#dont rebloop
The azalea bushes and flowers came from books, since the Library can manifest anything found within a book as a physical object (i.e., Chesed's coffee). /lh
(I couldn't help but send in an ask after reading those tags--they made me chuckle. /pos)
~ wutheredhearts 📖
pawggers >:3c
.......ok i wanted to draw smth bsaed off this but i dont hav any ideas so purrease purretend i drew smth ehehe xP
thamk fur the ask!! :3
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betawooper · 2 years
ive been reblogging disco elysium stuff, but i havent actually played the game, i dont even know what its about, i just see my guy kim and hit that rebloop button
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tired-inyxe · 7 months
general tag masterlist (wip)
my brain slippin dont got no time
#wing anatomy -this masterlist (might change)
#og munchies -original posts
#eagle screech -announcements relating to me #red velvet cookie -my favorite things I've made/stuff im really proud of! I make a killer red velvet cookie batch fyi
#milk duds -reblogs of stuff that makes me think
#warheads -reblogs of emotional shit that make me feeell eee #craving squirms -want interaction in the form of rambles #hunger pains -want any interaction with any personality, GIMMIE YOUR THOUGHTS I HUNGER #desperate for candy -please give this post traction I worked hard on it pretty please m begging uuu #drooling -reblog of a creative's wip that I wanna see more of #stuffing my face -reblog of other peoples stuff that I am CHEWING ON IN DELIGHT. MMMMMM LOVE THIS #button smashing -reblogs of other ppls polls #button making -my polls #distant smashing -reblogged propaganda (i can hear you from here) #rebloop -reblog (not in use(can you tell its 2am and m making these up as I go so I don't forget, ill edit it in later)) #wriggles -rambles, any length and any size, will be put w the other ramble-ish tags if the post is rambly enough #heated blanket -positive stuff in my life rn, typically just little snippets #weighted blanket -life rambles that are generally positive and generally a long form post #the hat man -random thoughts that are typically weird or disturbing but I feel like I should share em #the eyes -paranoid thoughts and shit, maybe a littl intrusive thoughts thrown in there too #foggy -this post was typed in a haze and might have massive grammatical errors and not make sense. I'll mark this on any post where I feel like I didn't get my point across #jfc -discourse posts where I share my opinions, usually in tags #stranded -need advice or personal accounts. Typically posts that were written with a great deal of adrenaline #trainwreck -small vents, typically with a comedic slant (not currently in use (no posts to use it on... yet)) #shredder -serious vents, will come with content warnings. Not for the faint hearted, it can get extremely disturbing. I am seeking therapy and doing pretty well but I also suffer from some pretty severe mental problems so there will be uncomfortable stuff in there. (not currently in use(none yet))
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shaepschift-a · 8 months
listen i dont wanna spam the dash but everyone who reblooped that ⭐️ meme from me : im crying rn and hugging each and every one of you. you all get gold stars okay??? you're all doing amazing ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ im so lucky to have yall
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800-dick-pics · 3 years
honestly if i ever make clothes to sell im only making fat bitch sizes, we start at a 20 and if you aint fat then thats on you!!!
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ellisimis · 2 years
Tumblr media
hi, fashion is fun-
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ravena-poetica · 3 years
queria se uma fumante de alma, mais virei uma fumante literária.
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vnsgbs · 4 years
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For some reason, I kept thinking about her wearing this dress. I'm sharing it because I liked the result.
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i-am-arcana-trash · 3 years
I'm gonna whine for a second.
I know I'm in a grad program and theory is important to practice .....but a theory class with hundreds of pages of reading each week is my literal nightmare.
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stupid-exaggerate · 5 years
Rebloggate per favore.
Okay, forse questa cosa finirà per essere unicamente un flop assurdo, mezza tumblr mi prenderà in giro e dovrò iniziare a rebloggare foto di gattini e cagnolini per sentirmi meglio... MA. Io non ho ancora finito con il discorso con le lettere; ci ho pensato e ripensato, e da singola persona senza amici nella realtà non posso fare assolutamente nulla... ma qui su Tumblr esiste la posta.
Qui su Tumblr le lettere si possono scrivere.
Se qualcuno di voi avesse voglia, o tempo (perché quello non sempre basta) scriva una lettera. Non importa a chi, non importa cosa ci sia scritto, basta che per un momento le sue emozioni siano là dentro.
Potete scegliere se comunicare il destinatario o meno (magari è anche lui qui su tumblr, e potrebbe leggerla)
Oppure potreste scegliere di rimanere completamente anonimi, e lasciarla a chiunque volesse ascoltarvi.
Mandatele a me, per messaggio privato, se sono troppo lunghe, e io le pubblicherò nel mio blog, come una sorta di postino alla Maria de Filippi.
Se invece sono semplici messaggi, lasciateli come domande, e anche queste verranno pubblicate.
Taggheró chi deve essere taggato, e darò il mio sostegno a chiunque avesse bisogno di capirci di più.
So che sembra una cosa folle, impossibile, forse stupida, forse ancora impossibile, però alcuni di voi hanno provato la gioia di ricevere un testo completamente dedicato a loro, da parte di qualcun altro... e sono sicura che vogliano riviverla ancora. E se i francobolli stanno passando di moda perché nessuno scrive più... possiamo provare ad attivarci qua.
