#either wally noticed someone or someone noticed him but anyway
ch1zzie · 4 months
Forgot to post this here butttt
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Working on a welcome home animation and mighttttt take me a while
#the idea is just wally getting the barnaby plush and thats kinda it#i did plan this before when i ordered the wally plush (sep 8 2023) but didnt have the motivation and stuff for it#its inspired by the image of wally peaking out of homes side window with the text below “there he is!” not sure if its wally saying it#either wally noticed someone or someone noticed him but anyway#i saw that image and was thinking to make an animation of it instead of the “there he is!” text its going to say “he's here.”#i also realized i might need to voice that only line or even make sounds for the background😭#i already was close to finishing background 2 (where eddie will be seen walking to wallys house) but my tablet died#grrrrrr#also unrelated but i wrote in my book todayyy (i never write at all) but hey its kinda fun to write my ideas huahahahaah#i plan on doing some research on welcome home and write it down (maybe even some theories hmm??) also doing research on the characters#just to try to get to know them more (cuz i have been crazy for them for AGES and still feel like i haven't done enough)#oh yeah CALL ME CRAZYYY butttt since the irl world sucks i plan on making little writings like im IN welcome home just because idk#more explaining and better ones on my tiktok vid description (user in my bio)#also i feel like things might be getting better for me cuz wowie i never thought id be animating again#but now all this motivation...so many ideas appearing...need to focus on one at a time...darn#HEY! 12 days till a break from the evil cell of educational purposes??? (school) FINALLY PURE HEAVEN I CAN BE FREE WITHOUT SUFFERING#welcome home#partycoffin#wally darling#welcome home arg#welcome home fanart#welcome home wally#7 backgrounds left to do...then ill have to animate...oh evilllll so evillll
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suzukiblu · 3 months
WIP excerpt for Plot Bunny; project sidekick. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“Someone needs to tell Superboy that this is not his fault,” “Kaldur” murmurs finally, looking towards the main door for a moment. “Dick” laughs again because of course “Kaldur” would care about that now, of course that’s what he’s thinking about: not that he’s not who he thinks he is, but how someone else must be reacting to the news that he’s not who he thinks he is. 
Except he’s not Kaldur, so why would he? 
Why would any of them? 
“Well it’s somebody’s fault,” “Wally” says, covering his eyes with his hands and laughing again too. Except it's not laughing, and now his hands are wet. 
“It is Aqualad, Robin, and Kid Flash’s fault,” “Kaldur” states, very calmly. So calmly. “Dick” would even believe the calmly, if the guy'd managed to look at either of them for more than two seconds so far. “They made the choice to go to Cadmus and the choice to release Superboy from his pod, and were captured as a direct result of their actions. We are not blameless–we should have realized something was amiss–but strictly speaking, they made the decisions that led to this situation.” 
“'Should have'–are you stupid, who the hell would ever notice they were the wrong person?!” “Wally” yells, bolting to his feet, and now “Dick” is the one laughing and oh God, he wants Bruce to wake him up and tell him no, no, this was just a badbadbad dream and really he's okay, everything's fine. It’s not true. It’s not real. It’s fine. 
But Bruce–Batman, he doesn't have the right to call him Bruce, not even in his head, he's not Robin and he's definitely not Dick Grayson–but Batman already told him what this was, and what Batman told him was “sorry”. 
Batman told him he was sorry. Batman doesn’t–Batman–
Batman told him he was sorry. Told him that like it even meant a damn thing, like there was anything it could do, and “Dick” or “Robin” or Clone #1/2/3 still can’t even take off the stupid fricking mask, because he doesn’t want to–doesn’t want to fail him. 
“Hey, think we’re gonna have to tutor ‘em?” he asks, still laughing because nothing else will work. Nothing else will ever work again. “I mean, they did miss like two months of school, right, they’re probably gonna need it. Although I guess they got to miss getting stomped by Clayface too, so hey, lucky them!” 
“I will have to tell him about Tula,” “Kaldur” murmurs unhelpfully vaguely, and finally looks at them again. Or–#1 murmurs unhelpfully vaguely, maybe, and finally looks at #2 and #3 again.
#3 doesn't look at him.
#3 isn’t Dick Grayson, and isn’t Robin, and isn’t anything to Batman. 
Isn’t anything to Bruce. 
He doesn’t know what he is at all, now. 
He doesn’t want to laugh anymore. He doesn’t want to be here anymore. He just wants Batman to come back and make it all okay.
But that's never going to happen again. 
At least not for him, anyway.
The real Dick Grayson is the one who's going to get that.
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lisimcpisi · 6 months
Welcome Home Predictions (spoilers for homewarming update!!)
So something I've noticed up until this point is that, with every secret and clue we've gotten to unraveling the mystery behind Welcome Home, from Wally's drawings, to the bugs leading to footage of the neighbors, to images that formed URL for the "away from prying eyes" site, it's not out the realm of possibility that we've been receiving these breadcrumbs from someone, my guess being from the characters or from one singular character. And i also noticed that the way we recieve these clues correspond to a particular character.
-Drawings/phone calls: Wally and his love of art, as well as his attachment to "you".
-Bugs: Frank and his vast knowledge of the insects of their world
-Images/letters: Eddie, being the one providing the decoder wheel and him being the mailman, he delivers "letters"
What I'm hoping will happen is that the more we progress through this story, the more secrets and messages we receive from the cast. What we'll actually be getting, I haven't a clue. But, I have an idea of what form these secrets might take.
Julie: Flowers (possibly leading to secret links like Frank's bugs), or interactive games, either on the WHRP site or through the prying eyes site
Howdy: An inside view of his store with clickable products
Sunny: Scripts for her plays/Marlo records
Poppy: Something related to food, maybe old recipe cards that need unscrambling
Barnaby: Filling out answers for jokes, kinda like that worksheet that led to the safe.
Anyways thats my two sense I can't wait for the next update wahoo!!
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quixoticall · 9 months
The View Between Villages
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Summary: Steve Harrington offers to be your ghostly tour guide after your mysterious, unexpected death.
AN: Hiiiii, if you’ve been wondering where I’ve been then, first of all thank you for thinking of me, and secondly, I have been sick with bronchitis for weeks. Tbh I never understood in Regency novels where they would make such a huge deal about someone being sick until now. That shit took me out. Anyway, in my convalescence I watch the show, School Spirits and I couldn’t help but see the similarities between Wally and Steve—both men of the 80s, hot labrador retriever jocks with a compulsive need for parental approval? So, that’s how this lil piece was born. I would love to continue writing in this universe so please, if you have any requests, send them in! In the meantime, I am hard at work on This Could Get Ugly and a lovely lil Eddie number inspired by another Noah Kahan song.
Warnings: School Spirit!AU, Major Character Death, talks about own death, brief mention of violence and death, angst, this is sad! Ghost!Steve and Ghost?Reader
Pairing: Steve Harrington x f!reader
WC: 2K
It’s Steve Harrington who first declares you dead. Admittedly it takes you an embarrassingly long time to realize, it wasn’t like they sent out notices for these types of things either, as convenient as a note would’ve been:
To Whom it May Concern:
We regret to inform you that on February 12 of this year, you will unfortunately perish under unclear circumstances in the city of Chicago, Illinois at Northwestern University. Please make sure to get your affairs in order before the set date.
No, none of that, instead you had attended three whole lectures before noticing that no one was acknowledging you—not your professors when you raised your hand; not your classmates when you asked if they could loan you a pencil; not even your best friend when you ran into him in the hall. You thought it could’ve been a weird prank. Then the news began to spread, you were missing. Reported by your roommate after not having come home from a late-night study session at the library. And then they found traces of blood in the boiler room of the library’s basement.
Still, you thought to yourself, maybe you were having a really long terrible dream. Or maybe you were in a coma. Or doing one of those VR headset things. Or maybe you were dead and cursed to spend the rest of eternity haunting the very campus where you died.
Your friends were never the gym type, which is why you end up at the school’s pool in an effort to avoid the pain and desperation you feel every time you see their tired but still-hopeful faces.
That’s where you see him. Or, more importantly, where he sees you. You first spot him sitting at the edge of the pool, observing the ongoing swim team practice and are immediately struck.
Sure, you may be stuck in some weird reality where you may or may not be dead but you can still appreciate a hot person. Especially one as handsome as Pool Guy who’s striped swim trunks sit low on his hips and he has a smattering of dark hair trailing from his belly button almost up to the base of his neck. Thick, chestnut-colored hair swoops in his handsome face in golden-touched waves and gracefully frame a pair of honey-hued eyes. Of course you were going to stare.
You’re sure you stare for an indecent amount of time, but it wasn’t like that mattered, you remind yourself, you’re invisible to him like you are to everyone else.
Except you’re not invisible to him because Pool Guy was making eye contact and worse, he was waving, solidifying the fact that he is very aware of your presence. He can see you.
“Hi, you must be new here. I’m Steve Harrington, class of ‘86,” he introduces himself, with way too much verve once he swims over to where you’re still frozen in place.
“You can see me?” You ask, once you find your voice, “How can you see me?”
You reach out to grasp his offered hand and to your shock, your fingers don’t go straight through his, like it would with anyone else’s. Instead you’re enveloped in the warm solid grasp of his hand.
He cracks a smile at this, “because I’m dead too. Which, I totally get you’re probably wondering how someone this good-looking could’ve died so young but i will—“
“Dead?” you squeak out.
