#final fantasy xv fanfiction
ivorydice · 4 months
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⭐ reverb ⭐
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Chapters: 1/1 Wordcount: 4,280 Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Relationships/Pairings: Gen Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Regis Lucis Caelum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Cor Leonis, Clarus Amicitia Additional tags: Pre-Canon | Hurt Noctis Lucis Caelum | Assassination Attempt(s) | Blood and Injury | Stabbing | Head Injury | Shock | Dissociation | Trauma | Angst | Mild Hurt/Comfort Summary:
It should be easy. Simple. He just has to push with his hands and shift his legs, get his feet underneath him—but he can’t. He’s frozen, turned to ice, turned to stone. Fingers and face numb and floating away from him, fading out of existence. He’s a spectator in his own body. A prisoner. Get up.
An assassination attempt leaves Noctis struggling to stay present.
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savage-rhi · 11 months
Mending Shadows // Chapter 22
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Y/N was a simple Scavenger of Lucis, until meeting a deadly blow at the hands of an infected creature. At the crossroads of death, they are found by Niflheim’s cryptic Chancellor with his own agenda. Now bonded to Ardyn Izunia, and tossed into the world of Niflheim, Y/N struggles to cope with their new life as an Imperial Icon all the while battling their feelings toward their fate and that of Ardyn’s.
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There was not a single word or sentence that could describe the full magnificence of Altissa, but if Y/N had to assign it something, it would be “heaven on Eos.” Surrounded by waterfalls, canals, and vast architecture that could make the most stoic of men stop in awe, the capitol of Accordo demonstrated a mighty grace that matched the sea god who allegedly slumbered nearby. Y/N recalled a time where friends mentioned traveling here, and how if they had the gil to return, they would’ve settled in Altissa. The thought nearly brought a tear to Y/N’s eye as they grinned in admiration. 
Y/N was so enraptured by the scenery, they nearly missed Ardyn beckoning them to stay close at his side after docking. Upon standing at his right, Y/N couldn’t help but notice his entire demeanor changed in an instant. The mask he was wearing this time around, was one of arrogance; but with the softened blow of a smile that demonstrated fealty. Dare say even his scourge felt off as Y/N captured a brief photograph of Ardyn’s feelings through their bond. 
Taking their eyes off of Ardyn, Y/N stared past the Imperial officials who went ahead of Ardyn, and met the fierce gaze of Accordo’s state leader: Madam Secretary Camelia Claustra. Her smile was both intimidating and full of warmth, contrasting with her experienced features. Her clothes, dull greys and blues further amplified her older grace. Y/N could tell she had been through much, but her poise and confidence hid whatever woes she had swimming under the surface. 
Ardyn had a talked a great deal about Camelia. It was one thing to hear about her no-nonsense energy, but another to be meeting it head on. Y/N felt it best not to say hello, and merely observe unless directed otherwise. This wasn’t a woman who liked to play games, nor did Y/N get the impression she could be won over with small talk. This had Y/N wonder what sort of trifling antics Ardyn was going to pull off, and they couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. Y/N was no fool. Despite Ardyn holding a reserved warmth for them, they knew he didn’t show compassion to most. It was one of the few misgivings they harbored toward him. 
“Chancellor Izunia, warmest of welcomes.” Camelia stated with pride, giving a bow with her head to which Ardyn returned in favor with a formal bend and a tip of his hat. 
“The honor is mine, dear Madam Secretary.” Ardyn smirked as he returned to form. He held out his arms for emphasis. “Might I compliment your radiance? It’s unfortunately not something my eyes are used to back home among the council of men with one foot in the grave!” 
“Spare me the pleasantry, Chancellor. There is much preparation to be had for the betrothal ceremony, and your fleet arrived two days late.” 
“I assure you, the extra precaution on our end was worth the wait. The empire cannot afford to doddle when it comes to security. You know that better than most with the recent assassination attempt on your head! I do hope your psyche has been seen to after such a horrid experience!” Ardyn oozed with false affection. The glint in his eyes further lit up when he saw Camelia’s throat tense as she held back what was no doubt an onslaught of profanities that wanted to creep past her lips. 
“I may not have fought on the field, Chancellor, but I’ve had my share of battles that come with the task of keeping the people of Accordo safe. I appreciate the concern nevertheless.” 
“But of course!” Ardyn nodded, his cadence lathered with impish elegance. “I do hope my concerns didn’t drudge up ill feelings?” 
“None at all.” 
Y/N had a feeling if Camelia didn’t have an audience, she would’ve ripped Ardyn a new one for the not so subtle jab. Nevertheless, they were surprised at how she had no fear calling Ardyn out on his bluff right out the gate. He didn’t seem bothered by it, and in fact chuckled amusingly. 
“Your ambition is inspiring to us all in the realm of politics,” Ardyn complimented. He let out a sigh, and gestured for some of the Imperial soldiers near to begin gathering belongings off the airship. Once settled, he followed Camelia’s lead and began to walk at her side then subtly gestured to Y/N to stand behind him out of protocol. 
It was once the group were off the docks and walking on land, did Camelia speak up. 
“I do hope the accommodations my men are providing will suffice, Chancellor.” 
“I don’t see why not,” Ardyn smiled. “Each time myself or a member of council have visited your land, we’ve been greeted with nothing but the best!” 
“Speaking of visiting,” Camelia began. “How is your Emperor fairing these days? It’s been almost five years now since he’s witnessed Altissa’s splendor.” 
“Ah,” Ardyn furrowed his brows, feigning a frown. “The poor man could use such a tranquil place to rest. The war has been unforgiving as you can imagine, yet we prevail! Speaking of, we have much to discuss about Lucis and future plans that Accordo should be in alignment with. I trust you have carved out time for conversation?” 
“Of course,” Camelia stated. “Keeping our alliance stable is our highest priority. This wedding I hope will quell tension among my citizens who have been critical of our partnership.” 