(Chiedo umilmente di non essere presa a pomodori in faccia per questo mio atto di ribellione alla messaggistica istantanea)
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crimsbie · 5 years
I could say “lmao Tarn purble” and y’all would come into my inbox all like “um actually Tarn is DECEPTICON purple which signifies how dedicated and loyal he was to Megatron and his cause, devotion formed from manipulation and getting away from his trauma and I don’t think that’s something to make fun of” and. Holy shit. He just purble.
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wonderfulgirl · 4 years
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep forever.
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dewdrop-stardust · 5 years
There's a mandatory radon inspection at our apartment complex today and they have to come into the apartment and I'm here by myself and the people doing the inspecting are white men so obviously now is the perfect time to have a shutdown lmao
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tired-inyxe · 7 months
WHATS UP FUCKS - AKA My Ultimate Masterpost
Hi! I realized I never really introduced myself. My name is Inyxe (i-n-y-x-e, pronounced like Lynx but with an i (accidentally swapped the y and n once and didn't notice until it was too late)), but you can also call me Jay! I'm a proud anarchist and punk, swear like a sailor and love sharing my opinions well knowing I won't be hunted down with pitchforks and torches (I mean I could still be here but it's not as likely as, let's say, twitter). I've only been here for a couple of years but this is basically my first social media platform (Amino doesn't count). I also was put through the shredder when I was created and have a slew of issues, both mental and physical, so you will be subjected to the whims of my brainworms. It/they/fae pronouns. I have no sidebloggs so you get a smattering of my thoughts, have fun~ Feel free to dm or ask me anything! I may be so so tired but I like human interaction as long as I don't initiate it. Expect me to talk about prehistoric animals tho This will most likely be edited later, but that's future me's problem All of my tag masterlists! I have a lotta custom tags, like a LOT, so if u see weird ass tags on me post it's probably related to these (also useful for digging thru my stuff!)
General -my basic bitch tags, tag is #wing anatomy (subject to change)
Writing/Character Work -my creative writing/character work tags, tag is #worm anatomy Art -my art tags, tag is #cake anatomy Batfam/Dc -my batfam/dc tags, tag is #bat anatomy TMNT -my TMNT tags, tag is #shell anatomy more will be added later, i do more stuff than these after all, like dinosaurs! (fossil anatomy) My most important tags (on here and in the masterlist they best fit)
#bird anatomy -this masterpost! so its easy to find if i mention it in a different post
#og munchies -original posts
#eagle screech -announcements relating to me #red velvet cookie -my favorite things I've made/stuff im really proud of! I make a killer red velvet cookie batch fyi
#homemade food -My art! Get it well its hot #worm sculptures -my ocs! Also known as the worms that haunt nobodies head but mine (might introduce em soon ooooo) #rebloop -reblog
Extra info under the cut! has discussion of my mental/physical disorders so if u dont like that feel free to skip dw (I love to overexplain the stuff under here isn't important)
Stuff I have (been diagnosed for all of these, but that doesn't rly matter, just saying that because I don't want to deal w self diagnosis discourse atm): Autism, Adhd, Depression, Anxiety, Gender Dysphoria and Insomnia Stuff I suspect (talkin w me doctor abt it maybe): Tachycardia, depersonalization/derealization disorder, chronic fatigue, possibly a lung condition (not asthma but my lungs are fucked), iron deficiency anemia, some other vitamin/mineral deficiencies most likely, panic disorder, OCD, uhhhh idk ill add more later? maybe. its 1am my brain slidey yeah m doing this when m more awake gah
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bijoumikhawal · 4 years
Me internally: I think something is fundamentally fucked up about me that causes all relationships I have to need a necessary level of detachment otherwise people get bored/disgusted of me that stem from a festering dislike of me and because of that I might have no stable "close" relationship because even my mother has ulterior motives and I cannot trust her. My oldest friend knows about my trauma just because he knew me while a lot of it happened but I don't ever really discuss serious things with him and we're used to at least being physically distant. I haven't felt lonely through this entire pandemic even though a lot of the people I know are too stressed and/or busy to talk to me because I fundamentally seem to be unable to connect with human beings to the point where seeing a video of my friend hanging out in a car with their friend registered as a weird thing to me because I've never really done that before. A part of this might be the fact that my mother started isolating me from speaking to other people my age after I turned 8 and my friends mom was a DA that got involved in one of the abuse cases about me and my siblings, and the fact that even me volunteering for community service would piss her off because she was worried I'd tell someone about what she did me. I wasn't allowed to go on a walk in my grandmothers neighborhood by her and only started doing so after she left. Even though I get upset when I can't talk to friends or after it feels like they're starting to dislike me, it doesn't register as loneliness.
YouTube: hey here's some videos about getting therapy
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800-dick-pics · 3 years
things are getting more scary for my health, and i really hate i dont have money for medical support, my chronic pain is to the point where i cant cope the way i have, im having what i think are focal seizures, i need a new brace and crutches, i just feel so defeated rn
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