#except with genny
dylanconrique · 2 years
i can’t wait for the angst that’s gonna hit when tim hears a call over his radio that there’s an officer down, immediately ditching his post behind that desk when they give out lucy’s name and badge number to find grey to give him keys to one of the shops so he can get to the scene as fast as possible.
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unskilledpoint · 10 months
opinion on genny's bilbilcal symbolism?
ummm i cant say i particularly care for it. not because liek its done bad or anything im just not christian. i wasnt even raised in a predominantly christian environment for me to care too much about biblical allegories. its not that i dont know them/cant recognize them its just that i dont go feral over them. mild interest at the most.
what interests me a LOT more is gennys chess symbolism. its been a while since ive seen anything good relating to that so itll fun to see where it goes.
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mooremars · 11 months
I can't sleep so I'm doing some reading and had a realization.
Now that my media consumption has become dominated by all the Arthurian legend stuff I have managed to avoid up until now, it turns out that more I read and watch, the more I become completely convinced that removing magic is actually the only way to make specifically Arthur's character work in Camelot for me. I already thought it was the right call for story and thematic reasons but turns out it also solves the mystery of why I keep hating this character that by every metric I should really love.
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wanderingmongoose · 1 year
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Christened the new sketchbook with studies of the birbs
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closedrop · 5 months
So far I am 25 hours into Crisis Core and learned many things
(Crisis Core spoilers and theories ahead)
- Genesis has a Bible (most likely related to LOVELESS and his theories) and I joined his fan club
- Sephiroth has a fan club with “images that your average Sephiroth fan could never ever dream of seeing” apparently which is a bit worrying but I am also a Sephiroth fan club member so
- Tseng knows Aerith somehow? Willing to bet this is either related to her having been in I think Shinra facilities for a while. Orrrr something love related(?)
- Cid is in space training :) (I love Cid.)
- Cissnei is a character, don’t know much about her but she’s there and I don’t THINK she’s in the original FFVII but if she is she’s hidden because I dragged Cloud around on SO MANY side quests. (Cissnei your chances of living do not look good in the future I’m not gonna lie)
- I believe Gongaga is still intact and hasn’t yet been destroyed by theeee Mako Reactor I think it was sooo that’s probably gonna be an important plot point if that happens
- At least two of the SOLDIERS are gay for Zack or at least find him attractive in some way (which if they are, good for them, good for them)
- The fact that once you’re in the science dept. you can’t leave because they deal with too much sensitive information, that’s a really nice detail and I really love it. I learned that a few days ago I think and I really appreciate that because it makes Hollander’s stuff make more sense I guess from what little I do know
- I lied about Sephiroth he’s not the comedy character it’s Genesis, my man just shows up, spouts poetry(It’s always LOVELESS) and then dips. “My friend, will you fly away now. To a world that abhors you and I 🤓” (I’m sorry Genny ily I’m in your fan club 😞)
- Apparently nobody likes Angeal because from what I saw there was one person in his fan club and it’s getting shut down because she’s too depressed to do anything about it (unless Zack intervenes, which can’t be possible anymore because I missed that chance, sorry Angie 😞)
- There’s a lot of definitely not relevant small details(lie) Like Zack’s whatever limit break that he uses when you haven’t gotten the character’s image in the DMW yet. It’s just cross slash, which is Cloud’s 2nd limit break in the original FFVII (I can’t say anything about the new one since I haven’t played it yet- but yeah) Another one being Aerith’s bow, since Zack buys it. (I’m sure there’s more I can’t think of right now but yeah)
- Zack is 6’1” and his hobby is squats apparently which makes sense but I figured he’d more of a casual baking kind of guy. (Though he’d also be the kind of guy to burn like Kraft Mac n cheese so I don’t know if I’d trust him in the kitchen ever-)
- Zack got doxed lol (and Yuffie got his address)
- Zack the puppy.
- Wutai spies are very bad at being spies
- Every child is a con artist (except for that one that one time)
- Zack, master treasure hunter (Me because I have spent most of my time doing just missions and side quests-)
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At the end of 5x13 everyone was at Nolan’s but chenford and I my mind they where having a cute little dinner or something in the back of his truck since it was hot and the power was out so they where outside with candles lit and since they just started sleeping together they are kinda hands with each other
I realized as I was finishing this that at the end of 5x13 Lucy is cleaning Smitty’s trailer and I really liked how this one was going and didn’t want to scrap it. So just for the sake of this scenario. She doesn’t clean Smitty’s in this one (yet)
At the end of 5x13 everyone was at Nolan’s but chenford and I my mind they where having a cute little dinner or something in the back of his truck since it was hot and the power was out so they where outside with candles lit and since they just started sleeping together they are kinda hands with each other
Like we were in Paris Like we were somewhere else
“Hey is your power still out?” Says a voice behind Lucy, she turns on her heels to see Tim already changed out his backpack thrown over his shoulder. He looks so casual and relaxed, it makes her smile. He looks happy and that’s all she could ever want for him.