“Sorry,” he says with an awkward grimace, “I know not everyone likes that term, um, how do you identify—?“
You cut him off once again, “I didn’t know I was dead.”
It’s his turn to be confused.
“Really? Most people are really quick about putting it together. When they see their body the memories all come back. I mean even I put it together and I was never the smartest even before the accident—oh, shit. You’re the missing girl. The one from all the flyers.”
Clearly he’s referencing the myriad HAVE YOU SEEN ME? flyers with your face on them that paint the campus. Up until now, you had been categorically missing not dead, and now that someone has spoken your fate out loud, you’re certain it is all but sealed.
“Listen, I am so sorry. Let me go get someone who’s way better at this than I—“ you cut off his apologetic rambling,
“I need to leave right now.”
Before he can say anything else you’re running in the opposite direction as quickly as you can.
You don’t go back to the pool after that.
Being dead wasn’t so bad. Sure, you had spent a solid five weeks distraught over the loss of the life you had once lived and mourning everything you will never get to do. And yeah, it was a uniquely painful type of loneliness getting to see all your friends and never getting to interact with them, especially during those first few weeks when your disappearance was hot on everyone’s lips and heavy in the hearts of your friends. But outside of all that, being dead was okay. At least, you didn’t have to submit any more papers or do laundry.
After your encounter with Steve Harrington, class of ‘86, you decide to hole up in the library. You desperately convince yourself that if you search the shelves enough you’ll be able to find something in one of the many books that talk about the afterlife that might provide you some clarity about your newfound ghostly status. Surely there’d have to be something helpful. Anything. A ghost manual, perhaps or some graduate research paper about being stuck in between realms. You’d easily settle for a Chicken Soup for the Ghostly Soul.
Or you think traitorously to yourself, a tour guide to the afterlife, someone who has experience with being dead and a great set of abs. Every time you’re close to convincing yourself to go back to the pool, the embarrassment of your mortifying first encounter pulls you back. No way you were going to see him again. Just because you were dead didn’t mean you’d lost all your dignity.
Your internal back-and-forth ends up not mattering because he ends up coming to you.
You spot his well-coifed head maneuvering through the tall shelves from where you’ve holed yourself up on the fourth floor mezzanine and watch as he weaves through the unassuming crowd, completely unnoticed, just like you.
He’s wearing clothes this time, which both disappointing and surprising since you haven’t quite figured out the mechanics or social expectations of how often ghosts should be changing clothes. In a pair of snug-fitted jeans with a Northwestern Athletics sweatshirt and a pair of high top Nikes, he takes the winding steps up to your unofficial perch two at a time . If this is what he looks like some 40 years dead, you can’t imagine what he looked like when he had a pulse, it must have been like staring into the sun.
“Hi,” he offers tentatively when he approaches, like he’s sure you’ll run off spooked.
“Sorry to bother you, it’s just, well, my friend Robin told me she saw you here and I wanted to come by and apologize for what happened. At the pool. I truly had no idea, sometimes I just say things without thinking, which I am working on, trust me.”
You smile, appreciative but defeated, part of you was hoping he was coming up here to tell you that there had been some sort of mistake.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault, it was just a bit of shock, is all. I guess I’m still adjusting to this whole being dead thing,” you joke weakly.
“Yeah, about that, if you ever need help adjusting or learning the ropes or anything like that, I—we are always happy to help. There’s a few of us that band together and we’d love to have you. Truly,” he claws nervously at the back of his head as he makes his offer the tip of his sneaker digging into the worn library carpet.
“Thanks,” you say, genuinely, “I really appreciate that.”
He looks at you now, finally, and his gaze is golden, warm honey and it’s like a shot to the chest. Like you’ve promised him the moon. A hand is extended towards just slightly, a twitch, and you realize he’s expecting you to take it.
“I can’t right now, though,” you say, lamely and you watch his smile waver. Quickly you add, ”I need some time, I think, before it becomes permanent. If I go with you, I’m dead. Alone up here, I’m still just missing. Does that…make sense?”
He nods, furiously, “It makes total sense. You can come find me by the pool whenever you’re ready. I will be there.”
He makes a move to leave and you register the paper in his hand for the first time. It’s a flyer with your face on it, different than all the ones before.
“Wait, what is that?” You ask, fingers skimming the plush of his sweatshirt to get his attention.
“Oh, um,” he swallows thickly, “they’re having a vigil for you tonight, I wasn’t sure if you’d seen or if you were going, but if you were going, I was going to see if you wanted some company. “
His voice is small now and the regret is etched thickly on his face.
Fingers shaking, you extend a hand out for the flyer. Steve sighs but gently places it in your trembling grasp nonetheless.
It’s true, what he said about the vigil, you had no clue. You’re not sure how long you spend staring at your own face, long enough for the words to stop making sense, but not long enough for them to stop meaning anything.
Steve stays the entire time and when you sink to the floor, tear tracks heavy on your cheeks, he sinks with you. You cry, and he stays.
“I can’t go,” you admit, and then, in the same breath, plea, “How can I go?”
Next to you, Steve lets out a shuttering sigh.
“When I died, they did something similar, my parents came down from Indy and everything. I couldn’t bring myself to go either. But shit, maybe if I did, I would’ve gotten what I needed to move on from here. Closure or whatever. Or maybe not, who knows? But I will never know and I would hate for you to never know.”
It’s still too hard to go you decide, but you can’t pretend it’s not happening. Instead, the two of you sit on the roof of the library, feet dangling over the ledge watch a river of candlelight flowing through the center of campus. You can hear, faintly, as your friends make speeches talking about how kind you were, how good, how funny and undeserving until their voices fail from holding back tears.
You cry the whole time, but you don’t regret it.
The two of you stay sitting there far past the end, Steve’s arms wrapped around you, holding the pieces of you together.
After, when you’ve had enough of it all and the last candle has gone out, you turn to Steve and say, “thank you, that did make me feel better. You were right.”
He chuckles wryly.
“I don’t hear that I’m right very often,” he admits before cracking another smile, “but I could get used to hearing it, especially from you. Now, what do you say about getting some ice cream? No offense, but that thing was a total downer.”
You laugh, genuinely, not only at his joke, but the absurdity of it all before playfully shoving his shoulder. In response, Steve pretends to lose his balance and almost fall of the ledge and you both know it’s silly but it makes you smile so it’s worth it.
Dying is probably the worst thing that has ever happened to you, but at least you are not alone.
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simplyalicee · 1 year
How about a reader who does everything to piss yandere wally off?
For example: stealing wally's apple and eating it in front of him, ignoring wally's speech and pretending he's not there, flirting with howdy in front of wally, among many other things...
(the reader is very angry for being kidnapped from the real world)
Love you? I hate you.
Yandere!Wally x Reader
Idea: Wally took you away from your home, separating you from your loved ones. Being forced into the neighborhood, completely unaware of your surroundings, you were more than pissed. So, you were going to do everything in your power to piss Wally off as well. Take away your comfort and you'll take away his joy.
Warnings: This post will contain kidnapping, obsessive behavior, one-sided love, jealousy, and stalking!! Hurt, no comfort
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If you hadn't gone on that stupid website like your best friend begged you to, you would've been at home by now.
Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.
Unknowingly as you scrolled and scrolled, intrigued by the secrets, you caught a certain puppet's attention. And his interest.
Even when you couldn't see him there, he could see you. But he couldn't hear you.
How he longed to hear your voice. How he longed to be near your presence. He wanted you, Neighbor.
He needed you.
Unfortunately for you, he got exactly what he wanted.
You don't remember how or what happened. You only remember the website. Everything went black. It felt like hours until you finally woke up.
But you weren't home.
Just barely did you recollect yourself enough to notice that you were now in the neighborhood.
Your thought process was slow. You were dazed for a good few minutes until panic finally decided to sink in.
You screamed, you cried for help. The neighbors grew worried and concerned for your well being. Confusion spreading all over, but you couldn't bring yourself to tell them.
Not a good first impression.
With no way out, you were forced to stay and befriend everyone.
You got along with everyone. Well, almost everyone.
You couldn't help but get freaked out by Wally.
Whatever it is you are doing, you always felt uneasy around him. You could never pinpoint why, not for a little while anyways.
You'd always catch Wally staring at you, not blinking. He'd stare at you at whatever chance he gets. It freaked you out.
Wally would always call you on your telephone. The way he spoke to you made you shiver.
"Hello, Neighbor. Are you enjoying your stay?"
No, you hated it more than anything.
You've tried countless times to avoid him. Everytime you'd do so, you'd either find Wally secretly following you or he'd try to get up close to you.
Everyone else didn't think nothing of it, and assumed it was just Wally's way of expressing his feelings to you.
It was getting out of hand. It became bad enough to where Wally wouldn't allow you to see your other neighbors, not while he was around you and when you couldn't get away.
Why can't he just leave you alone?
It was one day that Wally finally decided to confess his feelings for you.
"I love you very much, Neighbor. Do you love me, too?"
Absolutely not. You weren't afraid to reject him on the spot.
Long story short, you and Wally got into a heated argument and he admitted to taking you from your world. From your own home, where you belonged.
You have never been so livid and angry in your life. You had enough.
If he was going to make you miserable, then damn it, you'll make him miserable, too.
From that moment on, you did whatever you could to upset, anger, piss him off. Make him feel any sort of negative emotion.
You ruined his paintings at any chance you got. Anytime you'd see him with an apple, you'd take it and eat it right in front of him. You ignored him at the best of your ability and tried to refrain eye contact with him.
