears its boiling point.
You didn't miss the way San pinched the bridge of his nose, knuckles on his sides, turning white, as he clenched both fists.
San lets out a sarcastic laugh, voice dropping down in contrast to his usual honey-like ones, and then he looks at you, his eyes, the coldest you've ever seen.
"I don't understand you-"
"Then don't!"
"I've done everything I could to help you-"
"Well, I didn't ask for your help!"
At this point, both of you were screaming at each other's throat. Spiteful words burying each other's voices as both refuse to give in and listen to one another.
Both of you were too focused in letting out your respective emotions - through words that were bottled up for so long, the container overflowed and has given way for reasons to unintentionally inflict pain on each other.
Not knowing that soon, both your tongues will taste only the bittersweetness of regret.
"Do you know what you're doing, Y/N? You're only pushing away people who want to help you! Well, guess what? Getting angry at us will not make you be able to dance on your feet again!"
You freeze, hands dropping your crutches. Your body falls to the rough cold cement like a marionette whose strings got cut off by their own puppeteer.
San on the other hand whose eyes were wide in shock at his own words, opens and closes his mouth in an attempt to apologize and he never fails you when the same cliché words fall out of his mouth.
"Y/N, I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean it. I swear I-"
The damage was far too deep to be repaired in a snap of a finger. His words cut through your heart like the sharpest knife that has ever existed - bleeding you out as the reality of you not going back to dancing anytime sooner rips your heart into half even more.
A scream, followed by tears accompanied with a tight ugly feeling that settles heavily atop your chest is what you feel, which San only sees. He attempts to reach out to you on the ground once again but you backed away.
"Don't you dare touch me!" You warned as tears blurred your eyesight. The harshness of the truth he directly told you in your face felt like a slap.
"Guess what too, San? I don't need you in my fucking life anymore. The fucking door is open, leave." You spoke through gritted teeth, mind wrapped in a deep sense of vexation. The idea of regret doesn't come knocking at you as you told San those very words.
San hesitates for a minute but then he curses, too blind with your own hurt, you fail to notice his tears before he turns his back on you and leaves you trembling on the cold ground as you hold yourself close.
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Fuck getting injured in the first place.
Fuck these ankles for not being strong enough.
Fuck these crutches for making life difficult for you and turning it a direful 360.
You've cursed every single reason for your misery. But are those things really the reason why your life is now painted in shades of gray and darkness?
You find yourself entering the very last place you'd ever want to see again. That when you step inside, seeing the wide mirrors feels like an outright mockery to your current state.
Dressed in an old t-shirt and sweatpants that you never once touched, not until you realized that all those fancy clothes you have no longer served you any purpose.
Back then, bracelets lined your wrist, but now, the ankle brace served as your only accessory.
Every time you see it, your eyes burn, having this urge to rip it apart.
Frankly, you don't know why you even ended up inside the dance studio. Maybe you do, maybe you don't.
Maybe it was the gradually growing self-anger that you refuse to admit and end up blaming to the world and others. Which in return made you hurt a friend, and shattered a friendship you treasured the most.
Self-anger that slowly died out your once burning passion. A broken ankle is of what use to dancing now? Is there still any room left for hope?
You hate it so much, hate how weak of heart and will you were. How one injury became a detriment to your dancing, thus, you, looking at yourself with pity through the mirror.
Mirrors that covered the entire walls of the dance studio, all only showing a broken you.
Your hatred and frustration started brewing into something more unpleasant, that you dropped your crutches, ignoring how your ankles swelled when you lost your aid.
However, the pain was excruciating. It ached, and so, with not even a full step, you dropped down to the floor where your crutches laid.
You didn't wanna cry. But you just felt so hopeless with no one to cling onto. Not when the person who you'd most likely entrust your life into is the same person who'd never want to see you again.
After that argument you had with him, San didn't come back to you.
Gone was the sunshine during rainy days. Gone was the song that served as your lullaby during sleepless nights.
Gone was your best friend who you loved in so many ways that not even the universe was capable of explaining.
But the thing is, San won't be any of that to you anymore, and you to him, if he ever looked at you the same way as you did.
Your hands were cold against the equally cold floor - your tears were the only thing hot as it fell uncontrollably.
The walls of the room echoes just how broken and lost you were inside.
But he comes back, picking up your broken pieces as you cried. His arms find their way around you once again and this time you don't push him away.
His scent, one you've already memorized countless times, brought you a feeling of serenity and familiarity, so deep, you fell into his embrace, your body at ease now, fitting perfectly in his hold.
"Shh, y'know how I hate it when you cry." He whispers by your ear, voice raspy due to him crying - which you do realize when you feel the fabric of your shirt on your shoulder, dampen. His sobs turn into louder cries as yours slowly decreases into tiny sobs. And it stays like that, until your sounds of regret fades and until you find your voice to speak.
"Yet, you left me. Which I don't blame you for because I was the one who pushed you away." You muttered as you let your head fall onto the comfort of his shoulder, your nose lightly brushing the skin of his neck.
"Which I also don't blame you for, since my words did hurt you. And I didn't mean to hurt you. That's why I came back." San's hushed whispers continue, sending goosebumps to your skin at the fact that he was so close, yet he felt so cozy you just didn't want to make him let go of you, yet.
"It was the truth anyway." You mumbled back.
"Even if it was the truth, I still caused you pain even when I knew you were already suffering too much. An aching injury is nothing compared to your blazing passion, Y/N, I should've told you that."
"It's alright. So, I guess, we're both sorry then?"
"We are, love." San concurs. Lips pressing into your hair in a gentle kiss. It made you hum in content. You felt at peace, simply because San is your peace.
But then he catches sight of your swollen ankle and sighs. The rough pads of his fingers soothing it down.
"I'm going to take you home and we'll take care of that, yeah? Each step of the way, I'll be with you. You can never make me leave you again." San goes back to whispering once again, his nose rubbing gently against your ear.
He's done it so many times that it finally tickles a giggle out of you. Eyes, no longer threatening to spill salty water.
"But San, I'm already home." You whispered back. Your gaze settled on the freckles that adored the side of his neck all the while San lifted both of you up.
Then you don't miss the way his lips curl up into that beautiful smile that caught your heart in a way that it got you thinking if Cupid shot you in that exact moment with one of his love arrows.
"And you'll always have a home with me." San's warm gaze meets yours before he carries you out of the dance studio.
It seems like Cupid shot two of his arrows after all.
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↬ ATEEZ Masterlist
↬ taglist (open): fill up this form
: @hwaelle @binniesstay @jjuniebees @hxneyboy @enivivs
can't tag: @cheline  @pshwaa
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dairyminki · 2 years
Fluffy Ear Warmers and Mittens | c.s
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↬ pairing: choi san x gn!reader
↬ summary: you went to go Christmas shopping with your adorable boyfriend.
↬ genre: fluff, established relationship, Christmas/holidays au, non-idol au
↬ warning: none
↬ wc: 771
↬ a/n:  here’s one of my entries for @ficscafe’s peppermint latte holiday event!
* read = reblog !!
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"I look silly, don't I?"
Admiring the fluffy ear warmers he wore and his mitten-clad hands, you only laughed at your boyfriend's question in an attempt to tease him. But when you see the little pout starting to form on his lips, you instantly shake your head and move closer to cup his face in your hands.
"You're quite an adorable little thing right now, actually, Sannie." You told him as you gave him an eskimo kiss.
Oh, how you loved it when his pout was replaced by his beautiful smile, dimples popping out of both sides of his cheeks, his cat-like eyes forming into cute pretty crescents.
How did you get so lucky?
"Thank you." San tells you warmly, then he kisses you on the lips.
"Shall we go now, then?"
"We shall." San responds and then the two of you leave the apartment, hand in hand.
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"Hongjoong check, Seonghwa check, Yunho check, aaand Yeosang, check!" San exclaims as he excitingly crossed out the names on his gift list.
"As for me, I'm done with Mingi's, Wooyoung's and Jongho's…" You trailed off at the side as you looked at your own list.
"Only one name left on the list." You and San both turned to each other after you said it at the same time.
"Who's yours?" San asks you but you gestured for him to go first.
"You." He says, to which you giggled, replying the same word to him.
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After getting hot waffles, you and San figured it'd be best to separate ways since you're both buying gifts for each other.
The element of surprise would be gone, he had told you and you agreed with him.
Now, you find yourself wandering around a clothing store, your pretty little head still left indecisive because first; you suck at picking clothes on your own and second; the store is filled with too many options!
San was an easy man. The way to his heart is nothing tricky since he wasn't picky at all.
For all the years you've been together, it was always you who got spoiled with material things by him. You make it up quite well and abundantly in return though - through kisses and cuddles, which he loves to the moon and back.
You spent maybe an hour just roaming around the place and a few good minutes in the cashier counter, before you went out of the store with a neatly wrapped present in hand.
You hope San will love what you got him.
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"What's that?"
"I'm not telling you."
"Please? I'll tell you what I got you, in return." San looks at you with pleading eyes, but you only hit his head gently.
"Where's the guy who said, I quote and unquote, "The element of surprise would be gone," earlier, hmm?"
San whines, clinging to your arm as you two exit your way from the crowd-filled mall.
"I just wanted to know because, why is your gift bigger than what I got you?!" He continues to cry out beside you.
"Sannie." You stopped walking and faced him. "It doesn't matter who gets the bigger gift and who doesn't. What matters is the pureness of your heart."
At that, San wheezes, "Did you just quote what Wooyoung said to you last Christmas?"
"Yeah, I just did. And what about it?"
"Nothing. Anyway, are you sure you didn't get me a really expensive gift? Because I'll feel bad if you’d spent so much on me, love." San frowns lightly at you.
"You're worth spending a diamond for, San. And, don't feel bad, okay? I willingly bought this gift for you because you deserve it, yeah?" You told him, holding one of his hands reassuringly.
"Okay." San responds with a light smile.
"Now, shall we go home?" You pat his cheeks lovingly and he nods.
When the two of you were already seated inside your car, San stopped you before you could even start the vehicle's engine.
You watched your boyfriend as he opened one of the paper bags he had with him.
Surprise was evident on your face when you saw what he pulled out from the bag.
"San, really?"
"Yeah, really." San chuckles as he puts the fluffy ear warmers on you, the matching mittens, sitting on his lap.
"Now we're a match!" San exclaims as he admired the new look he gave you.
Not being able to fight off the smile that's starting to appear on your lips, you ask,
"And? Am I as adorable as you, Sannie?"
San smiles widely and leans until your foreheads touch.
"Yes, you are indeed, love."
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↬ 'TEEZ The Season Masterlist
↬ taglist (open): fill up this form!
: @hwaelle @jjuniebees @binniesstay  @hxneyboy​ @enivivs​ 
can’t tag: @cheline @pshwaa
185 notes · View notes
dairyminki · 3 years
From The Shadows | c.s
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↬ pairing: choi san x fem!oc (slytherin!san x ravenclaw!oc)
↬ summary: when the whole school is out, interesting things betide between you and slytherin's infamous troublemaker.
↬ genre: fluff, hogwarts au, enemies to friends, enemies to lovers (?)
↬ warning: light swearing
↬ wc: 7k+
"DUDE, she'll melt."
"Shut up, Woo." San snaps at his black-haired friend, tearing his gaze away from the Ravenclaw table in the process.
"What? I'm just telling the truth! You've been staring at her since like, what? Since we came here? It's been hours since we've entered the Great Hall, San."
"Yeah. In fact, it surprises me that you're now putting less effort on being discreet." His other friend, Yeosang, butts in.
"What the heck does that even mean, Yeo?" San asks, looking at him quizzically, not having a single idea on what the blonde just said.
"Sometimes I can't believe how dense you are to your own self. Or...are you just...feigning innocence?" Wooyoung leans forward, raising an eyebrow at him.
However, San was quick to shove him back to his seat, heaving a deep sigh and rolling his eyes at the same time.
"Look, I don't really understand what you two are saying. For real."
"Or~! He's just really plain stupid~" Yeosang counters in a sing-song, and then he happily munches on his chicken drumstick. Only for San to cut his happiness short by slapping his hand that was holding the precious drumstick, making him lose his grip on it  — the piece of food ending up falling on the floor.
"What the heck?!" Yeosang shouts, clearly not expecting for that to happen.
Meanwhile, Wooyoung just laughs at the side, not daring to speak as not to rile San up further and end up sharing Yeosang's misfortune.
"That's for calling me stupid, stupid." San hisses.
She's still hesitating on whether to leave you to spend your Christmas holiday all by yourself here in Hogwarts, or bringing you along with her to her hometown — so you could spend the holidays with her family. Her family, which already knew of you and has treated you like their own daughter.
  "Will you be okay, here? All alone?" Sara Lovegood, your friend asks.
It was quite tempting, really. But you know you can't just possibly ruin their usual Christmas tradition as a family with you being there. Even if they already treat you like a part of them, even if you've grown quite fond of them. Still, you think, you shouldn't.
"It's fine. I'll be fine, really." You say cheerfully, in an attempt to reassure her fully. But it seems like she's not buying it.
