#gay roleplay
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iambyakko · 20 days
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Me in nude nylon bodysuit, silicone mask, and stocking mask.
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thyrsus · 1 month
gravity falls fandom kinda came back recently, and so did my interest in the show. i rewatched it, and am currently hyperfixating on it, just like i did when i was a child. SO! I'M IN SEARCH OF A GF ROLEPLAY.
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(i sorted and itemized them out for all you skim-readers, yeah, i'm cool like that)
— i'm 23M, and i'm looking for 18+ roleplayers only
— (( for romantic roleplays, )) i strictly prefer mxm pairings and fxf pairings. i don't do oc x cc most of the time, i like cc x cc and oc x oc much better. (if your oc is really interesting to me, i would consider cc x oc!)
— (( for non-romantic roleplays, )) i'd LOVE to explore the brotherhood between Stanley and Stanford, so hit me up if you're interested in that!
— ((for cc x cc)) i've never really been the die-hard shipper type when it comes to gravity falls ships, so i think i'd be fine with most ships. the ones i can think of from the top of my head, though, are Billford, Ford², Mabel x Candy (whatever they're called, also they'd obviously be aged up)
— ((for oc x oc)) i have like 2 oc's in this universe but they're not really well-written as of now, just ideas for the characters i'm mapping them out to be, and i'd like to practice their behaviors and mental states etc through our roleplays, to sorta grow them into a more realistic/mature oc, if that makes sense. as for your oc's, i'd like to know about them before roleplaying, as the character has to be something i'm interested in in order for me to enjoy the roleplay. i also like to draw ship art (or just fanart) for the oc x oc roleplays i do, so that's cool too i guess lol
— ((for plots)) i'm okay with making something up in the DMs. generally, i love angst and slow burn, hurt/comfort, action and fantasy based stuff. i like fluff too but idk how fuckin BILLFORD over there could have fluff in it so.. yeah. I'm open to AU's, if you're open to explaining them to me like i'm a 4 year old. I'm open to nsfw themes, whether that be blood, gore, or sexual content. i also looovee horror themes.
— ALSO!! I'd love to try out an mxm oc x cc for Stanley x your oc, maybe their teenage years, idk, i know i just said i don't so oc x cc but I want to play Stan in a romantic setting and idk who to ship him with LMAOO. Same goes for Wendy, i'd love to play as her in a romantic setting but I just don't ship her with anyone, so if you have a female oc that'd be interested in an aged up Wendy, hit me up lol
— i mostly roleplay on Discord
— my literacy level is semi-literate to advanced-literate, i'd want my partner to match my freak when it comes to that.
— talking to my rp partner out of character about the characters we're playing as, about the show, or maybe even about our own lives is what makes the roleplays engaging for me! i guess being my friend or talking about yourself isnt a requirement KCAKFKW but it'd be cool to chat ooc about the characters and the show at least :))
— i'm a full time student and a part time barista so i might reply late at times, sorry in advance for that.
— i feel like i mentioned almost everything? but if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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tricky-tricky-boys · 5 months
Bored at work. Like for a random starter!
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amindlessmadman · 3 months
- Maxley has put me in a headlock and won’t let go… So I’m craving roleplays of my sweet boys!!
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⟢ | intro
Okay so, to start off heres a little introduction! I’m Remi, I’m a transmasc, 18+. I write semi-lit to just one or more paragraphs! I’m totally up for smut, definitely looking for it to be incorporated into the roleplay!
⟢ | requirements
Important things first, please be older than 18 to reply as I am 19 and many of my ideas come with nsfw themes linked into them!
Please be patient when it comes to replies, I am a busy man and have adhd so I may get distracted and forget to reply! As well as I have a job, so replies may vary during those times.
Be open to short, one or so paragraphs, replies every now and then. I get burnt out pretty quick when always having to write out a lot, especially when I’m not feeling it. Although I mostly always mirror, I do sometimes tend to scale down on how much I write.
Open communication!! I can’t stress this enough, I would love to be able to talk out of character no matter what its about!
⟢ | pairing + rp info
For today, I’m desperately asking for a Maxley roleplay!! They have taken over my brain entirely and won’t let go. I am looking to play as Bradley, as I find it easier to play as him. Though when writing out smut, I do prefer to write him out as a submissive character because honestly I just get the bratty/in denial bottom feeling from him lol. I am open to playing them as animals (demi-humans) or humans.