Although she had much conviction in her voice, there was a sadness to Camelia’s features as she finished her sentence that Y/N honed in on. It seemed she was crushed at the fact rebellion wouldn’t bear fruit. Not when Niflheim was keen on keeping people compliant with their goals. Y/N had mixed feelings. Though they were acting as a poster child for the empire, they didn’t like how shackled they made folks like Madam Secretary feel. 
Y/N realized they must’ve been staring for too long, for Camelia and the rest of the entourage stopped. They swallowed as Camelia eyed them with scrutiny, and gestured after giving a slight huff. 
“A pardon Chancellor, but who is this young thing following your side like a hound to a trail?” The jest had the group of Imperial officials and Accordo envoy’s chuckle. 
“Oh dear, I’ve forgotten my manners!” Ardyn exclaimed. He shot a quick glare at Camelia, noticing how she savored the look of surprise he held seconds ago. He cleared his throat, and ever the cordial gentleman, gestured to Y/N with high regard. 
“Madam Secretary, may I have the privilege to introduce Y/N Y/L/N, a new Imperial Icon of Niflheim. They are my guest of honor, and have kindly volunteered to aid me with matters involving the betrothal ceremony.” 
Y/N wasn’t sure how to address one such as Camelia formally. This was something that Ardyn neglected to go over with them. Feeling the scourge rise in their chest, Y/N went with their first instinct without thinking, and Ardyn held in his breath. 
“It’s nice to meet you,” Y/N said with a smile, presenting their hand out to Camelia. The older woman seemed taken aback at first, but even with the gasps coming from the Imperials and Envoys, she reached out for Y/N’s palm and took it into her own, giving a strong shake. 
“I don’t believe I’ve ever had an Imperial greet me in this fashion.” Camelia smirked with amusement. Her eyes lit up in a manner that hadn’t been seen in a while. “You don’t strike me as a typical sort.” 
“Forgive me,” Y/N laughed nervously, all the while trying their hardest to avoid Ardyn’s gaze. “I’m still getting my bearings.” 
“Y/N is a former Lucian,” Ardyn cleared his throat, redirecting the conversation so as to not have Y/N potentially drag themself into a pit. “They had suffered much under their own country, and Niflheim has taken them in with open arms.” 
“Oh yes,” Camelia said. Her demeanor seemed to shift as she let go of Y/N’s hand and regarded Y/N in a manner that suggested she felt pity for them if anything. “I’ve heard a great deal about you through word of mouth, the Lucian who abandoned everything.” 
“It was not an easy situation,” Y/N stated, trying to ground themself. “Niflheim, and Chancellor Izunia have been generous to me. I owe Chancellor Izunia a great deal, and I look forward to helping him ensure this wedding goes through without a hitch.” 
“How noble of you.” Camelia murmured.
For Y/N, it was hard to tell if Camelia felt disdain toward them or further pity. Probably a mix of both. Y/N imagined Camelia probably thought they were out of their mind for throwing allegiance to the empire, based on what Ardyn told them in the past about her history with Niflheim. 
“Chancellor,” Camelia spoke up.
“Madam Secretary?” 
“I’ve enjoyed meeting your companion, alas we have matters of privacy to discuss in the House of the Courts. If there is anything you’d like to disclose to your ally before we proceed, I’d suggest doing so now.” 
“Pardon me for a second!” Ardyn grinned. He motioned for Y/N to follow as he led them both away from the main group. He waited until the eyes and ears of the gang were off himself and Y/N before whispering. 
“You alright?” 
“Mostly,” Y/N murmured, wincing at themself. “I can’t believe I screwed up formality. A handshake? What the hell was I thinking?” 
“On the contrary, I think you made a good first impression.” Ardyn mused. He gestured with his chin over to Camelia, motioning for Y/N to briefly look upon her. “Trust my word, Madam Secretary isn’t one to return a favor in kind if she doesn’t care for the company.” 
“Can I count on your personal experience to vouch for that?” Y/N snorted, seeing the raised brow Ardyn gave before further explaining. “You both seem to have it out for each other.” 
Ardyn snickered. “Hate and admiration go hand in hand in politics. We both enjoy reminding the other of that. Regardless, your little stumble didn’t damage either of our respective reputations. I wouldn’t fret.” 
Y/N sighed in relief, turning their attention back to Ardyn in full. “So what happens now?” 
“Well,” Ardyn paused as he looked around, then settled his eyes on Loqui and Tuti from afar. He watched them assist with unpacking belongings from the airship, and gestured toward them. “Lieutenant Tummelt and Tuti will escort you to our lodging. From there, you’ll meet up with Ms. D’Bhara and her fellow socialites for an afternoon tour of the capitol. They’re expecting you for a luncheon after you become acquainted with your place of stay.” 
“And here I thought I was going to have to jump through hoops in order to meet her.” Y/N said in surprise. 
“I may have pulled some strings to get the ball rolling. Alas, I’m counting on you to find out what you can about the tomb.” 
“What if she doesn’t tell me anything?” Y/N furrowed their brows worriedly. 
“Even if the pair of you don’t become bosom companions, I’m sure she’ll let something slip.” Ardyn shrugged. “You’ll come to find that the rich and powerful, regardless of alleigence to country, love nothing more than to yak. Take it from someone who plays the game himself.” 
Y/N did a poor job suppressing a giggle at Ardyn’s last remark. They both smiled at each other fondly, only to be interrupted by a small and plump man who approached and cleared his throat rather loud. 
“Yes?” Ardyn irritably sighed. 
“A pardon sir,” The man chirped. “The group is wondering if you’re close to wrapping things up?” 
“One moment,” Ardyn held up a finger for emphasis before he gestured at the man to give Y/N and he some space. Once that was sorted, did he give his attention to Y/N. “I more than likely won’t see you until tomorrow. In the meantime, stay near Tuti and Lieutenant Tummelt, and don’t go outside of the capitol unless instructed otherwise.” 
“At the rate you’re going with precaution, you’d give a mother goose a run for its gil.” 
As much as Ardyn enjoyed the quip, and the soft giggle Y/N made, he remained firm. 