"You know it would be really more reassuring if I know you at least have a single soul to accompany you here in the whole week that I'll be gone- more like, the entire school gone. I think even the professors will be out, and you'll be left with whom- the house elves? The whole school will be deserted, Ari! How do you think I'll be able to leave you, knowing this?"
At this, you quickly stood up from your bed to hug your pouting friend. "I don't know what you're so worried for, but I can definitely handle myself, thank you. And if you're pointing out that I'll be damn bored, then you thought wrong." You say, crossing your arms. Then, you quickly spun on your heel and twirled towards your bookshelves that are full of books arranged in order and their respective genres, just the way you like it.
"See these? I have them to accompany me." You say, gesturing to your book collection with a proud smile. Your books are literally, your babies. Your most prized possessions. Well, it's given, because you're a Ravenclaw - you love, love books.
After you said that, a tiny mewl was heard from under your bed, making you and Sara turn your heads.
"Niki! What the heck are you doing under there?" You squeaked and rushed to the black feline, immediately scooping him in your arms.
Niki purrs in pure delight at you brushing his fur, that it made you giggle. Then you turn to Sara.
"Well? That makes two right? My books, and then Niki here will be accompanying me and spare me from loneliness and boredom. Please, tell me it's reassuring enough."
Hearing you, Sara finally lets out a sigh and nods her head. Then she walks over to you and starts petting the black cat too.
"I guess, Niki here, would serve as a great company to Ari, won't he?" Sara baby talks to the cat playfully, making you roll your eyes and smile after.
Niki who hears this, meows in return, and then he snuggles back to your chest.
"He said yes, of course, absolutely. Now shoo!" You giggle as you push Sara with your free hand. Wanting her to move quickly, or she'll be late to the trains.
"Are you that desperate to get rid of me?" She asks, frowning, only for you to push her again in order to get going.
"Oh, please! Spare me your dramatic self or I'll literally kick you out of here."
"See, you really are trying to get rid of me!"
WORST holiday ever.
By now, he should be already on a ski lift, waiting for his ass to be dropped on a snow-covered peak and then, dash his way down, afterwards. But no, unlike his friends who already left yesterday for the holidays - he's stuck here.
Stuck inside Hogwarts, wandering through the hallways by himself. All alone. With literally no one, okay maybe except for the house elves. Seeing as, even the professors and house ghosts all ditched the dimly-lit school for a warm spot by the fireplace, drinking hot-cocoa while snow falls down the roof of their houses.
This sucks. Void of fun.
If only his father didn't have to fuck things again, then he…then he would've been home by now, enjoying his mother's cooking or maybe having fun with his younger brother.
It sucks that he has to have a prideful and a total jerk of a father, who couldn't even at least try to give in for his wife. Instead, he lets the small problem turn into a big one. San doesn't know what problem arose in their household again, but he's sure it was enough for his parents to not be on speaking terms.
Now, who wants to spend their holidays like that? Definitely, not San. That's why he preferred he'll just stay at school.
He might be all alone, but at least he could get a peace of mind.
But that's what he thought.
With an audible gasp, the Slytherin boy halts in his steps when he sees he wasn't the only person inside the Great Hall.
Because there inside, was her. Arin Bramwell. The Ravenclaw girl that his friends were cryptically teasing him about the other day. Who's now mirroring the same look on his face. Probably also thinking that she's the only one left in the school.
As if sensing that he was about to step out, turn around, and head back to the dungeon, where the Slytherin common room is, the girl speaks.
"Please, if you want to eat here, don't let my presence stop you. I was leaving anyway." Arin told him aloud, but still soft in a way that had San surprised.
It was his first time hearing her speak to him and seeing her up close.
Perhaps, San's face was heating up now, but we don't speak about that.
"A-Alright." Was the only thing he was able to say before he looked away and made his way to his usual spot on the Slytherin table.
He hasn't even fully seated yet, but he already heard the faint clicking noise of shoes coming in contact with the hard floor. When he turns his head around, he spots Arin leaving the hall already.
She didn't lie when she said she's leaving. San thought, and maybe, just maybe, he was a little bit disappointed.
Nevertheless, he started eating, in silence,
With your heart pacing and your mind racing, you were panting when you arrived inside the Ravenclaw common room.
You were even close to cursing the eagle for asking a ridiculously difficult riddle at such crucial times. Your head constantly whipped around, just trying to make sure Choi San hasn't followed or caught up to you.
What's with him that's got you all worked up, you say?
First of all, everybody knows him. Who wouldn't? When he's a Pure-blooded Slytherin. Not only that, but you've heard stories of him. That although you haven't spoken to him nor interacted with him, not until earlier at the Great Hall, you knew of the tricks and curses he's pulled at every student his eyes land on. So that leads to the second point;
Choi San, is nothing but trouble. If trouble was a person, it would've been him.
But he certainly wasn't like that at the hall earlier though… he looked...flustered.
And so? What if it was an act? You know all the things people say about him. And it only spells one word - trouble. The little devil in you counters, making you sigh.
Now that you know you'll not be the only soul roaming Hogwarts for a good whole week, you think it's best to just stay in your room and read a book until the holidays are over.
Yeah, that's what you're going to do.
HE'S been praying to the heavens above that you didn't notice him.
"Am I really that good at hiding and making my presence unknown or is she just plain flat ignoring me…?" San frowns, finally asking himself the questions that endlessly bugged him.
It's been three days since he's been doing this — sneakily following you around after his encounter with you in the Great Hall and after knowing that there's another student left with him in this enormous school — he felt less lonely.
San didn't want to appear as a creep, he totally didn't want to. And he's been hoping that you didn't notice him silently trailing after you all along and therefore creating that same assumption-him being a creep, inside your pretty little head.
Let's just say, you had piqued his interest.
Well, you have been since the first time you walked through the doors of Hogwarts, dressed in your robe and uniform, old-looking glasses perched on the bridge of your nose and your slightly curly hair tied up in pigtails.
That was the first time the young Slytherin saw you.
San remembered how tiny you were and he kept wondering how a tiny person like you would fit in with the 2nd years like him.
From that day on, his eyes never left yours, as well as you never left his mind.
San didn't know what it is with you that has grabbed his attention fully. Was it the way you looked so lost in the crowd of students, that he wanted to step up from the shadows, introduce himself to you and become your friend? Or was it the way your eyes seemed to sparkle every time you got a hold of one of your books?
Was it to be called a small infatuation? A crush? A puppy love? Or was it just his mere curiosity over you?
San doesn't know how to properly call it. All he knows is that his eyes are on you since day one.
And maybe, just maybe — his friends had caught on too. No, his friends definitely had caught on to him and the frequent stares and glances he'll steal from you.
Yeosang was right, he's not being discreet as he was before.
Who knows, maybe one of these days, his secret will eventually come out, and the rest of the school will know of the girl that had caught the eyes of Hogwarts' so-called notorious trickster.
And perhaps, his heart too?
"I'm going...I'm not going. I'm going...I'm not...I'm going- urgh!"
You fall back on the bed with a groan after the last petal of your blue daisy was plucked.
Pouting, you turn your head to your cat, Niki, who straight up stared at you with a blank face. The feline, as if sensing that you're going to rant on him and ask for his opinion, turn his body away from you and proceed to casually lick his paws.
If Niki can talk, he'll probably be saying that he doesn't have the time to deal with your shit ass problems and therefore you have no choice but to deal with it on your own.
But he doesn't talk, so you proceed to rant on him anyway.
"I just want to peacefully grab the next volume of the book I'm reading- but! He'll be there! And I just know he'll be staring at me for god knows how long." You cry. Niki who was beside you just stays silent and continues licking his paws.
"Why is he even staring? Is he like, I don't know, plotting in his mind whatever trick he'll play on me? Niki, should I be scared?!"
Prior to your original plan, which you didn't end up following — just staying inside your room and reading a book until the end of the week — you end up going back and forth to the library after that one visit you did.
You were just going to check if the library had the continuation to the series you were reading and, oh god did they have it. And so, you've been cooped up inside that place for three straight afternoons.
But, not alone.
Choi San was there too.
Yes, that Slytherin and his frequent glances at you. Yes, you noticed it. And yes, it bothered you. Slightly.
Anyway, Choi San would find a seat at the corner opposite you, his dark hair and figure clad in black blending in with the shadows, that you didn't even notice him at first. Not when you heard him let out a tiny sneeze, which he thought you didn't hear since he had his face hidden by a book, but you obviously did.
Since then, you didn't fail to notice the stares he'll give you and the rich smell of his perfume, that by now you're sure you'll notice his scent right away wherever you go.
Today's a Thursday and you have just finished another book of the series and you're supposed to go to the library and read it straight away, but then, you remember San.
He'll be there again.
And you don't know if you'll be able to take it. Three days under his gaze and three days with his scent filling your nose that got your head spinning — can you still manage a fourth?
You have no choice. You just swore earlier that you'll let the little blue daisy flower decide your fate for this afternoon.
And it said, yes, you're going out.
You are going out to head to the library to read that book.
Fuck it.
But is that really the only reason you're going out, or is there something else?
Dressed in your favorite light blue sweater, tucked in one of your dark jeans, you head to the library, Niki comfortably nestled in your arms.
Once you stepped inside, you sighed internally. You weren't wrong. Choi San was here, early.
So unlike the previous days, you figured you've had enough.
Why even is he hiding from you? It's not like you'll eat him alive. No, you don't bite. If you'd ask yourself, it actually might be the opposite.
"You can quit hiding now please." You voiced out, loud and clear. From the corner of your eye, you saw him visibly flinch, but he remained still in his place.
"Choi San, I know that's you. And for your information, I've noticed you since Monday..." You softly continued as you plopped down on your usual seat at the corner opposite of him, but this time you have Niki with you.
With that mentioned, the black feline jumps out of your arms and walks to the shadows where San was.
When the Slytherin male notices an extra bump of shadow forming on the table and moving closer to him, he shrieks. Only to realize later that it was a black cat - your cat, Niki.
Embarrassed, San was quick to clear his throat. He throws you a glance first, and when he sees you already staring back at him, he looks away, his face heating up.
"You scared me y'know." San scolds Niki in a whisper, who just meows in return. Then, the cat inches closer to him and lifts its right paw, tapping it on the male's arm.
San, having enough experiences with cats, as their family has one, immediately complies to its request. Stretching out his hand, he places it gently on Niki's head, his fingers threading the cat's black fur.
Niki purrs in delight. And you looked at both of them with wide eyes.
"How?" You voiced out this time, eyes incredulously big in shock and maybe, amazement?
Because Niki doesn't like strangers. Heck, he even hisses when someone touches him - except for you and Sara. But what did you just see? Niki asking someone to pet him? For Choi San, to pet him? A stranger at that?
The content smile on San's face falters as he looks up at you with a slight frown, asking, "What do you mean by how?"
Walking towards the table he's at, you puffed out air from your mouth, your lips curling upwards after to form a smile of disbelief.
"This!" You blurt out, gesturing your hands exaggeratingly to his form and the cat that's currently enjoying his touch as he continues to pet it. "How?? Niki doesn't let any people touch him that easily! So like how?"
Then your hands flew to your mouth, gasping loudly when you realized something.
"You casted a spell on him didn't you?! Oh my god, I can't believe you!"
"What are you talking about? I didn't!" San shouts back, his eyebrows furrowing deep. He was now standing on his feet, hands now already off of Niki, much to the cat's dismay.
"Yes you di-"
"I didn't." San growls, making you still on the spot. You were too busy shouting at him that you didn't even notice when he walked towards you.
And now, he's a breath away from your face, eyes sharp and his body, now out of the shadows and instead, looming over your much smaller form.
Seeing him right in front of you made your breath hitch. You weren't able to form any words right out of your mouth as you continued to stare up at him.
His cat-like eyes, his sharp nose, jelly-like pink lips - and are those freckles on the side of his neck?
Choi San was stunningly gorgeous, and it's almost bewitching.
It's like he's casting a spell on you. Was this what he did with Niki too?
No wonder your cat was immediately drawn to him.
"I'm sorry if I scared you." A voice snaps you out from your bubbling thoughts. You shook your head lightly and when you looked back at San, his lips were now formed into a light frown as he stepped back.
"Huh?" You say, not quite processing what was happening.
"For coming so close to you and probably making you uncomfortable? And, I swear — I didn't cast a spell on your cat or anything! I didn't!"
"I'm not sure if I can trust you on that…" You mutter, biting your lower lip as you look away.
"Why not?"
You wanted to answer, 'How can I trust someone who does tricks on others as a hobby? And Slytherin's famous trickster at that?' But it seems like the male in front of you has caught up with your thoughts.
"Right." San mutters and presses his lips in a tight smile. Then he walks back to the table, his hands finding purchase in Niki's soft black fur, once again.
"I didn't take you as one who relies on other people's beliefs, though."
"What do you mean?" You were now the one stepping closer.
Without raising his head and looking you in the eye, San continues. "Would you believe me if I said that I also have a cat back in our home, and maybe that's why I'm good with them too? Maybe why Niki opened up to me so easily?"