Wally was getting very fed up with your behavior.
He did so much for you. He brought you into his very own neighborhood so he can finally have someone be his.
And you were being very, very complicated.
He's tried to keep calm, but it's been very difficult. Taking his apples made him frown. Destroying his paintings made him angry. But you, talking to anyone besides him? Made him beyond furious.
The final straw was when Wally was trying to get your attention. You weren't able to ignore him as well, so you relied on any neighbor that was willing to help. Partially out of boredom but also because you grew interested, you decided to try to flirt with Howdy in his shop.
The way Howdy looked away, all bashful and flustered made you feel happy, something you haven't felt in so long.
"Aren't you just a cute caterpillar? You just make me feel like butterflies around you!"
Wally had enough.
For the first time, Wally forcefully grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of Howdy's shop. You tried to break free but to no avail.
You were dragged into Home and forced into a locked room. You grew anxious and frantic. You tried screaming for help.
"They can't hear you."
Wally stared at you. This time, you couldn't break away from his gaze.
All of his pent up anger, sadness, frustration, all of that was being radiated off of him and it was then you grew scared for your safety.
"I will make you understand, Neighbor."
"I will make you love me."
"You are mine. Mine only."
"Why don't you love me?"
I think I either got carried away or didn't write enough. This was my first take on this yandere stuff, so let me know what you guys think! <3
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shrinkthisviolet · 6 months
Alternatively an AU where Eowells 'raises' Barry alongside Morgan and they get to grow up as brother and sister (with the world's shittiest dad)
Making the case is easy enough for Eowells—Joe assisted in Henry’s prosecution, he shouldn’t get to adopt his son. And Eowells recently lost his wife and has his daughter, baby Morgan. He could use another child to fill the desolate quiet…and he’s more than happy to take in a child whose pain he might somewhat understand. (And ofc he’s a rich white man—that helps too)
Barry is ofc an angry kid at 11. Made angrier by the fact that he couldn’t even be adopted by someone he knows (Joe) but by Eowells. But…baby Morgan is adorable, and Barry finds himself at least coming to adore her, if not her father. Because yeah—Eowells is “Morgan’s father” to him. Barry won’t change his name, won’t call him Dad. But he’ll softly call himself Morgan’s brother, and hold her close like she’s the most important person in the world. Iris (he’s not allowed to interact with her outside of school, but ofc they find their ways) notices and teasingly remarks on it, saying he makes a wonderful big brother
Barry is parentified by the time…well, maybe by the time Morgan is 5. He was a little bit before, but this is when it really starts. He’s 15, old enough to stay at home by himself, so often he and Morgan have the house to themselves. He soothes her nightmares, sings her to sleep…when he turns 16, he’s the one taking her to and from school. It’s tough balancing this and his own life, he’s not cut out for all this by himself…and Tina notices. She asks after Eowells, but he makes excuses (because yeah, by this point, he considers Eowells his dad and even cares about him, even if that love is mixed with resentment for his late hours working). Still, Tina insists, and Barry reluctantly accepts, letting her shoulder some of Morgan’s childrearing. They become a sort of team…and Tina even helps him out from time to time
In this AU, Morgan is much more attached to Barry than to Eowells. She doesn’t think of him as her dad exactly, but…he’s not far off either, and in a lot of ways, he’s at least more parental to her than Eowells. The first time she got scared of thunderstorms, it was Barry who cuddled with her, sang her to sleep, and told her a funny story about thunder and lightning being “show-offs” that made her giggle. It’s Barry who comes to all her choir concerts and karate belt tests with (or without, on occasion—Tina’s still a busy woman) Tina, being the embarrassing big brother who says “that’s my sister!!” and insists on taking a million pictures and teases her just enough to make her roll her eyes but smile anyway (and she, ofc, gives as good as she gets)
It means that she’s also much less conflicted about Eowells. Sure, she loves him, but if it’s Barry’s life on the line? He’s always been there, Eowells hasn’t. It’s an easy choice to make. She’ll always choose her brother. She even changes her surname to his—although she’s now Tina’s legal child, she’s always been Barry’s baby sister before anything else.
Admittedly, parts of this AU overlap with what I have planned for the Childhood Friends AU (you’ll notice there are some chunks I didn’t address in these headcanons, and that’s because they’d be spoilers for some CF AU plot points 😅), which is…really the only reason I’d hesitate to write it. And yet…👀👀
Also, to anyone else reading this, @fezwearingjellybananas (the wonderful sender of this ask) did sorta write this premise in their amazing Speedster Siblings series (with the addition of Wally, and it’s Jesse rather than Morgan so she’s a speedster). I highly recommend it!
send me an au and i’ll share 5+ headcanons about it!
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which character do you think is the most sus and why
honestly i think everyone has at least one trait that makes me Wonder about them, so. i'm just gonna list those under the cut instead. i've gone over some of these in more detail in previous speculation posts, but i don't wanna just link to them for the 48545674567456th time, so consider this a spiritual sequel to that old ass conspiracy board i made. any links are to stuff that isn't readily available on the actual website. anyways:
do i really need to explain this one
okay i'm just gonna pick one of the less obvious things: have you ever noticed that his bio uses present tense the most? like after the little introductory blurb it introduces him as "wally is" as opposed to everyone else's "(x) was"? someone in my discord server pointed that out once and i haven't been able to stop thinking about it.
what little we learn about his relationship to wally from the website is Odd; both of their bios mention not only that they were best friends, but that this was stated Multiple times throughout illustrated pages and the like, as if someone was really desperate to impress upon people that These Two Are Totally Besties, We Swear. you'd think this would be a poor attempt to disguise there being some animosity between the two, but that doesn't seem be the case, either.
other than that, though, barnaby actually seems pretty normal - perhaps deceptively so...
has a first name that ends in a consonant and a surname that ends in a long "-ee" sound, as opposed to everyone else having a first name that ends in a long "-ee" sound and a surname that ends in a consonant.
is noted to have no canonical backstory; the only other character who falls into this camp is wally.
is an entomologist/lepidopterist (or at least an Enthusiast about those subjects) in a town where the only wildlife present seems to be bugs. this was first mentioned in an ask from 2020, so normally i would hesitate to put this here, but post-website launch concept art never shows there being any non-insect (or at least non-arthropod) wildlife, so i think it is Likely that this still applies.
there are Conveniently little to no notes regarding the construction of his physical puppet - all that the WHRP seems to have been able to confirm is that it did actually have a head-spinning mechanism.
hails from a cave in what is Explicitly noted to be the same forest that surrounds home; post-website launch concept art definitely seems to allude to there being something in those woods, or at least the general idea of julie wandering "out of bounds."
has the most detailed family background by way of her siblings having actual designs and names. her bio clarifies that they didn't live in Home, but no other characters with family members seem to need this clarification. is the implication that This level of detail for side characters is unheard of? then again, barnaby's mom also has a name and design...
can speak to flowers/plants, which definitely sheds a new light on whatever might be going on in this may 2021 concept art. i've seen a lot of people interpret the title of this piece - "liar!" - as an accusation from julie towards someone else (most commonly frank) but given that that the script linked in the february 2023 audition post establishes that julie is capable of lying about what a plant tells her for her own convenience, albeit in a far more playful context... who's to say that she isn't the liar?
her puppet is all but outright stated to have required more puppeteers than any other character.
having a character who's a playwright/director and whose house is built to resemble a mini theater in a story that relies so heavily on the fourth wall (or lack thereof) as a source of horror feels like a very... Dangerous combination.
some people have tried to draw parallels between her backstory and that of old testament satan, buuuut i'm not entirely sold on this. it feels a bit too outlandish even for me, considering that any remaining christian imagery seems to have been relegated Solely to wally and/or home.
her introductory blurb seems to have a nod towards poppy? "She’s a fire-cracker who is willing to let her imagination run wild in the name of a new adventure, albeit at the occasional expense of her more cautious neighbors." that aforementioned audition script Also all but outright confirms that this is about poppy, given her and sally's interactions there, i.e. sally trying to get poppy to come out of her shell by casting her as the lead in her next play and Clearly thinking very highly of her, but pushing her past her limits just a bit too far too fast. again, much like julie and lying, it's all in a playful context, but i wonder... sally, are you paying enough attention to your friends?
i could also make a joke about my sally/poppy agenda, but. i will refrain. for now.
is the only walk-around puppet to not have a live-hand variant.
her puppet also apparently has no surviving photos of it? or at least not any photos of it in its entire eight feet of glory.
in a similar vein to the possible relationship between sally being a playwright and welcome home fiddling with the fourth wall so much, i feel like poppy being a recluse in a series where one of the Main Themes is supposed to be "what happens when a Home becomes just a House/what it's like to live in a decaying home" is a very convenient setup for horror - one that Excites me as much as it scares me. if something happened to her, i wonder, how long do you think it would take for someone to notice?
his theme color, purple, is used very sparingly in his actual design compared to the rest of the cast and their colors - it only shows up on his eyelids and maybe the inside of his bag? even designs like poppy and howdy's make more use of their respective theme colors than eddie's. it being on the eyelids is an interesting choice, too, given the eye motif that's been present throughout so far. eyes are the windows to the soul and all that.
purple also makes an appearance just outside of his post office, in the form of a sprig of lavender with a butterfly on it - and, well. something about purple signifying secrecy/hidden truths, perhaps?
according to this post-website launch concept art, the only two clocks in the entire neighborhood are: A) the street clock between howdy's shop and eddie's post office, and B) the watch upon eddie's wrist. both also seem to share some design elements with him (and maybe sally?) - namely, the eyes.
and of course, his backstory. or rather, the fact that his backstory is so half-assed that it's a running gag that he can't remember his hometown and the most we know about his mom is that she has the same job and She Exists, Probably. like that's fucked up in the context of welcome home, right? we can agree on that?
howdy is an adult and yet Not a butterfly. he never actually pupated he just got Bigger. this is never explained or addressed in-universe as far as we are aware.
and also this is in the presence of a lepidopterist, aka a guy who should Definitely be aware of the fact that howdy should have pupated by now. foreshadowing for a future point of contention? a future alliance, even?
howdy. the shipments. where are your shipments coming from howdy.
much like wally, this one is so obvious that i feel stupid for even dedicating a bullet point here. just fucking look at anything on the website talking about or involving them. this house is All Unsettling Trivia.
imagine i am beaming this brian david gilbert clip directly into your brain whenever i discuss their relationship with wally until further notice
like i've said before, i don't think they're evil evil (or at least, not evil without reason) but i do think whatever they and wally have going on is, like, Not Healthy. they have codependent swag imo.