“I’m being serious. I want you to stay safe. Although Accordo is an ally of ours, we need to be careful.”
“The same thing applies to yourself. I know you seem to enjoy rattling Camelia’s cage, but don’t bite off more than you can chew.” Y/N urged. 
“You’re afraid on my behalf? How quaint.” 
“I’m being courteous!” 
“Y/N, promise me…”
“Alright,” Y/N murmured, sensing he was in no mood for further jest. “I promise I won’t do anything stupid.” 
Despite the reassurance, the look of disbelief Ardyn gave them had Y/N roll their eyes.
“I won’t do anything stupid within reason.” 
“That’s the spirit.” Ardyn grinned. He took Y/N’s right hand into his own, and bowed his forehead to their knuckles out of respect. “I’ll call on you later.” 
He let go and offered one final glance of acknowledgement before the mask went back on. The dare say compassionate Ardyn was replaced by the mischievous Chancellor once again. Y/N watched as this character came out in full swing while Ardyn graced his presence to the group, and then they were off. 
Y/N didn’t take their eyes off of Ardyn, not until he and the rest of the officials became specks in the distance. They swallowed, and felt a pain of sadness grow in their chest. It bloomed like a syelleblossom losing it’s petals before it’s prime. 
Gods be damned… Y/N shook their head. The scourge fed the sentiment further. Y/N decided to redirect their emotions by forcing their feet to move them toward Loqui and Tuti’s location. 
An hour later, and Y/N found themself in the lodging Ardyn and they would be staying at. For what was supposed to be a hotel room, it was quite vast and built like a small one story house with two bedrooms, a half kitchen, and a full bathroom. Like the rest of Altissia that Y/N had come to see, it had some beautiful architecture and felt more like a vacation dwelling than a temporary rest point for visiting foreigners. 
“Like what you see?” Loqui quipped, laughing when he saw Y/N snap out of their thoughts and shot him a brief glare. 
“I’m trying to keep in mind not to break anything. It all screams don’t touch me, I’m expensive.” Y/N laughed. 
“I wouldn’t worry!” Tuti chirped as she hurriedly and with excitement began to rummage through her suitcase and put away things.  
Loqui crossed his arms, moving out of Tuti’s way as he watched on with amusement. He couldn’t believe someone of such a smaller stature could zip through so many places at once. 
“It’s all covered by Madam Secretary. But should the Chancellor tick her off, it’s not like he can’t afford this himself.” 
“How much does it even cost to stay in a place like this?” Y/N asked while they found themself admiring some various plants that were strategically placed near the walls, complimenting the Mediterranean color palette. 
“Easily 15,000 gil a night.” Loqui scoffed. 
“15,000?!” Y/N exclaimed. 
“You heard right!” Loqui laughed. He let out a grunt when Tuti collided into his chest. After a series of apologies, not giving the man the chance to counter her, did she make her announcement. 
“I’m going to tidy up the bedrooms and then Y/N, we should get ready to meet the men and women of The Serpent Society!” 
Loqui frowned when Tuti once more zipped away before smiling at Y/N.  “If you don’t mind, I think I’m going to take advantage of being your assigned guard and treat myself to samplings in the kitchen!” 
“Pfft, like that’s all I’m good for…” Y/N jokingly muttered. They ignored Loqui’s faint quip from the distance, and felt drawn to sliding doors that led to the deck. 
When Y/N stepped out, they could feel the warmth of the sun crackle their skin. The pain was brief, and subsided the further they ventured out. Having Ardyn’s immunity to the rays of the star was a blessing that Y/N realized they had taken for granted. Regular daemons would either burn to a crisp, or suffer burns the likes of which would only add to their horrific appearance. 
Y/N recalled watching that happen weeks ago when a barrage of Flexitusks were reported along the outskirts of Gralea. Ardyn had decided to capture some of the creatures for Verstael’s research, and Y/N accompanied him. The entities were formidable as they were savage, even catching Ardyn off guard at times, but he came out unscathed. The experience was both eye opening, and one Y/N didn’t want to repeat. 
Ardyn had taught Y/N about daemons and their weaknesses that early dawn, and how such weaknesses either applied or didn’t to the likes of them. Y/N had learned from Ardyn, that though the sun couldn’t penetrate their skin to where they’d die; if a concentrated light source or magic based weapon were to be used against them, it would be a death sentence. Not for he, not for Adagium, however. 
Y/N swallowed when they recalled Ardyn sharing with them that Accordo had such a weapon on hand for daemons before they departed for Altissa. They made a fist, suddenly glimpsing the image of the three people they had slain long ago; imagining the light that left their eyes merging into a singular source. Swooping from the heavens to consume Y/N and the darkness that writhed under their flesh. 
While the trauma of that ill fated night remained with them day by day, Y/N did what they could to keep it under lock and key. Ever since Ardyn and they shared a bleedthrough, and he had bore a taste of their suffering, Y/N didn’t want him to experience the night they had become a daemon. Not after what they had seen through his eyes when he lost Aera. 
It dawned on Y/N how much they missed him already. 
“You alive in there?” 
Y/N fell out of their thoughts as Loqui walked over to their side. He smiled and handed a piece of an orange to Y/N. They popped it into their mouth and chewed. 
“I’m just thinking.” 
“About all the duties you have in Altissa?” Loqui inquired. 
“More or less,” Y/N shrugged and smiled after swallowing the fruit. “I haven’t seen much of you these past two weeks.”
“Been busy chasing away Lucian spies from the coast with Commodore Aranea. It’s been quite riveting,” Loqui said sarcastically, and then smirked at Y/N. “Did you miss me that much?” 
Y/N snorted. “Only your wits.”
“You asked!” 
“Point taken!” Loqui chuckled as did Y/N. 
Loqui’s gaze of admiration made the tempo of Y/N’s pulse stutter. While it was endearing and Y/N had valued the friendship that had grown between themself and he, there was something about the way he stared that had Y/N nervous. Nervous enough to change the subject. 