“Yeah.” She says. “Tamara is staying with a friend. I guess I will just go back to Nolan’s.” Tim rolls his eyes at her.
“You are not going back to Nolan’s.” He tells her. “There are too many people there. Plus kids.” He pauses as she tilts his head at him wondering where he is going with this. He motions with his head towards the door and starts to walk away, Lucy follows after him trying to keep up with his long strides.
“Tim.” She hisses as he leads her out to the parking garage. “Where are we going?” He leads her to his truck not saying a word until he has her up against it.
“Kojo is with Genny.” He tells her. “She is up north with the boys to get away from the heat and since my power is out she offered to bring Kojo with them.” Lucy raises her eyebrows at him.
“Mmhmm.” She says. “And what does that have to do with us?” He looks around the garage to make sure it’s empty except for them and then leans down to kiss her. It’s a little rough and hard like he’s been waiting to do this all day. She know she has, ever since their first night together she hasn’t really been able to keep her hands off of him at least when they are alone. She craves every part of him. Every touch and every kiss and it’s like she will never be satisfied until he’s near her and touching her.
“I have plans. And you owe me a celebration.” He tells her slyly. His hand moving down to her waist and pulling her closer. “I will pick you up in an hour. Get a bag ready.” She furrows her brows at him but doesn’t say anything as he pulls away from her.
“One hour.” He tells her firmly. She nods silently as she walks away to her car wondering what in the world he had planned if they couldn’t go home.
One hour later, Lucy is standing at the entrance of her building waiting for Tim to pull up. A duffel bag by her feet. He pulls up and she gets in the truck tossing the bag in the backseat. He leans over to give her a quick kiss and then he’s driving away.
“What are we doing? Where are we going?” She asks him and he tosses her an amused look.
“Patience Lucy.” He says. She rolls her eyes at him but then reaches over to loop her hand with his and rests in on the console.
He glances over at her and smiles and the turn backs to the road with one hand on the steering wheel.
About 15 minutes later, he pulls up to a parking lot and backs in and Lucy realizes they are at the beach.
“You don’t like the beach.” Is the first thing she says and he huffs out a laugh.
“You are right. But it’s a little cooler here.” He says opening his door. She does the same and meets him at the bed of his truck. He pulls down the tailgate and she hops up expecting him to follow but he doesn’t.
“I’ll be right there.” He tells her and he goes around to open the backseat door. He comes back a few seconds later holding a picnic basket, a blanket and two pillows. She frowns at him but he doesn’t say anything as he hops up next to her. He spreads the blanket out and props the two pillows at the top. And then opens the picnic basket and pulls out a variety of cheeses, meats, crackers and fruits. And then a bottle of wine and two glasses and then pulls out some candles lighting them and setting them aside.
“Wow.” She says staring at him in the candlelight. “This is..” she crawls up to where he is and kisses him hard.
And he kisses her back pulling her so she’s almost sitting on his lap. “This is what?” He mutters softly.
She licks her lips wrapping her arms around his neck. “This is perfect.” She says. He smiles at her and then releases her and pulls her up so they are against the pillows. They start eating and when Lucy isn’t looking at her incredible romantic boyfriend she is looking at the ocean, watching the waves crashed upon the shore.
And it is cooler here even if it’s only by a few degrees. She lays her head on his shoulder once she’s done eating and he kisses it gently as they listen to the ocean.
“If we can’t go to my apartment or your house where are we going to sleep?” She asks him after a few minutes of silence.
“I got us a hotel room.” He says. “Just for tonight if we need it for a few more days we can but—” He kisses her again and then pulls her closer. She snuggles into his side and hums gratefully.
“Is that okay?” He asks softly. “We don’t have to.” But Lucy shakes her head and lifts her head up.
“It’s perfect Tim. There’s no place I would rather be than with you.” She says and he smiles at her hugging her to him.
“And you wanted to go back to Nolan’s.” He teases her. “Where you probably would have had to sleep on the sofa.”
Lucy snorts and curls her fingers into his shirt. “What you aren’t going to make me sleep on the couch? Don’t you want to spread out in the big hotel bed?”
