#x y/n
shakespearean-simp · 3 days
reader and theo got caught making out in the abandoned bathroom
r: *hurriedly straightens hair and clothes, embarrassed, and follows the professor to wherever they're being led*
t: *follows after them, nonchalant, looking at their ass (that he was squeezing a few minutes ago)*
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Stirring the Quiet - Sips with Stardom
Jenn Ortega x Female Reader
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Summary: Y/N's morning is stirred when Jenna arrives before opening hours. She finds herself sipping coffee and sharing stories with the star again. Between bodyguards, family, and an unexpected promise, Y/N's day becomes more than just her regular routine—a start to a little more, one sip at a time.
Word Count: 2.9k
As I unlocked the door and stepped inside, the familiar smell of Chinese takeout filled the air. The sounds of laughter and clatter of utensils echoed from the kitchen. Kicking off my shoes and slipping into my slippers, I sighed in relief. Home. Before I could take another step, Mr. Noodles—my black-and-white tuxedo cat, complete with his signature black bowtie—greeted me by weaving between my legs, purring loudly. "Hey, Noodles," I chuckled, bending down to scratch his chin. He meowed once, flicking his tail, and followed me into the kitchen. Marcus and Caleb sat at the table, surrounded by various takeout containers. Marcus dug into his lo mein while Caleb balanced his fork in one hand and scrolled through his phone with the other. "Look who finally decided to grace us with their presence!" Marcus called out, waving his fork in the air dramatically. "Yeah, too high on your horse to join your big brothers for dinner? Caleb chimed in without even glancing up from his phone. I rolled my eyes and dropped my bag onto the floor, giving Mr. Noodles a final pat before sitting down at the table. "Whatever you say, peasants, you wouldn't believe the day I had." Marcus raised an eyebrow, grinning. "What happened? Did Tom Cruise stop by to argue with his reflection again?" Caleb snicker. "Or did Chris Hemsworth come in to try and order his post-workout protein shake?" 'Ok. So maybe I don't only keep celebrity conversations with just Wilma.' "No, I still don't know what kind of gym rat demands a coffee shop to make a protein shake," I said, grabbing some fried rice. "But actually, it was Meryl Streep. She and her manager walked in, supposedly for a meeting. And they broke into a feud over whether or not she should be having hot chocolate and a donut." Both of them looked at each other, chuckling. Marcus leaned back in his chair to scratch Mr. Noodles under him. "Meryl Streep, defending her sugar right? You go, girl!" I grinned, stuffing a dumpling in my mouth. "Yeah, his face when she chewed him out was priceless." Caleb's full attention is on me now. "What about Will Ferrell? Did he drop by and give any hints about his upcoming movie?" I shook my head. "No Will Ferrell today. But Liam Neeson came in, ordered tea and a jelly donut, and then tripped on his way out. Spilled tea all over the place." Marcus and Caleb both froze mid-bite before bursting into laughter. Marcus set his fork down, "Let me guess, he threatened the floor after that one, right?" Caleb swallowed his food, "I can just imagine him giving his famous death stare. What did you do?" "I gave him another one, free of charge," I shrugged. "The man looked so heartbroken. I couldn't let him walk out like that." They laughed again, shaking their heads in disbelief. Marcus wiped his mouth, "Man, only in your line of work do we find out Meryl Streep and Liam Neeson are out here having bad days like the rest of us."
We kept eating, trading stories about our day. Marcus talked about a guy at the gym who almost dropped a barbell trying to impress some girl. At the same time, Caleb vented about the latest office drama. While leaning over to offer the piece of chicken on my fork to Mr.Noodles, without even thinking, I casually mentioned, "Oh yeah, Jenna Ortega came in today." Marcus froze, his fork nearly dropping, while Caleb slowly lowered his phone. Both of them stared at me in studded silence. "Wait...what?" Caleb asked, voice rising. "The Jenna Ortega?" It took me a second to realize what I had just said, and I immediately felt my face heat up. Damn. "Uhh...yeah. She was just, you know, having coffee." Marcus leaned over the table, grin growing wider. "Are you seriously telling me you met Jenna Ortega and didn't freak out? Come on, you've been obsessed since she made it big on Wednesday." "I wasn't obsessed!" I protested, feeling my cheeks grow even hotter. "And it wasn't a big deal. She's just a regular person." Caleb raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "Did you...like talk to her?" I groaned, running a hand through my hair and throwing my head back. "Yeah, we talked a little. She was reading a book I loved, so we ended up geeking out about the author. She already read it, too, just revisiting it." Marcus' grin grew, looking smug. "You geeked out about a book...with her? And you're sitting here acting like it's no big deal?" I shrugged, trying to play it cool. "She's just another customer like anyone else, guys," Caleb smirked. "Uh-huh, sure. Except you're blushing right now." I could feel the heat creeping back into my face. "Am not." Marcus chuckled, shaking his head. "Our lil sis rubbing elbows with big stars. Be careful if she wants to meet us, we're totally gonna embarrass you." I groaned, covering my face. "Shut Up, Please!"
After dinner, I headed upstairs. Changing into a pair of comfy sweats and a loose T-shirt. Noodles, ever my loyal shadow, hopped onto the bed and curled into a little ball beside me as soon as I laid down. He purred, vibrating through the blankets. I grabbed my phone and, doomed scrolled through Instagram and TikTok. But no matter what I did, my mind drifted back to Jenna. The way she was there—from anxious to completely calm in the café. It was hard to match that with the version of her I'd seen on the screen. And the fact that we actually talked? That was still sinking in. Then there was the blush. That small, subtle blush when she realized she was the last one left in the café caught me off guard. Jenna Ortega, the same Jenna who played the confident, intense character on screen, blushing because she'd lost track of time in a quiet little coffee shop? It made her seem so much more...cute. I immediately slapped my face. 'No, no, not what I meant. I meant human.'" When I looked over, Noodles' eyes were wide, and his tail flickering. I must have startled him with that slap. After a moment of us watching each other, Clearly unimpressed, he huffed and circled a few times, kneading the blankets before settling back down. "Sorry Noodles...What do you think? I murmured, my fingers absentmindedly tracing shapes behind his ears. "Do you think I made a fool of myself?" He responded with a soft purr, utterly unbothered by my internal crisis. I tossed my phone onto the nightstand, my mind replaying every detail of the evening: the way Jenna smiled when I brought her the donut, her casual posture as we talked about horror novels, and, of course, the way she blushed. It was as if, for a moment, she wasn't Jenna Ortega, the actress. She was just...Jenna. A regular person who got lost in a book, just like me. I sighed, rolled onto my back, and stared at the ceiling. "I'll probably never see her again, right?" I muttered to myself. Noodles meowed softly in response, unbothered by my troubles. But a small part of me couldn't help but hope that maybe she'd come back. Noodles stretched, yawned, and moved closer, curling up beside me. I smiled at his contentment, but my mind was still swirling with thoughts. I couldn't help but wonder if this was it or if I'd get the chance to talk to her again. Maybe she'd come back. With her lingering in my mind, I eventually drifted off to sleep, contemplating the unexpected conversation that had turned my usual day at work into something unforgettable.
The next morning came far too quickly. My alarm blared, and I groaned, rolling over to smack the snooze button. Mr Noodles, the early riser, pounced on my chest and meowed directly in my face until I finally gave in. "Alright, I'm up," I muttered, pushing him off and dragging myself out of bed. After a quick shower, I threw on some clothes and grabbed my bag, ready to head back to The Daily Grind. As I patted Mr. Noodle's head one more time before slipping out the door. I headed out the door, keys in hand, and my phone buzzed as I locked up. I answered. "Hey, Y/N! You're going to have to open up today," she said, practically out of breath like she was jogging. "The twins are dragging their feet and won't put their shoes on! She yelled that last part as I pulled out of my parking spot. "Mama couldn't take them, so I got stuck on babysitter duty again. I'll be in later." I chuckled, imagining the chaos on her end. "No worries, Captain, I can hold down the fort until you come." "Thanks! Oh, and by the way..." Wilma's tone shifted to something more playful. "How did things go with Primera last night?" I paused for a moment, feeling my face heat up. Of course, Wilma was going to ask. I couldn't avoid it, but...did I really have to tell her everything? I could already picture the girl tackling me if she had to find out on her own fruition. "Y/N? You still there?" Wilma prompted, clearly sensing my hesitation. I sighed, knowing there was no way out. "It was fine. We just talked a bit more," I started, trying to keep my voice casual. "Mhm, sure," Wilma replied, egging me on. "And?" I took a deep breath, feeling the warmth creep up my neck. "Jenna...actually walked me to my car," I admitted, my voice quieter now. "And then she teased me, said I had somehow 'charmed' her like it was the most obvious thing in the world. She flashed that smile—half playful, half serious—like she knew she was messing with me. Honestly, it was impossible not to blush." "Wait, hold up, She walked you to your car?" Wilma interrupted, her voice dripping with amusement. I could practically see her grinning on the other side of the phone. "And what smile? You've already memorized her smile, huh?" I groaned, blushing. "It wasn't like that, Wilma. She was just being...friendly." Wilma laughed. "Friendly? Please. You're a natural-born flirt, and you don't even realize it. And with "that" smile? She was totally into i—" "I wasn't flirting!" I protested; the thought of Jenna's smirk made me doubt my words. "She was just messing with me." "Oh sure, because it's so easy to charm someone with those smooth barista skills," Wilma teased. "You better brace yourself when she comes back. You're in trouble, Y/N." "Yeah," I admitted, resting my head on the steering wheel. "And then her bodyguards showed up out of nowhere and scared the life out of me." Wilma's laughter echoed through the phone. "Bodyguards? Of course. This keeps getting better by the second! What else? I know there's more." I sighed, already resigned to the teasing. "She made me promise that the next time she comes by, I'd share some of the stories about some bodyguards at the café." There was a beat of silence, and then, as expected, her laughter doubled. "Y/N, you've got her hooked! Wild café stories? She's definitely coming back now. Congrats—you've got yourself a celebrity lover. You're basically famous." "Wilma, seriously," I groaned. "Please don't blow this out of proportion." "Oh, honey, it's already out of proportion," her voice full of playful mischief. "You've charmed Jenna Ortega, and now she's coming back for more. I can already see it—this is how it all starts." I rolled my eyes, fully aware of how this conversation would go. "You're impossible." Wilma snickered. "Well, look at you—handling business like a pro. Don't let the fame go to your head, mascot. Remember to stay humble when you're hanging out with Hollywood Royalty." "Yeah, yeah," I muttered, though I couldn't suppress the small laugh. "I'll try not to let it change me."