“What’s the status on your dad? I haven’t heard anything about him for a while.” 
Loqui let out a content sigh, enjoying the cool breeze that picked up while he and Y/N admired the tropical scenery before them. 
“Dad’s stationed in Galahd currently. That side of Lucis is in another stalemate battle wise, so while there’s no bloodshed, everyone’s on edge. Y’know, I’m surprised but grateful Chancellor Izunia approached me to be your guard on this trip. It’s gonna be nice having a distraction, not worrying about dad or whatever is going on over there. Although, I’d be lying if I didn’t feel left out. I feel like I should be fighting alongside him, but…I’m stuck at homebase.”
Y/N furrowed their brows, recalling previous conversations they had with Loqui about his military pursuits. Some men were born to be farmers and politicians. From birth, they felt a calling. It was no different than Loqui’s passion for battle; he was meant for it. Nevertheless, Y/N worried about him. It seemed as of late all he fixated on was either following his fathers footsteps, or being left behind in his shadow. 
While Y/N hadn’t been brought up in that manner, they could relate to Loqui’s need of wanting to prove himself. Y/N reached a hand out to Loqui’s shoulder, and gave a small squeeze. They giggled as did he when their nails scratched at the shoulder padding of his uniform. 
“Your dad is strong. I believe he’ll be alright, but I can understand why you’re scared. For what it’s worth, I think he’d be proud of the things you’ve been accomplishing for Niflheim.” 
Loqui smiled sincerely once Y/N let him go. “You really think so?” 
“Yeah! If I didn’t have faith in that, I wouldn’t have asked the Chancellor for you to be my guard in the first place.” 
Loqui made a face, crossing his arms as he averted his eyes. He chuckled afterward. 
“What?” Y/N asked flabbergasted, worried they might’ve hurt him in some way. 
“I had an inkling Chancellor Izunia’s request wasn’t out of the good graces of his heart. I should’ve known better.” Loqui responded with bitter amusement. He made it clear however he held no ill will toward Y/N as he grinned. “How in the six did you convince him to hire me?” 
“He knows pissing me off won’t get him anywhere, for starters.” Y/N snorted. “Also you and your dad are the only two I feel remotely comfortable around for a job like this. I’ve been an imperial citizen for a while, but I’m wary. I know there’s still a great number of people that don’t care for me. I told the Chancellor I didn’t want to put myself in a risky situation with people I’m not familiar with.” 
Y/N couldn’t help but notice both the disdain and intrigue that Loqui wore on his face. It reminded Y/N of a child being told of something interesting, but it came with resentment. 
“At this rate, you almost sound like a married couple!” Loqui scoffed in jest. 
Y/N gasped, slugging his shoulder they had gently squeezed moments ago. “Bite your tongue!” 
Loqui laughed hard, ignoring the pain. “No, but seriously, how have things been living with the guy?” 
“What kind of a question is that?” Y/N balked. 
“Why can’t you just answer it?” Loqui teased. He giggled at the roll of Y/N’s eyes. 
“He’s better than roommates I’ve had in the past, I’ll give him that.” Y/N shrugged. “He’s been kind to me. Er, as kind as someone like him can be to another person I should say.” 
“He hasn’t made you…uncomfortable, right?”
“Come again?” 
“Forgive me for being forward. Has he physically imposed himself upon you in any fashion?” 
Y/N’s brows furrowed at the emphasis of Loqui’s tone. It took them but a moment to realize what he was driving at. A part of Y/N felt honored that Loqui was checking to be sure the Chancellor wasn’t being predatory toward them, and yet Y/N also felt tempted to slap him across the face for insinuating something that despising about Ardyn. 
Y/N’s memories traveled back to the Vixen, and the day Ardyn fed upon them. While he lost himself in the thrill of consumption and brought them to the edge of death, Y/N never felt he would take advantage of their vulnerability. While Ardyn had been creepy in the past, and at present too flirtatious for his own good, Y/N couldn’t see him going to the extent Loqui implicated.
“He’s never hurt me like that,” Y/N murmured firmly in Ardyn’s defense. “Where is this coming from?” 
Loqui bit the inside of his cheek. “I’ve upset you, and I apologize. It’s just---”
“Just what?” 
Loqui sighed. “The last several times you and I have had audience together, I’ve noticed him having no care toward your boundaries. That, and he leans a lot into you.” 
Y/N raised their brows, making a face before they snorted. This was getting more baffling by the second. “Okay, time out, what do you mean by leans?” 
“He was, well…leaning toward you!”
Y/N shook their head. “I’m not following, Loqui. Is this because I gave him a brief side hug after the imperial banquet?” 
“No, no, you’re misinterpreting me. A side hug is way different than this...” His voice trailed off as he approached Y/N calmly, getting into their personal space. He consistently watched to be sure he wasn’t being aggressive while giving his demonstration. He offered a playful smile, all the while capturing Y/N’s eyes with his own. 
Y/N swallowed as they felt their back press to one of the beams on the deck that was holding up another above them. They could feel Loqui's breath fan over their skin as he spoke. 
“This is what the Chancellor was doing, leaning in to admire you. Does this answer your inquiry?” 
The intimacy was thick, as was the deep blush that crept against Y/N’s cheeks. They nodded in reply, for no words could move past their lips. 
“Ahem,” Tuti cleared her throat from the distance. She glanced between Loqui and Y/N, watching the former back off suddenly before making her pleasantries. “Y/N we should be getting ready. It’s important for you to be punctual while in Altissa.”
“I couldn’t agree more!” Y/N responded. They turned their attention to Loqui, giving a small bow with their head. “I’ll speak with you later?” 
“Of course.” Loqui murmured, furrowing his brows as he returned the bow. He watched Y/N quickly retreat back into the residence. Not long after, he sighed and decided to leave the lodging so he could scout the area. The defeat in his eyes lingered as he watched Tuti and Y/N venture down the hall. Loqui contemplated what his next moves should be. The warnings from his father echoed through his mind as he left after shutting the door behind him. 