"I-I guess…? I mean, yes." You quickly corrected yourself. Why are you even stuttering?
San pouts. "You're scared of me, aren't you?" This time, he finally looks at you.
"What makes you think so?" You threw back at him, lifting your head much higher as you tried to not falter under the intense gaze he's giving you now.
The next thing he does surprises you. San throws his head back and ends up in a fit of laughter. And when he recovers, he bore his gaze back at you, lips twitching into a full smirk.
"It's obvious by the way you take one tiny step at a time, darling. I can sense you're trying to be cautious around me."
"You know I can't help it, especially everyone knows what you're capable of-"
"Of what? Of playing small tricks on students? Doing a little spell to put them in their places? C'mon, now. It's all just fun and stuff. No serious harm done." He says, raising both of his hands in the air while he lightly shakes his head.
"That's still trouble. You're still trouble."
San fakes a hurt expression. And you were about to shout at him, thinking that he'll run off when he suddenly scooped Niki in his arms. But you stop and close your mouth when he trudges towards you instead.
"I know you're smart. Pretty smart, if you ask me." He starts off. "So why don't you take the sweet little time of getting to know me, hmm? No pressure, though. But maybe through that, you'll see that I'm not one you should be scared of." Then he pauses and hands Niki to you.
"But trouble, I guess that's what I am, and we can't change that now, can't we, darling?"
And with one last smirk, he was gone.
Long gone was the mousy San you've met in the span of three days. Just, the San that everyone knows.
"Mmm, five more minutes."
Soon enough, you feel something wet on the side of your face, but because you're still dead tired, you do nothing but roll on your back, your body turning to face the other side.
Sleep wasn't granted back to you though, when you hear a loud sound, alerting you up.
When you rub your eyes open, that's when you spot Niki directly perched in front of your face. It also seemed like the loud sound came from him - or was him, rather, seeing that he continues to cry out while he taps his paws repeatedly on your face.
That was also the time you realized he was shivering.
"Oh my god, Niki, what's wrong?" You asked, almost frantically, as you cradled the animal like a baby. As you do so, Niki nuzzles his face at the crook of your neck and basks himself in the blanket that was wrapped loosely around your frame.
However, even you started to feel cold too. When you looked around, you almost wanted to curse yourself at the fact of you forgetting what Sara had told you before she left.
'Oh make sure to fix the window later okay? I kind of crashed it down when I was practicing for Quidditch…'
How could you forget?
Sighing, you lift yourself up from and out of the bed. But before you fix the hollowed-out window, you make sure to tuck Niki under your blanket, making sure that he's feeling warm enough and comfortable before you leave his side. When you hear his light purr, that was your cue that he was slowly trying to fall asleep.
Now, the window.
"What spell was it, again?" You bit your lip, trying to think hard so you could grab your wand from the nightstand and fix the problem immediately and go back to the warmth of your bed. But it seems like the heavens had different plans for you.
"What the fuck?!" You cursed out loud when a freezingly cold snowball landed straight in your face.
What, it's raining snowballs now?!
Feeling frustrated, you opted to look out the window to check if it indeed was raining snowballs. But when you did, another one smacked you in the face, and when you dusted it off of you, you caught sight of a moving dark figure below, and when you squinted your eyes to see it clearer, you internally screamed.
Due to frustration and the fact that you were robbed off of your deserved sleep, you clenched your fists tight as you grit your teeth.
"Fucking, Choi San, what in the hell are you doing at such an ungodly hour?!" You whisper shouted, loud enough for him to hear at least.
And he did hear, as he stops in his tracks and looks up at you with a playful grin, showcasing his set of pearly white teeth.
"You're awake, at last. Took you long enough, though." San pouts, and you swear to the heavens above, that if only you had snow in your room, you would've landed a snowball in his goddamn face. But no, you didn't, and you were supposed to fix the fucking window! Yet, here he is - living up to his name and playing stupid tricks at you.
"What do you fucking want Choi? And seriously? Throwing snowballs? What are you, a kid?" You were pissed.
"Maybe." He responds with a light teasing tone, making your blood boil even more. But you refused to burst at him and remained calm instead.
But then something else caught your attention.
"Why are you wearing flip flops? It's snowing, for goodness' sake!" You shout back at him. Is he crazy?
"Aww, are you worried about me?"
"I hope you freeze to death, then."
"Now, that's not nice. Take it back!"
One second he was an annoying trickster, and now he's acting like a child.
Your thread of patience was thinning.
"I would take it back if you stop throwing snowballs and scram."
"Definitely not." He scoffs. "You see, I came here for a reason." San smiles in mischief.
"And that reason would be?"
"That reason….I'll tell you, if you jump down and join me here outside."
Your eyebrows furrowed as your mouth drops open in shock.
He wants you to what now?
"San, quit playing around and go to sleep." You hissed at him.
"I will, once you jump." And then he grins like a cheshire-cat. You don't even know what goes on in his mind anymore.
"San, what makes you think I'll do that?"
"If you won't, I'll make you my target and pick on you for the rest of the school year."
When you were about to say no thanks  and ignore him because you still have a window to fix, he speaks up again.
"I'm not kidding." His tone was dark.
Wanting this to end already, you sighed heavily. "Just fucking make sure you use the right spell on me or I'll swear-"
"Huh, what spell? Are you saying you won't jump and prefer being my target, instead?" He looks up at you puzzledly.
"No! You said you want me to join you there right? So I assumed you'll be using magic to bring me down from here, unless you want me to actually jump?"
"That….that's kinda what I said…"
Your eyes went wide in disbelief. Then you let out a dry chuckle as you pinched the bridge of your nose.
"Choi San, do you secretly want me dead?!" Your voice was a bit louder this time and you actually had to look back just to check if it somehow woken Niki up. Luckily, it didn't.
"Do you even have a plan?!" You continued furiously, albeit, disappointed. Disappointed at him for wasting your time and disappointed at yourself for letting him actually stop and distract you.
All of this because you were trying to fix a broken window.
Should you blame Sara too? Because she was the one who broke it in the first place?
"Look, I'll come up with a plan after you jump!"
"Choi San!!"
Your night was something out of the ordinary. After your feet landed on the cold snow, San wasted no time and immediately sprung into action.
With his hand tightly encircling your wrist, he's dragged you first into the Hogwarts kitchen to steal some food which made your heart nearly jump right out of your chest due to the intense worry you had that the house elves might catch the both of you. Then after getting yourselves full, he dragged you back outside in the freezing cold. And that's how you end up lying beside him in the snow, making snow angels.
"You were always inclined with constant trouble, y'know? And now you've dragged me to it with you." You spoke after a short moment of silence, both your hands and feet coming to work with the snow, San doing the same beside you.
"Well, it's not really trouble if you don't get caught."
And then, silence.
"What do you think of me now?" San asks, voice not more than a whisper. Tone, almost pleading.
"Hmm...I guess, you're not that bad after all…" You whispered back, eyes fixated at the dark sky above you, no stars in sight.
San scoffs lightly and props himself up on his elbow, looking at you incredulously. "You guess?"
You shook your head in slight amusement. "Fine, you're not bad yourself, Choi."
Just when you thought he was going to finally shut his mouth, he doesn't.
At the mention of your name, your head quickly turned to him. You raised your eyebrows, movements in the snow coming to a halt as you waited for his next words.
"Nothing, I just realized I never addressed you by your name."
And there was it, you felt like words were stuck in your throat as your heart paced a tad bit faster.
You just also realized that, that, was in fact the first time you've heard the Slytherin utter your name.
"Your point?" You asked nonchalantly, masking up the fact that you were flustered for a bit there.
San stares at you for a little longer before his mouth opens, words pouring out without him realizing and he might regret a little later, or not.
"Pretty. Your name is pretty. And so are you."
You stared at him with wide eyes, your cheeks beginning to be filled with warmth at his statement.
When San sees your reaction, he tilts his head, brows furrowed, and then he asks. "Arin? Why are you red? Are you perhaps cold- wait, shit." It was now his turn to stare at you with wide eyes. Realizing that he just said that, he looks away from you and covers his face with his hands.
Then he screams.
Meanwhile, you just sat there, blinking dumbly. Your mind, lost in space.
Your name is pretty.
And so are you.
Your name is pretty.
And so are you.
Your name is pretty.
And so are you—
His words repeating like some sort of mantra inside your head stops as you hear someone clearing their throat.
"L-look.." San stammers, turning your attention back at him.
"Do you...do you like me?" You asked in a faint whisper, your hands tightly gripping the hem of your sweater as you wait for his reply.
San heaves a sigh and then he bites his lips. Then he settles for, "Yes? I do? Maybe? I don't know." as an answer.
Which only made you more confused than you are.
So you sit up, and he does the same.
You expected him to be silent, but he tells his story, instead.
"You were so small...and innocent. I thought you were cute too, to be honest. I wanted to be your friend, you know?" He says, smiling at the memory of the first time he saw you, young Arin Bramwell coming into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, looking like a lost child in a marketplace.
"But, I couldn't. I didn't know how to approach you."
"So you didn't." You say.
"Yeah, I didn't."
"Coward." You whispered to yourself, secretly rolling your eyes.
"But then — you met your friend. Sara, was it?" You nod your head, not really knowing where this conversation is headed to.
"That was the first time I saw you smile." San smiles fondly. "And maybe...the time I realized I liked you, but of course, I just realized it now."
"What was that?" You ask, not hearing him well. But San just shook his head.
"Nothing. Don't you think it's getting colder now? Should we head inside?"
You narrowed your eyes at him, but then you eventually sigh and nod your head. You let him pull you up from the ground, and then the two of you walked back inside.
"SO…" San speaks when the both of you stopped at the corridor that leads to the Ravenclaw common room.
"Goodnight, San." You speak softly, giving him a small smile. San returns it.
"Goodnight, Arin." You nod your head.
Not knowing what to say anymore, you opted for a small wave and was about to brush past him when you remembered throughout the night, he was just in his flip-flops.
He must've been cold.
And the Slytherin common room is a long walk to go too.
Oh, so you're worried about him? The little voice in your head asks.
Is it wrong if I am? You counter.
Fuck it.
"San, doyouwanttocomeinside?" You said in a rush, making him jolt in place and look at you quizzically.
"Pardon me?"
You don't say anything. You just grabbed his hand without a word and dragged him with you.
"Arin? Where are you taking me?"
"Just shut up, we have to get you warm."
"Sooo...you were worried about me?"
"Was not."
"You are!"
"Am not."
"Sure, you're not."
"Am I even allowed here?" San asks when you went silent.
"Technically, you aren't. But there's no professors in sight, so you're okay, San. Stop being such a worrywart." You told him as you searched for a spare cozy blanket inside one of the many drawers your common room has.
When you finally find one, you turn on your heel to go back to San, only to find him pouting.
"Stop pouting, you like a duck."
"Excuse me?!"
"What? Ducks are cute, aren't they?"
"So, you're saying, I'm cute?"
San scoffs. When you neared him, you tossed the blanket at him and sat beside his now, warming body.
You had dragged him with you inside the Ravenclaw common room. The both of you are now sitting in front of the fireplace. Warmth engulfing the both of you, totally opposite of the feeling the white snow gave you back there outside.
You inched closer to him, trying to make the blanket fit the both of you. After you successfully did, you turned your head to the side, only to see San staring at you.
"What?" You ask, raising your eyebrow.
"Are we...friends now?"
You still for a second before you replied to him.
"I mean, yeah, sure. If that's what you want us to be…" You say, pulling up your knees to your chest, your gaze fixated at the fire dancing in front of you.
"What if I want us to be more.."
"What was that?" You asked when you heard him mumbling. San just shook his head.
Moments later, you feel a weight on your left shoulder. When you whip your head slowly to the side, you see San starting to doze off on you. His head was on your shoulder, eyes closed and soft breaths came out of his slightly parted mouth.
"San, do you want to move to one of the rooms? I'm sure you could stay here for the ni-"
"No." He mumbles. "You are a perfect headrest, you know." He added cheekily, chuckling after.
You rolled your eyes. "So that's what I am now? A friend and a headrest?"
This time you don't receive any response from him, except the little snores he let out and it was enough to convince you that maybe he has fallen asleep.
And you should too.
Sighing, you let your head fall on top of his and closed your eyes letting slumber consume you bit by bit.
NEXT week came, and everything was back into place. Except for the fact that you and San had gotten a lot closer, the following days after he dozed off on you.
You could say you two were close enough to be considered as friends. Even Niki and him. That sometimes you'd frown at how it seems like Niki's been more fond of him lately, than you, his owner.
You've also already gotten used to his antics and how he naturally switches from his playful side to his somewhat  — child-like side.
And just like what you said before, he's actually not that bad, as what others tell him to be.
He's just... annoying.
You were currently in your Potions class with Professor Park. Sara, sitting in front of you as both of you waited for class to start.
"So, tell me, did you really spend your holidays just reading books and taking care of Niki?" Sara asks you, her face resting on top of her hand as she leaned on the table.