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lahazywriter · 1 year
Singing My Sorrows (Reboot Wally x Reader)
A/N: This is part 2, to my previous (Reboot Wally x Reader). The character belongs to @bloodrediscream and some of the scenes are based off her artwork. Love your work! You're amazing. There are multiple POV's in this.
I chugged another shot down as tears spilled down my face. How could he do this to me? We spent 2 years together and he cheats on me! After everything I've done for him, the time I put into our relationship. I call over the bartender and ask for another shot. He slides one over to me, as soon as it touched my fingers I down it quickly. The alcohol burned my throat while my tears stained my cheeks. I bit my lips holding back anymore weeps. A soft sigh was made in front of me forcing me to look up at my server.
"You're going to drink me out of business if you keep this up." The bartender, Luka smiled down at me. He handed me a glass of water and some tissues. "Call it hindsight. but I knew you were too good for him."
I scoffed at the comment. "Yeah right." I take the water he offered me and slowly sipped on it. Luka has always been there for me. We've known each other since middle school, and I helped him open this place up once I graduated college. "Luka why haven't we gotten together? We've been friends together for so long it wouldn't even make a difference."
Luka gently patted me on the head. "Well, my sweet (Y/n) to put it simply. I'm very very gay."
My eyes welled up again and I face planted into the bar. My fist banging the painted wood. "It's not fair, I just want to be happy!" I looked up and picked up my shot glass giving it a little wiggle towards him. "Just give me the bottle."
Luka rolled his eyes at me but didn't argue. He had my card on file anyways, and I had more than enough money to pay for it. I already knew I was already nearing my limit so the bottle was more or less for show. I pulled out my phone and began looking through my contacts. I found my ex-boyfriend's number and proceeded to block then delete his number from my phone. He had been on there long enough. I went through all the pictures of us and deleted them. My heart felt heavy and my brain was dizzy. I hated feeling this way. I don't want to be sad anymore. I looked at the stage where the band was playing and then noticed the nearly empty crowd. I checked my phone for the time, it was almost 2AM. I glided my hands over my hair pushing it back and resting my hands on the back of my neck. Luka came back over to me cleaning a glass.
"Hey, I'm gonna close up soon. If you wait for me, I'll take you home."
I shook my head and tried to get up. "No. You've been making googly eyes at the drummer all night. I'm not cock-blocking your one night stand." Luka chuckled.
"I would rather you safe than me getting laid. Do you at least have someone to call to come get you?"
A small smile came onto my lips. At least someone cared about me. I looked through my phone contacts, scrolling through all the familiar names. Everyone I knew was either out of state or too far away. As I scrolled to the bottom of my contact page I noticed the saved number that I had yet to call. It had been 2 weeks since the meet and greet with the famed Welcome Home star, we had exchanged a few texts back and forth but nothing too meaningful. I clicked on his contact photo and looked at my autographed picture of him. I wondered if he was awake. The idea quickly left my mind when my phone was suddenly grabbed out of my hands. I quickly stood up to grab for it but my body failed me due to the alcohol.
"Does someone have a celebrity crush?" I felt warmth come to my face as I tried to regain my balance. "Ha that's too cute, he gave you his number on his autograph."
I reached for the phone again and Luka took a step back, the bar getting in my way. "Luka give it back please."
Luka looked at me and then back at the phone before giving me a knowing smile. "Oh you even texted him a little. Damn, girl you gotta work on your flirting. Sweetheart you've been single for how long?" He counted on his fingers and held them out to me. "2 weeks, and when did you meet this guy?"
I covered my face not wanting to answer. "The day I found out he was cheating on me." Luka nodded still holding my phone hostage.
"Well, maybe he can pick you up. It'll be good bonding time."
"Luka no, do not call him. If you press that button I promise you, I will throw a stool at you."
Luka looked at me with an evil grin in his eyes not caring about my promised threat. My eyes widened as I watched him slowly move his finger to the green call button on my phone. I began to raise a stool of the ground when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw the guitarist from the band, Mr. Romeo. He was an older gentleman, probably in his 50s who got roped into helping his grandson, the bassist. I remember when they first came into the bar and asked Luka for a gig, promising to bring in a crowd for the experience. Luka offered to pay them because of how good they turned out to be, but they all argued and just asked for free drinks and food.
"Hey, Mr. Romeo do you need something." I put the chair that I had begun to lift back on the ground.
"Would you mind doing some vocals with us Ms. (Y/n)? You know my grandson is always too nervous to ask you." He nudged me a little while giving his eyebrows a wiggle. A nervous smile came onto my lips.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Romeo I don't think I can. I've been drinking all night and I can barely walk straight. It wouldn'-"
Mr. Romeo shushed me and looked at the bar. He gave Luka a knowing look while putting his hand out. Luka slid him the bottle of Tequila I had been drinking out of. He grabbed my hand and placed the bottle in it with a big smile. Mr. Romeo went behind me and started gently pushing me towards the stage. "Nonsense, I know when you're drunk. Take a shot for every song and sing your sorrows. It'll be fun. I promise."
I rolled my eyes but stopped resisting and walked to the stage with him. I looked at the clock on one of the walls and internally sighed. At least the bar was about to close.
"You know I have a lag between my drinks."
Mr. Romeo just smiled ignoring my words as we walked up together. I sat the bottle of Tequila and my glass on the stool that was in the middle of the stage. I poured the liquid into my glass and quickly downed it as the music started playing. I felt my thoughts disappear and any doubts I had about coming up here. My nerves didn't exist as there was no one here to judge me and nobody I wanted to impress. The band started playing a generic pop song and as requested I sang the lyrics. Mr. Romeo was right, this was a fun and making me feel a little better. I began to move body and sway to the music, careful not trip over myself. The alcohol brought my voice out. I didn't care if it was terrible, off pitch or anything. I was too busy having fun to care.
Luca looked onto the stage with a bright smile on his face. He was happy you were doing something you enjoyed, even if you resisted at first. He did end up calling Wally as soon as you were on the stage, however he didn't answer. To his surprise, Wally called back shortly after. Luka wore a shit eating grin as he answered the call with no care of misunderstandings.
"(Y/n)'s phone how may I help you?" Luka spoke with a high tone customer serivce voice. He looked at you on the stage dancing, and bit back his excitement not wanting it to leak over the phone.
"Who is this? Where is (Y/n)?" Luka was surprised at how silky this man's voice was. Luka placed his elbows on bar, leaning his weight on them as he tried to picture the face Wally was making. Luka cleared his throat before speaking.
"Hi, this is Wally right?"
"Yes it is."
"Great! I'm a friend of (Y/n)'s."
"Uh-huh, that still doesn't explain why you have her phone. Where is she?" The voice sounded almost threatening, it sent a chill down Luka's spine. He shivered as if his body actually felt the cool feeling from Wally's tone.
"Well you see, (Y/n) is currently on stage singing and she needs someone to take her home as she is very drunk. I was wondering if you could do that for me?" A moment of silence went by before Wally spoke again.
"I'll come for her. Send me the address." The call ended as quickly as it started. It was sudden but Luka didn't mind, he shrugged and placed your phone in his pocket. He'd give it back to you once you were done enjoying yourself. He watched as you sang your heart out to these old and new pop songs. You always say you're never gonna go up on stage, but yet everytime you're up there you end up having the time of your life. Luka chuckled to himself while shaking his head. He moved to the tables of his usual late crowd and called cabs for everyone that was still here. The bar quickly became empty and it was just him, you, and the band left. He switched the sign to closed and went back to wiping down the tables.
The door to the bar opened, the sound of the bell causing Luka to look up. He saw a man on the shorter side with deep blue hair messily styled. He wore a white fitted t-shirt and black pants. His pants were accessorized with a maroon belt that bore a cute yellow smiley face on the buckle. It oddly tied the whole outfit together. If Luka wasn't helping you out he would've definitely tried his luck with who he assumed was Wally. Taking a seat at the bar Wally looked at Luka allowing him to see his jet black eyelids. He could understand why you liked him. He was hot. Luka fished for your phone from his pocket and quickly handed it off to the man.
"Here, so she doesn't forget it." Wally took the phone putting it in one of his pockets. Luka leaned towards Wally and pointed at you on the stage. "I give her 5 minutes before all the alcohol starts kicking in."
Wally irked an eyebrow. "Does she have a high tolerance or something?"
