toytle · 3 days
in celebration of the new season, here’s some arcane art. from yrs ago.. that i’ll never finish…
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jm-chrome · 1 day
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Jinx baking late at night, and Silco can't sleep from all the noise of pans slamming and metal spoons clanging in the kitchen.
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P.S. the cookie is shaped like Jinx's doodle of Ekko in the art book hehe
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arcane-strangeness · 3 days
listen ok, do you know what I'd kill for? Y'all know how Pixar used to animate bloopers from the voice actors like it was the actual characters talking? Yeah. I wanna hear Ella and Hailee goofing around in the studio. I wanna hear a compilation of jinx breaking character and dissolving into laughter. I wanna see ekko and jinx bantering and happy. I wanna see Caitlyn and Vi being absolute disasters together. I want to see all of em just being silly. Riot please.
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anothertina · 2 days
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Finishing where it all started for day 7 with Pulsefire Ezko, 'Out of Time' you will always be famous (to me at least)
Happy bi week to all of you 🥂💗💜💙
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lullabyes22-blog · 2 days
Snippet - First Kiss - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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Jinx finds sympathy in an unlikely quarter...
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
"I've gotta ask a question," Vi says. "And I need an honest answer. No games. No riddles. Okay?"
"Last night. When you dipped out on the dinner. Did you... meet anyone?"
"What? Like, a fling?" Jinx's smile cuts into the curve of Vi's neck. "'Cause, yeah, sis. You're not the only one getting busy."
"I'm serious. Did you meet somebody?"
"Maybe, what?"
"Maybe I did."  There's a singsongy tenor in her voice, one that's not entirely fake. But also, Vi can't help but think, distressingly sad in its lightness. "Maybe I didn't." 
"And whoever it is, did he hurt you?"
"How d'you know it was a guy?"
"Just a feeling."
"Hm. You're smarter than you look."
"Answer the question." 
Silence, but it's not the kind that Jinx wields as her ally. It's a silence with a heartbeat: the girlish giddy-up of excitement, undercut by a deeper, darker pulse of uncertainty. 
Vi thinks of how there are hunches that go gut-deep. Others that stop just shy of the liver. She knows—gut-deep—that Powder could sense when Vi lost her virginity to Nao. Her sister was too little then, and too innocent, to fully understand what that loss meant. But she'd known Vi was altered on some chemical level. Some molecular splitting, so Vi wasn't one, but two. 
The girl she'd been. And the woman she was becoming. 
Now, with her sister's body in Vi's arms—it's not the same. After last night, Vi no longer buys that Jinx and Silco are a package deal. Nor does she believe any longer that Silco's inveigled his way into Jinx's pants. She knows her sister well enough to realize that, for all Jinx's wildness, she's still the same girl who used to chase after Vi, begging to be let into the places of grownup vice. Places where Vi would always say no.
Because Powder, her Little Star, wasn't ready.
Jinx, the Bombshell, isn't ready, either. For all her flaunting and flirtation, the fact is, Jinx is a late bloomer. Vi would bet folding money that her sister's never even gotten her hands inside someone else's pants. Silco keeps too close an eye on her. Sevika would chug a triple-shot of cyanide before trying anything untoward. And the crew are too disciplined, too terrified, to get in their boss' bad graces. 
Not without ending up floating facedown in the river.
And yet there's a raw-edged tenderness in her sister's bearing. Her atoms aren't splitting. They're reeling, in the wake of a transformation that's in its first, dazzled throes.  The lingering aura of it—and of whoever's touched her—is a radioactive glow.   
The kind that makes Vi's hackles rise.
"Who was it, Jinx?"
The name, spoken with gentle firmness, does the trick.
"Doesn't matter," Jinx says. "It was a mistake." 
"What was?"
"Meeting him. Being so damn stupid." Her hand lifts. For a moment, her fingertips touch her own lips. "So damn... close."
Vi's own eyes, inexorably, trace the little gash on her sister's upper-lip. It's more pronounced now; a quarter-inch cut. Almost perfectly straight. Like a blade had nicked her there.
Or a kiss.
"Close," Vi repeats, and her throat crimps. "As in kissing-close."
A little up-and-down nod.
"First kiss?"
Again, that tiny dip.
"It wasn't Viktor, right?"
The scoff is the verbal equivalent of an eyeroll.
"A stranger, then?"
"Not a stranger. Someone old." Her fingertips press the gash, as if trying to re-create the sensation. "Someone new."
"Did this someone... force themselves on you?"
Vi is choosing her words with the painstaking precision of a tooth-splinter tweezed from a split lip. She has to. If her sister's been hurt in any way—if her trust has been violated—
Jinx only shakes her head.
"He made me... feel. Not a bad feelin.' Just... it's like it woke a voice in me. One I've had under my skin for a long while. Kinda whispering in the dark. I didn't mind it. The dark's a safe place. Nothing can hurt me when I'm there. I see everything. Everyone. And nobody sees me." A deep, shuddering breath. "Not until him." 
"What d'you mean?"
"He kissed me. And it came outta nowhere. Just—boom. A flashbang. The dark went away, and I was there. Smack-dab in the light. So shiny. So strong.  He kissed me, and the voice wasn't whispering anymore. It was singing. This beautiful, beautiful song. One that's been there all along, and I just never knew." She touches the gash again, and her fingers shake. "I never knew." 