Tim rolls his eyes at her but there’s no heat to them. “Not a chance.” He says huskily. “I have plans for later tonight too.” Lucy swallows and then turns so she can crawl into his lap.
“How about we start right now? We are celebrating you after all.” She says in a low voice. He swallows hard now and straightens up a little.
He leans into kiss her softly, his lips barely brushing hers. “You are perfect.” He mutters and she blushes red but cups his face.
“Far from it.” She says quietly. Tim shakes his head, his hands moving down her body to her thighs he doesn’t say anything though he just looks at her and she looks right back at him.
“I’m glad we are doing this.” He says finally. “Us.”
Lucy nods in agreement. “Me too.” And she leans into kiss him feeling like it’s the first time all over again. She forgets for a moment that he took a desk job just so he could be with her. She forgets about how she managed to get him into metro. And how she how she owes Smitty a favor. She is just here with him in the moment, with the waves crashing behind them and moonlight shining down on them. It is perfect.
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sisterofficerlucychen · 7 months
new fic - sneak peek
tw: mentions of death & chlid abuse
The three missed calls are unexpected but he doesn't think much of it when he walks into the kitchen to find that his sister had been calling. His nephews had just slept over during the week that his immediate thought had been that either boys had forgotten something that Genny needed him to drop off; it wouldn’t be the first time nor would it be the last. He chuckles at the thought, placing the outgoing call as he thinks about how he'll jokingly tell her that Kojo unfortunately ate Tyler’s homework (regardless of whether or not that’s what had been forgotten). He's not able to get even a syllable out as she picks up and beats him to it. “Dad died.” He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t imagined this day. For so long Tim actually dreamed of celebrating, of pouring a glass of his best whiskey and taking a drink to commemorate the fact that his biggest nightmare growing up could haunt him no more. He was certain that it’d feel like a wave of relief, as if the weight of the trauma his father caused would feel like a slightly lighter load to carry. He made due with scars his father caused, physical and emotional, the moment he first left home. He knew he’d always carry them with him, they were part of him whether he liked it or not, and he decided long ago that he would be the one to decide how it’d define him. His father had taken so much power away from him, he wasn’t about to give him that too.  At eighteen he left Hill House never to return again with the unwavering truth that he was a survivor. He’d made it eighteen years in that terror of a childhood home and despite the trauma that would always haunt him, he still made it out. The tethered hold his father had around him was one he was finally free from and Tim promised himself the day he enlisted into the army that he would be the man his father never was. The cautious voice in the back of his head has always steered him toward the opposite direction of the influence his father provided, reminding him that the violence he was raised with is never the answer.  Except for right now, where that voice is nowhere to be found and Tim stands in the middle of the kitchen, stuck in a place where he’s just as much that scared little boy who’d wince and whimper as his father’s fist came swinging and the angry teenager who fantasied throwing a punch back even if it meant he’d end up with more than one broken bone.
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mamadoc · 2 months
Aside from each other, obviously, who is your favourite character for Tim and Lucy to each interact with? (So basically, your favourite non-Chenford relationship for each of them — platonic, professional, or otherwise.) And, who is the one character you wish they would each interact with more?
First, thanks for asking. I’ve felt sort of ‘blah’ about the fandom lately. Hardly any reading. No tumblr or Twitter or Instagram. I’ve only written for a couple hours out of the last 3 weeks. I just… I don’t know. Losing interest maybe?
But I hate not finishing things. So thank you for the ask to pull me back a bit. Maybe I’ll be motivated to write some more and finish my two long WIP stories. Or perhaps that’ll be after my kids start school in a week when peaceful silence is actually possible. We’ll see.
Now, on to your question. Ahem, ahem.
My favorite Chenford interactions are probably with Angela. She has the ability to talk to Tim like no one else (except Lucy). I love how sassy and straight forward she is. And the teasing lilt to her voice with that look in her eye when she wants to mess with Tim is fantastic.
Who should they interact with more? Definitely Genny. I would love to see a scene or two in season 7 where she’s there to help Tim get through some of the mess he’s gotten himself into and pushes him back toward Lucy.
Thanks again!
Hope this summer is treating you well. 🫶🏻💕
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baileys-3 · 9 months
THE SECRET DATING ERA: Chapter 28 NOW online on AO3
With today's part we leave episode 5x11. We'll follow on straight from the baseball game. And, if I asked you what you thought would happen next, I don't think anyone would come up with this version. And I didn't write it for "drama" effect, but because I think the whole change from "We're driving for 12 hours together" to "We're a couple now. But we don't know what's happening with each other anymore. " is not exactly easy. Especially not for Tim, who has a kind of “overprotective instinct” towards Lucy. So let yourself be surprised.