⟢ | plots
max joins the gammas
bradley has the biggest crush on max (max knows and confronts him about it)
forced proximity (sharing a dorm room?)
enemies with benefits then to lovers
enemies to friends to lovers
+ open to whatever you have in mind
^ plots can be altered to your liking
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soncfthewitch · 5 months
Plot: No real plot here, Toby is at the local spa/hot springs trying to relax and get some alone when someone else apparently had the same idea..
looking for: males, tops/vers-top/vers (I do not intend this to be smutty but let’s be real, it can be eventually), single or multiple muses.
notes: While Toby is a more supernaturally inclined muse, this thread is not strictly set in that verse and could be something more mundane/slice of life type of setting.
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Steam curled off the shimmering surface of the hot springs, the mineral-rich waters soothing Toby's muscles as he reclined against the smooth stones. Eyes closed, he let the heat seep into his body, chasing away the knots of tension that had settled between his shoulder blades. This was just what he needed—a bit of peace and quiet, a chance to unwind without any distractions.
Or so he thought.
The sudden splash jolted him from his reverie. Ripples lapped against his bare chest, and his eyes snapped open, scanning the misty surroundings for the source of the disturbance. He couldn't make out a clear silhouette through the swirling steam, but the sound of water sloshing and the faint creak of the wooden walkway confirmed he was no longer alone.
Bloody hell, he thought, annoyance prickling under his skin. Can't a bloke get a moment's rest around here?
He debated saying something, a cutting remark to send the intruder packing, but he bit his tongue. No need to be rude, even if they were interrupting his peace. Besides, the hot springs were communal. It wasn't like he had any claim to the space.
Still, a small part of him couldn't help but feel a touch put out. He'd come here to get away from it all, to clear his head and soothe his frayed nerves. The last thing he needed was company, especially when he was in such a state of undress.
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micksfrootloops · 11 days
hey all! I’m looking for people who want to rp Gallavich from shameless with me. I only want to play mickey so I’m looking for people who play as ian. In terms of plots, I’m very open to anything. I’m comfortable with dark and mature themes, and smut scenes too. I would like to include mpreg (with me playing the pregnant character) if possible, but it’s okay if not. I’m also interested in things like the omegaverse, and fantasy themes, so if you like those I’d love to include them.
please only interact if ur interested and I will message you or you can message me! 💜
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versxtileboys · 3 months
finally updated my blog and my muse page!!! if anyone wants to plot with any of my boys, like this post and i'll come into the dms!!
i'll also be posting some open starters soon, so look out for them!
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kyletravers69 · 1 year
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I named this panda Ben, Ben and I like to mess around occasionally 😛
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iambyakko · 19 days
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Me in silver Vendetta mask, black hood, leather jacket, leather gloves.
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aphroditesboys · 6 months
Open starter: Carter aka rich bored boy throws a party.
For: Best friends/taboo/strangers/whatever tbh.
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"It's a party, so, enjoy yourself." Carter drawled over at other with a smirk dancing along his face as his flicked down the others body. They were adorable, really. "Or an orgy." He added with his usual dry flair. The host of the night was already stripped down to a simple pair of tight black trunks that were already teasing quite an impressive cock between his legs though the fabric. His body pressed back against the seat as he had equally naked boys either side of his body, their lips teasing over his neck and chest as he regarded the other with a pleased little curious hum.
"Oh. Is this you asking for some attention pretty boy?" There's a gentle chuckle as he turned his head to the beautiful boy next to him to whisper stomething in his ear- there's a soft annoyed sound before both near naked boys slipped out of his arms to go off to find some other fun in the lavish manison.
"Are you going to make this worth my while for such a kind act as that then? Those boys are flew over for this party, you made them very annoyed by doing that"
Carter teased with a little twink in his eyes as an arm leaned back to run along the back of couch with a dagger like smirk.
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tricky-tricky-boys · 1 year
Open to: m, tops/bottoms/vers
Plot/connections: established relationship. Friends, lovers, husbands. A plant that Andrew has been growing has an unexpected... side effect. It's sex pollen, yall. I wanted sex pollen.