"I most likely did. Yeah." You respond, half truthfully, not that she would've noticed.
"I'm not even surprised it didn't bore you."
"When did books ever bore m-"
"Oh, shit, is that Jung Wooyoung?" Sara squeaks, nearly falling off her chair. Before you could ask her what's the matter with her, her face turns red as she blushes furiously.
The next thing you know, she has her head down on the table as she tries to suppress a light squeal.
Finding her behavior weird, you decide to look around, your eyes immediately stopping to a familiar Slytherin male.
The infamous Jung Wooyoung, except that his hair was now silver.
Your eyes don't linger on him though, as your gaze landed on the black-haired male beside him, whose eyes immediately turn into crescents as he flashes you a smile when he sees you looking at him. You smiled back.
The subtle exchange comes to a stop when you hear Sara speak up.
“He’s so pretty I think I’m gonna faint.” She says, both of her hands fanning her still red face.
"I knew you have a crush on him, but I certainly didn't expect you to react this way after not seeing him for only a week, Sara." You told her, because you do believe that she might really faint any minute now.
"I know, me neither! But how can I not when he decided to dye his hair silver!" Sara squeals yet again, burying her face back on the table.
You just sat there staring at your somewhat hopeless friend, wondering when her squeals would stop.
Meanwhile, San settles down with his two friends at a table at the far back of the classroom, his eyes glued to a particular someone.
Ohoh, this time he wasn't really being discreet, at all.
“Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?” Wooyoung's voice snaps him out of his little daze, his eyes automatically looking away from your spot.
"Uh, no? I'm just...feeling hot?" San answers, not really being able to maintain eye contact with his best friend as he breaks into a sweat.
"Liar!" Yeosang exclaims, making both males turn their attention to him. One wide-eyed, and the other, squinting.
"What do you mean, Yeo?" Wooyoung asks the blonde.
"What I mean is that, I just saw him exchange a smile with Arin Bramwell."
At that information, Wooyoung gasps, his left hand over his mouth as he looks back at San, who was now sending daggers to Yeosang.
"You little snitch." San snarls, about to hit him with a book, but the latter was quick to avoid it. "How did you even manage to see that, huh?"
"Not my fault if I have sharp eyes!" Yeosang defends.
"Oh my god, so it is true?!" Wooyoung shrieks, gaining the attention of the other students in the room, even you, that San had to put a hand to his mouth to shut him up. But Wooyoung refuses to.
"So you finally made a move on her? When Yeosang and I were out? When everyone was out? When the whole school was out?"
"Yeah? And what if I did?" San answers back, making Wooyoung squeal this time, that even Yeosang had to cover his ears at the sound.
"No way? Okay, so maybe I didn’t see that coming. At all.” The silver-haired male muses, finding it very amusing that one of his friends is close to having his own lovelife, that even when Professor Park entered the room, he still kept on pestering San.
"Sooo, when will you introduce us to her?"
"Oh, shut up, Woo!" San shushes him up and fortunately, he does it successfully this time when he sees his friend now focused on Professor Park, upfront.
Sure, San does the same, but his mind was definitely drifting somewhere - someone, rather.
To say that he was feeling joyous, was an understatement.
The fact that he no longer has to look at you from the shadows without you knowing, has made his heart leap up in content and perhaps, made him charged and euphoric, especially when your eyes met his' for the second time this day. Both of your lips, stretching into a full smile, you, rolling your eyes after as you caught sight of his dimples appearing on both sides of his cheeks.
That might just be your new weakness.
Then, when you look away, San shakes his head at himself, muttering, "I might just fall deeper."
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dairyminki · 3 years
Rocky | c.s
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↬ pairing: choi san x fem!oc
↬ summary:  life was never meant to be easy and for you - it was always rocky. or wherein; comfort finds you in the form of leather jackets and the smell of mint and smoke, and seven other guys.
↬ genre: college au, fluff, light angst, friends to lovers
↬ warning: smoking, alcohol consumption, mentions of scar and injury
↬ wc: 10.5k
↬ note:  san has high alcohol tolerance for this fic (therefore, he was able to drive)
HAVE fun, get drunk and drown your problems in one go. That's the plan you had in mind tonight.
Your steps were heavy as you dragged yourself to the familiar mansion you've gone to a few times — but not in these kinds of situations.
Neon lights bouncing off the walls and through the windows, loud music blasting while people scattered all over the place. It's pure luck that the entire property was located kilometers away from the heart of the city and instead, is perched near a cliff, way past the heart of the forest. So yeah, no complaining neighbors to worry about, alright.
It's private property after all.
"Elle, you made it!" A handsome face pops out from the opened door after you've knocked about eight times. A smile crept into your face at the sight of him.
"Am I late, Woo?" You ask with a chuckle. Your friend was quick to shake his head and pull you inside the house. "Not at all, silly!" He exclaims so you can hear him past the blaring music from the stereos. It was almost deafening. Thank god, Wooyoung drags you away from it, past the dancing bodies reeking of sweat and alcohol and brings you somewhere upstairs.
You figured he'd bring you to his friends. Frankly, Wooyoung is friends with every single soul in the university he goes to. But these friends you're talking about are his close-knitted ones. One he'd sell his kidneys for.
You see, you're Wooyoung's childhood friend, which made you special, his words not yours. And these friends of his, seven in total, were strangers he encountered with and stuck to in highschool and ever since then, they were like brothers, a family, inseparable .
You weren't exactly as close to them as Wooyoung is, but you can say you've had quite a few fun times with them too. They were nice and they made you comfortable with them. But...it's you.
The problem lies in you .
You had, still have, trust issues. The reason why you don't have close friends, (not that you mind) just like how Wooyoung has one. You find it hard to let people in, in your life.
Being solo is nice, but sometimes you can't deny but crave for something or someone who you can have by your side too.
That doesn't matter right now though. You're here to get wasted, hopefully .
Wooyoung leads you through a hallway, past rooms and more rooms until you finally reach the end. You both stop in front of a blue door. Wooyoung knocks.
"You're back than — Elle ?" Yeosang, the quiet fellow of the group, gasps, as he sees you beside Wooyoung. You offer him a friendly wave.
Out of all the seven guys, Yeosang is one of those who you're closest with. With his quiet nature, you can't help but gravitate towards him and his company because you're one as well.
"I can't believe Wooyoung was right this time. You did came." Yeosang adds, with a smile that tells you he's more than happy to see you here, and then he ushers you in.
Wooyoung has invited you a lot of times to go to his parties. But out of all the 15 invitations he made, this was the only one you appeared to.
What can you say, you're desperate now.
Inside, your mouth gapes at the sight of the private room. In the middle, there was an abstract carpet, a few leather couches circling a coffee table filled with assorted magazines and game consoles, a flat-screen tv and a crackling fireplace with warm heat.
As the three of you venture further, you realize there's a few bedrooms and then another room. There, you see a bean bag in the corner — which looks like it's been occupied just not too long ago, a mini bar with a cabinet full of expensive wine bottles, a couple of game machines with all sorts of games you can't quite name and finally, a large pool table at the center.
And at that moment, it was occupied.
Your eyes meet one of the player's. His cat-like eyes squinting and then widening at you in recognition, the cue stick on his hand falling limp on the table with a thud.
You giggle softly and smile shyly at him. Noticing his pink cheeks, you start to wonder how many drinks he's had already.
" Okay , so who's winning?" Wooyoung clasps his hands together in a loud manner before he moves closer to the pool table.
"Elle, darling , is that you?" A warm voice says, and when you turn around, you see Seonghwa's pink head peeking out from one of the bedroom's.
You smile at the sight of the eldest.
"Hi." You reply, before Seonghwa comes to ruffle your hair.
Hearing your name made the others look up from their businesses, and suddenly, before you could process things, you were already crushed in a hug by the two towers — Mingi and Yunho.
"Guys, it's just me." You giggle as you pat their backs. Hongjoong smiles at you as you meet his gaze while Jongho, the youngest of the bunch, can only offer you a pained smile as he watches you getting crushed by the YunGi duo.
"Oh my god, let the poor girl breathe!" A voice exclaims before you feel the grip on your body loosen. Mingi and Yunho muttering apologies, saying they just really missed your pretty face.
"We kept wondering when Wooyoung would let us meet you again. Especially Mingi, since he said he had so much fun when you came with us at the waterpark." Hongjoong tells you, making Mingi's face flush in pink at your side.
"Is that so?" You say, poking his side playfully before he grabs Yunho by the arm and drags him away for another game of pool.
The rest burst into laughter while you smiled. Because, Mingi just might be the sweetest guy you've ever met.
"You're here." The same voice that pried away the two towers from you, speaks behind you. His mouth dangerously close to your ear, you could practically smell the intoxicating mix of mint and alcohol together and a lingering hint of smoke from it.
"San, hi." You greet him, turning around to face him. Wrong move.
Was San ever this attractive to your eyes before? You thought, gulping, now that you see him upclose. His taunting cat-like eyes, his sharp nose, his full lips, his prominent jaw and the way his black hair mats on his forehead because of sweat.
He looked…..breathtaking.
"I see...you finally gave in to Wooyoung's pleas huh?"
"Y-Yeah. Badly needed the alcohol." A hand instantly flies over your mouth because why on earth did you let that slip out.
San doesn't need to know. None of them needed to know.
At that, San squints his eyes, eyebrows furrowing, before his lips form into a smirk.
"Oh? Is that so? Shall I do the honor of making your drink then?" San offers, and because he's the one you're closest with, you nod, letting him take you to the back where the mini bar was located.
He pulls out a chair for you and makes you sit before he goes to the counter to make his specialty for you tonight.
San was a sweetheart . When Wooyoung introduced you to them for the first time, you remember being scared to look him in the eye, because his features looked so fierce and sharp. The way that he also had an eyebrow slit and piercing didn't help in the slightest as well. You were so intimidated by him.
But then, he flashed you the brightest smile, eyes turning into crescents as he did so. Dimples popping out on both sides of his cheeks.
After that encounter, you find yourself sticking to his side whenever Wooyoung drags you to hangout with them. San's never been anything but a gentleman to you.
But tonight, you can't help but feel that he's oozing with a different aura. Was it his new haircut? The blue-grey contacts he wore? Is it the fact that he's wearing a tank top right now? Or is it the way you noticed how his features seemed to have gotten even sharper, his body even bigger than you remembered? His broad shoulders and muscles flexing as he had his back to you. You even think he grew a tad bit taller.
When was the last time you saw the boys? Saw San?
Last summer. During that waterpark getaway Hongjoong mentioned earlier.
Is it possible for someone to get even better-looking in a span of four months? Somehow, it makes you internally sigh in relief that you don't go to the same university as them. Because if you did, God , how can you survive seeing San like this every single day?
"A penny for your thoughts?" Your heart almost jumped out of your chest at the sudden hand placed on your shoulder. When you look back, you see Yeosang beaming at you.
"God, you scared me for life, Sang!"
"How deep were you in your thoughts that you didn't even hear me calling your name?" Yeosang raises an eyebrow, and you don't know why you felt heat creeping up to your cheeks.
It's not like he caught you staring at San, didn't he? And Yeosang can't read minds, so you're safe in the least.
Before you could even muster a reply, a glass filled with pink liquid with a cherry perched on it slides towards you on the table. When you look up, San is smiling at you, gesturing for you to take a sip.
"Thank you." You say, completely forgetting about Yeosang being there.
"My pleasure." San replies, clinking his glass with yours. Then he raises it to his lips, drinking it down with a smirk.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘
"Where's Wooyoung?" You ask as you fiddled with your fingers. Your emptied glass sitting on the bar table centimeters away from you.
" Hmm , most probably downstairs, entertaining his guests," San coughs, and you just know there's more meaning to what he meant by the word, entertaining .
"Why? You wanna go home now?" He asks. It's been way past an hour, you suppose, since you've arrived. And since then, San never left your side, occasionally throwing topics in for you two to talk about.
And you enjoyed every single bit of it. It made you feel like you got to know him even better.
"Uh, yeah . My parents might be already looking for me. What time is it? I-I told them I'll be back by 10." You wish. They probably don't even give a fuck.
San looks at his watch, telling you it's 30 minutes before 10. Then he offers, "Do you want me to drive you home?"
You shook your head. "Uh no, there's really no need for that Sa-"
"I'm so dumb for asking when in fact, I'll still drive you even when you say no." San chuckles, while you stand there, mind processing his words a little bit slower than usual due to the light amount of alcohol in your system.
Then he turns his back and starts walking, when he hears no footsteps behind him, he turns to you, rolling his eyes.
"C'mon pretty face, are you just going to stand there? You said you wanted to go home right?" San says, a boyish grin toying at his lips.
You gulp.
"A-Ah, yes! My bad." You hurriedly uttered before you ran to match his pace.
That night, you went home with a sickening feeling as you approached the doorsteps to what you call home.
You didn't get to fully drown your problems tonight, what a shame. But it was nice, having someone as a company, even if it was just for mere hours.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘
You surprised yourself, the guys, and especially Wooyoung himself. Not even a week has passed and you're here yet again, appearing in one of your friend's parties.
