#flat earthers
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So, there really is a Flat Earth Society?
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animentality · 1 year
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floralcavern · 6 months
People who say Palestine existed before Israel and Israel is a ‘new country that’s colonizing’ sound like flat earthers. Every piece of logic and evidence proves that is wrong, yet they deny, deny, deny and say that the government is lying. 
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lonestarflight · 7 months
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themandazepanda · 1 year
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Ever notice how the same people who claim the sun exists will also tell you never to look directly at it? Wake up America*
*The sun does of course exist for other nations. Only the United States of America lacks one, as per the intent of the founding fathers.
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wiktorjackowski · 26 days
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flat-earther, 2024, oil on canvas, 100 x 150 cm
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cyphorical · 2 years
Educating Flat Earthers
John Carpenter - Protest? I’m trying to convince a guy at work that the world isn’t flat…. I don’t have enough time or energy to protest. I’m busy trying to fix what the modern educational system has broken, one person at a time! 😢
Mavrik9000 - Simple questions to lead them to think differently and logically: 1. What exactly is the overall shape? 2. How thick is it? 3. What does the edge look like? 4. How thick is the edge? (Ask them to draw a diagram: is it a disk with a smooth edge like a coin, is it a sharp-edged disk like a pizza cutter, etc.) 5. Where is the edge geographically? 6. Does anyone live near the edge? (Starting around this point their answers won't make sense, even to themselves.) 7. Are there any photos or videos of the edge? 8. What's on the other side? 9. Is it moving, if so in what way? 10. Is it rotating like a disk saw blade? How fast? 11. If so, why do the people and things near the edge not fly off? (Demonstrate with a merry-go-round or a bicycle wheel with refrigerator magnets.) 12. Is it spinning like a coin on its edge? How fast? 13. If so, why do the people and things near the edge not fly off? (Demonstrate with a bicycle wheel hanging from a string and a refrigerator magnet.)
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racefortheironthrone · 5 months
Maybe this is too broad, but wondering if there's a better term than "conspiracy theorist" to describe some large figures in the ongoing national discourse? Not that "fluoride in the drinking crowd" were serious thinkers or total harmless, but am I alone is finding "conspiracy theory" too quaint and mild to describe how mainstream rather fringe these things are and also how totally evidence-free and something just plain dumb they can also be?
I don’t think conspiracy theories have ever been quaint and mild.
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Think about the history of antisemitism from medieval blood libels to 19th century theories of Jewish financial cabals to the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” dreamed up by Tsarist agents-provocateur that took the theory global and spawned untold numbers of imitators, to Hitler’s invention of “Judeo-Bolshevism” that married traditional antisemitism to anti-Communism and nationalist populism. Conspiracy theories one and all, but fully capable of spawning pogroms and fascist dictatorships.
Likewise, we think of Anti-Masonic or Illuminati conspiracy theories as self-evidently ridiculous and harmless, but we forget that they were used by cultural conservatives in church and state to wage culture wars on the Enlightenment, liberalism, secularism, democracy, every revolution from America to France to 1848 and beyond, feminism and almost every social movement of the 18th and 19th century. People died or were surveilled or were sent to prison, political parties were formed or banned, and conservatism itself was founded in the name of “poisoning the minds of the lower orders” to inoculate them from the influence of secret societies.
As Dan Olsen has shown, even seemingly benign conspiracy theories like the JFK assassination cover-up or the Moon landing was faked or the earth is flat can hide much more malign motivations, just waiting for the opportunity to radicalize and proselytize:
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secondwheel · 8 months
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You can see all the countries in the same plane!
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creature-wizard · 2 months
The way flat earthers claim that the earth is so obviously flat just baffle me. Like, do you people even watch the sky?
If the earth was actually flat and the sun was a flat disk as many claim, the sun would appear to get flatter as it reached the horizon.
If the earth was actually flat, contrails wouldn't curve downward on the horizon. Clouds wouldn't obviously be curving. Satellites wouldn't obviously be taking a curved path.
The earth is just... so obviously round if you actually pay attention to the sky????
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sher-ee · 5 days
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Part 22.75
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🃏favorite cards #2🃏
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