"Alright, gotta get these monsters buckled and shipped off to school. Don't have too much fun without me!" "Sure, I'll try not to, and hopefully, I'll survive the first horde," I said, grinning as I hung up the phone. As I pocketed my phone, I shook my head, a smile lingering on my lips. I was starting to get used to the teasing. I grabbed my bag and headed inside. The sun crept up, casting soft light through the windows as I unlocked the door. Stepping inside, I could still feel the leftover warmth from yesterday. The café was quiet and still, just how I liked it before the rush. I went to the back, checked in, and threw my stuff into my locker before heading to the employee area. I slipped into my all-black barista uniform—simple black pants and a fitted black shirt before getting my apron from the hook by the door. The apron was the only pop of color, a warm brown that stood out against the dark. As I tied it around my waist, I fell into work mode. First things first: the plants. I grabbed the watering can we kept under the counter, filled it up halfway, and made my way around, giving each hanging plant a good drink. The soft trickle of water and the rustle of leaves was strangely calming, making the café feel like it was waking up, too. I always made sure to take extra care of the plants; Wilma was obsessed with them. Her grandmother had a green thumb, and she followed suit. So she'd notice if even one leaf looked droopy. Next up, I headed to the kitchen to bake the day's pastries. The scent of flour and sugar greeted me as I pulled out the ingredients. I started with the croissants, carefully rolling the dough before placing them on the baking tray.
While they baked, I started on the rest of today's menu items. If a customer wanted anything else, we'd bake it fresh for them. Next, the muffins were mixed with batter and folded in fresh blueberries. The lemon scones were last—I zested the lemons, mixed the dough, and shaped them perfectly before sliding them into the oven. As they finished in the oven, the warm, sweet smells began to fill the café, and I could already imagine the regulars lining up for their favorites. Once they were done, I arranged the croissants, muffins, and scones, which were still hot, and I knew they'd be the first to go as soon as we opened the doors. I also double-checked the coffee machines, making sure they were clean and ready to brew all day long. Once the plants were watered and pastries set, I headed to the front window to hang up a new poster advertising an upcoming poetry night we were hosting. Wilma printed and designed it with bold artistic letters and a little sketch of a coffee cup next to it. I used a bit of tape to secure the edges, securing it to the front window and centered for everyone to see. As I finished up, I wiped down the tables and chairs, making sure everything was spotless. The last thing I needed was someone complaining about a sticky spot on a table or chair. I rearranged the cushions, giving the booths that extra welcoming touch. Everything was in place by the time I was done, and The Daily Grind was ready to go. The café had this lived-in feel that always made me smile. It was the kind of space that felt like a warm hug—for anyone who needed it. I poured the fresh streaming brew into a mug, fixing it up just how I liked it, feeling the warmth spreading through my hands. As I leaned against the counter, taking that first comforting sip, a familiar figure appeared outside, her bodyguards in tow. I wasn't even officially open yet, but when Jenna Ortega knocks, who am I to not answer? I walked over to unlock the door, letting her and the guards in. Jenna wasn't in her usual hoodie this time. Today, she wore a stylish see-through white tee paired with a pair of plaid pants with high heels. Looking casual but chic. "You look nice," I said, feeling the comment slip out naturally. Jenna smiled warmly. "Thanks. She added, "I have an early interview for an upcoming film...and then some other boring meetings," her tone was slightly sarcastic. I gave her a teasing look. "Boring? Sounds like you've got a rough life," I joked, rolling my eyes playfully. Jenna chuckles lightly, brushing her hair out of her face. "Yeah, it's tough being me," she shot back. I shrugged, "Well, technically, we're not open yet, but I've already got everything set up, so if you want, I can get you and your crew settled in." Jenna exchanged a quick look with her bodyguards, who nodded back at her. "Thanks, that would be great." I turned to the guards, who had positioned themselves quietly near the entrance. "So, what can I get you guys?" The taller two, who had a more serious demeanor, spoke first. "I'll take a hot coffee. Black, with two pumps of vanilla and a dash of cinnamon." The second guard, who seemed more talkative, said with a small smile, "Tea, please. With milk and one sugar. I'm more of a tea guy myself." I nodded and then looked back at Jenna, expecting her to give her order, but I beat her. "Iced coffee with caramel and whipped cream, right?" Jenna raised an eyebrow, "Not bad. I guess I'm predictable." Jenna leaned her back on the counter as I got to work preparing the drinks, glancing toward the front. "What's that about?" she asked, pointing to the poster I hung earlier. "Oh, that? We run an event for people to come to enjoy poetry or music with their coffee. It's pretty laid-back. Kind of a 'grab the mic if you feel like it' vibe." Jenna nodded, looking at it. "Noted," was all she said softly. "Here's your drinks," I called. Each drink lined up. I handed the bodyguards their drinks, and they settled into the bar area by the cash register while Jenna and I sat at one of the tables, far enough away to talk privately.
"Sorry to inconvenience you again." Jenna replied, smiling briefly before glancing out the window, her fingers tracing the rim of her drink, a little distracted. "You look like you're lost," I teased. "Something on your mind?" Jenna blinked, snapping out of her thoughts and giving me a small smile." Just thinking about the day ahead. Meetings, interviews...nothing too exciting." She glanced at me, smile falling slightly. "But I guess everyone has their own version of busy, right?" I nodded. "Yeah, but at least your 'busy' involves making movies. Not a bad gig." Jenna chuckled softly, "True, but you'd be surprised how much of it is just waiting around, talking about things you've already said a thousand times. It's not all glamorous." I tilted my head slightly, "I can imagine. It's like running a coffee shop. People think it's just pouring drinks and chatting with customers, but there is a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff no one sees." She looked up around me, a spark of intrigue in her eyes. "Yeah? Like what?" I shrugged. "You know, making sure machines are maintained, cleaned, and functional, keeping the inventory stocked, baking pastries fresh every day, And don't even get me started with dealing with the occasional difficult customer, celebrity or not." She laughed, her smile returning tenfold. "I guess we both deal with our fair share of drama, huh?" I grinned, nodding. "Exactly. but hey, at least you get to wear cool outfits. All I get is this apron." She glanced at my apron. "Well...it suits you. And besides, I'm sure you could pull off one or two if you tried." My blush crept up, but I sipped from my cup to cover it. Jenna gave me a playful smile, taking a sip of her own. "So," Jenna began, "Where's Wilma this morning? I feel like I'm missing the other half of this Daily Grind dynamic duo." "She had to drop off her siblings at school," I explained, getting comfortable. "We've been best friends since preschool. Never really been apart, even traveled across the country to open this place together." Jenna's curiosity grew. "That's amazing. No wonder you guys make a great team; you're like a hive mind." I nodded, laughing at the thought. "As terrifying as that is, we do make a great team. Wilma's practically family. We've seen each other through school and jobs. It's been an adventure." Jenna's gaze softened as she asked, "And your real family? Are they around?" I shifted slightly, setting my drink down. "My older brothers, Marcus and Caleb, live here in California with me. We share an apartment together. But the rest of my family, my parents and younger sister, are back in New York." Her eyes lit up. "Wait, you've got a younger sister too? Same here—she can be such a pain, always finding ways to bug me, but that's little sisters for, right?" Jenna chuckled softly, a mix of affection and exaggeration in her voice. "She keeps me on my toes." I chuckled, adding, "Tell me about it. Sometimes, it's a lot of deciding whether to ship her off or not, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. And then, of course, there's Mr. Noodles." Jenna's brow furrowed in confusion, gnawing at her straw. "Mr. Noodles?" I smiled, nodding. My tuxedo cat. He's the real boss of the house." Jenna gasped loudly, startling her guards. "I need to see pictures. Now." I pulled out my phone, scrolling through the dozens of photos I had of Mr. Noodles, and handed it over. Jenna's face lit up with a huge smile as she swiped through the photos. "He's adorable! Look at this gentleman; his tie is too cute! How can you ever leave him to go to work?" I shrugged, shaking my head. "It's tough, but he's got work too. He's a professional napper around the clock, so he manages without me." Jenna handed the phone back, shaking her head in return. But my brain froze; her fingers brushed against mine for a brief moment. It quite literally—shocked me. "Thanks," she said, her hand lingering just a second longer than I expected before she pulled away. "No problem," I replied, trying to calm my racing heart.