Andrew jumped when he heard the knock on the doors that led to his workspace. A solarium at the rear of the large Victorian manor closed off from the shop portion by double doors that had intricate stained glass panels. Meant to both be pretty and to keep people from seeing inside. He turned, squinting as he threw a hand up to lock the doors with a silent spell. He couldn't focus clearly enough to even remember that the doors had a key... that was still inside the house. "Don't come in here! Fuck! Something's not right... Just don't open those doors!" He was naked, body glistening with sweat as he knelt down on the floor. If he was lucky... this would wear off soon. "Damned plant... I'm going to burn this damned thing when I can focus! Fuuuuck!" He grimaced, panting and crawling as far away from the doors and the plant as he could as he yelled. "Just... close the shop down and bring up the wards! Remember the spell? It's 'Claude Ianuas!' It'll activate for you! I can't do it right now. We have to wait this out!"
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amindlessmadman · 1 month
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This whole new book of bill content and the gravity falls fandom coming back has brought me back to the old days where I would roleplay Billdip on Amino… Those were the days *Sighs while smoking a comically large cigar*
I mainly write semi-lit to only one or two paragraphs. Anything above semi-lit usually burns me out pretty quick. I adore short (one or two paragraphs) and rapid replies because it feels more comfortable.
For this ship, I strictly only play Dipper because he’s just like me and I’ve been writing as him for years now.
I’m open to any and all plots, have a few ideas myself. You want dark themes with blood and tears put into it? Oh absolutely. You want a sickingly sweet romance? Sure! You want angst that will make my heart ache for weeks? Will do!
I can roleplay here or discord, either is fine with me!
Either message me or interact (like, reblog, or comment) if you’re interested!
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himbodump · 5 months
does anyone still rp on tumblr?? or hmu for discord?
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micksfrootloops · 24 days
heyyy! I’m looking for anyone who would like to rp Gallavich with me. I just rewatched the show and I’m desperate to start some rps. I would like to play as mickey so I’m looking for someone to play as ian. I’d also like to include a/b/o and the omegaverse, because I love the concept. In terms of the a/b/o element I’d prefer to play the omega character. If you’re interested please send me a message and we can talk and see if we are a good fit! 💜
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lorezhaze · 8 months
⭐️🧚🏻‍♂️ Roleplay Partner Search! 🦷🐁✨
🌟 Introduction -
Lo | 23 | He/They EST time zone.
Very minimal triggers and limitations
19+ writers only, only 18+ characters
mxm, nbxm or nbxnb
3rd person literate writing, at least a paragraphs length
Discord only
I love world building and knowing the other character’s feelings. I also love getting to know my rp partners and becoming friends of sorts. I'm also a sucker for creating playlists and Pinterest boards.
NSFW scenes and/or undertones/themes at some point. I do like smut, especially paired with angst and certain dynamics, but if that isn’t your thing and our writing styles are otherwise compatible we can always keep it limited or fade to black. 🤍
CW(!): From here down, my plots or OC’s backgrounds may contain triggering content, I try to remain vague and non-descriptive given these are just outlines!
🌟 Plots I’m willing to explore -
Human/Vampire feeding arrangement.
Advanced AI recently developed, now available to the public for purchase in the last 5 years. Man born into generational wealth has no interest in marriage anytime soon despite being good looking, smart and successful. Despite being happy with this life, his house is beyond messy with books haphazardly stacked everywhere and take out containers everywhere. Somebody in his life decides to take it upon themselves to purchase him an android, to which the first time in his life he starts growing feelings for somebody.. something? As if it wasn't confusing enough, did the android have feelings for him as well? (Inspired by Detroit: Become Human)
Forbidden love, childhood friends who become estranged because of (Daniel)’s strict parents and eventually moving away to the other side of the country, then when (Daniel) comes back for college under his father's supervision (despite being over 18 now) and the two former friends are completely different from each other now (Daniel) for his public image by default just goes with the other popular wealthy students while the former childhood friend is more down to earth and nerdy and their groups/cliches clash to the point where (Daniel) is sort of a bully this friend as this 'tough guy' front. A short lived (private/behind the scenes, kinda toxic and probably on and off again) ‘situationship’ takes place in that time until the 4 year degree is finished (but Daniel transfers out half a year early) and a handful more years later (Daniel) has settled down in that old town again, slowly starting to get his life together and take responsibility for being a dad now himself but he also cant stop thinking about the childhood friend/lover.