Luka laughed and shook his head. "Gods no. She has a very big lag though. She can start at 9 and it won't hit her until midnight. However, she's very good about keeping up with it so she doesn't get wasted."
Wally gave a knowing nod as he followed your movements on the stage. You looked sober from the way you were effortless moving on the stage and singing to the music. He locked eyes with you and gave you a small smile while waving. "She's pretty good."
Luka smiled placing a glass of water in front of Wally. "You should hear her when she's sober." Wally took the glass and took a sip. He suddenly began to choke on the water as he watched you take a pirate swig from a tequila bottle. He looked at Luka with a confused but amused look. Luka face palmed while pinching in-between his eyebrows.
After what felt like an forever, Mr. Romeo finally said last song. I felt relief flood my bones as I could finally take a break. I looked around the room and noticed a new figure sitting at the bar. My palms began to feel clammy as the figure smiled and waved towards me. My eyes widened as I recognized who it was. Before I could run off the stage, I felt a gentle nudge towards the stool. I looked behind me at Mr. Romeo who just shrugged and pointed at my mic. I looked at my glass that I hadn't refiled since the first song and instead went straight for the half full bottle. I took a huge swig of it before sitting on a stool in the middle of the stage. A familiar break up song started to play, but only one thought played in my mind on repeat. I'm going to kill Luca.
I steadily sat down in my chair as the song played. It was a fairly new break up song but man did it speak to me. I sang each and every note as right as I could. I made sure not to miss any lyrics and to stay on beat with the band. I looked behind me and Mr. Romeo and the rest of the crew were completely lost in the music they were making. As the noise died down so, did my voice and the song came to an end. There was a few claps from the only 2 people in the bar, I took a small curtsey and quickly went to exit the stage. I waved my goodbyes to Mr. Romeo and his group and headed for the stairs, not wanting to be in the way of packing up their equipment. Walking down the stairs proved to be a difficult challenge as that last drink had completely thrown me off balance. I felt my mind turn into mush, and slowly succumbed to the liquid poison. I tried to grab the handle but completely missed. I felt my knees buckle. I was going to fall, but before I could crash down the steps a pair of arms caught me.
"Nice song, you sang it like you wrote it." I looked down to see Wally staring at me with his sly grin and half lidded eyes.
I felt my face flush. I wanted to speak but no words came out. Wally held one of my hands as he helped me down the stairs, he wrapped his other arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer allowing me to lean my weight on him. I muttered a low thank you as he brought me back to my seat at the bar. Luka gave me a thumbs up as he poured me some more water. I pushed it away from me, letting the alcohol control my actions. Wally gently placed his hands over mine as he moved it to grasp the glass.
"Drink some water, and then I'll take you home."
I shook my head, and threw my hands in the air breaking our contact. "Never!" I giggle escaped from my lips as I stretched my arms into the air. I got up from my seat and pushed myself up to sit on the bar table. I crossed my legs and swung them from the edge as I hummed a tune. I felt a finger poke me in the back, I tilted my head back and looked at Luka. I felt my elbows buckle as I leaned backwards. Luka placed a hand on the edge of my back and gave me a gentle push foward. My body didn't resist and went with the motion.
"You're drunk go home."
"Am not. I am perfect."
Wally chuckled at my response and moved in front of me. He placed himself directly in line with my crossed legs, placing his arms by my sides caging me between them. Luka cleared his throat and said something about going into the back. I didn't really focus on it as my attention was drawn into Wally's eyes. They were a beautiful lilac color. I felt as if I would drown in them if I looked for any longer. I moved my hands from my sides and slowly placed them on Wally's cheeks. I squished his face in between my palms.
"Your eyes are so pretty, I feel like I'm being hypnotized."
"Can I hypnotise you to go home?" Wally gave me a small smile and placed his hands on my wrists. He cocked his neck to the side and gave me a concerned look. "How long have been crying for?"
I shrugged my shoulders. I moved my hands down from Wally's face and wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled myself towards him, and leaned down placing my head in the crook of his neck. I just shook my head instead of responding to the questions. I felt my body losing itself to the warmth of his touch. I heard a chuckle as my eyes began to close.
Wally carefully lifted you up from the bar and felt you automatically wrap your legs around his waist, Wally fought back the smirk trying to sneak onto his lips. Luka came out just in time to see you off.
"Ah she became a backpack." Luka came up to Wally and gave your head a soft pat. He refocused his attention to the actor and handed him napkin with pen scribbled on it. He took it and shoved it in his pocket, careful not to move you too much.
"This is her address. It takes 15 minutes to walk there and even less to drive. Text me as soon as you get her home safely. My number is on her phone and she doesn't have a password." Luka's gaze turned serious as he spoke. "If you hurt her, I'll know. I will not hesitate to burn you to the ground. I don't care how cute you are."
Wally felt flattered and threatened at the same time. "Don't worry. She's safe with me."
Luka was correct, it took less that 15 minutes to drive to your place. Pulling up in your driveway, Wally looked at your sleeping face a smirk pulling at his lips. You were snuggled up with his jacket on you curled up against the passenger door. He pulled your phone out from his pocket, you had a cute background picture and no password. Swiping into your phone Wally texted Luka your status while also asking for the location of a spare key. Not a second went by before a response came in. Placing the phone back in his pocket, Wally got out of the car and focused on getting you into your home without waking you.
Setting you down on the couch, Wally fixed his jacket on you, covering your shoulders. You stirred and adjusted to the comfort of the cushions, but did not wake. Wally quietly moved away from you and headed into the kitchen. He grabbed a glass and filled it with water. He sat on the edge of the couch cushion placing the water on your coffee table. He had to admit it, you were an adorable mess. He moved a piece of fallen hair, tucking it behind your ear. His thumb gently caressed your tear stained cheek. You let out a heavy sigh and a smile formed. Wally removed his hand and took out his phone. He took a picture of your sleeping demeanor and set it as your contact picture. He leaned back into your couch with crossed arms and began to close his eyes.
He'd leave in the morning, for now he wanted to stay in the comfort of your company.
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freyafrida · 7 months
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i'm assuming the rec they're referring to is this lovely post by @gogandmagog, to whom i must thank for unearthing this fic, lol. i wrote this chapter back in 2012(!!!) so unfortunately i don't remember what exactly i had in mind for shirley and pencil girl (love that nickname), or if i even had more of a story in mind. i don't see myself writing another chapter for arco iris (although never say never?) BUT i did have some vague headcanons and influences so i will share them!
anyway. what did shirley say to her afterwards? i didn't have a full idea for this in my head and i'm of two minds about it! i can see him just ignoring it because whatever, he's not interested in getting his name written up on the side of the schoolhouse and it's none of his business why Pencil Girl decided to, apparently, lose her mind one day after school. i can also see him being pretty straightforward and asking her about it and being completely embarrassed that she's sweet on him and again, having zero interest in getting his name put on a Take Notice.
either way, they both pretend it didn't happen for a few years, but Pencil Girl never quite gives up her little crush on him, and she and shirley grow to be friends in adolescence after he gets over being flustered by her existence. they exchange sympathetic letters during the war, maybe get into wacky adventures as college kids, and fall in love along the way. the end.
so, some background: this is very niche, but as a kid, i was very into the boy/girl battle series by phyllis reynolds naylor (which i also wrote fic for in 2012 -- maybe that spilled into arco iris?). i didn't do it consciously, but in hindsight, i think i was inspired by the dynamic between the characters wally and caroline. wally is the most introverted of his brothers, thoughtful and quietly imaginative, while caroline is an attention-seeking theater kid who drags wally into her mischief. they're both annoyed by each other because they're middle schoolers, but they're also both imaginative and slightly lonely because everyone thinks they're weird, and they find they (unwillingly) understand each other on that more fundamental level. anyway! it's not a 1:1 comparison, but i think i was imagining shirley/pencil girl from a similar place. we know shirley isn't totally opposed to mischief (see "well-deserved spankings" in RV) and while we also know he hates to be badgered with chatter per RoI, i was also picturing him as a bit matthew cuthbert-esque, where he doesn't mind exuberance as long as he's not expected to actually respond in kind (that's how i interpret "badgering", anyway).
i was also semi-influenced by the dynamic between kyon and haruhi in the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya, haha. obviously none of this is evident in that very short chapter, but uh, that's the backstory if you're interested, or if it gives an idea of how the rest of the story might go!
i also was actually influenced by the jenny penny section of anne of ingleside! i first read that book as a teenager and tbh i took the jenny penny section and all its judgment about Dirty Houses and Fighting Adults and Not Saying Your Prayers a leetle personally, lmao. i found the blythes pretty snobbish in that story* (this livejournal post is a pretty good summary of how i felt about anne of ingleside at the time). so i also had the loose headcanon of the blythes having to deal with someone a little socially inappropriate, who they wouldn't approve of very much. again, this was way too much to be evident in the actual chapter, but this is where the whole "girl who kisses rando boys in classrooms" concept came from, if you're interested.
anyway that's how shirley/pencil girl would've gone. hope this didn't ruin it for you, nonny, and thank you for reading ❤️
* i mean, upon reread, there are actual issues with the pennys: jenny is a more intentional liar than anne ever was, and the grandma makes di show her her underwear??? weird. but also jenny is, like, the lone realistically troubled child in a book of unusually twee children, and i found her surprisingly sympathetic for that reason. anyway. i had feelings.
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ketho484 · 1 year
Actor AU story part three! WOOOOOO!!!