And let me know what you think of it in the comments. Many thanks at this point to all those who wrote comments and to all the kudos. And really... 34,500 clicks on the story... wow... awesome... unbelievable.
Many thanks again to @himynameiscookies. I love it when I get the corrected chapters back.
Sneak Peak:
Unbelievable. They won today's game. Genny still can't believe it. And yeah, the opposing team had also lost every match so far, so they weren't particularly strong. But still. They won. And the boys are delighted, as are the parents, and they are all sitting together in the little restaurant where they always meet after a home match. It's right next to the baseball field. It's a short walk from the baseball field to the restaurant that the Grizzlies team loves. The food is tasty and reasonably priced.
At the table sit Tyler, Matthew, Blake, Tim, and Lucy. Blake is staying with them during the school brake since his mother Lisa is at work.
The restaurant is bustling with noise and a vibrant atmosphere. Currently, the boys are more inclined to run around than sit still, which is permitted in this establishment. Therefore, she is sitting alone at a table with Tim and Lucy, without the boys. However, they are not alone as other parents are constantly joining them, eager to engage in conversation with Tim and Lucy or one of them. It's a constant coming and going and almost funny to watch. Lucy is a very social person and can easily start a conversation with anyone. On the other hand, Tim is more of a listener and doesn't initiate conversations much except when it comes to baseball. He is very knowledgeable about baseball and enjoys discussing it in great detail with other people. They have already had in-depth conversations about the last two Dodgers games with three different dads. Surprisingly, Tim doesn't mind all the attention and seems happy to engage in such conversations when Lucy is sitting next to him. Fascinating.
Of course, she herself is also fully involved in the conversations and enjoys them just as much. They really can't complain about a lack of entertainment. Which is why she can't broach the subject of Tim and Lucy – Tim and Lucy in a relationship sense – as she would have liked to do. It’s not like she is curious, she just wants to know a bit. Okay, maybe she is curious. But even if they can't talk, the two of them seem a little more relaxed in her presence.
A little more relaxed is a good word. She didn't realize her brother was such a touchy-feely guy. He always acts subtly, so that others don't notice it, especially the other parents. However, she keeps a close watch on them.
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Absolutely unhinged that most of the key developments for Lucy and Tim’s romantic relationships in s4 are centered around each other. The narrative is almost never about their SO. Ashley and Chris were really never anything other than accessories to their development.
I mean, hear me out:
We start the season with the Chenford near-kiss, setting the stage for the next of the season. We know from the last of s3 that they are both starting to feel more for each other. A dance is owed.
Tim meets Ashley, but the whole episode is centered around him and Lucy’s competitive bet.
(A bet Lucy keeps pushing next ep because she has a crush and it’s their way of flirting until he asks her to stop competing)
When Genny comes around, we focus on Lucy’s excitement to meet her (and the curious looks Genny gives them both)
Tim and Ashley are dating and how do we find out? By Lucy’s shocked reaction. (And you can tell she’s slightly hurt, she was getting her hopes up with the flirting earlier). ASHLEY ISNT EVEN IN THE EPISODE AT ALL.
And then that whole episode and the next center around Tim’s past and Lucy finding out about it, being there for him and comforting him. Tim is vulnerable with her. We just found out he’s dating someone else but it’s actually about a step forward for THEM.
Kojo: the whole thing could’ve just been about Tim’s dog. Tbf he’s had it for a good while now and Lucy barely owned Kojo for a couple weeks (at most). But it’s still about “Lucy’s dog”, about her giddy reaction to their fight, about Ashley calling Lucy of all people for advice. First Tim/Ashley fight we see and Lucy is right there in the middle. And it’s no coincidence that Chris is introduced at the end of this episode, because Lucy is letting go.
Chris and Lucy’s initial crash about vulnerable youths is purposefully contrasted with Tim supporting Lucy and Tamara. They both seem hard and morally inflexible but Tim, the narrative tells us, is more compassionate and willing to grow for her.
Also we get an unprompted “are you ok?” from Tim.
“Now you’re all sweet on him?” Wonderful how the apparent Lucy/Chris growth is actually about Tim being jealous.
THE DOUBLE DATE. There’s little I could add here except how obvious the other two “plot accessory” status is. And the show tells us outright.
Not a development for their other relationships but it’s worth noting that Lucy’s conflict about her biodad is a wonderful parallel to Tim’s earlier trauma. He is there for her. While initially callous about it, we also get another completely unprompted check-in “You’ve been quiet.”
