#disney descendants
alexblue2424 · 3 days
Ok but what about an AU where the coup and consequential time travel never happened. The Queen of Hearts still allowed Red to attend Auradon Prep because [insert_reasons], Red is still heavily traumatized, she's still a headache inducing troublemaker (poor Uma) how gets roommated with Chloe (poor Chloe), we actually get to see them clash over small and big things, but they eventually fall in love because of course they would, except Red's mom finds out and she absolutely flips the lid. She prohibits Red from seeing Chloe, even threatening her to pull her out of Auradon Prep and drag her ass back to Wonderland. All this because the Queen of Hearts knows Chloe is Ella's daughter, and she will be damned of she lets her daughter date the child of person who shattered her heart and danced on the pieces, so much so that Bridget changed her entire persona.
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versusvirtuous · 2 days
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Draft for a Chloe Drawing
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dovesdreaming · 2 days
Wish upon a hook
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Summary: You couldn’t grant peoples wishes like your mother could but you always asked them what there wish was. Little did you know you were Harry hooks wish.
A/N: thank you so much for 400 followers! <3
Being the daughter of the Blue Fairy came with certain expectations. People saw you as a beacon of hope and kindness, a gentle spirit who brought light into the darkest places. Your mother had instilled in you the importance of using your magic to help others, to grant wishes and make the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time.
In Auradon, you were known for your generosity. You didn’t have your mother’s full power to grant any wish, but you had a special kind of magic of your own. You could help people find what they truly needed, whether it was a little encouragement, a moment of comfort, or sometimes, something more tangible. You were always willing to listen, always there to help. But even with all your light, there was one place your magic had never reached, the Isle of the Lost. When King Ben announced the integration of the Isle kids into Auradon, you had been one of the few who were genuinely excited. You’d heard so many stories of how terrible the children of villains were supposed to be, but you didn’t believe in judging people by their parents. Everyone deserved a chance to find their own path, to make their own wishes come true. You were determined to help them, even if no one else did. Which was how you found yourself face-to-face with Harry Hook.
It was a sunny afternoon at Auradon Prep, and you were taking a break by the fountain, enjoying the sound of the water as it splashed down into the pool below. The students were bustling about, and there was a sense of excitement in the air with the arrival of the Isle kids. You noticed them scattered around, their expressions wary and uncertain, like they didn’t quite belong. Your heart went out to them. They looked so out of place, and you couldn’t help but wish there was something you could do to make them feel more at home. That was when you saw him.
Harry Hook was leaning against the wall, his usual swagger evident even as he stood still. His coat hung loosely from his shoulders, and his hook glinted in the sunlight as he watched the other students with a smirk. He looked so different from everyone else, like he was daring them to say something, to judge him. You knew about Harry. People whispered about him, warned you to stay away from him and his dangerous ways. But you didn’t see danger when you looked at him. You saw someone who had been dealt a rough hand and was just trying to find his way in a place that seemed to resent him for even existing. So, naturally, you decided to approach him.
With a deep breath, you made your way over, your blue dress swaying slightly as you walked. Harry noticed you immediately, his eyes narrowing in suspicion as you stopped a few feet away from him. “Hello” you said, offering him a gentle smile. “I’m [Y/N]”. Harry raised an eyebrow, his hook tapping against his side. “Aye, I know who ye are”. His voice was thick with his Scottish accent, and there was a hint of curiosity behind the wariness. “Ye’re the Blue Fairy’s lass, aren’t ye?”. You nodded, your smile not faltering. “That’s right. I’m glad to finally meet you, Harry”. He scoffed, his smirk returning as he crossed his arms. “Are ye now? And what would a lass like ye want with someone like me?”. You shrugged, unbothered by his attitude. “I just wanted to say hello. I know it must be difficult, being here. It’s a lot to get used to”.
Harry’s smirk faded a little, and he eyed you suspiciously. “Ye think I need yer pity?”, “Not at all” you replied softly. “I think you’re strong enough to handle anything. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy”. He looked at you for a long moment, like he was trying to figure out what game you were playing. But when he couldn’t find any trace of mockery or pity in your eyes, his expression softened just slightly. “And what would ye know about it, lass?” he asked, his voice quieter, almost thoughtful. You tilted your head, considering your words carefully. “Maybe not much” you admitted. “But I know that everyone has wishes, things they want more than anything. And I try to help, whenever I can”. Harry’s eyes gleamed with something unreadable. “Wishes, eh? Ye think ye can grant wishes?” “Not like my mother can@ you said with a small laugh. “But sometimes, just listening, just trying to help, is enough”.