"I think I might be in love with Mr. Noodles more than anything else." she joked. I laughed as the door swung open, and Wilma burst in, a disheveled mess, panting like she had just run a marathon. "Sorry, sorry! I swear, herding those beasts into the car is like trying to wrangle lions." Jenna, her guards, and I all turned to look at Wilma, who attempted to play it cool, straightening up as she wiped her brow. "Don't mind me. I'll be in the back getting ready." But before disappearing, she shot me a cheeky smile and said, "Keep charming, mascot." I quickly drank from my empty mug, hoping the ground of the mug would swallow me whole. Jenna raised an eyebrow, "Mascot?" she asked, her voice laced with amusement. I rubbed the back of my neck, "Yeah, it's just Wilma's nickname. She has called me since we opened the café, and she says I'm the face of the place." Jenna let out a laugh, "That's cute. It suits you," she teased, her smile growing. She added, "So, do I call you Mascot now, or is that just reserved by Wilma?" I chuckled, shaking my head. "More like trademarked; she's big on original nicknames but doesn't mind if they stick." "Alright, then, I'll have to go to the drawing board." She chuckled. Jenna's guards glanced at each other, then at the phone in front of them, before standing up. "Ma'am, we've got to head out. Your manager's been calling non-stop," one of them said, holding up Jenna's phone. It read 25 missed calls and 12 growing messages. She sighed, clearly not ready to leave, but she nodded. "Alright, guess I've got to go face the music." She stood up, and I offered to top off her coffee. "You've got a busy schedule. Want a refill to help get through it?" Jenna smiled gratefully. "That would be great, thanks." I quickly refilled her cup, handing it back to her as she pulled out some cash. I frowned, confused. "You don't have to—" She cut me off with a smirk. "I never paid for my drink the other day, and I'm covering today, too. Keep the change as a tip for the drink and for treating me like an actual person." She handed me the cash, along with a piece of paper. As Jenna and her guards left the café, the door softly closed behind them. I stare down at the money. Suddenly, I felt a pinch on my arm. "Ow!" I yelped, spinning around to see Wilma scolding me. "That was to snap you out of it. Also, for not charging your celebrity crush like a regular customer," she teased, hands on her hips. I shot her a look. "I was! I was just caught up in conversation. And besides, Jenna's a good tipper." Looking back at it, I realized the paper wasn't just her receipt—it had her Instagram handle scribbled at the bottom, along with a note that read, 'Thanks for the coffee and conversations again, Slick. You still owe me some more café stories.' I stood there, dumbfounded, as Wilma yelled back, "Come on, mascot, it's opening time before I take your tip!" Snapping back to reality, I shook my head and pocketed the receipt and money. "Alright, alright, I was just counting!"
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cheynovak · 2 days
Characters: Soldier boy x Y/N Female character     
Summary: Y/N, a young personal assistant to Soldier Boy (Ben) and Crimson Countess, is caught in a whirlwind of events that shatter her sense of stability. After accidentally witnessing an intimate moment between Ben, Crimson, and another woman, she’s left shaken and unsure how to process it. The following day, Crimson casually invites her to join them, which only adds to Y/N's confusion.
Warnings: 18+ mentioning of: threesome, cheating, build up to smut/ spice.
English is not my first language 
*This story is my own original story, please do not copy my work, reblog/comments/likes are appreciated* 
part 1/?
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Working for superheroes had always been my dream, and landing the personal assistant job for Soldier Boy felt like I had finally made it. At just 23, I was on the inside—right next to the legends. And more than anything, I admired Crimson Countess. I had looked up to her for years: strong, fearless, elegant, everything I wanted to be.
Soldier Boy was, well, intimidating. Ben, as I had been told to call him, was a larger-than-life presence, intense and unpredictable. But Crimson? She was the one who inspired me, and every day, I tried to live up to what I thought she represented.
Tonight was no different from most. It was late, the compound was quiet, and everyone else had left for the night. I was tying up loose ends, some paperwork mostly, when I remembered that Crimson had left a stack of files in her office. I figured I’d drop them off on her desk and head home. I had done it hundreds of times already, just part of the job.
As I walked down the dim hallway, I noticed her office door was cracked open. That was unusual; she was always so careful about her privacy. For a moment, I considered knocking, but it was late, and I assumed she had gone home. I thought I’d slip in, leave the files on her desk, and get out without disturbing anything.
But the second I stepped through the door, my world came crashing down.
Crimson Countess wasn’t alone. She was there, on the couch, barely clothed, on her knees on one side of Soldier boy while some other woman... well, sat... on his... face.
They were tangled together, moving in a way that left no room for interpretation. It was raw, intense—nothing like the polished, controlled way they presented themselves to the world. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move, couldn’t tear my eyes away from the scene.
My heart hammered in my chest as the reality of what I was seeing sank in. This wasn’t something my in experienced soul thought was possible. This was something darker, something intimate that I was never meant to witness.
Before I could even think to turn and leave, Ben pulled the girl of him, his sharp gaze snapped to mine and smirked, that signature cocky grin spreading across his face, like he found it funny that I had walked in on them.
“Well, look who it is,” he drawled, his voice low and thick with amusement. “Want to join sweetheart?”
My stomach churned. Crimson Countess didn’t seem to notice me, too caught up in the moment with him. His fingers tangled in her hair.
I took a step back, every nerve in my body screaming at me to get out of there. My hands were trembling as I fumbled for the door, trying not to look back, trying not to hear the low chuckle that followed me as I stumbled into the hallway.
“I—uh, I’m sorry,” I stammered, though I wasn’t sure if anyone even heard me.
My feet moved on their own, rushing down the hall, my breath coming in quick, shallow bursts. I could still feel Ben’s eyes on me, the way he hadn’t even been fazed by my intrusion. He’d looked at me like I was just part of the scenery or something to laugh about later.
The moment I burst outside, the cold night air hit me, but it did nothing to calm the storm raging inside of me. My hands shook uncontrollably as I pulled out my keys, trying to focus long enough to unlock the car door. I didn’t know how long I stood there, but eventually, I managed to get inside and slam the door behind me.
What had I just seen?
Crimson Countess—Crimson Countess—the woman I looked up to, the one I had admired for so long, wasn’t who I thought she was. And Ben, Soldier Boy, had just acted like it was no big deal, like he didn’t care at all that I just walked in on that.
My mind raced as I drove, barely registering the streets flashing by. The image of them together, so vulgar, was burned into my brain, refusing to leave me alone. They weren’t the heroes I had built up in my head. They were… something else, something I didn’t want to understand.
When I finally got home, I fumbled with the keys to my apartment, my hands still trembling. The door swung open, and I was greeted by the warm light of our living room. My fiancée Kevin was already there, standing by the kitchen counter, looking at me with concern.
“Y/N?” His voice was soft, and the second he saw my face, I could tell he knew something was wrong. “You’re home late. What happened?”
I opened my mouth to answer, but no words came out. How could I explain this? How could I even begin to tell him what I had just seen? I was sure my fiancee, respectable man he was wouldn't even understand this. My head was spinning, and all I could feel was the rush of emotions crashing over me—shock, disgust, confusion.
“I—I don’t even know,” I whispered, my voice barely audible as I set my bag down, my legs weak. I collapsed onto the couch, burying my face in my hands. “It’s… I saw something at work. Something I wasn’t supposed to see.”
He came over and sat beside me, his hand resting gently on my back. “Do you want to talk about it?”
I shook my head, the memory still too raw, too sharp. I couldn’t even process it myself, let alone explain it to him. How was I supposed to tell him that the people I worked for, the heroes we had both admired, weren’t who we thought they were? That Crimson Countess, the woman I’d idolized for years, had just shattered every illusion I’d ever had about her?
“I just… need a minute,” I said softly, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill.
He didn’t press. He just sat there with me, his presence steady and comforting in the middle of the chaos in my mind.
I closed my eyes, trying to push the images away, but they wouldn’t leave. No matter how much I wanted to forget, I couldn’t. Crimson Countess and Soldier Boy weren’t just flawed—they were something far darker. And now, I wasn’t sure if I could ever look at them the same way again.
The next day, I sat at my desk in the office, trying to act as normal as possible, but the memory of what I had seen last night haunted me. My fingers tapped anxiously on the keyboard, eyes glued to the paper, but my mind was miles away. Every time I tried to focus, my thoughts drifted back to Crimson and Ben… and that other side of them I had never imagined.
The Tower bustled around me—colleagues moving through the halls, casual conversation floating in the air. Everything felt normal, but I felt like I was on edge, hyper-aware of every sound, every movement. I kept telling myself that if I just acted like nothing happened, everything would be fine.
But then I heard her familiar voice and my heart dropped.
Crimson Countess.
I didn’t dare look up as she strolled over, her signature confidence radiating from every step. I tried to stay calm, but my fingers froze over the keyboard of the typewriter when I saw her lean on my desk out of the corner of my eye. She wasn’t in her full supe outfit—just casual, but even then, she exuded that effortless power and control that had always made me idolize her.
“Morning, Y/N,” she said lightly, but there was something teasing in her tone.
“Morning,” I managed to reply, keeping my gaze glued to my paper.
For a moment, she didn’t say anything, just watched the room as a few of our colleagues passed by, her lips curling into a faint smile. I could feel the tension building, and my stomach twisted in knots. I knew something was coming. I just didn’t know what.
Finally, when the coast was clear, she turned her attention fully on me, her voice low and almost conspiratorial.
"Ben told me you saw us last night."
My breath caught in my throat, and I could feel my cheeks flush bright red. It was like my whole body betrayed me, and I cursed myself for it. The heat crept up my neck and into my face as the memory of what I’d walked in on slammed back into my head.
“I—uh—” I stammered, struggling to find words. “I’m so, so sorry. I wasn’t supposed to see that. I didn’t mean to—”
Crimson waved off my apology with a casual flick of her hand, like it was nothing. Her expression was calm, her eyes almost amused, as if she found the whole thing mildly entertaining.
“No need to apologize, sweetheart,” she said, leaning in a little closer. “If you want to join next time, you’re welcome to.”
The offer hit me like a freight train. My mouth went dry, and I had no idea how to respond. I could barely believe what she was saying—it was so nonchalant, so easy for her, like inviting someone to dinner instead of, well… that.
My mind went blank, but the first thing I managed to blurt out was, “I’m engaged.”