(Also incredible how they get paired for the documentary, while the only other pair is a married couple)
There IS one episode that gives Lucy and Chris’s relationship development that is not directly related to Tim, but it is directly related to Rosalind and the barrel (which WAS an extremely important moment for their dynamic). The contrast of how comforting she found Tim After the trauma vs Chris accidentally setting it off again is interesting.
THE WEDDING DANCE. There’s so little I can say about this wonderful scene that hasn’t been said before. Except the heart-eyes and goofy smiles mix is wonderful. Also, they keep looking at each other’s mouths. (Just pointing out how curious it is that neither brought a plus one. Nolan did… but they’ve been in a relationship for a while now and didn’t even think about it?)
INTERESTING that we contrast both of their relationship commitment issues in the same ep. With Lucy not wanting to meet Chris’s mom yet and Tim freaking out over the Hawai trip looking like a proposal.
But what’s more interesting is how the entire proposal misunderstanding is centered around LUCY and her reaction to it. Her uncharacteristic hesitation before she asks. Her hurt face when Tim says he could see himself married to Ashley. Her broken heart when he pretends to propose. (Insane how Chris appears right after, again as an after thought when Lucy is feeling pushed away by Tim)
And finally THE KISS. I mean, Ashley and Chris aren’t even in this episode but I think that’s important. The fact that they both have a SO doesn’t even come up. And when we finally FINALLY get Tim’s ‘oh’ moment, it’s a point where he’s finally realizing (thanks to last ep) that Ashley and him want different things for the future. Whereas Lucy just had her heart pretty brutally broken by him and is feeling dejected and scared to fall for it. It’s the perfect set up for all the s5 pining and misunderstanding.
Anyway, this got way too long but my point stands: everything about Ashley and Chris has been ABOUT CHENFORD and their development.
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queseraone · 8 months
Sorry, I'm going to take advantage of your least favorite episodes to rant about 4.8/4.9. I have such mixed feelings about them, lots of good (the acting, especially Eric) but I get SO frustrated. It's all on Tim, he needs to apologize, he needs to make the effort. I feel like from Tim's perspective, Lucy is always on his side except when he's wrong and she doesn't really feel on his side in 4.8. I hate that in the last scene for 4.9 it's again all on Tim, Genny doesn't apologize for anything
Rant away! I'm always down to listen to anyone's opinion as long as it's shared in a polite way 😊
I'm right there with you! Yes, Eric killed it, especially in 4x09, but I can understand being frustrated with that arc.
My biggest issue are Lucy's wildly out-of-character actions in 4x08, but I totally get where you're coming from! I wish the tables had been turned, and we'd had Lucy talking to Genny about being supportive, rather than to Tim, because between the siblings, she was more in the wrong.
However, I think the way they circled back to the subject of their father in 4x09 was the idea scenario. That is, Tim didn't just cave and go visit him because Genny wanted him to, or because Lucy told him to be supportive... he went on his own terms. Yes, that was to solve a crime, but I think on some level, Tim knew he needed that closure, and the case gave him that opportunity.
That said, I am so glad Tim doesn't forgive his father in that episode—the man doesn't deserve his forgiveness.
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luce-speaks · 10 months
in honor of finishing the editing on Laid to Rest (yippee!) here is my vision for @good-beansdraws dnd au (tagged #echoes dnd au on my blog)
campaign one - alm route
DM’ed by Mila; the players are Lukas, Forsyth, Python, Clive, and Mathilda
Mila is a novelist (Forsyth likes her books and he is being sooooo normal about this) and it’s her first time running D&D
Duma writes the combat encounters for her in exchange for worldbuilding and plot help
The campaign was pitched to the players as a classic, knights on a quest sort of campaign, only to surprise the players with the fall of the current monarch and the new Deliverance in their hands
Not sure how relevant i want the kid characters on this route to be but there’s definitely fun complexity added by having Alm, this Chosen One character, be an NPC
The other thing I was considering was removing/replacing clive and mathilda but idk who I’d replace them with
campaign two - celica route
DM’ed by Duma for an old group of gamer friends who love strategy games and hardcore combat
Not sure exactly who I’d put in the group but I’m thinking Saber, Kamui, Mae, and maybe Jesse, Deen, and/or Sonya
Mae is played by a competent adult woman who just enjoys the cutesy killer kid trope and is blowing off steam from a frustrating job or something. Duma made an exception to the campaign plot hook to let her be part of the group they’re escorting
This is also around the time I realized I can have the irl versions be a different gender so I think I might have Saber played by a woman as well
The party is not all that into roleplay but they do surprise Duma by getting really attached to the healer npc Genny and being so ready to kill anyone who threatens her
the main thing keeping me from writing this is the lack of an actual plot - i have a couple vague ideas (would probably make lukas the main character because i want to write more of him) but no driving conflict or character arcs yet. would absolutely take suggestions here!