As Tuti led Y/N to their bedroom, they let out a sigh of relief as did she. 
“You okay?” Y/N asked. 
“I should be asking you that.” Tuti smirked, although her eyes held concern. “I didn’t want to overstep, yet I couldn’t help but notice you looked uncomfortable. Did I ruin the moment?”  
They shook their head in response to her question. Y/N had an epiphany as Tuti dragged them further into the dwelling to change. 
Y/N liked Loqui, and even admired him a great deal. He had been nothing but chivalrous and like Tuti, a confidant that they felt safe navigating Niflheim with. By all accounts, it was a miracle to be in the good graces of someone with the prestige he had. However, Y/N was uncertain they could return what Loqui sought of them. Not when Ardyn’s smile once again invaded their thoughts, and their body shuddered. 
“No, you didn’t.” Y/N murmured.
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Today I posted my 100th fic in the Final Fantasy XV fandom, and I’m also approaching my three year anniversary in the fandom on April 7th. It’s been an awesome three years. I am so thankful for this fandom. It has inspired me creatively, helped me make many new friendships (during a pandemic, no less), and brought me hours upon hours of joy.
Thanks to @mysteriousbean5 and @star54kar for putting on this great event and inspiring me to finish a fic I started two years ago! I am submitting it for the XV Fools event because of those 100 fics, only three are Gen fics.
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itsgeecheebitch · 1 year
TITLE: Until Darkness Descends
RATING: Explicit
FANDOM: Final Fantasy XV
PAIRING: Ardyn Izunia x Reader
      “For the last time I can handle it.” You said. The puncture wound on your left shoulder throbbed and pulsed like a beating heart. But you gritted your teeth against the pain and continued to suck the poison out of your body with your healing energy. The product of your endeavor glistened on your forehead. 
       The poison surged through your body like a lightning bolt. Your vision doubled and your tongue felt like lead in your mouth. It was bad enough that you were losing focus, and fast, but your comrades insisted on bickering at you as though you had enough mental energy to spare. 
        Yellow liquid bubbled to the surface, but refused to escape your wound. You applied more energy to your palm, eyebrows creased together, and your limbs vibrating with the effort. 
         Gladiolus scoffed, “handle it, my ass. You just got hit by a scorpion, who knows how poisonous it is.”
        “Yeah, don’t you think you should see a doctor?” Prompto interjected.
          “Wouldn’t hurt to go.” Noctis agreed. 
           A stab of frustration zipped through your chest. Did they really think that lowly of your abilities? You’re a healer, bestowed with the ability to handle worse injuries than this, and yet they insisted on crowding around you like a bunch of worried hens. You bit down on the inside of your cheek, your stomach swirled with worry. If they regarded your powers this lowly now then what would happen in the near future? Would they not trust you with an even more critical situation?
           The thought soured your gums. You had to prove to them that you could handle anything. What was the point of being their designated healer if you didn’t have their trust? You powered through the fatigue that locked you in a tight embrace. The skin around your eyes felt tight against your skull and your fingertips burned from the exertion. 
           When they said something else, you sucked your teeth and grimaced. “I don’t need a doctor. I am more than capable of handling this on my own.”
          “We’re not questioning your capabilities, Aera.” Came Ignis’ satiny smooth voice, “only suggesting that you confer with someone who has more knowledge on this type of poison than you do.”
            “Iggy’s right, you shouldn’t take chances on something like this.” Gladiolus said.
            Their words fell on deaf ears. You fumbled the ball on your first real battle, you couldn’t risk giving up on your first real emergency. If you did then the boys would never trust you to look after them. 
            Air bubbles burst in your head. The orange landscape somersaulted as darkness devoured your vision. When you opened your eyes you were on the ground in your boyfriend’s arms. 
           “Aera!” Prompto cried. 
            “Are you alright?” Ignis asked. 
            Gladiolus frowned, “that’s it, I’m taking you to a hospital.” He said, the sharp edge in a voice left no room for debate. 
             Lifting you from the ground, Gladiolus began his trek back to Hammerhead with the boys in tow. You felt so stupid and useless. This was your one and only chance at proving your worth to your friends, proving you were worth the crown’s investment, and you blew it. Your hands vibrated like an angry rattlesnake in your lap.
            You thought you'd gotten stronger. All the time you’ve spent in the royal courts, all the training you’ve endured, all wasted in a blink of an eye and all because of that nasty migraine that tore through your skull. But you didn’t understand, you haven’t suffered from a migraine in two whole years, so why now?
       What had changed, what triggered it? The image of that enigmatic figure towering over the scene of the fight, plastered itself onto your brain. That person you thought you saw, was that really Ardyn or just a figment of your imagination? You swallowed. Hallucinations were never something you had to contend with before, but apparently you have to deal with them now since whatever you saw wasn’t truly there.  
      Your scalp squeezed your skull. A needle punctured your temple, bringing with it another piercing earth shattering throb. You groaned and became boneless in Gladiolus’ arms. The small town peeked through the desert haze. Before you knew it, you were back at Cid’s garage. 
        The man in question scowled upon seeing you and your friends. “Back so soon, huh?” He said. “Either yer tougher than you look or you botched the job, so which is it?”
          “Uh, neither?”, came Prompto’s perplexed reply. 
         Gladiolus took a step into the garage, along with the others. The line between your brows smoothed out the moment you were out of the sun’s glaring sight. But your skin was still sticky from the heat, the stifling dry air in the garage did nothing to abate the sweat that slid down your legs. 
           “We’re still on the job but my girl got hurt, know where the closest hospital is?” Gladiolus said. 
           The old man scoffed. “There ain’t no hospitals around these parts, that’s for city livin’”.
           “Then what should we do? Aera’s hurt!” Prompto cried, his blond brows pulled together in worry.
            “Calm down, we have a doctor,” was Cid’s vexed reply. “Leave her here and I’ll make a call.” His crotchety tone rolled over you in waves, you couldn’t believe he was a former acquaintance of the crown. How did king Regis, one of the most polite and kind people you knew, ever associate himself with someone as cantankerous as Cid?