Au belongs to @frillsand
Chapter 3: Dinner with a new friend
Willow followed Wally back inside to watch him and his friends record the newest episode after Eric had to concede to Wally's 'Offer'. The others were surprised Wally asked for this, but they welcomed the change nonetheless. They loved entertaining kids, and this would be like early critique before the show even aired. Willow had a lot of fun too. She was really shy and very quiet, but she loved getting to know the cast. They each noticed something a bit odd, however. Like something didn't sit right. She was sweet and kind, sure, but the level of shyness she exhibited felt less like her being shy and more like her being afraid of them. It was odd to say the least, but when the rest of the cast asked her why she was scared or told her she didn't need to be scared, she'd turn away and deny it. Not Wally, though. He never asked anything like that. Unless she spoke to him, he observed the interactions Willow had with his friends quietly, making mental notes on her behavior so he could see if something was wrong at home with her.
The day went by a bit too quickly for everyone's liking. Before anyone knew it, shooting was over and the cast started heading home. Willow gave everyone a respectful farewell before going with Wally to get dropped off. On the way, they spoke to each other.
"So?" Wally started, making Willow look at him from the seat next to him "What did we learn about the cast today?"
"Uuhhhhh…" Willow started thinking "...Well, Franky isn't nearly as grumpy as we see on TV. He's easy to tick off, but he's overall really nice. Eddie is Franky's boyfriend, which I didn't realize either of them were gay. Julie does a little flap thing when she's excited, Poppy loves humming to help her stay calm, Barnaby is definitely not acting when he plays the funny guy, Howdy is vegan…What's vegan again?"
"It means you don't eat any meat or animal products" Wally clarified
"Right. A-Anyway, Sally is a lot sweeter than on camera, almost like a cool big sister" Willow continued "...And you have a really short temper with the production crew. I noticed how they treated your friends, but…" She stopped there
It was true, she saw how badly the puppets were treated in the studio. To say it was bad would be an understatement, to say the least. She saw Howdy get pushed off the stage, only being there because he was confused about his movement and tone for his personal recording as he was the least experienced in this field with Poppy being only slightly better due to her anxiety. Wally really lost his temper and started shouting at everyone. The only reason he stopped was because Willow had run off the stage. When Wally found her again, Howdy and Sally were trying to bring her out of a massive panic attack.
“...I take it your parents shout a lot?” Wally asked gently, Willow being pulled out of the memory and back to the real world
“Y-Yeah…They do…” She said, a bit startled from being pulled back into the conversation
“How often does it happen?”
“Every day…Sometimes it lasts all day and momma sends me out of the house so I don’t have to listen” Willow explained, rubbing her arm
Wally stopped at a red light and looked over at her, his expression immediately turning to one of worry when he saw the slightly raised sleeve…and what was underneath it. There was a large, hand shaped bruise  on her wrist, barely covered up by bandages. Wally could guess where it came from, but he needed to get all the facts first.
“…Willow. Look at me, please” Wally spoke gently as the little puppet looked up at her favorite star “I only get angry like that when someone mistreats my friends, and I only do that inside the studio because the people there are racist and…honestly a bunch of idiotic jerks. Your parents fighting like that is a sign that that house may not be safe for you…”
“I already know that…” Willow said as she looked down at her lap “…But my daddy made it clear that I’ll have nowhere else to go. He said I’ll die on the streets if I run away because he won’t come looking for me…So I gotta stay where I am…” Willow looked ready to cry when she finished her explanation
Wally looked ready to snap again as the light turned green. He went off course, driving away from the house as he took a breath and gently rubbed Willow’s back to soothe her. He soon pulled into a parking lot and stopped the car, making Willow look up curiously as she wiped her teary eyes. They weren’t at her house, but rather at a large restaurant painted orange and red with gray tiles for the roof. There was a large neon sign in the shape of a circle with little circles on the inside and a triangle missing from it.
“Um…Mister Darling?” Willow spoke up “Where are we? I thought I was just going home”
“Well, I saw that you hadn’t eaten anything at the studio, so I thought you might want something to have before you go home” Wally explained, though the real reason was that he thought this could keep her out of the house, and away from her toxic father, a while longer
“Bobolli’s…Pissa?” She read the sign and tilted her head “What’s that?”
“…Have you never had pizza before?” Wally asked, a little horrified as Willow shook her head “What do your parents let you eat?”
“Daddy makes me eat cold bread and milk for breakfast. Momma tries to give me granola bars and water sometimes, but she usually gets caught” Willow explained timidly
Wally had to take a few deep breaths to calm down before he got out of the car. He went around and got Willow out before taking her inside. The interior had a very rustic feeling with dark wood floors, marble counters, orange lights, black leather seats, and dark red tiles all over the walls. Many folks, both human and puppet, worked behind the counters to make pizza, but only one came out to greet Wally. This puppet was rather large in size, a human puppet roughly three fourths of Barnaby’s height. He had red hair on his head, pale orange felt skin, and a big bushy mustache. His body was rather rotund in size and he wore a typical Italian chef’s outfit. His green eyes sparkled warmly when he went over to Wally, a smile beaming underneath that mustache.
“Well, if it isn’t Wally, my best customer!” He spoke, a boisterous and deep voice speaking with a heavy Italian accent as he shook Wally’s hand
“Hey there, Ronny!” Wally greeted the chef fondly before letting go and turning to Willow “Willow, this is Ronald Babolli. He’s the owner of this restaurant. It’s honestly the best place I know of”
“Oh, I don’t think I’ve seen this one before” Ronny said as he kneeled down to take a look at Willow, though she quickly hid behind Wally “Where did you find her, Wally?”
“She’s the daughter of the studio tailors” Wally explained calmly “I’m letting her come by the studio more often if she wants. She didn’t eat anything there, so I thought I’d treat this kid to dinner”
“Well, you brought her to the right place. Please have a seat. I’ll bring a surprise” Ronny smiled and ran behind the counter
Wally chuckled and took Willow to a nice, quiet booth in the back of the restaurant. Willow sat across from Wally as she looked around at everything warily. She had clearly never been to this area of the city before. It was kinda overwhelming for her, and Wally could clearly see that in her expression.
“So…What’s it like in the suburbs?” Wally asked, trying to relieve some of this little girl’s tension as one of the workers brought some drinks. Wally got a Diet Dr. Pepper and Willow got a Sprite
“Well…It’s usually really quiet” Willow answered “Other than my momma and daddy fighting. The people there are nice enough. Miss Fritters is my favorite. She’s this old human who lives down the street with her family. Her family is really nice, but Miss Fritters tells me stories and sometimes bakes cookies. She taught me how to make some of her recipes. Sometimes I can play with her grandkids, Billy and Bobbie, but they don’t think I’m very cool”
“Kids can be like that sometimes” Wally shrugged as he sipped on his soda “I had a friend like that. Frank was actually like that before I got him to open up”
“So he used to be as grumpy as he acts on the show?”
“Yeah. Honestly, though, if you know him for long enough, you learn quickly that he’s a sweetheart. The reason you saw it today was because he has a real soft spot for kids” Wally explained as Willow sipped her drink, a smile coming to his face when he saw her eyes light up.
“…Is this your favorite place?” Willow asked
“It’s my favorite place to eat, yes. Sometimes the cast and I come here for some good old fashioned friend time” Wally answered fondly
“…You’re really easy to talk to”
“Huh?” Wally perked up at the quiet words Willow spoke “I-I’m sorry, could you say that again?”
“Y…You’re really easy to talk to, mister darling. It’s like I’ve known you my whole life even though we met today…You’re really nice” She explained with a blush
Before Wally could answer, Ronny brought over a large pizza on a tray. It was covered with cheese and pepperoni with a big, stuffed crust that was only visible because Ronny had cut it up into some nice triangles. Willow looked really surprised as she gazed at the good smelling pie in front of her, making Wally chuckle a bit as they each got a plate.
“Looks as delicious as ever, Ronny” Wally said with a smile directed at the chef
“Yes, one of my finest pizzas” Ronny said with a smile as he turned to get back to work “Let me know if you need anything”
“Thanks, Ronny!” Wally beamed at Ronny as the chef left before grabbing a couple of slices, one for him and one for Willow “There you go, kid”
“…Y…You’re letting me have this?” She asked, immediately tensing up
“Of course. Why wouldn't I?” Wally asked before taking a bite of his pizza slice
“Well…Daddy says that if I eat three meals, I’ll be fat and useless”
“Well, daddy’s not here right now. You don’t have to eat all of the slice I gave you. Just one bite. If you decide you want more, I won’t stop you, okay?” Wally said as he gave Willow a smile
Willow was, understandably, hesitant. She’d never even seen something like this before. She was nervous. She poked at the slice a bit before picking it up. She inspected it from top to bottom, which made Wally giggle on the outside, though he could feel his heart break. How sheltered was this kid? How long had Eric and, clearly begrudgingly, Jessica, been keeping this poor little girl locked away and slaving over a sewing machine? It hurt to see such a sweet little girl look so scared over a simple food item…Willow soon took her first bite, and the way her eyes seemed to gain a new spark of life in them warmed Wally’s heart. The little puppet dove in, quickly gobbling up a slice and, after confirming that she could take more, ate more of the delicious pizza. By the time both of them were full, the entire pizza was gone.