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badsalmonella · 1 year
My hottest Camelot revival take is actually that when it comes to magic in the show I'm running on death of the author rules. Like I actually don't think Aaron Sorkin should have gone around saying magic is 1000% axed gone completely from the show and it's world, because when you actually watch the show I feel like it exists more ambiguously, and it's a belief that multiple characters hold to varying degrees. And I think the clashing of beliefs is interesting actually especially because how it slots into changes in the show. This is why I do not hate these changes and like idk maybeee you should HEAR ME OUTTTT
How going in with this sexy, sexy reading benefits me and might even benefit YOU. TODAY. RIGHT NOW:
-Any mean spirited jokes about the magic system feel a lot more like character moments. Important to note that Guinevere is the character who tends to go hardest on these types of comments, whereas Lancelot is completely devoid of them.
-Genny being the most cynical is a fun lil nod to her now cut line from Simple Joys of Maidenhood where she so easily ditches St. Genevieve when she doesn't feel like her prayers are being answered.
-Even more interesting is how Arthur seems to be somewhere in the middle on this. He thinks legends abt him slaying dragons, and this idea that Lancelot revived him from the dead is ridiculous because these are his lived experiences he knows that's not what happened. But he believes Merlin whom he holds in high regards could see the future. And he is constantly debating on what made the sword come out of the stone when he pulled on it. It's like he needs a reason. What can he say about him and his reign if it was completely random?
-Am I being cheesy if I say I think the conclusion he comes to at the end issss kind of sweet and feels like ohhh the magic??? Of humanity??? Yeah probably.
-Also as much as Arthur and Genny insist that Lancelot did zero resurrecting can we trust them??? It's played off as a joke but Pelly's got a point he WAS UNCONSCIOUS! HOW COULD HE 100% KNOW??? Perhapssss the truthhh is whatever the individual believes now!!! 🤔🤔🤔 perhapssss it's MYTHOLOGY BEING FORMED IN REALLL TIMEEE BABYYYY. ARTHUR CAN SAY WHAT HE WANTS THAT STORY IS LOW KEY OUT OF HIS HANDS NOW! Which looms over his whoooleee legacy
-Lancelot believes his virginity is tied to his miracle work and strength I just think you should put THAT in the toaster of your brain while watching ILYOIS
-this has ALWAYS existed in every version of Camelot but it feels really at home in this version where Lancelot still manages to fight off unreasonable amounts of men post Genny hook up, which now puts all his beliefs up for debate.
-side note when my friend pointed out that his miraculous acts of strength come out It's tied to a love for Genny (rescuing her) or love for Arthur (reviving him) I needed 10 business days to recover. Sequel post Camelot is bisexual you CANNOT CONVINCE ME OTHER WI
-sorry staying on topic
-Anyways important to note all these characters and their varying beliefs rarely have clear cut answers who's right and who's wrong
-except maybe Lancelot in that top point
-but is that due to lack of magic or just not knowing where it comes from???? 👀
-Guys is magic and religion and mythology true or real??? Or is it what we put in it??? Do we give it power when we believe it???? WAS THE ROUND TABLE AND CAMELOT EVER TRULY AS PERFECT AS THE TALES SAY OR IS THAT JUST SOMETHING WE HAVE TO TELL OURSELVES SO WE HAVE THE WANT TO STRIVE FOR GOOD??? IT'S WHAT WE TELL THE KIDDOS WHO WILL BE OUR FUTURE
-Guys Jordan Donica low key agrees with me. He's never had a bad take about Camelot ever. So like trust me fam.
-or maybe there's like a line or plot point I completely forgot about and someone will point it out in the replies and this whole house of cards will fall apart 😔 IDK thoughts??? Feelings???? Guys plz send food through the bars of my enclosure I need it I'm sooooo mentally stable I prommyyy 🥰
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sylvies-chen · 3 months
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Of Sun And Stone Chapter 8: Epicentre
Genny knows he’s leaving. Tim has kissed her goodnight, tucked her in one last time. God knows she’s too old to be tucked in, but it’s a farewell, and so she makes an exception, even when she doesn’t know what’s to come. The CPS call he plans to make in the morning to take her out of this hell. The relocation, the estrangement, the odd way her stomach will twist should she ever see his face on local television for horrible things. Fighting it is no use; it’s inevitable.