Stalker falls in love with someone, all falls apart when things go too well and their obsession crosses paths with them and they eventually go out, but break up. stalker is determined to watch over their lover while also keeping others away from them until they “come to their senses” on their own time.
The only son of a wealthy family clashes with their parents every chance he gets, rebels, tries his best to be untraditional and overall just piss them off hires an unconventional sex worker named Emmy an obscene amount of money to come home with him for the weekend and pretend to be his significant other and/or fiance. Feelings develop and it becomes really complicated when his father eventually like offers him an opportunity that is nearly impossible to turn down and he has the choice to either leave them behind with nothing to the life that was nearly killing them or give up his own cushy lifestyle and let love prevail. Alternatively, a older man who thinks he’s straight, has a successful career, empty marriage and multiple kids ends up falling in love with a slightly younger intersex and narcoleptic sex worker, the first and only sex worker he hires.
Post-apocalyptic setting, Celeste the final survivor of a run down camp continues to live among the undead of their loved ones. Another survivor from a nearby camp stumbles upon the ruins of the previous camp while scavenging and sees someone alive on the other side of the fence, living with the dead as if they were dead as well. Day by day they come back, bringing their new things, trying to bring some life back into them again.
Damon is a serial killer that moves around city to city state to state every year to kill another local predator in hopes that one day he'll manage to take down the number of men (whose faces he can't remember) who abused him, using his job as a criminal data analyst to not only cover up his killings but also look for new targets that may have missed the sex offender registry or dodged conviction despite solid proof against them. This time when he moves to a new city and gets settled in he finds that somebody else had already gotten to his potential target, not only that, this didn't seem to be the first killing like this in the area. But this time the perpetrator left a tiny piece of evidence that everyone else but Damon noticed, and instead of turning it in to help solve the case he keeps it to himself with peaked interest.
16th - 19th century setting ✨
Enemies to lovers, a member of the royal family ends up falling for a knight that saves their life, unfortunately, this knight just happens to be the royal’s childhood enemy.   The youngest son of a royal is 7th in line for the throne and has health issues, thus has no chance of inheriting the throne. in attempts to grasp onto any bit of power his father has, the royal marries off his frail and feminine son as a wife to a prince of another territory, an upcoming heir of a throne (loosely inspired by sporus and nero).
The King allowed his son (Lucien) to be abused by his painting instructor growing up, all this rage builds up and explodes when Lucien tries to convict his instructor, but the King instead pardons the boy’s abuser during a set of public trials outside the castle. Lucien, a teenager and young Prince at the time, kills his father in front of everyone, unintentionally becoming King himself from then on. Despite exiling his abuser after the bloody trial, the then Prince, now King is seen as cruel and scary, not to be crossed even nearly ten years later. Meanwhile, a citizen with a sick sister is caught stealing medicine. Being on trial with King Lucien is scary enough, but medicine thieves in particular are known to be punished heavily, since the Princess, who is one of the only people thats kind to the prince-now-king, makes a majority of the medicine available. During a public trial, the thieve’s mother pleads for his life and Lucien realizes that the thief is someone he knew, that he had recognized those fearful eyes from somewhere else. He was amongst the crowd when he killed his own father. He spares the thief, and allows the best doctors to treat his ill sister. As long as he works directly for him in the castle until his debt is repaid. 
It is tradition for the royal family to keep their children within the gates of the castle and away from the public eye until they are grown enough to handle it. The Princess was introduced to society at the age of 13, but every year the reveal of their younger and troubled son (Lucien) his delayed for various vague reasons. Everyone is both eager and suspicious, which doesn’t help matters. This is when the royal parents essentially give up when the boy turns 21, allowing him out with no announcement to the public. While practically frolicking through the flowery fields, enjoying the feeling of the grass and the new sights, he has a love-at-first-sight moment with another boy (your character). This is just an ordinary boy from a hard working family, and since the Prince was never revealed, he has no idea the boy he’s immediately smitten with is the Prince everyone is eagerly awaiting to meet. That is until he finds out, obviously.
(Movie theme) The Hunger Games, two people from opposite teams. Queer themes; gay men, trans person called upon as their assigned gender at birth. Exploring the earlier hunger games (11-50th), escaping and/or faking deaths, etc.
