lady-quen · 6 months
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acquired-stardust · 5 months
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Dragon Quest Monsters Game Boy Color 1998
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syd-beads4evac · 3 months
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New earrings in my store! 100% goes towards helping Hanaa evacuate her family!
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liquidmetalslime · 1 year
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Commemorative illustration to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Dragon Quest Monsters series!
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dragonichaven · 1 year
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Dragon Quest Monster 3 Fusion Map - Demo Version
Finally manage to compile every single monster fusion in the demo! For a grand total of 144 obtainable monsters! Man that was a lot, but enjoy the current checklisted mapping of the monsters in the demo! They're listed by family type, so if you just wanted to make a team of slimes you could 100% could heheh Goo time™!
Keep in mind that most of the two monster fusions (the ones that don't have a big list of fusions needed) have multiple monsters that can fuse into them. But monsters with the big fusion family lines more often than not require specific monsters to fuse into the required result, ex. Slime Knights, Dessert Demon, and Restless Armor. 👍
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bandhyukoh · 4 months
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Cinematographer DQM on the film "The Dream Songs" (너와 나) with music by Oh Hyuk © arri_asia
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I love his reduced color palette
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whiskiijack · 9 months
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sonicasura · 6 months
This fella right here is a Great Angor Lizard, big ol' chunky fire breathing dragon monster from Dragon Quest. Have fun!
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Leon Scott Kennedy
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Portgas D. Ace
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Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
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poizonedapplez · 1 year
No fucking way, we're getting a DQM about Psaro??? This is gonna be good.
I just had to doodle him because he looks so adorable in this game 🥺
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Can't wait for Psaro to say, "It's slaying time"
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lady-quen · 6 months
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A goodie inspired by hld_doreko on twitter 🥰🥐
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squid-procrow · 9 months
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I've been playing the new Dragon Quest Monsters game and I've had like, two thoughts -
everything is either huge or tiny and I LOVE it and
I never played the previous game but I know the general vibes of the story. I'm going to cry if they don't give Psaro the same love they did Malroth ;v;
Art spoilers for story (ig?) and a VERY late game monster I grinded for, literally 10h early game. IDK why I did that but-
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Psaro IS SO TINY!!!
Also I literally raised E ranks into the true dragonlord- with the end goal of my boi malroth ofc. But getting half his tree done was so time-consuming I gave up and decided to continue into the mid tiers. and the DLC will probably help ngl
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uniguinflutist · 5 months
I've been playing Dragon Quest Monsters 3: The Dark Prince, and I've never played DQIV (it was before my time), so I don't have the context on who Psaro is. I'm still heavily enjoying the game!
Though I'm starting to worry for Toilen Trubble's safety. Everytime he says something stupid (which is a lot of the time), Psaro gives him this terrifying look that screams "I'm going to spray shaving cream down your throat while you sleep".
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retphienix · 6 months
So we've stumbled a bit further (just a tiny bit, I've been busy lol)
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Random bits- I mentioned this many years back when I was toying with this game but there are random encounter events alongside random encounter fights. Nothing incredible just yet, some free rations, some lost rations from a trap, randomly encountering fellow adventurers who can teleport you back to camp- but it's always nice to have a little extra going on :)
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Also forgot to mention how the caravan travel works altogether, I'm not mad about it. But it has a rather terrible introduction lol
You start with no ration capacity and no way to make money. It gives you a "freebie" market in the very very first area for rations, but after that you're stuck "playing the game", but the thing is money in this game at the very beginning is simply horrendous.
We're talking like 2 gold a fight, that's 2 rations at the best of times and you have to walk usually 8~ rations worth to encounter that fight to begin with.
You are not in a position to "grind" your rations at the very very beginning- but you're not supposed to- but it's still ROUGH that it's balanced around that lol It basically tells you "Hey, no grinding levels yet, go to the next town and finish this intro" and that's okay but still doesn't feel great.
The reason I'm not too upset though is because conceptually I get that, and mechanically I like the idea, AND I just got a new party member that kind of explained to me how this is supposed to be better handled this early on (and how it should become a non-issue later on).
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Among these early hires I got a merchant and merchants are a profitable caravan member that basically erases the worry the first couple minutes put on you for money.
When the merchant's turn comes up they simply "find" 10 gold- immediately that's a net positive that makes rations a non issue :) And it shows that at least in part, problems like ration management are being considered in the tactics you bring in your caravan party and that's cool, I dig that :)
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Anyways, I did some hiring and exploring of this early area, and I found this funny re-imagining of the DWM breeding.
So instead of breeding, we uh, "capture the hearts with the heart getter" and then combine them. I think it's novel. It's a bit disappointing because I like how DWM was just kind of blunt like "Yeah the monsters breed and a baby egg appears" but now we're obfuscating it for child-friendly language I guess? IDK, it's fine.
I'm stoked mostly because, well duh, the monsters are the best part of exploring DQM games :D We're on our way!
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And after talking with that dude and being told to go to the port to show the heart getter to a merchant I dove into a nearby dungeon to see what's up.
It's probably progress towards the merchant but in my head I was just like "I'm gonna take a detour to fight some stuff" so we'll see :P
Also shows a bit more on the ration struggle- I've only just got the merchant so money is still REALLY tight- it's part of why I want to grind against some monsters with her in my party- so I can afford some rations lol
Thankfully I came prepared, this early game ration grind is finally going to take shape :3
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dragonichaven · 1 year
Dragon Quest Monsters 3 - Demo Monster Checklist!
Since the other one was actually bothering me since it looked to cluttered, I'm remaking it into this! Much more clean cut, and complete with the three available maps in the demo!
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bandhyukoh · 2 months
HYUKOH & Sunset Rollercoaster - Behind the Scenes of [AAA] by DQM: Profile Photo Shooting
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