He looked at you, really looked at you, as if he couldn’t quite believe you were real. You could almost see the gears turning in his mind, like he was deciding whether to trust you or not. Finally, he let out a short laugh, shaking his head. “Yer a strange one, lass. Kindness like yers, it’s dangerous on the Isle”. You smiled softly. “We’re not on the Isle anymore, Harry”. His gaze flickered, a shadow passing over his eyes. “Aye, but the Isle’s still in us”. There was a depth in his words, a pain that you could feel even without him saying more. It made your heart ache for him, for all of them. You wished you could take that pain away, could make things better with a wave of your hand. But that wasn’t how your magic worked. Instead, you did what you could. You stepped closer, looking up at him with earnest eyes. “Is there anything I can do for you, Harry? Anything you wish for?”
He stared at you, his eyes searching your face like he was looking for something he wasn’t sure he’d find. And then, with a smirk that was both teasing and serious, he leaned down, his face inches from yours. “Aye, lass” he murmured, his voice a low rumble. “There is somethin I would like. It’s my secret for now ask me again in a few months”. His eyes sparkled with mischief and with that he turned to walk away only looking back to smirk at your confused expression. What had you gotten yourself into?
After a few months of the isle kids being at Auradon you had grown close to a few of them, one in particular being none other than Harry hook. He had become a good friend, someone you could rely on in moments of need. You would have never expected to have become so close to him after all the whispers you had heard about him, yet here you were. Friends with Harry and wishing you could make him like you back. Alas you would settle for whatever he gave you and if all that was is friendship, so be it.
You were sat down in the gardens under a tree with Harry having a lazy day in the sun when you remembered your first encounter and how he never answered your question. “Hey, Harry?” “Yes lass?” He slowly turned to you opening one eye. “You never answered my question. What do you wish for?” He stared at you before opening his other eye and readjusting his position so he was turned more towards you. He smirked before easily saying “I want you”. You blinked, your heart skipping a beat as his words sank in. “I’m sorry, what?” Harry’s grin widened, and he straightened up, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Ye heard me. I want ye”.
You felt your cheeks heat up, and you tried to gather your thoughts, stumbling over your words. “Harry, I-I don’t think that’s… what I meant”. He chuckled, clearly enjoying your flustered reaction. “Oh, I know, lass. But ye asked, and I answered”. You stared at him, your mind racing. Was he serious? Was he teasing? You couldn’t tell, and it was driving you crazy. “You can’t just… say things like that!” you finally managed, your voice coming out more breathless than you intended. Harry shrugged, looking entirely too pleased with himself. “Why not? It’s the truth. I want ye, [Y/N]. Been my wish since I saw ye that day”. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and you couldn’t look away from him, from the way he was looking at you like you were the only thing that mattered.
“I… I don’t know what to say,” you whispered. He reached out with his hook, gently lifting your chin so you were forced to meet his gaze. His eyes were serious now, the teasing glint gone as he spoke. “Ye don’t have to say anythin’, lass. Just think about it”. He released you from the prison of his gaze. Moving back with a small, almost shy smile before standing up. “I’ll be around, if ye ever decide to grant that wish”. And with that, he turned and walked away, leaving you sitting under the willow tree, your heart racing and your mind spinning.
You had been having a care free day but somehow, Harry Hook had turned your world upside down with just a few words. And for the first time in your life, you found yourself having your own wish granted. Something, or rather, someone you’d never expected. As your mind finally caught up to what had happened you realised you had to catch up to Harry before he got too far away.
Thank you for reading!