— a chenford superpower AU
read here on ao3
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mooremars · 1 year
Just thinking about how absolutely wild the structure of Camelot's songs are within the context of the show. I am sure people have been saying this for 60 years but I want to talk about it now. Like I do genuinely love it but what were they thinking????
The first scene has 3 songs and a reprise. And depending on the version, different amounts of Guenevere starting us off.
Arthur in fact has two songs in the first scene. At least using 2023 as an estimate for timing, he will not sing again for over 45 minutes. After that, over an hour (including intermission). He is the main character. I know a hallmark of most versions is that he can't sing for shit but still.
The way The Simple Joys of Maidenhood barrels straight into I Wonder What the King is Doing Tonight like I don't think you're supposed to stack two songs immediately on top of each other in this way.
Genny also has two songs in the same scene later. And this time no one else is getting one in between. The middle of act 1 is for her.
Really all of act 1 is for her because more than half of the songs in it at least prominently feature her. And no one can catch up in act 2.
It's not even close. She has three full songs basically to herself, another one that's probably like 80%, a reprise that's mostly her, another solo reprise in 2023, except for 2023 another song with just her or with Lance, and one song with Arthur.
Arthur has four major songs and then the tiny slices of Camelot reprises while Lance only has two or three. Even I can do this math, Genny wins by a landslide.
Depending on the version, the main couple either doesn't have a song together or has a song but it isn't even a love song. They all just sing about each other. Sometimes in front of each other. But together... nah.
There are no songs with the three leads and in fact there are like twice or three times the number of songs with one or two people singing than songs with more than that. I don't know the normal ratio but I feel like usually there's more ensemble stuff.
And like obviously act 1 ends with a monologue and that is brilliant and the best decision ever but also extremely weird that then the last song before intermission is sad Genny.
I am no musicals expert but literally none of this seems to make sense to me and yet it all somehow works and I'm obsessed with it.
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Angsty but sweet prompt 😘
Chenford + Lucy bakes Tim a cake for his birthday, which he hasn’t celebrated since he was a kid. Bonus points if she pesters Genny to find out Tim’s favorite type of cake
Chenford + Lucy bakes Tim a cake for his birthday, which he hasn’t celebrated since he was a kid. Bonus points if she pesters Genny to find out Tim’s favorite type of cake
This pain wouldn't be for evermore (evermore)
Lucy wakes up early the day before Tim’s birthday and sneaks out to the kitchen to make sure she has all the ingredients to make his cake. She is digging through the cabinets when Tim comes out into the kitchen yawning and looking at her curiously. She bites her lip as she pulls out the pan she is going to need before Tim wraps himself around her and kisses just behind her ear.
“Good morning.” He says his voice still rough with sleep. “What are you doing?” She sighs and turns around in his arms to look at him.
“Trying to find everything for the cake I’m baking you.” She says. He furrows his brows and he looks confused.
“What cake? Why are you baking me a cake?” He asks her as she softly pushes away from him. She clicks her tongue when he pulls her back to him and then bends down to give her a quick kiss.
“Your birthday cake.” She replies simply. He studies her, his blue eyes going all over her face until they land on her lips.
“Why are you baking me a birthday cake?” He asks. Lucy rolls her eyes and shoves him a little.
“Because your birthday is tomorrow. And this is the first one we will be celebrating as a couple. And I want to bake you a cake, you deserve it.”
Tim frowns and this time he pushes back. “Lucy, you don’t have to bake me a cake.” He says. She tilts her head at him and looks at him curiously. “I know.” She says. “But I want to. Now what is your favorite type of cake?”
Tim is silent and then he backs fully away from Lucy and goes over to the coffee machine to start it.
“Tim?” She asks slowly. “What’s your favorite type of cake?” Tim’s shoulders are tense as he turns around to face her, his face showing no emotion what so ever.
“It doesn’t matter.” He finally says. “Any type of cake will do.” Lucy frowns at him and she opens her mouth to say something else but he cuts her off with a soft kiss to her lips.
“I’m going to take a shower if you want to join me.” He says a smirk playing at his lips. She rolls her eyes but follows him into the bathroom.
Lucy holds her phone to her ear, hoping Genny will answer. She does on the second ring.
“Lucy?” Genny asks sounding confused. “What’s wrong? Is Tim okay?” Lucy bites her lips as she moves around the living room, pacing from one corner to the other.
“Tim is fine. Except he’s stubborn. His birthday is tomorrow and I want to bake him a cake but he won’t tell me what his favorite type is.” She says. Genny huffs out a laugh and Lucy pauses as she waits for the other woman to speak again.