Crimson’s eyes flickered with amusement before she suddenly threw her head back and laughed, the sound loud and echoing throughout the office. A few heads turned, but no one seemed to think much of it—this was Crimson Countess after all. People expected her to be eccentric.
“Engaged, huh?” she said with a smirk once her laughter subsided. “He’s welcome too.”
My jaw nearly hit the floor. I stared at her, completely lost for words. Did she actually mean that? The casual way she said it, as if it was no big deal, made it even harder to wrap my head around.
“I—uh, I—” I stammered, trying to find a way out of this conversation without combusting on the spot.
Crimson just smiled, crossing her arms and leaning back slightly. “No pressure, Y/N. Just let Ben or me know if you’re in or out. It’s all about options.”
Options? I wasn’t even sure how to respond to that. My entire world had flipped upside down in the span of a few seconds, and here she was acting like this was just another casual conversation.
“I… I’ll think about it,” I said quickly, though in my mind I was screaming no, no, no, wanting to escape this situation as fast as possible.
“Good girl,” she said, winking at me before pushing off my desk and walking away, leaving me sitting there in stunned silence.
As soon as she was gone, I finally let out the breath I’d been holding. My heart was still racing, my palms clammy against the keyboard. I tried to make sense of what had just happened, but nothing about it made sense. What kind of world had I walked into, where things like this were normal?
And worse, how was I supposed to look her in the eye now? Or Ben? I swallowed hard, staring blankly at the text I just typed. How did I get into this situation?
The next day, I was running late for lunch. Most people had already returned to their desks, leaving the cafeteria nearly empty, just a handful of others grabbing a bite before heading back to work. My stomach twisted with anxiety—I still hadn’t fully processed my encounter with Crimson Countess. I barely managed to choke down a few bites of food, my nerves making me feel sick.
I was sitting at the far end of the room, hoping to avoid any more awkward encounters. But just as I thought I was in the clear, the door swung open, and in walked Ben, flanked by the TNT twins. I froze, my heart pounding in my chest. He scanned the room, his eyes landing on me almost immediately. And then, like it was the most natural thing in the world, he smirked.
My pulse quickened as he started walking over, his strides slow and deliberate, like he enjoyed the effect he was having on me. I quickly looked back down at my half-eaten sandwich, pretending to be too engrossed in my food to notice him. But it was too late.
Ben—Soldier Boy—pulled out the chair beside me and sat down, the weight of his presence making the air feel heavy. I could feel his gaze burning into the side of my face, and I silently prayed he wouldn’t bring up last night. I wasn’t ready for another awkward, twisted conversation.
"So," he began casually, his voice low, "have you spoken to Countess?"
I swallowed hard, nodding. “Yeah. She, uh… talked to me earlier.”
He didn’t say anything for a second, just stared at me, his eyes gleaming with amusement. He could sense my nerves, I knew it. My hands felt clammy, and I tried to focus on anything other than how close he was, but his presence was suffocating.
"She tell you how we like to have there sometime?" Ben asked, his tone smooth, like he was discussing the weather.
I nodded again, my throat dry. “Yeah, she… she mentioned it.” I could barely get the words out. Every part of me wanted to shrink away, to disappear, but Ben leaned in closer, closing the already small gap between us.
"I gotta say," he murmured, his voice dropping lower, "I wish you’d stayed last night." His lips curled into a smirk as he watched my reaction. I could feel my face turning red, my heart racing uncontrollably.
“I’m engaged,” I blurted out, my voice louder than I intended, desperate to set a boundary. Please, let that be enough.
But it wasn’t. Any other man might’ve taken the hint, backed off, but Ben wasn’t just any other man. He chuckled, a dark, deep sound that sent shivers down my spine.
“Engaged, huh?” He raised an eyebrow, clearly unfazed. "That’s cute, congrats, I'm sure he is eh, taking care of you."
"Oh he is." I answered way too fast. His hand moved over my arm, "So you have... some experience, thats good." I couldn't look at him thinking. Well not much, not at all if experience means what he did the other night... but I had sex before yes.
He must have read my mind "You gotta understand something, sweetheart." He leaned in even closer, his breath warm against my skin. “This is freeing. Learning to love more than just one person. Sharing is caring, right? Besides I might teach you a thing or two your man likes.”
I stared at him in shock, my mind racing, trying to make sense of what he was saying. It wasn’t just about what I had seen or heard. This was something bigger, deeper—he truly believed it, believed in some twisted version of love where boundaries didn’t exist.
My mistake was looking up at him then—really looking at him. I was too close, closer than I had ever been. For a moment, all I saw was the strong, perfect lines of his face, the chiseled jaw, the intensity in those green eyes that made it hard to think straight.
He was beautiful, magnetic, and dangerous all at once. I hated how my body reacted, how my breath caught in my throat as I felt the pull of his presence. "I-I don't think I would... like it." I stammered.
His gaze dropped to my lips, and I swore my heart stopped. My whole body tensed as I realized just how close we were, the air between us heavy with something I didn’t understand.
“You could learn to enjoy it,” he whispered, his voice seductive, filled with a kind of promise that sent a shiver down my spine.
I quickly looked away, my mind screaming at me to get out of this situation, but my body betrayed me, frozen in place, caught between fear, confusion, and something else I didn’t want to acknowledge.
“I… I can’t,” I stammered, my voice barely audible.
He smiled, a slow, predatory smile, as if he had all the time in the world. “Think about it, Y/N. Seems like you’ve got a lot to learn, want to keep your soon to be husband happy between the sheets, don't you?” His hand brushed against mine on the table, and the contact sent an electric jolt through me.
I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. All I knew was that I needed to get out of there. Now.
“I should go,” I muttered, pushing my chair back so fast it nearly toppled over. I stood up, my legs shaky, and grabbed my bag. Ben just leaned back in his chair, watching me with that same smug, knowing smile, like he’d already won some kind of game I didn’t even know I was playing.
“Take your time,” he said lazily, his eyes glinting. “We’re not going anywhere.”
I didn’t dare look back as I rushed out of the cafeteria, my mind a mess of confusion, fear, and frustration. How had I ended up here? What kind of world had I gotten myself into, where boundaries didn’t exist, where people like Ben and Crimson Countess played by their own rules?
And most importantly—what the hell was I going to do next?
I couldn’t tell Kevin about what happened. He’d flip. The thought of trying to explain everything to him, the look of betrayal and anger that would flash across his face… I just couldn’t handle that right now. It felt like everything in my life was spiraling out of control, and I didn’t have the strength to add another confrontation to the pile.
That day, I rushed home far earlier than usual. I needed stability, something to ground me, and Kevin had always been that for me. I kept telling myself that once I got home, once I saw him, everything would start to feel normal again. He didn’t know about the world I worked in, the twisted games that came with being around supes. With Kevin, things were simple. Normal.
When I reached our apartment door, I noticed something was off before I even stepped inside. The faint glow of candlelight flickered under the door, and I could smell something sweet—champagne? My heart lifted slightly, thinking maybe he had planned a surprise. Maybe Kevin had sensed how off I’d been lately and wanted to make it up to me. The thought of spending a quiet evening together, just the two of us, made my chest ache with hope. This was what I needed.
But the second I opened the door, that hope shattered.
There he was. Kevin, sitting on the couch, cozy and comfortable—but he wasn’t alone. Another woman was with him. Her long legs were draped across his lap, her hand on his chest, and they were kissing. Not just a casual kiss, but something deeper, something intimate. The kind of kiss that said I was no longer part of the equation.
The candlelight, the champagne, the soft music playing in the background… it wasn’t for me. It had never been for me.
I stood frozen in the doorway, my breath caught in my throat, unable to process what I was seeing. My entire body went numb, like my brain was trying to protect me from the full force of what was happening.
My heart broke, a sharp pain slicing through my chest as I watched them—Kevin, the man I was supposed to marry, the man who had promised to love me, sitting there with someone else like it was the most natural thing in the world.
He didn’t even notice me at first, too caught up in the moment with her. I felt like I was drowning, my mind swirling with disbelief and devastation. I wanted to scream, to yell, to make sense of it, but all I could do was stand there, staring at the wreckage of everything I thought I knew.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he pulled back from her, and that’s when he saw me. His eyes widened in shock, and for a second, we just stood there, the silence between us deafening.
“Y/N,” he breathed, his voice laced with guilt, panic flashing across his face as he shoved the woman off his lap. She scrambled awkwardly, clearly not expecting to be caught.
“I—uh—it’s not what it looks like,” he stammered, but the words felt hollow, meaningless. It was exactly what it looked like.
My voice cracked as I finally managed to speak. “How could you…?”
He stood up, his hands out in front of him like he was trying to calm me down, like I was overreacting. “Just listen—”
But I didn’t want to listen. Not to him. Not now. Everything inside me was breaking, crumbling, and the anger, the betrayal, it hit me all at once, crashing into me like a tidal wave.
“How could you?!” I shouted, my voice trembling with hurt. “You’re… you’re... How Kevin! We were supposed to—” I choked on the words, unable to finish the sentence. We were supposed to get married. To be together.
His eyes softened for a moment, and I could see the guilt settling in. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t—"
“Don’t,” I snapped, cutting him off. “Don’t you dare say you didn’t mean for this to happen. You did.” My hands clenched into fists at my sides, my entire body shaking. “You planned this. You set this up.”
His silence said it all. The candles, the champagne, the soft music—it was all for her. Not for me. Never for me.
The woman stood there awkwardly, looking between the two of us, clearly uncomfortable but not nearly as sorry as she should have been. I felt sick to my stomach.
I turned and bolted out the door, not caring where I was going, not caring about anything other than the fact that my life, my world, had just been ripped apart in the span of a few short hours.