            Gladiolus turned towards the others. “You guys go on ahead, I’ll stay here and make sure Aera’s good.”
         “In that case we’ll stay too.” Prompto chirped, he turned towards prince Noctis. “No teammates left behind right, Noct?”
          Before Noctis could reply, Cid said, “Don’t waste yer breath. Yer friend ain’t gonna keel over from a little scorpion poisoning.” Was it so obvious you were injured by a scorpion? You supposed that would be the most likely conclusion anyone would arrive at, given the gaping hole in your shoulder and the extermination contract in the prince’s hands. “Worse case she’ll be paralyzed in some places come noon. Y’all best run along, medical bills ain’t cheap.”
            Noctis sighed, cutting off his blond friend’s response. “Let’s just get this over with.” He said, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He addressed you next. “We’ll be back, Aera.”
            Gladiolus sat you down in the back of the garage where the fluorescent lights didn’t reach. His strong calloused hand brushed the hair away from your face. “We won’t be long, babe.” He promised and kissed you on your forehead. 
           Something shattered in your chest at the sight of friends disappearing through the sepia haze. You should be there with them. This wasn’t supposed to happen, you weren’t supposed to get injured. Entering the Lucian courts, from day one, it was drilled into you to never get hurt. Keep your distance while your comrades are engaged in combat. You understood the importance of your role as your friends’ healer. If anything were to happen to you, it could equal doom for anyone who depended upon your skills. 
            As if you haven’t learned the lesson before, you went and committed the biggest error you could’ve possibly made. You slouched in your chair. Anything could happen to Noctis and the others out there and here you were, sitting inside a swelteringly hot garage with an injured shoulder. The attack was avoidable. If only you didn’t get distracted, you would still be out there fighting alongside your comrades. You wonder what they must think of you now.
           ‘Do you really believe they would keep you in their little boys’ club the moment you become an inconvenience’? The memory of your dream filled your heart with lead. If they begin to view you as a liability what would that mean for you? Your place by their side, your purpose? Marching fiery ants stomped through your chest. Would they even view you as their friend anymore?
          The minutes ticked by at a mind-numbingly slow pace. By the time the town’s doctor visited you your arm was completely numb. After injecting you with an antidote he told you you should gradually regain feeling and mobility in your left arm over the next seven days, meaning you were completely useless until then. 
          A boulder dropped into the pit of your stomach. You couldn’t afford to be away from the action for that long. If anything were to happen to the prince, or Gladiolus, or anyone else you would never forgive yourself. Your throat constricted as though it was being stitched closed from the inside. 
          It’ll be fine. You told yourself, taking a large inhale before exhaling the stale air. Nothing bad would happen. Your friends would be fine, your arm would be completely healed by the beginning of next week, and you’ll be back in action better than ever. 
          The muscles in your throat relaxed and you sighed. By seven p.m tomorrow, you and the boys would be onboard the ferry heading for Altissa. Everything should be smooth sailing from there. Sure, it would suck having a dangling useless arm at your side during the wedding, but everything should go smoothly nonetheless. At least you hoped it would. 
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amyintheattic · 2 years
Amy’s most wonderful masterpost of fanfictions
Here is a list of recent works. You can find the older ones in the same AO3 profile but... eh. Please refer to the tags for stuff you might not want to read!
Final Fantasy XV
Aeipathy [Prompto Argentum/Ardyn Izunia] Prompto gets drunk and acquires a lover. The fall [Clarus Amicitia/Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII] They both die in the end. to cross a bridge [Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum] Fluffy teen romance one-shot Omnia munda mundis [Prompto Argentum/Ardyn Izunia] World of Ruin, pre-relationship Hostium munera, non munera [Prompto Argentum/Ardyn Izunia] World of Ruin, pre-relationship (almost there) Nomina sunt consequentia rerum [Prompto Argentum/Ardyn Izunia] World of Ruin, hurt/confort
Greek Mythology / Death becomes them
A Sun and his Flower [Apollo/Hermes] A very slow burn (like a 1000 years long pining). Based on my novel "Death becomes them", so not exactly canon-compliant. Currently on hiatus until January 2023, but I will come back to it.
Final Fantasy XIV
Estinaud Weekend 2022 [Alphinaud Leveilleur/Estinien Wyrmblood] One-shots following the prompts from the Estinaud weekend list. Currently on hiatus, I will probably return to it in January. A flickering light [Solus zos Galvus & Zenos yae Galvus] Zenos is four. Solus is old and tired.
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omgfloofy · 2 years
dal segno al coda progress
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It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything for progress over dal segno al coda. A lot has happened. I’ve started integrating snippet files into the main story. I’ve also broken the main document up into three sections, all of which have working titles in the documents themselves.
This image comes from my word count tracking file, since I’m a sucker for metrics and stuff.
I even rewrote the row for the ‘audacity file’ so that it doesn’t give away the spoilers of this special little thing that will require a unique workskin to be made because I’m a web developer and I do stupid shit like that.
None of the files are finished enough to be in any state for any form of publishing, but I do plan to at least have all three in their editing passes before I start any sort of publishing on AO3.
However, I’m so excited to see such progress on this monster of a story, and I can’t wait for people to finally get to see this story that’s taken up my free time.
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casanovachris · 1 year
I'm still writing my FFXV fic! If you like polyship road trip, reincarnation and Noctis, this is the fic for you 🤙🏻✨
Fic summary:
Many years had passed since the sun rose again. Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto were reborn with vague memories and met up in every life. The only gift the gods granted them with. Except for Noctis. He hadn’t been reborn at all. His soul was the price they had to pay to make the sun rise again, after all. So it was lost. The three made peace with it after a long period of grief and held their dear prince in their memories.
Until this century. Something was different. They could all feel it when they first met up in this life. Noctis was out there too. His old magic hums in their veins, inaccessible yet comforting. It felt more intense the closer they were to him. That’s how they ended up here, in Insomnia once again to find their missing piece.