Willow looked really sleepy, her eyes fluttering as she tried to stay awake with very little success. Wally chuckled and paid Ronny for the food before carrying her back to the car. She was completely limp as she was carried and placed into her seat. She jolted awake, at least awake to the point of being aware, when Wally’s car started. He pulled out of the parking lot and put on a classical CD that Frank let him borrow. When he stopped at a red light and Noticed Willow was half awake, he smiled and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.
“You can go ahead and get some sleep” He said quietly, his voice soothing to the little puppet’s ears “I’ll wake you up when we get to your house, okay?”
Willow gave him a nod and closed her eyes, drifting off pretty quickly. Wally sighed and turned his eyes back to the road. She was so precious. This little girl didn’t deserve to live in such circumstances. She didn’t deserve to be treated as a slave. Not only was it illegal, but it was  just morally wrong. This kid deserved to be free to play and grow like a real sapling. It pissed Wally off that Eric was keeping her from growing. He had to do something.
 After a while, the car stopped at the right address, and it made Wally uncomfortable. The house was stable, but it was greasy and clearly falling apart. There was a cracked window in the front that allowed him to see inside. Greasy walls, flickering lights, old furniture that was falling apart, loose wooden floorboards. That house was unsafe for more than one reason, but Wally took a breath and kept his composure. He woke Willow up and carried her to the door, giving it a gentle knock. Her mother, thankfully, came to answer the door. Jessica took Willow in her arms and thanked Wally for taking care of her. He simply smiled and passed her a note before leaving, giving Willow one last wave goodbye before he drove off
Jessica put Willow to bed, happy when she explained what he did for her. When Willow was fast asleep, Jessica unfolded the note and read it, smiling as she did.
‘I need to know what her father has been keeping from her’
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roaring-at-the-sky · 6 months
Wally West is so Knight of Swords (and The Chariot but I think speedsters in general could fit that) coded. I'm not too interested in tarot but the symbolism gets to me.
The Knight of Swords (Upright) is to be impatient, to be direct and ambitious. To pursue a goal. Wally is someone who has chased the legacy of the Flash and, though strife, achieved it. Lived up to it and carved his own legacy out of the name. He'd end the world to save someone, he'd die so that someone else wouldn't 10 times over, and he'd do it in a moments notice because he has to.
Those same traits reversed leads to the time between that. Rude and tactless, bullying and arrogant. Wally constantly puts his own foot in his mouth. He lashes out to other people for his own issues, he'd rather make an enemy than make an ally out of himself. He scantly does any self introspection, he can be in the wrong and know he is but not address it anyway.
He's an absolute clusterfuck of a person. He needs to live up to Barry's legacy, he wants so badly to be just like him, but he can't (and makes it everyone elses problem). He's also insanely loyal, each time he loses someone he either rips the world apart to get them back or fundamentally changes himself as a person if he cannot. He's the chosen one of the speedforce-he also could never become something that he himself is proud of.
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patheticlilinsect · 1 year
I like to think Wally is just the thoughts and ideas of the creator that somehow came to life(maybe some sort of cult revolved around the show, and those thoughts became animate because of some sort of event relating to cult, which is basically batim) and he has no idea how exactly he got there but only existed within inanimate objects, unable to move or talk, but able to think. You know that one drawing of him where like a hand is coming out of his mouth? Maybe it represents the fact that Wally is a puppet, and like any puppet is forced to move and talk. Thinking about it now I kind of feel bad for him because he was probably left on a shelf with all his friends for so long collecting dust, being trapped in an empty shell, being his puppet. After the website was built, either someone put Wall in the website(I don’t know why yeah) or Wally somehow jumped from his puppet body to the website(on accident probably). That darkness inside his house is what it was like to be trapped within his puppet body, dark and scary. And that one little gif of Wally looking up at House’s window eye thingy could represent the fact that he knows he’s being watched, or he is thanking the people who put him in the website, which not only granted him freedom but also gave him hope, or it could be Wally reaching out from his puppet body, from the darkness(maybe some sort of paranormal activity he caused?), to the people watching him, to the people looking for him. Or it could be a mix of those things. Maybe Wally keeps saying “Open” because he wants to open up to the world, like a cry for help or something. Wally likely responds to the comments by doodling on them, but also putting in some sort of hidden information to try and get others to find him. I also feel like Wally draws on the comments because they’re the only people that actually talk/interact with the website, and because all of Wally’s friends to our knowledge not alive in the way Wally is. To put it simpler Wally has no one to talk to. I also think Wally’s abilities are indeed limited and he can only “wander” so far away from the website for so long. Maybe that’s why the error screens appear, because Wally’s power is limited and he can’t exactly keep the small bits and pieces up for so long before the original creators begin to notice. That also makes me think that Wally will follow around anyone who’s on the website(kind of obvious though). I also think the bits of audio are his memories. I also feel like the audio clips were likely Wally’s memories, maybe some sort of event happened that he wants to tell everyone about. And maybe it’s all audio because he can’t exactly see through his felt eyes, but somehow can hear? It’s also likely that he was able to draw out those memories because he is now (likely)code and can easily just “copy and paste” or something. It would make sense if Wally could alter his memories if he can alter the appearance of the website and also add secret links to the website. I also just remembered while typing this that Wally still can’t see the viewer from the website at all, so he still probably feels trapped or in a way alone in the dark. I mean since his powers are limited and he probably wouldn’t be able to see through the camera or something. So it does support my theory on how he can only(barely) talk to others by doodling on their art, and that also being how he knows someone is there(Idk if I mentioned that I don’t feel like re reading. I also do not know if Wally directly causes the error screens(as a way to cover up the secrets so the website creators wouldn’t find it) , or if the creators of the website noticed the anomaly and was like “Oh No! You’re not supposed to be there!” And put up that error screen to try to get the player to return to the home page, “You wandered to far away from home”. Anyway that’s enough of my silly rant.
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Random theory on the Welcome Home arg.
Now I don’t have much evidence to support both of these theories because this is my first time trying to solve one of these because I normally watch Mattpat do all the theories but.
Theory 1 :
What if the “show” was made but a bunch of people in a cult? Like from the beginning it had a dark side to this? What if the people the made the show where people trying to get kids to join it? Maybe they where doing good at first and even did some weird things to the show and somehow made Wally and Home “alive” in someway? Again I have nothing to really support this theory but I did find it very interesting to think of. Like maybe because of that someone was finding out about their cult and tried to expose them so the people that made the show somehow left the Home in charge of it all, and they just disappeared and left the show for someone else to find?
Theory 2 :
Now with this one I can’t say too much on how it would have started and this is more or less in a way a continuation of the last one, and this does have a little to support this theory but very little.
What if Home was once a person that was either a leader of a cult or just someone in one that either got chosen to be sacrificed or they sacrificed themselves? Over the years the the “show” being hidden Home was able to really take control of everything, and Wally, to now use him as what he really is, a puppet. Now maybe how it first started Home wasn’t always alive, but once he was Wally was excited, he had found a new friend and it was his very own home! As we know Wally being the silly guy he is he probably at first was very kind and wanted to befriend everyone he met. Now when he found out about Home his first thought was ‘oh wow a new friend!‘ But instead of getting a new friend, what he got instead was someone who would soon take control of him and everyone else.
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I might have to write down on some paper about this theory but if you guys wanna hear more about this second one I’m happy to tell you more about it just let me know!
Update on my theory!
So I noticed that people are enjoying my little theory! So I might let you all know about the rest of my little theory.
Once Wally had realized Home was alive he tried befriending it. Of course that doesn’t go too well and Home ends up taking control of Wally and possibly putting his friends threw pain or just trying to control them. Over time of Home taking control, Wally slowly starts have conscience and finally realizes what is happening, but at this point it’s almost too late. I believe Wally is using the website to try an communicate with us to ask for help. Even though Wally is still trying to gain full control one side is more of telling Home what he is doing, making it hard for him to ask for help. This is also while the actual Wally is just trying to get us to notice him and help his friends, but maybe because Wally is still gaining control he comes off more ‘scary’ than ‘scared’ so it’s harder for people to realize it’s just a cry for help. Now how does this really help the fact of it being a cult? Well I don’t have much evidence on it and the pictures I could use for it is more seen for a religion but this seems to go further than religion, darker.
Seen in these two pictures at the bottom
You can tell that the pose with Wally having two fingers and a thumb out out and both of this hands being up, and down. This pose is referred to a religion being satanism, I will assume everyone knows what it is. Anyway, as this might be a religion I believe they are making this more of a cult then religion. Now I don’t really know too much on if these pictures are pictures to ignore or not.
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I hope you all enjoyed my Theories because I do and I can’t wait to find out more from this arg!