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ewyuzu · 13 hours
warning: smut. minors dni!
the moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over the dimly lit room where you found yourself alone with sukuna. his crimson eyes glinted with mischief, and a smirk played on his lips as he leaned casually against the wall, exuding an air of confidence.
“you know,” he said, voice low and teasing, “it’s dangerous to be alone with me.”
“is it?” you challenged, your heart racing as you took a step closer. the tension crackled between you like electricity, the air thick with unspoken desire.
“oh, it definitely is,” he replied, pushing himself off the wall and closing the distance. his breath was warm against your skin, sending shivers down your spine. “but something tells me you enjoy a little danger.”
you met his gaze, determination swirling in your chest. “maybe i do.”
in an instant, sukuna captured your wrist, pulling you against him with a feral intensity. his lips brushed against yours, teasingly light at first, but as you deepened the kiss, the heat between you ignited. he tasted of something forbidden, intoxicating, and utterly addictive.
as the kiss grew more passionate, you felt his hands roam your body, exploring every curve with a hungry desire. he pulled back slightly, his eyes dark with lust. “tell me you want this,” he demanded, his voice a low growl.
“i want this,” you breathed, feeling bold and alive under his gaze.
with that, sukuna pressed you against the wall, his body firmly against yours. the world around you faded away as he captured your lips again, a mix of passion and urgency that left you breathless. his hands found their way under your shirt, fingers dancing across your skin, igniting fire in their wake.
“you’re mine,” he murmured against your lips, his voice a sultry promise that made your heart race.
“yes,” you whispered back, surrendering to the overwhelming need coursing through you.
the night unfolded in a whirlwind of heated kisses, fervent touches, and whispered secrets, the boundaries between pleasure and pain blurring in the best possible way. with each gasp, each soft moan, you knew you had stepped into a world where sukuna held all the power, and you were more than willing to submit.
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hsunrry · 2 days
witch // one shot harry styles
harry styles x fem!reader
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summary: based on this request.
words: ~1k
warnings: smut18+, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie
“i’ll check the barn, you go.” you could hear a voice outside the barn and in this moment you knew you were screwed. ginger hair, old enough to be married, but still without a ring on your finger and without baby bump. if he finds you, you’re dead. you’re going to burn at the stake. you were hiding between two hay bales with hand on your mouth to prevent any sound. when you heard that he started walking around your whole body tensed. he was closer and closer, finally standing right in front of you. “there you are…” he smirked. he was a knight, that’s for sure. for some reason he wasn’t dressed in typical armor, but in something more… loose.
“no, please. i’m not a witch.” you managed to stutter. he only scoffed at your words. he was staring down at you, getting closer.
“ah, yeah? you’re a ginger woman hiding in barn, forgive me for finding it suspicious.” he grabbed your arm, making you stand up.
“you have to believe me!” you whined. he grabbed your both wrists, holding them behind your back with one hand. there’s no way to escape. he was stronger, taller and so much bigger than you in general, it was almost funny from third perspective.
“how old are you?” he asked, still firmly holding you.
“21.” you whispered.
“21 and no ring on your finger. how come?” he tilted his head to the side slightly. you swallowed.
“because i run away from my mother.” you confessed and he narrowed his brows.
“and you want me to believe you, that you’re not a witch?” he asked amused.
“just let me go, please.” you looked up at him, pleadingly.
“i can’t let you go. i can’t just let a possible witch go free, can i? it’s my job to hand you over to the townspeople.” his grip on your wrists tightening.
“i’m not a witch, please.” he looked into your eyes and he could feel his knees melting. he shook his head.
“i’ll let you go under one condition.” you nodded quietly. “if you’ll… satisfy me.” your heart started beating quicker at his words. you licked your lips slightly and after few seconds you nodded. he smiled, letting go of your wrists. he sat down on one of the hay bales, pulling you after him so you could straddle his lap. he gripped your waist, going up and down. “what’s your name, sweetheart?”
“y/n.” you answered, feeling his hands going under the hem of your dress. he started pushing it up your legs.
“y/n.” he smiled. “i’m Harry.” he continued taking it off you, leaving you only in underwear. he grinned. “you’re so beautiful. tell me, are you a virgin, little one?” you bite inside of your cheek, shaking your head at ‘no’. he nodded. “that’s what i thought, that’s good.” he kissed the place between your breasts. after that he took off everything from his upper body, exposing his chest. he started kissing your neck and you tilted your head to the side to give him better access. “you’re so pretty.” he gasped against your skin. “are you sure you’re not a witch? you have me under your spell already.”
“i’m not.” you chuckled, moaning quietly right after, when he sucked on your neck. you gasped when his hand brushed over your covered nipple. he pulled out from your neck, looking at your face.
“you’re so sensitive, i love that.” he reached behind to undid your bra, tossing it in the same place where he tossed your dress earlier. his lips immediately started to suck on your nipple, causing your body to tremble slightly. your quiet moans and gasps were driving him crazy. eventually, he picked you up and placed you on your back on the bale. he undressed himself completely, freeing his huge, erected cock from his pants. before he hovered over you, he got rid of your panties, leaving you all naked. he looked into your eyes, smiling. “ready for a little fun?”
“yes.” you felt his hand going down between your legs, pushing two fingers inside you. you moaned and your back arched slightly towards him. his lips met yours in needy kiss, while his fingers were pumping in and out. he eventually pulled them out, breaking the kiss and looking down at you. he positioned himself between your legs, brushing his tip against you. he started moving forward, slowly pushing inside. you could feel how he was stretching you and your hands immediately went to his back. he groaned when he went fully. he waited few seconds and after that he stared moving slowly in and out, causing your moans.
“you feel so good.” he gasped, gripping your hips. his head went into the crook of your neck, kissing it slowly. he started to move faster.
“you too.” you panted, feeling his arms wrapping around your body, instead of holding your hips. you tilted your head back from pleasure. he kissed your lips hungrily, moaning into the kiss when he felt your hand in his hair.
“does that feel good, honey?” he gasped against your lips and you only nodded breathlessly. “wrap your legs around my hips.” he commanded. when you did that, you could felt him going even deeper and you almost cried out of pleasure at the feeling. “yes, that’s good.” he groaned. his movements went faster. you were panting mess at this point and you both were so close.
“oh my god, yes!” you moaned, clenching your inner walls on his dick when you finished. this triggered his own release and you could feel his hot seeds shooting deep inside you. he groaned loudly, slowing down his movements. he collapsed on top of you, breathing heavy. his lips planting kisses on your neck.
“jesus, you’re incredible.” he smiled against your skin.
“you know what the best part is?” you asked, massaging his scalp.
“what?” he chuckled quietly.
“you just fucked a witch.” you grinned.
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frickingnerd · 2 days
love triangle with mirio & tamaki
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pairing: mirio togata / lemillion x gn!reader x tamaki amajiki / suneater
tags: wholesome fluff, supportive!mirio & tamaki, idiots in love, hint at a potential polyamorous relationship, open ending
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tamaki is the one to fall in love with you first, slowly developing feelings for you and pining for you over months, while mirio only realizes that he likes you romantically much later!
mirio doesn't even realize that tamaki has a crush on you as well, since tamaki keeps his feelings for you to himself, but his stuttering and overall nervousness around you eventually give it away!
while mirio likes you too, he's still tamaki's best friend first and foremost! he won't just steal the person tamaki likes away from him, so he wants to help his friend get with you!
sure, mirio likes you! a lot, actually! but he's the type to put other people before himself. afterall, if tamaki is happy, then mirio will be happy too, right…?
well, tamaki doesn't like that mirio so easily discards his own feelings for you, in an attempt to help him get with you!
tamaki is pretty insecure, so he believes that you'd be happier with mirio! mirio got everything anyone could want! compared to mirio, tamaki is nothing…
both boys are willing to let their friend have their chance with you, despite their own feelings for you!
for months, they'll both give up so many chances to be with you or confess to you. until eventually, mirio decides that the only way to solve this is for tamaki and mirio to both confess to you at the same time!
maybe then you'll make your choice and choose which one of the boys you want! or maybe, you'll even want both of them…
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ynxbucky · 2 days
Y/N: ok, well I’m getting tired, goodnight
Y/N: *kisses on the side of face while getting up and walks away*
Bucky, secretly flustered: Did you just—
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candiiee · 3 days
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ᴏʙʟɪᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ *ೃ༄ pt. 1
warnings: foul language, sexual tension ish
summary: izuku and y/n are besties who are oblivious to the others feelings.
an: based off of a character.ai chat, sue me
Poor Izuku is so desperate for you, his wonderfully oblivious best friend to see him as more. He would move a mountain if it meant you would compliment him on how strong he is.
He can only dream, sadly.
Why won’t he look at you?! It’s so infuriating. Izuku Midoriya is not looking at you, and you even put on a crop top! He’s so adorable, eyes looking at anything but you as you two chat about whatever.
Is he just not interested in you?
Oh god you’re in a crop top
What he wouldn’t do to lay his hands on you. He’s gonna have a nose bleed. But, you’re obviously not interested in him. He’s pretty sure you like Todoroki or something. Practically every girl thinks he’s hot.
“I cannot keep seeing this nerd fumble and die a virgin.” Bakugou nods towards said nerd and Y/N.
“Aren’t you a virgin?” Denki asks. That earns him a slap to the head, while Kirishima cracks a smile.
“Point is, if he doesn’t make a move soon, someone else will sweep her off her feet.” He continues, taking a sip of his coke.
“Oi! Shitty nerd!” Bakugou calls over, “Get your ass over here!” Izuku says something to Y/N, then scampers over.
“Get laid.” He says bluntly as Izuku is within slapping range. He goes red, “W-what?..”
“Grow some balls, make a move, and get a girlfriend.” He added, taking another sip of his coke.