That makes two out of 16 invitations. You could say that progress has been made.
Tonight, you also practically begged Wooyoung to let you wander around the house and mingle as well. Not just be stuck in the private room with the scent of expensive liquor and the eight boys.
You liked San's company, all of them, it's a given fact.
But , you wanted to drown it all for real this time. You want to go home the most wasted you'll ever get, up to the point that you'll forget about your name, your favorite color, how many tubs of ice cream you have left in the fridge, the scar on your abdomen, everything.
Which is why after an eternity of dancing in the middle of sweaty bodies, countless spilt drinks on Wooyoung's marble floor, and stumbly walks around the mansion — you find yourself outside on the pool with San.
Well, he dragged you here before you could even accept the stranger's invitation of hitting it off together. You had drunkenly chuckled, wondering what you two were going to hit all the while San was clenching his knuckles at the side, ready to give the guy a blow in the face if you hadn't dragged him away, shouting, "I want to see the mermaids!"
And that's how you find yourselves sitting at the pool's rocky edge, both of your feet submerged in the cold water while San sat cross-legged beside you, smoking .
"I didn't know you smoked!" You squeaked.
"You didn't ask." San chides, turning to face you.
"I didn't."
"Yeah, do you want to try?" San nudges your side, making you snap your head to him, eyes wide, cheeks flushed due to the shivering cold and the after effect of all the alcohol you drank tonight.
You're actually surprised you haven't vomited yet.
San pulls out another cigarette from his back pocket and thrusts the death stick to you. You frantically shook your head, your left hand moving it away from you.
"But why? It doesn't hurt to try does it?"
"Yeah, but I call that a death stick ."  You emphasized. Which is why you should stop , you wanted to add. But no. Who are you to tell San how to live his life? You're not his mom, you're just a…. friend ? If he even considers you as one.
At that, San wheezes, much to your dismay. "A death stick? Well, I can't blame you, you're not wrong after all." He says, before he takes another whiff of his cigarette, a stream of smoke coming out of his mouth as he exhales.
"I don't like the smell." You muttered while your hands tried their best to not let the smoke near you, in fear of inhaling it.
Silence draped around the two of you like a blanket. Even though your eyes were fixated on the water glistening because of the moonlight above, you can still feel eyes burning into the side of your face. It only heightened the heat creeping up into your face.
"Stop staring at me, San." You told him in a quiet voice.
If he was surprised that he's caught by you, San doesn't let it show. What he does though, is look away, his lips emitting another puff of smoke.
" Apparently all our friends have a bet going, that we end up together ." San blurts out after sometime, the exact moment when a cold gust of wind blows past you, making you shiver.
You weren't able to hear his words well past the loud clattering of your teeth, your arms wrapping around yourself.
"What did you say?"
"Nothing. You're cold, let's get inside and then I'll drive you home."
You weren't even able to protest when you felt something around your shoulders. It turns out to be San's leather jacket, and now he's only left in his black t-shirt. At least it's not a mere tank top this time.
San pulls you up and escorts you back inside the house. You could feel the ghost of his arm over your waist, but it didn't touch, not even when the two of you were already back in the private room bidding goodbyes to the other guys.
The next thing you knew, you were already seated inside his car.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘
"I can't do anything right!"
"Oh god, please don't cry." San tries his best to tell you in the most soothing way, afraid of making you panic even more.
The journey in bringing you home tonight was quite rocky compared to the last time he volunteered to drive you.
It seemed like the alcohol finally hit your system real hard because as soon as he rolled up the windows, turned the aircon on, and roared his car to life — you felt heavy-headed, nauseous and you even thought the world was spinning for a split-second . However , you kept quiet about it.
You only told San about it when you caught sight of a convenience store, making him stop the vehicle to get you some meds, water and candy to chew on.
But as soon as San came back — there you were.
When he opened the car door, the latter was met with the sight of you crying, fisted hands on your lap while the shotgun seat was a mess.
You just vomited.
"I swear, Elle, it's fine, you're fine, sweetheart. I'm not mad, okay?" San reassures you as he cradles your face with one hand and the other caressing your mess of a hair.
"Y-You're not?" You asked, doe-eyes glossed with tears, looking up at the male. Lips quivering, because you know how expensive-looking San's car was and you just happened to have messed up one of the leather car seats.
"I told you I'm not, didn't I?"
You nod your head.
San gently smiles and the next thing he does, surprises you. He boops your nose and hands you a black handkerchief.
"As much as you look cute when crying, I don't want to see you in tears again when you're with me, is that clear?"
"San I-"
"Here, take these. I'm pretty sure these could lessen the dizziness up until we reach your house. Drink these while I go clean up the car, alright? And then, I'll take you home. How does that sound?" San asks, eyes meeting yours in the softest gaze that your heart starts doing flips inside your chest.
You look away, muttering a small yes, and San leaves you to it. But not before ruffling your hair and fixing his jacket that stayed and kept you warm on your shoulder.
Seonghwa does that to you each time you meet them and it always radiates brotherly affection in your end.
But with San, why does it feel like you're on cloud nine?
You reckon your heart just did a somersault all the while another wave of heat rushes to paint your cheeks red.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘
The dreaded day of the final examinations came and everyone's walking in like a zombie towards the school grounds and into their respective classrooms.
Including you.
Your eyebags were visible and heavy. You know this because that's the first thing you saw in the mirror when you woke up.
Also not having much time to groom yourself, only having 20 minutes left on the clock, all you could do was sport a messy bun and throw in some worn-out jeans and a simple t-shirt.
Breakfast wasn't an option either. Your mom wasn't home, again. Your father, well , passed out on the living room couch with his favorite sports channel still playing on the television and oh , he reeked of alcohol.
You could've cooked for yourself but, you didn't think you could still stomach some food in a fallen-apart house you can't even call home.
Yes. Your life is a mess. At the age of 15, home didn't exist. Family wasn't a word you were fond of and love was nothing but lies to you.
Your parents fought every single night. Beer bottles crashed on the floor, furniture got flipped upside-down and their screams and shouts became your lullaby when you tried to hold yourself on the comfort of your bed, all the while tears ran down and wetted your cheeks.
Then you wake up, it's suddenly a new day. The sun is up and your tears have dried. Worst case is, you'll come downstairs and see your parents acting like nothing happened. Then you pack up your bags and go to school.
The cycle repeats.
"Last ten minutes.." The professor announces in a monotone as he circled the room, carefully keeping an eye on possible cheat-sheets being passed on his watch.
With one last scan at your answers, you stood up, fixed your bag and trudged towards the professor's desk at the center of the room.
You put down your test sheet neatly and securely on top of the others and with a sigh, you exit the room.
You're done.
It's done.
You're free from the bittersweet days of college. Well , except the graduation part. Still, you're finally, freaking , free.
Other students will take this opportunity to celebrate with their friends. But friends? You don't have that. And happiness and enjoyment? It seemed like your life was devoid of it as well.
Your only option was to go home . Gosh, saying that word was like getting your thumb pricked with rose thorns.
However, as soon as you step outside the classroom, where the warm sunlight greets you, your eyes focus on the evergreen tree just up ahead — the one that stood tall and sturdy by the concrete pavement. Yes, that.
Is that who I think it is? You question yourself as you take small, unsure steps to get a clearer vision on the figure clad in black, leaning by the tree's trunk.
But when he raises his head away from his phone, the same cat-like eyes staring back at your puzzled ones, a gasp escapes from your mouth.
It's really Choi San . It's really him waving at you cooly as he grinned at your reaction upon seeing him inside your campus.
But isn't he hot?  
You mentally facepalmed because he is hot. However, that's not what you meant, because under the scorching heat of the sun, that not even the shade of the tree can hide him away from, was him in a black shirt, his signature black leather jacket and black ripped jeans.
He looked like he just came from a funeral. And his hair, oh his hair — it's black too!
"Are you just going to stand there and stare at me again, pretty face?"
Shouting that familiar line, you felt your cheeks heating up once again.
And just like before, you squeak out a quick apology and run towards the smirking male.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘
San promised himself that when your paths cross once again, that that summer getaway with you and his friends wouldn't be the last time he'll see you and your pretty face — he would take the risk .
Take the risk, give his heart a chance — give love a chance — and pursue you. And if you say no, he'll wait for you.
San isn't the type to give up once he wants something, or someone , rather. That's how sure he is of you.
And now, here you were, sitting in front of him inside a vintage-looking café, the side of your lips messily smeared with whipped cream.
Seeing you being confused made San chuckle. But when a pout graces your cute, small, pink lips, he coughs out loud. He grabs his handkerchief and hands it to you.
"Wipe your lips."
"Oh, so that's why you were stifling a laugh." You said in utter realization and let out a soft chuckle of your own. "And no, it's okay. Remember that black hanky you gave me that night? I-I still have it y'know." You smiled at him shyly and took the cloth out of your bag. You intended to bring it with you whenever and wherever incase you bump into one of the boys or San himself.
Then, you quickly wiped your whole mouth not missing a single spot because it would've been embarrassing looking like a mess — once again — in front of San. See, you're quite a messy eater yourself.
"Uh, I actually washed this already but seeing it got dirty again, I'll just give it back to you some other time. Is that oka-"
San doesn't let you finish on your obvious rambling and takes the matter in his hands. Because, you did miss a single spot.
Taking the handkerchief from your hold, he grasps it in his and wipes the corner of your mouth clean.
But he was too close. And he knew it . Was it on purpose? Maybe . However, you on the other hand wasn't taking it well due to the close proximity.
"There, all clean ." San drags out his words a little longer all the while his warm breath, one that smelled of mint and smoke and strawberries from the cake he ate, ghosted over and tickled your lips.
"T-Thank you!" You squeaked out, one habit you can't help but do whenever you're embarrassed or shy or feeling like a deer caught in the headlights.
And in this case, you were, and San was the light that burned through your skin .
Just when you thought San was going to move away and lean back on his seat, he doesn't.
The feeling of your hair tie being loosened caught you off guard. The next thing you knew, it was already in San's hold and he was staring at you painfully hard and long, yet, the look in his eyes was still the softest you've ever seen.
"San, what are you-"
" You look better with your hair down ." San smiles at you cheekily. Now, he didn't lie, but somehow he did. Because the true reason why he did that was because he couldn't stand seeing your pretty neck displayed around for him and others to see.
God knows what he would do if he didn't do that.
"Okay? But can you give my hair tie back?"
"Nope." San playfully says and stuffs the black hair tie in his pocket. He decides that he'll keep it in the meantime. "I'll give it back to you the same day you give my handkerchief back. Is it a deal?"
You huffed. Because, frankly, you don't know if you can handle another day, another next time , with San being like this around you.
Just the two of you. No Wooyoung. No other friends of his.
Still, you find yourself nodding.
"Fine, it's a deal."
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘
Next time came quickly. And San couldn't help but feel ecstatic. Even his friends had to question his random jumps and hops around their dorm because it was out of character.
"San, can you come sit for a second?" Hongjoong ushers him to the high stool located by the kitchen countertop where the others are currently eating their breakfast.
San being dragged there couldn't do anything but just sit upon the elder's request. And since he was already there, he figured maybe he should just eat breakfast as well. Excitement overshadowed his hunger, he guesses.
However, as soon as he fills up his plate with eggs and bacon, he gets startled when Seonghwa, who was sitting in front of him, slams a fork on the marble top — the fork, just centimetres away from his own plate.
San gulps down hard. Did he do something wrong? Something out of the line?
"You're strangely so giddy today, Choi. It's a little bit suspicious." Oh… .oh.
Oh .
San laughs knowing it was nothing serious all along.
"What's funny?" Mingi, the last one who woke up, asked as he rubbed his still sleepy eyes.
"So that's what this is all about?" San raises an eyebrow, a smirk curling the side of his lips upward, his body leaning a bit forward to the countertop.
"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" Mingi, who was lost in confusion, just stands there. Thankfully, Jongho pulls him to sit beside him and tells him all the details he missed while he was deep in slumber.
"Yeah. So are you telling or not?" Yeosang inquires. "Or shall we have to bring the two Jung's here before you finally speak?"
"I really didn't wanna tell y'know." San huffs, almost sulkily. He wanted to take things slow and not have his friends mendling and influencing whatever moves and genuine, heartfelt strategies he's taking to make Elle see through him and his intentions.
On second thoughts , maybe he could tell them, but not specifically. Just make it vague , then he will leave the rest to their intuition and imagination.
And that's what he did.
"Your friend is in love." San tells them, just right when everybody was silent and all their attention was fixed on him.
And then, despite the chaos he made and the questions being thrown in the air, San leaves.
He leaves with a blooming sensation creeping right through his chest, his cheeks, perhaps dusted with pink tints.
San laughs to himself and throws his car keys in the air and quickly catches it before he walks — dances — towards his beloved vehicle.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘
Days after days, nights after nights.