Fic Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/43bHbsBOW1XzWOiXn8iy94?si=3ddeb01f6899449f
FIc Discord:
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durzeh · 2 years
Aaaaaaah just posted the first chapter of my FFXV fanfic! My whole body is sweating *internal screaming*
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mrs-sharp · 6 months
Everytime you realise your favourite fictional character is... fictional.
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readingisloving · 2 years
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Visits perceived as dreams start to occur between Sansa Stark and Cor Leonis when they are both at a time in their lives where they are confused and lost. 
With walls slowly crumbling, they begin a friendship that transcends worlds, allowing them to lean on one another for support. But, when Cor has to make the decision of choosing between monarchs, their lives shift once more.
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ivorydice · 9 months
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⭐ crystalline ⭐
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Chapters: 3/3 Wordcount: 21,962 Rating: General Audiences Relationships/Pairings: Gen Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Regis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Prompto Argentum, Cor Leonis, Clarus Amicitia Additional tags: Father-Son Relationship | Sickfic | Angst | Self-Worth Issues | Hurt Noctis Lucis Caelum | Pre-Canon | Friendship | Emotional Hurt/Comfort Summary:
It’s not any easier. It’s harder. It’s worse. Noctis feels for that magic again, to let it build and swirl and flow, he tries to breathe it in and swallow it down and be one with it. It’s in his veins, in his head, in his heart, he was born with it, and so it should come to him as naturally as breathing. He tries to push it through Ignis, from his own fingertips and into the warm skin in his grasp, the way he had with Gladio. It hurts to even try, it steals his breath away. And nothing happens.
Noctis pushes himself too hard when he finally gives Ignis and Gladio access to his magic.
Read here on AO3
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saltymog · 2 years
Chapters: 21/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Prompto Argentum, Iris Amicitia Additional Tags: Drama, Action, Angst, Friendship/Love, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Game, Time Travel, Thirty-Something Chocobros In Their Twenty-Something Bodies, Because they called Umbra, Evil Bahamut, PTSD, Noct acting like this is fine, big bro gladio, Ignis and Prompto just trying to fix things, roadtripping, bros being bros, boattripping, Plot With the Occasional Slice of Life Summary:
In which Gladio finds a solution to Noct’s god problem.
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voxlunae · 2 years
hi so i write fics and this is my ongoing dad cor fic please enjoy
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itsgeecheebitch · 1 year
Until Darkness Descends
FANDOM: Final Fantasy
PAIRING: Ardyn Izunia x Reader, Gladiolus x Reader
RATING: Explicit
      The sweet scent of sugar and freshly baked pastries flooded your lungs. Your stomach rumbled which earned you a giggle from Prompto. The moment his gaze landed on the pastry display, his blue eyes widened with childlike glee. He ran up to the counter and smushed his nose against the glass. 
       “Whoa, check out this cake selection.” He said and slayed his arms across the glass. “I don't know which one to pick, they all look so good. I just want them all!”
        Your eyes fell on the strawberry shortcake that sat in the center of the display. Memories drifted into your mind, reminding you of the time Ardyn brought you a cake just like that one for your 13th birthday. Your chest squeezed at the thought of him and you touched the simple necklace that dangled from your neck, one of his many gifts over the years.
        It's been more than two years since you've last seen him. The most recent memory you had of him was that wretched dream that still haunted your every waking thought. When you woke up the morning after you found yourself dressed in a tank top and pajama shorts. There were no bruises or bite marks on your skin, no crescent moon indents on your thighs, or stains on your bedding. 
        Ardyn was never in your room to begin with. It was all just a dream. But your skin still tingled with the memory of his touch, you could still feel his breath tickle the fine hairs on your neck. Your body shivered, confused. How could all of that just be a dream? It felt so real. You had many vivid dreams over the years, brief flashes of a man with auburn tresses fashioned in ancient garb visited your mind every night for years, but you've experienced nothing as potent and lingering as this one. 
        With your other dreams you remembered putting on your pajamas and going to bed. Despite all the years that have passed since this particular dream, the memory of hanging up your towel and lying in bed still eluded you. 
        "Eh", Prompto's perplexed exclamation snapped you out of your head. "What's a gil?"
       Leaning forward, you studied the price tags underneath the cakes. Sure enough it wasn't Insomnia's currency. You nearly forgot the rest of the world didn't run on jewel. You turned towards your friend, "money we don't have. We should probably tell the others."
       He nodded his head and you both were out the door. Walking towards the town's front entrance, you located Noctis and allowed Prompto to deliver the news.
       The prince gave his signature shrug, unbothered by the circumstances. "Bet Iggy came prepared."
        All three pairs of eyes landed on the man in question who stood a few paces away from the group. "Just enough for food and lodgings." He admitted. 
        You and your friends walked back to the garage. A heavy impenetrable fog settled over your mind, bringing with it more questions than answers. What happened to Ardyn? It was very uncharacteristic of him to be gone for this long. Two months was the usual length of his disappearances, but not two years. Did something bad happen to him?
         Unease ripped down your spine. Or perhaps he just vanished after getting what he wanted all along. You shook your head. There was no evidence to suggest that the events of that night were real. It was all just in your head, and besides Ardyn wouldn’t do something like that to you, and he never showed any romantic or sexual interest in you for as long as you knew him. 
         But that still left a gaping hole where an answer should be. What exactly led to his disappearance? Your stomach knotted and you pushed away the beginnings of panic at the thought of something terrible having taken place. 
         A comforting weight settled over your shoulders and you looked up to find Gladiolus, your boyfriend of two years, standing beside you. “You okay?” He asked. 
        You forced a smile despite the unease swirling in your belly. “Yeah.” He held you against him and you two continued your trek to the garage together. You felt a little guilty over fretting over another man while your boyfriend stood beside you. It wasn’t fair to him that you still entertained a hormone fueled dream your teenage brain conjured up. And it most certainly wasn’t fair to you that you still worried over a man who didn’t have the decency to spare a ‘hello’ to you over the past two years. 