Denki smiles, “Translation, confess to L/N before it’s too late.”
Kirishima nodded, “Yeah. Midobro, it took me forever to ask Mina out, and it’s taking you even longer to ask L/N out. Sweep her off her feet! It’ll be so manly!”
Izuku swallows, “It’s just..” he glanced at her, talking to Jiro. “She doesn’t like me like that.”
Bakugou scoffed, “Clearly you have bees in your brain. I’ve seen the way she looks at you. And none of it looks platonic. In fact, I think she would love to fuck you.”
“K-kachan! Don’t say that!” He stammered.
“Listen. Ask her for a movie night. Make a move there, with no one to watch you mess up.” He continued.
“Would that really work?” He asked nervously, scratching the back of his neck.
“Probably. 80% chance. And if not, Kirishima will listen to you sob and whine and pat your back.” Bakugou smirked.
Kirishima rolled his eyes. “It’ll work, don’t worry.” He patted his back.
“You got this.”
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rogueshadow1124 · 2 days
[The lost boys x reader]
Summary: the boys dont think Y/N is ready for a change yet.
Word count: 1724
Warnings: none?
The sun had just dipped below the horizon, its last rays casting the boardwalk in a golden glow. Y/N stood near the edge, looking out at the vast stretch of ocean as the night slowly began to creep in. The salty breeze tangled in her hair, the distant sound of carnival music drifted through the air, and the smell of cotton candy and popcorn mixed with the briny scent of the sea.
Santa Carla was a place that hummed with life after dark. Tourists flocked to its sandy shores and neon-lit attractions, unaware of the undercurrent of danger that lingered just out of sight. Y/N knew all about that danger. She’d been living in this town long enough to know what went on after midnight.
But she wasn’t scared. In fact, she was drawn to it.
The Lost Boys. Their reputation spread like wildfire—stories of their wild, untamable nature, their devil-may-care attitudes, and the mysterious disappearances that followed in their wake. Most people in town avoided them. Y/N wasn’t most people. And if she was honest with herself, she had always felt something more than just curiosity toward them.
Especially David.
He was different. The leader. The one who commanded attention with a single glance. His sharp blue eyes seemed to pierce straight through her whenever they locked with hers, leaving her breathless and flushed.
And then there were the others—Dwayne, with his quiet intensity; Paul, with his constant smirk and carefree laughter; and Marko, wild and unpredictable, a spark always ready to ignite into flames. They were dangerous, sure. But they were also intoxicating.
As the sky darkened and the boardwalk's lights flickered on, Y/N leaned against the railing, waiting. She knew they’d find her. They always did.
"Looking for something?" A voice, low and teasing, drifted from the shadows behind her.
Y/N didn't turn immediately. A slow smile curled on her lips, her fingers gripping the cold metal of the railing. She recognized that voice instantly—David. Smooth, confident, and laced with danger.
"Maybe," she said, finally turning to face him.
David stood a few feet away, arms crossed over his chest, his blond hair glowing faintly under the neon lights. His long black trench coat swayed lightly in the breeze, and the ever-present smirk played at the corner of his mouth. He was watching her closely, those piercing blue eyes unreadable.
Behind him, the rest of the boys lingered. Paul was leaning casually against a post, twirling a cigarette between his fingers. Dwayne, as usual, was more reserved, his dark eyes focused on her with quiet interest. Marko was the closest, perched on the edge of the railing, his curls wild, and his grin wide.
“You always seem to find me,” Y/N said, lifting an eyebrow, her voice edged with challenge. "Or maybe I'm the one finding you."
David’s smirk widened, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "You make it too easy, doll. Standing there all alone... practically inviting trouble."
Y/N rolled her eyes, though the teasing note in his voice sent a shiver down her spine. "Trouble? Is that what you think I am?"
Marko’s laugh was quick and sharp. “You’re definitely not boring, that’s for sure.”
Paul sauntered over, casually throwing an arm around Y/N’s shoulders. “You know we like you, babe. You’ve got spunk.” He winked at her, his tone light, but there was something else beneath it. Something darker.
Y/N shrugged his arm off, playfully pushing him away. “Yeah, well, I didn’t come all the way out here to listen to you guys flatter me.”
David took a step closer, his gaze never leaving hers. “Then what did you come here for?” His voice was lower now, almost a growl. The intensity in his eyes made her pulse quicken.
She tilted her chin up defiantly, unwilling to be intimidated. “Maybe I came to see if any of you could keep up with me.”
There was a beat of silence. Then, a collective laugh from the boys—low, rumbling, filled with amusement and excitement. David’s eyes sparkled with something almost predatory.
“You think we can’t?” Dwayne finally spoke, his voice deep and rich, cutting through the laughter. He was still standing a few steps away, arms crossed, but there was a new tension in his posture.
Y/N’s heart raced, though she tried to keep her composure. She had been around these boys enough to know they thrived on challenges. Pushing them was like teasing a pack of wolves, and yet, that was exactly what made it so thrilling.
She turned her back on them, leaning forward over the railing again and staring out into the night. “I think,” she said slowly, “that you’re all talk.”
A second later, she felt the air shift behind her, and before she could even react, a hand snaked around her waist, pulling her back against a solid chest. Her breath hitched as David’s lips brushed her ear.
“Careful, Y/N,” he whispered, his voice sending chills down her spine. “You’re playing with fire.”
Her heart hammered in her chest, but she kept her voice steady. “Maybe I like the heat.”
David’s grip tightened slightly, and she could feel his breath on her neck. She was sure he could hear her pulse quickening, feel the warmth rising in her skin. He was so close now, too close, and every nerve in her body was on high alert.
But she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of backing down.
She turned her head just enough to meet his eyes. “You gonna bite me, David? Or are you just going to keep talking?”
His eyes darkened at her words, and for a split second, she thought she saw his pupils dilate, a flicker of something almost… inhuman. The other boys fell silent, watching the exchange with keen interest.
David’s lips curved into a dangerous smile. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” His voice was a low rumble, thick with amusement. But there was an edge to it, something wild and feral lurking just beneath the surface.
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat, but she held his gaze, refusing to flinch. “Maybe I would.”
Paul whistled low under his breath. “Oh, man. This is gonna be good.”
Marko jumped down from the railing, his grin widening as he came closer. “I think she’s serious.”
“Of course she’s serious,” Dwayne added, though his eyes never left Y/N. There was a hint of admiration there, but also a warning. “You don’t know what you’re asking for, though.”
Y/N felt David’s grip loosen slightly, but he didn’t step away. Instead, he moved closer, his lips brushing the side of her neck. The sensation made her stomach flip, and her skin tingled where his breath touched her.
“Do you know what happens to girls who ask to be bitten?” David whispered, his voice sending shivers down her spine.
Y/N swallowed hard, her pulse racing. She knew she was teetering on the edge of something dangerous, something she couldn’t fully comprehend. But she couldn’t help herself. The thrill of being near them, of tempting fate, was too much to resist.
“Maybe I’m not like those other girls,” she whispered back, her voice steady, though her heart was pounding.
David chuckled softly, but there was no humor in it. His hands slid up her sides, slowly, teasingly, and his lips hovered just over her pulse point. “You’re not, Y/N,” he murmured, his voice low and dangerous. “But that won’t save you.”
Y/N’s breath hitched, her body tense with anticipation. She felt a rush of adrenaline course through her veins, knowing that she was treading on very thin ice. But she didn’t care. She wanted to see how far this would go, how far she could push them—and herself.
David’s lips grazed her skin, and for a moment, she thought he might actually do it. Her pulse quickened, her breath shallow. The world seemed to narrow down to just the two of them—the feel of his body pressed against hers, the heat radiating off him, the sharp edge of danger that hung between them.
Then, just as quickly as he had moved in, he pulled away, leaving her cold and breathless.
“Not tonight,” he said, stepping back, his voice filled with a dark amusement. His eyes glittered with mischief as he regarded her. “You’re not ready yet.”
Y/N turned to face him, trying to hide the disappointment that flickered in her chest. She met his gaze, her heart still racing, and raised an eyebrow.
“You don’t think I can handle it?” she challenged, though her voice was softer now, more breathless.
David’s smile was slow and dangerous. “I know you can’t. But don’t worry, sweetheart.” He leaned in closer, his lips just inches from hers. “I’ll know when you are.”
Y/N’s stomach twisted in frustration and excitement. His words hung in the air between them, a promise of something dark and thrilling, something that was just out of her reach.
Marko’s laughter broke the tension, and he clapped his hands together. “Well, that was fun.”
Paul came up beside Y/N again, slinging an arm over her shoulders. “Don’t take it personally, babe. David’s just got a flair for the dramatic.”
Y/N rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t help the smile tugging at her lips. “Yeah, I noticed.”
Dwayne finally stepped forward, his dark gaze lingering on her for a moment before he spoke. “If you’re still around when you’re ready, you’ll know where to find us.”
Y/N felt her heart skip a beat at his words. There was something in the way he said it, like a dare, like a promise of more.
David’s eyes lingered on her one last time before he turned, leading the boys back into the shadows of the boardwalk. Y/N watched them go, the adrenaline still coursing through her veins, her heart still pounding in her chest.
She knew this wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.
ChatGPT can make mistakes. Check important info.
As the night stretched on, Y/N found herself smiling to herself, the wind tugging at her hair. David might think she wasn’t ready yet, but she’d prove him wrong.
And when that time came… she wouldn’t hesitate to say it again.
Bite me.
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Y/N: Bucky!
Bucky: *on alert* What?
Y/N: What has two butts and can kill you?
Bucky: *sighs* What?
Y/N: An assassin.
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beegomess · 6 hours
T.N. || Can you be my sister?