Everything was all about those butterflies flying freely inside your stomach, the feeling of your heart about to jump right out of your chest, and the cold touch of his black leather jacket on your skin that came along with the warmth of his addictive and intoxicating breath fanning your flushed face.
Everything was all about San and the things he does to you .
You've accepted more of San's invitations that consisted of café and arcade hopping and afternoon drives, more than Wooyoung's party invitations.
Do you feel guilty? Not in the slightest. But you know Wooyoung would most probably sulk when he knows. Do you regret it? Also, no .
Do you want to stop? Never . Although being with San sometimes feels like you're sprinting forward and jumping right off a cliff unprepared, you don't want everything to stop. Whatever this thing going on between you is called.
Is this how friends hang-out? You think so, but something deep inside you tells you it isn't just as friends. It's something more . Nonetheless, you wouldn't want to know. It's quite scary and honestly, it makes you jittery.
One of these days, you might need liquid courage before you outright spill whatever you're feeling towards San. That is, if your hunches are correct all along…
That you might just be experiencing the feeling called… .love .
On San's end, however? You don't know if he's feeling the same type of way. But oh, you wouldn't hope. Certainly not .
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘
The liquid courage plan came sooner than you expected.
With your head spinning, heartbeat hammering, mind hazy and clouded with various countless thoughts, all good and bad — you dial his number.
As soon as he accepts the call on his end, you don't let him speak. Your slurred speech beats him right through it
"Haii, San!"
"Elle? It's three in the morning, what are you-"
"Listen." You grit your teeth. "I have something to tell you sweetie !" That endearment coming out of you was already a sign for San — you were drunk .
"Elle, where are you right now? Are you with someone?" You could hear worry laced in his voice. It made you chuckle.
"No." You say, a hiccup leaving you right after. "I'm drunk, all alone , Sannie!" You squealed, like it was the greatest thing you did.
You hear San let out a curse before he asks you where your exact location is. You told him your GPS is on and shushed him. Because you really had to tell him, or else , you wouldn't be able to once you break down and only your cries will be heard for the days to come.
"I fucking love you." You say, leaving no room for arguments within yourself whether that's what you really felt or not.
Silence met you on the other end. And then, San speaks.
"Look, Elle. I'll fetch you there, okay? Wait for me-"
Did San just brush off your confession?
"Didn't you hear what I said? I said I fucking love you!" You shouted over the phone, not caring about the stares you're getting from the store employees nor the hot tears running down your cold cheeks.
You hear a series of groans and incoherent noises from San's line but all he says is, "Hang up, and tell me this when you're sober."
And then he ends the call.
Your lips quivered as your phone slipped out of your hand. A unique numbness taking over your body.
Two heartbreaks in one night. Ha.
A bittersweet chuckle escapes you as your mind drifts to your now permanently damaged home — both parents gone for real, leaving the building empty and cold.
You've seen it coming . After that series of push and pull between your mother and your father — they'll eventually get tired and realize there's nothing worth fighting for, nothing to hold them back to stay in a wrecked home.
It hurts because it meant you weren't a good enough reason for them to stay. Since the beginning, you knew it wasn't repairable.
And maybe, just maybe, you decided to put a blind eye to it. And maybe, your parents did the same but now, they've woken up. Saw things clearer.
That love , love isn't as great, strong and powerful as others proclaim it to be.
Because if it was, you wouldn't be here getting drunk all by yourself, crying over a family that doesn't exist now and a budding love that once was there for the guy with the black leather jacket and whose breath smelled of mint and smoke.
All hopes were crushed for you.
However, before you pass out, you hear the ringing of a bell and then, you see light before you for the last time that night.
You feel it. The familiar mix of coldness and warmth as you hear the whispered words of,
"I'm here, I'm sorry."
Somehow, it was soothing.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘
San didn't know what to do.
Neither of the boys knew what to do, even Wooyoung — the boy who grew up with you — knew nothing.
It's because you didn't tell him anything . No matter how you labeled each other as childhood friends, you weren't an open book. You refused to let people in. Even him.
And maybe that's what Wooyoung regrets the most — not putting more effort into breaking down your walls.
He shouldn't have let those childhood memories fade away slowly in time. Shouldn't have made distance and the time that separated you from each other hinder him from being there for you and making himself worthy of the title 'your childhood friend'.
When he met new people in his life, he should've brought you along with him. Made you laugh and smile with him
"Seonghwa changed her clothes and she's still asleep." Yeosang announces to the other guys as soon as he went out of Seonghwa and Hongjoong's room. The room where they let Elle stay for the night — since it was the cleanest.
"That's good to hear. Uhm , we should probably let her rest in the meantime," Hongjoong pauses and licks his lip. "She looked so tired…"
"I know…" Was the only thing Wooyoung was able to say as he leaned his body forward on the couch, head hung low and his hands clasped together.
"It's not like her to get drunk all by herself, not to mention, in public." Wooyoung sighs.
"San said she was crying when he found her too." Jongho adds. Then their heads turn toward the sound of the door opening and closing.
San and Seonghwa left the room looking dejected. Heavy sighs leaving their dry lips.
"San, how did you find her? And why did she contact you instead of...me ?" Wooyoung throws at him even when the latter wasn't able to take a seat yet.
He feels like San isn't telling them something.
"Before I answer that," San starts and clears his throat. He throws a knowing look at Seonghwa before the elder nods his head and rests his head on the couch.
"Did...did Elle tell you anything, Woo? Anything about her life at all? Like, what on earth is happening with her?" San asks, and he wasn't able to prevent his pitch from increasing. His heartbeat was rapid against his ribcage.
"I — nothing ? I don't know, San. We don't talk that much these days but — where are you going with this anyway?"
When San looks away and refuses to meet his eyes, mouth closed and not telling anything, worry and fear starts dancing in Wooyoung's irises.
Something feels off.
"We...I cleaned her right? And we...we found a scar along her abdomen but don't worry it looks old...it's just that it was kinda long."
It was Seonghwa who spoke.
After hearing that, the rest of the guys gulped down hard. Except San, who stood up from his seat, saying,
"Don't worry? Ha." He lets out a humorless chuckle, hands tightly gripping down on his black locks.
"She also has a fresh cut on her arm and I had to clean and fix it myself!" He exclaims.
At the rate that San was going, everyone can sense the frustration, regret and anger oozing from him and his tone. They figured it was more of a pent-up release and a harsh blame, on himself .
On themselves.
Especially Wooyoung.
Elle had told him nothing — so what was he going to conclude from all the things he heard from everyone? It was like an unpleasant surprise to him. Like opening a gift box only to see a bomb inside of it. Worst is, there's still more coming.
After some time, the living room of their dorm was filled with nothing but silence. All the gears were turning inside their heads as they tried to figure out what's happening to their friend.
Elle isn't only a friend to but also like a sister to them .
"Sorry." Everyone hears San utter. Seven heads turn towards his direction.
"What for?" Mingi raises an eyebrow at him.
"For shouting, losing my cool and for not telling you guys, sooner."
"Not telling us... what ?" Yunho asks this time, body inching closer towards the latter.
"I...I've actually been seeing Elle now...for a week." San spills, and when he looks up at the other's reactions he sees — stifled grins, soft smiles, knowing smirks and curious eyes telling him to continue.
"Was planning on courting her after we got to know each other. That is, if she allows me to." At this point, San wasn't able to fight off the smile from his face as he fidgeted with his hands.
The rest of the guys let out hushed screams and shouts — mindful that Elle is still asleep and they don't want to wake her up this soon.
"I knew it, didn't I tell you that these two would hit it off soon enough?" Jongho, the most observant guy of the bunch, states happily.
"Right. I remember now! Seonghwa, Yeosang, Yunho and I made a bet about that. I can't believe I almost forgot." Mingi clicks his tongue all the while he shakes his head, lips soon breaking into an amused smile.
" Does ...does Elle feel the same, Sani ?" Wooyoung asks him, only for San to let out a shrug.
"I...actually, don't know, Woo."
"And, I'm sorry for not telling you about it...considering she's your-"
"Shut it idiot , it's not like I'm her brother or something." Wooyoung chuckles and then he puts a reassuring hand on the latter's shoulder.
"I'm sure she'll say yes once the two of you talk when she wakes up."
San doesn't know how to feel at what Wooyoung just said — not after hearing Elle drunk-confessing to him earlier on the phone.
And him just telling her to hang up.
Did she really mean it? Will she still say the exact same words once she's sober?
For now, San lets the burning hope spark inside him — pleading that tomorrow, Elle won't put it off and let it crush to ashes.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘
You wake up feeling the worst you reckon you've been — head weighing like a boulder, your mouth dry and you...you felt hot .
A moan escapes your lips when you try to move your body, which later turns into a groan once you felt like something humongous just crashed on top of you preventing your limbs from making any movements.
Which proved to be the case once you finally opened your eyes — seeing nothing but unfamiliar white walls and someone's weight halfway on top of you.
That someone's head was resting on your chest, near your heart's location. Their hands wrapped around your waist and legs, well , tangled with yours.
However, you didn't scream. You didn't panic.
This mop of soft black hair is familiar, and if you're not mistaken, that smell of  mixed mint and smoke that reached your nostrils when you inhaled it — how could you not? when he's this close to you — only belonged to one person.
"C-Can you get off of me, please?" You said in a hoarse voice, your hands using the strength you could muster to shake his body.
San groans on top of you and it seemed like his grip on your waist only tightened more — like he was afraid of letting you go.
Though you doubt that's the case.
"San, please?" You say almost breathless — not because he's heavy but because him being this close to you once again is taking the air out of your lungs.
Your pleas fall on deaf ears however, with San pushing it to the side as he changes the topic.
"You're awake." He says with a muffled voice. You had the urge to roll your eyes.
"How are you feeling? Does your arm still hurt?"
As soon as he asked those, your eyes wandered to your now bandaged arm. No blood in sight.
You gasped. "San, I-"
Your words get cut off by him when he moves away from you without a warning. He stays seated at the edge of the bed for a minute before he turns to you — his expression is nothing like you've ever seen before. Nothing like the previous ones he gave you.
"I'll help you wash up and then we'll go down for breakfast, okay? You can't say no, or else Wooyoung will get mad at you."
Your head immediately snaps to him, questioning wide eyes directed at the black-haired male.
"W-Wooyoung, you say?" Did you hear that right? Wooyoung is here?
"Hmm." San nods, then he stands up from the comfort of the bed and offers both of his hands to pull you up from the bed.
And when you refused to at first, he says,
"Or do you want me to carry you like a princess? Bridal style? The one they do in dramas, is that what they call it?" San raises an eyebrow at you, lips formed into a playful smirk. His expression and stance made blood course through your cheeks, heating it up with shyness.
"N-No, thank you!" You squeaked, yet again, and then you let him pull you up and guide you to the bathroom ever so gently.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘
When you and San went out of the room, you were welcomed with seven faces staring right back at you.
At first, no one moved, until Wooyoung stepped out of his chair and went to you to give you a warm, tight hug.
One that made you want to melt then and there.
However, the warmth quickly disappears when he pulls away.
"I'm glad you're awake, Elle." Wooyoung smiles at you, then he proceeds to ask you if your hang-over is bad bad and that next time you should ask one of them to accompany you to drink.
Then when the three of you already settled in with the others at the living room, the playful atmosphere continued on but — it felt wrong.
Like something was about to come right at you whilst you're unprepared.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘
All of you settled in the living room, the guys accompanying you throughout a movie that Jongho suggested to watch.
It almost seemed like they wanted you to stay because they kept watching one after another while you just sat in between the two towers — your head resting on Mingi's shoulders.
Frankly, your focus wasn't on the movie, your mind drifting to the thoughts of your wrecked home and somewhere along the lines of a crushed confession, all the while you fidgeted with your hands.
San noticed this, his eyes fixed on you all this time. His eyebrows were furrowed as he tried desperately to get inside your mind.
But who is he kidding? He's not a mind reader . And not being able to know what goes inside your head right now is killing him.
What happened?
Where did you get that scar? The cut on your arm?
Was it self-inflict- No . He shouldn't think like that.
"It's over!" A series of groans from the boys snaps you out of your thoughts, your head moving away from the comfort of Mingi's shoulders.
You see Seonghwa whispering something in Hongjoong's ear before you see the latter give you a quick glance.
It bubbles up something from inside of you. Something that makes you fidgety yet again.
It took the boys a few minutes to clean everything up — from popcorn bowls to soda cans. And now, everyone was settled in the living room — every couch occupied.
"Elle." You hear someone call your name. When you turn your head, you see Seonghwa looking at you softly. And is that worry in his eyes?
It seemed like the eldest didn't know how to approach the elephant in the room, because his mouth opens and closes a few times before he lets out a heavy sigh.
"If...if something's bothering you, you know you could always count on us, okay? Darling , we don't want to push you if you're uncomfortable because-" We know there's definitely something going on , he wanted to say. But he stops himself.
"Just, we're here to listen." Seonghwa smiles at you, a genuine one.
His words made you feel like they knew something was off. Of course, San found you drunk and they — they saw the cut on your arm.
But are you ready?