“Tim hasn’t celebrated his birthday since he was a kid.” Genny finally says. “No one in our house made a big deal about them and our mom tried but the last birthday Tim celebrated was kind of tainted by our father.” Lucy lets out a big sigh why didn’t she think of that?
“Oh.” She says. “So he won’t want to celebrate it?” There’s some movement on the other end of the line.
“I don’t know honestly Lucy. He has scars from his tenth birthday when our dad burned him with candles.” Genny says solemnly. “I’m not sure what he will want to do now. But I think you just need to make it special. Something just for him.”
Lucy licks her lips and nods pressing her hand to her forehead. “He deserves to be celebrated.” She tells Genny. Genny hums in agreement. “I agree Lucy. But I also know he will love anything you do for him because.. it’s you.”
Lucy sighs loudly and then bites the inside of her cheek before speaking again. “So what is Tim’s favorite type of cake?”
Genny laughs a little. “Red velvet.” She answers. “That’s what my mom always made him for his birthday.”
Lucy bounces on her toes, thankful she finally has something to go on. She thanks Genny and hangs up. She has some shopping to do.
Lucy wakes up the next day, and kisses Tim on the shoulder before heading out to the kitchen to start baking the cake. Once she has everything out and on the counter, she starts mixing things together. She wants to at least have it in the oven before Tim wakes up, she knows she’s making a mess but she doesn’t care she just wants Tim to have a good birthday. She has just put the cake in the oven when Tim comes out of the room. He’s shirtless and wearing pajama pants that are slightly too big. Lucy meets him halfway and turns him around to the sofa.
“Happy birthday.” She says enthusiastically giving him a kiss on the lips. He runs his fingers across her face.
“Did a bag of flour explode or something?” He asks amusement tinting his voice. She shakes her head and leans in to kiss him again.
“It’s a surprise.” She tells him. “Now sit I will get you some coffee.” She plops him down in the sofa but not before giving him one last kiss. She can feel his eyes on her as she goes back to the kitchen but she doesn’t say anything.
She makes him his coffee, checks the cake and then heads back over to sit down by him. She hands him his coffee and then sits down next to him. He draws her close and into his side as soon as she sits down.
“Lucy, you didn’t have to do anything for me. It’s just a birthday.” He says into her hair. But she shakes her head and then tilts her chin to look up at him.
“I know Tim. And I know you don’t want to make a big deal about this. But I want to do this for you.” She says. He kisses her once and then again on the nose.
“My birthdays weren’t always the best.” He says quietly. “After my 10th birthday I just didn’t want to celebrate anymore.” Lucy takes his hand in hers and rubs small circles on it.
“I know and I’m sorry you didn’t—you deserved to be celebrated. You were a kid.” She says lifting his hand to her lips and kissing it gently. “You shouldn’t have had to worry about anything but being a kid.”
Tim sighs and kisses the top of her head again and then rests his chin on top of it. “I love you.” He says his voice shaky. “I don’t know how you make everything better but you just do.” Lucy blinks back the tears burning her eyes and adjusts herself so she can kiss him. “I love you too Tim. And I just want to make this day better for you.”
There is a comfortable silence for a few minutes before the oven timer goes off. Lucy hops off ignoring Tim’s soft noise of protest when she does.
“I’ll be right back.” She promises him and he mumbles something about it’s his birthday. She laughs happily and makes her way to the kitchen. She pulls the cake out of the oven and puts the frosting on it. She glances over at Tim who is watching her intently.
She smiles at him and then as nicely as she can writes Happy Birthday on it. And then adds a few candles for good measure. She walks back over to Tim and plops down next to him and curls her feet underneath her.
“We can eat your cake later.” She tells him. “What else do you want to do today?”
“You.” He answers grinning at her. She rolls her eyes at him and he pulls her closer. “Honestly? This is perfect.” He gestures between them. “I just want to be with you.” Lucy reaches over to kiss him.
“Okay.” She says because honestly that sounded perfect to her too.
Later after they get up off the couch, Lucy lights the candles and makes Tim blow them out. And then they sit on the couch with their legs tangled eating the cake. Lucy pauses and watches as Tim eats his piece his blue eyes sparkling. And she really hopes this was a good birthday for him.
“Did you have a good day?” She asks him. He pauses eating and looks over at her. And then his face breaks into a smile and he nods.
“Yes baby. It was perfect. Thank you.” He says. Lucy puts her plate down and scoots over so she can put her head on his shoulder.
“You are welcome. You deserve the best.” She says quietly. And when Tim lifts her head up to kiss her she realizes it’s true he really does deserve the best and to be celebrated. Every single day.
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