Summary: On a hot summer day, you find yourself alone in the family mansion, accompanied by Theodore, your boyfriend, and your little sister Sofie, who is eager to learn spells before entering Hogwarts. After a magical experiment that ends in a comic accident, the trio comes together in an afternoon of the girls... and a Theo. Warnings: none
Open orders!
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The sun rose strong that summer morning, filling the mansion's garden with a vibrant light, despite the gentle breeze that blew through the trees. The heat persisted, and the shadows of the trees seemed more and more inviting. The garden, meticulously cared for, exhibited perfectly arranged flowers, symmetrical bushes and a fountain that twinkled under the sunlight.
You were alone in the mansion, while your family was traveling, when Theodore, your boyfriend, arrived at the door, accompanied by Sofie, your 11-year-old little sister. The little one, always excited in her presence, could barely contain the enthusiasm when she saw her. Since he had lost his mother and was at the mercy of his father's constant bad mood, the environment in the Nott mansion was gloomy, almost suffocating. The garden there, which was once colorful and vibrant, had become gray, devoid of the life that Sofie wanted so much. She also had few friends and almost no female figures around.
Since you and Theodore started dating, however, everything has changed for Sofie. She quickly began to see you as the sister she never had. At events and meetings, she always looked for you, seeking refuge in your company, and loved when you could spend some time together. Her presence brought color and lightness to her world, something she seemed to desperately yearn for.
That morning, Sofie almost dragged Theodore by the arm to you, her face illuminated with excitement.
- It's going to be fun! - she insisted, gently pushing Theodore towards the garden. - We can play outside!
You smiled at the scene. Despite pretending to be bothered, Theodore had a visible affection for his sister, and it was easy to see how attached she was to you. Soon, the three were in the garden, and Sofie, with bright eyes, looked around, full of expectation.
- Theo, you have to teach me something! - the girl asked, her eyes shining with expectation. - I'm going to Hogwarts in a few days, I want to get there knowing cool spells!
You cast a suspicious look at Theodore. Teaching spells to an 11-year-old child, you thought, already predicting that it wouldn't end well.
- I don't know if that's a good idea... - you warned, but Theodore just shrugged, a carefree smile forming on his face.
- I'll teach you something simple, no big deal. - he said, pulling the wand. - Sofie, pay attention. I'll teach you "Depulso".
- Depulso? Theo, that's kind of aggressive for a child... - you started, but he was already turning to his sister.
- It's not that dangerous, trust me. - Theodore replied with a wink. - Besides, she needs to learn to deal with spells a little more... practical.
You just shook your head, but approached, ready to intervene if necessary.
Sofie, always quick to learn, took the concept quickly. With her eyes wide and her wand in her fist, she was ready to try the spell.
- Depulso! - she exclaimed with determination, pointing the wand at a nearby stone, which was thrown away.
- Very well! - Theodore praised, satisfied.
The girl was clearly proud of herself, but, amid the excitement, her focus faltered. In the next movement, while turning the wand distractedly, he unintentionally pointed directly at Theodore.
- Depulso! - she said again, not realizing what she was doing.
You barely had time to react before seeing Theodore being thrown back hard, right against one of the biggest trees in the garden. He hit his back on his torso with a dull sound, and for a moment, everything seemed to stop.
Sofie turned pale, her eyes full of shock and terror.
- Theo! I... I didn't want to! - she screamed, dropping her wand and running towards her.
- Sofie, calm down. - you said, bending down to be at her height and putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. - He'll be fine.
With Sofie a little calmer, you went to Theodore, who was slowly recomposing himself. He rubbed his back with a grimace of pain.
- I warned you... - you said in a light tone, extending your hand to help him get up.
- Yes, yes, you warned... - Theodore murmured, accepting his help and getting up with difficulty. - But it's still impressive. She learned fast.
- Too fast, by the way. - you commented, looking at the little one who, still worried, watched everything with wide eyes.
The sky was already dark when you finally collected yourself into the mansion. Theodore, lying in his bed, tried to move as little as possible. Each movement seemed to cause a new wave of pain, and his ribs, where he had hit the tree, were painfully swollen and purple.
- You should have been more careful. - you said while preparing an ice pack to relieve his pain. - You know Sofie still doesn't have that much control.
- I thought she could handle it well... maybe I underestimated the power of the spell. - Theodore replied, trying to hide the discomfort in his voice.
As you put the ice against his ribs, a slight moan escaped, and he tried his best to maintain his posture.
It was at that moment that the bedroom door opened slowly, revealing a hesitant Sofie. His eyes were full of worry, and the guilt was evident on his face. She entered silently, looking at Theodore with a mixture of sadness and remorse.
- Theo, I'm sorry... - she murmured, approaching the bed. - I... I didn't want to hurt you.
Theodore forced a smile, trying his best to hide the pain.
- It's okay, Sofie. I'm... I'm fine. - He said, his voice failing slightly.
You watched the scene with a tender smile. It was obvious that Theodore was lying, but the intention was clear: he didn't want Sofie to feel worse than she already was.
- Are you in pain? - the girl asked, her eyes wide and sincere.
- No, no...- Theodore lied, the persistent smile.
Sofie, however, seemed unconvinced. She looked at you and then at Theodore, before muttering:
- I'll stay here for a while, just to make sure you'll be fine.
With a resigned sigh, Theodore did not stop her, and Sofie sat in the chair of her dressing table, watching carefully as you finished fixing the ice pack on Theodore's ribs.
- You have a huge stain here. - you commented, lifting his shirt enough to see the bruise that spread through his ribs.
Theodore just moaned in response. While you were packing the ice pack, he took a piece of paper from the bedside table and, with difficulty, wrote a few quick words. You read the note and, without saying anything, smiled slightly.
"I'm dying of pain, I need something stronger"
Sofie yawned once more, her eyes filling with sleep.
- Your brother will be fine, I promise. - you said softly, going to her. - But I think it's time for you to sleep.
She agreed with her head, no longer having the strength to protest. You took her in your lap gently, and Theodore watched her with an affectionate look. With her falling asleep in your arms, you took her to the next room, where you put her on the bed carefully, covering her with the light blanket.
The next morning, the sun did not enter through the curtains, and the heat of the previous day seemed to have given a small truce while the rain fell heavily outside. Theodore was still in bed, motionless, but with a look that showed that he was feeling a little better, although the pain was still evident on his face.
You moved slowly, wanting to avoid any sudden movement that could cause Theodore discomfort, and got up from the bed in silence. He watched you with a faint smile, still half asleep, and nodded lightly.
- Good morning. How are you feeling? - you asked, leaning over to give a soft kiss on your forehead.
- As if he had been hit by a spell. - Theodore replied with a slight humor in his voice, despite the pain, and you laughed softly.
Theodore was sitting on the bed, trying to settle down while you passed a medicine over the large purple bruise that spread down your back. He moaned softly at every touch, but tried to keep his composure.
It was at that moment that the door opened slowly, and Sofie, still in pajamas and with disheveled hair, appeared with a worried expression. She hesitated a little before entering the room, looking at her brother with eyes full of guilt.
- Theo? Are you... better? - she asked shyly, taking small steps towards the bed.
Theodore, when he saw her, smiled tenderly, although the pain was still evident on his face.
- Yes, I am, Sofie. - He tried to look convincing, but he couldn't completely hide the discomfort. - Nothing I can't stand.
Sofie climbed into bed carefully and sat next to him, watching the bruise on Theodore's back while you finished passing the medicine.
- I'm sorry about yesterday... - she murmured, her eyes still full of remorse.
Theodore laughed softly, but soon regretted it when the pain made him shrink.
- It's okay, I was a terrible teacher. - He looked at Sofie with a tired smile. - But don't worry, I'll still teach you more things... but maybe something less destructive.
- Do you promise? - Sofie asked, already with a glow of expectation in her eyes.
- I promise. - Theodore said, with a soft nod.
As soon as Sofie looked around her room and saw more clearly the items on her dressing table, her eyes shone with curiosity. The perfume bottles and delicate combs caught his attention. She cheered up instantly and, with quick steps, ran to the chair, sitting facing the mirror.
- Can you do a hairstyle on me? - she asked, her pleading eyes reflected in the mirror while she fixed her hair with her small hands.
- Of course. - you replied with an affectionate smile as you approached, taking a delicate comb from the dressing table. - Let's see what we can do with these curls.
Sofie laughed excitedly, and while you carefully began to braid and fix her hair, Theodore just watched from the bed with an amused look, still trying to stay still.
Sofie smiled broadly at the mirror, visibly excited by the prospect of spending the day by her side. After braiding your hair with colored ribbons, you decided to enjoy the rest of the day with light and fun activities.
You watched Sofie's favorite movies, those with magical adventures and enchanted creatures that made your eyes shine. With each exciting scene, she looked at you with a huge smile, commenting on what she liked and what she hoped to find at Hogwarts.
- Will I learn spells to talk to animals like them? - she asked at one point, pointing to the screen.
- Maybe not in the first year, but maybe one day? - you answered with an encouraging tone.
After a few movies, you went to the kitchen to decorate cookies. Sofie plunged headlong into the task, spreading colorful coverage on all sides, while you laughed at the disastrous attempts to draw shapes. In the end, half of the cookies seemed more fun than perfect, but that didn't matter. What was worth was the laughter and the light moment they shared.
Back in the room, Sofie got excited about the idea of doing makeup, so you decided to try different colors and styles. Colored powder, shiny lipstick and sparkling eye shadow were soon scattered on the dressing table while one made up the other. She laughed out loud every time she missed a line or exaggerated the color, and you had fun following her tireless energy.
- Look how it turned out, Theo! - Sofie exclaimed, turning to her brother in bed, who pretended to be amazed.