"T-Thank you." You said softly, before you stood up, yawning. You're not ready...yet . "I feel tired…I'm sleepy."
"Do you want one of us to bring you home, Elle, Or would you want to stay and nap here?" Hongjoong asks you.
At the mention of the word home, you slightly jolt. And if anyone notices your reaction, they don't point it out.
"C-Can I stay?"
"Of course you can, darling." Seonghwa beams at you. "Our dorm is always welcome to have you, alright? You know we won't mind, you're already like a sister to us, Elle. Like family ." He adds, and hearing it almost made you want to tear up. But you fight back the tears from falling and let them gather at the corner of your eyes.
"I'll bring her back to the room." San says and just like that, his hand finds its way right back on your waist.
Not ghosting anymore and actually touching you.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘
How can he act like it was just nothing?
You stared at San's flexed back with fire in your eyes. The latter was unaware all the while he searched for a comfy spare blanket for you to get warmed up in.
Your train of thoughts ended up with you staring back at your neatly bandaged arm. Are you ready to go back to that deserted house? Surely, you can't stay here forever, right?
A loud sigh was heard inside the room and you didn't even know it came from you — being too deep inside your head.
But San heard it. He heard you.
"What's the matter, Elle?" San asks, abandoning the pile of blankets in the cabinet as he turns and approaches your form on Seonghwa's bed.
"I heard you sigh. You must be thinking a lot of things inside that pretty little head of yours, huh." Despite the sweet, teasing smile etched on San's face, you can't help but feel irritated.
There he goes again with the word pretty.
Pretty face.
Pretty little head.
What else?
"Are you doing this on purpose?" Your question was straightforward and may appear a little vague to some, but you know San understands.
He's not dumb.
"What? What am I doing on purpose?"
You scoff at his antics. Is he for real?
"Don't play dumb, San."
You expected him to reply but you simply got none. To your dismay, San only hums — the corner of lips curled up with mirth.
You just watched him chuckling in front of you.
"Oh, but I'm not dumb, sweetheart." San's eyes twinkled with amusement as he looked down at you, and before you knew it, he'd already come to sit with you on the bed. San cups your cheeks in his rough palms — face close enough to make your heart beat quickly.
San searches your face for a moment — trying to see something through you. But it seems like you won't make a move unless he does.
It makes him feel like what you said that night and with him, hearing it, was like a fever dream.
So he asks the question that bugged him since that phone call.
"Baby, did you mean it?"  
You freeze in his hold, pulse even higher than before. The endearment getting through you faster than you processing what he meant by 'did you mean it' .
"B-Baby ?" Your irises shook as you stared back at him.
"You didn't answer my question." San pouts ever so lightly that it astonishes you at how fast he can go from being playful to cute.
"I don't know what you mean." Now, it was your turn to play dumb and it makes San giggles to the point he has too boop your nose.
"Don't try that on me now, baby." San says, emphasizing on the last word as if he knew what effect it has on you.
Then suddenly, the expression on his face turns into one of seriousness. The playfulness in the air dismissed in one snap.
"Last night….you confessed to me, didn't you? Say it again ."
"You heard me. I won't repeat it." You looked away and stood firm on your ground. He ignored you yesterday. And now, he acts like this.
If you didn't bring it up today, would he have brushed it off like it was nothing?
Did he not take you seriously? It seemed like you had said this one aloud.
"Baby, it's not that I'm not taking you seriously — you were drunk and I thought you'd forget when daylight came. So please, say it again? For me? I want to hear it directly from you, Elle. And then, I'll give you my answer."
In his words, you find yourself giving up to his plea.
"I love you." You didn't look at him when you spurted out those three words. Afraid of knowing what the look on his face would be.
To your surprise, you hear San saying no . When you look back at him, he's shaking his head and frowning lightly.
"That's not what you said that night, baby."
One more baby and you might really just explode right then and there.
"That's what I said!"
"It was."
"It wasn't. You missed one word."
A few more minutes of just staring hard at each other and it finally hit you.
Right, you missed one word.
"San, I really don't remember, I swear." You told him as seriously as you could. Acting classes better pay off or else you're going to regret even going to one in your middle school days. It was mandatory back in the day.
It looked like San didn't see through your acting and actually believed you.
You heard San mutter some words under his breath for a few good minutes before he finally turns to you
" Alright , let me teach you then, sweetheart."
"Last night you said — I quote and unquote, "I fucking love you." " He smirks but it fades away as soon as he hears your next words.
"I fucking love you too."
You weren't able to fight off the giggle from escaping you at the look of genuine shock in San's face — eyes wide and an audible gasp came from him.
"You're sneaky!" He says when he realized what you just did. San just fell into your innocent trap.
With his palms still cupping your cheeks, he tells you gently, "Eyes on me, baby."
"Can you stop calling me ba-"
"No. I'm afraid not. I know you like it — baby ."
You practically groaned at that.
"Hey, Elle?" San pauses, taking his time to scan over your features — a warm smile graces his lips after and it sends the butterflies in your stomach into overdrive.
"I love you too." He had said in the softest voice. A whisper that reached out to you like a warm touch — full of sincerity and….love .
"Should've said that yesterday instead of telling me to hang up." You playfully sulked. San engulfs you in a tight comforting hug in one go.
He might've put a little too much force (blame it on his excitement), because the two of you stumble back on the bed — you underneath while his weight is on top of you. It exactly felt like what you felt this morning. The only difference is that — you're now laughing.
And the sight of you doing so mayhaps made San's heart melt.
Happiness suited you the most. And he's ever-willing to do anything just to not let it fade away from you.
All the while San stared at you, you noticed the way he looked at you. Is this what they call heart eyes? You reckon you're giving him the same look.
San loves you just like how you love him.
And maybe, just maybe… you were already aware of that fact even before .
The way he accompanied you that night you went to Wooyoung's party for the first time — even when he could've left you and had fun with the other guys.
That night at your second party when he stuck with you by the pool, drove you home and took care of you — despite the, uh , accident you made in his car.
That day you finished your last exam and he stood there — right outside in the burning heat, waving at you like it was nothing and treating you to a café just right after.
You can never count out the many times you went on daylight escapades as well.
Every single moment counted.
And that's when you realized — being in San's presence automatically makes you a loved person.
Because San was love itself.
"I...I think I'm ready to tell you...everything."
You saw San get caught off guard but he brushes it off by pecking your nose, and then he lays beside you, head propped on his open palm as his elbow holds him up.
"Are you sure, Elle? How about the others?"
"I'm sure….and I feel like I'll get overwhelmed if I have the others all around me too, so...is it okay if…?" You trail off and San was quick to reassure you.
"Yes, of course, baby. We'll tell the others when you're ready."
"Thank you, San."
"No problem. Now, go ahead, baby — you can take it slow though — I'll be here to listen all the way."
You thanked him once again before you finally told him everything.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘
That scar on your abdomen — you had it when you were 16 right after your parents' nth fight.
Your father came home drunk and suddenly beer bottles flew into the air — one broken piece, unfortunately, pierced through your skin.
You brushed it off, telling yourself that your father didn't mean it because he was awfully sorry after it happened.
Of course he didn't know it would land on you.  
Little did you know, it wouldn't be the last .
"It was like deja vu...the same way I got the cut on my arm during their last fight." You chuckled lightheartedly — finally able to let out everything that burdened you all the while you kept only to yourself.
Somehow, it was able to ease you. Knowing that there are people who'll listen to you, be with you and understand you — though not your pain, but you're still grateful.
Grateful for these eight guys who not only treated you as a friend but also a sister. One of them , as what Mingi would say.
"We're always here for you, Elle. Remember that." Hongjoong had to say that aloud and you had no choice but to cry, earlier.
"Elle." Wooyoung suddenly stands up, catching your full attention.
He was hesitant at first — his hand rubbing the back of his neck before his eyes finally settled on you. You see a bright, new determination shining in them.
But what for?
"I've actually been discussing with my parents about me finally being independent. And you don't like going back to your home all by yourself so I figured — maybe I could live with you? As your friend and roommate and perhaps we could use this opportunity to get close and rekindle our-"
"Yes, Wooyoung, I would love to." You cut him off from his babbling as you approached him. You hugged Wooyoung tight.
Going home alone was never an option for you — and now, you'll be going back together with a childhood friend and a promising friendship in the long run.
You looked back at San, watching him smile with the other guys. And as if he knew your gaze was on him — he meets your eyes.
" Thank you ." You whispered, hoping he would hear.
And as always, he does. San hears you.
"Thank you, too." He whispers back.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘
That night, you get ready to bed with the lightest you've ever felt. San was about to tuck you into bed — you were already sleepy and he insisted.
But before that, Seonghwa did tell him not to use that as an excuse to fall asleep and sleep with you.
"I'm warning you." The eldest really gave him a death glare before he let the both of you go after dinner.
But now, it seemed like San had other plans as he practically dragged you outside to sit and stargaze on the mini terrace.
"It's there." San insists while you try your best to find the constellation he's referring to up in the dark sky.
"San, there's no-" You stopped talking as your breath hitched. When you turned around, San's face was just a mere centimetre away from your face.
His breath fanned your face lightly and it made you shiver more than the biting cold air of the night.
San and his effects on you.
Before you knew it, his fingers were already reaching up to your face. He tucks away the stray strands behind your ear ever so gently.
" Sorry… your hair was in your face…thought I should move it so I could see you better." San speaks, almost breathless.
“Are you... seriously flirting with me right now?” Was all the reply you could give. It made San chuckle but he doesn't move away from you.
And there it is again — the fresh smell of mint. No mixed smoke this time.
"Did you stop with the death stick?" You asked him curiously to which he answers with a cheesy,
" For you, yes I did, ma'am ." Then he winks at you.
The next few minutes were spent in good silence and never-breaking stares that the tension between the two of you heightens.
It makes you want to close the tiny, little space between you and San and — you start to wonder how his lips would feel on top of you. Would kissing him taste like mint, as well?
"I really want to kiss you right now."
It's as if you two shared the same thoughts.
"Do it then."
Needless to say, San does .
He claims your lips in a chaste kiss. Like the universe deprived him of you.
San's hands wandered and rested on your waist while your hands went up from his chest and onto his shoulders — gripping tightly for support or you'll faint of faint heart with the attack he's giving you with just his kisses.
Oh, Choi San and his effects on you.
When you two pull away from each other, San's hands remain on your waist rubbing different patterns in a soothing manner. The warmth of his hands really helped in fighting the cold wind.
Still, you think it's best that you two should go back inside as soon as possible.
"I guess...I've been falling in love with you since the day we met." San confesses as he looks at you with the softest eyes you've ever known.
"And that day would be?" You challenge him and his memory.
"I remember that day very clearly, y'know? It was the new year's, the Jung cousins brought us to one of their family's villas and viola! There you were hiding behind Wooyoung and wearing that prettiest smile of yours for the world to see."
" Meanwhile , I was thinking how your looks intimidated me."
San must've been caught off guard at the evident shock on his face. You couldn't help but chuckle at him.
"Did you really think I was intimidating? No lies!"
"Damn." San fakes a hurt expression and you giggle once again.
After the teasing and laughing died down. Sleep finally came to find you and welcome you in its embrace.
But before it does so, you look at San, wearing that pretty bright smile he's grown to love.
"Thank you, San. No one has ever made me feel this way. Only...you."
Hearing your statement, San can't help but feel warm inside — the cold wind feeling nothing on his skin anymore.
San flashes you a dashing smile.
"Elle, I would do anything for you — I'm yours aren't I not?" He raises an eyebrow at you. You nod, feeling lost in his eyes.
"Yours. I'm yours." You repeated, a little bit too lost in the feeling of having this beautiful man to yourself.
"Hmm, and I love you. Let's now tuck you into bed shall we?"
"Yes, please."
That night you let San tuck you into bed, feeling the best you've ever had. He gently kissed the scar on your abdomen as if it was the prettiest part of you.
And he believes it is. San thinks it's the braveness of your soul — the one that endured — that makes it look even prettier.
It was with no doubt that San was your breath of relief. The match that sparked a flame inside of you.
Once your sweet escape, now — he's the reason why you want to stay, hold on and live life with nothing but a welcoming smile on your face even when another storm hits you and makes everything upside-down and rocky.
You'll hold each other's hands through it all, forever and always.  
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183 notes · View notes
dairyminki · 3 years
Sleepy Sannie | c.s
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↬ pairing: choi san x reader
↬ summary:  while you're busy typing on your laptop, San tries all means to bring your attention unto him.
↬ genre: fluff, established relationship
↬ warning: none
↬ wc: 747
"That's hot."
You hear your boyfriend say, but you paid him no heed and continued to type away on your laptop.
Not even a minute has passed yet, you hear his voice again.
"Now, that's definitely cute." San comments, when he sees the light pout dancing on your lips.
The male chuckles when you turn to him with a scowl.
"Still cute, darling." He says, eyes twinkling as he looks at you. But you didn't care at how he admired you through his gazes, because he was distracting you. Especially, that mouth of his.