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menheim · 3 days
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Peder Lindell 🤍
Perfect Revenge Dance Tutorial
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chadtheroyalidiot · 2 days
TIMELINE [this isn't canon, I'm just editing as I go, if you have anything you think could be added let me know]
nov. 1988 → beast's curse is broken
jun. 1991 → events of merlin academy during ror
jun. 1991 → villains revenge against bridget (original timeline)
nov. 1994 → belle & beast's wedding
1st jan. 1995 → auradon & the isle are created
jan. 1995 → belle & beast are crowned king & queen of auradon
may. 2002 → bridget is crowned queen of wonderland
2005 - 2007 → war between auradon & wonderland
aug. - sep. 2015 → events of d1
mar. 2016 → events of d2
aug. - sep. 2016 → events of d3
mar. 2017 → ben & mal's wedding
aug. 2025 → present time events of ror
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geejeewon · 2 days
never forget ur roots ✊✊ reunite my family plesplslpls
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kingdomof-auradon · 3 days
ʙʀɪᴅɢᴇᴛ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛs ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴs
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A collection of heartwarming headcanons exploring the sweet moments and slight struggles of Bridget Hearts and her relationship with the reader, showcasing their bond and growth together.
Pairing: Teen!Bridget Hearts x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Trigger warnings: Mild angst, themes of self-doubt.
You first meet Bridget at a school event, where she’s nervously trying to fit in. Her quirky style catches your eye, and you can’t help but smile. She notices you and blushes, making her even cuter in your eyes.
You discover that you both love painting. One afternoon, you invite her to your favorite spot in the park. As you paint, you share stories about your lives, and Bridget opens up about her struggles with being a villain's daughter. It’s a moment that brings you closer.
Bridget often doubts herself, especially when it comes to her abilities. You’re always there to remind her of her strengths. A simple note in her locker with a compliment can turn her day around. She treasures these little gestures.
On days when Bridget feels down, you surprise her with her favorite snacks and a cozy movie marathon. The laughter and warmth help ease her worries, and she often falls asleep on your shoulder, feeling safe.
You both love spontaneous adventures. Whether it’s exploring abandoned buildings or trying new foods, Bridget’s adventurous spirit matches yours perfectly. These outings strengthen your connection and create unforgettable memories.
One evening, Bridget confides in you about her fears of not living up to her family’s legacy. It’s a heavy moment, and you both share a heartfelt conversation. You reassure her that she’s more than her lineage and that you believe in her.
Bridget is shy about showing affection in public, but in private, she’s full of sweet gestures—little kisses on the forehead, holding hands, and gentle hugs that linger. You both share those moments, feeling at home with each other.
You often talk about your dreams and aspirations. Bridget expresses her desire to break free from her family’s shadow and forge her own path. You encourage her to chase those dreams, promising to support her every step of the way.
As the school year comes to an end, you both share a heartfelt conversation under the stars. Bridget expresses her gratitude for your friendship and love. You realize that your bond is unbreakable, regardless of what the future holds.
Thank you @at4zxx for the idea..
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Ivy and Claudine Feelings fic. Might add Ivy & Diego interaction later but I’m posting it now.
The rain drums against the roof and windows incessantly.
Sometimes, rain drops fall into the room through a crack of a window Ivy didn’t bother to close. She’s never did close that window, she isn’t sure it could even be closed anymore, but she doesn’t mind. She doesn’t mind the rain or the wind, she barely even shivers anymore as another gust of wind breezes through the room and rattles the ancient windows and doors.
The house is complaining about the storm, as it always does. When she was little, Ivy actually imagined it gossiping about the weather, in posh English accent. So horrible today, isn’t it?
She doesn’t do that anymore. Now, she sits curled up with a book that’d make an Auradonian princess choke on her own spit, and clinks ice in her glass.
…Yes,it is slightly too cold for ice, but Ivy wants her whiskey on rocks, you know?
Besides, she likes how the glass burns at her fingertips, ever so contrasting to the alcohol itself.
She flips the page and sighs as she realises she hasn’t the faintest idea what she just read. Really, this thing can get so boring in some passages – she’ll need to get a new one from Dulcia.
She sighs again and stares at the blank wall instead, contemplating her life choices or whatever.
A movement catches her eye. Tight, jerky movement where nothing should be moving but the wind, where her girlfriend is supposed to be asleep.
She’s not asleep, she’s sitting up with her knees brought up to her chest, having drawn up her hands to her ears just now, and Ivy really should have noticed sooner.