The day passed quickly between laughter, jokes and colorful sweets. The connection between you and Sofie grew with each activity, and Theodore, even in pain, seemed happy to see the two having so much fun. It was one of those simple but special days that would be kept in the memory with affection.
xoxo, bee🫶🏼✨
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shakespearean-simp · 3 days
enzo, reader, and the other slytherins having fun during the summer
and enzo spraying reader and making jokes about making them wet
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dovesdreaming · 1 day
Wish upon a hook
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Summary: You couldn’t grant peoples wishes like your mother could but you always asked them what there wish was. Little did you know you were Harry hooks wish.
A/N: thank you so much for 400 followers! <3
Being the daughter of the Blue Fairy came with certain expectations. People saw you as a beacon of hope and kindness, a gentle spirit who brought light into the darkest places. Your mother had instilled in you the importance of using your magic to help others, to grant wishes and make the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time.
In Auradon, you were known for your generosity. You didn’t have your mother’s full power to grant any wish, but you had a special kind of magic of your own. You could help people find what they truly needed, whether it was a little encouragement, a moment of comfort, or sometimes, something more tangible. You were always willing to listen, always there to help. But even with all your light, there was one place your magic had never reached, the Isle of the Lost. When King Ben announced the integration of the Isle kids into Auradon, you had been one of the few who were genuinely excited. You’d heard so many stories of how terrible the children of villains were supposed to be, but you didn’t believe in judging people by their parents. Everyone deserved a chance to find their own path, to make their own wishes come true. You were determined to help them, even if no one else did. Which was how you found yourself face-to-face with Harry Hook.
It was a sunny afternoon at Auradon Prep, and you were taking a break by the fountain, enjoying the sound of the water as it splashed down into the pool below. The students were bustling about, and there was a sense of excitement in the air with the arrival of the Isle kids. You noticed them scattered around, their expressions wary and uncertain, like they didn’t quite belong. Your heart went out to them. They looked so out of place, and you couldn’t help but wish there was something you could do to make them feel more at home. That was when you saw him.
Harry Hook was leaning against the wall, his usual swagger evident even as he stood still. His coat hung loosely from his shoulders, and his hook glinted in the sunlight as he watched the other students with a smirk. He looked so different from everyone else, like he was daring them to say something, to judge him. You knew about Harry. People whispered about him, warned you to stay away from him and his dangerous ways. But you didn’t see danger when you looked at him. You saw someone who had been dealt a rough hand and was just trying to find his way in a place that seemed to resent him for even existing. So, naturally, you decided to approach him.
With a deep breath, you made your way over, your blue dress swaying slightly as you walked. Harry noticed you immediately, his eyes narrowing in suspicion as you stopped a few feet away from him. “Hello” you said, offering him a gentle smile. “I’m [Y/N]”. Harry raised an eyebrow, his hook tapping against his side. “Aye, I know who ye are”. His voice was thick with his Scottish accent, and there was a hint of curiosity behind the wariness. “Ye’re the Blue Fairy’s lass, aren’t ye?”. You nodded, your smile not faltering. “That’s right. I’m glad to finally meet you, Harry”. He scoffed, his smirk returning as he crossed his arms. “Are ye now? And what would a lass like ye want with someone like me?”. You shrugged, unbothered by his attitude. “I just wanted to say hello. I know it must be difficult, being here. It’s a lot to get used to”.
Harry’s smirk faded a little, and he eyed you suspiciously. “Ye think I need yer pity?”, “Not at all” you replied softly. “I think you’re strong enough to handle anything. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy”. He looked at you for a long moment, like he was trying to figure out what game you were playing. But when he couldn’t find any trace of mockery or pity in your eyes, his expression softened just slightly. “And what would ye know about it, lass?” he asked, his voice quieter, almost thoughtful. You tilted your head, considering your words carefully. “Maybe not much” you admitted. “But I know that everyone has wishes, things they want more than anything. And I try to help, whenever I can”. Harry’s eyes gleamed with something unreadable. “Wishes, eh? Ye think ye can grant wishes?” “Not like my mother can@ you said with a small laugh. “But sometimes, just listening, just trying to help, is enough”.
He looked at you, really looked at you, as if he couldn’t quite believe you were real. You could almost see the gears turning in his mind, like he was deciding whether to trust you or not. Finally, he let out a short laugh, shaking his head. “Yer a strange one, lass. Kindness like yers, it’s dangerous on the Isle”. You smiled softly. “We’re not on the Isle anymore, Harry”. His gaze flickered, a shadow passing over his eyes. “Aye, but the Isle’s still in us”. There was a depth in his words, a pain that you could feel even without him saying more. It made your heart ache for him, for all of them. You wished you could take that pain away, could make things better with a wave of your hand. But that wasn’t how your magic worked. Instead, you did what you could. You stepped closer, looking up at him with earnest eyes. “Is there anything I can do for you, Harry? Anything you wish for?”
He stared at you, his eyes searching your face like he was looking for something he wasn’t sure he’d find. And then, with a smirk that was both teasing and serious, he leaned down, his face inches from yours. “Aye, lass” he murmured, his voice a low rumble. “There is somethin I would like. It’s my secret for now ask me again in a few months”. His eyes sparkled with mischief and with that he turned to walk away only looking back to smirk at your confused expression. What had you gotten yourself into?
After a few months of the isle kids being at Auradon you had grown close to a few of them, one in particular being none other than Harry hook. He had become a good friend, someone you could rely on in moments of need. You would have never expected to have become so close to him after all the whispers you had heard about him, yet here you were. Friends with Harry and wishing you could make him like you back. Alas you would settle for whatever he gave you and if all that was is friendship, so be it.
You were sat down in the gardens under a tree with Harry having a lazy day in the sun when you remembered your first encounter and how he never answered your question. “Hey, Harry?” “Yes lass?” He slowly turned to you opening one eye. “You never answered my question. What do you wish for?” He stared at you before opening his other eye and readjusting his position so he was turned more towards you. He smirked before easily saying “I want you”. You blinked, your heart skipping a beat as his words sank in. “I’m sorry, what?” Harry’s grin widened, and he straightened up, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Ye heard me. I want ye”.
You felt your cheeks heat up, and you tried to gather your thoughts, stumbling over your words. “Harry, I-I don’t think that’s… what I meant”. He chuckled, clearly enjoying your flustered reaction. “Oh, I know, lass. But ye asked, and I answered”. You stared at him, your mind racing. Was he serious? Was he teasing? You couldn’t tell, and it was driving you crazy. “You can’t just… say things like that!” you finally managed, your voice coming out more breathless than you intended. Harry shrugged, looking entirely too pleased with himself. “Why not? It’s the truth. I want ye, [Y/N]. Been my wish since I saw ye that day”. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and you couldn’t look away from him, from the way he was looking at you like you were the only thing that mattered.
“I… I don’t know what to say,” you whispered. He reached out with his hook, gently lifting your chin so you were forced to meet his gaze. His eyes were serious now, the teasing glint gone as he spoke. “Ye don’t have to say anythin’, lass. Just think about it”. He released you from the prison of his gaze. Moving back with a small, almost shy smile before standing up. “I’ll be around, if ye ever decide to grant that wish”. And with that, he turned and walked away, leaving you sitting under the willow tree, your heart racing and your mind spinning.
You had been having a care free day but somehow, Harry Hook had turned your world upside down with just a few words. And for the first time in your life, you found yourself having your own wish granted. Something, or rather, someone you’d never expected. As your mind finally caught up to what had happened you realised you had to catch up to Harry before he got too far away.
Thank you for reading!
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ewyuzu · 14 hours
sweet breaks
nanami kento x reader
the late afternoon sun poured into the small café where you and nanami kento were taking a rare break from your usual hectic schedules. he sat across from you, sipping his coffee, a rare moment of relaxation adorning his usually serious demeanor.
“do you always work this hard?” you asked playfully, watching as he meticulously adjusted the napkin on the table.
“it’s important to stay focused,” he replied, but there was a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “though, i suppose everyone deserves a break now and then.”
you leaned forward, resting your chin in your hand. “and what’s a break without a little fun?”
“fun?” he raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “like what?”
you grinned, pulling out your phone. “how about a quick game? loser buys dessert.”
nanami chuckled, shaking his head. “you really think you can beat me?”
“i’m feeling lucky,” you shot back, determination gleaming in your eyes.
after a few rounds of playful competition, laughter filled the air as you both competed fiercely. finally, with a dramatic gasp, you declared, “i won!”
“i must have underestimated you,” he admitted, a genuine smile breaking through his usual stoic facade. “i guess that means you get dessert, then.”
you leaned back, satisfaction bubbling inside you. “make it a big one!”
“only if you promise to share,” he countered, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
“deal,” you replied, grinning. as you waited for your dessert, the atmosphere was filled with lightness, and for once, the serious sorcerer seemed to enjoy the moment just as much as you did.
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actually-mentally-ill · 3 months
when im being asked a question, but i was busy daydreaming about __ x y/n
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frickingnerd · 6 hours
tenya with a s/o who has a healing quirk
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pairing: tenya iida / ingenium x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, supportive & protective boyfriend!tenya, established romantic relationship, healthy communication
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you have a powerful healing quirk, able to heal even the worst wounds. but it comes with a drawback – whenever you heal someone, you'll feel their pain!
tenya knows about that side effect of your quirk ever since the two of you started dating. not long after, you had told him all about how your quirk worked
the two of you ended up having a serious conversation, where tenya made you promise to never push yourself too far
it's not worth it trying to help others when you'll injure yourself in return. so he wants you to only help people as long as you don't collapse from the pain
but tenya doesn't want you to carry that burden all by yourself!
as your boyfriend, he's there to help prevent situations in which people could get hurt. he'll warn his friends not to be reckless and informs them of your quirk's side effect
and even if you have to use your quirk to help someone, tenya is always by your side, holding your hand and making sure you're still doing alright!
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