"San, I swear, if I won't be able to finish this presentation, I'll make sure you'll be the one who'll face my boss's wrath instead. And oh, I'm not joking baby." You told him seriously, when you spot the hint of mischief on the corner of the smile he wore. It's like he's telling it directly to your face that your words will soon fall on deaf ears.
And that's exactly what happened.
Because all throughout that time after, your boyfriend did everything he can do in his power to either distract you or bring your attention to him.
He would poke your cheek, tap you on your shoulder, tap the back of your laptop in a rhythm he only knew and even steal kisses.
He also went to the extent to grab one of his owned plushies from his room and make the plushie dance on your head all the while he giggled.
Cute. But you've had enough.
Rolling your eyes, you exit the app you've been using to create your presentation, then, closed your laptop with a thud. After that, you stood up to put the device on the coffee table and finally, face your annoying boyfriend back on the couch.
Contrary to the wide cheeky grin he sported, your face was dark, with eyes sending him daggers as you gave him a death glare.
"What. Do. You. Want. San?"
Happy that he finally got to stop you from typing and that you could entertain him now, San giggles.
Clearly, the darkness in your tone didn't have an effect on him.
The male was about to answer, when suddenly he breaks into a yawn.
Your face immediately softens, finally noticing how sleepy he looks. When you turned to the clock on the wall, it read, 10 PM.
Meaning, San stayed up this late for you. Even if you didn't ask him. But surely, you feel guilty not even giving him just an ounce of your attention.
"San, I think you should go to be-"
"No." He pouts, shaking his head. "I'll stay with you until you finish. I'm not leaving you alone here."
"But you're sleepy, baby." You said softly, moving closer to him to brush away the purple locks that messily hung on his forehead.
"I know. That's why I've been trying to get your attention."
San leans closer and rests his forehead on yours, his eyes closing as he lets out a sigh. Then, you felt him tap your legs.
"Your lap. I wanna lay on your lap." He mutters. You're betting that any second now, sleep will soon find him and welcome him to dreamland.
"Okay, Sannie." You say, then you moved backwards to give him enough space to lay down on you. However, San didn't move an inch, making you look at him, confused.
When he saw your expression, he squeaks.
"For real? You'll let me? H-How about your presentation?"
"Should I just go back to typing, then?"
"Absolutely not!" He says and takes ownership on your lap as he laid his head on top of the soft skin, making himself comfortable.
His hair tickled you, making you giggle. When San heard that, he looks up at you, smiling. His dimples showing to the fullest and his eyes forming into crescents which you adored so much.
Oh, how you love moments like this with him.
And so, you booped his nose. "You're too adorable, Sannie." You say.
"I could say the same to you." He mumbles back.
Soon enough, after a few conversations,  your boyfriend's face showed sleepiness. You, either gently brushing his hair with your fingers or your hands massaging his scalp.
San eventually failed to fight off the welcoming arms of sleep.
Hearing his light snores, you smile to yourself.
He looked so peaceful, just like this.
Unable to resist, you lean in and placed a soft peck on his forehead.
Sleep tight, Sannie.
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dairyminki · 3 years
Wonderstruck | c.s
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↬ pairing: choi san x fem!reader
↬ summary:  he didn't know how enchanting it was to be in his presence, but you did.
↬ genre: fairy and magic au, fluff, mutual (?) soft pining
↬ warning: none
↬ wc: 802
↬ a/n: inspired by the songs; enchanted and crazier by taylor swift reblogging and feedbacks would be much appreciated! ^^
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Tousled bubblegum pink hair, slightly-tanned skin, taffy-colored wings, dimpled cheeks and curious cat-like eyes.
He glowed brighter than the sun when daylight transpired and glimmered like the moonlight when night fell.
His scintillating eyes that always seemed alive at every strange little thing he gets to discover and encounter day by day.
One time, it was a dancing ballerina stuck in an odd-looking intricate box, down by the shore. It was washed away by the blue waves. And he had called it a 'music box.' Said he had seen one of those when he journeyed to the mortal realm.
Sometimes you envy how he gets to travel that far out because of his status. Oh, the things that he could do and have, meanwhile, you can't. However, most of the time, it was joy that you felt whenever he tells you his tales and shares one of the many things he got as souvenirs from his voyage.
"San?" You had asked one afternoon, your legs dangling from a sycamore tree branch, your gaze, fixated on the vast purplish-pink horizon with streaks of yellow and orange passing by it. San was seated beside you.
The said male looks up from his magnifying glass and his newly-founded trinket. As always, his eyes shone.
"Ask away, my royal eminence." San didn't even have to guess that something was bothering that pretty little head of yours. You weren't exactly an open book, but San was glad he took his sweet time to properly read you.
Which is maybe why he knows you like the back of his hand for years now.
Hesitance danced in your eyes for a split second, but San was quick to nod his head in reassurance. With him, you always felt like you could be who you are as you let him whisk you away and free you from the burdening and suffocating walls of the place you call home.
"Tell me…" You slightly trail off, eyes strained on your dangling legs, rocking back and forth. The setting sun painted your lower half an orange hue.
"Tell me, will I ever get to see the world from your eyes one day?" San opens his mouth, but you stop him by placing one of your lithe fingers on his lips.
"Feel and touch the earth in the way you could? Spread my wings as graceful as I could and say freedom is mine? Walk down the village without thinking about a crown awaiting for me when the time comes? Tell me, San...is there hope for what my heart longs for?"
San shot you a look of empathy. He had always known you felt that way. A princess with a wild heart.
A heart that yearns to wander and explore what goes beyond the tall walls. A soul made for adventures and not royal duties.
"Am I hearing this right? An enchanting beauty that every maiden wishes to be and that every gentlefairy wants to wed, wants nothing to do with the crown?" With a teasing smile, San asks you.
"I thought you already knew?" You frowned at him.
"I do. I was just messing with you, pixie."
That nickname, how ironic that he calls you that, when he's the one who resembles the golden glitter a pixie dust makes.
"To answer your queries, though…I don't know. I'm afraid I don't hold the answers for that." San offers you a tight-lipped smile.
A zapping rush of electricity is what you feel when his hands brush yours. And when he held it in his, you were sure your heart skipped a beat.
"Though I know I could promise you that I'll always stick by your side. We don't know what the future holds, but I know I'll still be here flying beside you. And it is with utmost sincerity that I hope the world hears what your heart longs for." San tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
By then, you already knew what he was up to.
"So don't stop dreaming, my pixie." A flower appears on his hand once it moves away from the back of your ear. His specialty.
"You're always full of surprises, San." You tell him as you accept his gift. The flower matches the color of your wings.
San smiles, oh, his sweet smile. The golden hour just made him look even more dazzling. He was ethereal.
At that moment, it was just you and him. No worries of what lies ahead - just San and his enchanting smile and tender-looking eyes.
Every second with him always felt magical.
San makes you and your heart soar with wonder.
With just the right amount of pixie dust to keep your feet off the ground and your head high up above the clouds.
It's a shame that he didn't know.
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: @hwaelle @binniesstay @jjuniebees​ 
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dairyminki · 3 years
I Dare You | c.s
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↬ pairing: choi san x gn!reader
↬ summary: the annual road market had just reopened and San thought it would be a great opportunity to look around and buy something that might catch your eye.
↬ genre: fluff, established relationship
↬ warning: none
↬ note: reader in one scene, experiences a feeling of unsettledness/nervousness
↬ wc: 1.2k
↬ a/n: reblogging and feedbacks would really be much appreciated <3
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"San, wait up!" You shout as you break into a sprint, trying to catch up to your boyfriend who is now just a footstep away from the shop's entrance.
Today was a Sunday. And Sunday generally means quality time for the two of you. Quality time that would've usually consisted of you two lazing in your cozy apartment, movie marathons, cuddle times and any other relaxing and fun activities you'd both bask in and enjoy. But today was different.
The annual road market had just reopened and San thought it would be a great opportunity to look around and buy something that might catch your eye.
And something, did, catch your eye. The reason why you're running after your boyfriend who decided to be playful, last minute.
Just when you were finally back out on the streets, which was packed with people going back and forth and parked vehicles almost everywhere, you stopped in your tracks. Your face was now morphed into a deep frown, your lips forming into a pout as you stared at San who was now walking away from you, almost blending in successfully with the crowd; if not for his light pink beanie and blue bomber jacket which made him stand out.
I dare you. You taunt him with your gaze and now raised eyebrow, daring him to take a few more steps away from you, and completely abandon you in the sea of people.
How about you catch me first? San raises an eyebrow back at you. You can tell with that smirk on his pretty pink lips that he's challenging you.
On other days, you might've ran after him and maybe tackled him to the ground. But no, not today. Not when the place is too crowded.
"Not today, San." You huffed to yourself, then with one last look in those black orbs of his, you turned your back at him and looked away.
Of course, you didn't miss how his smirk falters from his face. He didn't expect you'd turn him down for sure.
Well, playing hard to get is your forte anyway, and Choi San should've known.
So with quick steps, you walk away, slowly being one with the bustling crowd. You smirk to yourself.
Have fun catching me now, you idiot.
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Judging from the plastic and paper bags you have in hand, you've probably gone to a lot of stalls and stores already. But what surprised you the most was….San was nowhere in sight.
The first few minutes, you'd see him making his way through the crowd and trying his best to catch up to you with that little pout on his face, his cheeks, rosy red, because of the light heat of the sun.
Occasionally, you'd turn your head back just to laugh at him, and he'd just frown at you in return. You can even make up his mouth doing silent curses as no matter how fast he walks, you're still out of reach.
But now, all the laughter inside of you has died, only to be replaced with your fast-paced heartbeats and churning stomach.
Not seeing a glimpse of San, even just his shadow, had you perturbed.
And maybe...your game of playing hard to get, went too far, that deep inside, your whole system is shouting at you the words; 'You're lost!'
Great. Just great.
"I'm pretty sure I went past this store for the nth time now." You muttered as you eyed the antique store you've gotten a chinaware tea set from.
Cold sweat decorated and dripped from your neck as you took small and nervous steps. You'd even subtly look around or look behind you just to check if San emerged from somewhere. But nothing. Not a single glance of his light pink beanie and blue bomber jacket.
Where are you Choi San?
You were close to tears. Why didn't you even think of bringing your cellphone with you? By now you could've texted him, saying that you've had enough and just want him and his beautiful face to show up in front of you already.
Feeling smaller in the middle of the market, surrounded by chattering people and unfamiliar and never ending stores, you stomp away.
I don't care anymore. If I'm lost, then so be it.
But you haven't even made it that far from your previous position when you got yanked back. Your body falling back, hitting something hard.
Your tears finally fell.
"Shhh, love, it's me." That ever familiar soft, honey-like voice whispers in your ear, his hand brushing your hair carefully as the other was wrapped around your waist.
Finally able to relax in his hold and breathe normally, you turn around to face him and tightly hug him in an instant.
"Where have you been? I was so scared, you- you were nowhere to be found. I hate you!" You said, not making your voice much higher, as to not cause a scene. You fisted his shirt as you let more tears fall.
San lets his hands rest on your back, rubbing it continuously until you've calmed down. He pulled you to a nearby bench, a little far from the packed streets, as he did so.
"I must've scared you huh?" San chuckles as he brings a hand to your face, wiping away the tears, both the dried and the fresh ones.
You hit his chest, frowning at him. "Not funny, Choi." You said in a hoarse voice. San absolutely found it cute, how your eyes seemed to sparkle even after crying your heart out. How your lips unconsciously formed into a deeper pout. Oh, how he wanted to kiss you this very moment.
Instead, he cocks an eyebrow at you, saying, "Huh, from what I remember, you started this game, love." He said, booping your nose.
"You were the one who dared to leave me behind!"
"And? You know I wouldn't actually do that. My dear Y/N, if you've only ran after me then maybe, just maybe we're already enjoying a lunch date right now. That cat and mouse chase didn't have to happen and you...you could've saved your money instead of buying these...these…" San trails off reluctantly, grimacing as he glances at the bags full of items you've bought from different stores.
"Go say that they're trash, I dare you! And I promise you won't be able to-" Your sentence was cut off when he leans in unexpectedly, his soft, plump lips meeting yours in a soft kiss.
When he pulled away, there you saw how he looked at you. How his eyes say that for him, it's and it'll be only you. How if he were a galaxy, you were the stars that shined just for him.
"I love you.." He speaks softly.
You continued looking at each other, both of you getting lost in each other's gazes, in the process. You eventually look away first, shying away and betting that your cheeks right now must be tinted with a faint pink shade.
Even if you two have been together for quite a long time now, you can never get used to San's intimate and intense gazes.
When San saw this, how you suddenly got shy, he kissed your temple tenderly. Then he pulls you up from the bench, his left arm immediately finding its way around your waist, wrapping you tightly in a side hug as he whispers in your ear, "Let's get home now shall we?"
You looked up at him, smiling cheekily. "And cuddles?" You ask.
Dimples adorned his cheeks when he smiled at you ever so sweetly. Like you're a treasure he won't ever let go.
"Anything you want, love."
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