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sncwstorm · 2 years
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⌈  ANNABELLE WALLIS,  SHE / HER,  CIS FEMALE  ⌋  have  you  seen  ELLINORE MIKALSEN walking  around  recently  ??  you  know,  the  THIRTY-EIGHT year  old  SECURITY  ??  i  have  a  question  i  wanted  to  ask  but  i  haven’t  seen  NORA  around.  have  you  noticed  they  tend  to  be  OVERLY CAUTIOUS  and  RESERVED  ??  but  i  guess  they  make  up  for  it  by  being  SPIRITED  and  RESILIENT.    i’ve  heard  they’re  often  found  TELLING STORIES BY THE FIRE.  anyways,  if  you  see  them  let  them  know  to  come  find  me. 
full name: ellinore “nora” sofie mikalsen
nickname(s): nora, nor, ellie, elle
age: thirty-eight
birthday: may 27th
hometown: livingston, montana
current location: jericho, wyoming 
gender: cis female
pronouns: she / her
orientation: biromantic bisexual
occupation: security
tw: parental death, death, grief, implied depression
nora was born two years after the supervolcano erupted. she’s never known what the world was like before, except through stories her parents told her and oli growing up. nora fell in love with these stories - as well as the ones she read in books her parents had. 
without any other means of entertainment, she quickly became the designated storyteller due to her passion for putting on a show. after a long day of hunting, growing what food they could, and scavenging for what they couldn’t, nora liked reading ghost stories to the others, or making them watch her act out the fairy tales she had picture books of. she was an energetic, optimistic child who always seemed to have a big smile on her face, especially once brenn and matty came along.
when she was a bit older, the family made the decision to travel to a new community that was developing - jericho. it was a hard journey for all of them, but they made it through together. she had never been as adept as oli or her parents at the nature side of survival; nora wasn’t the best at identifying plants or tracking wildlife. but she had a keen eye for detail, and a steady trigger finger. nora had already learned to hunt by this point, but this trip made her into a truly dangerous marksman. 
her skills with a crossbow were precise, and as she grew older at jericho, it became obvious that she should consider going into either hunting or security. nora picked security in the end because she’s a protective soul - she wants to keep what they already have safe, and she doesn’t want to go back outside if she can help it.
as time went by, nora found herself falling for one of the scouts at jericho. elijah was a sweet guy - steady, dependable, and always had a smile on his face, just like nora. he could make her laugh more than anyone she’d ever met. he was smitten with her too, and eventually, they decided to get married. they were deeply, truly in love with one another and for a few years, nora thought that she had found her own happily ever after just like the princesses in the fairy tales she’d read to her parents and siblings growing up.
then one trip, he didn’t make it back. he’d gotten hurt, and the conditions had been too dangerous to move him quickly back to jericho. he died from complications before he’d made it back within the walls, leaving nora a widow. she hasn’t quite been the same peppy, excitable person ever since. while nora’s still social and friendly, her spirit has dulled some in the last five years since his death. her father passing away recently didn’t help either. now, nora just wants to protect the people she can, and keep taking things a day at a time.
more info.
nora pretty much exclusively goes by nora. her family might call her elle, ellie or ellinore sometimes but she’s really known around jericho as nora. 
nora used to be a social butterfly. she was the one to remember everyone’s name, always have some sort of joke to share, and always spent her free time hanging out with someone. she grew a bit more reserved after the death of her husband five years ago. she’s still kind and will talk to others and reach out, but she’s not quite as bubbly anymore. 
she’s definitely a right brain kind of person. very creative, into reading, history and storytelling. if things had been completely different, she probably would have gone into theatre or creative writing. instead, she’s definitely the one found telling the little kids stories to keep them entertained, or trying to wrangle together a production of some play they could put on for jericho.
nora’s at a place where she’s probably ready to start dating again, but that’s not the number one thing on her mind right now.
she likes her job with security because she wants to keep everyone safe. nora’s a great shot, and she doesn’t mind patrols or being the person people come to when they’re worried about something. 
a best friend / ride or die
drinking buddies
a partner on security
a rival of some sort
former hookups 
a book club 
someone she’s developing feelings for
someone on the scouting trip her husband died on that feels guilty
maybe.... her ex-husband.... didn’t die after all and has been with a diff group this whole time ? 
someone who gets under her skin
opposites attract friend
anything we can come up with !
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lunaria1 · 7 months
Experiment with feelings
Chapter 2
Lunaria was currently sitting down on a chair in the break room sipping on some coffee and eating some crisps whilst reading through some files on the next couple of experiments that will be taking place. After the experiment in room 180 she helped out with 5 more similar experiments, only one resulted in death. The subject’s guts bursted inside of them causing them to bleed out from the inside and for the blood to spill out of their mouth and eyes. This wasn’t the bloodiest death that Lunaria had seen but it freaked out the other employees. Lunaria just ordered the body to be thrown in the grinder seeing as the only use it had now was to be shredded and have its colours extracted. The colours that they gathered were orange, indigo and red. Pretty good colours especially indigo since it’s so hard to come by. 
As Lunaria continued to read she noticed someone walking in her direction but she ignored them thinking that they were just passing by. She noticed that the person had yellow skin, blond hair and looked like they had a headband in the shape of a sun. They were wearing a clean lab coat which meant that they either changed clothes or that they work in one of the less bloody parts of the factory. Either way it didn’t matter to Lunaria so she went back to reading the files. That was until she heard a chair being pulled up in front of her. 
“Hi! I heard that you’re Wally’s assistant! I’m Sally!” Lunaria heard the girl that she saw say sitting down in front of her. Sally spoke with a cheerful tone which was unusual in the factory, she must be working in either the security area or the production area where the colours are put into packages and sent off. “Yes I am Walden’s assistant. Name’s Lunaria” she said, making sure to add some emphasis on Walden since she has never heard him being called Wally by anyone. “Lunaria huh? That’s a pretty name!” Sally complimented not paying any mind to how monotone Lunaria’s voice was. She felt bad that everyone kept constantly ignoring her and telling others to stay away so she decided to try and get close to her. Maybe she just needed some friends and was lonely which is why she always acted so emotionless.
Lunaria just nodded in acknowledgment of the compliment but didn’t say anything else before going back to looking at the files. Sally continued to talk about how pretty Lunaria looked, especially her hair and eyes before she started to ramble on about some other topic like drama and performing. Lunaria only spoke when Sally asked her a question and even then she didn’t seem at all interested. Sally expected that and this didn’t discourage her to keep on trying. Even if it took her a hundred attempts, she would make Lunaria at least crack a small smile. 
After a couple more minutes of Sally rambling she finally stopped and looked at the time. “Oh my, my break is over. I’ll see you next time Luna. I work in Production so come by there to see me any time!” Sally said before running off to Production making Lunaria sigh. “Finally she’s gone” she muttered to herself before getting up and walking back to her office. At least there she wouldn’t be bothered by anyone unless it was important. Though Lunaria did wonder why Sally kept talking to her despite her clearly not being interested and rarely talking back. Maybe she’s just one of those happy go lucky people that will talk to anyone and try to be their friend. That makes another person that she will have to avoid in the future just so that she can get her work done without interruptions. Though something about Sally reminded her of something but she couldn’t wrap her finger around it. It probably wasn’t important anyway. 
Upon arriving at her office, Lunaria made sure to lock the door and sit down in her chair getting on with her paperwork immedietely. Though she still couldn’t stop thinking about Sally and who or what she reminded her of. It was getting in the way of her work and Lunaria didn’t want that at all. She didn’t have time for stuff like this nor did she see any importance in it. It was like her brain was trying to grasp at a string of a distant memory that she had locked away but just couldn’t quite reach. It made Lunaria’s chest feel tight, which she has never experienced before. Maybe she was getting sick or something like that but because of her DNA she highly doubted it. She just took some painkillers thinking it was something physical that’s wrong with her and continued to get on with her work.
She was very wrong about that. 
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covertblizzard · 2 years
Info-dumping my list of JayKyle short story ideas because I might never get around to them and I mean even if I do, it’s fine to have multiple similar fics anyway so...
Jason comparing himself to women who had their husbands away at war in the past and could not contact them, no way of knowing if or when they will return, or if they would be hurt (this fits so well because Kyle is away lantern-ing and Jason would have read those stories and be like, that is me, woe is me). Bonus if they write dramatic “wartime” letters to each other (Kyle’s with a whole bunch of doodles of the pretty things he sees in space that he thinks Jason would like)
I know canonically Jason came back to life because of Superboy’s punch or whatever, but have you considered... alternate universe where Jason and Kyle are boyfriends, Kyle is a White Lantern, Jason dies and in Kyle’s shock, fear, and desperation to bring Jason back to life, he reawakens Jason’s across the multiverse.
Jason and Steph making jokes about Batman adopting Kyle, but Kyle thinks they’re serious and he’s freaking out because then he will lose his chance with Jason, so the next time he meets Batman he just yells “YOU CAN’T ADOPT ME, I HAVE GREEN EYES” and Batman’s just like “Hn”
Wallykyle fake dating to make Dick and Jason respectively jealous
Batman manipulates certain situations to make JayKyle happens, but then Jason finds out and at first he wants to dump Kyle because HELLO HE IS NOT GOING ALONG WITH HIS DAD’S STUPID PLAN, but then he couldn’t so now he is agonising over Batman having “tricked” Kyle into liking him and maybe Kyle doesn’t even like him and has just been manipulated. Kyle doesn’t know what’s going on. (Maybe it’s funnier if Kyle is planning to propose and Jason doesn’t notice solely because he is busy having a crisis, idk)
Dick’s POV where he is working with Kyle (maybe with the Titans, maybe with just Donna, maybe just him and Kyle) and Jason keeps popping out of nowhere for a while, and he realised Jason was being a helicopter boyfriend while Kyle’s on Earth because he is worried and because he CAN
A Titans gathering where Jason keeps looking at the door when someone enters as though waiting for someone, then perks up when Kyle enters, and Dick is like HMMM? (And Donna is like... you don’t already know?? Maybe even Wally and Roy know and Dick is like... why am I the last to know??? This can be used for either pre-relationship crushing stage, or relationship stage really, just make it work idc)
Jason being afraid of Kyle meeting the family because they’ll either say bad things about him or they’ll give him the shovel talk, both he worries might chase Kyle away
Jason picking up photography because he thinks Kyle likes photographers (Alex, Donna, Jennie-Lynn... it’s a real trend)
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