"I didn't plan it!" It bursts from Jinx on a hitched little cry. "I didn't mean to—but he made me want to mean it! He looked at me like I wasn't crazy. Like I wasn't a bomb or a monster. He looked, and he kissed me, and the darkness was gone, and the song was so bright, and gods, I didn't want him to stop. I didn't want it to end." Her body burrows into Vi's, clinging fiercely. "I didn't."
Vi keeps her voice steady. "What happened then?"
"I ran away." A sniffle. "Like a damn coward."
"Did he chase you?"
"For a bit. Not far." The sniffle thickens. "It's not neutral territory. Not where I am. Not even close."
Vi doesn't understand what Neutral Territory signifies. But she hates the pitch of distress her sister is radiating. The tears are hot and bitter and real. But there's also a yearning there. A livewire ache that Vi knows all too well. 
She'd felt it, every minute, when she was with Caitlyn. 
"I'll kick his ass," she says.
"Whoever he is. I'll track him down and break his knees. Then I'll break his arms. Then I'll make sure he never, ever, lays a finger on on you again." Her arms enfold Jinx tighter. "Ever."
Shock leaps off Jinx's skin. For a moment she's all jellyfish softness and barbed-wire stiffness. Then the shock fades, and a laugh bubbles out. Not the villainess' high-pitched cackle, or the trickster's guffaw. This laugh is soft, shaky, a little too close to a sob. 
"Oh, sis," she says, and there's a strange wonder in her voice. "You really do care."
"Of course I do."
"Enough to go to war?"
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ezrealducouteau · 2 days
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kaubojak · 1 day
Srry for disappearing, heres an ekko doodle; this guy's srsly starting to grow on me
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Ekko doodle bc I just finished binging the arcane and his character design is right up my alley
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I’m trying to think about what I want to see with Ekko and the Firelights next season.
At the end of the day, the Firelights were made to be somewhat of a counter culture, a safe haven, from the culture Silco was curating in the Undercity. Ekko’s main descriptor of the Firelights included their oppression and survival of Silco and the drugs he pumped into their home. The Firelights started as somewhat of a rehab, they originally weren’t meant to be vigilantes.
Then, eventually when they did somewhat become vigilantes, they kept fighting for the home, but internally. Piltover was a distant, historical villain they didn’t dare to touch because they weren’t their concern right now. There were more direct issues that were presented by Silco as the development of the Undercity when it hurt the people who needed help the most. The Firelights couldn't go up against the big bad beast that is Topside, not yet. Piltover has always oppressed Zaun, but Silco? A so-called Zaunite nationalist and an Undercity native? He wanted to intensify and exploit a hierarchy that could go to bat with Topside’s. Piltover barely had a real relationship with the Undercity outside of abusing them for as long as people could remember, but Silco has a genuinely intense and intimate relationship with Undercity and the idea of Zaun. He was the problem most accessible to them that they could exercise their power against.
But Silco is gone now. The hierarchy is tumbling and Jinx, a former intimate Silco worker, is leading this revolution. This revolution that the Firelights are about to participate in that’s (kind of) spearheaded by Jinx isn’t really specifically what Silco wanted.
The identity of the Firelights is bound to change and I’m kind of nervous lol. The opposing sides of the Undercity was Silco and whatever he was doing and the Firelights who fought back. Now they’re mixing, matching and blending. At the end of the day, revolution strives on collectiveness and community. After the Marcus/Jinx’s Firelight Bridge Incident, their goals have to change. Jinx has killed a Firelight on screen and has continued to Ekko in harms way, but everything is bigger than that.
I just wonder what the Firelights will become or if they’ll dissolve. Is being a Firelight still a specific identity? ESPECIALLY since we see Ekko fighting alongside Vi in Piltover AND Caitlyn referencing “Silco loyalists” (which speaks more on her ignorance and disconnect despite having VISITED AND EXPERIENCED THE FIRELIGHTS)…….
idk, I think I just really love Ekko, the Firelights, what they represent as well as their effort, so I’m wondering how they’ll adjust themselves to fit in the frame of revolution.
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nyumeii · 1 day
What if the story of hextech was already kind of revealed to us through 1 scene that literally nobody focuses on???
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I'm talking about this scene with the violins and stuff
When Mel and Jayce talk about the corrupted council, how Jayce himself has become a common enemy amongst them, they form a plan to get the target off his back. And he ends up forming alliances with the rest of the council, all whilst the performances carries on. And the more people he makes hextech accessible too
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The more chaotic the performance becomes do u fet it pls tell me u get it
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bluumey · 1 year
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More punks 🤎
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gewska · 4 months
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In honor of new arcane teaser dropping recently, here's a fan art I did in 2021 🌚
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spidertams · 10 months
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Everybody wants to be—…
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arcanegifs · 20 days
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Arcane: Season 2 | Official Trailer Time to turn things upside down. Arcane Season 2 Official Trailer, premiering on September 5 at 6am PT.
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xremus-is-deadx · 22 days
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I just want appreciate the posters all together. Look at these!!! Look how Jinx is in some way a part of every single one. I couldn't find the one of Vi with Jinx's think on her jacket but omg, she's gonna be such a problem for everyone I love that. Vi and Jinx are starting to mirror Vander and Silco so much, it's so, I don't know, cool?
I love it.
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babycolinrobinson69 · 3 months
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timebomb oh timebomb you are everything to me
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