         While walking, you overheard Ignis notifying the prince that all the group’s funds were spent on car repairs. You sighed, as though your mind wasn’t stretched thin already. You now have this dilemma to worry about as well. With no other options, the five of you sought out the mechanic’s granddaughter, a blond bombshell by the name of Cindy. 
         “She ain’t gonna be ready for awhile.” She said once you arrived. “Y’all need something?”
         Gladiolus was the first to respond, “We're strapped for cash, anyway we could earn a little?”
         “Oh, now I get it.” She said while jutting her hip. “This must be what papa meant when he said he was gonna teach y'all a lesson. Told me he oughta have y'all take care of some vermin that have been causing a ruckus ‘round here. I'll be happy to pay y'all for your services”.
         Cindy handed Noctis a wad of gil, along with a map, and gave a brief explanation of the task. It was a simple extermination job but you were still giddy with excitement. It was just the distraction you needed. You and your friends spent years training for a moment just like this. Your skin buzzed with the anticipation of putting your skills to the test. 
          The five of you took off into the desert wilderness, the sun hot on your backs, and the sterile ground crunching under your feet. Excitement made your fingers tingle. Your body shook with barely contained zeal. This was your moment to truly show your worth and cement your place amongst the boys. 
         According to Cindy, the beasts you were sent to eradicate were small fry but numerous in number. Nothing you and the boys couldn’t handle. This would be your group’s first time fighting scorpions but you had faith in everyone’s abilities. 
        Once you arrived at their nesting grounds, a flash of blue signified the start of the fight. Noctis’ after image melted into the wind as he warped through his target. The rest of the boys followed suit. Prompto fired his pistol, Gladio swung his sword, and Ignis wielded his daggers in a choreographed dance.
         You stood at a distance with three throwing knives in each hand. Lifting your right, you threw your weapons at a scorpion approaching Prompto’s rear. The blades sunk into the weak points between the beast’s armored shell. Its entire body seized up before collapsing onto the ground. 
          You preened at your skill before readying the next set of knives. A dark spot suddenly appeared in the corner of your eye, beckoning your attention towards it. Standing upon a rocky hill a few feet away was the figure of a man. His tall lissome stature was a black dot against the sun’s face. Your breath halted in your lungs. You could barely make out the wisps of auburn hair that shrouded the sides of his face.
          Could that be?, “Ardyn…” A crack of thunder sliced through your skull. Electricity crackled and popped behind the backs of your eyes. You hunched over and cradled your head in your hands. Gritting teeth sent millions of tiny needles through your gums. You couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe. The air was thick like sludge in your nose and the oceanic roar of your migraine rang in your ears. 
         You heard the skitter of something fastly approaching, but you couldn’t open your eyes wide enough to see. Not until it was too late. A scream gurgled in your throat as the scorpion’s stinger tore through your shoulder. The alarmed cries of your teammates sounded distant and far away as you crashed onto your knees. 
         The keen ringing only grew louder in your ears. Sweat dripped onto the barren soil, and you forced yourself to look back towards the rocky hill. But it was empty as though he was never there at all.
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ariseur · 2 months
noctis x fem reader whos the maid for the caelum family and they sneak around in the garden and smooch eachother up ...
“prince noctis, you must get back inside — i’m sure your father’s waiting—“
“nobody else is around, it’s fine,” he said, his hands instinctively finding their way on your hips — just like how they did all those days before. “you can relax, y’know.”
lashes fluttering closed, you let out a small hum as you muttered complaints against his lips, “you’re not exactly supposed to be out here.”
a small peck before you pulled away, laughing at how he chased you with his eyes still closed. “but i am, aren’t i?” the way you scoff is almost melodic to his ears, it’s not exactly a no, he thinks — that’s your version of saying, ‘just a bit longer’. your hands, now abandoning the metal gardening shears and instead finding their way against noctis’ shirt, the dark fabric crinkling between your fingers.
“i’m just saying—“
“so don’t say,” he leans in again. you swear you can taste the sugar of dessert on his lips even from all the times you had warned him not to today, saying he’d spoil his appetite for later. they’re warm against yours and so is the hand that comes to gently graze upon your jaw. he parts for just the slightest hint of air to mutter, “don’t even think,” kiss, “it’s just,” another kiss, “you and me,” another kiss.
only then, does he pull away — tapping a finger against your forehead when you gaze at him again and boy, do you make it hard not to fold whenever he sees you look at him like; a dazed glint in your eyes and a small pout on your pretty pink lips.
“always teasing me, huh?”
“we don’t exactly get many moments together, i like to take my chance when i can,” is all he says.
you lift a finger up at noctis, watching as his cerulean eyes follow the digit as it makes his way in the middle of his face before fixing a messy strand of dark hair. you huff, “go back, noctis.”
“and leave you all alone?”
“quit it.”
he brings a hand to your face again, lashes fluttering as his eyes flit from your lips back up to your eyes. “one last—“
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𐙚 join my taglist!! ; @sagetealeafs
𐙚 regular requests are open — august second, 2024 [ 9:58 pm ]
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chasingfigments · 1 month
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@crazyloststar and I have been working on our collaboration Civil Hands since September 2021, and we're so excited to start posting it! We are once again working with many artists for this project, and our key art is by aidenofwolves. We hope you look forward to it!
Prompto doesn’t need the chancellor’s crooked finger to prompt his lines. “Until the day a peace treaty is signed, I intend to remain in Insomnia, if Your Majesty is willing to host me.” There is a long, considering silence. “We will speak plainly,” the king says. “You would surrender yourself as hostage to Lucis against further Niflheim aggression?” The chancellor smiles before turning back to the king, and there is little Prompto can do to calm his racing heart. “It will be an easy thing, should Your Majesty hold fast to your honor.” — Or:  When the Prince of Niflheim surrenders himself as a political hostage, Noctis’s curiosity turns into something unexpected.
Posting begins 21 August 2024.
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