(Movie theme) Ego: Character A gets hurt and temporarily loses their vision. While their wealthy parents look for a medical solution, they have them live in the guest house and hire a caregiver, character B, to stop by everyday and take care of them. Naturally, character a and the caregiver get close, but there’s a big problem: character A is a superficial, seemingly shallow and straight. As a result, character B feels pressured to lie about their identity and what they look like when character A tries to guess what they are like. 
I’m more than willing to hear out any of your plots/ideas as well! ✨
🌟 OCs -
Bios/docs linked to each character, each doc includes a linked Pinterest board, some also include Spotify playlists.
Lucien - Usually aged between 21-23 yrs old, cisgender male (bisexual, switch/sub-leaning). Medieval prince, alternate versions of character for different plots.
Lena - 26 years old, nonbinary (AFAB, they/she, bisexual, switch/dom-leaning) Obsessive stalker from a broken family. Alternate version: Vengeful ghost that haunts the deep pond of a vast property on the countryside (lady of the lake).
Emrys - 23 yrs old, cisgender gnc man (doesn't mind any pronouns but still identifies as a man, doesn't take gender too serious, bisexual, switch/sub-leaning). Oldest sibling of a chaotic troubled family, natural caretaker, feminine man with motherly qualities. Works in assistive care.
Deana - 31 yrs old, cisgender man (bicurious, switch/dom-leaning). (Bruce Wayne/Batman inspired) Only child of a wealthy well-known family turned orphan at a young age now upholds his family's public image and business affairs while in private he works as a hitman for hire.
Celeste - 27 yrs old, gender-fluid (Intersex, queer). Final survivor of a run down camp continues to live among the undead of their loved ones.
Emmy - 22 yrs old, nonbinary/intersex (AMAB, all pronouns, queer, switch/sub-leaning. Sex worker, narcoleptic insomniac estranged from wealthy adopted family, taken away from single immigrant mother when they were young.
Daniel Laurie - 26 yrs old, cisgender man (bicurious, dominant yet flexible). Recovering addict and childhood abuse survivor trying to make it back in his home town (after being gone for a handful of years) while longing after his childhood love affair.
Damon - 24 yrs old, cisgender man (bisexual, switch). Crime DNA analyst/serial killer, CSA abuse survivor. Originally written to have a power/ability where he can feel and somewhat influence nearby people's emotions, this in turn leaves his emotions open to others, meaning nearby people can sense his emotions even if they don't know why they're feeling them.
Del  - 23 yrs old, cisgender man (bisexual, switch). Custom outlawed species character called a bloodluster (similar to vampires), after his biological father got captured/taken away his mother fled to another state where she met his 'adoptive' father and shortly after found out she had been pregnant when she left. Not long after he was born, his mother died and a good portion of his life was spent raised being experimented on in a lab. Until one day he found an opening, and ate his mad scientist of an adoptive father. Now he's off in the world, trying to get by as a normal person despite his "condition" without killing anybody.
Folder of all character bios (some incomplete): [link]
Fandoms/Ships I’m willing to explore: 
(Bolded characters are those I’m willing to write as)
- Louis x Lestat
- Izzy/Blackbeard
- Izzy/Blackbeard/Stede
- Izzy/Lucius
- Jim/Lucius
- Will/Hannibal 
- Tyrell/Elliot
Candy Shop AU No 5/9 hacks or fsociety, Tyrell runs a Swedish sweets/candy store that lately Elliot frequently visits for the same fix of cherry hard candies, and to steal glances at the good-looking store clerk. After talking it out in therapy, Elliot’s therapist, Krista, convinces him to be honest about how he feels.
Post-Apocalypse AU After the world goes to shit whatever left of New York that wasn’t completely ruin down by the undead is primarily taken over by a few different groups. When Elliot’s group becomes completely run down with major fatalities, Tyrell’s group (which he happens to lead) decides to lend a hand to an old friend. Little does Tyrell know Elliot was injured in the attack, and little does Elliot know the infection is less straight forward than they anticipated. 
- Josh/Chris
- Josh/Mike (Post-prank, twins live AU) Josh is the openly gay friend in the group, Mike becomes curious after walking in on Josh hooking up with someone at a party and later can’t get it out of his head.
Other beloved honorable mentions include: Batman (riddlebat, batjokes), Killing Eve, Sally Face, Yellowjackets, The Wilds, Scream (Billy/Stu), Sherlock, Life is Strange (Nathan and Warren) and sometimes Harry Potter (Drarry).
Discord only, please reach out to me if you're interested!
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