She stares at the girl, sucking at her cheek as she tries to find words of comfort that she can actually say – not that she cares for the Isle societal norms all that much, but she <i>is</i> a Villain.
Claudine catches her staring.
„Ivy–“ she breathes out, lowering her hands to her lap – back to her crucifix.
„Ivy,“ she says again before abruptly clambering from the bed.
„What’s it, sweetheart?“ Ivy asks and lowers her feet to the floor just as the girl comes to a halt before her and sits on her heels in front of the loveseat. From here close, Ivy can see the tears shining in her eyes – if she had a heart, it’d break a little.
„He is mad at me,“ Claudine whispers, confesses, as she takes Ivy’s hand into hers, holding on desperately. Ivy lets her.
„Who is mad at you, love?“
„He,“ Claudine says with as much emphasis as she can, „He sends storms to punish sinners and purge the earth of those unworthy of His love. He is mad at me, Ivy.“
Now, Ivy is starting to understand – well, more than anything, she’s understanding how much she’d love to kill dear old Judge Frollo, if he wasn’t already dead.
She’d make him suffer, for what he did to her.
But for the moment, she rises and takes Claudine with her, drawing her into a hug. Ivy can feel her trembling still, as she mutters: „Are you afraid of the storm, sweet thing?“
Claudine just nods mutely into her shoulder.
Ivy hums, just to fill the silence, and strokes her hair. Then she pulls away – just for a moment, just to grab her book again, for she never did put down her glass – and says: „Can you carry this for me? We’re gonna go somewhere where we can’t hear the storm.“
She waits for an answer, as patiently as she can, and Claudine takes the book, which is as good as it’s gonna get. Ivy kisses her cheek and leaves a mark, which she doesn’t care about, and offers her her arm as she leads the way through the labyrinth that is Hell Hall.
She navigates the dark halls she grew up in with ease, though, until they walk to a salon near the heart of the Vila. Much too close to her Auntie, in normal circumstances, but the storm doesn’t reach here.
Ivy stands down her glass now, and flickers her lighter few times before she lights the oil lamp by the sofa and the warm light shines around the room. She sinks into the pillows and waves Claudine over,  pulls her down, as she girl seems unwilling to do anything on her own accord.
„No one is mad at you, I promise,“ says Ivy, because it seems like the right thing to say.
She doesn’t know if she’s lying.
„I promise,“ she repeats anyway.
„But how can you know?“ whispers Claudine so quietly that Ivy can hear because she’s oh-so-close.
„I’m not mad at you,“ she says, as if that explained everything, which, really, it should.
„No one’s mad at you, you’re far too precious for that.“
She pulls away Claudine’s head a bit, just enough to kiss by the corner of her eye.
She can taste the salt of her tears.
„You think?“ Claudine breathes out. She’s not trembling anymore, not so tense, no. She’s almost relaxed in Ivy’s arms.
She lets her lie down, curled up next to her, and hopefully fall asleep now.
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versusvirtuous · 2 days
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just-a-mouse · 5 months
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what's her name again
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dommnics · 20 days
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Following my redesign of Mal, here’s my take on Evie from Descendants! 👑 I wanted her look to be contrast Mal and be a lot more polished since she’s royalty. I also leaned more into prim and princess-like based on her personality in the movie, but still maintaining dark elements in her aesthetic. I gave her a little skull makeup bag as a nod to the skull in her mother’s dungeon from the original film!
Check out more of my work on other platforms or buy prints!
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chadtheroyalidiot · 2 days
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young!chad & young!ben
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bigredsartt · 3 months
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I'm watching Rise of Red, and I have so much to say, but for now I'll settle for saying:
Is SOMEOME going to point out that Merlin Academy is obviously filled with magic?? Wich seems to be forbbiden in Auradon currently?? The principal and creator of the school is probably the most powerful magic user in universe, and they have classes like Alchemy? Fairy Godmother and other students can just be in the open practicing with magic wands and is no issue?
They just keep making Beast look like the worst ruler lmao
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melthehoneybee · 3 months
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POV that one embarrassing photo of your parents at their high school Castlecoming ✨✨✨✨
It was an…. Interesting movie…. But as always the aesthetics were on point and it was great getting more Hades content either way
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